Our theme this year, “This Must Be The Place,” is a wonderfully shameless nod to the song by the Talking Heads. You know... “Home is where I want to be, but I guess I’m already there...” It captures so perfectly the sentiment that so many of us have felt either in the joyous throws of the fair or in its afterglow. Mountain Fair, with more than half a century under its belt, has continued to inspire in us such an incredible sense of community belonging and creative expression. It’s not just because it’s an arts fair, or a music festival, or free, or wonderfully family-friendly. It’s because, since its inception, Mountain Fair has been predominantly planned, organized, built, and brought to life by volunteers. Today it takes more than 500 pairs of helping hands to throw this dang fun celebration! As you are reading this, it’s highly likely that four generations are currently volunteering in some area of the fair. And the spirit of giving does not just stop with volunteerism: local businesses, nonprofits, and artists all take part in the sharing, from donating food and sharing creative resources to our volunteer production crew making magic happen. We are Fair Family! If you haven’t yet signed up to volunteer, it’s not too late! Walk on over to the Volunteer Booth and find out what shifts might be available.
Bienvenidos a la 53ava. edición de la Feria de la Montaña de Carbondale---Nuestro tema de este año, “This Must Be The Place” o “Este debe ser el lugar”, es un guiño increíblemente descarado a la canción de los Talking Heads. Ya sabes... “Mi hogar es donde quiero estar, pero supongo que ya estoy allí...”. Captura a la perfección el sentimiento que tantos de nosotros hemos tenido, ya sea en los alegres momentos de la feria, o en su brillo posterior. La Feria de la Montaña, con más de medio siglo a sus espaldas, ha seguido inspirándonos un increíble sentimiento de pertenencia a la comunidad y de expresión creativa. No es sólo porque sea una feria de arte o un festival de música, o gratuita o maravillosamente familiar. Es porque, desde su creación, la Feria de la Montaña ha sido planificada, organizada, construida y llevada a cabo mayoritariamente por voluntarios. En la actualidad, se necesitan más de 500 personas para organizar esta celebración tan divertida. Mientras lees esto, es muy probable que cuatro generaciones estén trabajando como voluntarias en algún área de la feria. Y el espíritu de generosidad no se limita al voluntariado Negocios locales, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y artistas participan en el compartir, desde donando alimentos e intercambiando recursos creativos hasta nuestro equipo de producción voluntario que hace que la magia suceda. ¡Somos la familia de la Feria! Si aún no te has apuntado como voluntario, ¡todavía estás a tiempo! Acércate a la mesa de voluntarios y encuentra que turnos pueden estar disponibles. Con profundo agradecimiento por todo lo que cada persona aporta a la Feria de la Montaña.
With deep gratitude for everything each individual brings to Mountain Fair, Con profundo agradecimiento por todo lo que ada persona aporta a la Feria de la Montaña,
Jamie Abbott Deborah Colley
Executive Director Chief of Operations
Carbondale Arts Mountain Fair
Carbondale Arts
Directora Ejecutiva Feria de la Montaña Jefa de Operaciones
Friday: Homecoming – whether you’re part of the home-team or an esteemed alumni (welcome back), dress up as a high school stereotype, spike the punch, join the dance floor and let’s get this fair started.
Saturday: Cosmic CarbondALIENS - it might be home, but it’s also pretty far out. Celebrate our home, our home planet and all the weirdos and personalities that make this town great, by dressing up like space and aliens - or just let your weirdness shine.
Sunday: Homebody Hotties - Carbondale is our home and Sopris Park is our living room. Why not be comfy? Wear your robes, mumus, kimonos, and slippers—but also dress it up since it’s the last day of the fair after all.
Locally-owned EverGreen ZeroWaste and amazing Green Team volunteers support Mountain Fair in responsibly diverting waste from the local landfills. Reuse is still the key to reducing our waste and lowering our environmental fair-print! Let us all take personal responsibility in keeping Mother Earth healthy. You can help Mountain Fair accomplish our waste-diversion goals by supporting these Green Team efforts:
Bring your own water bottles, plates, and utensils to the fair; take them home and wash them. It’s like camping! Reusable cups may be used for cocktails and wine (not beer, sorry) at the Cantina.
We do not sell bottled water at the fair and we have several WATER STATIONS full of clean, mountain water marked with red and white water signs. Please bring your own reusable container and keep it with you.
If you are finished with your program, please promote REUSE by leaving it at the Entrance/Exits for others to use.
You can be part of the solution by assisting the volunteer-powered Green Team with proper sorting at the waste stations.
Sort your waste in the well-marked containers at our waste stations where you will find friendly volunteers. Just about anything you purchase from a food vendor goes in the green compost bins. All food scraps, utensils, plates, bowls, cups, and paper products are compostable.
ALL cups in The Cantina are COMPOSTABLE!
EverGreen ZeroWaste, una empresa local, y varios increíbles voluntarios del Equipo Verde apoyan a la Feria de Montaña en el desvío responsable de residuos a los basureros locales. Reusar sigue siendo la clave para reducir nuestros residuos y reducir nuestra huella ecológica. Tomemos responsabilidad personal para mantener sana a nuestra madre Tierra. Tu puedes ayudar a La Feria de la Montaña a cumplir sus metas de desvío de residuos al apoyar los esfuerzos del Equipo Verde:
Trae tus propias botellas de agua, platos y utensilios a la feria; llévatelos a casa y lávalos. ¡Es como acampar! Vasos reusables puedes ser usados para cócteles y vino (cerveza no, lo sentimos) en la cantina.
No vendemos agua embotellada en la feria y tenemos varias ESTACIONES DE AGUA llenas de agua limpia de montaña marcadas con señales rojo y blanco. Por favor, trae tu propio recipiente reusable y mantenlo contigo. Si has terminado de usar un programa, por favor promueve el REUSO dejándolo en las Entradas/Salidas para que otros lo usen.
Tú puedes ser parte de la solución al ayudar al Equipo Verde formado por voluntarios, separando adecuadamente los residuos en la zona destinada para ello.
Clasifica tus residuos en los contenedores bien señalizados, donde encontrarás voluntarios dispuestos a ayudar. Casi todo lo que compres a un vendedor de comida puede ir en los recipientes verdes de compostaje. Todos los restos de comida, utensilios, platos, cuencos, vasos y productos de papel son compostables.
¡TODOS los vasos de La Cantina son COMPOSTABLES! Novedad de este año: Este programa es compostable. ¡SUPER!
ALCOHOL CANNOT BE BROUGHT INTO OR TAKEN OUT OF SOPRIS PARK or the Fairgrounds in general, including the Oasis Family Block Party on Main Street or the Vendor Corridor on Weant.
• IF YOU ARE IN THE CONFINES OF SOPRIS PARK - Buy your refreshments at The Cantina and walk around the park (except the Oasis).
• IDs and wristbands are required for persons drinking alcohol.
• All coolers and large bags will be inspected at the entrances of the park, and we expect all fairgoers to comply with these regulations.
NO WEAPONS OF ANY KIND CAN BE BROUGHT INTO FAIR. Individuals engaging in violent, aggressive, indecent, or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and may result in removal from the fair.
NO BICYCLES IN SOPRIS PARK. BICYCLES MUST BE PARKED in the bike corrals at 7th and Weant, Euclid and Weant, as well as 4th and Main Streets. Failure to comply may result in removal of your bike from the fair confines. Thanks to Aloha Mountain Cyclery and friends for setting up our bike parking!
The Downtowner provides free rides within Carbondale limits. Request rides to Mountain Fair with the Downtowner App or by calling (970)504-0054. Pick up and drop off will be located at the Euclid Entrance. For ADA assistance, press the ADA icon in the app when requesting a ride, or call and notify the dispatcher.
NO SE PUEDE INTRODUCIR O SACAR ALCOHOL DEL PARQUE SOPRIS o del campo de la feria en general. Incluyendo el Oasis Family Block Party en Main Street o el Pasillo de Vendedores en Weant
• SI TE ENCUENTRAS EN LOS LÍMITES DEL PARQUE SOPRIS Compra tus refrescos en La Cantina y pasea por el parque (excepto el Oasis).
• Se requiere identificación y pulseras en personas que consumen alcohol.
• Todas las hieleras y bolsas grandes serán inspeccionadas en las entradas del parque, y esperamos que todos los asistentes a la feria cumplan con estas regulaciones.
