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The Rampage 2270 Highway 133 Carbondale , CO 81623

May 2017

Volume 10 Issue 8

Roaring Fork Girl’s Soccer finishes season strong -Solana Teitler

Nick Forbes, coach of the Roaring Fork High School (RFHS) Girl’s Varsity soccer team, kicked off the season by telling his team, “I will match the effort and work I see put in through what I contribute myself.” True to his word, Forbes worked hard with the team all season, and both he and his players enjoyed the season greatly. “It’s been so much fun being with the team, win or lose,” Coach Forbes expressed. The 2017 spring girls’ soccer season was full of positivity, hard work, and optimism, something both the players and the coaches appreciated immensely. The team won six games, lost six, and tied two, which is a significant improvement from past years. “I think we have not got some of the results we maybe should have, and also have had some bad luck at times throughout the season,” Forbes explained, “But the team’s technical quality has improved to the point that we now can play ball with anyone. With a little bit more ruthlessness I think we’d be competing for a spot in playoffs.” A crucial piece of any soccer team is the goalkeeper, and Roaring Fork’s goalie, Odalis Corcuera, had been a key driving force in each of the team’s wins. As a sophomore, Corcuera leads the league with the fewest goals against her, averaging 1.8 goals per

game. Corcuera has the fourth most goal saves in league, and has been named man of the match more than any other player on Roaring Fork’s team. Also leading in leaguewide statistics is Roaring Fork Junior and Norwegian exchange student, Camilla Wikum. With 12 goals and 25 points, Wikum places well above the national average of goals and points, and is placed 6th in league goal scoring. Much of the team’s success this year is due to the good connections that the team has with each other, and with Coach Forbes. Senior Corey Johnson believes that “[the] team this year had a lot more unity than last year, so we were able to play with a lot more success. Part of our success was because of Nick; most of the older girls have known him for all four years and we all have really good relationships with him which helped with team morale, and the way we played.” At senior night on Thursday, May 8th, the soccer team celebrated their graduating players, Tavia Teitler, Elle Derby, Eryn Doherty, Lisenia Sandoval, and Corey Johnson. The five varsity seniors, most of whom have played since their freshman year, bid the team a tearful farewell after the Middle Park match. “The seniors this year are all so amazing; they have contributed so much positivity and great leadership to the team

this season,” quoted freshman player, Lucia Penzel. These valuable senior players and captains will surely be missed as the team looks at what next season may bring. Coach Forbes hopes next year to, “make another step forward in competitiveness and quality as a group that is made up of very young players, with what is becoming a ton of experience.” After a successful spring, Roaring Fork’s soccer team is already looking forward to next season, and to what the team of upcoming freshman and current underclassman can achieve. RFHS is always looking for more athletes, and the soccer team always welcomes new players, so sign up to play soccer next year!

Lisenia Sandval kicks a ball. Photo by Sue Rollyson.

What’s Inside

Sleepy Justice Page 2

RFHS Prom Recap Page 3

Five Point Film Festival Page 6

Lily Nichols kicks a ball. Photo by Sue Rollyson.

Caroline Wisroth evades basalt defender. Photo by Sue Rollyson.

Upcoming Events at Roaring Fork High School Monday, May 15th: Local Scholarship night 7pm (invitation only) May 22nd-24th: RFHS art show Monday, May 22nd: Academic awards night 7pm Tuesdsday, May 30th: Baccalaureate 7pm (invitation only ) Friday, June 2nd: graduation parade at CRES and CMS Saturday, June 3rd: Graduation at 1pm

