Soul&Story ft. Stacey

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December 2015

SOUL&STORY ft. Stacey


Soul&Story started in Fall 2011. The inspiration came from Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty Videos that addressed the question: What standard of beauty are we holding ourselves to? Soul&Story exists to share your story about beauty in a simple, relevant, and raw form. Soul&Story is unique because the women featured do not wear makeup for the shoot. This is to focus the spotlight on their natural beauty, not their ability to apply makeup. Makeup isn’t a problem. The problem comes when we feel uncomfortable in our own skin. The hope is that we can love ourselves no matter what and that by sharing our stories we can encourage each other. contact us: instagram @soulandstory

How has your ethnicity affected your idea of beauty?


’m 100% Korean but people don’t usually believe me, because I don’t look like it. This sometimes causes insecurities because I was surrounded by Koreans growing up. I don’t have the pale, petite, and small body type. But at the same time I don’t fit the American standard of beauty. I’m learning to love myself because I am unique.

How does your faith influence the way you understand beauty?


ne of God’s best traits is that he is creative and he is a creator so i have to remember that all people including myself are made beautiful. I try to remember that He thought out their little quirks like the color of their eyes and texture of their hair. I try to live my life in a way to remind myself that people are God’s precious creation.

How did it feel to not wear makeup during the shoot?


t was strange because I think every photoshoot situation in the past that I’ve been part of, I’ve always took the time to make myself look good for it. However, it was freeing to wipe off all the makeup before the shoot. It felt very natural.

What are some moments when you feel most confident?


am being my best self when i’m able to identify what people need and I can fulfill it. One of my strengths is helping others and whenever I’m doing something creative like water color painting or writing or making something.


omeone thanked me for something small the other day and I didn’t realize that it was a big deal for them. And knowing that I could make their day made me feel like I was using my time in a worth while manner.

What are some moments that have made you feel self-conscious?


grew up in a predominantly white community so I heard this phrase a lot, “You’re really pretty for an Asian girl.” And I use to think it was a compliment growing up but now when I hear it, I get upset because it means that people see me and categorize me in another standard of beauty. Don’t say that to other people.

What is your favorite part of your body?


y hair. It’s actually been a cool ice breaker with people because people tend to ask me about it.

What was the last meaningful compliment you’ve received?


omeone told me that I was a good listener and that I made them feel heard in their time of need. It proved that sometimes I just need to be there instead of trying to have all the answers. What really mattered was that I was there and I wanted to listen.

How do you build your own selfconfidence?


thank God for the gifts I’ve been given whenever I get to use it. It reminds me that the qualities that are unseen is what truly makes me beautiful. I’m a really loyal friend, I remember the little things about people and I deeply care about people. That’s what I should be confident in.


deleted my Facebook because comparison is the thief of joy. I try not to surround myself with negativity that discourages me or other people. And encouraging other people in what makes them beautiful.

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ever forget that you are a treasured creation of God and that others are also treasured creations of God and ask people what they are passionate about. There’s never a moment when people aren’t beautiful when they are sharing their passions.

Photography by Megan Won

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