Contents Introduction................................................................. 12
Where Do We Start? ......................................................... 13
Who the Hell Am I?............................................................ 14
How My Journey Started................................................... 15
Paradigm Shift.................................................................... 16
The Hijacking Of The Human Mind And
The educational system, Intelligence, And Going Rogue.... 19
Obesity Trends................................................................... 21
Successful People Are the Best Rule Breakers............... 23
The Icarus Deception......................................................... 24
Do You Blindly Follow the System?.................................. 25
How Are Educational System Went Wrong..................... 26
The Multiple Intelligence Theory...................................... 27
Paul Chek, the Author of how to Eat Move &
Be Healthy Says it Best...................................................... 28
It May Be Hard to Believe, but HEALTH
Mother Nature, Harmony, and Self Mastery....................... 29
Break All The Rules
1 # Rule To Br eak Saturated Fats Are Bad And Cause Heart Disease As for butter versus margarine, I trust cows more than chemists. Joan Gussow
s crazy as it may sound, animal fat, or specifically saturated fat, is one of the most imperative nutrients to the human body. For over 3 decades we have listened to people in white lab coats constantly repeat the same message like a broken record “saturated fats are bad and cause heart disease�, and as a nation, we have followed this advice with our eyes wide shut. As a result, sales of lean meats such as chicken breast, turkey and red meat with the fat trimmed off has skyrocketed, while fatty cuts of meats such as rib-eye & scotch fillet steaks, lamb chops, and pork seem to be a forbidden food only eaten by the rebellious and the ill-advised.
Break All The Rules
Rule to break #1
Saturated Fats Are Bad And Cause Heart Disease
Not only does the saturated fat hypothesis claim that eating animal fat is like pressing the detonator on our own hearts, but it also claims that animal fat is supposedly the food that makes us ultra fat, due to fat being 9 calories per gram compared to protein and carbohydrates which are 4 calories per gram. So what’s the big deal then? Stay away from animal fat and live a long, healthy, and lean life right?…………. WRONG!! Don’t be fooled by the white devils (men in white lab coats), animal fat is your best friend. It’s time to surmount an offence in the saturated fat deliberation, Paleo Warrior style!
The Devil Who Started It All For most of us who have dived head first into the saturated fat war, at one point or another you would’ve heard of the infamous Ancel Keys story, the man who started the whole movement against saturated fat and cholesterol. For those of you familiar with the corrupt evidence that came from Ancel Keys’ hypothesis, feel free to skip this next part, but for the rest of you, who have not heard the anecdote, read on, as Keys’ actions ultimately triggered a chain reaction that led to the complete destruction of human health.
The Infamous Ancel Keys Study The forefather of conventional wisdom and the man you could say started it all was a scientist by the name of Ancel Keys. In the 1950s, around the time World War 2 finished, America was going through a gripping heart disease epidemic, and Keys believed he had the answer to what was causing all these people to have heart attacks. His hypothesis was that dietary fat raised blood cholesterol and that high cholesterol in the blood eventually leads to atherosclerosis, a disease of the arteries characterized
Break All The Rules
2 # k a e Rule To Br Eat Every 2-3 Hours, Skipping Meals Is Bad More die in the United States of too much food than of too little. John Kenneth Galbraith
n this day and age the thought of going without food for an extended period of time would make most people nervous and cringe, and for some people, the absence of food will cause serious panic. I mean if you pay close attention and have a look around you, on every street corner, on every TV commercial, and on every radio ad, some sort of food giant such as fast food chains, food bar brands, and processed food companies are constantly encouraging you to eat, and on an even more devious scale, these food companies use tactical advertising to play into your mind and take advantage of your feeling of hunger. Saying things like “you’re not yourself when you’re hungry” or “quench hungry-thirsty” or “feeling hungry? Come in for…” You get my point. We are consistently being bombarded with the message that you shouldn’t go hungry and that you should always be eating, and that hunger is something we should fear and be concerned about.
Break All The Rules
Rule to break #2
Eat Every 2-3 Hours, Skipping Meals Is Bad
However, the absence of food and the feeling of “hunger” is actually something that us humans are metabolically designed for. Skipping a meal or two has some serious and powerful benefits to the human body, but first lets take a look at how our eating habits have evolved and what the real result is of always eating on the clock.
