Charlotte brown

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Zone 1– ‘Green garden space’

Dundee City Centre Redevelopment ‘The People’s City Garden’

Project brief Location

Aims for the site:

Current setup

Planning Policy

A pavilion will be used as a shel-

The pavilion will be elevated

tered benched area, during the

and have the steps and a disa-

day, and be used as a stage in the

bled access ramp, making eve-


ryone feel welcome.

Benches will be distributed around

Trees in this zone will add col-

this area with eating on both sides.

our and texture, whilst not limiting the view into or out of the

A path will connect the pavilion to

The site is approximately

The site is predominantly

A place where...

8000m2 (0.8 hectares) and is

used as a car park, with

 People can sit and eat lunch outdoors

located in Dundee City Cen-

a Hillcrest building with

tre between South Ward

associated car park, two

Road to the North, North

non-listed extensions on

Lyndsay street to the West,

the properties to the

Wilison street to the South

Eastern boundary. All of

and ends at the two buildings

which will be demolished

to the East of the site that sit

to in order to implement

on Barrack Street.

the new design.

 Public transport enhances connectivity  The community feel a sense of belonging

Policy 5 (a) : Tourism and Leisure Developments: Strengthen the appeal and attraction of Dundee to a wide range of visitors Policy 7: High Quality Design: Proposals should also incorporate new landscape and planting works appropriate to the local context and the scale and nature of the development. Policy 38: Trees and Urban Woodland: Development proposals must be accompanied by a tree planting and landscaping scheme

and ownership  Shade is offered in the summer and shelter in the winter  There is green space to sit and relax  Restaurants and cafes have indoor and out-

Policy 54: Active Travel: New development should be designed in order to minimise the need to travel by private car Policy 55: Accessibility of New Developments: All development proposals that generate travel should be designed to be well served by all modes of transport. In particular the sustainable modes of walking, cycling and public transport should be afforded priority


the central space, this will, be made of informal curved lines.

Flower beds diversify the zones colours and heights.

Zone 2– ‘Functional and Flexible’ This paved area can be flexible

A children’s play park caters for

in use, offering food stalls, in-

children in the community. Its loca-

formation stalls and can be

tion also makes it helpful for users

easily taken down and changed

of Dundee House with children.

when needed. The space will

door dining

Zoning plan In order to accommodate each aim and user of the site a zoning plan has been devised. This is allow multiple land uses and activates to occur simultaneously; as well as ensuring the site is well used and encourages interaction between different groups.

Zone 1 will address the need for green

The zones will form the ‘corners’ of the site layout, with a central sheltered tunnel connecting Dundee House to a focal water feature that can be seen from all zones. The space left over will be paved with a few sporadic trees to create a walkway.

Bike racks are on the only corner

also provide space if a fire en-

of the site that is on the road.

gine was needed.

Zone 3– Food court, restaurant and function space

Zone 3 will provide floor space for business, and by doing so compensate for the lack of economic viability in the rest of the

The building in this zone will provide a total of

site. It will have a 4 story building provide a food court on the group floor with outdoor dining, or indoor dining on the first floor.

260m per floor, totally 1,300m in total. On the bot2


space within the site; offering an elevated

tom floor will be a food court, shown below. The

seating area set in a grass area with bench-

first floor shown in pink will be seating for the food

es and landscaped beds.

court. The second floor shown in purple will be a



separate restaurant catering for the evenings. The third floor will be a bar shown in green, and the red area shows a raided height attic space to be used as a function space.


Zone 2 will provide the functional needs of the site; as well as offering flexibility with no fixed

5 4

The ground floor will comprise of an entrance Zone 5 is separated from the rest of the site by Willison Street and currently operates as a small car park. Willison Street will remain however become bus only, as zone

structures on the majority of the will com-

5 will become a pick-up/drop-off point for

prise of an paved area where marques and

the bus operated a park and ride system.

stalls can be set up, as well as a small children's play park and bike racks.

porch (shown in yellow) that is accessed

located. From this 5 units for catering are

line boundaries, and a more formal purpose. This also gives the central space a more relaxed form making it a place people will use.

round. A hedge to the south boundary will

few key materials throughout ; sandstone, glass and wood.

Design strategy beyond the site

Zone 5– Park ‘n’ ride point

This extra zone will operate with a bus

ly road leading up to the roundabout.

therefore differentiating them form zones 2 and 3 which have straight

the maximum use of this zone all year

The zones will be brought together as one space using a

space for a bus to pull in, and a bus on-

than seating have curved boundaries to adhere to the informal setting,

municate. The benches are shaded, to get

where the stairs for the upper floors will be


es in groundcover. Zones 1 and 4 which have no formal purpose other

bers of the community to integrate and com-

Achieving a cohesive design

shelter backing ono the Overgate, with

the definition between the zones and the central space will be chang-

seat around 12 adults, it encourages mem-

onto the central lobby (shown in green)

bark chips for easy maintenance and potted plants for visual ap-

The site has important linkages to Dundee House, and it is key to

space informal, and as each bench may

The materials used on the design can easily be used in sur-

achieved using ling picnic style benches, with roofs set upon

The boundaries to each zone will not be a physical one, on the ground

in the city. The picnic benches makes the

Wider area factors

the same size as Ranch Pancho.

gate staff) as well as member of the general public. This will be

A formal entrance to Dundee House

space for dining that does not currently exist

from the glass double doors. This will lead

can be used by staff in the area (Dundee house staff and Over-

The zone boundaries

This zone is designed to offer outdoor

be put in for safety from the buses.

provided, each of equal size (approximately Zone 4 will address the need for outdoor eating space , that will

Zone 4– Outdoor seating and lunch area

Pedestrian movement 4 of the 5 main entry points into the site are

Buses can then drop-off/ pick-up point, allowing people to access the city centre more sustainably thereby meeting

create an area for the people Dundee House is there to serve.

situated at each corner and have been used

Dundee House currently has no clear entrance route, and this will

to place the 4 zones. Therefore pedestrians

be outlined by a covered walkway connecting the middle of the site

must pass through and interact with the

to Dundee House’ semi-sheltered porch which provides weather

spaces. A large central space will also allow

may also be incorporated here to ad-

cover, as well as a formal entrance route that is currently lacking.

definition and access to each of the zones.

dress policy 7 (DLDP)

policy 54 Active Travel of the Dundee Local Development Plan. Public art

rounding development to give the area a sense of Identity. For example the vacant sites to the North, if turned into a community centre, might use this design guide.

Road layout rework The design would see the demolition of the section of North Lindsay Street that is directly in front of Dundee House. As well as the conversion of Willison Street to bus only and Barrack Street to pedestrian only. The main vehicular access to the Overgate car park will be the blue line shown here next to the current access in red and yellow. Charlotte Brown Planning Law and Practice TP31002

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