NO SE PUEDEN INTRODUCIR ARMAS DE NINGÚN TIPO A LA FERIA. Individuos involucrados en comportamiento violento, agresivo, indecente o prejudicial no serán tolerados y podrán ser removidos de la feria.
NO SE PERMITEN BICICLETAS EN EL PARQUE SOPRIS, ESTAS DEBEN ESTACIONARSE en los sitios para bicicletas situados en calle 7 y Weant, Euclid y Weant, así como en las calles Main y 4th. El incumplimiento puede resultar en el retiro de tu bicicleta de los límites de la feria. ¡Gracias a Aloha Mountain Cyclery por adaptar el estacionamiento para bicicletas!
El Downtowner ofrece viajes gratuitos dentro de los límites de Carbondale. Solicite viajes a la feria de la Montaña con la aplicación Downtowner o llamando al (970)504-0054. La recogida y la entrega se realizarán en la entrada de Euclid. Para asistencia ADA, pulse el icono de ADA en la aplicación al solicitar un viaje, o llame y notifique al transportista.
Una vez más, personal del distrito de bomberos de Carbondale estará en el puesto de primeros auxilios, situado en la Entrada/Salida de la calle Euclid. Botiquin de primeros auxilios (paracortadas pequeñas y raspones) pueden encontrarse en la mesa de información en el parque Sopris y el Oasis.
The Carbondale & Rural Fire District will once again staff the First-Aid Booth, located next to the Entrance/Exit on Euclid Ave. First-Aid kits (for small cuts and bruises) can be found at the Info Booths in Sopris Park & the Oasis.
A misting shower will be set up behind the Main Stage gazebo at the corner of 7th and Euclid Ave. Fairgoers are invited to cool off throughout the day, with misters also available at various locations at the Oasis Family Block Party.
A communal shade tent is located next to the Main Stage and is open to everyone, with priority given to individuals with physical challenges. Picnic tables are scattered throughout shady spots in the park, specifically in Food Alley!
Lawn chairs and umbrellas must be low profile, placed in designated areas marked on the map and comply with signage in the park. Set-up begins Friday after 3pm and Saturday & Sunday after 8am. All items must be taken home at the end of each day. Items left behind will be placed in Lost & Found at the Info Booth.
The Sopris Park bathrooms are closed to the public. Porta potties are located outside of the Weant, Euclid, and 7th Street portals to the park, and adjacent to the promenade off of Main St.
NO PETS OR GLASS ALLOWED IN SOPRIS PARK. Citations from the police will be issued. All pets on Main Street in the Oasis Family Block Party & the Vendor Corridor on Weant must be leashed.
Se instalarán rocíos de agua para refrescarse detrás del gazebo en la esquina de la Calle 7 y Euclid. Se invita a los asistentes a la feria a refrescarse durante el día. Se encontrarán rocíos disponibles en varias localidades en el Oasis Family Block Party.
Carpas de sombra comunes están situadas en zonas disponibles para todo el público con prioridad para personas con problemas físicos. Hay mesas de picnic repartidas por lugares sombreados del parque, específicamente en el pasillo de la comida.
Las sillas de jardín y sombrillas deberán ser de un tamaño discreto y pueden ser colocadas en los lugares señalados en el mapa. El montaje se realizará a partir de las 3 pm del viernes, y sábado y domingo a las 8 am. Todos los artículos deben ser llevados a casa al final de día. Artículos olvidados serán llevados al Lost & Found de la mesa de información.
Los baños del Parque Sopris están cerrados al público. Baños portátiles encantadores están situados fuera de los portales de Weant, Euclid y Calle 7 del parque y en el paseo de Main Street.
NO SE PERMITEN MASCOTAS NI VIDRIO EN EL PARQUE SOPRIS. Se emitirán citaciones de la policía. Todas las mascotas en Main Street en el Oasis Family Block Party y el Pasillo de Vendedores debe traer correa.
RECURSOS FAMILIARES -Mantén ubicados a tus hijos
• Todos los menores deberán estar acompañados por un adulto mientras juegan en el área de juegos del parque Sopris así como en el Oasis Family Block Party.
• Habrá pulseras disponibles en cada portal del parque y en el Oasis HQ para que los padres se las coloquen a sus hijos y escriban su información de contacto.
• La mesa de información supervisa a toda persona extraviada, grande o pequeña. Si has perdido a alguien, dirígete allí. Si encuentras a un niño perdido llévalo ahí.
Keep track of your kiddos. All minors must be accompanied by an adult while playing in the playground in Sopris Park as well as at the Oasis Family Block Party. Wristbands are available at each park portal and at the Oasis HQ for parents to place on their children and write their contact information.
The Info Booth is in charge of all lost humans, big and small. If you’ve lost someone, please go to the Info Booth. If you find a lost child, please bring them there!
Need some quiet time?! We’ve got two places for families to take a break.
The Mama’s Tent, hosted by the Valley View Midwives, is a place for pregnant or breastfeeding individuals to come sit down, cool off, and take a break. Located adjacent to the Massage Tent near the Carbondale Pool.
Little Blue Preschool hosts quiet napping and constructive play spaces from 10:00am to 2:30pm on Saturday and Sunday just a block north of Sopris Park at 55 North 7th Street. Two classrooms (2 months-4 years old) will be open for children who need a space to rest, or quietly read. One classroom (2 years -6 years old) will be open for puzzles, sensory play and manipulatives to engage kids that are looking for a refreshing brain break to express some creativity. This space is free to all! Parents must be present with their children.
Check out all the activities and performances taking place at the Oasis Family Block Party!
ADA parking can be found north of Main Street, next to the promenade and south of Main, across from the Crystal Theater & Bonfire Coffee.
ADA drop-off can be found at the Euclid Ave. Park Entrance. Euclid is one-way during the fair, with traffic moving from Weant Blvd. to 7th Street (or east to west). The Downtowner can provide free rides to those in need of a drop off or pick up. See information below.
Near the Euclid Entrance you can find a public shade tent (between the First Aid tent and the Main Stage Gazebo) with ADA-priority seating
Additional ADA restrooms are also located near each fair entrance & exit.
ADA Placards must be posted on vehicles or they will be towed.
All accessibility questions and assistance can be found at the Info Booth.
¿Necesitas un rato tranquilo? Tenemos dos lugares para que las familias se tomen un descanso.
La “Mama’s Tent” o “Carpa de las Mamás”, organizada por parteras de Valley View, es un lugar para que mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia puedan sentarse, refrescarse y tomarse un descanso. Se encuentra junto a la carpa de masajes, cerca de la piscina de Carbondale.
El preescolar Little Blue ofrece espacios para siestas tranquilas y juegos constructivos de 10:00 am a 2:30 pm los sábados y domingos, a una manzana al norte del parque Sopris, en 55 North 7th Street. Dos salas (de 2 meses a 4 años) estarán abiertas para los niños que necesiten un espacio para descansar o leer tranquilamente. Una sala (de 2 a 6 años) estará abierta para rompecabezas, juegos sensoriales y manipulativos para atraer a los niños que buscan un descanso cerebral refrescante para expresar algo de creatividad. Este espacio es gratuito para todos. Los padres deben estar presentes con sus hijos. Echa un vistazo a todas las actividades y actuaciones que se llevarán a cabo en Oasis Family Block Party.
El aparcamiento ADA se encuentra al norte de Main Street, junto al paseo y al sur de Main Street, frente al Crystal Theater & Bonfire Coffee.
Accesos de llegada ADA se encuentran en la entrada del parque de Euclid Ave. La calle Euclid es de sentido único durante la feria, y el tráfico circula de Weant Blvd. a 7th Street (o de este a oeste). The Downtowner puede proporcionar transporte gratuito a quienes necesiten ser llavados o recogidos. Consulte la información más abajo.
Cerca de la entrada de Euclid encontrará una carpa de sombra pública (entre la carpa de primeros auxilios y el escenario principal) con asientos prioritarios ADA.
También hay baños ADA adicionales cerca de cada entrada y salida de la feria.
Los vehículos deben portar placas ADA o serán remolcados.
Todas las preguntas sobre accesibilidad y asistencia se pueden encontrar en la mesa de información.
Sewing Spanish
Your emcees for the weekend are:
Jamie Abbott
Amy Kimberly
Aly Sanguily
Ben Bohmfalk
Luis Yllanes
Friday, July 26
Brian Pawl
Claudia Pawl
Pedro Rivera
Rebecca Binion
4:00pm CANTINA OPENS (Closes at 9:15pm)
Come join us for fun and let the little ones get their wiggles out at the CCS bouncy houses located at the Kids Carnival! Proceeds go towards the CCS 8th grade trip to Puerto Rico where they learn about the culture and participate in local service.
