Ougd603 statement of intent suzanne moore sm90316

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BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code


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EXTENDED PRACTICE STATEMENT OF INTENT Name: Suzanne Moore Blog Address: http://s-moore1114.blogspot.co.uk Statement of intent: I am a creative designer with a predominate interest in design for print. My focus is on editorial design. Branding, identity, and design for exhibition. Although my main interest is design for print I am open to developing my digital skills where relevant. The sectors I am most interested in working in are the cultural sector and retail sector, including the fashion industry, music industry and publishing industry. I always aim to be as creative and innovative as possible with projects as I think this is very important and is what makes the difference between design you forgot and design that sticks to your mind. I will work with both image and typography. I envision myself working in an independent studio where creativity and play is welcomed and encouraged. I would like to work with start up businesses within the sectors and industries I have already mentioned, as the idea of developing and growing with a start up seems very appealing and satisfying to me, it also allows more creativity working with start up. Subjects / Themes As the sectors and industries I am most interested in are the cultural and retail sector, and the fashion, music and publishing industry, my subjects and themes will circulate largely round this. Design Disciplines / Creative Development I will be developing my creative skills, I want to be able to come up with creative and innovative concepts that communicate what I intend them to communicate and are memorable. I will also be developing my editorial and layout skills as this something that will feature a lot throughout my briefs, and design for publishing is something I am focusing on in some briefs. I am also undertaking briefs where identity and branding are involved so I need be able to communicate the brand through design. Many of my briefs will involve

product, range and distribution and be a body of work rather than just a business card for example. I have specifically chosen industries that I am interested in, so I will need to develop my knowledge and awareness of design within these industries and sectors. Practical Skills / Workshops – what, why and when? If the opportunity arises I want to develop my web skills and understanding. Although I am predominately print based I do want to be able to have web as an option as it will be appropriate in some of my briefs, as wells as a useful skill to have. I want to develop my print production in industry skills and knowledge through actually applying what I have learnt, and sending off aspects of my work to be printed, to learn through experience. I will be developing my 3D skills as some of my briefs have packaging design within them, this is a skill I have not developed or focused on, so it will be beneficial to do so. Skills I already have that I want to develop further are my adobe software skills, as there is always something new to learn and areas to develop. By developing my software skills it will make me a more efficient designer. I am very much interested in traditional print techniques such a screen-printing and woodcut printing, so these are skills I aim to develop. Editorial skills like lay out are areas I want to get really clued up on so that my work can look to a professional standard. MY writing skills are also an area I want to try and improve as this will help with documenting and analysing my work, as well as helping the process of adding copy to my design work and even communicating and networking with professionals.

Brief 1: Sunday Best



Rationale: Sunday Best is an up and coming, UK based online store, stocking A mixture of collectable and bespoke vintage garments, which have been hand picked by the founders, to suit their particular taste and direction. The pieces will be of the highest quality, vintage but with a modern contemporary feel, perfect for calling your Sunday Best. Take this start up business and help create their creative direction which. Produce their branding and identity, which will be applied appropriately across many different platforms. I will also create their promotion, which will be in the form of look books and whatever else is appropriately developed for this brand. Brief 2: Celebrity Worship



Rationale: Celebrities have become such a powerful figure in today’s culture; they influence what is popular, fashion, people’s opinions etc. If you ask someone who their idol is they quite often will say a celebrity, it has become almost to a point of worship. Create an exhibition that describes this obsession in today’s culture with celebrities and the power that they behold. Determine the concept of the exhibition. Create the identity and branding that is appropriate to the chosen concept and direction of this exhibition, the promotional material will also be produced. Brief 3: Looking for trouble



Rationale: The Internet has opened up many platforms and exciting opportunities, but it has also

opened up the opportunity for people to hide behind it. Some humans like to complain and seek fault unnecessarily. Trip advisors is an online platform where people can write reviews on restaurants, hotels etc. this is obviously very beneficial for business when you get a positive review, but due to the fact there is an opportunity for people to hide behind the internet people take advantage of this and showcase just how petty humans can be. Using trip advisor create a publication that highlights the pettiness of human beings. This should be done in a humorous way that does not reflect the hotel/ restaurant in a bad way. This publication must be entertaining but also act as a promotional piece for what ever trip advisor aspect is chosen be it a hotel, city, restaurant etc.

Brief 4: Tamarillo (Collaboration: Greta)



Rationale: Tamarillo is a Leeds based band with a focus on mixing music. There music is very structured and mathematical but with an essence of surprise and excitement running through it. Create the identity and branding for the band. This will include creating an identity that embodies the concept of their music and ethos of the band. As this band is in its start up stages the identity and promotion must be very strong and attract people’s attention. Brief 5: Lotions & Potions



Rationale: Lotions & Potion is a beauty product store where the products are made from all natural ingredients in front of the customer. The recipes will be derived from DIY beauty recipes, which people often want to make, but may not have the products readily available / the time to spend making it themselves. Lotions & Potions will do this for you. You come in and pick the recipe and product from the store and they will mix it and pack it for you. Create the branding, identity and promotion for the shop, Lotions & Potions. This will involve encompassing and developing their shop concept. It will also involve creating things like packaging and signage everything design wise that is needed to open a shop. Brief 6: Adopt a band (Collaboration: Greta)



