The horizon isn’t the only place to look for new energy. Try inside your very own home. For over 30 years, Avista has been helping customers become more energy efficient. Popular tools like our online home energy analyzer, bill analyzer and carbon calculator are helping people save more than ever before. You can also download rebate forms, find tips for making your home even more energy efficient and take part in our voluntary renewable energy credit program, “Buck-A-Block.” Energy efficiency is the original “green energy” and our customers are proving that every little bit really does add up. Join the effort today.
Online Rebate Forms
Analyzer Tools
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Perform a free online energy or bill analysis to find out more about your energy use.
Calculate your own carbon footprint and find out ways to reduce it.
Participate in our popular, voluntary renewable energy credit program.
Visit or call 800-227-9187
Food. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6
Go Green Directory / 2010-11
Natural Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 11
Jon Snyder Editor
Green Building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 15
Juliet Sinisterra Managing partner
Bill Bloom
Home/Garden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21
Art Director
Kaitlin Snyder Editorial assistants
Energy/Transportation/Recycling. . . . . page 25
Ben Tobin
Community/Environment . . . . . . . . . . . page 31
Sponsored by
Buy Local. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 34 Distribution
To request a copy please call 509 / 534 / 3347 Ad Sales
Angie Dierdorff and Bill Bloom 509 / 999 / 8214
WANT your business to be in the next edition of the directory?
Please contact e-mail: or visit our website Published by
Editorial: Juliet Sinisterra . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4
Go Green Directory, LLC
in association with Out There Monthly
PO Box 559 Spokane, WA 99210, 509 / 534 / 3347 Printed on 50% recycled paper made in the Inland Northwest, with 25-40% post-consumer waste, and spoy-based inks. Please recycle this publication when your are done with it. The views expressed in this magazine reflect those of the writers and advertisers and not necessarily of Go Green Directory, LLC or Snyderco DBA/Out There Monthly. © Copyright 2010 Go Green Directrory LLC All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means or stored in any database or retrival system, without written permission of the publisher.
Subject and Advertiser Index. . . . . . . . . . page 5 10-11 Sustainability Calendar . . . . . . . . page 36 What Is A Home Energy Audit?. . . . . . . page 37 What Is High Performance Transit? . . . page 38
The Go Green Directory Provides an advertising service and shall not be liable for any damages of any kind resulting from any advertiser’s claims or performance. Listing of companies, services, products or organizations does not in any way imply endorsement by The Go Green Directory. While all listings have been checked for accuracy The Directory is not responsible for errors or ommisions in listings.
ON THE COVER: Electric Car charging station at Avista headquarters. There are also public electric car charging station at Spokane City Hall at 801W. Riverside and at the steam plant, 159 S. Lincoln. // Photo BEn tobin
GOGREENDIRECTORY // EDITORIAL: PLANS MATTER the region by offering tools, products, training and expertise that empowers residents to do their part in leading a simpler, more ecological lifestyle. In the past, Juliet has served as the President for the Inland Northwest Chapter of the Northwest Ecobuilding Guild, and on the City of Spokane’s Mayor’s Sustainability Task Force. Juliet’s background includes professional degrees in Architecture and Urban Design with over sixteen years of professional design and management experience including institutional design and planning, community engagement and low-income hou si ng a nd non-prof it bu si ness development.
Go Green Directory Editor Juliet Sinisterra. // Photo Amy Sinisterra. This past June, the Spokane City Council formally adopted the Sustainability Action Plan at midnight. There were a lot of patient citizens that hung around to weigh in on the measure. In 2008, I had the honor of being named to the Mayor’s Sustainability Task Force alongside an amazing, talented and diverse group of people from throughout the community — weighing in on the plan was important to me. Following is what I presented.
My name is Juliet Sinisterra. I am a mother of two young children, I am a small business owner and I served on the Mayors Sustainability Task Force. I am a native of Spokane and the continued well being of both its people and places is very dear to me. I am speaking today to urge the City Council to adopt the Sustainability Action Plan. Living within my means as a mother and small business owner is central to my family’s and my business’ future wellbeing. I also recognize that my future prosperity and the continued prosperity of this city depends on the health and abundance of natural resources or rather, natural capital. Throughout history, every thriving civilization has been dependent on a surplus of natural resources to grow economically. Using resources wisely should be the cornerstone of fiscal responsibility—for families, for businesses and for government. Economist, Herman Daly has stated, “Growth in the U.S. real wealth is restrained by increasing scarcity of natural capital, both at the source end 4
(through oil depletion) and the sink end (absorptive capacity of the atmosphere for CO2).” So how can we continue growing our economy? How can we ensure the future well-being of our towns and cities? By maintaining a surplus— which means conservation and lots of it. The Sustainability Action Plan outlines just that—hundreds of ways the city can conserve natural capita l—ma k ing our economy more competitive, more resilient in the the long run. We Americans, are incredibly wasteful. The average person in the U.S. produces approximately 50,000 lbs of waste each year, including CO2. In just the last 50 years we have seen oil consumption, world population, worldwide water use, and species extinction—to name a few—start to follow an exponential curve in their growth. All, are approaching their limits. Without conservation, this means no growth, no prosperity. As a society, we are now encountering the hard, physical limits of finite planet and we need to adjust accordingly. Business as usual is not going to cut it. U. S. busi nesses a nd consu mers are starting to understand this. A recent survey of more than 200 corporations conducted by Siemens Building Technologies and McGrawHill Construction concluded that “corporate America’s embrace of sus-
tainability has more than doubled in the past 3 years, with the largest U.S. firms reporting efforts and commitments that exceed those required law.” I wish I could say that these corporations were embracing green measures for environmental reasons, but in reality, they are making these changes in order to survive, to adapt and to continue to prosper economically. By adopting this plan, you send a message to the citizens of Spokane, that the City plans to live within its means—to exemplify what it means to be truly fiscally conservative of all forms of capital—and to show leadership regarding stewardship of our region for future generations to come. Thank you for your time. - Juliet Sinisterra For more information on the Sustainability Action Plan go to:
Go Green Directory OWner Bios: Juliet Sinisterra is committed to building a healthy, green and thriving Spokane community. Currently she is the General Manager/Co-owner of Spokane’s newest green living general store, Sun People Dry Goods Company--to open Fall 2010. Sun People aims to become a leading green consumer business in
Bill Bloom Bill Bloom has inadvertently spent his best years in publishing, sales and business management. He and his family moved to Spokane seven years ago to escape the ridiculous pace of life in Northern California and have not missed it for a moment since. All things considered, Bill prefers spending time with his family, friends, bicycles, and ba k ing. Bill started his life in the Midwest until moving to the Western side of Washington state, where he went to Jr. High, High School and eventually college at PLU in Tacoma. After attending Graduate school to work on an MFA in upstate NY, he returned to the West Coast where he: put on a suit and tie (and found himself), married a native Spokanite, had a wonderful daughter, and became the owner of a very proud standard poodle, two goldfish and a lot of old records. Jon Snyder is the publisher of Out There Monthly magazine, Spokane’s outdoor recreation magazine. He has worked in publishing for 16 years on projects as diverse as Eco Traveller Magazine and the Star Wars Insider, the official Lucasfilm magazine. Jon was one of the co-founders and the first board president of KYRS, Thin Air Community Radio. He has also served on the EWU Community Indicators Environment Task Force and his community involvement includes projects such Spokane Bike to Work Week, Spoka ne R iver Clea n Up, a nd t he Tobacco-Free Skate Jam. Last year he went on peace delegation to Iran with his son. This experience gave him a great opportunity to meet Iranian people in direct exchange and see a society that is much different from our own yet shares many basic values. Jon now serves on the Spokane City Council representing District 2. //
GOGREENDIRECTORY // INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Acupuncture 11 Air Duct Cleaning 21 Air Quality - Indoors 21 Asbestos, Lead, Mold Removal 21 Automobiles—Biofuels 25 Automobiles—Electric/Hybrid 25 Automobiles - Solar Panels 25 Bakeries—Natural, Wholesale 6 Bakeries—Organic & Alternative Grain 6 Bicycles—Locally Produced 25 Bicycles—Retail 25, 26 Biofuels 26 Bodywork—Massage 11 Bodywork—Structural Integration 12 Building Materials 15 Building Materials-FSC Certified Wood 15 Building Materials—Interior 15 Building Materials-Paint-Low VOC 15 Building Materials—Salvage/Re-Used/ Recycled 15 Business Lending 26 Business Resources - Lending 30 Business Resources—Local 30 Buy Local Food - Beer/Spirits 34 Buy Local Food- Coffee Roasters 34 Buy Local Food- Manufacturers 34 Buy Local Food- Ice Cream 34 Buy Local Food - Ice Cream, Wholesale 34 Buy Local Food - Wineries 35 Buy Local—Manufacturers General 35 Buy Local Resources - Business 35 Buy Local Supplies—Business 35 Buy Local Supplies — Home 35 Catering 6 Childbirth Related Services—Birth Classes 12 Childbirth Related Services—Lactation & Breastfeeding Support 12 Childbirth Related Services—Midwifery & Doulas 12 Childbirth—Supplies 12 Chiropractors 13 Clean Technology 26 Cleaning—Non-Toxic 21 Climate Advocacy 30 Clothing Used—Boutiques 21 Coffee Houses—Fair Trade/Organic 6 Coffee Roasters—Fair Trade/Organic 6 Community Resources 30 Consultants 15 Contractors—Built Green 15, 16 Contractors—Design Build Operat Maintain 16, 26 Contractors—Historic Preservation 17 Contractors- Home Building/Remodeling 17 Counseling/Healing—Holistic 13 Countertops—Concrete 17 Dentistry—Holistic 13 Design—Cad Products 19 Design—Lighting 19
Design Professionals—Alternative Energy & Strawbale 17, 18 Design Professionals - Built Green 18 Design Professionals—Continuing Education 19 Design Professionals—Interior 19 Design Professionals—Landscape 19 Design Professionals—Leed Accredited 19 Design Professionals—Permaculture 19 Design Professionals—Residential Architects 19, 20 Education—Environmental 35 Education—Higher 36 Energy Consultants 26 Energy Efficiency Retrofits 26 Engineers—Built Green 20 Engineers—LEED Accredited 20 Environmental Advocacy 36 Events 36 Farms, Local 6 Farms, Local Guides/Associations 6 Farms, Local—Natural Dairy/Cheese 6 Farms, Local—Natural/Organic Fruits & Vegetables 6 Farms, Local—Natural/Organic Meats 7 Farms, Local — Organic/Free-Range Eggs 7 Farms, Local — Sustainably Farmed Grains 9 Farmer’s Markets 7 Food—Community Resources 8 Food Delivery—Organic 8 Food Manufacturers —Natural/Organic 8 Furniture 21 Gardens – Supplies 21, 22 Gardens—Supplies, Lawns 22 Geothermal & Radiant Heating 26 Gifts 22 Gluten Free 10 Green Building 30 Green Business 30 Healing Arts/Reiki 13 Health Food Stores – Supplements 9 Heating 22 Home Brew – Beer/Wine 9 Hypnotherapy 13 Ice Cream - Local 9 Ice Cream – Local, Wholesale 10 Insulation, Cellulose 22 Lawn Care—Organic/Natural 22 Lawn Mowing—Zero Emissions 22 Legal Help 30 Masonry Heaters 28 Meditation 13 Natural Markets/Organic Produce 10 Naturopaths/Alternative Medicine 13 Nurseries – Native Plants/Edible Landscape 22 Personal Fitness Trainers 14
Pest Control—Organic 22, 23 Pets – Acupuncture 23 Pets—Care/Training 23 Pets—Friendly Lawn Care 23 Pets—Supplies,Natural 23 Physical Therapy—Wellness/Sports 14 Pilates/Nia 14 Planners—Historic & Environmental 20 Plants 23 Products—Natural Health & Beauty 14 Public Transportation—North Idaho 28 Public Transportation—Spokane County 28 Publications—Alternative Energy Related 28 Radon Abatement 23 Recyclable Wrapping 28 Recycling 28 Recycling Resources 28 Restaurants—Organic/Natural/Locally Grown Food 10 Resources - Alternative Transportation 29 Resources - Local Business 29 Retreat Centers 14 Scooters 29 Smoking Cessation 14 Solar & Wind Power 29 Spas—Hairstyling 23 Sustainable Exhibits 27 Transportation Advocacy 30 Tree Service 27 Waste Oil Furnaces 29 Water Filtering 27 Weight Loss 17 Wellness Support Coach 14 Wineries—Organic 14 Wood Heating 29 Wood/Pellet Stove 29 Yoga 14 Youth Services 30 ADVERTISER INDEX Angell, AIA, Thomas 15, 17, 19 Avista 2, 29, 37 Bike to Work 26, 29, 32 Brainfreeze 9, 10 Bumble Bar 9, 12 Built Green 16, 17 Center for Environmental Law & Policy
30 China Bend Winery 8, 10 Clean Air Lawn Care 20, 22 Clearwater Seed 22, 23 Cole’s Orchard 6, 7 Copeland 17, 18, 19 Doma Coffee Roasting Company 6, 7 Earthworks Recycling, Inc. 28, 29 Eco Depot 15, 20 Global Enterprises 16, 17, 18 Greenleaf Landscaping 22 Greenhead Solar 29 Greater Spokane Inc. 30, 34 Hands-On Therapeutic Bodywork 12, 12 Intuitiv 11, 14 Jake McBurns 11, 12 Kizuri 20, 22 KYRS 34 The Lands Council 31 Main Market 9, 10 NW Ecobuilding Guild, Inland Chapter 32 Northwest Seed & Pet 21, 22, 23 One World Design 18, 19 One World Spokane 8, 10 Oos LAc, Becky, The Main Touch 11 Pedal2People 17, 32 Pura Vida 17 The Sierra Club 31 Slow Food 8 SMART- City of Spokane 29, 30, 35, 38 SNAP Green Living 30 Spokane Farmer’s Market 7, 8 Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency 20, 21, 28 Spokane Regional Solid Waste System 25, 28 Spokane Transit Authority 28, 31, 38 The Bus Shop – The Plaza 31 The Bus Shop, Too 31 Studio of Sustainable Design, Bruce Millard 18, 20 Sun People Dry Goods Co. 15,21, 22, 33 Sustainable September 24, 31 Toby’s Battery & Auto Electric, LLC 25, 27, 28, 29 Vanpool Program 31 Waste Reduction Assessment Program 24, 28 The Whole Plate 31 Wild Sage 7, 10
GOGREENDIRECTORY // FOOD Bakeries—Organic & Alternative Grain
ROAST HOUSE Coffee | (509) 995-6500
423 East Cleveland Avenue, Spokane, WA 99207 Thomas Hammer Coffee Roasters | (509) 535 4806
ARABESQUE FARMS & BAKERY | (509) 325-2518
210 W. Pacific, Spokane , WA 99201
Bouzies Bakery | (509) 443-6850
5620 South Perry, Spokane, WA 99223
Farms, Local
Coffee Social | (509) 327-7127
Sidewalk Floral and Produce
113 W. Indiana, Spokane, WA 99205
At the Liberty Lake Farmers’ Market
Great Harvest Bread Company | (509) 535-1146
Vang Produce
2530 East 29th Ave., Spokane, WA 99223
At the Liberty Lake Farmers’ Market
New Leaf Bakery Café | (509) 496-0396
920 W. 2nd Ave., Spokane, WA 99201
Farms, Local Guides/Associations
BAKERIES—natural, Wholesale
Green Bluff Grower Association
Hearthbread Bakehouse | (509) 487-7687
Rural Roots (208) 883-3462
220 East Jackson, Spokane, WA
PO Box 8925, Moscow, ID 83843
Farms—Natural dairy/Cheese
Capear | (509) 624-0224
Commercial Creamery Co. | (509) 747-4131
1535 West 10th Avenue, Spokane, WA 99204
159 S. Cedar St., Spokane, WA 99201
Two Cooks with Love Catering | (509) 891-5980
11712 E. Boone Ave., Spokane, WA
63 Yarnell Rd., Tonasket, WA 98855
Coffee houses—Fair trade/organic
Spokane’s Family Farm |(509) 796-3276
222 North Howard, Spokane, WA 99201
21715 Coulee Hite Road, Spokane WA 99224
On sacred grounds | (509) 747-6294
Farms—Natural/organic Fruits & Vegetables
Indaba Coffee | (509) 443-3566
1425 West Broadway, Spokane, WA 99201
Cole’s Orchard | 509-238-4962
Coffee Roasters—fair trade/organic 924 South Perry, Spokane WA, 99202 Avion Coffee | (208) 819-9964
2229 West Dakota, Hayden, ID 83835 Bumper crop Coffee | (509) 496-7390
Eleven Acres | (509) 238-9473
Doma Coffee Roasting Company | (208) 667-1267
10909 E. Day-Mount Spokane Road, Greenbluff, WA 99021
6240 E. Seltice Way, Unit A, Post Falls, ID 83854
GreenTree Naturals | (208) 263-8957
abundance. action. alternative. art. balance. biodegradable. bio-diversity. community. conservation. culture. domacoffee .com devoted. ecology. education. experience. flourish. fulfillment. functional. global. grassroots. heritage. holistic. human. independent. inspiration. integrity. life. local. meaning. motivation. networking. nonviolence. nurture. opportunity. organic. philanthropy. possibility. recycle. respect. evolution. seasonal. stoked. sustainable. thought. transforming. transparency. underground. visionary. vitality. wisdom. worldchanging. Maya Earth Coffee | (877) 892-3193 c o f f e e
PO Box 1161 Airway Heights, WA 99001 Nectar of Life | (509) 979-3162
PO Box 945, Veradale, WA 99037!