Girl’s Lacrosse season recap Page 7

Contact us at rframpage@gmail.com

Feature Senior Spotlight: Yarelie Meraz

Roaring Fork’s Sleepy Justice on the Rise -Iliana Castillon

-Mariana Cortes

Yarelie Meraz, another senior at Roaring Fork High School (RFHS), reflects on her past years as graduation nears. Meraz has gained new understandings and experiences throughout her time at RFHS, and knows that the memories she has gained here and the friendships that she has made will stay with her forever. Meraz’s high school experience has taught her to be independent and responsible about her grades. She has learned to manage her work time and get along with multiple people, being more social. “It has helped me get out of my shell,” she laughs. As her high school year comes to an end, Meraz reflects upon her Freshman year of high school, which she says was her favorite. She did not participate in many activities, but enjoyed becoming friends with many upperclassmen throughout the years. Surrounded by them, Meraz felt more comfortable, especially because they were her brother’s friends, and hers too. Meraz’s experiences have taught her to persevere when it comes to difficult situations. “This is going to sound cheesy,” she said.“I’ve seen kids that don’t get through a lot of work, but I feel like they can overcome it, showing that you are stronger than you think you are.” She has learned to not give up because that has kept people from not living up to their full potential. Meraz has been looking forward to going to Colorado Mountain College (CMC) for 2 years for the benefit of her family, and then will transfer to the University of Denver. Her brother currently attends Colorado State University (CSU), giving her the opportunity to transfer to the bigger school after he graduates. Unsure about which professional she will go into, Meraz has been exploring possibly studying in the medical field. “I want to be able to care for the [people] that are in need. I want a job and a title that I will be proud of...A job I can look forward to going to everyday, and enjoy what I am doing. I want a career and not a dead end. I want an education with continuous learning after college,” Meraz said, smiling. Recently at prom, Meraz was voted prom princess. “I was really surprised; I would’ve never imagined I’d be announced [royalty],” she says. Meraz will be enjoying her last days at Roaring Fork while getting prepared for her next step in life.

Courtesy photo.

2 Rampage May 2017

Sleepy Justice performing at Steve’s Guitars. Courtesy photo.

Sleepy Justice, is one of Roaring Forks High School’s (RFHS) talented bands. It is composed of RFHS freshman Rex Hamilton, Henri Jones, Travis Ochko, and Diego Valdez, as well as Colorado Rocky Mountain School (CRMS) freshman Oscar Peterson. Sleepy Justice was started by Henri Jones, who got together with Valdez and Peterson, and started playing rock songs in middle school band for fun. The summer of their 8th grade year, Travis Ochko joined Sleepy Justice as lead singer and rhythm guitarist, as

well as Rex Hamilton who joined to play keyboard and saxophone. The band gets together to practice their sets at Jones’ house two times a week. Practice is really fun but “a lot of the times they aren’t very productive, because for the majority of the time we’re fighting because no one is on task or because we’re making fun of eachother” states Ochko. Jones, who started the band, plans a lot of the the band’s events. Jones states “I plan a lot of the stuff and then we also have a guy named Dan Rosenthal who helps us plan our gigs too, and we go to his house every thursday”. Valdez states “I really enjoy [being in the band] because it gives me something to do and I really love playing music so it’s a great opportunity.” Sleepy Justice is loved very loved by the RFHS student body and receive loud cheers from the crowd when performing at community meetings. While “performing at RFHS has been great, the gigs we [Sleepy Justice] play outside of school are the best because we can play for an hour or longer” states Ochko. Their best band memory was one time when they were playing “at Rivers in Glenwood Springs and told the crowd that the next song was by a band called Cake and then this drunk guy yelled ‘cake is my favorite food’ then got in a fist fight with Henri’s brother on the way out’” states Hamilton. Check out Sleepy Justice at Strawberry Days and don’t forget to “donate to the cause.”

RFHS’ Monthly Community Meetings -Trinity Potter

Every first Wednesday of the month RFHS students put on a special gathering in RFHS’ auditeria to show our musical talent, talk about upcoming events, and celebrate what it means to be a Ram. “Community Meetings tie us together it gives us an opportunity to hear each other out and see all the talent that surrounds us as a community,” says Roaring Fork High School’s (RFHS) Vice Principal Kelsie Goodman. Community meetings have been a tradition at RFHS for 5 years since Principal Drew Adams brought the idea from a Denver High School while taking a tour and learning how to improve school for students. Three years ago, when Goodman was hired, she took them over and shaped them to be more student oriented. “Community Meetings are run by students for the students. The teachers have very little to do with the planning,” says Goodman. Overall, community meetings inspires Roaring Fork students to be motivated. Seniors who do perform senior speeches gain comfortability with their public speaking that helps them later in life. The underclassmen who hear the speeches get to hear stories and experiences that will help them throughout their high school experiences. For example, these seniors tell their story about their high school experience and give a final farewell to their teachers and peers. “No other school in this valley has a stronger sense of a community which makes the community meetings extra special because they are the students,” adds Goodman. William Luckett manager of the sound and light booth in RFHS’s auditeria claims that “the hardest part of putting on a community meeting is the plan-

