Soul Survivor 08 Weeks B&C Programme!

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welcome to soul survivor! It’s great to see you here and we can’t wait to spend time together worshipping our amazing God! Even when the fields of Somerset get wet and muddy, this is still our favourite time of year because we’re always blown away by what happens when we all gather to meet with God in this way. But we all need more than a ‘spiritual high’ which is why Soul Survivor is all about equipping you guys to live out the rest of the year knowing that Jesus is with you just as powerfully as he is now. Over the next five days we’re going to spend a lot of time worshipping, hearing from some inspiring speakers who are passionate about the Bible, and praying with one another. Plus we want to allow space for God to meet with us through his Holy Spirit and to learn how to put our faith into action when it comes to the last, the least and the lost.

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This year at Soul Survivor we’re putting a real emphasis on evangelism – because it’s the year of HOPE* and because we’re passionate about it too! We want to make space over the next five days to give everyone a chance to meet with Jesus and to equip you all to tell other people the good news throughout the year. We’ve been hearing fantastic stories from HOPE 08 of communities being brought together and lives changed and the most exciting thing is that it’s not over yet! There’s still time to get involved so check out the seminars and the article on page 63! There is loads more going on over the week and we hope that you’ll enjoy everything from the packed seminar schedule to the cafes, sports and live music. Check out the rest of the programme to make sure you don’t miss out on anything. Have a great week and take every chance you get to find out more, ask questions, enjoy time with your friends and, most importantly, meet with God. With love, Mike

*HOPE 08 is an initiative of the churches of Britain and Ireland which is all about helping Christians to demonstrate their faith in words and actions to their community.


issues with the following... Happiness? Money? Relationships? Time Management? Parents? Anger? and more...

don’t keep it bottled up simply take one a day for ten days

10 talks presented by J.John books . dvd . cd . mp3 . mp4


4 6

The Main Focus What Soul Survivor thinks about you...


Chat Room, Late Night Worship, Furnace, Just Looking

11 12 13 15 16 17

Café Uno Soul Action Cafe Soul Action Dreggs Café Mr. Boogies Celluloid


Lift, Sports, Sports Café, Fun Run


Speaker and worship leader bios

20 22


61 62

Students + Internationals

Gigs + Bandstand

63 64 65 66 68 72 74 76 77 80


24 26 27 28 31 42 44

Toolshed, Office, Soul Survivor Café, Compassion Café Artshed + Performing Arts Open Doors Kids work DAILY PLANNER WEEK B Site maps DAILY PLANNER WEEK C

Other stuff Soul Survivor does Soul Man Soul Sista SoulNet Bible notes Ministry Times What you need to know Doing our bit Offering Site Rules


the main focus:



Main meeting Times DAY 1: 7pm Days 2-4: 11am and 7pm Day 5: 10am and 7pm MAP REF: E3

We love hearing about what God does in your life during Soul Survivor!

testimonies We love hearing about what God does in your life during Soul Survivor! Whether you think it’s big or small, don’t forget to let us know. We also love hearing about how the things God did in your life at previous events have changed things for you since then. You can scribble down your testimony and put it in the box on stage during the event or email us when you get a chance: (If you would like this to be kept confidential please let us know.)

Hang around Soul Survivor long enough (i.e. for about two and a half minutes) and you’ll find there are some things we’re pretty passionate about. First and foremost we think there’s nothing more important than people developing and deepening their relationship with God. The thing we’ve found is that the more time we spend in worship, hearing from the Bible and praying for each other, the more we get to know Jesus and find out how we can be more like him. So that’s what we do! While we’re here at Soul Survivor we’ll get together in a huge tent every morning and evening for what we call worship, teaching and ministry. So what are these things all about?

which tell him how amazing we think he is. We do this not because God gets a bit insecure if we don’t, but because we know that only he is worthy of our praise and the Bible tells us this is important. Focussing on him also takes our minds off us and helps us to open ourselves up to God and what he wants to say to us. We might sing energetic songs, slow songs, have a bit of quiet, spend some time shouting or whispering our praises. You might want to stand, sit, kneel or dance; this isn’t about someone telling you what to do, it’s about having the freedom to express to God how much you love him and you having time to come close to him.



Loving God and worshipping him is about the whole of our lives and can be expressed in loads of different ways from opening our mouths and telling him we think he’s great to buying someone who is homeless and hungry some food. When we get together we choose to express our worship through singing songs to God

As well as the massive selection of seminars on offer, we have different speakers in our main meetings so we can learn something from their understanding of the Bible and their experiences of following God. We’re not setting them up as experts or pretending they have everything sewn up, but we think

that they have things to share with us that will encourage us to be more like Jesus.