N. 18423 Green Bluff Rd, Greenbluff, WA 99005 Certified Organic Tree Fruit and Produce, Too many apple varieties to list! Also pears, Italian prunes. From our newly certified garden: lavender, dried flowers, winter squash, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes. Open weekends in the fall or by appointment. Call for summer hours. 1/2 mile west of the Green Bluff church and Grange.
Anvil Coffee Roasting | (509) 534-1376
2409 Pleasant Valley Road, Rice, WA 99167
Atticus Coffee & Gifts | (509) 747-0336
12212 E. Palouse HWY, Valleyford, WA 99036
Quillisacut Farm | (509) 738-2011
c u l t u r e
m e a n i n g
2003 Rapid Lightning Road, Sandpoint, ID 83864 Hansen’s Greenbluff Orchard | (509) 238-4902
8215 East Greenbluff Road, Colbert, WA 99005 Nothing But Herbs | (208) 772-6608
300 East Wyoming Ave. Hayden, ID 83835 Moffett’s Organic | (509) 332-7313
12552 Wawawai Rd. Colton, WA 99113 Riverview Orchards (509)738-2068
1521 Hwy. 25 South, Kettle Falls, WA 9914 Strawberry Hill Farm | (509) 238-6919
16904 N. Day-Mount Spokane Road, Greenbluff, WA 99021 Tolstoy Farms | (509) 725-3276
32404 Mill Canyon Road, Davenport, WA 99122
FOOD Farms—Natural/Organic Meats Lazy Lightning H Ranch | (509) 675-1209
1931 Blue Creek West Rd., Addy, WA 99101 Maple K Farms | (509) 397-4589
1102 Kamerzell Rd., Colfax, WA 99111 McIntosh Angus Ranch | (509) 397-2639
351 McIntosh Road, Pullman, WA 99163 Quail Ridge Ranch | (509) 722-3558
5690 Quail Way, Fruitland, WA 99129 Rocky Ridge Ranch | (509) 796-3988
w w m a c of f e e .c o m coe ur d ’ale ne , id a ho | 2 0 8 . 6 67.12 67
P.O. Box 175, Reardan, WA 99029
Susie david’s Cattle Company | (509) 465-5167
PO Box 6696, Spokane, WA 99217 W-7 Farms | (509) 990-0870
15901 Appel Rd. N., Edwall, WA 99008
Farms— Organic/Free-Range Eggs
In creating our frequently updated menu, we strive to use the freshest, locally grown ingredients whenever possible. 2008 Full Service Restaurant of the Year! – Washington Restaurant Association
S 7 P Homestead Farm | (509) 226-0603
23851 East Joseph Avenue, Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Wilcox Farms| ((800) 568-6456
40400 Harts Lake Valley Road, WA 98580
Farms—Sustainably Farmed Grains Shepherd’s Grain | (509) 721-0374
12996 Kupers Road North, Harrington, WA 99134
916 W. 2nd Ave, Downtown Spokane | | 456-7575
Farmer’s Markets Bonner County Farmers Market | (208) 267-7698
Hwy 95 & Kootenai, Bonner Ferry, ID
Cheney Farmer’s Market | (509) 235-2220
First & College Street, Cheney, WA 99004
Colville Farmer’s Market | (509) 684-3306
Corner Of Oak And Third, Cheney, WA
Farmer’s Market & Garden Center | (509) 534-2651
1420 E Sprague Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202 – 3111 Farmer’s Market At Sandpoint| (208) 265-8267
PO Box 1234, Sandpoint, ID 83864
hope memorial Community Market | (208) 264-5481
Memorial Community Center, Hope, ID 83836
Humble Earth Farmer’s Market | (509) 879-2987
10505 N. Newport Hwy. Spokane, WA 99205
4th & Columbia Street, Pasco, WA
Liberty Lake Farmers’ Market | (509) 879-4965
rathdrum Farmers Market | (208) 687-3293
1421 N. Meadowwood Lane, Suite 200, Liberty Lake, WA 99019 McCall Farmers’ Market | (208) 634-3078
Pine St. Between Gravity Sports & Amerititle, McCall, ID 83638 Millwood Farmer’s Market | (509) 924-2350
3223 North Marguerite Rd., Millwood WA
Moscow Farmers Market | (208) 883-7036
Friendship Square, 4th & Main St., Moscow, ID 83843 Okanogan Saturday Market | (509) 826-1259
Legion Park, Okanagon, WA
Omak Tuesday Market | (509) 826-5845
Central @ Ash Street, Omak, WA
Pasco Farmers Market | (509) 531-7274
Rathdrum City Park, HWY 53, Rathdrum, ID
riverfront farm Farmers Market | (509) 328-6527
Corner of Broadway and Walnut, Spokane, WA
St. Maries Farmers’ Market | (208) 245-2422 ext 33
Main Street Near Hughes Historical House, St. Maries, ID 83861 South Perry Farmers Market | (509) 879-2987
11th and Perry, Spokane, WA 99201
Spokane Farmer’s Market | (509) 995-0182
10 West 5th Ave., Spokane, WA 99204
2010 Market Hours:Saturday & Wednesday. The market is open from 8:00am to 1:00pm on both days, and runs through October 31, rain or shine. Fresh flowers, baked goods, organic produce, fish, meats and more! GO GREEN DIRECTORY
FOOD Tekoa Farmers Market | (509) 284-5173
Heaton Warehouse @ Crosby & Seaman Streets, Tekoa, WA West Central Market Place
at 1414 W. Broadway, Spokane WA
Food—community resourceS Spokane River Slow Food |
Local Website: National Website: Food that is Good, Clean & Fair. Slow Food Spokane River, member-based non-profit that promotes community resources and organizations that help consumers support sustainable farmers, ranchers and fishermen of the Inland Northwest. Our educational events also focus on preserving biodiversity and enjoying flavors & culture unique to Salmon Nation. WSU Organic Farm Project | (208) 892-0655
201 Johnson Hall, WSU Campus, Pullman, WA 99164-0655
Food Delivery—Organic Azure Standard (541) 467-2230
7909 Dufur Valley Rd., Dufur, OR 97021
Food Manufacturers —Natural/Organic A.C. LaRocco Pizza Co. | (509) 924-9113
1014 North Pines Ste# 202, Spokane, WA 99206
We Grow it! We Sell it!
Open May through October Wednesdays & Saturdays 8am-1pm
Natural and organic fruit, vegetables, meats, eggs, bread, honey, garlic, coffee, flowers, nuts and more from local family farms. Spokane's real farmer’s market.
Food Stamps/EBT, Visa/MC, WIC, & Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program Coupons Live music, cooking demos, childrens activities, and more.
10 W. 5th Ave between Division and Browne Downtown Spokane • 995-0182 8
FOOD Bumble Bar | (509) 924-2080
3808 North Sullivan Rd. Bldg. 12, Ste. P, Spokane, WA 99216 CARUSO’S HONEY COMPANY | (509) 843-6086
P.O. Box 714, Pomeroy, WA 99347
CASCADE CREEK FARM | (208) 263-3077
482169 Highway 95, Sandpoint, ID 83864 CHASE HONEY COMPANY | (509) 927-8627
Otis Orchards, WA
THE COUNTRY MARKET | (509) 244-9617
14211 W. Thorpe, Medical Lake, WA 99022 Just Simply Good Stuff | (208) 265-0144
1772 Talache Rd., Sagle, ID 83860
KRAUS HONEY COMPANY | (509) 722-5307
81 Orchard Ln, Underwood, WA 98651 LENTZ SPELT FARMS | (509) 345-2483
PO Box 2, Marlin, WA 98832
NAMASTE FOODS | (866) 258-9493
PO Box 3133, Coeur d’ Alene, ID 83816 PEACH Community Farm | (509) 270-1608
1804 East Sprague, Spokane, WA SELKIRK RANCH
1504 Selkirk Road, Sandpoint, ID 83864 Shepherd’s Grain | (509) 721-0374
12996 Kupers Rd. N, Harrington, WA 99134 Small Planet Tofu | (888) 4o1-TOFU (8638)
330112 Hwy. 2, Newport, WA 99156
Health Food Stores – Supplements
General Nutrition Center | (509) 535-8515
2525 East 29th Ave. #7, Spokane, WA 99223
Himalayan Gochi JuicE/Found. for Health & Healing | (509) 270-1234
3430 S. Grand, Spokane WA 99203
Lorien Natural Foods | (509) 456-0702
1102 South Perry, Spokane, WA 99202
Mother’s Cupboard Nutrition | (509) 533-0554
3001 East 29th Ave., Spokane, WA 99223 Pilgrim’s Nutrition
Spokane Valley Mall: 14700 E. Indiana Ave. Ste #1176, 99216 | (509) 924-2889 Northtown Mall: 4750 North Division Street #172, 99207 | (509) 489-1112 Dishman Square: 9118 E. Sprague Ave Spokane, WA 99206 | (509) 928-1741 Coeur d’Alene: 1316 North 4th, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 | (208) 676-9730
a cooperative
Spokane Vitamin & Mineral | (509) 326-5826
1008 West Rosewood, Spokane, WA 99208
Home brew – beer/wine Jim’s Home Brew Supply | (509) 328-4850
Local Food Co-op Member Owned. Locally Driven.
2619 North Division., Spokane, WA 99207
ICE cream – local The Milk Bottle | (509) 325-1772
802 West Garland, Spokane, WA 99205 The Scoop | (509) 535-7171
1001 W. 25th Ave, Spokane, WA 99203
44 West Main, corner of Browne and Main • 458-COOP GO GREEN DIRECTORY
FOOD 149 Highway 395, Colville, WA 99114
ICE cream – local, Wholesale BRAIN FREEZE CREAMERY | (509) 922-5326
303 East Second Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99202 Brain Freeze Creamery is a ridiculously small manufacturer of super premium ice cream and sorbet; made in tiny, loving batches, with chunks and swirls stirred by hand. Our creative and custom flavors are scooped in Coeur’d Alene, Pullman and notably, at The Scoop, along with numerous restaurants in Spokane.
Luna Restaurant | (509) 448-2383
5620 South Perry Street, Spokane, WA 99223 Main Market | (509) 458-COOP 44 West Main, Spokane WA, 99201-
Visit our in-store deli and eat-in or take out delicious, local, natural salads, soups, sandwiches and entrees! Support local producers. Support your local co-op. Mizuna | (509) 747-2004
214 North Howard St., Spokane, WA 99201 Northern Lights Brewing Company | (509) 242-2739
1003 East Trent Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
Gluten Free
One World Spokane | (509) 270-1608
Gluten Free Spokane
1804 E Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA 99201
Your source for restaurants, groceries and reviews.
We are an Organic Community Kitchen with a mindful purpose.•CLASSES You reduce food & WORKSHOPS •LOCALLY DELICIOUS waste by choosing your own portions of creatively crafted local food and then you price your meal fairly, based on your choices and budget. You can also volunteer in exchange for a meal. Additionally you will have the opportunity to pay a little extra to help with our volunteer meals, complimentary dishes and community garden. Main Market | (509) 458-COOP
44 West Main, Spokane WA, 99201 Natural Food Co-op, anyone may shop anyone may join. Support local producers. Become a member owner. Find some of the Northwest’s best food and grocery products, made with sustainability and the health of you and your community in mind. Check out our great selection of regional beer, wine & fine cheeses.
Natural Markets/Organic Produce Fresh Abundance! | (509) 533-2724
The Palm Court – Davenport Hotel | (509) 789-6848
10 South Post, Spokane, WA 99201 SCratch | (509) 456-5656
1007 West First, Spokane, WA 99201 The Flatbread Pizza Co. | (509) 385-2597
Huckleberry’s Natural Market | (509) 624-1349
Steam plant grill | (509) 777-3900
926 South Monroe, Spokane, WA 99204
159 S. Lincoln., Spokane, WA 99201
Main Market | (509) 458-COOP
Vin Rouge | (509) 535-8800
Pilgrim’s Natural foods market | (208) 676-9730
1316 North 4th, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 The Rocket Market | (509) 343-2253
726 East 43rd Avenue, Spokane, WA 99203
Restaurants—Organic/Natural/ Locally Grown Food Herbal Essence | (509) 838-4600
115 North Washington Street, Spokane, WA 99201 Hula Hut Grill | (509) 466-2336 12210 N. Division St. #A, Spokane, WA 99218 Isabella’s Restarant & Gin Joint | (509) 624-0660
21 West Main, Spokane, WA 99201 Latah Bistro | (509) 838-8338
4241 South Cheney Spokane Road Ste# C, Spokane, WA 99224 Lovitt Restaurant | (509) 684-5444 10
901 W. 14th, Spokane, WA 99204
Sante Restaurant & Charcuterie | (509) 315-4613
Natural Food Co-op, anyone may shop anyone may join. Support local producers. Become a member owner. Find some of the Northwest’s best food and grocery products, made with sustainability and the health of you and your community in mind. Check out our great selection of regional beer, wine & fine cheeses.
Picabu Neighborhood Bistro | (509) 624-2464
North: 2015 N. Division (509) 533-2724 Valley: 3324 S. Best Rd., (509) 924-7774
44 West Main, Spokane WA, 99201
404 W. Main, Spokane WA 99201
In creating our frequently updated menu, we strive to use the freshest, locally grown ingredients whenever possible.
