Soe - Arch 218 final portfolio

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Table of Contents

Assignment 1 : Multiview drawing Page 4 -5

Assignment 2 : Planar Objects and Folding Page 6 - 9

Assignment 3 : Boolean Page 10 - 13

Assignment 4 : Grafting Page 14 -16 2

Assignment 5 : Mashrabiya Page 17 -21

Assignment 6 : Anamorphic projection Page 22 - 25

Assignment 7 : Solids Page 26 - 29

Assignment 8 : Curtain Wall House Page 30 - 33 3

Right Elevation

Top view

Assignment 1 : Multiview Drawing Narrative : The first assignment was to create simple objects with simple geometry at different positions and angles. Strength : The biggest positive thing was the use of make2D. We were able to create hatches, dashes and control the lightweights at the way we want.


Front Elevation

Weakness : All the hatches on the left hand sides here are white. It would be better to understand the surfaces with different colors (grey, dark grey) instead. Opportunity : Since this’s the first assignment, we started with simple objects. I could try different complex objects next time for this assignment. Risk : The more complex it is, the more I have to be more careful for my lightweights, positions, dashes so that it could be seen clearly.


Assignment 2 : Planar Objects and Folding Narrative : This assignment is the lesson of folding. There were two methods of folding for this one: folding the polygonal shape a minimum of 4 times and combining at least six 4-sides polygons at different angles so that it will have the concept of folding. I chose to go with the first method to go with this project.


Folding steps

Step 1 : create a polygonal shape

Step 5 : 4th folding

Step 2 : 1st folding

Step 3 : 2nd folding

Step 6 : 5th folding

Step 4 : 3rd folding

Step 7 : final folding


Elevations 8



Strength : With the command “unrollsrf,” we were able to create a real physical model after this assignment.

Weakness : The section cut was not in the perfect cut. There’s a small piece which does not tell anything for the cut. Opportunity : It would be possible to try folding the curved objects and get a big folded, curved object through this method of folding. Risk : Even though it’s easy to fold a planar one, a curved one would be so difficult.

Exploded Axon

Axon 9

Assignment 3 : Boolean

Narrative : This project is basically using the boolean commands to cut away the objects you don’t want by using an addition object or objects. For example, if a rectangle and a circle are intersected in a way, we can use the boolean commands, such as boolean difference, boolean intersection, boolean split to carve away the pieces of the intersection parts and one of the objects so that the other object still remain. Weakness : All the objects on the left side (the previous page) are not set in the same oriented view. Sometimes it would be a little bit difficult for others to understand the views.



Step 1 : create a simple object


Step 2 : use the cutting planes to cut the pieces

a cut object

Step 4 : put the blue-coloured object into the object and cut

Step 3 : put the two objects on the cut object

Final object


Strength : If we have the intersection of many objects, even 7 ~ 8, we can still cut away the pieces you don’t away by using the boolean commands and remain the pieces you like. We were able to create a physical object. The hatches on the left hand side are in different colors(dark grey, grey and white). Opportunity : It would be nice to try a curved object being cut inside the original object. Risk : I have to be very careful using the loft tool for the curved surface so that while I’m creating the physical model, it’d be easier.


Unrolled pieces 13

Assignment 4 : Grafting

Step 1 : create a border between the two original given curve lines with the help of a box


Narrative : Two original nurbs surfaces were given. We here had a cha two quadrants are met. Here, we had to construct a new surface that is

Step 2 : Extract u & v lines on the original surfaces (which are the upper and bottom ones) and draw vertical lines between the u lines and v lines.

Step 3 : Create

ance to learn the importance of tangency. Tangency is created when the touched to the original surfaces with tangency points.

nurbs from tangents

Step 4 : create a new srf by using the networksrf command

Step 5 : final result surface


SD Strength : We clearly understand how a curve line is created, which is one of the strength of using rhino. Opportunity : I could try to get more tangencies. Risk : Some tangency points are difficult to handle. Sometimes, some parts of the new surface go outside the original surface instead of stay perfectly between the two original surfaces.









