Pest Control Service For Businesses Across the UK When you run your own business there are certain things that you know you’re going to have to deal with, no matter how much you don’t want to. For most of us this list revolves around paying VAT each quarter and securing the professional services of an accountant or solicitor. However, for others they may find that they have some form of bug or pest infestation that needs to be dealt with immediately. While you may be the expert in your field there is a good chance that you know very little about commercial pest control. For example, do you even know the difference between lice, ticks and mites? Could you distinguish between the droppings of a rat and a mouse? Probably not, and some may think that’s no bad thing other than when it comes to treatment and eradication of pests it is vital to know what it is that you are dealing with.
Rodents Rodents (whether it be rats, mice or voles) are a common pest within commercial properties. One of the reasons for this could be due to the fact that mice, for example, can breed within 48 hours of birthing a litter. It is also estimated that there is one rat per person in the UK. If you find spindle-shaped droppings in your property, or see signs of nesting materials and damaged food products there is a chance you have a rodent problem. There are various ways to confirm an infestation, such as the use of thermal imaging or even sniffer dogs. Once located and identified a professional can provide you with the best advice to remove and eradicate your unwanted visitors.
Birds While they may be beautiful, many birds such as pigeons and gulls, can be a huge problems for many businesses. Asides from the noise birds roosting on window ledges can cause, the mess (and potential dangers) associated with their droppings can cause havoc. Many options are available for resolving these problems, from netting and wires to stop birds gaining access to properties, to traps and nest removal services. Many companies also specialise in cleaning up after birds and restoring high levels of hygiene to areas previously affected.
Flies Aside from an inconvenience, flies can cause a serious issue, especially for businesses where food is prepared or served. If you have a problem with this particular pest you can arrange for fly screens to be designed and installed in your property which can often do the trick. Should you need something more substantial seek the advice of a professional who will be able to determine which advanced insecticide treatments may be the most effective, or advocate the use of specialist monitors and fly killers.
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