3029 East 29th Avenue, Spokane, WA 99223
2008 Full Service Restaurant of the Year! – Washington Restaurant Association
Wild Sage American Bistro | (509) 456-7575
916 West Second Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201 Wild Sage is Spokane’s premier downtown bistro. Alexa 916 W. 2nd Ave, Downtown Spokane | | 456-7575 Wilson, our homegrown award-winning chef uses fresh, locally grown and purchased ingredients whenever possible to create our frequently updated menu. Zola | (509) 624-2416
22 Main Street, Spokane, WA 99201
Wineries—Organic Badger Mountain Wine | (800) 643-9463
1106 South Jurupa St., Kennewick, WA 99338 China Bend Winery | (800) 700-6123
3751 Vineyard Way, Kettle Falls, WA 99141 On the Northport-Flat Creek Road along Lake Roosevelt. Your destination for organic sulfite-free wines and gourmet foods. Visit our beautiful winery estate. Bed & Breakfast at the Winery. Tasting Room and Gift Shop open daily Noon-5:00, Closed Sundays //
inland Massage Institute | (509) 465-3033
Acupuncture & Naturopathic Clinic | (509) 536-8484
Brianna Lindaman, LMP | (509) 624-1632
1225 East Rockwood Blvd., Spokane, WA 99203
Chinese Acupuncture & Herb Clinic | (509) 325-3588
1856 West Broadway, Spokane, WA 99201 Jeanann Eckert L.Ac. | (509) 323-0571
Northside and South Hill Locations, Spokane, WA Longevity Health Center. |(509) 838-1770
933 West 3rd Avenue, Ste. 106, Spokane, WA 99201
111 East Magnesium Road. Ste# F, Spokane, WA 99208 323 West 15th Ave., Spokane, WA 9920
Main Touch Massage & Wellness Center | (509) 747-9200
20 West Main Street Ste# 200, Spokane, WA 99201 Andrea Marie, LMP | (509) 624-5973
2027 West Indiana Avenue, Spokane, WA 99205 Mother Herbee’s Massage, lmt | (509) 701-1578
1609 W. Garland, Spokane, WA 99205
Mary Iverson | (509) 863-5851
430 W. 2nd Ave., Spokane, WA 99201 New Moon Family Acupuncture | (253) 273-5235
3418 S Grand, Spokane, WA 99203
Rebecca Kemnitz LAc | (509) 270-5088
3324 S. Grand Blvd. Spokane, WA 99223 Kim Krull LAc | (509) 747-8275
508 West 6th Ave. Ste# 602, Spokane, WA 99204 Becky Oos Lac, The Main Touch | (509) 230-4580
20 West Main Ave. Ste. 200, Spokane, WA 99201
Becky Oos has been practicing Oriental medicine in Spokane since 1999. She uses acupuncture, herbs & nutrition to encourage your body’s natural healing ability to help you attain a state of balance. Becky specializes in women’s health issues as well as pain disorders, stress, internal disorders, allergies, & insomnia. Saskia Peck LAc | (509) 999-0876
Spokane, WA 99201
Angela-Marie Slotten | (509) 326-6654
1428 West Mansfield, Spokane, WA 99205 Stillpoint Acupuncture |(509) 534-5712
3144 East 29th Ave, Spokane, WA 99223
Bodywork—Massage A Compassionate Touch | (509) 326-5762
515 West Francis, Spokane, WA 99205
Abundant Life Massage | (509) 467-8175
9415 North Newport Hwy., Spokane, WA 99218 Associates for Health | (509) 838-5661
12325 West 1st Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201 Affirm Therapeutic Massage | (509) 893-8986
15413 East Valleyway A101, Spokane Valley, WA 99037 Back In Touch Therapeutic Massage | (509) 999-1218
8601 North Division, Ste. 1, Spokane, WA 99208 Harvey Caine, LMP | (509) 270-1234
3430 S. Grand Blvd., Spokane, WA 99203 Nancy Edison | (509) 991-1946
1625 West 4th, Spokane, WA 99201 Amber hamlin, LMP | (509) 475-9174
7406 East Sprague, Ste. 8, Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Advanced Rolf Method of Structural Integration
David Hamberger LMP | (509) 216-1444
122 North University Ste. 101, Spokane WA 99206 Greg Hughes | (509) 993-5010
430 W 2nd Ave, Spokane, WA 99201 Healing Hands Massage & Reiki | (509) 343-4263
(509) 220-1056 •
3898 West Northwest Blvd., Spokane, WA 99205
NATURALHEALTH Corrine Mountjoy LMP | (509) 599-BABY (2229)
Sacred Hearth Womens’ Health Center | (509) 474-2400
Spokane Valley, WA
101 West 8th Ave. West Tower, Ste. 12, Spokane, WA 99204
Northwest Noetic School Of Massage | (509) 835-4000
2702 West Sunset Blvd., Spokane, WA 99224
Northwest Touch Massage Therapy | (509) 466-6106
14 West Graves Road, Spokane, WA 99218
Childbirth Related Services— Midwifery & Doulas Dayspring Midwifery Services | (208) 772-2823
Second Spring Massage Therapy Clinic | (509) 327-8306
2320 North Atlantic, Ste. 103, Spokane, WA 99205
1076 W. Hayden Ave., Hayden, ID 83835
JuliA Denlinger/Birthfree | (509) 534-5056
Spokane, WA
South Hill Massage Center | (509) 624-0567
327 West 8th, Ste# 222, Spokane, WA 99204
Margaret Lipton MS, CNM, ARNP | (509) 999-2755
2429 East North Altamont, Spokane, WA 99202
South Perry Therapeutic Massage | (509) 532-0150
1016 South Perry, Spokane, WA 99202
Northwest OB-GYN | (509) 455-5050
105 West 8th, Ste# 6020, Spokane, WA 99204
synergy health care | (509) 444-8383
1605 W. Garland Ave., Spokane, WA 99205
Spokane Midwives | (509) 326-4366
127 East Euclid Ave. Spokane, WA 99207
Trillium Massage & Wellness | (509) 218-0562
Katharine Kalk LMP, Spokane, WA
Cathy Weston/Birth journey | (509) 773-9420
PO Box 966, Newman Lake, WA 99025
Valley Massage Clinic | (509) 921-9800
12121 East Broadway, Bldg#5B, Spokane, WA 99206
Woman Health | (509) 747-1055
910 West Fifth Ave., #510, Spokane WA 99204
Martha A, Vosahlo, LMP | (509) 535-3038
2721 East Sprague, Spokane, WA 99202
Wellness Education Center| (509) 280-0839
922 South Cowley , Spokane WA 99201
Babyland Diaper Service | (509) 535-2997
1520 East Trent Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
Bodywork—Structural Integration Hands-On Therapeutic Bodywork| (509) 443-7243
3307 South Fiske St., Spokane, WA 99223
Hellerwork Structural Integration Since 1987. Darcey Byrne LMP and Harry Tweedie LMP provide advance treatment for soft tissue injuries and conditions as well as improvements in overall global health and vitality. Hellerwork myofascial release for long lasting reduction of stiffness and pain. Structural integration for improved alignment, core strength, ease of movement, performance and well-being. Jake McBurns, LMP | (509) 220 -1056
2nd Avenue Healing Arts 430 W. 2nd Ave. Ste. 101, Spokane, WA 99201
Jake McBurns Rolf Method of Structural Integration
I have been doing manual therapy bodywork for nine years. My primary focus is based on structural integration, which has been developed by Dr. Rolf. Whether you have a chronic pain or want to increase your potential, I am confident I can help you. 1403 S. Grand Blvd. #101S Owen Marcus | (208) 265-8440
219 Cedar Street, Suite A, Sandpoint, ID 83864
Spokane, Wa 99203 509.838.2225
Childbirth Related Services—Birth Classes Bradley Method Of Childbirth | (509) 328-3143
Childbirth Related Services—Lactation & Breastfeeding Support Alicia Burgett, IBclc, cle | (509) 226-0148
Spokane, WA
Deaconess Breastpump Rental | (509) 473-7056
800 West 5th Ave. 1st Floor, Outpatient Pharmacy, Spokane, WA Deaconess Women’s & Children’s Center | (509) 473-7241
800 West 5th Avenue, Spokane, WA 99204
La Leche League International | (509) 534-3674
Manito Methodist Church, 3220 South Grand Blvd., Rm. 9, Spokane, WA. Monthly meetings the second Wednesday of the month at 6 PM. Mothers helping mothers with breastfeeding, nutrition and parenting. 12
the care shop at Sacred Heart Medical Center | (509) 474-4040
101 West 8th Ave. West Addition, Main Floor Spokane, WA 99204
NATURALHEALTH Chiropractors Applied Health Care Associates | (509) 838-BACK (2225)
1403 South Grand Blvd., Ste. 1015, Spokane, WA A QUality Life Health Center | (509) 327-3393
1609 W. Garland, Spokane, WA 99205
Back To Basics Chiropractic | (509) 924-0504
807 North Sullivan Rd, Ste. #1, WA 99037 Central Chiropractic | (509) 484-7578
20 W. Central, Spokane, WA 99205
Chiropractic Associates | (509) 326-2570
1207 W. Northwest Blvd., Spokane, WA 99205 Chiropractic Works Wellness Center | (509) 893-2277
920 North Argonne Road #100, Spokane Valley, WA 99212 Fourth Avenue Chiropractic Clinic | (509) 624-5855
1625 W. 4th Avenue Suite 200, Spokane, WA 99201
Amy Foss, DC Spinal & Sports Care Clinic | (509) 922-0303
12905 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99216
Spokane Valley Chiropractic Center, P.L.L.C. | (509) 924-9990
905 North Pines Road, Ste. C, Spokane Valley, WA 99206
Whalen Family Chiropractic Center | (509) 777-BACK (2225)
100 Mullan Road, Ste. 103, Spokane, WA 99206
2317 West Clark, Spokane, WA Club Compassion | (509) 483 1314
1004 E. Bridgeport, 99207 Spokane, WA crystalWolfe Blends | (509) 217-2132
409 First Street, Cheney WA 99004
Holistic Expressions | (509) 990-2535
2810 29th, Spokane,WA 99203
The Family Of Light Healing Center | (509) 389-7290
3814 East 9th Avenue, Spokane WA 99202 Healing From The Heart |(509) 344-3278
316 West Boone Ave. Ste 270, Spokane WA 99201 Integrative Healing Arts, | (509) 328-3337
3908 West Cronin, Spokane, WA 99205 Debbie Markley | (208) 659-0978
1034 N. 3rd. Ste. 1, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 Sharon M Murphy, MS | (509) 714-8016
Spokane, WA
Voice Dialogue And Tranformational Therapy | (509) 624-4937
3424 South Grand Blvd., Spokane WA 99203
HYPNOTHERAPy Advancing Hope Hypnotherapy | (509) 325-0721
1428 West Northwest Blvd. , Spokane,WA
Cynthea Cunninghamm, MS | (509) 838-3221
Hypnotherapy Insititute | (509) 327-4465
323 West 15th Avenue, Spokane, WA 99203
Green Leaf Psychology | (509) 838-8066
North Idaho Hypnotherapy | (208) 660-1616
3157 E 17th Ave, Spokane, WA 99223
P.O. Box 3565; Post Falls, ID 83877-3565
Heart to heart counseling | (509) 747-7147
Positive Changes Hypnosis Center | (509) 462-4222
1503 West 7th Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201
220 West Francis Avenue, Spokane,WA 99205
Inner journeys | (509) 455-4079
Shared Transitions | (509) 326-5350
334 South Grant St., Spokane, WA 99202
1411 West Garland, Ste. B, Spokane, WA 99205
Mountain Lake Counseling & Support Services | (208) 263-8505
Soul Odyssey | (509) 927-3048
804 Airport Way Ste. A, Sandpoint, ID 83864 Shared Transitions | (509) 326-5350
1411 West Garland, Ste. C, Spokane, WA 99205
St. Joseph Family Center | (509) 483-6495
Rebecca bohn | (509) 838-8168
1016 North Superior, Spokane, WA 99202
Dentistry—Holistic Defelice Family Dentistry | (509) 327-7719
4703 North Maple Street Spokane, WA 99205 Dr. Curtis Eastin, Center For Modern Dentistry | (208) 667-4844
Spokane, WA
Padma Ling Buddhist Center | (509) 747-1559
1014 West 7th Avenue, Spokane, WA 99203
Spokane Buddhist Church | (509) 534-7954
927 South Perry Street, Spokane, WA 99203
1250 Ironwood Drive, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814
Naturopaths/Alternative Medicine
Holistic Dental Center | (509) 325-2051
Advanced Wellness Clinic | (509) 487-5717
731 West Indiana Ave. Spokane, WA 99205
15 East Central, Spokane WA 99208
Dr. Peterson Dental | (509) 747-2183
Clear Point Therapy Vibrational Medicine | (509) 990-5884
1604 W. Riverside, Spokane, WA 99201
Nine Mile Falls, WA
Dr. Craig Simmons | (509) 325-2051
Coeur d’ Alene Healing Arts | (208) 664-1644
3404 West NW Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205
Healing arts/reiki
520 Coeur d’Alene Avenue, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 Will Corell, MD/ABFP | (509) 838-5800
3424 South Grand Blvd., Spokane, WA 99223
Alternative Health Therapy | (509) 276-4028
Evergreen Naturopathic | (509) 755-5100
Spokane, WA
315 West 9th Ave., Ste. 105, Spokane, WA 99203
Candess M. Campbell | (509) 363-1789
Al Morgan, ND | (509) 535-9135
104 South Freya St. Ste# 203, Spokane, WA 99202 GO GREEN DIRECTORY
NATURALHEALTH North Spokane Natural Medical Center | (509) 465-5767
camp Gifford | (509) 233–2511
403 West Hastings, Spokane, WA 99218
3846 North Deer Lake Road, Spokane, WA 99148
Windrose Naturopathic clinic | (509) 327-5143
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center | (509) 448-1224
1137 W. Garland Ave. Spokane, WA 99205
Personal Fitness Trainers Absolute Fitness Empowerment Center | (509) 475-3225
98 E Francis Ave., Spokane WA 99208 All About Fitness | (509) 624-6474
6910 South Ben Burr Road, Spokane, WA 99223
Scharelant Healing Retreat Center | (208) 664-6065
Coeur D’Alene, ID 83814
Writer’s Retreat | (509) 534-8350
Northport, WA
9 North Browne Street, Spokane, WA
Emde Sports | (509) 326-6983
Mosaic | (509) 536-1700
P.O. Box 9688, Spokane, WA 99209-9688 fitness together | (509) 448-3732
3209 East 57th Avenue, Spokane, WA Specialty Training, Inc. | (509) 624-4777
421 West Riverside Avenue, Spokane, WA
1328 South SE Blvd, Spokane WA 99203 Spa Paradiso | (509) 747-3529
10 South Post, Spokane WA 99201 Urbana Natural Salon & SPA | (509) 747-7076
168 S. Division St., Spokane WA 99202
Physical Therapy—Wellness/Sports
Holistic Physical Therapy | (509) 927-1435
Blue lotus Sanctuary | (208) 665-1946
807 North Sullivan Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99037 The Metabolic Institute (509) 747-7066
910 W. 5th Ave. Ste. 660, Spokane WA 99204 Rockwood Physical Therapy | (509) 838-2531
Main: 505 East 3rd Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202 North: 9107 North Country Homes Blvd., Spokane, WA 99218 Valley: 15412 East Sprague, Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane Occupational & Hand Therapy | (509) 624-2353
601 West 5th Avenue, Ste. 304, Spokane WA 99204 U-District Physical Therapy | (509) 458-7686
730 North Hamilton, Spokane WA 99202
Products—Natural Health & Beauty
613 Dollar Street, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 yoga shala | (509) 869-4121
505 East 24th Avenue, Spokane, WA 99203 lila Yoga Studio | (509) 869-0817
20 West Main Ave. Spokane, WA 99201 Harmony Yoga, LLC | (509) 747-4430
1717 West 6th Ave. Spokane, WA 99204 mellow monkey yoga studio | (509) 270-0001
9017 East Euclid, Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Moon Tree gentle yoga & Wellness center
511 South Pine Street, Ste. D, Spokane, WA 99202 Radha Yoga Center | (509) 838-3575
406 South Coeur d’Alene St., Spokane, WA 99204
Intuitiv Body | (509) 869-0289
Saint Joseph Family Center | (509) 483–6495
Intuitiv Body is your source for 100% natural bath and body products. Handcrafted from the highest quality food grade ingredients attained from sustainable sources with 100% eco friendly packaging. If you are conscious about living green, having smooth and moisturized skin and, raising your intuitive awareness these products are for you.
Spokane Youth Yoga | (509) 220-7419
176 South Howard, Spokane, WA 99201 //
Donna School of Dance | (509) 922-1011
1016 North Superior, Spokane, WA 99202 711 E. Plateau Rd., Spokane, WA 99203 South perry yoga | (509) 443-6241
1006 South Perry, Spokane, WA 99202 Twist yoga | (509) 995-5505
11707 East Sprague Avenue Ste. B, Spokane Valley, WA
Smoking cessation
Precision Pilates of Spokane | (509) 747-3439
Metavision | (509) 209-3019
221 West Pacific, Spokane,WA 99201
The Pilates Life: Maria Sevilla | (509) 994-8109
Reflexology 2028 East 14th Ave. Spokane,WA 99202
The Metabolic Institute (509) 747-7066
910 W. 5th Ave. Ste. 660, Spokane WA 99204
Lori Aluna | (509) 455-4266
Spokane WA
WEllness support coach
Retreat Centers Chewelah Peak Learning Center | (509) 935–7400
3215 Flowery Trail, Chewelah, WA 99148 GO GREEN DIRECTORY
WEight loss Alternative Health Therapy Hypnosis | (509) 276-4028
BodyWorks by boorman | (509) 532-0675
Spokane, WA
Isagenix | (509) 435-2238
Spokane WA //
GOGREENDIRECTORY // GREENBUILDING building materials Solatube | (509) 993-3983
704 N. Superior St. # C, Spokane, WA 99202 VPI Home Solutions | (509) 892-6460
3420 E. Ferry Ave., Spokane, WA
Brown Building Materials | (509) 535-0112
112 North Erie St., Spokane, WA 99202
Dickson Iron & Metal| (509) 535-1646
907 North Dyer Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99212 Habitat Spokane Building Surplus Store | (509) 535-9517
Insulated Concrete Forms | (509) 443-7205
850 East Trent Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202
OXFORD FABRICATION | (509) 868-5480
Intermountain Wood | (509) 921-2258
TREADLIGHT | (406) 327-1123
P.O. Box 8846, Missoula, MT 59807 HABITEK | (509) 482-2764
10407 East Buckeye Lane, Spokane, WA 99206 Overhauser’s Manufacturer’s Outlet | (509) 838-5128
152 South Lincoln, Spokane, WA 99201
P.O. Box 3001 Spokane, WA 99202
Quarry Tile Company | (509) 536-2812
Refuge Sustainable Building Center | (406) 585-4958
Reliance Specialty Building Products | (509) 466-9300.
