Peace of Mind. That’s the art of Chubb.
Chubb has been insuring collections, from Old Masters paintings to modern sculptures, for more than 125 years. We understand your investment, both financially and emotionally, in your personal treasures. Maybe that’s why so many of the world’s top collectors have Chubb. They understand that peace of mind can be their most valuable asset. s Customized underwriting solutions s &INE art risk management services s 2EFERRALS TO a network of independent specialists s On-site premise surveys
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For information about Chubb coverage, ask your agent, call Chubb at 1.877.60.CHUBB or visit our Web site at Chubb refers to the insurers of the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies. Chubb Personal Insurance (CPI) is the personal lines property and casualty strategic business unit of Chubb & Son, a division of Federal Insurance Company, as manager and/or agent for the insurers of the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies. This literature is descriptive only. Not available in all states. Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. Chubb, Box 1615, Warren, NJ 07061-1615. ©2011 Chubb & Son, a division of Federal Insurance Company.