Bring a drum or other percussion instrument (including homemade items like a bucket), and join Mother of the Fair, Laurie Loeb, in a community-heart-beat drum circle to kick off the Fair.
G 4:50pm WELCOME
Carbondale Mayor Ben Bohmfalk and Carbondale Arts Executive Director Jamie Abbott
Ron Houston is a singer/songwriter based in Glenwood Springs with authentic story-telling vocals about real life, hard-working men, day-to-day struggles, and some of our most favorite honky-tonk heroes.
O 5:00pm - 7:00pm YOUTH MAKER MARKET
Check out the wares from a selection of local youth. In the Creative Canopy.
Buckets. Singing Saw. Kazoos. Slide Whistle. Sweet Jessup & The Dirty Buckets have one trashy jam sound. Haunted and bluesy, punk and groovy, foot stompy and folksy, clanky and dancy; Sweet Jessup draws inspiration from American root blues, folk, and ragtime traditions.
G - Gazebo (Main Stage)
O - Oasis
OS- Open Space
C - Contest
JC- Judging Canopy
Daily Costume Theme: Homecoming
Rock and Roll Academy Roaring Fork is dedicated to providing and protecting a place where young musicians can learn, explore, and flourish.
Are you all ready for this?! Get your pep on to celebrate our hometown-fair love with Mt Cirque’s high-flying mountain fair Pep Rally! Special appearance by BHS cheer squad.
Denver band Dragondeer has conjured the rhythm spirits to concoct a blend of Psychedelic Blues, Retro Funk, Soul, and Rock-n-Roll into a genre blur that’s aim is to speak to souls and keep the body moving.
Saturday, July 27
11:00am CANTINA OPENS (Closes at 9:15pm)
Independence Run & Hike hosts a four-mile downhill fun run from Prince Creek Road, down the Crystal River Bike Path, and back to the finish line at Mountain Fair in Sopris Park. Participants will meet at Sopris Park at 8:15am to catch a shuttle to the start line for a 9:00am start. Cost is $40 per participant and kids 12 and under are free. Families with strollers are welcome. Dress to win the costume contest with the theme of “This Must Be The Place.’’ Sign up in person at the store, or call (970)704-0909.
Lose yourself in the magic of this beloved classic tale, reimagined through the elegance and emotion of ballet. Under the skilled direction of Ms. Jeni, Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion come to life in a whirlwind of dance and music, transporting you to the mystical Land of Oz.
Come join us for fun and let the little ones get their wiggles out at the CCS bouncy houses located at the Kids Carnival! Proceeds go towards the CCS 8th grade trip to Puerto Rico, where they learn about the culture and participate in local service.
Take a pause from the frenetic fair and be nourished with an interactive program of gentle movement and music especially for young children, ages 1-4, and their accompanying adults. After a bit of dancing, and lots of singing, enjoy a simple puppet play inspired by the three mothers: Mother Nature, all the hard-working mothers, and Mother Goose.
O 10:00am - 6:00pm PUPPET MAKING WITH TRTC
Come and create your own emotional monster puppet with actors from the theater. Thunder River Theatre Company (TRTC) is encouraging children to identify powerful emotions that they might encounter on a daily basis and to use their artistic minds to create their very own monster puppet that focuses on strong emotions.
Meet in the Open Space. Sponsored by Alpine Angling. We love you Gill Finn!!
O 10:45am - 11:30am JAS STREET HORNS
Look out for the roaming horn section from Jazz Aspen Snowmass accompanied by the students of TACAW’s street-performance summer camp.
Bring entries to the Judging Canopy, located next to the pavilion between 10:30am-10:45am. This year’s theme is “Garden Party,” and categories include fruit, cream, and exotic.
G - Gazebo (Main Stage)
O - Oasis
OS- Open Space
C - Contest
JC- Judging Canopy
Daily Costume Theme: Cosmic CarbondALIENS
Gather around the rig and watch the CarbondAliens invade the sky! Sopris Soarers’ younger aerial troupe.
Like a ‘67 Mustang with a newly installed electric engine, the new-vintage sound of Tommy the Animal is imbued with equal parts timeless nostalgia and a sleek modern songwriting sensibility that explores beyond the traditional bounds of good old rock’n’roll.
O 11:45am - 12:30pm BRILLANTINA TEATRO MARIONETAS (Bilingual)
BRILLANTINA presents an enchanting bilingual tale for children: Emiliano, el último niño del mundo. Following the planet’s devastation, Emiliano encounters Drakar, the wise dragon that gives him a magical gift and a special mission. Emiliano embarks on a journey to follow his heart and shape a new world.
Located in Glassier Park, two blocks south of Sopris Park on Weant Boulevard. Register at the Info Booth.
O 12:00pm - 4:00pm WALDORF FLOWER CROWNS
Want to be a queen or king for a day? Join your friends from the Waldorf School who will help you make a custom flower crown using Mother Nature’s treasures.
Located in the Open Space
How low can you go? The height to beat is 1’4”! Join Dr. Limbo, Eric Baumheier, and live drummers for some friendly competition. Must be 18 years or older.
Aspen Polynesia dancers and drummers share their energetic moves and lively sounds in an upbeat performance transporting us to the exotic island of Tahiti.
Anna Moss has a voice that will stop you dead in your tracks. Moss’s vocal quality is unique with a deeply healing quality that fully absorbs a smokey, gritty, and dynamic nature. She is accompanied by South American-New Orleans musicians to bring you Anna Moss and The Nightshades.
This delightful and powerful play by Clara Harris helps preschool and elementary students recognize and explore the strong emotions they sometimes experience. Two everyday students are guided by an omniscient host as their emotions become actual monster puppets that illustrate how feelings can sometimes be bigger than we are. Shows are held at Thunder River Theatre. Tickets are $5/children and $10/adults.
O 2:00pm-6:00pm YOUTH MAKER MARKET
Check the wares from a selection of local youth. In the Creative Canopy.
Place your bets on the Carbondale Fire Department or the Carbondale Police, and the winner takes all to donate to their favorite charity. This year Carbondale Fire’s winning proceeds might go to the Advocate Safehouse… or will they go to the Carbondale Police Department’s chosen charity, River Bridge Child Regional Center? Make your bets at the Info Booth and join hosts Kitty Kat Rich and Strongman Luis Yllanes to find out!
Mr. Kneel uses beatboxing and rhymes to share his love of old-school Hip Hop with lots of laughs and interaction.
Located in the Open Space
Hottest competition at the Fair! Hosted by Diesel Dan and Kitty Kat Rich. Sign-ups are at the Information Booth. Slots fill quickly! Prizes provided by Dave Kodama & Sopris Liquor.
Among the newest generation of bands in the tradition of West Coast psychedelia, the Triptides have blossomed into the role of elegant adventurers. Led by guitarist, keyboardist, and singer Glenn Brigman, with drummer Brendan Peleo-Lazar and bassist/guitarist Stephen Burns, the trio is continually discovering their sound through a complex map of familiar influences and bold choices in tonality, structure, and texture.
DANCE Claudia and Brian Pawl teach you how to dance salsa! Whether you’re experienced or new, you’ll have a great time!
Join the Carbondale Clay Center for the Third Annual Pottery Throwdown Relay. Eight teams of four will compete in pottery challenges, two at a time, for the fastest overall time. This year’s challenges include the return of Anything but Hands Throwing and Extrudy-Duty, along with two new challenges – Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Pinch Pot and The Ghost Runner. Relay teams meet at the Judging Canopy at 6:15pm, the Throwdown kicks-off at 6:30pm.
Hailing from various locales and diverse musical backgrounds, the six members of Typical Ghost converged in the mountains of Colorado, melding together jazz, funk, rock, and pop influences into an amalgam of both thoughtful and head-bobbing, booty-shaking original music.
Come witness the unidentified flying aerial phenomenon that is Mt. Cirque Entertainment. Experience the CarbondAlien invasion of jelly creatures from the sky in a cosmic explosion of daring wonder.
