UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH - for Female Entrepreneurs

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JUNE 2021




CONTENTS 5 Changing your Perspective by Holly Hughes

36 Mindfulness Leadership by Eileen Bild

47 Content Strategy by Shauna van Mourik

02 Editor's Note 09 What is MINDSET? by Evelyn Betances 14 The Power of MANIFESTATION, by Julia Tohme 18 Empaths and Relationships, by Tricia Dycka 23 be the Bigger Person, by Lisa Latimer 29 What's the purpose of Mom guilt? by Alysia Lyons 40 A lost sock = BRAND inspiration by Claudia Tinnirello 51 RE-IGNITE the Entrepreneurial SPARK by Rai O'Brien 70 THE SPLIT FACE by Sarah Davies


ELISE CLAYTON THE INTERVIEW Make-up Queen / Author / Transformational Coach

74 Rising from the Ashes by Ann Mushendwa 82 DIET & EXERCISING, Does it really work? by Leks Vucko

EDITOR'S NOTE Welcome strength"





This magazine’s full purpose is to reach out and help the souls who are looking to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life, learning to love who they are by unchaining their inner strength and full soul power. Can we all agree that we have one life and one life only? So what not live it the best way we can by doing the things we love, spending time with the people we love and be as happy as we can be! YOU CAN! You got what it takes to make it happen… You might just not know it yet, but trust me, if you’ve made it this far, you got what it takes to do what you want. UNCHAIN your inner strength, wants to help you achieve the life and business of your dreams. We want to share with you the tools that you need to live your best life yet, to make everyday count, to help you get up every morning and be grateful of who you are and the choices you have made.

Maria C. Krause Spiritual Mindset and Business Mentor International Bestselling Author Founder and Owner of UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH The Rising Soulpreneur podcast

You deserve to live a life filled of happiness and joy, doing what you love and loving who you are!


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elise clayton


EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW the journey of an entrepreneur




Words by, Holly Huges Intuitive Healer & Author


Our external goals without any interior love create


chaos. It created division in humanity. It created disease. It creates fear, which begets more fear and

Here I am lying on the floor. I can’t get physically

clickbait full of fear.

lower unless I dig a hole. Logically the only way to go is up. If it were me, I’d say the same, “Well, things

F- that. I’m done with fear-based living.

can’t get worse. It’s time to pick myself up and get on with moving forward. It’s time to get up.”

The earthquake of 2020 shook and broke what wasn’t working and made way for new. It may not feel that

But the truth is many people roll around in the muck

way, but my intuition and gut tell me it’s true.

at the bottom for a while. They wallow in the pain of failure and the fear that uncertainty brings. It’s

Whom do you want to be?

completely understandable, but I grew up in a family

When was the last time you turned inward to ask

that allowed self-pity for a few days, and then it was

yourself that?

time to get on with it.

Have you been busy surviving? You don’t have to be wealthy to do the emotional,

So let’s.

physical, mental, and spiritual work.

2020 was a sh!tsh0w of a year. I could sprinkle fairy

Money can’t buy happiness. Comparison never

dust on it, and it would still stink.

brings joy. Being what others want you to be,

We’ve been stuck here at the bottom of it, and it’s

erodes the soul.

time to get up. And it’s time to reframe the experience into something positive—no more self-

So, what are we going to do? We’re going to feel our


feelings and ask ourselves, what’s next? Do we need another day or two to roll around on the floor, or is it

What does that mean?

time to take care of ourselves?

As of today, I’m framing 2020 in a new light. It was an

Let go of the limitations used to construct your worth,

earthquake across the planet meant to shake us all

define your success, and imagine what the world can

up. It’s telling us what we were and how we’ve been


living doesn’t fulfill us. Let’s get back to our humanity, compassion, hope, and connectedness.

about Holly Hughes

Holly is an author and intuitive healer who infuses her unique personal style, intuitive gifts, and personal healing stories to guide clients through a step-by-step process to help them claim their voice, passions, and selfworth. Her book REAL, NOT PERFECT How To Become Your Happy, Authentic Self will help you to stop hiding behind people's expectations and discover the version of you, you want to be.

ttps://www.instagram.com/holly_hughes_intuitive/ https://twitter.com/hgirlla https://www.linkedin.com/in/holly-hughes-b759a9136/











what is MINDSET? Your mindset is important because it impacts how



you interact and engage in the world around you.


For example, if your mindset is fixed then it means


that you have a belief system where intelligence cannot be changed or improved upon (i.e., "You're not good at math because that's just who you are"). A growth mindset would mean believing you can evolve.

























Your attitude determines how you feel about

It is a way of thinking, a frame of mind. Your

your attitude reinforces your mindset.

something. Your mindset shapes your attitude, and

mindset is your collection of thoughts and beliefs which shape your thought habits. And your thought

Your beliefs have a big impact on your mindset.

habits affect how you think, what you feel, and

Belief is your feeling or certainty on a matter. For

what you do.

example, if you believe that you’re successful, all

Your mind-set impacts how you interact and


engage in the world around you as well as how you perceive yourself. Tied to this are your attitude and beliefs. Researchers believe 3 components make up your attitude:

you’re really saying is, “I feel certain that I’m

Think of beliefs like a table. As you build references and experiences, you add legs to your table. When your idea feels certain, it becomes a belief. That’s why it’s so important to know what your beliefs are based on. Your beliefs shape your attitude. Your attitude also shapes your beliefs. Your beliefs shape your mindset.



1 Those with fixed mindsets believe attributes, such as talent and intelligence, are fixed—that's to say, they believe they’re born with the level of intelligence and natural talents they’ll reach in adulthood.

1 People with a growth mindset view intelligence and talent as qualities that can be developed over time.

2 These individuals usually avoid challenges in life, give up easily, and become intimidated or threatened by the success of other people. This is because a fixed mindset doesn't see intelligence and talent as something you develop—it's something you "are".

2 This doesn’t mean that people with a growth mindset automatically assume that they can achieve anything. It simply means that people believe their intelligence and talents can be improved through effort and actions.



3 They recognize that setbacks are a necessary part of the learning process and allows people to ‘bounce back’ by increasing motivational effort.

4 A growth mindset deems ‘failure’ as temporary and changeable, and as such, is crucial for learning, resilience, motivation, and performance.

Now that you know more about mindset; take the included Mindset Assessment to determine where you fall on the spectrum of growth mindset vs fixed mindset.

- ACCESS THE ASSESSMENT & WORKBOOK It is important to understand the power of mindset. Changing your thoughts, feelings and behaviors about yourself can boost performance as well as happiness. These are some simple tips for mastering your mindset:

MINDSET MASTERY TIPS Understand That You Can Improve: Our brains are built to learn and grow. By challenging yourself with new experiences, you can nurture a growth mindset.

Be Uncomfortable: There is bravery in taking the path less traveled. Leaving your comfort zone can be hard but there is no growth without challenge. When faced with a challenge or difficult task, try to choose the harder option and choose to be

Diminish Negative Self Talk:

uncomfortable, that will allow you to grow.

We all have an inner voice that works against a growth mindset. Acknowledge that voice and try to flip the narrative on the negative thoughts. For example instead of saying ‘I can’t do this’, say ‘I can do this if I keep practicing’.

Failure is An Option: Failure and setbacks are all part of the learning process. When trying something new you will see occasional ‘failures’ but instead of thinking negatively you want to

Reward Yourself:

instead see it as a positive learning opportunity. Apply your

As a society we often reward those

experience and learning for a

who achieve excellent outcomes,

better outcome next time.

but this can work against a growth

Through our failures we learn to

mindset. Instead, reward your

obtain success.

process and the effort you exerted.

Seek Feedback: Try and seek feedback from others when you find yourself struggling or need a bit of guidance. Those that are provided with progressive feedback about what they are doing and where they can improve, find motivation to keep going. Feedback is also associated with a pleasurable dopamine response that nurtures a growth mindset.

Your mindset is a powerful thing and can have lasting effects on your life. If you understand where you are with your mindset and you apply these tips you will see tremendous growth and positive shifts.



moc.ssetfeihcbafeht.www Evelyn Betances is a certified mindset transformation coach and the founder and CEO of the Fab Chieftess brand. Her goal and that of the brand is to inform and empower women with the tools and resources needed to create meaningful mindset shifts that yield results using the S.M.S (Story, mindset, strategy) and P.A.E.R (Preparation, accountability, execution, resolve) framework. Let's get Social!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fab.chieftess Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefabchieftess YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCci4g9fPCvwyJCyGq3zu8ng Clubhouse: @thefabchieftess



the Power of Manifestation

MANIFESTING MY TRIBE! During my awakening Journey I kept hearing and reading about the importance of the tribe you surround yourself with.

Every time I reach this topic, my victim mindset kicks in. I’m only surrounded with Narcissistic people around me. My friends are always complaining and living totally on autopilot. How am I going to meet my tribe and Covid kicks in and my mindset still focused on this topic, that it will get even harder with all the restrictions.

Until I read a book for Nathalie Ledwell. In her book

« Not in your wildest Dream » she talks about a woman who shifted

her life completely from being overwhelmed with her debts and negative life to living her best life as a writer. When I was reading this book, what really caught my attention was that this woman had a friend pushing her, challenging her and supporting her. Her friend's name was

« Jen ». I wrote on my manifestation list. I want a Jen in my life.

Two weeks later, I came across a remarkable woman, shining with positivity. Doing the daily work. Showing up for herself and her clients. She’s super knowledgeable and has experience in different modalities and tools that made her live her best life every single day. To my surprise her name is

She emailed me back with those exact words:

« Jen ». I emailed her instantly and told her my story.

