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Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper

Carbondale’s weekly

community connector



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Volume 10, Number 45 | December 13, 2018

Deck the streets with hops and barley By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff

Julie Paxton and Ruth Young, who usually sing songs like “Home on the Range” and “Tumblin’ Tumbleweed” along with their vocal group, Cowboy Corral, wore different hats on First Friday as they magically morphed into carolers. The “Renaissance Cowboy Christmas Chorale” belted out the songs of the holiday season on the Fourth Street Plaza and The Launchpad. Photo by Jane Bachrach




Veuve Clicquot Moet Chandon G.H. Mumm Cordon


Allowing open containers on the closed portion of Main Street on First Fridays would have been a nice idea for many, but the logistics required to make it a reality proved burdensome. And besides, several local restaurant proprietors have come up with a working compromise on their own: the “floating” decks. That was the consensus at a recent special events task force meeting. “We’ve ended up with a kind of accidental drinking in the streets with the deck permits,” said cochair Jake Boyle. “There are a lot more establishments serving out on Main Street, which kind of indirectly serves that purpose. You could have friends that walk past when you’re out on the deck and be able to socialize without officially going through all the hoops.” While those deck permits have been heavily utilized by establishments in the core downtown area, the rollout wasn’t completely smooth at first, member and town trustee Marty Silverstein noted. “There was some good education going on, because not everyone understood it in the beginning that you can’t just order a beer and help yourself to the deck — there has to be a server who brings it out to you — and you can’t pass it to your buddy who’s leaning on the deck.” That said, he felt any early policy execution hiccups served more as an opportunity than hindrance to its future. All things considered, Boyle thought the rollout of the deck permits went as well as could be expected. “I think it worked out really smoothly. It’s grown from establishment to establishment — rather than establishing a separate entity to have to police it,” he said. “I’m all for it. It’s a uniquely Carbondale EVENTS page 10

970.963.5880 On the SE Corner of Hwy 133 and Main Street in Carbondale



Carbondale Commentary

The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, email editor Will Grandbois at news@soprissun.com, or call 510-3003.

Santa in cyberland I’m over 60; that’s much too old to be asking Santa to bring me winn and Signa Strom. They’re like the elves who keep Santa’s gifts from the North Pole. cyberland humming, opening the door for happy surprises and At my age, Christmas gets awkward. I have all the material allowing new friendships to form. goods I need, and it’s hard to shop for things like good health or Like one that began for me last week. replacements for friends and relatives who have died or moved At the end of November, I spotted a remarkable post by Jaspen away. Where do you line up to ask for life purpose, connection Mackin. She wrote: “Ask: Grandparents! Sadly, I don’t have any and meaning? grandparents anymore. I loved them dearly and I miss the relaIt turns out that there actually is a place you tionship I had with them. I am saddened that my son can ask for things like that. Even though it’s quite will never have a physical relationship with them, but local, it’s not really a place — not like Costco or I won’t let this stop us. Lend me your grandparents!” the terrestrial North Pole. Like the fictional version That brought a tear to my eye. I felt that I held of the North Pole, this spot isn’t actually located the missing piece to Jaspen’s beautiful but incomplete anywhere, unless you consider cyberspace a place. jigsaw puzzle. I posted back: “Me!! I have no children, Buy Nothing Roaring Fork is a Facebook hence no grandchildren. I like crafting, and while I group. I joined it several years ago. Our local chapdon’t cook often, I would make cookies or pie if I had ter is part of a nationwide phenomenon. Unlike a grandchild. I’d love to adopt a grandchild to take to online garage sales and swap meets, Buy Nothing make dinner for the homeless, to go to tree lightings, is a cybergroup in which buying and selling are Easter Egg hunts.” strictly forbidden. It’s dedicated to two things: reAs holidays approach, I miss having family. I have cycling and, in the process, community building. only a handful of relatives left. My beloved stepmothOnly three kinds of posts are allowed: a no-stringser and her partner live in Longmont, but we’re often attached gift, an “ask” post, or a gratitude post. separated by two snowy mountain passes. My relaThrough Buy Nothing, I have “paid it forward” tionships with my brothers and sister are characterby giving away all sorts of things: chairs, a breakized by both geographic and emotional distance. In front, yarn for crafting, a drafting board, drawing the past seven years, due to death or distance, I have lessons. I have asked for and received beloved gifts By Nicolette Toussaint lost three best friends in succession. from people wholly uninvolved with the things I Last week, Jaspen, her three-year-old-son Conrad have given away. Needing an oil painting easel and dreading a drive and I met at True Nature’s tearoom to see whether our jigsaw to Grand Junction, I posted an “ask.” Within an hour, Lily Kennedy pieces would indeed fit together. Conrad knew the place; he headdonated her easel to me. The first painting I did turned out to be ed to a nook under the stairs, then reappeared at our table, outfitLily’s spirit animal, a mountain lion! Chris Klingelheber was gifting ted with a red velvet crown, a cape and a toy rainbow made of a king-sized brass headboard. I asked for it and put it to use as a nesting pieces of brightly-painted wood. trellis. Midsummer, after vines had covered it over, Chris brought As Jaspen and I explored our interdependent wishes and laid his two daughters over to meet me and pick fresh beans. some plans, Conrad offered us various pieces of his rainbow — Right now, Victor Mamlin is offering to help the group’s other bits that he turned into boats, eyebrows and smiles. 933 members with whatever they need, from changing a hard-toWe’re planning to go ice-skating next week. The rink is in Glenreach light bulb to installing a floor. Jonathan Isaac Saldivar has wood. It’s a lot closer than the North Pole, but by my reckoning, rallied people to help a homeless man who fell down and broke it’s pretty close to Santaland, and I’m looking forward to gifting his guitar. Nancy Johnson has found a dog igloo, sweaters and bits of my rainbow to Jaspen and Conrad. food for a pooch that has been shivering outside in the cold. Buy Nothing Roaring Fork now has five volunteer administra- Nicolette Toussaint is a current Sopris Sun board member. The tors: Lynne Uhl, Liesl Clark, Jennifer Rockenbaugh, Shelley Sch- views expressed here are solely those of the author.


Seeking Higher Ground


The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 500 words via email at news@soprissun.com or 250 words via snail mail at P.O. Box 399, Carbondale CO 81623. Letters exceeding that length may be returned for revision or submission as a guest column; please include your name, town, and contact information. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday.

Two birds with one stone Dear Editor: Face it, fellow Roaring Fork Valley residents, we live in Heaven. There’s not many life-or-death or misery-causing issues around here. Two that seem to vex us the most are traffic and affordable housing. This valley has a high demand for cheap labor, but no place for them to live, so they come from as far away as Parachute and clog up Highway 82. I have one solution for both problems: abolish private property, have the state declare eminent domain over all mansions over $10 million, and remodel them to accommodate dozens of affordable units. Fred Malo Carbondale

Mill levy was a mistake Dear Editor: The smart voters voted “no” on the November passed new Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA) mill levy and long-term bond issuance which overwhelmingly shores up and benefits Aspen and Pitkin County special interests and directly the Henry Crown & Company

along with its wholly owned companies named the Aspen Skiing Company (SkiCo), CC Industries and the big time transit bus manufacturer Gillig Corporation. Remember that back in the day the O’Jays, a singing group, sang and warned about “the rich get rich… how can they lose with the stuff they use”. This easily understood and clear to all you “no” RFTA mill levy voters. Here are just a few of RFTA’s future wickedly, uncomely and bitter effects for the sake of seemingly endless Crown family fabulous fortune gains at the long-run oppressive and economic draining tax cost accounting on American citizens and residential, retail, and property owners: 1. Only the rich, like the Crowns, will have RFTA municipal bonds in their securities portfolios. 2. Aspen, Snowmass Village and Pitkin County will continue to keep their permanent populations and their public worker housing programs more than 90-something percent white instead of having most of their Latino workers live and work in their environs. 3. Gillig Corp. has insider-guaranteed long-term production and revenue ac-

2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018

counting streams. 4. Because of future RFTA, SkiCo, Aspen, and Pitkin County housing policies for housing more and more of their permanent and seasonal workers in places like Basalt, Carbondale and Glenwood Springs, these locales will come under more and more control and influence of the Crowns and their downvalley satraps. 5. SkiCo or Alterra Mountain Company more likely within 10 years will take over Sunlight Ski Resort. Emzy Veazy III Aspen

Titanic antics Dear Editor: Ship of state sinking Rearranging the deck chairs Smart rats are long gone JM Jesse Glenwood Springs

Earth has warmed 2˚ F since 1940 Dear Editor: In the 1960s scientists calculated that if Earth’s mean temperature rises by just two degrees that the world’s glaciers will melt LETTERS page 18

Sincerest thanks to our Honorary Publishers

for their generous, ongoing commitment of support.

Jim Calaway, Chair Kay Brunnier Bob Ferguson – Jaywalker Lodge Scott Gilbert – Habitat for Humanity RFV Bob Young – Alpine Bank Peter Gilbert Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Greg and Kathy Feinsinger Carolyn Nelson Jim Noyes Honorary Publishers commit to tax-deductible gifts of $1,000 or more annually. If you’d like to be included please contact Barbara Dills at barbara.dills@gmail.com or 963-5782.

Thank you to our SunScribers and community members for your support! It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.

