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Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper

Carbondale’s weekly

community connector

Volume 10, Number 5 | March 8, 2018

Salt of the earth

Cilla Dickinson spread salt on the grounds of True Nature while others burned sage to energetically cleanse the property for the kiva opening ceremony on March 3. Photo by Jane Bachrach

True Nature celebrates new spaces By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff

Early Bird

DEALS Until Noon

The opening ceremony for True Nature Healing Center’s kiva and spa last weekend may be over, but the experience still lingers for many of those who participated in the 24-hour event that included chanting, singing, sage smudging, crystal programming and — at least for co-founders Deva and Eaden Shantay — the occasional catnap. “We’ve had many people connect with us post the event, and they’ve really felt

that chant continuing,” Eaden said. “I got a call this morning from a community member who was just making breakfast, and she was hearing the chant. And that’s the beauty of an extended chant; it penetrates deeply, that repetition.” The kiva has been years in the making. “Probably about three years ago, we realized that we just needed another space that was primarily dedicated to events,” Shantay said, noting that True Nature’s

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yoga classes were regularly full, and the couple did not want special events to conflict with the center’s weekly schedule. “My wife is an intuitive, so she channels guides. We were connecting with a guide, which we often do, and this one guide came in and we were asking about the future of True Nature and what we really needed to bring the project together,” Shantay said. “What he said was, KIVA page 13

CARBONDALE 970-510-3065 304 Highway 133 9:00am–7:00pm


Carbondale Commentary

The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, email editor Will Grandbois at news@soprissun.com, or call 510-3003.

Vote yes on 2A to renew streetscape tax By Mayor Dan Richardson

As mayor, the most common question I get is “How are things with the Town?” My response usually includes some combination of the following statements: “The Town is doing great. I inherited a great situation where we have an incredible Board of Trustees and a very dedicated staff. We don’t have much money to fight about and we have an amazing community that makes great things happen so that the town can focus on what it does best.” For the hearty listeners I may pontificate on how I believe Carbondale is more self-sufficient than many Colorado towns in that for sales tax, our main source of revenue, we rely on our immediate community much more than we rely on importing shoppers from long distances. I like the fact that we can control our own destiny more this way. Part of what has allowed us to be more self-sufficient has been a property tax dedicated to improving Carbondale’s streetscape for almost 20 years. Now the Board of Trustees is asking voters to renew it in April. Ballot measure 2A is not a new tax, rather a renewal of the streetscape fund passed in 1999 and reauthorized by voters in 2010 for the purpose of improving Carbondale’s streetscape. Despite annual inflation of project costs, the Town has made a conscious decision not to request an increase in this tax at this time. This fund is the only dedicated revenue source for any type of public works projects

in Carbondale. Since its inception, the streetscape fund has been used to complete projects that have enhanced vehicular and pedestrian access on Main St. as well as connecting community facilities such as the Library and the Third Street Center to downtown. Specific projects have included the downtown streetscape; downtown street lighting; downtown sidewalk, crosswalks, pedestrian ramps and pavers; Fourth Street and Sopris Avenue landscaping; Third Street Rehabilitation; and planned for 2018 a new sidewalk along Third Street and Colorado Avenue. Without the streetscape fund, the Town would not have the funds to complete street enhancement projects. If approved, the streetscape projects identified in the Town’s Capital Improvement Plan include similar projects such as additional safety enhancements, sidewalk projects and other street enhancements. Another potential use of this fund, if approved, includes adding or enhancing parking downtown. If 2A passes, the Town of Carbondale will be much better able to complete the street enhancement projects that allow our residents, businesses and visitors to thrive. So please join me in voting YES on 2A. If you have questions on this measure, please feel free to contact me, any of the trustees or town staff.


Sincerest thanks to our Honorary Publishers

for their generous, ongoing commitment of support. Jim Calaway, Chair Kay Brunnier Bob Ferguson – Jaywalker Lodge Scott Gilbert – Habitat for Humanity RFV Bob Young – Alpine Bank Peter Gilbert Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Greg and Kathy Feinsinger

Thank you to our SunScribers and community members for your support! It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.


The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 500 words via email at news@soprissun.com or 250 words via snail mail at P.O. Box 399, Carbondale CO 81623. Letters exceeding that length may be returned for revision or submission as a guest column; please include your name, town, and contact information. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday.

Had enough? Dear Editor: Yes, I have had enough of people in the newspaper getting a lot of gun shootings wrong. Yes, there are terrible tragedies and yes the FBI should have taken Cruz into custody. Yes, the law officer who was a coward decided that he wanted to wait until officers showed up. Big time dereliction of duty. You keep blaming the guns and not blaming the people around Cruz. Hey, he could have made a homemade bomb and I think he did have that. This entire scenario could have been avoided should the FBI and the police have taken charge of his threats. Taking guns away from law abiding citizens is not the answer. Anyone wanting to kill themselves with a gun, a knife, a hammer, poison, or any means doesn’t care how he or she does it. Most of those that have written in talking gun control should be aware that there are laws on gun control. However someone bent on killing others can buy a gun off the streets from gangs. You can buy just about anything in America off the streets. As far as I have been told that there have been worse mass shootings than this. We have a governor who has supported the pot industry and now he says he doesn’t want it. Are those that want to ban guns of any type aware that someone behind the wheel of a vehicle with marijuana in their system is just as lethal as a gun? Wow, Sarah, 96 people a day are killed

by guns. Is this worldwide, just in Colorado or in the entire United States? You don’t say where you got your information from? Please enlighten us. Are you going to ban cars because they kill people too. I would bet there are far more people killed by cars, planes, trains and drugs than are killed by guns on a daily basis. I don’t think anyone should have an assault weapon — only those in the service should be able to use them in war. Just some food for thought about gun control. Audrey Jane Budzynski Carbondale

Carbondale over Glenwood Springs Dear Editor: It’s been just about three years since I moved to Carbondale after 16 years in Glenwood Springs. Never made a better move in my life. The biggest reason I left Glenwood Springs was the traffic. It was frustrating trying to get anywhere between the hours of 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Hailing from the Chicago area, I’d had enough of fighting traffic. The Glenwood Springs city fathers sure blew it when they had a chance to build a bypass on Midland Ave. Now, with all the housing that’s grown up there, they couldn’t do it unless they condemned a bunch of property. The downtown businesses were against a bypass because they were afraid it would

2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • MARCH 8-14, 2018

chase away business. So now shoppers stay away from downtown because the traffic is so bad. Traffic moves fairly smoothly through Carbondale unless Mountain Fair, Potato Day, First Friday, or Farmer’s Market have the streets closed. Maybe it’s because so many Carbundians walk or bike. Yes, the fact that we’re off of 82 is a huge factor. Glenwood Springs is really a small town trying to be a big city. Police Chief Terry Wilson said it’s not Mayberry anymore, even though they stole Floyd’s Barber Shop away from us. I say it ain’t Chicago, either. Carbondale’s a small town and proud of it. Glenwood Springs is the county seat, but the county fair is in Rifle. A county fair is much too mundane for the sophisticates of Glenwood Springs. Carbondale would jump at the opportunity to host the county fair. We love a party. When strangers meet on the street in Carbondale, they smile, look each other straight in the eye, and say hello. In Glenwood Springs, they walk right by you with their nose in their phones. You can jump right in their face and say hello and they’ll still ignore you. Glenwood Springs residents treat their city like it’s a landfill. They throw trash everywhere. I’ve seen private citizens of Carbondale go out of their way to pick up a piece of trash and throw it in the proper receptacles which have been amply proLETTERS page 15

To inform, inspire and build community. Donate online or by mail. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Will Grandbois • 970-510-0540 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Carol Fabian • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Reporter: Megan Tackett Photographer: Jane Bachrach Graphic Designer: Terri Ritchie Delivery: Tom Sands Current Board Members board@soprissun.com Marilyn Murphy, President Raleigh Burleigh, Vice President Stacey Bernot, Secretary Barbara Dills, Treasurer Debbie Bruell • Cliff Colia • Diana Alcantara • Olivia Pevec • Faith Magill Nicolette Toussaint • John Colson The Sopris Sun Board meets regularly on the second Monday evening of each month at the Third Street Center.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young • Colin Laird Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