ning of it all.” There is a constant group text message between Goodman and the planning committee that is always going off with new ideas and ways to make the event better in preparation for the next meeting. The planning committee is always talking about the next student musical talent that will perform from around the school, book the next inspirational speaker from the Carbondale community, how the booth will be set up, and most importantly the school’s MC’s Reed Featherstone and Emily Henley have to come up with how they present people and the next wacky puns they can give to make the crowd laugh. During the annual Rams Day assembly, students claimed that their favorite event was the lip sync battles. This is where each grade comes up with a dance to present and compete against other grades. The goal is to have the best choreographed dance to match the song you picked. In these dances students also mouth the words to the song hence the name “lip sync battles”. After each grade has given their performance specially selected staff members hold up their scores that later decide who wins. Students believe that community meetings are a positive experience because they bring students together and are able to learn more about the sense of family throughout RF. Each meeting tells a story and explains what it really means to be a Ram. It is where students are entitled to voice their opinion and show how much pride they have in being a Ram. It is an opportunity for our Rams to get inspired and hear each other’s stories. Community meetings benefit RFHS and not only bring us together but teach us what it takes to succeed in the community.


3 Rampage May 2017

Roaring Fork’s 2017 Moroccan Nights Prom Recap RF’s Annual Rams Day -Gabby Santana

-Kloe Lee

Prom King and Queen Sean Smollen and Corey Johnson. Photo by Roark Roney.

The 2017 Roaring Fork High School Prom was a night to remember for RF students. This year, the event was held in the RVR Barn on April 22nd. The theme was Moroccan Nights, a new idea that had yet to be explored at RFHS. The event was spent dancing and it’s safe to say well over one hundred Roaring Fork students attended and enjoyed this year’s prom. Juniors, Reece Ettelson and Paige Gianinetti headed the highly anticipated event and spent all year working endlessly to make sure the night was amazing for their peers. The duo took on this huge task all year long, pushing through all the stress and challenges they faced in order to create one amazing night. When asked if prom turned out how she planned, Ettelson said “Yes, prom ended up turning

out amazing! I was so proud!” Ettelson said that “I knew if we didn’t head prom no one else would, so I just kinda accepted it as my responsibility and tried to make the best of the experience. It ended up being very rewarding and all the stress was worth it in the end.” Students of RFHS found the night to be packed with great music and fun. Senior Katie Weimer said “This year’s prom was so much fun! The music this year keep everyone dancing, the theme was super cute and creative. I also really liked the idea of having a prince and princess included with the royalty.” This year’s RFHS Prom Royalty was Corey Johnson (Queen), Sean Smollen (King), Yarelie Meraz (Princess), and Hayden Bernot (Prince). The juniors worked hard to plan and set up the night. Bella Ulrych was one of the several juniors who spent numerous hours prior to the event setting up. “The barn turned out really great! All the time that the juniors put into planning and setting up really paid off. It looked [even] better than I imagined.” When asked about physically setting up the venue for the event Ettelson commented: “setup was a little slow but once we got started and knew what our vision was we were able to finish before school got out for the day and feel good about it.” The hours spent decorating really paid off, with the flowy, colorful fabrics, strung up lights, and overall great ambience. The theme, Moroccan Nights, was truly achieved. Ettelson wants to “thank all of the staff that helped out and supported me along this long process. I couldn’t have done it without them!”

