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Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper

Carbondale’s weekly

community connector

Volume 10, Number 36 | October 11, 2018

Aviator Landing This aviator and her two taters took flight early on Saturday morning, Oct. 6, and managed to land safely on Second Street in Carbondale, just in time to join the Potato Day parade. Exchanging her wings for some wheels, the aviator and her two taters proceeded proudly down Main Street with the rest of the parade participants. More Potato Day pics on pages 10-11. Photo and text by Jane Bachrach

Early Bird

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Carbondale Commentary

The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, email editor Will Grandbois at news@soprissun.com, or call 510-3003.

Taking one for the team I’m a bad soccer mom. signing their kids up for team sports for fear that their child will I don’t know all the rules of the game. I get the game schedule be left behind. conflicted with my work schedule or previous family commitAnd just like wildfire, that fear spreads from parent to parments. And, yes, there are times I dread spending a large chunk of ent. Admittedly, I have not totally escape getting burned. Several my day — or worse, a whole weekend — watching soccer games. times in the last few years I’ve had to ask myself why I’m feeling I don’t always dislike watching my son play with his teammates, pressured to do the same. I’ve had to check my fears at the door because it can be quite exciting, but at this point in and really see if it’s me or my kids who are making life I don’t want to feel like I have to give so much the decision to play. of our family time to soccer or any other organized Ideally, I would love for my sons to dabble in a sport for that matter. variety of sports for a while longer without too much I know what you’re thinking. What about the pressure. In our house we allow for three practices important lessons learned from team sports? We during the week, so on two days they can have unall know that team sports are incredible for teachstructured play with neighborhood kids. But, when ing our kids all sorts of valuable skills that they can the weekend comes around we are expected to make carry on through life, important lessons like hard all the games. work, dedication, and trusting others. But, that said And I’m telling you, if you’ve got something else ,in the last few years I’ve realized that if you’re signplanned you’ll get the finger wagging by other paring your kid up for a sport these days it’s going to ents and the coach alike for not showing the kids require so much more from families than it did when how to be accountable or demonstrating what propI was a kid. er teamwork looks like. What gives? Are eight year I didn’t start a team sport until middle school, olds and their parents really expected to dedicate where the decision was mine and not my parents. And that many weekends? Again, I know there are famiBy Judith Ritschard my mamá and papá certainly never sat and watched lies who might love every second of the travel and us kids practice.Take one look at youth sports in America today watching their kids play. And hey, if that’s your thing then fine. and you’ll see plenty of parents who actually feel compelled to But, I’m not quite ready to be that level of gung-ho soccer mom. sit and watch their kid’s practice. I suppose my parents were too Plus, I honestly feel my four-year-old and my eight-year-old busy working, or preparing dinner or I don’t know, having a life have plenty of time to become more serious about organized of their own without hovering over us kids all the time. sports and learn what it means to be part of a team. But, in this And speaking of dinner, studies show families today are sit- moment of our lives, I feel they are so young and learning lesting down to meals together 33 percent less often than they did sons around the dinner table or during the occasional camping just twenty years ago. And according Anne Fishel, family thera- weekend with family is very important. pist who writes for the Washington Post, sitting down to regular So, I suppose I’m unapologetically saying that my family will mealtimes with your kids “is an even more powerful predictor of not be the ones making every single game, nor will I be watching high achievement scores than time spent in school, doing home- practice. To some this may look like letting the team down, or work, playing sports and doing art.” breaking some norms in this American sport-crazed society. But, With all the studies pointing to the detriments of oversched- I suppose in the end I’m not too concerned because I know as uling kids, many families continue to do so. While my family is the parent I hold all the cards. Ultimately I get to decide what not quite to the point where we are missing dinner together, I do is good for my young family which, in my opinion, is the most worry that it will be tougher to keep a balanced life as my kids important team of all. get older. Maybe over-scheduled sporty kids is the new keeping up with Judith Ritschard was born by the sea in Mexico then transplantthe Joneses. I’ve noticed there is this intense pressure to start ed to the Roaring Fork Valley where she turned full on mountain our kids really young by enrolling them on team sports as early girl. You might spot her in her huarache sandals on her townie as three years old. Talking to some of my friends, they admit to bike trying to keep up with her two wildlings in Carbondale.


Bits & Pieces


The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 500 words via email at news@soprissun.com or 250 words via snail mail at P.O. Box 399, Carbondale CO 81623. Letters exceeding that length may be returned for revision or submission as a guest column; please include your name, town, and contact information. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday.

A place for books Dear Editor: I would like to start a bookstore in Carbondale. I have no money, but I possess a collection of hundreds of books which I inherited from my father and which I have been sitting on for years. I appeal to someone, who, like me, would like to have a bookstore in Carbondale, to come forward and offer me a rent-free place to establish a bookstore. I will stock it and run it and when it starts to make money I will pay some rent. Carbondale needs a bookstore. Contact me at 963-4190 or jamesbreasted@Q.com. Jim Breasted Carbondale

Just another Thursday (pt. 2) Dear Editor: I’m on social security, waiting on my second disability claim. I’ve got a kayak and a camper shell on my red Taco and, after Thanksgiving at my uncle Eugene’s in Barstow, I’m heading to Mexico because it’s cheaper and I

can camp on the beach. My son went to Canada and because he had been arrested they wouldn’t let him in. We are not talking about a wall to the north; they come across the border, they work, they marry and go back for healthcare. I’m not against Canadians, my best friend married one; their kids are dual citizens. We are trying to build a wall on our southern border and are separating kids from their parents to send a message. What’s the message? Randy “Ray Ray” Strauss Carbondale

and do what’s right for our citizens. Both candidates support single payer universal health care as a common sense way of improving care, getting rid of inefficiencies and waste in the current system, and making health care affordable for everyone. Steve Hessl, M.D., Carbondale George Bohnfalk, M.D., Carbondale Greg Feinsinger, M.D., Carbondale Leslie Fuller, D.O., Glenwood Springs William Flood, M.D., Glenwood Springs

Candidates for affordable healthcare

You can count on Jankovsky

Dear Editor: The dysfunctional and expensive medical system in this country — which is bankrupting individuals and the country — needs a major overhaul. Please vote for candidates such as Diane Mitsch Bush and Jared Polis, who are most apt to stand up to lobbyists representing Big Medicine,

2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • OCTOBER 11-17, 2018

Dear Editor: I am writing to support the re-election of Tom Jankovsky as Garfield County Commissioner. I have known Tom for more than twenty years – as the General Manager of Sunlight Mountain Resort, as a board member of the Glenwood Springs Chamber Resort Association and as an LETTERS page 17

Sincerest thanks to our Honorary Publishers

for their generous, ongoing commitment of support. Jim Calaway, Chair Kay Brunnier Bob Ferguson – Jaywalker Lodge Scott Gilbert – Habitat for Humanity RFV Bob Young – Alpine Bank Peter Gilbert Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Greg and Kathy Feinsinger Carolyn Nelson

Thank you to our SunScribers and community members for your support! It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.

To inform, inspire and build community. Donate online or by mail. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Will Grandbois • 970-510-0540 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Carol Fabian • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Reporter: Megan Tackett Photographer: Jane Bachrach Graphic Designer: Terri Ritchie Delivery: Tom Sands Current Board Members board@soprissun.com Marilyn Murphy, President Raleigh Burleigh, Vice President Stacey Bernot, Secretary Barbara Dills, Treasurer Debbie Bruell • Cliff Colia Olivia Pevec • Nicolette Toussaint John Colson • Linda Criswell The Sopris Sun Board meets regularly on the second Monday evening of each month at the Third Street Center.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young • Colin Laird Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

‘Return to Dirt’ brings accessibility to wilderness adventure By Hayden Gamble Special to The Sopris Sun The world isn’t wheelchair accessible. You can either try to make it that way, or you can leave the wheelchair behind, says Tim Burr, founder of Glenwood Springsbased nonprofit, Return to Dirt. “I think everybody would choose to leave their wheelchair behind because it’s the epitome of your inaccessibility. When you’re out of it and you’re in something that doesn’t have the limitations of your wheelchair, you can go anywhere you want. Just point it and go. That’s huge,” explains Burr. In November 2014, Burr was backcountry skiing with a friend up near Kebler Pass outside of Crested Butte. He ended up in an “unlucky, slow-moving crash” that broke his neck at the C5 (fifth cervical) vertebrae and left him paralyzed from the chest down. Burr describes his injury as a “textbook C5” in terms of sensation and motor movement; he’s able to use half of his shoulder and arm, but nothing below that. His biceps have full movement, but his triceps are one hundred percent paralyzed. He can flex his elbow with full strength but can’t extend it against gravity. His deltoids are strong and he can lift his arms up, but struggles with lowering them back down. After his accident, Burr spent the next three months working through rehabilitation therapy at Craig Hospital in Englewood before returning back to his home in Glenwood Springs. He started driving again about a year after getting out of the hospital, and after taking his adapted four-wheel drive pickup truck out for rides, he was hooked on the independence it fed him. “It was the first thing since my injury that I could do as an activity one hundred percent individually,” Burr says. “Once you’re in a vehicle with some modifications and adaptations that work for you, then you’re controlling where you’re going and how fast you’re going without anybody else’s help or intervention. I don’t need to go anywhere specifically or do anything crazy, it’s just the activity of freedom.” That’s when he thought up the idea for Return to Dirt. Most of the people he knows with impairments are either not driving or are in mini vans or Sedans for practicality reasons in terms of getting around every day. But the downside is these vans aren’t practical for getting out to wilderness destinations. And without the ability to run, bike or hike, most outdoor get-away spots are inaccessible for people in wheelchairs. Or they were, until Return to

