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Traffic System Review As well as Seagate being a major Firstly, to ease pedestrian congestion along Seagate caused by the amount of space taken up by the bus thoroughfare for pedestrian movement with shelters ‐ impeding free pedestrian flow ‐ in‐depth options regarding these bus shelters were addressed: destination, Murraygate through Horse ∙ A redistribution of bus shelters; Wynd or Peter Street or to the bus station, it ∙ Merging two bus stops and their service lines into one; also has a high density in vehicular traffic. ∙ Redesign of bus shelters to reduce area size; As mentioned before, Seagate has numerous ∙ Removal of bus shelters – adopted option. issues and a variety of them stem from the The adopted option was chosen over the other options through reasoned justification where a bus amount of traffic that passes through here shelter, wherever moved to, will just redistribute the problem of creating a barrier to the walking public. such as pollution, noise, vibration, grime, Shelters have standard dimensions and standard regulations to comply with (i.e. distance from the kerb safety hazards, congestion, etc. and distance from the opposite building ). The difference along Seagate is represented in Figs 12‐13 where instead of the current 5 bus stops (3 have shelters), under the reviewed system, there will be 2 bus On carrying out traffic surveys along Seagate, it became apparent that public stops with veranda shelters. A widening of pavements was discussed however will not be needed by transport was not the sole reason for traffic removing the bus shelters along Seagate. congestion (see Fig.11). As the collected Veranda shelters will be introduced to provide maximum space for movement without sacrificing cover for data shows, the amount of private transport waiting bus passengers. It is however aimed to tempt people in bringing the public to the bus station for a (cars and vans, mainly) running along comfier wait. Seagate was upto 4 times higher than public transport running through the same street. O nto veh i c u l ar congestion, Seagate Also in the revised traffic system, By removing all private transport, there will primarily become a public transport route only by also allowing to prevent traffic and general Fig.12 would undoubtedly be a major difference in access to: store deliveries, taxi services, emergency services and public access where necessary, a those aforementioned problematic areas. refuse collectors. The latter only at specific times of the day. These mixture of private gates and This is the reason for a traffic system review, times being optimum times to beat the 9‐5 rush ‐ early mornings for bollards will be introduced. to make Seagate a safer and more efficient refuse collection and store deliveries and collectors again during the A private gate will be added evening or late night. thoroughfare for the general public and onto the access point from transport both. The difference between current and reviewed traffic system is shown Seagate onto Candle Lane and at in Fig 12‐13 where in the revised system, private vehicles will have to the Seagate ‐ Gellatly Street travel down Trades Lane and to the waterfront roundabout to enter junction, there will be pavement Gellatly multi‐storey carpark and out again. Fig.11 creation along with bollards. Private vehicles will be able to enter Hillcrest Housing Association, Parking will be prohibited along opposite to the bus station, through Allan Lane ‐ minimum disruption. Seagate, however only disabled permit holders will be permitted to park for any period of time. Delivery trucks will park during designated hours for example, early mornings avoiding the bulk of traffic.

Seagate Bus Stop 2

The bus station will be expanded and upgraded to cope with any additional bus services through the removal of some bus stops along Seagate. This improvement will consist of an extension or expan‐ sion making use of the inefficiently used surrounding warehouses. Fig.13 Seagate | Traffic System Review Page 5 of 8

Andrew Rennie—070006665

Before and After

Better maintained private gates. Andrew Rennie—070006665

Peter Street at the moment (top left), along with solutions mentioned in “Problems and Solutions” Sheet, would benefit with an all round sense of greenery (middle) and up‐lighting during night‐time. A security camera would be welcomed in Peter Street also. In general, up‐lighting Seagate will benefit pedestrians by making it more inviting and vibrant during the dark nights. The overall design objectives for the redevelopment will: ∙ Improve the visual appearance of the street; Regeneration of Seagate will therefore aim to be successful ∙ Indirectly improve poor environmental quality, by having due care attention to urban design and to keep the streetscape in line with its surrounds in a uniform such as air pollution; ∙ Create a safer network adjoining Seagate; manner.. By providing both a design strategy and design ∙ Create a high quality public realm designed along brief alongside guidance principles, there should be no “Clear Zone” principles and focussing on the needs theoretic reason why Seagate could not become the street of the pedestrian. it should be within Dundee’s City Centre.

