July 2016 Out There Monthly

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Going Lake Inland NW Lake Guide to the



Where to rent a ski boat Native Plant Landscaping

Camp Sekani July 9




How Not to climb a Mountain Urban Running Clubs







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Half Marathon, 10K & 5K Runs

G re at p ost-ra ce festivities & fa bulous g oody ba g s | R eg ister a t WW W . HAP P Y G I RL S RUN. C OM

JUly 2016 / OutThereMonthly.com


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OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016




18 | Off the Map: Christina Lake, B.C. 28 | Inland NW Lake Guide 34 | No Boat, No Problem

28 Special Sections 19 | Spokatopia Outdoor Adventure Festival Guide

departments 14 | Biking 17 | Gear Room 23 | Buzz Bin 24 | Health & Fitness 26 | Outdoor Living 32 | Race Report


35 | Food & Fuel


in every issue 7

| From the Editor


| Out There News & Events


10 | Hike of the Month


16 | Out There Kids

25 | Run Wild 33 | River Rambles


12 | Everyday Cyclist

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27 | Urban Outdoors 36 | Outdoor Calendar 38 | Last Page

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“For weeks everything was coming together nicely, but then I screwed up and decided to push myself during week 11. This was a huge mistake, and I found myself training through injury for my first 100-mile race.” JUly 2016 / OutThereMonthly.com


Out There Monthly / JULY 2016 www.outtheremonthly.com Publishers

Shallan & Derrick Knowles Editor-in-chief

Derrick Knowles Managing Editor

Janelle McCabe Kids/family section editor

Amy Silbernagel McCaffree senior writers

Jon Jonckers Brad Naccarato Amy Silbernagel McCaffree Contributing Writers:

S. Michal Bennett Jamie Borgan Dave Dutro Elena Gardner Ammi Midstokke Jim Johnson Janelle McCabe Erika Prins Simonds Justin Skay Aaron Theisen Holly Weiler Contributing photographers:

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Josh Armstrong Jon Jonckers Jim Johnson Shallan Knowles Liza Mattana Scott McCabe Justin Short Aaron Theisen Woods Wheatcroft Special projects coordinator

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Art Director - Shallan Knowles Contributing Designer - Brad Naccarato Intern/Online contributor

Siobhan Ebel to request copies caLl

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Derrick Knowles: 509 / 822 / 0123 Out There Monthly

Mailing Address: PO Box #5 Spokane, WA 99210 www.outtheremonthly.com, 509 / 822 / 0123 FIND US ON FACEBOOK Out There Monthly is published once a month by Out There Monthly, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent of the publisher. ©Copyright 2016 Out There Monthly, LLC. The views expressed in this magazine reflect those of the writers and advertisers and not necessarily Out There Monthly, LLC. Disclaimer: Many of the activities depicted in this magazine carry a significant risk of personal injury or death. Rock climbing, river rafting, snow sports, kayaking, cycling, canoeing and backcountry activities are inherently dangerous. The owners and contributors to Out There Monthly do not recommend that anyone participate in these activities unless they are experts or seek qualified professional instruction and/or guidance, and are knowledgeable about the risks, and are personally willing to assume all responsibility associated with those risks.

Printed on 50% recycled paper with soy based inks in the Spokane Valley PROUD MEMBER Of

On The Cover: Suzanne Hemmy Waldrup glides down a section of the Green Monarchs on Lake Pend Oreille en route to a multi day paddle around this longer more wild section of the lake.

Photo: Woods Wheatcroft 6

OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016

From The Editor: Go Jump in a Lake

wi t h R o m i Kr i st l

unfolding seasonal joys present themselves 24-7 for weeks, it never seems like there’s sufficient time to immerse oneself in their simple, existential joys. With the longest day of the year already past, summer taunts us with two short months with which to dive deep into our various summertime rituals. There are plenty of opportunities to turn summer into a hotter, dryer version of the everyday American rat race, but it’s not inevitable. Go jump in a lake. Seriously. At least once a week all summer long. Take note over the coming months as your friends, family and colleagues drop out for days and weeks at a time and retreat to some lake place, lake resort or lakeside campground or beach, only to return with Zen-like looks on

their faces and flip-flop tan lines. First and foremost you may be a lover of wild rivers, mountain trails and alpine peaks, but there’s no denying the power of a cool, calm Inland Northwest lake to charm the daily-grind right out of you. (There are dozens of lakes within a 45-minute drive of Spokane to choose from – check out our lake guide on page 28 for ideas.) The calming, still water and lake-culture rituals cast spells on relenting lake people that make obligations and time itself feel rather irrelevant. The smell of BBQ hanging in the evening air, the lapping of lake waves on a pebble beach, dock timbers creaking against the rise and fall of a passing boat’s wake, the splash of someone diving. Then there’s the haunting calls of mergan-

sers, loons, and osprey by day; night hawks and great horned owls harmonizing with the crickets by night; and campfire crackles; 4th of July firework sparkles and bangs; cold, hand-numbing beverages in a sweat and sunscreen-slick lounge chair. And then the best moment of all. That instant when your body passes through the tranquil surface of a cool lake on a hot summer day, returning you back to the surface refreshed, lighter and, if you truly let go, more alive than you’ve felt in a really long while. // Derrick Knowles, Editor editor@outtheremonthly.com

P H OTO: Je f f B ro c km eye r

“I’m surrounded by forever, but I don’t have any time.” That line from a song by the band Trampled by Turtles sums up a major dilemma for many workaholic Americans – especially for those of us living in places where we are surrounded by awe-inspiring landscapes that naggingly remind us of their boundless potential for adventure. The dilemma: There never seems to be enough time to get out and do it all justice. This spring the balsam root bloomed and before I had the chance to fully experience enough sun-soaked evenings walking along balsam-blasted bluffs it was gone. Same for the roiling whitewater of spring runoff. And May’s tacky singletrack trail dirt and the sweet, fleeting smell of syringa blossoms. Even though these



2016 Trail Runs Idaho / E. Washington 7/16/16 Castle Rocks State Park 7/23/16 Mt. Spokane* 8/13/16 Jackass Hill Climb 8/26-28 Women’s Yoga Retreat 10/8/16 Riverside* 10/29/16 Halloween at Hell’s Gate*

*State Park Series

www.trailmaniacs.com JUly 2016 / OutThereMonthly.com



Choose one of five scenic elevation routes. Riders start in Liberty Lake and cycle through Eastern Washington & Northern Idaho. Sign-up today. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: SEPT. 15


Out ThereNews&Events

Spokatopia Outdoor Adventure Festival to Feature the Biggest Bike Demo and Sales Event of the Year (July 9 at Camp Sekani Park) At the 2nd annual Spokatopia Outdoor

Adventure Festival, you can try stand up paddleboarding, rock climbing, kayaking, slacklining, canoeing, geo-caching, SUP yoga, disc golf, mountain biking, yoga and other outdoor activities all while hanging out in a fun, festive atmosphere that includes over 40 outdoor recreationrelated exhibitors, live music, a beer garden and food trucks, mountain bike jump jam, free MTB shuttles to the top of Camp Sekani, and the biggest bike demo and sales event of the year. Check out and try bikes from Specialized, Pivot, Yeti,

Trek, Norco, Ellsworth and other bike brands. Kick the festival off with the 5k or 1.5 mile Up Chuck Challenge trail run or walk or a free yoga lesson. General admission, bike demos, paddleboard demos and many other activities are free, although there is a cost to sign up for the outdoor adventure clinics offered through Spokane Parks and Recreation. More parking has been added this year, and there’s a free, secure bike corral for those who ride to the festival. Find all the details at www.spokatopia.com. (OTM)

Greater Yellowstone Grizzly Bears Proposed for Delisting



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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed this past March to remove grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Area from the Federal Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. The Service claims that the grizzly bear population in this area has recovered enough that it no longer needs to be on the endangered species list. The population was first placed on the list in 1975 under the Endangered Species Act. Since then, the Fish and Wildlife Service says the population has increased in size from 136 to an estimated 700 and has tripled its occupied range. What could happen as a result of the proposal? The bears could be hunted in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho (with certain regulations in place). Montana has already drafted its hunting plan if the proposal becomes finalized. The states have also begun to develop a coordinated plan in keeping with the regulations imposed by the Fish and Wildlife Service that would accompany the proposal. The plan includes the monitoring of the grizzly population, a ban of hunting

female bears and their cubs, and a ban on hunting if the overall population drops below 600. Despite the evidence the Fish and Wildlife Service has cited, many are concerned that the proposal comes too early and that the grizzly bear is still in danger and should not be removed from the list and stripped of its protective status. A group of 58 scientists, (Dr. Jane Goodall included), have signed a letter urging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to keep grizzlies on the list, stating that climate change and other human-caused factors are continuing to threaten the grizzlies’ primary food sources. “Their future isn’t secure yet, because they face so many threats to their survival,” says Goodall, in a video message presented in Washington, D.C. A 60-day period after the proposal’s release allowed the public to comment on the proposal and its supporting documents. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is now currently reviewing those comments. (Elena Gardner)

“5 in July” Mountain Bike Races Will Keep You Pedaling in the Panhandle All Month

A typical Wednesday night in July out at Farragut State Park. Photo courtesy of the 5 in July Race Series.

Mountain bike racing life after May and June

Wednesday nights at Riverside State Park begins at Farragut State Park July 6, 13, 20, and 27. With only four Wednesdays in July this year, the “5 in July” race series will include the Ride the Pass mountain bike fondo event on 4th of July Pass Sunday July 24. Ride the Pass is an endurance mountain bike ride that covers various options of the 10 plus miles of Nordic ski trails on the south side of the pass and 16 plus miles of ATV Trail #800 on the north side. Two on-course aid stations and a finish line picnic will be provided. Riders will start from the Nordic ski trailhead at 8 a.m. on Sunday July 24 and travel counterclockwise on the south side before crossing over to the north side on Trail #800 (also going counterclockwise). Completing one or both loops might be the goal or seeing how many loops you can finish before the 4 p.m. cutoff might be the plan. For the Wednesday night races, the weekly-


OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016

changed 8-mile singletrack loop course has flowing and winding terrain that provides riders a different racing experience than Riverside. The 3-5 person team format changes some of the racing strategies (cross country rules apply). Single (non-team) riders are welcome too and find Farragut racing just as exciting. Racing starts at the “Tower’s Day Use Picnic Area” (watch for signs) at 6:30 p.m. Players from the North Idaho College Men’s Soccer Team will cheer you on and be there to flip burgers and serve the finish line BBQ for all of the “5 in July” events. Farragut State Park is a fee park, like Riverside, that will require an Idaho $5 day pass or yearly sticker pass on your vehicle. Day passes will be available for purchase at registration if needed. Proceeds from all five events benefit the North Idaho Men’s Soccer Program. Registration is $20 for each of the five events (including the meal), or $80 to do all five. Details at Facebook.com/teammtb5.in.july. (OTM)


m m Su Nights

Rail-Trail Surface Improved Along Curlew Lake If you’ve been thinking about heading up to

Ferry County to ride or walk the Ferry County Rail Trail, recent improvements have made the trail even more user friendly. In mid-May, an eightfoot-wide smooth, firm surface made of crusher fines was spread and compacted on 2.3 miles of the trail along the west side of Curlew Lake. The new surfacing from Pete’s Retreat south to Herron Creek Road connects to the improvements made just last summer for a total of 5.5 miles of compact trail surface. The new surfacing was made possible by a $198,000 Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office non-motorized trail grant. Also included in the plan are surface improvements to approximately 2 miles of trail from Lundimo Meadow Road to the Curlew School then North along the Kettle River, ending at the tunnel. These other improvements, including a new vault toilet

at the Black’s Beach Trailhead, are scheduled for later this summer. The RCO grant required a 50% match that was met through materials donated by Kinross Gold Corp., transportation of materials by ACI Northwest Inc., equipment use from Stott’s Construction and donated labor from Curlew Job Corps students and many other volunteers. “Now that the full 6-mile length of trail next to Curlew Lake is improved, you can see the greater potential to connect the lake to the town of Republic,” noted trail advocate Bob Whittaker. The 28-mile trail corridor, which runs from near Republic north to the Canadian border, is open to non-motorized use, although many sections are still rough. To learn more about the trail and the local effort to continue to improve it as a non-motorized recreation trail, visit Ferrycountyrailtrail.com. (OTM)

Hot er m Sum Nights


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Saturday Little Spokane River Shuttle Service Starts up in July Spokane Parks and Recreation is once again offering a Saturday shuttle service for boaters looking to paddle the Little Spokane River. Taking advantage of the shuttle service, which is only $8 per person, takes much of the hassle out of this classic Spokane area river trip by allowing you to show up with only one vehicle (and just one Discover Pass) and your boats and gear. The Parks and Recreation shuttle gives you and your canoe, kayak or SUP a lift from the 9 Mile take out straight to the put in at St. Georges. Shuttles

run on Saturdays hourly from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., July 2 until September 3. Pre-register at spokaneparks.org. You can pay the $8 fee on-site with a check or card (no cash) – call 509-363-5418 for questions. Inner tubes, rafts, dogs and alcohol are not allowed on the Little Spokane, and PFDs (life jackets) are required. Youth 17 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to catch a shuttle ride. Be sure to have a valid Discover Pass in your vehicle window at the take out. (OTM)

Strider Cup Race Featuring Toddler Bike Riders Coming to Spokane July 9 Strider Bikes, the world’s leading manufac-

turer and marketer of children’s no-pedal balance bikes, is hosting the Strider Cup Race presented by Inland Northwest Toyota Dealers on July 9 in Spokane. Children as young as 18 months will race and enjoy family-friendly activities at the event. The race is the third of three events in the national Strider Cup racing series, in which toddlers as young as 18 months put their skills to the test. These family-friendly races also feature a free Strider Adventure Zone play area with games and Strider Bikes to test ride. It is the first time the series has visited Spokane. Spokane toddler Will Stuart is signed up for the race. The 2-year-old tyke got a Strider Bike on his first birthday. His mother Lyndsey said he “mastered it by the time he turned 18 months old. Will loves his Strider Bike and tells everyone it’s

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his ‘BMX race bike’.” The Strider Cup event July 9 includes races for 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds. The registration fee is $25 online before July 5 or $35 on-site. A typical Strider race scene features hundreds of excited and proud parents and grandparents eagerly encouraging their young racers while ringing bright yellow cowbells as the starting gate drops. Toddlers, some still in diapers, lean forward, kick their short legs, and embark upon their 600-foot plus journey over obstacles such as dirt mounds and wooden ramps. All racers are treated to a celebratory podium award ceremony immediately following their main race, where they will receive either a trophy or a medal and pose for the cheering crowd. More info at Striderbikes.com/spokane. (OTM)

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Hot Summer Nights July 22-23 Riggins Salmon Run Sept 10


SUMMER SALE JULY 8 -18th Trek Bikes Bontrager Clothing & Accessories

Wildlife Researchers Looking for Collared Moose Sightings Moose play an important role in the ecology of

eastern Washington and have cultural significance for the region’s human inhabitants. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, in conjunction with the Wildlife Cooperative Research Unit at the University of Montana, are tracking GPS-collared moose throughout eastern Washington to help determine movement patterns, survival, and reproduction over the next three years. The results of this study

are critical to long-term conservation of the species in Washington, which is why wildlife researchers are asking hikers, mountain bikers, skiers, snowshoers and other outdoor enthusiasts to report any collared moose sightings in eastern Washington. Sightings and photos can be reported online, along with notes on the time and location, color of the collar, number of moose in the group, including any calves, at Wdfw.wa.gov/viewing/moose. (OTM)

See a collared moose out there this summer? Please report it. JUly 2016 / OutThereMonthly.com



Gardner Cave

Crawford State Park // By Holly Weiler

Gardner Cave near the Canadian border makes for a cool summertime “hike.” // Photos: Holly Weiler

On average, July is the warmest month in Spokane. So what if I told you that you could go on a

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hike where you were guaranteed to experience 39 degrees Fahrenheit, even on the hottest July day? When the local daytime highs drain your energy for hiking and you long for the chance to don a jacket once more, pack your jacket for a road trip to Crawford State Park. William Crawford, for whom the state park is named, won the land in a poker game in 1921 and later turned it over to the Washington State Parks system. The park consists of several covered picnic areas constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s, so pack a picnic and plan your trip to coincide with a tour of Gardner Cave. Discovered around 1899 by Ed Gardner, the cave is the third longest limestone cave in Washington. Gardner literally stumbled upon the entrance while riding his horse, and he realized it was an excellent place to hide the goods of his thriving bootleg business. The caves were not developed as a tourist destination until 1950, and the most recent renovations took place in 1977. The park is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday through Monday each week, with guided cave tours at 10 a.m., noon, 2 p.m., and 4 p.m. Aside from a Washington State Parks Discover Pass (one per vehicle), there is no fee for the cave tour. Carry a jacket for the initial 200-foot climb up a paved walkway to the cave entrance, where the tour guide begins the history of the cave, both human and geologic. Put your jacket on before entering the cave for the hour-long tour, where formations include stalactites, stalagmites, and a large column, with several named formations along the descent to the bottom of the cave’s viewing platform. Favorites include “Roast Turkey,” “Fried Eggs,” “Queen’s Throne,” “The Frog,” and “Pet Lizard.” It’s a good idea to take a headlamp. The cave is 1,055 feet long, although the viewing platform only extends the first 494 feet. At platform’s end, you’ll be standing 90 feet below the earth’s surface. If everyone in the group agrees to it, the tour guide will turn off the lights so everyone can experience the natural dark within the depths of the cave. Once the tour is over, consider adding the quarter-mile walk to the international boundary with Canada. It’s sure to warm you up again before returning to the parking lot; just don’t step over the border swath! Round-trip distance: approximately 1 mile. Holly Weiler is an avid trail runner, backpacker, and hiker. She wrote about winter camping in January. GETTING THERE: From Spokane, take U.S. Highway 2 north. Just past the Pend Oreille County line turn northwest for WA-211 toward Usk. Just before Usk, join Highway 20 north to Tiger, following the Pend Oreille River. At Tiger, continue north on WA-31 to Metaline. Just north of Metaline, turn west on Boundary Road and follow the signs to Crawford State Park. Discover Pass required. Call ahead to schedule large groups: 509-446-4065. For visitor safety, no flipflops or high-heeled shoes are allowed inside the cave. No eating or drinking are allowed inside the cave, and pets are prohibited. //

Join Washington Trails Association for a volunteer trail improvement outing July 21-24 at North Fork Sullivan Creek, Colville National Forest. Visit www.wta.org for more information.

