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Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper

Carbondale’s weekly

community connector

Volume 12, Number 48 | January 7-13, 2021

Dawn of a New Year

The first light of Jan. 1, 2021. Photo by Raleigh Burleigh.

This newspaper costs $1.80 to produce. Advertising does not cover the full cost. For more info contact Donations keep The Todd Chamberlin Sopris Sun shining adsales@soprissun.com 970-510-0246 SoprisSun.com/donate

The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonproďŹ t corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.


Ps & Qs

By Jeannie Perry Wow - 2021! So much to look forward to: a new year, a new president, a new car ... My beloved Volvo traveled over 200,000 miles before it finally kicked the bucket and while I look for a new set of wheels, I’m borrowing my uncle’s car. It’s a beast from 1999 with a CD and a cassette player. The CD player looks like some serious spy gear as it holds five CDs and pops out of the middle console. Now I just need to find a velour tracksuit and some huge “mom sunglasses” to wear as I drive around town singing along to Laura Branigan. In my family, we think of our


My Hunter S. Thompson story

cars like horses. Not only do we name them, but we become so emotionally attached that we keep them until they die on the side of the road or get put out to pasture, i.e., sold for parts. Our mom bought a Volvo in 1980 that reliably traveled far and wide, safely tooling us around for the next nineteen years. We all learned to drive a stick on that car and when it finally dropped the rear axle somewhere near Salida, we almost felt like we should have a funeral. Change is hard, yet ever constant and completely necessary for growth. In some ways, the Roaring Fork Valley is unrecognizable compared to thirty years ago, when I was just starting to make my own way in the world. But if you look for them, you can still find a few old familiar haunts. Once, during my vagabond years, Hunter S. Thompson bummed a cigarette off my boyfriend. We were in the Grog Shop parking lot in Aspen in the 1990s, squandering our resources, when this old, disheveled guy approached us and asked for a smoke. “Sure,” said my boyfriend, reaching into his jacket. He lit

Thanks Sopris Sun Thanks to all the writers and staff and, of course, the editor. 2020 saw more small-town papers stop publication than any other year in American history. Your supporters are the best in the world to keep your press running and thriving on ideas of how to stay alive. To me this was so important this year as I believe your staff did a great job keeping our community informed about each other. Especially without our beloved fair, yet we live in a great place that has a great newspaper team committed to where they live. Thanks for being the thread that keeps us connected. Blessings on this next year, Roop Khalsa New Castle Growing in a good way This is just to thank Bob Schultz for his letter last week supporting the recent development along Highway 133 in Carbondale. Sometimes “yes” is just as important as “no.” We are growing in a good way. And thank you to the Board of Trustees and to the P & Z. Thank you to us. James Breasted Carbondale Insanity, buildings Insanity, said Einstein, is doing the same thing but expecting a different result. Unfortunately, the Einstein diagnosis means that Carbondale, and this valley, are far around the bend. Some 90 percent of Americans now think climate change is happening. (http://cbsn.ws/3ncvHox) But what are we doing about it? While researching methods of dealing with the lowering of carbon emissions, I came across a Danish company that is manufacturing innovative equipment and products to retrofit and lower the emissions of existing buildings in Europe. Even Carbondale recognizes that existing

the cigarette, the guy nodded his thanks and wandered off. That’s it. That’s my one and only Hunter S. Thompson story. I wish I could say we went back to his kitchen table to drink whiskey out of jelly jars and wax prophetic about the current affairs of the world, but instead my boyfriend and I just hung out in the parking lot discussing The Curse of Lono. Hunter S. wrote a novel about the Hells Angels in the 1960s, and decades later Susan McWilliams wrote an article pointing out his prediction of the rise of Trumpism. (http://bit.ly/HSThompson) I do wonder what Hunter S. would have to say these crazy days … would he still be poking the bear? Would he invite Lauren Boebert over to sit on the porch and clean their guns together? Or would he have mellowed with age and be more inclined to ride down the middle of the lonely American highway. Actually, before Hunter S. died, in the early aughts, a few Hells Angels came to Carbondale. My boyfriend – different boyfriend, eventually husband – was a bartender at the Black Nugget and some bikers showed up to see

buildings are a major part of our local greenhouse gas emissions. The Danish spokesperson pointed out that, ironically, the world (and Carbondale) continues to construct new buildings that are also emitting greenhouse gas from burning fossil fuels. These new buildings are now just added to existing buildings that need to be retrofitted. What would Einstein say? When you find yourself in a hole — Stop digging! The technology exists for new buildings to be free of emissions. We should demand that they use it. Parts of California are now requiring this. New gas lines are not allowed. There are existing building codes that do require new structures to be more efficient. We also have new requirements for solar panels on some buildings. But all these buildings are still part of the problem. I suggest we get tough on this and only allow fossil fuel-free buildings. And soon. We are in the midst of a development boom. Changing these building codes will spur innovation and push for better pricing on the kinds of practices, materials and products that can solve these problems. Patrick Hunter Carbondale Counting the days We Americans are experiencing the highest hospitalization and death rates and most dire effects of the COVID pandemic to date. Our "leader," who neglected to provide a plan for dissemination of the vaccine, is busy golfing, obstructing congress' ability to provide us with aid, and making threatening calls to reverse the results of the election, which he lost after months of trying to skew it in his favor. Biden won the election by more than 7 million votes and by a margin of 306 to 232 in the Electoral College. Trump has lost 60 of 61 challenges in the courts. Despite the flim-flam circulating in Lauren Boebert's head and on social media, Trump supporters' accusations of irregularities and fraud could not be substantiated

the local punk band playing on Saturday night. This was back when Carbondale was a one-night-perweekend town, meaning if it was a busy Friday night, Saturday would be dead, and vice versa. And the only people wandering down the middle of Main Street on the first Friday were stuck in the Barmuda Triangle of the Pour House, the Ship of Fools, and the Nugget … Anyway, that night the band was raging and the bar was packed. It was a night Hunter S. would’ve enjoyed, including at the end when chaos reigned and the local police came to shut the whole thing down. As much as I would like to hang on to those good ol’ days and keep the flavor of our small cowpunk town, I’m afraid our time, she’s up. Just as Aspen had to close their funky restaurants and dive bars to make room for all the dump trucks of money to back up and unload, so will Carbondale. In fact, the first casualty is Los Cabos, closing on January 11th. The Sopris Shopping Center will be leveled to make room for new commercial/retail space this year, and I doubt we’re getting a biker bar.