Trustee candidates answer questions in public forum Sopris Sun staff report The candidates in this spring’s municipal election seemed optimistic about Carbondale’s future as they addressed questions in a public forum March 5. All five prospective trustees attended the event, as did Mayor Dan Richardson, who is running unopposed. The top three vote getters will serve four year terms, while the fourth serves two. The three trustees seeking reelection were all appointed to fill vacancies, so it’s their first time on the campaign trail as ballots begin to go out. Cosponsored by The Sopris Sun, The Carbondale Chamber of Commerce, The Third Street Center and KDNK Community Access Radio, the forum was broadcast live and can be heard in its entirety at kdnk.org. KDNK Director Gavin Dahl moderated the event, and started by giving each candidate a chance to introduce themselves. Lani Kitching introduced herself as an 18 year Valley resident, volunteer in numerous industries from economic development to drought management and owner of an outdoor outfitting business. Erica Sparhawk, an appointed incumbent, defined herself

as a CLEER employee a mother of two daughters in the Carbondale school system and a board member for the now-defunct Dandelion Market. April Spaulding also has volunteer chops, including the KDNK board and American Legion, but could speak to the perspectives of the working man from her time at the Smithy and Pour House as well as her own photography business. Heather Henry, another appointed incumbent, had experience on the Parks and Recreation and Planning and Zoning boards before moving up to trustee, and has a business — construction and software – and family of her own. Luis Yllanes, the final appointed incumbent, has extensive nonprofit management experience and has been involved with KDNK since making the move from Miami eight and a half years ago. After that, it was time for questions, which each candidate had two minutes to answer on a rotating basis. Do to limited space, we have abbreviated their responses and omitted Richardson’s replies.

How would you balance development and small town character? Sparhawk: I think one of the things that people love about Carbondale… is funky vitality. We have a lot to build on, historically. We are one of the most diverse economies in the region. We’re one of the only local economies that’s not completely reliant on tourism; we’re not reliant on oil and gas. Spaulding: I believe that Carbondale is amazing… The growth is here; it’s happening. We do need to figure out how to keep our small town and to grow properly and in a sensitive way to that… I love our small town, I love that we have this creative district that brings people here, and then we have all these other businesses that keep them here. Henry: I think a lot of what creates a small-town character are characters. And we have a lot. Hard, hard working individuals, all demographics… We have a unified development code that said ‘this is what we want, this is how we want it.’ Those documents really arose from the citizenry of Carbondale… That’s what I appreciated: those documents that we use as a vision. Yllanes: Just the other day, I saw photo of what this town looked like in the ‘70s. You can still recognize how the town looked back then, but you can see the growth. Growth is inevitable here. It’s our job as trustees to manage that in a way that still retains that small town character. Kitching: It’s really important to me not to overlay a manufactured facade over our history-rich community… We’ve got all these towns popping up that have no history behind them. If our buildings could talk… they’d have some interesting stories to tell, and I want to keep that.

What does Carbondale’s economic future look like to you? Spaulding: It’s growing, and we need to embrace that. We need to bring businesses in. Main Street is sad to me right now. It has many empty businesses sitting there. I don’t know all of our planning, zoning structure, but maybe we need something where we’re not just letting people buy buildings and let them sit, idle.

why we adopted this Climate Action Plan. Spaulding: We have a lot of great nonprofits and for profits, green-energy businesses that are teaching us, and right there is exactly what I want to say: I’m all about the education, not so much the mandate… Letting the community know how to reduce our footprint is so much more important than just making a law about this.

What would you do as a trustee to address larger community issues?

From left, April Spaulding, Erica Sparhawk, Heather Henry, Lani Kitching and Luis Yllanes. Photo by Will Grandbois Henry: We are building on our existing strengths… We’ve started to hear that there are some barriers… Let’s identify them and work through them.… Obviously, bringing in the housing to go with those jobs is critical. All pieces have to move forward together at the same time. Yllanes: I think the future has a lot to do with the commercial district we see along 133, what’s happening with City Market. There needs to be continued vitality on Main Street so property isn’t just an asset on a portfolio… Regional housing, affordable housing… it’s a big picture, but it has to be maintained into what works in our town. Kitching: I believe that our economic future will strengthen when we find a way to attract and develop Carbondale friendly businesses that drive revenue from outside the community. The reality is that we can’t sustain let alone grow our economy by selling in a closed circle of just ourselves. Sparhawk: We had someone come to our meeting… and they proposed this very different looking future Main Street… We may have less retail. We may have fewer restaurants… Technology is changing quickly and the world is changing quickly… We may not have in the far distant future a sales tax base like we have now to rely on.

What do you think the Town can do to reduce our impacts on the environment? Henry: Ride the bus. There’s a tremendous amount of individual ownership to this question. There are so many opportunities in this town to reduce every aspect of our footprint… Being able to see those opportunities that are brought forth… and being an individual who is excited to seize on those things. Yllanes: I think we need to set an example for our children, and they can set an example for us. Whether through waste diversion, composting, being smart consumers about what we pick up every day… We can be an example to the rest of Valley and other towns about how we can reduce the impact on our environment because to us it matters so much. Kitching: We’ve taken a firm stand not to use bottled water when we take our clients out and explain why. It’s a constant conversation of education… We represent clean living as it is, so let’s just spread that around. Individually, it’s how you manage your waste. Sparhawk: The fact that it can take you the same amount of time to ride the bus from here to Aspen as it does to drive is a huge asset to our community… We’ve got the tools to do it… and we can all do it and I think we all want to do it as well… We’re definitely a leader, and that’s

Yllanes: There’s been so much talk about our future and development, but I think what we can do is diversify our economy… You look at areas in western Garfield County that are so dependent on oil and gas that they live and die by that… It’s really important to find ways to reach out to new business, to find ways to encourage people to invest more in our town. Kitching: I’ve heard from a lot of different people that we’re short on specialists… I understand that because we’re in a rural environment it’s difficult to attract physicians to come to our community, but as we’re purporting to grow, we need to address how we’re going to keep our citizenry healthy. Sparhawk: One of the things that I’ve learned in the last year… is all of you and all of our citizens have lots of ideas as well… It is really important that we listen and take your expertise… When you come and talk to us and engage as citizens, everybody wants to listen… I think the most important role of a trustee is to be open to new ideas. Spaulding: Housing is very important… I just sat down with an architect, and I loved to hear her say was it about building up instead of sprawling across open land… Being able to build smaller homes would be amazing. They’ve done that in Basalt, and I think that’s great… Our seniors are so important. I have a soft spot for that and want to make sure we’re taking care of them. Henry: Our job is really to facilitate… citizens’ ability to get involved… There are so many avenues for citizens to get involved via their passion. Our job, really, is to then there to sit and listen and help facilitate the amazing ideas that come forward from those citizens and citizen groups.

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 8-14, 2018• 3


Send your scuttlebutt to news@soprissun.com.

No one was injured when a mobile home caught fire on the Ackerman Log Homes property along County Road 100 on March 6. Carbondale & Rural Fire crews were able to contain the blaze to the building itself, but the unoccupied trailer was a total loss. Photo by Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District


Next generation


Featuring 8 Painters, Sculptors & Mixed Media Artists Now Represented by Ann Korologos Gallery

The Sopris Sun was gratified to participate in the GlenX Career Summit at Roaring Fork High School on March 6. It seemed quite edifying for the students — Valley View Hospital’s helicopter and Parks and Wildlife’s stuffed bear were particularly hard to compete with attention wise — but it also proved useful to us. We may have some new partnerships brewing thanks to chats with fellow presenters, and maybe even some young folks sending us content from time to time. Even if various aspiring writers, photographers and the like don’t find the time to work with us, it’s encouraging to see teens taking an interest in journalism. As we told everyone who visited our booth, even if the format is changing, it’s not something society can afford to lose.

Fix your fridge Blake Leonard took the time to swing by our High Noon lunch hour at the Pour House on Thursdays to tell us about his new Twin Labs Appliance Repair business. Apparently folks have been coming up from Junction to do that kind of work and Leonard, a longtime local, is hoping to change that. More info at twinlabsappliancerepair.com.

More than middlin’ Carbondale Middle School is one of only three middle schools in Colorado to be named a finalist for the 2018 Colorado Succeeds’ Transformational School, which recognizes transformational public schools and educators. Selection committee members will visit all finalist schools to observe practices, and winners will be announced at a live reveal celebration on Sept. 18 in Denver. Regardless of what happens in September, to be named a top three finalist out of the approximately 500 middle schools is a huge honor.