Why You Should Travel the World -Liam Laird

School year 2016-2017 is nearly finished, and with the end of school comes the opportunity to travel for high school students and teachers. While traveling can be an incredible experience, showing people new cultures and areas from around the world, it can be difficult to decide where and if you should actually travel. Luckily, RFHS has a teacher who has traveled extensively and can help shed light on traveling and the positive impacts it can have on one’s life. Matt Wells, a RFHS history teacher, has taken the opportunity to travel all over the world, from Australia to Panama, and with his traveling experience, he is able to provide advice and ideas for traveling. Throughout his life, Wells has been able to travel to countries all around the world and each time, he says his “eyes were opened” to other cultures and ways of life. Wells’ wealth of knowledge about other cultures allows him to present people with information from a cultured worldview. Due to Wells’ ability to teach students in a way different from a purely textbookbased curriculum, he has become one of RFHS’ most loved teachers. Fellow history teacher Lynn Williams recognizes the positive effect that traveling can have of teaching and stated, “traveling breaks down people’s understanding of the world and shows them how complex everything actually is.” Throughout Wells’ A.P world history and world history classes, he uses his personal experiences of helping in small towns of Sierra Leone as he teaches students about the effects of the slave trade, or he details his travels around Central America as he

explains how Spanish Conquistadors treated natives. Because Wells’s “eyes were opened” through his travels, he uses those experiences and unorthodox ideas learned from other cultures to further the teachings from a purely American viewpoint in his classes. Without traveling and seeing different areas of the world first hand, Wells’ teaching style wouldn’t be as inclusive of other cultures and ideas. Traveling has allowed for Wells to learn and grow into the wonderful teacher that he is today. Wells believes that “everyone should try to travel throughout their life because it forces you to see things from different points of view.” Traveling will positively affect your life, so make the best of your opportunities this summer and go visit a new setting.

Rams Day 2016. Courtesy photo.

Rams day is a very important time for the Roaring Fork High School (RFHS) community. Ms McCullugh the student council executive said, “Rams day is a time when RFHS can come together and gain a sense of community.” On the morning of Rams day the school splits up throughout Carbondale to do two and half hours of community service. After, the school reunites back at RFHS to enjoy lunch together. The afternoon is then filled with fun field games meant to help bring the students together. The purpose of having the students going and doing community services is to give back. “We ask for the community for so much and doing our fair share is necessary,” says McCullugh. Rams day is usually scheduled for the end of the year in order to help relieve stress that is being caused by all the finals and AP tests. Rams day is meant to be a fun stress free day for both students and staff. RFHS highly believes in the unity of the school and this is one of the ways that they help encourage it. Rams Day is an event that is run by the students and mainly for the students making it that much more important and fun. As a school RFHS looks forward to Rams Day with great anticipation of what the day will hold. Elizabeth Allender said that as we get closer to Rams Day the students look forward to “the competition between the different grades and bonding that happens throughout the day.” Payton Issel another RFHS student said that the students see Rams Day as an unique part of RFHS because “ it is an extra fun thing to do where we have time to hang out with their friends as well as with people we don’t know very well.” Kelsie Goodman said that having Rams Day “ pushes forward the narrative of what it means to be a RAM, it represents that we are a unique school in the valley in that we do take time to give back and celebrate the unity in diversity we have at RFHS.”



Rampage | April 2017

The Class of Christian Alvarado Most likely to star in the next Star Wars movie

Taylor Carney Most likely Alexa Fiscus Most likely to to be drafted by the Rockies be the bachelorette

Maria Herrera Most likely to be an eye model

Johan Anchondo Most

Jazmin Contreras Most

likely to cross the finish line without a hiar out of place

Lizzeth Gallegos Most

Enrique Iglesias Most likely

likely to be the national Poet Laureate

to murder Enrique Iglesias (the singer)