Veranda bus shelters to maximise pedestrian space

After and Before

Before and After

Higher quality surfacing materials.

After and Before

Seagate Vision

Above are few examples of what may be incorporated in the redevelopment. As mentioned in a case study, the left is a street light which lights up both at the top and side to provide two levels of lighting. The middle shows a bollard which can be Creation of private gates for limited incorporated in the Gellatly Street pavement creation to prevent vehicle access. The right is an example of what the private access. gate is intended to look like. These last two would be subject to the Public Arts Scheme in the Dundee Local Plan (2005). Page 6 of 8 Seagate | Vision

Seagate Vision: Site Specific The following edited pictures represent what example buildings will look like during the day and night where once they have been repainted, upgraded, washed, etc., as well as other additions, to demonstrate the overall vision during the day and then night. Tickety Boo’s on the right is a good example of high the new regenerated facade work should look like—upbeat and vibrant. In addition it retains a certain historical character. In the upper right corner the gateway arch can be seen spanning over the road with the solar lights beaming down during night‐time. Greenery has been added to boost the outer appearance as well as up‐lighting to the top piece dome and building front.

It is best to point out that in all of the following pictures, the pavements have been upgraded to inner city centre standard Caithness stone and greenery has been added where applicable. The building on the left shows quite a bit of water damage and unwanted “greenery” in the form of moss. Once cleaned it will bring back the vibrancy of the red brick and with added outdoor plants, this will make a welcoming piece to the store down below. At night‐time, the almost tower‐ like front will be lit up, enhancing the height of this building in a good way instead of imposing the degree of enclosure to the street. As seen on the far right, this is where one of the bus verandas will be placed.

To the right, the building has been washed and fenestration work carried out in a bid to bring back uniformity to the building as a whole. The lower‐level use cafe and convenience store have been repainted in order to blend in more with their surroundings and with each other. EuroPa’s front signage has been moved up to provide more window space and thus creating more surveillance onto the street. The ground level use in the last set of pictures is of a current amusement arcade with the second level, office space. The latter no‐ ticeable with the desk in full view neat the window. An amusement arcade can be perceived to some people as a catchment for trouble however with this regeneration scheme, this outlet will be transformed into a retail unit which will be cleaned up and have a pro‐ nounced shop front signage. As for the upper second floor of this out‐ let, there is a view to change it to cafeteria use which will be part of the bottom floor retail unit. A cafeteria was chosen due to the fact that as a current office space, the sight of people working at desks and such would not be appealing. However with this new upper use, more surveillance will be put onto the street as well as a nice meeting place to eat, drink and chat. Page 7 of 8 Seagate | Vision Outcome Andrew Rennie—070006665

Seagate Vision: Site Specific Not much can be done to Marks and Spencers, the main retail outlet along Seagate, because it has a defined 60s character and it should not be modified in anyway.

However, to improve upon that which is there, up‐lighting has been added in‐between the vertical strips which will add a sense of continuity at night‐time. A view to create a newer shop front signage where the old signage used to be is an option.

Parky’s, a bazaar shop at the eastern most edge along The Gauger gastro‐pub is a prime example where In more detail, this is what one of the bus shelter Seagate, is in a cluttered state with too many fenestration is in need of an overhaul as the paint is verandas would look like in a full frontal view. Attached advertisements on their shop front windows. By peeling and chipping away. to the building where there is currently no activity, it will enforcing to reduce these, adding greenery, slightly boast historically styled columns and a metal frame akin With the regeneration, the building will be stonewashed stone wash and introducing illuminated signage and to old railway stations. Solar panels will be placed at the mainly to bring out the splendour of the lower‐level down‐lighting, this would definitely add an excellent top to comply with Dundee City Council’s new bus shelter pub. Up‐lighting will be introduced and greenery will be point along Seagate. The fact that is not on the same scheme to provide real‐time arrival and departure feeds. height‐line is a talking point in itself. added as there are already existing places to put these.

Seagate | Vision Outcome Andrew Rennie—070006665

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