9 minute read
from 20 03 12
3. What about animals in the streets and neighboring properties? Rabbits can burrow large distances. Who will be responsible for catching and dealing with these, both alive and dead, animals?
4. Health hazards including disease and waste products. Th ere needs to be something in place to regulate this. Wastewater is another concern.
5. Raising rabbits commercially has several economic issues. High cost of transportation for slaughter and global warming included.
6. I feel that this needs to be referred to the citizens for a vote, adding another cost to any action. Russ Criswell Carbondale
Let them roar! Dear Editor: An album comes soon. Let Th em Roar will bring the tunes.
Help if you can, please. Music, whether live or recorded, has the power to lift the people. Right now, people need to be lift ed. We need to be lift ed out of our bubbles — the ones that make us think we are right and they are wrong, the ones that make us think we are somehow protected from everything "out there," and the ones that insulate us from hearing what others are saying. One of the Valley's beloved bands, Let Th em Roar, is recording
an album of their incredible “I See My Light” winter solstice show. Th is show was more than a concert, it was an immersive, interactive drama that took the audience on a journey from the quiet solitude of our beginnings to the raucous cacophony of our collective blossoming. It brought the audience together while allowing each person to consider their personal journey.
But there were only two shows of this wonderful experience, and most people didn't get to go on that journey. Now, Let Th em Roar would like to bring everyone who wants to join along with them.
Music can have a visceral impact on our bodies, minds and souls … and we could all use a little shake up. I say, bring it on!
Zuleika Pevec Carbondale
Th ank you for the kidney Dear Editor: Th ank you! Th anks to a lot of kind-hearted people who contributed to my fund, I have a new kidney. I gratefully thank UC Health, these medical magicians had me in and out and smiling in three days. Loving gratitude to my family who have selfl essly sacrifi ced so much.
Th anks to the bosses of my son and his wife. My daughter-in-law's boss is letting her run the offi ce from Denver so that she and my son can help care for me. Th ank you Berry Crier. Th anks to the Pour House and Legion for providing donation spots and lots of moral support
Th anks to the Lord and Lori who is watching from above. And the deepest thanks and sympathy go to the donor and her family. Th ank you. I'm a lucky guy. Bruno Kirchenwitz Rifl e
CMS thanks you Dear Editor: Carbondale Middle School would like to thank our community for supporting our school throughout the year.
In January, Carbondale Beer Works, with a community of donors, raised funds for our students’ lunch program. By paying off student lunch debt, they relieved a great deal of stress from our students’ families.
Last week, Carbondale Beer Works along with Bristlecone Mountain Sports, LuluBelle, Sopris Liquor and Wine, Phat Th ai, Tonic Juicery, Kallie Carpenter Personal Training & Fitness and Carbondale Recreation Center supported our annual Bingo for Kindness Fundraiser. Th is generosity is a statement of commitment and support from our communities’ to our children and our public schools. Th ank you.
Jennifer Lamont, Principal Carbondale Middle School
Th anks to Heady-Smith Dear Editor: Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers is pleased to acknowledge the insightful leadership and tireless dedication of Jamin Heady-Smith to our organization.
Over the last decade, Jamin has volunteered countless hours as a crew leader, board member, treasurer and chair. His expertise and thoughtful contributions to RFOV cannot be overstated and we are forever grateful. As RFOV celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2020, we recognize that our success in promoting stewardship of our public lands by engaging the community in volunteer trail projects, has been fostered by exceptional volunteers like Jamin. Ryan Vugteveen, Board Chair Randy Gold, Vice Chair Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers
By Suzie Brady

Sopris Labs, LLC Has requested the licensing officials of the Town Of Carbondale to grant a transfer of a retail and medical marijuana infused product license. To manufacture retail and medical marijuana products at Sopris Labs, LLC 500 Buggy Circle LL5 and LL6 Carbondale, Co 81623

Hearing on application to be held at: Carbondale Town Hall 511 Colorado Avenue Carbondale, Colorado
First Friday was the last chance to enjoy the Fourth Street Plaza Ice Rink before it closed for the season — whether you were a kid slip sliding away or a couple sharing a kiss under the lights. Photos by Laurel Smith Date and Time: April 14, 2020 At 6:00 p.m. Date of application: February 20, 2020 By Order Of: Dan Richardson, Mayor Pro Tem Applicant: Chapman Ducote Information may be obtained from, and petitions or r e m o n s t r a n c e ’ s may be filed with the Town Clerk, Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO 81623
ALUMINUM CANS • COPPER • BRASS • LEAD • STEEL • CARS/TRUCKS APPLIANCES • EXTENSION CORDS • BATTERIES • RADIATORS STAINLESS STEEL *ANYTHING METAL* We pay CASH for METALS! New Location Glenwood! (2 miles south of Walmart, next to Airgas) 3710 Hwy 82 Glenwood Springs, CO 970-948-0333 Open - Tue-Fri 9-4 • Sat 9-1 • Closed Sun/Mon Gypsum location accepts large steel quantites please see our Gypsum location by Costco Guaranteed best prices in the mountains! Trinityrecycle.com “don’t trash it – cash it”