Breakfast, Lunch, And Dinner - A Modern Invention I’m sure if I said that breakfast, lunch and dinner was a completely made up concept, it would earn me the insanity stamp on my forehead, but bare with me, it will all make sense very soon.
Breakfast During the industrial revolution in the mid 19th century, the rhythms of work seemed to have sculpted regular eating schedules. The workers (or slaves you could call them) were put through working hours that similarly represented the 9-5 lifestyle lived today by most average citizens. The bosses or the “high uppers” knew that in order to keep the workers in top shape to get the jobs done, regular fuel intake was needed, so the concept of breakfast came about, which was basically the “first” meal of the day eaten before work starts. Funnily enough this was a concept new to the bosses, so they too ate a meal before going to work. At the turn of the 20th century, breakfast was revolutionised once again by American John Harvey Kellogg. He accidently left some boiled maize out and it went stale. He passed it through some rollers and baked it, creating the worlds first cornflake. Now the cornflake is a multi-billion pound industry. In the 1950s, post World War II, the “fear saturated fat” message manufactured by Ancel Keys was beginning to surface, at the same
Break All The Rules
3 # k a e Rule To Br Calories Dictate Fat Loss Fat loss has nothing to do with numbers, but it has everything to do with how food behaves in the body Michael Keon - The Paleo Warrior
ou need to expend more calories than you take in’! This line is the theme song that has been voiced for decades by the so-called weight loss experts. And still to this day, most conventional weight loss advice delivered by big business uses the calorie model as the main method to bring about so-called fat loss.
To break down the calorie hypothesis in simple terms, in order to change your body, you must manipulate the amount of energy taken from food to how much energy you expend through movement and daily living. To lose fat, you must expend more calories than you take in; and to gain size, muscle or fat, you must take in more calories than you expend; therefore, body composition, in the calorie axiom, is a mathematical method. This very Westernised way of looking at fat loss can seem quite seductive to the uneducated, as the simplicity of algebra lays
Break All The Rules
Rule to break #3
Calories Dictate Fat Loss
down the most uncomplicated of answers, 2 + 2=4, 1 + 3=4, and in the case of fat loss, change in fat mass=energy consumed - energy expended. If you don’t understand this, or if you’re like me and absolutely hate maths (I failed maths in high school) then don’t worry, because as you’ll soon find out, the calorie hypothesis that has been drilled into conventional wisdom is highly flawed and can actually make people more fat than skinny.
How conventional diet wisdom sees fat loss
Food & Fat Loss Has Nothing To Do With Maths Picture this for a second. Imagine a lion or a zebra, or your favourite wild animal, and picture them just after a successful hunt for some lunch, placing their food on a weighing scale and measuring how many calories are in the food. Then picture the lion or zebra saying to them-
Break All The Rules
4 # k a Rule To Br e Cholesterol Is The Enemy “Going in with ‘Statin’ drugs to stamp out cholesterol is the equivalent of blaming–and shooting–the ���� that arrive ��������� Nora Gedgaudas
f you experience any serious resistance to breaking a rule, it would probably come about from this one. Cholesterol is the enemy.
First off, I just want to say that I’m certainly not an expert on cholesterol and I applaud the masters out there who have devoted their life’s work into understanding cholesterol and the role it plays in the body. A special shout out to two fine authors & rogue experts, David Gillespie and Jonny Bowden, who have both written powerful books on cholesterol and why it’s not the enemy (I’ll mention book titles in the recommended reading section). This chapter is merely my own commentary on my experience and knowledge on cholesterol but fasten your seat belts, nothing is what it seems when it comes to this slippery entity.
Break All The Rules
Rule to break #4
Cholesterol is the Enemy
tion that LDL is bad because it can build up in the arteries and impede blood flow, resulting in a heart attack. When you visit a doctor and he says you have high ‘bad cholesterol’, he is only referring to your LDL readings. If your readings of LDL is outside of the target range of 2.6-3.3 mmol/L, you will most certainly be prescribed Statin or some sort of cholesterol-lowering drugs. The drugs that he will prescribe to you will only affect LDL.