To inform, inspire and build community. Donate online or by mail. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Will Grandbois • 970-510-0540 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Carol Fabian • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Reporter: Megan Tackett Photographer: Jane Bachrach Graphic Designer: Terri Ritchie Delivery: Tom Sands Current Board Members board@soprissun.com Marilyn Murphy, President Raleigh Burleigh, Vice President Stacey Bernot, Secretary Barbara Dills, Treasurer Debbie Bruell • Cliff Colia Nicolette Toussaint • John Colson Linda Criswell • Klaus Kocher The Sopris Sun Board meets regularly on the second Monday evening of each month at the Third Street Center.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young • Colin Laird Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

Roaring Fork performers take center stage By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff The parking lot at The Orchard was packed Tuesday night. Proud grandparents, parents, churchgoers and just interested community members pored over silent auction items while the Roaring Fork High School jazz band gave the first preview of the euphony to come at the Holiday Harmonies winter choir concert. It marked a huge culmination for the arts programs in the school district. “Last year, when I started the choir program, I had $60 in the choir account,” RFHS Choir Director Marcia Kuhlman said. “Some of that is just the nature of the beast in the performing arts, but I can effectively say we are in desperate need of funding. That’s why this big performance on Tuesday was so important — it’s our largest fundraiser of the year.” The upscale event, which included middle school and high school choirs, soloists and professional guest musicians, strays from images of traditional bake sales. That’s intentional, Kuhlman said, as is the venue selection. “We [want to] build the gap between the Carbondale Creative District and what’s happening in our schools and help align those same ideals,” she continued. “We have a lot of incredible talent in Carbondale; we also have a lot of incredible talent in the school that nobody knows about. It’s part of the reason this event happens offsite as well: it’s really important for people of the community to see the students singing in the community. I’m not going to have the kids sell wrapping paper… it’s not something I’m comfortable doing. I’d rather capitalize on the skills the students have, which is doing a murder mystery or a concert.” The murder mystery concept is a fundraising opportunity for the high school’s new drama club, which only got its start during the second semester of last year. That program, too, has an ever-growing student roster. It’s also a uniquely student-led department, in many ways, which has created leadership roles. Jessica Kollar, for instance,

The combined Roaring Fork High and Carbondale Middle jazz bands played to great parental pride on Dec. 11. Photo by Megan Tackett found herself in an assistant director role for “Hijinks on the High Seas,” which debuts at the school’s Auditeria Friday, Dec. 14 at 6 p.m. with dinner from Peppino’s. “We needed to add more characters because we have a lot of people in our class but not a lot of roles,” she said of this year’s murder mystery. “We had it last year, but it was only for second semester, and there weren’t a lot of people who could move their schedules around. It’s crazy; I wasn’t expecting so many people to sign up!” And this year’s production is already of a higher caliber than last year’s. Again, in addition to growing student interest, that comes back to funding. The booster club contributed $2,000 toward an acoustical shell and risers — a third of the total cost, Kuhlman noted. RFHS Principal Brett Stringer allocated another $2,000 from his supplies budget, “which makes a huge difference for the sound because our Auditeria is not a professional auditorium. But when it comes to cutting corners, that’s something we have to do frequently.” The students can hardly contain their excitement for the upgrades. “We’ve never had anything at our school like this. Like, our set is an actual set. It’s still shocking,” Kollar said enthusiastically. Ryan Camp stars in Friday’s show, despite it being his first performance at the high school (he’s performed at the Waldorf School and with Theatre Aspen). Even though he’s new to the arts departments, he’s watched their growth. “The arts section of the whole Roaring Fork School District has grown a lot,” he said. “Last year, we didn’t have a chamber choir. It was just a women’s choir and a men’s choir, and they’d meet at lunch. And there wasn’t anything in the middle school, and now there is.”

The band plays on The RFHS choir will perform at The Orchard at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 13, followed by drama production “Hijinks on the High Seas” at 6 p.m. Dec. 14 at the school. Courtesy photo

It’s not just the choir and drama departments that continue to grow despite limited budgets — the Carbondale Middle School and RFHS bands and jazz bands are celebrating new accolades and new lead-

ership. It’s been about six months since Mark Gray retired from his decades-long role as band director, and Tami Wisley moved from her position in Glenwood Springs to fill his shoes. “It’s been a big shift for the kids: Mr. Gray and I [have] different personalities, but I feel like the kids are settling in and really getting into it. We’re making a lot of progress really fast,” she said. “I’m super passionate about kids having music opportunities. It’s in the classroom every day, being relentless in the pursuit of excellence and that we play the right notes at the right time, but also really laughing.” Like Kuhlman, Wisley works to ensure her students have as many performance opportunities as possible. She directs band students at both the middle and high schools, and on Thursday, Dec. 13, the Orchard will again house student musicians from CMS and RFHS at the band concert, starting at 6:30 p.m. “We have some fun holiday tunes, maybe a little bit of Star Wars and some other things for the show. We decided not to play the Black Panther,” Wisley laughed. “We just want to play stuff that kids like and is fun.” Wisley has already seen significant growth in the band department, but she doesn’t have to manage that growth alone. Mark Johnson is an in-schools music instructor sponsored by Jazz Aspen Snowmass (JAS). The Aspen Music Festival, through a partnership with ArtistYear, also provides staffing in schools throughout the Valley, including a musical doctoral candidate in Carbondale. In addition to instructors, sponsorships from outside entities include donated instruments and financial aid, which has been invaluable, Wisley emphasized. “I think I’m probably up to about $20,000 in donated instruments so far this year — not just from JAS, but from other places,” she said, adding that she couldn’t yet have a full ensemble even if she had the students because she doesn’t have a tuba. “There are lots of things that we need. My budget at the high school is $350 for the year, and that pays for not even the amount Currently of music that I buy in a year.” $5,635 towards goal

Help us reach our year-end fundraising goal of $10,000 by Dec. 21, online at soprissun.com/donate or PO Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623 WEEK 1







The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018 • 3


Send your scuttlebutt to news@soprissun.com.

Webaba silale maweni Help is needed for Carbondale Homeless Assistance’s Community Meal on Dec. 15. Volunteer to drive people beginning at 10:30 a.m., bring hot and ready food by 11:15 a.m. or drop off gift cards at Amore Realty. Contact pmenter98388@ gmail.com for more information.

Sunsnow Sunlight Mountain Resort is expected to begin full, seven-days-a-week operation beginning Dec. 14 with lift tickets going for $65 for adults and $45 for kids. At last update, 100 percent of beginner and intermediate terrain was open with some black diamond slopes expected by this weekend — though probably not the East Ridge yet.

I’d like to thank the Academy Take advantage of the number of AMPAS members vacationing in our area by catching some of the year’s top films — some of which haven’t even hit theatres yet — from Dec. 26 to 30 at the Wheeler Opera House and Paepcke Auditorium. Probable Best Picture nominees include “If Beale Street Could Talk” and “Vice” (and our own Crystal Theatre will have “Roma” and “The Green Book” soon). Tickets are on sale now at aspenshowtix.com.

Quaking in our boots The talk of the town seems to be the earthquakes near Glenwood early on Dec. 11, but only one person we spoke with — Dave Taylor — appears to have felt them all the way up here in Carbondale. Social media has made a mockery of the minor 3.4 and 3.6 magnitude events, which strikes us as tempting fate.

Next generation Crystal River Elementary School is looking for community members with a scientific background to be experts at the Fourth Grade Electricity and Magnetism Science Fair from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Dec. 18. Community experts will be noncompetitive judges as groups of students present their electricity and magnetism experiments that address the big questions of “How can we be trustworthy scientists?” and “How do scientists investigate invisible forces of nature?” Contact bmcmichael@rfschools.com or 384-5670.

The Sopris Sun staff would like to express our warm gratitude for the support of readers during our Winter Solstice Fundraising Drive. (We still have a ways to go — see page 3 for details.) Every dollar you give goes right back to improving the paper and lets us know the community is behind our full time, part time, freelance and volunteer team: (clockwise from top) Duke of Distribution Tommy Sands, Countess of Copy Editing Lee Beck, Bookkeeping Baroness Betsey Safford, Editorial Emperor Will Grandbois, Princess of Photography Jane Bachrach, Advertising Earle Carol Fabian, Queen of Design Terri Ritchie and Marchioness of Reporting Megan Tackett. Not pictured are an array of wonderful columnists and freelancers, including photographer Mark Burrows, who shot this little sunbeam in his new studio in the Third Street Center, the Photo Creative Collective. “The idea is to have a space for me to do my work and… invite people to use it at a small hourly rate,” he explained. “It’s primarily for photographers, but it’s also a space where podcasters or videographers can do their thing. If you can fit it through the door, we can photograph it here.” More info at photocreativecollective@gmail.com or 379-4581.

Get around Anderson Ranch Arts Center will welcome a new president and CEO beginning Jan. 15: Peter Waanders, formerly the director for the Society of Fellows at Aspen Institute. Meanwhile, CLEER has a new Renewable Energy Program Director in Katharine Rushton, and and also happens to be holding a roundtable with RMI’s Amory Lovins and others at 1 p.m. Dec. 13 at the Third Street Center.

New kid on the block It’s our understanding that the Roaring Fork Weekly Journal, a new Basalt-centric periodical under the Aspen Daily News umbrella, is supposed to launch this week. The Sun is committed to supporting the best array of news sources as possible in the area, and welcomes The Journal as an ally in our mission to inform, inspire and build community.

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another year of life this week include: Amy Broadhurst and Jon Araujo (Dec. 13); Steve Keohane (Dec. 14); Alya Howe, Ciarra Bristol and Lynn “Jake” Burton, Arturo Ortiz, Anthony Ortiz (Dec.15); JR Burton (Dec. 16); Aiden Knaus (Dec. 17); Ralph Wanner, Daisy Tena and Kathy Ezra (Dec. 18) Frances Lewis and Shirley Bowen (Dec. 19).



Friendship, love, and truth.


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This is the last week to enter our drawing for two $150 City Market gift cards. Drawing on the 21st llenar una bolsa por $5.00 todo el día todos los días desde martes. Dic. 18- viernes dic. 21 Esta es la última semana para ingresar a nuestro rifa de dos tarjetas de regalo de $150 de City Market. Rifamos en el 21



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We are closed for holidays and remodeling December 22 January 8. We will not be accepting donations during this time. Estamos cerrados por vacaciones y remodelación del 22 de diciembre al 8 de enero. No aceptaremos donaciones durante este tiempo.





