The Children’s Trust Summer Camp Guide

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SUMMER PROGRAMS GUIDE because all children are our children

English • Español • Kreyòl

2015 Edition



he Children’s Trust partners with the community to plan, advocate for and fund strategic investments that improve the lives of all children and families in Miami-Dade County. With that mission in mind, we are pleased to offer our Summer 2015 Programs Guide. We hope that parents and caregivers alike find the articles and site listings helpful and informative. Investing in quality summer camps and after-school programs has been a cornerstone of Children’s Trust funding since our inception in 2002. Our funded programs and many others in the community are included in the listings section of this guide. For both summer and after-school, The Children’s Trust nurtures high-quality programs for children around the county and especially in historically underserved communities. All our programs are inclusive of children with disabilities. Quality summer and after-school programs support working families by keeping children safe and by inspiring learning of all kinds. Fun, engaging activities — from arts to sports to technology — promote personal and social awareness, fitness and academic skills. To avoid the “summer slide,” quality summer camps offer a variety of activities that foster literacy and reading so that academic progress is not lost over the summer. The options listed in this guide represent a broad selection of programs operated by public, private and faith-based agencies and institutions. Programs funded by The Trust are identified with a sun symbol in the zip code where they are located. Summer and after-school programs are not licensed by the State of Florida. Programs funded by The Children’s Trust adhere to standards proposed by the National AfterSchool Association, which also has instituted an accreditation procedure. Visit their website, naaweb. org, for recommendations. Also, the National Summer Learning Association — — provides services to communities, school districts and programs, as well as information regarding quality summer learning programs. To learn more about camps in this guide and other programs and initiatives funded by The Trust, call our 211 Helpline or visit


l Fideicomiso de los Niños (The Children’s Trust) está comprometido a mejorar las vidas de los niños y sus familias en el condado Miami-Dade mediante inversiones estratégicas en su futuro. Con esa misión bien clara, nos complace brindarles esta Guía de programas de verano 2015. Esperamos que esta guía sea informativa y útil para los padres y tutores. La inversión en campamentos de verano y en programas para después de la escuela de alta calidad ha sido una parte fundamental del apoyo financiero de The Children’s Trust desde nuestra creación en 2002. Nuestros programas subvencionados y muchos otros programas comunitarios se incluyen en la sección de listados de esta guía. Tanto para el verano como para después de la escuela, The Children’s Trust fomenta programas de alta calidad en todo el condado y especialmente en comunidades de bajos recursos y que incluyen a niños con necesidades especiales. Programas de verano y para después de la escuela de calidad son un gran apoyo para las familias trabajadoras, al mantener a los niños en un ambiente seguro e inspirar todo tipo de aprendizaje. Actividades interesantes y divertidas — desde artes hasta deportes y tecnología — promueven la conciencia personal y social, el buen estado físico y las habilidades académicas. Para evitar que durante el verano se pierda la disciplina educativa, los buenos campamentos de verano ofrecen actividades variadas que fomentan la alfabetización, de modo que no se pierda el progreso académico durante las vacaciones. Las opciones que aparecen aquí representan una amplia gama de programas organizados por instituciones públicas, privadas y religiosas. Los programas financiados por The Children’s Trust están señalados con un sol dentro de los códigos postales donde se encuentran. Los campamentos de verano y los programas para después de la escuela no están licenciados por el estado de Florida. Los programas financiados por The Children’s Trust se ciñen a los criterios propuestos por National AfterSchool Association, la cual también ha establecido un procedimiento de acreditación. Visite su página web para recomendaciones. Además, la National Summer Learning Association,, ofrece sus servicios a comunidades, distritos escolares y programas, así como información relativa a los programs de aprendizaje de verano. Para más información sobre los campamentos de verano que aparecen en esta guía y otros programas e iniciativas de The Children’s Trust, llame a la línea de ayuda 211 o consulte la página web


he Children’s Trust pran angajman amelyore vi timoun ak fanmi nan Miami-Dade County. Li fè pou sa envestisman stratejik pou avni yo. Ann akò avèk misyon sa a, nou kontan prezante Gid pou Pwogram nan Sezon Ete 2015 konplè sa a. Nou swete pou paran avek lòt moun ki okipe timoun ka jwenn bon jan enfòmasyon itil ladan. Envesti nan kan ete ak pwogram apre lekòl yo, se te toujou epi l ap rete nan prensip pou finansman The Children’s Trust. Pwogram nou finanse yo, ansanm ak anpil lòt pwogram nan kominote a parèt nan seksyon lis ki anndan gid sa a. Pou ni kan ete, ni pwogram apre lekòl yo, The Children’s Trust ede fè bon kalite pwogram pou timoun nan konte a, epi epesyalman nan kominote yo te toujou mal sèvi yo. Tout pwogram nou yo aksepte timoun ki andikape. Bon kalite kan ete ak pwogram apre lekòl sa yo ede fanmi ki travay, lè yo kenbe timoun yo nan yon kote ki gen sekirite, epi yo fè timoun yo anvi aprann tout kalite bagay. Aktivite ki gen plezi, epi ki enteresan — tankou travay atis, espò, jouk pou rive nan teknoloji — ede timoun yo amelyore devlopman pèsonèl, sosyal ak akademik yo. Kan ete yo ranpli yon vid kritik pandan mwa ete yo, espesyalman pou paran k ap travay, paske yo ofri yon seri aktivite ki ankouraje aprann, ak li epi ekri, kilti fizik, ak entè-aksyon sosyal ki pozitif. Opsyon ki sou lis gid sa a reprezante yon gran seleksyon pwogram ki òganize nan ajans ak enstitisyon prive, oswa piblik, oswa ki baze sou relijyon. Pwogram The Children’s Trust finanse yo idantifye ak yon senbòl solèy ki bòkote kòd postal pou zòn yo ye a. Kan ete ak pwogram apre lekòl yo pa resevwa lisans nan Eta Florid la. Pwogram The Children’s Trust finanse yo respekte pwòp estanda ki wo nou yo, ansanm ak estanda yo rekòmande nan National AfterSchool Association, ki tabli yon pwosedi akreditasyon tou. Si w bezwen rekòmandasyon, ale nan adrès entènèt yo a, ki se Epi tou, National Summer Learning Association, ki nan adrès, fè sèvis pou kominote, pou distrik, ak pou pwogram nan lekòl yo, epi li bay enfòmasyon sou bon kalite pwogram ou ka jwenn pou timoun aprann pandan sezon ete a. Pou plis enfòmasyon sou kan ete ki nan gid sa a ak sou lòt pwogram ak inisyativ The Trust finanse, rele nimewo pou asistans 211 nou an, oswa gade nan adrès entènèt

What’s Inside ENGLISH



02 Choosing a Camp

08 Seleccionar el mejor campamento de verano

14 Chwazi Pi Bon Kan Ete a

04 The Value of Volunteering 06 Swimming Safety 07 Love of Letters 20 Map 21 How to Use the Listings 22 Directory of Programs

10 El valor del voluntario 12 Al agua con seguridad 13 Amor por las letras 20 Mapa 21 Cómo usar los listados 22 Listado de programas

16 Valè Travay yon Volontè 18 Naje San Danje 19 Renmen Liv 20 Kat jeyografik 21 Ki jan pou sèvi ak lis la 22 Lis pwogram yo

v i s i t u s o n l i n e at t h ec h i l d r e n s t r u s t. o rg Published by HCP/Aboard Publishing, a subsidiary of The McClatchy Company, 3511 NW 91 Ave., Miami, FL 33172 Publisher: Erin Zilis; Chief Operating Director: Giovanna Sanchez; Editorial Director: Desirée Blanco; Design Director: Alfredo Añez; Senior Editor: Sole Sastre; Associate Editor: Vanessa Martin; Art Director: Ethan Duran; Production Manager: Luisa Zelaya-Morillo Copyright © 2015 by HCP/Aboard Publishing and The Children’s Trust. All rights reserved. Reproduction by permission only. HCP/Aboard Publishing does not assume responsibility for errors, changes or omissions, nor do we recommend programs or individuals. Cover: Jorge Ramirez The information included in this guide may have changed since collected, so please verify all information when contacting a provider.

Choosing a Camp Tips from The Children’s Trust for selecting the best summer camp.

The Children’s Trust

enriching positive experience. For children ages 6 to 10, a minimum one adult for every 10 children. Above age 11, one adult staff member for every 15 children is considered acceptable. Camp facilities should be safe, well-lit and large enough for children to enjoy their activities. Is there plenty of outdoor space? Shade? Scan for potential safety hazards both indoors and out. Ask about supervision in the play yard and regarding physical play. Are water activities offered? Make sure that supervising staff know CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and that swimming instructors are certified.

Camp facilities should be safe, well-lit and large enough for children to enjoy their activities. If your child has a disability, inform camp directors and managers early. Ask about policies for inclusion, where children with special needs interact with typically developing children. It’s also important that the activities and rules be appropriate for your child with special needs. Children can lose as much as two months of grade level equivalency in some subjects during the summer months. Children out on summer break, especially those at risk for obesity, also tend to gain weight more rapidly. Call prospective camps with questions and tour the site in person whenever possible. Help your child enjoy the summer in a healthy and stimulating way. Start early to locate the “best” camp for your family — one that meets your budget, location preference and your child’s best interests. Make sure that learning and healthy activities are part of your child’s summer days. THECHILDRENSTRUST.ORG


The Children’s Trust


camp at three locations: Opa-Locka, West Kendall and Florida City. Most children attending the camps have some type of disability, and ARC accommodates them in many ways. “We have an action-packed summer — lots of art activities and field trips based on our themes, and swimming lessons,” said Myrna Charlton, curriculum coordinator/ program trainer. Swimming lessons, supervised by a Special Olympics-trained instructor, are offered in low instructorstudent ratios. “They have so much fun, and it’s a great opportunity for them that they might not ordinarily get.” The low ratios overall contribute to a strong sense of “family” at the camps. “Parents always comment that it’s like a family here, that they feel so welcome in the camps,” Charlton says. Low ratios, generally 4:1, give parents the chance to know teachers and staff members. Certain chairs, swings, furniture — even computer monitors — are adapted so they are suitable for the children. “We want to do whatever we can so the kids can participate in any way that they can. It’s all about full participation,” Charlton says. Safety is every parent’s top concern for whatever camp or program a child attends. Look for guidelines for monitoring when children arrive, leave and who is eligible to pick them up. If swimming is an activity, be sure that instructors are well qualified and that ratios are sufficiently low. The summer heat can be harsh, and your children will be outside some of the time, a safety risk to some degree. Be sure they are well hydrated throughout the day and that healthy snacks and nutritious food are served. Staff at camps should be welcoming and respectful and reflect the families they are serving in terms of language and culture. They should be friendly and cordial towards each other and encouraging of a child’s natural innovation and curiosity. All camps should meet acceptable supervision guidelines. Large camps may accommodate hundreds of children, so appropriate ratios of attentive, engaged staff help ensure that your child enjoys an

Jorge Ramirez



he school year will end soon, and the rigors of homework and classwork will quickly become a distant memory. Yet learning shouldn’t come to a skidding halt because school is out. Now’s the time to look for a summer camp that features summer-style learning: interactive, fun and enriching activities offered within a safe environment. The Children’s Trust funds a range of high-quality summer camps where certified personnel help ensure that your child’s learning continues during the summer months. Touching Miami with Love provides year-round programming for children in the downtown area of Miami. Their sevenweek summer camp focuses on enrichment activities and project-based learning. “We try to make our summer camp as fun, exciting and engaging as possible with lots of interactive activities. It’s a long day, and kids don’t want to be seated all day listening to lectures — so we mix up our lessons,” says Trina Harris, program director. Project-based learning encourages children to move sequentially towards completing a comprehensive project. “They utilize different steps and procedures and develop critical thinking skills along the way,” Harris explains. Each week offers a new theme. For Geography/Culinary, students explore the foods, customs and regions of cultures around the world. For Under the Sea students travel to Biscayne Nature Center in Key Biscayne and participate in the Seagrass Adventure. They wade into the water and use nets to scoop up sea life hidden in the grass, and then analyze their findings. “They get really excited,” Harris says. Reading and computer skills are embedded throughout each day. An hour each day is reserved for computer work. “Testing in Florida now is all computerbased, so children need to know how to navigate the computer and to sharpen their skills using Office programs such as Word, Excel and Powerpoint,” Harris explained. The Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC) offers its Children Thriving summer

To learn more about programs in Miami-Dade county, call 211.

THE RIGHT FIT Start with their interests. If a child likes animals, consider a pet rescue organization that might need help walking and cleaning

up after dogs. For a kid who’s concerned about homelessness, serving meals at a shelter might be a good fit. Once children identify their interests, contact churches and non-profit organizations in your neighborhood to find what kind of assistance they may need. “Guidance counselors would be another good resource to find out where other students have gone to do their volunteer service,” suggests Linda Freeman, executive director of Peacemaker Family Center, Trinity Church, which packs food for the homeless every week. The church provides a much needed service and also offers families a wonderful chance to volunteer together. “When children volunteer with THECHILDRENSTRUST.ORG

Courtesy of Feeding South Florida



ummer is the ideal time for kids to give back to their communities and cultivate personal interests while logging service hours for school. Yet parents are often at a loss as to how to link their child or youth to a volunteer opportunity. Here are some suggestions to address this concern and to help children learn about themselves and their community while providing a valuable experience.

Courtesy of Hands on Miami

Even young children can benefit from helping others.

LIFE-CHANGING EXPOSURE Another perk of volunteering is that children explore new activities and can perhaps even discover a personal passion. “They’ll be able to try out different skills they may not have the opportunity to do in other areas of their life and possibly gain a new experience in the process,” adds Gaschler. Freeman of Trinity Church says her own daughter was inspired to become a

PRACTICING A SKILL Volunteering helps children build job skills, too. Summer camp at the Dave and Mary Alper JCC offers campers the opportunity to volunteer and eventually move on to a paid job at the camp. Through the Leader in Training (LIT) program, rising ninth graders work part-time, practicing leadership skills by helping to care for younger children. The rest of the time those campers are enrolled simply as camp participants. Rising sophomores may participate in the Counselor in Training (CIT) program, assisting at the camp for 40 hours a week for either a four– or eight–week session. In the process, they earn community service hours. These counselors do the same work paid counselors do. Once they complete that summer program, they may return the following year as paid junior counselors. “These youth are developing skills on how to become a counselor, earning community service hours, and learning what a job is like and what real life skills are needed to be employed,” explains Elyse Molk, youth and camp director. “It’s the responsibility of being here eight hours a day, five days a week, taking care of children, making sure they’re safe; and they’re having a good time, because that’s what camp is all about,” Molk says. “The experience teaches them to become responsible and be an adult.”

GIVE YOUR TIME ere are a few local organizations H where your child can volunteer. Dave and Mary Alper JCC Freshmen and sophomores can volunteer as summer camp leaders or counselors in-training. 11155 SW 112 Ave. Miami, FL 33176 305.271.9000 x270 or x271 Feeding South Florida Children ages 12 and up can sort food at the center. 2501 SW 32 Terr. Hallandale Beach, FL 33009 954.518.1818 Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami Volunteers help build affordable homes for low-income families. Behind-the-scenes assistance is also needed. 3800 NW 22nd Ave. Miami, FL 33142 305.634.3628 HandsOn Miami Multiple volunteer options — either for a single day (episodic) or committing to an ongoing project — are available. 425 NW 26th St. Miami, FL 33127 305.504.4510 Miami Rescue Mission The Mission offers various opportunities to help serve the homeless: serving meals, helping with clothing and food drives, and assisting with youth programs. 2159 NW 1st Ct. Miami, FL 33127 305.571.2273 Ronald McDonald House Charities of South Florida Volunteers cook or provide meals for families caring for sick children, or participate in house activities such as story time, arts and crafts or video game play. 1145 NW 14th Terr. Miami, FL 33136 305.324.5683 Trinity Church Participants can provide food-pantry assistance and after-school tutoring. 17801 NW 2nd Ave. Miami, FL 33169 305.749.0190

To learn more about programs in Miami-Dade county, call 211.

The Children’s Trust

ENGLISH The Children’s Trust


physician as a result of summer volunteer work with children of incarcerated parents. Moved by the trauma suffered by the children, her daughter decided to pursue the path to medical school, which she attends today. “You never know with volunteering and giving your time — kids can find out so many things and maybe find their career or learn something new,” says Freeman. Maybe they’ll go into politics to institute policy changes, become social workers or decide they want to devote their lives to teaching. “A lot comes out for the young person, not just the one they’re serving,” she says.


The Value of Volunteering

their parents, they get the idea it’s not just a box I have to check off,” explains Freeman. “It’s a way for me to uplift my community as an individual, and it’s something we can do together as a family.” Individuals of all ages can get involved, according to Darrill A. Gaschler, chief operating officer for HandsOn Miami, an organization that coordinates volunteer opportunities for people of all ages and varying abilities. Take for example, an outdoor beautification project. “While they may not be digging a hole or planting a plant, a child may help distribute water,” Gaschler says. “It allows them at a young age to learn more about the challenges that are faced globally or locally. When they experience it first hand through opportunities structured in engaging ways, young volunteers become empowered and realize they have the opportunity to be the change.” Gaschler mentions two types of volunteer opportunities — episodic and long-term commitments — and says both are valuable. Episodic volunteering refers to a onetime event, such as a student reading to sick children one afternoon at a hospital or helping build a home with Habitat for Humanity on a Saturday. Long-term volunteering takes place when someone commits to a volunteer experience for a pre-determined length of time, whether it’s making sandwiches for the poor every Tuesday or tutoring a younger child three times a week for a semester. “Any type of volunteer engagement — as long as it’s meaningful in nature — has value, whether it’s three hours once a year or three hours a week for 52 weeks a year,” Gaschler explains.

Love of Letters

Swimming Safety

Reading and writing can open up new worlds for children, in addition to increasing vital skills. Sadly, for many students both are a chore. Here are a few ways experts suggest to bring the fun back to reading.

Before the kids head off to the beach or pool this summer, make sure you talk to them about water safety.



The Children’s Trust


lorida has the highest number of drowning deaths in the nation for children ages 1 to 14, according to the Florida Department of Health. For children under 5 those numbers are particularly alarming: Every year enough children drown in Florida to fill three to four preschool classrooms. It’s not hard to see why: Beaches, canals and pools … there’s water everywhere you turn. “These tragedies are especially troubling because they’re entirely preventable by making sure young children have knowledge of swimming and swimming skills,” says Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Weston), an ardent proponent of water safety. Over a decade of time, Wasserman Schultz has spearheaded several important legislative pieces that have resulted in significant protective measures for pools and spas. One pool safety act requires that all new pools in Florida include at least one of four safety measures — fencing, safety covers, door alarms or self-latching doors. Another law led to the launch of a national public education campaign to raise awareness about drowning and drain-entrapment prevention called Pool Safety: Simple Steps Save Lives. “Floridians are surrounded by water; our exposure is very high. Despite that, a lot of people in Miami-Dade never learn how to swim,” explains Dr. Judy Schaechter, professor and interim chair of Pediatrics at UHealth/University of Miami Health System and founder of the Injury Free

Coalition. “Part of that is cultural, part is socioeconomic and some is reverse exposure — how often are you around people who will teach you to swim?” Schaechter is particularly concerned for low-income and African-American families. “The inner city population doesn’t get to the beach very often and aren’t around pools year-round or being taught to swim. We have to reverse that.” One such community in South Miami has broken that norm — though it took nearly 40 years to do it. Last August, a new pool at Murray Park, located at 5800 SW 66 Street, finally became a reality for South Miami children. For decades, neighborhood children who wanted to learn to swim had to be bused to a private school within an affluent community. Finally, children can jump and splash — and learn to swim — in a pool right in their backyard. Kids should learn to swim and feel comfortable in the water between the ages of four and six, Schaechter suggests. Once they learn, they should continue improving their skills — perfecting strokes and swimming for longer distances so they become stronger swimmers. She also encourages older children and teens to take CPR and water rescue classes whenever possible.

Schaechter reminds parents to know their surroundings and take proper precautions around water. Even if you don’t have a pool, install fences, alarms and locks on doors so kids don’t wander off into small ponds or nearby canals that may present water and wildlife dangers. Parties at homes with pools require close supervision of children, too. An adult should always be designated to watch. “We want to prevent anyone getting harmed by water and to be able to intervene if necessary,” Schaechter says. A buddy system whereby two or three adults tag off with one another ensures that someone is always watching and ready to respond — not distracted in conversation or answering phones and emails. At a pool party, you should be in the pool with your child, always within arm’s length, even if you consider your child a good swimmer, she advises. Teens usually go unsupervised, and that leaves them particularly vulnerable. “They tend to do whatever they want and have a good time,” Schaechter says. “They’re often braver than they should be and like to show off. If alcohol or substance abuse is involved, they’re likely to take even more risks, so it’s important to have those tough conversations with them and always remain vigilant.”

SWIM LESSONS As part of Miami-Dade’s Learn to Swim program, American Red Cross Water Safety instructors teach children to swim during the summer months at public pools throughout the county’s parks. Contact your local park, or visit for more information. To learn more about pool safety visit



or many children, extracurricular responsibilities, increasing amounts of homework, rigorous testing requirements and challenges with reading at grade level have made the very act of reading either too difficult or too task-oriented to be enjoyable. According to Reading is Fundamental (RIF), parents can make the problem worse by criticizing, setting unrealistic goals, nagging or even bribing their kids. What are moms and dads to do? Does it matter if kids read or not? Quite simply, reading well is a core skill fundamental to learning. Good learners are generally successful in whatever area of life they pursue. Reading fuels the imagination, spurs creativity, develops vocabulary and strengthens comprehension and grammar skills — all essential tools for effective communication. “You have the computer, phones, video games, TV, streaming video — there’s a lot of competition for the free time children have, and sometimes it’s hard for them to pull away from electronics and go back to books,” says Elizabeth Pearson, branch manager at the Main Library and the head of Children’s Titles for the Miami-Dade Public Library System. Give books a better chance by encouraging your child’s special interests. “Find something a kid really likes; there’s almost always a book for it,” says Pearson. “A mistake parents make is picking books they think their child should read; instead, let them sort through and see which ones they like.” If you have older children, read the same books they do so you can discuss them together. Parents can also set a wonderful example. “Parents also need to model the importance

of the reading process through strategies which might include going to the library, leaving reading materials around the home, reading themselves, creating a special reading area, discussing reading materials during meal time, reading aloud and playing games that are reading-related,” recommends Debbie Adolf, Ed.S., senior program director at the Miami-Dade Family Learning Partnership. Parental involvement is particularly important for struggling readers, explains Latoya Hopwood, a third-grade reading teacher and a supervisor of Summer Reading Explorers. This program, funded by The Children’s Trust and managed by the Center for Children and Families at FIU, provides intensive help for challenged young readers. In addition to reading bedtime and other stories together, parents should show genuine interest in what their children read. “A book is supposed to be enjoyed. Never open a book with the intent to finish it – open a book with the intent to enjoy it,” Hopwood suggests. Strong reading habits promote solid writing, another crucial tool needed to navigate in the world. “Reading helps with writing, so students are able to figure out their own voice,” says Jesika Laster, who teaches language arts at Miami Northwestern Senior High. “Avid readers, in class and out, have their [own] writing style and a larger vocabulary — they articulate better and are able to make more connections.” These improved communication skills also expand their experiences at a young age. “We want them to be critical thinkers, which requires real world connections they may not have,” Laster says. “But if exposed to literature, they’re able to make those connections.”

To learn more about programs in Miami-Dade county, call 211.

Those connections can also lead to great material on paper. Laster recommends that kids engage in free writing. “A lot of them write music, or are really into poetry. Free writing can make them feel like they can write about what they like,” she says. This approach is especially true when journaling — the original blog. Many kids are mandated to keep a journal for school and may think they no longer find this kind of writing enjoyable. Encourage children to write about personal interests on an actual blog. Even social media — when carefully monitored — offers a fine vehicle for expression through the written word. Music can also spark a conversation that leads to jotting down thoughts and emotions. “My students love when I put on songs — especially the cool ones from the radio — and they have to tell me what they are about,” says Janette Mauri, a fourth-grade reading and writing teacher. “I think children forget to connect writing to the real world; they lose their purpose and see only the endless words they are made to write.” Help put the “fun” back in reading. More enjoyment means your child will become a better reader — and becoming a better reader means they’ll be a far better learner.