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OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016

News,Continued Spokane Nordic Ski Coach George Bryant Named PNSA Coach of the Year Spokane Nordic Ski Association ski team coach

George Bryant was recently selected as the Pacific Northwest Ski Association Nordic Coach of the Year. For nearly a decade Bryant has worked with teenage skiers and their families to take their Nordic skiing to a higher level. Coach Bryant works with Spokane area team members all year training for competition, regularly practicing roller skiing on area trails, as well as combining lifting weights and endurance training. Bryant and

his spouse Alison Weiner were together honored this past February as the recipients of the Gary Silver Award for their dedication to the sport of cross-country skiing at Mt. Spokane. Their combined efforts have extended beyond the connection to youth racing and includes years of service to the community of skiers, facilities and programs at Mount Spokane State Park. (OTM)

Come See Us!

Every Saturday and Wednesday

Through October

WunderWoman Triathlon Raises Funds for Osteoporosis Research (August 7) The West Plains WunderWoman Triathlon

is partnering with Spokane Osteoporosis and the Washington Osteoporosis Coalition to celebrate women creating positive, healthy lifestyles as part of this year’s event. The WunderWoman Triathlon is the only one in the country to raise funds and awareness for osteoporosis research and bone health education, and this year Dr. Lynn Kohlmeier and her team, leaders in osteoporosis prevention and education, will be on hand providing a free initial screening

for participants and spectators (men and women). They will also be providing information about the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of osteoporosis. As part of the weekend-long health event, the Strides For Strong Bones 5K Fun Run & Walk will take place the day before the triathlon on Saturday, August 6. Both events take place at Waterfront Park in Medical Lake. For more information and a complete schedule visit Wunderwomantriathlon.com. (Elena Gardner)

New Leadership at Riverside State Park Washington’s largest State Park recently

hired Diana Dupuis to be the Riverside State Park Area Manager. Although this is a new position, Diana has been with Washington State Parks for many years. She worked as a park ranger at Kanaskat-Palmer State Park, then a region manager in the Northwest Region, and then operations manager for the agency for the last two years. “I fell in love with the Little Spokane Natural Area as soon as I saw it. I am a conservationist at heart, so I love a good natural area, and it is coupled with some great recreational opportunities like kayaking and hiking, which makes it a wonderful spot for everyone,” said Dupuis following her move to Spokane. “I feel myself let go a little when I am surrounded by all of that natural beauty, and I can breathe a little easier. It’s a beautiful place.” It’s impossible to pinpoint all of her duties, but Dupuis is active in many different areas including Riverside, the Centennial Trail, the Little Spokane Natural Area, Long Lake, as well as the Friends of the Spokane House and the Riverside State Park Foundation. Dupuis added, “There is an energetic community that loves this park and is dedicated to

being an active part of its success. The other truly tremendous asset is the staff – another group of people who truly love this place and work very hard to bring a great recreational experience to the people of Washington.” When asked what is the biggest misconception about Riverside, Dupuis responded, “I think so many people who live in the area don’t know that we are here, that they have a wonderful 15,000 acre playground 20 minutes from their home. I thought we would be better known in the community because we are so close to it, but I keep hearing how so many residents don’t know about the park. I guess we have to do a better job of getting the word out.” No one anticipates any dramatic changes in the park in the coming years, but there will be some repairs and renovations to the Centennial Trail, more events at the equestrian area, and multiple trailhead improvements. Learn more about the park at the Riverside State Park Foundation website at Sites.google.com/site/riversidestateparkwa. (Jon Jonckers)

Paddle Splash and Play Introduces Families to Paddle Sports (August 6) Riverside State Park’s Nine Mile Recreation Area on Lake Spokane (Long Lake) will once again host this free, family event designed to introduce human-powered paddling sports to children and youth in a fun, safe and supervised setting. Families can participate in a hands-on outdoor activity completely free of cost or obligation to see if boating fits into their family’s lifestyle. All types of paddle craft are available for use, including canoes, kayaks, stand up paddleboards and a voyager canoe. All equipment, including paddles and personal flotation devices, are provided. A Washington State Parks Discover Pass is required and will be for sale on-site. All on-water participants or their parents must sign insurance liability waivers. This is the Spokane Canoe & Kayaks Club’s 5th annual Paddle Splash and Play event. The number

of participants has grown annually with last year’s event doubling in size to 178 new paddlers. This degree of success and popularity presented a dilemma to SCKC as the insurance cost, charged per person, was becoming prohibitive. Thankfully, the Seattle Boat Show, a subsidiary of the Northwest Marine Trade Association, granted $950 in unrestricted funds to augment the budget. The event fit hand-in-glove with the Seattle Boat Show’s “Grow Boating” and “Youth Boating” grants criteria. Long term supporters and sponsors of the Paddle Splash and Play event include AVISTA Utilities, Spokane Parks and Recreation, Mountain Gear, and Out There Monthly. And the event wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of individual SCKC volunteers who share basic paddling skills and water safety. Learn more at www.sckc.ws. (OTM)

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refurbishing used bicycles and offering hope to youth who are homeless JUly 2016 / OutThereMonthly.com


Everyday Cyclist Tip of the helmet to hank greer

// By Erika Prins Simonds

Changing of the EDC guard – goodbye Hank, hello Erika! Photo courtesy of Erika Prins Simonds

I ride my bike to get around. I ride to feel the

sun on my face and the thrill of whizzing past awesome scenery. Plus, the gnats that fly into my mouth on the trail are packed with protein. I am a cyclist. Yet, I’m not alone in finding bike culture intimidating: The gear. The super legitlooking cyclists. The tight communities around each niche. I want everyone to feel like they can be — that they already are — a cyclist, whether or not they ever buy those weird butt-pad shorts or sign up for a race. My two Everyday Cyclist columnist predecessors, John Speare and Hank Greer, perfectly embody that “everyone gets to belong here” perspective. Greer signed off with his final column in our June issue but indulged me with a final interview to reflect on his experience writing Everyday Cyclist.


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OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016

Prins: When did you write your first Everyday Cyclist column? Do you remember what it was about? Greer: My first EDC was published in the January 2012 issue. I couldn’t remember what it was about — I’m old and it was more than a week ago, okay? [It was on Spokane’s progress toward Complete Streets]. Prins: What has been your goal with Everyday Cyclist? Greer: Through a combination of educating people about cycling, revealing the wide diversity within our cycling scene, and highlighting the fun aspect, my goal was essentially to interest someone who doesn’t ride to try it out. Prins: You seem to have tried every type of bicycling, from cyclocross to mastering the tandem. When do you decide it’s time to try a new thing? What are you learning right now? Greer: It’s always time to try something new. Bike packing and making my own gear are combining for my next adventure. My oldest son and my youngest brother are joining me on the Idaho Hot Springs Mountain Bike Loop this summer. I’m learning how to make my own frame bag, porteur bag, and gas tank to carry my stuff in. The last time I handled a sewing machine, I was in a classroom with very few girls and a lot of guys who had the same idea for meeting them. Nixon was still president. Prins: What’s your best memory on a bike? Worst? Greer: Good memories abound. The freedom a bike gave me when I was a child, painfully riding the last two laps on my first 24-hour solo race to make sure I’d be on the podium, and teaching myself to bunny hop and using that skill in cyclocross races. My worst memories include running

over my sister when I was a child, the chafing I experienced on my first 24-hour solo race, and a spectacular wipeout after not sticking the landing at a cyclocross race in Sandpoint. The good far outweighs the bad. My sister may disagree. Prins: Tell me about your most memorable interview for Everyday Cyclist. Greer: My most memorable interview was more a memorable ride. I was working on an article about the many rides offered by the Spokane Bicycle Club. I was in my mid-50s at the time and I attended a daytime road ride. Nearly every man on that ride was old enough to be my dad and they were kicking ass. I hope I’m doing the same in what is now the not-too-distant future for me. Prins: A genie grants you three Spokane-bicyclingrelated wishes. What do you ask for? Greer: Build a modest network of protected bike lanes in the downtown area. Make riding a bike on the roadways a requirement to get a driver’s license. Reduce people’s fear of riding on the roadways. Prins: You founded the Facebook group GASUP (Get Around Spokane Using Pedals) a few years ago, and it’s become an awesome community for bicyclists of all stripes. What’s it about? Greer: Initially, that was a 30 Days of Biking page in April 2014. April ended and I morphed it into a Bike to Work page for May. Once May ended I renamed the page GASUP and have tried to make something that would hopefully contribute to the cycling community. GASUP is all about sharing your rides, advocacy, commuting, racing, etc. Prins: What’s your next big adventure? How can your readers keep in touch with you? Greer: Bikes are for doing epic shit, right? My next adventure is riding the Idaho Hot Springs Mountain Bike Loop. It’s 525 miles of wilderness at altitude with about 50 hot springs scattered along the route. As for people keeping in touch with me, that happens quite naturally because I cross paths with so many people while I’m out riding. I’m probably most visible during cyclocross season in the fall. I’m the guy riding the neon pink or neon yellow bike, depending on the race, dressed in black, sporting a pink and yellow tie and pink and yellow socks, and stopping for every beer hand up. That last part is an easy way to meet me. // Erika Prins takes over the Everyday Cyclist column this month. She bicycles as her primary mode of transportation. Read more of her writing at www. erikaprins.com.


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Exploring Spirit Lake’s New Empire Trails Singletrack // Exchanging glances with equal parts intrigue,

excitement, and vigilance – like dogs going for a car ride – my riding buddy and I approached the Empire Trails trailhead somewhat warily, parked off to one side and sidled up to an odd sight: an excited exposition by a trailhead attendant by the name of George, who, in my estimation, has one sweet “summer gig,” as he put it. Animated, fit, and winsome, pentagenarian George was fulfilling his charge of imparting knowledge to a gaggle of three teenage boys and a fellow 50-year-old by emphatically gesturing toward and expounding on a large, clearly annotated map. We learned that the Empire Trails system is located on privately-owned forest land along the northern shore of Spirit Lake, Idaho, a gorgeous 1-hour drive from downtown Spokane. Built by volunteers, the system is comprised of 6 and a half miles of alternating, straightforward doubletrack and rippy singletrack with banked turns and sufficient stumps, rocks, and roots to keep you off the seat. The trails also offer lake and mountain views that will stop you in your tracks. Thankful for the unusual treat of a human trail guide to get us oriented, we happily forked over the modest entry fee of $2.50 per person, hastily yanked the rubber straps securing two fat bikes to our other ride, and cranked up a preparatory double track trail. We curiously tilted our ears toward melodic birdcalls, absorbed cool breezes off the lake, and idly scanned to the left for the Pinball Trail, which we assumed would require our lessdivided attention. Unfortunately we missed the sign and arrived at a junction of three trails, one of which was the far end of the Pinball Trail. We opted to ride

Whoever built these trails really loves to ride. // Photo: Justin Short

it backward to find the sign we missed. Pinball, aptly named for the many knuckle-busting slots between stout young trees through which you, the ball, must maneuver, was reminiscent of forays into Washington’s wet western forests. In a downright boggy section, lush underbrush closed in, the ground developed a spongy feel and mossy slickness, and slippery roots replaced rocks as the primary hazards.

We wheezed out of the damp creek bottom, understanding too well why we had been advised to ride in the opposite direction. Back on the double track, our eyes were simultaneously drawn to the rock that distracted us while looking for the Pinball sign, hidden behind a spindly pine. My riding partner erected a cairn we hoped would help future riders find the more flowy direction, which we then giddily rode back to the trail junction.

By Justin Skay After a short, steep climb, the Bronze Bay Trail pulled us in with an endless stream of twisting, seamlessly-banked “S” turns and teased us with some longer, easier straightaways. The trail culminated in a long, doglegged descent to Bronze Bay, allowing we white-knucklers to ease off our brakes just a little, and giving the more acrobatically inclined a chance to get their hops in. This tricky section also boasts expansive views of Velguth Island. Riding the Tesemini Trail on the meandering return to the trailhead provides a self-contained review or preview, depending on direction, of the entire system. Replete with banked twisties, micro-climates, and steep climbs galore, the bonus Charleston Loop will leave you wanting a clockwise run without a lunch break. Hungry for more? According to our favorite trailhead attendant, you won’t have to wait long. While we peered hopefully in the direction of his extended finger, I was convinced that George could actually see the trail crews out there working to connect west to east, extending this wondrous, wooded playground by several miles. “They always save the ends for last,” he mused knowingly as we reloaded the bikes. And we knew, as we drove off, that we’d be back soon to see. More Info: Daily biking/hiking passes and maps are available at the IEP gate and at select local merchants in Spirit Lake, Idaho. Visit Bikespiritlake. com for more info. // Justin Skay just got a brand new fat bike that made for the perfect ride for exploring Spirit Lake’s Empire Trails. This is his first piece for Out There Monthly.