COME IN THE STORE TO FIND OUT MORE Please deliver broken, torn and damaged items to the Aspen landfill, which

Accepts textiles for recycling


motto is

We ask with gratitude that donations be delivered only during


The Near New Store is run by the Rebekah Lodge, a sisterhood whose

What does it mean for boys to be boys? By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff

Is masculinity inherently negative? Have you ever felt like less of a man around other men? Is it possible to be strong and vulnerable at the same time? These are some of the questions engineer and former marine P.C. Drew hopes will fuel a community discussion at 6 p.m. Dec. 19 at the American Legion Post 100 (97 N. Third St.). The idea came from Belgian therapist Esther Perel, who recently held a Facebook live event on just such a topic. “I fully expect people to come and bring up things that are hard,” Drew said. “Our goal is to be able to sit down and have an open, inclusive conversation without people getting defensive.” In fact, the conversation has already begun as Drew plans the events with a selection of moderators and Samuel Bernal, who will run a Spanish language version down the road. “I’m 44 and I’ve never really asked myself these questions,” Bernal said. “There are differences between men and women and also things in common.You mix biology with culture and your personal perception. But which ones are good and which ones are not? It’s something I keep on exploring every day. It’s an interaction

I love having with my wife.” At one point, Bernal recalls confronting a desire to be “the man of the house” — or at least assign someone the final say in case of a quick or hard decision. He’s beginning to question whether that absolutist approach is useful. “When you’re a parent, you want to have very clear ideas of basic things in life,” he said. “My real goal is to have a happy family, and I’ll put that over anything.” The very process of raising kids has raised the stakes for both men to dig deeper into the issue. “Am I teaching my son to cook as well as my daughter? Am I getting on him to clean up as much as her?” Drew queried. While they’re already having those conversations in their personal lives, the pair think it’s important to broaden the scope and include other men. And while he’s not pretending to have all — or any — of the answers, Drew hopes his traditionally-tough background, combined with the venue, might encourage some guys that wouldn’t normally talk about such things to open up. “I straddle the line between my own masculinity and femininity in polarizing

“You have to start at home. You work from yourself, to your family to your community.”

ways. I’ve had combat experience. I’ve also cried in front of a lot of people,” he said. “I’m all about the logical mind, which works against me when I try to access an emotion. A big part of my foundation is hitting rock bottom mentally — being forced to rebuild that self.” That’s not say the event isn’t open to women, too — in fact, they’re the majority of RSVPs. “I have not heard back from the men that I have individually invited, and the women I’ve talked to have rearranged their schedules to come,” Drew said. “That tells you something. Folks who come in couples will likely be sorted into different small groups

to facilitate an open and varied conversation. “It’s going to be a different conversation at each table, and that excites me,” he added. The moderators themselves hail from both sides of the gender spectrum and represent a variety of perspectives. “One of them takes this long view that some of the biggest crises are caused by the negative behaviors our masculinity brings about in our legislators, our politicians, our titans of industry,” Drew said, though he and Bernal aren’t sure they agree. “You have to start at home,” Bernal said. “You work from yourself, to your family to your community.” Bernal will be out of the country for the English event, but is already assessing the best place and time for the Spanish version. “I suspect our community will be a little bit more reserved about it, which is all the more reason to do it,” he said. Drew also hopes someone might be inspired to have put together a similar discussion for high schoolers. The first iteration is geared more toward adults. He also expects mostly cisgender and heterosexual participants just by dint of population, though he acknowledges that the LGBTQ+ community has tackled many of the same questions and can likely offer insight. The most important thing, he says, is that the conversation continues.

Sopris Sun Holiday Ad Deadlines FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, NOON

Please contact Carol Fabian 510-0246 Ad Reservation Deadline for BOTH the DEC. 20 and DEC. 27 AdSales@soprissun.com holiday editions of The Sopris Sun. for your reservation

Help us bring back the sun! Pagan Ritual, pageant, bonfire, cider & cookies, song! Anyone wearing an animal costume can be part of the pageant. Join in the ancient yule-tide ceremony! Thursday, December 20 at 5:30pm | Third Street Center 520 S 3rd St Carbondale, CO 81623 More info? Contact Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist office@tworiversuu.org or 970-989-9680

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970-379-1575 Today! When your appliances fail, don’t chase your tail - Call Twin Labs The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018 • 5

Our Town

Jonelle Luther By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff The Sopris Sun is conducting a series of interviews with folks you may not have seen in the paper before – a sort of introduction to your neighbors. This week we caught up with Jonelle Luther, an instructor at the Carbondale Rec. Center and beyond — more info at summitconditioning.com. backs. It’s high energy, full body and we always use weights. Good form is important, so I try to keep the movements simple. The following has brought most of my clientele, and I love it. It’s functional fitness for survival outside. Q: Are you an outdoor athlete yourself? A: Yes! I really love my sport climbing. Trail running is my thing — dirt only; no concrete. I don’t particularly care to compete; I want to just enjoy it. I have to snowmobile home several months out of the year, but I take it out and have fun too. I like to skin and do some mild backcountry. Q: What about other activities? A: Cooking in the healthiest way I can. I like to share recipes that are gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free and show that they can be just as delicious. I love to play and write music and craft. I live in the woods, so you have to be kind of self-sustaining in your brain. I don’t get bored much. Sopris Sun: Where are you from and how did you get here? Luther: I am from Flagstaff, Arizona mainly and Southern California. I started with massage and fitness, then moved to nutrition and then kind of took a break for a while and moved to brewing — which is kind of neat because it actually has the same nutritional background — and finally made my way back to fitness and found myself in Glenwood Springs. It’s beautiful, I’d visited before and wanted to be a little more remote and close to the mountains. While I was here I found nutritional therapy. Q: What does that entail? A: It’s helping people on a different level of nutrition when they’ve found themselves with issues they don’t know how to fix. I dig to the bottom through a series of questions and functional testing. It’s the most incredible way of healing. I’ve always done healing and I’ve always done nutrition but I needed to connect them. To get people to sacrifice something for their health is a different animal. You have to guide them to their balance. Q: How did you get involved with the Rec. Center? A: I needed a job and they were hiring. It was really hard to restart here in Glenwood knowing no one. My business is about having clientele, so I had some time to put in. I came in to just work membership, but I was summoned into taking over a fitness class. It made me very nervous to work in front of a bunch of people — one-on-one was my thing. Six years later it’s like my staple. Q: Tell me about the class. A: Summit Conditioning is focused on people who don’t have too many hold6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018

Q: Do you have any family here? A: I have a wolf-dog named Alpine. He’s very wild. I live with my boyfriend, and he works for Aspen Expeditions doing all-season backcountry guiding. We’re building a house come spring. Q: Anything else coming up that’s exciting for you? A: I have a lot of new programs in the works and a website being designed to take them. My goal is to offer priceless information on how to heal through sixto-10 week programs loaded with information to meet people where they are and educate them onto a healthier path. They can jump in and start putting the work in by learning how to help themselves. If you know of someone who should be featured in “Our Town,” email news@soprissun.com or call 510-3003.

Vital statistics Birthday May 15 Favorite hike Babbish Gulch First book you finished as a kid Ender’s Game Pet peeve People not being aware of others and their surroundings (Also, loud chewers) Something you’d like to do Work from anywhere Words of wisdom The grass is only greener where you water it.



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* Excludes ammo, convenience store items, power tools, Vitalix and propane. 10% off feed applies on up to 5 bags. The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018 • 7

The last First Friday of 2018

Friday, Dec. 7 was not only Pearl Harbor Day, it was the last First Friday of the year. Light-Up Carbondale lived up to its name as crowds gathered in town to witness the annual lighting of the Christmas tree and all the lights on Main Street. Kids and adults drank hot chocolate and roasted marshmallows in the bonfire on the Fourth Street Plaza, while Santa waved and wished crowd members a

Knowing who you really are We build elaborate facades in our lives that protect a scared self. The opposite of this vanity is to embrace our whole authentic self – which requires some humility – and knowing who we really are. With Rev. Shawna Foster.

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8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018

Merry Christmas. There were also sleigh rides on the horse-drawn wagon, the Carbondale Clay Center’s annual cup auction, KDNK’s Labor of Love auction and shopping at the Deck the Walls gift show at The Launchpad where elves flitted around and kids climbed onto Santa’s lap; some crying and others telling him what they wanted for Christmas. Photos and text by Jane Bachrach


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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018 • 9

Events from page 1

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HOW YOU CAN HELP! • DONATE $30 provides One Family Holiday Food Gift Thank you to our Holiday Food Gift Sponsors: J. Robert Young Foundation

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thing for the most part; it checked a lot of boxes for the town and for citizens, and I didn’t have to join another committee,” he added with a laugh. It checked a lot of boxes, Parks and Recreations Director Eric Brendlinger agreed, but not all. Mainly, the idea of the Special Entertainment District permit that the First Friday committee originally proposed was to create a fundraising opportunity. “The original idea was to have it be a fundraiser for First Friday, so that’s not happening,” he pointed out. But even the bottom line is being taken care of by the private business community: First Bank, which is opening a Carbondale branch, has offered to sponsor First Fridays to increase its visibility in the town. “It’s natural: First Bank, First Fridays,”

Carbondale 2019 EVENT CALENDAR (Draft – subject to change)


Compassion Fest Aug. 9-11 (Friday thru Sunday), Bonnie Fisher Park & Third Street Center

First Friday Family Skate Night Jan. 4 (Friday) 5:30-8 p.m., Fourth Street plaza park ice rink

Summer Park Concert Series Aug. 11 (Sunday), 3:30-7:30 p.m., Sopris Park Gazebo

Full Moon Tri Jan. 19 (Saturday) 4:30-8 p.m., Darien Ice Rink & Rio Grande Trail

Jaripeo y Baile Mexican Rodeo Aug. 10 or 11 (TBD), 4-9 p.m., Gus Darien Rodeo Grounds

First Friday “Mardi Gras Parade” Feb.1 (Friday) 4:30 p.m., Downtown Main Street Parade Route

KDNK’s The Hoot Aug. 16 (Friday) 5-10 p.m., Fourth Street Plaza Park to Garfield

Rassle The Castle Feb. 3 or 16 (TBD) (Saturday), 9 a.m., Redstone Fat Bike & Snowshoe Race

“Our Town - One Table” Aug. 26 (Sunday) 5-9 p.m., Fourth Street (Main to Euclid)

