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Sopris Carbondale’s weekly

Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper

community connector


Volume 9, Number 2 | February 16, 2017

Pondering poetry Slam represents culmination of weeks of workshops By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff Writer Owen O’Farell stands before a group of kids just a little younger than he was when he discovered poetry. Now a junior at Roaring Fork High, he has just ďŹ nished reading a poem from his phone and has kept the Carbondale Middle School students engaged almost as well as Mercedez Holtry, who introduced him and does this for a living. O’Farrell is the ďŹ rst to acknowledge that he never expected to be speaking at his alma mater on the merits of poetry – that he was, in fact, resistant when a friend tried to recruit him to the art in seventh grade. “He told me that there was a slam in front of 300 people. I thought that sounded awful,â€? he tells the crowd. “It turned out to be one of the most fun I’ve had.â€? Indeed, O’Farrell, like fellow student presenter Julia Lee, hopes to participate in this year’s slam – the fourth in ďŹ ve years of programming. Hosted by Denver’s inaugural Youth Poet Laureate Toluwanimi Obiwole, the free event is open to the public and takes place at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 17 at the Third Street Center (520 S 3rd St.). “I think it’s a really rare event. It’s an opportunity to see young people express themselves in a way that they maybe don’t otherwise,â€? says Nicole Stanton, who runs the Poetry Project for Aspen Words. “It creates a venue that every type of kid can participate in and brings together students from every school in the Valley in a way that usually only happens at sporting events.â€? Still, while it’s a nice capstone, Stanton sees the event as secondary to what precedes it. “Slams are a gimmick – a way to make poetry exciting and engaging – and everyone who participate will tell you that,â€? she exYOUTH POETRY page 9

‘Be brave, be respectful and your voice matters’ That's what Myrlin Hepworth told students at Ross Montessori in an Aspen Words poetry workshop leading up to the youth poetry slam on Feb. 17. The message was apparently thought provoking for seventh grader Cole Kokish as he listened intently. Photo by Jane Bachrach

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Carbondale Commentary The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, email editor Will Grandbois at news@soprissun.com, or call 510-3003.

Of painting, pikas and politics – the personal is political Right now, I’m pursuing two long-deferred callings: writing a per- when I exhibited the paintings as an ensemble, I would include a sonal column and becoming a fine-art painter. brief artist’s statement explaining that title. Those two activities feel like yin and yang, emotionally balancing It wasn’t until I began looking at an application for an artist’s the scales: painting is a right-brain activity, writing is left-brain. When residency in Glacier National Park that I realized that my paintings, I’m writing, my mind is full of words. I never miss a publication dead- are — or have become — unintentionally, but inescapably, political! line. While I’m painting, mind chatter disappears. I Glacier offers artists a chance to spend a month lose track of time. I sometimes even miss meals. living and painting in the park. They’re expected to I started writing a column – this one – because all share their work by giving talks or demonstrathrough my journalistic career, my first-person tions to visitors, and their art must support Glacpieces have always seemed to resonate most with ier’s educational, environmental and cultural readers. I will soon stop editing a regional magazine goals. Sounds benign… not just because the writing I do there is less perBut as I was pondering Glacier’s application, sonal, but also because the editor’s role has kept me, Scott Pruit, a climate-change denier, was being in indirect ways, from expressing a political opinion. vetted to head the EPA. The new president was While this column isn’t intended to be political per muzzling science-based government agencies, se, recent events call to mind a phrase I remember ranging from the EPA to the NOAA and the Forfrom the seventies: “The personal is political.” est Service. Republicans were also vowing to elimUntil recently, I thought that my painting was not inate funding for the National Endowment for the political. I don’t make political posters like Shepard Arts and the National Endowment for the HumaniFairey, nor satirical graffiti like Banksy. My paintings ties. (That’s a political rather than a fiscal goal, since celebrate light and color, the natural world. I like to paint the combined budgets of the two agencies equal less mountain landscapes and Colorado wildlife. When I rethan .001 percent of the nation’s annual spending.) sumed painting seriously last fall, I first painted a It’s hard to even talk about Glacier National Park bighorn sheep, then a mountain lion. Then a pika. without acknowledging global warming. The U.S. By Nicolette Toussaint Perhaps you’ve seen or heard the pika. It’s a small Geological Survey estimates that there were approxround-eared relative of the rabbit. Pikas live in boulder fields above imately 150 glaciers present in 1850, but only 25 larger than 25 timberline, grazing on grasses and flowers, signaling one another acres remained by 2010. By 2030, the place may be known as Glawith high-pitched whistles. cier-free National Park! I began to wonder whether painting GlacBecause this cute, baked-potato-sized creature can be cooked by ier’s scenery — let alone explaining the term “Elegy for the temperatures above 78 degrees, it’s considered an “indicator species” Anthropocene” — might be construed as political resistance. for global warming. The pika is desperately seeking higher ground. My artistic goals this year are modest: to sell enough to pay for my We still have pikas in Colorado, but in many western states, they materials and to become known as an artist. The residency at Glacier have topped out of livable habitat. They may be the first species that would have helped me become more widely known; the work proNorth America loses to climate change. duced by resident artists is used in the park’s public outreach. After learning that, it began to dawn on me that all of the mounBut in the end, I didn’t apply. I didn’t want to be away from home tain animals I was painting are threatened. Every life zone in the for a full month, so I decided to save this adventure for summer 2018. Rockies is warming, and the range of all our plants and animals is I think the glaciers will withstand the planet’s climate that long. changing. That’s why scientists project that Aspen may become too I’m wondering how well Glacier’s residency will hold up given the warm for its namesake tree by 2030. nation’s political climate. Considering all this, I began to think of my paintings as an “elegy for the anthropocene.” That name has been coined to describe the Nicolette Toussaint has written for the Sopris Sun since 2010. Her current geological age, a time period when human activity has been writing has also been published in the Denver Post, the San Franthe dominant influence on climate and environment. I decided that cisco Examiner, Roaring Fork Lifestyle magazine and Newsweek.


Seeking Higher Ground


The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 400 words. Letters exceeding that length may be edited or returned for revisions. Include your name and residence (for publication) and a contact email and phone number. Submit letters via email to news@soprissun.com or via snail mail to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. The deadline to submit letters to the editor is noon on Monday.

Thanks from Habitat Dear Editor: I want to extend a huge “thank you” to the Caravan Inn in Glenwood Springs. The Caravan Inn has graciously donated 50 rooms of gently used furniture to our Habitat for Humanity ReStore. Once again, the ReStore is the recipient of incredible generosity in our community. This marks our first hotel donation to Habitat this year; a generous donation of 50 rooms of furniture is a great kick-off to 2017! The donation is also wonderful news for shoppers, who reap the benefit of browsing a range of quality items, for highly discounted prices at our ReStore. Congratulations to the Caravan Inn, as they have decorated with new furnishings

for their guests to enjoy. We sincerely appreciate the hotels in our community who remodel and donate to our ReStore, helping us to generate funds to build more homes for families in need, making a difference right here in our community. Habitat is in the process of building a new, consolidated ReStore to enable greater re-purposing and has plans to open the store at the end of the year. This store will help us reduce costs, so we can pass along great values. What a wonderful valley we live in. LeAnna Atkinson ReStore Co-Director

Good news Dear Editor: Forget all the ugly news coming out

2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • FEBRUARY 16-22, 2017

of Washington. We have some beautiful news right here in good ole Garfield County. How about those people in Battlement Mesa standing up to Ursa Resources and saying you will not build an injection well next to our fresh water intake? How about Wilderness Workshop telling the BLM you will not approve the building of an increased capacity natural gas compressor at the Wolf Creek Station near the Thompson Divide and transport gas through leaky pipelines. Apparently Washington has forgotten, but in Garfield County, the will of the people prevails. Fred Malo Jr. Carbondale

Sincerest thanks to our

Honorary Publishers for their generous, ongoing commitment of support. Jim Calaway, Chair Kay Brunnier Bob Ferguson – Jaywalker Lodge Scott Gilbert: Habitat for Humanity - RFV Bob Young – Alpine Bank Peter Gilbert Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Greg and Kathy Feinsinger

ank you to our SunScribers and community members for your support! It truly takes a village to keep e Sun shining.