Eli Garcia Most likely to

Corey Johnson Most likely

likely to ride a horse off into the sunset

Lorenzo Andrade Most

likely to win a nobel peace prize and not tell anyone he got it

Ailyn Arevelo Most likely

to win a humanitarian of the year for her work with at risk youth

Buckshot Berry Most likely

to become Batman

Kahsiah Bell Most likely to be the 21st century Christopher Columbus (with more consideration for native people) Hayden Bernot Most likely to get married in a camo suit Kevin Camacho Most likely to sell oregano to 6th graders Anexy Candela Most

likely to star in her own reality TV show

Larris Candela Most likely to be confused for papa smurf

Bianca De La Torre Most likely to make it through nursing school with sweet smiles and snarky comments Elle Derby Most likely to

cause a poitical scandal by insulting her opponent without realizing that her mic was still on (Obama style)

Eryn Doherty Most likely to

have her cat Lucy become the mascot for her nutrition company

Jose Dominguez Most

likely to retrn to RFHS as a football coach

legally change his name to Martha

to have her husband killed in a tragic hunting accident

Jorge Gomez Most likely

Michael Kashnig Most

to illegally use the RFHS weight room after graduation

Enrique Gonzalez Most likely to be sponsored by muscle milk

Jose Guevara Most likely to sell a car that doesn’t function Ashley Hall Most likely to

likely to become GI Joe

Jake Kelley Most likely to “accidently” shoot Sean while hunting Kade Kennedy Most likely

to have his own family photo album by the age of 25.

Andrew Kollar Most likely to unironically wear a Hawaiian shirt

lead a mission trip where she teaches impoverished youth Katelyn Krehbiel Most Maggie Eagleton Most likely to be the lady you how to play basketball likely to be adopted by an don’t know but always see undiscovered amizonian running Lyndsay Hansen Most tribe likely to wish she was in Minnesota Julia Lee Most likely to Wes Engstrom Most likely have a notebook filled with to play street corners by day Brandon Hartounian Most complicated calculus forand sold out stadiums by mulas and beautiful poetry. likely to end his bowling canight reer with a sprained finger Shepard LeVan Most likely Reed Featherstone Most Emily Henley Most likely to to be the next Julia Childs likely to be the next Billy make Alvin & the Chipmunks Maes, eh Jasmin Lopez Most likely into a broadway musical to be the next Ms. Goodman


Rampage | April 2017


Most Likely To’s Ruby Meade Most likely to run an underground daycare fight club

Axel Polomera Most likely

to get kicked out of his son’s soccer game

Madelyn Mejia Montoya Carlos Palomera Most Most likely to get a million likes on her social media post

likely to be awarded for the medal of honor for his service in the marines

Aron Mendoza Most likely

Nick Penzel Most likely to

to have one of his videos go viral on YouTube

Yareli Meraz Most likely to be the next Oprah

Maddy Miller Most likely

to debut her clothing line at New York Fashion Week

Carley Moravek Most likely to be the only one signed to her own music label

Fernanda Munoz Most

“accidentally” cause a national emergency with one of his “experiments”

David Perida most likely to order Chinese food

Jassiel Petaton Most likely to start his own left-handed basketball line Carlton Phelps Most likely to name drop “Jacuzzi Julie” Aldo Pinela Most likely to

likely to own her own designer cowboy boot company

dunk in a rec-league basketball game

Maeve O’Donnell Pax

Jen Platero Most likely to

Most likely to be late to yoga class because she stopped traffic to let a snail cross the road

Arturo Ortiz Most likely to

model a Yeezy line

Kristin Page Most likely to be a cat lady in New York City

Fabian Rico Most likely to gain popularity for his presidential campaign by starring in a hair gel commercial

Alec Sloan Most likely to divorce his wife in order to dedicate more time to his fishing career

Jen Rios Most likely to slay

Sean Smollen Most likely to

her enemies with sass

offend someone and get shot

Diana Rojas Most likely

Tavia Teitler Most likely to

to be the most fashionable female weight lifting champion

to be sued by a production company for destroying their stage while performing

Cindy Salinas Most likely

Arturo Torres Most likely

to win an olympic gold in a sport that hasn’t been created yet

Melisa Sanchez Most

likely to actually pull off cowboy boots

Cristian Sanchez Solis

Most likely to be the owner of the Chicago Bulls

Lesenia Sandoval Most

Lily Ramos most likely to

Jose Santana Most likely to travel around New Zealand in a camper van

Isak Resnick Most likely to lead the charge for Hawaiian independence

Eric Tinajero Most likely

Joel Rothman Most likely to win hockey dad of the year

win an award for being the best dressed (and most smiley) news anchor

be the next Jade

have a column in the New York Times on Race Relations

likely to send her dog Coby after her enemies

Jordi Silva Most likely to

attack your tribe in clash of clans

to go to a barber shop and get the San Antonio Spurs logo shaved into the side of his head