Image courtesy of http
The Truth About LDL There are two types of LDL: LDL-A which is large and fluffy, and LDL-B which is small, hard, and much less fluffy. People who eat diets high in good fats and cholesterol will assemble more of LDL-A particles while people who eat more of a low fat, high carb & sugar diet will produce more LDL-B particles. Why the heck does this matter? Because LDL-B particles are much more vulnerable to oxidative damage.
Break All The Rules
Food Guide Made Super Simple
The following is a simple and practical paleo food guide that includes some important principles about shopping, eating, and cooking with paleo foods as well as a paleo food list and weekly meal planner. The following key points are not included to make things more complicating on your paleo journey, but to maximize the food experience, as well as increase nutrient uptake, and to cover up any hidden flaws that might be setting you back to achieving lifelong health with the paleo lifestyle.
Paleo Food Guide
Not All Beef Is Created Equal! On the next page is a sensational picture showing the difference in quality and farming tactics between grass fed beef & grain fed beef. (note, it shows that grain fed beef has 4x more fat per Tips & Advice: 3oz serving. However I understand that buying certified don't be fooled that organic meat everyday can be quite animal fat is bad, its expensive. So if buying organic meat animal fat from grain on regular basis is a bit difficult on the fed cows that you coin, at the bare minimum buy meats should watch out for.) and poultry that are certified grass fed, free-range, and that are free from antibiotics and added hormones. But don't use this as an excuse to not to purchase organic meat ever. Organic animal protein is the ultimate form of nutrition.
162 Break All The Rules
Paleo Food Guide
Did Your Food Live “Primal” I
ts not just about what our food ate, but did your food live in its optimal environment. You must understand that there is big difference between eating animals that were allowed to roam around outside and exercise under the sun, to an animal that's been locked up in a cage unable to move around and be active. Same goes for any vegetable and fruit. Was it grown outside under the sun, and from healthy, chemical free soil, or were the veggies and fruit grown under artificial light and from chemically ladened, dead soil. All these primal factors play a gigantic role in our health and longevity. To master our own health and bodies requires us to respect the breeding and farming cycles of healthy animals and plants, and to eat foods that were allowed to thrive in their natural environment. Always opt for buying organic fruits and vegetables, and once again, when choosing animal protein, get grass fed, free range, and organic.
Shop smart with this powerful food list
The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 Do you like to eat pesticides? Didn’t think so. So the following is a famous food list called the dirty dozen and the clean 15. When buying non organic fruits and vegetables, focus on buying from the clean 15 list and avoid buying from the dirty dozen side. Foods that have been given the clean 15 tick have been measured to the have the lowest pesticide volume, while the foods in the dirty dozen category are pesticide A-bombs! The dirty dozen produce is best bought organic. 164 Break All The Rules
DIRTY DOZEN buy these organic
CLEAN 15 lowest in pesticides
Celery Peaches Strawberries Apples Blueberries Nectarines Bell Peppers Spinach Kale Cherries Potatoes Grapes (imported)
Onions Avacado Sweet Corn Pineapples Mangos Sweat Peas Asparagus Kiwi Cabbage Eggplant Cantaloupe Watermelon Grapefruit Sweet Potato Honeydew Melon
Paleo Paleo Snacks Snacks
Changing lives through the original human diet and lifestyle
PALEO Snacks 168 Break All The Rules
Paleo Snacks
It’s Not As Hard As You Think “I don’t know of any good Paleo snacks.” This is the most common protest I get when teaching a client how to implement the Paleo Lifestyle. It’s funny though, when my clients put me on the spot and question what I snack on, my answer tends to elicit a bewildered expression on most peoples faces. “I snack on meat, nuts & seeds, some fruit every now and again, maybe the occasional dark chocolate, and some raw veggies.” I say (kodak moment follows soon after). After much thinking, I understood the problem my clients were having. You see, when we think of the foods in the “snack” category, we IT’S NOT AS HARD AS YOU THINK automatically think of items like muesli bars, energy bars, chips, crackers and dips, flavoured or frozen yoghurt, muffins, bagels, all these easy to grab foods. We think of these foods because they have been programmed into our heads as “snack” foods. Yet these foods are exactly the reason why we constantly feel like snacking. Processed, nutritionally depleted, fat free, sugar loaded and chemically based, these modern day snack foods send your blood sugar spiralling out of control. What’s more, because they’re not wholefoods, they’re literally ‘dead’ food and ‘dead’ food has no satiating effect on our bodies, leaving us... ALWAYS HUNGRY!
