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Cop 3 Extended Research Project
 Nature vs Nurture; Is the Gender divide in children’s toys responding to biological differences, or is it a product of the society we live in? Sophie Kilmartin

Contextual References Primary Research I visited children's toy shops to gain a sense of the gender divide for myself. The result of my trip only enforced a highly problematic point within my essay; that the toy industry is projecting highly gender stereotyped views onto an impressionable audience.

Artist Inspirations The works of children's’ book illustrators Eric Carle and Lizzie Stewart have heavily influenced my choice and application of media, for my final practical response. I was inspired by their playful use of texture, shape and colour.

Publication References These publications were of great importance to the development of my characters. Additionally the engaging images are great examples of how, when done correctly, illustration can be employed as a very effective tool to educate children.

My practical very quickly became character based, with the aim of creating a strong series which would educate children, and some in some way inform them about the dangers of gender stereotyping. The process of creating a cohesive set of character was challenging for me, but by repetitiously drawing out different combinations of features, I reached an aesthetic with my characters that I feel is charming and engaging, and one that will appeal to a young target audience.

Practical Development

My decision to use gouache paint and ink as the primary form of media was quite a risky one for me. This choice meant that my final outcomes are quite visually different from the Lino cut aesthetic that I tend to employ throughout my work. However, I think this move paid off. As a children's publication, the images needed to carry a look that was bright, colourful and engaging. Somehow i feel that Lino cut would have given off a different vibe altogether.

My final direction for the practical: - In the form of a children's book, I aimed to create a series of characters that would challenge societies perception of gender by reversing stereotypical job roles. Hopefully encouraging children to know that their gender doesn’t hold them back or restrict their future.The images were compiled and coloured digitally, but I enjoyed the process of creating the form and textures by hand with paint. This may be a method of working which I apply to my practice more regularly, perhaps incorporating it with Lino print.

Final Characters

The final characters form a coherent set, which could be applied to a number of different resolutions. The Primary aim of these characters was that they would be charming and relatable for both boys and girls which I think has been achieved here. The final colour scheme is bright and engaging, and the use of texture gives the images a hand made and child like quality that seems to resonate well with young children.


Flipbook By presenting the images in an interesting and interactive way, the flip book intends to engage with the reader on a more personal level. The hope is that, the message I am trying to convey - (that gender does not limit your capabilities) will be more memorable this way.

the interchanging aspect of images with text, allows the reader to experiment with the dierent combinations of gender and job roles. Instead of simply being told that they can do anything, the interchangeable visuals allow them to see these possibilities for themselves.


The zine is a simple presentation of the characters. Without the interactive feature, the book itself isn't perhaps as interesting as the flip book, however the imagery and text still clearly communicates the intent. My concerns for the final bound book were that, since each section is interchangeable, it would be difficult to line up to imagery correctly. I was surprised that this wasn't a problem, and the final spiral bound flip book is a success. I worried that the characters perhaps look a little lost on the page at times, however in the end I am glad that they stand alone opposite the text. I feel that a background would detract from the characters and therefore the purpose of the book. Nevertheless, I would enjoy revisiting these characters at a later point in my practice perhaps applying them to a narrative.

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