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Valle Sol del UNA NUEVA PUBLICACIÓN SEMANAL CON NOTICIAS Volume 13, Number 38| Oct. 28 - Nov. 3, 2021 LOCALES EN ESPAÑOL. el

The Pumpkin Fairy strikes again

Photo by Will Grandbois The Pumpkin Fairy has been exceptionally generous this year — how many gourds can you count along Frying Pan Road from Basalt Barber Shop up to Eagle-Thomasville Road? "Look high, look low, look for two who have grown bat wings and are flying by a castle," wrote Mary Beth Reckinger Weaver on the "Fryingpan River, Colorado" Facebook page. Reply on the page with your count by Oct. 30 for the chance to win... you guessed it, a PUMPKIN PIE!


350 Roaring Fork By Fred Malo

It was heady days for the Colorado climate movement in 2019. Jared Polis, with a history of climate action, replaced John Hickenlooper after eight years of oil and gas industry loyalty as governor. The new chairman of the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Committee (COGCC) was Jeff Robbins, taking over from Matt Lepore, who’s shown his stripes since moving to the private sector by working for Insight Energy Law, a firm fighting oil and gas regulations. Early in 2019, Senate Bill 19-181 changed the role of the COGCC from an organization that primarily promoted the oil and gas industry to one that protected public health, safety, welfare and the environment through regulations. The bill did that by setting guidelines, like the 2,000-foot setback from all dwellings for oil and gas operations. I’m sorry to report that these early days of sunshine have turned cloudy. What SB 19-181 lacked was enforceability. It established some outstanding goals for the industry

A positive start turns sour to meet, but no consequences for noncompliance. Should we expect the oil and gas industry to meet these sometimes expensive requirements out of a sense of public responsibility? We need a mandate. So, SB 21-200 was introduced this year which would’ve put some teeth into rules set forth in SB 19181. But Polis called it governmental overreach and threatened to veto it. The Democratic caucus dropped it. Remember, Polis is a businessman and no friend of the climate. He’s accustomed to concerning himself with financial matters, and putting public health and safety ahead of dollars and cents goes against his instincts. As a U.S. Congressman in 2014, Polis proposed a setback initiative, but was coerced into a very onesided deal with Hickenlooper which caused him to withdraw the ballot issue. In 2018, Polis opposed Proposition 112 which would’ve established a 2,500-foot setback. Incredibly, it’s been almost three years since SB 19-181 was passed and the COGCC still hasn’t established the new rules. They’re working on it, but they continue to issue permits under the old rules, 4,408 since Polis took office and 3,296 since SB 19-181 was enacted. And the COGCC has still never denied a drilling request. During the rulemaking process, the COGCC seems to be listening only to the industry and ignoring the climate and environmental groups. They won’t agree to hear a motion from 350 Colorado to pause well transfers until after the

rulemaking process is completed, which will probably be some time next year. High among the climate and environmental demands is single well financial assurances put down by the drillers to pay for capping orphaned wells which are currently leaking methane. The preliminary rules call for “blanket bonding” which lets the operators off at less than full price, with the taxpayers picking up the balance. There are currently over 26,000 wells in Colorado producing zero to five barrels of oil per day that’ll soon be abandoned. Workers unemployed by the collapsing fossil fuel industry can use their skills temporarily by plugging these wells. The outlook on the federal front is no rosier. Climate mitigation is contained in two massive infrastructure bills currently stalled in Congress by two Democratic senators, Joe Manchin (WV), who is heavily invested in the coal industry, and Kristen Sinema (AZ), who’s declared she wants all the remedial climate features of the legislation removed, as well as the threat of a Republican filibuster. Apparently, the Democratic legislators believe climate action isn’t worth abolishing the filibuster. What that leaves us with is what we had in the previous administration — minority rule. The Senate is a very undemocratic institution. The 50 Democratic senators represent 41 million more Americans than the 50 Republicans do. Fifty-seven percent of the population accepts that climate change is real and

caused by human activity. I don’t like these big catch-all pieces of legislation that include everything from the smallest consequence to the future of life on this planet. Let the Democrats put forward an all-inclusive, standalone climate remediation bill. If the Republicans shoot it down, they can explain their reasons to their constituents while they’re mopping up the mess after a flood or hurricane or soaking their homes to try to save it from a wildfire. President Joe Biden supports some potentially effective climate countermeasures, but he’s a politician who characteristically talks out of both sides of his mouth. In last year’s campaign, Biden told the climate geeks he’s in favor of a fracking ban, but to the voters from Western Pennsylvania, who’d be economically impacted by such a ban, Biden said he wouldn’t consider it. With all the evidence slapping them in the face the last couple of years, how can our elected representatives be incapable of doing anything to prevent the coming catastrophe? Obviously, the system is broken. It better get fixed real soon or there’ll be nobody left to govern. One action we constituents can take is to let our elected officials know their climate-related efforts are insufficient. Contact Gov. Polis at Governorpolis@state.co.us and COGCC Chairman Robbins at jeff.robbins@state.co.us. Remind them the COGCC’s mission is “to protect public health, safety, welfare, and the environment.”

LETTERS Kenny for RFSD! Please join me in voting for Kenny Teitler for the Roaring Fork School District school board. I’ve known Kenny for nearly 20 years, and in that time I’ve been continually impressed with his commitment to children and their families. He’s smart, capable and knows that investing in our school system is one of the best investments we can make in our local community. Given his extensive experience teaching children, he knows what’s best for them, and understands what teachers need in order to provide that experience day in and day out. Kenny’s got what it takes to help the board and administration provide the best education possible for our children. He’s got my vote, and I hope he’ll get yours as well. Marc Bruell Carbondale

Vote for Kenny! I am writing to ask voters to join me in supporting Kenny Teitler for the RFSD Board of Education. I have known Kenny for pretty much the entire time that I have lived in the Roaring Fork Valley. His talented daughters were in my folkloric dance program from the time they were in kindergarten, and I know how much Kenny has dedicated his life to the education

of his daughters and to children throughout the valley. Kenny started the bilingual program at Basalt Elementary School, and I know that it has been a successful program. I know that Kenny looks out for the Latino community. Kenny has had a lot of experience in the field of education, having taught in both Basalt and Carbondale, and now at Colorado Mountain College. I know that as a member of the Roaring Fork School District Board of Education he will work to implement what our schools need, and he will positively impact our district. Because of his experience as a teacher, he knows the needs of the teachers and the schools in areas such as employee retention, earning a fair salary, housing, student support programming, bilingual programming, after school programming, etc. Kenny will be an excellent school board member in supporting the Latino community and the entire Roaring Fork Valley. Please join me in filling out our ballots for Kenny Teitler before Nov. 2. Francisco “Paco” Nevarez-Burgueño Carbondale

YES on 5B I have been in elementary education for more than twenty years, and being the principal

of Basalt Elementary School is by far one of my favorite jobs. I enjoy how connected our Basalt schools are with our community. When the high school Homecoming parade goes by the elementary school, our youngest Longhorns are cheering on the high school students. We are fortunate to have this tight-knit community and I am proud to be a part of it. Some in our community have felt the impact of our shortage of bus drivers. Maybe you have heard about your teachers covering for other teachers because there were no substitute teachers available. At our school, we have several unfilled positions. Several potential candidates turn down a job offer when they see the salary. Even if they agree to the salary, many soon realize that salary does not go far enough in our valley. I believe our children deserve better. I believe the families of our valley expect me to be picking from the very best candidates out there. Saying “yes” to 5B will help RFSD schools attract and keep great teachers. Not only am I the principal of 483 students at Basalt Elementary School, but I also have my own children in RFSD schools. Please join me in voting “yes” on 5B to give all our kids the best education we can. Grant Waaler Basalt Continued on page 25

The views expressed in opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The community is invited to submit letters up to 500 words to news@soprissun.com. Longer columns are considered on a case-by-case basis. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday. 2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • October 28 - November 3, 2021

Executive Director

Todd Chamberlin 970-510-0246 • adsales@soprissun.com


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Local educator to attend UN COP26

By James Steindler Contributing Editor

Valley local and environmental educator Sarah Johnson is heading to the United Nations in Glasgow, Scotland for the 26th annual Conference of the Parties (COP26). Johnson is giddy with excitement and anticipation to attend the international event regarding climate change. For 26 years, leaders from most of the world’s countries have come together to discuss climate change and action. The Paris Climate Agreement, an accord between 196 countries, came to fruition out of COP21. Johnson has been to Europe once before, when she visited Switzerland. She will travel humbly, and stay with a Scottish couple for $10 a night, under the condition she gets to know some other locals (perhaps at a pub over a pint). While she can’t wait to meet the Scotts, most of her time, of course, will be spent at the two-week U.N. summit. She will attend as a NonGovernmental Organization Diplomatic Observer (her official title). In Johnson’s eyes, to change the world, everyone should have a chance to be involved. She is quick to assert that she is not the only one who holds such sentiment. In fact, the Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE), a directive which came out of the Paris Climate Agreement, asked that “each country involved go home and work on creating an ACE framework,” explained Johnson, “for how all people, through a big equity-inclusion lens, should be empowered, leveraged and inspired to participate to find climate solutions within their communities.” She continued, “It can’t just be science, it can’t just be funders and it can’t just be policy; it has to include the public.” So, “in 2019, a group of volunteer experts got together, mostly online, and started drafting an ACE framework for the United States,” Johnson said. That text is now available to download for free at: https://aceframework.us/the-framework/ To Johnson’s knowledge, the U.S. was one of the only countries which drafted a framework, so it could end up as a model for others. Anyone can join the ACE Coalition by registering at: https://www. usacecoalition.org/cop26 Johnson has carved out a career for herself in environmental

Sarah Johnson. Photo by James Steindler. education. In 2015, she launched Wild Rose Education, based in Carbondale, and has reached roughly 2000 people through programming every year since. The Youth Water Leadership Program — an arm of Wild Rose — gets young people to participate in “learning, dialogue and action” around water conservation. “You’re giving youth a chance to discuss issues in their community that affect them,” said Coal Ridge High School student Aidan Boyd in a promotional video on the Wild Rose website.

In 2006, Johnson came to the Valley to work at Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (ACES) as a naturalist. Down the line, she met another ACES alumna, Jen Krester, who Johnson has continuously networked with to bring about educational and training opportunities. In 2020, Krester reached out to Johnson and invited her to join Climate Generation — a North American collaborative and climate education program — for it’s Summer Institute for Climate Change Education virtual event. Johnson agreed to be the leader for the Colorado cohort and the online transition served to extend her scope of influence. “Since the pandemic, my work has gone global because you can’t keep people away when you offer everything on Zoom,” she laughed. By way of virtual trainings and workshops, Johnson connects with environmental educators from “all over Colorado and beyond.” In fact, Johnson’s connection with Climate Generation led to her opportunity to join COP26. Generally, a group of students from a public high school in Minneapolis get to attend the annual summit. But, according to Johnson, because of COVID and travel restrictions, the students were not able to go so those passes became available to a select group of adults, Johnson being among them. Being a lifelong Girl Scout, and a current volunteer for World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Johnson plans to catch up with a group of Girl Scout representatives who will be at the conference. Johnson explained that climate change impacts women disproportionately. “More times than not, girls and young women live in poverty, have less access to basic human rights, face systemic violence that escalates during periods of instability — such as natural disasters — and across the 152 countries and 10 million girl guides and girl scouts, environmental issues are the top concern.” She also plans to track down the Laudato si’ coalition created by Pope Francis to address climate change and environmental degradation. Johnson will be updating a blog during her time at the summit, so for those who wish to follow along (www.wildroseeducation. com/uncop). She’s taking a few copies of this issue of The Sopris Sun to share with fellow environmentalists added to her everexpanding network.

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • October 28 - November 3, 2021 • 3

SCUTTLEBUTT Congratulations, Autumn! Glenwood Springs Middle School science teacher Autumn Rivera was named Colorado Teacher of the Year. Rivera was featured in a Sopris Sun article on Oct. 6, after being nominated as a finalist. Rivera will be recognized, along with other top teachers from around the country, at the White House and will have the opportunity to visit NASA’s Space Camp. She will be entered into the National Teacher of the Year competition and become a member of the Colorado Education Commissioner’s Teacher Cabinet.

Trunk or treat Ascendigo Autism Services will host its second annual Trunk or Treat event at the Carbondale Fire Station on Friday, Oct. 29 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Youngsters living with disabilities (and their families) are invited to trick or treat within the safe and controlled space where about 15 friendly ghouls, goblins and such will hand out Halloween treats from the decorated trunks of their vehicles. For those who attend, don’t forget to wear a mask.

