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手作餅乾零失敗 Successful in Handmade Cookies 中英對照

吳金燕  著

作者序 Foreword

快樂做餅乾! Making Cookies Happily! 餅乾,可說是想進入烘焙天地的

Cookie is the easiest dessert to make for the people who


want to get into the world of baking. As long as to keep


the amount and proportion of eggs, flour, sugar, and butter


under control, add in the assorted nuts, dried fruits, or other


materials you like appropriately, and it’s hard to end in


failure. Students at the bakery class always ask me why the


commercially available handmade cookies are expensive


though they are so easy to make. In fact, I would encourage


them to bake cookies themselves to get the great value and the


sense of accomplishment.



The biggest advantage of making our own cookies is the


materials are actually fresh and healthy. Mothers who have


children do know that most of the commercial cookies have


excessive artificial synthetic additives but mothers cannot


totally stop their children from eating them. If mothers can


make the cookies with children at home, they not only don’t


need to worry about the health problem but also improve the


connection with their children, allowing them to enjoy the fun


of handmade cookies.


In this book, I organize about fifty to sixty types of dessert


recipes that are delicious and easy to make. According to their


tastes and dough textures, they are divided into “hard cookies”


that taste better as you chew, “soft cookies” that are soft and


sweet with good smell, and the “modified pastry” that include


scone, waffle, biscuit, and pie. They are all popular tea time




I also try my best to explain the formula, baking time,


production quantity, and the tools needed of every recipe, as


well as the detailed step by step diagram to let the readers


understand. I also combine the questions from students in


class, for example, why the bottom of cookies is burned easily,


why some cookies need soda powder while others do not, etc.


I answer them one by one, hoping the readers can pick them


up easily in practice and use different type of dough to make a


variety of snacks.

更加得心應手,善用各種不同的麵 團,做出千變萬化的小點心。

Handmade pastry can link up the family members. After simple decoration and packaging, it becomes an exquisite


gift for friends and relatives. In the modern society where


everything emphasizes quickness, the meaning of handmade


pastry can really amaze everyone who receives it.

餽贈親友的精緻禮物。在樣樣講求速 成的現代社會,手工製作的情意,相 信會讓每個收到的人都讚嘆不已呢!

Turn to the next page quickly, and go to kitchen start “stirring.”

趕快翻開下一頁,走進廚房開始 「攪和」吧!


吳金燕 台北市立木柵高工烘焙老師 台北市立文山特殊教育學校成教班烘焙 老師 新北市新店佳佳烘焙材料店烘焙老師 新北市板橋大家發廚藝教室烘焙老師

About the Author Chin-Yen Wu

Baking teacher at Taipei Municipal Muzha Vocational High School Baking teacher of continuing education class at Wenshan School of Special Education Baking teacher at Jia-Jia baking supply store in Hsintien, New Taipei City Baking teacher at Da-Jia-Fa culinary class in Banqiao, New Taipei City 3

Contents 目  錄

02 作者序 Foreword

快樂做餅乾! Making Cookies Happily!

10 愛上烘焙第一堂課 First Lesson in Making You Fall in Love with Baking

Part 1

硬式餅乾~咔滋咔滋 真好吃

13 基本材料認識 Acquaintance of Basic Materials

Hard Cookies~Crispy and Delicious

16 烘焙器具介紹 Introduction of Baking Utensils


19 三步驟成功做小餅乾 Making Cookies Successfully in 3 Steps 22 自用送禮兩相宜 Great for Personal Use or Gifts


28 果醬小西餅 Small Desserts with Jam

◆烘焙杏仁粉應選哪一種? What kind of almond flour should we choose for baking?

30 檸檬卡滋 Lemon Crunchy

◆如何使檸檬風味更香? How to make lemon smell even better?

32 亞麻仁胡桃餅乾 Linseed Walnut Cookies

◆堅果類餅乾怎麼烤最香? How to bake cookies with nuts so that they smell the best?

34 花生醬烤餅 Peanut Paste Cookies

◆麵團太黏手不好捏怎麼辦? What should we do if dough is too sticky to shape?


36 牛奶小西餅 Small Desserts with Milk

◆餅乾焙烤前為何要叉洞? Why should we poke holes before baking the cookies?

38 卡蕾特西餅 Ka Leite Dessert

◆卡蕾特西餅速配桔皮絲? Why do Ka Leite match with orange shreds?

40 香蔥蘇打餅乾 Scallion Crackers

◆如何自己做烘焙用香蔥? How to make baking purpose scallions by ourselves?

42 小紅莓捲心餅 Cranberry Rolls

44 匈牙利紅椒起司棒 Hungarian Paprika Cheese Sticks

46 草莓花圈 Strawberry Wreaths

48 楓糖燕麥烤餅 Maple Syrup and Oat Scones ◆即食燕麥片能做餅乾嗎?

◆起司粉應選哪一種起司? What types of cheese powder should we choose?

52 棋格餅乾 Checkerboard Cookies

◆為何不能用調味可可粉? Why do we not use flavored cocoa powder?

54 黑椒洋蔥鹹餅乾 Salted Crackers with Black Peppers and Onions

◆為何麵團必須先冷凍才切塊? Why should we freeze dough first before cutting it?

56 咖啡歐蕾 Café Au Lait

◆糖粉可以用砂糖代替嗎? Can sugar powder be replaced with granulated sugar?