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Teaching Your Children to Water Ski // amy silbernagel mccaffree Water skiing is like swimming, paddling or fishing – introduce it to your kids when they’re young, and they’ll be your water sport buddies for life. I admit I was skeptical when my husband, a couple years ago, suggested our then-4-year-old son could learn to water ski. Our kid was already a decent alpine skier for his age, but water ski? Then I watched a YouTube video of a 2-year-old water skiing. Challenge accepted. Children who snow ski and bike ride independently typically have the right mix of physical skills and character traits to learn how to water ski, including good balance, muscle strength, bravery, determination, and enthusiasm for new challenges. With progressive instruction and specialized gear, teaching them to water ski is easier than you may think. Gear: Trainer water skis have one or more removable stabilizer bars and a wide design to help novice skiers “pop” out of the water. A dual-handle rope is secured to the front stabilizer bar and while the child holds one handle, an adult holds the other while standing in the back of the boat. When the skier falls, the adult simply lets go. A correctly fitted, Coast Guard-certified PFD is required. Dry Land Training: Familiarize a child with wearing water skis and holding the rope handle while being pulled over a grassy surface. Watch YouTube videos for some DIY help from parents who are experienced water skiers and have successfully taught their own young children to ski, such as Kent Wallace, Seth Stisher, and pro water skier

Remember that joy of sailing behind a boat for the first time? Pass it on. //Photo: Amy Silbernagel McCaffree

Glenn Campbell. Shallow Water Training: Simulate a boat tow by running through shallow water with the rope. This allows the child to experience how it feels to ski on top of water, tips up and body leaning back with knees slightly bent. Deep Water Training: Good weather and pleas-

ant water conditions are essential for creating the best possible first experience. Visit a smaller lake that allows motorized boats or find a small bay in a larger lake to be away from other boat traffic and minimize waves. For pulling a child water skier, the boat speed should be 7 to 10 mph. Be sure to read and follow all ski manufacturer instructions

and warnings. The collaborative teamwork of four adults is needed: a boat driver, an adult in the water (wearing a PFD) to assist the child with the tuckedknee start position, and two more adults in the boat with one holding the tow rope and the other holding the safety flag. A small bay allows the adult in the water to watch the action and be protected from other boat traffic. When the ski boat circles back around, and the child is ready for a rest, the tow rope can be released after the boat slows and the child is near the parent in the water. Eventually, the child should be comfortable and skilled enough to start in the water without hands-on assistance. For children not yet ready for actual water skis, there are inflatable ski trainers. These simulate the water ski experience by allowing a child to either sit or stand, totally out of water, to practice balance and stability while being pulled behind the boat’s wake. It’s essentially tubing with a water ski posture. While my son got up on water skis after his third attempt, he only stayed upright for about 100 feet before falling over. It was the end of summer and we couldn’t try again until the following July. He was taller and stronger by then, and surprised us by getting up on his first attempt. Thereafter, our family’s boat days were more exciting and adventurous – the best type of summer days. // Amy Silbernagel McCaffree enjoys sharing stories that inspire people to be more active and adventurous. She contributed several stories to the Summer Adventure June issue.

Explore summer fun with our river recreation maps. Boating, swimming, fishing, camping—our region offers a lot of outdoor recreation. That includes along the rivers and reservoirs where Avista operates hydropower dams. It’s why we’re committed to protecting and enhancing these waterways for everyone to enjoy. To find access sites and public facilities, visit avistautilities.com/rivermaps.


OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016

GearRoom summertime gear

Osprey Mira AG 26 Women’s Day Hiking Pack The first thing we noticed about this brightly-

colored 26-liter day pack is the airy mesh back panel that keeps your back cool and dry while you’re hiking. The entire suspension system is a combination of soft, stretchy shoulder harness straps and a firm, yet still light, hip-hugging waist belt that distributes weight and maintains comfort even when the pack is loaded down. The Mira AG also has a ton of cool features, a few of our favorites being an integrated, removable rain cover; a scratch-free zippered stash pocket that won’t trash your shades when you shove them in

there; and Osprey’s “Stow-on-the-Go” trekking pole attachment system for ditching the hiking sticks if you need to. The pack has a super-functional compartment and pocket system that helps keep clothing, sunscreen, bug spray, extra water bottles, snacks, and whatever else you’re packing well organized and easily accessible out on the trail. This pack also comes with Osprey’s Hydraulics™ LT 2.5 liter reservoir with a magnetic sternum strap bite valve for instant access to fluids. MSRP: $165. Ospreypacks.com/us/en. (OTM)

Chaco Outcross Free (Women’s) and Outcross 1 (Men’s) Water Sports Shoes This summer we tested what might be the

coolest and most functional water shoes we’ve ever worn on several amphibious outings. The Chaco OutCross Free and the OutCross 1, both extremely light, aquatic, closed-toe trail shoes are built for moving back and forth between water and land, and they performed flawlessly on a river float down the Spokane. The OutCross Frees spent most of the time wedged into the bow of a splashy inflatable kayak, where the shoes gripped the boat sides and floor like a starfish when necessary, and drained water and maintained a feather-light feel when not submerged.

Montbell Down Hugger 800 Sleeping Bag

I became a Montbell sleeping bag convert after buying my first stretchy baffle bag nearly a decade ago. I simply love sleeping outside and would choose a tent and sleeping bag over a bedroom almost any day, but the traditional, constrictive mummy bags I grew up with often left me feeling claustrophobic as I inevitably tried to twist, turn and roll like I naturally want to do. I bought a new Montbell 800 fill down bag rated to 40 F. back in April because I wanted a light, compressible bag for warm season bike packing and long-distance summer backpacking where weight and packability are manda-

The OutCross 1s worked surprisingly well on an inflatable stand up paddleboard: nimble, grippy, comfortable and still supple enough to allow the paddler’s feet to feel the board and react to the ebbs and flow of a moving river. Both the Outcross Free and the Outcross 1 really shined on shoreline breaks when we disembarked to chill in the shade of willow and cottonwood. These Chacos protected toes from smashing into underwater boulders, found traction on slippery river rock and limited sand from spilling into them once on shore. MSRP: $110. Chacos.com/US. (OTM) tory, but I also knew I couldn’t live without the flexible construction of a Montbell bag’s “Super Spiral Stretch System.” The company achieves this by integrating a woven fabric at 45 degrees to most major seam lines, making the bag more fluid. And then they top that off with elasticized thread in the stitch to create small “gathers” in the quilting. Which means you can squirm, stretch and flex without busting out a zipper. At 1 lb. and 4 oz., the bag stows nicely into small pack spaces on your bike or back. MSRP: $229. Montbell.us. (Derrick Knowles)

Hydrapak Stash 1-Liter Collapsible Water Bottle

Traditional 1-liter water bottles have been a backcountry staple for decades, but the Hydrapak upgrade is a welcome improvement. Durable, flexible and leak proof, the collapsible Stash bottle is 50% lighter than a hard bottle and saves weight and space in your pack. It’s 100% BPA and PVC free, and it fits almost every backcountry water filter. Admittedly, the soft sides can make the Stash difficult to put back into a holster or water bottle pocket if

it isn’t full, but on a typical excursion, I drink from a hydration bladder and carry a couple empty Stash bottles so I can fill them up at camp for drinking and cooking water. Best of all, the thermoplastic polyurethane is naturally anti-fungal. For nearly two decades, Hydrapak has been creating rugged, safe, and more reliable hydration solutions designed for a variety of outdoor pursuits, from hiking, running, biking to backpacking. MSRP: $22.99. Hydrapak.com. (Jon Jonckers)

Stryder 12 Sport Balance Bike What is a balance bike? I had never given this

question a moment of thought until a few months after I came home from a mountain bike trip up in British Columbia to find out I was 9 months away from becoming a father. A balance bike is a simple bike designed to teach young kids how to steer and balance on two wheels without unnecessary pedals and training wheels getting in the way. The bikes are designed to move the rider forward by their own foot work or gravity, making learning the fundamentals and transitioning to a real bike easier. The Strider 12 Sport is light and comes with no-tool height adjustments for the seat and handlebars, as well as flat-free tires. Ten months may seem a little early to roll a Strider 12 Sport balance bike out of the box for my son, but judging by the smile on his face and immediate interest, it’s never too early (they are designed for kids 2 years and up but toddlers as young as 18 months have been known to take off on their

Striders). Watching him transition from tugging and pulling at the bike with a few handlebar chews and some drool on the seat for good measure to actually throwing a leg over the bike to plop on the seat for a parental-assisted roll across the living room or lawn has been awesome. At 14 months, he’s still mastering walking and more focused on that than tangling himself up in his Strider more days than not, but he is slowly getting it and seems more motivated to mount his ride and let us help him roll around after watching other kids in the neighborhood riding their bikes. A great opportunity to introduce kids to other young Strider riders is coming up on July 9 at Riverfront Park in Spokane. The Strider Cup Race will give kids 18 months and older a chance to race or just check out a free Strider Adventure Zone play area with games and Strider Bikes to test ride. MSRP: $119.99. Striderbikes.com. (Derrick Knowles)

JUly 2016 / OutThereMonthly.com



A mere two-and-a-half hours from Spokane, southern British Columbia’s Christina Lake lies off the radar of many shore-goers heading to its Priest and Pend Oreille kin. Sitting in a small valley where the forested Monashee Mountains begin their ascent out of the arid Canadian Okanagan, Christina Lake lays claim to being one of the warmest tree-lined lakes in Canada. The temperate climate makes for great earlyand late-season water sports when other lakes of the Inland Northwest are too cold to partake. But summer heat suits Christina Lake just fine. Gladstone Provincial Park cradles much of Christina Lake in its pincers. The park boasts some of British Columbia’s wildest country, but shoreline homes grandfathered in when it was established in 1995 limit shoreline access. But the extensive trail system radiating from the lake offers an escape from the weekend crowds. HIKING AND SWIMMING

From the Texas Creek Campground – an ideal spot from which to base a weekend of exploration, with plenty of publicly accessible beach – the Deer Point Trail traces the shoreline high above the lake through an interesting mixture of ponderosa pine and Douglas fir forest typical of the dry interior Northwest as well as ferns and birch reminiscent of eastern hardwood forest. Scant elevation gain and no fixed destination encourages hiking as little or as long as one likes. But the Trapper Creek campsite, accessible via a steep boot path at 3.5 miles, makes a nice shoreline picnic or tent spot; just beware of the poison ivy on the beach. From here, either head back to Texas Creek or continue 2.5 miles further to an impressive old growth cedar grove – increasingly rare in British Columbia’s timber country. Another mile of hiking reaches Troy Creek Campground, where, aside from a few canoe campers, you’re likely to have the beach to yourself.


OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016


For an altogether more exhilarating water experience, visit Cascade Gorge, one of the region’s best – and least-known – waterfalls. Here, the Kettle River sluices through a narrow chute carved over millions of years in the metamorphic rock. Summer’s receding river flows reveal a collection of “kettles” – water-carved pockmarks that give the gorge a dimpled appearance. From an easy-to-miss pullout just west of Christina Lake and the junction of Highway 3 and Highway 395, walk an old railbed, now part of the continentspanning Trans Canada Trail network, across a bridge spanning the gorge. A few hundred yards beyond, scan the brush for a concrete bulkhead of the old Cascade Dam, one of the region’s first; this is a good place to follow user-built trails down to the lip of the gorge. It’s no wonder engineers constructed a dam here: The rush of the Kettle River through such a narrow canyon creates a palpable power. Just north stands Rainbow Rock, so called because mid-day sun refracting off the spray of the falls fills the gorge with rainbows. LOCAL FARE, CULTURE, AND ADVENTURE

For a taste of local art and history and locally sourced food, stop in at the Christina Living Arts Centre in the town of Christina Lake. Tucked in the back is Lisa’s Bistro, which boasts tasty vegetarian and gluten-free options, including locally baked gluten-free bread (which can still be difficult to come by in interior British Columbia.) Be sure to stop by Wild Ways Adventure Sports and Tours, a local outfitter and outdoor gear and bike shop in the town of Christina Lake, for other adventure ideas, trail recommendations, and kayak, bike, and SUP rentals. Visit wildways.com for more information. // Aaron Theisen is a Spokane-based outdoors writer and photographer. He is co-author of the book “Day Hiking Mount St. Helens,” published in 2015. Aaron contributed several articles to the Summer Adventure Guide in June.

Photos top to bottom: Christina Lake is a paddling paradise. The kettle River ripping through cascade gorge. Lake views along the deer point trail. // By Aaron Theisen

Up- Chuck Challenge i 5K & 1.5M Trail Run

July 9













◉ Paddleboarding ◉ SUP Yoga ◉ Kayaking ◉ Geocaching ◉ Rafting ◉ Disc Golf ◉ Canoeing ◉ Rock Climbing

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JUly 2016 / OutThereMonthly.com


Festival Guide Saturday July 9, 2016 • 10 AM - 6 PM • Camp Sekani Park 7:30-9 AM: Evergreen East Group Mountain Bike Ride Meet at the Camp Sekani parking lot to sign in and enter to win raffle prizes donated by REI before this 10-mile, intermediate-level ride on dirt singletrack. The Velofix mobile bike repair van will be on hand to help make minor bike adjustments, but please show up with a mechanically sound and safe bike and a helmet. The ride starts at 8 a.m. sharp! 7:30-9 AM: Up Chuck Challenge Late Registration Forgot to register for the trail run in advance? No problem. 9:30-10 AM: Up Chuck Challenge 5k & 1.5 Mile Trail Run Start The Up Chuck Challenge starts at Camp Sekani on the Up Chuck Trail for a fun 5k climb to the top of Beacon Hill. Or run or walk the more forgiving 1.5 mile “Up Chuck Lite” course to the top of Camp Sekani. 10 AM: Free Morning Yoga Lesson Join Mellow Monkey Yoga teachers for a free “Outdoor Yoga for Everyone” class appropriate for all levels. (Bring your own mat and loose-fitting clothing.) 10-6 PM: Food Trucks Grab a seat in the shade at one of the picnic tables and enjoy a snack or full meal from one of the festival food vendors, including Shameless Sausages, Mac Daddy’s Gourmet Grub and fresh options from Charlie’s Organic Produce. 10-6 PM: Bike Demos Wheel Sport, North Division Bicycle Shop, This Bike Life, The Bike Hub, and Velofix will be offering you the chance to test-ride a variety of bikes from Specialized, Pivot, Yeti, Trek, Norco, Santa Cruz, Ellsworth and other brands. (Demos are free but bring a current ID, helmet and riding gear.) 11-4 PM: Paddleboard & Other Water Sports Demos Try Stillwater Outdoors inflatable stand up paddleboards and paddles and Mountain Gear’s demo fleet of kayaks and canoes at Boulder Beach on the Spokane River (free, bring a current ID). 10-6PM: Hoka Running Shoe Demos Stop by the Fleet Feet Sports/Hoka booth to take a pair of Hoka running shoes for a test run. 10:30 AM-6 PM: Spokatopia Beer Gardens Enjoy craft beers from No-Li Brewhouse, New Belgium Brewing, Slate Creek Brewing, 238 Brewing, River City Brewing and Waddell’s Brewing in the pine-shaded beer garden at the main festival grounds. A second beer garden will be serving up cold cans of New Belgium during the MTB Jump Jam in the bike park. Proceeds from the beer gardens benefit Evergreen East Mountain Bike Alliance. 10:30-12:30 & 2:30-5:30 PM: MTB Shuttles to the Top of Camp Sekani Ride the trails at Camp Sekani on one of the many demo bikes or your own bike and beat the heat with an uphill shuttle back to the top courtesy of Evergreen East. Stop by the Evergreen booth for trail maps and info and follow the signs to catch a ride with one of the shuttle trucks. 11 AM-6 PM: Live Music Smackout Pack (rock n’ roll) 11-12:30 PM A Spokane-based rock n’ roll band with influences ranging from Bob Dylan to the Black Keys. Wyatt Wood (acoustic rock) 1-3:30 PM Live acoustic music from the late 80s to the present with a few originals in between. Marshall McLean (Americana) 4-6 PM Marshall McLean merges elements of folk, rock, and the melodic accessibility of Americana to create his unique style of NW Americana/rock. 1-2 PM: Spokatopia MTB Jump Jam Watch riders show off their tricks and style as they fly through the air off large gapped jumps and other crazy-big features. Follow the signs to the bike park a few hundred yards to the east of the main festival grounds. This free event promises to be an awesome experience for spectators (come early to watch riders practice). // 20

OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016

details @ spokatopia.com • free general admission Outdoor Recreation Activities/Clinics Try these outdoor recreation activities. Sign up in advance or at Camp Sekani Park the day of the festival (if there’s space remaining). Cost: $10-20 per person depending on the activity. Water-based clinics happen on the river at Boulder Beach (see map) and the geocaching, rock climbing and disc golf take place at Camp Sekani Park. For all clinics, check in at the registration booth at Camp Sekani to confirm when and where to meet. These clinics sold out last year! Register in advance at spokaneparks. org using the keyword “Spokatopia.” Intro to Rock Climbing: Let Mountain Gear staff teach you basic rock climbing techniques to reach the top of a beginner-friendly crag at Camp Sekani. Gear provided. Cost: $15. 10-11:30 a.m; 12-1:30 p.m; 1:45-3:15 p.m. Voyageur 8 Person Canoe Tour: Take a voyage with Spokane’s Canoe & Kayak Club in this historic 22 foot voyageur canoe. Cost: $10. 9-9:45 a.m.; 10:15-11 a.m.; 11:3012:15 p.m. Stand Up Paddleboard Lesson: Join Spokane Parks and Recreation for a morning or afternoon stand up paddleboard tour and try out brand new SUP boards. Equipment provided. Cost: $15. 11-12 p.m.; 12:30-1:30 p.m.; 2-3 p.m. Tandem Kayak Tour: Explore this flatwater section of the Spokane River with Spokane Parks and Recreation on a guided tandem kayak tour and lesson. Equipment provided. Cost: $15. 10-11 a.m.; 11:30-12:30 p.m.; 1-2 p.m. Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga: Kick off your Spokatopia festival experience with a tranquil stand up paddleboard yoga sequence with SUP Spokane. Cost: $15. 9-10 a.m.; 10:15-11:45 a.m.

