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Keeping Your Dogs and Cats Healthy This Springme The warmer temperatures and new growth of spring is a welcome me for all of us – me to emerge from hibernaon, whether figuravely or literally, and enjoy the season to its fullest.

Unfortunately, it’s also a me when your pet is at risk of ill health because of the sheer number of fleas, cks, and other lile visitors that appear. So how can you protect them this spring, and prevent any healthrelated issues? Groom, groom, groom Dogs and cats shed much more in the springme, so help nature along by gently grooming them on a regular basis. It’ll boost their circulaon, encourage the shedding process and help to prevent fur balls. Treat for fleas and cks It’s easy for dogs and cats to become infested with fleas in the warmer weather, so treat them regularly for fleas and cks –


treatments are easy to administer and they protect your pet from unwanted visitors. Worm your pet Hookworms, tapeworms, and roundworms, are all prevalent in the springme so you need to worm your pet regularly. Talk to your vet about the most suitable treatment, as different types of worm may need to be treated differently. It’s easy to miss the signs of potenal ill health in your pet in the spring, as the main culprits are either minute in size or ingested before you realise it’s happened. So keep a watchful eye when you’re outdoors and you’ll be able to act quickly to stop any serious illnesses developing.

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