To inform, inspire and build community. Donations accepted online or by mail. For information call 510-3003 Editor Will Grandbois 970-510-3003 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Kathryn Camp • 970-379-7014 adsales@soprissun.com Reporters: Lynn Burton John Colson Photographer: Jane Bachrach Graphic Designer: Terri Ritchie Delivery: Tom Sands CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS board@soprissun.com Barbara Dills, President Debbie Bruell, Secretary Cliff Colia • Diana Alcantara Matt Adeletti • Olivia Pevec • Faith Magill The Sopris Sun Board meets regularly on the third Monday evening of each month at the Third Street Center. Check the calendar for details and occasional date changes.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young • Colin Laird Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell

The Sopris Sun, Inc. P.O. Box 399 520 S. Third Street #36 Carbondale, CO 81623 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

What makes The Sopris Sun shine? You do!

We reached our goals thanks to YOU!

$15,000 13,000 11,000 9,000 7,000 5,000 3,000 1,000 0

SunScriber Donations 175

Bogus school threat provides practice, lessons By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff Writer While the threat that triggered closures and lockouts in the Roaring Fork School District on Feb. 9 was ultimately deemed not credible, school officials and law enforcement stand by their cautious approach. “Our job is to ensure as much as possible the safety of the students, the schools and the community,” said Carbondale Police Chief Gene Schilling. “I would say that smaller communities think it’s not going to happen here, but we all know that that’s not true. The world has changed.“ “We recognize the inconvenience, but that’s a lot easier to deal with than the alternative,” added RFSD public information officer Kelsy Been. “The information we had when we were making that call is that it sounded like a credible threat.” Specifically, Schilling explained, an on-duty officer received a call from the Federal Bureau of Investigation around 2:30 a.m. on Feb. 9, indicating that an online post indicating an 18-yearold was going to “take weapons and go to his high school and use them,” had pinged to an IP address in the Carbondale area. The intel made its way up to the chief by around 5:30 a.m. and he began calling schools. “Our role is to notify them and supply any support that we need,” he explained. “I wanted officers at as many schools as possible during the morning.” That left RFSD and other local schools trying to hatch a plan around dawn, with buses already on the road and some staff already in buildings. “This was a rare instance in that it involved all of our schools. Logistically, we had a couple of not great options and tried to pick the one that made sure kids were safe,” Been said. “We were leaving a lot of messages to have people call us back and I think from the parent perspective there was a lot of confusion about what we were doing.” The final call was the close the high schools –

Roaring Fork High School was closed Feb. 9 due to a later-discounted threat, leaving the student parking lot vacant. Photo by Lynn Burton the main focus of the threat – for the day. It being more problematic to send elementary and middle schoolers home, those schools were placed on “lockout”. Ross Montessori and Waldorf schools, which are not part of RFSD, followed similar measures while Colorado Rocky Mountain School, a private boarding high school, was on an interim period but brought in its own security. In contrast to a lockdown, a lockout involves locking doors and increasing security (particularly for those coming and going), but not sheltering in classrooms or otherwise interrupting the class schedule. “The hope is that learning continues,” Been said. “I think our teachers did a really great job. It’s a tough thing to try to have business as usual, when there’s a lot of chaos around you, to help kids feel safe and learn.” Whether out of fear or miscommunication, many parents opted to pick up their kids anyway, which actually increased the security challenge. That was mitigated somewhat by recent security upgrades funded by a 2015 bond, including security vestibules that require visitors to check in before the can enter the building proper.

By mid morning, police learned that similar threats had been received elsewhere in recent weeks, including an almost identical one in the Aspen School District. The lockouts were lifted shortly thereafter, though some after school events were canceled and high schools remained closed. Both Schilling and Been view the incident as a learning opportunity. “You try and plan these training exercises and find those gaps, but this was a real-life situation that helped us a lot,” Schilling said. “We found out that communications need to be improved.” Indeed, both RFSD and Carbondale PD are working on filling in blanks in contact lists and tightening up protocols for any future incidents. Parents who didn’t get updates are also encouraged to check that their information is correct and up to date in the online infinite campus portal. In the end, far from being a boy-who-cried-wolf scenario, Been believes the response might actually provide some piece of mind for worried parents, students and faculty. “I know that people were upset and afraid, but I also heard a lot of gratitude that we took it seriously,” she said.


C’dale fire weighs options for capital improvements


By John Colson Sopris Sun Staff Writer

75 50 25 0


Thank you for your support!


The Carbondale fire department is considering whether to ask voters in November to authorize borrowing up to $10.5 million to pay for deferred capital improvement projects over the next 25 years or so, in light of the fact that otherwise the district’s tax rate will drop at the end of this year. At a meeting on Feb. 8, the board of directors for the Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District agreed to further explore the idea, after a presentation from the district’s bond counsel, Wes Bradish of RBC Capital markets, who indicated the district could seek voter approval for a new bond issue, but keep the property-tax rate, or mill levy for bonded indebtedness, right where it is today. Property taxes make up the bulk of the district’s annual income, supplemented by fees paid to the district’s ambulance service and other relatively minor sources of income. According to Bradish, the district should consider a two-track solution to its ongoing fiscal difficulties — refinance bonds first issued in 2004 (and refinanced once already, in 2007), and then ask district voters for authority for a bond issue of up to $10.5 million next fall. The refinancing of the old bonds, Bradish said, would be at a more favorable interest rate for the district, and could save the district $30,000 per year for a total of about $210,000 over the remaining seven years before the bonds can be retired.

“Now could be a good time to refinance those bonds,” Bradish told the district’s directors last week, adding later that in general the district has “been really good to your taxpayers” over the years, lowering the tax rate to correspond with retirement of bonded indebtedness at different points in the district’s history. In response to a question from director Carl Smith, however, Bradish indicated that the board could either lower its tax rate, as it has in the past, to reflect the savings from refinancing, or it could use the $30,000 in annual savings in its capital budget. “You could use it essentially for pay-as-you-go capital options,” he said. Among those capital needs, according to Fire Chief Ron Leach, are: • The replacement of fire trucks, ambulances and other district vehicles as they age; • Building a maintenance facility for the district’s fleet next to the original fire station on Meadowood Drive in Carbondale, which is estimated to cost around $1 million; • Building a training structure, also close to the fire station, estimated to cost about $1 million; • And building an addition to the fire station to house a backup generator, needed to provide power to the buildings in the case of an extended power blackout in the area. The district also is examining its need for affordable housing for district personnel, Leach said. “Most of our paid people don’t live in Carbon-

dale,” Leach explained, noting that perhaps half of the paid personnel live in other communities such as New Castle, Silt and Rifle because of the high cost of living in the Roaring Fork Valley. But, he said, the housing question is not at the top of the fire board’s to-do list, for now, as the board works on ways to pay for more immediate capital improvement needs. On top of the savings from refinancing, Bradish said at the board meeting, the district could issue new bonds for, say, a 25-year term, which he said could be paid down over time without raising the district’s present mill levy for bond repayment, which stood at 1.815 mills as of Dec. 30, 2016, representing only part of the district’s overall property-tax rate (7.653 mills) that covers operations, pension funds and other aspects of the department’s activities. A “mill” equals $1 in taxation for every $1,000 in the assessed valuation of real property. A tax increase of 1.75 mills would add roughly $70 to the annual property tax bill of a residential property assessed at $500,000, according to a calculation offered by local planning consultant Mark Chain, who worked with the district on a 2015 tax election and other matters. The total annual revenues of the Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District rose from just shy of $2 million in 2015 to a projected figure of just over $3 million for 2017, according to budget documents available online FIRE BOARD page 15

THE SOPRIS SUN, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEBRUARY 16-22, 2017 • 3

Town Briefs

Cycling, martial arts on tap at CRCC In Carbondale’s recreation-department news, registration is now open for the 201617 Base Camp Cycling classes for March, according to Town Manager Jay Harrington’s Feb. 10 weekly report to town trustees, employees and other recipients. These are indoor cycling classes at the Carbondale Recreation and Community Center (CRCC) with a monthly fee of $60, and the classes take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 1 p.m., and again from 6-7 p.m. The CRCC also offers Sahn Tae Kwon Do martial arts classes for children and adults, also on Tuesday and Thursday nights, from 6:30-8 p.m. In addition, the martial arts instructors will offer the first of three free community self-defense seminars on Feb. 25, from 1-4 p.m. Pre-registration is required.