Give it a tri


4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • MARCH 8-14, 2018

Registration for the 19th annual Roaring Fork Women’s Triathlon Team opens March 20, at http://www.roaringforktriteam.com. Led by Coaches Sharma Phillips and Carla Westerman, the training program promotes fun, fitness and philanthropy in a cooperative environment by learning the basics

of swim, bike, run/walking to complete a sprint triathlon. Participants meet twice weekly beginning in May for 14 weeks and culminate the summer on July 29th with a field trip to Longmont to complete the Outdoor Diva Triathlon. If it’s time for your inner athlete to shine, join us this year! Registration is limited and fills quickly. For more info go to www.roaringforktriteam.com or contact RFWTTcoaches@gmail.com, or Call Carla Westerman at 970-379-4924

Look at that library You’d expect to see Red Rocks, DIA and the Stanley Hotel on USA Today’s list of 25 must-see buildings in Colorado, but how about the Basalt Regional Library? Designed by A4 Architects and OZ Architecture in 2010, it is described by the national periodical as “more than a library… a community gathering place for Western Slope residents.” If you have trouble locating the story, you can find the link on The Sun’s Twitter feed.

Everyone’s a winner You probably were encouraged by one organization or another to vote for allocation of Aspen Valley Land Trust’s ROFO Fund, but although they assure us no Russian hacking was involved, they decided the process wasn’t quite fair. As such, the organization went ahead and gave $1000 grants to each project: The Aspen Valley Land Trust for Red Hill, the Roaring Fork Conservancy for river discovery kits, and Wilderness Workshop for habitat restoration.

Third time’s the charm Carbondale’s Lindsay Plant and Nikki LaRochelle came out on top of the Women’s Sport Division in Audi’s recent Power of Four ski mountaineering race with a time of 6:09:59. We hear it’s Plant’s third such win, and we’re hoping she’ll get at least one more so we can make a 4x4 pun.

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another year of life this week include: Sidney Thomas and Greg Meredith (March 8); Pat Curry and Vicky Browne (March 11); Laura Bartels and Dean Bowlby (March 12); Denise Barkhurst and Nancy Thal (March 13).

These boots were made for brewing By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff International Women’s Day isn’t typically a holiday that’s actively celebrated — unless you’re Patrice Fuller or work for her at Carbondale Beer Works. “We might pop a couple of bottles to celebrate,” Fuller said. But while there may or may not end up being champagne, there will definitely be beer. Their beer. Fuller, a member of the Pink Boots Society, is inviting her almost-all-female staff to participate in the organization’s Collaboration Brew Day, during which women brewers all over the world brew beer together in commemoration of International Women’s Day. A portion of the proceeds goes back to PBS, an Oregon-based nonprofit dedicated to inspire and assist women in the beer industry through education. “I just thought it would be fun, since I have my girl gang,” Fuller said. “The girls have always wanted to be in back and learn a little bit about what goes on, so it’s an opportunity for them to get to be part of it and learn a little bit about how the brewing process actually works.” She also likes that the event has “collaboration” right in the name. “I’m really big on team, so it’s a good team event for us.” And while the point is to celebrate women in the industry, brewer Chachi Rodriguez will be the one coaching them through the process. “We won’t have any beer if he’s not there!” Fuller said. The ladies have agreed to come in early on Thursday to mash and add grain, both important parts of the brewing process, Fuller said. She’s thinking about ordering matching T-shirts so they can work in style. And of course, their work will last long after last call, as pro-

Patrice Fuller (in the power shirt) and her “girl gang,” will be learning the finer points of brewing on International Women’s Day. Proceeds from the resulting beer sales benefit Pink Boots Society scholarships. Photo by Jane Bachrach ceeds help fund PBS’s recent scholarship programs; while the organization started in 2007, it didn’t become a nonprofit until 2013. “From 2007 to 2013, we were pretty much a little

hobby association,” PBS Executive Director Emily Engdahl said. Since then, though, the organization has grown almost as quickly as the microbrew industry. “In PINK BOOTS page 14





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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 8-14, 2018• 5

Land conservation process up for debate at the State Capitol By Katie Dahl Special to The Sopris Sun Legislators have introduced a handful of bills in the Colorado General Assembly that would impact local conservation efforts. Some conservationists take issue with a few the measures, while our local legislator, Rep. Bob Rankin, sees two of the proposals as an opportunity for better planning. A conservation easement is an agreement between a landowner and a third party, regulated and partially funded by the state, to conserve some part of the land as it is, forever. According to a Colorado State University study released last summer, 2.1 million acres of private land in Colorado is likely preserved in this way. The study also reported the state has invested $1.1 billion since 1995, and residents have received between $5.5 and $13.7 billion in economic benefits. Rep. Rankin is sponsoring one bill seeking to increase public accounting of the easements in Colorado and another that puts a three-year moratorium on them.

Local lawmaker wants more transparency and accountability “I don’t accept the CSU conclusions of public benefit,” Rankin said of the study. He’s expecting the release of a report from

the state auditor about the cost benefit of the tax credits this year. “The district that you and I live in is 70 percent public land and then on top of that we’ve got a lot of different entities who do conservation easements,” he said. “And I want to make sure that we know where they are, because from the state’s perspective… when we engage in an easement or do a tax credit for an easement, we’re hoping to gain some public good - wildlife corridors or recreation access, or we just want to preserve land for visual reasons and agricultural reasons. And in my six years here, I’m just not convinced that we actually have a plan, that we’re actually relating the next request for an easement to those issues.” Rep. Rankin said he doesn’t oppose conservation easements and has always approved the ones he’s been asked to approve. But he also asked, “How much is enough? In our valley... there’s not a lot of private land left. It contributes to the cost of housing, certainly development. I’m not a big development guy, but I think we ought to balance those issues.” He has some concerns about the permanence of conservation easements too, and has talked with landowners who regret that their grandfathers conveyed them. However, he emphasized that engaging in a conservation easement is a private prop-

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A section of river corridor preserved by Aspen Valley Land Trust and Colorado Rocky Mountain School. Photo by Katie Dahl erty right and that he will always respect that. He added, “My concerns focus on the proper expenditure of the public treasury.”

Conservation group worried about injury to program Carbondale-based Aspen Valley Land Trust is one of 38 conservation easement holders in Colorado. AVLT holds around 170 of them. “Conservation easements are the single most powerful tool for conserving private land,” said AVLT Executive Director Suzanne Stephens. “They provide landown-

ers with flexibility to continue ranching and using their land, but limit certain uses, including subdivision and development, that would impact the value that land provides for wildlife and ranching and protection of water rights.” Stephens is concerned with protecting a way of life in Carbondale. “We have a lot of agricultural roots and heritage that we all share,” she said. “Conservation easements are really a way of keeping ag in ag. And especially in a high-priced market like this where agriculture is never the highest CONSERVATION page 7

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6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • MARCH 8-14, 2018

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Conservation continued from page 6 and best use of any property… the trend is always going to be for it to convert to development or some other higher intensity use.” She said there are threatened parcels of land around Carbondale, and that developing them would change the character of the area. The two bills sponsored by Rep. Rankin, and another in the package, are a solution in search of a problem that was fixed years ago, she said. If these bills pass, Stephens argued, the conservation easement process would be critically wounded, forcing groups like AVLT to give up on donated easements and focus instead on fundraising to purchase them. After misuse of conservation easements was discovered by the federal government, the state of Colorado performed it’s own audit and found hundreds of conservation easements that should have been denied.

Local rancher serves on state oversight commission Between 2005 and 2009, changes in state law increased the regulation of conservation easements, requiring more layers of review and approval from the state, including the creation of the Conservation Easement Oversight Commission. It’s a nine member group tasked with giving advice and recommendations on conservation easements, and specific applications for tax credit certificates. Bill Fales, a local rancher, serves on the oversight commission.