« My ultimate goal is simply to support and help women in any way that I

can. I know the journey can be lonely sometimes and being surrounded by like minded women that understand makes it easier.


Today I am celebrating one year of our friendship. I am eternally grateful for her guidance and support.

She later introduced me to the wonderful Maria, that she’s giving me this opportunity to share with you this article.

« Me

» two years ago, with the limiting beliefs that my dyslexia is a disability that I can’t write or read. Today I can easily express my thoughts with writing and I read a new book every 10 days.

Jen as well introduced me to other wonderful ladies, and each of them helped me shape the person I am today.

I am as well part of Jen’s Academy, where she created a safe place for women to hold themselves accountable. To shift and pivot everyday.

In one year, I am surrounded with wonderful women. I have the best tribe with a fantastic vibe.

I have grown many years in just one year. I have crushed many limiting beliefs. I am currently editing my first online course that I am sharing all the tools and habits that I have been doing and that changed my life massively.

The power of manifestation has made wonders in my life. And the Wayn Dyer quote became part of my mindset.

« If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. »

I cut all cords with my old friends that didn’t align with who I am today. I know how to protect my energy when surrounded with people that are on a different frequency than mine.

Choose your tribe!!!



My name is Julia, I’m Lebanese Canadian. Have BA in graphic design, certified as a Master chocolatier. Took Tony Robbins and Marisa Peer courses. I have been a stay-at-home for the last 8 years but was doing freelance jobs as well as business in baking and chocolate making. 2020 was the year I have decided to become a life coach and currently leading a team of 26 wonderful women and guiding them to improve their life. https://www.instagram.com/julia.scaleoflove/ https://m.facebook.com/alajulia.ca/





EMPATHS DOES YOUR SENSITIVITY CAUSE ARGUMENTS? How often do you cross signals with your significant other? Pick up their struggles and emotions? Does your sensitivity cause arguments?

When my gifts grew, I was a hot mess. The emotional roller coaster was severe and extreme, going from one end of the spectrum to the other.

I couldn’t stomach myself. My poor hubby had no idea what to do or how to handle it.

He was trying to be supportive the best he could but when the question is asked “what is wrong”? and my constant response was I don’t know, the level of frustration grew. How could I not know? What was going on? Why was I constantly crying and miserable? All good questions and ones I was unable to answer. He would start to ask how it could not be about him or our relationship. Our significant others are dealing with the ups and downs of the emotional roller coasters that we are on. After a while of seeing the torrential tears, he was getting frustrated with that response I don’t know and asked how I could not know what was bothering me. It is hard on them to watch us go from one extreme to the other. At one point my hubby was trying to be on the rollercoaster with me, the best thing he did was get off the coaster and stand by and watch it.

He was unable at times to stand by and watch all the emotions crash over me and do nothing about it. He couldn’t handle it and it would get to the point that because I was unable to explain the tears, or depression and I would try to hide it from him. I felt very alone, lonely, and feeling very low. I would wait for him to go to sleep before I released the wealth of emotions my body dealt with for the day. It wasn’t until I knew that I was an empath and what that entailed before I was able to know what emotions and struggles weren’t mines. Now it is a lot easier for us to communicate. I can say I am a 5 stage clinger, I am having a bad day, and I want to be corked up your ass. Most times he laughs and is accommodating. I am able to explain in a much clearer more concise way what I am going through and what I need from him. At the same time, he is able to do the same with me. He is able to say I have had a bad day at work and I need to have my downtime and alone time.

AT this place I am able to handle that easier than us reacting to each other especially when the roller coaster is on the downward motion. For the most part he is super supportive but he has his days where he needs to relax and rejuvenate. If he continually wears himself down because of the ups and down then we end up disagreeing and I start to feel insecure and a whole other host of emotions now come to play a part in this. I am a big shouter of having a supportive environment. When your significant other is having a bad day, and they can’t support you which they are entitled to and you are dealing with their emotions and whatever else you picked up, you need an outlet. You need to share what is going on so that is doesn’t get stuck in your energy and stop to have a pity party where the monkey mind takes over to create made-up stories.

Here is the thing they need their space as much as we need our space to ground and center ourselves. There were times when it would piss me off when he would say I can’t handle this situation, I need my time and I would be like WHAT??? What does that mean? Whom do you think you are saying that to me? Yup, I would go there. There were days I could barely hold it together and he was my boulder of support. It means he has nothing left to give because he gave it all out and needs to replenish himself. I have come to realize it’s not his fault or my fault but we have learned to come together and communicate. He now knows and we laugh about when I am clingy, just need a hug or want to sit on his lap to be hugged. Once that is done, I am happy and can go on my way to do something else. It took us a while to get here but open communication has worked wonders for us. I have learned to ask for what I need, for the love and security because that day I felt lots of wacky emotions. Even though I know there aren’t mine there are times when I need to be reassured as well.

Once you know yourself (and that is an ongoing process) and you learn how these emotions affect you, you are able to communicate in an effective manner with your significant other.

We work on this every day. There are times when we catch the other just reacting to a text or a look. This is a work in progress, it is not asking one time and expects immediate results. It is creating a new way of dealing with each other of being open and understanding.

Do not beat yourself up if it takes time and energy. Create your intention for this and explain exactly what you need and this too will change, go with the flow. Love yourself and your significant other. This is only a moment in time and this too shall pass.


The best time I found to chat with my hubby is when I have a clear head and I can articulate what exactly I need. We can respond to each other’s needs instead of reacting. Reacting causes hurt feelings and more misunderstandings.

One of the most important things I have learned from this is when he needs his time away, I used to create the stories in my head as to why he isn’t available to me that usually happens after I long day of feeling everyone’s struggles and emotions. I have created a stop word to stop the story and move on with my day. It can be stopped, BS, end, clear, you get the picture to pick a word that will jolt you out of the story.

Tricia Dycka Tricia is an intuitive empath coach, Reiki Master, bestselling author, teacher, & speaker. Her mission is to help other empath coaches and healers go from emotional overwhelm to learning how to manage their own energy so they can be more visible and enjoy inner peace.

Social Media contacts https://www.facebook.co/triciadycka https://www.facebook.com/triciadyckacoaching https://www.instagram.com/triciadycka/

Freebie: Empaths Stop the Overwhelm



We’re always told to “be the bigger person,” in the face of confrontation. It shows class, maturity, and selfcontrol (all admirable traits). But, for all of the sense, and good intent in that school of thought, there’s an ugly truth. There are times when being the bigger person, feels more like being a doormat. Not taking the high road, sounds counter-intuitive, to our karmic energy. This isn’t the case. If putting on a smile for appearances, or biting your tongue doesn’t feel right, it’s ok. Here are four reasons you shouldn’t always be the “bigger person.”

REASON #1: TAKING THE HIGH ROAD, OFTEN LEAVES US FEELING LOW Let’s talk about the vibes we’re putting out, (to make that ever-present Law of Attraction), work in our favor. We usually believe that in diffusing a situation, ( throwing ourselves onto the altar of moral sacrifice), we’re winning. Our vibes are on point. But, if we’re contorting ourselves to accommodate someone else’s rude, demeaning, shameful behavior, are we winning? Is diffusing the situation with kindness, humor, (or worse yet, an apology of our own), really going to make the Universe smile upon us? It depends on the situation, and more importantly, how we internalize the case after we walk away from it. Yes, we may feel like Namaste ninjas at the moment. Observers may admire our ability to keep it together, while someone’s pushing our buttons.

Those momentary vibes aren’t the only ones that count. Our vibrations in the aftermath lay heavy on our unconsciousness for days, weeks, even months. Those vibes can adversely affect our self-awareness. They hold the valuable weight on how we define ourselves. If walking away, (wearing your lovely Namaste crown), leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth, you leave one situation resolved, while creating a new issue, (between you and yourself). If, after taking stock, you realize that being the bigger person is making you feel more like a doormat, it’s time to rethink, (even ditch), the title of being the “bigger person.” Which vibe will get you closer to fulfillment, Namaste, or doormat?

REASON #2: YOU SET THE TONE An empowering fact is that we set the tone for how others treat us. We either stand with our mouths wide open (accepting what others feed us), or we draw clear red lines. What happens when a parent proclaims, “that’s enough, no cookies for you,” only to cave in, after tiring of their child’s tantrum? The child, (from the youngest of ages), quickly learns that boundaries are meaningless. When it becomes evident that someone doesn’t respect our boundaries, we often offer a generic justification like “but she means well.” I’m guilty of hanging onto friendships and relationships that left me operating at an emotional or financial deficit. Once I realized that I’m in total control of what I allow, I began drawing strict red lines.

My red lines became non-negotiable self-care tools. They empowered me to finally end an eleven relationship with a narcissist. (You can read about the relationship lie, that keeps us in toxic relationships here). Taking the high road for the sake of others or appearance puts you on the fast track, to being walked all over. Do you sacrifice your needs caring for an aging parent, while siblings dodge responsibility? Maybe your girlfriend seems always to have money for her wants, but cries broke, asking you to spot her when you go out. “Oh my siblings have their kids to worry about,” can become convenient reasoning for their insensitivity to your needs. “Oh, she’s not good with managing her money, but is a blast to go out with,” can help you feel like always being stuck with the tab is OK. You must be able to sit with your feelings in a frequent and honest enough way, to understand how a lack of boundaries, is affecting you.

REASON #3: REELING WITHIN When someone is violating a principle that you feel strongly about, being the “bigger person” becomes more difficult. There’s a hefty price we pay when we sacrifice what we hold dear to our hearts to keep the peace. Our self-talk rages at us. It makes all sorts of judgments about our backbone and self-respect. We also set the stage for resentment to brew. Continuing to accept the short end of the stick sets the timer on an inevitable explosion.


