Summery of: The Alchemy - jewellery making process
Stage 1
 Initial sketch / concept for a clockwork key styled pendant that my uncle created. - This idea is then taken to the rest of the creative design team to adjust detailed and developed further.
Stage 2 - Developed Sketch - Illustrator
The initial design is that translated into illustrator. This is used to create accurate dimensions of the design, and create each component as a separate object. I thought this process would perhaps be done on CAD/CAM or something similar, but its interesting to see that they use illustrator! Which is something i already feel comfortable using. Already I am beginning to understand how my designs could be easily adapted for 3D. Wacom tablets are used to create these designs. Often the drawings are made up of shapes, but much of them are also free hand - with the use of the tablets. Because they work on the pieces zoomed in over 200% - the jagged lines may look uneven close up, but further away it is unnoticeable and doesn't effect the quality of the line when cut out.

The illustrated image is then sent through to be printed onto the laser cutter. The red lines represent where the laser will cut through/around. and the black lines represent where the laser will etch in lines that will provide detail.
Stage 3 - Laser cutting Firstly, the components are laser cut* onto thick card. This is done as a test. - For if the product needs to be scaled up of down. Or to address any problems with the design. For example if sections do not work visually of mechanically. - It allows them to see if all the components fit together, or if any adjustments need to be made. By printing on card it allows them to save money and not waste materials and time. *Laser cut definition:

Stage 4 - Creating the mould (part one)
Then the initial mould is made - and built up with clay - made into 3D this is the most skilled aspect of the process i feel. Something that has to be done by hand and by eye. They translate the design into 3D.
Creating a mould. - (part two)
Creating a mater mould - cost effective and efficient.
Stage - Final Necklace - adding a finish polish - giving a shine and coating.