58 皇家小西餅 Royal Desserts

◆如何烤出夏威夷豆香味? How to bring out Hawaiian beans flavor?

◆融化巧克力能用微波爐? Can a microwave be used to melt chocolate?

50 咖哩棒 Curry Sticks

◆什麼是硬質乳酪? What is hard cheese?


◆糖油攪打多久才算鬆發? How long does it take to stir sugar and grease until they are considered risen?


60 什錦果麥脆餅 Assorted Fruits and Wheat Crackers

◆紅糖為什麼要過篩? Why do we sift light brown sugar?

Can instant oatmeal be used in making cookies?


62 伯爵核桃小西餅 Earl Walnut Desserts

◆核桃為何要先烤香? Why do we bake walnuts first?

64 可可芭蕾西餅 Cocoa Ballet Desserts

◆怎樣做漂亮的球形餅乾? How to make beautiful sphere-looking cookies?

66 松子金三角 Pine nuts Golden Triangles

◆怎樣判斷麵團冰凍夠硬? How to determine dough is frozen and hard enough?

68 蕎麥黑糖雜糧餅乾 Buckwheat and Cereal Brown Sugar Cookies

軟式餅乾~隨手捏揉 花樣多 Soft Biscuits~Make All the Patterns You Want 酥鬆性餅乾

Crunchy Soft Cookies 74 核桃酥 Walnut Crispy Cookies

70 義大利堅果脆餅 Italian Biscotti ◆堅果脆餅的由來? What is the origin of biscotti?

◆綿白糖與砂糖有何不同? What is the difference between refined soft white sugar and granulated sugar?

◆蕎麥粉為何不能加太多? Why should we not add too much buckwheat flour?

Part 2

76 榛果巧克力小西餅 Hazelnut Chocolate Desserts

◆榛果如何選購及保存? How to choose and preserve hazelnuts?

78 英式奶油酥餅 English Butter Shortbread

◆烤酥餅要不要加發粉? Do we need to add leavening agent when baking shortbread?

80 抹茶核桃雪球 Matcha Walnut Snowballs

◆抹茶是即溶綠茶粉嗎? Is matcha instant green tea powder?


82 杏仁焦糖餅乾 Candied Almond Cookies

◆如何自己熬製糖脆? How do we cook crispy sugar coating by ourselves?

84 巧克力雙重奏 Chocolate Duet

◆巧克力為何不能直接煮? Why can we not just cook chocolate directly?

86 鳳梨燒菓子 Pineapple Baked Pastries

◆用矽膠烤模有哪些優點? What are the advantages of silicone molds?

88 雪姬 Snow Beauty

90 腰果酥餅 Cashew Shortbread

94 草莓泡泡 Strawberry Bubbles

92 玫瑰花香小西餅 Roses Desserts

◆如何判斷「溼性發泡」? How to determine soft peaks?

96 波浪紋夾心餅乾 Wavy Sandwich Crackers

◆如何用擠花袋擠出麵糊? How to squeeze out flour batter with a pastry bag?

98 抹茶丹麥酥 Matcha Danish Shortbread

◆丹麥酥為何偏愛菊花造型? Why do people use chrysanthemum flower shape for Danish shortbread?

100 黑炫風餅乾 Black Tornado Cookies

◆什麼是杏仁角? What are chopped almonds?

◆烘焙用腰果如何選購? How to choose baking purpose cashew nuts?

Soft Dough Cookies

◆如何快速刨出檸檬皮末? How do we grate lemon peel pieces quickly?


102 椰絲球 Coconut Balls

◆椰絲球乾鬆爽口的祕密? What is the secret of making crunchy and tasty coconut balls?

◆烘焙用玫瑰花如何使用? How to use baking purpose roses?

104 蘿蜜亞西餅 Romias Cookie

◆如何防止麥芽糖冷卻黏鍋? How to prevent maltose from sticking to a pot after cooling down?



Part 3

106 什錦堅果瓦片 Assorted Nuts Crisps

變化式小西餅~午茶 點心好搭檔


◆烤瓦片如何防止四邊焦黑? How to prevent crisps burning the edges?

108 芝麻薄餅 Sesame Crisps

◆剛烤好的餅乾為何不酥脆? Why are freshly baked cookies not crunchy?

110 咖啡杏仁薄餅 Coffee Almond Crisps

◆蛋液為何必須分次加入? Why should egg mixture need to be added in separately?

A Variety of Desserts~Good Choices for Tea Time Snacks 司康

Scones 120 香蔥火腿司康 Scallions and Ham Scones

What is the origin of scone?

112 櫻花蝦杏仁薄燒 Almond Crisps with Cherry Shrimps

122 蜂蜜燕麥司康 Honey Oat Scones

◆如何防止薄片餅乾破碎? How to prevent crisps from breaking apart?

◆冷掉的司康如何再加熱? How to re-heat cold scones?

114 海苔薄燒 Seaweed Crackers

124 比司吉 Biscuits

◆起司粉有哪些烹飪妙用? What are the good uses of cheese powder?

116 香橙蕾絲薄餅 Orange Lace Crisps

◆如何幫薄片餅乾做造型? How to shape crisps?



◆比司吉香Q鬆軟的祕訣? What is the tip on making crunchy and soft biscuits?


Waffles 126 瓦夫鬆餅 Waffles

◆如何保存鬆餅香濃美味? How to preserve thick aroma and flavor of waffles?