Building Materials—Interior Carpet Gallery | (509) 928-3900
14109 East Sprague Ave. Ste#6, Spokane, WA 99216 Eco Depot | (509) 924-8803
1326 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane, WA
Since 1994, Eco Depot has been providing products that meet the strictest criteria in regards to innovation, quality, durability and environmental responsibility. Linoleum and Carpet City | (509) 326-9431
1426 West Francis, Spokane, WA 99205
Quality Floors & Interiors | (509) 747-2295
706 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202 SUSTAINABLE FLOORING, INC. │ (509) 270-5737
1302 N. Hollis Street, Spokane, WA 99201
4825 N Basin Ave., Portland, OR 97217 Rodda Paint | (509) 533-9838
5417 East Broadway, Spokane, WA 99212 8117 North Division, Spokane, WA 99208 Sandpoint Signs & Graphics | (208) 946-4850
516 Larch Street Sandpoint, ID 83864
Sherwin Williams Paints | (509) 922-1177
503 North Pines, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 3024 South Grand Blvd. Spokane, WA 99223
6328 East Utah, Spokane, WA 99202
714 East Mendenhall, Bozeman, MT 59715
Tormino’s Sash & Glass | (509) 534-0537
102 North Helena Street, Spokane, WA 99202
PO Box 145, Newman Lake, WA 99025
13524 Copper Canyon Rd., Spokane, WA 99208
“Creating innovative and healthy solutions for your home, business, and community projects.” o Natural resource-efficient materials o Straw bale and other alternative building systems o Passive solar, daylighting, and other natural ventilation o Healthy indoor environments o Site responsive designs o Energy efficiency
Sun People Dry Goods Company | (509) 710-5249
24 West Second, Spokane, WA 99201
Opens soon. Spokane’s own green general store. Come see our Spokane-exclusive line of non-toxic, environmentally-produced and regionally-made, Yolo Colorhouse Paints. Wahl paint center | (509) 328-5544
512 W. Indiana Ave., Spokane, WA 99205
Building Materials—
621 South ‘f’ st., spokane, wa 99224 tel: (509) 747-7647 Fax: (509) 747-5979 email: W e b s i t e : w w w. t o m a n g e l l . c o m GO GREEN DIRECTORY
708 E. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
Band Construction, Inc. | (509) 216-5384
45 W 29th Ave. Spokane, WA 99203 Builders Etc. | (509) 991-4580
PO Box 1198 Mead, WA 99021 CONDRON HOMES, LLC | (509) 325-4865
802 W. Rosewood Ave., Spokane, WA 99208 CRAFTSMAN HOMES NORTHWEST, INC. | (509) 443-8852
PO Box 30745, Spokane, WA 99223
Eagle Ridge-A Newland Northwest Community | (509) 443-8108
115 W Eagle Ridge Blvd. Spokane, WA 99224
Envision Land & Development | (509) 343-1350
16 W Harrison St. Seattle, WA 98119
Frederick’s Group, Inc. | (509) 684-5733
117 W Astor Ave. Colville, WA 99114
George H. White, Inc. | (509) 921-9752
PO Box 52, Liberty Lake, WA 99019
GEORGEN HOMES, INC. | (509) 216-2618
PO Box 356, Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 HAND CRAFTED CONSTRUCTION | (509) 218-4773
513 E. Pine Needle Ave., Cobert, WA 99005
Inland Northwest Built Green | (800) 216-1733
5813 E. 4th , Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Built Green® is an environmental building program designed to provide homebuyers with comfortable, durable, environmentally friendly homes that are cost- effective to own and operate. These resource- efficient homes are crafted to exceed building codes and provide homeowners with years of healthy, quality living, while protecting our precious Inland Northwest environment. Lewis Construction & Development, Inc. | (509) 951-6959
12402 N Division #197. Spokane, WA 99218 MARKHAM HOMES, INC. | (509) 927-1437
PO Box 610, Liberty Lake, WA 99019
w w w. g l o b a l e n t e r p r i s e s w a . c o m LICENSE#
Morse Western Homes | (509) 927-9746
24915 E Maxwell Ln. Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Ramey Construction Co., Inc. | (509) 483-9000
5930 N Freya St. Spokane, WA 99217
39505 N. Elk-Chattaroy Rd., Elk, WA 99009
For your next remodel or new construction, we are the company you are looking for, so…
PO Box 370 Clayton, WA 99110
STRAHL CONSTRUCTION | (509) 994-1185
3809 E. 52nd Ct., Spokane, WA 99223
Straight Line Construction | (509) 466-9154
10802 N Florida Ln. Spokane, WA 99021 UBUILDIT | (509) 326-0544
300 N. Argonne Rd. #201, Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Let us help you green your project!
Victory Homes | (208) 777-7000
2120 Northwest Blvd. Ste B, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 Whitewater Creek, Inc. | (208) 772-0108
PO Box 1478, Hayden, ID 83835
Contractors—Design, build, Operate, Maintain McKinstry | 509.747.3389
9 S. Washington Street, #605, Spokane, WA 99201 16
(509)385-9249 (509)294-4976 926 W. Spofford, Spokane, WA 99205
GREENBUILDING Contractors—Historic Preservation Wells & Company | (509) 624-8050
1325 West 1st Avenue, #300, Spokane, WA 99201
1208 S. Elm St., Spokane, WA 99204 ABEID CONSTRUCTION | (509) 738-2664
1981 Rickey Canyon Rd., Rice, WA 99167 Adverb LLC | (509) 714-1465
1312 East 33rd Ave., Spokane, WA BAND CONSTRUCTION, INC. | (509) 216-5384
45 W. 29th Ave., Spokane, WA 99203
GLOBAL Green ENTERPRISES | (509) 385-9249
926 W. Spofford, Spokane, WA 99205
Green Global Enterprises offers a full range of services, from design to construction, so your project can incorporate the features you want to make it more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Our certifications include partnership with Energy Star, membership in Built Green, the City of Spokane’s SMART program, and certified green professionals. Inland Northwest Built Green | (800) 216-1733
5813 E. 4th , Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Built Green® is an environmental building program designed to provide homebuyers with comfortable, durable, environmentally friendly homes that are cost- effective to own and operate. These resource- efficient homes are crafted to exceed building codes and provide homeowners with years of healthy, quality living, while protecting our precious Inland Northwest environment. Pura Vida | (509) 570-4449
3507 North Atlantic, Spokane, WA 99205 Pura Vida Homes is a locally owned and operated home builder, specializing in strawbale insulated homes and sustainable building practices. At Pura Vida Homes we believe the choices we make when creating a home should incorporate our local natural resources, have minimal impact on our ecosystem, and provide a healthy environment in which to live and thrive. Straight Line Construction | (509) 466-9154
10802 N. Florida Lane, Spokane, WA
Spokane's only DIY, non-profit community bike shop - Hands-on classes - Used parts - Used bikes - Work stand rental by the hour 1802 E Sprague
Countertops—Concrete Concrete habitat | (509) 533-2722
407 North Madelia, Spokane, WA 99202 Mitch Wetzel Concrete | (509) 979-5005
Spokane, WA
Design Professionals—Alternative Energy & Strawbale Thomas W. Angell, Architect AIA | (509) 747-7647
621 South F St. Spokane, WA 99224 or
W. E
My firm creates innovative and healthy solutions for your home, business, and community projects. I believe in design that is energy and resource efficient, fosters GO GREEN DIRECTORY
GREENBUILDING local communities, honors social justice, and promotes a healthy environment. Elements of my work have included straw bale, rainwater harvesting systems, natural daylight and ventilation, and passive/active solar design. Copeland Architecture & Construction, Inc. | (509) 838-9085
528 East Spokane Falls Blvd. Ste. 503, Spokane, WA 99202
Copeland is a design/build company that creates sensible, creative and sustainable solutions for our residential and commercial clients. We understand our client’s needs and wants, combine them with their unique site and budget, and ask our clients to participate in a collaborative project. Certified Green Professional and LEED AP. BRuce Millard: Studio of Sustainable Design | (208) 263-3815
Bruce Millard, Architect 100 Jana Lane Sandpoint, ID 83864
Architectural services for building the man-made environment, while protecting the health and beauty of the natural environment, and its inhabitants. Our design principles use natural non-toxic and recycled materials, durable construction, site sensitive and solar oriented design, while creating healthy and spirituallynurturing environments. Licensed in Idaho and Washington. Kelly Lerner, Architect—One World Design | (509) 838-8812
Spokane, WA or We work with our clients to design or remodel homes in harmony with nature using traditional forms and natural materials (strawbale, earth, stone and wood). Specialties: passive solar, daylighting, remodeling, strawbale construction and indoor-outdoor living. Over ten years experience in sustainable, energy-efficient design. Named in top ten green architects in USA.
208 263 3815 100 Jana Lane, Sandpoint, Idaho
Rathmann Design, Inc. | (509) 389-4886
1208 S. Elm St., Spokane, WA 99204
Don Stephens’ Terratech Eco-Design Team | (509) 838-8222
Spokane, WA
PO Box 402, Sandpoint, ID 83864
528 East Spokane Falls Blvd. #503, Spokane, WA 99202
Copeland is a design/build company that creates sensible, creative and sustainable solutions for our residential and commercial clients. We understand our client’s needs and wants, combine them with their unique site and budget, and ask our clients to participate in a collaborative project. Certified Green Professional and LEED AP. GLOBAL Green ENTERPRISES | (509) 385-9249
926 W. Spofford, Spokane, WA 99205
Green Global Enterprises offers a full range of services, from design to construction, so your project can incorporate the features you want to make it more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Our certifications include partnership with Energy Star, membership in Built Green, the City of Spokane’s SMART program, and certified green professionals. Greenstone Homes & Neighborhoods (509) 458-5860
1421 N. Meadowwood Lane, Suite 200, Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Brent Peterson Construction LLC | (509) 926-3130
6111 S. Saddleridge, Green Acres, WA 99016 SHAMROCK CONSTRUCTION | (509) 777-0004
1110 N Stanley Rd., Spokane Valley, WA 99212 18
Kelly Lerner
509- 838 - 8812
108 N. Washington, Suite 505, Spokane, WA 99201
Ecolite | (509) 922-8888
222 North Wall Street, Ste# 200, Spokane, WA 99201
P.O. Box 11366, Spokane, WA 99211 PACIFICAD | 800-722-2621
159 S. Lincoln, Spokane,WA 99201
MW Consulting | (509) 838-9020
Northwest Architectural Company | (509) 838-8240
1203 West Riverside Ave., Spokane, WA 99201
Ryan Arnold LEED AP and SBAC | (208) 660-4361
Design Professionals—continuing education
Coeur d’Alene, ID
Community Colleges of Spokane | (509) 533-4700
801 East 2nd Ave. Spokane, WA 99202
The Sustainable Building Advisor Certificate Program
Design Professionals—Interiors Contract Resource Group | (509) 458-0411
811 E. Sprague, Spokane, WA 99202
TestComm, LLC | (509) 533-0498
Zeck Butler Architects, PS | (509) 456-8236
421 West Riverside, Ste# 220, Spokane, WA 99201
Design—Lighting Daylighting Lab Spokane | (509) 358-7901
Design Source | (509) 455-8740
In-Home Design | (509) 981-0560
Design Professionals—Permaculture
804 S. Monroe, Spokane, WA 99204 PO BOX 58. Spokane, WA 99210
One Source Design | (509) 570-4284
1621 West 9th Ave. #5, Spokane, WA 99204
Design Professionals—Landscape HAASE LANDSCAPE, INC. | (509) 926-7950
Gentle Harvest | (208) 255-2440
908 Oak Street, Sandpoint, ID 83864 SAGEBRUSH COUNTRY GARDENS | (509) 968-3371 Sustainable Urban Solutions | (509) 927-2430 8802 East Valleyway Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99212
12202 E. Thorpe Rd., Spokane, WA 99206
Design Professionals – Residential Architects
Pacific Garden Design | (509) 838-3939
Earthwall Rammed Earth Architecture | (509) 838-7474
1508 South Chestnut, Spokane, WA 99224 terrabella, inc. | (509) 951-9227
P.O. Box 8291 Spokane, WA 99203
Design Professionals—LEED Accredited ALSC | (509) 838-8568
203 North Washington, Ste# 400 Spokane, WA 99201 Aylor Company | (509) 535-5374
3627 South Altamont St., Spokane, WA 99223 Bernardo Wills Architects | (509) 838-4511
107 South Howard, 4th Floor, Spokane, WA 99201 Coffman Engineers | (509) 328-2994
10 N. Post St, Suite 500, Spokane , WA 99201 Copeland Architecture & Construction, Inc. | (509) 838-9085
528 East Spokane Falls Blvd. Ste. 503, Spokane, WA 99202
Copeland is a design/build company that creates sensible, creative and sustainable solutions for our residential and commercial clients. We understand our client’s needs and wants, combine them with their unique site and budget, and ask our clients to participate in a collaborative project. Certified Green Professional and LEED AP.
157 South Howard, Suite 103, Spokane, WA 99201 EARTH SUN DESIGNS | (509) 701-5837
PO Box 8573, Spokane, WA 99203 GP DESIGNS | (509) 429-9663
312 W Chewuch Road, Winthrop, WA 98862 Thomas W. Angell, Architect AIA | (509) 747-7647
621 South F St., Spokane, WA 99224 or
My firm creates innovative and healthy solutions for your home, business, and community projects. I believe in design THOMAS W. ANGELL that is energy and resource efficient, fosters local communities, honors social justice, and promotes a healthy environment. Elements of my work have included straw bale, rainwater harvesting systems, natural daylight and ventilation, and passive/active solar design. A
Purple FlatTop, Ltd. architecture | (509) 935-4100
Thomas Bristol, AIA 2445 Highline Road, Chewelah, WA 99109
Kelly Lerner, Architect—One World Design | (509) 838-8812
Spokane, WA or
601 West Riverside Ave. Ste# 600 Spokane, WA 99201
We work with our clients to design or remodel homes in harmony with nature using traditional forms and natural materials (strawbale, earth, stone and wood). Specialties: passive solar, daylighting, remodeling, strawbale construction and indoor-outdoor living. Over ten years experience in sustainable, energy-efficient design. Named in top ten green architects in USA.
