Solgenia CRM ENU

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Discovering the most innovative contact system

C ustomer Relationship Management. Route to the center of desires. "CRM creates, develops, maintains, and optimizes long-term relations between consumers and company which are reciprocally more profitable. The successful CRM is based on the understanding of consumer needs and desires, and is carried out by bringing these desires at the business core, and integrate them with the company’s strategy, people, technology, and the same business process". CRM (UK) Ltd


solution that works.

Solgenia CRM is a suite of components for the management of client relations. It offers total coverage of the business needs of the organization and is based on a modular system with the option for progressive activation to obtain the maximum benefit of the investment subdivision and growth. Solgenia CRM involves and integrates all sectors into one. From marketing and sales to client support and production, it takes care of client relations for optimal client retention. Solgenia CRM provides for a personalized relation with each client through the management of commercial activities, monitoring client satisfaction, improvements to support system effectiveness, digital interaction, the immediate distribution of personalized content, trend analysis, and simulation of competitive scenarios.

L et’s be objective. There are quantifiable and intangible benefits when one decides to invest in a CRM solution. The quantifiable benefits have a deep impact on income, c l i e n t t u r n o v e r, a n d t h e d e s i re d f a v o r a b l e e ff e c t o n p ro f i t s . Solgenia CRM allows companies to: Increase the closing percentage of commercial negotiations, thanks to quick response times and to the proposal of personalized solutions. ✓ Attain a competitive advantage, by pointing out explicit or hidden needs, and by intervening promptly to fulfil them. ✓ Automate sales processes, create estimates and manage orders, through to a more direct and immediate utilization of information. ✓ Supply clients with an effective and accurate support service, through an effective management of interventions, from the initial contact to problem resolution. ✓ Increase the number of clients and profits through current clientele, through quick answers, tracing agent activities and information on negotiations, client history, purchased products/services, and entitled discounts. ✓ Monitor the management of sales activities and the progress of negotiations. Foresee possible income flows, and reasons for eventual failures. ✓ Plan and carry out direct marketing campaigns, thanks to the use of precise information on clients, and the ability to evaluate the return and effectiveness. ✓ Offer targeted products and services, based on the preferences and needs that arise by marketed initiatives towards the consumer. ✓ Guarantee continuity and coherence of company data assets, capitalizing all information relative to the single client and to their respective activities by detecting opportunities, tendencies, and problems to manage to assist in sound decision making.

Th e

N e t w o r k t h a t f re e s y o u .

Solgenia CRM can be shared and utilized via internet, knocking down any space-time barriers. It is possible to collect data via web in order to: ✓ analyze the effectiveness of commercial power; ✓ verify the status of ongoing negotiations and open calls to the support system; ✓ manage the activities pertaining to the sale force. In short, companies can utilize the full potential and functionality of Solgenia CRM through browser.

T he most efficient commercial manager imaginable. Solgenia CRM is a valid and effective sales support tool thanks to the functions that offer a complete view on client and vendor activities. The path of each performed operation is traceable: communications, estimates, orders, invoices, payments and all client history is stored and can be easily consulted. Solgenia CRM also tracks the information of potential client qualification activities, and assigns opportunities to the reference vendor.

Solgenia CRM allows an optimal management of calendars, activities and contacts. Each activity is concluded with an outcome that generates new elements (calls, documents sent, visits, etc.) and new appointments in the calendar through the email synchronization and calendar software. With Solgenia CRM the sales team can mange price lists and discounts, and verify the negotiation status and client position from their own station or in the field by connecting to internet and to hand-held devices.The sales funnel function is particularly interesting as the status of negotiations are viewed through a graphical funnel, according to the renowned theory of Miller Heiman. Solgenia CRM constitutes 360° support tools for managing the operations of the sale force during verification activities. This means “The right information at the right time, at the right place".


marketing manager programmed for success.

Solgenia CRM constitutes a valid support to marketing activities and, in particular, it represents a powerful tool for managing direct marketing initiatives. Through the use of a single database updated continually with information on clients and contacts, it is possible to segment the target based on initiatives and marketing objectives, like: ✓ acquisition of new clients ✓ maintenance of existing clients ✓ branding actions. With Solgenia CRM distributing targeted communications is extremely easy: models and messages can be customized and sent via e-mail, regular mail, or fax as preferred by the recipients or according to company guidelines. Company newsletter management, e-mail marketing campaigns, and promotional communication takes place automatically simply by selecting a target. Solgenia CRM also allows for direct marketing campaign planning and evaluation on return based on the established budget. nother interesting and useful aspect is the questionnaire management to evaluate client needs and their satisfaction level. For questionnaires that anticipate and follow programmed transmissions, you have the ability to input a validity date to keep results and variations current as time goes by.

