Is Recycling Polystyrene Worth It? Barely a day goes by where we aren’t bombarded with information about the destruction we are causing the planet. Whether it’s fumes from cars, electricity being wasted or the amount of rubbish we are sending to landfill, a dark and depressing picture is being painted. It leaves us all in no doubt that we need to do our bit to try and protect the planet for future generations, rather than simply living in the here and now. Of course, some changes are harder to make than others. While it is easy to remember to turn plugs off or make sure we don’t leave lights on when we are out, it can be harder to resolve commuting issues. If you live a long way from work you are reliant on either your car or public transport to get there. Cycling may well not be an option. And what about the school run? Getting children ready for 8.30am is a hard enough task at the best of times, having to drag them 2 miles to school is just going to make matters worse.
However, when it comes to recycling this is an easy, cost efficient way for all of us to make improvements. Many local authorities and councils already have collections in place so all you need to do is read up on the local timetable and perhaps order a specific bin (usually free of charge). Once that is done all you have to do is separate your items in to the correct bin, and that’s something which will become second nature before long.
Additional Costs That said, there are some items which can continually cause us to be confused. Can plastic lids be recycled? What about the plastic trays that come with ready meals? And what is the deal with polystyrene recycling?