138 覆盆子起司派 Raspberry Cheese Pie

◆如何製作覆盆子凍? How to make raspberry jelly?

140 茅屋咖啡起司派 Cottage Coffee and Cheese Pie

◆如何自己做卡士達醬? How to make custard sauce by ourselves?

128 一口香酥小鬆餅 Bite-Size Crunchy Waffles

◆一口小鬆餅的祕密? What is the secret of bite-size crunchy waffles?

派餅 Pies

130 太妃糖堅果塔 Toffee Nut Tarts

◆如何熬煮太妃糖醬? How to cook toffee sauce?

132 林茲派 Linzer Torte

◆林茲派出爐為何不能馬上吃? Why can Linzer torte not be eaten right after being taken out of oven?

134 巧克力小塔 Mini Chocolate Tarts

◆融化巧克力的技巧? What is the technique for melting chocolate?

136 波士頓派 Boston Cream Pie

◆波士頓派是蛋糕還是派? Is Boston cream pie a cake or a pie?


愛上烘焙第一堂課 First Lesson in Making You Fall in Love with Baking 餅乾麵團二大基本類型 初學餅乾製作,可從麵糊的攪拌方式著手, 大致有以下兩種類型:

Two Basic Types of Cookie Dough Beginners learning cookie making can start from the stirring of the flour batter. There are basically

1 糖油拌合法 大部分餅乾都採用糖油拌合方式,先將材 料中的奶油與糖拌打至顏色變白呈鬆發狀,再 加進蛋液或牛奶等溼性材料,最後加入麵粉拌 合。由於拌合過程中會打入大量空氣,因此打 發程度越大,麵糊就越容易擴展成膨鬆狀,成 品口感也會特別酥鬆。

2 直接攪拌法 即是將所有材料全部加在一起攪拌的方式,

two types:

Creaming Method Most cookies use creaming method. Butter and sugar are beaten until the color turns white and the appearance is foaming. Egg mixture, milk, or other wet materials are added in, with flour added in last. The mixing process incorporates a lot of air. The more air is incorporated, the easier the flour batter expands to soft foam. The final product tastes especially crispy.

但仍要分溼性材料、粉類及油脂類並依序加 入,每放進一項材料都要先攪拌均勻再加入下

All Ingredient Method


This method is to add in all materials at the same


time and then stir them. Wet materials, flour, and


oil still need to be added in order. When adding in every type of material, stir it evenly before adding the next one until the color and type of all materials are evenly distributed. Excessive stirring may cause the flour become chewy and taste bad.


三種餅乾家族介紹 ●

酥硬性餅乾 因為使用油脂量較多,成品口感較酥,但

Introduction of Three Cookie Families ●



It has more grease so the texture is crunchy.


It is not easy to shape. Frozen or chill it in the


refrigerator until it solidifies before cutting it into


small pieces for baking. It is also called “refrigerator

脆硬性餅乾 配方中的糖與油脂用量都比較多,需將麵

pastry.” Do not keep it frozen for too long as the dough may get too hard, and that it may break easily during cutting.

團冷藏至稍硬,再利用餅乾壓模壓出造型或切 割,才能烤出又脆又硬的口感。如有名的義大 利脆餅,適合細細咀嚼其中的香味。

Cookies It has more sugar and grease in the formula. We

need to chill the dough until it is a little hard, and


then use a cookie cutter to cut a desired shape so


that we can get crispy and hard texture after baking.


For example, we can chew the well-known Italian

較軟的酥鬆性餅乾,配方含水量較高的軟性麵 糊餅乾,以及含油量較高的薄片形餅乾。

biscuit slowly to experience the fragrance within. ●

Soft Biscuits


Soft cookies are easy to shape. It is very suitable


for making a variety of patterns to enjoy the fun


of handmade. It includes the crunchy soft cookies


made of softer dough, the soft dough cookies with


higher water content, and the thin cookies with

在操作時需要注意的是,每塊麵團份量、大 小及厚薄程度要一致,以免烤焙的成果不佳。

higher grease content. Dough with harder texture can be molded by hands. For the softer one, use a spoon to dig a spoonful of dough and place it on a baking tray. For the even softer batter, use a pastry bag with a variety of tips to easily squeeze out the various patterns you want. Note that during operation, the amount, size, and thickness of the dough should be consistent to avoid bad baking results.


美味的祕密 1 材料配方必須精確掌握:麵團中的液體(包括蛋液、牛

奶、水)、奶油及糖分,都是影響餅乾軟硬、酥鬆的重 要關鍵,配方比例必須精確掌握。 2 創造軟硬酥脆不同口感:當麵團中的水分及油脂較少

時,餅乾口感就較硬;想烤出鬆軟一點的口感,奶油的 比例就要拉高。至於糖分比例高的配方,烤出來的餅乾 比較香脆。 3 多用磅秤培養手感經驗:建議烘焙新手剛開始分割麵團

時,最好多用磅秤輔助,每塊小麵團控制在10∼30公克 左右;等到培養出「手感」,就能憑經驗抓出適當的份 量了。

Secrets of Tasty Taste 1 Material formula needs to be in precise control: Liquid in the

dough (egg mixture, milk, and water), butter, and sugar all can impact the hardness and crunchiness of the cookie. The formula proportion needs to be in precise control. 2 Create different tastes in hardness, crunchiness, and

crispiness: When the dough contains less water or grease, the texture will be harder. To create more crunchy texture, add more butter. The formula with higher sugar content will produce crispier cookies. 3 Use weight scale often to develop the hand feel: It is

recommended for beginners to use a weight scale when cutting the dough. Each dough portion is to be kept between 10 to 30g. Once the hand feel is developed, the appropriate portion can be grasped according to experience.


