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East Seagate Urban Design Framework East Seagate Area Within Dundee Introduction

N Crown copyright/database right 2009. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service


Crown copyright/database right 2009. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service


The Seagate area of Dundee is located in Movement Into and Through East Seagate the south east of the City Centre. Over the years, investment in the Seagate has lagged behind other areas of Dundee City N Centre, which is reflected in the quality of the built environment. The East Seagate KEY Urban Design Framework (ESUDF) sets out East Seagate Area proposals on how to overcome these Linkage problems and improve the area for resi‐ Route Inward dents and visitors not only to the Seagate area, but Dundee as a city. Investment in this area is important—it acts as a linkage between several areas: • Wellgate/Murraygate and Dundee Waterfront • Wellgate/Murraygate and Gallagher Retail Park The area is a key gateway to the city centre: • All buses from out with Dundee and many inner city buses enter the city centre through this gateway; • From the north of the city from Forfar Road/Princes Street; • From the east, along Broughty Ferry Road/East Dock Street; and to some extent • From the south, for those entering the city centre from the Aberdeen Off‐ramp for the Tay Road Bridge.

Case Studies Hull City Centre Area Action Plan and City Centre Built Form Design Guidance, Hull City Council • Hull is similar to Dundee in that it grew up around it’s river/estuary through maritime activity, although there is greater activity in Hull today than there is in Dundee Harbour. • Currently the city has plans to redevelop it’s Waterfront and recon‐ nect it with it’s city centre, again similar to Dundee.


Area Boundary Page 1 of 5

Station Yard Urban Design Framework, Newport City Council • Design Framework for an inner city area, close to the main area of the city centre, similar to the Seagate area. Andrew Miller Matric No: 070008520

Appraisal of Current Form Street Surfaces

Assets and Problems

Nightclub and Office Complex

• Poor quality surfaces used, which reflect badly on the quality of the built environ‐ ment. • Since materials are of poor quality and poorly maintained, they have cracks and pot holes, which are not only unsightly, but can also be unsafe, particularly to vulnerable sectors of the community.


Though it has the appearance of and office block, the building does in fact contain not only offices, but 3 nightclubs and a bar. Mainly composed of darkened glass and PVCu fascias, the building does have potential to be relatively attractive. The lower floor especially needs improving, particularly the black concrete entrances to Soul and Out Night‐ clubs. Enterprise Car Hire This building is a fixed “portakabin” type building, with little architectural merit. The removal of it would greatly benefit the area. DP&L Headquarters

Key Not Working

Lighting • Current lighting provision in East Seagate mapped, which highlighted a lack of lighting for pedestrian routes. • Mary Ann Lane only has lighting to the north of the lane, whilst the rest of the lane has no lighting at all. • Many of the street lights in the area are N o r a n g e / y e l l o w coloured, which gives the area less of an attractive appearance and goes against the street lighting policy of Dundee City Council, which prefers to use white light‐ ing. • Little use of lighting in the area to highlight quality architecture and important buildings. Page 2 of 5

Has Potential Works Well

Hardware Stores These stores are usually not the type of store to be found in a city centre. Given that they are of poor design and in poor condition, they are not appropriate for a gateway into the city centre from the Water‐ front area. Hardware Store Again this type of use is more suited to an industrial estate, how‐ ever compared with the other hardware stores opposite, this building has high architectural merit, and would be ideal for other uses. It is a category B listed building, relating to Dundee’s maritime history

Occupied by the same com‐ pany since it was con‐ structed, this building is category C listed Classical Victorian architecture. The building is a prominent re‐ minder of Dundee’s links with the sea, and how it used to operate as a major port. McLeish Brothers Recently pur‐ chased by Dundee City Council for demolition. The building is a for‐ mer warehouse for fresh foods, but is in poor condition.

Residential Buildings

All of the residential buildings marked num‐ ber 2 on the map are of good quality. They enhance what is otherwise a rundown area and contribute positively to the built envi‐ ronment. Magnum House A category B listed building, Magnum house portrays a fine example of Art Deco architec‐ ture, albeit poorly maintained. The building has potential in that a minor renovation will greatly improve the appearance of the build‐ ing, thus enhancing the public realm. Langlands and McAinsh Highly unsuitable given the city centre loca‐ tion of this site, the land on which the com‐ pany is situated could be put to better use. All buildings on the site have little design quality, and the high brick wall which makes up part of the boundary makes the whole site an unattractive welcome to the city centre. Bus Station/Garage The bus station is a 1960s style building, which was renovated in the 1990s. Though the main en‐ trance of the bus station does make a positive contribution to the built environment . However the rest of the building, along with the former Strathtay Buses garage have little architectural merit. The garage now lies largely vacant and the bus station waiting area is too small, particularly when intercity buses arrive and de‐ part. Bus movements in and out of the are poor too, as there is a high risk for collisions with pedestrians. Shell Garage Not ideal, however it will remain there under the new plans for a Swimming Pool and Car Park. Could do with improvements to its facade.