Break All The Rules 169
Paleo Snacks That said, I completely understand that there are times when our metabolism is in a high gear and we need to include snacks in our day. Here are some tips to follow when eating Paleo snacks: Always be in a Paleo frame of mind. Before you choose a snack, always ask yourself “is this a Paleo based food?” For example, products that are made out of wheat such crackers and biscuits are foods that were not available to us in Palaeolithic times. On the other hand, an apple or some homemade gluten-free almond bars are examples of snacks that come from a Paleo background.
Try and eat snack foods that contain organic ingredients.
Avoid snack foods that contain hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, high-fructose corn syrup and gluten.
Make sure you drink lots of water and stay hydrated throughout the day. The body can mistake hunger for dehydration.
Always make sure you have containers handy at home so you can make and bring your own snacks.
Animal Protein and good fats are the best foods to snack on as they’re the most filling and will prevent you from ‘over snacking’.
Avoid snacking right before bed as leaving food in your stomach while sleeping will disrupt the overall quality of your sleep.
Break All The Rules
Paleo Snacks
Simple, Easy, Guilt-Free Paleo Snacks
Raw Fruits & Veggies
As simple as it gets! It may not be as exciting as frozen yogurt and blueberry muffins, but if you source a place that retails organic fruits and vegetables, or an organic farmers market in or near your area, you will have a wide selection of fresh raw fruits and veggies to choose from. Be creative and try different varieties. At times when you can’t get your hands on organic produce, you can eat conventionally grown produce as well - it’s still a much better choice than eating typical modern day processed snack foods!
Fresh Coconuts
You can purchase fresh coconuts from most major supermarkets and from organic food retailers. Fresh coconuts are a wellrounded snack with their refreshing and electrolyte rich water and white coconut flesh. Just get spoon and go for it. A good combination is to eat the coconut meat with some nut butter, a flawless duo that is very satisfying to the taste buds.
172 Break All The Rules
Paleo Snacks
Hard Boiled Eggs
(with anything on the side) While eggs can be part of your main meals, they can also serve as a fulfilling snack. Eggs are a powerful food, abundant in protein and good fat - the perfect macronutrients to knock out those hunger pangs. You don’t just have to have hard-boiled eggs by themselves, why not add something on the side? Have them with a salad, avocados, or mash them up and add some Celtic Sea Salt, some spices, and voilà ! The perfect snack to munch down on.
Full Fat Yogurt or Coconut Milk Yogurt Yogurt is actually a forgotten super food. It is rich in gut healthy good bacteria and some versions, such as Greek yogurt, are high in protein. The problem is that most people buy low quality, sugar loaded, pasteurized and non-organic yogurt from the supermarket. These yogurts are no better than the chocolate bars and candy that are sold two isles down. Yogurt is meant to be free from any added sugar and flavourings and should be made using organic methods. If you have a problem with dairy, coconut milk yogurt is the perfect alternative.
174 Break All The Rules
Top 10 Paleo Recipes
My Top 10 Favourite
Paleo Recipes
from marksdailyapple. com
Guacamole-Stuffed Southwest Burgers
● 2 avocados ● Juice from 1/2 a lime ● 1 shallot, finely chopped ● 2 pounds ground beef (900 g) http://www.marksdailyapple. com/the-differences-between-grass-fed-beef-and-grain-fedbeef/#axzz2VwCESBws ● 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped ● 1/2 cup finely chopped cilantro (120 ml) ● 1 jalapeno pepper or small green bell pepper, seeded and finely chopped ● 3 teaspoons chili powder (15 ml) ● 1 teaspoon cumin (5 ml) ● 1 1/4 teaspoon salt (5 ml)
Break All The Rules 177
Top 10 Paleo Recipes INSTRUCTIONS:
Heat the grill to medium-high. In a small bowl, mash the avocados with the lime juice, shallot and a pinch of salt. Set aside. In a large bowl, mix together the meat with the garlic, cilantro, jalapeno or bell pepper, chili powder, cumin and salt. Divide the ground meat into 6 even mounds. Split each mound in two and form two thin burger patties, one patty slightly bigger than the other. Dollop a spoonful of avocado in the middle of the smaller patty, spreading it out slightly but making sure to leave a little rim around the edge of the meat. Set the larger patty on top and fold/pinch the edges together and shape the burger in your hands to form a tight seal around the guacamole. Repeat with the remaining five burgers. Grill the burgers 5 to 7 minutes a side or until cooked to your liking. Serve with hot sauce or salsa on top.