基本材料認識 Acquaintance of Basic Materials ◆




The commercial flour is divided into high, low


and medium gluten flour based on the protein


proportion. Handmade cookies usually use low


gluten flour. Occasionally use high or medium

粉為主,偶爾搭配高筋或中筋使用,也可創造 不一樣的口感。 ◆

奶油 奶油是牛奶中提煉出

gluten flour to create different tastes. ◆

Butter Butter is solid fat extracted from milk. Using

butter in baking desserts can make the final product leavening and add fragrance. It has salted and


unsalted types. Baking recipes usually use unsalted


butter. Be careful to check for the label when



般烘焙食譜所使用的奶油多為無鹽奶油。選購 時要看清包裝上的標示。 ◆

安佳酥油 是無水奶油的一種,就是去除奶油中的水分


◆ Anchor


It is a type of waterless butter by removing the water content. It can be used in baking just like the regular butter. As the water content is less, add appropriate amount of water to the materials.

油所含的水分較少,如要替換使用,需酌量增 加材料中的水分。





When eggs are quickly beaten to foamy, the


protein structure is changed, making cookies soft,


leavening, full of fragrance, and colored. Use the


eggs in room temperature. If they are taken out from

糖 烘焙常用的糖,可分為細砂糖、糖粉、紅

糖、糖漿等,主要做為餅乾中的甜味劑。因風 味略異,可根據欲呈現的餅乾特性選擇使用。

the refrigerator, thaw them first. ◆

Sugar Sugar used in baking can be divided into

g r a n u l a t e d , p o w d e r e d , l i g h t b r o w n s u g a r, and molasses, and they are mainly used as


the sweeteners for cookies. As the flavor is


slightly different, select the ones to present the


characteristics you want. In general, sugar can make the dough more exquisite. The color of final product


may be different after being baked. Sugar also can

小蘇打粉(Baking Soda)簡稱B.S,呈弱鹼

keep water in cookies to prevent the final product


from going bad too fast after being taken out from


the oven.


中要選購食用級的小蘇打粉。 ◆

泡打粉 泡打粉(Baking Powder)簡稱B.P,也就


Baking Soda The abbreviation of baking soda is B.S. It is

weak alkaline. It is used as a leavening agent for baking. Add it to the cookie dough, the volume will expand after baking. Be careful to use baking soda, as using too much may make the final product taste


a bit alkaline. Buy the food grade baking soda for


cuisine and desserts.

態,並增加鬆軟的口感。 ◆

Baking Powder The abbreviation of baking powder is B.P.

Just like baking soda, it is used as the leavening agent for desserts. Besides baking soda, other sour materials are added in it so that the final product will be more leavening with a soft texture.



Powdered Milk


Powdered milk can add flavor and taste to


the final products. There are whole and low-


fat powdered milk. You can use the household


powdered milk for baking. You can also go to

可可粉 可可粉是製作巧克力風味的點心必備材料,

baking supply stores to buy the ones primarily for baking which has richer milk smell. ◆


Cocoa Powder Cocoa powder is essential for making chocolate


flavor desserts. It contains a little bitterness and


special aroma. It can be used in combination with


baking soda to neutralize the acidity of cocoa powder while riching the color.

香精常用於增加成品的香氣,並去除蛋腥 味,有原味香草精、檸檬香精、草莓香精等多

Essence Essence is commonly used to increase the aroma


of the final product and remove the fishy smell of ◆


eggs. There are original, lemon, strawberry, and


many other flavors to be choosen from.

隔水加溫的方式融化再使用。有充滿100%巧克 力風味的苦甜巧克力,也有白巧克力、薄荷或 草莓巧克力磚等各種不同口味的巧克力。 ◆

各式堅果 包括杏仁、核桃、腰果、南瓜子等各種堅


Chocolate Bar It’s a dedicated material used for making

chocolate desserts. It needs to be chopped and melted by double boiling method first. There are bittersweet chocolate with 100% chocolate flavor, white chocolate, mint, strawberry, and many other different flavors chocolate bars.

值。揉製在麵團中烘烤時可直接使用;若是當 作烤好的餅乾表面上的裝飾時,需事先用低溫 烘烤至熟。

◆ Assorted


Nuts include almonds, walnuts, cashews, and pumpkin seeds. They are used for adding the crispy texture and nutritional value of cookies. Nuts can be directly used in the dough kneading process. If they are used as the decoration on the baked cookies, be sure to bake them at low temperature first.


烘焙器具介紹 Introduction of Baking Utensils 餅乾模具和製作工具 ◆

Cookie Cutters and Tools Stainless Steel Basin and Glass



Bowl They are the best containers used for holding and

要鬆弛的話也可直接覆上溼布操作。選擇底部 呈圓弧造形的盆較好。

stirring the materials. If loosening is needed after stirring, directly cover it with a wet cloth. It is best


to select the ones with an arc-shaped bottom.