In the high country up Glenwood Springs’ Four Mile Road, chairs are unnecessary. Photo by Luke Arnold

drive better, faster and more comfortably to gnarly-er Dirt took action. With the mission of “providing equipment and in- places than another able-bodied driver. It’s based on your struction for individuals with disabilities to pilot off-road skills and tenacity more than it is on your strength levels,” vehicles into backcountry areas otherwise impossible to he explains. “That means a lot to me, as far as when I go access because of a mobility impairment,” Return to Dirt out with my friends and we’re all out in the vehicles todefines their organization as an “adaptive motorsports gether. You’re no different behind the wheel than the next program that puts disable individuals behind the wheel guy. Everybody has the same vehicle limitations together.” Burr and the R2D team submitted of their own adventure.” their article of incorporation this past How it works? They take off road veDecember, worked through the process hicles — like an RZR Polaris Side-by-Side to obtain nonprofit designation, fund— and reconstruct them with a broad uniraised and partnered up with local comform base of adaptive controls and equippanies like Xen Technology Group, and ment. The vehicles are outfitted with hand took their first athlete out for a spin in controls, custom seats to keep riders stable June. They took ten athletes out in total and comfortable, a five-point harness systhis past summer, and according to Burr tem to ensure safety inside the vehicle, a roll they haven’t had anyone come back cage, as well as three different from a ride who didn’t want to go again. steering adaptations and handle Adam Lavender, a Carbondale local options, all of which accommoand recovering C4 quadriplegic, went date a wide range of disabilities. out for a Return to Dirt ride with Burr Helmets are provided for all aththis past summer and explains the exletes, and each ride begins with perience as “super fun and exciting bean extensive safety talk as well. cause for someone who has these injuThe Return to Dirt guides are - Tim Burr ries, you can go so much faster through trained and able to assist with bumpy terrain without it rattling you driving from the passenger seat to pieces.” in case of an emergency. “Being a spectator comes easy when you’re in a chair,” “You’re basically using the vehicle as an he continues. “As many opportunities as there are to be a off-road power wheelchair,” says Burr. After getting acquainted with the vehicle, spectator, that’s how few there are to actually be involved its adaptations and how it drives, the athletes and engaged. But these vehicles help bridge that gap from can direct themselves wherever they want getting the excitement I used to get on self-propelled mato go and do exactly what they want to do. chinery like a bicycle or my own feet on a snowboard. It’s The options are endless, he explains. Whether re-creating the experience, the excitement and the thrill someone wants to get to high country or the without having to imitate something else that you used desert, Return to Dirt can make it happen. to do. And every minute you spend doing something like that, when you’ve spent so many hours in a chair, is so And the activities are endless too. “We can go somewhere for a photo opp, valuable and so empowering.” Moving forward, Burr’s main goal is to develop the rewe can go somewhere just to drive the RZR around, or we can go have a picnic in the woods sources needed to extend this experience and adventure to with your family,” says Burr. “There’s no wrong as many people as possible, more efficiently. Next season, they want to up the number of athletes they take out to reason to want to be out in the woods.” And off-rounding is particularly special to 25. With everything — the supplies, time and labor— that Burr, because it’s the only adaptive sport he’s go into a project like this, streamlining the process is key, found where people with impairments can explains Burr. “What we do as an organization is make it so that compete on the same playing level as those somebody can show up with no gear and no prior experiwithout impairments. “The world’s best Paralympic skier ence and feel comfortable and accommodated in any situwouldn’t be anywhere near competing with ation,” says Burr. “Part of what is so impactful for myself the world’s best able-bodied skier. But theo- and the athletes we share this with is that we’re the soluLocal Amanda Boxtel returns to the Crystal Mill, a spot she hadn’t retically, if you have the skill and coordination tion to the problem of the inaccessibility of the wilderness. visited since before her spinal-cord injury more than 20 years ago. and you’re put behind the wheel of a vehicle But rather than solving the problem by making the wilderPhoto by Brandon Martinez that’s adapted correctly for you, you could ness accessible, we’re making ourselves unimpaired.”

“It was the first thing since my injury that I could do as an activity one hundred percent individually.”

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • OCTOBER 11-17, 2018 • 3


Send your scuttlebutt to news@soprissun.com.

It never rains

store credit toward new gear when your old stuff sells.

Fire restrictions have once again been lifted on private, state and federal land throughout the Roaring Fork Valley following a wet week. While cooler temperatures and precipitation are a relief after a hot, dry summer, we’re not out of the woods yet. Hopefully folks will use caution with fire and conserve water even after the irrigation season ends on Oct. 15.

Film at 11 Emmy-Award-winning Carbondalian Krysia Carter-Giez is once again in the spotlight as the editor of “The Girl Who Cannot Speak.” The narrative documentary filmed in New York about five women who share their stories of sexual abuse was one of 23 short-length documentaries chosen to screen on NBC’S “Meet the Press” to spotlight critical issues ahead of the midterms. It actually broadcast on Oct. 8, but you can find out more at .afi. com/events/meetthepressfilmfestival.

Hang on The Forest Service has signed the Final Decision Notice for the Hanging Lake Management Plan and has entered into a formal partnership with the City of Glenwood Springs to manage visitation through a seasonal shuttle service and year-round reservation system. The plan defines a daily capacity of 615 users per day, year-round, to protect resources, manage congestion, improve safety and visitor experience and continue to support local tourism. A third-party transportation provider and fee-based reservation system is expected to be in effect beginning in May 2019. Find out more at fs.usda.gov/project/?project=50479.

Olive branch Garfield County is seeking landowners’ assistance to combat the spread of tamarisk and Russian olive, two of Garfield County’s most well-known plant pests. These highly invasive trees often grow along ditches and riverbanks, impeding water flow and degrading wildlife habitat. Folks with a half-acre or larger infestations may request a site visit and, if approved, complete and submit an application packet. A local crew will cut and

In loving memory Korbin Groves, Delilah Cullwick and Ina Spiropoulos were recognized as students of the month at the Oct. 9 trustee meeting. Photo by Will Grandbois remove the trees, pile the slash and treat the stumps to prevent regrowth. GarCo covers everything but the cost of the herbicide. More info at 945-1377, ext. 4315.

The lights are on… CLEER, CORE and Garfield Clean Energy are partnering up for a free, three-week Fall Energy Innovation Series offering a close look at options for building high-efficiency homes. It runs 5:30 to 7 p.m. Thursday Oct. 18 and 25 and Nov. 1 at the Third Street Center and counts toward American Institute of Architects credits. RSVP to info@cleanenergyeconomy.net or 704-9200.

… But nobody’s home All six branches of the Garfield County Libraries will be closed Tuesday, Oct. 16

4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • OCTOBER 11-17, 2018

for a staff training day. Normal library hours will resume on Wednesday, Oct. 17 ,at 11 a.m. You can still browse and request books, movies, and more at gcpld. org during the closure.

Go a long way If you’re thinking of getting something to-go from Allegria, consider bringing your own reusable container. Not only is it a small step in reducing waste, they’ll also give you a 5 percent discount.

Baby got backcountry Sick of combing through “a meager selection of telemark gear hidden in the back under burnt-out lightbulbs” at most ski swaps, Cripple Creek is doing a backcountry-only version on Oct. 13 and 14. No only that, you can get 110 percent

A celebration of life will be held for Raymond J. Bourg, Jr. (11/12/1954 – 07/11/2018) from noon to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 20, at the Carbondale Fire Station. Lunch will be catered, though covered dishes are also welcome. Weather permitting, his ashes will be scattered over Mt. Sopris from an airplane at 9:30 a.m. the same day, with a gathering at the Dinkle Lake parking lot. Text Renee Bourg at 412-527-4841 with questions. Also, a memorial service will be held for Dan Vories 10 a.m. Oct. 13 at The Orchard (110 Snowmass Dr.).

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another year of life this week include: Jake Kinney (Oct. 11); Paul Luttrell, Stephanie Deaton, Linda Giesecke, Rick Borkovec (Oct. 12); Janice Forbes (Oct. 13); Carrie Close, Michael Carter (Oct. 14) Matt Alberico, Corey Mineo and Darren Broome (Oct. 15).

Clearing up media misconceptions and getting to know your reporters By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff While journalists put a lot of effort into building understanding and engagement for many facets of the community, they often overlook their own field in the quest to inform. As such, Carbondale Community Access Radio (KDNK) is teaming up with the Colorado Media Alliance for “Your News, Your Community” — a public discussion from 4 to 6 p.m. on Oct. 13 at 76 S. Second St., with a public broadcast of the second half. “We want the opportunity for community members to ask the questions they want to know of journalists and help us do a better job,” KDNK Director Gavin Dahl explained. “We do a lot of talking and a lot of reporting, but I don’t think there’s enough engagement with the audience.” Journalists from KDNK, The Sopris Sun, La Tricolor, The Rio Blanco Herald Times, High Country News and the Glenwood Springs Post Independent will be in attendance. Space is limited, so RSVP at tinyurl.com/ ynycbonedale. Potential topics include what issues are – and are not – being covered, how local media outlets are funded, the challenges that local journalists face, the emerging issue of “fake news” and the future of media in this unique section of Colorado. To give folks a sense of why such a dialogue might be useful, The Sun asked some of the journalists involved to share a misconception about their job that has caused frustration in the past. Dahl himself cited assertions by listeners that National Public Radio is too liberal. “Actually NPR has a very strict code of integrity for their editorial process and there’s a lot of research on the kinds of guests that they carry in their coverage — moderate think tanks were the majority, followed by very conservative, then center-left and center-right, with progressive the least represented. So the actual data doesn’t support the claim of bias,” he asserted. “I think it’s important that people think through facts before they jump to conclusions. Facts are something we care about in our


As a reputable news organization, we attempted to find the rightful owner of this meme and failed. If you can prove it’s yours, let us know and we’ll happily compensate you. reporting organizations.” Moreover, KDNK’s own news team works hard to be balanced, and the station (like The Sun and others) makes a point of giving equal emphasis to candidates on both sides. Indeed the fact that one volunteer DJ is running for County Commissioner prompted KDNK to reach out to her opponent — who said he didn’t mind as long as she didn’t electioneer on-air. Still, Dahl said, folks might not understand the distinction between what volunteers say on music or public affairs shows (comparable to columns or letters to the editor in a newspaper), syndicated content from public radio (or wire stories from the Associated Press in print) and the nonprofit’s own content. Post Independent Editor John Stroud expressed a similar frustration. “I often get calls or emails from readers alleging a political bias in our reporting, because of something that has

appeared on our opinion page, or maybe a recurring theme in letters and columns that we choose to run,” he noted. “We try very hard to keep what goes in the news pages free of anything that could be claimed as being biased, but it’s still tricky. Even the use of a quote from someone stating a particular opinion can qualify as bias on some reader’s part, especially if it appears more prominently than the counter opinion or lack of any type of rebuttal. The ongoing trick is to find balance in our reporting.” “Interestingly enough, some readers want us to go down the road of more advocacy type of journalism,” he added. “Particularly during election season, we’ll hear that we should ‘be harder on’ one side of an issue or another. This is especially true when it comes to the energy industry.” For Niki Turner of the Rio Blanco Herald Times, the most common complaints were more about where things were in the paper than what got covered. “Most folks are pretty clueless about the inner workings of the newspaper office, and that can cause misunderstandings on a variety of levels,” she observed. “What makes the front page and what doesn’t? How does ad placement work? Why was my ad ‘buried’ on page 10 (of a 14 page paper)? Why do some events get more news coverage than others? Why can’t we give junior high sports the same coverage as high school sports?” And while that’s usually mostly harmless, poor communication with the elected boards and special districts can be pretty problematic. “We’ve had to explain to several of those boards that the more open and transparent they are with us, the easier life is for everyone,” she explained. “We’re not their adversaries; we’re a conduit of information between what they do and the public whose money they spend. When we ask questions or request access to information, we’re trying to verify facts and make sure the information we present to the public is accurate. When they get defensive and tell us we need to file CORA requests for everything… we start wondering what they’re trying to hide.” “Your News, Your Community,” by contrast, is the journalists attempt to be an open book.



