Sophie Kilmartin COP 3 Proposal
What is good? - To what Extent does social responsibility impact on the role and function of illustration My research question for 501, allowed me to briefly explore the impact of social responsibility on our culture. I found the topic highly interesting and would be interested in exploring this further. There are many means in which this could be approached. I am perhaps partially interested in looking at the pressure on the younger generation to conform and comply to a society filled with predetermined views, and ideals about how you should behave. - societies control over your identity. - to what extent does the media - and illustration impact our behaviour / and how does our society trends / ideals impact illustration and its purpose?
Themes to Explore: Social Conditioning Right and Wrong - How effectively can illustration be used to show whats right and wrong? (to the younger generation) - through TV? Media? Comics Animal Cruelty? ( i am also interested in how illustration is being used to raise awareness and do good. - has this role because of all the negative things happening in the world) The Rise and Impact of social media. - On the younger generation? / Illustrations impact/ influence over the young generation. What role does it play? Corporate control. - To what extent is the media controlling our behaviour? our identity? and what is illustrations role in this? Western society/culture. - control/influence.
Passive, 2013 by Joey Klarenbeek BASTILLE POSTER by Telegramme
Lord of the Flies by Levente Szabo
Batman Poster
LVG - Hope by Dave Merrell
Quotations and references: Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage. Amy Jo Martin
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‘By spreading a variety of of non-traditional images and ideas about how people can appear and act, the mass media can server a valuable role in shattering the unhelpful moulds of ‘male’ and ‘female’ roles’ (Butler, J. 1990:274) “Queer theory is a radical remix of social construction theory, and a call to action: since identities are not fixed - neither to the body nor to the ‘self’ - we can perform ‘gender’ in whatever way we like. Although certain masculine and feminine formations may have been learned, those patterns can be broken.” (Butler, J. 1990:83) - what is taught to us and what is conditioned? are we born with an ‘identity’ - sense of internal self? or are we forced to behave a certain way? what is illustrations role within this?
The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself. - Rita Mae Brown, Venus Envy The opposite of bravery is not cowardice but conformity. - Dr. Robert Anthony Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary. - Albert Einstein Thoreau points out how men are losing their humanity. He states that they work at unfulfilling jobs just to get by day by day. Instead of being viewed as individuals, humans have "no time to be anything but a machine." By stating that men are no better than machines, he points to the mediocrity of life. Machines are tools utilized to accomplish a task. Nevertheless, autonomy is replaced by productivity.–-thoreau’s-view