in the courtrooms where there are penalties for lying. On Jan. 3, 2021, our "Law and Order President" called Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. In the call, which Raffensperger recorded, Trump asked Raffensperger to adjust Georgia's vote to give the election to Trump by a single vote, telling him that he could just say that he had recalculated. Trump also demanded information about Georgia voters, including their voter IDs and registrations. When he was told the state is prohibited from sharing that information, Trump said, "Well, you have to." In our United States it is against the law to "solicit" or "request" election fraud. How many more times is Trump going to break our laws and debase our society with his mobster tactics? Counting the days. Annette Roberts-Gray Carbondale Restore the Postal Service I very much look forward to the turning over of new leaves. I can feel a softening. People are taking this new year seriously. Even Jupiter and Saturn have forged new bonds. We have a lot to put right. Laws to ensure clean air, clean water, soil, food, employee safety. My pet project is freeing the Postal Service from Director De Joy’s ministrations. He had slowed service before the election and is drumming up business for private carriers. I want the sorting machines and blue boxes back, the office staffed at pre-Louis De Joy levels. I’m tired of the long waits in line with frustrated people and the mail clerks looking overworked and harried. I want my cheerful postal workers back. The U.S. Postal Service has dutifully maintained the backbone of communication and commerce in America since its inception. There is a reason it is called the Postal Service. Let’s insist on its full restoration. John Hoffmann Carbondale

The views expressed in opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The community is invited to submit letters up to 500 words to news@soprissun.com. Longer columns are considered on a case-by-case basis. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday.


In last week's issue, Colorado Department of Transportation employee Tim Holbrook was mistakenly called "Bolbrook." 2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • January 7- January 13, 2021

Sincerest thanks to our

Honorary Publishers

for their annual commitment of $1,000+ Email todd@soprissun.com for more information.

Jim Calaway, Honorary Chair Kay Brunnier Peter Gilbert Scott Gilbert Bob Young – Alpine Bank Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence & Sue Edelstein Greg & Kathy Feinsinger Jim Noyes True Nature Healing Arts Nicolette Toussaint Jill and Gary Knaus Megan Tackett Ken & Donna Riley Michelle & Ed Buchman CoVenture Lee Beck & John Stickney Deborah & Shane Evans Carly and Frosty Merriott Lee Mulcahy Elizabeth Wysong

Legacy Givers

for including us in their final wishes. Mary Lilly

And all our SunScribers

and community members for your support.

It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.

Donate by mail or online. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Raleigh Burleigh • 970-510-3003 news@soprissun.com Executive Director Todd Chamberlin • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Graphic Designer: Ylice Golden Reporter: Roberta McGowan Delivery: Crystal Tapp Proofreader: Lee Beck Current Board Members

Linda Criswell • Klaus Kocher Kay Clarke • Carol Craven • Lee Beck Megan Tackett • Gayle Wells Donna Dayton • Terri Ritchie The Sopris Sun Board meets at 6:30 p.m. on second Mondays at the Third Street Center. Contact board@soprissun.com to reach them.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young Colin Laird • Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell

The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

Learning Rhythms and Rhymes for Trying Times by Jeanne Pinette Souldern Sopris Sun Correspondent

Last June, I saw a post on the Carbondale Facebook page from local musician Natalie Spears offering music lessons. At this point, I had spent over two months in COVIDremoteness and needed something to break out of my doldrums. One Christmas, I received a ukulele as a gift. It came with a songbook and I thought I could watch some learn-how-to-play YouTube videos to get down the basics. Wrong. The learning curve seemed too big and I knew I needed lessons. So the ukulele sat in its case, collecting dust. Spears was also offering instruction in songwriting. I write poetry and thought some of my poems might be suitable as song lyrics. The idea of learning to play and write was intriguing. In my first email to Spears, I said I would be happy to learn to play one song. At our first lesson, sitting in Spears’ backyard, sociallydistanced and wearing masks, we chatted about my musical experience. I told her that I’d taken voice lessons and enjoy singing. I shared that I started playing the guitar in middle school, stuck with it for a while, but became frustrated with my perceived lack of mastery and quit. Spears relayed that a music professor once told her, “You have to be willing to suck.” She reassured me you can find a teacher that meets your needs. It felt like the timing and teacher had finally arrived, so I was in. Spears, who has a BA in music from Naropa University in Boulder, spent the last part of her senior semester observing private music lesson teachers and knew that she wanted to teach. In 2016, she started teaching music

Jeanne Souldern and Natalie Spears practice on Zoom. Screenshot by Staci Dickerson.

lessons and now teaches out of a studio space in her home in Carbondale. Since the COVID pandemic onset, Spears’ performance gigs decreased, which allowed her to increase her teaching load. She describes the newfound interest in people seeking music lessons as, “Kids don’t have a lot to do right now and adults have more time on their hands and it’s just created this space for people to dig into things they’ve felt like they didn’t have time for in the past.” My first song was John Denver’s “Country Roads.” The irony was that it was one of the songs I sang at voice lessons years ago. We started with songs that had fewer chords and, mastering those, moved on to new ones.

With songwriting, I was learning music theory and to listen to songs: to be aware of chord progressions I found appealing. For those who have trepidation about learning something new, Spears explains, “We have to be comfortable with the growing pains and the ugly duckling stages of learning something in order to grow into that thing we want to be.” She adds, “We live in such a product-driven culture, and that takes away from the beauty of learning; from the beauty of being in the process and seeing progress instead of seeking perfection.” Music has always played a big part in my life. It has helped me connect with the world around me. But, taking lessons helped me

connect with myself. In 2020, I finally cleaned the dust off that ukulele case. Spears is starting the Music 4 All Scholarship program in collaboration with Carbondale Arts and will soon be launching a fundraising campaign. The program will “make private music lessons accessible to people in the Roaring Fork Valley regardless of age, ability, and income,” adding, “We believe that learning an instrument creates lifelong benefits, including a deep sense of confidence, enhanced cognitive ability and stress relief.” Spears and her musical partner, Lizzy Plotkin, have a debut EP release on Jan. 15. Look for an article about it in next week’s issue of The Sopris Sun.

Now Open After Hours Urgent Care Life keeps going after hours and so do we. Valley View is proud to announce the opening of After Hours Urgent Care. From nasal congestion to a sprained ankle, our walk-in clinic is here to treat you. Thanks to its convenient location inside Valley View next to the Emergency Department, you get to decide the right level of care for you at the right price. HOURS: Mon.– Fri., 5 to 11 p.m. | Sat.– Sun., 12 to 6 p.m. GLENWOOD SPRINGS Learn how we make your safety our priority at VVH.org/Safety.

LEARN MORE AT VVH.ORG/URGENTCARE THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • January 7- January 13, 2021 • 3

SCUTTLEBUTT GarCo vaccinations People 70 and older, plus highrisk health care workers and persons that have direct contact with COVID patients, are eligible to be vaccinated through Valley View and Grand River Health hospitals. Appointments will be made as vaccine supplies become available. For Valley View Hospital, call 970-384-7632. For Grand River Health, call 970-625-1100. Additionally, primary care providers may refer high-risk patients who are 70 years and older directly to hospitals for priority scheduling. It will take several weeks to vaccinate everyone in this category. Next in line are moderaterisk health care workers and responders with less direct contact with COVID patients, firefighters, police, correctional workers and funeral services.