As a domestic abuse survivor, this last reason registers as the most crucial reason why we shouldn’t always be the bigger person in a confrontation. There’s something that happens when we sacrifice our true feelings, for any reward. We lose our trust. We get used to justifying others and questioning ourselves. “Maybe I overreacted”? “They lied, because they know I have a short fuse.” “I left them no choice.” We repeat the same stories to ourselves, casting ourselves as the villain, or the incompetent fool, who can’t be trusted. This characterization of ourselves becomes our truth. From here, we can be manipulated more easily, always trusting others, more than we believe ourselves. I’m sure this is an unpopular opinion, as many will suggest that I sound like I’m defending the human Ego. Some will insist that Namaste, and “Nope, Not Today,” can’t coexist, but I find great success in embracing both, (allowing my self-awareness, to guide each situation). Will you rethink being the bigger person? Let me know your thoughts.

" Once I realized that I’m in total control of what I allow, I began drawing strict red lines. My red lines became nonnegotiable self-care tools"



Lisa Latimer is a Mindset Coach helping her clients quit running in circles with Google tips and freebies, so they can take aligned action in life and business.

After overcoming over a decade of toxic relationships, low self-esteem, and crippling fear of failure, Lisa knows what it takes to develop a mindset that allows you to take the most haunting insecurities and turn them into strengths. She helps clients move away from consuming and start doing.



MOM GUILT? By Alysa Lyons

Recently, I’ve started digging into the content that’s currently available on blogs and YouTube videos on the topic of mom guilt. I’m super passionate about helping moms let go of guilt but I haven’t been listening much to what others teach on the subject; I’ve simply been teaching from my heart. Now that I have started digging into the content that’s been available to moms, I feel a mixture of emotions and they range from sadness to rage. I am saddened by how ineffective some of the tips and tricks are but in this article, I’m going to talk about my rage. I wanted a video from six years ago and it had over 7k views. Again, my heart is heavy because of the 7k moms who watched a video about how to move past mommy guilt and parent with love. Because 7k moms heard the message that guilt is….a cop-out.

[PAUSE TO LET THAT LAND] Mommas, guilt is not a cop-out. It’s not “an excuse to stop us from taking action and changing things up to make things better.” No. If you heard that and decided to suck it up because it’s just an excuse to not take action, let that go right now!

GUILT IS NOT A COP-OUT. IT’S NOT. PERIOD. If you are a mom and you have a normal functioning brain, your guilt is not there so that you can use it as an excuse to not take action. There is a purpose for guilt. So what is it? I reached out to my community the other day to ask them what family history do they want to protect their children from. One mom said she wanted to protect her children from guilt. Her mom, as do many moms spent her whole life suffering from guilt. She’s teaching her children to not feel guilty unless they did something wrong.

THAT’S THE KEY, BUT I WANT TO TAKE IT A STEP FURTHER. The purpose of guilt is to let you know that you’ve acted outside your moral compass and ACTION needs to be taken to correct the behavior. A super simple example of this is lying. If your kids lie to you about doing their homework, feeling guilty is a sign that their brain is functioning normally and that they should not do that in the future. But mom’s guilt is different. It can be trickier because sometimes we feel g WWW.FRAMEMAG.COM | 20

guilty for being a mom who works outside the home. If your family is dependent upon your income, then what? I’m pretty sure you’d feel more guilty if you couldn’t afford a roof over your kid’s head too. See? It’s tricky. Sometimes there isn’t an action you can take with mom’s guilt. Sometimes there is. If you’re feeling guilty about something, you first want to figure out if it’s something you can act on. If it is, and it’s in alignment with your values to take that action, take it. If you can’t, then we need to reframe how you’re viewing the situation.

"THE BETTER PERSON I BECOME, THE BETTER PARENT I BECOME" There are a few other things this YouTuber mentioned that I agreed with, however, they came after the rage, so I had to address the insensitivity of the video first. The mom who wrote in about mom guilt was asking for help with exploding at her children. I get it. I’ve been there. I was an angry mom for a long time. This may be a whole other blog topic. In fact, I think I’m co-writing a book on the topic soon too! To the Youtubers point, this mom made a mistake by yelling at her children and mistakes are opportunities. When I lose my temper with my son now, I own up to it. He and I talk about it. I explain to him what was going on inside of me and I apologize. I also help him to realize how he could have behaved differently as well.


f o n r o b e r a e "W r u o s i e v o L ; e v lo " . r e h t o m


Another thing the YouTuber said was to treat yourself with kindness. Agreed. Absolutely, 100%. And, if you are a yelling mom, seek support. Perhaps yelling is how your parents did things and perhaps you’re overwhelmed, under-supported and you need an outlet. Either way, don’t hesitate to get support.


The last thing the YouTuber said was that kids are resilient. Yes, they are and they shouldn’t have to be if the issue is something you can work on. I remember hearing someone say a few years ago that the better person I become, the better parent I become. Yes. A million times YES.

If this is something you are struggling with and would like support, I can help. Schedule a free support call with me. I am passionate about helping women from the inside out. Together, we can change your life. Until next time, Alysia Mom Support Coach


There’s no shame in asking for help. There’s no shame in getting support. And there’s no shame in becoming a better person. Your kids deserve it. And someday, they will thank you for it.


Alysia Lyons is a mom first, an entrepreneur, life coach, and author second. She is passionate about helping women live their lives with more joy, from the inside out. She has her Bachelor of Science in Business Management and is a certified NeuroTransformational Life Coach. Alysia guides her clients through long-lasting neurological shifts to help ease their guilt and increase their emotional freedom. She is the author of the blog, the Mom Support Coach, which focuses on relationships, mom guilt, communication, and lessons she has learned throughout her daily life.

www.alysialyons.com/books www.alysialyons.com

“Travel IS MY Therapy."




from eileen bild

Mindfulness Leadership – Strength with Grace When I think of leadership, what comes to mind is the ability to inspire others to become a better version of themselves.

Becoming adaptable to all the influx of information, contrast, and new challenges is key. Leadership is:

A great leader wants others to follow them, but also to be a valuable asset for the entire company or organization to elevate to new levels ongoing throughout the life of the business. The external world is forever changing and shifting, creating new ways of doing things, new ways of thinking, and new generations that have their own ideas of how they want things to be.

Positive persuasion The ability to translate a vision into actuality Recognizing the strength within others and helping them bring it forth Excellence in listening skills Not giving up on those who appear unmotivated or have poor work ethics Encouraging ideas and contributions from those they lead Integrity and being willing to admit mistakes

The best way to enhance your leadership skills is to know who you are as the person behind the leadership. If you have never done a deep dive into discovery, it is one of the most valuable gifts you can give yourself.

Each one of these is important individually but just as important as the whole. If you think about these 8 aspects and rate your strength on a scale of 1-10, you will gain a big picture of the stability of your foundation as a leader.

We often think we know ourselves, but the truth is, most people are living their life through other’s influence, beliefs, and perceptions. As a leader, consider how people feel around you and your own response to those who are good employees vs. those who are toxic.

It is all about being mindful of where you are currently in leading others, and taking the time to enhance your emotional intelligence, perceptions, and focus, so it may have a positive impact on others.

As a leader the stronger you are in the following areas, the better your leadership will be and felt by those around you. In return, your experiences improve and together everyone rises to new levels and moves the entire company forward in successful ways.

Confidence Courage Decision Making Understanding Others Placing Value on the Things That Matter Compassion Clarity Willingness to Learn Clear Boundaries

The Core Thinking Blueprint Model is based on 8 aspects of your interaction within yourself and the consequent connection with those around you:.

Inspiring Certainty Positive Impact Drive for Growth Inner Strength Engagement Positive Focus Perceptive Visioning Positive Influence

Mindfulness Leadership is providing direction, alignment, and commitment providing a framework in which to learn, apply, and grow for yourself and those you lead. Within a power dynamic, skillfully navigating the challenges and conflicts while serving the greater good, mindfulness plays a beneficial role for success. Cultivating and sustaining the ability to be fully aware from moment to moment in every day improves how others view you as a leader.

Communication becomes an integral part of the inner dive bringing to the surface the drivers that cause you to interact with those around you. Through the letting go of perceived right/wrong, should’s, and questioning your decisions; you will become more mindful of what makes you a great leader. You will know by the reactions of those you lead, your own improvement in confidence and clarity, and the extraordinary growth and success on many levels. Leadership is something to be honored as you are in a position to inspire, uplift, encourage, empower and make a difference in other’s lives, your own, and the company or organization. Don’t take it for granted, instead, see it as a stepping stone for awareness of who you are, what you bring to the table, and how you are the pacesetter and crucial part for success. Wishing you all the Best! Cheers! Eileen

EILEEN BILD Eileen Bild is CEO of OTEL (Ordinary to Extraordinary Life), Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. Coach, Executive Producer. She holds a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology is a Published Author and Internationally Syndicated Writer. She teaches Mindfulness Leadership, Mindfulness Meditation, Conflict Resolution, and Communication.


unchain your inner strength publisher presents




HOW A LOST SOCK CAN INSPIRE A COMPANY BRAND BY CLAUDIA TINNIRELLO Inspiration for creating a new branding can be found in the weirdest places. When international best-selling author, keynote speaker, and CEO and founder of the web design company Sophisticated Cloud, Claudia Tinnirello, wanted to design her company branding she knew exactly what colours to choose. Pink and black are the colours of Claudia’s home town football club ‘Palermo’, which is the main city of Sicily in the south of Italy. Legend says that many years ago, after a football match, one of the player’s mothers took it upon herself to wash the football kit for the entire team which was made of black shorts and black & white stripped tops.