RAISING STRONG READERS Take advantage of the resources available at your local library, including audio books, e-books and programs such as Tumble Books that can help younger kids build reading skills. You can also call your local library and ask about the summer reading program. The activities being offered this summer revolve around the theme of superheroes and real-life heroes. Reading List Here are a few fun books that are popular among children of different ages and at various reading levels: Big Nate (Grades 1-4) • Lunch Lady (Grades 3-7) Star Wars Jedi Academy (Grades 3-7) • Hunger Games (Grades 7 and Up) • Hoops (Grades 7 and Up) • Flygirl (Grades 7 and Up) Other Options: Many teens enjoy Japanese comics, or “manga.” Younger children also tend to like nonfiction books about dinosaurs, sports and even science. The Scientists in the Field series follows the lives of scientists as they do their research.



The Children’s Trust


Seleccionar el mejor campamento de verano

Jorge Ramírez

The Children’s Trust



así que los niños necesitan saber cómo navegar en ellas y pulir sus habilidades usando programas de oficina como Word, Excel y PowerPoint”, explica Harris. The Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC) ofrece su campamento de verano, Children Thriving, en tres localidades: Opa-locka, West Kendall y Florida City. La mayoría de los niños que asisten a estos campamentos tiene algún tipo de discapacidad, y ARC los integra de diversas maneras. “Organizamos un verano repleto de acción: muchas actividades de arte, excursiones basadas en nuestros temas y clases de natación”, dice Myrna Charlton, coordinadora de currículum y entrenadora de programas. Las clases de natación, supervisadas por un entrenador adiestrado para las Olimpiadas Especiales, se imparten en clases de pocos alumnos por entrenador. “Se divierten muchísimo, y es una oportunidad estupenda para ellos con la que generalmente no cuentan”. Tener pocos estudiantes por entrenador contribuye a crear un ambiente de “familia” en los campamentos. “Los padres siempre comentan que esto es como una gran familia, que se sienten muy bien recibidos en los campamentos”, asegura Charlton. La proporción estudianteentrenador es de 4 a 1, lo que les brinda a los padres la oportunidad de conocer al profesor o al miembro del personal. Ciertas sillas, columpios y muebles, incluso los monitores de las computadoras, son adaptados para que sean aptos para los niños. “Queremos hacer todo lo posible para que los niños participen como puedan. Todo se orienta a una participación integral”, dice Charlton. La seguridad es la máxima preocupación de cada padre en cualquiera que sea el campamento o el programa al que asista el niño. Averigüe las normativas que monitorizan cuándo llegan los niños, cuándo se van y quién los recoge. Si una de las actividades es la natación, asegúrese de que los entrenadores están bien cualificados y que la proporción entrenador/ alumno es lo bastante baja. El calor del verano puede ser fuerte, y su hijo estará al aire libre parte del tiempo, un factor de riesgo de cierto nivel. Asegúrese de que se hidrate bien a lo largo del día, y que se sirven meriendas saludables y alimentos nutritivos. Los empleados de los campamentos deben ser cordiales y respetuosos y ser un

Para más información sobre los programas en el condado Miami-Dade, llame al 211.

reflejo de las familias a las que prestan servicio en términos de idioma y cultura. Deben ser amistosos y cordiales entre ellos y estimular la innovación y la curiosidad natural del niño. Todos los campamentos deben contar con directrices aceptables de supervisión. Los campamentos grandes pueden recibir a cientos de niños, aunque la proporción adecuada de empleados, atentos y comprometidos, garantizará que su hijo disfrute de una experiencia positiva y enriquecedora. Debe haber un adulto por cada niño entre 6 y 10 años de edad, y un empleado adulto por cada 15 niños mayores de 11 años se considera aceptable. Las instalaciones del campamento deben ser seguras, estar bien iluminadas y ser lo suficientemente grandes para que los niños disfruten de sus actividades. ¿Tiene suficiente espacio al aire libre? ¿Sombra? Busque peligros potenciales tanto en el interior como en el exterior del local. Pregunte acerca de la supervisión en el patio de juegos y en lo referente a juegos físicos. ¿Se ofrecen actividades acuáticas? Asegúrese de que los empleados de supervisión sepan aplicar CPR (Resucitación Cardiopulmonar) y de si los entrenadores de natación tienen certificados. Si su hijo tiene alguna discapacidad, infórmelo a los directores y gerentes del campamento lo antes posible. Averigüe si tiene políticas de inclusión, en la que los niños con necesidades especiales interactúen con niños con desarrollo típico. También es importante que las actividades y las normas sean apropiadas para su hijo con necesidades especiales. Los niños pueden perder hasta dos meses de nivel de equivalencia en algunas asignaturas del grado que cursan durante los meses de verano. Cuando están de vacaciones, los niños también tienden a aumentar de peso con más rapidez, sobre todo los que tienen un riesgo especial de obesidad. Llame a los campamentos que le interesen y haga preguntas; cuando sea posible, recorra las instalaciones. Contribuya a que su hijo disfrute del verano de una forma saludable y estimulante. Comience con tiempo a ubicar el “mejor” campamento, uno que se ajuste a su presupuesto, a la ubicación de su preferencia y que sea del mejor interés para su hijo. Asegúrese de que las actividades saludables y de aprendizaje forman parte del verano de su hijo.




l año escolar terminará pronto, y los rigores de los deberes en casa y en el aula de clases muy pronto se convertirán en un recuerdo lejano. Sin embargo, el aprendizaje no tiene por qué detenerse porque finaliza el año escolar. Ahora es el momento de buscar un campamento de verano que presente un estilo de aprendizaje ajustado al verano: actividades interactivas, divertidas y enriquecedoras en un ambiente seguro. The Children’s Trust subvenciona una amplia variedad de campamentos de verano de alta calidad en los que empleados certificados garantizan que el aprendizaje de su hijo continúe durante los meses estivales. La organización Touching Miami with Love ofrece programas para niños durante todo el año en la zona del downtown de Miami. Su campamento de verano, que se extiende durante siete semanas, se concentra en llevar a cabo actividades enriquecedoras y en un aprendizaje fundamentado en la realización de proyectos. “Intentamos organizar nuestro campamento de verano para que sea lo más divertido, emocionante e interesante posible, con muchas actividades interactivas. Es una jornada larga, y los niños no quieren estar sentados todo el día escuchando una clase, así que las mezclamos”, afirma Trina Harris, directora de programas de Touching Miami with Love. El aprendizaje que se fundamenta en la creación de proyectos anima al niño a encaminarse secuencialmente hacia la finalización de un proyecto completo. “[Los niños] Utilizan diferentes pasos y procedimientos, y desarrollan el pensamiento crítico en el proceso”, explica Harris. Cada semana se ofrece un tema nuevo. En Geography/culinary (Geografía/ gastronomía), los estudiantes investigan comidas, costumbres y regiones de diversas culturas del mundo. Para Under the Sea (Bajo el mar), viajan al Biscayne Natural Center de Key Biscayne y participan en la Seagrass Adventure: van por el agua y usan redes para descubrir la vida marina oculta entre la vegetación marina, y luego analizan sus hallazgos. “Se emocionan mucho”, asegura Harris. La lectura y las habilidades para la computación se ejercitan a lo largo de cada día. Se reserva una hora diaria para el trabajo en computadora. “Todas las pruebas en Florida se realizan ahora en computadoras,

The Children’s Trust

The Children’s Trust ofrece recomendaciones para escoger el mejor campamento de verano.

El valor del voluntario También los niños se benefician cuando ayudan a otros.

LA COMBINACIÓN PERFECTA Comience por tomar en cuenta los intereses del niño. Si le gustan los animales, considere una organización de rescate de mascotas que puede necesitar ayuda para caminar a los perros o limpiar. Para un

niño preocupado por la situación de los indigentes, servir comidas en un refugio puede ser una buena idea. En cuanto el niño identifique lo que le interesa, póngase en contacto con iglesias u organizaciones benéficas de su vecindario para averiguar qué tipo de ayuda necesitan. “Los consejeros son otra fuente para averiguar a qué sitios han acudido otros estudiantes a realizar su trabajo voluntario”, sugiere Linda Freeman, directora ejecutiva de Peacemaker Family Center, de Trinity Church, que todas las semanas empaca comida para personas indigentes. Esta iglesia brinda un servicio muy necesario y también les ofrece a las familias una oportunidad estupenda de trabajar juntos como voluntarios. “Cuando un niño se ofrece como voluntario junto con sus padres, entiende que no es una tarea más que debe quitarse de encima, sino que es

una forma de mejorar la comunidad como individuo y algo que se puede hacer en familia”, explica Freeman. Personas de todas las edades se pueden involucrar, dice Darrill A. Gaschler, presidente ejecutivo de HandsOn Miami, una organización que coordina oportunidades de voluntariado para personas de todas las edades y capacidades. Sirva como ejemplo un proyecto de embellecimiento de espacios exteriores. “Aunque quizás no vayan a abrir hoyos o a sembrar plantas, los niños pueden ayudar a repartir agua”, señala Gaschler. “Esto les permite aprender a una edad temprana cuáles son los retos que hay que enfrentar a nivel local y global. Cuando experimentan de primera mano esas oportunidades estructuradas de diferentes maneras, [los jóvenes voluntarios] entienden su poder y se dan TODOSLOSNINOS.NET

stas son algunas organizaciones locales E donde su hijo puede ser voluntario. Dave and Mary Alper JCC Alumnos de octavo y décimo grados pueden ser líderes voluntarios en el campamento o consejeros en entrenamiento. 11155 SW 112 Ave. Miami, FL 33176 305.271.9000 x270 or x271 Feeding South Florida Niños mayores de 12 años pueden ayudar a clasificar alimentos. 2501 SW 32 Terr. Hallandale Beach, FL 33009 954.518.1818 Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami Ayuda a construir viviendas asequibles para familias de bajos recursos. También se necesita ayuda en otras áreas. 3800 NW 22nd Ave. Miami, FL 33142 305.634.3628 HandsOn Miami Los alumnos pueden escoger entre varios programas, ser voluntarios por un día o comprometerse en un proyecto ya en marcha. 425 NW 26th St. Miami, FL 33127 305.504.4510 Miami Rescue Mission Hay oportunidades disponibles para ayudar a personas indigentes, entre ellas servir comidas, ayudar a recolectar ropa y alimentos y en programas juveniles. 2159 NW 1st Ct. Miami, FL 33127 305.571.2273 Ronald McDonald House Charities of South Florida Los voluntarios pueden cocinar o repartir alimentos a familias con niños enfermos. Pueden participar en actividades in situ, como leer cuentos, manualidades o videojuegos. 1145 NW 14th Terr. Miami, FL 33136 305.324.5683 Trinity Church Los participantes pueden ayudar en la despensa de alimentos o como tutores después de la escuela. 17801 NW 2nd Ave. Miami, FL 33169 305.749.0190

Cortesía de Feeding South Florida


l verano es el momento ideal para que los niños hagan algo por su comunidad y cultiven sus intereses personales mientras hacen algunas horas de servicio en su escuela. Sin embargo, con frecuencia los padres no tienen idea de cómo involucrar a los niños y jóvenes en labores voluntarias. Le damos algunas recomendaciones sobre este tema y para ayudar a que los niños se conozcan más a sí mismos y a su comunidad mientras adquieren experiencias invaluables ayudando a otros.


Cortesía de Hands on Miami

The Children’s Trust


PRACTICAR UNA HABILIDAD Trabajar como voluntario también contribuye a que los niños desarrollen capacidades laborales. El campamento de verano del Dave and Mary Alper JCC les ofrece a sus participantes la oportunidad de ser voluntarios y, eventualmente, obtener un empleo remunerado en el campamento. A través del programa Leader in Training (LIT), alumnos de noveno grado trabajan a tiempo parcial practicando habilidades de liderazgo al ayudar a cuidar de niños más pequeños. El resto del tiempo simplemente son participantes en el campamento. Los alumnos de décimo grado pueden participar en el programa Counselor in Training (CIT), ayudando en el campamento 40 horas a la semana durante cuatro u ocho semanas. Mientras tanto, acumulan horas de servicio comunitario. Una vez finalizado el programa de verano, pueden regresar al año siguiente como consejeros junior remunerados. “[Estos jóvenes] están desarrollando capacidades para convertirse en consejeros, acumulando horas de servicio comunitario y aprendiendo qué es un empleo y qué habilidades para la vida real necesitan para trabajar”, explica Elyse Molk, directora de campamento. “Tienen la responsabilidad de estar aquí ocho horas al día, cinco veces a la semana, cuidando de niños, cerciorándose de que estén seguros; y están pasándolo bien, porque de eso se trata un campamento”, afirma Molk. “[La experiencia] les enseña a ser responsables y a convertirse en adultos”.


Para más información sobre los programas en el condado Miami-Dade, llame al 211.

The Children’s Trust


EXPERIENCIAS QUE CAMBIAN LA VIDA Otra ventaja del voluntariado es que los niños exploran actividades nuevas e incluso descubren una pasión personal. “Tendrán la oportunidad de probar diferentes habilidades que quizás no podrían tener en otras áreas de su vida y, en el proceso, posiblemente adquieran una experiencia nueva”, añade Gaschler. Freeman comenta que su propia hija quiso convertirse en médico como resultado de un trabajo voluntario que hizo un verano con niños cuyos padres estaban presos. Conmovida por el trauma que sufrían esos niños, su hija decidió entrar a la escuela de medicina, donde ahora estudia. “Con el voluntariado y aportando horas nunca se sabe [lo que pasará]; puede que los niños descubran muchas cosas y que incluso encuentren una carrera o aprendan

algo [nuevo]”, asegura Freeman. Quizás se dediquen a la política para instituir cambios, se conviertan en trabajadores sociales o decidan que quieren dedicar su vida a la enseñanza. “Hay mucho que ganar para ese joven, no solo para quienes está ayudando”.


cuenta de que tienen la oportunidad de ser ellos mismos el cambio”. Gaschler menciona dos tipos de oportunidades de voluntariado, las puntuales y los compromisos a largo plazo, y afirma que ambas son valiosas. El voluntariado puntual se refiere a un acto que se realiza una sola vez, como pasar una tarde en un hospital leyéndole a niños enfermos o ayudar un sábado a construir una casa con la organización Habitat for Humanity. El voluntariado a largo plazo es cuando alguien se compromete a trabajar voluntariamente durante un tiempo determinado, ya sea preparando sándwiches para los pobres todos los martes o siendo tutor de un niño más pequeño tres veces a la semana durante un semestre. “Cada tipo de compromiso voluntario —siempre y cuando sea significativo— tiene valor, ya sean tres horas una vez al año o tres horas por semana durante 52 semanas al año”, explica Gaschler.

Al agua con seguridad

Amor por las letras

Antes de que los niños vayan a la playa o la piscina este verano, hable con ellos sobre la seguridad en el agua.

Leer y escribir pueden abrir todo un mundo nuevo para los niños. Lamentablemente, muchos consideran ambas actividades una obligación. A continuación lo que sugieren los expertos para hacer nuevamente divertida la lectura.


The Children’s Trust


CLASES DE NATACIÓN Como parte del programa Learn to Swim (Aprende a nadar) de Miami-Dade, instructores de seguridad acuática de la Cruz Roja enseñan a niños a nadar durante los meses de verano en las piscinas públicas de los parques del condado. Comuníquese con el parque de su localidad o visite el sitio web parks/learn-to-swim-program.asp para obtener más información. Para saber más sobre seguridad en el agua, visite la página

“Queremos evitar que alguien resulte herido en el agua y ser capaces de intervenir si es necesario”, asegura Schaechter. Puede establecerse un equipo de dos o tres adultos que se pongan de acuerdo para garantizar que alguien esté siempre vigilando a los niños y dispuesto a responder, sin distraerse con una conversación o por responder el teléfono o un mensaje. Si la fiesta es para bañarse en la piscina, siempre entre al agua con su hijo al alcance de la mano, incluso si considera que el niño es buen nadador, advierte la especialista. A los adolescentes por lo general no se les supervisa, lo cual los deja especialmente vulnerables. “Tienden a hacer lo que quieren y pasarla bien”, dice Schaechter. Se hacen los valientes y les gusta lucirse. Si está presente el alcohol o cualquier otra sustancia, lo más probable es que se atrevan a correr más riesgos, así que es importante tener este tipo de conversaciones con ellos y siempre mantenerse vigilantes. TODOSLOSNINOS.NET


ara muchos niños, las responsabilidades extracurriculares, la cantidad cada vez mayor de tareas escolares, las rigurosas pruebas académicas y el reto de ser capaces de leer al nivel de su grado hacen que el acto mismo de leer sea muy difícil o demasiado orientado a una tarea para ser disfrutable. Según la organización Reading is Fundamental (RIF), los padres pueden empeorar más el problema cuando los critican, les ponen metas poco realistas, los regañan o incluso los sobornan. Entonces, ¿qué pueden hacer los padres? ¿Es importante o no que los niños lean? Leer bien es, simplemente, una habilidad fundamental para poder aprender. Quien aprende bien por lo general tiene más éxito en cualquier aspecto de la vida. Leer estimula la imaginación, aviva la creatividad, desarrolla el vocabulario y fortalece las capacidades gramaticales y de comprensión, todas ellas herramientas esenciales para una comunicación efectiva. “Tenemos computadoras, teléfonos, videojuegos, televisión, videos... Es demasiada competencia para el tiempo libre que tienen los niños, y algunas veces resulta difícil alejarlos de los aparatos electrónicos para que regresen a los libros”, explica Elizabeth Pearson, gerente de la biblioteca principal y directora de títulos para niños del Sistema de Bibliotecas Públicas de Miami-Dade. Deles una nueva oportunidad a los libros estimulando los intereses de su hijo. “Busque algo que verdaderamente le guste al niño; casi siempre hay un libro para ello”, asegura Pearson. “Un error que cometen los padres es escoger libros que ellos creen que el niño tiene que leer; en vez de eso, deje que sea él quien escoja y vea lo que le gusta”. Los padres también pueden dar un buen ejemplo. “Los progenitores igualmente deben ser modelos de la importancia de leer usando estrategias como ir a la biblioteca, tener material de lectura en la casa, ser ellos mismos lectores, crear un área especial de lectura, discutir lo que han leído durante la hora de la comida, leer en voz alta y entretenerse con juegos que estén relacionados con el acto de leer”, aconseja Debbie Adolf, directora senior de programas de Miami-Dade Family Learning Partnership. Es particularmente importante para los niños que tienen dificultades con la lectura que los padres estén involucrados, explica Latoya Hopwood, maestra de tercer grado y supervisora del Summer Reading Explorers Program. Este programa, subvencionado por The Children’s Trust y administrado por el Center for Children and Families de FIU,

brinda ayuda intensiva a jóvenes que tienen problemas para leer. Aparte de leer antes de dormir y en otros momentos, los padres deben mostrar siempre un interés genuino en lo que leen sus hijos. “Un libro es para disfurtarlo. Nunca abra un libro con la intención de terminarlo, hágalo con la intención de disfrutarlo”, sugiere Hopwood. Los hábitos fuertes de lectura promueven una escritura sólida, otra herramienta necesaria. “Leer ayuda a escribir, así los estudiantes son capaces de encontrar su propia voz”, dice Jesika Laster, que enseña lengua y literatura en Miami Northwestern Senior High. “Los lectores ávidos, dentro y fuera de la clase, tienen su propio estilo de escritura y un vocabulario más amplio, se expresan mejor y son capaces de hacer más conexiones”. Estas habilidades comunicativas también aumentarán sus experiencias a una edad temprana. “Queremos que sean pensadores críticos, lo cual exige conexiones reales con el mundo que posiblemente ellos no tengan”, dice Laster. “Pero si se les pone en contacto con la literatura, son capaces de hacer esas conexiones”. Dichas conexiones también pueden conducir a un buen material en papel. Laster recomienda que los niños se interesen en la escritura libre. “Muchos de ellos escriben música, o les gusta mucho la poesía. La escritura libre les hace sentir que pueden escribir sobre lo que les gusta”, asegura. Este concepto resulta especialmente cierto cuando se escribe un diario, el origen de los blogs. A muchos niños se les exige llevar un diario escolar, y pueden llegar a pensar que no van a disfrutar este tipo de escritura. Anime a los niños a escribir sobre sus intereses personales en un blog real. Incluso las redes sociales, cuando se supervisan cuidadosamente, ofrecen un vehículo de expresión a través de la palabra escrita. La música también puede iniciar una conversación que conduzca a poner por escrito pensamientos y emociones. “A mis alumnos les encanta que les ponga canciones, sobre todo las cool que ponen en la radio, y me tienen que decir de qué se tratan”, dice Janette Mauri, maestra de lectura y escritura de cuarto grado. “Creo que a los niños se les olvida relacionar la lectura con el mundo real; pierden su propósito y ven solo las palabras interminables que tienen que escribir”. Contribuya a que la lectura vuelva a ser divertida. Al disfrutar más, su hijo se convertirá en mejor lector y aprenderá mucho más.

SU BIBLIOTECA LOCAL PUEDE AYUDAR Aproveche los recursos disponibles en su biblioteca local, tales como audiolibros, libros electrónicos y programas como Tumble Books para desarrollar las capacidades de su hijo. También puede llamar a la biblioteca y preguntar sobre los programas de verano. Las actividades que se ofrecen este verano se centran en el tema de los superhéroes y los héroes de carne y hueso. Lista de lecturas A continuación algunos libros muy populares entre niños de diferentes edades y niveles de lectura: Big Nate (1°-4° grado) • Lunch Lady (3°-7° grado) • Star Wars Jedi Academy (3°-7° grado) • Hunger Games (7° grado en adelante) • Hoops (7° grado en adelante) • Flygirl (7° grado en adelante) Otras opiciones: A muchos adolescentes les gustan las tiras cómicas japonesas o “manga”. Los niños más pequeños tienden a preferir libros de no ficción sobre dinosaurios, deportes e incluso ciencias. La serie Scientists in the Field sigue las vidas de varios científicos mientras realizan sus investigaciones.

Para más información sobre los programas en el condado Miami-Dade, llame al 211.

