1 minute read

A two course Sunday Lunch for two at either the Tap & Run at Upper Broughton or The Three Crowns at Wymeswold
HOW TO ENTER Find the foods associated with our menu in the Wordsearch below and send your answer, which is a six word related phrase, together with your full name, address and telephone number, to editor@soarvalleylife.co.ukor by post to Soar Valley Life, 1 Burton Road, Sileby, Leicestershire LE12 7RU. The first correct answer out of the hat aer the closing date of Friday 24th April will win. Editor’s decision is final. Terms and condions apply.
Tap & Run Wordsearch
Bok Choy Burger Celeriac Cheesecake Cherries Chicken Fries Fudge Haddock Ham Hock Mushrooms Parmesan Prawns

Sirloin Sorbet Spinach Sticky Ribs
Stroganoff Tagliatelle Truffle Wasabi
Find the words associated with our menu in the grid and the remaining leers will spell out a related phrase