Bike Demos, Water Sports Demos & Activities All Day Bikes for Demo and Sale Don’t miss the biggest bike demo and sales event of the year. Wheel Sport, North Division Bicycle Shop, This Bike Life, The Bike Hub, Cool Water Bikes and Velofix will be selling bikes and gear and offering demos from Specialized, Pivot, Yeti, Trek, Norco, Santa Cruz, Ellsworth and other brands. Come check out full suspension, front suspension, hardtail, and downhill mountain bikes; fat bikes; hybrids; 29ers; and road and commuter bikes. (Demos are free but bring a current ID, helmet and riding gear). Paddleboard & Other Water Sports Demos Try Stillwater Outdoors inflatable stand up paddleboards and paddles with Fun Unlimited at Boulder Beach on the Spokane River (free, bring a current ID). Mountain Gear will also have a fleet of boats to demo, and This Bike Life, a local NRS dealer, will be showing off NRS paddleboards, and Switchblade paddles (a SUP/ kayak/canoe combo paddle) will also be for sale.

Inflatable Whitewater Kayaking: Join FLOW Adventures on an inflatable kayak adventure down the Spokane River. Cost: $15; 9-12 p.m.; 1-4 p.m. Disc Golf Intro Lesson: Team up with an experienced player from Disc Golf Uprising to learn about different types of discs and techniques. Cost: $15. 11-12 p.m.; 12:301:30 p.m. Intro to Geocaching: Learn all about this high-tech scavenger hunt with CacheAdvance instructors, including cache-finding strategies, basic GPS skills and equipment needs. Cost: $15. 11-12:30 p.m.; 1-2:30 p.m.; 3-4:30 p.m.

Other Activities/Demos/Exhibitors Watch slacklining demos and test your balance on a line in the pines on the west edge of the exhibitor area. Stop by the Fleet Feet Sports/Hoka booth to take a pair of Hoka running shoes for a test run. Check out booths from the region’s top outdoor recreation-oriented companies and organizations, from bike shops and outdoor product retailers to outdoor clubs and other small businesses that cater to outdoor lovers – over 40 exhibitors will be set up all day long at the main festival grounds at Camp Sekani Meadows. JUly 2016 / OutThereMonthly.com



Stop by these booths at Camp Sekani Meadows for free samples, gear and product demos, special festival deals, and information from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Arbonne International health products, Avista river maps, Bike Hub bike demos, Cache-Advance geocaching, Center of Lift hang gliding/paragliding info, Charlie’s Organic Produce fresh food, City of Spokane Parks & Recreation adventure clinics, Cool Water Bikes non-profit bike shop, Disc Golf Uprising clinics, Ellsworth bike demos, Evans Brothers Coffee Roasters coffee, Evergreen East Mountain Bike Alliance trail maps and bike shuttles, Fleet Feet Sports Hoka running shoe demos, FLOW Adventures water sports clinics, Friends of the Centennial Trail maps and info, Fun Unlimited/Stillwater Outdoors SUP & paddle demos, KPND 95.3 FM cool tunes, Local Knits handcrafted apparel, Lyte Balance electrolyte samples, Mac Daddy’s Gourmet Grub food vendor, Mellow Monkey Yoga free yoga lesson, Mountain Gear climbing clinics & water sport demos, Naturopathic Med healthy living info, Norco bike demos, North Division Bicycle Shop bikes for demo and sale, Out There Monthly Magazine outdoor adventure info, Ptera wireless Internet, Pivot bike demos, Rathdrum Adventure Race info, Renewal By Anderson windows, Riverside State Park Foundation park info, Roast House coffee, Route of the Hiawatha trail info, ROW Adventures rafting and paddling trip info, Shameless Sausages food vendor, Silver Mountain Resort bike park info, Specialized bike demos, Spokane Canoe & Kayak Club water sports clinics & info, Spokane River Keeper river conservation, SUP Spokane SUP yoga clinics, Switchblade Paddles SUP/ kayak paddles, The North Face swag, This Bike Life bike demos, Tourism Rossland trail maps and tourism info, Trail Maniacs trail running, Trek bike demos, Velofix bike repair and demos, Washington Trails Association hiking trail info, Wheel Sport Bicycles bikes for demo and sale, Yeti bike demos, Zome Design branded apparel. // 22

OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016

Festival Map 1 - Shields Park/Minnehaha Climbing Area Park & Ride 2 - Festival Grounds/Exhibitor Area and Adventure Clinics Registration 3 - Boulder Beach Water Sports Clinics & Demos

Camp Sekani Park




4 - Mountain Bike Jump Jam/Trails 3

5 - Pasadena Elementary Park & Ride


Avista - Park and Bike

Event Presented By:

Getting to the Festival Camp Sekani Park is located between downtown Spokane and Spokane Valley at 6707 E. Upriver Drive across the street from the Spokane River and Centennial Trail. Parking will be limited at the Camp Sekani/Boulder Beach area, so please carpool and consider using one of the nearby park & ride/bike locations.

Event Parking/Park & Ride

The two small parking lots at Camp Sekani Park will fill up early, so please use one of these alternative options:

1. Roadside Parking:

Park on the shoulder/bike lane of E. Upriver Drive in select, signed locations between Shields Park and Boulder Beach, which will be allowed through a permit from Spokane County on the day of the festival.

2. Park & Ride:

Park at nearby Pasadena Elementary (1 mile east on Upriver Drive) or Shields Park/Minnehaha (the paved and dirt lots just west of Sekani on the north side of E. Upriver Drive) and catch a van shuttle (running every 15 minutes) or walk/ bike to Camp Sekani from there on the Centennial Trail.

3. Park & Bike:

Try the more fun option–parking at Avista Utilities (1411 E. Mission Ave.) and riding your bike 4.6 miles on the Centennial Trail to the festival (a secure, free bike corral will be available at Camp Sekani). Or bike from your neighborhood if you live close enough.

BuzzBin Slate Creek Brewing’s Piton Porter

Slate Creek Brewing started just a few years ago, and it is already winning awards. Named after a little known tributary to the St. Joe River, Slate Creek has long been a secret spot for anglers and whitewater explorers. Located on the corner of 5th and Spruce in Coeur d’Alene, Slate Creek Brewing features multiple mainstay beers and several seasonal beers. For most climbers, the piton represents the connection between a climber and the rock. It’s a steelblack nail driven into a cliff to become a temporary anchor, and this intriguing object assisted in paving the way for the Golden Age of rock climbing. In many ways, the Slate Creek Piton Porter represents the connection between a climber and beer. It’s a steel-black brew poured into a glass to become a

The Next Generation temporary rest, and this intriguing object is assisting in paving the way for the Golden Age of North Idaho brewing. The Piton Porter doesn’t have a signature flavor note such as vanilla or citrus, which means it pairs well with just about anything like backyard barbecue or reheated tortellini. Like any good porter, the hop bitterness is moderate. Initially, it tastes sweet but not like chocolate or rum. Compared to a Guinness, the Piton Porter has more flavor, less foam, stronger ABV, and it tastes better after a long day on the trail. The IBU is rather low at 24, and the ABV rests at 5.5%. The only downside is that it’s a seasonal beer, which means if you want to try it, then you better stop by Slate Creek real soon. (Jon Jonckers)

of Hydration Lyte Balance Electrolyte Concentrate provides exactly what you need to stay hydrated to keep you moving. Add Lyte Balance to any beverage to make a custom support drink, naturally optimizing fluid ratios in every cell of your body without sweeteners, caffeine, preservatives, gluten or calories. Balance your Hydration Equation.

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lytebalance.com STOP BY FOR A SAMPLE OF LYTE BALANCE ON JULY 9 Drink this F Bomb, don’t drop it.

Roast House F-Bomb

In a time when words like “bitch” and “ass” have lost their shock value, the “F-Bomb” remains a strong and influential tool. While it might make other specialty roasters uncomfortable, Roast House believes the F-Bomb makes an outstanding title for their latest cold brew coffee. According to their website, it was 7 a.m. in the morning, and the roaster had been fired up for several hours. Although it took longer than usual to find the right profile, it was clear within the first few f-bombs that this version was approved. Since then the Mexican Majomut has been nicknamed “F-Bomb.” The all-organic and Fair Trade coffee company, founded in 2010, recently developed this special cold brew recipe because the cold brew process produces a less acidic, more concentrated coffee drink that many find easier on the stomach. Plus,

it tastes smoother and slightly sweeter. Cold brew coffee is not to be confused with iced coffee, which generally refers to coffee that is brewed hot and then chilled by pouring over or adding ice. In a nutshell, coffee beans in the cold water brewing process never come into contact with heated water, which means the flavor pulled from the beans produces a different chemical profile. The F-Bomb features a bold coffee taste, with a hint of dried cherry and dry cacao. If it were brewed hot, it would be a dark roast flavor. Whereas some people drop f-bombs almost anywhere, you can find Roast House F-Bombs at the Main Market Co-op in downtown Spokane, Huckleberry’s Natural Markets, or you can always stop by the Roast House headquarters at 423 East Cleveland and the staff will be glad to share an F-Bomb or two. (Jon Jonckers) //

Friends of the Falls has merged with the Spokane River Forum (the Forum). The merger allows donations to the Friends of the Falls Whitewater Park Fund to be directed toward access and restoration projects in the Great Gorge area downstream of Monroe St. Bridge. Alternately, a donation refund can be requested. To seek a refund, email the Spokane River Forum at info@spokaneriver.net, or send a letter to 2206 S Sherman St., Spokane, WA, 99203 by August 24, 2016. JUly 2016 / OutThereMonthly.com


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Health&Fitness a balancing act // The Science and Practicality

of Electrolytes // By Ammi Midstokke Ammi Midstokke not even close to bonking at the 24 Hours Round the Clock mountain bike race at Riverside State Park. Photo: Jon Jonckers

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“It’s really just kitchen science,” laughs Tim Cunninghamm as he describes the 30-year process of developing an electrolyte drink. He makes it sound like he was tweaking my grandmother’s cookie recipe. (You could spend 30 years doing that and they’d still come out like charred nuggets of Crisco, God bless her.) Cunninghamm and Karen Nielsen have been in the business of supplement development since 1979. The love child of their passion for minerals is an electrolyte solution called Lyte Balance. In a market where there are dozens of electrolyte drinks in all flavors of grape or shades of blue, it might seem as if the market is saturated. Yet try finding just an electrolyte solution. Capsule versions have been on the market for a while now, but my bike-riding skills don’t allow me to swallow pills mid-tour without kissing a tree. Just about everything out there is loaded with sugars, long words like maltodextrin, food coloring, or even fake sugars (which we should by now know are not good for our health). Why might we even need electrolytes? Aren’t we eating and drinking them regularly anyway? These invisible little minerals are responsible for a few key functions of our body, like cellular respiration and nerve signaling. When we sweat, we lose electrolytes and have a higher demand for them. Electrolytes also help us stay hydrated by attracting water molecules. This is why too much salt can make us retain water. The most common things we experience when we’re low on electrolytes are muscle fatigue and cramping. Those rather blatant symptoms indicate acute mineral imbalance. Chronic mineral imbalance is implicated in a host of health issues ranging from weak nails to restless leg syndrome to depression. THE TEST


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OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016

Sometimes I like to be a mad scientist too. In this capacity, I typically do something really stupid and then observe how effective or ineffective it was or how much of a dent it put in my band-aid collection. Usually I mix my own electrolyte solution for long bike rides. I throw some mineral salt in some water with a bit of coconut water, maybe lemon juice, and call it good. I also eat real food when I train. Training rides typically take me past a park bench where I can pull out some beef jerky and talk cog teeth with friends. Racing is a bit different though. In a race, I go harder, fuel mostly on fruit leather because I can eat it while riding,

and suffer the consequences when I lose my electrolyte balance. Sometimes that’s a cramp, but most often it begins with nausea. Nausea makes me not want to eat. Not eating makes it worse. And pretty soon a full-on bonk is happening. Recently someone recommended Lyte Balance, reportedly a great electrolytes-without-the-fluff product. I put them in my cupboard and forgot about them until about three hours before the 24 Hours Round the Clock mountain bike race. Everyone who ever does anything outdoorsy will tell you: Don’t try anything new when it matters. So testing the electrolytes for the first time in a race I’d been training five months for seemed like a perfect bad idea. I instructed my team captain/medic/boyfriend as I was clipping my helmet. “Two capfuls in every refill, stuff two fruit leathers in my pocket as I fly by and hand me a bottle!” Clearly my optimism early on was high. I had memories of the previous year and watching Chelsey Magness do lap after lap without a break. When the gun went off and I started pedaling, I had ideas of when I would need to break, when hard phases would come, or when that familiar sense of body failure would creep over me. I was 90 miles in before that happened. When it did, it was because my Ruby’s Lube, Vaseline, and Orajel concoction was getting thin and a change of bike shorts was in order. My legs, and more importantly, my head, were working fine. The night came and went. I stopped to eat some quiche and to drink my favorite race drink: bone broth (also very mineral rich). I had a cup of real coffee. I kept pedaling. Usually in a race like that, I have to worry about going too hard, climbing hills too fast. Those are the things that make me seize up. But this year my body recovered well from every climb and every surge of ego. The day after the race, I threw some Lyte Balance in my coffee just to help with recovery. I sat on the porch with my brother, comparing our race medals and telling war stories from training to race day. “It’s all about keeping a balance,” he said. He couldn’t have been more right. To learn more about Lyte Balance, visit www.senseablesupplements.com. // Ammi Midstokke is a nutritional therapist in Sandpoint. She wrote about fat biking in Fernie, B.C., in January. Read more of her writing at www.twobirdsnutrition.com.

Running Training Through Injury for a 100-Mile Trail Run // By Dave Dutro

views of the bryce ultra from the trail. // photo courtesy of Dave Dutro

The Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run

is the oldest 100-mile trail run in the U.S. It starts in Squaw Valley, goes through the Sierra Nevada mountain range, and finishes in Auburn, California. Last year I had the pleasure of pacing my friend Gunhild Swanson at the event. At age 70, Swanson became the oldest finisher of event. When Swanson asked me to pace her I was honored, and I knew I would probably want to do a 100-mile trail run myself some day. After the race, I mulled the details of running a 100 miler in my head for a bit, and I talked to my wife about it. Training for a 100-mile trail run would take up most of my time for at least six months, and I needed her support. She understood why I wanted to do this, so I started looking at possible 100-mile events that were nearby. After I had decided on the Bryce Canyon 100 miler, I put up a post on Facebook. One of the amazing things about Trail Maniacs, the trail-running club that I co-founded, is that most of us are like-minded in our desire to test the limits of our endurance. Bryce definitely fits that category. Bryce offers several distances: a half-marathon, 50k, 50 miler, and 100 miler. We have seven runners doing the 100 miler and three runners doing the 50 miler. After my race decision was made, I set up a training plan for myself and a few others. I studied the course map and elevation profile, and we discussed travel plans. I set up a 24-week training plan, with the first 12 weeks being basic miles, including back-to-back long runs, which increased

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weekly mileage by 10 percent. With my therapy background, I made sure to incorporate corrective and strength-training exercises. I researched the gear I would need for myself and my pacers: headlamps, hydration packs, shoes (lots of shoes), and nutrition. For weeks everything was coming together nicely, but then I screwed up and decided to push myself during week 11. This was a huge mistake, and I found myself training through injury for my first 100-mile race. This was my worst nightmare! My injury started with my calf, and I went to physical therapy for some relief. For about a week I was on the mend, when suddenly my hip decided that it needed attention. So here I am, several weeks before my first 100-mile race, and running hurts. Everyone has been telling me to be patient with this, but I’m kind of freaking out. Not only am I missing valuable training time, but I also absolutely love to run, and I find that I am missing the solitude of my long training runs. I am trying to follow the advice of my physical therapist, staying positive, and doing my corrective exercises as if my life depends on it. I’m not sure what my situation will be on race day, but I plan on showing up at that start line on June 17 and showing them what a Trail Maniac is made of. // Dave Dutro is an avid trail runner, mountain biker, hiker, and co-founder of the Trail Maniacs. Read about Trail Maniacs events and activities at www. trailmaniacs.com.