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to sign up for the race call Independence Run & Hike at 970.704.0909 or check out the event on facebook The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • OCTOBER 11-17, 2018 • 5

Access AfterSchool accepting registration for fall/winter activities By Justin Patrick Sopris Sun Correspondent Since 2009, Access AfterSchool has been providing valley middle schoolers with a captivating array of enriching afterschool activities. For only $2.50 per class, students can spend up to three afternoons per week engaging in instructor-led activities with their peers. While the offerings are always changing in response to feedback, past programs have included outdoor survival, cooking, fly fishing, mountain biking, astronomy, robotics, architecture, fashion design, sewing, skateboard building, foreign language learning, unicycling and track, to name a smattering. Next week, SecondShift — the name for the middle school afterschool program — will begin the first of ten weekly sessions that run through the fall/winter semester. They will run again in the spring semester, as well. Each activity rakes place directly after school for approximately an hour and a half. Most activities provide all the tools needed. About half of the instructors are teachers, while the other half are sourced from affiliate organizations throughout the Roaring Fork Valley. The low student-to-instructor ratio (seven to one, on average) means kids receive significant individual attention. This year, Access expanded to Ross Montessori and Riverview, adding them to a list that includes Basalt, Glenwood Springs, Rifle and Riverside middle schools. Access AfterSchool is an independent

non-profit that is not formally affiliated with the schools, but works closely with them “to fill in the gaps,” according to the organization’s Executive Director, Deborah Rice. “Access works as an umbrella organization to coordinate a system of opportunities and resources throughout the region,” she wrote in a grant application. “In keeping with emerging needs, Access’ staff meets with superintendents, principals and teachers, listening and addressing needs by filling gaps in programs that schools are no longer able to provide.” The results have been overwhelmingly positive. Instead of leaving middle schoolers with idle time in the late afternoon when parents are typically not yet home from work, SecondShift brings them together for goal-driven, skills-enhancing activities. And the students seem to love it. Activities boast an 86 percent attendance rate. “We enrich the lives of youth, support working families and build healthy communities,” said Rice. “Students feel a sense of belonging to their school because they’ve found other kids with like interests.” Student and parent satisfaction is extremely high, with surveys showing “that youth participants: received high-quality programming, demonstrated improved social-emotional health, were more active and physically healthy, built positive relationships with adult mentors and diverse peers and were prepared for future success.” Interestingly, juvenile arrest rates in Garfield County have decreased by 70 percent since the program’s inception. Data

Prisoner of Hope: Persistence Dr. Cornel West has said that he’s not an optimist, but rather a “prisoner of hope.” How do we keep going when it seems like there are no other options left, but hope? Join us on Sunday to be inspired by hope with Rev. Shawna Foster

Middle school students perfect their culinary skills with an instructor in a cooking class offered by Access AfterSchool. The program is currently accepting enrollment for fall/ winter classes. Courtesy photo show that juveniles are far more likely to engage in high-risk sexual behavior or illicit activity — both violent crime and substance abuse — or be involved in a car crash during the hours after school if they are left to their own devices. The SecondShift program provides supervision and structure during that critical time period, while also helping students apply what they learn in the classroom to engaging real-life endeavors. Garfield County Commissioner Tom Jankovsky attributes Access’ preventive programs as a direct factor in reducing costs incurred by health and human services. In addition to these core community benefits, the program also represents a welcome secondary income stream for teach-

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ers and non-profit employees, who rely on the additional revenue to offset the high cost of living. Another ripple effect is a reduction in workplace stress, because parents do not have to worry about their kids’ whereabouts and activities before they can pick them up after work. Registration for Access AfterSchool’s SecondShift program is currently open. Activities have open registration until they are full. Participation is not limited to attendance at a specific school— all children are welcome as long as they are age-appropriate. Students and parents can read descriptions for classes and sign up at accessroaringfork.org. Individuals interested in supporting the program may also make donations from the website.

Did you know early fall is a shrubs, perennials, spring fl id you knowseeds? early Cooler te wildflower fall is a great timecombine to plant dormancy for planting Here is trees, one more great reas


shrubs, perennials, We’re having spring flowering bulbs, grassCome and wildflower in early for best select seeds? Cooler temps, still • warmall soils,trees rains & shrubs 40% of ballots and • plant perennials dormancy combine create idealplants (r • to Selected planting conditions. • pottery & select g Here is one more great • other specials thr reason to plant now… • prizes

WE’RE 970.963.1173 HAVING eaglecrestnursery.com A SALE! Mon-Sat • 9AM-5PM Store hours:

Come in early for best selection. is limited In ElSale Jebel next to El Jebo to stock on hand.

GARFIELD COUNTY, COLORADO NOTICE OF GENERAL MAIL BALLOT ELECTION For November 6, 2018 Election Date: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 Election Type: Mail Ballot with in person voting options at Voter Service & Polling Centers Election Hours: 7:00 am to 7:00 pm on Election Day

Ballots will be mailed between October 15th and October 19th to all active registered voters. Voters who do not receive their ballots may request replacement ballots in person at the County Clerk’s Offices in Glenwood Springs or Rifle or by phone (970-384-3700 option 2), fax (970-947-1078) or email (elections@garfield-county.com). The last day to request that a ballot be mailed is October 29, 2018. After that date voters must appear in person at the County Clerk’s office or a Voter Service and Polling Center to request a replacement ballot, register to vote, or complete a change

of address and receive a ballot. Any voter may surrender their mail ballot and cast their vote on an ADA accessible electronic voting machine located at the Clerk’s office in Glenwood Springs or the Early Voting (VSPC) located at the new County Administration Bldg. D at 195 West 14th St. in Rifle beginning Monday October 22nd. Each VSPC open on Election Day will have at least one ADA accessible electronic voting machine available for use from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.

Town Hall Drop-off Sites: October 16 – November 6, 2018

County Office Drop-off sites for voted ballots Beginning October 16, 2018 Garfield County Clerk & Recorder 109 8th Street Glenwood Springs, CO East Entrance M -F 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Suite 200 M-F 8:30-5:00 pm Election Day Open 7:00 am - 7:00 pm 24/7 Drop Box on 8th St.

County Administration Building 195 W 14th St., Bldg. D Rifle, CO M-F 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Election Day Open 7:00 am - 7:00 pm

Return voted ballots by mail with appropriate postage affixed ($0.71 stamp) or you may hand deliver your ballot to one of the designated drop-off sites listed below. Ballots must be received at a Voter Service and Polling Center or the County Clerk’s offices by 7:00 pm on Election Day to be counted. Postmarks do not count. Verify your voter registration information and track your ballot (sent and received) at www.govotecolorado.com.

New Castle Town Hall 450 W. Main Street New Castle, CO M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Silt Town Hall 231 N. 7th Street Silt, CO M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Parachute Town Hall 222 Grand Valley Way Parachute, CO M -Thursday 7:30 am - 5:00 pm

Carbondale Town Hall 511 Colorado Ave. Carbondale, CO 24/7 drop-box only - near the main entrance

24/7 Drop Box near building entrance

Early Voting Service & Polling Centers October 22 –Nov 6, 2018 (excluding Sundays) Garfield County Courthouse - Room 200 M-F 8:30 am to 5:00 pm & Election Day from 7am to 7pm County Admin Bldg. - Rifle 195 14th St. M-F 8:30 am to 5:00 pm & Election Day from 7am to 7pm Voter Service and Polling Centers located at the Courthouse in Glenwood Springs and at the County Administration Building in Rifle will be open Saturday Oct 27, 2018 and Saturday November 3, 2018 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. All voter services available at both of these sites.

Additional Voter Service & Polling Centers open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm on Election Day Only Carbondale Town Hall- 511 Colorado Ave

Glenwood Springs Community Center - 100 Wulfsohn Rd New Castle Library - 402 W Main St Silt Library - 680 Home Ave

Parachute Library - 244 Grand Valley Way Sample Ballots available at www.garfield-county.com or www.govotecolorado.com Questions: 970-384-3700 Option 2 for Garfield County Elections Department Designated Election Official: Jean M. Alberico, Garfield County Clerk & Recorder Published in The Sopris Sun on October 11, 2018.

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • OCTOBER 11-17, 2018 • 7

Town Report

Cop Shop

The following items are drawn from Town Manager Jay Harrington’s weekly report to staff, trustees and others.

From Sept. 28 through Oct. 4, Carbondale Police handled 256 Calls for Service. During that period, officers investigated the following cases of note:

A BABY WAS DELIVERED by Officers Litzau and Rupp before emergency medical services arrived on Oct. 2. Both mother and child are in good health. WATER RESTRICTIONS will be lifted when the irrigation ditches are shut down on Oct. 15. Park restrooms will also close the same day. LEAF DAYS began Oct. 10, with dumpsters set up in the parking lot across from Town Hall. THE GATEWAY RV PARK is closed for the season after 153 days of operation. This year, group tent sites were 17 percent booked and RV spaces were occupied 62 percent of the time. RUTHIE’S RUN, the bidirectional hiking access trail to Red Hill, is now open to the public. SHARROWS — arrows indicating that a bike can take the whole lane to share the road — are still being installed on Main Street in asphalt rather than paint. OPEN POSITIONS at the Rec. Center include climbing instructors and customer service representatives (contact jwall@carbondaleco.net) as well as group fitness and Silver Sneakers instructors (contact mdonnelly@carbondaleco.net).

BASKETBALL REFEREES are needed for the winter league, which starts in December but is already filling up. Contact wtempest@carbondaleco.net.

