Nicholas Snyder grad school portfolio

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Nicholas Snyder Portfolio


01 11 13 15 17 19 33 35

Model Making


Rhinoceros 5

CNC Routing


3D Print






AutoCAD Court Atkins Architects Requirement The review board wanted to see the garage at the correct angle rather than seeing it as if it were perpendicular to the house.

Approach After getting the home situated on its site and cutting out a large amount of square footage to the house I began to work on the elevations. Using the floor plans, I traced lines up to get the depth of the garage doors and windows and used the other elevations to figure out what the correct heights of the roof, doors, and windows would be.

Right Elevation

Site Plan

Second Floor First Floor

Front Elevation




AutoCAD Court Atkins Architects Requirement The client wanted to make many changes to the existing model in areas that affected multiple components of the house. The ceiling height in the great room was initially 12’ and the client wanted it raised to 14’, but this affected bearing heights for the home.

Approach Raising the great room height to 14’ caused many issues; we ended up adding transoms to the top of all the windows and eventually had to negotiate with the client to lower the ceiling height to 13’ to make the columns look less awkward. The height change also raised many of the bearing heights which conflicted with the second floor of the home.

Site Plan

Front Elevation

Foundation Plan

First Floor

Second Floor





AutoCAD Ware Malcomb Architects Requirement My primary responsibility at Ware Malcomb Architects was creating conceptual site plans. These site plans ranged from small buildings, such as a Starbucks drive-thrus, to large-scale industrial parks. I also developed site plans for multi-family residential buildings.

Approach For all site plans, regardless of building type, the first step was gathering some background information. I would bring a survey and aerial view of the site into AutoCAD to establish the site boundaries and get a sense for what the surrounding area is like. Next I would draw the simple shape of the building as a placeholder to quickly maneuver around in order to locate the ideal building location. Once the building was placed, I switched to the parking scheme starting from the perimeter and worked my way in to create an efficient layout. After the parking was established I began to go back and tidy up items and add in details.

Retail Site Plan

Multi-Family Site Plan Industrial Park Site Plan





Rule Joy Trammell + Rubio Requirement At RJT+R I worked on a large scale hotel restoration project. The client owned four hotels all of which needed various levels of improvement. I was tasked with recreating the base plans for all four hotels in AutoCAD as well as put in charge of the balcony replacement project for one of the hotels. Approach Initially the firm was sent an old and poorly scanned set of existing drawings. First, I began by printing the drawings to ensure they were to scale. Afterwards, I reviewed the partition schedule so I could accurately draw the walls. I then started recreating the drawings in AutoCAD. Finally, I created the new plans and details for the balcony replacement project.

Second Floor

First Floor

East Elevation

South Elevation



Balcony Demo Section

Balcony New Section






Half House Requirement Create a house with wood, masonry, and steel structures then connect the three with a central hallway using Revit. Approach The wood portion of the house was developed first, followed by the masonry and the steel portion. This was the most effective approach to create the house due to the increase in complexity of each building method.

Right Elevation Section

Front Elevation Axonometric



3D Print Vault Study (3D Print) Requirement Choose a tectonic system and then develop a model in Rhino suitable for printing a 3D model. Approach I chose the barrel vault as my tectonic system and used the Lisbon Cathedral as a precedent. I broke up the main barrel vault and changed the heights of the arches to create a wave-like form that will let unique arrangements of light into the space. For the final model I began to experiment with rotating the arches to get curves in the vaults.

3D Print



Plaster Vault Study (Plaster) Requirement Further study our chosen tectonic system through pouring.

Approach I wanted to continue studying the idea of the broken vault through the positives and negatives created by the broken pieces. Foam core was used to create the positive and negative molds for the plaster.




CNC Routing Vault Study (CNC Routing) Requirement Continuing the study of our chosen tectonic system through the process of routing.

Approach During this study I focused on the intersection of barrel vaults as well as how the vault is expressed when connecting lower vaults to elevated ones.

CNC Routing



Rhinoceros 5

Rhinoceros 5 Learning Center

Glazing in buildings should be facing the East and North sides of the site to allow in light. The re should be minimal glazing on West side to reduce gain in summer or place buildings close to tree line to provide shade. Glazing on the South can used to let in heat in the winter months.

Secondary View

Requirement Design a multipurpose learning center on a wooded site near UC’s campus that features our chosen tectonic system. Primary View



Approach At the start of this project we did several site analysis studies to establish the layout and orientation of our building. I was interested in studying solar heat gain and loss, capturing views of the surrounding forest, and implementing the local hiking trails into my building.



Rhinoceros 5

Rhinoceros 5 Learning Center Requirement The learning center had to be influenced by our tectonic system we studied from earlier in the semester, and mine was the barrel vault. We also had to choose a more specific program other than simply a learning center. I choose the program of a theatre school due to the acoustic properties of the barrel vault.