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JUly 2016 / OutThereMonthly.com








turning your yard into a natural area // By Jim Johnson





Photo: Ollie Jones And after. Bye, bye lawn mower. // Photos: Jim Johnson

4 Routes to Choose From- For Levels of Ability 15-mile, 30-mile, 45-mile or 75-mile

Register Today! 509-343-5020

cmckee@lcsnw.org lcsnw.org/8LakesRide Presented by Group Health & Lutheran Community Se Services NW

BRRC JULY 4TH FUN RUN - JULY 4 CHERRY PICKERS TROT - JULY 21 221 N. Wall St. 509.624.7654 10208 N. Division 509-468-1786 26

OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016

I was born and raised in Spokane and have lived most of my life here. Outdoor adventures, some of which led me to write a hiking guide covering Eastern Washington, have made me a big fan of the Inland Northwest landscape. My fondness for the “Inland Northwest look” gave me the idea to get rid of my lawn and put in indigenous plants to mimic the natural landscape. I didn’t know how much a landscaping company would charge for such work, but I figured it’d be a minimum of several thousand dollars. I’m not averse to monotonous grunt work, and with my frugal nature, I did all the work by myself over several days. I spent less than $100, most of which was gas money for the truck I borrowed. I wanted the iconic, often-seen plants that are common in Eastern Washington, which aren’t normally carried at nurseries. I decided to get them for free by digging them up myself. It’s legal and permissible to get plants from property that is being developed or soon will be. In this way I got my plant stock without worrying about getting in trouble digging up a few plants. After removing the sod along my sidewalk and curb, I filled the area with river rock (free on Craigslist), which I loaded and hauled myself. The river rock created a border that would prevent plants from reaching into the street or blocking the sidewalk as they grew. I made mini-plateaus in the middle of my yard with the sod and ringed them with basalt from a housing development on Five Mile Prairie where a construction foreman said I could take as much as I wanted. During some of my many excursions at Riverside State Park, I noticed piles of wood chips left over from tree-thinning projects. I learned that I could help myself, but a free permit was required. I laid cardboard and newspaper atop the grass and hauled several truck-

loads of chips, creating a thick layer. The following year, a few spots of grass somehow got through, but they were easy to pull out. I planted lots of bunch grasses and rabbitbrush. Oregon grapes, serviceberry bushes, sagebrush, and a couple more plants, the names of which I don’t know, also made it into my yard. A benefit of getting wood chips from the state park is that I unknowingly received lupine and ponderosa seeds. The following year, they sprouted without my help. My yard has several young ponderosas, and the purple lupines, so beautiful in late spring and early summer, are widespread. Another iconic flower, arrowleaf balsamroot, has too long a taproot to transplant. I collected seeds and tossed them throughout my yard. Though not as prolific as the lupines, several plants have taken root. It has been several years since my lawn conversion, and the plants have multiplied, filling in the gaps and covering my yard completely so I don’t have to lay wood chips every few years to keep weeds out. I inspect my yard every two or three weeks and pull the occasional few that take root. The dominant rabbitbrush, which is common in the semi-arid Columbia Basin, flowers late in the summer and attracts hordes of honeybees. It makes my front yard look more like a Central Washington landscape than Eastern. As the ponderosas gain height, this will eventually change. I never water, fertilize, or mow, and I like how my yard looks. The only downside is that during windy weather, my plants catch litter instead of letting it tumble by. That’s okay, though. Any time I have to pick up litter, I award myself a gold star for a good deed done. // Jim Johnson is the author of 50 Hikes: Eastern Washington’s Highest Mountains.

UrbanOutdoors Regional clubs offer midweek options for easy in-town running // By Janelle McCabe

The Inland Northwest is a region of runners, evidenced by its many running clubs. There’s something for everyone: Elite women have the Spokane Swifts, elite men have the Spokane Distance Project, trail runners have the Trail Maniacs, and beginner and intermediate runners have several training program options with Fleet Feet. With such visible and popular groups like the Bloomsday Road Running Club (our region’s oldest) and the Flying Irish Running Club (our region’s biggest), it might be easy to overlook some of the smaller or newer clubs in the area. Happily, there are plenty of days in the week to check out these gatherings and discover new pavement to pound.


7B Running Club (Sandpoint) “Two years ago, I started inviting local runners or to-be runners out on the trail with me and it just went from there,” says organizer Mike Ehredt. Place and Time: 400 Woodland Drive, Sandpoint (Mickinnick Trail trailhead) at 6 a.m. Distance: Four to 15 miles on asphalt and dirt Participation: 12-15 people each week Pace: Caffeinated and decaf Vibe: Exuberant, energetic, fearless, confident, humorous Extras: Dogs and strollers are welcome but rare. 7B hosts potlucks and running movies every couple of months. A shirt design is in the making based on mileage earned.

Lantern Tap House Running Club (Perry Street Neighborhood) “We started the club in 2012 to bring the community together,” says owner Melinda Dolmage. “We wanted to interact with customers while doing something active and positive in the neighborhood.” Place and Time: 1004 S. Perry Street, Spokane (Lantern Tap House) at 6 p.m. Distance: Three- and five-mile routes Participation: 75 runners a week Pace: 6:30- to 14-minute pace Vibe: Inclusive, good-natured, hill-loving, community-minded, thirsty Extras: Dogs and strollers are welcome and common. Some routes include stairs, but the group creates alternative routes for those with strollers. $2.50 draft beer specials. The club t-shirt changes each year, and it’s available after five runs. Flightless Birds (Cheney) “Our club started in 2012 as part of the Let’s Move program in partnership with Cheney,” says organizer Danny Messina. Place and Time: 122 College Avenue, Cheney (Zentropa Pizzeria and Pub) at 7 p.m. in July and August; 5:45 p.m. other months Distance: Three to four miles Participation: 20 runners a week Pace: 9- to 10-minute pace (but some finish quicker and others walk the whole course) Vibe: Local, friendly, relaxed, familial, fun Extras: Dogs and strollers are welcome. Zentropa

offers food and beer discounts. Runners earn a team shirt after their eighth run.


Iron Goat Running Club (Downtown Spokane) “We created the club this May to have a place where friends and tasty beer flows,” says cofounder Ben Bersagel. “There are no TVs at the Goat because the creation of community happens when people hang out together.” Place and Time: 1302 W. Second Avenue, Spokane (Iron Goat Brewing) at 6 p.m. Distance: Three to five miles in and around downtown pavement, parks, and trails Participation: 20-50 runners Pace: Runners, walkers, and hopscotchers (all levels and abilities welcome) Vibe: Enjoy scenic runs in and around the beautiful Lilac City. Make new friends and chat up old ones while enjoying a cold one. Extras: Well-behaved four-legged friends are welcome. Dollar-off Iron Goat beers for runners. A yet-to-be-revealed shirt will be available to runners with a set amount of runs. High Drive Highlanders (South Hill) “I frequent Rocket Market and noticed they installed some taps and were running $2 pint specials on Wednesdays,” says organizer Eric Enser. “I thought it might be a good place to host a run since there are plenty of options along High Drive and the South Hill Bluff.” This is the group’s third

year of running. Place and Time: 726 E. 43rd Avenue, Spokane (Rocket Market) at 6 p.m. Distance: Three to 4.5 miles Participation: Six to 10 runners Pace: 6- to 10-minute pace. Routes are fairly easy to cut short and loop back to the Rocket if you get lost. Vibe: Inconsistent, low-key, easy-going Extras: Dogs and strollers are welcome. $2 pint specials. Evan [Sims] makes all the shirts and has come up with some creative designs. Spokane Veggie Runners (Downtown Spokane) “I gave up meat about five years ago and started following veggie athletes like Matt Frazier (No Meat Athlete) and Catra Corbett,” says organizer Tony DeStefano. “Last year, I decided to start my own group just for fun.” Place and Time: 24 W. Main Avenue, Spokane (Boots Bakery) at 6 p.m. Distance: Three miles, usually an out-and-back between Boots Bakery and Kendall Yards. Participation: Two to 15 runners Pace: Most walk, but runners average an 8-minute pace. Vibe: Relaxed, fun, informative, easy, inclusive (anyone can come, and about half the attendees are meat-eaters) Extras: Dogs and strollers are welcome and common. //

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JUly 2016 / OutThereMonthly.com


Inland NW Lake Guide By Amy Silbernagel McCaffree

Paddleboarding around Tubbs Hill on Lake Coeur d’Alene. // Photo: Shallan Knowles

Upon arrival, you first inhale deeply, as your eyes absorb the panoramic view – blue water reflecting

sun rays, green trees, brown and gray rocks under your feet, or maybe sand, and perhaps distant mountain peaks. You exhale and then you feel it: burdens lifting, stress dissipating. And whatever encumbering metaphorical baggage you had been carrying is no longer so heavy. You’re now “at the lake” – ready to relax, play and have fun. With our region’s bountiful selection of lakes, and all the recreation and adventure possibilities, this guide offers ideas for where to go and what to expect and will hopefully inspire exploration and travel to new destinations. Whether you’re looking for lakes to launch your canoe or ski boat, swimming beaches for your kids, or quiet fishing spots, OTM’s lake guide delivers.


Sometimes “getting away” means leaving the country. Beautiful, stunning mountain scenery, clear blue lakes, and a favorable exchange rate for U.S. dollars awaits you in southwest British Columbia. Lakeside communities and numerous provincial parks (env.gov.bc.ca) – Canada’s version of national parks – provide lake access and recreation opportunities. Only 3-4 hours away by car from the Spokane area, you’ll wonder why you haven’t visited sooner. Kootenay Lake

Nestled between the Selkirk and Purcell mountain ranges lies a narrow, 67-mile long and nearly 500 foot-deep lake – one of British Columbia’s largest. Nelson, located on the lake’s west arm, and Kaslo, a mountain village along the lake’s main section, are the two major hubs offering marinas, boat rentals, lake cruises, lodging and cultural entertainment. Kaslo hosts many festivals, including a jazz festival (July 29-31) and Pirate Day (August 7). Immerse yourself in nature at any of the five provincial parks around the lake: West Arm, Kootenay Lake, Drewry Point (accessible only by boat), Lockhart Beach and Pilot Bay. Start your trip planning at nelsonkootenaylake.com. Christina Lake

Not far from the U.S.-Canada border is where you’ll find another long and narrow lake, with its namesake city at the southern end and its northern half surrounded by Gladstone Provincial Park. In town is Christina Lake Provincial Park, providing easy lake access for swimming, paddling and fishing. There are also seven boat-access only beaches. Find marinas, boat launch locations, rental businesses and lodging at christinalake.com.

Find Peace & Quiet at an Alpine Lake

Escape the hustle and spend time at an alpine lake, deep in the wilderness, where moonrise, sunset and sunrise reveal new depths of beauty. With grit and legwork, many backcountry lakes can be reached in 2-5 hours as a day hike or overnight backpacking trip. Here are some ideas to get you started. • Heart Lake: Lolo National Forest. Bitterroot Mountains in western Montana, near the town of Superior. 6 miles round-trip. • Stevens Lakes: Idaho Panhandle National Forest. The trailhead is near Wallace, Idaho. Hike to the upper and lower lakes (5 miles round-trip). • Hub Lake: Easy access off I-90 to this alpine lake in the Lolo National Forest. 6 miles round trip.

Summertime traditions. // Photo: Jon Jonckers 28

OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016

All these lakes and their associated hiking trailheads are included in the “100 Hikes in the Inland Northwest” guidebook by Rich Landers and the Spokane Mountaineers

The resort is hosting free “Sunday Music on the Lawn” concerts throughout the summer. NORTHERN IDAHO

Lake culture is big in Idaho’s Panhandle. Even if you don’t have your own lake place, you likely know someone who does. But with so many great options, you don’t need to always visit the same lake. View a map of all the regional boating access points and beaches at fyinorthidaho.com; for Kootenai County, visit kc.gov.us. Note that launching a boat in Kootenai County requires a permit fee ($5 for boats registered in Idaho and $10 for all others – annual passes also available), and all boats and non-motorized watercraft in Idaho waters must have an Idaho Invasive Species Fund sticker (idpr.idaho.gov).

Round Lake

Lake Coeur d’Alene

Idaho’s largest and deepest lake has a few favorite places not to be missed. • Bayview: This picturesque city on the south side of the lake, 25 miles north of Coeur d’Alene, has it all: marinas, floating homes, cabins, RV and tent campsites, a restaurant/bar and a store. A county public boat launch (kcgov.us) is located at the town’s main waterfront area. Scenic Bay Marina and Resort (bayviewmarinas.com) and MacDonald’s Hudson Bay Resort (macdonaldsresort.com) offer scenic lodging and boat rentals. The city’s annual Bayview Daze, July 1-3, includes a street fair, boat parade and fireworks show. Plan your trip at bayviewidaho.org. • Hope: Arrive to this small town situated on the lake’s northeast side along Highway 200 (12 minutes from Sandpoint) by boat or car. Beyond Hope Resort (beyondhoperesort.com) has RV and tent campsites and a floating restaurant and oversees the Hope Marina (hopemarina.com), which rents boats. The resort is hosting free “Sunday Music on the Lawn” concerts throughout the summer from 4-8 p.m. A public boat launch and swimming beach is located at the Sam Owen Campground day-use area on the peninsula south of town (fs.usda.gov). • Sandpoint: City Beach (100 Bridge Street) is the main public gathering place for swimming and launching boats, though there are lots of recreation opportunities in the area around the city (visitsandpoint. com). Lake Pend Oreille Cruises (lakependoreillecruises.com) departs its 40-foot, 36-passenger boat – the Shawnodese – from City Beach during the summer, and from East Hope’s Kramer Marina in fall and spring. The Sandpoint Lions Club hosts an annual 4th of July parade downtown in the morning, stage performances at City Beach in the afternoon, and a fireworks show over the lake at dusk.

There are 16 boat launch locations and additional water access points for this Kootenai County aquatic gem, which is over 25 miles long, encompassing more than 31,000 acres. Find a complete lake access list at lakecoeurdalene.com. Here are two Lake Coeur d’Alene locations you need to check out. • Harrison: Arriving in this small, friendly town is like stepping back in time for a relaxing lakeside escape. Located 28 miles south of I-90 via the Lake Coeur d’Alene Scenic Byway (Highway 97), whether you get here by car, boat (20 minutes from the city of Coeur d’Alene) or bike on the Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes, you’ll find everything you need in Harrison. Don’t miss visiting the Harrison Creamery and Fudge Factory, one of many small businesses in the historic area bordering the large city park. A sandy public beach is also nearby. Two businesses rent pontoon or ski boats, kayaks or other watercraft: Harrison Idaho Water Adventures (harrisonboatrentals.com) and Harrison Pontoons & Rentals (harrisonpontoons. com). Consider paddling up the Coeur d’Alene River to visit the series of small lakes and look for wildlife. Harrisonidaho.org. • Yap-Keehn-Um, aka NIC Beach: Avoid the crowds of City Beach and head to the North Idaho College campus (NIC.edu), located off Rosenberry Drive (referred to locally as “the dike road”), which has a public beach near its southern end. The beach’s official name means “The Gathering Place” in the Coeur d’Alene tribe’s language. Here you’ll find the Outdoor Pursuits recreation program boat house that provides gear rentals, including kayaks, canoes, stand up paddleboards and sailboats (open daily, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., through Labor Day). There is also a concession building, restrooms, and swimming area but no lifeguard. All parking on campus is free during summer until the third week of August. Call Outdoor Pursuits to reserve water sports gear at 208-769-3290. Hayden Lake

Enjoy views of the surrounding Bitterroot Mountains at Hayden Lake east of the City of Hayden. Most people use the city’s Honeysuckle Beach (cityofhaydenid.us/parks), which offers all the amenities you need for enjoying a summer day. There is a large protected swimming area with lifeguards, dock, boat launch (fee applies) and concession stand. There is a public boat launch on the northeast side of the lake, and Hayden Lake Marina (3830 E. Hayden Lake Rd, haydenlakemarina.com), with a store, restaurant, boat rentals, boat launch and moorage, is on the south shore. Spirit Lake

Enjoy views of the Selkirk Mountains at this lake located north of Rathdrum, Idaho, on the edge of the community of Spirit Lake. Find in-town lake access and recreation rentals at the Spirit Lake Rec Center across from Fireside Park where you can buy ice cream, snacks and beach supplies at the store or rent paddle boards, paddle boats, kayaks, canoes, row boats, life jackets and bicycles ($25 for a half day and $40 for a full day; call 208-660-7505 for info). There are three other public boat launches on Spirit Lake: an Idaho Fish and Game sportsman’s access on the north shoreline and two maintained by Kootenai County – Maiden Rock on the east side and Bronze Bay on the west end of the lake. Two resorts – Sedlmayers Campground & Resort (sedlmayers.com) and Silver Beach Resort (silver-beach-resort.com) – provide cabins, boat rentals, fishing docks and swimming beaches. In 2015, the Empire Trails system that includes 6.5 miles of singletrack hiking and biking trails was opened for public use, providing another way to experience the lake (a map and day-use permit info is available at www.spiritlakechamber.com).