SATURDAY Sept. 29 at 12:52 a.m. After stopping a car for failing to obey a traffic control signal, police arrested the 21-year-old driver on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.

COED VOLLEYBALL takes place Monday nights through Dec. 17 and still needs more players — contact wtempest@ carbondaleco.net.

SATURDAY Sept. 29 at 2:20 a.m. A 36-year-old man refused to leave a local bar after repeat warnings from police and was subsequently arrested for third degree trespass. SATURDAY Sept. 29 at 12 p.m. Police stopped a 56-year-old man who was driving on the wrong side of the road and ended up arresting him on suspicion of DUI. A 51-year-old passenger was also arrested for open containers of alcohol and marijuana as well as violation of a protection order.

PIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS takes place Oct. 29 with pre-registration by Oct. 26; contact mdonnelly@carbondaleco.net for more information. THE YOUTH GYMKHANA planned for Potato Day was delayed a week due to weather.

SATURDAY Sept. 29 at 5:58 p.m. A report of a “suspicious event” led to a 31-year-old man’s arrest for false imprisonment, unlawful possession of a controlled substance and unlawful use of a controlled substance.

THE NEW POOL process continues with a GOCO planning grant application. Letters of support will be sought later in the fall.

SUNDAY Sept. 30 at 12:10 a.m. Following a traffic stop for speeding and expired plates, a 30-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. SUNDAY Sept. 30 at 7:53 p.m. A 22-year-old man was issued a summons for bicycle theft.

LEAF REMOVAL has replaced mowing for staff. SALES TAX was up 4.6 percent from last September, with year-to-date collections up 9 percent. Lodging tax collections were actually down 3.1 percent for the month, but remain up 12.6 percent for the year.

MONDAY Oct. 1 at 3:55 p.m. While investigating a welfare check, officers arrested a 33-year-old man for a violation of restraining order.

HYDROGRITTER equipment is now in operation at the wastewater plant.

TUESDAY Oct. 2 at 2:54 a.m. A traffic stop for failure to obey a traffic control device ended in the arrest of a 33-year-old passenger on a warrant.

VOLUNTEERS are needed for Celtic Fest and Oktoberfest. Call 510-1214.

AN UNUSED TAP discovered during a hydrant replacement along Colorado Avenue is slated for abandonment this week.

PARKS AND REC. is meeting at 7 p.m. Oct. 17 — a week later than normal.

OFFICER INTERVIEWS took place Oct. 9 in hopes of filling the open police position.

The paper you are holding costs us

MONDAY Oct. 1 at 11:27 p.m. After stopping a car for speeding, police issued a summons 34-year-old driver for driving under the influence of alcohol.

TUESDAY Oct. 2 at 7:20 p.m. A 21-year-old was issued a summons for speeding and driving with a revoked license. THURSDAY Oct. 4 at 11:52 p.m. Police received the first of three sex assault reports for the day.

17th Annual

Add Your



to produce. Have you made your donation to The Sun this year?

(5-9pm) (5

5-6pm: Bag Pipes, Drummers, and Celtic Dancers from Rocky

Mountain Scots

8pm: Men’s Best Legs In A Kilt Contest

6-9pm: Live Traditional Irish & Scottish Music From The

Ferlies (11am (11am-9:30pm)

11am—1pm: Face Painting and Kid’s Crafts on the Rosybelle Mobile Maker Bus (FREE!) 11am-2pm: Live music from Rick

Borger and the Average German Band

1pm—5pm: 5th Annual Cornhole Tournament 3pm-6pm: Live German music from Denver’s

Thirsty 5

7pm: Liter Holding Competition

As a non-profit community service, we can only thrive and grow with your support.

SunScribe online at


7:30—9:30pm: Live Classic Rock/Folk Cover Band The

Logan Brothers

Beer Tent: German Beer & Wine, Cider Beer Authentic German/Celtic Cuisine: Brats/Kraut, Wiener Schnitzel, Beef Goulash, Potato Pancakes, Smoked Salmon Tacos, Strudel, Pretzels, Curry Wurst

8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • OCTOBER 11-17, 2018

The Aspen Choral Society invites you to become a part of the valley’s longest running holiday tradition,

Handel’s Messiah. Rehearsal Schedule: Sunday evenings, 4:00-6:00pm Starting Sunday, October 14 Performance Dates: December 14-16, 2018 Interested? Contact Sue: sue@aspenchoralsociety.org

Commissioner candidates differ on proposition 112 By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff

Chances are, you’ve heard a lot about the upcoming midterm election on Tuesday, Nov. 6 (if you’re unsure whether you’re registered at your current address, you can check that status at www.vote.org). This week, in the first of a two-part series, we spoke with each of the contenders for the open Garfield County Commissioner seat.

Tom Jankovsky (R) Though a Republican, Jankovsky — who is running for his third term as a Garfield County Commissioner — doesn’t consider the position particularly along partisan lines. “Because there’s 33,000 voters potentially in Garfield County, I think there needs to be a distinction between Republican and Democrat, because there are some philosophical distinctions,” he said. “But I’ve thought back over my career as a county commissioner… [and] you do try to follow your rules and regulations, and often those will give you the best decision, but it’s never about party politics.” In fact, he sees a lot of the issues most relevant to his constituents’ lives as a matter or rural versus urban interests than Republican versus Democrat — what he calls “foundational issues.” Affordable healthcare — “I’m working with a bipartisan coalition of county commissioners to try to do whatever we can at the state level to try to improve healthcare” — attainable and affordable housing, meeting daycare needs and implementing a broadband system — “We are working with Pitkin County now on a wireless broadband system which will... get to at

Paula Stepp (D)

least 73 percent of residents immediately that don’t have broadband” — round out the much of that list. Jankovsky describes himself as a fiscal conservative. Much of his philosophy as a commissioner is numbers-driven. “We do balance our budget every year. We’re debt free. We have one year of reserves,” he continued. That said, he has budgetary concerns. “Our reserves are still dropping about $10 million a year because we provide about $7 million in grants to municipalities, to nonprofits. Then we have capital projects of our own. As a county, because our property taxes have dropped [because of the decreased price of oil], we’re starting to see some stress.” In trying to curtail that stress, Jankovsky and his fellow commissioners recently issued a resolution opposing Proposition 112, which asks voters to mandate a statewide minimum distance of 2,500 feet between new oil and gas development and occupied buildings on non-federal lands. The current restrictions require oil wells be at least 1,000 feet from high-occupancy structures like schools, hospitals and businesses, 500 JANKOVSKY page 16

Paula Stepp, a first-time candidate, hinges much of her campaign message on her appreciation of nuance in issues. For instance, it would be easy to distinguish her from county commissioner incumbent Tom Jankovsky by their stances on Proposition 112 — she’s in favor; he opposes — but it’s not so simple, she maintained. Like her opponent, Stepp thought long and hard about the different implications of the ballot measure — she just came to a different conclusion. “I’ve spent a lot of time on the western side of the county, and I understand the economic impact [of] our oil and gas income to the county,” she said. But she’s confident that, if the price of oil rebounds and climbs high enough to justify the investment, the industry will continue extraction within in new regulations. “At the same time, I have spent many hours talking to people who are really worried about our health and our environment and the impact that the oil and gas industry and fracking has on us not only today but into our future and our kids’ futures,” she said. “It’s a tough issue for me, and I have gone back and

forth and talked to so many people.” Regardless of her personal feelings on the matter, though, Stepp recognizes it’s ultimately the voters’ decision, and if elected as commissioner, she wants to have a plan for either outcome. “If it passes, I really believe we turn around and invest in resources and whatever we can do to find more viable alternatives for our county, in particular on the western side,” she said, expressing some frustration with what she sees as better-late-than-never initiatives, such as the county’s current broadband endeavor. “We should have done that when we were in the height of wealth: we had almost $133 million in reserve funds. Year by year, we’re taking $8-10 million out of this reserve fund that to me should have been invested in the future.” In that regard, Stepp had some concrete ideas. “Sixty percent of the county is public lands: why should that be directed to one industry?” she noted. “I look at how people participate in public lands; I look at how welcoming our towns are to tourists. We have an amazing Rifle airSTEPP page 16

Fire Truck Rides

Tour the Fire Station and Trucks with Your Local Heroes

Check out the Classic Air Helicopter

Meet Sparky the Fire Dog & Explore the Fire Safety House

Saturday, October 13, 2018 Saturday, October October 13, 2018 Saturday, 13, 2018 11:00 a.m. --3:00 3:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. p.m. 11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Saturday, October 13, 2018 Carbondale Fire District invites you to come to our Community Open Carbondale come to our our Community CommunityOpen Open CarbondaleFire FireDistrict Districtinvites invites you you-to to3:00 come to House. It will be a11:00 great timea.m. with something forp.m. the entire family. Enjoy

House. It Itwill for the the entire entirefamily. family.Enjoy Enjoy House. willbebea agreat greattime timewith withsomething something for stationtours, tours,Fire firetruck truck rides, chance to meet meet Sparky the Dog Carbondale District invitesa you to come to our Community Open station Sparky the Fire Fire Dog station tours,fire fire truckrides, rides, aa chance chance to to meet Sparky the Fire Dog and prizes and kids! Join us for the lunch andfamily. get to Enjoy know House. It for willfor begrown-ups a great time with something entire and prizes grown-ups and kids! and prizes for grown-ups and kids! Join us for lunch and get to know

Giveaways & Door Prizes


your friends Carbondale Fire. station tours,atfire truck rides, a chance to meet Sparky the Fire Dog

Join for lunch and get to know your friends at Carbondale Fire. yourusfriends at Carbondale Fire. and prizes for grown-ups and kids! Join us for lunch and get to know your friends at Carbondale Fire.



Saturday, October 13 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • OCTOBER 11-17, 2018 • 9

Blown away at Potato Day Photos and text by Jane Bachrach

Float banners, hats, leaves and who knows what else were blown away when a helicopter flew over the Potato Day Parade on Saturday morning, surprising parade onlookers and participants and alerting them (some too late) to hold on to their hats and tiny tater tots. It was kind of exciting and only stalled the festivities for a minute or so... because the parade must go on and people had to get to the barbeque!

10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • OCTOBER 11-17, 2018

There was a tie for the best float in the parade and judges awarded the trophy to The Carbondale Historical Society and Glenwood Springs Airport floats. Second place went to Bishop Plumbing, whose staff was quite bubbly as they flushed their way down Main Street. Third place went to Coldwell Banker. Congratulations to all entries who made this year’s Potato Day Parade the longest in recent memory!