Green is The New Black Fashion Show March 14,15,16 (Thursday, Friday & Saturday) Carbondale Recreation Center

“Cowboy Up” Dance & BBQ Aug. 23 (Friday) 5-10 p.m., Fourth Street Park & Plaza

Town Easter Egg Hunt April 20 (Saturday), 10 a.m. Sopris Park “Where my Peeps at”

Rotary Club Running of the Balls Sept. 6 (Friday) 5-9 p.m., Downtown Main Street & Fourth Street

5 Point Film Festival April 25-28 (Thursday thru Sunday), Carbondale Recreation Center

Wilderness Workshop Community Party Sept. 6, (Friday) 5-9 p.m., Sopris Park

Festival Las Americas May 5 (Sunday) 12-8 p.m., Sopris Park & Gazebo

No Man’s Land Film Festival Women’s Adventure Films, Sept. 12-15 (Thursday thru Sunday), Crystal Theater, Launch Pad, Fourth Street

Dandelion Day May 11 (Saturday) 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sopris Park & Main Street Parade

Clay Center’s Annual Fundraiser Sept. 21 (Saturday) 5-9 p.m., Carbondale Clay Center

Bonedale Bike Week, May 17-23 (Friday thru Thursday), Carbondale Recreation Center & other locations within Town

Western Slope Pickleball Tournament Sept. 21 & 22 (Saturday & Sunday), North Face Darien Pickleball Courts

Bike Park Competition, May 18 (Saturday) 9:30 a.m., North Face Bike Park

First Friday “Homecoming & Harvest Fest,” Oct. 4 (Friday) 5-9 p.m., Downtown Main Street

Art Around Town Art Walk, June 6 (Thursday) 5:30 p.m., Begin at Town Hall Wild West Rodeo Series, June 6Aug. 22 (Thursdays) 7:30-9:30 p.m., Gus Darien Riding Arena 8th Annual “Bonedale Skate Revival” June 8 (Saturday), 9:30 a.m., North Face Skateboard Park Summer Park Concert Series June 9 (Sunday) 3:30-7:30 p.m., Sopris Park Gazebo Downtown Farmer’s Market June 12-Sept. 25 (Wednesdays) 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Fourth Street Plaza & Park Fourth of July Parade & Pool Party July 4 (Thursday) 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Downtown Main Street Parade Route & Sopris Park Pool Area



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10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018

Carbondale Mountain Fair July 26, 27,28, Friday 12 p.m. Sunday 7 p.m., Sopris Park

First Friday (monthly) (5-9 pm) Downtown Main Street

18th Annual “Mt. Sopris Music Fest” July 5 (Friday) 5 p.m.-10 p.m. Fourth Street Park 100% ORGANIC CANNABIS

Silverstein quipped. Of course, First Fridays aren’t the only special events in the lineup for 2019 — far from it. The draft calendar has been established (published here), but Brendlinger emphasized that it is merely a draft. “It will be finalized before the Jan. 8 meeting with the Trustees for final approval,” he said in an email. Carbondale Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Andrea Stewart is looking forward to the New Year. The First Bank First Friday sponsorship and deck permits are just the latest developments in an evolving process for Carbondale’s burgeoning downtown scene. “We are excited for what’s to come in 2019, including additional partnerships, creative highlights and events, all while maintaining a family-friendly atmosphere,” she said.

Summer Park Concert Series July 14 (Sunday) 4-8 p.m., Sopris Park Gazebo Jaripeo y Baile Mexican Rodeo, July 13 or 14 (TBD) 4-9 p.m., Gus Darien Rodeo Grounds

Potato Day Parade Oct. 5 (Saturday) 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Main Street Parade & Sopris Park Ross Montessori 5k & Marmot Mile Oct. 5 (Saturday), 7:30-11 a.m., Ross Montessori School “Celtic Fest,” Oct. 11 (Friday), 5-9 p.m., Fourth Street Park & Plaza “Oktoberfest” Celebration Oct. 12 (Saturday), 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m., Fourth Street Park & Plaza Aloha Shaka Cross Series Race #1 Oct. 20 (Sunday), Roaring Fork High School & North Face park (Bike Cyclo-Cross Race); Race #2: Nov. 28 (Thanksgiving Day) First Friday “Dia De los Muertos” Nov. 1, 5-9 p.m., Downtown Main Street Parade Route Turkey Cross Trot, Nov. 28 (Thursday), 8 a.m., North Face Park (5k run) First Friday “Light Up Carbondale” Dec. 6, 5-9 p.m., Downtown Main Street “Jingle Bell Run” Dec. 15 (Sunday), 11 a.m. start, Independence Run & Hike Store

Daughter’s planned celebration breathes new life into deceased father’s legacy By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff Julia Hedman had hoped to plan her father’s celebration of life with him, while he was still here to enjoy it. “It was Obama’s adviser that was talking about how we should have a celebration of life before we die, and I was like, ‘Yes, dad, let’s do it.’ But it all just happened way too fast,� she said, her voice drifting. Russell Hedman died Jan. 7 this year at the age of 78, about nine months after receiving a cancer diagnosis. “I didn’t have the emotional capacity in the beginning to host a memorial or a funeral,� his 30-year-old daughter said. “The week before he died, I was crying, and I’m like, ‘I’m not ready for you to go.’ I was telling him that I wanted him to be there for my wedding and see grandchildren, and he goes, ‘I’ll be OK, and you’ll be OK, too.’ It’s been so hard. I still cry every single day.� Now, planning her father’s celebration of life has made her feel a little more OK. Russell was an avid musician, so it only seemed right to celebrate her father’s legacy at Steve’s Guitars, one is his old stomping grounds. “He was part of the bluegrass jam that’s been meeting there on

Sundays,â€? Julia said. To make the evening, she has been busy literally getting the band back together. “What’s really neat about this is John Sommers is coming — he used to write songs for John Denver — and Jan Garrett and JD Martin and Larry Gotlieb‌ all those guys used to be in this band called Liberty that was big time in Aspen back in the day,â€? she said. “It’s just going to be a musical tribute with all of these musicians from Aspen’s music scene in the ‘70s and ‘80s.â€? Making those phone calls has brought up lots of fond memories and great stories, of course. That’s been one of Julia’s favorite parts: in planning a celebration of her father’s life, she gets glimpses of it through others’ eyes, from his campaign for Carbondale trustee to making international news in his skiing career. “Someone was telling me, ‘I couldn’t pick up a ski magazine that didn’t have your dad in it back in the day,’â€? she smiled. In addition to his music, Russell spent his winters on the slopes — just weeks before graduating from the University of California in Berkeley, he was recruited to teach the French ski team. In sorting through his belongings, Julia found a newspaper clipping

in French with a photograph that included her father. It’s just one chapter in the broad story arc that was Russell Hedman’s life. “He really loved adventure and loved to travel, and I felt like every single day, he always had a new story. And he was such a good storyteller: whether it was jumping freight trains on his way to Canada or building the railroad outside of Jackson Hole or working on a Norwegian ship outside of Cuba,� she said. “I mean, he lived a full life. He just thought music and skiing were just the two best things in the world and wanted me to experience the same.� In moving to Carbondale almost 30 years ago, Russell was able to provide exactly that opportunity to his daughter, and she’s relished it. “I teach skiing now, and I play the mandolin and the banjo and the guitar and clog dance — I used to always clog dance for him. Because of him, I enjoy living a life in the mountains, and it’s not about how much money you make, but it’s the experiences you have and the people you

Julia Hedman shares her father’s memories. Photo by Megan Tackett have them with,� she said. After all, she continued, that was truly her father’s legacy, and she carries it on in her own life every day. “He taught me to be an authentic person; he taught me to experience life. He always said it was about quality of life and not quantity.�

Russell Hedman’s Celebration of Life Where: Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) When: Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. (what would have been Russell’s 79th birthday) All are welcome

 Â? Â?Â? Â?  ­ Â? € The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018 • 11

Community Calendar THURSDAY Dec. 13

KIDS MOVIE • Carbondale Branch Library (320 SoprisAve.) presents a free 4 p.m. screening of “Smallfoot” with popcorn and refreshments provided. MAKER QUEENS • Check out artisan jewelry by Colby June Jewelry and Wild Feather & Stone and handmade organic gifts by Thimble Fox from 6 to 8 p.m. at Batch (358 Main St.). FILM & TALK • “Adventure Not War” chronicles the mission of Stacy Bare, a National Geographic Adventurer of the Year, who set out to climb, ski and adventure in all the places where he fought and served. It screens at 7 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits) followed by a discussion with Bare. $12

FRIDAY Dec. 14

CRAFTS & COCOA • Teens are invited to make paperback Christmas trees and 3D snowflakes from 4 to 5 p.m. at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.). KIDS ONLY SALE • Youngsters get an exclusive chance to pick out a ceramic holiday gift for $10 or less or paint their own ornaments for $5 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Carbondale Clay Center (135 Main St.). FIRE & ICE • Sample Marble Distilling’s new Fire and Ice vodkas in a 5 p.m. free fundraiser complete with fire trucks in Carbondale (150 Main St.) this week and next week in Aspen. AMERICANA • O&O — a continentcrossing duo with an Aspen native — performs at 8 p.m. at Free Range Kitchen (305 Golden Rivers Ct., Basalt).

To list your event, email information to news@soprissun.com. Deadline is noon on Monday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted.

FRI to SUN Dec. 14-16

A WONDERFUL LIFE • An angel is sent from Heaven to help a desperately frustrated businessman by showing him what life would have been like if he had never existed in the SoL Theatre Company (520 S. Third St.) performance of the holiday classic at 7 p.m. each night. MESSIAH • The Aspen Choral Society presents Handel’s Messiah at 7 p.m. Friday at Grace Church (1776 Emma Rd., Basalt), Saturday at the Wheeler Opera House (320 E Hyman Ave., Aspen) and Sunday at St. Stephen’s Catholic Church (1885 Blake Ave., Glenwood). Tickets are $15 in advance at aspenchoralsociety.org, or $20 at the door as space allows.