This rustic, small lake is the ideal destination to escape the crowds. Campers and day-use visitors enjoy swimming, paddling and fishing as well as the unpretentious vibe of Round Lake State Park (parksandrecreation.idaho.gov). Located 10 miles south of Sandpoint, only human-powered watercraft and electric-motor boats are allowed, so you can immerse yourself in nature with all your senses. Lake Pend Oreille

Priest & Upper Priest Lakes

Lots to do here, not enough time. Camping, boating, swimming, paddling, waterskiing, fishing, hiking, mountain biking and huckleberry picking – this is what you do at the 19-mile long Priest. Choose your overnight preference: resort, inn, lodge, B & B, campground or cabin (either forest service or state park), RV park, private vacation home, or stay with friends or family who own a “lake place” here. Paddling the Thorofare to Upper Priest Lake Scenic Area and hiking to see old-growth stands within the Panhandle National Forest, such as the Stagger Inn day-use area, are epic adventures everyone should do. Hiking or camping on Kalispell Island is another. Even if you can’t get campsite reservations – people book early and sites fill quickly, often a year in advance – this lake could also be a day-trip destination from Spokane. Start your trip planning by going to outtheremonthly.com and searching for “Priest Lake” to find several articles detailing trip ideas. The Priest Lake Chamber of Commerce (priestlake.org) is another great resource. Chatcolet Lake & Benewah Lake

These two small lakes south of Lake Coeur d’Alene are accessible through Heyburn State Park (parksandrecreation.idaho.gov, $5 daily fee per vehicle). The Rocky Point Marina off Highway 5 has boat rentals and a day-use area with a swimming beach, fishing dock, playground and restrooms. Hawley’s Landing Campground, one of the three campgrounds within the park, has 10 tent campsites that offer views of Lake Chatcolet, where you awaken to the sounds of birds and beavers. Plummer Point offers a day-use swimming beach, and the Chatcolet day-use area includes a boat launch, picnic shelters, playground, restrooms and access to the Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes.

Clockwise from top left: Smoky summer at Hayden Lake. Jumping for it at Sunup Bay on Lake Coeur d’Alene. Photos: Shallan Knowles. // Boats at Bayview on Lake Pend Oreille. Photo: Amy Silbernagel McCaffree. // Paddlers on Upper Priest. Photo: jon jonckers

JUly 2016 / OutThereMonthly.com


Wild animal s love it too, so keep an eye out for black bear, elk, moose, cougar, bighorn sheep and wolves.


Regional lakes here are diverse enough to meet all recreational needs and moods – from rustic scabland lakes carved by the Ice Age floods to those surrounded by mixed-conifer forests and wildlife, including out-of-the-way or backcountry gems offering solace from the frenetic scene at more common destinations. Many Eastern Washington lakes have privately-owned resorts, both rustic and modern, that provide access for swimming and dock fishing, as well as public boat launches maintained by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for the primary purpose of providing access for boaters and bank fishing (some require a Discover Pass for parking). For directions to public access points, visit wdfw.wa.gov and search for your destination of choice on the “Water Access Sites” page. Newman Lake

At 1,200 acres, Newman Lake is one of the largest in Spokane County, with a shape like a five-leaf clover, according to some locals. With a view of mountain peaks, including Mt. Spokane, much of the shoreline is private property lined with rustic cabins and homes reflective of its rich history. Newman’s public access points include a WDFW boat launch and the 462 acre McKenzie Conservation Area (spokanecounty.org) that provides hiking trails and prime picnic and wildlife watching grounds along its 3,000-feet of shoreline. As for resorts, Newman Lake Resort & Marina (facebook.com/NewmanLakeResortAndMarina) is on the east side, and the rustic Sutton Bay Resort (509-226-3660, 12016 N. Sutton Bay Road) is on the southwest. At the Sutton Bay Resort you’ll find a small sandy swimming beach, fishing dock, boat launch and more. The resort is open daily 7 a.m.-9 p.m., with a day-use fee of $10 per vehicle before 4 p.m. and $5 thereafter. Liberty Lake

Not far from the city’s main business district and I-90, paddlers enjoy the convenient access to Liberty Lake with its WDFW boat launch on the north end. On its south end is Liberty Lake Regional Park (spokanecounty.org), which provides a swimming beach with lifeguards, campsites, playground, and hiking trails (but no boat launch). There is a day-use entrance fee for visitors age 6 and older. Trout & Emerald Lakes

Escape the masses and visit these rustic lakes in Hoodoo Canyon in the Kettle Range mountains. Near the towns of Kettle Falls and Republic, you can drive directly to Trout Lake Campground, with four lakeside

Forest Service campsites. To reach Emerald Lake, hike Hoodoo Canyon Trail #17 to Emerald Lake Trail #94, just over 6 miles roundtrip. Bring your own water. Wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/hoodoo-canyon. Sullivan Lake

Generations of Spokane outdoor enthusiasts make annual sojourns to Sullivan Lake to enjoy camping, paddling, fishing, hiking and huckleberry picking. Located in the Colville National Forest, and only four miles southeast of the small town of Metaline Falls, the lake has two access sites: East Sullivan Lake Campground at the north end and Noisy Creek Campground on the south end (fs.usda.gov). The serene, rustic setting allows you to unplug and unwind. Wild animals love it too, so keep an eye out for black bear, elk, moose, cougar, bighorn sheep and wolves. Bear Lake

This quiet 29-acre spring-fed lake, located in north Spokane County near Chattaroy, is accessible only through Bear Lake Regional Park off Highway 2 (spokanecounty.org). There is a swimming area, playground and hiking trails, but no boat launch. Twin Lakes

On the Colville Indian Reservation, near the town of Inchelium, are two lakes frequently referred to as Twin Lakes. Each is accessible from locally-owned resort areas (anglers need tribal fishing permits). North Twin Lake has Rainbow Beach Resort (facebook.com/rbr.rainbow), offering boat and cabin rentals and a swimming area. There is no fee for day-use visitors and the lake is popular with water skiers and paddlers. South Twin Lake has Hartman’s Log Cabin Resort (facebook.com/HartmansLogCabinResort) with cabin and boat rentals, camping, RV sites, and a restaurant. Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area

The 130-mile long Lake Roosevelt was formed out of the upper Columbia River with the construction of Grand Coulee Dam. The national recreation area designation protects the human-made reservoir and provides access for all with numerous boat launches, campgrounds and primitive sandy beaches (nps.gov/ laro). Five agencies and Native American tribes collectively manage this lake, so be sure to consult a map and plan carefully before you fish or camp. Numerous day-use areas and campgrounds are within the

ToP this page: beat the crowds at Lake Roosevelt. Photos: Amy Mccaffree. // Bottom This page: Life Jacket Loaner station at SunUp Bay, Lake Coeur d’alene // Little Paddlers on Medical Lake. Photos: Shallan Knowles Top Opposite Page: SUP Jump Start, Gone fishing and Cruising on deer lake. Photos: Shallan Knowles. // Bottom Opposite page: Shawn Gust finding his balance. Photo: Shallan Knowles


OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016

recreation area, including Kettle Falls near the north end of the lake and Fort Spokane, which is located at the confluence of the Spokane and Columbia rivers. Fort Spokane’s boat launch, near the towns of Davenport and Reardan, is the closest to the Spokane-metro area ($6 launch fee).

a designated beach for pets. Waitts Lake Resort (509-937-2400) has a day-use park open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. for swimming and picnicking ($3.50 per person), as well as RV and tent campsites and a restaurant.

Fish Lake

Fishtrap Recreation Area includes more than 7,000 acres of public land, most of which is managed by the Bureau of Land Management, with plenty of options for hiking to the water (watch for rattlesnakes). Access to the 190-acre lake just west of Spokane County includes a WDFW boat launch and Fishtrap Lake Resort on the north end of the lake (509-235-2294). The resort offers fishing boat rentals, dock swimming, and RV and tent campsites.

One of the many channeled scablands lakes, Fish Lake Regional Park (spokanecounty.org) is the only official way to access this rural, 32-acre lake two miles northeast of Cheney. There is a fishing dock, swimming beach, playground and restrooms. Gasoline-powered boats are prohibited, which makes this a serene destination popular with families. Take your bikes and enjoy the 3.25-mile paved section of the Columbia Plateau Trail State Park that connects this park to the City of Cheney. Williams Lake

Located 12 miles southwest of Cheney, anglers and paddlers are fond of this small, narrow lake, which was newly stocked with rainbow and cutthroat trout this spring. There are three main access points: the WDFW public boat launch and two family-owned resorts that provide dock fishing and overnight accommodations. Klink’s Resort (klinksresort.com) offers cabin rentals and RV and tent campsites, boat rentals, a swimming beach and bistro dining. Bunker’s Resort & Marina offers much of the same (bunkersresort.com) and hosts a boat parade on July 2 for the Independence Day weekend. Sprague Lake

Known for its excellent rainbow trout and steelhead fishing, sage-dotted scenery, and bird watching, the 6-mile long by 1-mile wide lake is accessible through two businesses: Four Seasons Campground and Resort (fourseasonscampground.com) and Sprague Lake Resort (spraguelakeresort.com). Both offer boat rentals and overnight accommodations. There is also a WDFW public boat launch on the southwest end of the lake. Waitts Lake

Near the town of Valley is where you’ll find the remote 500-acre Waitts Lake. Launch your watercraft at the WDFW access site or head to one of the three resorts, which charge day-use fees for non-overnight guests. Silver Beach Resort (silverbeachresort.net) and Winona Beach Resort (winonabeach.com) have cabins, RV sites, boat rentals, swimming beaches and allow day-use visitors (for a fee). Winona even has

Fishtrap Lake

Loon Lake

Located off Highway 395 in Stevens County, picturesque Loon Lake has three access points: a WDFW boat launch and two resorts – Shore Acres Resort (shoreacresresort.com) and Granite Point Park (granitepoint.dreamhosters.com). Both have rental cabins and boats, RV sites, and offer day-use passes for adults, with reduced rates for children. Deer Lake

Use the WDFW boat launch or check-in at Deer Lake Resort (deerlakeresort.com), which offers boat rentals (kayaks, paddleboats, row and motor boats), mini-golf, and overnight accommodation, including cabins, condos and campsites. For a more private retreat on this clean, scenic lake 45-minutes north of Spokane, consider a private home or cabin rental – there are many options available from VRBO.com. Eloika Lake

In the foothills near the town of Elk, one-mile west off Highway 2, is where you’ll find Eloika Lake – named after a Salish Indian word, but with an English spelling, according to the local lake association website (eloikalake.com). Access to this narrow, 3-mile long lake is from two locations on the east side – either the WDFW access site or Jerry’s Landing Resort (jerryslandingresort.com). The resort, now with second-generation owners, offers rowboat rentals, cabins, RV and tent campsites. Paddlers are likely to spot wildlife, including beavers and muskrats.

7 Great Paddling Lakes


Horseshoe Lake: Members of the Spokane

Canoe and Kayak Club consider this small lake (128 acres) one of the best for paddling. It’s a designated no-wake lake with a 5 mph speed limit located in Pend Oreille County 4 miles north of the Spokane County line to the west of Highway 2. Horseshoe Lake has a WDFW gravel boat launch on its east side. Medical Lake: This small, spring-fed lake is a paddlers’ haven because only non-combustion motors are allowed. Launch your canoe, kayak or stand-up paddleboard from the gravel boat launch (no fee) on the east side of Waterfront Park (medical-lake.org). The park has it all – a large sandy swimming beach, playground, restrooms with showers, picnic tables, and a lakeside trail for biking, walking or running. During summer, the average water temperature is 74 degrees, which makes it enjoyable for swimmers of all ages. Silver Lake: This long and narrow lake situated east of Medical Lake has a WDFW boat launch on its northwest side. On its east side is Picnic Pines

Resort (picnicpines.com), which offers a boat lunch ($5 fee), restaurant, RV and tent campsites, and day-use park. Bonnie Lake: A haven for kayakers and canoers in the “heart of the channeled scablands, this lake is a unique fishery and geological experience,” according to the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife. Only boats 14-feet and smaller are recommended for the launch area into Rock Creek. The only way to access Bonnie Lake is by paddling up the creek – visit the WDFW webpage for full details because crossing private property is necessary (and the landowners allow it). Note: A Discover Pass is required for Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife water access sites (www.wdfw.wa.gov).


Fernan Lake: This small, 300-acre lake is located northwest of Lake Coeur d’Alene, east of I-90’s Sherman Street exit. More than half of its northern shoreline borders the Idaho Panhandle National Forest. Fernan Park (kcgov.us) at the

lake’s west end, in the Fernan Lake Village community, has a public boat launch and docks. Swan Lake: This remote lake is part of the Chain Lakes area – a series of lakes with channels connected to the Coeur d’Alene River that flows into Lake Coeur d’Alene near Harrison. It’s only accessible by paddling up the river. Look for the poles that mark the channel’s entrance. Because Swan Lake is shallow, it’s not suitable for motorized boats, which makes it a paddler’s haven. The Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes also travels through this area. Killarney Lake: Another of the Chain Lakes, whose channel is upriver from Swan Lake, is another favorite among local paddlers. Its shoreline is overseen by the Bureau of Land Management (blm.gov), and you can also drive here – via Idaho State Highway 3 off I-90 (Rose Lake exit) – to access a boat ramp, dock, picnic area and primitive, year-round campground. Note: All non-motorized watercraft in Idaho waters must have an Idaho Invasive Species Fund sticker (www.idpr.idaho.gov). JUly 2016 / OutThereMonthly.com


RaceReport Bare Buns Fun Run & Valley Girl Triathlon // By Janelle McCabe


! Y A D TO Finish line at the Bare Buns Fun Run.

Bare Buns Fun Run: July 31

Bike rodeo volunteers

5K & 1.5 mile as fast as you can

to the top of BEACON

Trail Run

Beer Garden

Up Chuck Bandandas

Live Music

Starts on the Up Chuck Trail out of Camp Sekani for a fun, flowy climb up Beacon Hill to kick off the 2nd annual Spokatopia Outdoor Adventure Festival.

July 9 - 9:30 a.m.

more info: www.spokatopia.com 32

OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016

“I’m thinking of doing the Bare Buns Fun Run this year; who’s with me?” The first time I uttered that sentence was after a group run, when the table was on its second round and the event in question was several months away. By the time the date rolled around, three friends were still willing, if not still enthusiastic, to see what happens when you cross runners with nudists. Kaniksu Ranch Family Nudist Park hunkers in the wooded hills east of Deer Lake. From Memorial Day to Labor Day, campers at Kaniksu do all the things most people do when they go to a campground: hike, ride bikes, swim, play volleyball, toss horseshoes. But without clothes. And one morning every July, a few hundred people who normally wear clothes when they run arrive at the campground ready to giggle and jiggle their way down the gravel and dirt road that makes up the out-and-back 5K course while wearing nothing but a race number and a smile. Your drive to Kaniksu is all jittery anticipation. You park along the steep roads above the campground and make your way down to the packet pickup area, where you experience inner turmoil about being among the still-clothed. For obvious reasons, your race number comes with string rather than pins. Finally, the moment comes when you shrug, chuckle, and then disrobe to the extent that your personal comfort allows. Think about the jostling and jockeying that occurs in the starting corral of every other race you’ve attended. You experience none of that here. People are hyperaware of their (and others’) personal space. Eye contact is at first a bit awkward, until you realize that there are few other acceptable places to gaze. Finally, the starting cannon booms, and runners of all shapes, sizes, colors, and tan lines head down the road. The first mile of any run, clothed or not, is often the most challenging, but by the time you pass that road marker, you’ve become surprisingly comfortable not only with your own erratic bouncing but also with everyone else’s. Most participants run nude (plus running shoes). Others retain some articles of clothing, but even they often take it all off a few yards before crossing the finish line to earn the coveted “nude finisher” T-shirt. After the race, you might find that you’re not in a huge hurry to put your clothes back on. After all, a pickup volleyball game is about to start. For more information, visit www.kaniksufamily.com.