Fales, along with his wife Marj Perry and their two daughters, conveyed a conservation easement on their Cold Mountain Ranch in 2009. That easement allowed the family to keep the land in agricultural use, and created a new barrier against the development unfolding south from Carbondale. The easement provided a portion of the Crystal River Valley Trail that’s already constructed. Conservation easements, Fales said, “define what Colorado will be in the future.” The problems he sees with developing the land are many. “I like to eat and we cannot keep plowing under our good farmland and ranch land. And that is what’s happening so much in Colorado and throughout the world, really. And we have got to preserve our productive agricultural land.” Wildlife protection is also on his mind. “We have lots of wilderness areas, but in a normal year, that is rock and ice right now. It’s not very good habitat for many species. The wildlife is down on private land in most winters. If we develop all that private land, wildlife loses all that habitat.” He said the agreements have given his family an economic ability to manage in the long term, and the capacity to improve the land. In his role on the oversight commission, Fales also has opinions about the proposals in the state legislature. “I really see the bills as a direct assault


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$9 9/ O Z + TAX


on private property rights,” he said. “If a landowner wants to place the easement on their land, they should be allowed to do that.” He also sees a problem for landowners who have already begun taking steps toward an easement. “Because easements get so thoroughly vetted, the process of putting easements on has become multiple times more expensive than it used to be,” Fales said. He asserted the moratorium would bring hardship to those families who are in the middle of the conservation easement process. The Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Trust is involved in local conservation easement deals, and argues the bills are being proposed to eliminate the program. Executive director Erik Glenn said that after a three-year timeout, he doesn’t think the program will start again, and believes more public disclosure of landowner information will deter them from participating.

Additional accounting suggested by state agencies When asked about the potential impact on landowners already working on and spending money on conservation easements, Rep. Rankin responded that he’d be willing to look at a change to the bill to make an exception for people currently in process. Ultimately, he said, “I want a map.” He acknowledged that CSU has a mapping project already, but thinks we need to add more criteria and make it more public. A 2016 report from the Office of the Colorado State Auditor suggested that if

the state collected GIS mapping data from applicants, it could share it with the CSU mapping project. A sunset review from the Colorado Department of Regulatory Affairs recommended the state share conservation easement information with a third party vendor to create a registry, working with the oversight commission to decide what types of information should be reported. Rep. Rankin’s bill skips working with the commission to decide on next steps, and requires the state auditor to partner with a third party and lays out specifically what information to collect and make public. Making any changes to the program could slow the process for conservation, particularly the three-year moratorium. And there is reason to conserve now and not later, according to the CSU study from last summer. “Given the perpetual requirements of conservation easements, the benefits they provide are expected to continue to accrue into the future and increase on a per-acre basis due to Colorado’s increasing population and wealth and decreasing supply of open lands,” the study concluded. “The cost of making such investments is lower now than it will be in the future. These findings suggest past and current land conservation efforts are sound economic investments benefiting current and future Colorado residents.” Three of the bills have their first hearing in a committee on March 15 at the State Capitol. Disclaimer: Dahl participated in the campaign to support the reauthorization of the Pitkin County Open Space & Trails program in 2016.

Lani has lived and worked in Carbondale for the last eighteen years. Key initiatives she backs are: Pursuing Affordable Housing options Inspiring respect for cultural diversity Improving our primary business corridors Supporting Town of Carbondale operations Preserving wild landscapes and natural resources An eighteen-year Carbondale resident On LaniApril has managed 3rd Creating pathways to scarce healthcare businesses in several local industries that framed her sense Proudline2020@gmail.com resources

Vote for Lani Kitching

of the community’s foundation.

Having volunteered on valley wide organizations designed to; identify pathways to much needed healthcare services, preserve the wild character of our natural resources and scope a Carbondale culturally compatible approach to the betterment of the Main St. and Hwy 133 business corridors Lani has the experience, reasoning and understanding to

inform these and other important initiatives discussed at the Trustee table.

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Town Report The following items are drawn from Town Manager Jay Harrington’s weekly report to staff, trustees and others.

PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular municipal election of the Town of Carbondale, Colorado will be held on Tuesday, April 3, 2018. The details and information pertaining to said election are as follows: This is a mail ballot election. You may return your voted ballot by mail (do not forget to include adequate postage), or you may hand deliver your ballot to the designated drop-off locations listed below. Beginning March 13, 2018, ballots may be dropped off at Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, Colorado. The ballot box is located OUTSIDE of Town Hall and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through Election Day. Voting is available INSIDE Town Hall, 511 Colorado Ave., Carbondale, CO on Election Day, Tuesday April 3, 2018, from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. QUALIFICATIONS OF PERSONS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE In order to vote in the election, an elector must be eighteen (18) years of age as of the day of the election, be a citizen of the United States of America, be registered to vote, not be in prison, and have legally resided for at least thirty (30) days immediately preceding the election in Colorado and in area that is within the municipal limits of the Town as of the date of the election (Town of Carbondale Home Rule Charter.) OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED Voters will elect one (Mayor) at large, from the entire Town. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes will serve a four-year term. NAME OF CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR: Vote for One (1) DAN RICHARDSON Voters will elect four Trustees, at large, from the entire Town. The three candidates receiving the highest number of votes will each serve a four-year term. The candidate receiving the next highest number of votes will serve a two-year term. NAME OF CANDIDATES FOR TRUSTEE Vote for Up To Four (4) APRIL E. SPAULDING LUIS YLLANES ERICA SPARHAWK LANI KITCHING HEATHER HENRY QUESTION 2A SHALL AN EXISTING MILL LEVY IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE AND FIVE TENTHS (1.5) MILLS UPON ALL OF THE TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE TOWN OF CARBONDALE, COLORADO, THAT WOULD OTHERWISE EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31, 2020 BE EXTENDED THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2030 SUCH THAT UP TO $272,892 IN REVENUES COLLECTED IN 2021 AND SUCH AMOUNTS AS ARE RECEIVED BY THE TOWN ANNUALLY THEREAFTER, REGARDLESS OF AMOUNT, WILL CONTINUE TO BE COLLECTED, RETAINED, AND SPENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING PUBLIC STREET, STREETSCAPE, AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE TOWN, INCLUDING EXPANDED DOWNTOWN PARKING, PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, STREET LIGHTS AND BEAUTIFICATION AS A VOTER-APPROVED REVENUE CHANGE AND AN EXCEPTION TO LIMITS WHICH WOULD OTHERWISE APPLY UNDER ARTICLE X, SECTION 20, OF THE COLORADO CONSTITUTION OR C.R.S. 29-1-201(1)? YES/FOR NO/AGAINST Published in The Sopris Sun on March 8, 2018.

8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • MARCH 8-14, 2018

CITY MARKET (Carbondale Marketplace) plat and associated documents were recorded on Feb. 28, and Kroger closed on the parcels the same day. Infrastructure work is expected to take place this spring with construction beginning next year for an opening in 2020. PLANNING AND ZONING board members will tackle two public hearings on March 8: one for the revised Thompson Park Development Plan proposal (increasing density from 27 to 45 units) and one for a marijuana infused product facility on Buggy Circle.

kids who want to stay close to downtown and one for competitive teams who’d like to range farther. Registration is $30 per team at carbondalerec.com BEAD INSTALLATION took place at the Nettle Creek Treatment Plant. Utilities and streets crews also repaired a sewer line, worked on ice removal, sign maintenance and hauled chipped Christmas trees to the landfill. SALES TAX was up 13.9 percent from the previous year in February.

GREEN IS THE NEW BLACK will take over the Carbondale Recreation and Community Center this weekend, with an early closure for the whole facility at 5 p.m. March 9 and the basketball gymnasium out of commission through March 10. 10 YEARS OF THE REC CENTER will be celebrated on March 14, with complimentary food and drinks, prizes, body composition testing from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and a chance to meet staff and answer questions from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. THE POOL FORUM drew 35 to 40 citizens, providing additional community feedback on top of the 241 pool survey responses. SCAVENGER HUNT registration is underway with the “Where My Peeps” at 5K-10K run/walk scheduled for March 31. Work with your team of 2-6 to complete tasks, decipher clues and find hidden peeps around town. There will be two race categories this year: one for families and

Refurbished bear-resistant trash and recycle containers featuring student art were recently installed around downtown. Photo by Will Grandbois

Cop Shop From Feb. 23 through March 1, Carbondale Police handled 189 calls for service. During that period, officers investigated the following cases of note: FRIDAY Feb. 23 at 1:24 a.m. A traffic stop for a defective or unsafe vehicle lead to the arrest of the 55-year-old driver on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol as well as driving while revoked and failure to display registration or proof of insurance. FRIDAY Feb. 23 at 9:40 a.m. An officer received a possible animal neglect complaint about a dog that was euthanized for its “poor body condition.” FRIDAY Feb. 23 at 9:56 a.m. While serving civil papers, police arrested a man on two warrants. FRIDAY Feb. 23 at 11:50 a.m. After reportedly speeding and failing to stop at a stop sign, a 22-year-old man was pulled over and arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. SATURDAY Feb. 24 at 1:22 a.m. When

a 24 year old failed to stop at a stop sign, he was pulled over and arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. SATURDAY Feb. 24 at 2:24 a.m. Officers stopped a car for failure to drive on the right and an obscured license plate and issued the 29-year-old driver a citation for driving under the influence, a notice of revocation and released on a summons. SUNDAY Feb. 25 at 7:12 p.m. A headlight violation lead to a traffic stop and the arrest of a 39 year old on suspicion of driving under the influence. WEDNESDAY Feb. 28 at 12:40 p.m. Following an accident, a man provided his name but then left the scene and remains at large. THURSDAY March 1 at 2:31 p.m. Police recovered a stolen vehicle out of Eagle County.