FRI to THU Dec. 14-20 MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre (427 Main St.) presents “Roma” (R) at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 14-15, Dec. 17-20 and at 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 16; “The Unruly Mystic: John Muir” presented by Crazy Wisdom Films at 5:15 p.m. Dec. 14 and “Beautiful Boy” (R) at 5 p.m. on Dec. 15.


WINTER FEST • Head over to the Glenwood Springs Mall (51027 US 24) for a live music, food, booths, Santa, gift wrapping, youth performances, treats and more from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Conveniently located next to City Market, El Jebel • 963-1700 12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018

SHRED WITH SANTA • Demo skis and snowbards with instruction and snowmobile tours and get your photo taken with Santa beginning at noon at Sunlight Mountain Resort (10901 CR 117, Glenwood Springs). SAWLIDAY • The creative professionals at Studio for Arts & Works (525 Buggy Circle) open their spaces from 4 to 6 p.m. to share handmade jewelry, weavings, photography, pottery, prints, sculpture, paintings, living plants, floral arrangements and more. Plus – live music by Wes Engstrom, food from The Biscuit Truck and a silent auction. MUSICAL TRIBUTE • Celebrate the life of Russell Hedman with a bunch of local musicians from 7 to 9 p.m. at Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.). COMEDY • Ben Kronberg, Zeke Herrera and Nolawi Mengist take over Marble Distilling (150 Main St.) from 7:30 to 10 p.m. with a $10 cover. COSTUME CONTEST • Recycle your Potato Day outfit for a Steampunk showdown from 7:30 p.m. to midnight at the Glenwood Springs Brew Garden (115 Sixth St.). COUNTRY • At 8 p.m., The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits) presents Tim Montana — one of Rolling Stone’s “Artists You Need to Know.” $12 in advance at tacaw.org or $17 at the door.

SUNDAY Dec. 16

GLASS BLOWING • Folks of all ages are invited to design and make your own ornament with one of the glass blowers at Spiro Lyon Glass (17283 Highway 82) from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. by reservation (274-1192). $50 JINGLE BELL RUN • Head over to Independence Run and Hike (586 Highway 133) at 11 a.m. for a 5K and ugly sweater contest. $15 registration supports the Roaring Fork High School track team. HOLIDAY MOVIE • Disney’s “A Christmas Carol” (featuring Jim Carey) screens at 6 p.m. at the Church at Redstone (213 Redstone Blvd.).

MONDAY Dec. 17

DAM FILMS • Dance, Art, & Music (DAM) Films continue at 8 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St.) with “The Price of Everything” — which examines the role of art and artistic passion in a consumer society. $11 in advance at tacaw.org or $14 at the door.


CELTIC MUSIC • The Ferlies take the Carbondale Beer Works (647 Main St.) stage once again at 6:30 p.m.


MASCULINITY DISCUSSION • Consider what it means to be a man in small, moderated groups before bringing it all together in a 6 to 8 p.m. event at the American Legion Post 100 (97 N. Third St.). BINGO • Carbondale Beer Works (647 Main St.) hosts a $1/card fundraiser for Ross Montessori at 7 p.m. CALENDAR continued on page 13

Community Calendar

continued from page 12


KIMBERLY AKIMBO • Thunder River Theatre Company (67 Promenade) presents a dark comedy about a teenager with a rare genetic disorder that causes her to age quickly, with shows at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 13-15. ndividual tickets run from $15 for students to $30 for adults over 40 at thunderrivertheatre.com. HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION • Free opportunities include: One-hour consultations Monday mornings by appointment (379-5718) about heart attack and other chronic illness prevention through plant-based whole foods lifestyle with retired family doctor Greg Feinsinger, MD. New at 6 p.m. Tuesdays beginning Oct. 23, a livestream of Just 1 Thing 4 Health’s interviews with featured doctors. At 7 p.m. the first Monday of the month, a Powerpoint presentation about the science behind plantbased nutrition. Finally, at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 17, participate in a plant-based potluck. All events take place at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) and are supported by Davi Nikent Center for Human Flourishing. YAPPY HOUR • Colorado Animal Rescue’s Yappy Hour at the Marble Bar (150 Main St.) takes place at 5:30 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. Sip on handcrafted cocktails and meet a C.A.R.E. dog, with $1 from every drink donated to C.A.R.E. Bring your own dog along as well. PARENT CHILD CLASSES • Waldorf on the Roaring Fork hosts music, movement and merrymaking for kids under 5 and caregivers at 9 a.m. Mondays; sweetness, self care and singing for the under 1.5 crowd at 9 a.m. Wednesdays; and pals, play and puppetry for ages 1.5 to 4 at 9 a.m. Fridays. More information and registration at www.waldorfschoolrf.org.

COMMUNITY MEAL • Faith Lutheran Church (1340 Highway 133), in collaboration with Carbondale Homeless Assistance, hosts a free community meal from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the third Saturday of the month. Info: 510-5046 or faithcarbondale.com.

RUN AROUND • Independence Run & Hike hosts a run around town Saturdays at 8 a.m. Meet at the store 596 Highway 133 (in La Fontana Plaza) and run various distances, with different routes each week. Info: 704-0909.

SANSKRIT MANTRA • Devika Gurung demonstrates how chant is about more than spirtuality, but also breath and rhythm at 4:30 p.m. Sundays at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.).

RF INSIGHT • Monday Night Meditation meets from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. at Roaring Fork Aikikai (2553 Dolores Way) and offers instruction in the Buddhist practice of Vipassana. RFI also offers secular mindfulness at the Carbondale Community School and is working with CMC to provide a class on “Zen and the Art of Dying” — more info at roaringforkinsight.org.

EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN • Staff and sources talk about this week’s paper and more at 4 p.m. Thursdays on KDNK (88.1 FM). SENIOR RADIO • Diane Johnson talks about senior issues and services on KDNK at 4:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month. SENIOR MATTERS • The nonprofit Senior Matters, based in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.), offers numerous programs for senior citizens, including: tai chi with John Norton at 8:30 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays; tai chi with Marty Finklestein at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays; Alaprima Painters at 11 a.m. on Thursdays; the Senior Matters Book Club at 4 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of the month; and the Roaring Fork Brain Train. Info: seniormatters.org; Diane Johnson at 970-306-2587; and Senior Matters, Box 991, Carbondale CO, 81623. BRIDGE • The Carbondale Bridge Club hosts duplicate bridge (not sanctioned by ACBL) from 6:30 to 10 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). $6/per pair. Contact Marlene for more info: 928-9805.

MEDITATION • Free silent meditation sessions are held at the Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.) from 6:45 to 7:30 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. MINDFULNESS • The Mindful Life Program in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) offers group sessions Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Admission is by donation and registration is not necessary. Info: mindfullifeprogram.org and 970-633-0163. GRIEF AND LOSS • Pathfinders offers a grief and loss support group every other Monday at 6 p.m., and a caregiver support group every other Wednesday noon. An RSVP is required to Robyn Hubbard at 319-6854. Pathfinders offers support groups from Aspen to Rifle and is located in Carbondale at 1101 Village Rd. Info: pathfindersforcancer.org. ROTARY • The Carbondale Rotary Club meets at the Carbondale Fire Station (300 Meadowood Dr.) at 6:45 a.m. Wednesdays. The Mt. Sopris Rotary meets at White House Pizza (801 Main Ct.) at noon every Thursday.

YOGA • Get a donation-based introduction to Hatha Yoga Tuesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). MAKERSPACE • Children and teens are invited to design, create, tinker, and play with art and technology to design and create with 3D Pens, make stop-motion animation films, engineer duct tape creations, build their own video games, and more from 2 to 3:30 p.m. every Wednesday at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.). DHARMA • The Way of Compassion Dharma Center holds a Dharma talk and meditation from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays and a silent meditation and Buddha of Compassion practice at 8 a.m. Saturdays at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). WRITERS GROUP • Wordsmiths of all experience and abilities gather at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of the month. BOOK CLUB • Join friends and fellow readers to discuss great books at Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) at 4 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month; call 963-2889 for this month’s selection. STORYTIME • Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) hosts stories, songs and more for ages four and up at 10:30 a.m. Thursdays and three and under at 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. STORY ART • Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.), in partnership with the Aspen Art Museum, invites kids to learn about artists and create masterpieces of their own at 4 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month. LIFE DRAWING • Drop in for figure drawing with Staci Dickerson at 6:30 p.m. Mondays at SAW (525 Buggy Cr. Unit C).

Register Now

for Upcoming Classes



Beg. Skate Cross-Country Ski........... 12/22 (S) ................10:30am-12pm Beg. Classic Cross-Country Ski ........ 1/4 (F) .................... 10:30-11:45am Beg. Skate Cross-Country Ski........... 1/4 (F) ......................12:30-1:45pm Int. Skate Cross-Country Ski............. 1/5 (S) ....................10:30am-12pm .. And More! Register for 12/22 class by 12/20 at CMC.