The Children’s Trust


nadar tenían que ser llevados en autobús hasta una escuela privada situada en un barrio exclusivo. Por fin, los niños pueden jugar y chapotear —y aprender a nadar— en una piscina de su propia zona. Los niños entre los 4 y 6 años de edad deben aprender a nadar y sentirse cómodos en el agua, recomienda Schaechter. Una vez que aprenden, deben continuar mejorando sus habilidades, perfeccionando las brazadas y nadando distancias más largas para poder convertirse en nadadores más fuertes. Schaechter también anima a los chicos más grandes y a los adolescentes a tomar clases de resucitación cardiopulmonar y de rescate en el agua cuando sea posible. Schaechter les recuerda a los padres que tienen que conocer bien su entorno y tomar las debidas precauciones en lugares alrededor del agua. Incluso si no tiene una piscina, instale cercas, alarmas y cerraduras en las puertas para que los niños no se acerquen a un estanque o un canal que puede presentar peligros ya sea por el agua o por animales. Las fiestas que se realicen en casas que tienen piscina también requieren que se vigile de cerca a los niños.




lorida tiene el número más alto de muertes por inmersión de niños entre 1 y 14 años en todo el país, según el Departmento de Salud de Florida. En el caso de niños menores de 5 años, las cifras son particularmente alarmantes: cada año, la cantidad de niños que mueren ahogados sería suficiente para llenar tres aulas de preescolar. No resulta difícil saber por qué: playas, canales, piscinas... hay agua dondequiera que se mire. “[Estas tragedias] son especialmente preocupantes porque son totalmente prevenibles asegurándose de que los niños pequeños tengan nociones y habilidades para la natación”, dice la congresista Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Weston), una ferviente propulsora de la seguridad en el agua. Wasserman Schultz encabezó hace más de una década la ley de seguridad en piscinas residenciales Preston de Ibern/McKenzie Merriman, que exige que todas las piscinas nuevas de Florida incluyan por lo menos una de cuatro medidas de seguridad: una cerca, cobertores, alarmas en las puertas y puertas con pestillos automáticos. También patrocinó la ley de seguridad para piscinas y spas Virginia Graeme Baker, aprobada en 2007. Esa ley condujo al lanzamiento de una campaña de educación pública, llamada Pool Safety: Simple Steps Save Lives (Seguridad en las piscinas: pasos sencillos que salvan vidas), para crear conciencia sobre los ahogamientos y la prevención de accidentes por quedarse atrapado en desagües. “Los floridanos estamos rodeados de agua; nuestra exposición es muy alta. A pesar de ello, mucha gente de Miami-Dade nunca aprende a nadar”, explica la doctora Judy Schaechter, profesora y presidenta interina de pediatría de UHealth-Univeristy of Miami Health System y fundadora de Injury Free Coalition. “Es algo en parte cultural y en parte socioeconómico, y en algunos casos es una exposición a la inversa: ¿cuán a menudo estamos alrededor de gente dispuesta a enseñarnos a nadar?”. A Schaechter le preocupan particularmente las familias de bajos recursos y las afroamericanas. “Las personas que viven en barrios marginales no van a la playa con tanta frecuencia y no están alrededor de una piscina todo el año o les han enseñado a nadar. Queremos cambiar eso”. Una de tales comunidades de South Miami ha roto esa norma, aunque le costó 40 años hacerlo. En agosto pasado, finalmente se convirtió en realidad el sueño de los niños de la zona de tener una piscina en el Murray Park, ubicado en el 5800 SW 66th Street. Durante décadas, los niños del vecindario que querían aprender a

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Jorge Ramirez

The Children’s Trust



konnesans yo pou sèvi avèk pwogram Office tankou Word, Excel, ak Powerpoint.” Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC) ofri kan ete li a, ki rele Children Thriving [Timoun k ap Devlope] nan twa kote: OpaLocka, West Kendall ak Florida City. Pifò timoun ki ale nan kan yo gen yon fòm andikap, epi ARC pran plizyè dispozisyon pou fasilite yo. Myrna Charlton, ki se kowòdinatris ak enstriktè pwogram, di: “Sezon ete nou an pral chaje avèk aktivite — anpil travay atis ak vizit eskolè ki baze sou tèm nou yo, ak leson natasyon.” Leson natasyon yo, kote sipèvizè a se yon enstriktè ki gen fòmasyon olenpik espesyal, òganize yon jan pou pa gen anpil elèv soukont chak enstriktè. “Yo gen tèlman plezi, epi se yon bèl opòtionite yo pa jwenn fasil.” Kòm pa gen twòp elèv soukont enstriktè a, sa fè kan an bay enpresyon yon “fanmi”. Charlton di: “Paran yo toujou fè remak isit la, se tankou yon fanmi, paske yo tèlman santi yo alèz nan kan an.” Avèk yon pwopòsyon elèv pou enstriktè ki ba, anjeneral 4 pou 1, paran yo rive konnen enstriktè oubyen anplwaye ki avèk timoun yo. Genyen fotèy, balanswa, mèb — menm òdinatè — ki adapte dapre bezwen timoun yo. “Nou vle fè tout sa nou kapab pou timoun yo rive patisipe tout jan sa posib. Sa nou vle, se patisipasyon total”, dapre Charlton. Kèlkeswa kan ete oswa pwogram pitit ou ale, sekirite timoun lan se pi gwo priorite w. Gade ki dispozisyon yo pran pou kontwole lè timoun lan ap rive, lè li prale, ak ki moun ki gen dwa vin chèche l. Si yo fè timoun yo naje, gade byen si enstriktè yo kalifye, epi si pa gen twòp timoun pou chak enstriktè. Chalè nan sezon ete a ka di, epi pitit ou pral pase yon bon moman deyò, sa ki kapab pote yon danje tou. Veye pou timoun lan bwè ase dlo pandan tout lajounen, epi gade si yo sèvi manje ki bon pou sante li. Anplwaye nan kan yo dwe montre koutwazi ak respè, epi yo dwe pale lang ak konnen kilti fanmi y ap sèvi yo. Yo dwe gen bon relasyon youn ak lòt, epi yo dwe montre ankourajman pou kiryozite ak inovasyon natirèl timoun yo.

Pou jwenn plis enfòmasyon sou pwogram yo genyen nan Miami-Dade county, rele 211.

Tout kan yo dwe satisfè kondisyon akseptab pou sipèvisyon. Gwo kan yo kapab resevwa plizyè santèn timoun, kidonk yon pwopòsyon kòrèk anplwaye ki atantif epi ki devwe, dwe garanti pitit ou a fè yon eksperyans pozitif ak enstriktif. Pou timoun ki ant 6 ak 10zan, dwe genyen omwen yon moun majè pou chak 10 timoun. Pou timoun ki gen 11 an oubyen plis, yon anplwaye pou chak 15 timoun konsidere akseptab. Gade si lokal nan kan an bay sekirite, si yo byen klere, epi si yo ase gran pou timoun yo alèz nan aktivite yo. Èske gen anpil espas deyò? Èske gen ase lonbraj? Gade toupatou pou wè si gen bagay ki ka reprezante danje, kit se anndan, kit se deyò. Mande ki kalite sipèvizyon ki genyen nan lakou pou timoun yo jwe, ak nan kote pou yo fè aktivite fizik. Èske gen aktivite yo òganize nan dlo? Mande si gen moun nan pèsonnèl sipèvizyon an ki konn fè CPR (reyanimasyon kadyo-pilmonè), epi mande si enstriktè natasyon yo sètifye. Si pitit ou gen yon andikap, fè direktè ak manadjè kan an konnen sa depi nan bonè. Mande ki prensip yo suiv pou ankouraje enklizyon, kote timoun ki gen bezwen espesyal yo fè aktivite avèk timoun k ap devlope nòmalman. Yon lòt bagay ki enpòtan, se pou aktivite ak prensip yo suiv yo koresponn avèk bezwen espesyal pitit ou a. Pandan mwa ete yo, timoun yo ka pèdi jiska 2 mwa nan konnesans pou nivo klas yo, nan kèk nan matyè lekòl yo. Timoun ki deyò pou vakans ete, espesyalman timoun ki gen tandans vin twò gwo, konn gwosi pi vit pandan tan sa a. Rele kan w ap konsidere yo, pou poze kesyon, epi ale vizite kan an oumenm si sa posib. Ede pitit ou a jwi sezon ete a nan yon jan ki enteresan epi ki bon pou sante l. Koumanse chèche depi nan bonè, pou w jwenn “pi bon” kan ete pou fanmi w la — kidonk yon kan ki koresponn ak bidjè w, ak zòn ou pito a, epi ak enterè pitit ou. Fè yon jan pou aktivite aprantisaj ak aktivite pou sante yo antre nan vakans ete pitit ou.




ane eskolè a pral fini anvan lontan, kidonk tèt chaje nan devwa pou fè lakay ak nan saldeklas pral rete lwen nan memwa nou. Men sèlman, aprann pa dwe kole fren sèk paske lekòl yo fèmen. Kounye a, se lè pou chèche yon kan ete ki ofri aprantisaj adapte pou sezon ete: aktivite entè-aktif, ki enteresan ak enstriktif, nan yon anviwonnman ki bay sekirite. The Children’s Trust finanse yon seri kan ete bon kalite, kote gen anplwaye sètifye ki pèmèt garanti pou pitit ou kontinye aprann pandan sezon ete a. Touching Miami with Love fè pwogram pandan tout lane a, pou timoun ki rete anba lavil nan Miami. Kan ete li fè pandan 7 semenn lan konsantre sou aktivite enstriktif, ak sou pwogram aprantisaj ki fèt dapre yon pwojè. “Nou eseye fè kan ete nou an enteresan, plen amizman, epi mande angajman timoun yo toutotan sa posib, avèk anpil aktivite entè-aktif. Kòm jounen yo long, timoun yo pa renmen chita tout lajounen ap koute sa pwofesè ap di — kidonk nou melanje leson nou yo”, dapre Trina Harris, ki se direktris pwogram lan. Aprantisaj ki fèt dapre pwojè yo ankouraje timoun yo fè pwogrè anmezi y ap rive nan fen yon pwojè. Harris esplike: “Yo sèvi avèk plizyè etap ak pwosedi, epi timoun yo devlope fakilte pou analiz kritik pandan tan sa a.” Chak semenn pote yon nouvo sijè. Nan Geography/culinary [Jeyografi/kwizin], elèv yo etidye manje, tradisyon, ak zòn kiltirèl ki genyen nan diferan peyi yo. Nan Under the Sea [Anba Lanmè], elèv yo ale nan Biscayne Nature Center sou Key Biscayne, pou patisipe nan Seagrass Adventure. Yo mache nan dlo a, epi yo sèvi avèk filè pou ranmase ti bèt lanmè ki kache anba zèb, epi yo analize sa yo pran an. Harris di: “Yo kontan anpil, lè y ap fè sa.” Lekti ak konnesans òdinatè melanje nan aktivite tout jounen an. Genyen 1 èdtan pa jou ki rezève pou travay sou òdinatè. Harris esplike: “Tout tès nan Florid fèt sou òdinatè kounye a, kidonk timoun yo bezwen konn sèvi ak yon òdinatè, pou yo kapab rive devlope

The Children’s Trust

Konsèy “The Children’s Trust” pou chwazi pi bon kan ete pou pitit ou.



ezon ete a se yon tan ideyal pou timoun rann kominote yo sèvis, ak kiltive enterè pèsonnèl yo, an menm tan y ap anrejistre lè sèvis pou lekòl yo. Malgre sa, paran yo konn pa konnen kouman pou yo konnekte pitit yo ak yon opòtinite pou sèvi kòm volontè. Men kèk konsèy ki reponn kesyon sa a, ak pou ede timoun yo dekouvri tèt yo ak kominote yo, an menm tan y ap fè yon eksperyans enpòtan. JWENN BON KORESPONDANS Kòmanse avèk sa ki enterese yo. Si yon timoun renmen bèt, gade si ou ka mete l an kontak avèk yon òganizasyon k ap pote sekou pou bèt, kote timoun lan ka ede pwomennen chen ak netwaye kote chen sal. Si yon timoun sansib pou moun ki pa gen kay, sèvi manje nan yon abri pou moun san kay kapab yon bon korespondans pou li. Depi timoun lan idantifye enterè li, kotakte legliz ak

òganizasyon byenfezans nan zòn ou rete a, pou gade ki kalite asistans yo ka bezwen. “Konseye oryantasyon yo kapab yon lòt bon resous pou gade ki kote lòt etidyan ale fè sèvis kòm volontè”, dapre Linda Freeman, ki direktris egzekitif nan Peacemaker Family Center, Trinity Church, ki anbale manje chak semenn pou moun ki san kay. Legliz la rann yon sèvis ki itil anpil, epi li pèmèt fanmi yo jwenn yon bèl opòtimite pou sèvi ansanm kòm volontè. Freeman esplike: “Lè timoun yo sèvi kòm volontè ansanm ak paran yo, sa fè yo konprann se pa yon bagay pou yo montre yo fè sou papye sèlman. Se yon jan pou mwen ede kominote m kòm yon moun, epi se yon bagay nou ka fè ansanm kòm yon fanmi.” Moun tout laj kapab patisipe, dapre Darrill A. Gaschler, ki se responsab operasyon nan HandsOn Miami, yon òganizasyon ki fè kowòdinasyon ant opòtinite pou volontè tout laj, nan plizyè kalite aktivite. Gade, pa egzanp, yon pwojè anbelisman deyò. Gaschler di: “Menm si se pa yon twou l ap fouye, ni yon pyebwa l ap THECHILDRENSTRUST.ORG

Courtesy of Hands On Miami

Menm timoun ki pitit yo ka jwenn yon avantaj nan ede lòt moun.

Courtesty of Feeding South Florida (2)

The Children’s Trust


EKSPERYANS KI KA CHANJE MOUN POU LAVI Yon lòt avantaj sèvis volontè genyen, se pèmèt timoun yo fè nouvo eksperyans, epi menm sa kapab fè yo dekouvri yon pasyon pèsonnèl. Gashler di tou: “Yo pral kapab eseye plizyè kalite travay, yo ta kapab pa janm gen yon chans eseye nan lòt aktivite nan lavi yo, epi sa kapab menm lakòz yo pran nouvo eksperyans.” Freeman, ki nan Trinity Church, di sa ki te bay pwòp pitit fi li lide pou vin doktè, se lè li te travay kòm volontè pandan yon sezon ete avèk pitit paran ki te nan prizon. Lè li santi senpati pou timoun twomatize yo, pitit fil li a deside enterese nan medsin kòm pwofesyon, epi kounye a li prale lekòl pou aprann lamedsin. Freeman di: “Ou pa janm konnen sa ki pral sòti nan sèvis volontè oubyen nan bay tan ou - yon timoun kapab jwenn tèlman bagay, epi menm dekouvri karyè li oubyen aprann yon nouvo bagay.” Yo kapab antre nan politik pou eseye fè chanjman nan lalwa, oswa yo ka vle vin asistan sosyal, oubyen deside yo vle pase lavi yo ap fè lekòl. Li di konsa: “Gen anpil bagay ki ka soti nan yon jenn moun, pa sèlman pou moun y ap sèvi a.” FÈ PRATIK NAN YON KALITE TRAVAY Sèvis volontè ede timoun aprann fè travay tou. Kan Ete nan Dave and Mary Alper JCC bay timoun yo yon chans pou fè sèvis volontè, ak pou rive antre pi devan nan yon

Pou jwenn plis enfòmasyon sou pwogram yo genyen nan Miami-Dade county, rele 211.

BAY TAN OU Men kèk non òganizasyon lokal kote pitit ou ka sèvi kòm volontè. Dave and Mary Alper JCC Timoun nan klas entèmedyè ak avanse kapab sèvi kòm volontè nan pran fòmasyon kòm lidè oswa kòm konseye. 11155 SW 112 Ave. Miami, FL 33176 305.271.9000, pòs 270 oubyen 271 Feeding South Florida Timoun ki gen 12an oubyen plis kapab klase manje pou patisipan yo. 2501 SW 32 Ave. Hallandale Beach, FL 33009 954.518.1818 Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami Ede bati yon kay bon mache pou yon fanmi ki pa touche anpil. Yo bezwen asistans nan wòl oksilyè yo tou. 3800 NW 22nd Ave. Miami, FL 33142 305.634.3628 HandsOn Miami Gen plizyè chwa pou sèvis volontè: oubyen pou yon sèl jou (okazyonnèl), oubyen angajman nan yon pwojè k ap dire. 425 NW 26th St. Miami, FL 33127 305.504.4510 Miami Rescue Mission Gen plizyè opòtinite pou ede moun ki san kay: sèvi manje, ede nan distribisyon rad ak manje, epi asiste nan pwogram pou jenn moun. 2159 NW 1st Ct. Miami, FL 33127 305.571.2273 Ronald McDonald House Charities of South Florida Volontè yo kwit oswa pote manje pou fanmi k ap okipe timoun malad, oubyen patisipe nan aktivite nan kay, tankou rakonte istwa, travay atis ak atizan, oubyen jwèt videyo. 1145 NW 14th Terr. Miami, FL 33136 305.324.5683 Trinity Church Patisipan yo ka ede nan distribisyon manje oswa nan ede elèv apre lekòl. 17801 NW 2nd Ave. Miami, FL 33169 305.749.0190

The Children’s Trust


Valè Travay yon Volontè

travay peye nan kan an. Avèk pwogram Leader in Training (LIT, ki vle di Lidè an Fòmasyon) an, timoun k ap vanse nan klas nevyèm travay tanpasyèl, kote yo fè pratik nan teknik lidèchip, lè yo okipe timoun pi piti yo. Pandan rès tan an, timoun ki enskri nan kan yo patisipe sèlman nan aktivite kan an. Timoun ki nan kou segondè avanse yo ka patisipe nan pwogram Counselor in Training (CIT, ki vle di Konseye an Fòmasyon) an, kote yo sèvi kòm asistan nan kan an pandan 40 èdtan pa semenn pou yon peryòd 4 oubyen 8 semenn. An menm tan y ap fè sa, yo anrejistre pwen pou èdtan sèvis kominotè yo fè. Konseye sa yo fè menm travay konseye pwofesyonnèl yo fè. Yon fwa yo fini pwogram ete a, yo kapab retounen lane apre a pou travay kòm konseye jinyò ki touche. “Timoun sa yo ap aprann travay kòm konseye, pandan y ap anrejistre pwen pou èdtan sèvis kominotè, epi yo aprann kisa yon travay ye, ak ki konpetans ki nesesè tout bon nan lavi a pou jwenn yon travay”, dapre esplikasyon Elyse Molik, ki se yon jenn moun k ap dirije kan. Molk di: “Se pran responsabilite pou ou la 8 èdtan chak jou, pandan senk jou pa semenn, pou okipe timoun, ak voye je sou yo pou yo an sekirite; epi tou, yo renmen sa y ap fè a, paske se pou sa yo vini nan kan an. Eksperyans lan aprann yo pran responsabilite, ak aji tankou granmoun.”


plante, yon timoun ka ede wouze. Sa pèmèt yon timoun aprann, depi li jenn, ki pwoblèm moun ap chèche rezoud globalman oswa lokalman. Lè yo fè eksperyans pèsonnèl yo avèk opòtinite ki òganize yon jan pou yo patisipe, jenn volontè yo pran konfyans nan tèt yo, epi yo konprann yo gen yon chans pou yo pote chanjman.” Gaschler pale sou 2 kalite opòtinite pou volontè - angajman okazyonnèl ak angajman pou lontan - epi li di toude gen valè. Angajman okazyonnè la vle di yon angajman nan yon sèl aktivite, tankou lè yon etidyan fè lekti pou yon timoun malad yon apremidi nan lopital, oswa lè li ale ede nan bati kay yon samdi avèk Habitat for Humanity. Angajman pou lontan an, se lè yon moun pwomèt sèvi kòm volontè pou yon dire ki tabli davans, tankou ale fè sandwich pou moun ki grangou chak madi, oswa bay yon jenn timoun leson 3 fwa pa semenn pandan yon trimès. Gaschler di: “Nenpòt kalite angajman volontè - depi se yon angajman ki gen yon sans - gen valè, kit se pou 3zèdtan yon fwa pou lane a, kit se pou 3zèdtan pa semenn pandan 52 semenn nan lane a.”

Renmen Liv

KLAS NAJE Nan pwogram Miami-Dade ki rele Learn to Swim [Aprann Naje] a, gen enstriktè American Red Cross Water Safety ki montre timoun naje pandan mwa ete yo nan pisin piblik nan plizyè pak ki nan konte a. Kontakte pak ki pi pre w la, oubyen ale nan adrès entènèt pou plis enfòmasyon.

Lekti ak ekriti ka ouvri orizon nouvo pou timoun, an plis ba yo konpetans ki gen yon nesesite vital pou yo. Malerèzman, gen anpil timoun ki gade toude tankou yon kòve. Men kèk konsèy ekspè yo bay pou fè lekti tounen yon plezi ankò.



e nan Florid ki gen plis moun ki mouri nwaye nan peyi a, nan pami timoun ki ant 1 ak 14zan, dapre Depatman Sante Florid. Pou timoun ki gen mwens pase 5 an, pwoblèm sa a pi grav toujou. Chak ane, gen ase timoun ki nwaye nan Florid pou plen ant 3 ak 4 saldeklas pou timoun jadendanfan. Li pa difisil pou wè pou kisa: Plaj, kannal, pisin... gen dlo tout kote ou ale. Depite Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Demokrat - Wetson), ki se youn nan vwa prensipal pou sekirite nan dlo, di: “Trajedi sa yo espesyalman difisil pou gade, paske li ta fasil pou anpeche yo rive, si yo te veye pou timoun yo aprann naje ak prensip sekirite pou naje.” Depi plis pase dizan, Wasserman Schultz ap pran inisyativ lejislasyon enpòtan ki dèyè anpil prekosyon yo pran nan pisin ak nan basen. Youn nan lwa sou sekirite nan pisin yo egzije pou tout nouvo pisin yo bati nan Florid genyen omwen youn nan kat prekosyon sekirite sa yo: lantouraj, kouvèti pou sekirite, alam nan pòt, ak pòt ki bloke poukont yo. Gen yon lòt

lwa ki mennen nan yon kanpay edikasyon piblik nasyonnal pou fè konnen danje nwaye ak prevansyon kont pyèj nan kannal aspirasyon, ki rele Pool Safety: Simple Steps Save Lives [Sekirite nan Pisin: Prekosyon Senp ki Sove Lavi]. “Moun ki rete nan Florid ap viv nan mitan dlo; li fasil pou nou kontre ak danje. Malgre sa, gen anpil moun ki pa janm aprann naje”, dapre Doktè Judy Schaechter, ki se pwofesè ak direktè enterimè nan Sèvis Pedyatrik UHealth/University of Miami Health System, epi ki se fondatè Injury Free Coalition [Kowalisyon kont Aksidan]. “Gen rezon ki nan kilti a, gen rezon ki sosyo-ekonomik, epi yon lòt rezon se mank opòtinite — konbyen tan ou pase avèk moun ki pral aprann ou naje?” Pi gwo enkyetid Schaechter se pou fanmi ki pòv ak pou Nwa Ameriken yo. “Popilasyon ki viv nan mitan vil la pa ale nan plaj souvan, ni yo pa ale nan pisin pandan tout lane a, ni yo pa aprann naje. Nou dwe chanje sa.” Gen yon kominote nan Sid Miami ki chanje kondisyon sa yo — men sa te pran 40 an pou li rive fè sa. Nan mwa out


BAY TIMOUN YO BON ABITID LEKTI Pwofite resous ou ka jwenn nan bibliyotèk lokal ou, tankou liv odyo, liv elektwonnik, ak pwogram tankou Tumble Books ki ka ede pitit ou devlope kapasite l nan lekti. Ou ka rele bibliyotèk lokal ou tou, pou pran enfòmasyon sou pwogram lekti pou sezon ete a. Aktivite rekreyasyon y ap òganize pandan sezon ete sa a ap genyen kòm sijè ewo nan lejann ak ewo tout bon nan lavi a. Lis pou Lekti Men yon lis liv ki popilè nan pami timoun diferan laj, ak nan diferan nivo lekti: Big Nate (klas 1-4) • Lunch Lady (klas 3-7) • Star Wars Jedi Academy (klas 3-7) Hunger Games (klas 7 ak pi wo) • Hoops (klas 7 ak pi wo) • Flygirl (klas 7 ak pi wo) Lòt Opsyon: Gen anpil adolesan ki renmen liv komik japonè, oubyen “manga”. Ti moun pi piti yo gen tandans renmen tou liv ki pa fiksyon sou dinozò, espò, ak syans tou. Seri ki rele Scientists in the Field la rakonte lavi savan yo pandan y ap fè rechèch.

Pou jwenn plis enfòmasyon sou pwogram yo genyen nan Miami-Dade county, rele 211.