R emote problem solver. Solgenia CRM effectively facilitates the support needs of service operators through complete request management from the initial contact to problem resolution guaranteeing intervention effectiveness and promptness. Through Solgenia CRM its possible to monitor the call position, call activities, and calendars, and also manage clients and contacts in an integrated way. In addition, Solgenia CRM: ✓ can be integrated with mail software through rules that control incoming emails; ✓ automatically communicates the receipt of a new support request and creates an activity for service operators; ✓ can be integrated with the web to offer online support and create a solutions database that can be accessed by anyone. All problems in the operation descriptions, the distribution of support documents, and the descriptions of intervention and solution modes are conveyed in a single database. This database is easy to update and access, and very useful in resolving the most frequent support cases. Solgenia CRM also creates and manages contracts and optimizes invoicing of support interventions. Once the appropriate support model is established, the client can indicate the list of active supports for the various products that the client owns, and check the validity of their licenses.

R esources that grow. Solgenia solutions also allow Human Resource (HR) managers to recover and manage information on individual skills and competences of collaborators, including their study paths and professional experiences. Managers can also maintain information relative to roles covered by any single subject and their relative job description. hrough inputting and storing resumes received by the company, HR Managers create an effective database to consult when needed. The HR Manager can define a variety of plans and actions, which aim at completing the employee’s professional profile based on the requirements needed. This is accomplished through personalized training paths, all focused on improvements towards required skills.

T he most effective intelligence service at the management service. The data analysis solution improves company effectiveness by constantly monitoring the trend performance indicators, pointing out company criticalities and their causes while studying and planning intervention modalities. The ability to analyze the needs and preferences expressed by the client is crucial to answer to the changes to demand and to the new market opportunities quickly and effectively. Production increases arise through the quick recovery of information, its sharing, and the collaboration of company teams. Decision makers can browse company information through graphical setups for easy immediate reading to compare different time scenarios, analyze trends and deviations, and point out and decompose critical variables. This keeps the possibility of error at an absolute minimum. In addition to this, the transformation of the vast amounts of operational data coming from any knowledge source takes place intuitively and promptly through the creation, visualization, navigation and distribution of analysis and reports, without turning to the support of IT specialists.

C ustom access. L’accesso alle informazioni può avvenire in maniera differenziata in base al profilo dell’utente secondo le politiche di security definite dall’amministratore di sistema: l’accesso è regolato da un processo di autenticazione che concede i diritti a visualizzare e condividere analisi e report in funzione dei ruoli e delle strategie aziendali. La visualizzazione può avvenire anche attraverso un browser senza limiti di tempo e di spazio e senza la necessità di installare alcun software sulla postazione di lavoro dell’utente.

G eomarketing: let it guide you. Geographical analysis can make decisions and activities involving communication, sales, distribution, and client support more effective and efficient. Data localization (Where) is relevant in the decision making process as the territory can become a reference value in the analysis context. Solgenia Analysis GeoMap provides data visualization in the form of interactive maps that distinguish results, trends, and deviations with colors and graphics. It is particularly useful to segment demands and offerings, analyse commercial penetration, point out micro-markets to analyze and explore, and manage opportunities and business threats linked to the territory.

J ust a click to obtain a report; a report for all. With a simple click of the mouse data from the documents created can be exported into spreadsheets. This provides an easy integration of the information with new multidimensional queries and generates personalized reports. Images, logos, graphics, and formats can be added to be in sync with the company model and standards. The reports created can be updated daily and can be shared with other departments and groups.

P erformance

indicators. Be one step ahead. The data analysis solution enables the creation of indicators that control the strategic interest values and monitor changes. Each time the database is modified, the indicators are automatically updated for a quick and clear view of their trend through customized, easy to read graphics.

A source of knowledge: all you need is a mouse. The Solgenia Portal Management solution helps enrich the informative assets of an organization through the contribution of each collaborator. The solution allows for the recovering, publishing, and sharing of documents and content, creating a unique access point where the information is organized in hierarchical archives. Access to this information is differentiated based on the user profile. The integration of tools such as the use of forums, chats, sms, and VOIP, increases the possibilities of direct contact among users in this informative portal. Through these tools users can exchange information, opinions, suggestions, proposals, or send customized alert messages to manage critical situations.

A ccess is Critical. The business portal management solution allows users to create and manage report portals on the web for personalized access to information. By means of an authentication mechanism – protected by a login and password – this information is visualized in various ways, based on the user profile; content can be custom-made, including the use of one-toone marketing strategies. This means that clients, suppliers, agents, and partners, only have the security to access the information that relates to them to avoid wasting time. Access is granted according to the security policies defined by the system administrator: the authentication process grants access rights based on the roles and strategies within the company.

I nformation

always available.

The content management solution has publication functions based on browser and subject to an authentication mechanism which limits the use to the settings enabled by the administrator. The documents created can be saved, modified, or enriched with images or annexed files, and then published on the portal in categories previously established. The users can also define a deadline for published documents. Thanks to a user-friendly graphical interface, and to the presence of preestablished models for formatting, drawing up content in the compiled documents is extremely easy. Searching for information is also easy and immediate. By using connections that guide the user through the navigation of formatted documents; including images, articles, specifications, connections, and related topics, the entire management of the internet and intranet site becomes very simple and straight forward.