`` CARBONDALE: Qigong - Grandfather of Tai Chi........ 1/8-2/28 (TTh) ......... 8:45-9:45am Human Nutrition .............................. 1/14-4/29 (M)........... 1:30-4:20pm Natural Bee Keeping ......................... 1/14-1/21 (M) ...................... 6-9pm Positive Psychology ......................... 1/14-4/29 (M).......... 5:30-8:20pm GED Preparation ............................... 1/14-3/4 (MW) .............. 6-8:50pm E E Zen Barre “Sneak Peak” .................... 1/15 (T)........................10-10:50am FR Intro to Integrative Yoga ................... 1/15 (T)...........................6-7:30pm Morning Conditioning ...................... 1/15-5/2 (TTh) .......... 5:25-6:25am Meditation for Health ...................... 1/15-3/5 (T) ................... 6- 7:45pm Jewelry and Metal Work I ................. 1/15-4/30 (W) .................... 5-9pm Music Appreciation .......................... 1/15-4/30 (Tu ) ............... 6-8:50m Conversational Span. III .................... 1/15-4/30 (Tu ) ............... 6-8:50m Qigong for Better Sleep .................... 1/16 (W) ........................ 6-7:15:pm Introduction to Business ................... 1/16-5/1 (W) ................... 6-8:5pm Conversational Spanish IV ................ 1/16-5/1 (We ) ................ 6-8:50m Introduction to Philosophy ............... 1/17-5/2 (Th ).................. 6-8:50m Conv. Spanish II................................. 1/17-5/2 (Th ).................. 6-8:50m E E Zumba “Sneak Peak” ......................... 1/18 (F) ............................... 12-1pm FR Women in U.S. History..................... 1/21-4/29 (M) ................ 6-9:10pm





American Sign Language .................. 1/22-3/26 (T) ..................... 6-8pm Watercolor Painting .......................... 1/23-3/6 (W) ...............10am-12pm E E Yoga Intro .......................................... 1/24 (Th) .........................6-7:15pm FR Realistic Drawing Workshop ............. 1/28-2/8 & 2/18 (M-F) .... 1-3:30pm Sewing .............................................. 1/28-3/25 (M) ..........6:30-9:30pm Reading Electronic Blueprints ........... 1/31-3/7 (Th) ...................... 6-8pm Beginning Illustrator.......................... 1/31-3/7 (Th) .................9-11:30am Materia MedicaSeries ....................... 2/3, 3/10, 3/31, 4/28 (Su).... 1-4pm Create Web Content in WordPress .. 2/4-3/4 (M) ................... 6-8:30pm CPR for Professionals........................ 2/9 (Sa) ............................. 8-5pm Investing 101 ...................................... 2/13-3/6 (W) ................. 5-6:30pm Fabulous Felted Slippers ................... 2/23-2/24 (SSu) ............ 9am-4pm Creative Writing Workshop .............. 3/18-4/15 (M)..................... 6-8pm Contemporary Mosaic Art ................ 3/19 (T) ......................... 9am-4pm Managing Life’s Stresses ................... 3/19-4/30 (Tu ) ................. 6-8pm Beginning Photoshop ........................ 3/21-4/25 (Th) .............. 6-8:30pm Womens Workshop .......................... 3/22-3/23 (FS) .............. 9am-4pm Blackwork Embroidery...................... 3/25 (M) ............................. 1-4pm

`` BASALT: (TACFITNESS AND GYM OF BASALT) Intro to Dynamic Workout ................ 1/7-1/24 (MTh) ......... 8:30-9:30am Intro to Physical Conditioning .......... 1/8-2/19 (TF) ............ 8:30-9:50am Cardio/Pilates Package ..................... 1/7-5/1 (MW) ........... 7:40-9:30am Pilates Mat Plus ................................ 1/11-5/3 (F) ................... 9:05-10am Indoor Cycling .................................. 1/14-3/27 (MW) ........5:30-6:15pm Weight Training ................................ 1/14-3/27 (MW) ............. 6:15-7pm

* First time offered in Carbondale

CMC Campuses will be closed 12/21-1/1. Plan ahead for registration. Carbondale Lappala Center • 690 Colorado Ave. • 963-2172 More classes and online registration available at www.coloradomtn.edu The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018 • 13

Town Report

Cop Shop

The following items are drawn from Town Manager Jay Harrington’s weekly report to staff, trustees and others. A CALL FOR ENTRY has been issued for 2019-20 Art Around Town, with a deadline of Jan. 31, 2019. Contact llindberg@ carbondaleco.net with questions.

From Nov. 30 through Dec. 6, Carbondale Police handled 216 Calls for Service. During that period, officers investigated the following cases of note:

HOLIDAY BANNERS have been installed around town, and the lights are on at night. ICE SKATE RENTALS are available at the Rec. Center at the rate of $10 for at least one week. The rinks themselves are not yet up and running, but may be ready by Christmas Break given a few nights in the low teens with minimal precipitation. THE WINTER RECREATION PROGRAM is inserted in this very edition of The Sopris Sun. BASKETBALL REFEREES are being sought, along with other recreation assistants — contact wtempest@carbondaleco.net or 510-1279. Climbing instructors and customer service representatives (510-1214) as well as group fitness and Silver Sneakers instructors (510-1280) are also wanted. POUND, a new fitness class, continues from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Thursdays.Meanwhile, zumba has returned at 10 to 11 a.m. Sundays.

Shop with a cop took place at Walmart over the weekend, with seven donors and 12 volunteers helping out 10 kids. Photo by Anna Ramirez YOUTH DODGEBALL classes began last week. BASE CAMP CYCLING is a training program that runs Tuesday and Thursdays at 7:15 a.m., noon or 6 p.m. through March and the cost is $68 monthly. Space is limited; sign up at carbondalerec.com. PARK BATHROOM renovations — funded by a Garfield County FMLD Mini-Grant — continue, with porta potties available in the interim. PLANNING & ZONING approved an accessory dwelling unit within an existing single family dwelling. The Commission also

reviewed a referral from Pitkin County regarding storage wells (Wolf Creek) to store natural gas and indicated that there was not enough information regarding the truck traffic to determine if there are any impacts on the Town. SALES TAX revenues were 5.7 percent above November 2017. Year to date sales taxes are 7.9 percent above 2017. HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL zoning modeling by Clarion Associates will provide the Town with data to decide whether to change potentially overlapping development standards such as landscape, open space and

Cozying up to a crackling fire sounds pretty inviting on these cold, short days. How about chimney fires, air pollution and smoke inhalation hazards?

pervious/impervious lot coverage. Local architects and planner have been asked to comment before a Planning Commission review and final approval by Trustees.

SATURDAY Dec. 1 at 7:02 p.m. A traffic stop for careless driving and failure to drive on the right side of the road resulted in the arrest of a 33-year-old man on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and resisting arrest.

THE USDA was on-site to audit the Revolving Loan Fund. The review went well and the Town is in compliance with their rules.

TUESDAY Dec. 4 at 2:26 p.m. A report of a cold theft at Carbondale Senior Housing prompted an investigation.

SHOP WITH A COP took place at Walmart over the weekend, with seven donors and 12 volunteers helping out 10 kids.

THURSDAY Dec. 6 at 12:37 p.m. Police responded to a report of suspicious activity.

TASER recertification took place for Carbondale Police alongside a training conducted by Garfield County Communications and Ascendigo.

Acostarse frente a un fuego crepitante suena bastante atractivo en estos días fríos y cortos.

Not so much. If you use a wood stove or fireplace, it’s key to learn

before you burn.

TO SAVE MONEY, AND HAVE A SAFER AND HEALTHIER HOME, REMEMBER THESE THREE TIPS: 1. Have a certified professional inspect and service your wood-burning unit annually. If you smell smoke in your home, something may be wrong. It’s important to clean out dangerous soot build-up to help keep it working properly and avoid chimney fires. 2. Burn dry, seasoned wood. Wet, green, painted, treated wood, and trash should never be options. Start with chemical-free fire starters and dry kindling. Maintain a hot fire and don’t let it smolder. 3. Upgrade to an efficient, EPA-approved wood stove or fireplace insert. Modern wood-burning appliances are more efficient, emitting less smoke and carbon monoxide to keep your home warmer, your fuel bill lower, and your family safer. By burning wise, you can reap all the warmth — and none of the cold reality — of your wood fire. 14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018

ES LA TEMPORADA DE LEÑA EN CARBONDALE OTRA VEZ. AQUÍ HAY 3 CONSEJOS DE LA JUNTA AMBIENTAL DE CARBONDALE. 1. Para seguridad, deje que un profesional inspeccione su estufa de leña y el conducto de humo. 2. No queme mas madera seca. Mantenga un fuego caliente y evite la combustión lenta que produce humo nocivo. 3. Actualicé a una estufa o chimenea de madera aprobada por la EPA.

Reduzca las emisiones, queme menos madera, tenga un hogar más cálido y sea seguro. ¡Gracias!

CoVenture gets most of its ask as trustees finalize budget By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff

A substantial funding request for an expanded coworking space downtown split Carbondale’s normally copacetic board on Dec. 11 — though there was still room for compromise. CoVenture, a rebranded version of incubator GlenX, had met with resistance when it asked for $25,000 to match promises from Garfield County and secure a state grant in November. Concerns about process and documentation seemed alleviated as the issue returned to the docket one item before a final budget which included an allowance for the full amount. Trustees were given extensive opportunities to ask specific questions, and Mayor Dan Richardson, at least, seemed convinced that due diligence had been met. “I think there’s reasonable accountability, which was one of the initial concerns,” he said. “There are a lot of models that don’t work in Western Colorado that work in metropolitan areas, and therefore they have to be subsidized.” He praised the promise of a robust private / public partnership and cited indications of increasing need. “We’ve got a downturn coming pretty soon, and I would love for us to get ahead of this,” he added. Others were less convinced. Marty Silverstein, Erica Sparhawk and Heather Henry all expressed support for the project in general, but advocated for a smaller financial commitment for at least the first year. “You really have proved up the proof of concept… but like all good startups, I think there’s some rosy glasses,” Henry said. “It’s a high-risk venture for us as a community.”

She pushed for a figure more in keeping with what the Town gives to the Chamber of Commerce and Creative District, both of which have a proven track record. Ben Bohmfalk and Luis Yllanes joined Richardson in voicing support for the full amount in their comments, leaving Lani Kitching as the tie breaker. Pressed for a decision, she advocated for going all in if at all, with the caveat that a trustee should sit on the organization’s board. “We don’t want to whiff on this one,” she said. Asked whether partial support would cut it, CoVenture Executive Mike Lowe said that “at the end of the day we’re grateful for your participation at whatever level,” but noted that the organization hopes to show enough success to renew their ask annually up to a total of $75,000. While it was clear they had the votes for the full amount, Bohmfalk opted for a compromise of $17,500 in his initial motion. “I respect every single point that has been brought up on this,” he said. Kitching countered with $20,000, which passed with a second from Bohmfalk, support from Richardson and Yllanes and opposition from Silverstein, Sparhawk and Henry. Lowe seemed content with that outcome. “We are grateful for the rigor that forced us to get our ducks in a row,” he said. “I really hope you all come and visit and participate.” By contrast, the ostensibly main event of approving the 2019 budget was fairly straightforward. Said Finance Director Renee Gustine,

“I think after the numerous times we’ve looked at it, we pretty well know what’s in it.” The Board opted to leave the extra $5,000 originally set aside for CoVenture for other economic development opportunities or just to keep things balanced. In recent years, the Town has budgeted to pull from reserves only to end up putting funds back in the bank due to higher than expected income. “So far it’s worked… but it isn’t the best model for a long term capital improvement

plan,” Silverstein noted. And while eventually having a dedicated capital fund remains a concern for some trustees, Town Manager Jay Harrington pointed out that the Rec. Center represents the municipalities only liability — a bond recently refinanced into a loan. “In 2024 you’ll have absolutely no debt,” he said. “We own everything outright.” With that to pat themselves on the back for, and only press in attendance for the public hearing, the budget was approved unanimously.