The Children’s Trust

Patisipasyon paran yo enpòtan espesyalman pou moun k ap fè efò pou yo li, dapre Latoya Hopwood, ki se yon pwofesè lekti nan twazyèm ane, ak sipèvizè nan Summer Reading Explorers. Pwogram sa a, ki resevwa finansman nan The Children’s Trust epi ki anba administrasyon Center for Children and Families nan FIU, pote asistans entansif pou jenn moun andikape nan fè lekti. Anplis lekti yo fè pou mete timoun nan kabann ak lòt istwa yo li avèk pitit yo, paran yo dwe toujou montre yon enterè ki sensè nan sa pitit yo li. “Yon liv fèt pou li avèk plezi. Pa janm louvri yon liv avèk entansyon pou fini liv la — louvri liv la pou jwenn plezi ladan li”, dapre konsèy Hopwood bay. Lè moun li anpil, sa ede w ekri byen, ki se yon lòt zouti enpòtan pou degaje w nan lavi. Dapre Jesika Laster, ki pwofesè pou debitan nan klas lang nan Miami Northwestern Senior High, “Lekti ede moun ekri, konsa elèv yo ka fè tande pwòp vwa yo. Kit se nan saldeklas, kit se deyò, elèv ki li anpil yo gen pwòp estil yo pou ekri, epi vokabilè yo pi rich — yo pale pi byen epi yo kapab fè plis konneksyon.” Pwogrè nan kapasite kominikasyon sa yo ede yo tou devlope eksperyans yo pandan yo jenn. “Nou vle yo aprann reflechi poukont yo tou, sa ki mande konneksyon tout bon yo ka pa genyen avèk lòt sous,” dapre Laster. “Men si yo jwenn kontak avèk literati, y ap kapab fè konneksyon sa yo.” Konneksyon sa yo kapab mennen tou nan bèl konpozisyon ekri. Laster konseye pou kite timoun yo ekri sa yo vle. “Gen anpil ladan yo ki ekri mizik, oubyen yo renmen konpoze pwezi. Ekriti lib la ka fè yo santi yo ka ekri sa yo renmen”, dapre Laster. Metòd sa a sèvi espesyalman lè y ap fè ti jounal yo — ki se premye blòg la. Gen anpil timoun yo bay kòm responsablite pou yo kenbe yon jounal pou lekòl yo, kidonk yo ka santi kalite ekriti sa a pa yon plezi pou yo ankò. Ankouraje timoun yo ekri sou enterè pèsonnèl yo, nan yon vre blòg. Menm rezo sosyal yo — si yo byen kontwole — kapab sèvi kòm platfòm pou ekspresyon nan domèn ekriti a. Mizik kapab sèvi tou, pou kòmanse yon konvèsasyon k ap mennen nan ekri lide ak emosyon timoun yo. Janette Mauri, ki se yon pwofesè lekti ak ekriti nan katriyèm ane, di: “Elèv mwen yo renmen lè mwen mete mizik — espesyalman chante alamòd nan radyo — epi mwen mande yo di mwen kisa chante yo di. Mwen kwè timoun yo konn bliye konnekte ekriti avèk sa k ap pase tout bon nan lavi; yo bliye sans bagay yo, lè yo gade sèlman tout kantite mo y ap fè yo ekri.” Ede remete “plezi” a nan lekti. Plis plezi vle di pitit ou a pral fè lekti pi byen — sa ki vle di timoun lan pral aprann pi byen anpil.


Anvan timoun yo kòmanse ale sou plaj ak nan pisin pandan sezon ete sa a, sonje pale avèk yo sou sekirite nan dlo.

Jorge Ramirez


ki pase a, yon nouvo pisin nan Murray Park, ki nan adrès 5800 SW 66 Street, finalman vin yon reyalite pou timoun nan Sid Miami. Pandan plizyè lane, timoun nan katye a ki te vle aprann naje, te oblije monte nan otobis pou yo mennen yo nan yon lekòl prive nan yon katye moun rich. Finalman kounye a, timoun yo ka plonje ak voye dlo - ak aprann naje — nan yon pisin ki nan pwòp katye yo. Timoun yo dwe aprann naje, pou yo ka santi yo alèz nan dlo, depi yo gen ant 4 ak 6zan, dapre Schaechter. Yon fwa yo konn naje, yo dwe kontinye fè pwogrè toujou — sa ki vle di aprann fè bras pi byen, ak naje pou rive pi lwen, pou yo ka vinn bon najè. Li konseye tou pou timoun ki pi gran yo, ak adolesan yo, pran klas CPR ak sovtaj nan dlo depi sa posib. Schaechter fè paran yo sonje pou chèche konnen kote yo ye a byen, ak pou yo pran prekosyon ki nesesè lè yo bò dlo. Menm si ou pa gen yon pisin, enstale lantouraj, ak alam, ak kadna nan pòt yo, pou timoun yo pa ale tonbe nan ti letan oswa nan kannal ki tou pre, kote ka gen danje nan dlo oswa bèt sovaj. Lè gen fèt kay moun ki gen pisin, sa mande veye timoun yo byen tou. Toujou dwe gen yon moun majè yo bay responsabilite pou voye je sou yo. Schaechter di: “Nou pa vle aksidan rive pèsonn nan dlo, epi nou vle pare pou pote sekou si sa nesesè.” Yon sistèm ekip, kote 2 oubyen 3 moun majè antann yo, kapab pèmèt pou yon moun toujou ap veye epi pare pou reyaji — san li pa distrè nan konvèsasyon ni okipe nan reponn telefòn ak imel. Si gen yon fèt nan pisin, ou dwe toujou avèk pitit ou, ase pre pou w ka mete men sou li, menm si ou kwè pitit ou a se yon bon najè, dapre konsèy Schaechter. Anpil fwa timoun yo san sipèvizyon, epi sa fè yo vilnerab anpil. Schaechter di: “Yo gen tandans fè sa yo vle, pou amizman. Souvan yo pran plis chans pase sa yo ta dwe pran, epi yo renmen montre yo brav. Si yo bwè alkòl oubyen pran dwòg, yo renmen pran pi gwo chans toujou, kidonk li enpòtan pou fè konvèsasyon sou sa avèk yo, epi pou toujou rete vijilan.”



ou anpil timoun, responsabilite ki anplis travay lekòl yo, ansanm ak kantite devwa yo ba yo fè lakay, ak kondisyon tès ki difisil, ak pwoblèm nan fè lekti nan nivo klas yo fè li parèt twò difisil pou yo fè lekti, oubyen lekti a te twò sanble yon travay pou yo ta ka jwenn plezi ladan. Dapre Reading is Fundamental (RIF, ki vle di “Lekti se yon Bagay Fondamantal”), paran yo ka fè pwoblèm la pi grav ankò si yo mande rezilta ki pa reyalis, oubyen si yo anbete timoun lan, oswa menm peye li pou fè lekti. Kisa manman ak papa timoun yo ka fè? Èske sa enpòtan, pou timoun yo konn li? Pou di laverite, kapasite pou moun li byen, se yon kapasite fondamantal pou yon moun aprann. Anjeneral, moun ki aprann byen konn rive jwenn bon rannman nan nenpòt ki domèn yo antre nan lavi. Lekti devlope imajinasyon, li ankouraje kreyativite, li ogmante vokabilè, epi li fòtifye konpreyansyon ak konnesans nan gramè — tout zouti sa yo nesesè pou kominikasyon efikas. “Genyen òdinatè, telefòn, jwèt videyo, televizyon, telechajman videyo — sa ki vle di anpil konpetisyon pou tan lib timoun yo genyen, kidonk li konn difisil pou yo soti nan aparèy elektwonnik pou tounen nan liv yo”, dapre Elizabeth Pearson, ki se manadjè lokal nan Bibliyotèk Prensipal la (Main Library), epi direktris Children’s Tiles nan Sistèm Bibliyotèk Piblik Miami-Dade la. Ankouraje enterè espesyal pitit ou genyen, pou w rive bay liv yo yon pi bon chans. “Jwenn yon bagay timoun lan renmen tout bon vre; ap toujou gen yon liv pou bagay sa a”, dapre Pearson. “Yon erè paran yo konn fè, se chwazi liv yo kwè pitit yo ta dwe li; l ap pi bon si yo kite timoun yo gade poukont yo, ak jwenn kisa yo renmen.” Si ou gen timoun ki pi gran, li menm liv yo li, pou w kapab pale avèk yo sou liv sa yo. Kòm paran, ou ka bay yon bèl egzanp tou, paske pitit ou fè sa li wè ou fè. Dapre konsèy Debbie Adolf, Ed. S, direktris anchèf pworam nan Miami-Dade Family Learning Partnership: “Paran yo dwe aji yon jan tou pou montre enpòtans lekti, nan estrateji tankou ale nan bibliyotèk, kite materyèl pou lekti nan kay la, fè lekti yomenm tou, tabli zòn espesyal pou lekti, pale sou sa yo li pandan y ap manje ansanm, li fò, epi fè jwèt ki anrapò avèk lekti.”

Joshua Prezant

Naje San Danje

The Children’s Trust


Pou aprann plis sou sekirite nan pisin, ale nan adrès


Miami-Dade County by Zip Codes and Neighborhoods

The Children’s Trust


How to use the listings

Cómo usar los listados

Ki jan pou sèvi ak lis la

The sections are sorted by the geographical location of the municipality and then by ZIP code to help you easily find options in your area. You can find a map of these sections and ZIP codes on Page 20. Programs marked with a SUN (b) are funded by The Children’s Trust. The information provided in this guide is not intended as a recommendation, but instead as a resource to provide you, the parent or caregiver, with options. To learn more about programs in the guide funded by The Children’s Trust, call 211. Below are the headings of the listings: •S pecial Needs (all Children’s Trust camps are inclusive; some are especially for children with special needs) • Fees • Description

Las secciones están divididas según la ubicación geográfica de la ciudad y del código postal, de manera que usted pueda encontrar las opciones en su área fácilmente. Un mapa de las secciones y códigos postales aparece en la página 20. Los programas que se encuentran marcados con un SOL (b) son financiados por The Children’s Trust. La información que le ofrecemos no es una recomendación, sino una fuente de información que le muestra a usted, el padre, madre o guardián, las opciones disponibles. Para obtener más detalles sobre los programas que aparecen aquí y que son financiados por The Children’s Trust, llame al 211. Debajo están los encabezamientos de los listados. • Necesidades especiales (todos los campamentos de verano del Children’s Trust reciben a niños con necesidades especiales; algunos programas están diseñados exclusivamente para estos niños) • Precios • Descripción

Seksyon yo klase pa amplasman jewografik de minisipalite / vil epi aprè, pa kod ZIP pou ede w jwen fasilman opsyon nan zònn ou. Nou ka jwen yon kat seksyon ak kod ZIP sou paj 20. The Children’s Trust finanse pwogram ki make SOLÈY (b) yo. Enfòmasyon ki nan gid sa a pa yon rekonmandasyon, se pou ou kapab gen yon resous opsyon nan men w, ou ki se paran, oswa moun kap bay yon timoun swen. Pou aprann pi plis sou pwogram nan gid sa a ki sponsorize pa The Children’s Trust, rele 211. Icit la wap jwen tit ki nan tèt chak lis: • Bezwen espesyal (tout kan Children’s Trust yo aksepte tout kalite timoun; genyen ki fèt espesyalman pou timoun ki gen bezwen espesyal) • Cotizasyon • Deskripsyon pwogram

Note: Interested in having your program listed in an upcoming Summer or After-School Guide? Email or call 305-571-5700, ext. 510. While we make every effort to provide the most accurate information possible, location and other information may vary. Please contact the programs directly.

Nota: Si le interesa incluir su programa en futuras ediciones de las guías de verano y para después de la escuela, envíe un correo electrónico a o llame al 305-571-5700, ext. 510. Siempre intentamos actualizar la información al máximo, pero las direcciones y otros detalles de los programas pueden cambiar. Favor de contactar los programas directamente.

Remak: Èske ou ta enterese fè mete pwogram ou nan Lis Pwogram pou Sezon Ete k ap vini an, oubyen nan Gid pou Pwogram apre Lekòl yo? Voye yon mesaj nan adrès ProgramListings@ oswa rele nan 305-571-5700, estansyon 510. N ap fè tout sa nou kapab pou bay enfòmasyon egzat, men enfòmasyon sou kote yo, ak lòt enfòmasyon yo, kapab varye. Tanpri, kontakte pwogram dirèk.

Investing in Their Future...

SERVICES FUNDED BY THE CHILDREN’S TRUST: Intervention for at-risk youth and their families • Mentoring programs • Parenting classes • Crisis and family counseling • Summer and after-school programs • Performing arts programs Programs for children with special needs • Access to insurance providers and health care • Child abuse, neglect and family violence prevention.

To access these and other services, visit or Dial 2-1-1 The Children’s Trust is a dedicated source of revenue established by voter referendum to improve the lives of children and families in Miami-Dade County by making strategic investments in their futures.

Because All Children Are Our Children.


Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon


LISTINGS The Children’s Trust

Scott Rakow Youth Center – Fine Arts Camp 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $200 Non-residents: $360

Grades 3–8. Children will learn a variety of media, such as sculpture, still life, painting and drawing. Camp includes supplies.

Scott Rakow Youth Center – Fashionista Camp 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $200 Non-residents: $360

Grades 4–6. Campers will learn the fundamentals of cooking and crate fun recipes of appetizers, entrees and desserts.

Scott Rakow Youth Center – Culinary Kids 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $235 Non-residents: $425

Grades 3–6. Campers will learn the basics of coding and logistics. Participants will create interactive stories, animated adventures and creative comics using their imagination.

Scott Rakow Youth Center – Ice Skating 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $225 Non-residents: $405

Grades 1–8. Campers will develp ice skating skills through a variety of group activities.

Scott Rakow Youth Center – Glee/Off Broadway 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $235 Non-residents: $425

Grades 5–11. Campers will learn the fundamentals of theatre, acting and choreograhpy through movement and character building and improvisations.

Scott Rakow Youth Center – Gymnastics 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $185 Non-residents: $333

Grades K–8. Campers will learn progressive gymnastics skills through a variety of group activities.

Scott Rakow Youth Center – Junior Lifeguard Camp 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $235 Non-residents: $425

Scott Rakow Youth Center – Junior Lifeguard Camp 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $150 Non-residents: $270

Grades 3–8. Children must be excellent swimmers. All children must take a swim test of 300 yards prior to registration. CPR, first aid and books included.

Scott Rakow Youth Center – Learn to Swim Camp 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $125 Non-residents: $225

Grades 2–9. Learn to swim for beginners.

June 8–Aug. 7 8 a.m.–6 p.m. 9-week session: $100 Scholarships available

Ages 5–14. Project Learn activities include literacy and social skills support, arts and crafts, sports, team-building and field trips. Swimming lessons offered at nearby public pool.


Friends of the Bass Museum 2100 Collins Ave. 305-673-7530

June 8–July 31 Fees vary, please inquire at the museum Scholarships available

Ages 3–10. IDEA@thebass uses art to stimulate critical thinking skills based on a method of problem-solving. IDEA offers camp programs, mini-camps, pre-school activities and family days.


Miami City Ballet 2200 Liberty Ave. 305-929-7007

June 22–July 25 Full price: $2,100 Scholarships available

Ages 9–18. Dance Camp dates based on age and skill level. Classes include ballet technique, pointe, pas de deux, variations, jazz and health and wellness. Participants are selected through an open audition process.

ArtCenter/South Florida Art Camp 924 Lincoln Rd. 305-674-8278

Non-members: $400 Family-level: $375, with $75 membership Session 1: June 8–19 Session 2: June 22–July 3

Ages 6–12. Visual arts fun for young people. Age-appropriate classes are taught by professional artists who are also experienced teachers.

City of Miami Beach Colony Theatre – Performance Camp 1040 Lincoln Rd. 305-674-1040, ext. 0

July 13–Aug. 7 4-week session: $1,200

Ages 6–16. Colony Theatre Performance Camp, Where Stars Begin. Learn from highly-trained and experienced performance instructors the basics of acting, dancing, singing, public presentation, scenic design and costuming. Children will gain an appreciation for culture and creativity as well as build the confidence and self esteem it takes to perform in front of an audience. Special concentration on dance performance and techniques.

City of Miami Beach Parks & Recreation 21st Street Recreation Center – Summer Camp 2100 Washington Ave. 305-531-5636, ext. 26

Weekly: $100 residents, $200 non-residents 11-week session: $640 residents, $910 non-residents Discounts for siblings

Ages 6–8 Ages 9–12

Flamingo Park – Summer Camp 999 11th St. 305-531-5636, ext. 26

Weekly: $100 residents, $200 non-residents 11-week session: $640 residents, $910 non-residents Discounts for siblings

Ages 3–4 Ages K–1 Ages 2–3

Scott Rakow Youth Center – Mindstorm Makers 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $235 Non-residents: $425

Grades 3–6. Introduction wo building and programming robots using LEGO Mindstorms NXT. Learn engineering skills, creativity, teamwork skills and social skills.

Flamingo Park – Camp for Tots 999 11th St. 305-531-5636, ext. 26 •

June 15–Aug. 7; 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Residents: $375 Non-residents: $650

Ages 3–4. Half-day camp designed for small children.

Scott Rakow Youth Center – Outdoor Swimming Camp 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $125 Non-residents: $225

Grades 2–9. Children must be good swimmers and know at least two strokes. Must take a swim test before registration.

South Pointe Park – Camp for Tots 1 Washington Ave. 305-531-5636, ext. 26 •

June 15–Aug. 7; 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Residents: $375 Non-residents: $650

Ages 3–4. Half-day camp designed for small children.

Scott Rakow Youth Center – SOBE Great Adventures 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $225 Non-residents: $405

Grades 5–12. Camp designed for children who like exhilerating adventures. Activities include bike riding, kayaking, snorkeling and horseback riding.

South Pointe Park – Bait & Tackle 1 Washington Ave. 305-531-5636, ext. 26 •

Residents: $150 Non-residents: $270

Grades 4–12. Campers will learn the fundamentals of fishing by traveling to South Florida’s piers. Campers will have a fish fry at the end of the series. Optional trips and deep sea fishing for additional fee.

Scott Rakow Youth Center – Video Game Builders 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $235 Non-residents: $425

Grades 3–6. Campers will learn the basics of coding and logistics. Participants will create interactive stories, animated adventures and creative comics using their imagination.

South Pointe Park – M.A.R.S. 1 Washington Ave. 305-531-5636, ext. 26 •

Residents: $475 Non-residents: $675

Ages 3-4. The four-week program focuses on a different subject each week: music, art, recreation and science.

Scott Rakow Youth Center – Water Polo Camp 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $125 Non-residents: $225

Grades 2–9. Children must be good swimmers. Must take a swim test of 25 yards freestyle prior to registration.

South Pointe Park – Mindstorm Makers 1 Washington Ave. 305-531-5636, ext. 26 •

Residents: $235 Non-residents: $425

Grades 3–6. Introduction wo building and programming robots using LEGO Mindstorms NXT. Learn engineering skills, creativity, teamwork skills and social skills.

Scott Rakow Youth Center – Young Builders 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $235 Non-residents: $425

Grades K–2. Introduction wo building and programming robots using LEGO WEDO. Learn engineering skills, creativity, teamwork skills and social skills.

South Pointe Park – Young Builders 1 Washington Ave. 305-531-5636, ext. 26 •

Residents: $235 Non-residents: $425

Grades K–2. Introduction wo building and programming robots using LEGO WEDO. Learn engineering skills, creativity, teamwork skills and social skills.

Polo Park – Sports Camp 4301 N. Michigan Ave. 305-673-7784

Residents: $1,200 Non-residents: $2,100

Grades K-8. Soccer and tennis. Grades 2–8. Baseball, basketball, flag football and golf. Grades4-10. Diverse sports such as biking, skating, obstacle courses, paintball and more.

City of Miami Beach Parks & Recreation Miami Beach Golf Club 2301 Alton Rd. 305-532-3350 •

Residents: $450 Non-residents: $450

Grades 2–11. Quality golf and tennis instructions in a fun learning environment taught by certified instructors. Lunch included.

City of Miami Beach Parks & Recreation North Shore Park Youth Center – Summer Camp 501 72nd St. 305-861-3616 •

Ages 3–4 Ages K–1 Ages 2–3 Ages 4–5

Scott Rakow Youth Center – Fine Arts Camp 2700 Sheridan Ave. 305-673-7767

Weekly: $100 residents, $200 non-residents 11-week session: $640 residents, $910 non-residents Discounts for siblings

Ages K–1 Ages 2–3 Ages 4–5

Weekly: $100 residents, $200 non-residents 11-week session: $640 residents, $910 non-residents Discount for siblings

North Shore Park Youth Center – Dance Camp 501 72nd St. 305-861-3616 •

Residents: $150 Non-residents: $270

Grades K–5. Dance and recreational activites await you. Dance genres include ballet, tap, jazz and contemporary.



Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade, Inc. South Beach Club 1420 Washington Ave. 305-535-1135 •



Fees • Precios • Frè

The Children’s Trust

Fees • Precios • Frè




Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal



Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal

The Children’s Trust



Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

North Shore Park Youth Center – Camp for Tots 501 72nd St. 305-861-3616

June 15–Aug. 7 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Residents: $375 Non-residents: $650

Ages 3–4. Half-day camp designed for small children.

North Shore Park Youth Center – Mad Scientists Camp 501 72nd St. 305-861-3616 •

Residents: $150 Non-residents: $270

Grades 2-5. Learn about matter, energy, inertia, space, genetics, biology, chemistry and more in a fun and creative enviornment.

Normandy Shores Golf Club 2401 Biarritz Dr. 305-868-6502 •

Residents: $350 Non-residents: $350

Grades 1-11. Quality golf and tennis instructions in a fun learning environment taught by certified instructors. Lunch included.

Normandy Isle Park – Summer Camp 7030 Trouville Esplanade 305-993-2021

Weekly: $100 residents, $200 non-residents 11-week session: $640 residents, $910 non-residents Discounts for siblings

Ages 3–4

Normandy Isle Park – Camp for Tots 7030 Trouville Esplanade 305-993-2021

June 15–Aug. 7 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Residents: $375 Non-residents: $650

Ages 3–4. Half-day camp designed for small children.

Normandy Isle Park – Kayaking Camp 7030 Trouville Esplanade 305-993-2021 •

Residents: $250 Non-residents: $450

Grades 3–8. Learn kayaking. Children must pass a swim test.

Normandy Isle Park – M.A.R.S. 7030 Trouville Esplanade 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $475 Non-residents: $675

Ages 3-4. The four-week program focuses on a different subject each week: music, art, recreation and science.

Normandy Isle Park – Mindstorm Makers 7030 Trouville Esplanade 305-673-7767 •

Residents: $235 Non-residents: $425

Grades 3–6. Introduction wo building and programming robots using LEGO Mindstorms NXT. Learn engineering skills, creativity, teamwork skills and social skills.

Normandy Isle Park – Young Builders 7030 Trouville Esplanade 305-673-7767

Residents: $235 Non-residents: $425

Grades K–2. Introduction wo building and programming robots using LEGO WEDO. Learn engineering skills, creativity, teamwork skills and social skills.

Fairway Park – Summer Camp 200 Fairway Dr. 305-531-5636, ext. 26

Weekly: $100 residents, $200 non-residents 11-week session: $640 residents, $910 non-residents Discount for siblings

Ages 6–8 Ages 9–12

City of North Bay Village Treasure Island Elementary 7540 E. Treasure Dr. 401-257-9826

June 6–July 31 No fees Priority given to residents of North Bay Village

Ages 5–11. Activities support literacy (Reader’s Theatre), fitness (Spark), social skills, police enrichment and family involvement. Nutritious snacks and lunch served daily.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces West Little River Park 2326 NW 84 Ct. 305-694-5096 •

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.



Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Crandon Park Tennis Center 7300 Crandon Blvd. 305-365-2300

Call for details

Ages 6–15. Tennis Camp campers learn the fundamentals of the game and improve their skills.

Crandon Golf Academy Summer Camp at Crandon Golf Course 6700 Crandon Blvd. 786-253-2548

June 8–Aug. 21 Weekly: $500, full day 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Weekly: $250, half day 9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m

Ages 4-15. PGA Professional Alex Fernandez and his staff at Crandon Golf Academy will host full-day and half-day sessions for junior golfers. Lunch is included for full-day campers only.

Elite Star Golf Camp Crandon Golf Course 6700 Crandon Blvd. 786-253-2548

June 8–Aug. 21 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Weekly: $600, full day

Ages 10 and up. For children with competitive golf tournament experience. Lunch is included.

Multi-sport Camp Crandon Golf Course 6700 Crandon Blvd. 786-253-2548

June 8–Aug. 21 Weekly: $500, full day

Ages 4–15. Golf, tennis, kayaking, soccer and fishing. Lunch is included.

