Reasons For Having a Bad Breath One of the worst things you can hear is that you are have bad breath. Oral health is as much important as your physical and mental health. Therefore, you should take good care about your oral hygiene and regularly brush your teeth twice on a day. You should also be replacing your toothbrush every few months because this also builds bacteria. Poor Dental Hygiene After each meal food particles get trapped in between your teeth and then they start decaying and produce bacteria. This the produces a foul odor in your mouth. Brushing and flossing regularly will help you remove the trapped food from your teeth and prevent bacteria from forming in your teeth and ultimately stop or reduce your bad breath. It also prevents plaque that forms around the teeth. Morning Breath Usually when you wake up you have morning breath also a version of bad breath. While you are sleeping your mouth produces less saliva and consequently your mouth is not as rinsed as it would be during the day. Saliva acts as a natural mouthwash for your mouth.Brushing and flossing every morning and night help to have a clean mouth free from bacteria. Smoking Smoking is yet another reason of a bad breath. Smoking cigarettes not only is harmful physically but is also harmful to your oral health. It will produce a bad odor in your mouth and also dries out your mouth reducing your mouth's natural process of cleaning itself with saliva. Dry Mouth Dry mouth happens if your mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva because saliva helps your mouth to be clean and this reduces your odor. The reasons people suffer from a dry mouth could vary: a salivary gland condition, sleeping with your mouth open, or taking medications that may cause high blood pressure. Periodontal Disease Periodontal disease happens when plaque forms in your teeth and then it converts into tartar which is almost irremovable by only brushing your teeth. This tartar will cause small openings between your teeth. This will, in turn, cause a very bad odor from your mouth. This disease is further responsible for severe dental consequences which will not only cause bad breath but also it will harm your oral hygiene. Tongue The tongue is the important part of the oral hygiene. So, it also needs to be cleaned as well to avoid the oral health problems. It is important that you clean your tongue after every meal to avoid the formation of bacteria on your tongue. This will help you prevent or reduce the bad breath.
Oral health is very important and you should not ignore it at any cost because all other health problems and diseases are connected to your oral health in one or the other way. Therefore, it is important that you should be regularly taking care of your dental and oral health to avoid any sort of oral or otherwise diseases. Source Link: ath