Skier Appreciation Day Sunlight Mountain Ski Resort’s signature community-giving event is on Friday, Jan. 8. Lift tickets are $20 apiece with all proceeds benefiting United Way Battlement to the Bells. More info and an online auction are at unitedwaybb.org.

Ski classic Spring Gulch opened for crosscountry and skate skiing on Wednesday, Dec. 30. According to one firsthand account, “It was completely mobbed!” The Mount Sopris Nordic Council asks that persons feeling sick stay home, skiers join only immediate members of their household and wear a face covering in the parking area, maintain six feet between skiers not in one’s pod and use a new exit south of the main entrance when leaving. To support the ski area and its maintenance, visit springgulch.org/membership.

Stay cool at school Crystal River Elementary School boasts a new ice skating rink thanks to PE teacher Marty Madden, the masterful builder, and donated materials.

Christmas in January The Vaudeville Revue’s Holiday Show returns on Friday, Jan. 8. The show is two hours, family-friendly and high-energy. Seating capacity will be

Cool Brick Studios

limited due to COVID restrictions and advance reservations are recommended.

Virtual offerings The Crystal Theatre continues to share thoughtful and compelling movies, now through a streaming service. Current virtual offerings include “The Reason I Jump,” “The Weasel’s Tale,” “Coming Home Again” and “Stand!” For the full experience, walk-up concessions are available 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.

If you can read this … Then you can help! Literacy Outreach is recruiting volunteers to tutor essential literacy skills for adult learners. Three hours per week is the expectation. Virtual information sessions are held on Tuesday, Feb. 9, at noon and Wednesday, Feb. 10, at 5:30 p.m. For registration, email programs@literacyoutreach.org or call 970-945-5282.

Language empowers Helping a local adult learn English is a great way to stay connected, learn new things and give back to our community. English in Action offers tutor orientation training on Jan. 13 at 9:30 a.m. For more info, email info@englishinaction.org or call 970-963-9200.

Land of bounty Pitkin County Open Space is seeking proposals from qualified individuals or parties to lease agricultural land within Glassier Open Space across the Roaring Fork River from Willits. Two areas are available. One is roughly 80 acres of floodirrigated land utilized for hay and cattle grazing. The second is around three acres, sprinkler-irrigated, northeast of Hook Spur Road. The deadline for submissions is Jan. 15 at 2 p.m. More info at pitkinostprojects.com.

Naturalist Nights kicks off The Naturalist Nights speaker series returns every Thursday beginning Jan. 7. Topics ranging from indigenous gardening practices to the record-setting 2020 fire season will be presented by experts vetted by Wilderness Workshop, Aspen Center

for Environmental Studies (ACES) and Roaring Fork Audubon. For the schedule and registration, plus suggested tea and cookie pairings, visit wildernessworkshop.org.

Los Cabos shutters An announcement by Los Cabos Mexican Grill in Carbondale states that, after five years of business, its doors will close on Jan. 11. Acknowledging a “tough year,” the reason for the closure is cited as “redevelopment of the Sopris Shopping Center.” Los Cabos earned the top prize for best taco in The Sopris Sun’s annual “taste test” early last year. Other Sopris Shopping Center tenants have been contacted for a story in next week’s paper.

“Your Story, Your Life” Historian, writer and genealogist Shelly Merriam facilitates a Zoom workshop for adults on writing personal histories beginning Friday, Jan. 15. The workshop will continue every first and third Friday from 10 a.m. to noon. For registration, email sjmerr22@gmail.com.

Bailey's building on 4th St. in Carbondale dons a new mural across from Steve's Guitars. Photo by Linda Criswell.

Artemis Book Club Garfield County Libraries, in partnership with the National Wildlife Federation, offers a monthly book club for parents, kids and nature lovers. The group meets virtually at 5 p.m. on the second Thursday of January, February and March. Copies of “Gaia Girls,” the group’s literature, are available for free at each of the six Garfield County Libraries. More info at gcpld.org/resilient.

Stories of Climate Change ACES partners with the Community Office for Resource Efficiency and Colorado Mountain College for a community-wide mural project this spring. To participate, upload a selfie and 90-second story to be shared online. The first 200 community members to sign up at aspencore.org/participate will see their portrait incorporated into an art installation celebrating our multicultural commitment to climate action.

Sopris Sun contributor Geneviève Villamizar enjoys the recent snowfall. Photo by Natalie LeBleu.

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another trip around the sun this week include: Corby Anderson (Jan. 7); Stephen Paul (Jan. 8); Anne Hillmuth, Rick Holt, Kay Jacobson, and Jim Mitton (Jan. 9); Lorraine Escue, Mary Finley, Will Masters, Ron Razzore, Erica Sparhawk, Jake Strack-Loertscher and Nancy Vories (Jan. 10); Kim Anne, Emily Goldfield, Crystal Holley and Nick Penzel (Jan. 11); Betsy Bingam-Johns (Jan. 12); Marianne Ackerman, Chuck Bauer, Michael Hassig, Steve Standiford, Tracie Wright and Annemarie Zanca (Jan. 14).

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Local musician braces for brain surgery By James Steindler Sopris Sun Correspondent From an early age, Carbondale local Tanner Alan Rollyson fostered a passion for music and has steadily risen above challenges in pursuit thereof. By the end of 2020 he was faced with a calamity not brought on by his own volition. On Dec. 21, Rollyson unexpectedly dropped and experienced an eight-minute-long seizure. He was immediately taken to the hospital where medical staff discovered a brain tumor the size of a ping-pong ball. Now that you know where the story is going let’s back up a bit … Back in the 1990s, before Google Maps, Rollyson got to know this small town like the back of his hand. After all, he is a Carbondale Community School alumni. When he was 13 years old, he started his first job working at Sounds Easy Video. For those unfamiliar, Sound Easy was the sole video rental shop in Carbondale back in those days. There, amid rewinding VHS tapes for those not kind enough to do so themselves, he developed a keen interest in film. Rollyson made a number of video projects as a kid with the help of an instructor, Alec Rafin, whom Rollyson deems “a legend.” As he got older, Rollyson realized that his primary interest was in sound design. “I started designing my own music for short films that I was doing for school,” he recalled. From there, he delved into a form of music that blended with his technological forte but was relatively alien at the time to folks in these parts. Although, as he put it, “Electronica [music] has been around for a long, long time.” Perhaps you, the reader, recall Phat Thai’s dance parties beginning around 2010. That tradition was triggered when Rollyson and his fellow musical entrepreneurs pitched the idea

to the restaurant’s management. “We built that scene from the ground up and we ended up having some of the best times of our lives there,” he reminisced. Rollyson has also played at various community events such as Studio for Arts and Works’ grand opening at its previous location. Starting in March 2020, he DJ’d the “Zero Proof ” event at Marble Distilling Co. which provided a night for youth to get down to funky beats while the establishment tucked the alcohol out of sight. When asked about an accomplishment or a musical innovation he’s made locally, the young man is consistently quick to point out a friend or mentor who was right there beside him.