In other town news: At the CRCC, the Roaring Fork Valley Elite Soccer Academy is renting out the gymnasium every Sunday in February, from 7-11 a.m., for soccer training of boys and girls in the U-12 to U-16 levels that includes a goaltenders’ camp. For more information contact eleonard@rfvelite.com. Carbondale’s ice skating season, which ended last week, went for seven weeks this year, which recreation officials have indicated was close to normal in spite of occasional

bouts of unseasonably warm temperatures. In fact, the memo stated, despite warm temperatures on the First Friday evening for February (Feb. 10), the ice stayed good enough to permit skaters at the downtown rink at 4th and Main streets, during the Mardi Gras Parade. That circumstance, the memo declared, enabled Carbondale to boast “that this is the only spot on the planet that you can be ice skating while watching a Mardi Gras Parade.” Now, though, the two ice rinks are being dismantled in preparation for the advent of spring and summer. The town reports a total of 403 skate rentals for the season. The Parks & Rec. Commission on Feb. 8 re-elected Becky Moller as chairperson for the advisory group to the Board of Trustees, with Tracy Wilson elected to serve another term as the vice-chair. Last week’s warm temperatures meant the streets crew could put away the snowplowing and ice scraping gear, at least temporarily, and concentrate their efforts on street sweeping, pothole repair and sign maintenance. The Parks Department reported it had finished painting the Public Works shop and bathrooms, as well as “routed park signs” for the Historic Thompson House history park. In addition, work has begun on the re-

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SATURDAY, Feb. 4: At 12:43 a.m. an officer stopped a vehicle on Merrill Avenue for failing to obey a stop sign. After investigating, the officer arrested the 27-year-old male driver on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. SATURDAY, Feb. 4: At 10:53 p.m. an officer stopped a vehicle at South 7th Street and Euclid Avenue for speeding. After investigating, the officer arrested the 40-year-old male driver on charges of speeding and driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. SUNDAY, Feb. 5: At 4:23 p.m. a motorcyclist allegedly tried to elude a police officer during a traffic stop. The 19-year-old driver was pulled over on 100 Road and arrested on several charges, including driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. TUESDAY, Feb. 7: At 2:44 p.m. police received word of an arrest warrant for a local man living on Hendrick Drive. Police located the subject, arrested him and took him to the Garfield County Jail in Glenwood Springs.

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From Feb. 3-9, Carbondale officers handled 236 calls for service. During that period, officers investigated the following cases of note:


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construction of the announcers’ booth at the Gus Darien Riding Arena on Catherine Store Road (Garfield County Road 100) east of town. The town’s development-review departments recently met with several project proponents, including 1st Bank (for the City Market project site); Sopris Lodge (the proposed senior-living facility adjacent to the Rio Grande Trail); the Stein properties at the intersection of Colorado Avenue and Highway 133; and a proposed annexation of a twoacre parcel just north of the Xcel electric substation on Highway 133. The town’s utilities department continued to work on plans to upgrade the Crystal Well facility, which has been sidelined due to compliance issues with state regulators, and the Nettle Creek water treatment plant. After an initial Request For Proposals for the Nettle Creek upgrade drew no bids from private contractors, the town is re-advertising the proposal, and at a pre-bid meeting “several contractors attended so we are expecting to receive some bids this time,” the memo reported. Aside from those issues, the memo reported, “all the facilities are operational with no reported problems.” Sales tax collections dropped off by 2.1 percent for the month of January, compared to January 2016, according to the memo.

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4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • FEBRUARY 16-22, 2017

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Send your scuttlebutt to news@SoprisSun.com.

Gonna take my problem to the United Nations

will be reviewed by the panel of judges in making a decision by late March.

At Roaring Fork High School, 24 students are preparing to travel to the 2017 National High School Model United Nations in New York City this March. Model United Nations (MUN) is a student simulation of the proceedings of the United Nations. Students, referred to as Delegates, are assigned a country (in this case, Botswana) to represent in one of the UN’s numerous committees with pre-set topics to debate. They research the background of their country, their country’s position on the topics at hand, and prepare notes on possible solutions to the problems faced. In preparation, RFHS will host a community meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 22 outlining the trip and fundraising needs.

Other land news

Sutey swap stayed The Sopris Sun learned on Feb. 9, shortly after its last edition went to press, that federal administrative judge James K. Jackson in Washington, D.C. on Thursday issued a “stay” of the Bureau of Land Management’s recent final approval for the Sutey-Two Shoes land exchange near Carbondale. According to statements from the Colorado Wild Public Lands (CWPL) organization, and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, the decision puts the land swap on hold until March 27, while a panel of administrative judges considers an appeal filed by CWPL. As part of the two-page order, Judge Jackson directed both the BLM and CWPL to submit briefs on the matter by Feb. 24, which

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on a proposal to offer 28 parcels totaling about 29,600 acres of federal minerals in northwestern Colorado in the December 2017 competitive oil and gas lease sale. Maps and lease stipulations are available for review at tinyurl.com/BLMlease29600, and comments need to be received by March 8, 2017 at blm_co_december_2017_lease_sa@blm.gov, or Attn: Dec 2017 Lease Sale, 220 E. Market St., Meeker, CO 81641. Meanwhile, the Aspen-Sopris Ranger District is seeking comments on improvements at the Snowmass Ski Area, including a proposal to construct a Ski Patrol Facility at the top of Sam’s Knob, expand Sam’s Smokehouse Restaurant, and install two underground fiber optics utility lines. Comments should be submitted to: Scott Fitzwilliams, c/o Monte Lutterman, Mountain Sports Ranger, Aspen-Sopris Ranger District, 620 Main Street, Carbondale, CO 81623, faxed to (970) 963-1012 or emailed to mlutterman@fs.fed.us by March 3. Finally, applications are now available for 2017 season big game sheep and goat hunting licenses. For more information or to apply, visit Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s website, cpw.state.co.us.

among women 45-and-under, Annie White lead the 46-and-over women, John Klish had the top spot for men 45-and-under and Mark Webber had the best time for men 46-and-older. Also, the Carbondale Rec Center's pickleball tournament took place Saturday, with Jason Thraen nabbing the gold. Finally, Staci Dickerson's oil painting "Beatrice S. Hat" proved he crowd favorite for the Valley Visual Art Show, with 42 of 288 votes. The Best in Show title comes with $100 and two tickets to Green is the New Black.

Walk this way A ribbon cutting will be held for the new 14th Street Pedestrian Bridge across the Roaring Fork River in Glenwood Springs at 1 p.m. on Feb. 16. The project was made possible by a $350,000 Garfield County Federal Mineral Lease District grant and will provide residents of neighborhoods across the river with a safe and efficient bike/pedestrian crossing for use during the Grand Avenue Bridge detour and thereafter.

Bridge info For folks who couldn’t make the public meeting Feb. 15, a packet on traffic impacts and river closures from the Grand Avenue Bridge Project is available by emailing info@grandavenuebridge.com.

The results are in

They say it’s your birthday

Despite the freezing temperatures, 30 fat bikers and 30 snowshoers showed up to race in Redstone on Jan. 28. Michelle Smith took first

Folks celebrating their birthday this week include: Wendy Moore (Feb. 18) and Collin Stewart (Feb. 21).

! !

