Dr. Kostas Karadakis MeettHEFaculty
Tell us about yourself
My name is Kostas Karadakis, I received myPhDfromtheUniversityofFloridain 2012focusingonSportManagementand Quality of Life. I was born and raised in Canada, my parents immigrated from Greece. I am fairly active, I try to walk or exercise everyday, I believe in taking care of yourself holistically, but still want to find balance in all parts of life. I like to play video games, watch anime, travel, and eat. I spend most summers in Greece andinCanada, andItrytotravel everychanceIget.Ihavebeendescribed as structured, and self-aware, and try to stayflexiblewhereIcan.
What/who inspires me the most?
A few things here, my two advisors Dr. KarlisandDr.Kaplanidouaretwoofmy biggest inspirations and are the reason why I was able to pursue a career in academics.ThenIwouldsaymyparents for knowing their life story, their challenges, having moved to Canada without even knowing anyone or speaking English. They instilled a work ethic and loyalty in me that I try to incorporate in all aspects of my life. They also showed courage in how they approachedlife,soItrytoreplicatethat whereIcan.
Dr. Kostas Karadakis MeettHEFaculty
Why did I choose SNHU?
When I was coming out into the hiring world in academics, it was one of the worst hiring years for my field I had a few interviews that were not the most professional, and one school even told me I got the job, sent me an offer, and then took it away and hired someone else a few months after. When I got the chance to interview here, I really liked how honest and straightforward the department and those interviewing me were, and NH reminded me of growing up in Canada, so I had this feeling of home. I was also excited to teach in the smaller classes, as it was two professors that impacted my life, and I wanted to try to do that as well for the students here,andtheonesthattakemyclasses.
What has been your favorite class to teach?
This one is very hard to answer. I really love teaching every class, but it is really based on the level of engagement from the students. Classes which end up feeling more like a community, where we have a mutual respect and learning environment tend to be the ones I like the most. Every semester, I usually have a favorite class, but not one class is my favorite to teach. For example, I taught ESPT 315, Legal, Social and Ethical issues in Esport last semester for the firsttime,anditwasmyfavoriteclass.It was smaller, all but one or two students hadtakenaclasswithmebefore,andwe were able to have really in-depth conversations where I believe we all learned from one another. When that happens, I get extremely excited and it revitalizesme,andmotivatesmetokeep teaching and approaching my classes thewayIdo.
ExploreourPrograms Project Management
(Concentration in Master of Business Administration)
Today's business environment requires professionals to adapt to change on the fly, assess resource constraints strategically and provide solutions to complex problems
Project Management, a concentration in Project Management in the MBA program analyzes effective managerial processes including the initiation, planning, execution and successful completion of a project. You’ll cover topics including project scope, timing, cost, quality, risk, resources, communications and best practices to manage stakeholder expectations. You may also take a course that helps prepare you for the Project Management Professional (PMP)® exam –enhancing your marketability in the workforce
Typical positions include: Typical positions include:
Project Manager Project Manager
Assistant Project Manager Assistant Project Manager
Senior Project Manager Senior Project Manager
Tips for Students
Clear and effective communication. Clear and effective communication. Set clear goals for your project. Set clear goals for your project. Choose and use the right tools to Choose and use the right tools to monitor progress. monitor progress. Work with flexible teams whose skills Work with flexible teams whose skills combine well. combine well Keep your team members motivated. Keep your team members motivated. Effectively use all resources available Effectively use all resources available in the campus. in the campus.
Director ofprogram Director ofprogram
management management
Project coordinator Project coordinator
Project Scheduler Project Scheduler
Team Leader Team Leader
LafayetteHotelsisexpandingitsdigitalmarketingteam!We’re lookingforqualifiedcandidatesthatcanhelpmanagethe socialmediaaccountsofhotelsatoneof5differentregionsin MaineandNewHampshire!
TheHubbellSummerInternshipProgramisa10-week programprovidingstudentstheopportunitytogain corporateexperience,learnaboutallaspectsofour business,andpreparestudentswiththekindof experienceneededtohavearewardingcareeratHubbell.
What's Happening in the School of Business?
The Department of Management Science and Information Systems is currently working on the 1853 Archive Project which consists of digitizing books that SNHU has thatwerepublishedin1853
The books are photographed at the archive section and then resized with Adobe Photoshop. The images are used on the WordPress website for public access (https://1853archive.com), by using the output of Adobe Photoshop as an input to ABBYYFineReader.
This project started as an Undergraduate Research initiative in 2013 by Dr. Susan Cook and archivist Chris Cooper who developed the collection with the goal of providing an opportunity for undergraduates to experience working with rare materials. In 2019, Dr. Liz Henley joined the team along with students to join in digitizing,transcribing,andvisualizingthecollection.
FEB StudyAbroad/NSEinfoSession
Know about the places you can travel to and experience new cultures while also studying.
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM l Green Center - Conference Room 102A.
FEB NetworkingWorkshop
Meet the Career Services team who will teach students about how to present your best self for interviews and make a great impression.
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM l Webster 211.
You will be seamlessly transferred into a new, improved mySNHU experience. The new mySNHU is mobile-friendly, has an improved search capability, and includes your personalized profile, GPA, grades, and courses.
OnCampus CareerFairs
Join the SNHU On-Campus Career Fair on Wednesday, Feb. 8 from 3-6 p.m. Click the links below to register and view employers who will be in attendance.
Internship & Career Fair | Dining Center –Banquet Halls
STEM Internship & Career Fair (SETA) | SETA Building (IDE)
FEB 11
Join the SNHU Women's Basketball team wearing a pink attire for Penmen Pink Day 2023! For the 17th year, let's fill the gym with love and support for breast cancer fighters and survivors, and help us honor those who have lost their battle.
Pre-Game Fair 12:15 pm; Game Time 1:30 pm l Athletic Complex
FEB SeniorPortraits
13 -17
FEB 14
We are offering free senior portrait sessions on campus! Click here for more information and to sign up.
Student Center, Corcoran Conference Room.
Career, Advising & International Student Services will join together to explain all aspects of the CPT/Internship process from how to look for them to requirements, both academic and visa status.
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM l Webster 208.
FEB 15
Stations of various stress relief and wellness activities students can find on campus (meditation, yoga, arts and crafts).
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM l Green Center.
LearnHowtoBrandYourselfwith ALKU
Learn how you can create and build your brand and network with ALKU.
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM l Robert Frost- Multimedia Classroom 314.
FEB 28
Save lives. Give blood. Click here to sign up for an appointment today!
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM l Dining Center - Banquet Hall
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Credits Credits
Dr. Mike Tasto
Interim Dean
Dr. Leila Samii
Associate Dean
Bonnie DiVenuti
Senior Officer Manager
Courtney Argiras Program Administrator
Dr. Kostas Karadakis
Associate Professor (Sport Management)
Deepu Singh Kshathriya
Department of Management
Science and Information Systems Assistant
Marian Roque
Academic Operations Graduate Assistant
Alex Haddad
School of Business Assistant
Nichitha Pothula Venkata
School of Business Assistant
Bhagawathi Yadav
School of Business Graduate Assistant