L&S Engineering | (509) 747-2179
Madsen Mitchell Evenson & Conrad PLLC | (509) 624-6800
Cortner Architectural Company | (509) 363-1039
1903 West 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA 99201 DCI Engineering | (509) 455-4448
216 W Pacific Ave, Ste# 211, Spokane, WA 99201 John Lape Architects | (509) 624-5600
601 West Main, Ste. 200, Spokane, WA 99201
216 North Howard, Spokane, WA 99201
Jon R. Sayler Architects | (509) 535-9207
534 Pine Street, Sandpoint, ID 83864
Lydig Construction, Inc. | (509) 534-0451
11001 East Montgomery, Spokane, WA 99206 Meulink Engineers | (509) 624-1050 GO GREEN DIRECTORY
GREENBUILDING Studio of Sustainable Design | (208) 263-3815
Bruce Millard, Architect 100 Jana Lane Sandpoint, ID 83864
Architectural services for building the man-made environment, while protecting the health and beauty of the natural environment, and its inhabitants. Our design principles use natural non-toxic and recycled materials, durable construction, site sensitive and solar oriented design, while creating healthy and spiritually-nurturing environments. Licensed in Idaho and Washington. Shelter & Associates | (208) 664-0372
Unique Gifts and Clothing
Find us on Facebook
122 East Poplar Avenue, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814
5524 E. Boone Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 99212 L&S Engineering | (509) 747-2179
Fair Trade • Earth Friendly • Local • 35 W. Main
Eco Depot, Inc. celebrating our 16th year
216 West Pacific Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201 O.K. ELECTRIC, INC. | (509) 489-5800
3721 E. Central Ave., Spokane, WA
engineers—LEED Accredited Coffman Engineers | (509) 328-2994
10 N. Post St, Suite 500, Spokane , WA 99201
Planners—Historic & Environmental Jim Kolva | (509) 458-5517
115 South Adams St. Spokane, WA 99201 1326 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane, WA
Tel. 509.924.8803
Studio Cascade Community Planning & Design | (509) 835-3770
117 West Pacific Avenue, Ste. 200, Spokane, WA 99201 //
Life Is In The Air We Share. For over 40 years it has been our responsibility and privilege to ensure clean, healthful air for current and future generations of Spokane County residents. We implement air quality regulations and programs such as: Air Pollution Source Permitting & Inspections Air Quality Monitoring & Forecasting Air Quality Burn Bans l Asbestos Control & Enforcement Complaint Response & Enforcement l Business Assistance Wood Heating Education & Enforcement
For more information about our programs or to subscribe to our free email lists (e.g. daily air quality, burn bans, news, proposed regulations) please contact us: Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency 3104 E. Augusta Avenue, Spokane, WA 99207 (509) 477-4727 l Working with you for clean air 20
Full-Service Sustainable Lawn Care Clean & quiet electric equipment powered by renewable energy Organic fertilization program Mowing • Trimming • Edging • Weeding Blowing • Spring & Fall Clean-ups • Organic Fertilization • Pruning & Trimming • Gardening
Clean. Green. Organic
Clothing used—boutiques
Mr. Clean Sweep | (509) 270-1566
Bj’s at Goodwill |(509) 444-2396
Spokane, WA
202 East 3rd Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202
Proven Air | (509) 835-4109
The Clothes Closet | (509) 891-7413
Spokane, WA
12510 East Sprague, Spokane, WA
Zerorez | (509) 922-5326
Drop Yer Drawers |
1104 North Park Road, Spokane, WA 99212
6719 W Garland Ave, Spokane, WA
Air Quality—Indoors
93 W. Garland, Spokane, WA 99205
ABC Furnace & Duct Cleaning | (509) 747-7260
Fringe and Fray | (509) 747-2312
Spokane, WA
1325 West 1st Avenue Spokane, WA 99201
The Mold Ranger | (509) 998-3236
Finders Keepers | (509) 838-4590
Spokane, WA
112 South Cedar Street, Spokane, WA 99201
Zerorez | (509) 922-5326
Rags Unique Boutique | (208) 659-1356
1104 North Park Road, Spokane, WA 99212
503 North 4th Street, Coeur D’ Alene, ID
Asbestos, Lead, Mold Removal Ecoquest International | (509) 466-2276
Wee Ones Wear | (509) 328-7768
6821 N Division St, Spokane, WA 99208
7516 E. Columbia Dr., Spokane, WA 99212
Fulcrum Environmental Consulting | (509) 459-9220
Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency | (509) 477-4727,
THE NATURAL ABODE | (888) 307-7234
207 West Boone, Spokane, WA 99207
3104 E. Augusta Ave., Spokane, WA 99207
Elegant Peasant | (509) 325-9857 Remodeling? Asbestos is a health hazard when microscopic fibers are released to the air. Spokane Clean Air has information available, including removal guidelines for some projects. Whether you do the work yourself or hire a contractor, everyone is accountable to follow regulations for asbestos surveys, removal and disposal. Spokane Clean Air has information available, including removal guidelines for some projects.
Cleaning—Non-Toxic Clean Green Spokane | (509) 844-7022
1215 E. 34th Ave., Spokane, WA 99203 | 509-315-7013
2709 S. Chestnut St., Spokane, WA Maid Naturally | (509) 994-3685
P.O. Box 6111, Spokane, WA 99217 Nature’s Housekeeping | (509) 570-4284
Spokane, WA
Spectrum Home Services of Washington | (509) 315-5057
423 Cleveland Ave Suite E., Spokane, WA
Sun People Dry Goods Company | (509) 710-5249
502 Cedar Street, Suite D, Sandpoint, ID 83864 517 South Main Street, Moscow, ID 83843 To create a sustainable, low impact landscape look to Clearwater seed.
Gardens – Supplies
A grower-owned seed production company specializing in locally produced grass and flower seed that allows for lower water and fertilizer inputs.
Bloomin Things | (208) 610-3454
Priest Lake, ID
Clearwater Seed | (509) 343-3108
Our Inland Northwest Native Mix
Waterless Lawn mix are designed For a sustainable, low impact landscape look to Clearwaterand A grower owned inSeed. the best interest of our planet. seed production company specializing in locally produced grass and flower seed To find a local retailer please contact us 509-343-3108 • 866-440-5431 that allows for lower water and fertilizer inputs and sustainable landscape. Our Inland Northwest Native mix and Waterless Lawn mix are designed in the best inter est of our Planet.
Discount Garden Supply | (509) 924-8333
10309 East Trent, Spokane, WA 99206
Enviro Gardening LLC | (208) 597-4553
885 Kirpals Way, Sagle, ID 83860
Northwest Seed and PEt | (509) 534-0694
2422 East Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA 99202 7302 North Division Street, Spokane, WA 99208 | (509) 484-7387 Northwest Seed & Pet is a local company serving the Spokane and Inland Northwest community for over Sixty years with a unique selection of garden products to fit most every need. Spokane’s largest selection of products for the organic gardner, including seed, fertilizers, alternative pest controls and soil amendments.
24 West Second, Spokane, WA 99201
Plantland nursery and garden gift | (509) 922-7618
Opens soon. Spokane’s own green general store. Be the first to utilize our locally-made non-toxic cleaning products bulk section, and other unique natural and organic cleaning products—that really work. We do the research, so you don’t have to.
River City Hydroponics | (509) 464-0246
zerorez | (509) 922-5326, 866-ZERO-REZ
1104 N. Park Rd. #5-B, Spokane Valley, WA 99212
15614 E. Sprague , Veradale, WA 99037 1514 East Francis, Spokane, WA 99208
Spokane Organics & Hyrdoponic | (509) 534-4055
4823 E Sprague Ave # E1, Spokane Valley, WA 99212 Sun People Dry Goods Company | (509) 710-5249
24 West Second, Spokane, WA 99201
Opens soon. Spokane’s own green general store. Check out
HOMEGARDEN our complete line of organic and green gardening products--organic pest control, worm bins, composters, chicken coops and feed, and more. T&J Enterprises | (509) 327-7670
Gardens - Supplies, Lawns Clearwater Seed | (509) 343-3108
Greenleaf Landscaping is a locally owned business that has been providing environmentally friendly landscape services to the Spokane area for over 30 years! We A grower-owned seed are committed to the environment - from total lawn and tree care to complete spray production company specializing service. We also offer Organic programs! Call for a free estimate in locally
To create a sustainable, low impact landscape look to Clearwater seed.
produced grass and flower seed that allows for lower water and fertilizer inputs.
Lilac Lawns, inc | (509) 926-2368
Living Water | (509) 487-3439 For a sustainable, low impact landscape look to Clearwater Seed. Our Inland Northwest Native Mix 6925 East Bigelow Gulch, Spokane, WA 99217 and Waterless Lawn mix are designed in the best interest of our planet. A grower owned seed production company specializing in locally produced grass Senske Lawn Care | (509) 535-3591 and flower seed that allows for lower water and fertilizer inputs andTosustainfind a local retailer please contact us Spokane, WA 509-343-3108 • 866-440-5431 able landscape. Our Inland Northwest Native mix and Waterless Lawn mix are SPRAY GREEN | (509) 954-2571 designed in the best inter PO Box 18037, Spokane, WA 99228 est of our Planet. Tall Tree Landscape Services | (509) 747-8733
5309 West Government Way, Spokane, WA 99224
Lawn mowing—ZERO emissions
Spokane, WA 99224
Clean Air Lawn Care | (509) 315-8524 | (509) 838-3131
221 N. Wall Street, Suite 628, Spokane, WA Kizuri | (509) 838-0664
35 West Main Ave. Spokane, WA 99201 Kizuri brings to you unique gifts and clothing, functional housewares, gorgeous jewelry, indigenous art, green toys and much more! All of our products are Fair Trade, earth friendly and local. We are committed to supporting artisans that reuse their local resources by providing them sustainable living wages and worthy working conditions. Mountain Madness Soap Co. │ (509) 290-5543 Sun People Dry Goods Company | (509) 710-5249
Clean Air Lawn Care of Spokane is the full service sustainable lawn care company. We use the most technologically advanced, battery powered electric equipment powered by renewable energy to keep your lawn looking its best. We offer a full range of lawn and landscape services including organic soil treatment. Clean. Green. Organic. Mow it GREEN | (509) 954-2571
PO Box 18037, Spokane, WA 99228
Nurseries – Native Plants/Edible Landscape
24 West Second, Spokane, WA 99201
Blue Moon Garden & Nursery | LLC (509) 747-4255
Opens soon. Spokane’s own green general store. A complete line of ecological, recycled, non-toxic and organic gift products. Check out our Buy Local section!
Plantland nursery and garden gift | (509) 922-7618
Tree of Knowledge Bookstore | (509) 559-5394
P.O. Box 866, Tekoa, WA 99033
409 First Street, Cheney, WA 99004 Wrapsacks | (800) 505-3365
1830 S. Glenrose, Spokane, WA 99223 Wonders of The World | (509) 328-6890
621 West Mallon Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201
Heating Please see “Wood Heating” listings in Energy, Transportation, Recycling chapter on page 32.
Insulation, Cellulose
1732 S. Inland Empire Way Spokane, WA 99204 15614 E. Sprague, Veradale, WA 99037 Plants Of The Wild | (509) 284-2848 Rainier Seeds, Inc. | (800) 828-8873
Davenport, WA 99122
Sun People Dry Goods Company | (509) 710-5249
24 West Second, Spokane, WA 99201
Opens soon. Spokane’s own green general store. Our line of native plants and edibles has been designed exclusive for our region. We worked with local permaculturist, Ed Bryant and Master Gardener, Pat Munts, to develop a product line that will thrive in our region. Come check us out! Tower Perennial Gardens | (509) 448-6778
4010 East Jamieson, Spokane WA 99223
Gale Contractor Services | (509) 535-0666
Westwood Gardens & Nursery (208) 687-5952
5414 East Broadway, Ste#B Spokane, WA 99212
15825 North Westwood Dr., Rathdrum, ID 83858
Professional Insulation | (509) 325-5073 PO Box 9805, Spokane, WA 99209
Pest Control—Organic
Lawn Care—Organic/Natural
Alpha Ecological Pest Control | (509) 244-4516
A Natural Solution | (509) 226-2122
Earth First Pest Control | (509) 568-1292
P.O. Box 685 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Greenleaf Landscaping | (509) 536-2885
5602 E Desmet Ave Spokane, WA 99213
1811 East 17th Avenue, Spokane, WA 99203
Spokane, WA Spokane, WA
NW Plant Health Care, Inc | (509) 892-0110 (208) 687-2884
PO Box 1978 Post Falls, ID 83858
To create a sustainable, low impact landscape look to Clearwater seed. A grower-owned seed production company specializing in locally produced grass and flower seed that allows for lower water and fertilizer inputs.
HOMEGARDEN Pets – Acupuncture Acupuncture for pets | (509) 327-2062
1428 West Mansfield Ave. Spokane, WA 99205
Pets—Care/Training Northern Tails Dog Training | (509) 276-9118 Lisa Lucas, CPDT - Spokane, WA
Pets—Friendly Lawn Care A Natural Solution | (509) 226-2122 or (208) 660-0188
P.O. Box 685, Newman Lake, WA 99025 Lilac Lawns, inc | (509) 926-2368
Pets—Supplies,Natural Northwest Seed And Pet
Our Inland Northwest Native Mix and Waterless Lawn mix are designed in the best interest of our planet. To find a local retailer please contact us
509-343-3108 • 866-440-5431
2422 East Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA 99202 | (509) 534-0694 7302 North Division Street, Spokane, WA 99208 | (509) 484-7387 Northwest Seed and Pet is a local Spokane company with a unique selection of garden and pet products. Premium pet foods, and supplies for most every kind of pet as well as a selection of live animals including puppies, kittens, birds, reptiles, small animals, tropical fish and more. Pet Vittles Wild Bird West | (509) 927-0675
919 N Argonne Rd., Spokane Valley, WA 99212 The Urban canine | (509) 744-WOOF (9663)
1220 S. Grand Blvd., Spokane, WA 99202
Plants Bonzai | (509) 448-4848
Spokane, WA
Interior Gardens |(509) 535-9491
4118 East 19th Ave., Spokane, WA 99223 Plantworld | (509) 326-6156
1315 N. Monroe St, Spokane WA 99201
Radon Abatement Advanced Radon Technologies | (509) 326-5127
2801 North Monroe St. Suite A, Spokane, WA 99205-3358 Alpine Eco-Quest | (509) 327-8819
1611 North Monroe, Spokane, WA
Northwest Radon | (509) 467-2312
Spokane, WA
SPAs - Hairstyling Green Salon & Day Spa | (509) 868-0538
227 West Riverside Ave., Spokane, WA 99201 Naturally Nadrah’s Haircare | (509) 435-6423
4726 N. Oak St., Spokane, WA
URbanA Day Spa | (509) 747-7076
168 South Division St., Spokane, WA 99202
Sustainable exhibits The Green Zone | (509) 477-2048
210 & 222 N. Havana, Spokane, WA 99202 Outdoor Exhibits and Indoor Resource Center to provide examples and informaGO GREEN DIRECTORY
HOMEGARDEN tion of sustainable practices in yard and home. Located in partnership with WSU Extension and Spokane County Conservation District. Tours and Workshops available.
Tree Service A Natural Solution | (509) 226-2122
P.O. Box 685 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Arborworks Quality Tree Care | (509) 443-1005
Spokane, WA
NW Plant Health Care, Inc | (509) 892-0110 (208) 687-2884
PO Box 1978, Post Falls, ID 83858
STEWART TREE & LANDSCAPE | (509) 263-5403
P.O. Box 8659, Spokane, WA 99203
Thompson Tree Service | (509) 927-8733
P.O. Box 214, Greenacres, WA 99016
Water filtering Clean Water Specialists | (877) 540-5025
312 West A St., Pasco WA 99301
zerorez | (509) 922-5326, 866-ZERO-REZ
1104 N. Park Rd. #5-B, Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Wood Storm Windows – New & Replacement Miller’s Hardware | (509) 534-7611
2908 East 29th, Spokane, WA 99223 //
Are you paying too much for your garbage? Yes! Get a FREE consultation with a solid waste and recycling expert! PME provides professional waste reduction assessments for businesses in Spokane County --at no charge.
Call Jim Haynes at (509) 625-6536
GOGREENDIRECTORY // Automobiles—Biofuels
Food scraps:
The Green Car Company | (425) 820-4549
345 – 106TH AVE NE, Bellevue, WA 98004
Automobiles—Electric/Hybrid Appleway Automotive Group | (509) 924-1150
8720 E Appleway Blvd, Spokane Valley, WA 99212 Camp Chevrolet-Cadillac | (509) 456-7890
101 E Montgomery Ave, Spokane, WA 99202 Commuter Cars | (509) 624-0762
715 East Sprague, Spokane, WA 99202 Downtown Honda | (509) 353-4700
1125 West 2nd Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201 Downtown Toyota | (509) 455-8770
1208 West 3rd Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201 Go Green Electric & Used Cars | (208) 777-7710
1780 East Schneidmiller Ave., Post Falls, ID Gus Johnson Ford | (509) 924-1000
8300 East Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA 99218 Toby’s Battery & Auto Electric, LLC | (509) 484-5114
3003 N Crestline St., Spokane, WA 99207 “If it’s a Battery, We sell it!” Come see Toby’s Electric Wizards, we will fix it right the first time. We specialize in electric/ hybrid repairs, starters, alternators, computer diagnostics, full service auto repair and batteries. Check engine light on? Let us check it out. Free Battery and Charging System Test. Wendle Automotive | 888-229-3929
9000 N. Division St., Spokane, WA 99218
AUTOMOBILES – SOLAR PANELS Toby’s Battery & Auto Electric, LLC | (509) 484-5114
3003 N Crestline St., Spokane, WA 99207 “If it’s a Battery, We sell it!” Need solar panels for your RV or electric car. We have the technology to install and service you solar panels. We carry the parts and accessories for your solar needs. Off grid and grid tie systems available.