T he most secure archive. The document management solution provides the ideal tool to answer the needs to increase collaboration among users and to improvements to company productivity. This document management tool contains functions that generate hierarchical archives, content research, and navigation by category, and management of document versions. This tool is a complete and flexible portal to recover, publish, and share documents and content. The portal can be configured the so that the subscribing users directly and automatically receive a notice indicating when new and updated content is available on their respective topics of interest. Any type of digital information can be s t o re d f ro m d o c u m e n t s t o w o rd processing, electronic spreadsheets, presentations, email messages and any scanned documents. Once the document has been stored, document searches can be performed through key words, author, publication date, client, and home category. The functions of the document management solution guarantee security and privacy through the security settings which allow users to exclusively view authorized documents.

F ish in the Network. The Solgenia Commerce Management solution allows users to utilize web capabilities to perform company management and create new opportunities such as e-commerce, sales force automation, and electronic supply management. Steps from production to consumption are reduced providing greater client satisfaction through increased variety, lower prices, and eliminating waiting time and distance restrictions allowing for a contextual reduction of transaction costs.

S ell Online. The Solgenia Document Management solution also provides for managing sales orders to ensure complete remote management of orders through the internet or cell phone by accessing price lists, checking on availability and the possibility to accept or modify an order in real time. he commercial network can place their orders online by selecting articles, desired quantity, and delivery date. A control function has the task to verify the availability of the product on the requested delivery date, confirming it or proposing an eventual alternative plan. The sales field activity management offers great advantages in terms of improving relations to the commercial channels such as agents, resellers, and distributors, with a natural reduction of costs. The electronic commerce management pulls from the dynamic and personalized virtual catalogue that is generated by the user. The result of each search performed shows the product code and description, its image, its availability, and related documents with a series of information personalized according to the user. This makes it possible to monitor the behavior of the consumer, survey their preferences and anticipate their needs always giving the most suitable answer and best solution.

P urchase Online. The Solgenia Electronic Management solution relates to the supply process for order approval, supplier selection, and purchase negotiation conditions. Search operations of suppliers, receipts, catalogues consultations, and price negotiations are quickly managed through offer requests automatically sent to the selected suppliers. Suppliers easily access the system through a browser using an authentication mechanism protected by a login and p a s s w o rd , w i t h o u t h a v i n g t o i n s t a l l a n y p a r t i c u l a r s o f t w a re . Electronic management provides strong benefits through the automation of the request process, obtaining offers, improving purchase control, and t h e re d u c t i o n o f o p e r a t i o n a l a c t i v i t i e s l i n k e d t o p u rc h a s e s . The gains to the effectiveness and speed of the entire procurement process is clearly a great advantage by using the Solgenia Electronic Management solution.

A re You Ready to Collaborate? Addressing high client expectations is challenging today, and is certainly among the many challenges of the future. Call center customer service activities tend to become more and more complex if they intend to satisfy client needs. These centers now have more qualified staff in need for tools to share information in various ways, and quickly exchange that information. To answer to these challenges it is essential to integrate a CRM system with innovative technologies like VOIP (Voice over IP or telephony on Internet), Instant Messaging, Forums, Chats, FAX Integration, Cellular Telephony, SMS, and Email. Solgenia CRM offers a variety of multi-channel integrated solutions that make it is possible to interact with clients, the sales force, and even the technical area in the field through SMS systems. This enables: immediate message exchange with subsidiaries and remote offices with no communication costs; sending multiple communications automatically via fax using a preset alarm; fully utilizing the network and web technology to integrate voice and telephone services; drastically reducing traditional costs and offering a new high service level to the client, and to the entire internal organization.

Nothing more to be given. Solgenia CRM key points: Increased production - through the quick recovery of information, sharing, and the ease of collaboration of company teams. Reduce costs - thanks to the reduced software implementation time and user training time, providing an immediate return on investment. It also guarantees the automatic distribution of updates with less management costs. Adaptability - through its extremely flexibile cutomization and ease of use, it adapts perfectly to specific analysis needs. Maximum Integration – through all Solgenia software suite solutions, we are easily compatible with existing data sources using the most robust company production and Office automation software. Ease of use - thanks to a simple and intuitive graphical interface that can be highly personalized and configured based on user’s needs and tasks. Access with no limits – through the ability of using the application in any place, at any time, by connecting with a simple browser.

Te c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s : Server: compatible Intel architectures, Microsoft Server or Linux operating systems, variable hardware requirements based on the number of users. Client: compatible Intel architectures, Microsoft operating systems for Windows clients or operating systems for Linux clients, Internet Explorer or Firefox for Internet clients or non Windows clients, minimum 128 Mb Ram, 150 Mb of disc space. All above mentioned trademarks have been regularly registered by the legitimate owners. Not all modules may be immediately available for this operational system.

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