Accidentally she left a red sock in the washing machine, changing the entire team uniform to black and pink. Those became the new and official colours of Palermo Football team and the inspiration behind the colours for Sophisticated Cloud’s logo. Stereotypically speaking, pink has always been associated with being primarily a ‘girly’ colour, but it is not uncommon l to see Sicilian boys and men of all ages proudly wearing pink shirts in Palermo as support to their beloved football team. Even customised pink cars and motorcycles can be spotted driving around the city.

The meanings behind these colours also chimed with Claudia’s aspiration for her business, as she explains “my dream is to open an office in New York City in the near future, and the colour black is a cosmopolitan colour that is related to power, strength and sophistication”. Pink has always been a favourite colour of Claudia since she was a little girl, representing love, tenderness, kindness and femininity; bringing a soft and approachable touch to the brand. If you had a chance to look at Claudia’s office space today you couldn’t fail to miss the amount of pink gadgets and stationery around her desk. She even purchased a pink Italian espresso coffee machine to match her colour branding. The Sophisticated Cloud brand inspires success, strength and stability, whilst at the same time being approachable and friendly.

Sophisticated Cloud is on a mission to help a million people to be heard and seen by having a robust online presence. Claudia says “technology can come across a bit scary to most of my clients”. Sophisticated Cloud will give them the reassurance that everything will be taken care of and explained in a simple and easy way that even a child will understand. The same simplicity needs to be reflected on all the websites we build, one of Claudia’s sayings is “If your seven-year-old child or grandmother can navigate your website, then your website is already a success!”. In just over a year since Sophisticated Cloud launched, they have now opened their first base outside of the UK with new clients already lined up in Manhattan, New York. This deeply demonstrates that inspiration and ambition can be found in the strangest of places.



Claudia is an International Bestseller Author and the CEO and founder of Sophisticated Cloud Limited. She is a professional SquareSpaceWeb Designer, UX expert, former cookery chef and enthusiastic public Speaker. Originally from Italy, Sicily, she has lived in England since 2005. Following her fourth redundancy at work, she decided to set up her own Web Design business which she absolutely loves. She works with small businesses that want to build beautiful one of a kind responsive websites, that are SEO optimised and compatible on all screens and devices - desktop, tablet and mobile phones. She is currently the President of the Toastmasters International Basingstoke Speakers Club. Not being an English native speaker, she understands the struggles of overcoming judgements and fear of making mistakes when speaking a foreign language. She has discovered ways of becoming a better and confident public speaker by sharing her voice in many different ways, from speaking opportunities to building websites, to cooking food. Her mission is to help a million people to be heard and seen by having a robust online presence and embracing public speaking. In her spare time, Claudia enjoys cooking and baking Italian specialities with her husband and their young son, as well as travelling back to Italy to visit the family when she can.

FREEBIE - Top 5 Secrets For Designing High-Converting Landing Pages




experts worldwide, from different backgrounds and niches of expertise, share their most valuable business strategies and mindset tools to help you succeed in all areas of your life!


a podcast where I share everything I have learned in my years in business to help you thrive and shine!









f someone would happen to


tart the sentence by sharing how you help

bump into your profile now, would

others. For example: “I empower….”, “I help…”, “It’s my

they be able to know what you do?

mission to…” The person who’s looking at your profile needs to know what you can do for them!

Your profile is an invitation for people to find out more about you, who you are, and how you can help


them, and it’s also a way for you to know if you are connecting with


people who are in your same vibration or not. It’s a win-win situation.

A dd something that you love like: “Cat

However, I see a lot of entrepreneurs

lover”, or “Nature lover”.

not using this feature to its full

This will give people a brief insight into what

capacity. Some profiles are very

kind of person you are.

vague and although they might have an awesome picture, it doesn’t fully represent what the person does.

3 Most social media platforms have a very restricted number of characters


that you can use to describe what you do, but you’d be surprised at what a short and precise sentence


Always add a call to action! It could be your Facebook group or your website; or if you are running a challenge, add the link.

can do to attract the attention of

Give the person a place where they can get to know more about


your work.


by maria c. krause

key ingredients to write magical content

content strategy

Bloom Where You Are Planted

The Who, What, Where, When, How, and Why of being consistent in your Content Strategy

How - the seed - YOU

Who - the roots - your AUDIENCE

Inconsistent seeds = a messy garden where you never know what you’re going to get OR a seed that never truly sprouts = no solid roots/audience (if you keep swapping out seeds then they’ll never sprout and take hold)

The expansion of a flower’s root structure is strategic. It grows in a way that seeks out nutrients and solidifies the plant.

It’s easier to be consistent in how you show up when you are being authentic - true to yourself and your personal brand. This creates certainty and a strong foundation for establishing the know, like, trust factor.

What - the stem - CONTENT A strong stem can support the upward growth of the flower’s leaves, branches, and buds.

Without consistently putting out content, how do people know you even exist? Or that you still exist (if you stop or are inconsistent)? How do they know who you are, if you’re legitimate, and how you can help? Content connects everything. It’s Versatile nurturing, informative, and guiding.

Consistently nurturing your audience in the right (authentic) way will create a strong foundation for growth. They feel seen and heard while they resonate with and support the content you’re putting out into the world.

Bloom Where You Are Planted

The Who, What, Where, When, How, and Why of being consistent in your Content Strategy

Where - the leaf - LOCATION

When - the leaf - FREQUENCY

Leaves follow the sun in much the same way as you might put out content in a place that may house your ideal clients. They will turn as far as they need to within the pleasant confines of where they are planted (see your seed).

Flowers sprout leaves and follow the sun to soak up more of the sun’s rays in the process of photosynthesis. More leaves = more sunlight absorbed. Remember, sometimes another branch grows to facilitate this reach expansion.

Consistently showing up in a specific place means your audience will know where to find you when they need you. You will also be better equipped to navigate the platform of your choice and make the most impactful use of it.

Consistently showing up for your audience increases visibility and, again, means your audience will expect to hear from you in a predictable way. When it’s time to expand and post more frequently, it is important to note that it doesn’t always need to be in the same location.

Why - the flower - RESULTS Without consistency in seed, root growth, stem structure, location and frequency with which the plant absorbs nutrients, the plant will not bloom to its full potential.

When you are consistent in all of the above, you will get the results you need to have a thriving content strategy that yields amazing results in the top tier of your sales funnel. Increased quality in the quantity of your audience = better engagement = more referrals, leads, sales.

shauna van mourik copywriter & content strategist expert

Links: With an extensive background in psychology,

Own Your Originality Facebook group:

rhetoric, and professional writing, Shauna helps you to confidently own your originality in copywriting with a content strategy that not only

https://www.facebook.com/groups/ownyourorigi nality/

converts but feels good too. A loving wife, and homeschooling mother to three

Website: www.shaunaleighartistry.com

rambunctious littles, Shauna doesn’t just talk-thetalk. Coming from a place of authenticity and acceptance, she shows up as her whole self - from story tangents to nerdy quips to excited gestures all while empowering others to do the same.

Freebie: repurpose your blog content



So many of the entrepreneurs I meet have

What I realized, was that not only did I have

expressed that business doesn’t feel the way

specific energies that I personally work with,

they thought it would or even the way that it

my business also has energies it prefers, and

did when they first started out.

they aren’t exactly the same as my personal

Think back to that time, when you first made the the world and do your own thing; to put your work

business’ train of thought, this work isn’t really for you- but that’s another topic !).

out there and shine your brightest. Remember the spark of excitement (even if there

Once We really grasp this concept; that we are

was a pang of fear right beside it). Remember the

CONNECTED with our business, but we are

inspiration and the motivation that you felt as you

not one and the same, then we are better able

thought about your plans and began

to understand what it is our business wants.

implementing those steps.

We are better able to connect with our business and feel like we have it as a friend and ally - one who actually truly gets and

Is that thrill and enthusiasm still there ?

understands our vision because it’s theirs too!

Are you still in business because you truly love it

Gaining this understanding literally has

and what you’re doing (and how you’re doing it) or

brought me a new Business Best Friend, and

because you’re just convincing yourself that you

it’s done the same for hundreds of other

can’t give up; that you’ve made yourself a success

women to whom I have taught this system.

so you have to keep going even if doesn’t light you up the way you thought it would.

Using the Akashic records, we can learn to

Akashic Business Alignment

harness our own energies, as well as the I get it. I’ve been there.

energies of our business (remember we are

I desperately didn’t want to fail (yet I did and gave

not one entity but we are connected !).

up twice before!). But I also know the trudge and

Reconnecting with these energies also

the tiredness of trying to keep everything going, of

reconnects us with our purpose, and our

having ideas and giving up on them before even

original business vision that brings with it the

giving them a go (for one reason or another). I

fun, excitement, inspiration, and motivation to

know the loneliness that can come with being an

keep moving forward toward our success. And

entrepreneur - of not ever truly being able to

we are able to move forward no longer in that

share the vision with someone else cos they just

‘desperate not to fail, won’t give up energy’ but

don’t get it - they’re not in your head right?

in the ‘ain’t nothing gonna stop me now’ type energy that propels us forwards.

Yep, I ok felt like this too. Until I came across the Akashic records and then created my own system for working with the Akashic records and my business.