除了攪打蛋液外,亦可用來攪拌質地較稀軟 的材料,使麵糊能均勻的混合。 ◆

Other than beating eggs, it also can be used to stir


the ingredients that are softer in texture to make the


flour batter mixed evenly.


而根據攪打的材料,也有不同造型的攪拌器可 供替換。 ◆


篩網 主要用來過篩粉類材料。麵粉等粉類食材常


An electric mixer is the most time and laborsaving tool to quickly stir and beat butter. It offers different speeds in stirring and different forms of beaters according to ingredients. ◆

Sieve Mainly used for sifting flour. Flour and other

網將其過篩後再使用,容易混拌均勻,也能使 成品口感更細緻。

Electric Mixer

powder ingredients may have agglomeration to form chunks due to moisture or improper storage.


Use a sieve to sift the flour before using to mix them


evenly, making the final products taste even more


silky and softer.



Weight Scale Butter and flour both need a certain proportion

to mix for baking, so that a weight scale is an indispensable tool. An electronic scale is better than a traditional one for accurate measurement. 16


Measuring Spoon


Measuring spoons are used for measuring small


quantity of ingredients, such as sugar, baking soda


etc. There are four sizes of spoons, 1 tbsp., 1 tsp.,


½ tsp., and ¼ tsp. They are linked together to form

料後,再用筷子或刮刀刮平。 ◆

量杯 秤量粉類或液態材料的必備工具,有不銹


a set available in plastic or stainless steel materials. The accurate way to measure ingredient is to scoop it up by a measure spoon and then use chopsticks or a scraper to scrape the excess on top. ◆

跟杯面的刻度呈一水平線才夠準確。 ◆

麵棍 用來將麵團壓成適當的厚度。一般市售多為


A must-have tool for measuring powder or liquid materials, and they are available in stainless steel, acrylic, and aluminum. The materials being measured need to have the top level matching with the scale marked on the cup.

燥,避免發霉。 ◆ ◆

Measuring Cup

Rolling Pin Used for rolling the dough into an appropriate

刮刀 用橡膠製成的刮刀具有彈性,在拌合材料、

thickness. Most of the commercial rolling pins are


available in wood. After use, they need to be washed


and wiped with a dry cloth to prevent mildew.

烤架 一般多放置於烤箱中當烤架使用,亦可取出

做為置涼架。將剛出爐的餅乾放置在烤網上進 行冷卻,可充分散熱,使餅乾口感更酥脆。

Scraper Plastic-made scrapers have elasticity and they are

convenient in mixing ingredients and stirring flour batter. They can also scrape the stickier flour batter from the stainless steel basin to reduce the loss of ingredients during making process. ◆

Grill It is often used in an oven, or that it can be used

as a cooling rack when placed outside. The freshbaked cookies can be put on the grill for cooling, making the texture even crunchier and crispier.



Cookie Mold


Used for pressing patterns on cookies and are

屬兩種材質。將麵團 平後,再將餅乾模具以按

available in plastic and metal. Roll out the dough


flat and use the cookie molds to press into them to make desired patterns.

烤盤 選購時必須搭配烤箱的規格使用。要是擔心

餅乾麵團容易沾黏的話,只要在上面另鋪上一 層烘焙紙即可。 ◆


Baking Tray Pick up the ones fitting the oven specifications.

Cover a sheet of baking paper on it if you are worried that the dough may stick to it. ◆

Pastry Bag and Tip


They are also called triangle bags. The opening


can be connected with different tips to offer a


variety of cookies after filling in flour batter.


Pie Plate


They are commonly made of aluminum, and


some of them are made of non-stick materials with


special treatment. You can also buy the disposable

等多種規格可供選擇。 ◆

單柄鍋 將奶油或巧克力以隔水加熱方式融化時,使


pie pan. They are available in round, daisy, heart, and many different shapes. ◆

Saucepan When melting butter or chocolate by double

boiling method, use small saucepan with a handle. It is most convenient.



Making Cookies Successfully in 3 Steps




Step 1

Mixing Ingredients

*Is the butter fully melted?


Butter is one of the sources of the delicious


and crisp cookies. After taking it out from the


refrigerator, leave it in room temperature to make


it soften naturally. When being pressed with a

油,就不能透過任何一種加熱方式或融化成液 態,以免影響成品。

*粉類分別過篩了嗎? 麵粉、小蘇打粉、香草粉……各種粉類食材 加入攪拌前,必須一一用篩網過篩,使顆粒均

finger tip and that the surface shows a concave, it can be mixed easily with other materials. If the recipe specifies soften butter, do not use any heating method to melt it into liquid form as it may affect the final product.

*Are the powders sifted?


Flour, baking soda, vanilla powder, and all types


of powder need to be sifted one by one to make the


particles uniform before being mixed and stirred.

*每種材料該分別加入嗎? 當糖油拌合好,才能加入篩過的麵粉、香 料,再依序加入蛋或其他液態材料。且最好採 「分次加入」的方式,以免油水分離及過度攪 拌。開始接觸麵粉,只要記住簡單三步驟,就

During sifting, just gently shake the sieve. If there are still coarse particles, just use fingers to crush them and gently shake the sieve again.

*Do every ingredient need to be added in separately? Sugar and oil need to be mixed well before


adding in sifted flour and spices, followed by eggs


and other liquid materials. Add them in order to prevent the oil-water separation and excessive stirring. Remember these three simple steps and you can easily make the handmade cookies that offer excellent flavor and taste enjoyed by the whole family.