Mark Taylor confirms for The Sopris Sun the dimensions of the soon-to-be-installed (April) windows at the Third Street Center “gym.” They’ll be 10’8” X 5’4” for the four windows on the north and south side of the multiplepurpose room, and 6’ X 7’6” for the two windows above the exit doors. The nonprofit Third Street Center is 25 percent of the way toward it’s $200,000 goal for renovating the former grade school gym. Other proposed upgrades include: glass doors, two skylights, repositionable seats and other upgrades. To donate and for more information, go to thirdstreetcenter.net. Photo by Lynn Burton


! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



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6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • FEBRUARY 16-22, 2017


With Spanish Translator Register Online or Call Carbondale Recreation Center (970) 510-1290

C’dale author explains how gardening changes lives IllenĂŠ Pevec, Ph.D speaks Feb. 18 By Lynn Burton Sopris Sun Staff Writer • Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut; • The University of California, Davis; Coming soon: • The Carbondale Branch Library; • The Tattered Cover book store in Denver. • Canada in March. That’s a bit of IllenĂŠ Pevec’s past, current and future speaking schedules, after New Village Press published her book “Growing a Life: Teen Gardeners Harvest Food, Health, and Joyâ€? last September. “I’ve had a lot of traveling,â€? Pevec told The Sopris Sun this week. Her Carbondale presentation at the library at 3 p.m. on Feb. 18 includes a PowerPoint presentation with voices from teens she interviewed starting in 2006, plus testimonials from local high school graduates Kayla Henley and Raleigh Burleigh, and Pevec’s own readings. Pevec’s 407-page-book is the dissertation for her Ph.D. in environmental planning and design at the University of Colorado-Boulder, which she started researching in 2006. Her decision to “go bookâ€? (so to speak) came after she heard Steven Ritz’s live TED Talk in 2012 on the work he does with youth in the South Bronx via the Green Bronx Machine. “I was so inspired by him that I knew I

had to write this book so that articulate, passionate, and persuasive youth voices could reach the greater public,â€? Pevec wrote in her book’s preface. “Growing a Lifeâ€? has 25 chapters, based on interviews across the United States, with titles such as: “The Green Bronx Machine,â€?“Sowing Seeds for Successâ€? and “Gardens Grow Healthy Youth.â€? Chapters 9-11, respectively are: “Colorado Rocky Mountain School: Work Crew Gardeners,â€?“Roaring Fork High School Grows Food for Lunch and Sustainability Education,â€? and “Teen Mothers Garden at Yampah Mountain High School.â€? Chapter 10, which focuses on Roaring Fork High School, starts out with a lengthy quote from a student named Dash, who says in part, “We live in a world where we don’t interact with our food at all. We just buy it and eat it. We do different jobs ‌ just to make our ‌ complicated system work, when it was pretty great back before things got complicated. So, when we get a chance to go out, work with things and garden and get our hands dirty, it really brings us back to our roots. ‌â€?. Chapter 10 goes on to describe how two nonproďŹ ts, Central Rocky Mountains Permaculture Institute and Fat City Farmers (of which Pevec is director), collaborated with a nearby ranch in 2007 to run an organic agriculture program. The upshot, following negotiations with RE-1 school district and Town of Carbondale and related agreements were ďŹ nalized in 2009, is the Roaring Fork High School greenhouse that grows food for school lunches. Other contributors to the greenhouse project included the Carbondale

IllenĂŠ Pevec, Ph.D. interviewed student gardeners across the U.S. for her 2016 book “Growing a Life: Teen Gardeners Harvest Food, Health and Joy.â€? The book was published by New Village Press and is available at the Dandelion Market. Photo by Isabella Brown. Rotary Club (labor, cash and machinery). In 2014, the book states, an assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture visited the garden and commented on how well the garden, academics, school lunch and school efforts are integrated towards sustainability.

Pevec interviewed more than 80 student gardeners for her book. Those interviews were spread across inner cities (such as the Bronx and Oakland), suburbs, small towns, and Taos, New Mexico. One observation she made across the board is that gardening brings students together regardless of their backgrounds. For example, in New Mexico, Hispanic and Native American Indian students don’t necessarily always get along, Pevec said. But in gardens where both groups were working, “ ‌ there wasn’t any conict. They value the traditions of farming and agriculture. Gardening brought them together.â€? Gardening even bridges students “cliquesâ€? that are so prevalent in high schools. Gardening can even change lives. When Pevec gave a presentation at the University of California-Davis, one student said he got involved in gardening when he was 15 years old. “ ‌ now he is majoring in plant science (at UDC).â€? “Growing a Lifeâ€? is sometimes available at the Carbondale Branch Library (this week there was a waiting list for the two books). The book is also available at Dandelion Market on Main Street in Carbondale, and from Pevec herself at 963-2054.

Next steps:

What: Presentation of “Growing a Life: Teen Gardeners Harvest Food, Health, and Joyâ€?; Where: The Carbondale Branch Library; When: 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 18; Who: Author IlenĂŠ Pevec Ph.D; How much: Admission is free; More info: 963-2889.

Public hearing set for a two-acre annexation north of town By John Colson Sopris Sun Staff Writer Carbondale’s overall size may grow by two acres in the coming months, as the Board of Trustees considers a proposal to annex vacant land along Highway 133, between the Xcel power substation and the Roaring Fork Tire Center at the north end of town. In a presentation to the trustees on Tuesday, planning consultant Mark Chain described the intended use of the property as a site for a large mini-storage facility. After hearing Chain’s presentation, the trustees agreed that the proposed annexation met the requirements of state annexa-

tion regulations, and set the matter for a public hearing on March 28 at Town Hall, 511 Colorado Ave. This would be the ďŹ rst annexation to the town in six years, since the town annexed the Gateway Park property in 2011, according to Town Manager Jay Harrington. The facility, Chain told the trustees, would offer “modern storageâ€? services, including some units that would be climate-controlled, and would have an on-site ofďŹ ce comprising about 1,200 square feet of space. The plan does not include an on-site apartment for a manager, Chain told the trustees. In addition to the business activities that

would come with the project, Chain said the proponents, a pair of limited partnerships named Huntington, LP and 133 Limited Partnership out of New Jersey, have offered to create a connection to the nearby Rio Grande Trail that would wind around the back (western and northern) side of the property to join the highway at a point between the Huntington parcel and the tire center. Town attorney Mark Hamilton noted that, by setting the public hearing date for the annexation proposal, the trustees are not under any obligation to approve the annexation or the mini-storage project, which would need to be reviewed by the Planning and

Zoning Commission as well as by the trustees at future town meetings. Trustees Ben Bohmfalk and Heather Henry, at different times during Tuesdays meeting, both said they had “lots of questionsâ€? about issues connected to the annexation, but both indicated they would wait until later hearings to pose those questions. In other action on Tuesday, the trustees: • Agreed to continued exploration of the Space to Create program, proposed by Carbondale Arts in conjunction with state ofďŹ cials, which aims to ďŹ nd ways to develop affordable working and living facilities for TOWN COUNCIL page 15

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THE SOPRIS SUN, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEBRUARY 16-22, 2017 • 7

Emmet Hood Garcelon

Mackayla Bryan

Hannah Bays

Tucker Mac Groves Benedict

Natasha Zucco and Hannah Bays The Ninja Wolves from Rising Crane Martial Arts Studio

Artistry comes alive The Roaring Fork High School auditeria was packed on the evening of Feb. 11 as Carbondale Arts presented the annual youth fashion show, Cirque d'Sopris. Directed by Rochelle Norwood, the theme this year was “7th Generation Rising,” which not only featured the clothes that the young models designed and made themselves in Norwood’s sewing classes, but some amazing dance performances, martial arts demos by Raising Crane students and a lot of creativity. Juniper Anderson

Masamo Stableford

Photos and text by Jane Bachrach

Annabelle Stableford 8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • FEBRUARY 16-22, 2017

Maya Lindbloom

Projector Lights

Youth poetry om page 1

Forgive my memory, it is poor, so I don't remember every word you said, nor do I know what clothes you wore that one night we had together;

plains. “I think the heart of this whole project is the work that happens in classrooms each day. That’s the time you go from a kid who’s never read a poem to that same student figuring out how to craft a story about his/her life and being brave with their words.”

that night the strobe lights flickered on your face, and you seemed to move like a flip-book of fragmented memories in pace with my quick heart beat and that fast beat rave music.