G 8:00pm TAUK
TAUK, an American four-piece progressive rock-fusion band from Oyster Bay, New York, has been painting with sound for nearly a decade now. Tauk has toured with Umphrey’s McGee, Disco Biscuits, Papadosio, STS9, The String Cheese Incident, and others. TAUK was founded by Dolan, Jalbert, and Carter, who began playing together as middle schoolers, the band landed on its present incarnation in 2012, when college pal Teel joined full time. Get ready to dance! SATURDAY, JULY 27
Sunday, July 28
11:00am CANTINA OPENS (Closes at 7:30pm)
Sponsored by Aloha Mountain Cyclery. Fun is our goal and costumes are required. Registration is from 7am-7:45am at the Bike Parking area on Weant Blvd., with the bikers’ safety meeting at 7:45am. We RIDE at 8am! Entry fee is $25 or $20 with a non-perishable food item for Lift Up.
Bring your own mat and a water bottle. Meet between the Rainbow Lounge & Judging Canopy.
Come join us for fun and let the little ones get their wiggles out at the CCS bouncy houses located at the Kids Carnival! Proceeds go towards the CCS 8th grade trip to Puerto Rico where they learn about the culture and participate in local service.
O 10:00am - 2:00pm PUPPET MAKING WITH TRTC
Come and create your own emotional monster puppet with actors from the theater. Thunder River Theatre Company (TRTC) is encouraging children to identify powerful emotions that they might encounter on a daily basis and to use their artistic minds to create their very own monster puppet that focuses on strong emotions.
A group of Colorado natives, blending music from all styles, the Way Out West-Tet is rooted in the jazz tradition and works to continue that legacy of creativity, dedication to the craft, and social progress through music.
Bring entries to the judging tent between 10:15-10:45am. This year’s theme is “Pajama Party.” Categories include cake, exotic, and cupcake (please bring 12 for cupcakes). Please bring entries on a disposable platter or something that does not need to be returned.
As part of Aspen Summer of Birds, presented by the National Audubon Society and The Birdsong Project: local musician and artist Natalie Spears will be accompanied by an Aspen Music Festival & School alum string quartet playing pieces inspired by birdsong and patterns of migration, including a special arrangement of Natalie’s “Hymn of Wild Things.”
Located in Glassier Park, two blocks south of Sopris Park on Weant Boulevard. Register at the Info Booth beginning Friday.
Join the community at the Rainbow Lounge for Bilingual Drag Queen Storytime with members from the Roaring Fork Divas.
G - Gazebo (Main Stage)
O - Oasis
OS- Open Space
C - Contest
JC- Judging Canopy
Daily Costume Theme: Homebody Hotties
Final round of the 2024 Mountain Fair Singer Songwriter contest. There will be 5 finalists.
G 12:45pm iZCALLi
iZCALLi is a genre-bending rock band pushing the sonic envelope of conventional Latin sounds. Miguel Aviña (Lead Guitar/Vocals), Brenda Aviña (Bass), and Luiggy Ramírez (Drums) combine to create music for the relentless, the determined…the immigrant song, with a rebellious spirit in English and Español.
This delightful and powerful play by Clara Harris helps preschool and elementary students recognize and explore the strong emotions they sometimes experience. Two everyday students are guided by an omniscient host as their emotions become actual monster puppets that illustrate how feelings can sometimes be bigger than we are. Shows are held at Thunder River Theatre. Tickets are $5/children & $10/adults.
Originating from Colorado’s Western Slope, this freshly formed four-piece band brings the heat of the high desert to every stage they play. The Violet Pines are known for their high-energy performances, offering a variety of dynamic stylings guided by the simple intention of getting the crowd moving and grooving.
With their fast picking and fresh arrangements, ShadowGrass is moving forward in the bluegrass genre by incorporating each member’s varied influences into a fresh project that branches outside the bounds of traditional music, while maintaining traditional instrumentation.
C 4:15pm MEN’S WOOD SPLITTING COMPETITION Located in the Open Space
The testosterone is heavy in this popular event in which one man will be crowned king. Sign up early as slots fill quickly! A benefit auction of the wood follows. Sign-ups are at the Information Booth. Hosted by Diesel Dan and Kitty Kat Rich. Prizes provided by Dave Kodama & Sopris Liquor.
G 6:00pm KILTRO
Denver-based Kiltro (Chilean term used for stray dogs, or mutts), offers evocative and subtly rebellious musical concepts and genre blends; a post-rock manifesto, ambient and neo-psychedelia with the soulful transcendence of South American folk.
Locals Tip: Never miss the Sunday closer!
69 KarenEdgeStudio
Organic classic silver & gold jewelry that is cast, soldered or etched & set with precious and semi-precious gems
126 Kate Morgan Image Design
Original artwork & reproductions
105 Makaio Design
Original mixed media paintings; canvas, metal, wood, and fine art prints
104 Meg Harper Art
Energetic interpretations of wildlife, landscapes and the human form painted with an unpredictable palette and reclaimed surface materials
9 Patrick Kitson Author Spooky books/novellas
41 Robot Parade Metal Art
Recycled and repurposed metal to make fun wall art and robot sculpture!
91 Roman Art
Original paintings and prints
18 Ryan House Art
Original oil paintings, metal, giclee and paper prints, cards, stickers
32 Sarah Uhl
Whimsical mountain art
A Jude Bschoff Fine Art
B Lindsay Sutton Art Contemporary folk art with a bit of mystcal levity. Reverse painted glass, reclaimed woods and more. “This ain’t fine art honey.”
Vibrant & unique illustrations that wander through the imagination & spirit with curiosity & love
28 Sweet Letterpress
Funny and snarky greetings & art prints
F The Art of Dan Abernathy Drawings on metal, paper and antique maps
43 Thomas E Heywood
111 Travel Posters
Travel Posters capture the landscapes and seascapes of the American travel experience
50-51 Waldern Watercolor
121 Wildeye Imagery
Photos on metal
D Al Fresco Garden Art Upcycled glass garden art
J Artistic Fabrications
Unique handcrafted metal art pieces for home decor and garden settings, crafted from recycled scrap metal, each piece one-of-a-kind
84 Carbondale Clay Center
Local pottery works
113 Ceramics by Chase
Bringing a minimalist sensibility to tableware and other useful objects, while embracing the subtle variations and imperfections inherent to handmade pottery
39 Club Mud
High & alternative fired quirky pieces & functional designs
68 Henry Bergeson Kaleidoscopes
Handmade hardwood and brass kaleidoscopes with awesome interiors
C Kiaralinda
Our twisted wire garden sculptures and wall pieces are great for both interior and exterior.
Kriete Stoneware
Small batch, handmade ceramics from Austin, TX 53 Matt Johnson Ceramics
Functional ceramic dishes and housewares, with an emphasis on decorated surfaces
100,101 Blowfish Designs
Hand-stitched small-batch hats and fabric accessories with a variety of fun and flare for the whole family
119 Bluedye
Hand stamped brass keychains
37 Bookish Purses
Vintage hard-cover books given fashionable new lives as purses, clutches, and portfolios
127 Buena Goods
Rad mesh totes made in Salida
25 Chews On Belay Dog Toys
Repurposed/recycled rock climbing rope dog toys
129 Dying Breeds
Handmade leather goods and other 2D and 3D art
49 Espacio Handmade Handcrafted leather goods
85 Festive Fascinators
Handmade inspirational ceramics made in the San Juan Mountains
75 Wonderland Clayworks
Whimsical tableware and ceramic sculpture.
6 Averyl Designs
Contemporary shapes and hand cut slices of stone from the American west.
Fascinators, headbands, hat bands and hair clips
Whimsical handcrafted treasures inspired by mushrooms and vibrant colors, lovingly handmade in Colorado.Wood and mosaic, glass & polymer clay creations, each piece sparks joy and wonder
1 Hoot & CO
Waterproof collars, leashes & pet bandanas, apparel
73 Jane Roberti
Modern talismans, bench-forged in metal and stone.
19 Moon Lake Design
Repurposed vintage handwoven textiles and leather, handbags and fanny packs, wallets and guitar straps. Weaving tradition with modern style
47 Peak Flow Designs
Outdoor and lifestyle products incorporating materials from wetsuits, rafts, billboards, and recycled gear
15 Authentic
Carbondale handcrafted botanical bodyline
87 Groundwork
Groundwork will be selling willow baskets, naturally tanned, locally raised sheepskin rugs, our farm grown hot sauces and wild foraged piñon salve
123, 124 akomplice
Akomplice is a movement characterized by the love inherent in each moment. Our philosophy is simple; evolution through innovation
78, 79 Autumn Teneyl Colorado made women’s fashion BOOTH VENDOR
54,55 Cyndi Buck Design
Upcycled cashmere & hand dyed
96, 97 Goddess Gear
Women’s natural fiber clothing, hand made in Colorado!