Rationale: Adopt a Band is a process where two designers will create and document a journey of advertising to adopt a band. It will be different and experimental way of designers out reaching musicians. Once a band has been adopted, to which the control of who and what band will be with the designers, it will be then up to the adoptive parent designers to deal with all the bands deign needs, such as identity and promotion. Document the journey and process of adopting a band. Once the band is adopted create the branding, identity and promotion for whatever their needs may be. Brief 7: T.R.M



Rationale: Thomas Ramsey Moore is an expert drawer and printer. He has stacks of beautifully intricate

and detailed screen prints, which depict the creative and haunting mind of this artist. Although Tom has a huge body of work, he is yet to create a large network, nor has the platform to do so. Create the branding, identity and promotion for Thomas Moore. This will involve creating getting the artists work ‘out there’ so to speak. Create an appropriate way to accomplish this as well as the previous stated branding, identity and promotion. Brief 8: Dog theft awareness



Rationale: Dog theft is on the up rise, each year the statistics for this theft keep rising. This is said to be to do with the current economic climate. Thieves see an opportunity to make money. People who steal dogs can sell them on as puppies as some breeds cost thousands of pounds or my have a valuable skill such as hunting dogs, they can sell them for breeding, and they can sell them or use them for dog fighting. There are precautions people can take to reduce dog theft, such as chipping the dog, keeping the dog in view when let out in the garden, and many more, but people need to be aware of the risks so they can keep their dog safe. Create a campaign to promote the awareness of dog theft in the UK. This campaign should be in whatever form takes suit, be it a mail shot, event etc. As well as promotion the existence of dog theft it should also promote how to protect your pet. CoP / Research Theme

My research theme for COP is, The creative brain. I am interested in understanding the creative process and where idea’s come from. Creative thinking comes naturally to creatively minded people but I also am interested in finding out if this is something we are born with or if anyone can become creative and the effects that would have on the creative industry.




Take all the notes that I have made from the books and articles I have read to do with my subject and make connections that relate them together that could form subjects of interest for my essay.




Gather a log of all the experiments and tests that can be done to evolve and encourage creativity, that are used within science. Once this has been done begin to develop own case studies using said tests.




The creative space seems to be an important part to the creative process. If this remains the case through more investigation and further reading. I will undertake visiting creative studies where the spaces is unique such as Duke studios, but also visit other studios where the space may not be as creative to see if there is a difference in creativity within the creative space, or if the creative who work there see the space as an importance.

BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS / TEXTS - (Harvard Referenced) Brains: the mind as matter Wingate, richard & Kwing, Marius (2012) Drawing on the right side of the brain, Edwards, Betty (1993) Why are you creative? / Vaske, Hermann (2002) Csikszentmihalyi (1990) Flow, the psychology of optimal experience NY HarperCollins Austin, J H, 1978. Chase, Chance, and Creativity The lucky art of Novelty. 1st ed. USA: Interactive Composition Corporation Johnson, S, 2010. Where good ideas come from The natural history of innovation. 1st ed. USA: The penguin group.

MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES – (include publication date and details) Banaji, S., Burn, A. and Buckingham, D. (2006) ‘The rhetorics of creativity: A review of the literature’ Creative Partnerships Arts Council England ON LINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls) BBC News - Creative minds 'mimic schizophrenia'. 2013. BBC News - Creative minds 'mimic schizophrenia'. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10154775 Why We're More Creative When We’re Tired, And 9 Other Surprising Things About How Brains Work | Fast Company | Business + Innovation. 2013. Why We're More Creative When We’re Tired, And 9 Other Surprising Things About How Brains Work | Fast Company | Business + Innovation. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.fastcompany.com/3018084/work-smart/why-were-morecreative-when-were-tired-and-9-other-surprising-facts-about-how-our?utm_source=facebook. The Roots of Creativity Found in the Brain | LiveScience . 2013. The Roots of Creativity Found in the Brain | LiveScience . [ONLINE] Available at: http://m.livescience.com/39671-roots-of-creativityfound-inbrain.html?utm_content=bufferf498d&utm_source=buffer&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=B uffer. The Real Neuroscience of Creativity | The Therapy Book. 2013. The Real Neuroscience of Creativity | The Therapy Book. [ONLINE] Available at: http://therapybook.wordpress.com/2013/09/03/the-real-neuroscience-of-creativity/. Why the Left-Brain Right-Brain Myth Will Probably Never Die | Psychology Today. 2013. Why the Left-Brain Right-Brain Myth Will Probably Never Die | Psychology Today. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/brain-myths/201206/why-the-left-brain-right-brain-mythwill-probably-never-die. Researchers show that suppressing the brain's 'filter' can improve performance in creative tasks.

2013. Researchers show that suppressing the brain's 'filter' can improve performance in creative tasks. [ONLINE] Available at: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-03-suppressing-brain-filtercreative-tasks.html. YCN | Magazine | Online Daily | Creative Cultures: Sagmeister & Walsh. 2013. YCN | Magazine | Online Daily | Creative Cultures: Sagmeister & Walsh. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.ycn.org/magazine/features/179-creative-cultures-sagmeister-walsh. OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences) Horizon: The Creative Brain - How Insight Works, BBC2

ACTION PLAN – use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in order to resolve the brief. Brief What do you need to do? 1









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