Written by Rai O'Brien

decision to become your own boss; to go out in

ones! (If you’re a subscriber to the ‘I am my

RAI O'BRIEN Rai O’Brien is a neuro-linguistic kinesiologist, an Akashic business alignment specialist, and creator of the Akashic Business Alignment System (ABAS). She has engaged with the self-development and natural therapies realms for over 25 years, and brings a wealth of knowledge to her work, which now is predominantly working with female entrepreneurs to access their Akashic records for deeper understanding of themselves and their businesses, as well as awareness of what stands in their way of success (and what to do about it). Rai loves a challenge, sees patterns where others see chaos, and gets a thrill out of doing the things that everyone says can’t be done. She cheers on anyone else


Socials Www.Facebook.com/raiobrien.75 Www.Instagram.com/raisspace

tackling these things too!



ordinary to Extraordinary Life by CEO Eileen Bild

OTEL (Ordinary to Extraordinary Life) is creating the extraordinary out of the

Hello! I am Eileen Bild, welcome to OTEL Universe ~A

ordinary. Life is a series of

Universal Voice~. The kaleidoscope through which

experiences, each of which provides

your eyes peer through is the vision of your inner

an opportunity for growth and

compass. Many of us are compassionate, loving, and want to live life to the fullest.

transformation. The world at large is always in a state of expansion and contraction, creating and redesigning.

It seems as much as we believe in the world being as one, the ability to truly achieve this concept alludes to us year after year, century after century, lifetime after lifetime. So, what can we do in the

Every one of us is a microcosm of the macrocosm of the universe. There is a web of connection that is invisible to

here and now as a part of making a difference, changing the outcome of what has been a repeated pattern, and move forward with strength, grace, perseverance, and fortitude?

the naked eye yet felt and heard through the interactions and events occurring daily.

I believe in the power of many. It has been proven that it only takes a few, thinking or doing things in alignment, to alter the course of an event or experience. Have you ever been a part of “the

Eileen Bild along with her husband

wave” at a football game or baseball game? I have always found it amazing how quickly

Trevor Bild has created a global

thousands of people will join together and create

platform, OTEL Universe ~A Universal

a really dynamic occurrence like this. It is fun,

Voice~ in which people all over the world come together to share their

people want to participate, and it puts a smile on many faces. Who would not want to be a part of that?

passions, visions, and dreams. Just imagine, “a wave” of positive, uplifting, encouraging, empowering, and motiving energy

This is a collaborative community that

sweeping across the globe. This power is

inspires, uplifts, and encourages a

immeasurable, palpable, and life-changing

growth mindset based on an exchange

causing extraordinary things to happen.

of giving and receiving, sharing with an

That is exactly what OTEL Universe is all about!!

open heart, working together for a

We have many opportunities to become part of

greater purpose, and aligning with those who wish to be the change and catalyst for an infinite progression of mankind.

something bigger than us, a beacon of light reaching out into the galaxy, reflecting back to us.

We have created ROKU Channels to spotlight a variety of

“I see this as a positive powerful platform connecting

categories enabling people to have a voice, show their

communities globally. This association definitely gives

talent and skills, share their music and so much more. We

me great energy and motivation.”

are always accepting new submissions to the following channels, no fee, as our way of giving back:

Sukruti Narayanan, Director Public Relations & Business Growth, MeTV Founder, The Spark Icon, Australia

OTEL UNIVERSE (launching in June 2021) KNOB TV (Knowledge, Notice, Observe,

"That we acknowledge we ARE the Universe! We are a part of it and carry everything that the Universe is, inside


of us. When we truly feel that there is no hurry, nor greed


and discrimination, as there is no time, no space, no one.


All we are is one."


Eyra Moon singer/composer


As part of our community, we also offer ROKU Channel Development for businesses, individuals, and non-profits to have their own channel, many of whom are creating

“A Universal Voice means to be a place where people of all nations can voice their opinions without fear of judgment or ridicule.”

them as a hub for information, education, and inspiration.

Keith Bradford, Ya Gotta Luv It Radio Show

A final opportunity for you is to join us as a Media Partner, Business Alliance, or Creative Artist Alliance giving you more exposure and enabling you to share with others the success of a Universal Voice.

“A universal voice means that at a very basic level, we all speak the same language – and together, all of our voices matter. Quoting from Dianna Hardy: “It only takes

I asked people already with us riding this wave into the

one voice, at the right pitch, to start an avalanche.” So

future the following question:

let us together, start a worldwide “positivity” avalanche.”

What does “A Universal Voice” mean to you?

Dennis J. Pitocco, CEO & ReImaginator, 360° Nation

“A Universal Voice to me means to be able to stand up for what one believes. To be society's black sheep, speak

“Universal voice is when people with a common goal find

up, and fight for injustice, prejudice, inequality, and

the words to bring meaning and positive change to the

topics that concern us all, as human beings and people


living in societies. It means to stand tall, to be brave, to be courageous

Frank Zaccari, Author/Speaker/Media Personality

and fearless. To have strong core values and beliefs. To help and empower others to raise up. A Universal Voice is to stop being afraid of being who you are and inspire others to do the same. To create a better world.”

We hope you tap into your inner compass, catch the wave, and enjoy our community filled with so much joy, happiness, and collaboration. Cheers!

Maria C. Krause Spiritual Mindset and Alignment Mentor




THE RISING SOULPRENEUR Hosted by Maria C. Krause A podcast and blog created for entrepreneurs, packed with valuable mindset and business strategies to help you grow your business and revenue. I share everything I have learned in my journey as a spiritual Mindset & Business Mentor, including my f@ck ups and wins. Find #therisingsoulpreneur on your favorite platforms and Pinterest

women we admire...

elise clayton RUUUUUUU

Rise & Thrive with Elise BeYoutiful Belles

the interview: Elise Clayton ELISE,

thank you so much for being our muse this month! You started your business by joining a Network Marketing company a few years back. MLM companies always had a bad reputation, commonly referred to as pyramid schemes. What was your reaction when you first were approached with the idea of joining the company? Did you laugh? Where you intrigued?

After I was diagnosed with MS, I knew that I wouldn't be able to return to the world of work that I previously knew - because I was having periods of ill health. I was glad in a way though, as it was years of working in stressful corporate environments that had sent me into a spiral of anxiety and eventually illness. But when my son started nursery, I suddenly realized that I had nothing else in my life. Anxiety had wrapped itself around me - I had few friends, rarely went out, and was completely lost. But then I saw a lady on Facebook selling make-up. She had MS but seemed to be brimming with confidence as she did make-up demos. I saw something in her that made me feel connected and signed up with her pretty quickly afterwards.

I wasn't aware of the bad reputation of MLMs at the time - all I saw was that for the first time in my life, I was surrounded by positive women whose mission it was to empower others. They were all like me in some way - mums, chronic condition warriors, looking for something for themselves. I was introduced to the world of self-development and felt so supported and part of something for the first time ever- and that's where my journey really began! It is a common misconception that MLM's are pyramid schemes. But actually pyramid schemes are illegal and have no tangible products! While MLMs have products and are just the same as every company you start at the bottom and work your way up to the top!

I think a lot of people are very quick to judge and question whether you make any money unless you are at the top - but what they fail to see is the reasons why many people join. It's not always about the money or getting to the top. For me, it saved my life - it helped me say no to anxiety, build my confidence and take my life back. Without Younique, I wouldn't be where I am now!


Elise, What was the main reason that made you say yes and join Younique? I saw that I had nothing in my life - I had let anxiety take over. I wanted to do something productive with my time and make some pocket money and saw Younique as a way to do this, but I got so much more than I ever expected!

Elise, Back then, did you have a vision for your business? What was it? How far did you want to go? I didn't put too much pressure on myself - and neither did the company which is what I loved about being part of that world. You were encouraged and uplifted but never pressured. I never thought I'd grow a team. But people came to me and asked questions - women like me, who wanted something more for themselves, chronic condition warriors, single mums. They saw the transformative power the business had on me and wanted that for themselves so joined me. And then I discovered that this is what I loved the most - training people, coaching them, helping them get to where they want to be. Where I went in the company as a result was secondary to me. I just enjoyed what I was doing - but the best bit was watching my team blossom, grow and succeed.

Elise, What would you say is the most important thing that having your own business has taught you and given you? That if you have dreams, go after them, regardless of the opinions of others. Don't let anyone else dim your light just because they don't understand things. If it feels right for you, keep the focus and go after it! Build that self-belief and that 'I'm not letting that in' attitude and you're unstoppable!


And with all the good also come the lessons... What was your biggest challenge? Something you thought you would never do that got you out of your comfort zone?

So many things!!! I was incredibly introverted when I joined Younique and full of anxiety but quickly I found myself doing things I never dreamt of! Doing live make-up demonstrations on Facebook, doing makeovers with people, blogging about my life struggles, running team trainings to 2000 people, traveling alone, and going to conventions with people that I'd never met before. It set me free and opened up the world that I live in now - where I am constantly pushing comfort zones daily - the sense of freedom it brings is immense - and suddenly you find yourself doing everything

... you wanted to do and being the person you always wanted to be. There's no way that I would have had the confidence, belief, and physical ability to be a therapist without the journey that I have been on!

"If it feels right for you, keep the focus and go after it!" -Elise Clayton


Apart from having your Younique business, you now have started a second business as Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner and Certified Hypnotherapist, congratulations! What inspired you to follow this new path in your life?

Through Younique I found that my biggest passion was helping others to succeed. Helping them to build confidence and self-esteem, instilling that self-belief, guiding and coaching

them through the business - and watching them flourish!

been doing which helped me. I love to write and this was my outlet.

I realized that this was something that I had always wanted to do. As a teenager, I wanted to be a counselor and did a degree in Psychology. But after I left university, I looked at my 21-year-old self and thought "how can I be a counselor when I have no life experience?" Fast forward 20 years and suddenly I had plenty!