59, 60 July Five
Functionally elegant line of clothing inspired by the Aprés lifestyle.
27 Nina Paul Batik Clothing Colorful, unique wearables
62,63 Purple Turtle Tie Dyes Unique tie dyes and Batiks
7 River City Sunwear
Quick dry / UPF 50 sun shirts, skorts , skirts, & summer dresses
46 Sherer Custom Saddles, Inc. Leather goods
61 Sideshow Redesigns
Menswear, western snap shirts, jackets and more. All 1-of-akind upcycled and redesigned. Styles from classic vintage to psychedelic kitsch
4 Slow Burn Sewing Hand-sewn overalls
24 TayClay Designs
Fiber art dyed with plants and hand block printed including: handmade clothing, prayer flags, wall hangings, bandanas, scarves, tea towels, baby onesies and napkins
70,71 The Flying Hatter
Custom Hand Made Fur Felt & Palm Hats, one of a kind wearable ART!
67 The Knitted Cat Hand-dyed fiber, hand-spun yarn and gifts for the whole family
74 Tiny Elephant Clothing and fine fabrics
H Vergot Second Hand
Second hand clothes for youth
Bee Chama Honey Honey!
Hamilton’s Mushrooms
High potency organic mushroom extract powders
29 Roaring Fork Spice
Hand-blended, preservative-free seasoning blends from around the world
Big Wheel Beverages
Human-powered snow cones
M2 Caleb’s Cotton Candy Made fresh
Chef Cart
Bao sandwiches, spring rolls
F5 Domingo Sausage Co. Sandwiches, salads, tea
FT2 El Sabor de México Tacos, tortas, burritos, hot dogs
F14,15 Funnelicious Homemade funnel cakes
FT4 Gerb’s Grub Tacos, quesadillas, tater tots
F1 Groovy Brews
Coffee, tea, cookies, mocktails
F4 RFHS Gyros Gyros, tea, lemonade, gyro salad
F10 Himalayan Cuisine
Authentic Himalayan curry, salad, momo, lassi
Jeffreezz Jelato
Gelato in assorted flavors
F6 Kettle Corn
Kettle corn, homemade root beer, roasted nuts
F9 La Creperia
Sweet and savory crepes
La Raza Patio Oasis
Street tacos, ceviche and margarita garden
F7 Lemonaide
Fresh-squeezed lemonade with a variety of flavors
F11 Petit Mont-Blanc Raclette sammies, waffles, cookies, coffee
F12 Phlavor Truck
Banh Mi sandwiches, noodle dishes, Naan grilled cheese and soups
F11 Pink Truck soups, salads & sandwiches
F3 Señor Mango Mangoes & agua fresca
F13 Slow Groovin’ Slow-smoked meats and sides
F8 White House Pizza Cheese and pepperoni pizza
F2 Windy City Eats Sandwiches, salads, tea
52 Bee Happy Candles 100% beeswax candles
36 Bluehaven Porcelain
Functional dinnerware and unique home decor
122 Cardamon Designs
Hand block printed, cotton and linen textile products. All original designs
80 Cat Schmitz Art
Colorful home decor & art
128 Colorado Hammock
Camping hammocks, hammock chairs, classic hammocks and double hammocks.
G House Americana
Handmade (with love) cement planters
33 Lily’s Florist & Gifts
Bonsai and hanging terrariums
112 Mountain Time Soap
Using only ingredients from nature, handcrafted biodegradable soap and personal care products with mini mal and compostable packaging
107, 108, 109 Nivek Metal Fun, whimsical metal art!
48 Padlock Co
Hand forged damascus steel knives and hand-carved wooden kitchenware
115 Penni Olive
Handmade fabric homewares
114 Skyline Butterflies
Butterfly and insect art
118 So Very Lovely
Unique air plants and holders, iconic Colorado goods, mirrored affirmation banners (excellent for self reflection)
11 Spoonwright Wooden spoons
120 The Eclectic Edge Wind chimes and jewelry
98, 99 Treestump Woodcraft
Kitchenware & furniture
95 Two+two
Chic reusable bags and bowl covers that are food-safe + eco-friendly
31 Alison Blair Studio
OOAK hand cut jewelry designs
102,103 Bohemi
Handcrafted jewelry
3 Canyon Design Jewelry
SW style traditional-contemporary jewelry. Hand strung necklaces, earrings, bracelets with a variety of turquoise and different stones.
65 CC Art Designs
Jewelry made with recycled silver
83 DarcMoon
Gemstone malas & jewelry
125 Desert Moon Jewelry
Bold, lightweight, one-of-a-kind statement earrings handmade in Durango, CO.
56,57 Filosophy
Gemstone jewelry
72 Fox and Lupine
Mountain-inspired jewelry crafted by hand in the heart of Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
6 Kelly Horrigan Handmade Sustainable leather-based statement jewelry and home goods.
82 Lani and Lexi Jewelry Turquoise and silver jewelry
89, 90 LeGrande Jewelry Hand crocheted jewelry for every occasion. Classic, practical, and versatile.
8 Luana Coonen Jewelry Rings, earrings and necklaces
76 Mercer
Handcrafted necklaces and earrings made with semi precious stones and jeweler quality metals.
35 Michaela Farkasovska Fine Art Jewelry that is meaningful and intentionally very wearable. Each piece combines simplistic design principles with an elegant style.
106 Niyol Jewelry
Handcrafted earrings, necklaces, and rings from recycled and repurposed metals.
93 S. Howell Studios Nature inspired jewelry
116,117 Sunward Jewelry Hat bar+burning, jewelry
22 Sydney Kay Jewelry Silver and gold jewelry.
20 The Pointed Arrow Slow batch mountain boho jewelry.
94 Thread Metal Stone
Handmade and one-of-a-kind jewelry and gear inspired by adventures in the Southwest.
42 Triannas Fine Designs Artisan, hand-crafted, and made to cherish forever.
131, 132 Massage
Providing massage therapy throughout the weekend with several therapists
Mama’s Tent VVH Mama’s Tent Valley View Family Birthplace hosting space for mamas to nurse or families to find shade and rest.
130 Aspen Intuitives Tarot card readings
Oasis Kids Carnival Bounce houses
M7 Fabulous Faces By Linda Using the finest body makeup enhanced with jewel clusters, 70 design choices.
M6 Grandma’s Glitter Face painting and glitter tattoos
Not that long ago, Carbondale had unpaved streets and a slower pace of life. We’ve evolved, but our laid-back vibe remains. Join us in savoring every moment. Respect speed limits, forget you have a horn, and if you’re stuck at a stoplight or a cattle drive, sit back and enjoy the view. When you’re taking it easy, every route is the scenic route.