Students of the Month Jacey Reed, Amythyst Ferris, Isabella Tellez Ferrufino and Gavin Price weren’t the only ones honored on Tuesday. Police Chief Gene Schilling (opposite page, fifth from left) was recognized for 35 years on the force. “Gene has been, it’s an understatement to say, just an incredible asset to our community,” Mayor Dan Richardson said. “It’s reassuring to know that you’re at the helm… kudos for your dedication.” Richardson had no takers on his request for embarrassing stories, to which Schilling quipped, “I’m not retiring.” Photo by Will Grandbois




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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018 • 15

On the declaration of human rights By Atzil Adam

Seventy years ago on Dec. 10, the United Nations issued its newly created declaration of human rights at the Palais de Chaillot in the beautiful Trocadero area of Paris with a stunning view across the Seine of the fabled Eiffel Tower. However, just a few weeks ago, on Oct. 2, the press reported that the current U.S. administration has been doing everything in its power to cut funds to the United Nations following numerous attempts over the decades by the Congress to do just that (see for instance “Trump Stealthily Seeks to Choke Off Funding to UN Programs” in foreignpolicy.com). On the surface, this seems quite surprising, as human rights have been throughout the 20th and 21st centuries the most hallowed concept in international discourse. So is it conceivably possible that they may, in fact, turn out to be not so sacrosanct after all? Let´s take a look, having in mind that the most loyal fan base of this administration is the Christian community, what due to lack of philosophical sophistication on the part of mainstream media used to be called the ‘religious right’, the self-proclaimed bastion of what Walter Paepcke, founder of the Aspen Institute, called the “eternal verities” of the immemorial ethics of all humanity. In that sense is it even thinkable that there might be (perish the thought) conscientious objections to the UNO, and therefore that large sectors of the Christian community in the 20th and 21st centuries, many members of Congress over decades and this Adminis-


tration over the years have actually been conscientious objectors to many policies and programs of the UNO? Let´s examine at the light of philosophical truth just such proposition, putting aside for a moment the uncomfortable outmoded glasses of political correctness, shall we? The newly minted UNO made its declaration of human rights in 1948 thanks to the praiseworthy efforts of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and following the precedent of the “Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen” by the

French Revolution in 1789, that document borrowing liberally both ideas and expressions from the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the Virginia Bill of Rights thirteen years earlier in 1776. The use of the adjective “universal” meant essentially to indicate all persons irrespective of social status, as the ancient regime granted different rights to different sectors of society. However, although the employ of such term was, above all, a political necessity, in fact it essentially referred to what was commonly known

then as ‘natural rights’ on the foundation of what had been known since antiquity as ius naturale or natural law. It’s the notion that all humans have an innate ethical sense just by virtue of being human, independently of any or all social organization, being as well generally assumed both in ancient and medieval times and right up till early Modernity and the Enlightenment that ‘human’ always by definition included divine faculties in humanity, and so quite naturally the U.S. Declaration of Independence stated: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”. Likewise, the French declaration of human and citizens’ rights affirmed: “Therefore the National Assembly recognizes and proclaims, in the presence and under the auspices of the Supreme Being the following rights of man and of the citizen [italics mine]”. Nothing more clear: for both the American and French revolutionaries the human is ontologically related to the Divine and that’s precisely the whole onto-ethical basis of the existence of human ‘rights’. Notwithstanding, and in spite of the use by the declaration of human rights of 1948 of the term “universal”, as a matter of fact its ideological origins are entirely different as it is rooted in ideological ideas and not on universal values. How so? Because in the preparatory works towards the declaration on Dec. 10, 1948 the UNO stated that the human rights they HUMAN RIGHTS page 17



Per Municipal Code Sec. 8-3-10 (b) No person shall cause or permit a vehicle anywhere within the Town to idle, except that vehicles may be idled for up to TWO minutes after a cold start. Help improve our air quality! Por Codigo Municipal Sec. 8-3-10 (b) Ninguna persona puede causar o permitir que el motor de un vehiculo este prendido en cualquier lugar dentro del pueblo, con la excepcion de que los motores de vehiculos esten prendidos maximo DOS minutos despues de un arranque frio. Ayude a mejorar la cualidad del aire! Carbondale Police Department Officer Jesus Terrazas 970-963-2662

MONDAY-SATURDAY 10AM-6PM AND SUNDAY 10AM-5PM 16 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018

Human rights continued from page 16 were engaged in did not refer to any “principles” of human beings but were merely “political agreements.” In other words, the utilization of the term “universal” by the UNO in 1948 is evidently erroneous as the reference is not to what is called universal values, and in consequence such document should be properly designated as an International Declaration of Human Rights since its validity is only by fiat of international judicature founded on the authority of sovereign states, the only subjects of international law, and not by virtue of ius naturale jurisprudence. That is, although for the planetary public the notion of “human rights” smacks of ethics, of the immemorial ethics of all humanity, actually it is only an avowed set of political propositions. What is to say that whatever ethics the UNO endorses is founded upon politics, precisely in the sense of the lucid observation of Emmanuel Levinas, the most important French philosopher of the 20th century, to the effect that: “The peace of empires issued from war rests on war […] they found morality on politics”, what is nothing else but the mother of all political crimes in history, by far the greater part of all crimes against humanity ever? Of course the UNO was literally born of the postwar and specifically of the context of the Cold War when the almost half of humanity that was the Communist countries officially denied the notion of ‘universal values’ and actually till this day the Chinese regime officially denies the existence of such a thing.

The difference between founding politics on ethics as in the Declaration of Independence of “the land of the free and the home of the brave” or founding ethics upon politics as in the Declaration of Human Rights of the UNO is of immense international importance, for the elemental reason that when ethics depends on politics, there is absolutely no way to prevent the politicization of ethics. What is the definition itself of the phenomenon of political correctness so popular precisely since the postwar, and in consequence neither any way to prevent a selective application of human rights, which is the very thing that all the ‘conscientious objectors’ to the UNO have been criticizing it virtually since its founding. So what is the way forward? We suggest that it is high time that the UNO redefines the universality of its human rights making them transcend their present mere internationality, as well adding to its declaration all the already-legislated by the UNO itself “duties of the individual to the community”. For as inconceivable as it might seem, the most ultimately important international issue of our days at the beginning of the 21st century is still what President Kennedy perceptively defined in mid 20th century not long after 1948 in his immortal inaugural: “And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe–the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.”

“Although for the planetary public the notion of “human rights” smacks of ethics… actually it is only an avowed set of political propositions.”

Atzil Adam is a Bible scholar and political philosopher resident of the valley who did studies in France.

Senior moments

Répondez s’il vous plaî By Marty Silverstein Last time I wrote about Medicare open season. This time I would like to tell you about some heroes and some opportunities to be a hero. I am talking about RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) who utilizes senior volunteers to meet community needs in helping seniors, people with disabilities and low-income people. Downstairs at CMC on Blake Ave in Glenwood with only two paid employees, Patty Daniels, the full time Program Coordinator, and Mary Moon, the part time volunteer coordinator, these two women with the help of volunteers provide a range of services to hundreds of seniors in Garfield County. Their programs include SHIP/Medicare counseling, with over 300 people helped in the past year; Federal and State Tax Preparation assistance, with over 400 returns last year; Helping Hands for Seniors Handyman program; and continuing education classes for older adults/seniors. The last is the senior navigator program to help seniors navigate the maze of services available to them. All this is either free or at minimal cost for some of the classes. This group has 200 volunteers who have volunteered over 30,000 hours of service each year. If you need any of these services or would like to volunteer to assist with providing these services to others contact 947-8462 to volunteer. Call 947-8460 for direction on how to access the other services. As we approach the holidays, I would like to thank Judy Martin, Patty Daniels and Mary Moon for their time, passion and effort to assist seniors throughout the county. Thank you to Colorado Mountain College for providing the office space and to the county commissioners for their support. Have a happy holiday season.


Marty Silverstein is a postal worker, Town Trustee and soon-to-be senior.

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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018 • 17

The beginning of the end

Letters from page 2

Carbondale was considering a consolidation of the Sanitation District, which some viewed as a hostile takeover. There was considerable debate as to whether the move would save money to taxpayers, but it looked like it would move forward regardless. District Board member Randy Schutt called the whole thing B.S. In other news… The Lady Rams destroyed Battle Mountain 88-33 as part of a a 4-0 weekend.

and sea levels will rise accordingly. Florida Evangelicals will be pleased to note that we have just crossed that threshold. Let the rapture begin. Hypnotists have long noted that 30 percent of the people are unaware 70 percent of the time. They use their recognition of these folks to go into an audience and pick out their subjects, who by the time they reach the stage, are entranced by the hypnotist’s suggestions. One can see these daydreamers behind Trump at his rallies or McConnell in the Senate, chanting “lock her up”, demanding chaos, defending nationalism, the absence of anthropogenic global warming, while villainizing globalism. We don’t have a clue that all life on the sphere is connected. The cadre of right wing talk show hosts, whose talking points are repeated by this 30 percent of the population, has not a clue how dangerous their suggestions have been. There is neither lie so bold, nor action so underhanded, that we would not repeat or perform it. Look to any of the gerrymandered, voter purged, voter ID, precinct closed, voter-disenfranchised, red states to see the deceit and pure evil this 30 percent has wrought. I wonder if the only way we can claw back sanity is for the 70 percent to become mindful scumbags. Let there be shunning of the Trump dystopia. John Hoffmann Carbondale

Dec. 13, 1998

Why the SAW Experiment?

