Pros And Cons Of Using a Mouthwash Oral hygiene is one of the most important parts of your overall health and it depends on your food habits, hygiene habits, and overall lifestyle. When it comes to taking care of your oral health, brushing your teeth and cleaning your mouth these should be a top priority. Moreover, your oral health also depends on what you eat and drink. It is advisable to reduce the intake of such foods and beverages that are not good for your teeth. A few of them stain the teeth and develop other oral health issues. Now, when we speak about taking care of the oral health, along with brushing the teeth and cleaning the mouth, most of you must be using a mouthwash also. A mouthwash helps to a great extent to keep the mouth clean and free from bacteria and oral health troubles.
Usually, you rinse your mouth with a mouthwash before or after brushing the teeth. It makes your mouth clean and removes signs of bad breath. It also keeps away cavities. However, it is not always good to use a mouthwash for a long time. In other words, frequent use of mouthwash can have its effects on your oral hygiene. Let us take a look at some of the significant benefits and the drawbacks of using a mouthwash highlighted by Izun Pharmaceuticals Corp. PROS Helps Fight Cavities Using a mouthwash helps you keep away from getting cavities. Therefore, it is important for you to rinse your mouth at least once a day with a mouthwash either before or after brushing your teeth. Moreover, if your mouthwash contains fluoride, it gives an extra protection against cavities by helping to strengthen your teeth enamel.
Promotes Healthy Gums A mouthwash helps to strengthen your gums. It is because it rinses away the trapped bacteria and food particles from your mouth and teeth. It also helps you fight most of the gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. Moreover, a mouthwash also removes the plaque from your teeth and mouth. An antibacterial mouthwash with chlorhexidine will help prevent periodontal diseases. Soothes Canker Sores If you have canker sores, using a mouthwash containing Betadine can ease your sore by detoxing the area. It reduces the bacteria that can irritate the site. Often in lots of cases, warm salt water can do the job of easing the sore. Whitens Teeth Some of the mouthwashes help in removing stains from the teeth. As a result, they help in whitening the teeth and eventually improve their overall appearance. Freshens The Breath The basic or the primary function of a mouthwash is to remove the bad breath and freshen the overall breath. It does this by removing the plaque-causing bacteria from the mouth. When you have a minty fresh breath, it boosts your overall confidence while talking to people closely. Moreover, having a fresh breath is a confidence booster in personal as well as professional life. CONS Irritates Canker Sores If your mouthwash contains an increased amount of alcohol, it may end up irritating your canker sores, rather than helping it. Therefore, it is crucial for you to see the amount of alcohol contained in your mouthwash before using it. Worsens Bad Breath It is true that a mouthwash can remove the bad breath and freshen your overall breath, but it is short lived. If you have a poor oral hygiene and do not brush your teeth properly, then the mouthwash won’t have any effect on your mouth or precisely on your breath. Also, certain mouthwashes dry out the mouth. Therefore, it is important for you to properly brush your teeth before or after using the mouthwash. If you do not do so, it will be same as not taking a bath and using a cologne to hide the body smell.
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