Reddened & Receding Gums Could Indicate You Have Gingivitis Despite knowing that gum diseases are quite common among people of all ages, you often tend to neglect these oral problems and their dreadful consequences on your overall health. These dental issues can prove to be quilt expensive and painful if their treatment is ignored initially. Periodontitis- which is a very grave stage of the gum disease can even lead to tooth loss. Therefore, it is extremely important for you to start treating the gum disease from the very beginning.
The starting stage of gum disease ( also known as periodontal disease) which is characterized by key attributes like inflammation of the gums backed by bad breath is called gingivitis. Gingivitis is the preliminary stage of periodontitis, which is generally caused by poor dental hygiene. The bacterial plaque deposited in your mouth because of poor oral hygiene is often considered the primary cause of gingivitis. However, it’s extremely simple to cure gingivitis if you take the necessary steps. When it comes to dealing with gingivitis, you should focus on eliminating plaque - a sticky and creamy substance found on your teeth which play a huge role in the growth of oral bacteria. If you fail to keep your mouth clean, you won’t be able to eradicate the bacterial plaque. And when you fail to remove the plaque from your mouth, you surely won’t be able to deal with gingivitis.
Plaque is extremely harmful to your teeth and gumline because the bacteria that live in it release toxins which lead to gingivitis. The toxins released by the oral bacteria result in reddened and swollen gums which are often considered the most important signs and symptoms of gingivitis. This generally happens because the poisonous substance released by the bacteria begins by attacking the gums thereby causing extensive irritation. However, even though huge gum irritation is caused by the bacterial plaque, this oral problem can be treated easily as the bone and the tissues accountable for holding the teeth intact are still quite far from being damaged. But, if you leave this stage of the gum disease untreated it can gradually convert into periodontitis - a more serious dental problem that can have a more damaging impact on your teeth and jaw. If you are also facing a similar problem but do not know whether it’s gingivitis or not, here are some crucial signs and symptoms of this oral problem.
Bad breath is one of the most common signs of gum disease, especially gingivitis.
Your gums are looking more red Swollen and tender gums Bleeding gums Receding gums
When gums start receding, your teeth begin to look a little bit longer. Pockets start forming between your gums and teeth which provide safe havens for bacterial growth. On top of that food particles easily get accumulated there which also degrades your oral hygiene. If you want to stay away from any signs of gingivitis start making serious changes to your daily dental hygiene routine. Proper brushing and effective flossing should be followed by the use of a oral rinse like PeriActive. However, if you have serious gum inflammation you can use PerioPatch to get some relief from pain and irritation.
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