From the archives of the Roaring Fork Valley Journal Dec. 14, 1978

Two miners were hurt in an explosion at the Thompson Creek mine west of town. The facility did not have a history of gas buildup problems, but the company was chided for covering up the event — it was revealed due to investigation by “The Weekly Newspaper” Editor Jim Files. In other news… Renovations on the old maintenance garage on Second Street (now KDNK) prompted the police department to temporarily move into the firehouse.

Dec. 15, 1988

The Town of Carbondale named its first-ever Students of the Month: Andy Holloran-Taylor, Tylor Gladdis, Elena Loya, Whitney Campbell and Marq Fletcher. (The tradition continues to this day.) In other news… The Journal was putting out some of its largest papers ever, with a 20-page A section, a 20-page B section and an even larger “Western Slope Sunday” special.

Dec. 11, 2008 Due in part to the economic downturn, The Valley Journal was preparing to close its downtown location and sublease the space. At the time, it appeared that the paper would continue publication using its fellow Swift-owned facilities and “office hours” at local coffee shops. (In reality, however, it would prove to be the paper’s third-to-last issue.) In other news… The Town increased its initial land-use application fee from $450 to $1000.

Dear Editor: Often there is an image of the artist oil painting in their attic or the potter throwing bowls in their basement studio. The obstacle with this idea is that when the artist attempts to find a creative outlet at home, the laundry buzzing gets in the way, or the kids need shuffled to piano, or, let’s face it, they’re just ready to catch up on sleep. Having a private, or semi-private studio is invaluable for an artist. It’s a key factor in ensuring a creative space. What makes the Studio for Arts + Works different? It’s more than just the walls that provide that creative space. SAW is a collaborative space, a space that encourages critical dialogue among artists, a space where there are no set hours of operation. It has been referred to

CoWorking | Incubation | Acceleration | Venture Capital Drop-In Site Tours Mondays 1:30-2pm EARLY BIRD MEMBERSHIP $20/Month Cancel Anytime Email: Info@COVENTURE.space by 12/28/18. Online: www.COVENTURE.io

Work. Better. Together.

Address: 201 Main Street Carbondale, CO


18 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • DECEMBER 13-19, 2018

as the “SAW Experiment” because places like this one are rare, full of surprises and in the best of ways it creates a creative community. SAW does not have to confine itself to the rules of a non-profit arts center; in a way, artists answer to themselves. Have a dream of cutting out the shape of a life-sized bear in your wall with steel shelves? Do it. Need to make a print shop that can bring in people from all ages to learn about sustainable art practices? Do it. Want to set up a rotating visiting artist’s space to really shake things up? Do it. SAW is the thing that makes the thing. Twice or three times a year it opens its doors so the community can see behind the curtain and it’s never your typical open house. This year SAW is partnering up with Carbondale Arts and the Carbondale Creative District to add its own spin on the Rio Grande Art Trail. The trail passes just behind the building on Buggy Circle, and after a potluck and discussion the artists have decided to hold a silent auction to raise funds to plant fruit trees for some much needed shade (and treats!) near the bike path as well as plans to create an outdoor ping-pong table and some outdoor seating. Also new this year: we’ve invited the Biscuit Truck which is covered in the work of Chris Erickson, to create a special menu just for the event. Erickson, a long time SAW member has been invited back as our first Visiting Artist. Live music, an outdoor fire pit, loads of artwork for sale and a community of people who share in the enthusiasm that SAW brings to the arts is sure to bring in a great evening for all ages. Kaitlyn Getz Carbondale ••• Editor’s note: The following were compiled from third graders at Crystal River Elementary School.

Save the bears Dear Editor: Hey listen up, I am looking for food in the forest but I can’t find any, so I’m going to town and digging in trash bins. What am I? I am a bear! Bears are coming into town and eating trash. We think we should put trash away so bears don’t come into town. Also, we think we should put our trash in bear proof trash cans. In

our opinion, people could stop bears from coming to town and eating trash by getting one trash company for the whole Town of Carbondale. In 2010, 190 bears were euthanized, which means killed, by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. We don’t want 200 bears killed in Carbondale. If we do nothing the bears will be back in town. Also, if we do nothing the bears will be back in trouble again. We will have to destroy some bears, and we don’t want to do that. Do you want to kill a bear? I don’t think so. Bears are searching for food in town because there is not enough in the forest and human interaction is becoming more common. For example, 12 bears roamed the municipality in August 2017. That’s a lot of bears. When bears are getting ready to hibernate, they eat thirty pounds a day. When they smell something they go and investigate to see what it is. This makes our town like a buffet for bears. The lure of an easy meal makes an unhealthy habit for bears. Finally, it would be helpful for the trash company to provide affordable bear proof trash cans. For example, the residents of Carbondale would rather pay $4 a month to buy a $220 trash can than $220 all at once. The new cans could have automatic locks that would help the trash company because they can easily open the trash when they are picking it up. The trash company would be better for everyone! In conclusion, the town of Carbondale has to not keep letting bears come into town. To sum it up, we can fix our bear problem if we use bear proof trash cans and single day pick up for garbage. I want people to keep the trash in bear proof trash cans. Let’s get one trash company and keep our town safe! Marlen Rivera Villalta Karyme Arce Abarca Helina Grace Mccracken Allisson Paola Aguilar Blair Didier

Control your trash Dear Editor: Carbondale bears are in danger. The people of Carbondale do not know how to lock their trash cans and bears are coming to town. In our opinion, we think the town should get one trash company for the whole town. LETTERS page 19

Letters from page 18 The first reason why we should have one trash company is they would provide bear proof trash cans. For example, if the mama bear could not get into the trash she would not teach her cubs to do it. That would prevent bears from coming to town. Also some people take their trash out at night for morning pickup so bears can get the garbage at night. If we had bear-proof trash cans it would not matter what time people put their trash out. Also, if bears come to town they could get killed. For example, in 2017, 190 bears were killed for coming into towns in Colorado more than once. Carbondale bears are in danger because they are coming to town and eating unhealthy food. We can stop bears from getting killed if we had bear proof trash cans provided by our trash company. Our last reason is they will stay in the forest eating their food. For example, if they figure out that they can’t open the trash then the bears will stop coming to town. Fewer bears will come because it is hard to open the trash cans because they don’t have hands like us. People should start using one trash company so fewer bears come to town to eat our trash and get into problems. In conclusion, if Carbondale had one trash company bears would stop coming to town. Bears will not be in our trash and stay in their habitat. Please call Town Hall and tell them you want one trash company for the town of Carbondale. Rosalinda Vazquez Ibarra Sydney Raye Ostberg Marisa Jade Mcshane Avery Quinn Tezanos Nathalie Nunes Hernandes

Trash is a problem Dear Editor: The problem is bears are coming into town and eating our trash. Sometimes they run out of natural food sources and they want a fast meal. They’re getting bad calories instead of roaming the whole forest for them. Please help keep our bears in the forest! How do we do that? We do it by getting one trash hauler for the town of Carbondale. The first reason we need one trash hauler is because bears can die. For example, last year 190 bears were killed by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. If the CPW have to trap or handle a bear more than two times they will have to kill it. The bear may not be killed today but in a month or two it might be dead if we don’t make a change. The next reason is the trash company can give us bear proof trash cans. For example, they could provide them at a reduced cost. The trash company may even give us bear proof trash cans as part of the cost for trash removal. The last reason we need one trash hauler is when there are too many trash haulers in one town, garbage day becomes every day. The bears then start thinking neighborhoods provide daily, easy, meals. Single-day pickup would also help with wildlife enforcement. This will limit the number to one day per week that bears would be attracted to town by the smell of garbage. “Why is all this a problem?” you might ask. Well, the occurrence of human-bear interactions are becoming more common. It is bad that bear break-ins are becoming more common because it becomes a habit for bears to come into town. Let’s

help stop bears from coming to town by getting one trash hauler! Nola Fitzgerald Daisy Gonzalez Sawyer Ivansco Colby Samuelson Anna Lozuna

For the bears Dear Editor: The Town of Carbondale needs one trash company to stop bears from coming to town. One reason we need one trash company is bears can get killed if they keep coming to town. For example, bears have two chances to come to town or else they will get killed by Colorado Parks and Wildlife workers.They do not want to hurt them, but they need to keep people safe. Next, they hurt people and make a mess in town if trash is accessible to them. For example, John Groves, a guest speak-

Parting Shot

er we had, said a bear scratched a lady when she was sleeping in her backyard. Do you want bears to harm people? Do you want that to happen to you? No! Another reason we need the trash company is because they give affordable bear proof trash cans. Also, bears will try to get in, but they won’t be able to get in. Last, they give bear-proof compost bins. If there is no food available for the bears than they will stop coming to town! Wouldn’t you want a trash company that provides bear proof trash cans? So let’s have no more trash on the floor and make sure the bears are not getting killed. That’s why the Town of Carbondale needs one trash company. So, please call Carbondale’s Town Hall and tell them you want one trash company! Samuel Lopez Santiago Ormedilla Yolani Rodriguez-Alonso Akyda Villegas Nayely Martinez Vidauri

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GET THE WORD OUT IN UNCLASSIFIEDS! Rates start at $15. Email unclassifieds@soprissun.com. FREE CLASSIFIED ADS for kids and teens to promote their businesses enterprises. Thirty word maximum. Please send to unclassified@soprissun.com. *Credit card payment information should be emailed to unclassifieds@soprissun.com or call 970-2741076. Checks may be dropped off at our office at the Third Street Center or mailed to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. Call 510-3003 for more info.

James C. Calaway, 87, of Carbondale, passed away Dec. 12, 2018 at his home with his wife Connie by his side. A full obituary will follow. A celebration of life will be held in January. Photo by Jane Bachrach

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