Alfinchen Design by Irene Jumbo
This Shawl was designed and knitted from edith58 and yarnelefant for a lovely friend as a birthday gift. Yarn suggestion: Babycamel – silk superfine with 700m/100g (about 650m were used) Needles: 4 or 4,5 Beads: at least 800 – 900 apposite to your yarn crochet needle Please read the whole instruction with care before cast on. Cast on 5 stiches – purl wrong side row only right rows are charted – purl wrong side rows 2 stiches at the start and end of each row (selvedge stitches) are to be knitted all the time. Knit Chart A until you have 193 stiches on your needles.
Chart A: mllolulllllllllllololllllllllllulollm15 mllolullllllllolollllllllulollm 13.R mllolulllllololllllulollm 11.R mllolullolollulollm 9.R. mllolololollm 7.R mllolollm 5.R mlololm 3.R lllll 1.R
m l o u q Q j J a V v
selvedge stitch knit yarn over ml k2tog ssk k3tog slip 1, knit 2tog, pass slipped stiches over without meaning slip 2, knit 1, pass slipped stiches over pattern repeat
Each row starts with: selevedge stich, knit 2, yarn over, knit, make one twisted stich, knit. Each row ends with: knit, make one twisted stich, knit, yarn over, knit 2, selevedge stich. The increases from the middle of Chart A were knitted continuously. These yarn overs are currently included into the pattern. The first pattern row starts with the stiches at the start of each row.
Chart B – see also explanations at the end Purl wrong side rows.
In the first row, the pattern repeat will be knitted 15 times and added to the center – after the central stich again the pattern repeat will be knitted and added to the border in the following rows according to the pattern. This approach is also applied to the last stiches. Knit increases at the end of the row as described ahead. JollloJoll ojoloqojol lloJollloq loqojoloql JollloJoll ojoloqojol lloJollloq loqojoloql JollloJoll ojoloqojol v v
19.R 17R 15.R 13.R 11.R 9.R 7.R 5.R 3.R 1.R
The intermediate part is knitted in stockinette stich until you have 291 stiches on your needles. Increases are made on the borders as described ahead and ongoing before and after the center stich.
Chart C: ppp loqoqlQoQollloqoql oqoqlllQoQoloqoqll loqloVolQollloqloq oqloqlQolQoloqloql qllolllollQlqlloll qlllololllQlqlllol QoQollloqoqlQoQoll lQoQoloqoqlllQoQol olQollloqloVolQoll QolQoloqloqlQolQol lollQlqllolllollQl olllQlqlllololllQl v v
23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1
Knit Chart C 11 x in the 1. row
1st row: selvedge stich, knit 2, 1YO, knit 1, make 1twisted stich – Chart beginning - 11x Chart – knit 3, YO, knit 1, place Marker ,YO, knit 3, 11x Chart – at the end of the row, knit the first 6 stiches from Chart - make 1 twisted stich, knit 1, YO, knit 2, slevedge stich The ongoing addition is made according to the chart. Increases before and after the selvedge stich are not charted, but they happen furthermore. Stiches created by YO or increases are knitted according to the chart. Knit Chart C a second time. If you like to you may enlarge the scarf by knitting further repetitions. In row 49 the stiches are crocheted. Between each single crochet do 2 slip stiches. For each leaf tip, marked with purl 3, crochet together 3 stiches – before and after each leaf tip at least 3 or 4 slip stiches are required.
Second variant to finish by alfa159: crochet together 3 stiches, crochet 6 slip stiches, crochet together 3 stiches, crochet 6 slip stiches, and so on.
Start Chart B 3rd
row (and
Peaches - alfa159 row) of Chart B
1st row: knit 1, YO, knit 3 together, YO, place marker, knit 2 together, YO, knit 1, YO, knit 3 together, YO, place marker, knit 2 together, YO, knit 1, YO, knit 3 together, YO, place marker, and so on ‌ 3rd row: knit 2, YO, slip 1, knit 2 together, pass sliped stich over (1 stich after the marker is needed to do 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped stich over, and so on ... 3rd is finished now ‌...............
this), replace marker, YO, knit 3, YO, again: slip
m u q J
selvedge stitch ml k2tog slip 1, knit 2tog, pass slipped stiches over
l Q a V
knit ssk without meaning slip 2, knit 1, pass slipped stiches over
o j v
yarn over k3tog pattern repeat
Yellow areas: Raport: repeat several times. Right side lolloJollloJollloJollloJollloJollloJolllulollm l ollojoloqojoloqojoloqojoloqojoloqoqlulollm l ollloJollloJollloJollloJollloJollulollm l oloqojoloqojoloqojoloqojoloqllulollm l olllloJollloJollloJollloJolulollm l olloqojoloqojoloqojoloqlulollm l oQollloJollloJollloqlulollm l oQoloqojoloqojolllulollm l olJollloJolllllulollm l oojoloqojollulollm
19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1
Left side 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1
mllolulJollloJollloJollloJollloJollloJolllolo mllolullloqojoloqojoloqojoloqojoloqojoloqo mllolullllloJollloJollloJollloJollloqlo mllolulloqojoloqojoloqojoloqojoloqlo mllolulllloJollloJollloJollloJolo mlloluloqojoloqojoloqojoloqoqo mllolullloJollloJollloJollo mllolullojoloqojoloqoqlo mllolulloJollloJolllo mllolulojoloqojolo
yarnelefant wishes you a lot of fun knitting this pattern.
Many thanks to eiskristall for the translation. If you have questions to this pattern please contact eiskristall
Please pay respect to my copyright. No reproduction (neither in blogs nor on other sites) is allowed. You may not sell products created with this pattern. Copyright by Irene Jumbo.