Step 2

Stirring and Making Dough

*Is the dough or beaten leavened?


Leavening is to add granulated sugar or powdered


sugar to butter and quickly stir whip them until the


inside is filled with air. This is not only to make


the ingredients evenly mixed, but also allow the


emulsification of grease and sugar through stirring.

*攪拌力道太重了嗎? 攪拌過程中要注意,力道宜輕不宜重。不管 是用手還是用電動攪拌器,只要輕輕拌勻就行 了。在乾性、溼性材料分別依序加入後,只要 一拌勻,就要馬上停止攪拌。

*不能順同一方向攪拌嗎? 攪拌時,不可順同一方向規律性地攪拌,

Pump air into dough and batter to make them even more bulky and smooth.

*Do I stir with too much force? Apply light, not heavy force during the stirring process. No matter if it is done manually or by an electric mixer just mixes it gently. After dry and wet ingredients are added in order and mixed evenly,


stop stirring immediately.


*Can’t I just keep stirring along the same


direction? Do not keep stirring in the same direction as it may change the gluten property of the flour. The best method is to use the rubber scraper to shovel the flour batter from the bottom of the steel bowl, and push or press it toward the middle.





Step 3

Shaping and Baking

*Is the dough in equal size?


The thickness and sizes of the cookie dough


affect the levels of ripeness. Do not make it too


thick or too big, and that the sizes and shapes


should be consistent. Leave some spaces between


prevent them from sticking to each other after being

將餅乾放入烤箱烤焙前約10∼15分鐘,烤箱 需事先預熱(上、下火各180℃),可幫助麵團 受熱更均勻。由於每個廠牌的烤箱特性不同,

the dough when placing them on the baking tray to heated and expanding.

*Is the oven temperature suitable? The oven needs to be pre-heated (180℃ both


upper and lower heat) 10 to 15 minutes before


placing the cookies inside for baking to help

*成品烤焙上色了嗎? 烤箱的上火跟餅乾表面上色最有直接關係; 而下火溫度太高,或烤盤太接近下層,很容易

create an even heating atmosphere for the dough. As the ovens from different manufacturers vary in properties, it is best to adjust the time and temperature based on the coloring of the cookies


during the baking process, no need to completely


follow the recipe.


*Are the final products colored during


baking? The upper heat of the oven is directly related to the surface coloring of the cookies. If the lower heat is too high, or the baking tray is too close to the lower part, it may burn the bottom or the edge of the cookies. Adjust the position of the tray when baking, or change the orientation of it during baking to make the color and crookedness of the cookie desserts consistent.



Great for Personal Use or Gifts

手工餅乾的保存 當餅乾熱呼呼出爐時,撲鼻而來的香味,總 是令人想忍不住嚐它一口!不過,這時候可不 是品嚐的最佳時機喔!剛烤出來的餅乾,必須 等到完全放涼,才能展現酥、香、脆的特性, 吃起來口感最好。 但是,剛烤好的餅乾如放在室溫下過久,也 會因為吸收溼氣而變軟,因此放涼後最好馬上 裝入密封罐或密封袋中,置於室溫下保存。存 放良好的話,通常可保鮮一星期左右。也可將 一片片餅乾分別用小包裝袋密封好,待食用時 再拆封,保鮮期甚至可長達半個月。 萬一餅乾受潮軟化了也沒關係,只要放到烤 箱中用150℃低溫慢烤3∼5分鐘將水分烤乾,就 能恢復原有的酥脆口感了。

手工餅乾的包裝 每每收到手工製作的小禮物,心中總是充滿 驚喜與感動。餅乾烤好後,幫它們加上巧思包 裝,把這份溫暖傳遞給親朋好友吧! 烘焙材料行有各種尺寸及花樣的包裝盒可 供選擇,平時自己也可以收集一些漂亮的紙袋 或紙盒。在底部鋪入乾淨的棉紙,就可裝入餅 乾,表面再繫上緞帶或黏上蝴蝶結。簡簡單單 的素材,結合一點小創意,為自己親手烘焙的 餅乾穿上美麗外衣,就是一份情意滿滿、讓人 愛不釋手的禮物喔!


Storing Handmade Cookies

Packaging Handmade Cookies

We always want to take a bite of the fresh and

We are full of surprise and joy whenever we

hot cookies when they were just taken out of the

receive handmade gifts. After finishing baking the

oven with great aroma. However, this is not the best

cookies, package them creatively and send this

time to taste them. The freshly baked cookies need

warmth to all friends and relatives.

to be chilled to show the crunchiness, fragrance, and crispiness and that they offer the best texture.

Baking supply stores offer a variety of sizes and patterns of packages to be choosen from. You can

However, if they are left in the room temperature

also collect beautiful paper bags or boxes. Put in

for too long, they may become soft due to absorbing

clean paper at the bottom and then cookies. Tie the

moisture. It is best to put them in sealed cans or

bag or box up with a ribbon or a bowtie. Combine

bags and store them in room temperature after they

a simple material with creativity to dress the

chill. With proper storage, they can stay fresh for

handmade cookies. And that is a great gift full of

about one week. They can also be sealed in small

sincerity and loved by everyone.

packet one by one.Open them only when eating, and that the shelf life can be as long as half a month. It is still alright if they become soft due to moisture. Put them in an oven and heat them up at 150℃ for 3 to 5 minutes to dry the moisture and that can restore the original crispy texture.