Saltwater Fishing Camp at Crandon Park Marina 4000 Crandon Blvd. 305-662-4124

July 17–Aug. 14 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Registration: $12 Weekly: $225

Ages 9–15. This camp is designed for kids who love fishing and want to improve their fishing skills. Learn fish biology, safe boating skills and fishing tips.

Full session: June 8–July 31 Residents: $750 Non-residents: $1,200

Ages 6–12. Arts and crafts, themed activities, field trips and more. Our program is designed to provide each camper with a safe, positive and enriching environment.

Town of Surfside Parks and Recreation Summer Camp Surfside Cmmunity Center 9301 Collins Ave. 305-866-3635

Session one: June 8–July 3 Residents: $475 Non-residents: $750


Session two: July 6–31 Residents: $475 Non-residents: $750 8 a.m.–6 p.m. All fees included in registration

Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Nature Center 6767 Blvd. 305-361-6767, ext. 111

June 8–Aug. 14 Weekly: $395 Scholarships available Discount for early registration, siblings and multiple sessions

Ages 9–12. Summer by the Sea Camp provides at-risk, lowincome under-served youth with a dynamic science and art camp. Participants swim, snorkel, make art, explore nature and more.

YMCA of Greater Miami Virginia Key Beach YMCA Summer Camp 4020 Virginia Beach Dr. 305-357-6622

June 8–Aug. 7; 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 Weekly: $150 Pick-up and drop-off locations at three sites

Ages 9–14. The Marine Biology Camp is a themed summer camp focused on nature and the coastal sciences. Also literacy activities, fitness, nutrition education and arts, as well as swimming instruction.

Miami Rowing Club/Rickenbacker Causeway 305-361-3225

One session: $450 Two or more sessions: $425

Ages 13–18. Team Row Summer Camp youths learn to row using land and water activities. Focus also on literacy, health and fitness and social skills.

Miami Seaquarium 4400 Rickenbacker Causeway 305-361-5705, ext. 298, 207 or 526

$200 for first week, with discount for multiple weeks Siblings: $185 Annual passholders: $180 weekly

Ages 5 and up. Animal interactions, shows, art and crafts and more. Before and after care available.

Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.

Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon


Teen Camp Surfside Cmmunity Center 9301 Collins Ave. 305-866-3635


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal

8-week session: June 8–July31 Residents: $650 Non-residents: $1,000 9 a.m.–5 p.m. All fees included in registration

Ages 12–15. The teen camp will provide an oppurtunity for children to learn hands-on pre-counselor training skills and enjoy their summer by participating in age appropriate activities for teens. Campers will receive service hours for hours volunteered.

Full extended camp: Aug. 3–21 Residents: $275 Non-residents: $475

33149 b

Fees • Precios • Frè

The Children’s Trust

Fees • Precios • Frè




Extended Camp Surfside Cmmunity Center 9301 Collins Ave. 305-866-3635

Week 1: Aug. 3–7 Residents: $125 Non-residents: $175

Ages 6–12. Arts and crafts, themed activities, field trips and more. Our program is designed to provide each camper with a safe, positive and enriching environment.

Week 2: Aug. 1–14 Residents: $125 Non-residents: $75 Week 3: Aug. 17–21 Residents: $125 Non-residents: $175 8 a.m.–6 p.m. All fees included in registration

33160 b


Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida 15939 Biscayne Blvd. 305-948-4777

June 8–July 25 $1,350 Scholarships available

Ages 10–22. This intensive summer session provides a complete dance training program for serious students — from prepatory and intermediate to advanced — using traditional Russian ballet training.

Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal



Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

Aventura Learning Center 2221 NE 171st St. 305-940-0408

Call for details

The Biscayne Foundation 2785 NE 183rd. St., Suite 100 305-932-8994

Scholarships available for children with disabilities

Camp Live Oak Oleta River State Park 3400 NE 163rd St. 305-940-4748 •

Weekly: $320

Ages 3–16. Nature activities including kayaking, canoeing, swimming, fishing, hands-on science, mountain biking, arts and crafts, snorkeling, sports and more.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Greynolds Park • 17530 W Dixie Highway 305-948-2891 or 305-944-6111

No fee

Ages 6–22. Literacy, reading, physical fitness, social skills development, healthy snacks and meals. Family events, field trips and supervised play.


Ages 6–22. Intensive pediatric summer camp. Activities include learning and implementing basic visual art techniques: drawing, painting, print making, sculpting and photography.

YWCA of Greater Miami Weeks Computer Center 351 NW 5th St. 305-377-9922, ext. 221 •

Ages 6–22. For children with special needs. Literacy, reading, physical fitness, social skills development, health education, healthy snacks (but no meal served), family events, field trips and supervised free play.

b Q

Michael-Ann Russell JCC 18900 NE 25th Ave. 305-932-4200, ext. 142 •

June 5–Aug. 7; Registration: $50 Weekly: $112.50 No slots available

Ages 5–14. For children with autism and related disabilities in an inclusive setting. Literacy, fitness, social skills, nutrition and family involvement. Instructional music, swim, dance and field trips.

YMCA of Greater Miami Ojus Park 18995 W Dixie Hwy. 305-357-6622 •

June 10–Aug. 2; 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 Weekly: $115 No fee for Children’s Trust slots

Ages 5–12. Exploration Camp offers reading and learning, sports and games, arts and crafts, sing-a-longs, swim days, field trips and more.

Aventura Summer Camps Aventura Community Recreation Center 3375 NE 188th St. 305-466-3883 •

Call for details

Ages 5–14. Arts, sports, swimming, recreation and more.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Highland Oaks Park 20300 NE 24th Ave. 305-932-2164 •

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available


June 8–Aug. 7 8 a.m.–6 p.m. No fees Limited availability; on a first come, first served basis

The Children’s Trust



Ages 5-14. Activities are designed to build nutritional, health and academic skills and include arts and crafts, nutrition, reading, sports, social skills, field trips and cultural arts.

Miami Science Museum North Glade Elementary 5000 NW 177th St. 305-646-4245 •

June 15–July 10 Weekly: $250, depending on the program Scholarships available

Ages 3–14. Summer Science Camp offers classes that range from astronomy to zoology. Activities are interactive and stimulating and help campers understand basic scientific principles.

33130 b

Centro Mater Childcare East 418 SW 4th Ave. 305-545-6049, ext. 206 or 211

June 8–Aug. 21; 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $20, sliding scale available Weekly: $30 for those qualified for Children’s Trust scholarships

Ages 5–12. Activities support reading, fitness and social skills. Special literacy programs, science classes, art and music workshops and parent activities. Weekly events with games and activities.

b Q

Miami Lighthouse for the Blind 601 SW 8th Ave. 786-362-7485

June 15–July 24 9 a.m.–3 p.m. No fees Transportation available

Grades rising K–8. Summer training and recreation (STAR) program for the visually impaired and their fully sighted siblings. Activities to foster literacy, physical fitness, social skills development and the arts.

Lincoln Martí School 1001 SW 1st St. 305-324-7322 •

Call for details

Ages 5–12. Field trips, arts and crafts.

931 SW 1st St. 305-324-4060 •

Call for details

Ages 5–18. Reading, theater, art, music, sports, field trips and more.

Call for details

Ages 1–14. Recreational activities, sports, swimming, tennis and soccer.

33131 Key Point Academy 609 Brickell Ave. 305-440-5802 •

33132 Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.





Centro Cultural de Espana 1490 Biscayne Blvd. 305-448-9677 •

June 15-July 24 Scholarships available

Ages7–13. Alice in Wonderland Dance Theater Project.

Jungle Island 1111 Parrot Jungle Trail 305-400-7297 •

June 15–Aug. 7

Ages 5–12. Hands-on animal encounters, arts and crafts, educational sessions, animal exhibits and shows. Various camps available.

Miami Children’s Museum 980 MacArthur Causeway 305-373-5437 •

June 9–Aug. 21 Weekly: $220 Scholarships available

Ages 5–14. PLACE program offers fun and engaging activities including literacy, physical fitness, social skills, enrichment and family involvement services.

980 MacArthur Causeway 305-373-5437

June 8–Aug. 14 Weekly: $220 Scholarships available

Ages 3–10. The Passport to the World summer camp teaches children about different cultures through engaging programming, including storytelling, dance, theater and musical performances, art, cooking, sports and games.

b Q

Easter Seals Miami-Dade 1475 NW 14th Ave. 305-547-4718

June 8–Aug. 7 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. No fees Transportation provided

Ages 1–5. Superstar Happy Helpers Camp supports academics, sports, dance, art, storytelling and other recreational activities for children with disabilities in an inclusive setting. Includes parenting workshops.


1475 NW 14th Ave. 305-547-4743 •

June 8 –July 24 No fees

Ages 6–12. Literacy, social skills, physical fitness, music, art, free play and other recreational activities for children with disabilities in an inclusive setting.


1475 NW 14th Ave. 305-547-4743

June 8–July 24; 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. No fees

Ages 16–22. Rock Star Chefs in Training focuses on sharing the culinary arts with youths with Autism Spectrum disorders and related disabilities. Focus on culintary arts and financial literacy skills.

Miami Music Project Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts 1300 Biscayne Blvd. 786-422-5221 •

July 6–31 Scholarships available

Ages 7–18. At ESMIA Children’s Orchestra Summer Music Camp, children of all skill levels learn to play a musical instrument while developing their leadership skills. Beginning, intermediate and advanced academic instruction.


Miami Music Project Citrus Grove Middle School 2153 NW 3rd St. 786-422-5221 •

June 29–July 24 Call for details Scholarships available

Ages 7-15. At orchestra Music Camp children of all skill levels learn to play a musical instrument while developing their leadership skills. Beginning, intermediate and advanced music instruction.

Performing Arts Center Trust 1300 Biscayne Blvd. 786-468-2264 •

June 22–Aug. 1 Scholarships available

Ages 11-14. Ailey Camp 2015 uses dance as a vehicle for developing self-esteem, self-discipline, creative expression and critical thinking skills.


Call for details No fees for Children’s Trust slots

Ages 13-17. Interdisciplinary summer program connects basics (math, science and language) to professional careers.

b Q

United Cerebral Palsy Association of Miami, Inc. UCP1 Early Beginnings Academy Civic Center 1411 NW 14th Ave. 305-325-1080 •

June 8–July 24 No fees

Ages birth–7. Special education, nursing and transportation for children with disabilities.

Take Stock in Children Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus 300 NE 2nd Ave. 305-237-3855 •

b Q

UCP6 Transitional Learning – Summer 1411 NW 14th Ave. 305-728-7603 •

June 8–July 30 No fees

Ages 14–22. Arts and crafts, sports and recreation, social and academic support for children with special needs. Field trips planned.

June 8–Aug. 1 $950–$1,500 Scholarships available

Ages 7–18. Express Yourself Camp activities include music, dance, monologue development, performance, design and art, as well as musical theatre training and performance and acting techniques to help develop communication skills.

b Q b


June 8–Aug. 7 No fees for Children’s Trust slots


33180 Miami-Dade County Parks and Recreation Dept. CWD Greynolds Park 18601 NE 22nd Ave. 305-692-3079 or 305-931-5025

Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon


Ages newborn–7. Music, arts and crafts and field trips. Ages 2–9. Science, technology, engeneering and math STEM programs.

b Q

Fees • Precios • Frè

Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal



Fees • Precios • Frè

The Children’s Trust

Beach / Central

33134 b


Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre 280 Miracle Mile 305-444-9293

Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal


Far South

Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

Florida Film Institute Coral Gables Art Cinema 260 Aragon Ave. 305-891-3456

June 15–July 23 $595 Scholarships available

Ages 13–18. Film Education Summer Camp focuses on commercial motion picture production, including script preparation, cinematography, lighting, sound recording, directing, acting and music. Instruction by film industry professionals.

Miami Children’s Theater 405 University Dr. 305-274-3595

June 10–Aug. 2 Registration: $35 4-week session: $850 Scholarships available

Ages 5–12 and 13–18. Two performing arts summer camps. Each 4-week session ends in a main stage show complete with lights, costumes and sets.

City of Coral Gables War Memorial Youth Center 405 University Dr. 305-460-5602 •

Call for details

Ages 5–14 (vary depending on camp). Club Play Summer Camp, Half-Day Camp, My First Camp, Teens Outside Camp, Petite Artist Camp, Summer Art Camp, Half Day Sports Camp and many more.

International Children’s School Coral Gables 414 Velarde Ave. 305-445-8918 •

Call for details

Ages infant–5. Recreational activities.

Lowe Art Museum – University of Miami Beaux Arts Art Camp & Classes 1301 Stanford Dr. •

Visit website for details

Ages 5–12. Explore art through activities that include drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics and paper maché.

Abriendo Puertas Governing Board of E. Little Havana 1401 SW 1st St., Suite 209 305-649-6449, ext. 230 •

June 8–Aug. 7 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Weekly: $20

Ages 4–14. Reading and literacy, fitness, social skills, health and wellness, music, karate, dance and arts. Educational and fun weekly field trips.

Sunflowers Academy 2901 SW 7th St. 305-631-1284

June 8–Aug. 14 Annual registration: $25 Weekly: $25 No fees for Children’s Trust slots

Ages 5–14. Activities promote literacy, physical fitness, nutrition education and social skills development. Field trips and enrichment activities help to enhance cultural awareness.

YMCA of Greater Miami Shenandoah Elementary 1023 SW 21st Ave. 305-357-6622

June 8–Aug. 7 From 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $120

Ages 4–15. Exploration Camp offers a full spectrum of experiences, including swimming, special guests, themed weeks, sports, arts and crafts and summer reading help.


Overtown Youth Center 450 NW 14th St. 305-349-1204

June 22–July 31 No fees for Children’s Trust slots Camp open to Overtown residents only

Grades rising 2–8. Students participate in academic classes, music, team and individual sports, field trips, performing arts and enrichment activities.


Touching Miami with Love Ministries 711 NW 6th Ave. 305-416-0435 •

June 16–Aug. 1 8 a.m.–6 p.m. No fees

Grades rising K–8. Literacy, physical activity and fitness, social-skills building, computer technology, cultural arts, family involvement and nutritious foods.


Urgent, Inc. Center for Empowerment and Education 1000 NW 1st Ave., Ste. 100 786-439-1544 •

June 15–July 24 Registration: $30 Weekly: $166 Scholarships available

Grades rising K–8. Film Arts and Culture Coding Entrepreneurship (FACE) camp exposes students to the work and career world. Aims to spark interest in the creative and technology industries; hands-on learning guided by industry professionals.

Call for details

Ages 5–17. Sports, activities, field trips and more.





The Children’s Trust


Freedom School at St. John’s Episcopal 145 NE 10th St. 305-246-1193 •

June 15–July 31 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m. One-time fee: $140 Scholarships available

Ages 5–18. Innovative Summer Camp prepares participants for next grade level with emphasis on language arts, reading and math. Community oriented and social action initiative.

b Q

The Thinking Child Academy Inc. 155 NW 4th St. 305-247-3036

June 8–Aug. 7 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Registration: $50

Ages 5–12. “Project Smart” Camp for children in West Homestead and Florida City supports literacy and fitness, math, science and social skills violence prevention. Nutritious meals and field trips included.

TheatreSouth, Inc. TheatreSouth 4th St. Playhouse 915 SW 4th St. 305-924-3003

June 2–July29 8 a.m.– 5 p.m. Registration: $35 Weekly: $45

Ages 13–17. TheatreSouth is developing a summer stock troupe of about 15 actors. Actors will be trained in acting, lighting, sound, set construction and presentations. Youth who are serious about the arts should apply. Auditions will be held April 15–May 25.

WeCare of South Dade Tiny Kingdom 700 NW 10th Ave. • 305-245-8522

June 8–July 31 6:30 a.m.–7 p.m.; No fees

Ages 5–12. Reading, physical fitness, social skills, family involvement and art and cultural enrichment activities.

Little Kingdom II 1000 N. Krome Ave. • 305-246-5111

June 8–July 31 6:30 a.m.–7 p.m.; No fees

Ages 5–12. Reading, physical fitness, social skills, family involvement and art and cultural enrichment activities.


YMCA of Greater Miami Homestead Family Y 1034 NE 8th St. 305-248-5189 •

June 15–Aug. 7 Weekly: $160, sliding scale tuition Scholarships available

Ages 8–13. Jr. Marine Biology Camp for youth from Homestead and surrounding communities. Youth learn about marine biology, snorkeling and experience fun with their friends in our rich aquatic environment. Space limited to 55 youths.


Homestead Family YMCA 1034 NE 8th St. 305-248-5189

June 8–Aug. 7; 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $120

Ages 4-15. Exploration Camp offers a full spectrum of experiences, including swimming, special guests, themed weeks, sports, arts and crafts and summer reading help.


West Homestead 1550 SW 6th St. 305-305-357-5189

June 8–Aug. 7; 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $120

Ages 5-15. Exploration Camp offers a full spectrum of experiences, including swimming, special guests, themed weeks, sports, arts and crafts and summer reading help.


YWCA of Greater Miami Campbell Arms 800 NE 12th Ave. 305-377-9922, ext. 121 •

June 8–Aug. 7; 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $45 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $115

Ages 5–14. Activities and enhancements include arts and crafts, nutrition, reading, sports, social skills, field trips and cultural arts and are designed to build nutritional and academic skills.

Lincoln Martí School 28800 SW 152nd Ave. 305-245-5533 •

Call for details

Ages 5–12. Reading, theater, art, music, sports, field trips and more.



Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Naranja Park 14150 SW 264th St. 305-258-1945 •

June 8–Aug. 14 8 a.m.–6 p.m. No fees Limited availability; on a first come, first served basis

Ages 6–14. Literacy and reading, physical fitness, social skills development, healthy snacks and meals, family events, field trips and supervised free play.

b Q

Miami Dance Project Princeton Christian School 24795 SW 134 Ave. 305-595-1115

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $80 Weekly: $60–$100 Scholarships available

Ages 6–18. Children with autism and from low-income households from all over Miami-Dade. Students develop ballet, jazz and modern dance skills. Children with autism participate in movement therapy to improve cognitive thinking, social and motor skills.


Recapturing the Vision William A. Chapman Elementary 27190 SW 140th Ave. 305-232-6003, ext. 20 •

June 15–July 24 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. No registration fee Weekly: $5 per child

Ages 5–11. Vision Smart Kids (VSK) program activities foster students’ reading and life skills. Activities include field trips, reading for fun, visits by book mobiles. Healthy breakfast, lunch and snack are served.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces ­ Leisure Lakes Park 29305 Illinois Rd. 305-248-1527 •

June 8–Aug. 14 8 a.m.–6 p.m. No fees Limited availability; on a first come, first served basis

Ages 6–14. Literacy and reading, physical fitness, social skills development, healthy snacks and meals, family events, field trips and supervised free play.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Modello Park 28450 SW 152nd Ave. 305-247-1553 •

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Far South






33144 West Dade Academy 10950 SW 34th St. • 305-553-1000

Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon




Fees • Precios • Frè

The Children’s Trust


Fees • Precios • Frè


Central / Far South


Greater Miami Youth Symphony City Church 1700 N. Krome Ave. 305-667-4069

July 13–Aug. 7 Sliding tuition scale Scholarships available

Ages 5–14. GMYS Beginners Camp activities include beginning strings and wind instruction, chorus, recorders and music appreciation and theory. Participants learn basic musicianship and instrumental technique.


Sweet Vine, Inc. 144 NW 11th St. 305-246-1193

June 15–July 31 7:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. One-time fee: $140 Scholarships available

Ages 5–18. Innovative Summer Camp prepares participants for next grade level with emphasis on language arts, reading and math. Community oriented and social action initiative.

Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal



Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal


Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

33034 b Q

The ARC, Florida City 616 W Palm Ave. 305-242-9299 •

June 8–July 31 6:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m. $300; Payment options available

Ages 5–14; 5–18 CWD. Literacy, reading, games and sports, social skills, art, swimming, family involvement, healthy meals and snacks and field trips.

b Q

756 W Palm Ave. 305-246-3530;

June 8–Aug. 7 6:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m. $300; Payment options available

Ages birth–5. Field trips, fitness, social skills, reading, art, swimming, meals and snacks. Different themes include “under the sea,” “healthy eating,” “Let’s move” and more.

b Q

The ARC, Florida City 2 777 W Palm Dr. 305-246-4933 •

June 8–July 31 6:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m. $300; Payment options available

Ages 5–14; 5–18, CWD. Literacy, reading, games and sports, social skills, art, swimming, family involvement, healthy meals and snacks and field trips.


EnFamilia, Inc. 19308 SW 380th St. 305-245-7288

June 15–July 10 6:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m. No fees

Ages 11–18. Art-in-Action Summer Camp activities include field trips, public performances showcasing the students and two art workshops for parents, as well as musical theater, drama, dance, video production, creative writing, visual and culinary arts.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Cinco de Mayo Park 19350 SW 384th St. 305-242-7931 •

June 8–Aug. 14 8 a.m.–6 p.m. No fees Limited availability; on a first come, first served basis

Ages 6–14. Literacy and reading, physical fitness, social skills development, healthy snacks and meals, family events, field trips and supervised free play.

United Martial Arts Academy, Inc. 250 E. Palm Dr., Ste. 357 786-357-4255 or 786-366-2784

June 8–Aug. 14 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Weekly: $110 No fees for Children’s Trust slots

Ages 5–18. Tutoring and mixed-gender martial arts classes. Practices and exercises emphasize family, overcoming adversity, cooperation and hard work. Inclusive of children with disabilities.

The Coalition of Florida Farmworkers Organization (COFFO), Inc. S. Dade Farmworker Center 778 W Palm Dr. • 305-247-4779

No fees

Ages 6–14. Literacy and tutoring support for reading, writing and math; fitness; social skills development; nutrition education; and ecology.




The Children’s Trust


Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Goulds Park/CWD (Disabilities) 11350 SW 216th St. 305-234-1673 •

June 8–Aug. 7 8 a.m.–6 p.m. No fees Limited availability; on a first come, first served basis

Ages 6–22. Literacy and reading, physical fitness, social skills development, healthy snacks (but no meal served), family events, field trips and supervised free play.


Goulds Park 11350 SW 216th St. 305-255-2399 •

June 8–Aug. 14; 8 a.m.–6 p.m. No fees; Limited availability; on a first come, first served basis

Ages 6–14. Summer Camp offers literacy and reading, physical fitness, social skills development, healthy snacks and meals, family events, field trips and supervised free play.


Richmond-Perrine Optimist Club Arthur Mays Villas After-School House 11341 SW 216th St. 305-233-9647

June 9–July 31 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Registration begins May 19 No fees for Children’s Trust slots

Ages 4–13. Summer camp helps to support literacy and reading, physical fitness, social skills development and parental involvement. Enrichment activities and field trips also included.

Lincoln Martí School 22121 SW 112th Ave. 305-259-8888 •

Call for details

Ages birth–7. Reading, drama, art, music, sports, field trips and more.

Locust Project/LAB Summer Intensive 3852 N. Miami Ave. 305-576-8570

June 22-Aug. 14 No fees

A specialized pre-college program that guides students through the creative and professional aspects of creating a large-scale collaborative art exhibition. Students plan and execute every aspect of the exhibition; staff plans studio sessions.


PATH: Preserving, Archiving & Teaching Hiphop, Inc. The Light Box 404 NW 26 St. 786-837-1583 •

June 29–Aug. 7 Registration: $300 Scholarships available

For youth with a strong interest in the Hip Hop elements (DJ, MC/Spoken Word, Bboy/Bgirl and Urban Art). Learn artistic and technical skills from professional artists, strengthen creative, personal and interpersonal skills.


Scratch DJ Academy 450 NW 28th St. 786-837-1583

June 29–Aug. 7 Registration: $300 Scholarships available

For youth with a strong interest in the Hip Hop elements (DJ, MC/Spoken Word, Bboy/Bgirl and Urban Art). Learn artistic and technical skills from professional artists, strengthen creative, personal and interpersonal skills.


YMCA of Greater Miami Eneida Massas Hartner Elementary 401 NW 29th St. 305-357-6622 •

June 8–Aug. 7; 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $120

Ages 5–12. Exploration Camp offers a full spectrum of experiences including swimming, special guests, themed weeks, sports, arts and crafts and fun summer reading help.