Victor Trejo Most likely to

roll up to a Kendrick concert on his skateboard

Yaslin Venzor Most likely

to create a line of designer knee braces

Haisson Villareal Most likely to have a music video with over a billion views Katie Weimer Most likely to be the right wing Stephen Colbert Eduardo Yanez Most likely

to lose his house in a high stakes game of heads or tails

News An Ode to Drew Adams: RFHS Principal Departs - Lilly Peery

In the five years that the much-loved Roaring of community. “The students and staff have taught Fork High School’s (RFHS) principal Drew Adams me important lessons of building community, caring worked at the school, he has seen many changes, for one another and making certain all opportunities been impacted by students, are available for students,” and in turn, inspired many says Adams. “I will miss others. Mr. Adams became the interconnectedness of principal at RFHS in 2012 the school and commubut has been teaching for nity.” In the past, the RFHS much longer. Mr. Adams yearbooks have always taught English, ELD, and been chalk full of surprises Social Studies at Centaurus from the photoshopping High in Lafayette, Denver of celebrities onto faces to for seven years. He taught the wearing of costumes. English/Social Studies at Mr. Adams reflects on this the middle school level for fondly as it has been one of four years, and AP at a his favorite memories from high school and a middle being at RFHS for the past school for six years before five years. “All of the wig coming to RFHS as the wearing and costumes for principal. Altogether, Mr. school pictures!” He says Adams has been teaching “Just look at the last few and “principalling” for an yearbooks. What a crazy impressive 22 years, and group of staff and studoesn’t have plans of stopdents!” ping there. Next year, Mr. From growing by 75 stuAdams will be moving to dents to gaining and losing Courtesy photo of Drew Adams. Cali, Columbia to teach many amazing teachers, at an international school called Colegio Colombo Mr. Adams has seen a lot of changes at RFHS during Britanico. “I will be the head of section (principal) of the last five years. “Our students are gaining even the secondary section and my whole family will be at more recognition in the greater community -” says the same school,” states Adams on what he looks for- Adams. “This senior class has really topped the cake ward to at this next school. “I’m also looking forward - four Daniels and two Boettchers [scholarships] - I to strengthening my Spanish, learning more about can’t wait to hear what comes next!” The long time Colombian culture and exploring South America.” teacher and community member Drew Adams will RFHS is small community in the midst of a be missed. Good luck on this next chapter of your larger one. Mr. Adams has helped create this sense life Mr. Adams!

6 Rampage May 2017

A New Year, a New Principal

- Tyler Gruel

Next year, Roaring Fork High School (RFHS) will experience a change in administration as current principal Drew Adams is leaving RFHS and traveling to Colombia to be a principal there. After an extensive vetting process, Brett Stringer, current principal at North Middle School Health Sciences and Technology Campus, has been chosen to be RFHS’s new principal.

Courtesy photo of Mr. Stringer

While Mr. Stringer may be new to this school and valley, he is not new to being an administrator. He has worked as a principal in the Aurora public school system for the past 11 months, prior to that he also worked as an assistant principal for Merrill Middle School for 4 years, as well as working as Dean of Instruction for Martin Luther King Jr. Early College. Mr. Stringer was unavailable for comment on the transition into the role of principal at RFHS, but as a school we all look forward to upcoming changes within our administration and a more connected school and community through this.