Local schools get in the spirit from homecoming to parade floats

Photo by Jane Bachrach

Photo by Rebecca Young

Photo by Will Grandbois

Photo by Sue Rollyson

Photo by Will Grandbois

Photo by Jane Bachrach

Photo by Jane Bachrach

Potato Day is also the culmination of homecoming, with powderpuff (above — the junior girls defeated the seniors at football and the senior boys won volleyball), formal sports (center, the volleyball girls fell to Aspen 3-1, while the soccer boys trounced them 7-0 — only to suffer their first loss to Basalt in double overtime on Oct. 9). Homecoming King and Queen Ronald Clemente and Lux Andrade were accompanied by mini-royalty in the big parade (top right), with floats from each RFHS grade and plenty of participation from other schools, as well (CCS won best school entry, followed by CRES and RFHS Class of 2019).

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • OCTOBER 11-17, 2018 • 11

Community Calendar THURSDAY Oct. 11

ENERGY HEALING • Join Jane St Croix Ireland at 6 p.m. at The Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) for an intuitive energy healing workshop designed to help you gain self mastery, clarity and satisfaction. $25; info at janestcroix.com. ONE VOICE • Lisa Dancing-Light, founder of Higher Octave Music Programs, presents a community singing group intended to celebrate the joy that music brings to the spirit from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at The Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). $15; info at lisadancinglight.com. FILM BENEFIT • Solar Rollers screens “Living in the Future’s Past” at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 11 at The Crystal Theatre (472 Main St.). Tickets are $20 at solarrollers.org and include a complimentary “Dude” cocktail at Marble Distilling.

THU Oct. 11 – SAT Oct. 13

EQUUS • Thunder River Theatre Company (67 Promenade) presents the award-winning Broadway sensation about a passionate but disturbed young man and the therapist trying to save him. This gripping performance, due to dramatic themes and a scene of nudity, is for adult audiences only. Season and individual tickets available at 963-8200 or www.thunderrivertheatre.com.

FRI to THU Oct. 12-18

MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre (427 Main St.) presents “Juliet, Naked” (R) at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 12-14 and Oct. 16-18; “The Bookshop” (PG) at 5 p.m. Oct. 13; and “Three Identical Strangers” (PG-13) at 5:15p.m. Oct. 14. Closed Oct. 15.

To list your event, email information to news@soprissun.com. Deadline is noon on Monday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted.

FRIDAY Oct. 12

BASALT ART • Check out Yelena Chemerisov’s new display at the Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.) at 5 p.m. as part of Basalt’s Second Friday art walk. CARBONDALE ART • Carbondale Arts presents two exhibitions — paintings by Kirk Robinson and an immersive installation by Vallee Noone — with a 6 to 8 p.m. opening at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). BOHEMIAN WORLD MUSIC • Dance to Roma Ransom beginning at 7 p.m. at Marble Distilling (150 Main St.). HONKY TONK • Casey James Prestwood and the Burning Angels take the stage at 8 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits). $14 for one and $20 for two in advance at tacaw.org or $19 for one at the door.

FRI & SAT Oct. 12-13

CELTICFEST / OKTOBERFEST • The Fourth Street Plaza will be hopping for days on end with bagpipes, beer and Celtic cuisine — not to mention the bestlegs-in-a-kilt contest — starting at 5 p.m. Friday and lederhosen, liter holding, music and mugs starting at 11 a.m. Saturday. PIZZA PICNIC / BREAD BAKE • Bring toppings to share with dough, sauce and cheese provided at 5:30 p.m. Friday (gluten-free folks can start a bit early) and prep your dough to go in at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Community Oven in Bonnie Fischer Park.


HEALTH FAIR • Aspen Valley Hospital invites you to get your flu shot and a blood draw lab tests and free or dis-

counted screenings from 8 to 11 a.m. at the El Jebel Community Center (20 Eagle County Rd.). Make an appointment at aspenhospital.org/health-fairs by Oct. 12. AARP DRIVER SAFETY • RSVP presents a special driving class for folks ages 50 and up runs from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at CMC Glenwood (1402 Blake Ave.). $15 for AARP members and $20 for others. Register at 945-7486. WRITING WORKSHOP • Aspen Words invites you to join “Spoonbenders” author Daryl Gregory and learn some practical techniques for fiction from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Pitkin County Library (120 N. Mill St., Aspen). $40 for Aspen Writers Network; $95 for the general public. FIRE OPEN HOUSE • Ride in a fire truck, tour the station and more from 11 to 3 p.m. at the Carbondale Fire Station (300 Meadowood Dr.). HARVEST PARTY • The Aspen Center for Environmental Studies offers live music, cider pressing, pumpkin carving, hay rides and other seasonal activities from noon to 4 p.m. at Rock Bottom Ranch (2001 Hooks Spur Rd., Basalt). IPHONE PHOTOGRAPHY • Summers Moore teaches you to get amazing shots with your phone in a 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. workshop at The Art Base (99 Midland Ave.). $60 for members, $75 for others. YOUR NEWS YOUR COMMUNITY • Colorado Media Alliance and KDNK (76 S. Second St.) invites you to talk to journalists from around the Western Slope about media beginning at 4 p.m., with a 5 p.m. live broadcast. RSVP required at cma.media/events/2018/6/29/your-newsyour-community-carbondale.

Temporary (360 Market St.) with a 7 p.m. fundraiser for Alpine Legal Services. $25 general admission.

SUNDAY Oct. 14

AMAZING RACE • The fastest team rarely wins in this set of unique challenges spread out over 3 to 5 miles starting at Independence Run & Hike (586 Highway 133). The free event runs from 3 to 5 p.m.; register your team of two by emailing brion@independencerunandhike.com. SINGER SONGWRITERS • Dawn and Hawkes take the stage at Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) at 8:30 p.m. or thereabouts.

MONDAY Oct. 15

DAM FILMS • Dance, Art, & Music (DAM) Films continue at 8 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St.) with “Gauguin: Voyage to Tahiti.” $11 in advance at tacaw.org or $14 at the door.


LIGHT THERAPY • Dr. Dia Lynn provides a polychromatic public demonstration and a slideshow from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.).


MOVIES THAT MATTER • Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.) screens “Get Out” beginning at 5 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHING ART • CMC Professional Photography graduate Ian Edquist helps you record representations of your 2D or 3D works with your digital camera in a 6 to 9 p.m. workshop at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). Free; register at carbondalearts.com.

JUSTICE FOR ALL • Jes Grew rocks The

CALENDAR continued on page 13

Halloween Headquarters • Costumes / large inventory • Halloween accessories for sale wigs, fangs, eyelashes, make-up, etc...



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Friday, Friday, October October 12, 12, 2018 2018 Drop off all new or used equipment, clothing, Drop off all new or used equipment, clothing, accessories accessories 44 -- 66 pm pm Saturday, Saturday, October October 13, 13, 2018 2018 Pick up money and/or unclaimed Pick up money and/or unclaimed items items 2:15 2:15 -- 44 pm pm NO PURSES OR LARGE CARRIERS ALLOWED IN SHOPPING AREA. NO BACKPACKS, BACKPACKS, PURSES OR LARGE CARRIERS ALLOWED IN SHOPPING AREA.

Community Calendar

continued from page 12


EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN • Staff and sources talk about this week’s paper and more at 4 p.m. Thursdays on KDNK (88.1 FM). HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION • Free opportunities include: One-hour consultations Monday mornings by appointment (379-5718) about heart attack and other chronic illness prevention through plant-based whole-foods lifestyle with retired family doctor Greg Feinsinger, MD. New at 6 p.m. Tuesdays beginning Oct. 23, a livestream of Just 1 Thing 4 Health’s interviews with featured doctors. At 7 p.m. the first Monday of the month, a Powerpoint presentation about the science behind plantbased nutrition. Finally, at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of the month, participate in a plant-based potluck. All events take place at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) and are supported by Davi Nikent Center for Human Flourishing. ROTARY • The Carbondale Rotary Club meets at the Carbondale Fire Station (300 Meadowood Dr.) at 6:45 a.m. Wednesdays. The Mt. Sopris Rotary meets at White House Pizza (801 Main Ct.) at noon every Thursday. YOGA • Get a donation-based introduction to Hatha Yoga Tuesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). MAKERSPACE • Children and teens are invited to design, create, tinker and play with art and technology to design and create with 3D Pens, make stop-motion animation films, engineer duct tape creations, build their own video games and more from 2 to 3:30 p.m. every Wednesday at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.). YAPPY HOUR • Colorado Animal Rescue’s Yappy Hour at the Marble Distillery (150

Main St.) takes place at 5:30 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. Sip on handcrafted cocktails and meet a C.A.R.E. dog, with $1 from every drink donated to C.A.R.E. Bring your own dog along as well. RUN AROUND • Independence Run & Hike hosts a run around town Saturdays at 8 a.m. Meet at the store, 596 Highway 133 (in La Fontana Plaza), and run various distances, with different routes each week. Info: 704-0909. FORM & VOID • Carbondale Arts presents simultaneous exhibitions at the R2 Gallery (76 S. Fourth St.) — the light explorations of abstract artist Mary Conover beside Jim Johnson’s charcoals and Vicki Lee Johnson’s sculpture. LOVE ADDICTS • Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, a 12 step group will meet from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday at Holland Hills United Methodist Church (167 Holland Hills Rd. Basalt). COMMUNITY MEAL • Faith Lutheran Church (1340 Highway 133), in collaboration with Carbondale Homeless Assistance, hosts a free community meal from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the third Saturday of the month. Info: 510-5046 or faithcarbondale.com. BLUEGRASS JAM • Bring the instrument of your choice or just your voice for a weekly jam session first and last Sundays at 6:30 p.m. at Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) and all other Sundays at the Glenwood Springs Brew Garden (115 Sixth St.) OPEN MIC • Take the stage at Riverside Grill (181 Basalt Center Circle, Basalt) from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays . Food and drink specials. Free. KARAOKE • The Black Nugget (403 Main


ALL BIG ISSUES FOR GARFIELD COUNTY Equitable, lasting solutions will be reached by a Board of Commissioners …

St.) and Sandman bring you over 30,000 songs to choose from and a quality sound system to release your inner rockstar at 9 pm. every Thursday.

SENIOR RADIO • Diane Johnson talks about senior issues and services on KDNK at 4:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month.