M5 Happy Hair Braiding 58 different French hair braiding styles, decorated with flowers and sparkles
M4 Hands of Wax Kids crafts, sand art projects, hands of wax
M10 Puppet Making with TRTC Activity sponsored by Thunder River Theatre Company
M9 Waldorf Flower Crowns Activity sponsored by Waldorf School (Saturday only 12-4pm)
Noon Vendor Booths Open
O 3:30-7:30pm CCS Kids Carnival
G 4:00pm Opening blessing with Gabriela Mejia + Friends
G 4:00pm Rhythm of the Heart Community Drum Circle
4:00pm -9:15pm Cantina Opens
G 4:50pm Mtn Fair Welcome
O 5:00pm Ron Houston
O 5 - 7:00pm Youth Maker Market
G 5:15pm Sweet Jessup and the Dirty Buckets
O 6:15pm Rock and Roll Academy
OS 6:45pm Sopris Soarers
G 7:45pm Dragondeer
C 8:30am Mtn Fair 4-Miler
10:00am Vendors Open
G 10:00am Crystal River Youth Ballet
O 10:00am - 7:30pm CCS Kids Carnival
O 10:00am Musical Storytime
O 10:00am - 6:00pm Puppet Making with TRTC
C 10:30am Fly-Casting
O 10:45am - 11:30am JAS Street Horns
O Oasis
G Gazebo (Main Stage)
OS 11:00am Sopris Soarers
11:00am- 9:15pm Cantina Opens
C 11:00am Pie-Baking
G 11:30am Tommy the Animal
O 11:45am Brillantina Teatro Marionetas (bilingual)
C 12:00am Singles Horseshoe
O 12:00pm - 4:00pm Waldorf Flower Crowns
C 1:00pm Adult Limbo
O 1:00pm Polynesian Dance
G 2:00pm Anna Moss and the Nightshades
O 2:00pm Monster In Me at TRTC
O 2:00pm-6:00pm Youth Maker Market
C 2:15pm Tug-O-Love: Carbondale Police vs Carbondale Fire
O 2:30pm Hip Hop For Families
C 4:00pm Women’s Wood Splitting
O 5:00pm Salsa Lesson with Mezcla Socials Dance
G 5:00pm Triptides
C 6:30pm 3rd Annual Potter’s Throwdown
O 6:30pm Typical Ghost
OS 6:45pm Sopris Soarers
G 8:00pm Tauk
C 7:45am Porcupine Group Bike Race
OS 8:30am Yoga with Brittany Geis and Kula
10:00am Vendors Open
O 10am - 1:30pm CCS Kids Carnival
O 10am - 2:00pm Puppet Making with TRTC
11:00am-7:30pm Cantina
G 11:00am Liam Laird and the Way Out West-Tet
C 11:00am Cake-Baking
O 11:30am Birdsong Project
C 12:00pm Double Horseshoes
OS 12:00pm Drag Queen Storytime (bilingual)
O 12:30pm Mtn Fair Singer Songwriter Competition Round 2
G 12:45pm iZCALLi
O 2:00pm Monster In Me at TRTC
O 3:00pm Violet Pines
G 3:00pm Shadowgrass
C 4:15pm Men’s Wood Splitting
G 6:00pm Kiltro
CANTINA IS OPEN UNTIL 9:15PM Friday & Saturday | 7:30PM on Sunday
Mountain Fair locally sources our beverages. We are proud of our Colorado brewers, distillers, and makers. Featuring: Odell Brewing Company, Suerte Tequila, Big B’s, Stripped Mixers, Montanya Rum, Sopris Liquor, and Marble Distilling.
The Mountain Fair Cantina raises money for many nonprofits every year. Not only does this help them, but they really help us. You can be part of this awesome circle of life by putting a few more dollars into their tip jars and showing them some love because they help make our town great. A big thanks to this year’s Cantina Teams!
Friday PM: KDNK & Carbondale Clay Center
Saturday AM: Thunder River Theatre & Mt. Sopris Montessori
Saturday PM: Carbondale Community School & Crystal River Elementary School
Sunday AM: Gay 4 Good & Sopris Sun
Sunday PM: Blue Lake Preschool & WindWalkers
This Must Be The Peach
refreshing and bright, peach blonde ale, 5.1%
Odell IPA tried and true fresh Colorado IPA, 7%
Drumroll bold, juicy, tropical hop forward hazy pale ale 5.3%
Pils light, refreshing, touch of hops 5%
Lagerado light, crisp, crushable 5%
Friday Cantina Hours: 4pm -9:15pm
Saturday Cantina Hours: 11am -9:15pm
Sunday Cantina Hours: 11am - 7:30pm
With the Carbondale Pool and Forest Service building construction we’ve had to make both temporary and permanent changes to the fair layout. We’re using this as an opportunity to expand Mountain Fair outside of Sopris Park and include our downtown corridor. This also means the Oasis has room to grow and has transformed into a Family Block Party! Here you’ll find stage performances for all ages and live music in the Oasis Stage Tent, creative and playfilled activities at the Creative Canopy and other activity booths, bounce house bliss at the CCS Kid’s Carnival, tasty offerings from a handful of Fair Food Vendors and local Main Street businesses like La Raza, Peppinos, Bonfire Coffee. There will be misters, artful shade spaces, a mini splash zone, and more! Have a question or concern? Stop by the Oasis Headquarters to get some answers and catch some shade!
The Rainbow Lounge is a safe space for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies who are looking to connect with others in the community while learning about LGBTQ+ resources in the valley. The Rainbow Lounge is located in the Open Space and opens at 4pm on Friday of the Fair and 10am-8pm on Saturday and Sunday, offering crafting activities for all ages and Bilingual Drag Storytime, Sunday at 12pm.
Get your raffle tickets! It is one of the best ways to support Carbondale Arts programming!
We have fantastic packages supported by many local businesses. Stop by the Raffle Booth to learn more. Buy early and often. Grand Prize drawings on mainstage Sunday July 28th at 5pm.
Ticket pricing: $10 - 2 tickets | $20 - 5 tickets | $35 - 10 tickets | $100 - 30 tickets
1st Grand Prize: total value $6510
REVEL RANGER V2 complete mountain bike, size selected by winner; bike helmet; bike light; $100 gift certificate to Sopris Liquor and Wine; $250 cash.
2nd Grand Prize: total value $2665
Aspen Ski Co ski staycation: One certificate for 2 two-day lift tickets good at any of Aspen Skiing Company’s four mountains through the 2024/2025 ski season, one certificate for a one-night stay at the Limelight Snowmass, (restrictions apply), one certificate for Ajax Tavern at The Little Nell Hotel, one certificate for the Lounge at Limelight Snowmass, one certificate for two one-day Snowmass Bike Park tickets, one certificate for 2 one-day Lost Forest Base tickets, one certificate for 2 two-day rental packages at Four Mountain Sports, and $250 cash.
The Open Space is located in the center of Sopris Park. This is where a lot of action happens, primarily the lively contests and competitions which are both easy to participate in AND fun. Enjoy our version of county-fair favorites, including limbo and wood splitting! Some competitions will take place in the Judging Canopy, just to the South of the Open Space. There are a few races and games that take place offsite too, such as the horseshoe tournament, and the foot and bike races. To learn more about the contests and competitions, visit the Mountain Fair webpage at carbondalearts.com
The Silent Auction is a labor of love by many of our arts and crafts vendors, as well as local businesses. This is a great place to check out the array of talent we have at the fair, find wonderful deals, and support year-round programming with Carbondale Arts. Bidding opens Friday at noon, and closes at 2pm on Sunday. The last hour of bidding is known as the “Power Hour,” beginning at 1pm on Sunday. This is when the bidding gets hot! Winners will receive texts beginning at 2pm, and may pick up their prizes between 2-6pm at the Silent Auction Tent.
Get your Mountain Fair Merch! The T-shirt Booth is always stocked with an assortment of classic tees, tank tops, hoodies, Kleen Kanteen cups, and more! All sporting this year’s Mountain Fair design by local artist Kirsten Hix. The T-Shirt Booth opens at noon on Friday and it ALWAYS sells out by Sunday morning. Get there soon!
Volunteers can check in for their shifts and pick up their hardearned Friend of Fair t-shirt at the Volunteer Booth! Don’t have a volunteer job yet? Come by the booth to sign up. Four hours of volunteering gets you a Friend of Fair shirt and one entry into a raffle to win two GA tickets to the 2025 Green Is The New Black Fashion Extravaganza!
Have a question? Come by the Information Booth to find your answer, grab a program, sign up for a contest, pick up earplugs, grab a dab of sunscreen, or drop off Lost & Found items. Please remember to bring any lost persons to the Information Booth as well.
A core mission of Carbondale Arts is promoting local artists through programs such as Carbondale Creative District. Please stop by the Valley Artists Booth and see the incredible talent that lives in this valley! You’ll find paintings and prints, pottery and textiles, jewelry, wood crafts, and much more. This year’s artists include: Andréa Bersson (Jeweled Musings by Andréa B), Katie Browne (BOX ELEVEN), Annie Burch (Tabletop Creations), David Clark (High Country Photography), Brendan Couvreux and sons Sky and Tao (Redstone Unicycle Gang), Kelly Grace Field, Julie Grimm (Blue Gate Designs), Jim Harris, Gregg Hollomon (2-Square Crafts), Jen Roby, Amy Rutkowski, Amanda Selsky (June Bug Studio LLC), Jean Smith (Designs by JAS), Laura Wagner (laura the maker), and Jenn Weede (Fireweed Studio). Thank you for supporting these RFV local creatives!
Kirsten Hix has been living in Glenwood Springs with her husband Scott since 2013 and welcomed their son in 2021. Since 2019 she has completed four murals at Sunlight Mountain. She won the Basalt Public Arts Commission Mural Contest in 2023 and was selected to create a mural at the Basalt Pool, which was completed in May of 2024. She draws inspiration from the natural world and the beauty of the valley in which she lives. In addition to murals, she enjoys creating smaller painted works, including pet portraits for friends and family.