RFHS Students go to see Patrick Keleher’s Film at 5 Point Fest - Rex Hamilton

On Friday April 21st, several classes from Roaring Fork High School (RFHS) took a field trip to the Carbondale Recreation and Community Center (CRCC) to watch the daytime films at the 5 Point Film Festival. One film in particular caught the eye of the students, as it was directed by Patrick Keleher, a freshman at RFHS. Keleher’s film “Neighborhood Skiing” captures the essence of breaking rules in youth as he and two friends, Lance Weidemann and Hayden Faivre ski behind a car with a rope. Keleher says he thought of the movie as a practical solution to a real problem saying, “I’ve always been into being pulled behind a car for random things, and I just thought if we can’t get up on the mountain, why would we need one if all we need is a car and a rope!” Skiing behind a car is just as fun as the mountain, minus the hassle! The movie was played at a free showing for students at 1pm, and students from five schools around the valley showed up to supply Keleher with a huge crowd for his movie’s first showing. Keleher was happily surprised by the turn out. “There were a lot more people than I expected, and it was pretty cool when my name

Courtesy photo of Five Point Film Fest logo

showed up on the screen and everybody knew who I was and started cheering, which doesn’t normally happen.” He expressed how awesome it was that the crowd was into the movie, and he was really happy with the turnout.

The students who watched were equally as excited to see a director they knew. RFHS student Ruby Fuller says, “It was really impressive that he made a movie that got into the film fest, and he’s only 15! I’m really proud of him.” Freshman Aiden Foote agreed, saying, “I think that it was really good for a 15 year old director, and it’s amazing that he got it into 5 Point. It was a big accomplishment for him and it’s really cool that you can see him so focused on what he wants to do.” An inspiring aspect from the showing was not just that the film was great, but also that a small town kid had a dream of making movies, and he made it happen. Keleher says he is currently working on a film where he and his friends film all of their summer adventures, and then make a movie as if they did it all in a day. He currently has footage for rafting, skateboarding, and an airsoft gun battle. Keleher encourages everyone to follow his work by subscribing to his youtube channel. He says to enter Patrick Keleher into the youtube search bar, and his account will come up. “Remember to like and subscribe!”


7 Rampage May 2017

Lax To The Max: The Girls’ Lacrosse Team -Hannah Bingaman

The Roaring Fork High School (RFHS) girls lacrosse team is a junior varsity team that consists of 12 members from schools across the valley, including Roaring Fork, Glenwood Springs, and Basalt High Schools. Because of the Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA), regulations for new sports, the team has yet to become a part of the varsity league. They expect to move up to varsity competition in the 2018-2019 school year. So far this season the team has been very successful, with a record of 5-1. Lilly Perry, a freshman this year at RFHS, as well as Megan Rusby, a junior at RFHS, and co-captain of the team both state that “the season has been great this year!” Rusby also expressed that “we already have a better record than we did last year, and that was kind of our goal for the season.” When asked about how the team has improved since last year’s season, Rusby said that “the team has really gotten our fundamentals down, and this year, we have all become closer as a team, which has helped with our overall success.” On top of the team being closer, they have gained many new freshmen who are supporting the team well. Perry believes that all of the “different personalities and perspec-

tives that everyone brings to the team has really made us successful.” The team was undefeated until recently when they played their biggest rival Aspen, on April 25th, and

From Left to Right: Lecsi Glenn, Lilly Peery, Felina Cruz, Lizzie Allender, Hannah Feder, Lucy Meade, Brooke Knutson, Payton Issel, Hannah Cole, and Megan Rusby

unfortunately lost 6-3. “We worked hard to keep the ball out of our half, and just played a good game all around, especially because we were down two players within the first five minutes,” said Peery. “For the season as a whole, the team has played with 100% efforts, despite our lack of subs.” Rusby stated that “we really wanted to beat Aspen this year, but we played a really good game, and have improved so much since last year’s game against Aspen, and that is really what we were happy about.” Bella Lee, a freshman at RFHS agreed with Rusby saying, “we played a great game. I really wanted to beat Aspen, but I am proud of what the team has accomplished so far.” Despite losing the game against their biggest rival, the whole team was happy with how they played, and are really proud of what they have accomplished together. The Lacrosses team’s season is done, and this group of 12 girls has achieved more this year than in all of Roaring Fork Lacrosses’ history. With no graduating seniors, next year will seemingly lend itself to even more success. If you are interested in joining the Lacrosse team next year, you can sign up in the spring of 2018 at the Roaring Fork High School webpage or at the school office.