Valley Girl Triathlon: July 10

Newbie female triathletes are in good hands at an event organized by Emde Sports. Every summer, Co-founder Marla Emde directs two women-only sprint-distance triathlons: Valley Girl Triathlon at Liberty Lake in July, and WunderWoman Triathlon at Medical Lake in August. “The Valley Girl was the first women’s triathlon in our area, and it holds a special place in many hearts,” says Emde. After racing Valley Girl twice, I understand why. The Valley Girl transition area and swim course are located at the northwest corner of Liberty Lake, which is reliably clean, clear, and warm, often making wetsuits optional. Instead of an intimidating mass swim start, participants start in age-group waves spaced five minutes apart. After a quartermile swim, athletes jog a short distance to the transition area, where they experience the frenetic atmosphere that results when several hundred athletes buzz in and out of a bike corral, stripping their wetsuits, regaining their bearings, and trying to remember to remove their swim caps before putting on their bike helmets — all with hundreds of cheering family members and helpful volunteers shouting encouragement and directions. Once out of transition, athletes have only a few yards to enjoy their two-wheeled speed before they encounter their first climb. The rest of the 12-mile course is mostly flat, but several 90-degree turns keep everyone alert. Athletes return back to the transition area amidst volunteers who insist on slow speeds — a necessary direction due to the congestion. The two square feet beneath each athlete’s bike that was so orderly before the race is now a jumble of goggles, swim caps, shoes, bottles, and gel packets. The three-mile run takes athletes up and around Trailhead Golf Course on a paved pedestrian path, then along a residential sidewalk, ending at Pavilion Park where David’s Pizza provides post-race calorie replacement. Valley Girl averages about 500 finishers, but this popular race started out as a passing remark. “Ironman Coeur d’Alene had just had its inaugural year, so the triathlon bug was hitting our area,” explains Emde. “I was chatting with some friends about the need for a women’s tri in our area. Most women weren’t going to travel 300 miles to do a sprint-distance triathlon, so something in their own back yard was perfect!” For more information, visit www.valleygirltri.com. See our August issue for a WunderWoman Triathlon race report. //

River Rambles

View from the stern

Exploring the Spokane River as the Riverkeeper’s Guest // By Jamie Borgan

Friday Night: Dance to DJ Excellence Saturday 2pm: Hash Run/ 7pm Live Music: The Angela Marie Project Sunday 9am: The 32nd Running of the Original Bare Buns Fun Run

See you on the river. // Photo: Shallan Knowles

It’s a temperate Saturday on Memorial Day

weekend when we push the raft into the Spokane River at the put-in on Water Street in Peaceful Valley. My friends and I purchased a float with the Spokane Riverkeeper at a nonprofit auction over a year ago and are taking advantage of a long weekend, a beautiful spring, and the swollen, rapidly flowing river to spend a few hours with Spokane Riverkeeper Jerry White. Having grown up in Spokane, I remember the days when the river was perceived as a dangerous purveyor of toxins to be steered clear of, as opposed to a beautiful natural resource deserving of protection. Perhaps no program in Spokane has done more to shore up community concern and interest in the health of the Spokane River than the Riverkeeper, which falls under the auspice of the Center for Justice. And there couldn’t be a better ambassador for the river than White, whose easygoing nature belies a potent depth of knowledge about the geography, botany, wildlife, and history of the river, including the specific ways in which the river is threatened by different human and industrial activities. Despite his understanding of the intricacies of the ways in which PCBs pose hazards to native species and the ins and outs of solid waste regulation as it affects the river, a float with White feels less like an inundation of terrifying information about hazards to the river and more like living a snippet of a BBC nature documentary. We float calmly a couple hundred feet below the West Central trails I run regularly, but for the abundance of flora and fauna and the peaceful river vistas, we might as well be hundreds of miles away. White’s background as a middle school teacher emerges as he points out the historical sites along the way or chooses a lunch spot in front of the nesting grounds of hundreds of cliff swallows. His identity as the father of two young adult boys lends his educational moments a subtle and slightly selfdeprecating humor that allows him to punctuate the

whole trip with interesting factoids without seeming overbearing. Traveling the river with White is a little like walking through high school with the most popular kid in school; trail runners and disc golfers on shore wave as the boat passes by. White is full of stories about his personal and professional experience on the river and seems to know everyone involved with river education or advocacy. Halfway through the trip, two kayakers exclaim, “Hey, it’s the Riverkeeper!” as they pass us. White is jovial and amiable in response, though he takes his role (with its slightly medieval overtones) seriously, pulling the boat over at one point to educate someone on the riverbank about fishing regulations and picking up any trash he finds any time we go on shore. White’s primary motivation for being the embodiment of river protection is that he loves the Spokane river. A fisherman at heart, White sees a clean and healthy river as vital to a hobby he enjoys and a watershed that he’s passionate about. There is true joy in him as he points out a Merganser mother shepherding a row of tiny ducklings or a porcupine nesting in a tree. Further, he has enough perspective and history with the river to be able to point out things that are going well in the world of river advocacy and areas where more work is needed. He conveys a hopefulness for the future of the river that helps the rest of the community embrace its role in a healthy river. For all the information there is available about the river, there is no substitute for spending the better part of a day in it. The four hours we spend flowing downstream feel like a suspension in urban time – what White refers to as “river time,” a moment apart from the rest of the city, though we could not be more immersed in it. And one couldn’t ask for a more fitting guide than Spokane’s own Riverkeeper. // Jamie Borgan is a River Rambles guest columnist this month. She wrote about urban farmers and gardeners in May. JUly 2016 / OutThereMonthly.com


No Boat, No Problem Enjoy the Boating Life Without Owning One by s. michal bennett

For three months of the year, the lakes of North Idaho are teeming with swimmers, paddleboards, and a wide range of motorized and nonmotorized boats. Once considered a pastime for the wealthy, boating is now more accessible than ever to all water recreation enthusiasts. However, purchasing and owning a boat is still a hefty investment, especially if your budget is replete with health care costs, kids’ college funds, a new smart phone for your spouse, and your Ironman entry fee. Renting a boat can allow you to experience the boating life without the time, effort, cost, and maintenance involved in owning a boat. WHAT DOES RENTING INVOLVE?

Unlike Washington, Idaho does not require a safety course or certification to operate a motorized boat. However, all boat rental companies have minimum age requirements (18 to 25, depending on the location) and require a valid driver’s license and credit card upon signing the lease agreement. Whether you’re a first timer or you’ve captained many a vessel, every rental company is ready, willing, and more than able to walk you through the safety and operational features of the boat. Duane Kennedy, owner of Crown Jewel Water Sports in Coolin, Idaho, adds a personal touch to his training. “A lot of new boaters rent from us,” says Kennedy, “people who might be interested in buying a boat. I’ll go out with them for half an hour and make sure they are comfortable and safe with their family in the boat.” Nels Erickson, Harbor Master at Hayden Lake Marina, considers the boater’s safety course to be one of the best things about his marina. “You’d be surprised how many people take advantage of it, even people who have owned a boat for years. They aren’t used to driving it in and out of marinas, and it takes a bit of practice.” Rental costs typically range from $250 for a half day to $700 for a full day and do not include fuel. 34

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Most locations have a two- or four-hour minimum rental time but offer hourly rate discounts for halfday, full-day, and 24-hour rentals. A deposit is usually required, but not always. Each business is different, so make sure to ask before booking. AN ABUNDANCE OF OPTIONS

We have four primary easy-access lakes in North Idaho: Lake Coeur d’Alene, Hayden Lake, Lake Pend Oreille, and Priest Lake. All have an abundance of boat rental options. Boat type: What type of boat do you want: pontoon (great for groups), ski boat, or runabout? Spokane resident Harry Neff found himself in need of a boat a couple of years ago. “We spend a couple weeks at Priest Lake each year,” recalls Neff. “Several of us adults were interested in water skiing, and we wanted to introduce some of the kids to water skiing and wakeboarding and tubing. None of us had a suitable lake place, so we decided to rent a boat for a couple days.” To accommodate the size of their group, they rented a larger boat from Kennedy at Crown Jewel Water Sports, who delivered the boat right to their dock. Resorts like Blue Diamond Marina and Resort at Cavanaugh Bay on Priest Lake that offer lodging and dining services and rent several types of boats (Blue Diamond rents ski, cruising and pontoon boats, as well as a variety of skis, wakeboards and water toys) are a great option for families and groups looking to try out different types of boats from one resort location. Water toys: Many boat rentals come with the option to also use or rent skis, Jet Skis, paddleboards, tubes, and more. Delivery method: There are great boat delivery companies in North Idaho, but renting is easiest when the boat is already on the water at a full-service marina or with a group that keeps its boats at a local marina. On Lake Pend Oreille, both Sandpoint Marine and Motorsports and Action Water Sports

enjoy the amenity of mooring their rental boats at the downtown Sandpoint Marina. “It is the most convenient and superior location,” says Geoff Smith, owner of Sandpoint Marine. P2P: Peer-to-peer (or “pier-to-pier”) rental is a service that allows boat owners to rent their vessels to individuals seeking water adventure. Boatbound is one such company that has listings in the Inland Northwest (boatbound.com). ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS

Not very confident captaining a boat on your own? Think about splitting a rental with someone who has more experience, or take advantage of one of the relaxing cruises available through the Coeur d’Alene Resort or Hayden Lake Marina.

Whether you’re looking for a few hours of refreshing lake recreation or hosting a party on the water, there is a boat rental for everyone. And, if you choose to rent a few boats this summer and expand your water exploration, you might end up with your own favorite lake. For Pat Holland of Action Water Sports, Lake Pend Oreille is his sweet spot. “You can find your hidden cove and get away from people without a bunch of boat traffic driving around you,” says Holland. “It makes it a lot safer than other lakes. It’s a nice little place to hide out.” Make this summer the time that you discover your perfect lake hideaway. // S. Michal Bennett lives in Coeur d’Alene. She wrote about camp coffee in June.

top left: Sunset over Sun Up Bay, lake Coeur d’Alene. Photo: Shallan Knowles // Top right: Harry Neff making waves. Bottom: Jonah Steer and Francis Neff hold the “boarder down” flag. Photos: Josh Armstrong.


foragers and foodies find upside of wildfires // By Erika Prins Simonds finding food in the forest. // Photo: Liza Mattana

Never play above or below a dam.

Liza Mattana and her family brought home an impressive haul of morels in early May. “We went up into the Colville National Forest and they were just everywhere,” she says. It’s a bumper year for morels, the silver lining to last summer’s devastating forest fires. The mushrooms thrive on ground disturbances like logging and big burns. Mattana loves mushrooms, but most of all, she loves the hunt. “They are so rare and hard to find that you become kind-of hooked and obsessed with finding more,” she says. “It’s like you’re on this crazy Easter egg hunt and you just want to find all the eggs.” Foraging is in Mattana’s DNA. She remembers tagging along when her mother harvested wild mustard greens from an abandoned plot of land in San Jose as a kid, and scouting around for tangy, heart-shaped wood sorrel leaves with her friends. She, her husband John Speare (a long-time OTM contributor), and daughter Maddie joined the Spokane Mushroom Club to learn how to forage fungi. After a few forays with the group, they can confidently mushroom hunt on their own. Still, she takes great care to ensure the mushrooms she finds are safe to eat. As strange as it may feel to bring home food from the forest or the roadside, it’s perfectly legal to harvest wild food from public lands. Wild ginger, balsamroot, yarrow, huckleberries, cattails, and a variety of mushrooms grow on park land in and around Spokane. Plus, some of the weeds that grow in local backyards, like dandelion and nettle, make

tasty dinner ingredients. Federal and state parks each have their own set of rules about how much people can harvest for personal or commercial use, so novice foragers should check with the applicable parks service before heading out. David Blaine, owner and chef at Central Food in Kendall Yards, says the morel boom has sparked new interest in the commercial foraging industry. “This year is going to be a real gold rush. It’s going to be ugly,” he says. He receives several calls daily from morel hunters hoping to sell their goods. Blaine uses wild foods in his dishes, but because of recent legislation, he cannot buy them from unlicensed vendors — and that’s okay with him. “It’s a pretty Wild West culture and I think that the state is trying to rein that in,” he says. “Individuals can’t just go into the wilderness and try to get commercial products out of the woods without it being controlled.” Not everyone in the industry adheres to the new standards. An underground market continues to thrive, which Blaine says drives down price and quality for everyone. Though health risks can be a concern, he’s more concerned that novices looking to make a quick buck will damage the environment. “A professional forager who has ethics is going to be a steward of the land, and when they harvest, they’re not going to be disruptive to the point of diminishing future harvests.” // Erika Prins writes our Everyday Cyclist column. She wrote about her stolen bike in May.

When boating or swimming this summer, please remember to play it safe. Call or visit avistautilities.com/waterflow ahead of time to learn about Spokane river flows and water levels on Lake Coeur d’Alene and Lake Spokane. Washington: 509-495-8043, or Idaho: 208-769-1357. We just want you to be safe.


Check out our NEW boats!

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  Newer ski boats with towers and sun shades

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slide into er summ GET OUT AND PLAY. Spokane Parks & Recreation offers hundreds of camps and programs this summer for all ages, including those with disabilities. Check out our Summer Activity Guide at enjoyspokane.com. • Join a league • Pick up a new hobby • Play more golf • Get outdoors

OutdoorCalendar RUNNING


(July 4) River Run on the Fourth.

(July 10) Valley Girl Tri. Where: Liberty Lake. This

Where: Wenatchee. The sixth-annual River Run on the Fourth will be held in conjunction with the Wenatchee Independence Day Celebration. The 5K and 10K will start and finish at Pybus Public Market, which opened in 2013 and is the second-largest public market in Washington. Info: Runwenatchee.com

(July 9) Up Chuck Challenge Trail Run. Where: Camp Sekani Park, Spokane. Start off your day at the Spokatopia Outdoor Adventure Festival with a 5k or 1.5 mile run along the Up Chuck Trail to the top of Beacon Hill. Info: Spokatopia.com/up-chuckchallenge-trail-run (July 23) Trail Maniacs State Park Series. Where: Mt. Spokane State Park. Five mile and half marathon distance trail runs. Info: Trailmaniacs.com

(July 24) Idaho Peak Ultra Trail Marathon & 10K. Where: New Denver, B.C. The marathon is a race to the summit of the iconic and spectacular Idaho Peak and back with 1 mile vertical elevation gain/loss. The race takes place along some of the most enjoyable singletrack running trails in B.C. and may be the only mountain marathon in Canada that uses a cable car to cross a creek! Info: Kootenaysufferfest.com

(July 31) Bare Buns Fun Run.

Where: Deer Lake, Wash. 32nd annual clothing optional 5k at the Kaniksu Ranch Family Nudist Park. Info: Kaniksufamily.com


popular women’s sprint distance triathlon includes a 1/3 mile swim, 12 mile bike ride and 3 mile run. Finishing in beautiful Pavillion Park with activities for the entire family. Info: Valleygirltri.com

(July 16) Tiger Triathlon. Where: Colville, Washington. 1k swim, 40k ride and an 8k run that showcases some of Northeast Washington’s scenic landscapes. Info: Tigertri.com

own pace and enjoy interpretive signs with history, ecology and management of the Refuge. Water and snacks provided. Info: RefugeFriends.com

(July 31) Spokane Valley Cycle Celebration. Where: Spokane Valley. Choose from 10, 25 or 50 mile rides through the best parts of the valley. After party celebration helps riders refuel and rehydrate. Info: Cyclecelebration.com



(July-August) Outdoor Adventure Camps for Youth & Teens. Where: Riverside State Park. A

(July 6, 13, 20, & 27) 5 in July Wednesday Night MTB Races. Where: Farragut State Park,

new camp starts each week through August. Youth and teens get instruction and experience in multiple outdoor activities: stand up paddleboarding, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, biking, rock climbing, survival skills, archery, outdoor games, teambuilding activities, outdoor crafts and more. Cost: $219 per week. Info: Spokanecity.org

Idaho. Team and solo racing on fast, fun singletrack. When: 6-9 p.m. Four Wednesday evening mountain bike races in July at Farragut State Park. Cost: $20 (includes dinner). Info: Facebook.com/teammtb5. in.july

(July 9) Spokatopia Bike Demo Day.

