So Young Issue Nineteen

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The Orielles The Orielles’ glistening and fresh take on guitar pop has

Maybe that was because we have the album under our belt,

opened some big doors for them this year. Their debut

we have the validation of fans and audiences that liked the

album ‘Silver Dollar Moment’ symbolised a triumph for

album. That gives the confidence to create something new.

alternative music in general. We caught up with sisters Sidonie and Esme Hand-Halford after they’d just returned

Esme: We’re also seeing that one of the tracks off the

from Iceland.

album called ‘Old Stuff New Glass’ was one of the one’s we channeled most of our own music tastes into. We enjoy

From the outside your year has been huge, how’s it all

playing it live and it’s one of our favourites on Spotify

felt at your end?

which shows it’s got a good reaction. So it’s helpful to write something more in that style and take onboard what we

Esme: From our perspective it’s felt less crazy than other

enjoyed but also what other people enjoyed listening to. It’s

people have been seeing it. When you’re in the band it’s

given us a bit more direction really.

hard to take yourself out of it and view it from a different perspective. For us it’s been really fun to be honest, we’ve

Tell us a bit about the new single, it’s got a different

been constantly playing and recording so we couldn’t ask

groove to it?

for much more. Sid: We wrote that during summer in and out of festivals. You’ve ticked off some great things though?

We’d have practices during the week and then do festivals on the weekend. So I guess that conveys the fun we had. It

Sid: Yeah definitely, we’ve kind of been non-stop this year.

was the first song we’ve written with Alex on the keys as

Just doing so many gigs in different and unconventional


venues has been really fun. Obviously just to travel the UK and Europe is really fun because you see different crowds

Esme: I definitely felt it was within our conscience to write

and make new friends.

a tune that was fitting all of these festival vibes. Obviously over the summer we’ve seen so many bands and DJ’s so

Does the album feel like a long time ago to you now?

I think that was all channeled into the track. It’s got that festival season energy in it.

Esme: February feels like ages ago to be honest. This year has absolutely flown by. To think it’s nearly been a year

So you’re not going to write a dark tune anytime soon

since the album dropped, it’s actually quite scary.


It’s a huge undertaking to put a record out, has it given

Sid: We have actually written a darker track funnily

you more confidence?

enough, we saw Mogwai play at Latitude festival and were completely blown away. That inspired us to write an

Sid: I think so, particularly with releasing this new single,

emotional prog tune.

we felt a bit more leniency in terms of what we could do with it.


Words by Rhys Buchanan, illustration by Cerys Scorey

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