Example of the work done to identify problems in the area. This exercise identified not only the problematic buildings in the area, but those which area an asset to the area.

Sense of Place • Current built environment and public realm does not create a feeling that there is a sense of place in the area, unlike the other areas of the city centre.

• The only building which contributes to the feeling to a sense of place Is the bus station, as the main entrance makes an impact with its elevated roof point, showing that it is an important build‐ ing.

• There is a lack of public art, which would help contribute to the feeling of a sense of place, as the public art in the city centre does. Andrew Miller Matric No: 070008520


Design Strategy Existing


Street Surfaces • Improved quality and appearance, such as Caithness stone will greatly improve the public realm.


New Swimming Pool Key Residential Transportation/Communication Office Leisure Retail Industrial Vacant

New swimming pool to be located on site of East Whale Lane Car Park. Modern building will help create a more attractive welcome to the city centre.

Proposed N

Proposed N

Lighting Lighting in the area should be good quality, following policy guidelines set out by the council. Lighting should also be used to highlight buildings and features of the built environment. However the use of lighting should be as little as possible to reduce light pollution and reduce energy use.

Key Vehicle Flow—Two Way Vehicle Flow—One Way Buses Only—One Way Pedestrian Route Conflict Point—Vehicles and Pedestrians Controlled Pedestrian Crossing Zebra Crossing Page 3 of 5

Andrew Miller Matric No: 070008520

Design Brief—Buildings

Current Bus Station

Examples of other bus stations in UK ‐ Prominent build‐ ings, plenty of space and sheltered marshalling areas

Bus Station

Magnum House and example of art work on side of building.

Magnum House

• Current bus station provides a poor welcome for passengers not only entering the city, but travelling through • Grade B listed building • Renovations will greatly improve the apartment block. too. • Large area of blank wall could be utilised as space for artwork—possible • A new bus station on the same site will create a key landmark for the area. projects for colleges and universities? ‐ would reflect on Dundee being • Will give a better image of the city to visitors and travellers, helping create a sense of place. a creative city. Will also help reinforce a sense of place. • Proposed station could incorporate Mary Ann Lane as a one way system for buses entering the station, via a new opening in Trades Lane, with stances running along Mary Ann Lane • Enterprise Car Hire could be incorporated into the new bus station, whilst the car hire depot would be located on the same site, but screened from view for users of the Seagate.


Office/Nightclub Complex

• Uncoloured/darkened glass covering a larger area will greatly improve the appearance of the building, along with fa‐ cade improvements on the first floor. • Effective lighting could be utilised to highlight the buildings use for leisure at night, even though it appears to be an of‐ fice block.


Building in present state. Example of how lighting can bring life to a building during the night. Page 4 of 5

Area of Brief

Andrew Miller Matric No: 070008520

Design Brief—Public Realm N

East Marketgait/Seagate Corner

Outdoor Advertising

A large piece of public artwork could be Incorporated into the new belt of green space on the corner, which together with art work on the side of Magnum House would show visitors that they are entering an impor‐ tant area—the city centre.

Despite the fact that they detract from the quality of the public realm, advertising boards attract business rates, which in turn can be invested into communities. Therefore they should not be re‐ moved from the area. Nevertheless, the board and boxes which are used to display adverts should be replaced with better new more attractive advertising modules, which will greatly improve the public realm.


Area of Green Space and Public Art

St Andrew’s Street/Seagate Corner

The removal of street furniture on the corner will increase permeability and make the area more attractive in general, helping increase permeability at this important corner for pedestrians walking from the city centre to the Seagate.

Current Advertising Boards in Seagate (Above), Good Examples of Advertising (Below)

Cluttered (Left) and Uncluttered (Right)


Cracked, unsightly pavements are currently one of the major faults in the public realm of the area. This is exacerbated when it rains, as the pavements can flood very easily. Invest‐ ment in better quality stone, such as Caithness stone together with improved drainage will help create a more pleasant environment, particularly for pedestrians. Current Street Surfaces—Cracked and Poorly Drained (Left) and Good Quality Street Materials (Right) Page 5 of 5

Andrew Miller Matric No: 070008520

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