Carousel Learning Academy 470 NW 22nd Ave. 305-456-0955

Weekly: $80 With field trips: $98 Call for details

Ages 5–12. Sports, arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor activities and some field trips.

Art Atelier 14101 S Dixie Hwy., Ste. C 305-432-4034 •

June 9–Aug. 10 Registration: $20 Weekly: $270, full day Weekly: $150, half day

Ages 6–12. Painting, drawing, mosaics, sculpture, photography and mixed-media art. Two sessions: morning and afternoon.

Easter Seals Miami Dade Little Haiti Cultural Center 212–260 NE 59th Terr. 305-547-4743 •

June 8–July 24 No fees

Ages 6–12. Literacy, social skills, physical fitness, music, art, free play and other recreational activities for children with disabilities in an inclusive setting.

Archbishop Curley Notre Dame Prep Summer Knights Day Camp for Tweens and Teens 4949 NE 2nd Ave. 305-751-8367, ext. 22

Registration: $50 Weekly: $100 2-week session: $175 3-week session: $250 4-week session: $325 5-week session: $400

Grades 6–12. Visual and Performing Arts Camp. Develop skills while connecting to the Miami arts community through a variety of weekly field trips to studios and galleries, plus workshops conducted by a professional artist. Students will learn the fundamentals of drawing, painting, pop art, landscape and interior settings. Athletics Camp. Focuses on a different sport each week: basketball, tennis, football, softball, soccer and wrestling. Newly renovated athletic fields.

Miami Light Project 404 NW 26 St. 786-837-1583 •

Call for details Scholarships available

Ages 13–19. Hip Hop Arts and Personal Development Workshops. DJing, dance, rap and spoken word and urban art training. Learn leadership and life skills from industry professionals.


33137 b Q


FANM Ayisyen Nan Miyami 181 NE 82nd St. 305-756-8050

June 8–July 31; 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Registration: $100, sliding scale available

Ages 5–12. Summer camp offers a variety of activities to encourage literacy, arts, nutritional awareness and physical fitness.


Gang Alternative Community Church 311 NE 78th St. 305-398-5985

June 8–July 31 No fees

Ages 5–14. Guiding the Path to Success (GPS) provides engaging activities that include literacy enhancement, physical fitness, health and nutrition, creative arts, characterbuilding and parent-oriented activities. Before and after care from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Miami Theater Center Miami Shores Presbyterian Church 602 NE 96th St. 305-751-9550 •

June 8–July 31 3-week session: $625 Scholarships available

Ages 6–12. Music Theater Camp for children of all abilities. No theatre training required. Teaching artists lead campers in acting, music, dance, theatre games, art projects, costume days and creation of unique theatre productions.


Thomas Armour Youth Ballet Morningside Elementary 6620 NE 5th Ave. 305-667-5543 •

June 8–Aug. 14 One-time commitment fee: $10 No other fees

Ages 3–18. TAYB summer classes in ballet, modern and tap for students depending on the site and students’ ability, with or without formal dance training.

Miami Shores Field House 9825 Park Dr. 305-758-6701 •

Call for details

Ages 5–12. Sports, field trips and more.





Belafonte TACOLCY Center 6161 NW 9th Ave. 305-751-1295, ext. 139, 111

June 15–Aug. 7 8 a.m.–5 p.m. One-time registration and activities fee: $52

Ages 5–14. Freedom Schools Summer Program combines focus on reading with arts, computer and recreational activities. Harambee! Component emphasizes fitness, leadership training, civic engagement and youth empowerment skills.

Communities in Schools Miami Rescue Mission 2025 NW 1st Ave. 305-572-2066 •

June 8–Aug. 14 9 a.m.–5 p.m. One-time registration: $12 Weekly: $40

Ages 4–12. Camp activities include support for literacy, physical fitness, social skills building, computer education and arts enrichment.

Foundation of Community Assistance & Leadership/FOCAL Moore Park Learning Center 765 NW 36th St. • 305-634-3570

June 8–July 31 9 a.m.–3 p.m. One-time registration: $50

Ages 6–14. Literacy, fitness and social skills development, computer classes, healthy lifestyles and creative arts.

Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal



Northeast b

Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon


33170 b Q

Fees • Precios • Frè

The Children’s Trust

South Dade Park 28151 SW 164th Ave. 305-247-9453

Fees • Precios • Frè


Far South / Northeast


Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal


Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

33150 b

New Jerusalem Community Development Corporation 777 NW 85th St. • 305-693-8323

June 9–Aug. 8 6-week session: $230

Ages 5–14. Activities include literacy and homework support, physical fitness, social skills development and nutrition education.

b Q

United Cerebral Palsy Association of Miami, Inc. UCP2 Early Beginnings Academy — North Shore 985 NW 91st St. 305-835-9006 •

June 8–July 24 7:30 a.m.–5:50 p.m. No fees

Ages birth–7. Special education, nursing and transportation provided for children with disabilities.


Grades Pre-K–9. Arts and crafts, music, drama, sports, games, field trips and special events.

Highland Village Community Center 13621 NE 21 Ave. 305-948-2957

June 8–Aug.07; 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Registration: $35 Residents: $55, weekly Non-residents: $70, weekly Field trips: $30 Scholarships available

Grades Pre-K–9. Arts and crafts, music, drama, sports, games, field trips and special events.

Uleta Park 386 NE 169th St. 305-948-2957

June 8–Aug.07;9 a.m.–5 p.m. Registration: $35 Residents: $55, weekly Non-residents: $70, weekly Field trips: $30 Scholarships available

Grades Pre-K–9. Arts and crafts, music, drama, sports, games, field trips and special events. Available to North Miami Beach residents only.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Oak Grove Park 690 NE 159th St. 305-944-8670 •

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Quality United Education Robinson Tutoring & Taekwondo 655 NW 128th St. 305-218-5868

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $35 per family Weekly: $20

Ages 5–14. Camp activities support literacy and social skills development with a special emphasis on fitness through martial arts training.

Residents: $30 Non-residents: $50

Ages 3–5. Preschool water fun classes are geared toward pre-school children to emphasize water adjustment, breath control, floating and basic arm and leg movements. Ages 6–14. Swimming courses from beginners through advanced.

Call for details

Ages 5–12. Comprehensive educational, recreational, social and leadership experiences.

June 15–July 2 Free for students

Ages 15–17. Summer Science Research Program offers three weeks of hands-on science research and college preparation workshops for at-risk students. Students learn to solve scientific problems, gain knowledge of biotechniques and attain tools to succeed in college.


Breakthrough Miami Miami Country Day School 601 NE 107th St. 305-646-7210

June 15–July 24 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. No fees Application process is closed, no slots available

Ages 10–13. Summer Institute for students based on motivation and need. Uses students teaching students model to promote academic skills, leadership and confidence needed to thrive in advanced academic settings. Application required.

Trinity Church Holy Cross Lutheran Day School 650 NE 135th Ave. 305-893-0851 •

June 16–July 25 Registration: $60 Weekly: $60

Ages 5–14. Activities focus on reading, fitness, drama, dance, visual arts, indoor games and arts and crafts. Lunches and snacks provided. Freedom School Model for integrated reading.

Barry University BUCkids Recreational Summer Camp 11300 NE 2nd Ave. 305-899-3063

June 8–July 31; 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Community Member: $190 weekly Barry employee/student: $135 weekly; Barry alumni: $170 weekly; $60 daily Sibling discounts available

Ages 5–13. Instructional and recreational swimming, physical education, arts and crafts, music, drama, reading, writing and math instruction, dance, computer time, arcade games, field trips and more. Monday through Friday.

Get Smart Kids Academy 1565 NE 125th St. 305-895-5993 •

Call for details

Ages 1–5. Science, arts and crafts, cooking, picnics and water-play days.

City of North Miami Parks & Recreation Thomas Sasso Pool and Playground 1100 NW 125th St. 305-895-9840 •

Miami Country Day School 601 NE 107th St. 305-779-7270

Call for details

Ages 4–17. Arts and crafts, computers, drama, music, field trips, swimming, theme days, fishing, canoeing, basketball and soccer skills and special events.

The Family Christian Association of America 14701 NW 7th Ave. (Call to confirm locations) 305-685-4881, ext. 231 or 236

Montessori School of North Miami Great Exploration Summer Camp 695 NE 123rd St. 305-893-5994 •

Call for details

Ages 3–6. Guided outdoor curriculum filled with fun activities.

Montessori Tutoring Center FitKidz Sports Summer Camp 10822-28 NE 6th Ave. 305-803-8930 •

Call for details

Ages 6–12. Academic programs to prepare your child for the upcoming academic school year. Summer camp offers a variety of sports.

LISTINGS The Children’s Trust


33168 b

33169 b

Hope for Miami Family & Children Faith Coalition Evangel Church 590 NW 159th St. 786-388-3000 or 305-953-5433

June 8–July 31 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $75 for new applicants; 50% discount for 3rd and 4th child 8-week session: $350

Ages 5–15. Completion of kindergarten required for 5-yearold campers. Whiz Kidz emphasizes the arts, literacy, fitness, social skills and parental involvement. Field trips.


Trinity Church North Campus 17801 NW 2nd Ave. 786-888-5433

June 11–Aug. 6 Registration: $60 Weekly: $65 Scholarships available

Ages 5–14. Activities focus on reading, fitness, drama, dance, visual arts, indoor games and arts and crafts. Lunches and snacks provided. Freedom School Model for integrated reading.

b Q

United Cerebral Palsy Association of Miami, Inc. UCP4 Diamond Minds 1160 NW 159th Dr. 305-623-4438 •

June 16–Aug. 8 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Registration: $100 Weekly: $10 Early bird drop-off additional cost

Grades K–8. Focus on academics, physical and social development. Innovative summer camp includes attention to FCAT and SAT prep. Transportation for CWD (under 5).

Call for details Priority given to residents Limited for non-residents

Ages 16 and up. Travel camp for teens and young adults with learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, autism and other special needs.

June 15–June 26 June 29–July 10 July 13–24 July 27–Aug. 7 9:30 a.m.–3 p.m. 2-week session: $690

Ages 8–16. All musicians will experience hands-on instruction in the instrument of their choice, practice performance technique in a band setting and participate in music labs catered to each individual. Students will be familiarized with the latest trends and innovations in the music world and will be provided with tools for enhancing their creativity and musicianship. Session ends with an in-house show for family and friends.

33162 b



June 8–Aug.07; 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Registration: $35 Residents: $55, weekly Non-residents: $70, weekly Field trips: $30 Scholarships available

Barry University 11300 NE 2nd Ave. 305-899-3272


Abriendo Puertas Governing Board of E. Little Havana 1810 NE 153rd St. 305-944-8855 •

June 8–Aug. 7 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Weekly: $20

Ages 4-14. Reading and literacy, fitness, social skills, health and wellness, music, karate, dance and arts. Weekly field trips.

Neytz haChochma, Inc. 901 NE 167th St. 305-945-7443 •

July 2–Aug. 10 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Weekly: $25–$100, sliding scale

Ages 5–21. Prepares children with special needs to return to mainstream schools. Improves behavior and fosters physical and intellectual well-being.

City of North Miami Beach Parks and R.E.C. Allen Park/DeLeonardis Youth Center 1770 NE 162nd St. 305-948-2957

June 8–Aug. 7; 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Registration: $35 Residents: $55, weekly Non-residents: $70, weekly Field trips: $30 Scholarships available

Grades K–9. Sports camp improves athletic skills, leadership and confidence.

Melissa “Missy” Williams Washington Park Community Center 15290 NE 15th Ct. 305-948-2957

June 8–Aug.07 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Registration: $35 Residents: $55, weekly Non-residents: $70, weekly Field trips: $30 Scholarships available

Grades Pre-K–9. Arts and crafts, music, drama, sports, games, field trips and special events. Available to North Miami Beach residents only.

Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

Ronald A. Silver “Y.E.S.” Youth Enrichment Services Center 17051 NE 19th Ave. 305-948-2957



Fees • Precios • Frè

The Children’s Trust

Fees • Precios • Frè



33179 Q

Frontier Travel Camp 2000 NE 197th Terr. 866-750-2267 •


Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal

Progressive Music Camp Live! Modern School of Music 1788 Sans Souci Blvd. 305-893-0191


Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal



Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

YMCA of Greater Miami Natural Bridge Elementary 1650 NE 141st St. 305-357-6622 •

June 8–Aug. 7; 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $120

Ages 4–15. Exploration camp offers a full spectrum of experiences, including swimming, special guests, themed weeks, sports, arts and crafts and fun summer reading help.

City of North Miami Parks and Recreation Enchanted Forest Elaine Gordon Park 1725 NE 135th St. 305-895-9840 •

Residents: $60 per week Non-residents: $80 per week

Ages 6–11. Have fun exploring South Florida’s natural environment through hands on activities, interactive games, nature hikes, arts and crafts and field trips.

Enchanted Forest Elaine Gordon Park 1725 NE 135th St. 305-895-9840 •

Residents: $170 per week Non-residents: $210 per week

Ages 6–14. Enchanted Forest Camp offers a traditional recreational summer camp. Campers participate in themed weeks, on-site activities, games, tournaments and field trips.

Keystone Center 13050 Ixora Ct. 305-895-9840 •

2-week session: $190 residents, $230 non-residents

Ages 8–14. MVP Sports Camp offers sports-related themed weeks and sports clinics, as well as both traditional and unique field trips.

Penny Sugarman Sans Souci Tennis Center 1795 Sans Souci Blvd. 305-893-7130 •

Daily: $40 Weekly: $175

Ages 4–18. Play on the blue courts, learn proper tennis technique and play games. Pizza party on Fridays.

Pepper Park Tennis Center 1355 NW 135 St. 305-895-9840 •

Daily: $20 Weekly: $75

Ages 4–18. For aspiring tennis professionals, activities include tennis lessons, drills and a lot of fun.





The Children’s Trust



Hope for Miami Family & Children Faith Coalition Iglesia Buen Pastor 310 E. 5th St. 786-388-3000 or 888-8651 •

June 8–July 31; 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $75 for new applicants; 50% discount for 3rd and 4th child 8-week session: $350

Ages 5–15. Completion of kindergarten required for 5-yearold campers. Whiz Kidz emphasizes the arts, literacy, fitness, social skills and parental involvement. Field trips.


Thumbelina Learning Center 1395 E. 4th Ave. 305-887-4233

June 8–Aug. 7 Registration: $100 (waived if full 10 weeks are paid in advance) Weekly: $50

Ages 5–15. Literacy and physical fitness are the focus. Activities include field trips. Breakfast, lunch and snacks are included. Transportation available.


YMCA of Greater Miami St. John Apostle Elementary School 479 E. 4th St. 305-357-6622

June 8–Aug. 7 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $45 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $115

Ages 5–12. Exploration Camp offers a full spectrum of experiences, including swimming, special guests, themed weeks, sports, arts and crafts and fun summer reading help.

Lincoln Martí School 90 W 11th St. 305-883-1222 •

Call for details

Ages 5–12. Reading, theater, art, music, sports, field trips and more.

City of Hialeah Milander Park 4800 Palm Ave. 305-818-9143 •

June 8–Aug. 14 Activities fee: $20 Residents: $85 weekly Non-residents: $125 weekly

Ages 6–12. Creative Learning and Play Program provides daily schedule of literacy, indoor and outdoor activities and field trips. Fees include field trips. All fees are non-refundable.


Wilde Park 1701 W 53rd Terr. 305-818-9143

June 8–Aug. 14 Activities fee: $20 Residents: $85 weekly Non-residents: $125 weekly

Ages 6–12. Creative Learning and Play Program provides daily schedule of literacy, indoor and outdoor activities and field trips. All fees are non-refundable.


Walker Park 800 W 29th St. 305-818-9143

June 8–Aug. 14 Activities fee: $20 Residents: $25 weekly Non-residents: $50 weekly

Ages 6–12. Creative Learning and Play Program provides daily schedule of literacy, indoor and outdoor activities and field trips. Science Camp. All fees are non-refundable.


Hope for Miami Family & Children Faith Coalition N. Hialeah Baptist Church 5800 Palm Ave. 786-388-3000 or 305-557-2821 •

June 8–July 31; 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $75 for new applicants; 50% discount for 3rd and 4th child 8-week session: $350

Ages 5–15. Completion of kindergarten required for 5-yearold campers. Whiz Kidz emphasizes the arts, literacy, fitness, social skills and parental involvement. Field trips.

Big Star Private School 4240 W 12th Ave. • 305-558-4884

Registration: $50 Weekly: $100

Ages 3–12. Sports, indoor and outdoor activities, field trips and more.

City of Hialeah Parks & Recreation Goodlet Park 4200 W 8th Ave. 305-556-4567 •

Free With sports: $15, residents $45, non-residents

Ages 6–17. Sports, arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor games and field trips.

Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal

Milander Park – Clap Summer Camp 4800 Palm Ave. 305-557-6770 •

Registration: $20 Residents: $85 weekly Non-residents: $125 weekly

Ages 6–17. Sports, arts and crafts, field trips and more.

Sparks Park 1301 W 60th St. 305-821-3425 •

No fees With sports: residents: $15; non-residents: $45

Ages 6–17. Sports, arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor games, field trips and more.

Wilde Park – Clap Summer Camp 1701 W 53rd Terr. 305-818-2988 •

Registration: $20 Residents: $85 weekly Non-residents: $125 weekly

Ages 6–12. Sports, arts and crafts, field trips and more.

North Hialeah Baptist School 5800 Palm Ave. 305-557-2821

Call for details Registration: $75 8-week session: $350

Ages 5–14. Music, sports, field trips and more.

YMCA of Greater Miami Hialeah Senior High 251 E. 47th St. 305-357-6622 •

June 8–Aug. 7; 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $120

Ages 5–15. Campers learn basic skills, sportsmanship and fundamentals of game play. Sports include basketball, soccer, tennis and more. Mdern dance, jazz and hip-hop routines are also available. Activities help strengthen reading and literacy.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Freshwater Fishing Camp at Amelia Earhart Park Farm Village • 410 E 65 St. 305-662-4124 •

July 8–19 Registration: $12 Weekly: $145

Ages 9–15. This camp is designed for kids who love fishing and want to improve their fishing skills. Learn fish biology, safe boating skills and fishing tips.

Freshwater Fishing Camp at Tropical Park Lakeside Pavilion 7900 SW 40th St. 305-662-4124 •

July 6–24 Weekly: $145

Ages 9–15. This camp is designed for kids who love fishing and want to improve their fishing skills. Learn fish biology, safe boating skills and fishing tips.


33012 b

Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon


Northwest b

Fees • Precios • Frè


City of Hialeah Hoffman Gardens Center 7650 W 8th Ave. 305-818-9143 •

June 8–Aug. 14 Activities fee: $20 Residents: $25 weekly Non-residents: $50 weekly

Ages 6–12. Creative Learning and Play Program provides daily schedule of literacy, indoor and outdoor activities and field trips. Science Camp. All fees are non-refundable.


South Florida Youth Symphony Miami Lakes Congregational Church 6701 Miami Lakeway South 305-238-2729 •

June 15–July 11 $590 Scholarships available

Ages 7–17. Intensive Summer Music Camp includes group and small classes on an orchestral or band instrument, studies in music theory, history, keyboard, composition, conducting and electives.

Teen Up-Ward Bound, Inc. 4784 NW 167th St. 305-624-1690

June 16–Aug. 8 Administration fee per family: $25 One-time per camper fee: $175 Limited scholarships available

Ages 5–11. Literacy, tutoring, arts, mentorship, computer technology, life skills and conflict resolution.

4722 NW 165th St. 305-624-1690

June 16–Aug. 8 Administration fee per family: $25 One-time per camper fee: $175 Limited scholarships available

Ages 12–18. Literacy, tutoring, mentorship, computer technology, basic life skills, conflict resolution activities and culture and arts. Children’s Defense Fund camp.

YMCA of Greater Miami Miami Lakes Middle School 6425 Miami Lakeway North 305-357-6622

June 9–Aug. 8 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $45 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $115

Ages 5–12. Fine Arts camp offers dancing, singing, acting, creating projects and more. Activities also help to strengthen reading and literacy.

Performing Arts Summer Camp Rhythm and Pitch School of Performing Arts 5715 NW 159th St. 786-360-5472

Call for details

Ages 5–18. Learn musical instruments, music theory, vocal techniques, chorus, cheerleading, dance, musical theater, drama, Improv and more. This camp also features field trips and physical education.

South Florida Youth Symphony Miami Lakes Congregational Church 6701 Miami Lakeway South 305-238-2729 •

June 15–July 10 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Scholarships available Call for details

Ages 7–17. All instruments, music theory, music history and small and large ensembles. A free concert will be given on final Friday of camp.

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

The Children’s Trust


Fees • Precios • Frè


Northeast / Northwest

33015 Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Country Village Park 6550 NW 188th Terr. 305-622-2594 •


Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal


Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

Norman and Jean Reach Park 7901 NW 176th St. 305-823-2414 •

June 9–Aug. 15 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90

Ages 6–14. Sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board games and field trips.

Country Club of Miami 6801 NW 168th St. 305-828-8456, ext. 249, or 561-702-9202

June 9–Aug. 28 Full-day: $235 weekly 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Half-day: $155 weekly 9 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Ages 8–15. Kids will learn the fundamentals of golf from resident instructor and golf pro, Larry Levow. Includes instruction, golf clubs, practice balls and short-course play. Students must provide their own lunch.


Northwest Aromn’s Academy Summer Camp 7600 NW 186 St. 305-731-1737 or 305-924-0898

June 8–Aug. 21 Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. After and before care available

Ages 5–15. Sports, dance and fun. Zumba, hip-hop, Latin dance, gymnastic, karate, kickboxing, anti-bullying, baseball, football, basketball, volleyball and tennis. Indoor and outdoor.


Baseball Summer Camp 7600 NW 186 St. 305-731-1737 or 305-924-0898

June 8–Aug. 21 Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Weekly Fee: $95 Check-in starts at 8:30 a.m. After and before care available.

Ages 5–7. Intensive and professional baseball training. Hitting, fielding, throwing, pitching, catching, speed, agility and strength.


LISTINGS The Children’s Trust


Centro Mater Childcare West 8298 NW 103rd St. 305-357-4395 •

June 9–Aug. 8; No registration fee Limited number of scholarships available

Ages 4–12. Activities support reading, fitness and social skills. Special literacy programs, science classes, art and music workshops and parent activities.


Centro Mater Childcare West II 7700 NW 98th St. 305-362-9701 or 305-582-3523 •

June 9–Aug. 8 No registration fee No fees for Children’s Trust slots

Ages 4–12. Activities support reading, fitness and social skills. Special literacy programs, science classes, art and music workshops and parent activities.

City of Hialeah Slade Park After Care/Camp 2501 W 74th St. 305-818-9143 •

June 8–Aug. 14 Activities fee: $20 Residents: $85 weekly Non-residents: $125 weekly

Ages 6–12. Creative Learning and Play Program provides daily schedule of literacy, indoor and outdoor activities and field trips. All fees are non-refundable.

Community Coalition Wise Kidz 2760 W 84th St., Ste.14 305-820-5081 or 305-854-2882

June 9–July 25 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Enrollment fee (covers field trips, transport, supplies, etc.): $75

Grades K–5. Summer Camp activities include literacy, physical fitness, enrichment activities and nutritious snacks and lunches.


Kidworks USA 8155 W 28th Ave. 305-822-5437

June 8–Aug. 21 7:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m. Early Bird: $89 weekly Regular rate: $99 weekly Cap rate: $129 weekly Scholarships available

Ages 5–12. Camp activities foster literacy, enrichment, social skills and physical education and nutrition. The program actively promotes parental involvement.

b Q

United Cerebral Palsy Association of Miami, Inc. UCP3 Early Beginnings 2700 W 81st St. 305-826-2018 •

June 8–July 24 No fees

Ages birth–7. Special education, nursing and transportation provided for children with disabilities.

Ben Sheppard Elementary School 5700 W 24th Ave. 305-556-2204

June 8–Aug. 21 Weekly: $115

Ages 4–11. Academic skill building, field trips, arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor games and more.