Be brave That’s the first rule Logan Phillips tells a group of Bridges High School students the day after the presentation at CMS. Next is “hold space” – that is, leave room for all to share – which ties right into “your voice matters.” After all, Phillips points out, fear isn’t conducive to growth. “Poems are like people,” he observes. “If they’re not breathing, they’re dead.” He encourages his students to say what isn’t being said and listen for voices that aren’t being heard. Tattooed, clad in a purple shirt and ballcap and sporting an heirloom bolo tie, he shares a poem of his own and another that’s borrowed, and asks them what they notice. Most of the kids in the class have been in the workshop before, so they know the drill. When he provides them with an opening line

I can't remember what song,

but I swear if you were to run my mind through a projector and make those fragments move fast enough you'd know what it felt like to start falling for you.

Roaring Fork High School senior Julia Lee might come across as quiet until it's time to recite poetry for students at Carbondale Middle School and perhaps walk like a chicken to make her point. Photo by Will Grandbois – “I’d be lying if I said…” – they settle in to “It feels good to express myself on paper,” five minutes of “liberation writing” without Oscar Chaparro says. “When I try writing on hesitation. The raw materials are shaped by my own, I don’t know where to start. He revision, first solo and then in a small group, gives us something to write about.” and gain polish with remarkable rapidity. Viridina Peña would be writing anyThe stock line gains personal poignancy: “I way, but the workshop certainly helps. don’t know if I’m lying “It makes you feel like a when I say I love you.” person instead of just being Similarly, “to the bottled up,” she says. person who told me…” That’s just what Stanton conjures a striking mix likes to hear. of naysayers and sup“The moment a kid can porters. One student say ‘I’m a poet,’ they’re embraces the challenge hooked,” she says. “It’s my to integrate all the hope that we as an organisenses and viscerally zation can continue to proconjures the slaughter vide spaces for the kids that and consumption of a latch onto it during these pig. Far from being distwo weeks.” turbing, it becomes a To that end, the organi– Logan Phillips touching homage to a zation holds youth poetry late family member. meetings in Carbondale It’s the perfect time, every Monday, and another, Phillips notes, to be writing, with myriad broader demographic slam is slated for platforms both digital and analog in which Steve’s Guitars on March 30. Perhaps the to share one’s voice. biggest metrics of success are the returners “It doesn’t matter to me how you get your like O’Farrell and Lee. words into the world, but it matters that you “We’ve seen familiar faces come back do,” he says. “It trains us to be more articu- again and again, and they only get better,” late in the moments that matter.” Stanton says. “I think that’s a testament The kids certainly seem to benefit and to what we’re doing – it’s a system that appreciate it. breeds poets.”

“It doesn’t matter to me how you get your words into the world, but it matters that you do.”

Poet Myrlin Hepworth is animated as he describes to the students some of the important elements contained in writing poetry. Photo by Jane Bachrach

And ever since that July day that film has been rolling in my head. And at times that projectors light is so warming, but at times it is blinding, and at times I wish I didn't have that film anymore.

I don't think it would be hard to look at you then

though I suppose it's always hard to stare at something so bright, but I wish you were more than a flash in the pan, I wish you'd be more than a brief flame I was infatuated with as a child,

because if you're a flame it means I have already gotten as close as I can, and if you're a flame it means the brief moment I was able to touch you burned me, and I don't want a scar to remember you by,

so please don't fade so quickly, don't disappear before next year's end, don't tell me I've smothered any chance I had.

I'd much rather you be the air, giving me the voice to speak this, and always filling the spaces between my fingers. – Owen O'Farrell

Fe b


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THE SOPRIS SUN, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEBRUARY 16-22, 2017 • 9

Community Calendar THURSDAY Feb. 16 YAPPY HOUR • Colorado Animal Rescue’s monthly Yappy Hour at the Marble Distilling Co. (150 Main St) takes place from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Sip on handcrafted cocktails and meet a C.A.R.E. dog, with $1 from every drink donated to C.A.R.E. Bring your own dog along as well. SNOWSHOE TOUR • Come explore the 74 acres of Emma Open Space by moonlight on snowshoes with staff from Roaring Fork Conservancy and Pitkin County Open Space & Trails. After snowshoeing, warm up by campfire while sipping hot chocolate and hearing stories about the native people and animals of Colorado. Registration and arrangements for snowshoes required for this free event. For ages 8 and up; minors must be accompanied by a parent. Call 927-1290 with questions. SELF CARE • Learn some great ways to take care of yourself come snow or shine with Rainbow of Health and Lauren Whittaker, DC LUX Wellness Center, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Third Street Center (520 S 3rd St.). $20 suggested donation; RSVP at 802-999-2253 or lynnruoff@gmail.com.

FRIDAY Feb. 17 MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre presents “Lion” (PG-13) at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 17-23 except Feb. 19 showtime is 5 p.m. and “Manchester by the Sea” (PG-13) at 4:45 p.m. on Feb. 18. HOOPS • The Roaring Fork High School girls and boys basketball teams host


Cedaredge for games at 5:30 and 7 p.m. respectively. LIVE MUSIC • Guilty Pleasure plays good time rock & roll from 9 p.m. to midnight at the Rivers Restaurant (2525 S Grand Ave. in Glenwood Springs). No cover. LET’S PAINT • Fioré Salon (225 Main St.) hosts its monthly BYOB themed painting event. For $30, get materials and instruction as well as complimentary snacks. POETRY SLAM • A spoken word extravaganza featuring high school students from across the Roaring Fork Valley performing their original poetry takes place at the Third Street Center (520 S 3rd St) beginning at 6:30 p.m. Hosted by Denver’s inaugural Youth Poet Laureate Toluwanimi Obiwole, and returning artists Myrlin Hepworth, Mercedez Holtry, and Logan Phillips. Free and open to the public, with audience members of all ages welcome.

SATURDAY Feb. 18 HOOPS • The Roaring Fork High School girls and boys basketball teams travel to Aspen for games at 2:30 and 4 p.m. respectively. FAMILY HOEDOWN • Saddle up for the 4th annual benefit Aspen Community School and Carbondale Community School. Tickets are $25 for adults, $15 for children 3-12 and kids under 3 are free. Mechanical bull riding,

Season Producers: Jim & Connie Calaway Producers: Carrie & Jeff Hauser PRESENT:

Associate Producers: Jim & Kelly Cleaver Sue Lavin & Jack Real Judy & Nick Huston Suzanne Thompson and John Stephenson Alice BedardVoorhees and Rick Voorhees

To list your event, email information to news@soprissun.com. Deadline is noon on Monday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted. You can also view events online at soprissun.com.

New Space Theater, CMC Spring Valley Campus

FEBRUARY 17, 18, 23, 24, 25 — 7 pm FEBRUARY 19 & 26 — 2 pm $18 General Admission $13 Students, Seniors, CMC Faculty/Staff RESERVATIONS: 970-947-8177 svticketsales@coloradomtn.edu

By Eliam Kraiem Directed by Wendy S. Moore

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We have monthly training meetings every third Thursday at 5:15pm. Contact Luke (luke@kdnk.org) for details. Renew online at KDNK.org/Donate See us 76 S. 2nd Street, Carbondale Mail us PO Box 1388, Carbondale, CO 81623

10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • FEBRUARY 16-22, 2017

live music, pony rides, dinner and drinks are just a few of the fun family activities run 3 to 7 p.m. at Cozy Point Ranch (210 Juniper Hill Rd, Snowmass Village) Visit www.familyhoedown.org for more information. GALLERY OPENING • The Ann Korologos Gallery (211 Midland Ave, Basalt) presents “Nature in Layers,” with an artist’s reception from 5 to 7 p.m. The exhibition features the intricately layered, nature-based abstract paintings of Michael Kessler, based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. MEET THE AUTHOR • Dr. Illène Pevec will present her book “Growing a Life: Teen Gardeners Harvest Food, Health and Joy” at 3 p.m. at the Carbondale Public Library (320 Sopris Ave.). This book about the benefits of gardens and gardening for youth features more than 30 young Carbondale teen gardeners from Roaring Fork High and CRMS. Two graduates of Roaring Fork High School’s Agricultural biology program will co-present to share their experience and read their own parts in the book. LIVE MUSIC • Marble Distilling Co. (150 Main St) welcomes Tom Ressel at 8 p.m. for an evening of acoustic covers, old and new, with some originals thrown in.