Glenwood airport feedback The Glenwood Springs City Council will host two listening sessions regarding the city’s municipal airport after the related ballot measures (2A and 2B) have been voted on. Glenwood residents are invited to Sopris Elementary School on Nov. 8

from 6:30 to 8 p.m. or to the Glenwood Community Center. On Nov. 10 from 8:30 to 10 a.m. “The purpose of these airport listening sessions,” reads a press release, “will be for Glenwood Springs residents to share their perspectives on the ballot measures, the outcome of the vote, and what their ideas are for next steps for the airport.”

Photo contest Roaring Fork Conservancy is accepting submissions for it’s 2021 annual Roaring Fork Watershed Photography Contest for professional and amateur photographers (to be judged separately). This year’s categories include: 1) people enjoying the Roaring Fork watershed, 2) wildlife of the Roaring Fork watershed and 3) Roaring Fork watershed streams and landscapes. The submission deadline is Nov. 14. More details are at: http://www. roaringfork.org/

Aspen Words lineup Aspen Words has confirmed its lineup for the 25th Winter Words Author Series. Aspen Words will host a hybrid of virtual and in-person talks with world-renowned authors including Pulitzer Prize winners Anthony Doerr and Richard Powers. The series kicks off on Nov. 3 with Doerr discussing his book "All the Light We Cannot See.” Tickets and more info can be found at www.aspenwords. org/programs/winter-words/

Call for help Colorado Department of Human Services prepares Coloradans for the launch of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 988. Beginning July 16, 2022, people in crisis can dial 988 for professional emergency assistance. In preparation, to reach Coloradans with 970 or 719 area codes, callers will have to dial the entire ten digit number (including the area code prefix) to prevent accidental 988 calls in the future.

Medicare assistance Need help navigating the complexities of Medicare coverage? Open enrollment runs from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7 and, in 2022, Garfield and Pitkin counties will include three new Medicare Advantage Plans. The High Country Retired Senior Volunteer Program is here to counsel seniors so they can get coverage at the best price. Call 970-384-8744 to schedule a phone, Zoom or inperson appointment.

ACF changes Aspen Community Foundation, which serves financially disadvantaged youth and families from Aspen to Parachute, bids farewell to Executive Director Tamara Tormohlen. Tormohlen has served as the ED for 16 years, but has been involved in the organization for the last 20. She will stick around until a replacement is found.

4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • October 28 - November 3, 2021

The Longhorns are going to state! Congratulations to the girls’ cross country team for earning second place at the 3A regional CHSAA-qualifying meet in New Castle on Oct. 22. Pictured here, Ava Lane keeps a steady pace to finish fourth. Teammate Kate Maley achieved second place, just ahead of Lane. Photo by Raleigh Burleigh.

Mark of the Jaguar Local filmmaker Dave Taylor of Cool Brick Studios won Best Endangered Species Film of 2021 at the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival in New York City on Oct. 16. The film, shot in 2019, depicts endangered jaguars in Pantanal (Southwestern Brazil) and the efforts made to protect the species.

Realtor of the Year John Wendt III, Carbondale resident and managing broker at Coldwell Banker Mason Morse Real Estate, was selected as Realtor of the Year at Colorado’s Association of Realtors 100th annual convention in Colorado Springs. Wendt has an

extensive background in educating fellow realtors throughout Colorado and, of course, selling real estate.

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another trip around the sun this week include: Kaden Kirk and Gina Murdoch (Oct. 28); Chase Fenton, Katee Peach, Daniela Rivera and Lisa Ruoff (Oct. 29); Lowry Camp, Brendan Cochran, Gracyn Overstreet and Claudia Pawl (Oct. 30); Katie Dahl, Julia Lee, Marty Voller and Kaleigh Wisroth (Oct. 31); Angel Cruz, Justin Marshall, Don Parkison and Jay Riley (Nov. 1); Marge Palmer and Dave Weimer (Nov. 2); Suzie Brady, Zack Jones and AJ Waski (Nov. 3).


Vote delayed on Basalt Center Circle

By Dyana Z. Furmansky Sopris Sun Correspondent

Despite heaping praise on changes made to the latest sketch plan for the Basalt Center Circle Development on Oct. 26, Basalt Town Council again voted to continue the public hearing phase and delay a vote on the project’s approval. That means that BCC Basalt LLC developers Tim Belinski and Andrew Light will have to return to the Town Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting on Nov. 9 to present further refinements. Redevelopment of the 25,000-square foot space, long vacant after being occupied by City Market and Clark’s Market, calls for the entire site to be scraped for construction of a new three-story building that would house a 9,000-square foot grocery store, smaller shops, a plaza for outdoor gatherings and 67 units on the two top floors. The developers increased the number of rent-capped apartments to 25 percent of the total. The Planning Department had recommended sketch plan approval. Public comments after BCC Basalt’s presentation were mostly supportive. First up to speak was Frank Taverna of Carbondale, who owns the land on which Basalt Circle Center would be developed. “We embrace this plan,” he said. “It’s long overdue.” Council members also gave the sketch plan a favorable reception. “I will vote in favor of the resolution to approve,” Mayor Bill Kane announced, perhaps anticipating that council action was imminent. But, after a long pause, the motion to approve was not made. It became clear that Belinski and Light still had some work to do to put council members’ concerns to rest. Chiefly there are three. Although the project’s architect, Scott McHale, reduced the number of stories from four to three and redesigned the façade to be “western in character,” Councilor Gary Tenenbaum wondered if more could be done to “break up” the building’s profile, as in Old Town Basalt. The proposed building’s mass and its height (reduced from 49 feet to between 39 and 45 feet) drew the most critical reaction during the public comment

The vacant former Clark's Market space in downtown Basalt could soon be gone. A proposal to redevelop the building, which is also home to Jimbo's Liquor and popular taqueria BLT, was recently filed with the Town of Basalt. Todd Hartley photo.

portion of the meeting. “This building is such a huge space with lots of people,” said Andrea Morales of Basalt. “It looks like a huge chunk of Willits landed in Old Town Basalt.” Belinski said that reducing the height further could impact the apartments, but that BCC Basalt would consider it. Another major sticking point was the developer’s stipulation that apartment leases would run for “six months or longer on 60 percent of the units.” “So what about the other 40 percent?” asked Councilor Ryan Slack. He was concerned that leases for stays as short as 30 days would be possible. Belinski explained that short-term rentals were seldom available in his other apartment developments but that they needed to be available “for hardship reasons.” “Our object is to promote long-term rentals for people who will contribute to our community,” said Councilor Bill Infante. He and other councilors asserted they did not want them available for someone who wants

to vacation in Basalt for a month. Belinski said he and Light have “a willingness to look at” allowing fewer short-term rentals. In their discussion with the town councilors, the number of rental units that could be leased for less than six months was cut to 10 percent. Councilor Tenenbaum asked the developers to consider whether any of the apartments would be rented for less than six months. The third sticking point for council members is that the 56 parking spaces, some of them covered, seem insufficient for dense, mixed residential and commercial usage. On the other hand, Tennenbaum observed that adding more parking would “detract from the outdoor area.” Despite these objections, Town Council seems poised to give BCC Basalt the go-ahead to submit final plans at its next meeting. “This is precisely the application called for in the Comprehensive Plan three years ago,” said Mayor Kane. “Our citizens want this,” he said, adding that it is “completely consistent” with what has been called for. “It is far and away the best thing we’ve seen.” Squeezed into the Town Council’s packed agenda was Youth Zone Executive Director Jami Hayes’ presentation of the organization’s school partnerships to address truancy, and its trauma risk assessment for young people and adults living between Aspen and Parachute; free fare that will go into effect Nov. 22 within the newly combined Roaring Fork Transit Authority’s (RFTA) bus zone for El Jebel and Basalt; a unanimous motion to approve the appointment of Reid Haughey to head the Parks, Open Space and Trails (POST) Committee; a unanimous motion to approve Councilor Elyse Hottel’s recommendation that the council sign a letter from municipalities supporting the federal Antiquities Act’s protection of significant public lands like Bears Ears; and unanimous approval of Colorado’s $400 million portion of the national opioid crisis settlement. The five-county region of Garfield, Eagle, Pitkin, Summit and Lake counties would receive more than $5 million for opioid abuse treatment. The final business was an executive session, closed to the public and press.

Experience Counts 26 years teaching in the Roaring Fork School District


Tony Hershey, Council Member Paula Stepp, Council Member Ingrid Wussow, Council Member CURRENT RFSD BOARD MEMBERS Jasmin Ramirez

Jen Rupert Jennifer Scherer Natalie Torres FORMER RFSD BOARD MEMBERS Pete Delany Photo: Chelsea Self/Post Independent

Website: KennyTeitler.com

Facebook: Kenny Teitler School Board

Please return your mail-in ballot to your designated drop-box by November 2, 2021 Paid for by the committee to elect Kenny Teitler for School Board

Matthew Hamilton Dr. Gary Knaus ORGANIZATIONS Roaring Fork Teachers’ Association (RFCEA)

Voces Unidas Action Fund

Dr. Brooke Allen Leticia Alonso Todd Anderson Yesenia Arreola Norma Baez Sheryl Barto Allyson Bella-Dodds Tania Beltran Stacey Bernot Ben Bohmfalk Wendy Boland Matt Brockman & Family Debbie & Marc Bruell Kristin Burks John Burks Liz & Ted Busch Elizabeth Cammack Rodrigo Camargo Adam Carballeira Jennifer Carney Anne Cerrone Bonnie Cretti Lisa Dameron Lindsay Defrates Mary Delany Mariana Delgado Cortes Noemi Diaz Bella Fabela Amy & Max Filiss Daisie Foglesong Mitch Foss Ellen Freedman Bella Garcia

Hilary Garnsey Shelley Gill Angeles Govea Shayla Groves Phoebe Gruel Kim & Mark Hamilton Karl Hanlon Heather Henry Hadley Hentschel Griselda Jaquez Ashley Jardine Christie Jensen Kira Kearsey Sarah Klingelheber Lorri & Dr. Chad Knaus Jill Knaus Alice & Colin Laird Mary Lamb Gilberto Landeros Jenny Lindsay Michael Logan Isabel Cristina Lopez Alejandra Magaña Betsy & Malcolm McMichael Nancy Moncada Iowa Moreno Francisco NevarezBurgueno Tammy Nimmo Ben Peery Bonnie & Ken Pletcher Carrie Podl

Jeri Poeles Paula Ponto Melvin Ramirez Dora Ramos Dan Richardson Erin Rigney Donna Riley Terri Ritchie Christy Rose Audra Schmidt Raquel Serrano Sara Serrano Marty Silverstein Marci Sketch Dave Smith Beatriz Soto Erica Sparhawk Danny Stone Deb Strom Karla Stukey Rhonda Tatham David Teitler Laura Topete Veronica Ulloa-Franquez Cathy & Matt Wells Craig Wheeless Charlie Willman Katie Hone Wiltgen Suzanne Wolff Ricardo Zavala Ingrid Zuniga

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • October 28 - November 3, 2021 • 5