Laura Stover’s many magics By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff There are few more potent potions than the Green is the New Black Extravaganza, and Laura Stover contributes several essential ingredients. With this year’s theme of Super.Natural, it’s easy to imagine her gathered around a cauldron with Deborah Colley and Amy Kimberly, substituting textiles and tech for eye of newt and toe of frog. “Anything art related I’m involved in. I just like putting my hands in all the different pots,” Stover said. “When I see the dancers and the projection and everything come together I get giddy like a little kid.”

A little background Stover grew up in Eastern Pennsylvania and studied architecture and international

relations at Carnegie Mellon University. By the end of her time there, however, it was her minor in communication design that really drove her — though her major continues to provide a backbone of planning and execution. “If you don’t have a strong concept, you’re kind of flailing around,” she noted. Right out of school, however, she was more inclined to take a year off and ski than plan. She worked on a kids’ book she still hasn’t published while living in Jackson Hole and traveling in New Zealand. It took her three years to bow to internal and external pressure and actually apply her training at a design job in San Francisco. The call of the mountains was too strong to resist, however, and her Glenwood Springs native boyfriend was more than willing to come back to the Valley. While trying to make ends meet as a freelance graphic designer, Stover got involved with Green is the New Black in 2012, and things began to fall into place. “After that, Amy approached me about working for Carbondale Arts, so that volunteer time really paid off,” she said. The next year, she not only did a clothing line, but became more involved with the background and projections, learning from and eventually taking over from Hamilton Pevec. She learned Adobe Premiere on deadline, and began working with Alchemy Audio Visual to kick things up another notch with 3D projection mapping. “We create optical illusions by making a mask of the stage screens and I put Laura Stover has been involved in pretty much every artsy aspect of the fashion show, from clothes design to hair and makeup to 3D projection mapping. Past and present photos by Jane Bachrach

everything to scale exactly where it needs to be,” she explained.“You start making the the dancers and the screen interact, and it gives you the the ability to take people’s imagination somewhere. The technology can do pretty much anything you want. It’s just a matter of time and energy.”

The elements of style Not content to do only one thing, Laura has also served as the designer liaison, bringing new folks in and finding ways to make everything fit together even as more people want to be involved. She has done the costuming, hair and makeup for the dancers and special characters who help tell the story that brings the whole thing together. Her favorite part, though, is creating her own line. “I love making clothes and being creative that way,” she said. “It’s what I do that makes me feel most like an artist.” She has been thinking about this year’s line since the end of last year’s event, and begun cutting up and shredding denim and plaid last fall. It all gets reassembled with a “witchy back to school” vibe balanced by simple elegance. “I like to combine one really wild element with one more simple element,” she said. “I don’t like to create clothes that are just for wearing. I want them to look like a beautiful collection together. This is the biggest risk I’ve taken so far and I’m excited about it.”

She thinks the line will compliment the sparkle and moon tones the theme has inspired. Most of this year’s event, incidentally, is set during the totality of an eclipse. “We’re living the show in the land of the stars,” she said. And while her designs as a whole may not be suitable for day-to-day wear, that won’t stop her from rocking bits and pieces. “You want to make people feel beautiful,” she said. “If I buy something at the store and get compliments, I don’t really care, but if I made it myself it makes me really happy.” Incidentally, she also models her clothes and others in the event, yet another level of involvement she explains away because she has to go to most of the rehearsals anyway. This is all on top of her three-day-a-week design and marketing job at Carbondale Arts. Her friends know they won’t see her for a month or so in advance, and she’s even missed a few powder days in recent weeks. On opening night, though, it’ll all be worth it. “It’s so gratifying when the show happens and it all comes together,” she said. “It’s unlike anything people expect when they think of a fashion show. We’re taking you on a ride.”

Next Steps Green is the New Black is sold out for March 9 and 10, but as of press time you could still get tickets to the March 8 preview at carbondalearts.com.

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Community Calendar THURSDAY March 8

SANDRA SKYPES • Join Sandra Lopez via Skype at 6:30 p.m. at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) on International Women’s Day to learn more about the campaign Sandra and three other Colorado women in Sanctuary are launching. PINK BOOTS • Pearl & Wood play Carbondale Beer Works (647 Main St.) from 7 to 9 p.m. while the ladies of CBW brew a first-ever beer. MOTOWN TO FUNK • Joe Hertler and the Rainbow Seekers play at 8:30 p.m. at Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.).

THU to SAT March 8-10

FASHION SHOW • The 10th Annual Green Is The New Black Fashion Extravaganza returns under the theme Super. Natural. The Friday and Saturday shows are sold out, but you can still get tickets to the preview at 7 p.m. Thursday for $25 at carbondalearts.com.

FRI to THU March 9-15

MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre presents “The Post” (PG-13) at 7:30 p.m. Mar. 9-11 and Mar. 13-14; “Jane” (PG) at 5:30 p.m. Mar. 9; “The Shape of Water” (R) at 5 p.m. Mar. 10; “Three Billboards” (R) at 5 p.m. Mar. 11 and “I, Tonya” (R) at 7:30 p.m. on Mar. 15. Closed Mar. 12.

FRIDAY March 9

BODY OF WORK • The Art Base (99 Midland Spur) and Summers Moore pres-

To list your event, email information to news@soprissun.com. Deadline is noon on Monday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted.

ent an exhibition highlighting photographers Jamie Jaye Fletcher, Lena Nicholson, and Meztly Esparza and their work questioning the illusive feminine “ideal” with a 5 to 7 p.m. opening. GRASSFED AMERICANA • The Two Tracks play starting at 8:30 p.m. at Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.). FOLKLIFE • Stemming from the Lomax Project, Jayme Stone’s Folklife treats old field recordings not as time capsules, but as heirloom seeds passed down from a bygone generation. Catch it at 8 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits) for $8 in advance at tacaw. org and $12 at the door. HARD ROCK • Echo Monday plays Stubbies Sports Bar (123 Emma Rd.) from 9 p.m. ‘til midnight.


COMEDY NIGHT • Marble Distilling (150 Main St.) welcomes headliner Brandt Tobler and featured comic Harris Alderman at 6:30 p.m.; $10 cover. DREAMY PSYCHEDELIC • Angela Perley & The Howlin’ Moons at The Arts Campus at 8 p.m. at The Arts Campus at Willits (360 Market St., Willits) for $12 in advance at tacaw.org and $17 at the door. You can also catch ‘em March 14 at Steve’s Guitars.

The Winner Could Be You! Take a chance on Youthentity and purchase a raffle ticket for a chance to win your choice of three trips, a Cancun Ocean View Escape, New Orleans Jazz & Dining or a New York Long Weekend!

TUESDAY March 13

YOUTH ORCHESTRA • Enjoy a free hour-long concert with everything from fiddle tunes to Mozart performed by over 50 student musicians beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). More information at www. rfyo.org.


CLASS & GLASS • Marble Distilling (150 Main St.) hosts a Vinyasa Flow class with Jenna Pearse beginning at 7 p.m.; $20 covers a cocktail, too. Email scoop@marbledistilling.com to reserve your spot. WESTERN ART • The Ann Korologos Gallery (211 Midland Ave., Basalt) features a group exhibition with a 5 to 7 p.m. opening.

DOCUMENTARY NIGHT • At 7 p.m. The Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.) screens Jennifer Siebel Newsom’s “Miss Representation” — a film that looks at the media’s impact on the American discourse of women’s bodies.

Further Out FRI & SAT March 16-17

VOICES • See what happens when high schoolers are challenged by artist mentors to create an original show in only four


weeks at 7:30 p.m. Friday and 3:30 p.m. Saturday at the Thunder River Theatre (67 Promenade). To reserve a seat for this bilingual collaboration between Roaring Fork and Basalt High, call 274-3741.