盒裝法 Box Method 準備材料 Material 圓形紙盒(附蓋)

Round paper box (with lid)


Tissue paper




Lace paper

作法 Step

1 先將棉紙及花邊紙鋪入紙盒 當中。 Spread the tissue paper and lace paper inside the paper box first.


2 緞帶摺疊成漂亮的蝴蝶結, 備用。 M a k e a b o w t i e w i t h t h e ribbon for later use.

3 將 餅 乾 放 入 盒 中 , 蓋 上 盒 蓋,貼上蝴蝶結即可。 Put the cookies into the box, cover it with the lid, and then stick the bowtie to the box.

袋裝法 Bag Method 準備材料 Material 各式棉紙

Assorted tissue papers




Shredded paper


Golden thread




Cotton bags

作法 Step

1 起司棒用棉紙包好備用。 Wrap cheese sticks with tissue papers.

2 在棉紙袋中放入細紙絲,再 放入起司棒。 P lace the shredded paper inside the cotton bag and then put the cheese sticks in.

3 用玻璃紙將棉紙袋包好,收 口在上摺成扇形,並且綁上 金線。 Use the cellophane to wrap

4 綁上蝴蝶結並將上方玻璃紙 拉平整即可。 Ti e a b o w a n d p u l l t h e cellophane on top flat.

the cotton bag, fold the mouth of the bag into a fan shape, and tie together with the golden thread. 25


C hatting ab out Dess er ts

餅乾點心的由來 The Origin of Cookie Desserts 用不同比例的麵粉、奶油、糖、蛋揉揉拌拌, 就 能 做 出 變 化 萬 千 的 餅 乾 點 心, 據 說 是 距 今 一百多年前無心插柳下的產物呢!

史上第一片比斯開餅乾 相傳十九世紀時,有一艘英國帆船行駛到法 國附近的比斯開灣,突然遭遇狂風大浪,船隻 因觸礁擱淺,停留在一座小島上。在食物缺乏 情況下,船員只好拿出船上僅剩的麵粉、砂糖、 奶油等材料,隨意混合再用火烤熟,沒想到味 道竟出奇的鬆脆好吃。後來回到英國,就把這 種隨手捏烤的麵餅稱為「比斯開」(biscuit)。也 有一說認為這種油脂量較少的硬質餅乾,因為 容易攜帶、可長期保存不變質,是古代行軍或 搭船時人人必備的營養口糧。

有趣好吃的幸運餅乾 如果有機會到美國旅遊,不妨到中國餐館吃 頓飯!這些餐廳大部分都會在飯後附上元寶形 狀的幸運脆餅,又稱為「籤語餅乾」。用手抓 住籤頭兩端輕輕掰開,就會露出一張白色小紙 條,上面寫著一些有趣的諺語、預言或是數字。 因配方與日式煎餅十分相似,也被認為是旅居 美國的日本人改良而成。 現在不僅在美國,其他國家的中餐館有時也 能見到這種趣味成分居多的幸運餅乾,甚至還 有廠商製成商品直接販售。下次自己烤薄片形 餅乾,不妨趁著剛烤好還未定型前,夾入紙條 再捏成元寶狀,自己創造好吃又好玩的餅乾!


Rub and stir flour, butter, sugar, and egg in different ratio to create a variety of cookie desserts. It is said to be a product done by accident more than a hundred years ago.

The First Biscuit in History A legend said that in the 19th century, a British ship sailed to Biscay near France and encountered a storm. The ship ran aground and stayed in a small island. In shortage of food, the crew mixed the leftover flour, sugar, butter, and other materials, rubbed and heated them up. The taste was surprisingly delicious and crispy. After they returned to England, they introduced this type of baked bread as “biscuit.”There was another saying that this type of hard cookie in low grease was easy to carry and could be stored for long time without spoilage, and that it was a nutritional ration desired by people in the march or sailing in the past.

Fun and Delicious Good Luck Cookies In the Chinese restaurants located in the U.S., they provide good luck cookies that look like gold ingot after meal. They are also called the fortune cookies. Use hands to gently break them up and you will see a small white piece of paper within. Interesting proverbs, prophecies, or numbers are usually written on it. The formula is similar to Japanese pancake, so some people think that it was invested by the Japanese living in the U.S. back then. Now, not only in the U.S., good luck cookies can be seen in some Chinese restaurants. Some makers are offering it as a merchandise to sell directly. Next time when you bake thin cookies, you can try to put in pieces of paper before the cookies take shape, and then form the cookies into a golden ingot shape. You can create your own fun and delicious cookies!

Part 1

硬式餅乾 Hard Cookies

~咔滋咔滋真好吃!~ Crispy and Delicious

點心小鋪 Dessert Tip



烤焙溫度 Baking Temperature 使用模型

Small Desserts with Jam

Cookie Mold




Baking Time About 15~18 minutes

5cm花形壓模及3cm圓形壓模各一個 One 5cm flower pattern and one 3cm round shape cutter

材料 製作份量約60片

Ingredient  Quantity about 60 pieces

A: 無鹽奶油250公克,糖粉120公克,

A: Unsalted butter 250g, powdered sugar 120g, salt 1/4 tsp.

