5 minute read
from 20 03 12
THE LONGEST WAVE A JOE BERLINGER FILM Aspen Mountain Film Festival presents
Fri, March 20 6:30 PM
Tickets are just $15!

COMMUNITY CALENDAR THURSDAY MARCH 12 INFECTION CONTROL An educational event dedicated to current trends and emerging issues related to occupational health and safety and infection control in healthcare settings comes to Morgridge Commons (815 Cooper Ave.) from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. for $4. FUNDRAISING WORKSHOP Join Lisa Raleigh, PhD for a complimentary, high-energy, hands-on opportunity for annual budgets up to $1 million to learn the science and mathematics of successful, annual development strategies from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). BROADWAY TO JAZZ Refresh your memory on how broadway songs became jazz standards with Cathy Markle, Mike Monroney, David Dyer and Steve Cole from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Basalt Regional Library (17 Midland Ave., Basalt) for this free sentimental journey. Go to basaltlibrary.org or 927.4311. REACH YOUR POTENTIAL You live in a mountain town -- you have reached your dream. Now what? How can you find meaningful work and reach your potential. This free workshop runs from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Coventure (201 Main St.) Go to coventure.io for details. HIGH RISK AT HIGH ALTITUDE Come to a free mental health panel discussion at 6 p.m. at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Details at aspenpublicradio.org or call 920-9000. INTRO TO GENE KEYS Research has revealed that attitude impacts DNA. After being born, people are influenced by parents, family, the environment and culture, all of which may “hide” the essence of who you really are. RSVP to info@iliveempowered.com to be eligible for a profile printout. Event starts at 6:30 p.m. at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Call 618-5879 for program information ROCK BAND Desmond Jones brings melodic guitar riffs, groovy bass lines, funky drum beats, and smooth saxophone to Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) at 8 p.m. MUSIC AT HEATHER’S Listen to Smokin' Joe Kelly & Randal Utterbach from 7 to10 p.m. at Heather’s Savory Pies & Tapas Bar (166 Midland Ave., Basalt). THU MARCH 12 - SAT MARCH 14 GREEN IS THE NEW BLACK Come to the 12th Annual Fashion Extravaganza where local and national designers and artists join together to feature fashion that sparks the imagination and is created from recycled and/or sustainable materials from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Carbondale Recreation Center (567 Colorado Ave.). Sold out Friday and Saturday; $30 generaladmission tickets for the Thurs. preview event may still be available. FRIDAY MARCH 13 MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID Learn the signs and symptoms of mental health challenges or crisis, what to do in an emergency and where to turn for help from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) Free class with limited seat availability. Go to mhfaco.org to register. Contact mrandol@mindspringshealth.org or 384-3049 for details. MAKERS’ MARKET Swing by CoVenture (201 Main St.) at 4 p.m. for handcrafted goods from artisanal chocolates to upcycled shoes, jewelry, sustainable fashion. WHISKEY TASTING Study up for St. Patrick’s Day beginning at 6 p.m. at the Redstone Inn (82 Redstone Blvd.). $10 per person; reserve your spot at 963-2526. DANCE PARTY DJ Pinto plays a 9 p.m. fashion show after party at Batch (358 Main St.). WILD & WEIRD BEATS DJ Benny plays post-Green is the New Black beginning at 9:30 p.m. at Carbondale Beer Works (647 Main St.). MUSIC AT HEATHER’S Listen to Chris Bank & Mark Johnson from 7 to10 p.m. at Heather’s Savory Pies & Tapas Bar (166 Midland Ave., Basalt). FRI MARCH 13 & SAT MARCH 14 MUSIC AT STEVE'S GUITARS Yarn (yarnmusic.net) takes the stage around 8:30 p.m. both nights at Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) — and every show is different. SATURDAY MARCH 14 WRITING WORKSHOP Alicia Creyts teaches you the basics of Calligrammatic Poetry for free from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.). JAZZ, FUNK & SOUL Patina Bar+Grille (1054 Highway 133) hosts Mark Johnson on sax Josefina Mendez on vocals at 6:30 p.m., then DJ Duo Local Bandits with DJ Pete and Oh So Stepho keep the party going at 10 p.m. and food until 11:30 p.m. in the lounge. SUNDAY MARCH 15 MUSICAL MASHUP Collage and Oran Mor bring Irish, Scottish and Americana tunes to Carbondale Beer Works (647 Main St.) beginning at 3 p.m. TUESDAY MARCH 17 CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE The American Legion Post 100 (97 N. Third St.) serves up a traditional St. Patrick’s Day dinner from 5 to 7 p.m. — $12 per person with everyone welcome. QUILT GUILD Meet the members of the Roaring Fork Quilt Guild and view their amazing array of quilts from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.). WEDNESDAY MARCH 18 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PBS Viewers’ Choice “Colorado Experience” episode on the Fairy Caves premieres free with a panel discussion and light refreshments at 5:30 p.m. at the Hotel Colorado (526 Pine St., Glenwood Springs) before airing live the following day. WINTER MUSIC Does it seem like winter will never end? Let local musicians lift your spirits by playing informal concerts amongst the bookshelves around 6 p.m. at Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.). ARCTIC RHYTHMS Paul D. Miller, known professionally as DJ Spooky draws from his trips to Antarctica and the Arctic Circle for an evocative multimedia voyage through pristine landscapes with live local string musicians, projected imagery and live and recorded hip-hop and electronic music from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Aspen Center for Physics (700 Gillespie Ave.). FURTHER OUT THURSDAY MARCH 19 WESTERN ART The Ann Korologos Gallery (211 Midland Ave., Basalt) hosts a solo exhibition for Carbondale artist Andy Taylor — still on display though the reception was canceled. FOOD DOCUMENTARY At 6:30 p.m., Davi Nikent (520 S. Third St.) screens “Modified,” following filmmaker Aube Giroux and her mother on an investigative journey to find out why genetically modified organisms are not labeled in the United States and Canada. ROLLICKING MUSIC Denver-based musician Tiffany Christpher takes the Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) stage at 8 p.m. ith Natalie Spears opening.