Bicycles—Locally Produced Hairy Gary Custom Frames | (509) 533-2788
Spokane, WA
Elephant bikes | (509) 953-0633
Spokane, WA
They’re not garbage anymore. Now* you can add these items to your Clean Green yard debris: • • • • • • • •
Fruit and vegetable scraps Meat, fish, poultry and bones Bread, pasta and grains Cardboard pizza boxes Coffee grounds and paper filters Tea bags and tea leaves Egg shells and nut shells “Non-shiny” food-soiled paper
* Beginning Monday, July 12, 2010
Please DON’T put these items in with your Clean Green yard debris: • No plastic bags or containers • No liquids • No “shiny” or coated paper • No milk or juice cartons • No personal hygiene items • No Styrofoam • No plastics of any type • No grease Questions? recycling hot line: 625.6800 Partial funding provided by a grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology.
Bicycle Butler | (509) 328-7475
6520 North Ash, Spokane, WA 99208 Bicycle Time | (509) 235-4575
2nd & C Street, Cheney, WA 99004 Cool Water Bikes | (509) 838-8580
1106 W 2nd Ave, Spokane,WA
1318 North Liberty Lake Road, Liberty Lake WA 99019
Bike to eVeRYtHiNG!
Bike to PlaY Bike to eat
Fitness Fanatics | (509) 922-6080
12425 East Trent, Spokane, WA 99216 Mountain View Cyclery & Fitness | (208) 762-9253
9521 North Government Way, Hayden, ID
North Division Bicycle Shop | (509) 467-2453
10503 North Division, Spokane, WA 99218 REI | (509) 328-9900
1125 North Monroe, Spokane, WA 99201 Spoke n’ Sport | (509) 838-8842
212 North Division, Spokane, WA 99202 2 Wheel Transit | (509) 747-2231
1405 West First Avenue, Spokane, WA 99204 Vertical Earth | (208) 667-5503
206 North 3rd, Coeur d’ Alene, ID Wheelsport Central | (509) 326-3977
1711 North Division, Spokane, WA 99207 Wheelsport East | (509) 921-7729
Bike to sHoP
Get discounts! at participating local businesses - wear your Bicycle Benefits helmet sticker!
606 North Sullivan Road, Spokane Valley, WA Wheelsport South | (509) 747-4187
2820 East 29th Avenue, Spokane, WA 99223 Wheelsport wandermere | (509) 465-9093
12519 N. Division, Spokane, WA 99207
Pedal over to & learn more!
Wintersport | (509) 328-2030
3220 N Division St, Spokane, WA 99202
Contractors—Design, build, Operate, Maintain
City Services Valcon | (800) 400-5711
18826 East Appleway, Spokane Valley, WA 99016 Spokane County biofuels | (509) 927-4548
9610 E. Montgomery Ave. #24, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Vegetable Fuel Systems | (509) 499-4508
McKinstry | 509.747.3389
9 S. Washington Street, #605, Spokane, WA 99201
7803 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Home Energy Solutions | (509) 474-9484
Residential Energy Consultants of the NW LLC | (509) 481-0027
SNAP Financial Access | (509) 456-7174
212 South Wall, Spokane, WA 99201
Clean technology ADVANTAGE IQ | (509) 329-7600
1313 N Atlantic St, Spokane, WA 99201 Avista utilities | (800) 227-9187
1411 E. Mission Avenue, Spokane, WA 99252 Bioenergy systems | (509) 483-5741
Spokane, WA
1218 E 35th Ave, Spokane, WA
1805 N. Harmony Ln. Spokane Valley, WA 99016 SUNRISE DESIGN CENTER | (208) 683-1649
30555 North Meadow Street, Athol, ID 83801
ENERGY EFFICIENCY RETROFIT Spokane Alliance | (509) 532-1688
1526 E. 11th Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
Geothermal & Radiant heating THE BARTON BOYS, INC. | (509) 892-5300
11401 E. Montgomery Dr. Suite 3, Spokane Valley, WA 99206
ITRON | (509) 924-9900
2111 N Molter Road, Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Comfort Zone Infrared | (208) 765-7760
New Light Industries | (509) 456-8321
3818 East Joseph Avenue, Spokane, WA 99217
9715 W. Sunset Highway, Spokane, WA 99224 relion | (509) 228-6500
15913 E. Euclid Ave., Spokane, WA 99216 SCHWEITZER ENGINEERING LABORATORIES | (509) 332-1890
2350 NE Hopkins Court, Pullman, WA 99163
Cougar Mechanical | (509) 484-6420
Greenhead Solar LLC. | (509) 499-4010
PO Box 2811. Spokane, WA 99220
Holliday Heating & Refrigeration | (509) 838-5717
410 North Helena Street, Spokane, WA 99202
Action Recycling | (509) 483-4094
10437 West Westbow Blvd., Spokane, WA 99224
911 East Marietta, Spokane, WA 99207
R&R Heating & Air Conditioning | (509) 484-1405
American Recycling Corp. | (509) 535-4271
4109 East Central, Spokane, WA 99207
RDI Heating & Cooling | (208) 762-9857
9443 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID 83835 Radiant Direct | (888) 298-6036
5805 East Sharp, Spokane, WA 99212 SIMIONI’S WARM FLOORS, INC. | (509) 893-0040
6286 S. Panorama View Dr., Harrison, ID 83833
N. 10244 West Newman Lake Drive, Newman Lake, WA 99025
Masonry Heaters Tom Murphy | (509) 467-4039
Spokane, WA
Rob Sargent | (509) 994-7552
Spokane, WA
Public Transportation—North idaho citylink | (877) 941-7433
Highway 95, Worley, ID 83876-0236 North Idaho Community Express | (208) 667-6664
137 Spruce Ave., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814
Public Transportation—SPOKANE COUNTY Spokane Transit Authority | (509) 328-RIDE (7433) or TTY (509) 456-4327 Route and Schedule Information. Customer Service Centers
The Bus Shop – The Plaza | (509) 456-PASS (7277)
701 West Riverside Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201
Passes, IDs, Lost & Found. Hours: Mon-Fri:6:30 AM – 6 PM. Saturdays12 Noon to 5 PM. Closed Sundays and Holidays The Bus Shop, Too | (509) 325-6000
1229 West Boone Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201
6203 E. Mission Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 99212 Busy Bee Landfill Recyclers, Inc. | (509) 244-5049
14910 West Craig Road, Spokane WA 99224 Cannon Hill Industries | (208) 765-6784
5605 East Seltice Way, Post Falls, WA 83854 Clark’s Recycling | (509) 328-4086
1730 West Sinto Ave., Spokane, WA 99201 Diversified Wood Recycling | (509) 467-2823
8716 North Green Lane, Spokane, WA Du-Mor Recycling | (509) 489-6482
6406 North Perry Spokane, WA 99207 Earthworks Recycling, Inc. | (509) 534-1638
1904 East Broadway (at Napa) Spokane, WA 99202 Hours: 8AM – 4:30PM. Monday – Saturday. Pickup service available. We recycle everything from junk mail to scap metal. Scrap items and metal available for art projects and more. Visit our website for directions, printable flyers and more. Emerald Services, Inc. | (888) 832-3008
3808 North Sullivan Road, Spokane, WA 99216
Toby’s Battery-Battery Recycling Center | (509) 484-5114
3211 N Cook, Spokane, WA 99207 Mon – Fri 9am to 5pm. We will recycle all your old batteries. We will even pay top dollar for your auto, truck, farm equipment, and commercial batteries. Pick up service may be available.
Recycling Resources 1-800-Got-Junk | (509) 280-5805
111 N. Vista Rd., Suite 7D, Spokane, WA 99212 The Recycling Foundation | (509) 625-6536
Spokane, WA
Spokane Regional Recycling Hotline | (509) 625-6800 Spokane Regional Solid Waste System | (509) 625-6580
Paratransit Service | (509) 328-1552 or TTY (509) 327-6055
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd, 7th Floor Spokane, WA 99201 Recycling Hotline (509) 625-6800
Vanpool Program | 325-pool (7665)
Providing information on waste disposal and recycling options, home composting, and education programs for schools/community groups. Schedule tours of the Waste to Energy facility.
Passes. Hours: Mon-Fri—8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. *Closed Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays
Qualified persons with disabilities. Open seven days a week, including holidays, 8 AM to 5 PM. Vanpool commuter services. The Spokane Region is alive with people working, going to school, shopping, playing, doing business, visiting friends moving and changing and growing. Coming and going, to and from, Spokane Transit helps keep our community in motion and draws the outermost corners of our region into one collective area we all call home.
Publications—Alternative energy related General Plenty
PerfCon, PO Box 20128, Spokane WA, 99204
Recycling 7512 East Beverly Dr., Spokane Valley, WA 99212 GO GREEN DIRECTORY
Spokane WA Jim Haynes: Is your company paying too much for garbage service? Recycling but still paying too much? Help is available and it’s FREE! Pacific Materials Exchange, not a hauler but a consultant with the City of Spokane offers a free Waste Reduction Assessment Program (WRAP) to businesses, schools and institutions of Spokane County.
Recyclable Wrapping Wrapsacks (800) 505-3365
1-800-GOT-JUNK | (800) 468-5865
WASTE reduction Assessment Program/PME | (509) 625-6536
1830 S Glenrose, Spokane, WA 99223
ENERGYTRANSPORTATIONRECYCLING RESOURCES – ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION BIKE TO WORK SPOKANE | Bicycle Benefits: Workplace Education: General Information: (May 9 – 15) Bike to Work Week. (May 10) Bike to Work Week Kick-off Breakfast. (May 14) Bike to Work Week Wrap-up Party. Register at
Ribic’s Wind And Solar Enterprises | (509) 456-8397
8319 W. Sunset Highway, Airway Heights, WA 99224 Sunrise Design Center | (208) 683-1649
30555 North Meadow Street, Athol, ID 83801
Waste Oil Furnaces Eco Depot | (509) 924-8803
1326 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane, WA Econo-Heat/TechniFab | (509) 534-1022
Commute Trip Reduction | (509) 477-7650
1026 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane, WA 99260
5714 East First, Spokane, WA 99212
KAGI Heating Supplies | (509) 456-3319
Spokane, WA
SMART Business Recognition Program | (509) 625-6983 www.developingspokane/incentives/green_incentive. The City of Spokane’s SMART Business Recognition Program encourages Spokane businesses to adopt policies and practices that focus on good management of financial, built, natural and human capital. Recognition is either for Participant or Certified level achievement. Applications are accepted year-round.
North Star Hydro-Cleaning Systems | (509) 535-1555
1524 East Trent, Spokane, WA 99202
Wood Heating Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency | (509) 477-4727
3104 East Augusta Ave., Spokane, WA 99207
Heat with wood? Be a good neighbor, keep smoke to a minimum: Build a small, hot fire with clean, dry wood. Provide plenty of air to the fire; never allow it to smolder. Upgrade to a new efficient wood or gas device; rebates may be available.
D & B Power Sports (509) 535-4116
Wood/Pellet Stove
Xerox/OfficeTech of Spokane | (509) 755-8326
6310 E Sprague Ave., Spokane, WA
5701 East Sprague, Spokane, WA 99212
Accent Stove & Spa | (509) 325-8800
Westside Motorsports | (509) 747-1862
1622 North Division, Spokane, WA
4201 S Grove Rd, Spokane, WA 99224
Country Homes Power Equipment
Wheelsport Central | (509) 326-3977
5323 East Sprague Avenue, 99212 | (509) 534-9100 8108 North Division Street, 99208 | (509) 466-9100
1711 North Division, Spokane, WA 99207
Coeur D’ Alene Sprinkler Stove & Fireplace | (208) 667-3943
Solar & Wind Power
2619 East Seltice Way, Coeur D’ Alene, ID 99212 Holz Fuel Company | (509) 487-1215
Avista Buck-a-Block Program | (800) 227-9187
1411 E. Mission Avenue, Spokane, WA 99252
5526 North Market Street, Spokane, WA 99208
Buck-A-Block is a voluntary rate option that makes it easy to support new renewable energy. Every dollar spent guarantees that 300 kilowatt-hours of electricity is generated from an environmentally preferred source. The premium covers the environmental benefit resulting from this energy and is a pass through from which Avista does not make any profit.
Spokane Chimney & Vent | (509) 535-4520
Scotty’s Maintenance & Repair | (509) 292-0623
1502 North Market, Spokane, WA 99208
Spokane Fireplace & Patio | (509) 326-7388
27 West Boone, Spokane, WA //
Brother’s Electric | (509) 838-1215
Spokane, WA
Eco Depot | (509) 924-8803
1326 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane, WA Greenhead Solar LLC. | (509) 499-4010
PO Box 2811. Spokane, WA 99220
Greenhead Solar Greenhead sells and installs solar thermal water heating systems for domestic hot water and radiant floor heating. We also sell and install high-effiency electric and gas boilers for radiant floor heating systems to stand alone or be linked to rooftop thermal panels. Inland Generator | (509) 276-3335
6885 Cummins Canyon Way, Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 NORTHWEST SOLAR ELECTRIC | (509) 236-2249
25005 S. Columbia Basin Highway, Cheney, WA 99004
Junk Mail & Mixed Waste Paper Good for FIRST 25 Pounds at NO Charge
We usually charge 8¢ per pound for this service. Material gets recycled into building materials. Includes: Junk mail, chipboard such as cereal, shoe and shirt boxes, post-it notes, files, catalogs, slick paper, envelopes with (509) 534-1638 stickers or plastic 1904 E. Broadway (at Napa) Spokane, WA 99202 windows and more! Open Mon-Sat 8-4:30 Closed some Holidays GO GREEN DIRECTORY
GOGREENDIRECTORY // COMMUNITY Community-Based Economic Development | (509) 209-2634
Recognition Program encourages Spokane. businesses to adopt policies and practices that focus on good management of financial, built, natural and human capital. Recognition is either for Participant or Certified level. achievement. Applications are accepted year-round.
Child Care Business Development | (509) 444-3088
Climate advocacy
25 W. Main Ave., Suite 310, Spokane, WA 99201
northwest climate change center |
25 W. Main Ave., Suite 310, Spokane, WA 99201
SLIP – SUSTAINABLE LOCAL INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP | SNEDA-Spokane Neighborhood Economic Development Alliance | (509) 444-7633
715 East Sprague, Ste. 101, Spokane, WA 99202
Business Resources—Local 4R Sustainability | (509) 838-7651
Spokane, WA
159 S. Lincoln St . Suite 321, Spokane , WA 99201
Community Resources Arc Of Spokane donation pick up | (509) 328-8100
116 West Indiana, Spokane, WA 99205
Center for Environmental Law & Policy | (509) 209-2899
25 W. Main, Suite 234, Spokane, WA 99201
25 W. Main Ave., Suite 310, Spokane, WA 99201
The Center for Environmental Law & Policy (CELP) is a public interest organization & the only “water watchdog” in Washington State. We dedicate our resources to protecting Washington’s rivers and streams by providing citizens and other organizations the tools they need to effectively defend Washington’s freshwater sources.