Where: Camp Sekani Park, Spokane. When: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Don’t miss the biggest bike demo and sales event of the year. Demo mountain bikes, fat bikes, 29ers, hybrids and other bikes from Pivot, Specialized, Yeti, Norco, Trek, Ellsworth and other brands. Beat the heat and take advantage of a free uphill shuttle to the top of Sekani for a downhill-only ride. Cost: free (with ID). Info: Spokatopia.com

(July 9) Strider Cup Race Spokane.

Where: Riverfront Park. When: 8 a.m. Open to children of all sizes and skill level. Info: striderbikes.com/blog/ strider-racing/item/5641-spokanejuly9th

(July 9) Spokatopia MTB Jump Jam. Where: Camp Sekani Park, Spokane. When: 1-2 p.m. Watch talented local riders fly through the air on bikes, pulling off tricks and launching off huge gap jumps that few mountain bikers can execute and land. Show up early to watch them practice. Cost: free. Info: Spokatopia.com (July 14-17) Kettle Crest MTB Fest.

music and perspectives

JULY 2016

Where: Jungle Hill Campground, Kettle Falls, Wash. Evergreen East will join Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance for 4 days of riding, socializing, trail work, and more riding! The amazing Kettle Crest trails are only 1.5 hours from Spokane, and provide a worldclass singletrack experience. Includes a day or so of trail work, and then the rest of the weekend riding bikes. Info: Evergreeneast.org

(July 24) Ride the Pass MTB Fondo. Where: 4th of July Pass. “Ride the Pass” mountain bike fondo is back at 4th of July Pass and is included as part of the “5 in July” MTB race series at Farragut State Park this year. Info: 208-667-8969 (July 23) Blue Goose Chase. Where: Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge, Colville. Wash. Ride packed, graded gravel and dirt roads at your

(July 9) Spokatopia Outdoor Adventure Festival. Where: Camp Sekani Park, Spokane. Try paddleboarding, kayaking, climbing, geocaching, canoeing, disc golf and other outdoor activities and demo bikes and other outdoor gear. Over 40 exhibitors, live music and beer garden. Info: Spokatopia.com (July 10) Obstacle Dominator Course with Ben Greenfield & Hunter McIntyre. Where: Spokane. A full day of obstacle course racing instruction, including rigs, ropes, walls, traverse, balance, carries, drags, flips, over-under weave, spear throws, run technique, and much more with a final, epic BBQ feast at the end. Info: BenGreenfieldFitness.com/ July20x

(July 15-17) Kettle Range Rendezvous. Where: Swan Lake Campground, Republic, Wash. Hiking, camping, food and fun for the whole family. This year is the event’s 14th annual celebration. The Rendezvous is a chance to relax, go for a hike, swim or whatever you choose to do. Cost: Free for Kettle Range Conservation Group members and $25 for non-members. Info: Kettlerange.org

(July 22-23) Hot Summer Nights. Where: Riggins, Idaho. The Salmon River Chamber of Commerce celebrates Hot Summer Nights with its Annual Talent Show, 50s/60s/70s dance and Car Show along the banks of the Salmon River in the Riggins City Park. Come play, dance and stay for some great entertainment and summer fun for the entire family. Cost: $5. Info: Rigginsidaho.com (July 23-24) Sea Kayak Class. Where: Medical Lake. Three day sea kayaking class (one evening and two on the water). This class is designed for beginners and seasoned paddlers wishing to refine their skills for open water kayaking in lakes and oceans. Cost $55. Info: sckc.ws

Have an Event You Would Like to List? enjoyspokane.com 509.755.CITY(2489)


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Please visit www.outtheremonthly.com and click “Add Event” under the “Outdoor Calendar” tab to get your events listed online and considered for the monthly print magazine calendar. To be considered for the print calendar, events MUST be entered by the 20th of the month to be listed in the following month’s issue. Please follow the instructions for submitting an event using the web form.


Full events calendar at www.outtheremonthly.com

RUNNING (August 1-5) Glutes in the Koots.

Where: Sol Mountain Lodge, B.C. A week of premier trail running In British Columbia’s Monashee Mountains with Canadian adventure athlete Jen Segger. Info: www.glutesinthekoots.com

(August 6) Strides for Strong Bones 3 Mile Fun Run. Where: Medical Lake. This 3 mile funrun/walk is presented by the non-profit Washington Osteoporosis Coalition. All proceeds go to WOC for education and screenings within our community and throughout Washington. Register with our without a t-shirt and donations are happily accepted and appreciated. Post event expo features free heel scans and a chance to chat one-on-one with medical professionals regarding strong bones and bone health. Cost: $15-25. Info: Wastrongbones.org

(August 7) “Dig Your Grave” Trail Marathon. Where: Hope, Idaho. When: 6:55 a.m. Run in the beautiful Cabinet Mountains, limit 50 runners. Cost: $50 Info: www.goatevents.com

(August 26-27) Spokane to Sandpoint Relay. 200 mile relay from Mt. Spokane to Sandpoint City Beach along some of the most scenic trails and lightly-travelled roads in the Northwest. Info: Cascaderelays.com

(September 3-5) Kootenay Sufferfest.

Where: Kaslo, B.C. 50, 25, 12, and 6k trail runs. 100KM, 40KM, 15KM rides. Suffercross, Duatholns and Junior Duathlons. Info: Kootenaysufferfest.com

(September 10) The 3rd Annual Riggins Salmon Run. Where: Riggins, Idaho. This is a family- friendly event offering multiple distances including a Kids Fun Run for children ages 3-6 years, as well as a half marathon, 10k and 5k distances. Runners will complete an out-and-back course retrieving a special token at the turn around aid station. The finish line for all distances will be at Riggins City Park where runners and their families can enjoy live music, food and drinks. Info:rigginssalmonrun.com

(September 10) Lake Chelan Marathon, Half & 10K. Where: Chelan, Washington. This RunWenatchee-produced race is considered by many to be one of Washington’s premier destination events because of the sights and amenities at Lake Chelan. It is a point-to-point course. Runners are transported from Manson to the start lines by shuttle. The event is a USA Track & Field certified race. Info: Adventurewenatchee.com.

(September 18) Scenic Half Marathon. Where: Sandpoint. With a route across Sandpoint’s iconic Long Bridge, offering panoramic views of Lake Pend Oreille and the surrounding mountains, the Scenic Half Marathon attracts hundreds of runners from all across the country. Info: Scenichalf.com (September 24) Priest Lake Marathon. Where: Priest Lake, Idaho. An off-pavement running adventure through the Panhandle National Forest. The scenery of a trail race, but on drivable dirt forest road with full course support like a road race. All runners

beginner to elite love this course for its scenic trail run-like experience. Info: Priestlakerace.com

(September 24) Happy Girls Run. Where: Spokane. Women’s half marathon, 10k and 5k runs with great post-race festivities and fabulous goody bags. Info: Happygirlsrun.com (September 24) Harvest Hustle 5K.

Where: Rockford, Wash. When: 7:45 Same day registration available. Cost: $7. Info:sespokanecountyfair.com

(October 15) Hayden Lake Marathon.

Where: Hayden Lake, Idaho. Enjoy breathtaking views while running past golf courses, lakes, horse pastures, farms, and North Idaho forests. The full marathon, half and quarter distances all start and finish at Hayden Lake’s Honeysuckle Beach. Info: Haydenlakemarathon.org

(October 15) Chocolate Chip Cookie 50K Trail Run. Where: Riverside State Park Equestrian Area. Rolling river run with short hills, rocks and open praire. Double track, single track, forest service roads, and even a little gravel and pavement. Info: ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=32772

(October 15) Octoberfest Trail Runs. Where: Leavenworth. The Oktoberfest Trail Runs (10-mile and 8K, plus a kids’ race) are held on Wenatchee National Forest lands near Leavenworth, with the start and finish occurring at the Leavenworth ski hill facility. The event is held during the community’s famous Oktoberfest celebration. Info: Runwenatchee.com (October 16) Sekani Trail Run.

Where: Camp Sekani, Spokane. The 8th annual trail run is a 5k/10k event (plus a free Kids’ 1k) with 100% dirt trails and fabulous course challenges with 700 feet of elevation gain for the 10k run! The trails run above the Spokane River and provide great views of the City of Spokane and surrounding areas. Proceeds benefit Franklin Elementary school’s APPLE program. Info: Sekanitrailrun.com

WATERSPORTS (August 6) Paddle, Splash and Play. Where: Nine Mile Recreation Area, Riverside State Park. When: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Adults and children can try out different kinds of paddle craft for free, with volunteers on site to provide instruction and ensure the safety of those out on the water. Try sit-on-top kayaks, whitewater kayaks, paddle boards and a 22ft Voyager canoe which seats up to eight at a time. Info: Sckc.ws (August 13) Pend Oreille Poker Paddle. Where: Pioneer Park Boat Launch, Newport, Wash. Paddle the boat or custom watercraft of your choice and build up your poker hand. This is the 35th anniversary of this fun, Pend Oreille County tradition. Info: Porpokerpaddle.com (September 24) Head of the Pend Oreille Regatta. A weekend of activities in Priest River, Idaho, starts with a Friday evening rowby and 1 K

jasmine, honeydew, lemon

SIXMONTH TRAININGCALENDAR sprint race along with a family BBQ at the Priest River Yacht Club. On Saturday morning there will be a 5k head race on the beautiful Pend Oreille and Priest Rivers. Info: HOPregatta.org

TRIATHLONS/MULTI-SPORT (August 7) WunderWoman Triathlon.

Where: Medical Lake, Wash. A women’s-only triathlon featuring both sprint and Olympic distance races. Individuals or relay team entries, featuring a postrace recovery lounge, great shirts, custom finishing medals and a great venue at Waterfront Park. Info: Wunderwomantriathlon.com

(August 27) Priest Lake Triathlon. Where: Priest Lake, Idaho. Swim, bike and run magnificent Priest Lake. Info: Priestlakerace.com/events/triathlon (September 10) Rathdrum Adventure Race. Where: Rathdrum, Idaho. The premier “alternative” triathlon in North Idaho. Mountain bike Rathdrum Mountain or along a beautiful path, kayak Twin Lakes, and then run the trails back to Rathdrum’s charming City Park. There is a long and short course and you can compete as an individual or as a team. Info: Rathdrumadventurerace.org

BIKING (August 6) 8 Lake Leg Aches. Where: Group Health Corporate Office, Spokane. When: 7 a.m. Choose from 15, 30 45 or 75 mile routes. Info: lcsnw. org/unebugrun (September 3-5) Kootenay Sufferfest. Where: New Denver, B.C. Both a test of fortitude and a family-friendly event with something for everyone. 100, 40, and 15K xc mountain bike races and the Marin Denim Crit. Info: Kootenaysufferfest.com (September 17) Blazing 100 Blazing Saddles Bike Ride. Where: Colville, Wash. This is a fully-supported ride with rest and food stops as well as mechanical and medical sweeps throughout the course. There are four different courses along northeast Washington’s famed road biking routes: 20-mile, 40-mile, a metric century, and a century. The ride benefits Colville Rotary projects. Info: Blazing100.org

(September 18) Rotary in Motion “RIM” Ride. Where: Liberty Lake, Wash. Enjoy a scenic ride of 15, 25, 50 or 100 miles through beautiful areas of Liberty Lake, Post Falls, Green Bluff and Spokane Valley. Cyclists of all ages and ability levels are welcome. Routes will be clearly marked, with food stops, and medical and mechanical support. Proceeds from this ride support various Rotary Club and community outreach projects. Info: Rotaryinmotion.com

(October 1) Rivers and Ridges Ride. Where: Clarkston, Wash. The Rotary Club of Clarkston invites cyclists to come explore the area on a road bike on routes over major rivers, through the famous Palouse and back. The ride includes three familyfriendly courses (7 14, and 25 mile) as well as challenging half century and full century routes. Info: Riversandridgesride.org

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Last Page how not to climb a mountain // By Janelle McCabe Where were you on May 18, 1980? Longtime

residents of the Inland Northwest remember that day that Mount St. Helens erupted, blowing 520 million tons of ash into the atmosphere and bringing darkness to the region in the middle of the day. Thirty-five years after the big explosion, I visited the famous summit with some friends. We planned our trek near the summer solstice to take advantage of the long daylight hours. One of us had suggested summiting at sunrise, and, being romantics at heart, we all agreed enthusiastically. Of course, that meant that we’d start hiking at midnight, when our 24-hour permits became active. Climbing permits are inexpensive ($22 each), but they sell out quickly for the most popular days of the year. Between May 15 and October 31, permits are limited to 100 lucky souls per day. We pounced on tickets the day they went on sale in February and then followed the reports on the Washington Trails Association website each month. Saner people than us cheerfully described starting their hikes in the morning and appreciating their mountaintop experiences with plenty of energy to enjoy the descent. Finally, after a full day at work in mid-June, we drove across the state, grabbing a dinner burrito on the way out of town, and arrived at the trailhead at 11:30 p.m. A half hour later we set out, headlamps alight and senses alert. The first two miles were downright pleasant. The soft trail gently rose 900 feet through a forest of firs. Every now and then our headlamps would catch the reflection of wildlife’s eyes far up or down the trail. After mile two, we passed out of the trees and into the boulder field — rocks the size of Hummers made of skin-slicing pumice. Without gloves, our


OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016

The author and her husband Scott sharing a summit sunrise. // Photo: Scott McCabe

hands would have been hamburger. Every 100 yards or so, posts with varying degrees of reflectivity marked the trail, but for eight people in the dark on an unfamiliar trail, the posts mocked us as each came into view and then passed out of sight. Vertigo visited some of us as we repeatedly looked up and away at the next trail post, then immediately ahead at the next big boulder, then down and behind at

the person following. One mile farther, one hour later, 800 feet higher, but with energy levels significantly lower, we continuously took two scrambles up and one slide down, because the granulated pumice created a steep, sand dune-like ascent that was difficult to gain a purchase on. Eventually, our headlamps weren’t necessary. We had 25 minutes until sunrise,

and 150 feet to the summit. With just moments to spare, we arrived at the top, where there were still a few inches of ashy, crusty snow. Now without a windshield, we blinked into the east. Thin, hazy clouds obscured the horizon, but by then we simply trusted that the increasing light was coming from the sun. Turning in a standing circle, we took in the now-eye-level peaks of neighboring Mount Adams, Mount Hood, and Mount Rainier. We walked carefully along the rim of the crater. At a safe distance from the cornice, we observed a tiny stream of steam rising from the crater and heard soft gasps beneath the surface. By now our sweat had cooled and our heart rates had leveled, so we started our descent. Our thighs screamed from the hours of vertical lunges we’d just completed. Some hikers glissade back down the nearby snowfields, but the early hour made those too icy, so we slid down the pumice dunes by foot. Once we arrived back at the boulder fields, I did a mile-long series of triceps dips, bracing my hands and arms against boulders and lowering myself down. Finally below the tree line, we zombie-stumbled down the last two miles. The two sufficiently conscious people in our group drove the rest of us back to town, where we all slept for 15 hours straight. I’m usually a morning person, and I love finding that place on a trail where you can’t step any higher. But a sleepless sunrise summit on an unfamiliar peak? // Janelle McCabe is a Jill-of-some-trades, masterof-none who writes about the Inland Northwest outdoor and active community. She wrote about backyard beekeeping in June.

Paddle Splash & Play! A free kid’s event / August 6th, 2016 For details visit SCKC.ws and click events SUMMER SEASONAL WATE RM EL ON LIM E AL E




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Ben Aguilar grinds his way up “Allergic Reaction” 12a, Banks Lake, WA


Photo: Jill Yotz OutThereMonthly.com / JULY 2016

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