City of Hialeah Parks & Recreation Slade Park – Clap Summer Camp 2501 W 74th St. 305-818-2903

Registration: $20 Residents: $85 weekly Non-residents: $125 weekly

Ages 6–17. Sports, arts and crafts, field trips and more.

Lincoln Martí School 7665 W 32nd Ave. 305-826-4214 •

Call for details

Ages 5–13. Reading, drama, art, music, sports, field trips and more.

Paradise Christian School 6184 W 21st Ct. 305-828-7477

Call for details

Ages 3–12. Developmentally appropriate practices, field trips, on-site petting zoo. Accredited.




YMCA of Greater Miami Royal Oaks Park 16500 NW 87th Ave. 305-357-6622

June 8–Aug. 14 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $120


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal

Ages 5–12. Exploration Camp offers a full spectrum of experiences including swimming, special guests, themed weeks, sports, arts and crafts and fun summer reading help.

Miami Science Museum 780 Fisherman St., Suite 328 305-646-4233

Dates TBA Scholarships available

Ages 3–14. Summer Science Camp at this satellite facility offers classes from astronomy to zoology using interactive and stimulating approaches to help campers understand basic scientific principles.

Teen Up-Ward Bound, Inc Shebondy Park, 215 Perviz Ave. 05-624-1690 •

June 16–Aug. 7 $25 administration fee per family One-time camper fee: $150

Ages 5–18. Literacy, tutoring, arts, mentorship, computer technology, life skills and conflict resolution.

The Family Christian Association of America 14701 NW 7th Ave. (Call to confirm location) 305-685-4881, ext. 231 or 236

June 9–Aug. 8 Call for details

Ages 5–12. Comprehensive educational, recreational, social and leadership experiences.

YMCA of Greater Miami Center for Modern Languages 1840 NW 157th St. 305-357-6622

June 8–Aug. 14 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $120

Ages 5–12. Campers learn basic skills, sportsmanship and fundamentals of game play. Full spectrum of summer activities include swimming, special guests, theme weeks, sports, arts and crafts and fun summer reading help.


Concerned African Women Skyway Elementary School 4555 NW 206th Terr. 786-657-2093

June 8–July 18; 8 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Registration: $40 Weekly: $50 Field trips fee: $60 Extended hours available

Ages 5–14. Academics and social skills development. Focus on fitness to promote healthy lifestyles and team building skills.


Cool Kids Learn Skyway Elementary School 4555 NW 206th Terr. 786-657-2093

June 8–July 18; 8 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Registration: $40 Weekly: $50 Field trips fee: $60 Extended hours available

Ages 5–14. Academics and social skills development. Focus on fitness to promote healthy lifestyles and team building skills.


Diva Arts & Entertainment 4980 NW 165 St., #A-12 786-426-0952

June 15–Aug. 7 Weekly: $95 Scholarships available

Ages 5–14. Excellence Youth Summer Program offers classes in dance, vocal tech, musical theater, fashion, digital media, choreography and personal development for students interested in the arts.

b Q

The ARC Opa-Locka North 20000 NW 47th Ave. 305-623-9631 •

June 8–July 30 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. $300; Payment options available

Ages 5–14; 5–18 CWD. Literacy, reading, games and sports, social skills, art, swimming, family involvement, healthy meals and snacks and field trips.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces North Glade Park 17355 NW 52nd Ave. 305-621-2461 •

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.



Ages 5–15. Campers learn basic skills, sportsmanship and fundamentals of game play. Full spectrum of summer activities include swimming, special guests, theme weeks, sports, arts and crafts and fun summer reading help.

Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.

June 8–Aug. 7; 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $120


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Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon


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Westland Gardens Park 13501 NW 107th Ave. 305-357-6622

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The Children’s Trust

Fees • Precios • Frè





Concerned African Women Barbara Hawkins Elementary 19010 NW 37th Ave. 786-657-2093 or 305-826-9595

June 8–July 31 8 a.m.–5 p.m. No fees for Children’s Trust slots

Ages 5–12. Academic acceleration, cultural exploration and early prevention through reading, physical fitness, social skills development, nutrition education and cultural awareness enhancement. Also, African drumming and dance.


The Children’s Village/Resource Room 19715 NW 37th Ave. 305-621-1929

June 9–Aug. 13 One-time registration: $15 Weekly: $45

Ages 5–12. Literacy, fitness, social skill development, nutrition education and a special community service and social action curriculum, as well as a CDF school model during the summer.


The Children’s Village 18451 NW 37th Ave. 305-621-1929

June 9–Aug. 13 One-time registration: $20 Weekly: $45

Ages 5–12. Literacy, fitness, social skill development, nutrition education and a special community service and social action curriculum, as well as a CDF school model during the summer.


Thomas Armour Youth Ballet 3000 NW 199 St. 305-667-5543 •

June 8–Aug. 14 One-time commitment fee: $10 No other fees

Ages 3–18. For students with or without formal dance training. TAYB summer classes in ballet, modern and tap dance, depending on the site location and the students’ ability.

Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal


Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

33142 Abundant Living Citichurch 3001 NW 22nd Ave. 305-637-3558

June 15–July 24; Registration: $25 for one child Field trips fee: $50; Camp fee: $150 Scholarships available for eligible families

Ages 6–14. Daily physical activity and focused reading activities, as well as weekly computer, social skills and performing arts classes. Summer camp includes musical theater and children’s choir.


Concerned African Women Olinda Elementary 5536 NW 21st Ave. 305-621-3700 •

June 8–July 31 8 a.m.–5 p.m. No fees for Children’s Trust slots

Ages 5–12. Academic acceleration, cultural exploration and early prevention through reading, physical fitness, social skills development, nutrition education and cultural awareness enhancement. Also, African drumming and dance.


Lorah Park Elementary 5160 NW 21st Ave. 305-621-3700 •

June 8–July 31 8 a.m.–5 p.m. No fees for Children’s Trust slots

Ages 5–12. Academic acceleration, cultural exploration and early prevention through reading, physical fitness, social skills development, nutrition education and cultural awareness enhancement. Also, African drumming and dance.


Cool Kids Learn Lorah Park Elementary 5160 NW 31st Ave. 305-633-1424 or 786-657-2093 •

June 8–July 18; 8 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Registration: $40; Weekly: $50 Field trips fee: $60 Extended hours available

Ages 5–11. Camp activities support fitness, social skills, nutrition education and cultural enrichment components and also promote healthy lifestyles and social and team-building skills.


Dominican-American National Foundation Melrose Elementary School 3108 NW 34th St. 305-637-8337

June 8–Aug. 14 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $15 Weekly: $25, subject to change Scholarships available

Ages 5–11. “Early Risers” program includes the best practice reading program, “Reader’s Theatre and Fluency Skills,” as well as physical fitness curriculum program “SPARK.” Fullday program also includes field trips.

Magic City Kids 1300 NW 50th St. 786-402-3685

June 8–July 31; 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $15 Weekly: $25 Limited number of scholarships available

Ages 6–13. Read, Lead, Succeed! strengthens achievement in reading, math and science. Literacy for an hour daily, cooking classes, social skills development and a variety of other engaging activities.

Miami Bethany Community Services Church of the Nazarene 2490 NW 35th St. 305-638-2283 •

June 15–July 24 Registration: $100

Ages 6–14. Activities support literacy, fitness and family involvement, as well as social skills. The camp also offers a fine arts component that includes instrumental music, dance and drama.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Jefferson Reaves Sr. Park 3090 NW 50th St. 305-635-2081 •

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Martin Luther King Park 6000 NW 32nd Ct. 305-633-2044

June 8–Aug. 14 8 a.m.–6 p.m. No fees Limited availability; on a first come, first served basis

Ages 6–14. Literacy, reading, physical fitness, social skills development, healthy snacks and meals, family events, field trips and supervised free play.


Regis House, Inc. Iglesia Bautista Jerusalem 2495 NW 23rd St. 305-642-7600

June 8–July 31 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Weekly: $30 per child

Ages 5–12. Camp helps to strengthen social, literacy and fitness skills. Includes focus on building self-confidence and awareness of substance abuse risks. Field trips.


The Motivational Edge Irie Foundation Allapattah Music & Literacy Center 3323 NW 17th Ave. 800-641-2201 •

June 15–Aug. 7. 2-week session: $250 $1,000 Scholarships available

Ages 6-17. Children are encouraged to actively explore and build critical thinking, problem solving and team building through in-depth, hands-on art and science activities, experiments and outdoor games.


YMCA of Greater Miami Comstock Elementary School 2420 NW 18th Ave. 305-635-9622

June 8–Aug. 7 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $45 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $115

Ages 4–12. Champion Sports Camp and Dance Express teaches the basics of a variety of sports, as well as to value teamwork and sportsmanship. Also nutrition, social skills, field trips and more.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces African Heritage Cultural Arts Center 6161 NW 22nd Ave. 305-638-6771 •

Call for details Financial aid and scholarships available

Ages 5–16. Visual arts, dance, fashion design, musical theater, drama, instrumental and vocal music.

Olinda Park 2101 NW 51st St. 305-633-2081

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.





The Children’s Trust




Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal

YMCA of Greater Miami Village of Allapattah Family Branch 2370 NW 17th Ave. 305-635-9622 •

Fees • Precios • Frè

Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

Members: $90 weekly Non-members: $115 weekly Financial aid available

Ages 5–12. Leadership development, field trips, games, sports, arts and crafts and nutrition education. Camp takes place next door to center at Comstock Elementary.

Communities In Schools of Miami NFL YET Center 7090 NW 22nd Ave. 305-694-4889 •

June 8–Aug. 14 9 a.m.–5 p.m. One-time registration: $12 Weekly: $40

Ages 4–12. Camp activities include support for literacy, physical fitness, social skills building, computer education and arts enrichment.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Gwen Cherry Park NFL/Yet Center 7090 NW 22nd Ave. 305-694-4889

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Multi-Ethnic Youth Assoc. (MEYGA Girls) 6306 NW 14th Ave., Ste. 242 305-693-6000 or 305-696-9093

June 8–Aug. 14 No fees for Children’s Trust slots

Ages 4–14. Activities to improve reading, social skills, health and fitness (dance) and leadership skills. Field trips and Summer Reading Explorers.

Lincoln Martí School 2111 NW 103rd St. 305-696-2511 •

Call for details

Ages 5–8. Reading, art, sports and field trips.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Arcola Lakes Park 1301 NW 83rd St. 305-836-5095 •

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Arcola Park 1680 NW 87th St. 305-835-7987

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Little River Park 10525 NW 24th Ave. 305-694-5121

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Gwen Cherry Park – NFL/YET Center 7090 NW 22nd Ave. 305-694-4889

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Grace Lutheran Learning Center 254 Curtiss Pkwy. 305-888-3220

Call for details

Grades K–7. Field trips, computers, swimming, outdoor games, arts and crafts and more.

I Smile 150 Hibiscus Dr. 305-883-5007 •

Registration: $50 Call for details

Ages 4–12. Therapy Summer Camp in two sessions for children with autism (2:1 ratio). Swim program, verbal and behavioral support and music therapy.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade, Inc. Northwest Club 10915 NW 14th Ave. 305-758-5753 •

June 8–Aug. 7; July 6–July 31 4-week session: $110 5-week session: $130 Scholarships available

Ages 5–14. Project Learn activities support literacy and social skills development, arts and crafts, sports, team-building and field trips.

City of North Miami Parks and Recreation Sunkist Grove Community Center 12500 NW 13th Ave. 305-895-9840, ext. 12212 •

Residents: $150 per session Non-residents: $190 per session

Ages 6–14. Performing Arts Camp. Dance, voice and acting classes. Campers will produce a talent showcase at the conclusion of each session.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department Women’s Park 10251 W Flagler St. 305-480-1717 •

June 8–Aug. 7 Weekly: $100 Scholarships available

Ages 6–16. Girls Empowerment and Mentoring (GEM) camp focuses on the role of women in the development of our community, arts and science. Classes and workshops in the visual and performing arts, science disciplines, women’s studies and leadership skills.

Doral Conservatory and School of the Arts 2900 NW 109th Ave. 305-471-4417 •

Call for details

Ages 2–16. Outdoor activities, arts, theater techniques, singing, dancing, world music and gymnastics.

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The Children’s Trust

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Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal


Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

33182 b Q

June 15–Aug. 7 Scholarships may be available

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces North Trail Park 780 NW 127th Ave. 305-207-2420 •

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Call for details

Ages 5–12. Swimming, diving, trampoline skills, arts and crafts and more. For special needs, please let them know in advance.

iD Tech Camps University of Miami 1305 Stanford Dr. 888-709-8324, option 1 •

June 9–Aug. 8 1-week session: $899–$1,548 Depending on course

Ages 7–17. Intensive, week-long courses: computers, game and web design, programming, film, photography and graphic arts. Includes sports, games and more. Campers must be at least 7 by the end of the year to participate.

b Q

University of Miami-Nova Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) Henry S West Laboratory Elementary School 5300 Carillo St. 305-284-5270 •

June 15–July 31 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Weekly: $75

Ages 5–10. Grades 1-3 priority. Explorers’ Literacy-Based Summer Camp. For children with autism; 2-1 ratio. Develop social, communication, motor and educational skills; arts and crafts; and community building.


Urgent, Inc. Youth Empowerment 1111 Memorial Dr. 315 Merrick Bldg. 305-915-3195 •

June 15–July 24; 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $30 per child or $40 per family; Weekly: $50-$75 Limited partial scholarships available

Ages 6–13. For girls only. Activities include cheerleading, dance, arts, swimming, sciences, social skills, entrepreneurship and etiquette. Transportation to site available. After-care available at UM site.

Wise Choice University of Miami Summer Camp Orange Key Room 1200 Stanford Dr. 305-630-3600

June 8–Aug. 7 Registration: $60 Weekly: $240

Ages 5–14. Fitness and Game Camp. Program offers indoor and outdoor activities that help develop social skills and advance academically. Activities include football, soccer, volleyball, box ball and dodge ball, as well as relay races and swim sessions at the University of Miami outdoor pool. Electing of art, chess and fitness.

YMCA of Greater Miami Henry S. West Laboratory Elementary School 8455 SW 119th St. 305-357-6622 •

June 9–Aug. 8; 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 first child, $20 each additional child Weekly: $120

Ages 4–15. Exploration Camp offers a full spectrum of experiences, including swimming, special guests, themed weeks, sports, arts and crafts and fun summer reading help.

Ages 5–12. Camp for youth with, or at risk for, behavioral, emotional and learning problems. Parents participate in weekly parent training to develop the skills needed to support their child’s behavior change at home. Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.


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Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade, Inc. Hank Kline Club 2805 SW 32nd Ave. 305-446-2654

June 8–Aug. 7 4-week session: $250 5-week session: $300 9-week session: $500 Scholarships available

Ages 5–14. Project Learn activities support literacy and social skills development, arts and crafts, sports, fitness, teambuilding and field trips.

Breakthrough Miami Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart 3747 Main Hwy. 305-646-7210

June 15–July 24 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. No fees Application process closed, no slots available

Ages 10–13. Summer Institute for students is based on motivation and need. Uses students teaching students model to promote the academic skills, leadership and confidence needed to thrive in advanced academic settings. Application required.

Ransom Everglades School 2045 S Bayshore Dr. 305-646-7210 or 305-460-8203

June 15–July 24 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. No fees Application process closed, no slots available

Ages 10–13. Summer Institute for students is based on motivation and need. Makes use of a students-teachingstudents model to promote the academic skills, leadership and confidence needed to thrive in advanced academic settings. Application required.

Shake-A-Leg Miami 2620 S Bayshore Dr. 305-721-9737

June 8–July 31 One-time registration: $75 Weekly: $40 Scholarships available

Grades 3–8. Marine Academy Camp focuses on literacy and remidiation, science enrichment, fitness through sailing, kayaking and outrigger canoeing, as well as substance abuse and nutrition awareness. Before and after care available.

Thomas Armour Youth Ballet Elizabeth Virrick Park 3255 Plaza St. 305-667-5543 •

June 8–Aug. 14 One-time commitment: $10 No other fees

Ages 3–18. TAYB summer classes in ballet, modern and tap for students, depending on the site and student’s ability.

Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart 3747 Main Hwy. 305-446-5673, ext. 2340 •

2-week session: $700

Ages 3–14. Girls study a language (French or Spanish), dance, sing, act, bake and swim.

Miami Learning Center 2710 SW 37th Ave. 786-270-0562 •

Call for details

Ages 5–17. FCAT preparation, homework and academic tutorial (all subjects), self-esteem and critical thinking development and extracurricular activities.

Thomas Armour Youth Ballet 5818 SW 73rd St. 305-667-5543

June 8–Aug. 14 $75–$1,600 for 1–10 weeks Depends on skill level and age Scholarships available

Ages 3–18. For students with or without formal dance training. TAYB summer classes in ballet, modern and tap dance, depending on the site location and the students’ ability.

City of South Miami Gibson-Bethel Community Center 5800 SW 66th St. 305-668-3876 •

Call for details Residents: $30 weekly Non-residents: $125 weekly Scholarships available

Ages 5–15. Focus on improving academic and social skills. Physical activity, nutrition, field trips and family enrichment. Fees do not include field trip fees.



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Area Stage Company Riviera Theater 1560 S Dixie Hwy. 305-666-2078

June 8–Aug. 21 $250–$850 Scholarships available for underserved students, including foster care, so they participate for free

Ages 6–18. Summer 15 Conservatory provides rigorous performing arts training for 150 enrolled students, plus hundreds of audience members.

Funcamps @ UM University of Miami 4000 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Ste. 470 305-666-2992 •

2-week session: $465

Ages 5–14. Magic Camp, Game Tech Institute, Amazing Science Camp, Jurassicamp, Space & Rocket Camp and Camp Idol.

Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal

Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

Hurricane Aquatics Learn to Swim Program and Summer Camp 1306 Stanford Dr. 305-284-4713 •


FIU Board of Trustees Center for Children and Families Paul Bell Middle School 11800 NW 2nd St. 305-348-4077 •

Fees • Precios • Frè



Greater Miami Youth Symphony West Miami Middle School 7525 Coral Way 305-667-4069 •

July 15–Aug. 7 Sliding tuition scale Scholarships available

Ages 5–14. Camp activities will include beginning strings and wind instrument instruction, chorus, recorders and music appreciation and theory. Participants learn basic musicianship and instrumental technique.


O’Farrill’s Learning Center 6741 SW 24th St. 305-264-3232, ext. 2002

June 8–Aug. 14 7 a.m.–6 p.m. No fees for Children’s Trust slots

Grades K–5. Activities promote literacy, fitness, social skills building, family involvement, nutrition, arts, cultural awareness and health and wellness.


YMCA of Greater Miami David Fairchild YMCA Summer Camp 5757 SW 45th St. 305-357-6622

June 9–Aug. 8 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $120

Ages 4–15. Exploration Camp offers a full spectrum of experiences, including swimming, special guests, themed weeks, sports, arts and crafts and fun summer reading help.


YMCA of Greater Miami Vineland K-8 Center 8455 SW 119th St. 305-357-6622 •

June 8–Aug. 7 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $45 first child; $20 for each additional child Weekly: $115

Ages 4–12. Exploration Camp a full spectrum of experiences including swimming, special guests, theme weeks, sports, arts and crafts and fun summer reading help.

Fantasyland Learning Center 8670 SW 40th St. 305-227-2285

Weekly: $85

Ages 5–12. Field trips, dance, judo, nutrition, reading, field trips and more.

Kendall Music Studios 4129 SW 82nd Ct. 305-386-2537 •

Call for details

Ages 5 and up. Piano, drama or voice group and private lessons. Private coaching groups also available.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces A.D. “Doug” Barnes Park Miami EcoAdventures Center 3401 SW 72nd Ave. 305-662-4124

June 8–Aug.21 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Registration: $12 Weekly: $115

Ages 6–8. Nature Detectives Camp. Ages 9–14. Nature Explorers Camp.

Camp on the Sea at A.D. “Doug” Barnes Park Miami EcoAdventures Center 3401 SW 72nd Ave. 305-662-4124 •

June 8–July 17 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Registration: $12 Weekly: $175

Ages 12–17. Campers will explore the coastal waters and off-shore coral reefs through snorkeling, kayaking, canoeing and paddle boarding. Participants must pass swim test.

The Children’s Trust

Fees • Precios • Frè


Northwest / South

Explore the South Florida environment through a variety of fun and exciting activities in a safe park environment ranging from nature hikes on wooded trails, canoeing and kayaking (ages 9 and older), swimming (guarded pools), playing interactive nature games, arts and crafts, field trips to local park preserves, Zoo Miami, Monkey Jungle, Crandon Park, Shark Valley in Everglades National Park and more.

Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Freshwater Fishing Camp at Tropical Park Lakeside Pavilion 7900 SW 40th St. 305-662-4124 •


Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

July 6–24 Weekly: $145

Ages 9–15. This camp is designed for kids who love fishing and want to improve their fishing skills. Learn fish biology, safe boating skills and fishing tips.

YMCA of Greater Miami Vineland K-8 Center 8455 SW 119th St. 305-357-6622

June 9–Aug. 8 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $120

Ages 4–15. Exploration Camp offers a full spectrum of experiences, including swimming, special guests, themed weeks, sports, arts and crafts and fun summer reading help.

Camp Gulliver Gulliver Academy 12595 Red Rd. 305-665-3593 •

June 2–June 27 Full-day: $310 weekly Half-day: $210 weekly

Ages 6–10. A range of enriching activities. Athelitcs, indoor and outdoor fun, including games, academics, technology, engineering, musical theatre and swimming.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Continental Park 10000 SW 82nd Ave. 305-274-9666

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

The Stormont Kings 8353 SW 124 St., Ste. 201-A Miami, FL 33156 786-303-2437

June 5–Aug. 21 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Weekly: $149 Daily: $39 Hourly: $15 Discounts for siblings

Summer Chess and Game Camp. Children will learn different chess strtegies and tactics, play chess puzzles and more. Other games available. Students must pack their own lunch Monday–Thursday. Fridays are pizza day.

Breakthrough Miami Palmer Trinity 7900 SW 176th St. 305-646-7210

June 15–July 24 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. No fees Application process closed, no slots available

Ages 10–13. Summer Institute for students based on motivation and need. Uses students teaching students model to promote the academic skills, leadership and confidence needed to thrive in advanced academic settings. Application required.



Greater Miami Youth Symphony Deering Estate 16701 SW 72nd Ave. 305-667-4069 •

June 13–Aug. 7 Sliding tuition scale Scholarships available

Ages 5–14. GMYS Beginners Camp activities include beginning strings and wind instrument instruction, chorus, recorders and music appreciation and theory. Students learn basic musicianship and instrumental technique.



Kids Learning Center of South Dade 11500 Quail Roost Dr. 786-573-3017

June 8–Aug. 13 6:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m. No registration fee Weekly: $80, Trust slots reduced

Ages 4–12. Nutrition, physical fitness, literacy, enrichment clubs, drama, arts, music, dance and character education. Summer Reading Explorers.


Knowledge Builders of Florida, Inc. Colonial Drive Park 10750 SW 156th Terr. 305-234-1645

June 8–July 31 Registration: $20 Weekly: $60 Limited scholarships and free slots available

Ages 5–13. “Plugged Into Technology and Academics” (PITA) camp includes reading, math, science, fitness and social skills activities. Breakfast and lunch served. One field trip weekly.

Richmond-Perrine Optimist Club RPOC Youth Activity Center 18055 Homestead Ave. 305-233-9325

June 8–July 30 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Registration begins May 19 No fees for Children’s Trust slots

Ages 4–13. This summer camp helps support literacy and reading, physical fitness, social skills development and parental involvement. Enrichment activities and field trips also included.

Mt. Moriah Baptist Church 16900 SW 100th Ave. 305-233-9325

June 8–July 30 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Registration begins May 19 No fees for Children’s Trust slots

Ages 4–13. This summer camp helps support literacy and reading, physical fitness, social skills development and parental involvement. Enrichment activities and field trips also included.