S1 S2


Assignment 5 : Mashrabiya

Narrative : The Mashrabiya is a traditional element of Arabic Architecture. It’s a type of projected window enclosed with curved wood latticework, which usually is located on the second storey of a house. Since it gives us a good shade, privacy and sunlight, it’s often used in different places of Middle East. The materials such as wood, stone, metal and concrete were used to construct this type of window. Strength : After this assignment, we’re confident enough using different commands, such as networksrf, extrude curve, planarsrf, loft, sweep 1,2, and cap to create a curved surface. The level of rendering is getting better and better. Weakness : Since most of the parts of my structure are too sharp that it’d be scary and dangerous to others. Opportunity : I would try designing a smooth curved object instead of a sharp one. Risk : Still, there’d be some difficulties in creating a surface a curved one.



Step 1 : create a circle in the center of the hexagon and draw additional circles along the arc of the original circle


Step 2 : the result of a total of six additional circles. Cut the white arcs which are outside of the hexagon.

Step 3 : the result final pattern

Step 5 : Then, I started to extrude the hexagon. Next, I closed up the bottom areas in order to make it closed polysurface.

Step 4 : Since the original pattern is in 2D, I started moving the red arc which is the nearest to the center of the pattern upwards and the other red arc which is the furthest away from the first red arc downwards. I used loft tool and get the first surfaces.

Step 6 : close up the upper areas so that I can get the whole closed polysurface.


Vertical Section



20’ 5”



4’ 5”

Exploded Axon


Assignment 6: Anamorphic Projection

Use red plane to create intersection line on wall

Step 1: use projection lines to create 1st object on the wall CP

Step 2: 2 objects CP

Step 3: 4 objects

22 CP

Anamorphically projected objects


Narrative: We were given a particular wall for this assignment. With the projection lines, the anamorphically projected objects on the wall,which are viewed from a specific view-point, are the same as the front elevation view of the original object.

Original objects

Strength: Anamorphic projection can trick people’s eyes, such as the view from step 3 on the left page and the view beside it. Weakness: Need to use different lightweights for the objects so that we can know which objects is in the front and back. Opportunity: I could try more on using different artificial lights to make contrast and similarity. Risk: More lights need more time to render in Rhino.

Anamorphically projected objects




Original objects

Anamorphically projected objects

Rectangular and linear lights

One spotlight

Rectangular lights

Rectangular lights


Assignment 7: Solids (Chess piece-Bishop)




Narrative : Similar to the chess army designed by Kun Qian above, we as students were assigned to design one chess piece individually. My piece was bishop. To make it more obvious that it’s a bishop, I trimmed a hole at the top and designed a staff that an actual bishop uses around the body. Rectangular object

Rotate, Trim

Scale, Twist, Trim

Strength : From this assignment, I was able to try twisting and bending objects. Weakness : On the right page, the white plane in the photo for 3D printed object needs to be so white so that it’s close to the one above it.


Rotate -90, Trim, Cageedit





Opportunity : I could try to produce more twisted small objects and combine them into one through boolean. Risk : I will have to be careful for the size of the small objects since the 3D printed object is too small.


Produced from Rhino software

3D printed Bishop


Software rendering


3D printing

Two groups



Assignment 8: Curtain Wall House

Narrative : Since it’s related to architecture, we had to render a building of curtain wall house designed by Shigeru Ban. First, we modelled the original form of the building. And, we modified some parts of the building by using one of the exercises that we’ve learned previously, such as mirroring, boolean, curves, anamorphic, and so on.

Looking SouthEast


S2 To t



To t d Be m o ro

d Be m o ro

d Be m o ro



en ch




1st Floor Plan

2nd Floor Plan

Looking NorthWest S3

S2 S1

30 South Elevation

West Elevation


Strength : In order to show what changes that I did, I used the blue color selectively in each image.

Weakness : SInce it’s dark for the interior spaces if I just use sun lighting, I tried to lighten the space by using point lights. But, the lighting for the second floor is too bright compared to the lighting for the rest of the building


Improved Curtain Wall House Modification : Roof

Step 1 : simple curves by using commands from grafting exercise

Step 2 : adjustments for the curves to fit the shape of building


Step 3 : final surface using networksrf Looking SouthEast

S2 To t



To t d Be m o ro

d Be m o ro

d Be m o ro



en ch




1st Floor Plan

2nd Floor Plan Looking NorthWest




S1 Spiral stair

32 South Elevation

West Elevation


Opportunity : I could try to modify by applying the commands and exercises that I’ve learned previously, like boolean, anamorphic, twisting, bending, and so on.

Whatever commands and exercises are used, a very big change should be made from the original.


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