Town manager selection process narrows in

By Raleigh Burleigh Sopris Sun Editor

During trustee comments, at the regular meeting on Oct. 26, Ben Bohmfalk encouraged everyone to vote, announcing it is now too late to mail a ballot. There is a ballot drop-box located at Town Hall. Bohmfalk also reminded the public of the upcoming comprehensive plan update meeting, presenting the draft plan online via Zoom on Oct. 28 at 6 p.m. (for registration, visit https:// carbondalekaleidoscope.org). Luis Yllanes drew attention to Wine Time closing, suspecting staffing issues. Lani Kitching attended a Coventure meeting, reporting that their “back to work” initiative is underway. Marty Silverstein chimed in that a former Carbondale City Market manager informed him that stores from Aspen to Glenwood have dozens of openings each. “This is a problem that only keeps getting worse.” Shifting demographics suggest, Mayor Dan Richardson said, it's an issue that “won't go away soon.” As the Town's representative to Roaring Fork Transportation Association meetings, Richardson reported that bus fares are getting

cheaper. Circling back to MANAUS' invitation for the Town to participate in an anti-racism training (as reported in the Oct. 14 issue of The Sopris Sun), no action was taken. Bohmfalk suggested that with staffing challenges and bringing on a new town manager, a year from now may be better timing. Three applications were presented to trustees for the appointment of planning and zoning commissioners. Following recommendations by the planning department, Kade Gianinetti and Elizabeth Cammack were selected to serve as alternates. Applicant Anne Krimmer was encouraged to look at other boards, “each with their own flavor,” or to keep an eye on the planning commission for future vacancies. At the request of Carbondale Arts, the stage rental fee and damage deposit were waived for Día de los Muertos festivities on Fourth Street on Nov. 5. Next up, Police Chief Kirk Wilson gave an update, reflecting on staffing issues (the police department is currently more than 30 percent understaffed) and the recent Citizens Academy which had an average of 12 students per session. Based on feedback, the program will adopt a

new name that does not implicitly exclude non-citizens. The department has not yet held the academy in Spanish and looks to organize that for the near future. Wilsonreviewedrecommendations by President Obama's Task Force on 21st Century Policing, identifying items that the Town's department falls short of meeting, like conducting regular surveys to measure the public's trust and forming an advisory committee to the police chief. Bohmfalk called it admirable that Chief Wilson is seeking to make the Town's department a model for the country, even amidst the present staffing challenges. Moving along, trustees took another step toward ballot initiative for the construction of a new town pool, the costs of which are estimated to range from $7-8 million. Hilltop Securities will provide professional advice for financing, bonding and underwriting for $10,000. Ballot language would have to be approved by the first meeting in January 2022 to appear on the April ballot. Otherwise, the data collected by Hilltop Securities should remain reliable for the November ballot, according to interim town manager

Town manager finalists (left to right): Jennifer Phillips, Kara Silbernagel and Jeff Durbin. The Town hosted a “meet and greet” at the Third Street Center on Oct. 20 for community members to try to get a few words in with each candidate. Feedback left in a basket by the door was given to trustees ahead of interviews on Friday, Oct. 22. A select group of community members, as well as Town staff, also had the opportunity to interview candidates on Thursday, Oct. 21. According to Trustee Ben Bohmfalk, speaking with Bob Schultz on KDNK, a final decision has not yet been made. Photo by Raleigh Burleigh. Kevin Schorzman. If the ballot item passes, then the fee for getting underwriters and legal counsel for selling the bond is an additional $25,000. Before the meeting's conclusion, the municipal code was updated at the request of the Parks and Recreation Commission to increase the number of members that comprise that commission from eight to nine, with seven voting members and two alternates including one youth

representation for a one-year term. The secretary position was also eliminated. The public works capital improvement plan was reviewed. The extension of Industry Place to Eighth street and development of a second roundabout on Highway 133 are being considered for 2023 at an estimated cost of $2.5 million. The public portion of the meeting concluded with trustees moving into executive session, not a part of the original agenda.

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6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • October 28 - November 3, 2021

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Divided over 480 Donegan Project

By James Steindler Contributing Editor

The tension built around a proposed development, known as 480 Donegan Project in West Glenwood, reached beyond the respective neighborhood and into the Glenwood Springs City Council chambers during the City’s discussion on Oct. 21. At one point, the council opted to take a recess after Councilman Tony Hershey chastised Mayor Jonathan Godes, saying, “You're like a child,” in response to the mayor using his gavel to calm the panel after Hershey’s motion to deny the annexation was voted down. In order for the developer, R2 Partners, to go through with the project, they proposed annexing the vacant field — north of the old mall — into the City. The plot was previously part of unincorporated Garfield County. The respective 15.8-acre parcel has been used to graze livestock, mainly a few horses, for several years in the middle of a mixed residential and commercially zoned portion of West Glenwood. R2 Partners has gone back and forth with the City’s Planning and Zoning Commission since March 2021. On May 25, “The commission voted unanimously 4-0 to recommend denial of the annexation finding it is not consistent with the Glenwood Springs comprehensive plan's goals of livability, small town character and safety; and that it has the potential to create adverse impacts to the health, safety and welfare of the City and

Illustrative concept plan by Hord Coplan Macht, Inc. adjacent neighborhoods,” reads a staff report. Concerning community safety, the commission found that with increased traffic in emergency situations, such as a wildfire, congestion could affect an evacuation. One concession R2 Partners made was to dedicate one acre for a new fire station in the area. According to Godes, the developer is also contributing $100,000 toward a community evacuation plan. After considering the developer’s changes, the council was split, 4-3, with the majority favoring annexation and rezoning. Godes voted to approve annexation and told The Sopris Sun that R2 Partners is complying with the City’s comprehensive plan. “The developer closely followed


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our city code and comprehensive plan by providing high-density infill housing — as opposed to low-density suburban sprawl — that will create 60 affordable housing units and an additional 240 free-market units,” the mayor stated. Other council members who voted to approve, echoed the mayor’s assertion that increased housing, especially affordable housing, is needed. Initially, the proposal included about 400 units, but that number was dropped to 272 ahead of the Oct. 21 meeting. However, during the meeting, the council members favoring the development agreed to tack on a few more, bringing the final number of units up to 300. The additional units will only be available for

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rent, not for sale. Councilwoman Paula Stepp voted not to approve, but added that “we act as a council after the vote and not individuals.” However, Stepp did share that she still has some concerns going forward which she intends to see addressed. Regarding public safety, Stepp had two points to make. First, she pointed out that with increased housing more resources would be needed. For instance, “With the added population, we will need to add to our police force,” she stated, and added, “we are currently already having difficulty filling positions.” Despite R2 Partners vowing to supplement the emergency planning budget, Stepp still isn’t convinced. “I am concerned about the gridlock we have with the current population in West Glenwood when we face an emergency,” she said. “We have a history of wildfires threatening that side of town. As with South Glenwood, we should first be concerned about public safety.” Stepp acknowledged that the City’s push to limit the number of units in the proposed development will alleviate those concerns, but not entirely. “This is a property that is adjacent to a blighted, nearly empty mall property,” Godes told The Sopris Sun. In light of R2 Partners announcing the planned purchase of the old mall, Godes added, “The developer of this parcel also will be leveling the mall to build new retail, restaurants and grocery stores that will revitalize West Glenwood by creating a Willits-type, mixed-use development.”

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For Information & Reservations call 970-945-0667 • yampahspa.com Spa Open 9-9 Salon Open 9-7 • One Block East of the Hot Springs Pool THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • October 28 - November 3, 2021 • 7

By Dyana Z. Furmansky Sopris Sun Correspondent

El Sol also rises

Suddenly, or “de repente” if you speak Spanish, a four-page insert called el Sol del Valle appeared in the middle of The Sopris Sun last March. The insert has since become a weekly feature of The Sun. It publishes opinion pieces written in Spanish, a few of The Sun’ original English articles that are translated and Chisme del Pueblo, publicizing local events in Spanish. El Sol del Valle contains paid advertising in Spanish and its parent entity, The Sopris Sun, attracts donations and grants as a nonprofit. “El Sol makes it much easier to find out what’s going on in the valley from Aspen to Glenwood,” says Miguel Lopez who manages The UPS Store in Willits. He says he looks for it every week, but the insert, which is also distributed as a stand-alone, seems to disappear quickly. Its readership, though small and not formally counted, has room to grow. According to a 2019 Garfield County census, Latino residents account for 28% of the county’s population of about 60,000. “It’s such a benefit to people who, like my mother, don’t speak English,” says Jacquelinne Castro, Chisme del Pueblo’s translator. She says she likes doing the translation because “it improves both my English and my Spanish.” Another translator for el Sol, Dolores Duarte, does not live in Carbondale, but her sister Eloisa Duarte does, and she learned about it from her. Dolores Duarte contacted Sopris Sun Editor Raleigh Burleigh to volunteer her services as a translator. “Other

people are asked for donations, but this is something I can do to help connect the Latino community to Carbondale,” says Duarte. Living in an Idaho town where the Latino population is small and not well integrated, Duarte says she understands the importance of having an avenue to get involved in the local community. Duarte, mother of two daughters who received her degree in chemical engineering, says she looks forward to her weekly Sol assignments because they keep her mind active. “It was a very pleasing surprise to find el Sol,” says Lizdebeth Núñez, who first heard about it from friends. Núñez is a bilingual teaching assistant at Basalt Elementary School. “Me gusta mucho, muchísimo,” she continues in Spanish. Her daughter Fernanda Gonzales, who attends the University of Oregon, was on the three-way phone interview with The Sopris Sun to translate. “My mother says she likes it very, very much.” Burleigh, who is bilingual, also translates Sun articles for el Sol. When he took the job as Sun editor in January 2021, his “priority was to create a weekly Spanish insert as a regular component of the newspaper. My hope is to attract local Spanish-speaking talent in reporting, sales, art and more, to take the infrastructure and make it as representative as possible.” As KDNK’s news director before joining the Sun, Burleigh says he became acutely aware of the lack of local media coverage in Spanish during the 2018 Lake Christine fire. “I encountered a family in Sopris Park, washing a baby in the water fountain,” he says. “They had been evacuated from the El Jebel

Sol del el

trailer park the night before, and were totally unaware of where to go next. I directed them to the Red Cross evacuee center at the local high school.” The lack of Spanish print media, says Burleigh, is also an issue during elections. “Spanish-speaking voters are unable to find the necessary information to vote according to their values.” Burleigh says he eventually wants to hire a native Spanish-speaking journalist “to direct the editorial vision and help the paper to grow into its own unique identity, true to the needs and wants of our local Spanishspeaking communities. I think that the local stories component is key.” The reception in the Latino community has been “very positive,” he says. “Our greatest obstacle is making it known that The Sopris Sun is now a bilingual paper, and always includes a Spanish section with at least four pages of local content, and original reporting in Spanish.” The Sopris Sun is currently searching for a part-time, bilingual ad salesperson to help grow the section (anyone interested can email todd@soprissun.com). “It is más importante,” Núñez says. Daughter Gonzales translates as her mother switches to Spanish: “It is very important because El Sol motivates the Latino community to read the articles and become aware of opportunities in Carbondale. By attending these events we create an invitation bridge between Anglos and Latinos and create a unified community.” Running the same local stories in English and Spanish has another benefit. It allows native English-speakers to brush up on their Spanish. Como Yo.


Dolores Duarte

Crystal Mariscal

Jacquelinne Castro

Tony Mendez

Dr. Judith Alvarez

Raleigh Burleigh

thank you! together, we care for the places we care about. As one community under the leadership of Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers, 2021 was a stewardship success! The staff and board of RFOV would like to thank everyone who volunteered with us and supported our efforts this year. Here’s some of our accomplishments:

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8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • October 28 - November 3, 2021

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10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • October 28 - November 3, 2021


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THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • October 28 - November 3, 2021 • 11


Visit soprissun.com to submit events.




Coventure and Roaring Fork Angels host a virtual venture capital pitch summit with local businesses at noon. Details at https://coventure.io/





The Town of Carbondale invites the community to participate in a public hearing regarding the Town’s comprehensive plan update, beginning at 6 p.m. More info at https://carbondalekaleidoscope. org/chart-carbondale BOOK DISCUSSION

Garfield Public Libraries invites you to read “Barefoot Dreams of Petra Luna” by Alda P. Dobbs and join a virtual discussion with the author at 6 p.m. More info at https://gclpd.org/ ABOUT BORIS KARLOFF

The Art Center at Willits presents “Boris Karloff: The Man Behind the Monster” at 7 p.m. Tickets at https://tacaw.org/


Employees at the State Farm office in Carbondale (located in the La Fontana Plaza) dress up and hand out sweet treats to celebrate Halloween from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. OUTSIDE MUSIC CLASS

Children up to five years old and their parents are invited to Basalt Library for an outdoor music class (weather permitting) from 10:30 to 11 a.m. More info at https://basaltlibrary.org CRYSTAL THEATRE

Nightly showtimes for “Dune” start tonight at 7:30 p.m. through Monday, with a 5 p.m. matinee on Sunday (which will include captions). Proof of vaccination is required.

The WYOmericana Caravan Tour brings premier Wyoming talent to The Arts Campus at Willits at 8 p.m. Tickets at https://tacaw.org/ Arkansas’ Nate Hancock performs tonight and tomorrow at The Black Nugget at 8 p.m.