GO GREEN • Marble Distilling (150 Main St.) celebrates St. Patrick’s Day with festivities from 4 to 7 p.m. and an ongoing commitment to sustainability. MUSIC & STOUT • Batch (358 Main St.) hosts live music by The Low End from 7 to 9 p.m. and offers stout specials and more.

Ongoing HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION • Free opportunities include… One-hour consultation about heart attack prevention, plant-based nutrition, other medical issues. Call retired family doctor Greg Feinsinger, M.D. for appointment (379-5718). First Monday of every month catch a powerpoint presentation by Dr. Feinsinger about the science behind plant-based nutrition, 7 to 8:30 p.m., board room Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Fourth Monday of every month, plant-based potluck 6:30 p.m. Calaway Room, Third Street Center. All events supported by Davi Nikent, Center for Human Flourishing. More information at www.davinikent.org. EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN • Staff and sources talk about this week’s paper and more at 4 p.m. Thursdays on KDNK (88.1 FM). CALENDAR continued on page 11

body & soul

Raffle tickets are $20 each or 6 for $100 and can be purchased at www.youthentity.org All proceeds benefit Youthentity’s job, career and life ready programs, serving over 2,500 youth annually! Raffle drawing is at 12 pm MST Tuesday, April 3, 2018 (winner need not be present to win).


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Community Calendar

continued from page 10


HIGH NOON • Bring your compliments, complaints and ideas to Sopris Sun Editor Will Grandbois at 12 p.m. Thursdays at the Pour House (351 Main St.). THE PRICE • Arthur Miller’s Tony Awardwinning drama about two estranged brothers comes to the Thunder River Theatre Company stage (67 Promenade) with 7:30 p.m. shows March 8-10. Tickets and info thunderrivertheatre.com. BRIDGE • The Carbondale Bridge Club hosts duplicate bridge (not sanctioned by ACBL) from 6:30 to 10 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). $6/per pair. Contact Marlene for more info: 928-9805. SENIOR MATTERS • The nonprofit Senior Matters, based in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.), offers numerous programs for senior citizens, including: tai chi with John Norton at 8:30 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays; tai chi with Marty Finklestein at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays; Alaprima Painters at 11 a.m. on Thursdays; the Senior Matters Book Club at 4 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of the month; and the Roaring Fork Brain Train. Info: seniormatters.org; Diane Johnson at 970-306-2587; and Senior Matters, Box 991, Carbondale CO, 81623. SENIOR RADIO • Diane Johnson talks about senior issues and services on KDNK at 4:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month. RUN AROUND • Independence Run & Hike hosts a run around town Saturdays at 8 a.m. Meet at the store 596 Highway 133 (in La

963-2889 for this month’s selection.

Fontana Plaza) and run various distances, with different routes each week. Info: 704-0909.

YOGA • Get a donation based introduction to Hatha Yoga Tuesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.).

PARENT CHILD CLASSES • Waldorf teacher and parent Holly Richardson offers programs for caregivers and children from birth to 3, with Musical Storytime from 9 to 10 a.m. Mondays, Sweet Peas Garden from 9 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Peas and Carrots from 9 to 11 a.m. Fridays. Call 963-1960 for more info or visit waldorfschoolrf.com. Preregistration is suggested but drop ins are also welcome on Mondays.

YAPPY HOUR • Colorado Animal Rescue’s Yappy Hour at the Marble Bar (150 Main St.) takes place at 5:30 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. Sip on handcrafted cocktails and meet a C.A.R.E. dog, with $1 from every drink donated to C.A.R.E. Bring your own dog along as well. COMMUNITY MEAL • Faith Lutheran Church (1340 Highway 133) hosts a free community meal from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the first and third Saturdays of the month. Info: 510-5046 or faithcarbondale.com. Carbondale Homeless Assistance also has its meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month.

OPEN MIC • A new open mic takes place from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays at Riverside Grill (181 Basalt Center Circle, Basalt). Food and drink specials. Free. GRIEF AND LOSS • Pathfinders offers a grief and loss support group every other Monday at 6 p.m., and a caregiver support group every other Wednesday noon. An RSVP is required to Robyn Hubbard at 319-6854. Pathfinders offers support groups from Aspen to Rifle and is located in Carbondale at 1101 Village Rd. Info: pathfindersforcancer.org.

MAKERSPACE • Children and teens are invited to design, create, tinker, and play with art and technology to design and create with 3D Pens, make stop-motion animation films, engineer duct tape creations, build their own video games, and more from 2 to 3:30 p.m. every Wednesday at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.).

LIFE DRAWING • Drop in for figure drawing with Staci Dickerson at 6:30 p.m. Mondays at SAW (525 Buggy Cr. Unit C).

DHARMA • The Way of Compassion Dharma Center holds a Dharma talk and meditation from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays and a silent meditation and Buddha of Compassion practice at 8 a.m. Saturdays at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.).

WRITERS GROUP • Wordsmiths of all experience and abilities gather at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of the month. BOOK CLUB • Join friends and fellow readers to discuss great books at Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) at 4 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month; call

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Portraits of moms and their babies born within the past year or children adopted since last Mother’s Day will be featured in The Sopris Sun’s traditional Mother’s Day edition on May 10.



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Mark Burrows 970-379-4581 mark@rfvphoto.com



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LET’S JUST DANCE • Feel great, have fun and dance Tuesdays at The Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Catch a free lesson at 7 p.m., then from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. it’s open dancing with two-step, swing, waltz, line dance, salsa and more. No partner or experience necessary. $8/person; $14/couple. Questions? Call 970-366-6463 or email billypat4@gmail.com.





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STORYTIME • Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) hosts stories songs and more for ages four and up at 10:30 a.m. Thursdays and three and under at 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays. Kids must be accompanied by an adult.

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YOUR STORY, YOUR LIFE • A free facilitated workshop for adults, writing your personal history, one story at a time. Facilitated by Shelly Merriam, historian/writer/ genealogist. First and third Fridays, 10 a.m. to noon at the Glenwood Springs Branch Library, (815 Cooper Ave.). Info at 9455958 or gcpld.orgf.

| May 9, 2013


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STORY ART • Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.), in partnership with the Aspen Art Museum, invites kids to learn about artists and create masterpieces of their own at 4 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month.


Volume 5, Number 13



Third Street Center Carbondale


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FREE PORTRAIT SITTINGS March 2-3, 9-10, 16-17, 23-24 9am - 4 pm

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AIKIDO • Roaring Fork Aikikai (2553 Dolores Way) trains adults and teens Mondays through Thursdays at 6 p.m. and Saturdays at 3:15 and 4:30 p.m. and kids Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 4:30 p.m. (ages 5-8) and 4:45 to 5:45 (ages 8-14). More info at rfaikikai.com.

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KARAOKE • The Black Nugget (403 Main St.) and Sandman bring you over 30,000 songs to choose from and a quality sound

system to release your inner rockstar at 9 pm. every Thursday.

AD RESERVATION DEADLINE: Monday, May 7 by noon Contact Carol Fabian 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 8-14, 2018• 11

A rancher’s perspective on wolf reintroduction By Marj Perry

There are legitimate concerns and consequences to be considered pertaining to the reintroduction of wolves. It is disingenuous to state that opponents of wolf reintroduction base their beliefs solely on myth while wolf advocates use only facts as suggested by Senator Phillips of Montana. The real myth is that anyone could believe that wolves would return to Colorado, to 5.5+ million people, to a landscape crisscrossed with roads and trails, and to outdoor recreation on steroids, and not have negative consequences. What is at stake is open space provided by ranchlands and locally grown meat. Ranches provide habitat for many plants and animals, critical winter habitat for deer and elk, and connectivity to public lands. With the loss of ranchland, cats replace songbirds, raptors lose hunting grounds, and houses sprawl. This may be an old argument, but it is valid. Colorado loses about 700 acres of farmland every day. Resort communities are among the hardest hit. Accompanying this loss is an increase in air pollution and decrease in water quality. Colorado and Pitkin County have long supported open space as it improves quality of life for the entire community and wildlife. Ranchers in western Colorado will be seriously impacted by wolves through depredation of cattle. In western Colorado, ranchers rely on Federal grazing leases for