Kirsten was born in Redlands, CA in 1988. She received a bachelor’s degree in art and Spanish in 2010 from Calvin College, in Grand Rapids, MI. Since then, in addition to her artistic pursuits, she obtained an associate’s degree in veterinary technology from Colorado Mountain College in 2016 and worked as a veterinary technician for several years, before choosing to return to her primary passion of creating artwork in the Roaring Fork Valley.
Stage of Life (SoL) Theatre Company has been a Carbondale-based non-profit for over a decade, and shows no signs of slowing down. With the addition this summer of a professional summer stock company, and a community theater production to boot, SoL is now proud to produce 9 main-stage productions and multiple camps and classes year round — as well as partnering with local non-profits like Carbondale Arts and providing all of the audio technology for the Oasis Stage this year and last.
Through the use of theatrical training and production in a fun, safe and supportive setting, SoL Theatre Company helps children and young adults expand their self-concept, inspires them to lead by example, and educates them to build the social and emotional tools in order to live meaningful lives.
SoL’s intention is to produce the most professional children’s theater possible. Each production offers an opportunity for each child to discover a new level of competence, self-esteem, and confidence.
Our Mission:
To advance Justice in our community and improve lives through legal advocacy, outreach and education.
We provide free legal aid from Parachute to Aspen and are grateful for over three decades of support from our community. Find our about our programs and how to support our work at: www.alpinelegalservices.org
Nuestra misión: Promover la justicia en nuestra comunidad y mejorar vidas a través de la defensa legal, la divulgación y la educación.
Brindamos asistencia legal gratuita desde Parachute a Aspen y estamos agradecidos por más de tres décadas de apoyo de
Encuentre información sobre nuestros programas y cómo apoyar nuestro trabajo en: www.alpinelegalservices.org
Ascendigo Client & Employee at the Element Hotel
Ascendigo Autism Services provides opportunities for growth & independence for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder including:
• Vocational Support (Employment Services)
• Life Enrichment (Adult Services)
• Outreach (Youth Services)
• Adventures (Therapeutic Recreation)
• Ascendigo Academy (Curriculum & Training)
Expansion of Ascendigo’s unique programming relies on generous donors like YOU!
The Carbondale Clay Center (CCC) is a non-profit community arts center that exists to enrich lives through the ceramic arts. Since its inception in 1997, CCC has played a pivotal role in the local art scene by offering a positive and supportive place to build community through artistic expression and arts education.
CCC functions as a community ceramic studio space, offering seasonal classes for adults and children, workshops, private lessons, parties, and 24/7 open-studio access for community members and working professional ceramicists. Additionally, CCC supports a nationally recognized residency program and private studio space for working ceramicists. CCC is excited to host the third annual Mountain Fair Pottery Throwdown Relay on Saturday at 6:30pm! Eight teams of four will compete in pottery challenges including Anything but Hands Throwing and The Ghost Runner.
Mountain Fair
Directing Team
Chief of Operations
Deborah Colley
Entertainment Conductor
Aly Sanguily
Production Lead
James Gorman
Vendor Coordination
Staci Dickerson
Carbondale Arts
Executive Director
Jamie Abbott
Carbondale Arts Staff
Brian Colley
Staci Dickerson
Berry Hurst
Sarah Overbeck
Emily Reilly
Michael Stout
Wise Elders
Amy Kimberly
Laurie Loeb:
“Mother of the Fair”
Mark “Bee Sweet” Taylor
Vendor Support
Marianne Ackerman
Teri Bruna
Alta Otto
Phyllis Smilack
Penny McDill
Band Liaison
Leslie Johnson
Drum Circle
Laurie Loeb
Mr. Kneel
Production Team
Mark Taylor
Kevin Lundy
Jeff Britt
Emmett Hood
Dean McMichael
August Strelau
Marcus Thackston
Jason Albert
Jason Segal
Matthew Rader
Allen Porter
Garret Delcastillo
Tee Conrad
Chad Knowles
Darren Troy
Pete Rich
Forest Fulker
Darin Binion
Ryan Jervis
Mike Monahan
Lucien Pevec
Ryan Young
Bill Laemmel/ Carbondale Light and Power
Lance Dement
Rob Janssen
Joey Staron
Sean Hartman
Fynn Monahan
Stage Management
Jeff Britt
Charlie Noone
Darin Binion
Matt Hoogenboom
Audio Visual
SNOB Productions
Park Perimeter
Kelly Phillips
James Nims
Katrina Byars
Jonathan Snodgrass
Zane Kessler
Kat Hardy
Ed Piccolo
Green Team
Evergreen Zero Waste
Alyssa Reindel
Dave Reindel
Malcolm McMichael
Jason White
Sarah Johnson
Kristin Mattera
Mark Weinhold
Brad Snyder
Erica Borum
Cora Carballeira
Jared Barnes
Betsy McMichael
Kelly Cave
Oliver Reindel
Dave Reed
Elisabeth Richardsen
Nick Lado
Megan Perkins
Soozie Lindbloom
Debbie Bruel
Lucas Weir
Lee Kirsch
Water Coordination
Richard Vottero
Scott Levine
Gazebo Stage Design
Loren Wilder
Wilder Design
Gazebo Stage Construction
Corey Summers
Pika Furniture Studio
Gazebo Stage Build Crew
Matt Roeser
Paul McQueeny
Chris Hassig
Austin Engbrock
Corey Stasinos
Cody Kosinski
Robert Burch
Rachael Pudlow
Lily Guns
Candice Hart
Tayla Dornbush
Maya Hull
Nick Forbes
Floral Design
Eagle Crest Nursery
Eric Baumheier
Sopris Sun
Lee Beck
Translation Support
Claudia Pawl
Dolores Duarte
Isabel Johnson
Sarah Overbeck
(Media Supervisor)
Jane Bachrach
Renee Ramge
Jim Ryan
Mark Burrows
Brent Moss
Will Sardinsky
Sydney Yllanes
Poster Design
Kirsten Hix
Michael Stout
Jennifer Hughes, SoL Theatre
Simon Cox, Coxtopus
Morgan Williams
Emily Reilly
Live Broadcast
KDNK Community Radio
Mountain Maes
Carbondale Arts Valley
Artists Booth
Brian Colley
Laura Wagner
T-Shirt Coordination
Laura Stover
Lucy Kessler
Pam Williams
Leah Swan
Christine Helling
Shawn Tonozzi
Melissa Rivera
Volunteer Coordinators
Kellyn Wardell
Sarah Kuhn
Brooke Bockelman
Brian Golden
Isa Johnson
Helene Gude
Raffle Coordinators
Rebecca Binion
Cortney McDougall
Jill Napiwocki
Aimee Yllanes
Jonathan Stokely
Sara Porter
Kerry Vandervoort
Annie Gonzales
Sue Drinker
Raffle Grand
Prize Sponsors
Aspen Skiing Company
Revel Bikes
Silent Auction
Guinevere Jones
Katy Parr
Kathleen Sgambati
Band Merchandise
Veronica Lamaak
Backstage Security
Mugsy Faye
Backstage Design
Aly Sanguily
Cosecha Textiles
Claire Wright
Drake Timroth
Matt Soltesz
Sheer Bliss Aspen
Mercedes Brown
Kirsten Hix
Mike Horvath
Matte Curry
Scott Prins
Caroline Iles
Nico Heins
Backstage Hospitality
Rachael Gillespie
Megan VanZandt
Dan Schnider
Jessica Hood
Kristen Levey
Delia Bolster
Hattie Johnson
Evan Schulte
Julia Morton
El Dorado Spirits and Legends
Mountain Heart Brewing
Cocoa Club/Pollinator
DOS Gringos
Phat Thai
Peppinos Pizza
Bonfire Coffee
Domingo Sausage Co.