The Meeting Place in Carbondale (981 Cowen Drive) hosts an Alcoholics Anonymous group at 10 a.m. BEYOND THE MASK

Pairs will work together to create masks with step-by-step instructions at the Calaway Room in the Third Street Center from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The cost is $75. Registration and more info at https://davinikent.org ALTAR ART

Basalt Library and Anderson Ranch team up to make mixedmedia altars celebrating Day of the Dead at 10:30 a.m. Sign up at basaltlibrary.org/events-calendar ZOMBIE DANCE

Bonedale Flashmob will participate in a worldwide synchronized zombie dance starting at 4 p.m. at the Fourth Street Plaza in Carbondale. Donated non-perishables will be accepted on behalf of Lift-Up at the event. DRIVE-IN MOVIE

Basalt Library screens a spooky film, outdoors after sunset (around 6:30 p.m.). Space is available on a firstcome, first-served basis. DANCE ENSEMBLE

The New Ute Theater in Rifle presents Zikr Dance Ensemble at 7:30 p.m. Tickets at https:/utetheater.com

The Contemporary hosts The Petty Nicks Experience, combining Tom Petty hits with Stevie Nicks favorites, at 8 p.m. Tickets at https://tacaw.org/ CAVERNS HALLOWEEN

Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park invites families to trick or treat and enjoy other Halloween activities. Kids under 12 and in costume get in for free. Tickets and more info at https://glenwoodcaverns.com ROCKY HORROR

The New Ute Theater in Rifle screens “Rocky Horror Picture Show” at 7 p.m. Costumes and props are encouraged! Tickets are at https:/utetheater.com

Halloween is a dead serious undertaking for Denise Moss. “My daughter says there are only two crimes you can commit in our family. Not voting, and not dressing up for Halloween,” Moss says. This year Moss plays pirate queen to the skeleton crew lounging around by her front door in a scene she calls a “pirate funeral." Every year, Moss digs her spooky treasures out of the trove saved from the costume shop she owned in Carbondale for nine years. Photo by Will Grandbois and text by Dyana Z. Furmansky.


The Black Nugget celebrates Halloween with live DJ sets from 9 p.m. to late.




Carbondale Arts and Valley Settlement display a community “ofrenda” honoring Día de los Muertos, in front of The Launchpad through Nov. 11. The community is welcome to contribute photos and mementos honoring those who have passed on. MINDFUL RECOVERY

The Meeting Place in Carbondale (981 Cowen Drive) hosts a recovery meditation group at 6 p.m.






Raising a Reader invites parents with young children to a weekly story hour at Basalt Library at 11 a.m. YARN CREW

Knitters and crocheters are invited to work together on projects at Basalt Library on Tuesdays at 5 p.m.


Garfield County Libraries screen a story on YouTube and Facebook at 10:30 a.m. on the first Tuesday of each month.

basaltlibrary.org to learn more.

Young children and accompanying adults are invited to the library for stories and songs at 10:30 a.m.

The Roaring Fork Quilting Guild leads a four-week workshop making “itty-bitty quilts” from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Basalt Library. Enrollment is limited, email cclick@

Basalt Library hosts an informal book club at noon. A WildEarth Guardians webinar will address the prospective Whitney Creek dam and how it would negatively impact the Colorado River, beginning at noon. Register at https://wildearthguardians.org



The Center for Human Flourishing hosts conversations about climate change, soil health, nutrition and more at 6:30 p.m. Details at www.davinikent.org

Exhibit & Events Thinking Money for Kids is an interactive multimedia experience for children and families to help them better understand what money is, its function in society, financial responsibility, and charitableness.

October 11 through November 19 Glenwood Springs Branch Library


www.gcpld.org 12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • October 28 - November 3, 2021

Sol del el

Conectando comunidades


A este su agrpadec nu e o y o e m o vo p par s ro y a ecto .

Volumen 1, Número 35 |• 28 de octubre - 3 de noviembre 2021

El Hada de Calabzas estuvo bien ocupada este año — ¿cuantas calabazas puedes contar en Frying Pan Road desde Basalt Barber Shop hasta Eagle-Thomasville Road? "Mira alto, mira bajo, busca dos que han adquirido alas de murciélago y vuelan sobre un castillo", escribió Mary Beth Reckinger Weaver en la página "Fryingpan River, Colorado" de Facebook. Respóndale en esa página con tu número antes del 30 de octubre para tu oportunidad de ganar... ¿Lo adivinaste? ¡Una TARTA DE CALABAZA! Foto por Will Grandbois.

Sale el Sol para el beneficio de todes

Por Dyana Z. Furmansky Traducción por Dolores Duarte

Así, de repente, un adjunto de cuatro páginas llamado “el Sol del Valle” apareció en medio de The Sopris Sun el pasado mes de marzo. Desde entonces, el adjunto se ha convertido en un elemento semanal de The Sun. En él se publican artículos de opinión escritos en español, algunos artículos originales en inglés de The Sun que se traducen y Chisme del Pueblo, que anuncia succecidos locales en español. Aunque la sección El Sol contiene publicidad en español pagada, su entidad matriz, The Sopris Sun, es sin fines de lucro. “El Sol hace que sea mucho más fácil enterarse de lo que ocurre en el valle, desde Aspen hasta Glenwood”, dice Miguel López, quien dirige The UPS Store en Willits. Dice que lo busca todas las semanas, pero que el adjunto, que también se distribuye por separado, desaparece rápidamente. Su número de lectores, aunque pequeño y no contabilizado formalmente, tiene espacio para crecer. Según un censo del condado de Garfield de 2019, los residentes latinos representan el 28% de la población del condado, de unos 60,000 habitantes. “Es un gran beneficio para las personas que, como mi madre, no hablan inglés”, dice Jacquelinne Castro, traductora de Chisme del Pueblo. Dice que le gusta hacer la traducción porque “mejora tanto mi inglés como mi español”. Otra traductora de El Sol, Dolores Duarte, no vive en Carbondale, pero su hermana Eloisa Duarte sí, y se enteró por ella. Dolores Duarte se puso en contacto con el editor de The Sopris Sun, Raleigh Burleigh, para ofrecer sus servicios como

traductora. “A otras personas se les solicitan donaciones, pero esto es algo que yo puedo hacer para ayudar a conectar a la comunidad latina con Carbondale”, dice Duarte. Al vivir en una ciudad de Idaho donde la población latina es pequeña y no está bien integrada, Duarte dice que entiende la importancia de tener una vía para involucrarse en la comunidad local. Duarte, madre de dos hijas quien tiene un título en ingeniería química, dice que espera con gusto los artículos semanales para traducir del Sol porque mantienen su mente activa. “Fue una sorpresa muy grata encontrar el Sol”, dice Lizdebeth Núñez, que se enteró de su existencia por unos amigos. Núñez es asistente de maestro bilingüe en la escuela primaria de Basalt. “Me gusta mucho, muchísimo”. Su hija Fernanda Gonzales, que asiste a la Universidad de Oregon, estuvo en la entrevista telefónica tripartita con The Sopris Sun para traducir. Burleigh, quien es bilingüe, también traduce artículos del Sun para el Sol. Cuando asumió el cargo de editor del Sun en enero de 2021, su “prioridad era crear un adjunto semanal en español como componente regular del periódico. Mi esperanza es atraer a los talentos locales de habla hispana en reportajes, ventas, arte y más, tomar la infraestructura y hacerla lo más representativa posible”. Como director de noticias de KDNK antes de unirse al Sun, Burleigh dice que se dio cuenta de la falta de cobertura de los medios locales en español durante el incendio de Lake Christine en 2018. “Me encontré con una familia en Sopris Park, bañando a un bebé en la fuente de agua”, dice. “Habían sido evacuados del parque de remolques de El Jebel la noche anterior, y desconocían por completo a dónde podían dirigirse. Los guié

al centro de evacuados de la Cruz Roja en la high school local”. La falta de medios impresos en español dice Burleigh, también es un problema durante las elecciones. “Los votantes de habla hispana no pueden encontrar información necesaria para votar de acuerdo con sus valores”. Burleigh dice que eventualmente quiere contratar a un periodista nativo de habla hispana “para dirigir la visión editorial y ayudar al periódico a crecer en su propia identidad única, fiel a las necesidades y deseos de nuestras comunidades locales de habla hispana. Creo que el componente de las historias locales es clave”. El recibimiento en la comunidad latina ha sido “muy positiva”, dice. “Nuestro mayor obstáculo es dar a conocer que The Sopris Sun es ahora un periódico bilingüe, y siempre incluye una sección en español con al menos cuatro páginas de contenido local, y reportajes originales en español”. The Sopris Sun está ahora buscando contratar a alguien bilingüe para vender anuncios y ayudar a aumentar el Sol (para aprender más, mándale un corre electrónico a todd@soprissun. com). “Es muy importante”, dice Núñez, “porque el Sol motiva a la comunidad latina a leer los artículos y a tomar conciencia de las oportunidades en Carbondale. Al asistir a estos eventos creamos un puente de invitación entre anglos y latinos y creamos una comunidad unificada”. Publicar las mismas historias locales en inglés y en español tiene otro beneficio. Permite a los hablantes nativos de inglés repasar su español. Y viceversa.


AL NO ARTISTA Por Vanessa Porras

La excusa más grande del mundo es la falta de tiempo. Parece ser que los días son más cortos y nunca hay suficiente tiempo para hacer todo lo que se necesita hacer. Dentro de la lista de los quehaceres del día a día, podemos encontrar cosas como comprar abarrotes, pagar las facturas, limpiar la casa y hacer de comer. Sería raro encontrar dentro de esa misma lista, cosas como pintar, tocar la guitarra o escribir un poema. La jerarquía de necesidades de Maslow, es una pirámide donde las necesidades fisiológicas como el aire, comida, agua, refugio y calor — por nombrar algunos — son el primer nivel. Son la fundación de todo ser humano y sin ellas no podemos funcionar. Conforme estas necesidades se

El arte contra el tiempo

van satisfaciendo, requerimos de más, y la necesidad de crecer nos lleva a los siguientes niveles. En total, de acuerdo a Maslow, hay ocho niveles. El octavo es la trascendencia personal y espiritual. Es la necesidad de encontrar el más allá del ser y la conciencia humana. Crear arte cae en el sexto nivel de estética dentro de la categoría de autorrealización. En pocas palabras, crear arte o expresarnos de forma creativa está dentro de la misma categoría que la trascendencia. Se considera que los monjes, profetas, filósofos y personajes que han llegado a niveles altos de inteligencia, superación e iluminación se posan en la cima de la pirámide de Maslow. En contraste, el arte caerá al final de la lista si los cimientos de la pirámide no están estables y nuestras necesidades básicas aún requieren prioridad. Esto no significa que si aún no hay cena hecha a cierta hora pero tienes una despensa llena de comida, que no puedas observar la belleza de una rosa. Lo que significa es que si no tienes nada que comer esa noche y no sabes si comerás al día siguiente, tu atención está enfocada en satisfacer el hambre y no en crear arte o contemplar la vida.

El tiempo que dedicamos a satisfacer nuestras necesidades es importante para sentirnos plenos y poder crecer. Pero ¿qué ocurre cuando ese tiempo se queda estancado en unas cuantas necesidades? Las categorías tres y cuatro de la jerarquía son necesidades de amor, pertenencia social y aprecio. En la era de las redes sociales, se nos ha dado una falsa satisfacción a estas necesidades y hemos pagado con nuestro tiempo. Nuestras interacciones interpersonales se han reducido a aplicaciones como Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram y TikTok. Se pudiera debatir y decir que hay millones de gente creativa en estas plataformas, los llamados “creators”. Mi contraargumento es que la creatividad está limitada a lo que está “trending”, de moda, y esperamos el aplauso y la aprobación de millones de desconocidos para que nuestra creatividad se haga viral. En el 2020 el tiempo promedio que una persona paso en las redes sociales era de 145 minutos diarios de acuerdo a statista.com. Eso es casi dos horas y media. En una semana, eso se convierte en aproximadamente 17 horas. En muchos casos, estas horas son tiempo perdido ya que la mayoría de

nosotros somos consumidores y no creadores. No estoy recomendando deshacernos de estas aplicaciones. Incluso, al usarlas de forma moderada y conscientemente se convierten en herramientas geniales que pueden promover nuestro trabajo. Simplemente ofrezco esta pieza como reflexión al tiempo que se nos esfuma de las manos y cómo podemos invertir nuestro tiempo de una forma distinta para que fomente el crecimiento personal que nos lleve a la autorrealización. Al no artista, no importa tu medio de arte, ya sea el baile, la comida, la fotografía, cada uno de nosotros llevamos dentro algo que nos pide tiempo para germinar. El arte no se tiene que compartir con nadie. Incluso se puede crear arte como práctica de meditación u observación. No le tiene que gustar a todos lo que tu haces, incluso ni a ti mismo. Llevale serenata al río y a los árboles a tu alrededor, dedicale una oda a la taza de café que te tomas cada mañana, observa la belleza de la vida cotidiana. Y, por último, agrégale a tu lista de quehaceres un tiempito de creatividad de vez en cuando.

