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Perma - Cultures
collective housing for people with difficulties with independent functionning - The French Red Cross collaboration: Tristan Brissard Architecte + Sandra Planchez Architecte role: project leader participation: 2019-2020
The “PERMA-CULTURES” Operation is an innovative and intergenerational program covering an area of 5538 square meters (taxable SDP) or 5073 square meters (administrative SDP). The project is managed by the Legendre Development Group for La Croix Rouge Habitat, who will be the overall manager. The Gary lot accommodates a wide variety of people, from young children to independent elderly individuals, with a focus on communal areas and sharing spaces. The project aims to be exemplary in its resilience and inclusion of vulnerable populations.
The République district on the Nantes Island, located south of the Création district, is close to the future CHU hospital and the southern banks of the Loire. It is a new center whose attractiveness will be as great as that of the historic center. It offers a wide range of public transportation options, reflecting a strong desire to limit cars in favor of other less space- and energy-consuming modes of transportation. The development of soft mobility is encouraged.
Thus, it is a very strong urban context that seeks to promote the city through its uses, “a city where it is good to live, work, and walk.” The future “République” district is intended, in continuation with the previous transformed sectors, to be a manifesto for a sustainable city. It sets up systems for successful cohabitation between residents, fauna, and flora. It encourages exemplary management of climate-related issues, water, and energy. It aims to limit consumption and encourage the use of ecological resources for the construction and operation of the district. The management of rainwater is also particularly demanding, prioritizing its gravitational circulation to the Loire and working on retention systems at the plot level.
Thus, the issue of neighborhood and community living is at the heart of the reflections led by the SAMOA (West Atlantic Metropolis Development Company) and the urban master planning team, particularly by promoting a programmatic and social mix of buildings and uses.

Complexe de logement collective à la Porte de Clignancourt - Paris
Media Village for Olympic Games 2024
projet universitaire novembere 2015 - janvier 2016 competition collaboration: Emanuele Piersanti winter 2020/2021

“We named our project Fertile Lands because it is the basis of an art of live in harmony with the earth: the nourishing land, the land we want to shape our buildings and the land on which we imagine build this new district ”: Adrien Lambert, Coordinating architect
We are committed to this projectwith the ambitions of designing a district that cultivate the soul of the place and create the largest qualities of use.
Our values resonate with those of Dugny, with the history of the destroyed Garden City of Éguiller by war and rebuilt, itself heiress of the Cité Jardin de Stains. As at the time hygienist of its construction, we reformulate the humanist ambition of a healthy lifestyle, in nature, in a built environment where cultivates beauty, through the details of an architecture welcoming and sustainable.
The Olympic and Paralympic Games invite us to design a framework in which journalists will live all over the world, one place at a time festive and calm meetings to work and write. Once the Games have passed, it will become a new neighborhood, a place of destination, close to the station, and also quiet, on the Plateau preserved.
L’objectif d’une mission était de repenser les besoins et les opportunités du site situé dans le nord de Paris, à proximité de la Porte de Clignancourt - l’une des nombreuses «portes» de la ville. Fait influent est aussi son emplacement dans la zone “allée” - zone étroite entre Périphérique “intérieur” et “extérieur” (vaste contournement bruyant de Paris). Dans le passé, après le démantèlement des fortifications de la ville et l’ouverture de l’autoroute, le nouveau concept de la zone devait être introduit. Enfin, il est orienté vers l’hébergement familial et les loisirs et est rempli de HBM (les habitations à bon marché) - des complexes collectifs, des complexes d’habitation modernes et des installations sportives pas chères.
Before being a drawing we imagined this project around the values of the Art of Living, of Nature and Health. We thought of a series of places that embody these values: a cultural space, hanging orchards, a food store biological, unspoiled shelters, unique architectures.
Ce très grand intrigue avec une différence de niveau significative donne une oppirtynity pour développer plus d’une fonction et en même temps pour créer un complexe cohérent, adressé à divers types d’utilisateurs. C’est pourquoi, bien qu’étant en priorité un projet résidentiel, il peut impliquer également différentes installations, telles que des bureaux, une salle de sport ou un restaurant.
We have imagined architectures that cultivate harmony and diversity, where buildings interact with each other and also develop CITÉ JARDIN D’AVENIR their unique features. They do this by expressing their qualities of use first, in particular the fact to enjoy the exceptional landscape and by details which make them unique works, inspired by heritage of this place. These architectures have a low carbon footprint, they are manufactured using healthy and natural materials to complete to embody the art of living in this new neighborhood, an ecological district.
Les appartements conçus par Caferully répondent à l’idée de base de chaque personne en matière de confort et à ses besoins quotidiens. Orientation, planification
Enrichment of the surrounding biodiversity through regeneration work of the current land of the site created with Sol Paysage, allows trees and for plants to grow and develop sustainably. This generous nature offers inhabitants shaded landscapes and islets of freshness essential to the yardstick of global warming.
L’organisation et les ouvertures double-face leur permettent d’être en bonne santé et de rester en contact permanent avec la nature environnante même en étant si proche du Boulevard Périphérique.