Deep Creek Consulting | (509) 244-8559
child Care Resources | (800) 446-2229
Community-Based Economic Development | (509) 209-2634
25 W. Main Ave., Suite 310, Spokane, WA 99201 Computer Support Services | (509) 209-2610
Spokane, WA
Downtown Spokane Partnership | (509) 456-0580
211 N. Wall St. Ste. 300, Spokane, WA 99201 Greater Spokane Inc. | (509) 624-1393
25 West Main Avenue Ste# 300, Spokane, WA 99201 Community-Minded Television | (509) 209-2651
25 W. Main Ave., Suite 436, Spokane, WA 99201
801 W. Riverside, Ste. 100
Interfaith Council of the Inland Northwest |
1620 North Monroe, Spokane, WA 99205
GSI puts you in touch with new customers and clients, provide practical business training for you and your staff and increase your influence in the community. 801 W. Riverside, Suite 100, Spokane, WA 99201 Greater spokane Inc. Ag & Natural Resources | (509) 459-4108
Earthwise Bag Co., Inc. | (323) 887-8115
2250 S. Tubeway Street, Commerce, CA 90040 East Central Community Center | (509) 625-6699
500 South Stone, Spokane, WA 99202
Green Drinks | Habitat for Humanity | (509) 534-2552
801 West Riverside, Ste# 100, Spokane, WA 99201
732 North Napa St. P.O. Box 4130, Spokane, WA 99220
Greater Spokane Valley Chamber | (509) 924-4994
Health For All | (866) 444-3066
9507 E. Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206
HOlistic Chamber of Commerce | (509) 844-4206
Green Businesses Association | (509) 279-2766
Inland Northwest Community Foundation | (509) 624-2606
2210 W. Pacific Ave. #1, Spokane, WA 99201
618 West Riverside Ave, Ste. 302, Spokane, WA 99201
Green Business Consulting | (509) 209-2615
KYRS Thin Air Community Radio | (509) 747-3807
25 W Main Ave., Suite 310, Spokane, WA 99201
35 West Main Ave. Ste. 340, Spokane, WA 99201 Let us develop a Report Card for your business. We look at energy use, waste and purchasing. Green Business Consulting helps you identify ways to increase the sustainability and efficiency of your operations. Services include workshops on marketing “green” practices and a general assessment to identify which sustainable practices will provide the greatest return on investment.
Living green with SNAP (Spokane Neighborhood Action PrograM) | (509) 744-3370 ext. 242
Inland northwest business alliance | (509) 455-3699
212 W. 2nd Ave., Spokane, WA 99201
We offer free classes and workshops on energy conservation, recycling and making your own nontoxic cleaners. Give us a call if you or your group would like us to join you for a lively discussion on environmentally friendly living.
P.O. Box 20163, Spokane, WA 99204
Martin Luther King Jr. Family Outreach Ctr. | (509) 455-8722 ext 211
SMART Business Recognition Program | (509) 6256957
845 South Sherman St., Spokane, WA 99202
www.developingspokane/incentives/ green_incentive. The City of Spokane’s SMART Business
Neighborhood Alliance of Spokane County | (509) 232-2772
35 West Main Avenue Ste. 370, Spokane, WA 99201 Plan To Work | (866) 497-9443
25 West Main, Ste. 310, Spokane, WA 99201
COMMUNITYENVIRONMENT Planned Parenthood | (509) 326-2142
123 East Indiana Avenue, Spokane, WA 99207 Spokane Neighborhood Economic Development Alliance | (509) 444-7633
715 East Sprague, Ste# 101, Spokane, WA 99202
Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency | (509) 477-4727
Master Home Environmentalist Program | (509) 325-6516
1817 East Springfield, Suite E, Spokane, WA 99202
Sierra Club Upper Columbia River Group | (509) 328-1087
P.O. Box 413, Spokane, WA 99210
Spokane Valley Partners | (509) 927-1153
Contact John Osborn ( Website: Sierra Club: explore, enjoy, protect the planet! Volunteers making a difference through: . Spokane River Project . Forest-Wilderness Protection . Save Mt. Spokane . Inner City & Adult Outings . Energy Committee (new!) Plus, we work to elect environmentally progressive candidates to office. Join us!
10814 East Broadway Ave., Spokane, WA 99206
Spokane County Conservation District | (509) 535-7274
3104 East Augusta Ave., Spokane, WA 99207 Current Air Quality: (509) 477-2571 Burn Ban Information: (509) 477-4710
Spokane Regional Health District | (509) 324-1500
1101 West College Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201
Spokane Regional Transportation Council | (509) 343-6373
221 West First Avenue Ste. 310, Spokane, WA
210 North Havana, Spokane, WA 99202
Spokane Transit Authority | (509) 325-6000
1229 West Boone Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201
Twin Eagles Wilderness School | (208) 265-3685
The Spokane Region is alive with people working, going to school, shopping, playing, doing business, visiting friends-moving and changing and growing. Coming and going, to and from, Spokane Transit helps keep our community in motion and draws the outermost corners of our region into one collective area we all call home.
west Valley Outdoor Learning Center | (509) 340-1028
433 Cedar Springs, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864
Upper Columbia United Tribes | (509) 838-1057 Washington State Department Of Ecology | (509) 329-3400
4601 North Monroe Street, Spokane, WA 99205
Community Resources - Food
2000 North Green Street, MS 1005, Spokane, WA 99217 Urban & Regional Planning Department, Spokane,WA
WSU Interdisciplinary Design Institute Spokane | (509) 358-7500 Spokane,WA.
Conservation Northwest | (509) 747-1663
1234 East Front Avenue, Spokane WA 99202
35 West Main Avenue Ste. 220, Spokane, WA 99201
Slow Food Spokane RiveR | (509) 209-2395
The Whole Plate
The Whole Plate. Good, sustainable, healthy food comes from some incredible local faces & places. Join a local farm tour, or maybe volunteer on a local farm work day? We take suggestions too! Know a location that would be a good candidate? Contact us.
Education—Environmental Earthseeds | (509) 456-2362
W. 123 18th Ave, Spokane, WA 99203 Award winning, K-6 environmental educational materials, ideal for Earth Day & homeschools. The Lands Council | (509) 838-4912
Community Colleges of Spokane – Green Building | (509) 533-4717
Environmental ADvocacy
Second Harvest Food Bank | (509) 534-6678
Eastern Washington University | (509) 358-2230
25 West Main Avenue, Spokane WA 99201
The Whole Plate | (509) 209-2395
8706 East Upriver Drive, Spokane, WA 99212
423 W. 1st Ave. Suite 240, Spokane, WA 99201 The Lands Council preserves and revitalizes our Inland Northwest forests, water, and wildlife through advocacy, education, effective action, and community engagement. We are available for both classroom and club presentations to educate about our local watershed, the health of the Spokane River, and protecting our National Forests. Contact us
The Lands Council | (509) 838-4912
423 W. 1st Ave. Suite 240 Spokane, WA 99201 The Lands Council preserves and revitalizes our Inland Northwest forests, water, and wildlife through advocacy, education, effective action, and community engagement. We are available for both classroom and club presentations to educate about our local watershed, the health of the Spokane River, and protecting our forests. Contact us today! Inland Northwest Land Trust | (509) 328-2939
35 West Main Ave. Ste. 210, Spokane, WA 99201
Events Sustainable September | (509) 444-3088
25 W. Main Ave., Suite 310, Spokane, WA 99201 Sustainable September, a project of Community-Minded Enterprises, is an opportunity for Spokane to focus on environmental and economic sustainability. Together with our partners, we are creating and highlighting events in September that will increase public awareness and lead to new steps toward building resilience in our region.
Camp Fire USA Inland Northwest Council | (509) 747-6191 ext 22
Community Colleges of Spokane | (509) 533-4700
Emerging Green Builders |
Northwest Ecobuilding Guild, Inland Chapter | (509) 218-0128 www.ecobuilding.orgOur mission is to provide leadership in education to transform the built environment and build a sustainable society. We work to build local living economies, safeguard the ecological diversity of our bioregion and champion human health and community. Inland Empire BuiltGreen™ | (509) 532-4990
5813 East 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Childbirth & Parenting Alone | (509) 455-4986
PO Box 2253, Spokane, WA 99210 Cup Of Cool Water | (509) 747-6686
1106 West Second, Spokane, WA 99201 Healing Lodge | (509) 533-6910 ext 225
5600 East 8th Avenue, Spokane, WA 99212 Odyssey Youth Center | (509) 325-3637
1121 South Perry, Spokane, WA 99202 Project HOPE | (509) 328-6527
PO Box 113, Spokane, WA 99217
Project Move | (509) 328-2310
Dreyer Press | (509) 496-5442
VOA-Crosswalk | (509) 353-4368
104 South Freya, Ste. 116, Spokane, WA 99202
PO Box 13127, Spokane Valley, WA 99213 Marketing Group, Inc. | (509) 252-9153
1312 N Monroe St, Suite 111, Spokane, WA 99201 Ross Printing Co. | (509) 534-0655
1611 E Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 Spokane Indians | (509) 535-2922
602 N. Havana St., Spokane, WA 99202
legal help Center for Justice | (509) 835-5211
35 West Main, Ste. 300, Spokane, WA 99201 Paine Hamblen LLP | (509) 455-6000
717 West Sprague Avenue; Suite 1200, Spokane, WA 99201
TRANSPORATION ADVOCACY BIKE TO WORK SPOKANE | Bicycle Benefits: Workplace Education: General Information: (May 9 – 15) Bike to Work Week. (May 10) Bike to Work Week Kick-off Breakfast. (May 14) Bike to Work Week Wrap-up Party. Register at Citizens for Sensible Transportation Planning
811 W 24th Ave - Spokane Washington 99203 FUTUREWISE | (509) 838-1965
25 West Main Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201-5090 Inland Empre Rail Transit
PO Box 8055, Spokane, WA 99203 Pedals 2 People | (509) 842-6597
Pedals 2 People also works to connect with other organizations in order to further extend its ability to recycle, reuse and rehabilitate bicycles back into local communities as well as communities abroad.
Youth services Big brothers big sisters | (509) 328-8310
222 W. Mission, Spokane, WA 99201 Boys And Girls Club | (509) 489-0741
544 East Providence, Spokane WA 99207 32
524 North Mullan Road, Spokane, WA 99206-3864
525 West Second, Spokane, WA 99204 YFA Connections | (509) 532-2000 ext 11
901 East Second Avenue, Ste. 100, Spokane WA 99202 //
Who are
Opening Soon 24 West Second Avenue, Spokane GO GREEN DIRECTORY
1014 North Pines Suite # 202, Spokane, WA 99206
COEUR D’ ALENE BREWING CO. | (208) 664-2739
Bruttles Candy Shoppe and Factory | (509) 228-9509
DRY FLY DISTILLERY | (509) 489-2112
BUMBLE BAR | (509) 924-2080
209 East Lakeside, Coeur D’Alene, ID 83814
1003 East Trent Ave. #200, Spokane, WA 99202 Golden Hills Brewing Co. | (509) 244-2536
12921 West 17th Avenue, Airway Heights, WA NORTHERN LIGHTS BREWING COMPANY | (509) 242-2739
1003 East Trent Ave., Spokane, WA 99202 STEAMPLANT GRILL | (509) 777-3900
18720 West 5th Ave., Medical Lake, WA 99022 CARUSO’S HONEY COMPANY | (509) 843-6086
P.O. Box 714, Pomeroy, WA 99347
CASCADE CREEK FARM | (208) 263-3077
CHASE HONEY COMPANY | (509) 927-8627
1005 North Magnolia, Spokane, WA 99202 DOMA COFFEE ROASTING COMPANY | (208) 667-1267
6240 E. Seltice Way, Unit A, Post Falls, ID 83854
482169 Highway 95, Sandpoint, ID 83864 Otis Orchards, WA
Coeur d’ Alene Olive Oil Company | (208) 765-0188
117 South Fourth Street, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 CYRUS O’ LEARY’S PIES | (509) 624-5000
NECTAR OF LIFE | (509) 979-3162
1528 S. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights, WA 99001
ROAST HOUSE Coffee | (509) 995-6500
2103 E Diamond Ave, Spokane, WA 99207
423 East Cleveland Avenue, Spokane, WA 99207
The Flatbread Pizza Co. | (509) 385-2597
HALLETTS CHOCOLATES | (509) 484-6454
Maya Earth Coffee | (877) 892-3193
JUST SIMPLY GOOD STUFF | (208)265-0144
PO Box 945, Veradale, WA 99037
210 W. Pacific, Spokane, WA 99201
PO Box 1161 Airway Heights, WA 99001
FLETCHER’S BBQ Sauce | (509) 483-4343
1419 E. Holyoke, Spokane, WA 99217 1772 Talache Rd., Sagle, ID 83860
KRAUS HONEY COMPANY | (509) 722-5307
81 Orchard Ln, Underwood, WA 98651
Bruttles by the Lake | (208) 765-4000
Hula Hut Grill | (509) 466-2336
LENTZ SPELT FARMS | (509) 345-2483
Licks Unlimited | (509) 338-3735
210 East Sherman, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 12210 N. Division St. #A, Spokane, WA 99218 226 East Main Street, Pullman, WA Maple Street Bistro | (509) 443-3129
5520 N. LE Street, Spokane, WA 99205 The Milk Bottle | (509) 325 - 1772
802 West Garland, Spokane, WA 99205 THE SCOOP | (509) 535-7171
3808 North Sullivan Rd. Bldg. 12, Ste. P, Spokane, WA 99216
159 S. Lincoln, Spokane, WA 99201
CRAVEN’S COFFEE | (800) 214-2326
101 North University Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99206
1001 W. 25th Ave., Spokane, WA 99203 Vin Rouge | (509) 535-8800
3029 East 29th, Spokane, WA 99223
FOOD- ICE CREAM, WHOLESALE Brain Freeze Creamery | (509) 922-5326
303 East Second Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99202 Brain Freeze Creamery is a ridiculously small manufacturer of super premium ice cream and sorbet; made in tiny, loving batches, with chunks and swirls stirred in by hand. Our creative and custom flavors are scooped in Coeur d’Alene, Pullman, and notably at The Scoop, along with numerous restaurants, in Spokane.
63 Yarnell Rd., Tonasket, WA 98855 PO Box 2, Marlin, WA 98832 Spokane, WA
Huntwood Industries | (509) 924-5858
PO Box 3133, Coeur d’ Alene, ID 83816
23800 Eat Appleway, Liberty Lake, WA 99019
RIZZUTO FOODS | (509) 536-9268
Itron, Inc. | (509) 924-9900
3420 E. Riverside Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
2111 North Molter, Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Lloyd Industries | (509) 468-8691
1504 Selkirk Road, Sandpoint, ID 83864
3808 N. Sullivan Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99216
SMALL PLANET TOFU | (888) 401-TOFU (8638)
330112 Hwy. 2, Newport, WA 99156
2524 South Hayford Road, Airway Heights, WA 99001
SPOKANDY CHOCOLATES | (509) 624-1969
Omega Pacific Inc. | (509) 244-0949
1412 West Third Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201
11427 West 21st, Airway Heights, WA 99224
SPOKANE’S FAMILY FARM | (509) 796-3276
Precision Panel Structures, Inc. | (208) 939-9905
21715 Coulee Hite Rd., Spokane, WA 99224
1447 East State Street, Eagle, ID 83616
THE COUNTRY MARKET | (509) 244-9617
Potlatch Corp. | (509) (509) 835-1500
14211 W. Thorpe, Medical Lake, WA 99022
601 West First, Ste 1600, Spokane, WA 99201
QUILLISACUT FARM | (509) 738-2011
Quarry Tile Co. | (509) 536-2812
2409 Pleasant Valley Road, Rice, WA 99167
4705 N Fruithill Road, Spokane, WA 99217 BADGER MOUNTAIN WINE | (800) 643-9463
1106 South Jurupa St., Kennewick, WA 99338 BARILI CELLARS | (509) 995-4077
608 West 2nd Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201 BARRISTER WINERY | (509) 465-3591
1213 West Railroad Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201
6328 East Utah, Spokane, WA 99212 SPECIALTY HOME PRODUCTS | (509) 534-8372
2222 E. Mallon, Spokane, WA 99202
Sonderen Packaging | (509) 487-1632
2906 North Crestline, Spokane, WA 99207 TREADLIGHT | (406) 327-1123
P.O. Box 8846, Missoula, MT 59807 White’s Boots, Inc. | (509) 535-0954
4002 East Ferry, Spokane, WA 99202 Zak Designs Inc. | (5090 244-0555
1603 South Garfield, Airway Heights, WA 99001
CATERINA WINERY | (509) 328-5069
CHINA BEND WINERY | (800) 700-6123
3751 Vineyard Way, Kettle Falls, WA 99141
25 W. Main Ave., Suite 310, Spokane, WA 99201
KNIPPRATH CELLARS | (509) 534-5121
5634 E Commerce Ave, Spokane, WA 99212
801 W. Riverside, Suite 100, Spokane, WA 99201
13030 E. Indiana, Spokane, WA 99216
9507 E. Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206
LONE CANARY WINERY | (509) 534-9062
SMART Business Recognition Program | (509) 625-6983
905 N Washington St., Spokane, WA 99201
109 S. Scott St., B2, Spokane, WA 99202 MOUNTAIN DOME WINERY | (509) 928-2788
16315 East Temple Road, Spokane, WA 99217 ROBERT KARL CELLARS | (509) 624-3827
115 W. Pacific Ave., Spokane, WA 99201
manufacturers - General Accra-Fab Inc. | (509) 922-3300
PO Box 641, Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Cascade Windows | (509) 789-2121
10507 East Montgomery Drive, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 CONCRETE HABITAT | (509) 533-2722
www.developingspokane/incentives/green_incentive. The City of Spokane’s SMART Business Recognition Program encourages Spokane businesses to adopt policies and practices that focus on good management of financial, built, natural and human capital. Recognition is either for Participant or Certified level achievement. Applications are accepted year-round.