Donaciones por correo o en línea P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Executive Director Todd Chamberlin • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Editor Raleigh Burleigh • 970-510-3003 news@soprissun.com Directora Artística: Ylice Golden Traductoras: Jacquelinne Castro y Dolores Duarte Distribucion: Crystal Tapp Miembros de la Mesa Directiva Klaus Kocher • Kay Clarke • Lee Beck Megan Tackett • Gayle Wells • Donna Dayton Terri Ritchie • Eric Smith • Vanessa Porras The Sopris Sun, Inc. Es un miembro orgulloso del Distrito Creativo de Carbondale The Sopris Sun, Inc. es una 501(c) (3) organización benéfica sin fines de lucro. Contribuciones financieras son deducibles de impuestos. ¡ESCRÍBENOS! Para contribuir ideas y contenido al Sol del Valle, escribiéndonos a: sol@soprissun.com Para comprar espacio publicitario en español, inglés, o ambos, mándanos un correo electrónico a:

adsales@soprissun.com También se puede contactarnos llamando a 970-510-3003.


¡La prevención temprana evita que los osos hagan un hábito al visitar los vecindarios!

+ Cupos disponibles para clases pariente-hijo empezando el 5 de noviembre. Cuentos y música, bilingüe: Peas & Carrots Para matricular: waldorfschoolrf.org

Retire artículos que atraigan a los osos: • Parrillas • Basura • Comederos de • Abono orgánico • Comida para pájaros mascotas • Frutas


El Pueblo de Carbondale aprobó una ordenanza prohibiendo la colocación de basura en lugares de colección antes de las 6 am y contenedores vacíos deben ser llevados dentro de un hogar seguro no más tarde que las 8 pm del mismo día. Abono orgánico y botes de basura deben estar en un área segura y cerrada o deben ser contenedores resistentes a los osos. Los botes de basura deben estar aprobados/ certificados por el comité de Inneragency Grizzly. (Sec.7-3-60) El olor de cualquier comida puede atraer a los osos. Mantenga basura en lugares cerrados hasta la mañana de colección y mantenga parrillas limpios y libres de olor. Una m Es mejor mantener ventanas y puertas aseguradas, especialmente ulta de has durante la noche. Si algún oso entra a su hogar, abra las puertas para t dejar una ruta de escape para el oso y si es posible y salga del hogar. $1,00 a

CONSEJO: Se alienta tener gallineros electrificados.

LA BASURA MATA A LOS OSOS: Los osos que visitan regularmente a los vecindarios puede que necesite ser movido o eutanasiados. Para poder mantener a su familia y a los osos seguros, por favor elimine cualquier atrayente y siga estos consejos y ordenanzas hasta que los osos hibernen. Los osos son el 90% vegetarianos y raramente cazan o matan animales, sin embargo, son animales salvajes y pueden ser impredecibles. No se acerque a ningún oso, especialmente a los cachorros.

Tour del campus, 10 de noviembre

9:30 a.m. a 11 a.m

Espacio limitado, cubrebocas requerido Para registrar: waldorfschoolrf.org

0 por violar ordena nz de bas a ura

Para más información, llame a la División de Vida Silvestre: 947-2920. Llame al Departamento de Policía de Carbondale si ve algún oso en el pueblo al 963-2662.

14 • EL SOL DEL VALLE • soprissun.com/espanol/ • 28 de octubre - 3 de noviembre, 2021

CHISME DEL PUEBLO Día de los Muertos

maleteros de carros decorados. Para aquellos que atiendan, no se olviden de usar su mascarilla.

Carbondale Arts y Valley Settlement exhibirán una “ofrenda” comunitaria honrando el Día de los Muertos, frente a The Launchpad desde el lunes 1 de noviembre hasta el 11 de noviembre. La comunidad está bienvenida a contribuir con fotos y recuerdos honrando a aquellos que hayan fallecido. El viernes 5 de noviembre, Carbondale Arts celebra un nuevo mural en Fourth y Main, además del Día de los Muertos con una procesión dirigida por Aspen Santa Fe Ballet Folclórico comenzando en el Third Street Center.

Asistencia médica

¿Necesita ayuda navegando por las complejas coberturas médicas? La inscripción abierta está disponible desde el 15 de octubre hasta el 7 de diciembre y en el 2022, los condados de Garfield y Pitkin incluyen tres nuevos planes de Medicare. El programa High Country Retired Senior Volunteer está disponible para ayudar a los mayores para poder conseguir cobertura a los mejores precios. Llame al 970-384-8744 para programar una cita por teléfono, por Zoom o en persona.

Arte que honra El sábado 30 de octubre, la biblioteca de Basalt y Anderson Ranch se unieron para crear altares con técnica mixta celebrando el Día de los Muertos a las 10:30 a.m. Para inscribirse, visite basaltlibrary.org/events-calendar

Cambios en ACF La Fundación Comunitaria de Aspen (ACF), el cual ayuda a jóvenes y familias en desventajas financieras desde Aspen hasta Parachute, le da una despedida a la directora ejecutiva Tamara Tormohlen. Tormohlen sirvió como directora ejecutiva por 16 años, pero ha estado involucrada en la organización por los últimos 20 años. Piensa en quedarse hasta que se encuentre un reemplazo.

Llamado de auxilio El Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Colorado prepara a los residentes de Colorado para el lanzamiento de la Linea Directiva Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio, 988. Comenzando el 16 de julio del 2022, la gente en crisis puede marcar al 988 para asistencia de emergencia profesional. En preparación, para poder alcanzar a los residentes de Colorado con códigos de área 970 0 917, los llamadores tendrán que marcar el número de diez dígitos (incluyendo el prefijo del código de área) para prevenir llamadas accidentales al 988 en el futuro.

Aeropuerto de Glenwood El ayuntamiento de Glenwood Springs organiza dos sesiones en audio con respecto al aeropuerto municipal de la ciudad después de que las medidas electorales relacionadas (2A y 2B) son decididas. Residentes de Glenwood están invitados a Sopris Elementary School el 8 de noviembre de 6:30 a 8 p.m. o al centro comunitario de Glenwood el 10 de noviembre de 8:30 a 10 a.m. “El propósito de estas sesiones sobre el aeropuerto”. dijo el comunicado de prensa, “será para que los residentes de Glenwood compartan sus perspectivas en las medidas electorales, el resultado de la votación y cuáles serían sus ideas para los próximos pasos para el aeropuerto.”

Marca del Jaguar Maestra de ciencias en Glenwood Middle School, Autumn Rivera, fue nombrada Maestra del Año de Colorado. Rivera fue destacada en un artículo de The Sopris Sun el 6 de octubre, después de haber sido nominada como finalista. Rivera entrará en la competencia de Maestre del Año Nacional y se convertirá en un miembro del Gabinete de Maestros del Comisionado de Educación de Colorado. Foto de Jeanne Souldern.

El cineasta local Dave Taylor de Cool Brick Studios ganó la Película con Mejor Especie en Peligro de Extinción del 2021 en el festival de cine Wildlife Conservation en la ciudad de Nueva York el 16 de octubre. La película, la cual fue filmada en el 2019, retrata los jaguares en peligro en Pantanal (al suroeste de Brasil) y los esfuerzos que se hacen para proteger a estas especies.

Dulce o baúl

Concurso de fotografía

Ascendigo Autism Services organizará su segundo evento anual “Trunk or Treat” en la estación de bomberos en Carbondale el 29 de octubre de 4 p.m. a 6:30 p.m. Los jóvenes que viven con discapacidades (y sus familias) están invitados a ir por dulces en un ambiente sano y controlado donde 15 amigables espíritus, duendes y tales estarán dando golosinas de La Noche de Brujas desde sus

El concurso de fotografía anual de Roaring Fork Conservancy está recibiendo entregas de fotografía aficionada o profesional. Las categorías de este año son “gente disfrutando la vertiente”, “fauna silvestre” y “arroyos y paisajes”. ¡Las obras deben ser entregadas antes del 14 de noviembre! Encuentre más detalles en http://www.roaringfork.org/

EL SOL DEL VALLE • Conector de comunidad • 28 de octubre - 3 de noviembre, 2021 • 15

Encontrando tesoro en la basura Por Dyana Z. Furmansky Traducción por Dolores Duarte

El lanzamiento de la aplicación Love Zero Waste en abril de 2020 es una de las pequeñas buenas noticias que se vieron truncadas con el estallido de la pandemia mundial, cuando prácticamente las únicas noticias que se daban eran sombrías y relacionadas con el COVID-19. “No tuvimos la cobertura que esperábamos”, recuerda Alyssa Reindel. Con su esposo, David Reindel, co-fundó la empresa Evergreen ZeroWaste, creadora de la aplicación. El COVID y sus variantes estarán en el planeta por algún tiempo. También lo hará, al parecer, la app gratuita Love Zero Waste de la empresa, útil para los residentes de la región de Roaring Fork que se preocupan por la salud de nuestro planeta. La aplicación Love Zero Waste digitaliza y amplía la guía de reciclaje impresa de Evergreen ZeroWaste de 2016, dice Reindel. Ella había querido convertir la guía en papel en una app “viva” para que pudiera actualizarse con sugerencias y, por supuesto, no añadirse a la acumulación de cosas físicas en el mundo. Sin embargo, Reindel tardó en convencer a la empresa canadiense Recollect, que construye plataformas comunitarias de

reciclaje en línea para determinados municipios. Reindel pidió una modelo regional para su aplicación “Love Zero”. “Queríamos que la gente pudiera buscar un artículo en particular que quisiera reciclar y averiguar qué instalaciones podían aceptarlo entre Aspen y Rifle”. Después de que Evergreen ZeroWaste ganara el premio Recycle Colorado’s 2019 Recycler of the Year Award, “supongo que llamamos la atención de Recollect”, dice. Según Reindel, hay unos 5,000 usuarios de Love Zero y 8,000 materiales que han encontrado nuevos fines. Tras el lanzamiento de la primera aplicación regional, Evergreen ZeroWaste creó una también para el condado de Mesa. Reindel quería que la aplicación ayudará a la gente a decidir si sus cosas eran reciclables, compostables, reutilizables o, como último recurso, iban al vertedero. Elaborar una lista exhaustiva de los artículos que podían desviarse de los vertederos y de los lugares alternativos que los aceptarían, “fue sin duda un trabajo muy intenso”, admite Reindel. Tres miembros del personal de Evergreen ZeroWaste contribuyeron con muchas horas, mientras que la empleada Tessarae Mercer trabajó en el proyecto a tiempo completo durante cuatro meses.