Second Floor

We then began the iteration process for the building’s design. Since my tectonic system was the barrel vault, my early forms were very linear in nature. These early models were not helpful since most of the learning center’s program called for open gathering spaces. To solve this issue I began intersecting barrel vaults and altering their profiles at either end to create a tile that could be multiplied to allow open spaces to be created.


First Floor



Rhinoceros 5 Learning Center Requirement Create outdoor snow renderings showing the design of our learning center as well as a 3D print representing the form of the building.

Approach I created a 3D model of the learning center in Rhino and used V-Ray to render. I then took the rendering into Photoshop to add in the landscapes, people, and snow. I cut a section of the same digital model and scaled it down to be 3D printed at the rapid prototyping center.

Rhinoceros 5



Rhinoceros 5


Rhinoceros 5

Row House Requirement Create a row house in Covington, KY for a client. We had the option to choose from four clients each with unique needs and requests. I chose the Over the Rhine band, a couple wanting a home to record music, entertain guests, and have a place for them to reconnect. In addition to the couple’s bedroom, we were also required to have two guest rooms for the band’s two former members to stay for extended periods of time.

Approach Initially, we drove to the site to gain an understanding of the surrounding area as well as the environmental factors affecting the site. We observed that the site was raised nearly a story above the street level and contained within a stone retaining wall. This gave me the opportunity to implement a three car garage with angled parking to prevent anyone from getting blocked in. The garage was an important factor to me since at any point there could easily be three to four cars at this house and it would be beneficial to shelter them from the elements.

Ground Floor

First Floor

Second Floor

Third Floor


Rhinoceros 5

Rhinoceros 5

Row House Requirement Part of the final presentation of this project included building a physical model of the house.

Approach The model was built to 3/16� = 1’ scale. I used multiple materials such as cork, bass wood and varies types of chip board in the model to better demonstrate the materials I intended to use for the actual house.

North Elevation

South Elevation

North - South Section



Rhinoceros 5


Rhinoceros 5

iHome Requirement Design a case study house on a site in Cincinnati for a model maker. The three bedroom iHome had to include a workshop and contain some form of an oculus.

Iteration 1

Approach The site we were given for this project had a five to six foot grade change. With this in mind, I began by digging into the earth and creating the workshop on the lower level. This allowed for easy access to drop off raw materials and took advantage of the thermal properties in the ground. The retaining wall of the workshop went through several iterations. My goal was to layout the workshop in a linear fashion to promote a method of efficiency. In earlier reviews I received criticism that the linear process was too quick. I resolved this by pixilating the walls; which enabled the walls to be broken down into work benches and created opportunities to manipulate light.

Iteration 2

Iteration 3

First Floor

Iteration 4

Iteration 5

Site Plan


Rhinoceros 5


Rhinoceros 5

iHome Requirement Design a case study house on a site in Cincinnati for a model maker. The three bedroom iHome had to include a workshop and contain some form of an oculus.

Approach Typically the oculus is located in the ceiling. However, we were given the freedom to choose where we implementated the oculus. This flexibility allowed me to place the oculus in southern retaining wall.The placement of oculus created a connection to the outdoors and better ventilated the workshop. In addition, this allowed southern light to wash into the workshop and reflect off the pixilated walls.

East Elevation

Second Floor

East - West Section




Campus Building Study Requirement In a group setting, create an analysis of a building on campus to understand the concepts behind it. Approach Sketches and diagrams were developed initially to discover the atmosphere of the space leading into technical drawings.

Contributions Sketching, drawing diagrams, and hand-drafting two sections.

Group Members: Douglas, Tibbs

East Elevation

West Elevation

South Elevation

North Elevation

First Floor

Second Floor



Model Making Individual Unit Requirement Create a unit that can be mass produced and made into an 8’x8’ screen wall that is 50% void and 50% solid. Approach Triangles are naturally stable shapes and the beam through them allows them to slide, creating new connections.

Model Making



Model Making Screen Wall Requirement In a group setting, create a screen wall using a unit developed by another group. Approach Expand on the unit’s existing properties to create new connections then make jigs to quickly produce multiple units consistently.

Contributions Building multiple sketch models during design iterations and helping with the construction process.

Group Members: Miller, Watts, Martin, Morgan, Tylinski, Huang, Kaufman, Velasquez, Wertz

Model Making



Model Making

Model Making

Promenade, Rest & View

Group Space

Requirement Design an 8’x8’x8’ space that includes a promenade, rest, and viewing area.

Requirement In a group setting, design an 8’x8’x8’ space that includes a promenade, rest, and viewing area.



Containment was the concept in this model. The promenade space shifts from wide to narrow, causing the rest and viewing area to become more appealing than leaving the space.

The project leader assigned teams to collect information about the site and to then develop models, and eventually build the final space.

Contributions Developing a proposal for the space, model making, and constructing the final space.

Group Members: Miller, Altene, Tibbs, Watts, Powell, Martin, Burt, Morgan, Tylinski, Yao, Apanius, Huang, Ong, Kaufman, Douglas, Williams, Velasquez, Wertz, Nguyen


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