SAT – SUN, Feb. 18 & 19

Moons HeArt Barn (6334 Highway 133), with a different leader every two hours. Each leader will bring their own flavor to the room creating a shifting but never stopping stream of music from 11 a.m. Saturday to 11 a.m. Sunday. There will also be a 24 hour pot of soup going for spectators and musicians taking a break. Jam leaders are invited for free and include Frank Martin, Wes Engstrom, Mark Zoller, Harris Jackson, Paul Streumpler and more. Other musicians and spectators are asked for a $10 donation (suggested 10$).

SUNDAY Feb. 19 SKI FOR THE PASS • The fifth annual fundraiser for the Independence Pass Foundation kicks off at 10 a.m. with a 7km classic cross country ski tour/race from the winter closure gate up to Lincoln Creek. All levels of skiers are encouraged to participate.Registration is available at the Ute Mountaineer until 4 p.m. on the 18th or at the start on event day from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. $15 for adults, $7 for under 18, and $30 for a family (parents and their children). For more information on this event visit utemountaineer.com/event-calendar/ski-for-the-pass.

MONDAY Feb. 20 LIVE MUSIC • Glenwood’s Community Concert Association presents Russian Quattro at 7 p.m. at the Mountain View Church (2195 Co Rd 154).Consisting of two cello players and two violinists, the quartet plays a widely varied program ranging from Tchaikovsky, Bach and Dvorak to George CALENDAR page 11


24 HOURS OF MUSIC • Scavenger Industries hosts a day-long jam session at the 13

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Carbondale Community School 1505 Dolores Way, Carbondale 963-9647 (Public Charter School of the Roaring Fork School District)

Community Calendar Gershwin, Dave Brubeck, Leroy Anderson and Glenn Miller. Admission is by membership ticket in the organization. For information, call 970-945-8722.

WEDNESDAY Feb. 22 NATURALIST NIGHTS • The Carbondale leg of ACES’ Naturalist Nights winter speaker series continues with “Public Response to Fire Management: Conventional Wisdom vs. Reality” with Forest Service Social Scientist Sarah McCaffrey. TRIVIA NIGHT • Marble Distilling (150 Main St.) hosts its monthly trivia night beginning at 7 p.m. Assemble a team of up to six and answer questions in five categories for a chance to take $50 off your bar tab.

Save the Date

FRI. & SAT., Mar. 10-11 FASHION SHOW • Carbondale Arts presents the 9th annual Green is the New Black Fashion Extravaganza: SHE. Doors open at 7 p.m., show begins at 8 p.m. Full of locals, performance art, multimedia, inspiring sustainable fashion and a storyline to boot, this show isn’t just entertaining — it is about raising money to educate our youth in the Roaring Fork Valley. Green is the New Black sells out every year at 500 seated tickets plus standing room each night. Ticket prices are $35 for Carbondale Arts Members and $40 for non-members through February 17. Info at www.carbondalearts.com/events/fashion-show.

continued from page 10

Further Out

SATURDAY Feb. 25 DANCING • Join 75 or so social dancers from all over the Western Slope at the Masonic Lodge (901 E Colorado Ave. in Glenwood Springs). No partner or experience needed, you’ll meet people here! Dance music mix includes a variety of West Coast Swing, Country, Jitterbug, Ballroom, Line Dances, and Latin too. Try the Two Step, Wobble, Boot Scootin Boogie, Canadian Stomp, and more. Beginner dance class takes place from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. with the main dance running ’til 10:30 p.m. Class $5, Dance $10, $14 for both. Produced


REDSTONE CASTLE TOUR • Under new ownership, winter tours continue on Sat. & Sun. at 1:30 p.m. through March 26, when the Castle will be closing for renovations. Visit the baronial home of Redstone’s founder, J. C. Osgood. Take a step back in time and learn about the coal mining, railroads and model company town. Tickets available on the day of the tour in Redstone. More info: 970-963-9656 or theredstonecastle.com. ART BASE • The Charles J. Wyly Gallery at the Art Base (99 Midland Spur in Basalt) hosts “Ideas on the Infinite”, showcasing artists Brian Colley, John Cohorst and Andrew Rice. Comprising the works of three locally-rooted artists, the show explores ideas of space and how humans’ desire for understanding and knowledge takes us beyond this small planet. SUPER CHATS • RE-1 Superintendent Rob Stein hosts coffee chats from 7 to 8 a.m. at Bon-

by Mountain Westies and More; info at www.meetup.com/RFVDance or 379-4956. GROWING FOOD CLASS • Wild Mountain Seeds (6333 Highway 133) gets you ready to garden with a pre-spring course from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.. The $50 fee includes lunch and seeds. Sign up at 963-7442 or wildmountainseeds.com.

SATURDAY Feb. 26 LIVE POETRY • “Words of Love,” featuring live music with Dan Sheridan, guest poet Jan Hubbell and an open mic for your favorite love poem, starts at 6:30 p.m. at at Victoria’s Café

fire Coffee (in the Dinkel Building) on the second Tuesday of the month, at Saxy’s in Basalt on the first Tuesday, and River Blend in Glenwood Springs on the fourth Tuesday. YOUR STORY, YOUR LIFE • Have you wanted to explore your legacy of living and the wisdom of your experience? Join a free facilitated workshop for writing your personal history, one story at a time, facilitated by Shelly Merriam, historian/writer/genealogist. First and third Fridays, 10 a.m. to noon, Glenwood Springs Branch Library (815 Cooper Ave.) Info: 970 945-5958, gcpld.org. IMMUNIZATION CLINICS • Garfield County offers immunization clinics at the Carbondale Family Resource Center (in the Bridges Center at 400 Sopris Ave.) the second and fourth Thursdays of the month (Oct. 27 this month). To schedule an appointment, call 9456614, ext. 2030.

(510 E Durant Ave, Aspen). All poets and listeners are invited with no fee. Info: 379-2136.

WEDNESDAY March 1 DEPRESSION / ANXIETY WORKSHOP • Eradicate your anxiety and depression with tools for soothing panic attacks, understanding of how stress effects daily decisions, cultivation of self-love and group exercise in goal planning from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Third Street Center (520 S 3rd St). RSVP at 802-999-2253, lynnruoff@gmail.com; $20 suggested donation.

C’DALE TRUSTEES • The Carbondale Board of Trustees holds regular meetings the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at town hall starting at 6 p.m. The trustees usually hold work session at 6 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays. Info: 963-2733 or carbondalegov.org. COMMUNITY MEAL • Faith Lutheran Church (south of Main Street on Highway 133) hosts a free community meal from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the third Saturday of the month. Info: 510-5046 or faithcarbondale.com. LIVE MUSIC • Steve’s Guitars in the old part of the Dinkel Building presents music every Friday night. Info: 963-3340. EMPATHS MEET • The “RFV Empaths Unite” support group meets at the Third Street Center (Room #31) from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. Donations are accepted. Info: Kelli Welsh at 417-893-8578.