Rising above together Prior to discovering the tumor, Rollyson did not have health insurance coverage which of course increased his and his family’s stress. “Just the surgery itself was looking at being almost $200,000,” he lamented, “There were a lot of numbers that I’ve never heard in my life getting thrown around.” His sister, Rianna Briggs, and mother, Sue Rollyson, took to social media to reach out to friends and family to contribute to a GoFundMe account. To date, the GoFundMe account alone has received over $23,000 in donations; its initial goal was $20,000. “I always hoped I made some sort of impact – and hopefully a good one – on people throughout my life. To see all the people that care,” he continued, “It’s overwhelming and I couldn’t thank everyone enough, I really couldn’t.” Just as with his music, Rollyson heralds the efforts of others by his side through this difficult stage in his life. Surgery is scheduled for Jan. 8. However, Rollyson still won’t know for 10 to 14 days after

Tanner Rollyson in the Black Nugget circa 2015. Photo taken by the late Katrina Clayton the procedure if the tumor is cancerous or not. How to contribute “It’s a wild feeling,” he began, “There’s a big chunk of me that is determined to not let my Visit the “Help Tanner with Medical Costs emotions get the best of me and push it in the for Brain Tumor” page at GoFundMe.com back of my mind as much as I can.” Although, or scan here with your phone: “It’s better to just take a deep breath, accept things the way they are and handle it as best as you can,” he surmised. As a thank you for all of the support he’s received, Rollyson and a few of his musical comrades hosted a live-streamed concert on Jan. 3. “As long as I’m standing, I’m going to be doing everything in my power to be part of the Venmo: @Rianna-Briggs music scene and continue making and spinning music,” he lauded, “You’re going to hear beats PayPal: Rianna.briggs@outlook.com coming from my grave, my friend.

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • January 7- January 13, 2021 • 5

Wilderness Workshop engages the Latino community in conservation By Olivia Emmer Sopris Sun correspondent It’s a sunny winter morning and the trailhead parking lot reverberates with upbeat chatter. English and Spanish words float through the air, and footsteps crunch on the snow as about 20 people don coats and tighten down snowshoes. Anglo and Latino alike have gathered for a winter snowshoe hike organized by the Defiende Nuestra Tierra (Defiende) program of Wilderness Workshop. Wilderness Workshop is a more than 50-yearold environmental organization based in Carbondale, and Defiende is one of its newest programs, designed to engage the Latino community in conservation. Beatriz Soto is the program’s director. “If we look at the Roaring Fork Valley, at this point we're 30 percent Latino, our school district is 58 percent Latino, so it can start to show you how our demographics are changing. Now, if you have this huge part of your community that doesn't feel part of the conservation movement and isn't aware, doesn't understand the policies, the barriers to use, they're not going to have the tools and the connections to these places to protect them and fight for them and continue the conservation movement. So it has to evolve and be inclusive.” One participant, Mekayla Cortez, had driven from Littleton with her husband and two children to join the

snowshoe hike. Mekayla learned about the event through Latino Outdoors, which hosts opportunities for the Latino community to get outside and spreads the word about other organizations hosting inclusive events. Mekayla shared, “It was such a good feeling, I actually even commented to [my husband] that to see ourselves reflected back at us and to hear Spanish speakers and to be in our circle with other Latinos was really special because we don't get that a lot. And for me it was just great to be able to have the kids experience that and to see themselves reflected back at them.” Mekayla and her husband Moses aren’t strangers to the outdoors. Mekayla was raised in an outdoorsy family here in Colorado. But comfort in nature and outdoor experience aren’t the only barriers families encounter to immersing themselves in the mountain lifestyle. “I grew up here and I am very comfortable in the outdoors, we both are, but we don't see a lot of ourselves represented when we are out there,” noted Mekayla. “Unless you have a bunch of money to be able to do all these activities, these kids are never going to experience this stuff. It's just impossible – [investing in] snowshoes and gear and cold weather stuff and summer stuff and paddling and all this stuff.” Soto partners with other organizations at the state and national level, including the Colorado chapter

of Latino Outdoors (LO). One of her collaborators is Nohemi Mora, an outing leader with LO who identified time, money, gear, language barriers and fear of agency officials as common barriers to the Latino community when seeking to enjoy public land. Mora, a first generation American raised in Texas, got involved with LO several years ago. She was drawn in by their social media presence and identified with “literally the way people looked. It was brown folks with long-black hair like me that were enjoying the outdoors. It wasn't just this super-fit athlete, decked-out in all of this fancy-looking gear, it was just everyday people sitting outside. And I was like, that is attainable.” Mora was originally introduced to the Defiende program through her job as scholarship coordinator for the Colorado Outward Bound School. Soto invited her to attend a lecture in Carbondale by a Mexican scientist, presenting on big cat migration along the U.S.-Mexico border, and to recruit students from the Roaring Fork Valley community for the Outward Bound scholarship program. Again, Mora: “We don't only want to serve the Front Range but we want to be able to extend out into Colorado, so [Beatriz Soto] is the link to this community. And I think that in turn helps other organizations that want to engage the Latino community.” Mora continued, “Sometimes

Snowshoers strike out from the Centennial trailhead in New Castle for a Wilderness Workshop-led hike. Photo by Olivia Emmer. Latinos don't get to enjoy the outdoors as much as other populations, and, especially with conservation, it's easier to get someone to care about land, water, and air if you have people engaging with land, water, and air. And in small mountain communities like Carbondale, again, for whatever reason, the Hispanic population may not engage in the outdoors in that way, but that's why I feel like Defiende is important. Because they bring those pieces together and then they do something about [protecting] land, water, and air.” Soto is excited about the potential of the program. “We're hoping to expand it, where we're doing leadership opportunities around environmental justice, conservation, public lands issues for Latino leaders, or Latino elected officials. How can we empower them to be spokesmen and stewards?”