LET’S JUST DANCE • Feel great, have fun and dance Tuesdays at The Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Catch a free lesson at 7 p.m., then from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. it’s open dancing with two-step, swing, waltz, line dance, salsa and more. No partner or experience necessary. $8/person; $14/couple. Questions? Call 970-366-6463 or email billypat4@gmail.com.

PARENT CHILD CLASSES • Waldorf on the Roaring Fork hosts musics, movement and merrymaking for kids and caregivers under 5 at 9 a.m. Mondays; sweetness, self care and singing for the under 1.5 crowd at 9 a.m. Wednesdays; and pals, play and puppetry for ages 1.5 to 4 at 9 a.m. Fridays. More information and registration at www. waldorfschoolrf.org.

WORLD DANCE • Learn rhythms from various countries and cultures for $12 per class from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays at the Carbondale Community School (1505 Satank Rd.).

GRIEF AND LOSS • Pathfinders offers a grief and loss support group every other Monday at 6 p.m., and a caregiver support group every other Wednesday noon. An RSVP is required to Robyn Hubbard at 319-6854. Pathfinders offers support groups from Aspen to Rifle and is located in Carbondale at 1101 Village Rd. Info: pathfindersforcancer.org.

MEDITATION • Free silent meditation sessions are held at the Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.) from 6:45 to 7:30 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Additionally, The Monday Night Meditation Group meets from 7 to 8:15 p.m. at True Nature (100 N. Third St.) and offers instruction in the Buddhist practice of Vipassana. Also at True Nature, everyone’s invited for SRF meditation from 10 to 11 a.m. on the first Sunday of the month. DHARMA • The Way of Compassion Dharma Center holds a Dharma talk and meditation from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays and a silent meditation and Buddha of Compassion practice at 8 a.m. Saturdays at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). MINDFULNESS • The Mindful Life Program in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) offers group sessions Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Admission is by donation and registration is not necessary. Info: mindfullifeprogram.org and 970-633-0163.

BRIDGE • The Carbondale Bridge Club hosts duplicate bridge (not sanctioned by ACBL) from 6:30 to 10 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). $6/per pair. Contact Marlene for more info: 928-9805. SENIOR MATTERS • The nonprofit Senior Matters, based in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.), offers numerous programs for senior citizens, including: tai chi with John Norton at 8:30 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays; tai chi with Marty Finklestein at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays; Alaprima Painters at 11 a.m. on Thursdays; the Senior Matters Book Club at 4 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of the month; and the Roaring Fork Brain Train. Info: seniormatters.org; Diane Johnson at 970-306-2587; and Senior Matters, Box 991, Carbondale CO, 81623.

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Democrats, Republicans and Independents Majorities and Minorities Men and Women People of all ages, incomes and backgrounds


Paid for by The Committee to Elect Paula Stepp, Norman Kirk Treasurer

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • OCTOBER 11-17, 2018 • 13

This Land … is your land. Don’t to seeks vote! County Forestforget Service Ballots were mailed to all registered Line comments

voters Oct. 16 and should have TheonAspen-Sopris Rangernow District been received. welcomes comments on the County Line Ballotslocated must be returned by Nov. 7.Park Votproject, in the Fourmile ers areThe reminded affixencompasses 49-cents postage area. projecttoarea apto their ballots if33,000 they choose proximately acresto return withinthem the by mail. Ballots be received by the Fourmile Creek,must Camp Creek-East DiNov. deadline — postmarks revide 7Creek, Thompson Creekthat andareEdgceived later than thatRiver date will not be erton Creek-Crystal watersheds. counted. Voterswas maydeveloped also drop off balThe project totheir address lots in person box located outforest health at in the thedrop Fourmile Park area; side of the Carbondale Town additional components of Hall. the project will improve recreation opportunities Flu vaccinations available at and public safety, ski area forest health Medicare workshop and the existing road system. It will proThe Colorado Gerontological Society will vide commercial forest products to local host a free educational workshop, Medicare industries and will use prescribed fire to Monday, the Third Streetwhile Center Nov. 6 improve at wildlife habitat reducing to address the changes to Medicare that benthe area’s susceptibility to large-scale eficiaries can expect to see in 2018. wildfire. Written comments must be subWalgreens will fax, be on hand to make mitted via mail, electronically orflu in vaccinations available.8Anyone person (weekdays, a.m. - who 4:30wishes p.m.) to vaccinec/o will simply present to:receive Karen the Schroyer Shelby Limberis, their Medicare Card and their insurance Forester/Silviculturist, P.O. Box 309, card to one of the pharmacists, Carbondale, COWalgreens 81623-0309, FAX: who will take the information and admin(970) 963-1012. Call or email Shelby ister the vaccine. Walgreens will handle the Limberis, 970-827-5161 or slimberis@ Medicare/insurance fs.fed.us, for more billing. information. Open enrollment for Medicare beneficiLibrary poses ballot aries ends Dec. 7. This is themeasure time of year when Medicare beneficiaries need review The Garfield County PublictoLibrary their current insurance coverage, priDistrict willhealth be on the ballot this Nomarily prescription drugs through vember for asking voters for approval to Medicare D. For individuals who keep all Part income it those collects. The ballot are currently enrolled in a Medicare measure, titled 6A, would not raise Adcurrent tax rates. The library district is posing this question to voters because some of its funding — mainly sales tax — is subject to a State of Colorado formula

vantage Plan the and rate want at to change or that limits which plans governreturn original Medicare, now is the time mentsto (including special districts like lito make that well. braries) are change allowedasto grow from year to year. Due to this limit, the district is ‘Toilet currentlyBowl’ facing temporarily a $139,232 refund for fiscalof year 2017 and most likely a simiout order larEffective or largerimmediately, amount in Colorado 2018. If ballot Parks measure 6A passes this November, the liand Wildlife is instituting a voluntary fishing brary district wouldarea purchase closure at a popular on the books Frying and Pan materials with the money, and River located downstream from theenough Ruedi funds would beThe added to the budReservoir Dam. fishing spotbook — known gets inas2019 andBowl 2020 the locally the Toilet — to willdouble experience number of reduced materials (essensignificantly flowpurchased as water that nortially feeds restoring the book to to 2016 mally the pool will bebudget re-routed falevels). If it does not pass, the $139,232 cilitate required dam maintenance. from 2017 bewhich refunded as a temWork on would the dam, is owned and porary property tax credit in 2019, with operated by the Bureau of Reclamation, is the average eld County estimated to Garfi continue throughresidential Nov. 10; property itowner a $1.58 credit on however, couldseeing take longer if additional their 2019 property tax bill. work is necessary. For more information about the volunGarCo newColorado tower lease tary fishingagrees closure,to contact Parks andGarfi Wildlife’s Glenwood Springs at eld County has struck anoffice interim 970-947-2920 for information about agreement withand Sprint Spectrum for use work on thetower dam and operations, conof a new on dam Lookout Mountain tact Tim MillerSprings. of the Bureau of payments Reclamain Glenwood Sprint’s tion at 970-962-4394. to the county will increase to $4,528 monthly for use of the tower (the preRangers recognition vious leasereceive with Sprint was for $1,577 Five White River Nationalannual Forest emmonthly), with a 3-percent revployees are the recent recipients individenue increase starting in 2020.ofThe new ual, recognizing leaseprestigious expires onawards Dec. 31, 2023, andtheir incontributions to the $19,000 land and the commucludes a one-time payment to nities serve for in their respective profesoffsetthey the costs modifying the tower’s sional fields. load. Construction on a new new service “These recognitions, both internal and permanent tower is underway. “We’re expecting that by the end of November, we’ll have the tower up and operational,” Garfield County Facilities Director Frank Coberly said. “So this is just a

Fall Open House

external, demonstrate what between a lot of people small, interim agreement Garalready know: that the White River Nafield County and Sprint to bring us more tional has the incredibly dedicated, in lineForest to what revenues will be hardonce working andpermanent talented people we have the tower stewarding in place.” these lands on behalf of the American public,” said Scott Fitzwilliams, Forest SuperviOpioid package passes Senate sor.The “I am extremely proud to share these U.S. Senate passed the Opioid awards with our local communities,” he Crisis Response Act on Monday evening. said. Andrew Larson, Erin Carey and Katy The comprehensive bipartisan legislaNelson all received recognitions their tion works to reduce opioid use,for expand work in theand Aspen-Sopris treatment recovery Ranger efforts, District. support caregivers and families impacted by the CDOT director opioid crisis, drive resigns innovation of nonopioid and support substance Gov.treatment Hickenlooper today announced abuse prevention Therole package Shailen Bhatt will beefforts. leaving his as ExincludedDirector SenatorofCory Gardner’s legecutive the Department of islation, the Alternatives Transportation (CDOT). to Opioids in the“Shailen’s Emergency Department which innovation andAct, drive has establishes a three-yearof demonstration pushed the Department Transportation program to testtoalternative pain-manto work tirelessly stand up a transportaagement toolsthat to reduce thethe amount tion network can meet needs of opioids being used in an emergency setColorado,” said Governor John Hickenting. Following the demonstration looper. “We wish him the best and can proonly gram, this out’ legislation requires a report say ‘watch as he brings his expertise to congress recommendations and creativity with to a new set of challenges.”to establish pain-management protocols Gov. Hickenlooper appointed Bhatt to in be spreadofacross country. February 2015.the During his tenure, Bhatt focused on public safety and worked to better livesnot of Coloradans USPSthewill forward through ballotsan improved system.your regNow ittransportation the time to update Bhatt will his in December istration. Toleave confi rmposition your mailing adto become president and Chief Executive dress, go to www.pitkinvotes.com and Officer at the Transportation Soclick on theIntelligent “clipboard” icon on our ciety of America. CDOT’s Deputy Executive homepage. If the information is incorDirector and Chief Operating Officer Mike rect, please update it immediately and Lewis has been namedElection interim director. the Pitkin County Staff will mail your ballot to the correct address. You can also register to vote at govotecolorado.com or by texting the word “CO” to “2VOTE” (28683).

Want to get involved? Contact your elected officials about the issues that matter to you. US Sen. Michael Bennet Washington, D.C. Office 261 Russell Senate Office Bldg. Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-5852 US Sen. Cory Gardner 354 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-5941 US Rep. Scott Tipton 218 Cannon HOB Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-4761 CO Sen. Randy Baumgardner 200 E. Colfax Denver, CO 80203 (303) 866-5292

CO Rep. Bob Rankin 200 E Colfax, RM 307 Denver, CO 80203 (303) 866-2949

Upcoming meeting

Planning and Zoning reviews the Main Street Marketplace at 7 p.m. Oct. 11 at Town Hall, 511 Colorado Ave.