Mucha de la basura producida por personas podría estar reciclada. La aplicación Love Zero Waste, que es bilingüe, ayuda a las personas saber cómo responsablemente sortear sus desechos. Foto por Olivia Emmer. Mercer dice que hizo “cientos de llamadas telefónicas”, y llegó a más de 300 artículos y docenas de organizaciones centradas en la reutilización donde se podían dejar las cosas a lo largo del corredor de 68 millas que cruza los condados de Pitkin, Eagle y Garfield. El trabajo relacionó los tipos de materiales con “flujos de residuos” separados. Los neumáticos de coches y camiones, por ejemplo, requerían su propio flujo, dice Mercer. Las “cámaras y neumáticos de bicicleta” también tienen un flujo propio. La aplicación Love Zero Waste, que es bilingüe, permite a los usuarios buscar un artículo que quieran reciclar, e incluye sugerencias de otros artículos y

lugares de reciclaje si no encuentran lo que buscan. También muestra las búsquedas más populares, que actualmente son televisores, residuos de alimentos, pilas y follaje. Hay una pestaña para ver qué va a parar a cada sitio, y un calendario de eventos de desviación de residuos en cada comunidad. “Me sorprendió mucho descubrir cuántos artículos pueden evitarse en los vertederos”, dice Mercer. “Un enorme porcentaje sí tiene otro lugar al que ir”. ¿Algún artículo que la sorprendió? Un viejo traje de neopreno que suponía que iba a ir a parar al vertedero podía enviarse a un centro de reciclaje textil. Y los teléfonos móviles viejos pueden depositarse en una caja

de reciclaje en el ayuntamiento de Aspen, dice. “Aprendí mucho del enfoque holístico de Evergreen ZeroWaste en cuanto a la desviación de residuos, y mis conocimientos de cero residuos crecieron realmente”, dice Mercer. En parte, su éxito en el cumplimiento del deseo de Evergreen ZeroWaste de adoptar un enfoque regional para la desviación de residuos le valió un nuevo trabajo como coordinadora nacional de sostenibilidad para Chipotle, con sede en Newport Beach, California. Mercer se trasladó a Los Ángeles para ocupar el puesto el pasado mes de mayo. “Estoy muy orgullosa de Tessarae”, dice Reindel. “Está en búsqueda de su propia aventura”.


de Carbondale

agradeCemos su oPInIón y ComEntaRIos The Sopris Sun está buscando a alguien para vender anuncios, a medio tiempo y por comisión. El enfoque será principalmente vender anuncios en español para el Sol del Valle. Hay que ser bilingüe. Por favor, mande tu CV a Todd@SoprisSun.com


Reuniones informativas virtuales: 27 de octubre | 6 pm a 8 pm | Español 28 de octubre | 6 pm a 8 pm | Inglés

Perspectiva general:

Comentarios necesarios:

nuestro equipo de consultores presentará la redacción del plan, seguida de una sesión de preguntas y respuestas en la que los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de expresar sus preguntas y comentarios por escrito a través del chat. El propósito de estas reuniones virtuales es presentar las partes clave de la redacción del plan para obtener comentarios y sugerencias por parte del público. Hemos obtenido muy buena información hasta el momento a través de este proceso, misma que hemos utilizado para desarrollar recomendaciones sobre el futuro de carbondale. Estaremos haciendo éstas y otras preguntas:

• Redacción del mapa sobre el uso de la tierra en el futuro

• ¿le hemos escuchado correctamente?

Baños naturales minerals termales “Más privado que una piscina”

• comentarios necesarios: > Vivienda > Mobilidad > centro y parte norte del centro > acción climática > Envejeciendo en la comunidad las recomendaciones clave serán publicadas en la página web del proyecto (en inglés y en español) antes del viernes 8 de octubre para toda persona que deseen familiarizarse con ellas antes de las reuniones: https://carbondalekaleidoscope.org/ chart-carbondale

• ¿piensa que estas recomendaciones están avanzando en la dirección correcta?

No WALKINS Por favor. Llame para citas Para información y reservaciones llame a 970-945-0667 • yampahspa.com El Spa esta abierto de 9 a.m. a 9 p.m. y el Salón de 9 a.m. a 7 p.m.

16 • EL SOL DEL VALLE • soprissun.com/espanol/ • 28 de octubre - 3 de noviembre, 2021

970-510-1202 • carbondalekaleidoscope.org/chart-carbondale

November 1-5 ! Ee E FJoiR 7th n th 1 Annual tion! Celebra

Altar Exhibition at The Launchpad | November 1-5 The celebration starts on Monday, November 1st with the creation of a community ofrenda in front of The Launchpad, built by Carbondale Arts and Valley Settlement Project. Please bring photos and mementos of those you would like to remember and honor as the veil between the living and dead is thinnest during this week. The altar will remain up until November 11th.

Mural Dedication & Procession | First Friday, November 5 Festivities continue on First Friday, November 5th. Carbondale Arts celebrates the artists and community who helped create our latest mural at 4th and Main Streets. Join us from 4-5pm for Mexican hot chocolate, goodies and dedications. A procession, featuring large-scale catrina puppets and artistry of Aspen Santa-Fe Ballet Folklórico, begins at Third Street Center at 5:30pm ending back at 4th and Main with performances by Roaring Fork Youth Orchestra, Ballet Folklórico, local fire performers, ending with a community howl.

El 1 al 5 de Noviembre La celebración comenzará el Lunes 1ro de Noviembre con la preparación de la Ofrenda Comunal en frente de The Launchpad. Por favor traigan fotos y recuerdos de las personas a las que quieran honrar durante la semana en la que el velo entre el mundo terrenal y el espiritual se afina. El altar permanecerá allí hasta el dia 11 de Noviembre. Las festividades continuarán el Primer Viernes, 5 de Noviembre junto a Carbondale Arts, los artistas y miembros de la comunidad que ayudaron a crear el mas reciente mural entre las calles 4th y Main St. Únete a nosotros de 4 a 5pm al costado del edificio de CenturyLink donde habran bebidas calientes y dedicaciones. Una procesión comenzará en el Third Street Center a las 5:30pm y finalizará en la esquina de 4th y Main St con actuaciones del Ballet Folklórico y artistas de fuego locales. Todos son bienvenidos, el evento es libre y gratuito.

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • October 28 - November 3, 2021 • 17

Unemployment Benefits are Ending! Wondering What to Do With Your Life Now? Consider a career in Caregiving and help people with disabilities live an inclusive and independent life - you might find your new passion in our profession.

Rifle: $16 - $18 per hour Rulison: $16 - $18 per hour Silt: $16 - $18 per hour

Glenwood Springs: $16 - $18 per hour Carbondale: $18 - $20 per hour Vail/Minturn: $18 - $20 per hour

Our Robust Benefit Package Includes: Medical Dental (FREE with Medical) Vision FREE Basic Life and AD&D Retirement with Matching Program Employee Assistance Program Voluntary Life 3 Weeks Paid Vacation

Flexible Spending Accounts Pet-Friendly Electric Car Charging Stations Tuition Reimbursement Off-the-Job Accident Insurance Motion Members Rewards Pro Discount on AT&T and Verizon Plans Frequent Bonuses

To learn more and apply, visit us at www.mtnvalley.org or email crogers@mtnvalley.org. Mountain Valley Developmental Services is a Colorado nonprofit providing support to people with intellectual disabilities since 1973. 18 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • October 28 - November 3, 2021

Home on the range

On Oct. 20, anyone heading home through Carbondale experienced a brief interruption in their commute as the North Thompson Cattlemen's Association drove approximately 800 head of cattle from Jerome Park, through the roundabout and down Colorado Avenue. Teslas, Range Rovers and bicyclists all moved over or hunkered in place while a sea of beef calmly passed by. For those brief moments, we were all part of a tradition that has taken place in this valley since the late-1880s. Photo by Paula Mayer.

“Home on the Range” played on the PA system last Wednesday as residents of Sopris Lodge at Carbondale took to their balconies to watch the Nieslanik family, whose ranching roots run deep, drive their herd of cattle across campus en route to their winter home outside Carbondale. Residents at the new senior lifestyle community cheered on the herd during the ranchers' semi-annual roundup. Courtesy photos.



Virtual Outreach Meetings: October 27 | 6 pm – 8 pm | Spanish October 28 | 6 pm – 8 pm | English


Feedback needed:

Our consultant team will present the draft plan, followed by an open Q+A and input session where participants will have the opportunity to type questions and comments into the chat.

• The draft Future Land Use Map

The purpose of these virtual meetings is to present key pieces of the draft plan for public feedback. We heard lots of good information throughout this process so far that we’ve used to develop recommendations for the future of Carbondale. We will be asking questions like: “The Sopris Sun is a critical asset to Carbondale and the Roaring Fork Valley community. Local, non-profit journalism focused on our town ensures we’re all well-informed by essential news and well-connected by charming stories” Olivia Emmer

• Key recommendations: > Housing > Mobility > Downtown + Downtown North > Climate Action > Aging in Community Key recommendations will be posted on the project website (in English and Spanish) by Friday, October 8 for those who would like to review them prior to the meetings: https://carbondalekaleidoscope.org/ chart-carbondale

• Did we hear you right? • Are these recommendations moving in the right direction?

Make a tax-deductible donation today! www.soprissun.com/donate/

Mail a check: PO Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623 Contact: Todd Chamberlin| 970-510-0246 | todd@soprissun.com

970-510-1202 • carbondalekaleidoscope.org/chart-carbondale

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • October 28 - November 3, 2021 • 19

Local teacher meets Dalai Lama

By Raleigh Burleigh Sopris Sun Editor

Basalt Elementary dual-language educator Brittany Rose was selected among her peers to address His Holiness the Dalai Lama during a virtual conversation hosted on Monday night, Oct. 25. The opportunity came by way of the Compassion and Dignity for Educators project developed by the University of Boulder School of Education with the Renée Crown Wellness Institute and Compassion Institute. This new online certificate program was designed specifically for teachers, in response to the tremendous challenges facing young people and the critical role that educators play to prepare them for a well-lived life. “I feel great honor you give me this opportunity,” the Dalai Lama began. “Survival of humanity requires a compassionate mind.” Prior to Monday’s event, The Sopris Sun caught up with Rose. Asked about the lessons she's gleaned from her studies, she responded that compassion, though often confused with empathy, is special. She described empathy as a mirror, reflecting an experience held in common. As in, “I've been there before and I know how it feels.” “Compassion is action,” Rose continued. It's less emotional and requires taking steps to alleviate the suffering of others. Neither, she shared, is compassion the same as love. “Love requires morality and is judgmental.” She said that it's unrealistic to believe that love can fix the world, because love is selective based on deep feelings. Compassion, however, does not exclude. “Everyone is deserving of compassion.” Compassion can also take many forms. From a simple smile to a helping hand, even holding others accountable by sharing hard truths can be considered taking compassionate action. Addressing the students and audience, the Dalai Lama described the energy produced by anger as “short, temporary and may become self-destructive.” On a planet with 7.8 billion human beings, “7 billion brothers and sisters,” said the Dalai Lama, educators must go beyond intellectual knowledge and teach “warm-heartedness.” “It brings me immense joy to speak with you,” Rose addressed His Holiness, “This past year has had many challenges because of COVID. But, despite this, I didn't have a bad year. I think I had a beautiful year. Knowing that we can be happy in my classroom brings me peace. At the same time, I don't want to be dismissive of the suffering that is out in the world. My question is, how can I be both happy with my students and keep my heart open to the suffering in our world?”

RFSD teacher Brittany Rose had the opportunity to ask a question of His Holiness the Dalai Lama during a virtual conversation on Monday night, Oct. 25. Screen shot by Raleigh Burleigh. “The troubled world is a source of practice of compassion,” the Dalai Lama responded. “In order to show others more compassion, firstly you yourself practice, all your life. Then, even toward your enemies." He continued, “The problem cannot be solved by force, by weapon, by anger. The problem can be solved with more compassionate minds.” "There’s no other alternative," he emphasized, suggesting that to carrying a smile into the classroom will help spread warm-heartedness, “My face always smile. If Dalai Lama’s face more angry,” “or stern?” offered the translator, “I may not be so popular,” said the Dalai Lama laughing. “Even animals with no religious faith appreciate a warm-hearted attitude.” In addition to nurturing warm-heartedness, “Compassion is key factor for peace of mind,” the Dalai Lama explained. "A compassionate, open mind allows for less fear and more inner strength and confidence.” In conversation with The Sopris Sun, Rose also acknowledged those qualities as essential to teaching. “Educators must be self-aware, and aware of others, to be intentional.” To remain “regulated,” she said, evenly navigating every circumstance to equitably tend to the needs and growth of students — this also requires compassion and realism toward one's self. “If teachers can 'self care,' that's going to make a difference for our kids.” Asked about Ballot Initiative 5B, Rose responded, “We can't be good to others unless good to ourselves.” View the full conversation here: https://bit.ly/RoseandDalai

towN oF carboNdale


leaF recycliNg Parking lot on 4th and Colorado Ave

october 11 through

November 3

The Town of Carbondale will be hosting a leaf recycling drive starting October 11, 2021, and ending November 3, 2021. Located in the parking lot on 4th and Colorado Ave. • LEAVES ONLY in designated containers with no plastic bags, trash or compostable leaf bags. • BRANCHES (2” or smaller in diameter), YARD AND GARDEN WASTE can be comingled in designated containers only. • Clean leaf containers will be recycled for compost on local ranches. • Contaminated containers of leaves will be hauled to the landfill and cost more to dispose of. • To have leaves delivered to a ranch, email llindberg@carbondaleco.net

Leaves only No plastic bags, trash, recyclables, or compostable bags.