Defiende events are free and open to the public. Snowshoe at Richmond Ridge: Aspen, Jan. 10, 10:00 a.m. Cross-Country Ski: Carbondale, Jan. 23, 11:00 a.m. Winter Wildlife Walk & Talk: Rifle, Feb. 21, Time TBD Winter Photo Workshop: Carbondale, Feb. 27, Time TBD


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265 Main Street, Carbondale, Colorado | 970-440-2628 | SoprisLodge.com Independent Living | Assisted Living | Memory Care | Managed by 6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • January 7- January 13, 2021

Outdoor experts agree, risk management is key By Kate Phillips Sopris Sun Correspondent

By now we know that recreating outside positively affects one’s cognitive, mental, physical and emotional well-being; and that a few hours a week can completely change one’s mood for the better. So, it might not come as a shock that after this past year Colorado Parks and Wildlife reported a 30 percent increase in visitations through Nov. 2020, as noted by the Denver Post; a staggering number considering that just one year prior, the Outdoor Foundation reported that nearly half of the U.S. population did not participate in outdoor recreation. The Roaring Fork Valley (RFV) is no outlier to this outdoor participation trend, and with more travel and a dangerous snowpack this season, the risks are intensified. Fortunately, outdoor leaders in the RFV have noticed that recreationists are taking risk management – the ability to independently assess the risks of an activity – seriously. “We are absolutely at our limit in terms of the availability and the demand for educational courses,” said Johann Aberger, Associate Professor of Outdoor Education at Colorado Mountain College (CMC). “We have waitlists 14-people-deep for avalanche classes right now.” For Aberger, this influx is exciting because it means more people are getting outside and learning to be self-sufficient. He elaborated that self-sufficiency has always been a key aspect of going into the backcountry, but this year it has been significantly amplified at CMC and is now a central part of the curriculum. Specifically, students are now required to carry their own gear and provide their own transportation, routes and course mileage have been altered, and risk tolerance conversations are

A group of experienced backcountry skiers pause near Pearl Pass and evaluate the terrain. Garfield County Search and Rescue board member Elise Wolf emphasizes the importance of knowing and trusting in your group's ability, experience and risk tolerance. Photo by Laurel Smith. frequent to help reduce the need for emergent outside help. Fortunately, if outside help were necessary, newly-elected board member of Garfield County Search and Rescue (GCSAR) Elise Wolf said they are prepared and travelers should always feel comfortable to call. Per usual for winter protocol, the snowmobiles are ready. The ski-cadre team – a group of individuals who train together specifically for winter ski travel and avalanche missions – is geared up for big days. And, according to Wolf, routine check-ins with Colorado Avalanche Information Center are underway. “As far as what’s different this year,” Wolf elaborated, “We’ve increased our PPE (personal

Wishing you happiness & success in 2021.

protection equipment) that we carry with us and have taken advantage of webinars put out by Mountain Rescue Association about rescue under COVID.” Unlike previous years, she said this one is more stressful because GCSAR members have not been able to train as much in-person due to COVID. Weekly group meetings have been cancelled or gone remote and training has been modified to reduce gatherings. The group dynamic has also been disrupted as new members have not been able to bond through weekly in-person meetings. “Fortunately, we have a great group of people,” added Wolf. “People who come to search and rescue have a lot of background

of their own to begin with. They’re adept in the backcountry, they know their wilderness first aid, so I’m pretty confident in them.” For travelers, she recommends considering the individual risks, knowing and trusting your group’s risk tolerance, having the right gear, knowing how to use it and checking the avalanche forecast every time. Upvalley, at Aspen Alpine Guides (AAG), managing partner Steve Szoradi is seeing a similar outdoor boom, emphasizing that this past summer was very busy. “We’ve been operating all summer outside, whether it was rock climbing or hiking, and we’ve had our COVID plan filed with the county since the summer.” Szoradi explained that typical protocol includes masks, emergency PPE for guests and guides, sanitizing hard goods, isolating soft gear for 72 hours, and limiting guide vehicles to half-capacity or having guests driving themselves. While AAG lost overnight hut trips due to COVID protocol, Szoradi said there has been an increase in low-risk sports like snowshoeing and day skiing. Specifically, a new product called “Introduction to Skinning” has taken off this year. As a great option for guests who are looking for overall fitness, Szoradi said, this product teaches the basics of gear and technique for exercise purposes in low-risk terrain. Regardless of the activity, experts agree that getting outside safely is important. “The health and perspective that comes with spending time in space is extremely good right now,” according to Aberger, “We’re all so cooped up with each other, and I love the people I am cooped up with, but you gotta be outside.” Szoradi added that the mental health benefits that come from nature are great for their guests, who are happy to be out of the cities, to pause, and take a deep breath.

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As you unwrap this new year, may you find new ideas, wider support, and a new wave of success as you navigate through a different normal. As always, we are here for you!

Looking to have fun and give back? Join us at Rotary every Wednesday at 7a.m. via Zoom! Visit rotarycarbondale.org for details. Guest Speaker Geoff Cochran, Rotary Foundation Annual Giving January 13, 2021

Club Assembly, Annual Meeting January 27, 2021

All are welcome! RSVP to Ed Queenan (401) 465-4276 queenan.edward@gmail.com

THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • January 7- January 13, 2021 • 7

My pandemic pod Your Community Supported Weekly Newspaper

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Posing with my six learning pod students. Learning pods all over the country formed out of necessity when schools went virtual. Our pod was organized by the parents of these first and second grade students.

Text and photos by Laurel Smith Sopris Sun Correspondent I left teaching to become a photojournalist almost four years ago and I didn’t look back. I never expected to return to it and I certainly did not expect to fall in love with being a teacher all over again. When the pandemic hit, I found myself suddenly back in a classroom, only my classroom didn’t have walls. It was simple – a patio with two tables, a white board and a shelf where the kids kept their supplies. In the summer we followed the shade around the deck like the hands of a clock and in the early hours of the fall we squeezed into small pockets of warm sunlight on the edges of the garden. Teaching outside was enriching and surprisingly easy. Between August and midOctober, we only had to go inside once because of bad weather. As the fall rolled in, my students came prepared with blankets and winter clothing for cold mornings. Once, when I shivered during a cold math lesson, my students were quick to remind me of the Norwegian expression I had taught them months earlier, “There is no bad weather, only insufficient clothing.” Schools going virtual this year left parents of young children scrambling to keep their kids engaged in learning while continuing to work full-time themselves. All over the country, families formed learning pods to either share the responsibility of childcare and homeschooling or the cost of hiring someone to help facilitate their kids' learning. My own “pod” formed after a group of families who knew of my background in education asked if I could help with their first and second grade girls. The parents trusted me and allowed me to make the classroom my own. I taught the things that I am passionate about. In addition to core subjects, we studied Spanish, photography and ceramics. Every Friday, we went hiking and found a new trail to turn into our classroom. Often the kids would beg me for five more minutes to play a math game, or read a story or explore the arctic landscape that their imaginations had blanketed over the nearby park. I always said yes. I watched as these six girls became best friends. They loved each other and loved learning. In all of this pandemic madness we had found a bit of magic in what education could be. However, while we were exploring all that a classroom without walls had to offer, I never stopped thinking about how the majority of kids in our community had no school to go to. I taught in public schools for five years and looked straight into the achievement gap on a daily basis. The achievement gap refers to the disparity in academic performance between students of different socioeconomic statuses and/