Paleo Garlic Mashed Cauliflower INGREDIENTS:
● 1 head cauliflower ● 4 tablespoons butter ● 2-3 cloves garlic, minced ● sea salt, to taste, optional
178 Break All The Rules
Top 10 Paleo Recipes INGREDIENTS:
● 2 pounds ground beef ● 10 ounce package of frozen chopped spinach, defrosted and excess water removed* ● 1 large onion, finely diced ● 3/4 cup zucchini, grated ● 2 large carrots, grated ● 4 eggs, beaten ● 1/3 cup coconut flour ● 2 teaspoons sea salt ● 2 teaspoons ground black pepper ● 1 teaspoon garlic powder ● 1 teaspoon dried thyme ● 1 teaspoon garam masala ● 1 teaspoon ground ginger
● Preheat oven to 375 degrees Farenheit. ● Place all ingredients in a large mixing bowl and mix with clean hands until everything is well combined. ● Fill 18 regular or 12 jumbo muffin tins with the meatloaf mixture. ● Bake approximately 30 minutes or until done all the way through. (Remember for food safety, the internal temperature must reach at least 160 degrees F.)
Notes *To remove excess water, you can squeeze the spinach in a cheesecloth or press it in a sieve.
180 Break All The Rules
Top 10 Paleo Recipes chicken stock. Give it a good stir and then add in your cilantro. Cover and cook on high for 3-4 hours or low for 6-8 hours. After the chicken is done cooking, take it out of the crockpot and shred it with 2 forks. You can add about Âź cup of the liquid to the chicken if you like your chicken juicier.
For the nachos:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut your peppers into the size of a tortilla chip and remove any seeds. If they are small peppers like jalapeno or banana, they just need to be cut in half. If they are larger peppers like bell peppers, they will need to be cut a few times. Place the peppers on a baking tray. Add your chicken on top of the peppers. If you are using cheese, add the cheese on top of the chicken. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until cheese is melted. Add any toppings you wish and enjoy!
Recommended Reading Big Fat Lies - David Gillespie Primal Body Primal Mind - Nora T. Gedgaudas The Primal Blueprint - Mark Sisson Why We Get Fat - Gary Taubes Ancient Wisdom For Modern Health - Mark Bunn How To Eat Move And Be Healthy - Paul Chek Toxic Oil - David Gillespie Make Shift Happen - Dean Dwyer Lights Out: Sleep Sugar Survival - T.S. Wiley with Brent Formby The Great Cholesterol Myth - Jonny Bowden and Stephen Sinatra
What’s Next?
That's a great question! Every step forward is a step closer to better wellness, better happiness, and a better looking body, so i highly recommend if you have not already is to head over to www. and join the P.W tribe where i will deliver my best content, tips, and wisdom that will get you the results you want and guide you through the journey to mastering your health. And remember, you can master your health, and get the body of your dreams, one paleo step at a time. Michael Keon-The Paleo Warrior
About Michael Keon
ichael is a certified health & fitness professional who specialises in Paleo nutrition. His Journey began as full time personal trainer, working with over hundreds of clients to empower them to reach their most desired goals & life changing aspirations. He has been a mentor to other coaches, a dynamic and engaging seminar speaker, and Michael’s passion, relentless drive, and superior knowledge is known among the industries best. Currently he is devoted to researching and delivering the most up to date practices on the Paleo diet and lifestyle so people from the average joe to the elite athlete can create long lasting results. "Health & fitness was never meant to be complicated, we have all the answers, we just need to disconnect from the modern confusion and bring back our primal roots" this is the underlying message Michael preaches.