鹽1/4小匙 B: 全蛋1個,天然香草醬適量

B: 1 whole egg, appropriate amount of natural vanilla

C: 低筋麵粉380公克,乳酪粉30公克

C: Low-gluten flour 380g, cheese powder 30g

D: 杏仁粉60公克

D: Almond flour 60g ※Appropriate amount of assorted jams



製作步驟 1 A 料放入盆中打發(圖1),分2次加入B料

1 Beat ingredient A in a bowl until fluffy (Figure 1),

add in ingredient B (Figure 2) in 2 different times

(圖2)拌勻。 2 C 料過篩,與D料一起加入作法1(圖3),拌

and stir them well. 2 Sift ingredient C; add them and ingredient D into

至均勻無顆粒, 成厚度約0.3∼0.4cm的長方

Step 1 mixture (Figure 3). Stir them well until there


is no granule and form dough measuring about 0.3

3 取出麵皮,用花形壓模壓出形狀(圖4),取

to 0.4cm in thickness. Chill it for about 30 minutes.


3 Take out the dough and use a flower pattern cutter

to cut out a shape (Figure 4). Take half of the


flower-shape dough and use the round cutter to cut

4 將 中空的花形麵皮疊在另一半完整的花形麵

out a circular hole in it (Figure 5).


4 Put the flower-shape dough on top of the dough that


is intact. Bake them in an oven, cool them down and add in appropriate amount of jam (Figure 6).

1 28






烘焙杏仁粉應選哪一種? 烘焙用杏仁粉是美國杏仁磨成的粉,而非中式杏仁茶常用的南北杏,雖沒有南北杏特有的 香氣,但有一股淡淡的堅果味。平時需冷藏保存,若有結塊需壓散再使用。

What kind of almond flour should we choose for baking?

Almond powder is made from grinding American almonds. It is not the type of almond used in Chinese drink so there is no distinct aroma but a light almond smell. It needs to be refrigerated. For any signs of agglomeration, press them loose before using.



烤焙溫度 Baking Temperature



Baking Time


Lemon Crunchy

約20分鐘 About 20 minutes

無 N/A

Cookie Mold

材料 製作份量約55個

Ingredient  Quantity about 55 pieces


A: Unsalted butter 200g, powdered sugar 120g

B:蛋白40公克 C:新鮮檸檬汁20公克,烘焙專用檸檬油適量

B: Egg white 40g C: Fresh lemon juice 20g, appropriate amount of baking purpose lemon oil


D: Low-gluten flour 350g


E: 1 fresh lemon, cashew nuts 1/2 cup



1 將 A料放入盆中拌勻(圖1),分次加入B料

1 Stir ingredient A in a bowl until fluffy (Figure 1),

add in ingredient B in several times, and then stir


them well.

2 再加入C料(圖2)拌勻。

2 Add in ingredient C (Figure 2) and stir them well.

3 接 著加入過篩的D料(圖3),拌至均勻無顆

3 Continuously add in sifted ingredient D (Figure 3)

and stir them until there is no granule.

粒狀。 4 檸 檬以刨絲器刨出綠色皮末,腰果切碎,均

4 S hred lemon with a grater to make green peel

pieces. Chop cashew nuts. Add them both to Step 3

加入作法3中(圖4),並拌勻成麵團。 5 麵團分成數塊,滾成圓柱狀(直徑2cm)(圖

(Figure 4) and stir them well to make a dough. 5 Divide the dough into several pieces in equal size

and roll them into cylinder shape (2cm in diameter)


(Figure 5). Cover them with plastic wrap and freeze

6 取出,均切成小塊,排在烤盤上(圖6),即


them in the freezer. 6 Take them out, cut them in small pieces and then ,

put them on the baking tray (Figure 6), and they are ready to be baked in the oven.

1 30






如何使檸檬風味更香? 想做出檸檬香味的糕點,需加入檸檬皮才能發揮作用。檸檬皮可用磨皮器或刨絲器輕鬆磨 末,但記得要避開果皮內側的白色皮膜,才不會產生苦味。

How to make lemon smell even better?

To make lemon scented desserts, add in lemon peel. Use a scraper or grater to scrape the lemon peel lightly, but be sure to avoid peeling the white membrane inside the peel so that there is no bitterness.


國家圖書館出版品預行編目資料 手作餅乾零失敗 / 吳金燕著 . -- 初版 -- 新北市 : 人類智庫數位科技 , 2015 面;公分 中英對照版 ISBN 978-986-373-103-0(平裝) 1. 點心食譜 427.16


人類智庫 1979年2月22日 創立

手作餅乾零失敗(中英對照版) 作 者 吳金燕 責任編輯 陳台華 文字編輯 林雅婷 特約編輯 Vanessa Chen 美術主編 張承霖 美術編輯 林夢婷 排 版 曠然設計實業社 發 行 人 桂台樺 投資出版 人類智庫數位科技股份有限公司 發行代理 人類文化事業股份有限公司 公司網址 www.humanbooks.com.tw 公司地址 新北市新店區民權路115號5樓 公司電話 (02)8667-2555(代表號) 公司傳真 (02)2218-7222(代表號) 劃撥帳號 01649498 戶名:人類文化事業有限公司 書店經銷 聯合發行股份有限公司 製版印刷 威鯨科技有限公司

出版日期 2015年2月28日 定 價 新台幣199元 版權所有 翻印必究

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