or races and ethnicities. In other words, in the U.S., wealthy white students with more resources and opportunity generally show higher academic performance than their lower income, more diverse peers. Helping to close the achievement gap was the reason why I had gone into teaching in the first place. Now, I was in a position where I loved teaching more than I ever had as a public school employee, but knew I was widening the gap that I had spent half a decade trying to shrink. Learning pods, for the most part, were only available to families with the resources to either facilitate a pod or pay someone to do so. During this time, low-income families were faced with no good options. For example, many young kids were left at home with an older sibling to facilitate their virtual education because staying home was not possible for their parents. I think it is important to note that every family in our pod is a fervent supporter of public education and shared my concerns. We looked for ways to expand opportunities beyond our six girls and I am confident we would have if schools remained closed. But, at the time, we were taking it week by week and doing our best to figure out how to live in this new world. There are a lot of reasons why I left public education. The work is grueling and the pay is terrible. But, what broke me was that, as a teacher, I felt like I had very little voice in fighting for a better system. I wanted something better for myself and my students and after a few years it became clear that I was unlikely to ever see any big meaningful change. Every year, no matter where I taught, I saw our system fail the same kids and my fellow educators. The next year we would hit the reset button and fail all over again. Teaching in a learning pod was the single most gratifying experience in my – albeit, short – teaching career. It makes me sad to think that this type of experience would have been impossible if I’d stayed in public education. Learning pods could be a simple and effective tool to meet the needs of vulnerable students, students who are not being given an equitable education under our current model. Why is this idea considered so radical? This pandemic has put long existing inequities front and center and highlighted how much we all depend on public schools. Isn’t it time to try something new? It is a new year. Why not take all the lessons learned from the successes and failures of this incredibly challenging time and use them to build something better? Schools need money. They need innovators and teachers who love their job and are paid appropriately for it. We need to give all kids the resources they need to reach their potential. A better future is possible, but we won’t get it unless we fight for it.

We used the patio at the home of one of the students as our classroom.

Sterling sticks her tongue out to taste raindrops on one of our Friday hikes.

Ellie practices reading her personal narrative to Sterling in anticipation of our “authors celebration.”

The girls explore Thompson Creek.

Ellie shows off what she has gathered for a science and writing lesson.

The pod makes observations about how the Basalt Mountain burn scar differs from some of the other forests we have explored.

August through mid-October we only had to move inside once due to weather.

Avery and Mary write in their field trip notebooks.

After eight months with no in-person classes at their school, Mary, Ellie, and Evelyn board a school bus. Our pod ended and all six students returned to in-person learning at Crystal River Elementary School as soon as it resumed on October 18th.

THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • January 7- January 13, 2021 • 9

People in the Crystal Valley walk the talk

By Roberta McGowan Sopris Sun Staff

It may seem like ages ago, but it was only at the end of May 2020 when the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd sparked a wave of protests all across the country. This murder became the final straw for Black, brown and, yes, white folks too. So it should not come as a big surprise when people in at least two Crystal Valley communities, Marble and Redstone, each with a population 130 on a good day, decided it was time to stand up against what many around the country called “systemic racism.” The towns were not unlike other small and large communities throughout the nation that participated in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. According to blacklivesmatter.com, the organization was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of the man who killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Florida. Its mission is “to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.” “Even during this winter, BLM signs could still be found along the boulevard,” explained Redstone resident Gentrye Houghton, owner of Honey Bear Publishing, Ltd. and editor of the Crystal Valley Echo and the Marble Times. Houghton’s interest was ignited when news of the BLM controversy in Marble broke with one side in support of, and the other side opposed to, putting up signs. The Echo’s story on the Marble situation ran in July, 2020. Houghton recalled, “I realized we had a unique opportunity for a discussion.” She noted that people of color live in the valley, and “Each voice matters.” “In a predominantly white community, it would have been a marker of privilege to avoid the Black Lives Matter movement,” reported Amber McMahill, author of the story in the The Crystal Valley Echo. “That isn’t what happened,” she said. Instead, a yellow sticker with “Black Lives Matter” appeared at the end of the driveway of Emma Bielski. Other signs popped up, including one on a hay bale. Then, as the Echo reported, many of the signs were covered by black paint. And also by red, white and blue – some with the words “White” and “Trump 2022.” A few were repainted with “Black Lives Matter.”

Redstone resident Courtney Jaynes spearheaded the drive to order BLM yard signs for her friends and neighbors from signsofjustice.com, a Blackowned company. “The business ownership was important to me,” Jaynes explained. She has been a BLM member since it began in 2013 and believes in actively shaping an economy that is equal for all, regardless of gender or race. How did she get the word out about the BLM signs she had? Jaynes shared the information via Facebook in early July. “Just a plain ol’ post,” she said, “And people from all over the valley wanted to buy one. I think around 60 signs were purchased and some ordered more than one.” As reported by the Colorado Sun and the Denver Post, other Colorado towns had also picked up the cry. In Crested Butte, preschool teacher Chloe Bowman coordinated a BLM demonstration in June and was shocked by the turnout of more than 200 people. Cortez, located in the far southwestern corner of Colorado in the Four Corners Area, also saw organization in support of BLM. Despite forceful opposition, their city council issued a statement reaffirming the right of all citizens to assemble peacefully and exercise free speech. All of these actions have opened up an overdue American conversation about race, according to NBC news, “In seven years, Black Lives Matter has become a multi-chapter organization that has changed the very framework with which the nation talks about race.” People in the Roaring Fork Valley, from Aspen to Glenwood Springs, have also raised their voices in solidarity with the BLM movement. Carbondale Mayor Dan Richardson explained to Aspen Public Radio that by assuming the issue really isn't a big deal, especially in the Roaring Fork Valley is wrong. “I become part of the situation. I'm a person of power, not only because I'm a white male, but because I'm mayor. Not doing anything about it is being part of the problem, in my opinion.” He then added, “I need to put on a racism lens all the time so that I can start challenging my assumptions of whether or not there's racial bias in this policy or in this program or how we handle this issue. So to me, that's probably the most important thing. And I'm hoping that there's a little bit more willingness to dig a little bit deeper so that we can do that.”

Redstone's Gentry Houghton places a Black Lives Matter in her front yard. Photo by Roberta McGowan.

Alex Kucharik paints over the graffiti on CR-3 into Marble. Photo by Nancy Fenton.

A tagging war ensues in Marble, Colorado. Photo by Nancy Fenton.

