Double Crumb Cake

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The Country Cook: Double Crumb Cake


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Monday, May 6, 2013

Double Crumb Cake

One of my fav orite hobbies is to learn about regional cooking in America. I lov e that ev ery where y ou go in this country , y ou will find familiar foods but y ou'll also find foods that are unique to that region. Foods they are known for. Like here in V irginia, we know pig. We like to cook pig. We are ham country here. Down in North Carolina, they like to smoke the pig and make the most beautiful BBQ I hav e ev er eaten in my life. I lov e me some Carolina BBQ. Go further south and y ou get into low country boil territory and going ev en further south y ou will discov er Cuban food and key lime pies. And in between all that are smaller regional pockets of amazing and delightful foods. If y ou lov e food and consider y ourself a "foodie" then just trav eling our country is a tastebud tantalizing ex perience. Y ou don't hav e to go far to ex perience something new or different And I lov e that.

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The particular cake recipe I'm sharing today has roots in New Y ork and New Jersey . Crumb cake or crumb buns can be easily found in most NY and NJ bakeries. It is a staple and it is something those bakers hav e perfected. I was introduced to this particular recipe by my friend Patti from Comfy Cuisine. She is a New Jersey nativ e so I trust her to know good crumb cake when she tastes it. And after hav ing made this, I gotta agree. Patti suggests making this in an 8x 8 pan so y ou hav e a really thick crumble topping. And because my husband's fav orite part of this cake is the crumble topping, I baked it in the smaller pan. Howev er, if y ou want a thinner cake with a slightly thinner crumb topping then

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