Show Sho how w pr presen presented resentedd by::

Printed program is published and distributed by

ADVERTISE in the Fashion Show PROGRAM

Limited Space Ad reservations due by 5 p.m. on Feb. 16

970-379-7014 adsales@soprissun.com THE SOPRIS SUN, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEBRUARY 16-22, 2017 • 11

Justin Thompson (#4) scores just before halftime in Roaring Fork’s 54-42 league win over Delta on Feb. 11. Ronnie Petatan and Aldo Pinela each scored 14 points for the Rams, with Thompson and Joe Salinas contributing 12 and eight points, respectively. On the girls’ side, the Lady Rams fell 53-36; Cindy Salinas led RFHS with 11 points. The boys (5-2 in league play) and girls (3-4) were scheduled to play non-league games against Vail Christian on Feb. 15, followed by home games against Cedaredge on Feb. 17, and regular-season-ending action at Aspen on Feb. 18. Both teams must win their way into the Western Slope League district tournament in “pigtail” games on Feb. 21. Shown here is Logan Erickson sinking a free-throw against Delta. Photos by Lynn Burton


Garfield County Humanitarian Service Awards


Honoring the unsung heroes of Garfield County. We are seeking nominations for citizens whose work as a volunteer or staff member for an organization in our community goes beyond the call of duty to improve the lives of Garfield County citizens. Nominations for folks from any age group, youth to seniors, are welcome. Several awards are given each year.

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12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • FEBRUARY 16-22, 2017

Nominations due: Friday, Feb. 24, 2017 (no exceptions) Nomination requirements and form available for download at:

www.garfield-county.com Email completed materials to:


Please submit a nomination form along with 3-6 letters of support. Letters should be very specific about the nominee’s accomplishments, commitment and dedication.

If you have questions, or would like more information, call the Garfield County Humanitarian Service Awards Committee at:


Sopris eatre Company presents ‘Sixteen Wounded’

Gus Carney, an eighth grader at the Waldorf School, is working with Chico and another young horse as part of a year-long training project. He and his classmates have been working with mentors on everything from glassblowing to sportscasting. You can catch another student's work, a modern dance piece by Brae Hubbard entitled “Body Positive: Advocating for Women’s Healthy Body Image," for free at 6 p.m. Feb. 17 at the Launchpad (76 S 4th St.). Photo by Jane Bachrach

By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff Writer A passionate young Palestinian hurtles through a bakery window in Amsterdam and encounters the baker, a lonely and emotionally remote survivor of the Holocaust. That’s the opening premise of “Sixteen Wounded,” the latest production by Colorado Mountain College’s Sopris Theatre Company. It features Bob Moore as Hans, Jesse Monsalve as Mahmoud, Becky Levin as Nora, Kelly Ketzenbarger as Sonya, and Raleigh Burleigh as Ashraf. Curtain is 7 p.m. on Feb. 17-18 and 23-25, and 2 p.m. on Feb. 19 and 26 at CMC’s Spring Valley Campus, 3000 County Road 114. Tickets are $18 for adults, and $13 for students, seniors, and staff and available at coloradomtn.edu/theatre or 947-8177. While there are obvious political overtones, director Wendy Moore sees the message as fairly universal. “It speaks to two sides who have not been able to find a way to discuss difficult and separating issues,” she said. “It is a reflection of so much that is going on in our world today.” The play provides quite a bit of the necessary background, though some knowledge of the conflict might help the viewer. “It has been going on since the end of World War II, defining the lives of the population,” Wendy noted. “I think that people will be saddened by and yet informed about the persistence of history. We all have the life we dream to live that might have to be abandoned.” The cultural context has been a welcome challenge for Monsalve, as he tries to understand the roots of his character’s actions.

When, from left, Mahmoud (Jesse Monsalve) and Hans (Bob Moore) unexpectedly meet, the young Palestinian and older Jewish man struggle to understand each other's beliefs and loyalties. Photo Scot Gerdes

“It was rewarding to get to know more about the culture,” he said. “Loss of identity and regaining that is something that I’ve struggled with myself.” While not everyone might leave the theater feeling sympathetic toward Mahmoud, he hopes the audience will learn to question the appearance of things. The lesson, Wendy observed, might be best summed up as “Just because you are right does not mean that I am wrong. You just haven’t seen life from my side.”

Free Community Meal EVERYONE is Welcome! Faith Lutheran hopes to welcome other local organizations to use the congregation’s facility to host this free community meal on the SECOND and / or FOURTH Saturdays of the month, to bring our broader community together and to serve those in need. Interested organizations, please contact the church.

Sat., Feb. 18



11:30 am 1:30 pm (and every THIRD Saturday of the month)

Mark your calendar: This Free Community Meal is also offered by the Carbondale Homeless Association every FIRST Saturday of the month.



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*Y You help yourself by insuring Carbondale businesses stay in business so you don’t have to shop out of town; you help the town of Carbondale by keeping your sales tax dollars

right here; and you help your neighbor because most of Carbondale’s store and businesses are locally owned.

THE SOPRIS SUN, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEBRUARY 16-22, 2017 • 13

Local participation continues in demonstrations, boycotts By John Colson Sopris Sun Staff Writer Approximately 125 people took part in a citizens’ march to support Planned Parenthood on Feb. 11 in Carbondale, walking from The Goat restaurant (Cowen Drive and Highway 133) up the bike path along Highway 133 to the roundabout at Main Street and back again. This march, like the Women’s March on Jan. 21, was in protest against the policies of President Donald J. Trump and the Republican Congress, and was one of many such actions planned in the near future, including a local angle on a nationwide “general strike and boycottâ€? scheduled for this Friday, Feb. 17 (see below). Along the march route on Feb. 11, the marchers were met by a counter-demonstration — a group of 15 or so men and women (with some children in tow) — at the corner of the highway and Village Road. “I thought it was great,â€? said Maura Masters, editor of Alice the Mag, an online publication “by, for and about women, and an organizer of the march, which she said was “in direct opposition to the national effort to de-fund Planned Parenthood.â€? Planned Parenthood has been targeted by Republican politicians and a wide range of anti-abortion groups over claims that abortion-related services make up the bulk of the organization’s work, though the women’s health organization has indicated in numerous forums that only three percent of its activities are abortion related. Masters conďŹ rmed that the two groups of marchers met when the larger contingent passed the Village Road intersection on the way south to the roundabout, and walked through the opposition group. “Everybody was quiet,â€? Masters said of that encounter. “It was actually quite gracious and peaceful.â€? But on the way back, she said, “there was some chanting and shoutingâ€? that she believed came from the counter-demonstration participants.

A Carbondale march in support of Planned Parenthood on Feb. 11, part of a nationwide effort to prevent Congressional defunding of the women's-health organization, were met at the intersection of Highway 133 and Village Road by a counter-demonstration of anti-abortion demonstrators expressing their disfavor with Planned Parenthood, which provides abortion services in addition to numerous other women's health-care services. Photo by John Colson One of those participants, local school teacher Krista Lasko, brought her two young sons with her that morning, one of them carrying a sign bearing the slogan, “A person is a person, no matter how small,â€? which is a line from the Dr. Seuss book, “Horton Hears a Who.â€? Lasko said her intent was to advocate for women dealing with pregnancy in other ways than abortion, and noted that she and her husband, Jake Lasko, together teach a subject known as “natural family planningâ€? through a program called Couple To Couple, an international, Catholic non-proďŹ t organization. “A lot of the signs were based on (the idea that) it’s okay to have a family,â€? she said, adding that her personal goal was “to

Cozying up to a crackling fire sounds pretty inviting on these cold, short days.

respectfully share our own opinions,â€? primarily on Planned Parenthood and abortion. The Feb. 11 march was one of a number of “actionsâ€? that will be supported or sponsored by Alice The Mag (alicethemag.com), said Masters, including a gathering of interested parties to write postcards to their elected representatives on March 15, a “No Taxation Without Representationâ€? event on April 15, and others. In addition, Feb. 16 has been designated “A Day Without Immigrantsâ€? due to a nationwide strike by Latino and other workers, when at least one local business — The Goat at the corner of Highway 133 and Cowen Drive — will be closed in solidarity with participating employees, said owner Stacey Baldock. “I’m a lesbian, and I’m next in line,â€? said Baldock on Wedensday. “I’m gay, they’re Latino, and I support them 100 percent.â€? And on Friday, Feb. 17, another Carbondale business — The Back Door consignment store at 50 N. 4th St. — will be closed as part of a nationwide boycott and strike protesting Trump’s policies, organized by the Strike4Democracy organization (strike4democracy.com). The Carbondale Chamber of Commerce was not aware of the planned boycott, and had no information concerning local businesses participating in the action. For readers interested in contacting Colorado’s congressional delegation, The Sopris Sun is listing the relevant contact information below: Phone: (202) 225-4761 Sen. Cory Gardner Fax: (202) 226-9669 354 Russell, Senate OfďŹ ce Building Sen. Michael Bennet Washington, DC 20510 Washington, D.C. OfďŹ ce Phone: (202) 224-5941 261 Russell, Senate Fax: (202) 224-65 24 OfďŹ ce Building Rep. Scott Tipton 218 Cannon HOB Washington, DC 20515

Washington, DC 20510 Phone: (202) 224-5852 Fax: (202) 228-5097

8& #4 * 5 & %& 4 * ( / t & ." * ." 3 , & 5 * /( t 4 0$ * " .& %* " t 4 & " 3 $ ) ." 3 , & 5 * /( t " /" : 5 * $ 4 5 3 " $ , * /(


How about chimney fires, air pollution and smoke inhalation hazards? Not so much. If you use a wood stove or fireplace, it’s key to learn

before you burn.