Deering Estate at Cutler Summer Camps Eco Explorers Deering Estate at Cutler 16701 SW 72nd Ave. 305-235-1668, ext. 233 •

June 8–Aug. 21 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m. Five-day session: $165

Ages 6–8. Campers will enjoy adventure, water activities, field trips, hikes and so much more.

Expedition Deering Deering Estate at Cutler 16701 SW 72nd Ave. 305-235-1668, ext. 233 •

June 8–Aug. 21 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m. Five-day session: $190

Ages 9–14. Campers will enjoy adventure, water activities, field trips, hikes and so much more. Eleven, five-day sessions are available and each features a different theme.

Fees • Precios • Frè Junior Naturalists Program Deering Estate at Cutler 16701 SW 72nd Ave. 305-235-1668, ext. 223

Session one: June 8–12 Session two: June 15–19 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Five-day session: $190

Ages 15–17. Junior Naturalists are encouraged to take an active role in environmental stewardship and education and prepares them to serve as peer mentors. This counselorin-training program includes certifications in American Red Cross First Aid and Adult/Child CPR in addition to an introduction to basic canoeing, South Florida ecosystems and Leave No Trace. Campers will receive service learning hours and preparation for experiences, internships and other opportunities in environmental studies, natural sciences, nature-based recreation and volunteerism.

Hero Martial Arts 17049 S Dixie Hwy. 305-232-4376 •

Call for details

Ages 3 and up. Martial art classes by age and skill level. Traditional and Olympic-style tae kwon do. Self-defense, concentration, coordination, confidence and fitness.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Palmetto Golf Academy Summer Camp at Palmetto Golf Course 9300 SW 152nd St. 305-528-4817 •

June 15–Aug. 14 Full-day: $425 weekly 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Half-day: $225 weekly 9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m

Ages 8–15. PGA Professional Scott Jones and his staff will host full-day and half-day sessions for junior golfers. The curriculum covers full swing with video analysis, short game, putting, mini golf, golf course orientation, rules and etiquette.

Sgt. Joseph Delancy Park 14450 Boggs Dr. 305-235-4503

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Southridge Park 11250 SW 192nd St. 786-293-4549

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

West Perrine Park 10301 SW 170th Terr. 305-235-2053

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

The South Florida Boys Choir Kerr Memorial United Church 10066 West Indigo St. • 786-242-0460

June 8–July 24 Weekly: $110 Scholarships available

Ages 6–17. Summer Music Institute (SMI) for children and youth from underserved communities who have no formal voice training. Camp teaches discipline, joy and the rewards of music, using music-performance as the vehicle or focus.

The Children’s Voice Chorus Old Cutler Presbyterian Church 14401 Old Cutler Rd. 786-216-7003

June 15–July 3 3-week session: $450 Scholarships available

Ages 8–17. Choral music education instruction. Young singers participate in song writing and improve musicianship skills and vocal technique in a choral setting. In addition, a music video will be filmed with industry professionals. No audition required.

Alexander Montessori School Alexander Camp 14850 SW 67th Ave. 305-235-3995 •

Call for details

Ages 18 months–12. Sports, games, field trips, arts and crafts, swimming, ceramics, drama, archery and more. Camps take place at the school’s various campuses, depending on age group.




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Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal

Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon


The Children’s Trust

Fees • Precios • Frè






Fit Kids of America/Trinity Church 9395 Bird Rd. 305-207-0022

June 9–Aug. 14; 7 a.m.–7 p.m. One-time registration: $40 Weekly: $88 Scholarships available for eligible families

Ages 2–14. Focus on fitness and team sports at this indoor, air-conditioned gym. Camp also supports literacy, social skills and youth development and includes enrichment such as art, music, dance and drama.


Tiny Town/Kids Paradise Childcare Learning Center 3700 SW 107th Ave. 305-553-1168

June 8–Aug. 14 7 a.m.–6:30 p.m. No fees for Children’s Trust slots

Ages 5–12. Enrichment and tutorial activities; academics and technology; social and leadership skills; and physical education and health.


La Viña del Señor/Kidz XLs 3801 SW 97th Ave. 786-449-9875

June 9–July 31 One-time registration: $60 Weekly: $60 Scholarships available for Children’s Trust slots

Ages 5–14. Arts, computers, reading, fitness, dance and field trips.


Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces/CWD Tamiami Park 11201 SW 24th St. 305-222-2128 •

June 8–Aug. 7 No fees Limited availability; on a first come, first served basis

Ages 15–21. Disabilities. Literacy and reading, physical fitness, social skills development, healthy snacks (but no meal served), family events, field trips and supervised free play.

Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal

The Children’s Trust


Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

South b

FIU Board of Trustees/ENLACE Miami University Park 11200 SW 8th St. 305-348-3714

June 22–July 31 One-time registration fee, based on a sliding scale

Grades 4–7. Literacy support through individualized software-based reading intervention, social skills development, applied science, health and fitness education and a unique chess curriculum.


FIU Miami Prep Summer Program University Park 11200 SW 8th St. 305-348-3714

June 22–July 31 One-time commodity fee: $50 Weekly: $100 Scholarships available

Grades 3–12. Enhanced academic and summer Arts and Science program prepares students for a college career in one of the STEM fields. Hands-on activities demonstrate theories, principles and issues related to the STEM discipline.

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Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces/CWD Coral Estates Park 1405 SW 97th Ave. 305-226-1622 •

June 8–Aug. 7 8 a.m.–6 p.m. No fees Limited space available; on a first come, first served basis

Ages 6–21. Disabilities. Literacy and reading, physical fitness, social skills development, healthy snacks (but no meal served), family events, field trips and supervised free play.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Ruben Dario Park 9825 West Flagler St. 305-226-1622 •

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

The Roxy Theatre Group, Inc. Coral Park Elementary 1225 SW 97th Ave. 305-226-0030, 786-252-3108

June 8–July 31 One-time registration: $25 Weekly: $70 per child Scholarships on a sliding scale

Ages 5–14. Performance-oriented program includes literacy, fitness and social skills building. Each day includes a performance area: dancing, acting or singing. Before and after care available.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Tamiami Park 11201 SW 24 St. 786-315-5295 •

June 8–Aug. 14 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Raices Cultural Center 5510 SW 94th Ct. 305-271-0812 •

June 8–Aug. 7 Weekly: $100 Scholarships available

Ages 6–16. Girls Empowerment and Mentoring (GEM) camp focuses on the role of women in the development of our community, arts and science. Classes and workshops in the visual and performing arts, science disciplines, women’s studies and leadership skills.

Tropical Estates Park 10201 SW 48th St. 305-226-5782

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Basketball Camp at Tamiami Park 11201 SW 24th St. 786-315-5295

June 8–Aug.14 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Registration: $12 Weekly: $100

Ages 8–14. Trained staff will teach team and individual play using defensive and offensive drills to improve skills and knowledge of basketball. Program includes field trips and tournaments.

Cheerleading/Dance Camp at Tamiami Park 11201 SW 24th St. 786-315-5295 •

June 8–Aug.14 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Registration: $12 Weekly: $100

Ages 6–14. Learn jumps, chants and modern and jazz dance techniques. Program includes field trips.

Rockway Park 9460 SW 27th Dr. 305-223-8769

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Tamiami Tennis Center 11201 SW 24th St. 305-480-2099 •

Call for details

Ages 6–15. Tennis Camp. Learn the fundamentals of the game and practice your skills.


Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon




Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade, Inc. Kendall Club 9475 N. Kendall Dr. 305-279-3013 •

June 8–Aug. 7 4-week session: $335 5-week session: $420 Scholarships available

Ages 5–14. Project Learn activities include literacy and social skills support, arts and crafts, sports and fitness, team-building and field trips. Fees include field trips, snacks and lunch.


Dave and Mary Alper JCC 11155 SW 112th Ave. 305-271-9000, ext. 271

June 15–Aug. 7 $1,800-$2,500 (depending on membership status) Fee with Children’s Trust scholarship: $400 Limited number of scholarships

Ages 5–13. JCC Summer Camp offers children an engaging environment with a wide range of activities, like dance, drama, physical fitness and social skills and character building skills.

11155 SW 112th Ave. 305-271-9000, ext. 271

June 15–Aug. 7 Non-members: $2,515 Scholarships available

Ages 8–13. Habimah Performing Arts Camp for youth, mostly from underserved communities, with little or no formal dance training. Skills help develop character skills and improve self-confidence.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Ron Ehmann Park 10995 SW 97th Ave. 305-271-3853 •

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

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Miami Dance Project Outreach School for Unique Learning 11155 SW 112th Ave. 305-595-1115

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $80 Weekly: $60–$100 Scholarships available

Ages 6–18. Includes children with autism from low-income households from all over Miami-Dade county. Students develop ballet, jazz and modern dance skills. Children with autism participate in movement therapy to improve cognitive thinking, social and motor skills.


Art Atelier 14101 S Dixie Hwy., Ste. C 305-432-4034

June 9–Aug. 10 Registration: $20 Weekly: $270, full day Weekly: $150, half day

Ages 6–12. Painting, drawing, mosaics, sculpture, photography and mixed media art. Two sessions: morning and afternoon.

Miami-Dade College Kendall Campus Kids/Teen College 11011 SW 104th St. 305-237-2976 •

Weekly: $110

Ages 7–17. A wide range of activities including public speaking, dance, photography, video, math and reading, automobile design, sports, painting, science, nature and more.

Adults Mankind Organization, Inc. Step Up After School Program 11025 SW 84th St., Bldg. 11 305-271-5121 or 786-317-7174

June 8–July 24 8 a.m.–4 p.m. One-time fee: $100 Waiver for low-income families

The ARC, West Kendall 11025 SW 84th St., Bldg. 7 305-279-4141

June 8–July 31 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m. $300 Payment options include one full or two half payments

Ages birth–5. Field trips, fitness, social skills, reading, art, swimming, meals and snacks. Different themes each week.

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11025 SW 84th St., Bldg. 5 and 6 305-279-4141

June 8–Aug. 7; 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m. $300 Payment options available

Ages 5–14; 5–18 CWD. Literacy, reading, games and sports, social skills, arts, art, swimming, family involvement, healthy meals and snacks and field trips.


Kayleen’s Learning Center 10855 SW 72nd St., #30 305-274-5553

June 8–Aug. 14 No fees for June-July; sliding scale in August

Ages 5–12. Enrichment and tutorial activities for participants include literacy, arts, technology, social and leadership skills and parent involvement. Healthy cooking activities.


YMCA of Greater Miami Snapper Creek Elementary School 10151 SW 64th St. 305-357-6622

June 8–Aug. 7 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $120

Ages 5–12. Exploration Camp offers a full spectrum of experiences, including swimming, special guests, themed weeks, sports, arts and crafts and fun summer reading help.

ACE Academy 11025 SW 84th St., Cottages 5, 6 and 7 305-279-3064 •

$300 Registration and supplies only 7-week program

Ages 4–18. For children with special needs plus their siblings. For individual needs, call for details.

Fantasyland Learning Center 9600 SW 8th St., Ste. 13 and 14 305-223-0668

Call for details

Ages 5–12. Fitness, computers, reading, nutrition and field trips.

Kendall Campus Wild Things Happen 11011 SW 104th St. 305-237-2161 •

Weekly: $153

Ages 5–11. Crafts, sports, computers, arts and crafts, dance and more. Field trips and lunch included.

FIU Board of Trustees/Miami PREP Engineering Campus 10555 W Flagler St. 305-348-3556

June 22–July 31 One-time commodity fee: $50 Weekly: $130 Scholarships available

Ages 7–18. An enhanced academic and recreational experience for students who aspire to obtain a college degree and a professional career. Four daily courses: Exploration Transportation Engineering; Computer Technology; College, Career & Financial Planning; and Outdoor and Recreational Activities.

Miami Stage Company Miami Children’s Theater Alper JCC 11155 SW 112th Ave. 305-274-3595 •

July 7–Aug. 1 Registration: $35 4-week session: $975 8-week session: $1,700

Ages 5–12. Creative Camps. Musical theater, dance, music, video production, magic, creative writing and field trips. Public performances showcase the students. Ages 13–17. Broadway Bound Camp.


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Ages 5–12. Step Up core activities foster fitness, literacy and social skills. Summer enrichment activities include martial arts, cooking, science, music and theater. Before and after care available.



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Fees • Precios • Frè

Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal


Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


The Children’s Trust



Fees • Precios • Frè



Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal


Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

Wise Choice Kendall Summer Camp Wise Choice Tutoring Center 10481 N. Kendall Dr., Suite D-200 305-630-3600

Registration: $60 Weekly: $220

Ages 5–14. Program offers indoor and outdoor activities that help develop social skills and advance academically. Activities include football, soccer, volleyball, box ball, dodge ball and relay races and swim sessions at the Tamiami Park outdoor pool. Electives: Art, chess and fitness. Weekly presentations.

YMCA of Greater Miami Suniland Park 12855 Pinecrest Pkwy. 305-234-7755 •

Call for details

Ages 5–12. Leadership development, field trips, games, sports, arts and crafts, swimming and nutrition education. Soccer camp, basketball camp and tennis camp.

Greater Miami Youth Symphony S. Dade Cultural Arts Center 10950 SW 211 St. 305-667-4069 •

July 15–Aug. 2 Sliding tuition scale Scholarships available

Ages 5–14. Summer Camp provides music training and instruction at all musical and instrumental skills levels. Students immerse themselves in a variety of musical activities to develop their instrumental, musical and ensemble skills.


Hope for Miami Family & Children Faith Coalition Pinelands Presbyterian Church 10201 Bahia Dr. 786-388-3000 or 786-316-8114 •

June 8–July 31; 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $75 for new applicants; 50% discount for 3rd and 4th child 8-week session: $350

Ages 5–15. Completion of kindergarten required for 5-year-old campers. Whiz Kidz emphasizes the arts, as well as literacy, fitness, social skills and parental involvement. Field trips.

Cutler Bay 10201 Bahia Dr. 786-388-3000 or 786-426-6511

June 8–July 31; 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $75 for new applicants; 50% discount on 3rd/4th child 8-week session: $350

Ages 5–15. Completion of kindergarten required for 5-year-old campers. Whiz Kidz emphasizes the arts, as well as literacy, fitness, social skills and parental involvement. Field trips.

Thomas Armour Youth Ballet 10950 SW 211 St. 305-667-5543

June 8–Aug. 14 One-time commitment fee: $10 No other fees

Ages 3–18. TAYB Summer classes in ballet, modern and tap for students depending on the site and students’ ability, with or without formal dance training.

Town of Cutler Bay Cutler Ridge Park 10100 SW 200th St. 305-238-4166

June 8–June19 June 22– July 2 July 6–17 July 20– July 31 8 a.m.–5 p.m. $200 per session $180 sibling discount Fees include field trips

Ages 6–13. Arts and crafts, indoor activities, outdoor games swim lessons and swimming. Field trips include Gametime, Grapeland Water Park, Miami Marlins game, Miami Seaquarium, Movies, Paradise Cove and Zoo Miami.

Center for Children and Families AHC 1 Rm. 140 11200 SW 8th St. 305-348-0477

Call for details

Ages Pre-K–16. Children’s Summer Treatment Program (STP) and the Summer Treatment Program for Adolescents. Award-winning program provides treatment for children and adolescents with ADHD, as well as those behavioral, emotional and learning problems. Group and tailored treatment plans implemented by trained paraprofessionals.

Wise Choice Florida International University Summer Camp FIU Stadium Club 11200 SW 8th St. 305-630-3600

June 8–Aug. 7 Registration: $60 Weekly: $220 Fitness and Game camp: $225




The Children’s Trust


June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.


Sanrau Corp. Lago Mar Preschool II 12871 SW 42nd St. 305-559-0004

June 8–Aug. 14 Weekly: $65–$100, sliding scale tuition

Ages 5–12. Art, music, literature, karate, dance, cooking classes and fun themed weeks.


YMCA of Greater Miami Mother of Christ School 14141 SW 26th St. 305-357-6622

June 8–Aug. 7 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration: $40 first child, $20 for each additional child Weekly: $120

Ages 5–15. Exploration Camp offers a full spectrum of experiences, including swimming, special guests, themed weeks, sports, arts and crafts and fun summer reading help.

The Guardian Angel Preschool 19150 SW 117th Ave. 305-233-2275

Weekly: $100

Ages 5–11. Arts and crafts, educational activities, computers and field trips.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Eureka Villas Park 14301 SW 180th St. 305-254-5856 •

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Larry & Penny Thompson Park Waterside Concession Bldg. – Freshwater Fishing Camp 12451 SW 184th St. 305-662-4124 •

June 22–July 3 Weekly: $145

Ages 9–15. This camp is designed for kids who love fishing and want to improve their fishing skills. Learn fish biology, safe boating skills and fishing tips.

Zoo Miami 12400 SW 152nd St. 305-255-5551

June 15–Aug. 7 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Weekly: $210 Zoo members: $190 Scholarships available

Ages 4–13. Zoofari Summer Camp is a fun-filled learning adventure for children, which includes live animal presentations, craft projects, zookeeper talks, wildlife enrichment activities, visits to exhibits, recreational games and more.

Miami Dance Project 7460 SW 117th Ave. 305-595-1115

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $80 Weekly: $60–100 Scholarships available

Ages 6–18. Inclusive of children with autism and from low-income households from all over Miami-Dade County. Students develop ballet, jazz and modern dance skills. Children with autism participate in movement therapy to improve cognitive thinking, social and motor skills.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Kendale Lakes Park 7850 SW 142nd Ave. 305-315-5295

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.


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Ages 5–14. The Fitness and Game Camp programs offer indoor and outdoor activities that help develop social skills and advance academically. Activities include football, soccer, volleyball, box ball and dodge ball, as well as relay races and swim sessions at the Tamiami Park outdoor pool. Electives: Art, chess and fitness. Weekly presentations.




Just Kids Centers East 12470 SW 8th St. 305-221-0011

June 8–Aug. 21 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Registration: $40 Weekly: $35 Scholarships available

Ages 4–12. The Achievers’ Program supports literacy, math and science, in addition to physical health, nutrition, social skills, technology, tutoring and enrichment activities.


Just Kids Centers West 14268 SW 8th St. 305-221-0011 or 305-222-2272

June 8–Aug. 21 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Registration: $40 Weekly: $35 Scholarships available

Ages 4–12. The Achievers’ Program supports literacy, math and science, in addition to physical health, nutrition, social skills, technology, tutoring and enrichment activities.

Belen Jesuit Preparatory School 500 SW 127th Ave. 786-621-4610

June 15–July 31 Registration: $100 7-week session: $1,135 $1,060 if registered by May 15

Ages 4–14. Field trips, arts and crafts, sports, computers, talent shows and more.







Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Bird Lakes Park 14365 SW 48th Ln. 305-270-1644

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Hope for Miami Family and Children Faith Coalition New Jerusalem 5400 SW 122nd Ave. 786-388-3000 or 305-553-5433

June 8–July 31 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration for new applicants: $75; 50% discount on 3rd/4th child 8-week session: $350

Ages 5–15. Completion of kindergarten required for 5-yearold campers. Site will accept deaf and hearing impaired children. Whiz Kidz emphasizes the arts, literacy, fitness, social skills and parental involvement. Field trips.

Little Angels Academy Preschool 2420 SW 137 Ave. Miami, FL 33175 305-559-9240

7 a.m.–6:30 p.m. Weekly: $100 Field trips: $20 per trip Discounts available

Pre-school and daycare provider for the community offers breakfast, hot lunch and snack. Children attend small field trips during the summer for an additional fee. Call for details.

Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal

The Children’s Trust

Fees • Precios • Frè


South / Southwest


Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Special Needs Necesidades especiales Bezwen espesyal


Fees • Precios • Frè

Description • Descripción • Deskripsyon

33186 Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Camp Matecumbe 13841 SW 120th St. 305-752-4966

June 8–Aug. 7 8 a.m.–6 p.m. No fees Limited availability; on a first come, first served basis

Ages 6–21 (with special needs). Literacy and reading, physical fitness, social skills development, healthy snacks (but no meal served), family events, field trips and supervised free play.

Deerwood Bonita Lakes Park 1445 SW 122nd Ave. 305-234-1660

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Devon Aire Park 10411 SW 122nd Ave. 305-270-4951

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Creative Learning Center 12455 SW 104th St. 305-274-4006 •

Registration: $25 4-week session: $530, full day 4-week session: $405, half day

Ages 2 1/2–7. Gymnastics, water play, edible cooking art, computers, arts and crafts and more.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces/CWD Westwind Lakes Park 6805 SW 152nd Ave. 305-380-9106 •

June 8–Aug. 14 8 a.m.–6 p.m. No fees Limited availability; first come, first served basis

Ages 14–21. Literacy and reading, physical fitness, social skills development, healthy snacks (but no meal served), family events, field trips and supervised free play.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Westwind Lakes Park 6805 SW 152nd Ave. 305-388-4771 •

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.


Sanrau Corp. Lago Mar Preschool I 15732 SW 72nd St. 305-382-9796

June 8–Aug. 14 Weekly: $65–$100, sliding scale

Ages 5–12. Art, music, literature, karate, dance, cooking classes and fun themed weeks.


Tiger Dragon Group, Inc. 15560 SW 72nd St. 305-752-0042

June 8–Aug. 14 One-time registration fee: $45 Weekly: $100

Ages 5–13. Literacy and homework help, fitness, social skills development, nutrition education, and a unique Martial Arts and Japanese language and cultural curriculum. Inclusion program. Weekly fee includes lunch and snacks.

Bowman F. Ashe Elementary School 6601 SW 152nd Ave. 305-386-6667

Call for details

Call for details

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33196 b

Carlmar, Inc. Town Center School 10201 Hammocks Blvd., #149 305-385-9981

June 8–Aug. 21 6 a.m.–7 p.m. Registration: $35 Weekly: $70 Scholarships available

Ages 5–12. Literacy, fitness, art, cooking and field trips to the Miami-Dade library located nearby and computer workshops. Themed weeks.


Kingdom Academy 9010 SW 157th Ave. 305-385-3761

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $30 Weekly: $100–$160, sliding scale based on need Scholarships available

Ages 5–12. Academics, cognitive development, socialemotional skills and nutrition awareness. Enrichment activities include soccer, karate, music, art, Zumba and chess. Field trips.

We’re a proud partner in lunches and education.

Miami-Dade College Hammocks Middle School 9889 Hammocks Blvd. 305-237-0905

2-week session: $185 Call for details

Ages 12–17. Latin Jazz Experience. Play with local Latin Jazz artists and instructors. Ages 12–17. Camp Wannadraw Fine Arts & Crafts. Learn to create in clay, acrylic, paint, pencil, plaster, printing and more. Ages 12–14. Art Portfolio. Learn new techniques and create a portfolio for magnet schools.

Winn-Dixie is proud to support The Children’s Trust of Miami-Dade.

Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Hammocks Community Park 9885 Hammocks Blvd. 305-380-6917

June 8–Aug. 14 Registration: $12 Weekly: $40–$90 Scholarships available

Ages 6–14. Fitness activities, sports, arts and crafts, nature encounters, quiet games and field trips. The camp also includes Fit2Play™ outdoor-fitness-fun activities that engage kids in active games, promoting fitness and nutrition in fun ways.

Programs funded by The Children’s Trust. See page 21 for a guide on using the listings. Programas financiados por The Children’s Trust (El Fideicomiso de los Niños). Consulte la guía para usar los listados en la página 21. Men pwogram ki jwenn fon nan The Children’s Trust (Òganizasyon Fon Pou Timoun yo). Ale nan paj 21 pou nou jwenn plis detay sou kouman pou nou sèvi ak lis la.


Healthy kids are happy kids!

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3/25/15 12:46 PM

FREE! Saturday, September 12 • 10 AM – 5 PM Miami-Dade County Fair & Expo Center Coral Way & SW 112th Avenue

Family and kid friendly activities for everyone to enjoy! Hundreds of indoor exhibitors showcasing: After-School Programs • Injury Prevention • KidCare Outreach • Pre-K Registration • Book Fair • Programs for Children with Special Needs • Parenting Classes... and much more.

Call 211 or visit for more info.

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