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The Town of Carbondale is soliciting Requests for Proposals for a Strategic Communications Services Consultant. PLEASE VISIT CARBONDALEGOV.ORG/RESIDENTS/RFPS/ FOR DETAILS 10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • January 7- January 13, 2021

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Army Corps refuses hearing


CVEPA Views By John Armstrong After a brief review of numerous formal requests, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has denied a public hearing to review the Marble Quarry’s illegal and unpermitted burial of Yule Creek above the town of Marble. The Corps states, “We do not believe there would be a valid interest served” by conducting a public meeting. Colorado Stone Quarries (CSQ) relocated Yule Creek in 2019, without permission, to facilitate the expansion of their marble quarrying operation. CSQ claims they were allowed to “temporarily” relocate one-quarter mile of the stream under a mining exemption for road building. The Army Corps has ruled that there was no valid exemption. CSQ has applied for a retroactive permit to move Yule Creek. If ever there was an example of “asking for forgiveness instead of applying for

permission,” this is it. All while undergoing punitive action for their oil spill at the mine site and applying for a permit for the creek relocation they had already completed, CSQ was busy. This spring and summer, CSQ removed the small mountain called Franklin Point which separated the natural creek bed from their new channel. CSQ took the overburden and refuse rock from their operation and buried the now abandoned natural creek channel with 97,000 yards of debris. The length and depth of burial of the natural drainage negates any thought that this action was “temporary” in nature. (Search YouTube for “The destruction of Yule Creek”). This act of irreparably manipulating and burying the Yule Creek Watershed was accomplished throughout the year 2020. This work was done after both state and federal agencies were alerted to the illegal relocation of the creek by CVEPA in 2019 when they received our formal complaint. This autumn, the Army Corps opened a public comment period regarding CSQ’s application to “move” Yule Creek. In what CVEPA regards as a very strange action, the Army Corps offered the public the opportunity to evaluate a list of alternatives to the Yule Creek relocation. All of the options were developed and proposed by CSQ, the entity that destroyed the original creek. CSQ touts their preferred alternative, which gives them what they wanted all along and which is their financially advantageous solution. The Corps asked

respondents which alternative they preferred. CVEPA likens this kind of “justice” to a convicted party offering the court a menu of penalties they would be willing to accept. Without punitive action for such a brazen and environmentally egregious offense, there will be no disincentive for future illegal activities. In an impressive show of solidarity, numerous environmental groups and local government agencies labored long and submitted detailed and thoughtful letters of comment regarding CSQ’s proposed list of alternatives. CVEPA was joined by the Crystal River Caucus, Gunnison County Commissioners, Pitkin County Healthy Rivers and Streams, The Roaring Fork Conservancy, Pitkin County Commissioners, Wilderness Workshop and High Country Conservation Advocates. Several respected attorneys and environmental professionals contributed to the comments to the Army Corps application process. The parties requested that the Army Corps conduct a public hearing(s), on-site restoration, on-going, thirdparty monitoring of water quality and compensatory mitigation (restoration projects both on- and off-site) and appropriate penalties. We believe that the Corps should research, study and evaluate all the alternatives to mitigation of the damages to the Yule Creek Valley. The Quarry should not be the sole source of information on which the Corps bases their decision. The Quarry should not benefit from the premeditated

Marble Quarry seen from Yule Creek Road , August 2019. Photo by John Armstrong. and unauthorized action during which they openly flouted state and federal environmental protections. In less than two weeks time, the Army Corps responded to public input in a brief letter stating, “We do not believe there would be a valid interest served or that we would receive any substantial new information.” CVEPA believes the lack of “valid interest” is by our federal agency “overseeing” the Colorado Stone Quarry in Marble. CVEPA has still not received an answer from the Corps to our pointed question: “Given your own conclusion

regarding the (CSQ) violation, why is USACE (The Army Corps) treating this action as a permitting process rather than an enforcement proceeding?” None of the issues of restoration, mitigation and monitoring were addressed in the short letter. The glaring lack of oversight for operations in Yule Creek Valley is an affront to the environment and to the residents who love this valley. CVEPA will be seeking legal consultation and the help of our elected officials in defense of our watershed. To learn more about the CVEPA mission and support us, visit cvepa.org.


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THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • January 7- January 13, 2021 • 11

12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • January 7- January 13, 2021

OBITUARIES John Robin Sutherland

Richard Carlton Compton

5 March 1951 – 18 December 2020 John Robin Sutherland, the ponytailed, cultured and celebrated principal pianist for the San Francisco Symphony for more than four decades, died at his home in San Francisco, California on Dec. 18, 2020, following a brief illness. He was 69. Known for many years simply as Robin Sutherland (he legally changed his name to drop the “John”), he was born in Denver, Colorado, on March 5, 1951, and grew up in the nearby city of Greeley. Early in his life, Sutherland was identified as a gifted pianist; by the age of four after, among other things, playing a two-handed “happy birthday” song on a toy piano for a toddler friend, according to a statement from his sister, Jean Huffman. He went on as a youthful prodigy, groomed by Dr. Rita Hutcherson at the University of Northern Colorado while attending public schools in Greeley until his graduation in 1969. He then went for further musical training at the Juilliard School in New York City, though he left before graduating. Sutherland lived in the Roaring Fork Valley in the early 1970s, attending the Colorado Rocky Mountain School in Carbondale; Colorado Mountain College outside of Glenwood Springs; and ultimately, in 1972, enrolling at the prestigious San Francisco Conservatory of Music. While an undergraduate student at the Conservatory, in 1973, he was called upon to fill in as a substitute


pianist at the San Francisco Symphony. At that performance and on a subsequent concert tour, according to a press release from the Symphony, Sutherland showed such remarkable abilities that, in 1974, Symphony Director Seiji Ozawa created a new position for him as principal keyboardist, which is the position he held for 45 years. Sutherland liked to joke that his might be the most concise resume in the world, since he has held only one job for his entire professional career. He retired from the symphony at the start of the 2018-19 season, a departure celebrated by the declaration of Nov. 12, 2018 as Robin Sutherland Day by the City of San Francisco and heralded by a Symphony statement of his having been “a mainstay of the orchestra's performances, taking prominent roles in everything from Bach to Stravinsky.” After retiring, Sutherland continued to perform in more intimate venues, including a benefit concert for The Sopris Sun in August, 2019, at the Redstone Castle, until being diagnosed with a brain tumor in the summer of 2020. Following several months of ultimately unsuccessful treatments, under the care of a small team of family and friends, he succumbed to complications from the tumor. He is survived by his spouse, Carlos “Lonchi” Ortega, who was born in Colombia; his sister, Jean and her husband, Steve Bojanowski of Greeley; numerous nephews,

The late Robin Sutherland addresses an intimate audience for an August 2019 concert at the Redstone Castle. Photo by Klaus Klocher nieces and other relatives, including members of the Ortega family in Colombia; and a broad collection of friends and fans around the U.S. and the wider world. Those wishing to learn more

COVID-19 TESTING Aspen Valley Hospital is partnering with Pitkin County Public Health to provide COVID-19 testing for our community.

about the life and career of Robin Sutherland can check the websites of the San Francisco Symphony, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Greeley Tribune and The Sopris Sun for articles and obituaries.