Fall Leaves: Love ‘Em & Leave ‘Em for Healthy Soil, Lawns, Gardens & Planet

Fall leaves contain valuable nutrients Thank you to the Roaring Fork that Valley build soil and feed plants. Take a community for a great cue from Mother Nature and let your Fun(d) Run on Saturday. fall leaves enrich your soils.

• 9-11:45am NOVEMBER 7,5002017 HOLDEN WAY, CARBONDALE the program will include: Campus Tours • Department Presentations Comments from Jeff Leahy, Head of School Please RSVP. www.crms.org/admissions/open-house/ 14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • NOVEMBER 2-8, 2017

Over 200 participants and 40 volunteers Mulchmade mow leaves into your lawn the event fun, safea leaf mulching blade with and successful raising Shred gardens over $7,000 for theleaves to mulch your Saturday, Compost Annual Fund for Ross your leaves October 6, 2 018 Montessori School. For more information: Visit www.carbondalegov.org Brochures available in the THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Carbondale Town Hall, Carbondale library & Third Street Center lobbies.

THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS: Village Smithy, Bonfire Coffee, Alpine Bank, Aspen Snowmass Ski Co, Carbondale Clay Center, Marble Distillery, Handmakery, The Yellow Canary, Bow Tie Cinemas, Peppinos Pizza, Independence Run & Hike, Carbondale Creamery, Bristlecone, Roaring Fork Brewing Company, Glenwood Canyon Brew Pub, Mrs. Barr’s Natural Foods, Alchemy Audio Visual Concert Systems Visit rossmontessori.org for more information!

14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • OCTOBER 11-17, 2018

Fund Run Thank You Sopris Sun ad.indd 1

10/9/18 8:52 AM

The district’s Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education Department meets regularly, examining data to inform instruction and discussing best practices and strategies to support all students. Courtesy photo

The Brains: Ernie, Mark & Ann Gianinetti, Lisa Quint, Jim Barnett The Brawn:

RFSD students’ progress in acquiring English is highest in the state By Kelsy Been Roaring Fork School District The Roaring Fork Schools’ 2017-18 growth scores on ACCESS — the test that measures a student’s progress in developing English — exceeded both the state’s and similar districts’ median growth percentiles. Based on these results, the Roaring Fork School District is number one in ACCESS growth out of the 19 districts in Colorado with over 1,000 valid tests. “English language proficiency is a gateway to most other academic learning in our schools and a key life skill for living and working in the United States,” said Rob Stein, Superintendent of the Roaring Fork Schools. “We are proud that such a significant population of our students is mastering two languages and making groundbreaking progress in acquiring English.” The ACCESS test measures emerging bilingual students’ academic English language development across four domains including writing, speaking, and listening. Students who are actively receiving language development services through the district’s Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE) Department take the test in January or February of each year. Last year, 1,476 Roaring Fork students took the ACCESS test. “The CLDE team has repeatedly demonstrated the significant impact that a collaborative, focused and results-driven

Thank You Potato Day Volunteers

group of committed individuals can have on the lives of students. Amy and her team are an exemplar for collective efficacy at its best,” said Chief Academic Officer Rick Holt. Roaring Fork Schools’ Director of CLDE, Amy Fairbanks, attributes the success of the district’s emerging bilingual students to the district’s collective effort to support students. “We are successful because emerging bilingual students are everybody’s students,” Fairbanks said. “Our staff works hard to meet the linguistic demands of emerging bilingual students at all language proficiency levels and continues to challenge students in all content areas all day.” Because a redesigned test was implemented in 2015-16, this was the first year since 2015 that the Roaring Fork Schools received comparable student growth results. In addition to measuring how the Roaring Fork School District is doing compared to other districts, the CLDE team uses this data to inform instruction. “It is important to know exactly where students are on the continuum of learning English so that instruction is geared toward the next step in the process,” said Fairbanks. “CLDE coaches use these scores to help place students in appropriate groups and classes and to help all teachers enhance their instruction in order to teach language and content throughout the entire school day.”

Tami Suby and the Middle School & High School Jazz Bands Steve Standiford, Rebecca Young, Donna Dayton Parade MCs: April Spaulding and Gavin Dahl Parade Judges: Sonya Hemmen, Brett Stringer Sam Richings-Germain The Pit Pyros: Hugo Castillo, David Cardiff, Jerry, Rick and Marty Cheney, Eva and Mike Cerise Marc Bassett, Jess Wise, Trent Reed, Tanner Nieslanik John Runne, Shaggy Fink The Spud Slingers: Town of Carbondale Board of Trustees Sopris Sun Board, Roaring Fork High School Students Safe Cracking: Steve Standiford, Tony Mazza, Wayne Winton of Tri County Locksmith

The Committee:

Carbondale Parks & Recreation Department

The Carbondale Chamber of Commerce The Carbondale Historical Society The Carbondale Branch Library The Sopris Sun & RFHS Counselor Laura Karnes Special Thanks to Volunteer Extraordinaire Kate Schwerin

Thank You Potato Day Sponsors The Way Home

Alpine Bank, Ernie & Carol Gianinetti

Amore Realty, ANB Bank Aspen Skiing Company, Avalanche Ranch B & H General Contractors, Inc., Berthod Motors Carbondale Chamber of Commerce, Castle Valley Childrens Clinic Cassic Air Medical, Crystal Valley Dental Associates P.C. Distinguished Boards and Beams, Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park Glenwood Springs Municipal Airport, L & L Cabinets Main Street Gallery and the Framer, Marcella Ach, MG Landscaping Mike & Eva CeriseMt. Sopris Rotary Club, Nieslanik Beef Novus Auto Glass, Peppinos Pizza, Premier Party Rentals Richard Sickert (In memory of his Great Grandfather Daniel Edgerton ) River Stone Real Estate, Rosybell CArbondale Arts, Roaring Forge Ross Montessori School, Seven Star Rebekah Lodge, Sue Rodgers, Sunsense Solar, The Roaring Fork Quilt Guild, The Orchard White House Pizza, Whitsitt Gross Rowberry LLC Wild Rose Gardening and all of the local businesses who donated gift certificates.

Until next year, have a spudtacular time! The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • OCTOBER 11-17, 2018 • 15

The times they are a’changin’ By Fred Malo

I’ve always been at a loss to assign a political label to myself. I’m certainly no conservative. I believe the constitution is a living document that should be changed as the country changes. Incidentally, most of the people who call themselves conservatives aren’t conservative. They like to say they interpret the constitution as written, but when it’s written, ”A wellregulated state militia,” the conservatives ignore that. When the constitution interferes with their license to play with their toys, it can be revised. I’m not a liberal, either. Liberals are too passive for me. This country needs to make radical changes. It needs to make them right now. Besides, liberals like the two Clintons, Obama, Schumer and Pelosi have abandoned their base, the working class, to try to win the affections of Wall Street. I was a card-carrying Communist in college. I circulated a petition to get the CPUSA on the 1972 ballot. That ended in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s when communism, the political system, collapsed under the weight of its own B.S. in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. The B.S. was Marx’s theory that a strong central state was required at first to protect the Soviet communes from imperialist forces until worldwide communism is achieved, when the state would wither away. The problem with that is worldwide communism has never been achieved, and a strong central state never gets anything but stronger until the proletariat rises up and knocks it down. I still hang onto the other half of Marxist ideology: socialism, the economic system. Socialism is alive and well throughout the world, including right here in the good old U.S. of A. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the ACA are clearly socialistic and they’re among the few systems in this country that actually work. Having never voted for a major party presidential candidate, I’m definitely an unaffiliated independent. Along with the Electoral College, gerrymandering and the obscene amount of

Jankovsky from page 9

money in politics, the two-party system has helped invalidate our democracy. “The battle outside ragin’ Will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls” — Bob Dylan A new label has come along that I can definitely relate to: Democratic Socialist. I’m a democrat with a small d. Government by the people is the nice way to put it. I say the people get what they deserve. As for socialism (Oh dear, I wrote the s-word and it has nothing to do with excrement), I don’t know how you can argue with, “To each according to their needs. From each according to their abilities.” I’ve read Adam Smith and Max Weber. I know how capitalism is supposed to work. I’ve studied history. I know how it doesn’t work. Capitalism fell on its ass in 1929 and 2008. Capitalism is one small step beyond anarchy and chaos. No controls on business. No provisions for those who can’t fend for themselves. Property is private, managed to the benefit of the property owner rather than the population at large. Survival of the fittest. Eat or be eaten. People aren’t horses. You don’t hafta dangle a carrot out in front of them to get them off their ass. Hard work and excellence can be its own reward. Working for the common good isn’t all that crazy. Democratic Socialism is obviously the wave of the future. Remember how the millennials got behind Bernie Sanders in 2016. The new standard bearers are congressional candidates Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York and Ayanna Pressley in Massachusetts, gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum in Florida and lieutenant gubernatorial candidate Jumaane Williams in New York. If the mainstream liberal Democrats don’t get on board, their party will go down as fast as Trump will sink the Republicans. I think that’s good. “The order is rapidly fading And the first one now will later be last…”


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feet from occupied buildings like houses and 350 feet from outdoor areas like parks and playgrounds. Again, for Jankovsky, it’s about the numbers. “In our county, 60 percent of the lands are public lands and 40 percent are private. There are 11,000 wells in our county. On the public lands, there are 1,000 wells, and on the private wells, there are 10,000 wells,” he said, citing easier permitting on private lands for the discrepancy. “We receive 50 percent of our property tax from the natural gas industry. It’s 50 percent of the library district’s property tax. It’s 50 percent of CMC’s property tax [in Garfield County]. CMC’s worried about Gallagher; they really should be taking a look at 112,” he said, noting that county property taxes from oil and gas account for about $54 million in annual revenues.

Stepp from page 9

port that is topnotch in what is going on business-wise. Grand Junction is trying to get their airport set up as a foreign-trade zone. That could overlap to our Rifle airport, so what does that do for us in terms of distribution centers? I see opportunity.” One thing she sees as potentially stifling to economic opportunity in general? “Proposition 74,” she said (learn more at tinyurl.com/Amendment74). “I think this is a really important one that we should be standing up against, and the most important reason is it’s a constitutional change, so it leaves us very little room to move.”