Plosky’s Deli
White House Pizza Village Smithy
New York Pizza Jalisco Grill
Honey Butter Ming’s Cafe
3 B’s Bakery
Carbondale Beerworks
Tuesday Foods
Coloradough Sustainable Settings
Seed Peace
Backstage Furnishings
Habitat for Humanity
Chris Erickson
Backline Support
SNOB Productions
High Country Backline
Backline Manager
Info Booth
Bob Schultz
Amy Kimberly
Jean Marie Hegarty
Kat Rich
Luis Yllanes
Mustang Molly
Evan Cree
Jeff Lauckhart
Jeff Dickinson
Jim Neu
Kyle Wagner
Nick Tones
Ryan Beigl
Mike Mines
Cal Vial
Chris Whaling
Andy Zack
Kyle Pieti
Shawn Gerum
Vanessa Gilbert
Big B’s Delicious
Marble Distilling
Montanya Distillers
Odell Brewing Company
Suerte Tequila
Money Honeys
Amber van Berlo
Amy Kimberly
Ben Bohmfalk
Berry Hurst
Dan Giese
George Wear
Linda Hoffman
Raychl Keeling
Seth Goddard
Peace Patrol
Michael Gorman
Dave Kanzer
Elissa Rodman
George Wear
Carl Ellerbrook
Dallas Erwin
Allie Cryns
Marcus Thackston
Katie Alderson
Ally Hafer
José Roman
Katrina Byars
Rainbow Lounge
Janet Gordon
Steve Mills
Jessi Rochel
Pie Contest
Carly DeBeque
Alta Otto
Savannah Otto
Amber Van Berlo
David Lubrant
Heidi Hendricks
Hilary Hendricks Preston
Shaggy Fink
Keegan Jaeger
Delaney Jaeger
Penelope Mathis
Cake Contest
April Crow Spaulding
Bryce Pizano
Sara Cohen
Grace Flash Gallo
Phi Filerman
Hunter Popkin
Rebekah Fulker
Britni Johnson
Katherine Rushton
CCC Throwdown
Carbondale Clay Center
Angela Bruno
Matt Eames
Elise Hildebrand
KL&A Engineers & Builders
Gill Finn
Alpine Angling
Dr. Limbo
John Foulkrod
Ken “Luby” Lubrant
Billy Hammond
Eric Baumheier
Dave Kanzer
Dave White
Wood Splitting
ACE Hardware
Dan Giese
Kat Rich
Blake McDonald
Darin Binion
Matt Hoogenboom
Nic Degross
Kenichi Woodworking
Sopris Liquor & Wine
Tug o’ Love
Luis Yllanes
Kat Rich
Carbondale & Rural
Fire Protection District
Carbondale Police Department
Four-Mile Fair Run
Brion After Independence Run and Hike
Porcupine Loop &
Bike Parking
Nic DeGross
Darin Binion
Matt Hoogenboom
Aloha Mountain
Singer Songwriter Competition
Shanti Gruber
Morgan Williams
Sheena Patterson
Craig Patterson
Meagan Goodwin
Katie Houchin
Jennetta Howell
Glenwood Music
Cool Brick Studios
KDNK Community Access Radio
Bretty Nelson
Eric Mitchell
Brett Meredith
Rocio De La Cruz
Gay For Good Rocky Mountains
McCarra Baker
How do we do what we do? Your support keeps us thriving. Whether you are a participant, a volunteer, member or artist, your involvement is what keeps Carbondale Arts ticking! Members are our heart and soul and we show our appreciation year-round. Please remember too, your membership helps us provide a FREE Fair, as well as so many great events, high-caliber gallery exhibitions and arts education programs.
Above & Beyond Business
Bethel Party Rentals
Bonfire Coffee
Blue Heron Forge
Builders FirstSource
Cocoa Club
Comfort Inn
Dos Gringos
La Raza
El Dorado Spirits and Legends
Haul It All
Hotel Colorado
Habitat for Humanity
Louie the Computer Guy
Mountain Heart Brewing
Quality Brands
SNOB Productions
Sopris Liquor & Wine
Z Group Architecture and Interior Design
Couldn’t Do This Without
5 Point Film Festival
Ashley Buss
Aspen Out
Carbondale Parks and Recreation
Carbondale Police
Carbondale Public Works
Carbondale & Rural Fire
Protection District
Carbondale Trustees
Dru Handy
Chief Kirk Wilson
Eric Brendlinger
Garrett Kennedy
Jerry Gillespie
Josh Lange
KDNK Community Radio
Kevin Schorzman
Lauren Gister
Leah Swan & Patrick King
Louie Girardot
Marla Barnett
The value of every donation, large or small, leaves a lasting impact on what Carbondale Arts is able to offer the community. Please consider donating at carbondalearts.com
Please upload all your fun photos to Instagram and tag @carbondalearts and use hashtags #mountainfair #sharethefair
Michael Arnold Mike Wagner
RE-1 School District
Russel Sissom
Rock Leonard
The Sopris Sun Town of Carbondale
Westbound & Down
Business Volunteer Sponsors
Colorado Rocky Mountain School
Flowers on Main Street
SoL Theatre / Thunder River
Theatre Company
RA Nelson
The Orchard
Carbondale Arts Board of Directors
Marina Skiles - President
Rebecca Binion
Brooke Bockelman
Dan Giese
Brian Golden
Lety Gomez
Andrea Harris
Isa Johnson
Raychl Keeling - Vice President
Claudia Pawl
George Wear
Addy Foundation
Alpine Bank
Aspen Community Foundation
Aspen Thrift Shop
City of Aspen
Colorado Creative Industries
El Dorado
Gayle Embrey
Jonathan D. + Mark C
Lewis Foundation
Kirstie Steiner/ Orchard Creek Ranch
Michael E. McGoldrick
Charitable Foundation
Mountain Heart Brewing
SIX Productions
SNOB Productions
Town of Carbondale
Wolfpack Foundation
777 Investment Corporation
ALEA Group Company
Aspen Daily News
Crystal Basin Holdings, LLC
Mary Griffith
Peter Gilbert
Sopris Liquor & Wine
Sopris Sun
Sue Edelstein & Bill Spence
2757 Design Co.
Adam Rudd
BKS Charitable Foundation/ Kay Brunnier
Bethel Party Rentals
bldg seed architects
Dave Taylor
Dos Gringos
Hamilton’s Mushrooms
Jackson Emmer
John Stickney & Lee Beck
Kelly & Jan Koorn
Le Mieux-Rodman Giving Fund
Lisbeth Ensminger
Londy Shapiro Family
MacMeier Foundation
Michael Brown
Patti Stranahan
Penny Ridley
Riley Family Advised Fund
Roaring Fork Community Development Fund
Roger & Joan Gurrentz
Sally Sakin & Duncan Barber
Slo Advised Fund
Thendara Foundation
Vickers Collection Z Group Architecture & Interior Design
Ben Bohmfalk
& Megan Perkins
Bruce & Jane Warren
Builders FirstSource
Colorado Stone Quarries
Comfort Inn Carbondale
CMC Soft Goods Manufacturing
Dance Initiative
David Thickman
Duane & Sherry Abbott
Emily & George Bohmfalk
EverGreen ZeroWaste
Goode-Fischer Advised Fund at Aspen Community Foundation
Heidi Overbeck
Helene Gude
Jane Hart
John & Ruth Ward
JP & Shirley Powers
Lara & Marc Whitley
Moore Dry Dock Foundation & Christie Barnes
Patricia Eagling
Patrick Morrissy & Jean Campbell
Phat Thai
Pollinator Chocolate
Powers Art Center
RA Nelson
Raychl & Mac Keeling
Ramsey & Colby Fulton
Sunsense Solar
5Point Film Festival
Align Multimedia
Alta Otto
Andrea & Bruce Garr
Arcos Mobility
Aspen Dance Connection
Audrey Imhoff, Coldwell Banker
Beverly Patera
Botany House Plant Shop
Brooks Barron
Carbondale Chamber of Commerce
Carolyn Howard
Clarence Blackwell
CMC Foundation
Colorado Mountain Leaf
Connie Calaway
Crystal Glass Studio
Crystal River Spas
Dave & Jocelyn Durrance
David C Volz & Joseph A Zikor, Jr
Desiree Rothschild
Ellen Morrison
Gella Sutro Coldwell Banker
Granetta Panini
Greg Peterson
Gwen Johnson
Harry Teague Architects
Hensley & James Peterson
Isa Catto Studio
White River Books
Jazz Aspen Snowmass
Judith Huston
Kathleen K. Barger
Land + Shelter
Leah Swan
Linda & Russ Criswell
Liz & Michael Thele
Mark Taylor
Michael & Barbara Maxson
Michael Solondz
Molly Jacober, Avalanche Ranch
Nancy B Emerson Real Estate
Olivia Emery
Pacific Sheet Metal
Patrick Morissey
Peppinos Pizza
Rev Wendy & Stephen Huber
Robert & Jean-Marie Schultz
Rootz Hair, Co
Veronica Lamaak
William & Leslie Neveu
Wilderness Workshop