For towN oF carboNdale resideNts oNly carbondalegov.org 20 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • October 28 - November 3, 2021

Servers and students share nourishment

By Dyana Z. Furmansky Sopris Sun Correspondent

On Wednesdays, 36-year old Jenny Elmore serves lunch to a noisy stream of Ross Montessori School (RMS) students. For two hectic hours, she places a slice of pizza and a cupful of iceberg lettuce on paper plates, and hands them across the counter to the hungry kids. At frequent intervals, she sanitizes all surfaces, a preCovid requirement. “I love my job,” says Elmore. She also loves her shoes. She lifts up one foot shod in a rainbow-colored Croc to show The Sopris Sun. Elmore’s new coworker Rachel Busk, who wears a baseball cap low over her brow, says she loves her job too. “I like serving lunches to people. I like to hang out with people,” says Busk, who hadn’t had many chances to do either. At 23, this is Busk’s first job, says Crystal Hunt, the supported employment manager at Mountain Valley Developmental Services (MVDS) in Glenwood Springs. MVDS provides intellectually disabled clients, from age four up, with life skills that strengthen their independence in inclusive settings. Hunt finds organizations around Glenwood Springs that can place MVDS clients like Elmore and Busk to hang out in public while earning the $12.32 minimum wage for the hours they work. The RMS gig, however, was the idea of Head of School Sonya Hemmens, three years ago. Hemmens says she knew that MVDS clients worked at the Safeway in Glenwood, and when the store closed,

Jenny Elmore passes a plate of food to a student at Ross Montessori School. Photo by Sue Rollyson. she decided she wanted to employ developmentally disabled people at the school. “It’s something I’ve wanted for Ross, because kids don’t get to engage with people who are different from them,” says Hemmens. “MVSD is in service to us, and we are in service to them.” And, Hemmens says, she “wanted a dependable work staff.” She can rely on MVSD workers, accompanied by job coaches, to show up because they are provided with transportation.

Ross Montessori had its own connection to the work program through its school cafeteria manager Daisy Contreras. Contreras, a registered behavioral technician, previously worked at MVSD. “It’s wonderful to see some of my old clients working in the cafeteria,” she says. Hunt acknowledged that when MVSD clients first showed up to serve lunch, there was an adjustment period. “Kids would just stare, because some of our clients look funny to them,” she said. This made a few of her clients uncomfortable.

Now, the students seem not to notice any differences, and they converse with the servers. “The kids say ‘hi,’ and our clients say ‘have a nice day,’ or compliment a hat or sweatshirt.” Ross Montessori, according to Hunt, is the first school in the valley to hire from MVSD. The ski wax company mountainFLOW, based in Carbondale, hires MVSD clients to package their products from home, Hunt says. MVSD sends two clients to work Ross’s three hot lunch shifts each week. Other lunch servers are Moria Sanchez, Molly Murray, David Argotte and Tom Padilla, Hunt says. At Ross, the job coaches closely supervise everything that goes on. “We’re here to provide on-the-job training,” says David Kime, who along with coach Anji Timmons, repeatedly reminded Elmore and Busk to do each of their tasks. “We give constant feedback,” says Kime. Since Colorado’s vaccination mandate for caregivers went into effect, Hunt says the biggest problem she faces is hiring new coaches. She says she regretted having to fire three who “had the gift” of engaging with MVSD clients, because the coaches refused to get vaccinated. Nevertheless, with October being National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Hunt says it’s a good time to promote MVSD’s workforce availability more broadly. MVSD’s clientele live in Eagle, Garfield, Lake and Pitkin Counties. “Like anyone else, the developmentally disabled get bored just sitting around home,” she says.

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1127 School Street • Springs, Glenwood CO 8 Glenwood CO Springs, 81601 This community ad space provided by Cool Brick Studios

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • October 28 - November 3, 2021 • 21

RFSD board endorses "Yes" on 5B By Jeanne Souldern Sopris Sun Correspondent

Voters in Roaring Fork School District (RFSD) Re-1 will decide the fate of Ballot Issue 5B, a mill levy override that, if passed, will increase teacher and staff salaries and bolster the district's retention and recruitment efforts. On Aug. 25, the RFSD Board of Education unanimously passed a resolution to place the initiative on the Nov. 2 ballot for the three communities within Re-1: Carbondale, Basalt and Glenwood Springs. The ballot language reads that property taxes within RFSD will be increased to a maximum of $7.7 million annually in 2022 and adjusted for inflation each year thereafter. Homeowners would pay $3.62 per month per $100,000 of their home's assessed value. The average homeowner in RFSD would pay an additional $14.21 per month. Autumn Rivera, co-chair of the "Yes on 5B" committee, said passage of the ballot issue would translate to a 10 to 12 percent pay increase for staff members and teachers. She reiterated these additional funds stay within RFSD and will not be used to pay salaries for the senior district leadership team, saying, "It's about trying to support our teachers and our staff — bus drivers, custodians, food workers, paraprofessionals, secretaries and health workers."

RFSD faces increased competitiveness from surrounding districts to attract and retain quality teachers and staff. Comparing RFSD's average per-pupil mill levy override funding to that of the Aspen, Eagle County, Garfield County Re-2 and Re16 school districts, Rivera explained, "If you take all of those districts, we currently are collecting the smallest amount of mill levy override money right now. This would help us rise up and be on par with them." In a Business.org teacher pay survey published in July, Colorado ranks 49 out of 51 (50 states plus the District of Columbia) in a state-by-state comparison of teacher earnings. And while RFSD has the third-highest cost of living in the state, it ranks 23rd in average teacher pay. According to Rivera, the starting wage for an RFSD teacher is about $41,000 annually, and the average teacher salary is about $50,000. The National Education Association estimates the national average teacher salary was $65,090 for the 2020-21 school year. About five years ago, a committee started looking into ways to alleviate lagging teacher and staff salaries, "and we realized the numbers weren't getting any better," Rivera said. In 2019, some teachers and administrators started meeting as part of an interest-based bargaining committee focused on the RFSD budget. "We spent a long time looking

at the numbers, cutting what we could, and we cut down to almost the bone, and still it was not solving the problem, so we realized we had to do something else," she said. They wanted to present the voters with a mill levy override in 2020; however, the COVID-19 pandemic changed everything. With their plans postponed, Rivera shared, "the numbers continued to get worse." This school year began with over 70 district positions unfilled. Rivera said, "I sat in on many interviews where we would find a great candidate, and we'd offer them a job. They researched the cost of living, realizing they couldn't do it, and turned down the job. Seventyfive percent of the candidates we offered jobs to turned them down." Schools are funded by a combination of state and local property tax revenues. The Gallagher Amendment, passed in 1982, and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) — adopted by voters as an amendment to Colorado's state constitution in 1992 — placed strict limits on government revenues and spending growth. Some voters have said these measures hamper local governments' ability to adequately fund schools. Amendment B, which passed in November 2020, was a partial repeal of the Gallagher Amendment. Still, many argue more must be done to rectify funding inequities. Rivera said Colorado's education funding formula has resulted in "[high


"We Are RFSD" volunteers, working for the "Yes on 5B" ballot issue, recently went door-to-door to ask voters for their support. Courtesy photo from "We Are RFSD." school] seniors, graduating this year, who have gone their entire 12 years of school and have never had a properly funded school year." Rivera concluded, "Education only makes society better. We can give to our community by having strong schools and attracting new and awesome

teachers, but also keeping the teachers and staff who have been committed to our community and students." For more information about Ballot Issue 5B, visit https://www.yeson5b. com/ There were no registered opponents to the ballot initiative.


BEARS HAvE BEEN SEEN IN AND AROuND CARBONDAlE Early prevention keeps bears from making a habit of visiting neighborhoods!

REMOvE ITEMS THAT ATTRACT BEARS: • Garbage • Barbeque Grills • Bird Feeders • Fruit • Pet Food • Compost


The Town of Carbondale passed an ordinance prohibiting placement of trash for pickup before 6AM on collection day and empty containers must be brought in no later than 8PM the same day. Compost and trash cans need to be in a secure and enclosed area or must be bear resistant trash can. Trash cans should be approved/certified by the Inneragency Grizzly Committee. (Sec. 7-3-60) The smell of any food may attract bears. Keep garbage indoors until the morning of trash pickup and keep outdoor barbeque grills clean and odorless. It is best to keep windows and doors securely locked, especially at night. If a bear enters your home, open doors to leave the bear an escape route and leave the house if possible.

TIP: It’s encouraged to have electrified chicken coops. GARBAGE KIllS BEARS:

Bears that make repeated visits to neighborhoods may need to be moved or euthanized. To keep your family and the bears safe, please remove any attractants and follow these tips and ordinances, until the bears hibernate in winter. Bears are 90% vegetarian and rarely hunt or kill animals, however, they are wild animals and can be unpredicatable. Do not approach any bear, especially cubs. For additional information, call the Division of Wildlife: 947-2920. Call the Carbondale Police Department if you see a bear anywhere in town at 963-2662.

22 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • October 28 - November 3, 2021


PSSWF helps bear cubs hibernate

By Dyana Z. Furmansky Sopris Sun Correspondent

It’s the time of year again when bears are supposed to go into hibernation. Sometimes the long journey back to what should come naturally for them starts in Silt, at the Pauline S. Schneegas Wildlife Foundation (PSSWF). Director Nanci Limbach, who named PSSWF for her wildlife-loving grandmother, is one of about 20 rehabilitation specialists licensed in the state by the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW). Bears transported by CPW to PSSWF begin the slow process of rehabilitation when bears are briefly tranquilized to have blood work done, and “get tagged, micro-chipped, de-wormed and checked for parasites,” says Limbach, who has been rehabilitating wild mega mammals like bears and mountain lions since 1984. “Rehabilitation is considered successful only when an animal is healthy enough to be released into the wild,” says CPW Wildlife Manager Kirk Oldham, who is based in Grand Junction. He has often brought injured or starving bears to PSSWF. “We are not saving animals that will not be well enough to survive [in their natural habitat],” says Oldham. “Rehabilitation facilities are not zoos.” Animals that CPW determines won’t make it on their own must be euthanized. Since starving bear cubs are the ones most frequently brought in for rehabilitation, the last requirement before they can be returned to the wild is that they have eaten enough food at PSSWF to weigh about 60 pounds. The cubs have either been orphaned or abandoned by mothers that, in their own search for food,

Pauline S. Schneegas Wildlife Foundation

Wildlife Rehabilitation and Environmental Education Center

Private wildlife rehabilitation centers in Colorado are NOT funded through state or federal government. PSSWF relies solely on donations and our operational costs are continuous. As increasing human populations lead to ever more wildlife conflicts, the Foundation must continue to grow. Wish list: • Cash donations for food, supplies, utilities, maintenance, and insurance • Dog and cat food – both dry and canned • Produce – apples, berries, and other fruit for carnivores and omnivores • Meats – deer, elk, beef, chicken, and fish for carnivores and raptors • Alfalfa hay and goat grains for deer and elk • Bird and rodent food • Donations of construction materials • Volunteers – Please visit our website for more information!

CPW agents place one of three tranquilized cubs in a den prepared for them in southeast Colorado, January 2019. CPW transported the animals from a licensed rehabilitation facility for reintroduction to the wild. Photo by Mike DelliVeneri, courtesy of CPW. leave their young to fend for themselves. One young animal that CPW recently took to PSSWF was found in an apple tree in Garfield County Commissioner John Martin’s yard in Glenwood Springs. It will have to winter over at the PSSWF compound, says Limbach. Healthy cubs who have a mother can hibernate with her their first year, although they can also den successfully on their own. “It used to get cold in Silt,” says Limbach. “But now it's 60 degrees in winter and the bears we keep here look like they’re saying,

‘Hibernate?’ They are not happy campers.” When her grandmother died, Limbach received an inheritance that allowed her to purchase land at 8,000 feet, providing habitat well-suited for what Limbach calls “preliminary hibernation.” Another key factor essential for rehabilitation is that the area’s isolation maintains a vast social distance from humans. “It’s on the backside of Sunlight,” is all Limbach would say about the location. Avoiding humans entirely is more important than ever, because people can infect bears with


Donations by mail: 5945 County Road 346, Silt CO 81652

The Pauline S. Schneegas Wildlife Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. All donations are tax deductible.

COVID-19, according to CPW. Emotionally detaching people from bears begins at the compound. The animals’ keepers have as little contact with them as possible, even in the way they are fed. Conferring cute nicknames “like Buttons,” for instance, is prohibited, says Limbach. “These animals are wild. They shouldn’t be given names.” Individual animals are referred to by a number that is recorded. In October, when it gets cold enough, a PSSWF team transports an animal to the site at higher elevation and releases it. “When the bear is good and ready it will go hibernate,” says Limbach. Usually that takes until all available plant sources of food that a bear can eat are gone, or there’s a blizzard, she says. When an impregnated female’s denning cycle is natural, “all bears are born in January,” she says. But in a managed hibernation, the next stage happens in February. CPW staff go up to the PSSWF site, locate the preliminary dens, tranquilize, remove and transport the animals to an even more isolated location. Snow dens dug by wildlife staff await, and the groggy bears are moved into them. The plan is that they wake up about six weeks later, fit for spring and having completely forgotten that people are a source of food. Only then can it be said that a bear is no longer habituated to people. If an adult bear that was previously tagged does find its way back to a trash can, dumpster or in somebody’s kitchen, CPW returns it to the wild only one more time before it must be euthanized, says Limpach. “A tagged cub, however, is given a third chance.”

