2 minute read
Tracing your Family History
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Tracing Your Family History Emigration may explain why someone is hard to find. Post-WW2, Britons were encouraged to move to Australia under the ‘£10 Poms’ scheme because Australia seriously needed people with specific skills, such as builders, electricians, etc. Many left, escaping post-war battered Britain for opportunities in a warmer climate. Some emigrants had sponsors to help find work and a place to live. These could be family members, perhaps of a previous wave of migrants. Such links may have made settling down to a new life easier. In turn, they may have brought over other family, such as grandparents. Similar patterns of migration occurred into Canada and for both places, searching ships’ passenger lists is a good place to start. Finding folk in their new home usually needs a worldwide subscription to a genealogy site, to research similar records: electoral rolls or trade directories as in Britain. The Loughborough group of the Leicestershire & Rutland Family History Society (LRFHS) meet on the third Tuesday of the month at All Saints Church hall, Thorpe Acre Rd, Loughborough, LE11 4LF, open at 6.45pm with refreshments for 7.30pm start.
Meetings: Mar – Enclosure Awards in Leics – John Goodacre Apr – My Ladybird Working Life – Eve Wiltshire
© SVL Email enquiries to jenni@jennidobson.co.uk
A Life on Fire tells the story of one of Leicestershire’s best loved and well known businessmen – former president, chairman and managing director of the Great Central Railway, and Chairman of Ford & Slater plc of Narborough Road Leicester.
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