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summer pasture because there is very little private land — 86 percent of Pitkin County is public. Most local cattle graze on permits like Thompson Creek that encompass tens of thousands of acres. Even wolf advocates like Defenders of Wildlife acknowledge that avoidance strategies are ineffective because they do not work on large scale landscapes and wolves figure them out after a few weeks. Defenders of Wildlife no longer pays compensation for loss of livestock because it is impossible to determine. The evidence is eaten. Compensation never addressed the fact that stressed cattle don’t gain weight and pregnancy rates drop, decreasing profitability. Hiring more range riders is prohibitively expensive and impractical, requiring multiple riders on the range 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for months. Cattle do not band together like sheep. At night, riders can do little more than man sirens, flash lights, and shoot blanks. The conflict does not end when cattle come home for the winter. Sen. Phillips stated that wolves would not follow the elk to private land in winter. When he was questioned later, he agreed that wolves would follow their prey to the valley floor, near humans, dogs, and cattle. Sen. Phillips reports that Montana is is-


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suing hunting licenses for longer periods than any other state and that the elk population is increasing. What he fails to mention is that the highest harvest on public land is in north eastern Montana, where wolves have yet to migrate. Sen. Phillips presents wolf reintroduction as necessary to improving Colorado’s ecosystems, yet he provides no data or scientific studies showing what areas in western Colorado are suffering from deteriorating riparian areas lacking in willows, song birds, and beavers that overlap with areas considered for wolf reintroduction. Colorado has a higher elk population than any other state because it has ideal habitat of aspen and oak montane hillsides. Elk are well managed by Parks and Wildlife and there are plenty of predators such as black bears, mountain lions, and coyotes. Between 2012 and 2016, hunters in Colorado killed an average of 43,631 elk, while in Montana hunters killed an average of 24,379 elk. It is a myth to think that changes in Colorado’s ecosystem will resemble the changes that occurred in Yellowstone. Yellowstone had no hunting for over 100 years. The ecosystem was out of whack. Colorado has a healthy balance of predators, hunters, and elk. It also has more people using the land.

As a non-profit community service, we can only thrive and grow with your support.

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12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • MARCH 8-14, 2018

Western Colorado’s economy is fueled by outdoor recreation. Colorado has 5.5 million people compared 1 million people in Montana and half a million in Wyoming. Maroon Bells is one twelfth the size of Yellowstone, but both areas have about 140,000 hikers and campers annually. Colorado’s use of public lands is not limited to Wilderness areas. Our BLM is heavily used; places like the Crown and Red Hill. Wolves will be unable to avoid people. Wolves are aggressive toward all canines. Dogs are not allowed in Yellowstone, but wolves have killed dogs on ranches. Legal shooting of wolves for both sport hunting and depredation of livestock is part of a reintroduction program — 717 wolves were killed in 2015 in MT, WY, and ID. Shooting entire packs that deprecate livestock is the most effective management tool, but it causes anger and heartache for ranchers, advocates and wolves. Wolf reintroduction should be based on fact, not nostalgia. The consequences should be understood. Glossing over tables to make a point sets everyone up for buyer’s remorse. Sen. Phillips failed to paint a complete picture of living with wolves or to acknowledge the problems that would ensue for everyone: ranchers, dogs, wolves, and the community. Marj Perry grew up on the Mt. Sopris Hereford Ranch south of Carbondale and still follows the cows to Thompson Creek every year.

Jacob Frutin

The crystal altar

Eaden strums as he and crowd chant “Om mani padme hum” on their way to the kiva

Kiva continued from page 1 ‘You need a ceremonial space in the center growing. And then into the west, it’s about of the peace garden that marries heaven and change and transition. The north is often asearth.’” sociated with the winter, the quiet contemThus, the idea of the kiva was born. It was plation and the wisdom of the elders.” about another year before the couple decided In the Native American tradition, there to move forward with the project, but when are actually seven directions, he said, which they did, they ensured the space reflected that is where the skylight and the kiva being unmarriage between heaven and derground become symbolic. earth: the space itself is un“Mother Earth is the fifth derground, beneath the peace direction, Father Sky is the garden, but maintains a living sixth direction and the sevroof and a skylight. enth direction is all that is. So “We put in that portal here we brought that understandso that even though you’re in ing together and then we the womb, you’re connected to sang an invocation chant.” – Eaden Shanday the infinite sky,” Shantay said. Of course, the weekend Directions play a central wasn’t all spent underground. role in many spiritualities, and that’s true of Saturday afternoon started in the peace garthe Native American traditions with which den, singing and chanting around the Buddha the Shantays feel so connected, Eaden said. and then Ganesha statues, throwing salt — a That’s represented in the kiva, which show- purifier, Shantay noted -— and smudging sage cases four crystals that indicate east, west, to release what doesn’t serve the property and north and south. Before settling in for the invite light, healing energy, he said. night’s fuller chanting, participants spent time “I think it surpassed our expectations honoring those directions and infusing the in terms of an opening. It felt like so many crystals with cleansing intentions. people were grateful for the space. It’s our “In the east, it’s about new beginnings, town’s. And it’s Deva’s and my gift to the springtime. So it was about birthing this town,” he said, adding that the Shantays also new building,” Shantay said. “You set your hope to create an international consciousness intention in the east and then bring ac- destination with the expansion. Their first setion to it in the south and to the summer- ries teaching daily mindful practices begins time; the seeds sprout and then they’re March 15, right before the spring Equinox.

“… it was about birthing this new building”

Community members gather while a fire is ignited at the beginning of the 24-hour event

Raleigh Burleigh

(Back to front) Eden Vardy, Dustin Eliah and Bija Vardy

Photos by Jane Bachrach

Peace Garden wishing tree

24 hours later... Eaden and Deva in the kiva at the end of ceremony

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 8-14, 2018• 13


You’re only old (news) once


Fiscal Year Spending

2013 (Actual) 2014 (Actual) 2015 (Actual) 2016 (Actual) 2017 (Estimated) 2018 (Estimated) 2019 (Estimated) 2020 (Estimated) 2021 (Estimated)

$7,077,774 $7,927,984 $8,279,363 $7,888,826 $7,989,962 $7,979,473 $7,816,930 $7,912,618 $8,334,605

OVERALL PERCENTAGE CHANGE TO FISCAL YEAR SPENDING OVER THE 5-YEAR PERIOD FROM 2017 THROUGH 2021: 4.3% OVERALL DOLLAR CHANGE TO FISCAL YEAR SPENDING OVER THE 5-YEAR PERIOD FROM 2017 THROUGH 2021: $344,643 ESTIMATED 2021 FISCAL YEAR SPENDING WITHOUT TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE TAX INCREASE AUTHORIZED BY THE BALLOT PROPOSAL: $8,806,713 Those in FAVOR of this ballot question say: Ballot measure 2A is not a new tax, rather it is a renewal of the Streetscape Fund passed in 1999 and reauthorized by voters in 2010 for the purpose of improving Carbondale’s streetscape. Despite increasing project costs, the Town has made a conscious decision not to request an increase in this tax at this time. This fund is the only dedicated revenue source for any type of public work projects in Carbondale. Since its inception, the Streetscape Fund has been used to complete projects that have enhanced vehicular and pedestrian access on Main Street as well as connecting community facilities such as the Library and Third Street Center to downtown. Specific projects have included the downtown streetscape, downtown street lighting, downtown sidewalks, crosswalks, pedestrian ramps and pavers, 4th Street & Sopris Avenue landscaping, 3rd Street rehabilitation, and planned for 2018 – a new sidewalk along 3rd Street & Colorado Avenue. Without the Streetscape Fund, the Town would not have the funds to complete street enhancement projects. If approved, the Streetscape projects identified in the Town’s Capital Improvement Plan include similar projects such as additional safety enhancements, sidewalk projects and other street enhancements. Another potential use of this fund, if approved, includes adding or enhancing parking downtown. If 2A passes, the Town of Carbondale will be better able to complete the streetscape enhancement projects that allow our residents, businesses and visitors to thrive. Those AGAINST this ballot question say: No comments were received by the February 16, 2018 deadline. Certification: I, Cathy Derby, Carbondale Town Clerk, hereby certify that the above ballot issue notice is complete. The information contained in this notice was prepared by person required by law to provide ballot issue content, fiscal information, and a summary of pro and con statements submitted to the political subdivision. Cathy Derby, Town Clerk Published in The Sopris Sun on March 8, 2018.

14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • MARCH 8-14, 2018

Developers Ernie Gianinetti and Bob Sewell appeared at a town council meeting to negotiate with the town over a clause in the proposed annexation agreement which would require the two developers to bear the cost of a complete water survey for the 50-acre mobile home park and commercial center. Because of issues the town had encountered in securing water rights on their Crystal Village development, the town proposed a new provision in this annexation agreement that would forestall a similar problem. In other news… Redstone inventor Clem Meyer created what he felt would be “the answer” in alternative home heating systems, the “Tri-Therm,” which looked like a fireplace but was actually a central heating unit.