Richard Carlton Compton of South Hadley, MA died peacefully at home on Dec. 20, 2020. He was born in 1950 in Stamford, CT and as a child lived in Salisbury, CT and Thessaloniki, Greece before he and his family settled on the Gill, MA campus of Northfield Mt. Hermon School. Richard attended Mt. Hermon School and was an outstanding student and a leader of the Nordic ski team and Outing Club. He went on to Harvard College, graduating cum laude in 1972. Richard traveled in India and the American West, lived briefly in New York City and completed a graduate program in Film Studies at Syracuse University in New York. Richard was a deep thinker, an avid reader and writer, and a highly skilled photographer who loved to challenge his body and his mind. He was reserved and introspective, but loved a good party and was the first onto the dance floor and the last to leave. Richard spent most of his adult life in Colorado, primarily in the Aspen area, where he pursued his passions for outdoor recreation and wilderness preservation. During his years in Colorado, he worked as a wilderness mapper, a mountaineering guide, a ski instructor and an environmental grant writer and advocate. In 2014, Richard moved back to New England and lived in South Hadley from then until his death. He is survived by his siblings, Betsy (and husband, Eric) and Bob and their children and grandchildren. There will be a private memorial service for the family. Donations in Richard’s memory can be sent to Northfield Mt. Hermon School – One Lamplighter Way, Gill, MA 01354; www. nmhschool.org – or Wilderness Workshop – 520 South 3rd St., Carbondale, CO 81623; www.wildernessworkshop.org.



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Details: • Appointment necessary. Go to curative.com. • Physician referral not required. • Cost (insured) – No cost. • Cost (uninsured) – No insurance necessary. Tests are provided whether or not you have insurance.

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • January 7- January 13, 2021 • 13

Your Big Backyard XIV

Across 2. Fashionable sport pants. 6. Fool's gold (two words). 8. There are over 300 of these on Grand Mesa, the world's largest flat-topped mountain. 9. This by-product of mining can be found beside some trails in the Roaring Fork Valley. 10. Zumie's ____, a pinnacle on the East Face of Long's Peak. 11. Olympic sledding event. 14. Bird's shelter. 15. The Fourth Flatiron above Boulder has this shape. 17. Proprietors of the Crystal Theatre in Carbondale. 18. Urgency of movement. 19. Double black diamond near the base of Aspen Mountain 21. Very warm down.

Down 1. Jaw-dropping chasm. 3. Flash for Felicia, Bonedale for Carbondale. Alternate _____. 4. Innie and Outie are mountain ___ trails near Carbondale. 5. Rocky protuberance. 7. Detain until time of trial. 10. Black ____, dense coniferous forest. 11. Leather hiking pants a hundred years ago. No longer fashionable. 12. Officer's ____, corridor plagued by avalanches. 13. A summit in the Indian Peaks Wilderness. 15. ____ Montessori, K-8 private school in Carbondale. 16. Tiny. 20. Former name of Aspen Mountain.

Across: 1. ABYSS; 3. IDENTITIES; 4. BIKE; 5. CRAG; 7. REMAND; 10. TIMBER; 11. LEDERHOSEN; 12. GULCH; 13. LONEEAGLE; 15. ROSS; 16. ITSY; 20. AJAX. Down: 2. GRAMICCI; 6. IRONPYRITE; 8. LAKES; 9. SLAG; 10. THUMB; 11. LUGE; 14. NEST; 15. RHOMBOID; 17. EZRAS; 18. HASTE; 19. NIAGARA; 21. EIDER

I SUPPORT What can I say? This past year has been like no other. Our stress level was elevated and our patience tested. We found ourselves hunkering down ... but also reaching out. Here, at Sunsense, 2020 was supposed to be a year of celebration...30 years of advancing solar electricity and renewable energy throughout the Roaring Fork Valley and Western Colorado. Alas, we were sidelined like everyone else. So, in lieu of out planned 30th celebration event, we felt it most appropriate to re-purpose that budget to a handful of organizations that do the good work and keep our community vibe healthy while elevating our quality of life. With that, please accept this gift on behalf of Sunsense Solar and our entire Team with our gratitude and best wishes as we rebound and leap forward with positivity. Scott Ely, Sunsense Solar Team


NOT A KDNK MEMBER? CALL 963-0139 GO TO KDNK.ORG 14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • January 7- January 13, 2021

SPONSORSHIP Sponsor the cost of advertising for your favorite nonprofit or a struggling local business. CONTACT: Todd Chamberlin 970-510-0246 adsales@soprssun.com The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sopris Sun are fully tax deductible.


SERVICE DIRECTORY Practicing minimal contact check-in.


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600 2nd Floor HWY 133, Carbondale

This paper costs $1.80 to produce. Advertising does not cover the full cost. Donations keep The Sopris Sun in print!

For more info contact Todd Chamberlin

adsales@soprissun.com | 970-510-0246 The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Soprs Sun are fully tax deductible.

"The greatest loss of life was a fig tree," informed local artist Lisa Singer after a structure fire engulfed her greenhouse and garage on Saturday, Jan. 2. 2021. The structure in question also served as a workspace and housed an RV, many tools and a raft. Larry Singer, Lisa's Husband, commends local fire crews for arriving quickly to control the blaze. "Document everything you own with photos or a video," He advised in retrospect, "As proof for insurance." Controlling the fire required closing County Road 100 for several hours and trucking in water. Days earlier, on Dec. 31, 2020, Carbondale Fire responded to a structure fire in Aspen Glen that resulted in heavy damage to the property and no loss of life. The causes of both fires are under investigation and neither is believed to be suspicious. Photos by Raleigh Burleigh. THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • January 7- January 13, 2021 • 15


We're proud to call Carbondale home. Since 1973, we've been giving back to this awesome community, and we're here to stay.

We are Alpine Bank!




Thanks to your support Colorado Animal Rescue cared for 808 pets in 2020! We are thankful to this generous community for adopting shelter pets, donating to our programs, and offering time to help throughout this challenging year. To learn about recent changes to Garfield County's Animal Control Program and to view adoptable pets visit www.coloradoanimalrescue.org. In 2021, we look forward to connecting more pets to more people and working to keep every community pet in their loving home. From our pets to yours ... Happy New Year!


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