I think doing this helped to give my therapy business a boost when I launched as I already had an active network of people who knew and a captive audience who had followed me through the journey.

I looked at lots of different options to be a coach or a psychotherapist but was drawn to Marisa Peer's RTT method because I had used it myself and knew how powerful it is. It not only helped me break the cycle of anxiety but has also helped me on my healing journey from MS.


Do you feel there is a huge difference between one business and the other? Regarding the way run both businesses, the clients you work with, the way you show up and interact with people. Or do you integrate one with the other?

A lot of the skills I learned through Younique help me in my therapy business as I run both using social media marketing. As well as doing makeup demos and crazy videos, I had also spoken a lot about my life struggles and blogged about the things that I had

I almost feel like the Younique journey had set the scene for my therapy business - so then when I retrained and presented myself as a therapist, people had that trust in me because they had seen the transformation in me - that I now help others to achieve.


Last year, you became an international bestselling author... Tell us, how does it feel? What did you love most about the writing process?

An absolute dream realized!!!! I couldn't quite believe it was happening! One of my biggest passions in life has always been writing. As a child I used to write short stories and poems - I loved it. Even in my career in PR and marketing, I just loved to write even if it was about ferries and recycling! I always felt that I had more than one book in me, so when I had the

One of my biggest passions in life has always been writing. As a child I used to write short stories and poems - I loved it.

... the chance to join the collaboration, I jumped at it! I spoke about my journey to date and my road to healing - it felt so raw and liberating. I am now writing the full version The MonSter in me - how I caused it and how I cured it, and a book of short fiction stories.

Elise, Elise, hand in your heart, did you ever think you would be where you are today the day you signed up to join your first business with Younique?

Writing fact and fiction - I am working on two projects at the moment - but lots more to come! And traveling the world, talking to others about my journey to help and inspire them to get more of what they want in life! My mission is to help as many people as I can. I see so many others in the exact same position I was 5 years ago - I know there is light at the end of the tunnel - and I feel like my role is to guide them there!


Absolutely not!

What are 3 top tips you would share with someone who's just getting started?

It is crazy to think how far I've come! When I got that little box of make-up, I thought it might help my confidence and give me some pocket money. I had no idea it would lead me to fulfill my life's purpose and transform me into the person that I always wanted to be the woman I already was, but I just didn't believe or realise I had in me!

Stay in your own lane - if you want something, go after it and don't let the opinions of others dim your light or dilute your dreams.

Elise, Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? What's your mission? Working full time in my therapy business, helping people unlock their potential and set themselves free from the things that are holding them back.

Never doubt you can do something - the power is within you - sometimes we just need a little help and guidance along the way. Find your tribe - surround yourself with positive, uplifting, like-minded people. Say no to the energy vampires! Fuel your soul!



Every day is different! As a single mum, it's a juggling act, but I love to be busy - and I am grateful that I have the energy to be busy now because a few years ago, I was struggling with fatigue - but I fixed that with hypnotherapy! I live my life in a state of surrender, instead of stress now - what will be, will be! I'm all about staying in the flow, connecting with the universe, and following my inner guidance. That's where the magic happens!


- Jim Morrison








the Split Face BY



True awareness comes from the understanding that

Many people have many opinions about life in the

we all have a dark and light side. It's not about

hood but from my experience, it's a never ending

living life fully in one or the other but more about

"survival of the fittest" sort of living. Days of true

how well we are able to control either side. How

relaxation are few and far between, always

balanced are we?

consumed with the wonder of what situation is going to happen next. Food is scarce towards the

For years, I buried decisions I made in situations of

end of the month and the beginning of the month is

survival and struggled with who I saw in the

a week long celebration. Time moves slow but life

mirror. The struggle wasn't about not liking what I

passes fast as the youth fight over the things

saw but about misunderstanding who I was back

everyone is in lack of. In those time zones, finding


a job wasn't hard but keeping a job was difficult. Unreliable transportation was to blame but the

The fact is, the judgment that we place on

reality is I was too weak to stand up for what I

ourselves is far more detrimental to our well-being

needed on a regular basis...my car. So instead of

than any judgment the outside world can display.

choosing a consistent fight for what was mine I chose an occasional one. This fight was to go make

So the real question is How...

the money in a single night that I would have made all month from tips. How was this possible?

How do we find the balance with our light & dark

Escorting. I took on the role as "sugar baby" to a


man I had vetted and sized up for the position. That's right...I was the one sizing him up and

The conversations I started to have with myself

making sure HE was qualified for the part. This

always resorted to asking Why. Without context of

relationship became a regular agreement between

what I was struggling with, it's hard to follow

me and said man for a while. It was an easy thing

along, so below is a short story to give

really...too easy. In full disclosure the situation


became an escape for me. A way to get away from

...the everyday life I was living. Sad to say but this

I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the computer

guy treated me better than the man I had at home

screen everything stopped.

which made the agreement all the more easy for me to stick to. It was something I looked forward to

I placed the knife down on the table. My tears dried

and a situation I relied on for my sanity.

up, a heavy breathe escaped my body and then silence covered me. I couldn't do anything but be.

Asking Why isn't the hard part. It's how deep you

And in that state of just being came peace.

truly have to go in order to move on from what has already been done. Digging deep caused past experiences to surface plaguing my body with the pain I never embraced. Emotions that I had to hide to survive flooded me at random. I was so consumed by sadness that I found myself collapsed on a bathroom floor, rapid tears pouring from my eyes, and a physical pain I had never witnessed before. The release of what I held in for so long was as intense as the raging waters of a river. But still I held on…

In a short amount of time after that moment I started to do a lot of research. I came to realize that in order to have a balance between the light and dark within, we have to have an equal respect for both. I analyzed my past and found myself in a state of openness. It was then that I truly had respect for the fact that I wouldn't have survived without my darkness. On the other hand, happiness would have never found me again if it wasn't for the light.

As sadness came and went, anger coupled with my

My new knowledge of self grew into individual

long lived paranoia set in. Here's the thing about

relationships that I hold with both sides. As part of

anger...sometimes it feels overwhelming and the

my research, I started to have conversations with

only way to release it is by letting it show its

my right eye and my left eye simply asking what

devilish face. And here's the thing about

either was in search of. Both said the same thing.

paranoia...if you don't address it properly it can become an anxiety that dictates your every move in


life. When my conversations deepened my internal scale So these two extremes decided to come out and play at the same damn time. One night, I found myself spiraling out of control. I went 7 days with

started to even out. Soon it wasn't a struggle to "sit at the table" anymore to speak about the past. It became an open discussion.

no sleep, had an extreme amount of alcohol and the shadows of my past self danced around the space I was in.

This experience deepened my perspective, awareness & compassion for those embarking on their own healing path. The strongest people are

As light started to drift, darkness narrowed its sight on me, and overwhelm almost pushed me over the cliff. Knife to my own throat, tears streaming down my face, screams escaping my mouth and the two sides of my individual self separated in disagreement.

not the ones who live in denial about what once was, but the ones who address it with courage. Embrace both sides of self and soon you will begin to understand...

The Split Face





10 years ago, Sarah decided enough was enough with the abuse she was dealing with in her relationship. The biggest question she found herself asking as she looked in the mirror was Why. Why did she allow for certain situations to happen in her life? Why did she stay in a relationship she was unhappy in for so long? Why?

With 9+ years of putting herself in healthy uncomfortable situations, going to events and sharing her story she is now teaching what she has learned. Through things like live coaching, public speaking, intuitive readings and a new series that will be released soon, Sarah is giving back what she can in the way she knows how. Through communication!

Since then she has been digging and building her awareness to find the answers within.

If you’re looking for coaching, strategy sessions or intuitive readings Sarah can help.

Your eyes are the window to your Soul



My life until 8 months ago was what most people would call normal. I was living in my dream area, had a nice corporate job and my kids and grandkids were healthy and enjoying life. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to motivate, educate and inspire others. I knew that I was destined to become a life coach, author and motivational speaker. Never in a million years was I ready for the journey I was about to embark on. In 2012, I got my dream job of becoming an educator for a Fortune 500 company. I was responsible for the training and development of hairstylists in multiple states. Even though I worked and lived on the West Coast, I had the honor of traveling all over the US and other countries. In 2017 I was selected to relocate to Chicago to pilot a program for their salon division.

I lived in Chicago for 2 years and in those 2 years, I became complacent, depressed, and battled my inner demons. I decided to go to Florida to unplug and vacation with some friends. Little did I know that trip would start my journey to rediscovering and reclaiming my Divine inner phoenix. When I got back to Chicago, I asked if there were any openings in Pensacola and that is when this story truly began.

Fast forward to March 2020 and Covid. I went from traveling all over the Panhandle to being trapped in my house. The darkness I had escaped for so long came roaring back into my life with a vengeance. Depression hit hard. July 11th started the shift and awakening. I had gone out on a friend’s boat. We happened to hit a wave and I got launched into the air. I had no idea that I had just broken my wrist in 3 places. August 27th I got fired. So now, in the middle of the pandemic, I had a broken wrist, no job, and no one hiring at the level that I was accustomed to. I was in full panic mode. I didn’t know how I would survive.