March 10, 1988 Radon gas, a carcinogen which exists in abnormally high amounts in Colorado, had received a lot of press — and scared the hell out of a lot of people. Garfield County residents would shortly be finding out if they have anything to fear from the cancer-causing gas as the county would be participating in a radon gas survey sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Geological Survey. The survey would be headed locally by GarCo Sanitarian Iris Sherman, who was looking for volunteers who would be willing to have their homes tested for radon gas. In other news… Basalt celebrated the First Annual Centennial Ball to commemorate the anniversary of the arrival of the

first Colorado Midland train the the city (which actually arrived on Nov. 5, 1887).

March 12, 1998 The Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities (CCAH) gave the town council the Full Monty March 4. A total of four CCAH members made orchestrated pitches on why Carbondale and the non-profit group needed a community arts center and how the arts council could help make it happen. When the night was over, the town council seemed eager to find a way to jump on board, but nobody stepped forward to pay for the ticket. In other news… The Roaring Fork High School girls’ soccer team opened its season with a 3-0 loss to the Glenwood Springs Demons.

March 6, 2008 Folks could expect tongue twisters, skits, rhymes, wacky costumes and more when the creative citizens of our Carbondale society shared the simple, sensational stories of Dr. Seuss. To celebrate both the birthday of Pulitzer Prize winning children’s author Theodor Seuss Geisel (on March 2) and KDNK’s 25th, the community radio station was hosting “Seussapalooza” at Steve’s Guitars. The event was also part of KDNK’s membership drive festivities. In other news… Tony Coia, public landscape manager for the town, discovered the mountain pine beetle infestation that had impacted the rest of the state had officially found its way to Carbondale.

Pink Boots continued from page 5 2013 — the first year we started doing scholarships — we had one and an income of $15,000. Last year, we had 21 scholarships and $230,000.” Worldwide, there are 245 registered teams of brewers for Collaboration Brew Day, which Engdahl estimated would fundraise about $60,000 for PBS. This year for the first time, Carbondale Beer Works is one of those teams. “I’m such a nerd,” Fuller said. “To be honest, I was really excited to qualify to be in the Pink Boots.” Maybe that’s why her Facebook profile is simply her donning her own flamingo-pink boots. It wasn’t until Fuller and Rodriguez bought Carbondale Beer Works that she qualified to become a PBS member. The society has strict policies regarding its membership. “In order to qualify, you have to be female-identified in the industry, making either 50 percent of your income from beer, retired from the industry, a student in an accredited beer program, or you

have to be a brewery in planning with a secured lease,” Engdahl said. “Otherwise, everybody’s always a brewery in planning.” The point of both the society and the day is female empowerment through mentorship and mutual support. Fuller said she couldn’t think of a better industry to prop up those ideals. “I’ve never worked in another industry that’s quite as inclusive as the beer industry. I’m sure women have had to fight hard to get where they are — I’m not debating that —but it’s a very inclusive industry.” And, she said, beer is just fun. All of the Collaborative Brew Day teams are using the same, customized-especiallyfor-PBS hop to make their creations this year. There will be solidarity in that, but the resulting beers will be wide ranging in their taste profiles. For instance, Fuller plans to brew an IPA, but that doesn’t mean other breweries will do the same. The tentative name for Thursday’s creation? Bitches Brew.

Letters from page 2 vided by the town. We have pride in our community. Glenwood Springs has the 19th Street Diner with its excellent homemade specials, but they’re a little high in carbs to meet with Dr. Feinsinger’s approval. Carbondale’s Village Smithy is tasty, too, and good for you as well. My experience with the Glenwood Springs police is they very much have a them and us attitude. The Carbondale police see themselves more as public servants. The Glenwood Springs snow removal team will not plow until it stops snowing. The plows in Carbondale move as soon as the streets become hazardous. Glenwood Springs has one feature Carbondale doesn’t have; the hot springs pool. Fred Malo Jr. Carbondale

Byway rep. needed Dear Editor: The West Elk Loop Scenic and Historic Byway begins in Carbondale and travels through 206 miles of history, spectacular scenery, wildlife habitat, and varied lifestyles. It travels through Carbondale, Redstone, Paonia, Hotchkiss, Crawford, Gunnison and Crested Butte. The Byway has a management plan and a representative Board of Directors who manage the preservation and protection of the intrinsic values of the Byway. Decisions made by this board of representatives are drawn from the various counties, state/federal agencies, towns and citizens’ groups in each section of the Byway. The Crystal Valley is seeking a representative. Meetings are held quarterly at different sites along the Byway. If you are interested in participating in guiding the Byway, please send a letter of interest and resume to dfarris@sopris.net. More information can be found on the Byway website: www.westelkbyway.com Dorothea Farris Carbondale

Unclassifieds except in Canada, Japan, England, Spain, Australia, Sweden, Iceland, Italy, Israel, Denmark, Germany and …. John Hoffmann Carbondale

Fluoride avoidance, part two Dear Editor: I wish to commend John Hoffman for opening the vault about Fluoride. While we are sure that one of the causes of fluoroquinolone toxicity is its propensity to sequester magnesium from human cells, some serious researchers are hypothesizing that fluoride is another one of the root causes of Levaquin poisoning. Indeed, the fluoroquinolones — of which Cipro, Levaquin and Avelox are members — have fluoride molecules as part of their chemical structure. At high doses, fluoride has been shown to inhibit collagen function. Even though fluoride is a substance found in nature, the fluoride that is added to the fluoroquinolones and to drinking water is a more toxic synthetic chemical substance that is not found in nature, and that it is a

Parting Shot

waste product of industrial manufacture. Science has shown that fluoroquinolone toxicity and other chronic pain syndromes have been improved by the strict avoidance of fluoride. Dan Jervis Carbondale

Karl Hanlon for Congress Dear Editor: I have worked for two years with Karl Hanlon and his wife Sheryl at their Smiling Goat Ranch in Carbondale, providing equine therapy supporting children with autism and veterans suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury and PTSD. Karl continues to reach out to veterans to help them heal from the wartime trauma they are experiencing. I am supporting Karl Hanlon for the 3rd Congressional District for his support for Veterans Rights, fighting the opioid epidemic and protecting our public lands. We veterans fought for our country and are now fighting alongside Karl Hanlon to prevent the sale of the public lands we fought to protect. Lt. Col. Dick Merritt Basalt

Submit to unclassifieds@soprissun.com by Friday 12 p.m. Rates: $15 for 30 words, $20 for up to 50 words. Payment due before publication.*

HELP WANTED: Town of Carbondale Seasonal Vegetation Management Worker. $16/hr. Applications at Town Hall or online www.carbondalegov.org. Contact Mike Callas, Town Arborist at 510-1331, mcallas@carbondaleco.net. HELP WANTED: Town of Carbondale Temporary/ Seasonal Parks Maintenance Positions. $16/ hr. Applications at Town Hall or online www. carbondalegov.org. Contact Russell Sissom, Parks Supervisor at 510-1327, rsissom@carbondaleco.net. GET THE WORD OUT IN UNCLASSIFIEDS! Rates start at $15. Email unclassifieds@soprissun.com. *Credit card payment information should be emailed to unclassifieds@soprissun.com or call 970-274-1076. Checks may be dropped off at our office at the Third Street Center or mailed to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. Call 510-3003 for info.

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Teachers packing heat Dear Editor: I ask myself, would I fire my single shot .22 handgun over the heads of my students if I knew the bad guy with a bump-stocked AR15 was ready to unleash 100 rounds in my direction, over the heads of the 30 children that have been crammed into my classroom? That is the same kind of disparity that an army of white supremacists toting bumped AR15 would find going up against the army, navy and air force if they decided to revolt against the government. The reason we can’t outlaw assault rifles is that we need to be able to have a revolution. Yeah, it’s easier to just make sure we can vote them out of office but conservatives are afraid of that too. Gun control doesn’t seem to work,


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WINDSHIELD REPAIR & AUTO GLASS REPLACEMENT Roaring Fork is out of the running for the state champions in basketball this year, with both the Ram boys and girls losing in the first round of regionals March 2. Coal Ridge, who topped the boys in districts the week before (pictured) was eliminated in the Sweet 16, leaving the Cedaredge girls as the closest team to root for. Photo by Sue Rollyson


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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 8-14, 2018 • 15

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