3320 N. Argonne, Spokane, WA 99212
407 N. Madelia St., Spokane, WA 99202
Ecolite Manufacturing Co. Inc. | (509) 922-8888
GREENCASTLE SOAP | (509) 466-7223
9919 East Montgomery, Spokane Valley, WA 99206
203 N. Stone St., Spokane, WA 99202
ECOTOP | (253) 507-4622
7314 Canyon Rd. E., Puyallup, WA 98371
3403 North Lidgerwood Street, Spokane, WA 99207
EZ Loader Boat Trailers, Inc.| (509) 489-0181
MAID NATURALLY | (509) 994-3685
717 North Hamilton, Spokane, WA 99202
P.O. Box 6111, Spokane, WA 99217 //
HABITEK | (509) 482-2764
P.O. Box 3001 Spokane, WA 99202
2010-11 SUSTAINABILITY CALENDAR (Tuesdays) Earth Matters Now. When: 12 Noon. Where: KYRS Thin Air
Community Radio 92.3. Local environmental news, community affairs. Info:
(2ndTuesdays)GreenDrinks.When:5:30PM–7:30PM.Where:VariousLocations. Info: (July 31) Farm Tour to Rocky Ridge Ranch. When: 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM.
Carpool to Reardan. Sells at South Perry and Millwood Farmers’ Markets, and Rocket Market on 43rd. Ticket required – Info: for more information (August 14) Kids Day at Riverfront Park. When: 11 AM – 5 PM. Where:
Riverfront Park. Reduce, Reuse & Recycle @ Kids Day in Riverfront Park Visit the SRSWS booth and EnviroKids!
– 8 PM. Where: Community Building, 35 West Main. Host, Cara Weipert, Information on the financial benefits of sustainability, targeted to small businesses and microenterprises. Presenters include two small business clients of SNAP’s, John Blunt of Ecology, Tom Lienhard from Avista, and Susanne Croft with SLIP. Light dinner will be served. $15 Registration fee Register @ Event Sponsors: SLIP, Ecology, Avista. Info: (509) 209-6141. (September 25) River Clean Up with Friends of the Falls. When: 9 AM.
Where: Highbridge Park. Info:
(September 24-26) Valleyfest When: 10 AM – 5 PM. Where: Mirabeau Park.
Reduce, Reuse & Recycle @ Valleyfest. Info: visit
Park. Info: or (509) 444- 3088
(September 29) Salmon Nation Dinner at Hill’s Restaurant. When: 6:30 PM. Hosted by Slow Food Spokane River, Save Our Wild Salmon & Trout Unlimited. Cost: $55.00 per person – 4-course local meal & beverage ticket. Info: ($50.00 if purchased by September 20)
(August 21-22) 13th Annual Garlic Faire. When: 12 Noon – 5 PM. Where:
(October) Fall Leaf Festival and Compost Fair. When: 11 AM – 2 PM.
(August 21) Unity in the Community. When: All Day. Where: Riverfront
China Bend Winery. The gourmet wine and food event where “Garlic is King!” Enjoy live music, arts and crafts, and an abundance of gourmet garlic foods and treats. Info: (800) 700-6123. www.chinabend,com.
(September 1-30) Events all Month. Info: www.sustainableseptemberspo-
(September 10) One World Café Fundraiser. When: 5-9 PM. Where:
Isabella’s Rooftop, 25 West Main. Organic three course meal and entertainment to support organic & local food, sustainability, partnerships, building community, reducing waste and “breaking bread” together over delicious vibrant cuisine for the local Spokane community. Info:
(September 11) Chicken Festival. When: 10 AM-4PM. Where: 1804 East Sprague. PEACH Community Farm and One World Cafe partner on a day of events, workshops and fun- everything CHICKEN! Info: (509) 768-9479. (September 11) Sustainable Uprising. When: Evening. Where: Main Streeet between Browne and Division. Info: (September 12) Green Home Tour. When: 12PM-4PM. Where: Various Sites
. Department of Ecology and Northwest Eco-Building Guild. Info: www.
(September 12) Spokefest. When: 8 AM – 6 PM. Info: (September 15) A Futurewise Feast with Friends. When: 6:30PM – 9:30 PM. Where: Beacon Hill Events, 4848 East Wellesley, Spokane WA. Meet and greet local farmers, chefs and winemakers. Info: Kitty Klitze (509) 838-1965 or (September 17) Parking Day! When: 8 AM - 7PM. Where: Main Street between
Division & Browne. A National effort to demonstrate how different our cities could be with fewer parking spaces and more community activities. Various organizations host parking spaces with alternate events! The Community Building hosts a food donation parking space - bring food for the less fortunate in our community.
(September 21) Profiting from Green Business Practices. When: 5:30 36
Where: Finch Arboretum.
(October – March) Tree Seedling Sale. More than 30 plant species are avail-
able. Fertilizers, compost, tree shelter tubes and repellents are also available. Place orders early. Info: (509) 535-7274.
(October 1) Women’s and Children’s Free Restaurant Fundraiser. When: 6 – 9 PM. Where: Lincoln Center, 1316 North Lincoln. A Little Night Music. Exciting night of music, gourmet food, complimentary beer and wine, live and silent auctions, and dancing! Info at (October 8-10) Home Idea Show. When: All Day. Where: Fair and Expo Center. Information exhibits and presentations by Master Composters. Info: (509) 625-6800 or (November 13-14, 21-22) 17th Annual Nouveau Festival. When: 12 Noon – 6 PM. Where: China Bend Winery. Celebrate the first organic wine of 2007. Music, hors d’oeuvres. Info: (800) 700-6123. www.chinabend,com. (November 15) Celebrate America Recycles Day! (December) Annual Alternative Gift Fair. When: 12:30 PM – 2 PM. Where: Unitarian Universalist Church, 4340 W. Fort George Wright Drive. An opportunity to get off the holiday consumer treadmill, to give life-enriching support to local, national and international organization, to replace gifts of “stuff ” and to honor family and friends with meaningful donations. Info: (509) 325-6383. (April) Living Future. When: All Day. Where: Seattle Center, WA. Regional green building conference. Info: (April 1) Extended hours begin at Spokane Solid Waste Facilities. Info: or recycling hotline, 625-6800
(April 23) Earth Day. When: 11 AM – 3 PM. Where: Main Street between Brown and Division. Music, food, exhibits, vendors. (June – August) Twin Eagles Wilderness Adventure Summer Camps.
When: 9 AM - 3PM. Where: Sandpoint, ID, Spokane, WA & Priest River, ID. For ages 6 and older. Emphasis on earth-based mentoring. Info: www. //
Home Energy Audit program launched in Spokane County With online tools, rebates and new in-home audit, energy efficiency is just a click away-and so is helping the environment In April 2010, Avista launched their In-Home Energy Audit program. The program operates in partnership with the cities of Spokane and Spokane Valley, and with Spokane County to provide comprehensive home energy audits to eligible residents of Spokane County. The three government partners have pledged nearly $700,000 in federal stimulus funding, which will be matched by Avista as part of their ongoing energy efficiency commitment. Together, these funds will help offset a large portion of the cost of a professional home energy audit for qualifying residents. The in-home audit includes an inspection of an Avista customer’s home and a review of the major findings of the audit by a certified energy auditor. A blower-door test can help show where energy is specifically being lost. It’s not uncommon for customers to see a number of leaks in unsuspected places throughout the home. Every home is different and everyone’s use of energy is unique to their lifestyle, which is why a detailed audit is so important when making decisions about improving the energy efficiency and comfort level of the home. The audit process starts online, with customers completing the “Home Energy Analyzer”. This is a preliminary step in recording the basic physical characteristics of your home, as well as determining its relative efficiency. For more information, visit and search for “home
RIGHT: Sign showing home energy audit in progress. // RIGHT: A device placed on the front door of a home as part of the blower-door test. Such tests can often turn up unexpected energy leaks throughout the home. // Images courtesy of Avista Utilities.
energy audit”. Be sure to choose the “in-home audit” option. Energy efficiency rebates are available Avista offers many energy efficiency rebates for your home. From big projects like installing a new furnace or perhaps something smaller like a new fridge, Avista even pays you to haul away your old fridge—and recycles 95% of it in the process. Depending on the project, there may also be tax incentives to assist with the cost. Check out for forms, tips and our current offerings. Online account provides access to tools, reduces paper use
If you’re interested in additional tools to manage your bill, you can sign up for an online account and access the Bill Analyzer tool. This tool will compare your usage month-to-month and help determine reasons for increases or decreases. Tips for reducing your use are provided, and you can access energy efficiency rebates. There is also information about convenient payment options such as Comfort Level Bill, flexible due date and energy assistance. By creating an online account, you’ll also be able to access the Carbon Calculator tool, Home Energy Analyzer and sign up for e-bill services and automatic payment options. All these options are designed to make managing your bill easier while positively contributing to the environment. // For more information, visit us online at GO GREEN DIRECTORY
Spokane Transit: A Solid Foundation on which to Build the Future of Public Transportation The recent record-breaking increases (45% in just three years) in transit ridership, a growing understanding of the importance of linking transportation with urban development, and regional population growth projected of more than100,000 people — are some of the elements that forecast a bright future for Spokane’s public transportation system.
Challenges exist as well. Like many other local governments, Spokane Transit continues to experience a dramatic decline in tax revenue—a consequence of the worst economic recession in decades. As a result, STA has put a plan in place that will enable the organization to operate with lower revenues. “In the same way that a family plans its budget, Spokane Transit is adjusting its operations to a lower level of sales tax revenue”, said Susan Meyer, STA CEO. “It is a reasonable expectation of taxpayers that we will live within our means.” “Although we are making some difficult decisions, including reducing service on some routes, we believe that there is no better time than today to plan for the future,” Meyer added. One of these plans includes what STA calls High Performance Transit (HPT). Instead of focusing primarily on capacity (as the phrase ‘High Capacity Transit’ implies) HPT refers to a range of transit enhancements, the shared characteristics of which are all-day, frequent, two-way premium service. HPT offers three major service types: Blue Lines, which run every 15-30 minutes and cover long distance to quickly connect major regional destinations, Red Lines, offering direct service to major destinations within a metropolitan area and running every 10-15 minutes, and Green Lines, with 6-15 minutes service to support spontaneous travel, short trips and quick, easy access to other service types. HPT service may be provided by different modes depending on what type of vehicle best meets the needs of the service type. For instance, a Blue Line may be served by commuter rail or more likely in Spokane; freeway Bus Rapid Transit. A Green Line might be served by a hybrid bus or streetcar. Red Lines could be provided by an electric trolleybus or light rail. The options available will be researched and presented for public input as future funding opportunities for HPT projects becomes available. An alternatives analysis is already underway to identify an HPT opportunity to connect major activity centers within the downtown core. Spokane Transit and the City of Spokane are working together on a study of transportation modes 38
New hybrid downtown shuttle busses are a recent addition to the STA fleet. // Photo courtesy of Spokane Transit Authority.
(streetcar, electric bus, personal rapid transit, etc.) and routes that would best serve the goals of connecting downtown activity centers, increasing mobility and supporting a vibrant downtown core. The project will conclude in March 2011, with a Locally Preferred Alternative - a single preferred mode and route recommendation, which is required prior to requesting federal funding. The joint project between the City of Spokane and Spokane Transit also includes partnerships with Washington State University, Avista, Spokane Regional Transportation Council, Downtown Spokane Partnership and the Public Facilities District. A citizen advisory group, called the Sounding Board, has been formed to provide ongoing input. Community members interested in learning more about this project or offering input are encouraged to visit All in all, this comprehensive development of a solid foundation will ensure that transit services in Spokane remain How a Great City Moves. // Did You Know? • Spokane Transit is a municipal corporation formed in 1981 when voters approved the establishment of a 248 square-mile Public Transportation Benefit Area. • STA provides bus service on 38 different routes with 156 buses, 22 of which are hybrid (diesel-electric) vehicles. • Paratransit service is also provided with 70 STA vans plus 42 vans operated under contract by First Transit. • STA operates a Vanpool service with a fleet of 107 vans. • STA employs 550 individuals, with 78% working in fixed route (bus), 13% in Paratransit and Vanpool, and 9% in Administration. • STA is governed by a regional board composed of nine elected officials representing the County and seven cities in the Public Transportation Benefit Area, and one non-voting labor member. • Spokane Transit funding comes from local sales tax (67.3%), fares (15.7%), the Federal Transit Administration (13.3%), and from the State and other miscellaneous sources (3.7%).
City of Spokane’s SMART Business Recognition Program
City of Spokane’s Business and Development Services Department’s Sustainable Management of Assets, Resources and Technology (SMART) Recognition Program recognizes businesses on two levels, as a Sustainable “participant” business or as a Sustainable “certified” business. Businesses can choose to apply for recognition in any or all of seven categories. Apply online at, or contact the Business & Development Services Department, 625-6983, for more information. SMART businesses recognized to date – Look for the SMART logo at these Spokane businesses 4000 Holes 7th Rail Access Telcom Aloha Island Grill Area 58 Auto Solutions Azar’s Restaurant Bartlett’s Baker Dozen Bead & Treasures Bigelow’s Top Hat Blvd House of Music Bolo’s Bar and Grill Capital Bar and Grill CASE42 Creative Media Casey’s Bar and Grill CH2M HILL, Inc. Chapala Mexican Restaurant Checkerboard Tavern China Dragon China Garden Clean Air Lawn Care LLC Coffee Social Contract Resource Group Country Place Cruz’n Back in Time De Soleil Design Source Double Dribble Eco Depot, Inc. Fernwell Associates
Georgia’s Carpet Outlet Gilded Lily Go Green Directory Green Cupboards, Inc. Green Global Enterprises, LLC Grocery Boys Hearn Brothers Printing Hill’s Restaurant and Lounge Inland Northwest Built Green® / Spokane Home Builders Association Inland ReTech Jimmy Z’s Kalico Kitchen Kusina Filipina Litz’s Bar and Grill Lorien Herbs & Natural Foods Luigi’s Gourmet Inc Main Market Co-op Moxie Restaurant Muzzy Mansion Niko’s Greek Restaurant NW Seed & Pet One World Spokane Out There Monthly Pedals 2 People Perry Street Café Quinn Group Red Lion Sports Bar and Barbeque Rings and Things Ross Printing Company
Saranac Building, LLC Shell / Divines Fastmart SNAP Vibrant Communities Soft Paws Sonderen Packaging South Perry Pizza Spokane Arena Spokane Discovery Shop Spokane Public Radio Spokane Vacuum Steer Inn on Division Strong Solutions Taco John’s Taste of India Teen Challenge Thrift Store The Bag Lady Boutique The Davenport Hotel The Ruby Slipper The Spokane Club Thomas J. Gerard & Associates Time Bomb Tinman Gallery Unico Properties LLC Unified Groove Merchants Upscale Furniture Wildflowers Windfall Wolf Lodge Steakhouse Working Class Heroes Bar & Grill GO GREEN DIRECTORY
Clean Air. Clean Earth. Spokane Transit now features 22 hybrid buses for cleaner air today and a healthier planet tomorrow. What’s Your Carbon Footprint? Find out at