TO SAVE MONEY, AND HAVE A SAFER AND HEALTHIER HOME, REMEMBER THESE THREE TIPS: 1. Have a certified professional inspect and service your wood-burning unit annually. If you smell smoke in your home, something may be wrong. It’s important to clean out dangerous soot build-up to help keep it working properly and avoid chimney fires. 2. Burn dry, seasoned wood. Wet, green, painted, treated wood, and trash should never be options. Start with chemical-free fire starters and dry kindling. Maintain a hot fire and don’t let it smolder. 3. Upgrade to an efficient, EPA-approved wood stove or fireplace insert. Modern wood-burning appliances are more efficient, emitting less smoke and carbon monoxide to keep your home warmer, your fuel bill lower, and your family safer. By burning wise, you can reap all the warmth — and none of the cold reality — of your wood fire. 14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • FEBRUARY 16-22, 2017


‘Can’t we just clone Fred?’ Town council From the archives of the Roaring Fork Valley Journal Feb. 17, 1977

Feb. 13, 1997

Tests conducted by a laboratory in Denver revealed why new high schools in Carbondale and Basalt were having problems with cracking floors, walls and foundation elements — the schools were not built on solid ground. According to the Commercial Testing Laboratories of Denver, the contractors who built the schools failed to adequately compact the soils beneath the foundations — either because the contractors did no compaction at all, or could not achieve compaction due to high moisture content in the ground. The company reported “voids” in the soil, which were interpreted as making the high-moisture theory more likely than no compaction at all. Plus, the thickness of the concrete foundation was found lacking.

Feb. 19, 1987 The Roaring Fork High School band started making plans to take a trip “down under” — meaning to Australia for the 1988 World Exposition band competition — at an estimated cost of $150,000 for the 60 band students and 10 chaperones, according to band director Dave Funk. Funk and a dedicated bunch of parents were looking for grants from foundations outside the valley to pay the costs, though the school board had yet to give its blessing to the trip. This was Funk’s third year as the band’s director, during which he increased the size of the school band from 16 to 60, pleasing students and parents alike.

The Town of Carbondale was searching for a new police chief after long-time and highly popular chief Fred Williams retired, and the town board of trustees asked the citizens what kind of chief they’d like to see. “Can’t we just clone Fred?” was one citizen’s response, though most took the question more seriously and advocated for someone a lot like Fred — compassionate, able to listen to constituents, possessing a solid understanding of the community, and who’s more interested in Carbondale than building a career as a cop by moving to ever-larger jurisdictions.

Feb. 15, 2007 The Roaring Fork Valley’s long-discussed shortage of affordable housing had reached “crisis” proportions, reporter Gina Gurascio noted in the first of a two-part series on the topic. A local real estate broker, in a sidebar to Gurascio’s story, noted that the average sales price of a single-family home in Carbondale and the “surrounding area” had reached $767,211 the year before, in 2006. In subdivisions outside town, reported broker Jerome “Sarge” Whalen, the prices of single-family homes had reached a top tier of $15 million. Although planning efforts had been underway for some time, no viable, extensive solutions had been found.

local artists, artisans and others covered by the term “creatives” in line with Carbondale’s designation as a Creative District; • Voted to hire Roaring Fork Engineering, of Carbondale, to perform engineering work for the town; • Reappointed Julia Farwell and Jason White as full-time members of the Environmental Board, and Matt Gwost as an alternate; • Approved license renewals for the Wine Time liquor store and White House Pizza, as well as marijuana business license renewals for Crystal River Retail Cultivation, and the Black Dog retail and cultivation businesses, and a “modification of premises” permit for RX Green, a medical and retail marijuana infused product business. • Approved special-event liquor licenses for a Ducks Unlimited fundraising event at The Orchard on March 4; a special-event liquor license for the Green Is The New Black fashion show to benefit the Carbondale Arts organization, on March 10-11 at the Carbondale Recreation and Community Center (CRCC); • Approved Phase 2 of the Thompson Park development project, which will involve construction of 16 multifamily homes, including three affordable-housing units; • Authorized a grant application to the Garfield County Federal Mineral Lease District, to pay for installation of LED lights at the Third Street Center and the CRCC, estimated to cost $25,000.

Fire board om page 3 at www.carbondalefire.org (click on Menu, then About Us, then Board of Directors to get to the budget documents). This surge in income has been due largely to a voter-approved, two-year property tax increase approved in 2015, when the district asked voters for authority to increase the property tax rate by 1.75 mills, on top of its then-current rate of 5.903 mills, to make up for revenues lost as a result of the Great Recession. The 2015 tax hike was limited by a “sunset clause” of two years, meaning the overall tax rate is to return to its previous level of 5.903 mills after 2017 ends unless conditions change. Leach said on Feb. 14 that, while it is very likely the district will move forward with refinancing its bonded indebtedness to save on its annual debt payments, it is not certain whether the district board will go to the voters for funds in November.

– Compiled by John Colson

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If the voters are asked for further bonding authority, Leach said much more discussion is needed to determine how much money to ask for. When asked if the district is interested in holding onto the 1.75-mills tax hike from 2015, due to expire at the end of this year, Leach replied, “Absolutely, otherwise we’d be going backwards.” But he conceded that the board may not want to seek reauthorization of the full 1.75 mills, particularly if the district sees a rise in the assessed valuations of residential and commercial property, which would mean increased revenue by itself. If property values increase sufficiently to bring in significant additional income, he said, the district may not need to seek to keep all of the 2015 rate increase. But, he said, all of these issues will be the topic of discussions at future fire board meetings, as the district’s elected board members try to work their way through the complexities of funding a large fire district.


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CABIN FOR RENT. Small 700 sq. ft. cabin for rent March and April, maybe May. It is furnished, $1,500 a month. Very cute. No pets or smoking. 15 min to town. 970-618-2156. HIGH COUNTRY NEWS, a news magazine in Paonia, seeks a manager for customer service and product fulfillment. Strong candidates will have experience managing staff and working with a complex database. Full-time, salaried position with benefits. For details, go to hcn.org/about/jobs. Send a cover letter and resume to development@hcn.org. EOE. MASSAGE THERAPIST WANTED: Carbondale Acupuncture Center is looking to add a massage therapist. Please contact Dave Teitler at 970-704-1310. RENTAL WANTED. Looking for small 1 bedroom or studio apartment in Roaring Fork area. Cabin in the woods would be great, also! Single, quiet, retired nurse. Sue 340-642-3947. AUNT PANSY OF MARTIN VACUUMS wants to thank you – and especially The Sopris Sun – for the encouragement and support at her on-going craft fair. Because of it: she is now not just the sewing room kitty but queen of the entire house. And boy are shadow and Mocoa miffed. *Credit card payment information should be emailed to unclassifieds@soprissun.com or call 948-6563. Checks may be dropped off at our office at the Third Street Center or mailed to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. Call 510-3003 for more info.

THE SOPRIS SUN, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEBRUARY 16-22, 2017 • 15



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