Well, on September 15th I met Sally. She was a Category 2 Hurricane and at 1 am I woke up to the sound of incredibly scary wind and water dripping. I jumped out of bed and my feet landed in the water. My house was flooding, and I felt a fear like I had never known. I had never been in a hurricane. I didn’t have friends or family close enough to come get me and it was the middle of the night. I escaped with a small suitcase, the shoes on my feet and my dog. When it was over, I had over 3 feet of water in my house. I lost everything and I mean everything. I watched in despair as my belongings were taken out of my house and put on the curb. Scavengers came and took everything. My furniture, my shoes, my clothes. Everything I had worked so hard to gain was gone in less than 24 hours. My heart was broken, my life shattered and my spirit crushed. I was overcome with grief. Yet, as I look back, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. For in that disaster and in that trauma was my gift. Out of the ashes of that experience, I found my wings. I rose and flew and burned brighter than ever. I rediscovered my dream. I created my own company and even launched my own podcast! Now my goal is to bring hope and empowerment to other women. Every day I am surrounded by incredible people that find my message and know that in our messes there is ALWAYS a message. That there is always a gift in the crash and burn experiences of our lives. Those 3 months were some of the scariest and most devastating times in my life. I choose to look at it as a gift. The gift of my life. The gift of rediscovering who I am at my core. My story is my gift. My story is my hope. My story is me. I am the phoenix, I am the fire and I will rise. I stand in front of the wall of my demons now and pick them off one by one. I use them to fuel the fire under my wings. I use the fire to burn that which no longer serves me. I use the fire to inspire others to start their journey. I stand in my truth, in my story and in my gifts. I invite you to do the same.

JULIE PAULSTON Transformational Life coach

Julie Paulston is a transformational life coach who brings humor, passion and compassion, in her journey to help women rise from the ashes of their lives to rediscover their Divine inner phoenix. Having over 30 years in recovery, she brings multiple personal experiences and strategies to empower women to rediscover who you were before the world told you who you should be. Her flagship course is a 6-week journey called, “Be the Phoenix of Your Own Life…The Feminine Rising”. Her course takes women through systematic steps to rediscover who they were before the world told them who they should be. It is a transformational experience that will shift your thinking and your beliefs so that you can step confidently out of the stands and into the arena of your life.

PODCAST: Be the Phoenix of Your Own Life Podcast

"This life is mine alone. So I have stopped asking people for directions to places they've never been." Glennon Doyle


REDUNDANCY MADE ME DO IT! words by Emily Tyson

Last year, in 2020, I was working as a Graphic Designer in the luxury Hospitality sector. According to The Guardian, the UK saw 314,000 people made redundant, including me, over Zoom. Redundancy can be one of the most stressful things to happen in your career. It’s a huge lifestyle adjustment, it can put pressure on your finances, and it can be a huge knock to your confidence. It took me a while to process the initial shock, but once I did, I tuned into how I was feeling and what I really wanted to do with

my life. It became clear that instead of feeling upset or stressed, a door had opened for me. The door of possibility. I felt free. Deep down I’ve always known the 9-5 corporate world (although is it ever really 9-5?) wasn’t for me. I’ve had multiple side-hustles, I’m always learning and upskilling and I’ve dreamed of working for myself for as long as I can remember! Through the wake-up call of being made redundant, I realised 3 things.

Redundancy can be one of the most stressful things to happen in your carreer

not working 9-5 anymore

Nothing is financially secure

It's NOT Personal

Financial security means different things to different people. For me, it meant, having a ‘secure’ job with a regular salary and being able to pay the bills each month.

Being made redundant, felt like they were saying ‘you’re not good enough’, ‘you don’t belong here’.

Although I never felt aligned with my 9-5, the fear of not having financial security held me back. I thought, like most people, that I needed a stable 9-5 job that consistently brings the same amount of money each month to survive. But guess what, having a full-time, stable salary job proved not to be as secure as I thought. So, instead of looking for a new full-time job, I started taking steps to build my business. I worked on my money mindset, and business strategy combining my Website Design skills and Life Coaching certification. If a 9-5 doesn’t give me financial security, I want to take the risk doing something I love!

After sitting with these thoughts and emotions, I noticed these thoughts were my ego speaking, they weren’t real. The reality is, I have years of experience in my field, and being made redundant isn’t personal, it’s simply just business. Redundancy is a business decision for financial reasons. It’s about numbers, job roles, and team structure. It’s not about your ability as an employee.

“Never settle for average.” - Steve Jobs I’ve been so inspired by how the world has adapted during the pandemic. Businesses that closed their physical doors have found ways to open their digital doors. Many new businesses have come from people doing what they love with the time they have back from not commuting or being on furlough. Being made redundant was the best thing to happen to my career. The corporate world was my safety net. It gave me comfort knowing I had a regular income, a lovely team who I call friends and I could run my side-hustle as a nice hobby, no pressure. I was settling for average because it was comfy and secure. The risk was low. I knew I needed more, so I took the opportunity to take the risk, set-up my business, and do what I love every day. And here I am! If you’re in a similar situation, and you’re on the fence about starting or growing your business, what’s holding you back? How can you start taking steps to start or grow your business?




Hi, I’m Emily I'm a Purpose & Side Hustle Coach, I help women who feel stuck in their careers build a side hustle, design a future full of joy and fulfillment.

health FOOD Healthy Recipes

SKINCARE ESSENTIALS My secret natural ingredients for a healthier and glower skin.

JUICES Recipes for natural and yummy juices for the whole family.

words by LEKS VUCKO

Why you will never lose weight with diet & exercise “I have to go on another diet.” are the most common words I hear when any of my clients or female friends want to lose weight. “Why?” I’ll ask. “Because I’m fat. I’m disgusted with myself. I have to lose weight. I’m gross. Look at this <pointing to a body part>.” And this is exactly how we talk to ourselves about ourselves and expect to be happy in our bodies. And if this is what we dare to say out loud, what are we saying on the inside????? I get it. Believe you me, I get it. I was where you are. But I want you to know something: Everything I am about to share with you - I’ve done myself. I’ve yoyoed my whole adult life. I dieted so hard for my fitness competitions that I developed an eating disorder. I binged. I couldn’t control myself. And I was a trainer!!! That’s when I learned it’s not about what you eat and how much you work out. It’s about your mindset. Your relationship with your own self. It’s about selfdiscovery. So, I experimented and I learned. I learned better. And now I am living "happily ever after", in

the body that I love. And I wish nothing more for you than to live happily in your body. So let’s dive deeper into how to get healthier and leaner. See, when it comes to health & fitness, people think of a diet plan (aka a meal plan, yes they’re the same thing) or an excruciating gym workout where they have to be “killing” themselves at the gym and hardly move the day after. So so so wrong!!! Diet & Exercise are NOT the answer! If you recognize yourself in the words above, you’re not alone. And it’s not just you. If you believed that diet & exercise are the way to go, you’ve been misguided. And it’s NOT your fault. But, to say that diet & exercise are the answer to weight loss is simply the farthest thing from the truth.

The sad truth is you and the rest of the women who are desperately trying to lose weight and be healthy you have been misguided, on purpose, by the food industry as well as the fitness industry to believe that. And while they’re betting on your confusion, lack of self-trust, on your low self-esteem, they’re laughing out loud while gazillions of dollars are earned because of the list above.

how to go about it... I know what you’re thinking: “So, what are you saying here, Leks??? How do I lose weight? Please tell me there’s hope!” Yes, of course there’s hope. Not only hope but proof that you, too, can get educated, guided and you can release the extra weight once and for all. I promise you that. So how do you do it without diet and exercise? Well, first comes the mindset. Your limiting beliefs. Your understanding of how the brain works and making sure to use it to work for you, not against you. First look into your inner thoughts, your self-sabotaging behaviors and doing all that from a very kind, understanding and loving place for yourself. See, this whole self-care movement is not about taking long, warm baths and getting massages. It’s about you putting yourself first because you understand that if you don’t do that, nobody will. When you take good care of yourself, you will be able to take good care of others. So where do you begin when it comes to weight loss and health? My suggestion is: start with your thoughts. And what I mean is start with awareness of your thoughts. You can set the alarm on your phone to go off every hour, or however often you want to, just to disrupt you in whatever you are doing so that you can check in with your thoughts.

Another strategy is meditation. While greatly misunderstood, know that there is no bad meditation. All you have to do is sit still for a few minutes a day, with your eyes closed, in silence. And see what comes up. No judgment, justification, or shame of any kind. Just observe. This alone will teach you so much about the way you’re feeling about yourself. But you’ll know what your starting point is! Once you know where you are, and you know where you want to go, all you have to do is implement SCA - small consistent action. See, while we all want instant gratification, the truth is that in life we are rewarded for being patient and consistent. For having blind faith in reaching our goals. I know you wanted to hear about a fast pill that will get you to a healthier, skinnier you, but I can’t say that, I can’t give you that because I can’t lie to you. What you can always expect from me is pure, factual truth, honesty, and speaking from experience.

To your Health LEKS VUCKO

"After 14+ years working as a fitness trainer and a nutrition coach, Leks became a mindset coach and ended up combining all her knowledge and experience to create a unique approach to weight loss and health after realising one major thing about weight loss: it's never about the weight. Join us to find out what's been really holding women back and how to breakthrough"

Leks has created a unique approach to weight loss and health through education on our inner beliefs (aka mindset), nutrition, workouts, healthy & easy recipes, meditations, etc.

As a weight release mindset coach, Leks' mission in life is to help women stop the whole yo-yo-ing, stop dieting, stop trying new things, stop failing and start changing from within. Her mission is to disrupt the health & weight loss industry by giving women real and measurable long-lasting results, helping them eliminate the guilt and shame so that they can take back control & release the extra weight while learning to love their bodies, themselves, and their lives!

As a result, her clients not only become healthy and fit like never before in their lives, but they found a way to do it in such a simple manner (we have overcomplicated things when it comes to weight loss!) AND most


importantly - they were able to maintain lasting results! No more yo-yo-ing, no more hiding.”

