Dundee City Center East Port Gateway
Desirée Hakala University of Dundee Place Design, TP51007 Tutor: Dr. Deepak Gopinath
Urban Structure
Site map
Making the Connections
Dundee with a population of approximately 155.000 (Scrol, 2001), is the fourth largest city in Scotland. It lies within the eastern central Lowlands on the bank of the Firth of Tay, which feeds into the North Sea. The study area of this project is the gateway ʻEast Portʼ which is located in the eastern part of Dundeeʼs city centre. It is an important gateway as it offers quick connections to all parts of the city.
Detailing the Place
East Port topography N
The purpose of the first and second poster is to put this gateway into context, the third and fourth poster is dedicated to connections and ʻdesign with intentʼ. That is to say, the use of design codes to enhance the imageability and function of this study area.
East Port skyline Dundee Road Access map Car users- St. Andrews, Cupar and Perth
Source: Google maps [accessed 11/21/10]
Examples of existing buildings
Historical context: Dundee, 1857-8
Gateway in relation to surrounding area N
City centre
Lower Dens Mills. Four 19th century listed A mills grouped around a yard. Source: Google maps [accessed 11/21/10]
Wishart ʻArchʼ, ʻCowgateʼ or ʻEast Portʼ. Early 16th century town gate. Source: Google maps [accessed 11/21/10]
This historical map of the study area shows a more dense urban environment around the present-day East Port roundabout. The map also shows that the area served as a connector between the western and eastern parts of the city but not to the same extent between the northern and southern parts. Source: National Library of Scotland, www.maps.nls.uk/