John Ackerman Licensed Massage Therapist 970-379-0575

Weather Insurance If it rains or snows bring the vehicle back within 48 hours and we will rewash it. Cleans Inside & Out Complete Interior and Exterior wash package. U l t i m a t e W a s h Car Wash Detailing Oil changes Tires Open Mon.-Sat. 8am-5:00pm and on Sundays from 9am-4pm for washes only 970-963-8800 745 Buggy Circle in Carbondale www.sunburstcarcare.com Car Wash Detailing Oil Changes Tires U l i t i m a t e W a s h CLEAN INSIDE & OUT Complete Interior and Exterior Wash Package 970-963-8800 Weather Insurance If it rains or snows bring back the vehicle within 48 hours and we will rewash it. 745 Buggy Circle in Carbondale www.sunburstcarcare.com Open Monday - Saturday 8am to 5:30pm and on Sunday from 9am to 4pm for washes only. WINDSHIELD REPAIR & AUTO GLASS REPLACEMENT Locally Owned by David Zamansky 500 Buggy Circle, Carbondale, CO 970-963-3891 M o b i l e S e r v i c e A v a i l a b l e WINDSHIELD REPAIR & AUTO GLASS REPLACEMENT Locally Owned by David Zamansky 500 Buggy Circle, Carbondale, CO 9 7 0 - 9 6 3 - 3 8 9 1 M o b i l e S e r v i c e A v a i l a b l e Locally owned by Jake Zamansky GreenWalls Painting Serving the Valley since 2005 GreenWalls is an environmentally friendly company. We use only non-toxic (low and no voc) paints and finishes. Call Matt Roeser for a free estimate today! 970-317-7549 Interior/Exterior, new construction, remodels, repaints, and more. GreenWallsPainting.com
See Thundercat at CARBONDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 289 Main Street, Carbondale on the corner of Third and Main Street (970) 963-2826 Find us on Facebook Dr. Benjamin Mackin Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. New location!

Do you love to garden but don’t have space to grow your own veggies?

THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 12 - MARCH 18, 2020 • 19 teppanyaki & sushi OPEN AT 11 AM. CLOSED TUESDAYS. 970 510 5343 | 568 HWY 133, CARBONDALE | 450TEPPANYAKI.COM LUNCH 11-3 PM HAPPY HOUR 2-6PM FREE DELIVERY WITHIN 5 MILES, MIN $20 FREE THIRD SUSHI ROLL EVERY WEDNESDAY HAPPY HOUR ALL DAY ON SUNDAY There are garden plots available at Demeter's Community Garden located behind the 3rd St. Center. Call the Carbondale Rec. Department at 970-510-1290 for more information.
Health Alert: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
You have traveled to a country with an outbreak of COVID-19 and are at higher risk. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person.
Stay Home Stay home for the next 14 days and monitor your health. Take your temperature with a thermometer two times a day and watch for symptoms.
Symptoms Illnesses have ranged from mild symptoms to severe illness and death. Symptoms may appear 2–14 days after exposure.
If you feel sick and have symptoms: • Call ahead before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room.
• Tell the doctor about your recent travel and your symptoms.
• Avoid contact with others.
• Do not travel while sick.
Symptoms can include:
Fever (100.4°F/38°C or higher)
Shortness of breath
Visit the website for more information on monitoring your health and how to contact local public health officials. Visit: www.cdc.gov/COVIDtravel
CS 315649-B February 29, 2020 4:15 PM
For information about COVID-19 and how to monitor your health after travel, open your cell phone camera and scan this code:
Pour obtenir des informations relatives à COVID-19 et à la manière de surveiller votre santé après un voyage, ouvrez la caméra de votre téléphone portable et scannez le code suivant :
Untuk mendapatkan maklumat mengenai COVID-19 dan cara mengawasi kesihatan anda selepas perjalanan, buka kamera telefon bimbit anda dan imbas kod ini:
Para obter informações sobre o COVID-19 e como monitorar sua saúde após a viagem, abra a câmera do seu celular e digitalize este código: Para obtener información sobre el COVID-19 y cómo monitorear su salud después de un viaje, abra la cámara de su teléfono y escanee este código: