NARRATIVE STRUCTURES There are several theories about the way fictional narratives (stories) are constructed/told.
Narrative theory 1 - Toderov. Tzvetan Todorov identified the basis of all narrative as the development from one equilibrium to another via a series of external forces. equilibrium
disruptive force
oppositional force
new equilibrium
Narrative theory 2 – Propp Vladimir Propp (1968) looked at Russian folklore and identified a number of common narrative structures which are evident in many TV dramas. Hero
Narrative theory 3 – Levi-Strauss Levi-Strauss (1964) studied the myths of tribal cultures and discovered recurring binary themes such as good/evil, light/darkness. We even see these simplistic themes in news stories (e.g. North Korea bad, Iran bad, Australia good, France ?). Such simplistic approaches to complex issues reveal underling ideological attitudes.
Narrative devices A fictional narrative needs the following things: Normality (equilibrium)
a presentation of the stable ‘initial conditions’ of the narrative (or equilibrium)
A hero
one individual who the narrative revolves around and whose perspective dominates
An enigma (villain)
or agent of change, which deflects the hero from his (rarely her) normal everyday life (disequilibrium)
A quest
which the hero has to embark upon in order to overcome the effects of the enigma
A resolution (new equilibrium)
or return to normality which signals closure of the narrative (new equilibrium)