2016-2017 Sports: A Trip Down Memory Lane







Boys’ Soccer




Girls’ Basketball


Boys’ Basketball

Track and Field


Girls’ Soccer



Entertainment Gems of the Valley: Dinkle Lake -Ruby Fuller

Most people in the Roaring Fork Valley know about Mt. Sopris, but do they know about Dinkle Lake? Now that spring is here, nothing’s better than soaking up the sun at Dinkle Lake, which lies near the bottom of Mt. Sopris. Not only is the lake tons of fun with great fishing and relaxation, but Dinkle Lake Road, which leads travelers up to Dinkle Lake, is a fun dirt road to hike, run, and mountain bike. Dinkle Lake Road is also dog friendly, so don’t forget to bring your pups along for a trip to picnic outdoors and maybe do a little fishing.

Where’s Whisler?

-Chelsey Serrano

Mr. Whisler was a beloved history teacher who taught at Roaring Fork High School from 2013 to 2016. He inspired many students with his ability to relate to them and his passion for teaching. At the end of the 2015-2016 school year Whisler moved back to his hometown of Centerville, Iowa after becoming partowner, with his younger brother, of an electrical company called Cornerhart Electric. Whisler would like to note that “contrary to popular belief we grow very little corn where I live.” When asked what he missed most about teaching Whisler said that he missed “... interacting with young people who have no idea what the future holds for them…students who are trying to find themselves as a person.” From small chats in the hallways regarding the addictive properties of potato chips to serious conversations in the classroom, Whisler says that he “... miss[es] talking with students...[and the way that they would] take a little piece of information that I gave them and run with it in directions I would have never expected them to go.” Whisler was a friend to his students and this set him apart. The days spent in his classroom were both enriching and humorous. When asked whether he had some words of advice for students, Whisler stated that they shouldn’t “...be afraid to give other people crap! Life is better when everyone can laugh at themselves as well as the people around them.” While he may have moved away, the impact that Mr. Whisler left on his students and Roaring Fork High School as a whole can still be seen.

Whisler in memories, theories, and other flattering descriptions: “He’s probably in Iowa, spreading the good message of the lord to every cornstock in sight.” -Fabian Rico

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How to get there: Starting out in Carbondale, drive south on highway 133 for about a mile and a half. Then make a left turn on Prince Creek Road and drive another 6 miles until you reach a fork in the road where you would then take a right. After that you just keep going until you reach Dinkle Lake. What to do: Get out and get on that fishing grind! Words to the wise: Be prepared to drive carefully as Dinkle Lake Road can be a rough ride whether dry or wet.

Can You Find Whisler?

“He used to say ‘Hi’ to me a lot” -Matt Wells

“Uhh…monotone” -Kike Gonzalez

“Sassy, old man, trapped in a thirty years olds body.” -Portia Brown

8 Rampage May 2017

Rampage Staff Editors in Chief Elle Derby Tavia Teitler

Editorial Staff Feature Editor Eryn Doherty News Editor Kloe Lee Focus Editor Elle Derby Tavia Teitler Sports Editor Liam Laird Solana Teitler Entertainment Editor Iliana Castillon Trinity Potter Copy Editors Hannah Bingaman Iliana Castillon Chelsey Serrano Solana Teitler

Journalists Mariana Cortes Aiden Foote Ruby Fuller Tyler Gruel Rex Hamilton Lilly Peery Daniela Rivera Gaby Santana Policy Statement:

“He cared about what he taught; he cared about the history stuff.” -Kevin Camacho

Courtesy photo

“A middle aged man who constantly questioned his career path, but was never the less very good at what he did.” -Nick Penzel

Published 8 times a year, the student newspaper of Roaring Fork High School is a public forum, with its students editorial board making all decisions concerning its content. Unsigned editorials express the views of the majority of the editorial board.

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