Or visit www.psswf.org/donate




IN COLABORATION WITH BSA TROOP 201 ASPEN The Roaring Fork Valley Bear Coalition is a 501(c)3 nonprofit.

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • October 28 - November 3, 2021 • 23


Tim Hagman

Oct. 3, 1943 - Oct. 3, 2021







enthusiast/adventurer, passed away on his 78th birthday, Oct. 3, 2021, surrounded by his sons and his brother.

Tim was involved in designing some of Aspen’s most iconic public buildings and private residences. As one of Aspen’s most renowned and highly-respected architects, Tim’s 50-plus years of architectural masterpieces stand as monuments to an ever-inspired and creative life. Tim grew up roaming around his grandparents’ orchards in the Yakima Valley with his two siblings. He had an older sister who died of breast cancer in 1985 (he would posthumously remind all female friends to listen to their doctors and do what they say). He also had a brother, John Hagman, just a year older. The two grew up as twins and remained close throughout their lives. They always shared a bedroom, which they each always entered cautiously, lest either suffer traps of falling debris carefully installed by the other. Their sister forever believed that having two younger brothers was divine punishment for some enormous sins of a past life. After time spent in California, the family eventually settled back in the state of Washington and lived in Seattle, where Tim attended school for most of his childhood, eventually enrolling at the University of Washington. He was an excellent athlete and an honors student, though sometimes selective in applying his learning — Tim once tried to convince his mother that he needed to stay out late playing poker to test his knowledge of probability. At the University of Washington he entered the School of Architecture, where he distinguished himself. His interests and achievements in green architecture were timely. In the late sixties, Tim came to Aspen for a ski trip and never left, making his home where he could pair his architecture work with athletic adventures among the mountains and rivers of the Roaring Fork Valley. Tim soon began working for legendary architect Fritz Benedict, and subsequently partnered and formed various firms alongside other talented architects, including Jim Copland, David Finholm and Larry Yaw, and eventually opened his own firm in the early ‘90s as principal of Hagman Architects. Tim consistently (and very modestly) pushed the boundaries of local architecture. As designs were

developed, longtime friendships with adventurous clients ensued. Clients-turned-friends recall Tim arriving for an initial interview on his road-bike, which seems to have been the catalyst for their signing on with him as their architect for their river-front home. Tim designed with creativity and passion for his craft, respecting and honoring both his clients and the environment surrounding any project he was working on. His work and contributions to the local community will be honored, remembered and appreciated for generations to come. Alongside his architectural passions and contributions, Tim enjoyed pushing the boundaries on all of his athletic endeavors, especially on his skis, bike, and kayak. He was a pioneer of riding the White Rim trail in 24 hours, and earned the nickname “Hagamo” by his adventure buddies. He instilled a love of travel, a practice of pushing the boundaries during outdoor adventures, and an appreciation for art in his two sons. In addition to his two sons, Jonathan and Alex, and his brother, John, Tim is survived and mourned by his sister-in-law, Ritsko Wallace ( John’s wife), Tim’s ex-wife of nearly 40 years, Kay Knickerbocker, and her husband, Larry Gottlieb (with whom Tim maintained a beautiful relationship), his daughter in law, Jess Hagman, his grandson, Sawyer Hagman, who was the “Little Bopper” to Tim’s “Big Bopper” (his chosen grandpa name) and Jonathan’s dogs Tappan and Bruma, who loved Tim dearly. A celebration of Tim’s life will be held on Saturday, Nov. 6 starting at 3 p.m., at the River Valley Ranch Barn, 333 River Valley Ranch Road in Carbondale. RSVPs are requested due to limited space capacity. To RSVP, please email: TimHagmanMemorial@gmail.com. We have set up a memorial website to share pictures and stories: https://bit.ly/TimHagman In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to one of Tim’s cherished organizations, the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: https://aspennature. org/donate-aces-today

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24 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • October 28 - November 3, 2021

10/20/2021 6:47:07 PM


That’s a wrap!

By Jacob Baker Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers

As this year’s camping trips and bike rides fade to black, trails and open spaces shift gears too: during the snowy months is when the government agencies and nonprofits who jointly care for our shared outdoors reflect on the year that was and plan for the year that will be. Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers (RFOV) is excited to share with you — in our final Trail Notes column of the year — our 2021 stewardship successes . What a year it’s been for getting outdoors! We’re glad that more people than ever are appreciating the outdoors, but a special thanks to everyone that chose to be more than trail-users; thank you to our many volunteers who became trail-participants this field season! Almost 600 miles of trails stitch together the Roaring Fork, Crystal, and Middle Colorado river valleys, and the number of hikers and bikers has doubled or tripled at some trailheads as compared to previous years. Growing pressures of wildfire and ecological degradation add to the list of challenges that our regional outdoors must grapple with. It’s all to say that, while our community is enthusiastic for outdoors stewardship, the breadth and depth of the needs are increasing at an even greater rate. With this dynamic in mind, RFOV implemented several new initiatives in April: new types of signage, new accessibility standards, a new coalition and new public engagement. You may have noticed QR-code enabled signage at select trailheads which allow anyone to provide instant notes about their trail experience. RFOV gained insight into trail conditions allowing us to tailor our stewardship work, but recognizing that not everyone wants to provide feedback in this way we’re exploring

other methods of receiving comments for the next project season. In downtown Basalt, we began implementing trail accessibility standards that prioritize sensory and motor abilities, in addition to federal physical handicap standards. This pathway, called “the Ponderosa Trail,” provides direct access from busy city streets to the Roaring Fork River. In addition to greater access for the disabled community, the trail has become a popular place for work-week lunches and family-friendly strolling. Following the Grizzly Creek Fire, RFOV convened stakeholders in the newly-formed Glenwood Canyon Restoration Alliance. Though the July landslides caused disruption and damage throughout the burn area, volunteers still accomplished valuable (and lasting work) this year. Moreover, we’ll use the lessons learned in public education efforts to strengthen outreach in 2022. Finally, we understand that not everyone has the same expectations of our outdoors, so not everyone will engage in stewardship in the same fashion. To that end, we’ve added educational opportunities outside of projects (town halls, book discussions) and within projects (expert-led restoration modules). RFOV is proud that these events have introduced new volunteers of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to the excitement of giving back to public lands. Together, community members like you contributed 6,262 hours of stewardship hours to our region. Sustainable recreation, healthy landscapes, and fire adaptation aren’t just abstract values: they’re at the core of Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers and we’re grateful they’re also at the core of our community. Thank you!

Congratulations to Beth, our 2021 Volunteer of the Year! With empathy, respect and kindness for both volunteers and our shared outdoors, Beth embodies the values of Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers. Courtesy photo.


Continued from page 2

YES for students Strong schools make strong communities and our educators are the keystone. You can be part of making our community stronger by voting yes for 5B. Currently, teacher wages are not representative of the required workload and do not match most teachers’ education or career experience. I understand this firsthand in my 15th year as a teacher in the Roaring Fork Valley. The Denver Post reported in February 2021 that 40% of Colorado’s teachers are considering quitting based on a Colorado Education Association survey. Respondents cited low pay as top among reasons that they might leave. The Center Square recently reported that Colorado is 41st in teacher pay and RFSD ranks 23rd within the state. Currently, 75% of Roaring Fork School District teachers work a second job and this not only leads to burnout but also takes away from quality teaching. Our students deserve better. Although pay is not why myself or my fellow teachers entered the field of education, increased wages would both demonstrate

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appreciation and ensure that we attract and retain quality educators. As teachers, we understand the mission of our work, and are honored to have the opportunity to serve students, their families and our community. We are now counting on you to support your community. Vote “yes” on 5B! Guinevere Jones Redstone

Together for 5B As the former Chief Financial Officer of Roaring Fork Schools, I watched with frustration as the gap between education funding in Colorado and other states grew. In 1998, Colorado school funding lagged about $500 per pupil behind the national average. By 2018, that gap had grown to $3,000. This translates to significantly lower average teacher salaries in Colorado than in other states. And for RFSD, the funding gap is further magnified by having the third highest cost of living out of 178 Colorado

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school districts. This combination of low funding and high cost of living means RFSD cannot compete at the national or state level to attract and retain qualified teachers. And it’s not just teachers who are impacted. From bus drivers to food service workers, substitute teachers to facility maintenance workers, nearly every support department in the district currently suffers from staffing shortages driven largely by wages that are no longer competitive. Colorado laws provide one mechanism for local voters to increase funding over the amount generated by the state formula, and that is through a mill levy override. Our surrounding districts currently receive more per pupil funding through voter-approved overrides than RFSD. I hope you will join me in voting “yes” on 5B to provide this desperately needed funding for our local schools so they can attract and retain teachers and other staff members. Find more info at: yeson5b.com

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • October 28 - November 3, 2021 • 25

HELP WANTED Sunburst Car Care Seeking full-time Cashiers, Car Washers, Detailers, and Lube Technicians and Tire Techs. Please Apply in person at 745 Buggy Circle, Carbondale Financial Education Facilitator Youthentity is hiring part-time facilitators to teach 5th and 8th graders about personal finance in Garfield, Mesa, Eagle, Pitkin, and Summit counties. Pay starts at $20 per hour. To apply, please email a cover letter and resume to stephanie@ youthentity.org Housekeeping Positions Ensures offices, patient/guest rooms, and other areas are kept in a clean, disinfected

and orderly condition. Full time, part time and PRN (as needed) positions available. Apply online: https://grandriverhealth. org/careers/

volunteer, you'll be giving back in your local community. If you are interested please contact Drew Walters - drew. jacob.walters@colostate.edu.

Sous Chef Job duties include menu development, inventory, purchasing of supplies, and cost control, planning, preparing and cooking. Oversees the activities of the kitchen staff and monitors food production. Apply online www.grandriverhealth.org/careers/

Social Media & Events Coordinator Part-Time. Year-Round. Must Love Snow. Includes season pass. Email your cover letter and resume to Info@ SunlightMTN.com. Are you interested in other ski area jobs? Email us at jobs@ sunlightmtn.com

CO Master Gardener Program We’re looking for volunteers interested in education and outreach using research-based horticulture information. As a CSU Extension

Help Wanted Ads are FREE. To place an ad visit: www.soprissun.com/freehelp-wanted-ads/

LEGALS NOTICE OF BUDGET : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a proposed budget has been submitted to the Town of Carbondale Board of Trustees for the ensuing year of 2022; that a copy of such proposed budget has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk at Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, Colorado, where same is open for public inspection; that such proposed budget will be considered for adoption at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees to be held at Carbondale Town Hall on December 7, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Any interested elector within the Town

of Carbondale may inspect the proposed budget and file or register any objections thereto at any time prior to the final adoption of the budget. Town of Carbondale; Date: 10/13/2021; Kevin Schorzman, Interim Town Manager NOTICE OF BUDGET (Pursuant to 29-1-106, C.R.S.): NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a proposed budget has been submitted to the Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District for the ensuing year of 2022; a copy of such proposed budget has been filed in the office of

the Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District, where the same is open for public inspection; such proposed budget will be considered at the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors to be held at Carbondale Fire Headquarters, 301 Meadowood Drive, Carbondale, Colorado on November 10, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Any interested elector of Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District may inspect the proposed budget and file or register any objections thereto at any time prior to the final adoption of the budget.

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26 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • October 28 - November 3, 2021


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What a week it was for the Roaring Fork Rams! From the righteous parade, which could be heard from over a mile away, to the outstanding effort made by student athletes on the soccer, volleyball and football teams. During the volleyball match — it was also Hawaiian Day of spirit week — a group of students hoisted their faux-furry mascot into the air in the school gymnasium (top-left). Homecoming Queen Sienna Pargiter-Walker and King Henry Richardson posed for a photo following the football game (bottom-center-right). Way to go Rams! Photos by Sue Rollyson.

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • October 28 - November 3, 2021 • 27

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The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

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