3 minute read
Jane Hunt MP
Jane Hunt MP It is a pleasure to be wring my first column for Soar Valley Life. I was deeply honoured to be elected as the Member of Parliament for the Loughborough constuency in December’s General Elecon. Regardless of how you voted in that elecon (or indeed, if you didn’t vote at all), I promise to serve the whole constuency to the very best of my ability. Since being elected, it has been a whirlwind. There is a lot to learn; and despite having worked for my predecessor (now the Baroness Morgan of Cotes) for nine years, I now realise that I saw only a ny part of the work of an MP. But despite the steep learning curve, the one priority I had during the campaign remains the same – the Loughborough constuency. In January I made my maiden speech in the House of Commons. In that speech I talked about the generous nature of those who live in our area. It is the cando atude of those living here and the willingness to help each other out which makes me proud to represent such a fantasc part of the country in the House of Commons. In the first few months as MP I have been focused on a number of issues. Flooding has affected many parts of the constuency; Loughborough, Barrow, Sileby, Hathern and other areas have been badly hit. I have held meengs with Leicestershire County Council, the Environment Agency and other agencies to migate against future wet weather condions. I have also focused on bus routes, local businesses and crime. As the MP for a major university town, I realise the importance of Loughborough University to the local area. Since being elected, I have met with the ViceChancellor and the Students’ Union Execuve to discuss how I can support students and the University. We are the sporng capital of the UK, and I will always support the University in keeping Loughborough on the sporng map. Finally, I am always available to any constuent who needs my help or who wants to raise an issue with me. My email address is jane.hunt.mp@parliament.uk and office telephone is 01509 262723.
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