Leks Vucko











Katie Reed


Hey Soul Sister, Spring is here! Flowers are blooming. The sun is showing its beautiful face. The fragrances are soft and fresh. When nature blooms, I bloom. It’s in this season that I tend to start new things, create new habits and routines for myself, and I’d like to share 3 of my favorite things to do every day that will help you boost your energy, mood, and motivation., Remember, the key is to be consistent and to try as many times as you need until they become as easy as brushing your teeth every morning. And before you say you are not a morning person, trust me when I say, neither was I. There was a time in my life where I used to get up at noon, in time to make it to work. I always made sure to get an evening job so I had enough hours to get my beauty sleep. To be honest, getting up late, didn’t leave me wellrested, quite the opposite, I had to rush everywhere and I looked like a madwoman (LOL)! So now, no matter what time I go to sleep -all depending on how many episodes of Grey’s Anatomy I want to watch - I make sure to get up at 9 am every morning. And, I got to tell you, it makes a huge difference. I can take my time to wake up, get all my morning routines done and face the day ready with a big smile on my face, no matter what the day has in store for me.

When I couldn’t wake up early, I used to set an alarm, but as time went on, my body got used to it so it woke up automatically without an alarm. But, if it’s not your case yet, then start with setting an alarm and once it beeps, jump out of bed… Don’t you dare hit that snooze button, just do your best and get up! Here are my top 3 daily morning routines that I never ever miss! First thing, I drink half a liter of warm water with some ginger and lemon juice. That helps hydrate the body and it’s great to help prevent flu and digestion problems. And it tastes great! I proceed by taking my morning vitamins, followed by some simple stretches to warm up my body. Wash my face with some soap and water and apply sun lotion and some aloe vera gel to keep my skin hydrated and radiant. I learned from Mel Robbins to leave your outfit laid out for the next day. Saves you tons of time that you can spend doing something more meaningful and valuable such as reading at least one page of a book. A few words from a book can change the whole way you feel or look at something. You can learn so much by just reading one page of a book, especially if it's something



by Jen Sincero, or Elizabeth Gilbert, or my alltime favorite, Louise Hay.

Gratitudes. Affirmations. Intentions. Keep things simple.

All ready and dressed, I put my headphones on, tune in to one of my favorite songs, and I either go for a long hour walk, depending on the weather; and if it’s raining or snowy, I do some exercises indoors. You don’t have to have a bunch of gear to exercise. I got a jumping rope, some weights, elastic bands, and a yoga mat, that’s it. I work out between an hour to an hour and a half. If you don’t like hardcore workouts, chose something you enjoy, such as yoga, pilates, or dancing. Working out shouldn’t feel like a chore, it should make you feel good, and make sure to thank your body for being healthy and strong.

The morning is not over yet and I have been up since 8 am. You see how much you can get done just by waking up early!

For me, working out is my form of meditation. It relaxes me and it gives me time to be on my own, which I absolutely love. After my workout, I grab my journal and write what I am grateful for in my life; followed by my affirmations and my intentions for the day. I like to schedule everything, that way I can manage my time better. I used to work crazy hours on my business until I learned that less is more, so now I make sure to keep it simple but to give it my all when I do it. I became more focused and productive this way.

Try doing these 3 things every morning: get up early, exercise and journal. Your life will improve immensely. You’ll get so much done in the day and you won’t feel like you never have enough time ever again. Make sure to follow through for 21 consecutive days, no less than that. The mind needs 21 days to reprogram itself and start getting used to new routines. After that, it will be as easy as brushing your teeth every morning! I am not going to wish you luck because you don’t need it… You are more powerful than you give yourself credit for! You’ve got this beautiful! P.S.: Would love to know how you get on after the 21 days! Drop me an email and tell me all about it. contact@mariackrause.com







B E S T S E L L I N G /



A U T H O R /




Maria C. Krause is a multi-passionate entrepreneur who loves empowering women to follow their passion and create a life and business they love.

As a Spiritual Mindset & Alignment Mentor, Maria teaches and empowers entrepreneurs how to share their unique stories to heal, inspire and make a bigger impact. Her work consists of helping women learn from their stories to create a business and life they love. To feel in full alignment with their authentic selves and core values.

Maria is also the CEO and Founder of UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH, a podcast, online magazine, and publishing company.

In the last year, she has become a two-times International bestselling author with two book collaborations published under her company.

Her motto in life is “My inner Strength is my Freedom”, which she has tattooed on her left arm as a reminder of how much she has turned her life around to be the woman she is proud to be today.

W W W . M A R I A C K R A U S E . C O M


SKIN GREEN TEA EXTRACT OATS This healthy drink contains high levels of antioxidant chemicals — including catechins, such as epigallocatechin gallate, and flavonoids, such as kaempferol and theaflavin — to help prevent and reverse UV damage to the skin.

Collodial oatmeal is one of the few natural ingredients that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved to treat skin irritations, such as eczema, dry skin, poison ivy, poison oak, and insect bites.

These same chemicals make green tea an excellent natural anti-inflammatory and skin soothing ingredient in skin care.

Oat lipids and proteins help replenish and maintain the skin barrier and oats contain antiinflammatory and antioxidant chemicals.



TLook for this ingredient if you'd like your skin to look brighter and more even-toned.

Witch hazel is an excellent ingredient in toners and moisturizers to control oil while also offering hydration and reducing redness.

Topical soy has been shown to lighten discoloration due to melasma and sun damage by inhibiting skin's overproduction of melanin skin pigment.

Witch hazel can be used on sores, bruises, and swelling

Healthy Pasta PRIMAVERA SPRING Tabbouleh


PRIMAVERA METHOD Ingredients 75g young broad beans (use frozen if you can't get fresh) 2 x 100g pack asparagus tips 170g peas (use frozen if you can't get fresh) 350g spaghetti or tagliatelle 175g pack baby leeks , trimmed and sliced 1 tbsp olive oil , plus extra to serve 1 tbsp butter 200ml tub fromage frais or creme fraiche handful fresh chopped herbs (we used mint, parsley and chives) parmesan (or vegetarian alternative), shaved, to serve

Ingredientes: 6 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp garam masala 2 x 400g cans chickpeas , drained and rinsed 250g ready-to-eat mixed grain pouch 250g frozen peas 2 lemons , zested and juiced large pack parsley , leaves roughly chopped large pack mint , leaves roughly chopped 250g radishes , roughly chopped 1 cucumber , chopped pomegranate seeds , to serve

STEP 1 Bring a pan of salted water to the boil and put a steamer (or colander) over the water. Steam the beans, asparagus and peas until just tender, then set aside. Boil the pasta following pack instructions.

STEP 3 Drain the pasta and stir into the sauce. Adjust the seasoning, then serve scattered with the cheese and drizzled with a little extra olive oil.

STEP 2 Meanwhile, fry the leeks gently in the oil and butter for 5 mins or until soft. Add the fromage frais to the leeks and very gently warm through, stirring constantly to ensure it doesn’t split. Add the herbs and steamed vegetables with a splash of pasta water to loosen.

Method STEP 1 Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/ gas 6. Mix 4 tbsp oil with the garam masala and some seasoning. Toss with the chickpeas in a large roasting tin, then cook for 15 mins until starting to crisp. Tip in the mixed grains, peas and lemon zest. Mix well, then return to the oven for about 10 mins until warmed through. STEP 2 Transfer to a large bowl or platter, then toss through the herbs, radishes, cucumber, remaining oil and lemon juice. Season to taste and scatter over the pomegranate seeds. Any leftovers will be good for lunch the next day.




To boost your immune system, keep you strong and energized

spinachapple juice INGREDIENTS: 1 ½ cups spinach ½ grapefruit, peeled, white pith removed 2 green apples, cut into eighths

grapefruitpineapple mint fizz INGREDIENTS: ½ cup fresh mint leaves 1 ½ cups unsweetened grape juice 1 (6 ounce) can

1 1-inch piece peeled fresh ginger

unsweetened pineapple juice

2 large stalks celery Ice (optional)

gingertumeric carrot shots INGREDIENTS: 1 pound carrots, very coarsely chopped 1 (2 inch) piece fresh turmeric, peeled and coarsely chopped 1 (2 inch) piece fresh ginger, peeled and coarsely chopped ¾ cup unsweetened coconut water, divided Pinch of salt

2 cups club soda, chilled Ice cubes Fresh mint sprigs (optional)

carrotorange juice INGREDIENTS: 1 medium yellow tomato, cut into wedges 1 medium orange, peeled and quartered 1 medium apple, cut into eighths 4 large carrots, peeled Ice cubes (optional)

Would you like to become part of the team? collaborate in this magazine? a guest in our podcast? Contact us at: contact@mariackrause.com

click here to fill up your form.

don't forget to add a short bio of yourself, picture, links, niche of expertise, and what topic would you like to contribute to bring value to our audience.



EMPOWER SHARE HELP WOMEN IN LIFE AND BUSINESS the online magazine for female entrepreneurs



things to spark your soul! 01

FLOWERY SCENTS! Our favorite season! Smell so Fresh and so Clean with flowery fragrances from our favorite designers


TREAT YOURSELF! Buy yourself a nice gift... And how about a colourful bouquet of flowers. Roses are our favorites, what's yours?





Taking inspiration from the 50s and the 60s, this sleek fashion trend is coming back in a big way. Headscarves protect your hair and add a finishing touch to your outfit without overdoing it.

The perfect option for summer and they suit a wide variety of skin tones. Choose from a boiler suit in cool mint green or an oversized trench coat in soft lavender


DARE TO BE BOLD Wear that dress you always wanted to. Yes! The colorful one. The shiny one. The animal print one. Whichever it is...BE BOLD! BE BRAVE!





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