3 minute read
from 20 03 12
RED HILL ROAD realignment and parking will be the subject of a public open house from 4 to 7 p.m. March 18 at Town Hall. Informational flyers have been distributed around town and information is also posted on the Town’s website. An informational session for commuters who use the existing parking lot on Red Hill Road will be held from 3 to 6 p.m. on March 19 at the Comfort Inn & Suites (920 Cowen Drive). Staff from Garfield County and the Town have already met with residents along the road.
SUMMER SEASONAL HIRING has begun. Email mdonnelly@ carbondaleco.net if you're interested in being a lifeguard or swim instructor and rsissom@carbondaleco.net if you'd like to be on the mow crew.
GRANT REQUESTS were submitted to the Environment Foundation of the Aspen Skiing Company for $10,000 to support the work needed to complete the final design for the Crystal River Restoration and Weaver Ditch Enhancements Project and to Roaring Fork Conservancy for $30,000 as a project partner for a Town of Carbondale request for fishing access improvements through the federal grant program, Fishing is Fun.
WHERE MY PEEPS AT Scavenger Hunt Fun Run registration is open. It takes place on April 11 in Sopris Park
Students of the month Noah Smith and Madeline Dean. Courtesy photo

and costs $30 per team of two to six; go to carbondalerec.com to register.
REC CENTER CLOSURES for Green is the New Black include the gym from 8 a.m. March 10 through March 14, the activity room from noon March 13 through March 14 and everything at 5 p.m. March 13.
SALES TAX was up 1.3 percent in February, for a 7.2 percent increase year over year so far. The Disposable Bag Fee Fund was up 26.9 percent.
PLANNING & ZONING will consider an Accessory Dwelling Unit on March 12, as well as potential amendments to the Unified Development code as it relates to offstreet parking for self-storage.
THE CENSUS opens for participation on March 12, with ads in radio, social media and print pending, postcards being mailed — visit a2pcensus2020.com for more information.
A FIRE HYDRANT was slated for installation on the Nettle Creek line on Monday between PRV #1 and PRV #2, with a service disruption anticipated.
POLICE OFFICERS Ciara Chacon, Ben Mendoza and Executive Assistant Anna Ramirez attended the GlenX job fair at the Glenwood Springs High School. Officer Tade Shively attended a recertification class as our Intoxilyzer Instructor.


Census data funds community services for all of us from Aspen to Parachute.
SUNDAY Feb. 23 at 12:48 a.m. After contacting two teens for suspicious behavior, police arrested the pair for minor in possession and cited one of them with driving under the influence.
SUNDAY March 1 at 1:46 a.m. After pulling over a 29-year-old for running multiple stop signs and speeding, police ended up arresting him for driving under the influence and without a license.
MONDAY Feb. 24 at 2:57 p.m. A 48-year-old woman was cited for driving without a license after being contacted for a traffic violation at the park and ride.
WEDNESDAY Feb. 26 at 2:08 a.m. Following a domestic violence call, police arrested a 25-year-old man for harassment and outstanding warrants.
WEDNESDAY Feb. 26 at 9:53 a.m. Police documented damage at Sopris Park.
THURSDAY Feb. 27 at 8:30 a.m. Someone reported a cold restraining order violation.
SATURDAY Feb. 29 at 12:54 a.m. Officers investigated a hitand-run accident.
SATURDAY Feb. 29 at 8:52 p.m. A traffic complaint led to a underage tobacco citation.
SUNDAY March 1 at 9:12 p.m. A speeding stop led to a DUI arrest for a 57-year-old man.
TUESDAY March 3 at 9:04 a.m. Following up on a harassment call, officers determined there was criminal mischief involved and found the responsible party.
TUESDAY March 3 at 12:08 p.m. A 24-year-old man was cited for speeding and jailed on a warrant.
WEDNESDAY March 4 at 9:18 a.m. Police investigating a parking complaint discovered that the 31-year-old owner of the car had a misdemeanor warrant and arrested her.
THURSDAY March 5 at 5:59 p.m. A call about a hit-and-run accident led to a DUI arrest for a 42-year-old man.