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www.garfield-county.com 16 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • OCTOBER 11-17, 2018

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Letters from page 2

Comments are essential Dear Editor: The City of Aspen’s housing authority (APCHA) controls nearly 3,000 “units” of

housing in a town of 6,800. Some “units” are four-bedroom homes; some “units” were completely built by the owners with their own hands. With great power comes great responsibility. APCHA recently passed a public comment policy that is unconstitutional. The First Amendment of our nation’s constitution states that “Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech” or “the right of the people to peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Our state constitution gives us greater freedom of speech than even the First Amendment. Citizens of Aspen asked for a judicial injunction on the new public comment policy. Instead of agreeing to change their public comment policy, we found out today that the City of Aspen instead is going to attempt to have our lawsuit dismissed. Aspen, once the beat of the counterculture, has copied corporate culture and adopted a liberal authoritarian “morality” intent on silencing voices. Do we realize where we are? Lee Mulcahy & Ned Carter Aspen

RFTA or traffic Dear Editor: Congestion. It’s not just for Aspen anymore. You will find traffic backed up day and night at every stop light in the Roaring Fork Valley and west of Glenwood. And there’s no longer a quiet traffic time at off peak. So yes, property taxes seem to be the main dish lately. And it hurts to face higher taxes. But it hurts more to have less

THE 2018 GENERAL ELECTION BALLOTS WILL MAIL NEXT WEEK — OCTOBER 15 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A BALLOT IN THE MAIL Go to www.PitkinVotes.com or text “CO” to “2Vote” (28683) to review and update your voter registration record and your ballot will be sent to the address indicated. October 29th is the last day mail ballots may be sent from the Election Department through the mail.

QUESTIONS? Call the Elections Hotline at 970.429.2732 or visit the web site at www.PitkinVotes.com/2018-election for additional ways to cast your ballot in this election.




530 E. Main St. | Aspen


active community volunteer. I also know him to be a true public servant and Garfield County Commissioner. Tom is thorough, fair and totally committed to the economic well being of our county and its citizens. After Obamacare, Tom discovered Garfield County had the highest health insurance premiums in the nation. So he went to work to make sure we were removed from the “resort region” designation to lower premiums for everyone. He is still passionate about this issue and is working hard to provide solutions for affordable health care premiums for the middle class. As a third generation Coloradoan, Tom appreciates the natural beauty and geography of the county. He has earned awards for regional partnerships and championing clean energy initiatives. His broad business background was put the test when he was the commissioner put in charge of budgeting. His work helped make our county debt-free and rich in financial reserves – all this despite an economic recession that affected so many governments who were not as conscientious. Please join me in re-electing Tom Jankovsky. He’s fair. He’s honest. He listens to constituents and embraces diversity. He serves us well, and we need him to make sure that the county continues to thrive in the years ahead. Raelyn Westley New Castle

than excellent schools, inadequate fire protection and less transit/trails when we need more. How much worse would congestion be if RFTA lacked the financial support to keep up with this crazy growth? Or think about future degradation of our beautiful Rio Grande Trail if we lack proper maintenance and improvements. Please check out the details at www. onboardwithrfta.org. The site will show you costs and benefits and help you write a letter in support and make a donation of any size. We need your support and your vote. Say yes on 7A to keep our community a place we will always want to live and work. Jacque Whitsitt Basalt

7A for the LoVa Trail Dear Editor: Imagine for a moment, riding your bike or walking through South Canyon on a safe, separated path next to the Colorado River. Perhaps you are heading to the three miles of new flow trail built by the Roaring Fork Mountain Bike Association in South Canyon. Or maybe your family is headed to the Storm King Firefighter Memorial Trail in Canyon Creek. Or you are just out for a mind-clearing walk with your dog, taking in the sunset over the Grand Hogback. What a gift it would be to traverse this geologic gem at a slower pace than 65 miles per hour! If you like this vision, then vote yes on 7A, which will provide dedicated funding for trails in our valley communities.

If approved, RFTA will have the resources to provide the crucial local matching funds needed to leverage a large-scale federal grant to complete the LoVa Trail through South Canyon. The time is now to prepare for the upcoming 2020 federal grant cycle, and the LoVa Trail is on track to be shovel-ready and poised to compete for funding. A vote for 7A is a vote for more safe, separated trails for your family and community. Get on board with RFTA. Jeanne Golay Glenwood Springs

Renew the Healthy Community Fund Dear Editor: I am writing to ask the Pitkin County community to continue its support of the Healthy Community Fund by renewing Ballot Initiative 1A on Nov. 6. This community should be proud of its long-term commitment to improving and supporting the health and well-being of its residents though this unique funding source. The fund should be renewed to continue that commitment. Community Health Services (CHS) is one of many local nonprofits that benefit from this fund. As one of the fortunate recipients, CHS provides clinical services with a focus on prevention: preventing disease with vaccinations, preventing unintended pregnancy by offering affordable options for contraception, preventing poor oral health by offering dental hygiene services and preventing adverse birth outcomes by providing quality preLETTERS page 19

KDNK Halloween

Dance Party



SIGN UP AT PITKINVOTES.COM The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • OCTOBER 11-17, 2018 • 17

What goes up must come down From the archives of the Roaring Fork Valley Journal Oct. 12, 1978

Oct. 15, 1998

Arson was suspected after an under-construction home belonging to Police Chief Verne Soucie was destroyed in a fire. The response time was seven minutes, a volunteer firefighter told The Journal, “but it was already gone by the time we got there.” Given that no workman had been in the sight over the weekend and no wiring had been installed yet, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and Garfield County Sheriff’s office were called into investigate — and were rumoured to have at least one suspect. In other news… Longtime area cattleman Frank Wald “Bill” Jessup died after a long illness.

The Roaring Fork Valley’s five mayors came together for a development confab and invited the public to attend. Goals included showing people what build out was likely to look like and gauge their response and find models for regional cooperation on land use. The map, in particularly, was expected to “raise your hackles,” according to Carbondale Mayor Randy Vanderhurst. In other news… Growth was turning into the major issue for a three-way Eagle County Commissioner race between (now-Basaltmayor) Democrat Jacque Whitsitt, Republican Tom Stone and Independent June Deane.

Oct. 13, 1988 Everyone wanted an early peek at the classifieds, according to Editor Pat Noel, as the rental market became “as tight as a four-pound sausage in a three pound skin.” Realtor Frank Smotherman put it down to the housing market bottoming out a few years before, allowing people to buy. New tax laws made rental units less than profitable, he noted, and almost all new construction was intended for owner occupation. As the white men on Town Council struggled with how to address increasing tension between anglos and latinos in town, Mary Ferguson noted that “It’s not a new problem here. The Italians faced it when they came. The answer is integration, education and communication.”








Oct. 9, 2008 Bankruptcy proceedings for Lehman Brothers cast doubt on the future of the LB Rose Ranch development at Ironbridge, even as local real estate agents predicted housing prices to fall. In fact, the median price had already declined from $677,500 to $477,450, although the mean had increased. The discrepancy was likely due to the majority of homes going for below-average prices, with the sale of a few expensive homes inflating the final figure. In other news… Crystal River Elementary School was working on offering healthier lunches, thanks in part to parent group “Little Sprouts.”

News and notes for seniors By Marty Silverstein

This is the start of an occasional column to keep you informed what is going on in our community of note to seniors. This being the beginning of October, the most noteworthy thing to note is the start of open season for Medicare. Medicare open season starts Oct. 15 and runs through Dec. 7. This is your opportunity to change your Medicare health or prescription drug coverage for 2019. This is the only open season, so we must take advantage of it or else wait till next October. To be clear, I am not the Medicare expert, but I would like to highlight some resources you have available. First, you should have received a “Medicare and You” booklet in the mail. Please review it thoroughly. If you have Medicare supplemental insurance, you should also have received a booklet from them explaining their benefits and any changes for 2019. Seniors Matters (a 501c3 Carbondale nonprofit for seniors) is sponsoring Medicare Monday from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Monday, Oct. 22, in the Calaway Room, at the Third Street Center. There will be two days — Oct. 16 and 30 — when there will be a Medicare specialist to help guide you thru the maze of Medicare. These people will meet clients at Crystal Meadows all day and will require an appointment. Please call Jerilyn at 963-9326 to schedule an appointment. One of the additional benefits of Medicare and Medicare supplemental plans is that many of them provide free coverage for Silver Sneakers programs at our local recreation center. Silvers Sneakers is a program that provides exercise and recreation to maintain and improve senior physical well-being. Contact the Carbondale Recreation Center at 510-1292 for more information and to see if your plan qualifies.


Upcoming events from the Parks and Rec. Department include: • Oktoberfest at Glenwood Caverns on Saturday, Oct. 20. The cost is $10, and a van will pick up in front of Crystal Meadows Commons at 10 a.m. • Fruita Holiday Arts and Crafts Fair on Dec. 8 • Grand Junction shopping trip on Dec. 21 • Golden Paddle Adult Pickleball League starting in February Look for future columns for more information or call the rec. center at 510-1292.





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(Agents welcome and protected)

Letters from page 17 natal care. These health services may seem basic to some, but for those who are uninsured or underinsured, they do not come easy. CHS is a part of a network of agencies that creates a safety-net of support for the most vulnerable and those who just need a little bit of extra support getting through a rough time. These services change

people’s lives. Stay committed to making this a healthy, safe and resilient community. Please vote YES on Ballot Initiative 1A to renew the Healthy Community Fund. Liz Stark, Executive Director Community Health Services

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Estate of DEBRA DIANE MARTINEZ BRUN, also known as DEBRA D. MARTINEZ, also known as DEBRA D. BRUN Deceased Case Number 18PR30075 All persons having claims against the abovenamed estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to District Court of Garfield, County, Colorado on or before January 4, 2019 or the claims may be forever barred. Kevin M. Brun, c/o Turner & Perry, LLC 300 Main Street, Suite 202 Grand Junction Colorado 81501 Published in The Sopris Sun on October 11, 2018.

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“don’t trash it – cash it” We pay CASH for METALS! OPEN-SAFE SURGERY Wayne Winton, Doctor of lockpicking at Tri-County Locksmiths’ surgical unit, listened closely to the beats of the safe lock in the vault at Steve’s Guitars as he prepared to perform for a packed room that was alive with anticipation. The break-in revealed mostly old papers from the ‘70s — a birth certificate, financial records and the combination to the safe itself — rather than bars of gold as some had hoped. As such, prize winner Jim Hawkins opted to take some free lift tickets and donate the rest to the historical society. Photo and text by Jane Bachrach


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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • OCTOBER 11-17, 2018 • 19

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