Ministry We can hear challenging and inspiring talks and get really excited about God using us and all the ways we want to serve him, but we can’t do it in our own strength. Ministry is about coming before God with our needs and our longings, our hurts and our hopes. When we ask God to minister to us we’re asking him to empower us, to speak to us, to heal us, to change, challenge and direct us. We want to encourage everyone to take part in the ministry, to have prayer and to pray for others. We do have an experienced ‘Enabling Team’ who will be moving around to make sure things stay safe and for you to grab if you have any questions. To find out a bit more about ministry and how to pray for people, turn to the Ministry Times at the back of the programme.



* If you come across someone who is trying to force their views on you and others please do let us know immediately (come to Information) so we can deal with the situation.

What Soul Survivor thinks about you… We think you’re special. Awwwww. OK, so cheesiness aside, we really do. So we do everything we can to make Soul Survivor a safe place for you and an environment where you feel loved, accepted and respected. For example in our ToolShed venue you will only find charities and organisations who won’t give you a hard sell, will not pressure you to think a certain way or buy a certain product and there will be no sexism, racism or any other type of discrimination.* We also don’t allow anyone to market their products or services to you during our main meetings. That means if Mike & co recommend a book, CD, charity, project or anything else from stage it is because it is something they believe in, have found to be beneficial and think will help you. They’ve not been paid, bribed or bullied to say it!!

Tell us what you think… Don’t forget to let us know what you think about Soul Survivor, what you liked and what you didn’t! Just go to our homepage ( ) and follow the link to share your views. You could even win a special prize! 6

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All this and much more at the Oasis stand this Soul Survivor. Come and speak to us about hope, life, your future and much more.


furnace: chat room: just looking: late night worship: 8

Times: 9.30pm-11.30pm Map Ref: F3 Meeting God whilst surrounded by thousands of other Christians can be an amazing experience but if you’d like a slightly quieter place to go after the main meetings where you can ponder on the things God has been saying to you and chat to him a bit more, then Furnace is for you. You don’t have to be a Prayer Warrior to come along – even if you feel a bit daunted by the whole idea of prayer you’re really welcome to drop by, be inspired by the creative ideas and find new ways to reflect, meditate and meet with God in a relaxed and informal way.

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Late Night Worship 10.30pm-11.30pm Map Ref: F3

One of the things we all love about our time together in the summer is having lots of space to worship our amazing God. And sometimes we just can’t get enough. So each night while the cafés are still buzzing a few of us sneak off for a little bit more. The setting is relaxed, the mood creative and the whole thing is informal. If you want to spend just a bit more time soaking in God’s presence and processing some of the things he’s been saying to you, what better way to use some of your last waking moments?

Just Looking Times: 9.30pm-11.30pm Map Ref: F4 If you’re new to Christianity or to Soul Survivor you might have a few questions buzzing round your head. If you’d like to talk to someone who’s not looking to tell you what to think but who would be happy to help you work through anything that’s on your mind, then ‘Just Looking’ is just for you! It’s relaxed and informal so you can pop in anytime they’re open to let your thoughts run wild.

Chat Room Times: 2.30pm-5.30pm Map Ref: F3 Sometimes you just need to talk. Whether it’s about things that are happening in the ministry times, general questions about God and faith or anything else that’s on your mind at all really. Our team can offer prayer, advice or just a listening ear and would love you to pop in and say hello (they get a bit bored otherwise).



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café uno: Times 1pm-6pm & 9.30pm-11.30pm Map Ref: E4

By day Café Uno is as laid back as an afternoon nap on a sun lounger in Crete. It prides itself on a relaxing atmosphere, delicious cakes to tempt your tastebuds*, gorgeous hot chocolate to melt into and not taking life too seriously. But every evening the resident jazz café band (see below) will take over and turn the place upside down with their crazy tunes that will have you dancing, singing, humming and smiling for many hours to come. *including Fairtrade and organic options

s as i o n U Café back as an laid noon nap on after lounger a sun ete. in Cr

café uno bands: At Week B we have the high-energy eight-piece band ‘One Nation’ with us, who combine Latin and jazz with funk and world rhythms! At Week C ‘Marbella Rockafellers’ will be storming the stage with their blend of soul, funk and R&B tunes.


soul action café: Opening Times: 1pm - 6pm & 9.30pm - 11.30pm Map Ref: F4

Throw yourself onto a pile of cushions, find a patch of grass to lie down on or simply pull up a chair, but whatever else you do in the Soul Action Café – relax! Let fairly-traded* teas, coffees and hot chocolates quench your thirst for fluids and ethical living and take your pick from the delicious cakes that will tempt your taste buds and delight your stomach. Don’t be fooled though by the café’s laid back vibe, behind the calm exterior lies a revolution. OK, it’s a Soul Survivor and Tearfund style revolution so there’s no blood to be shed here, but it’s all about change none-the-less. Find out more and get involved… * All the tea, coffee and hot chocolate served on site is fairly traded. The Soul Action café also has a range of Fairtrade and organic cakes. Mmmmm….


Slumming it with Soul Action Soul Action is the bit of Soul Survivor that is committed to talking about - and acting on - God’s heart for justice. It’s about inspiring, encouraging and equipping us all to follow Jesus with no ifs and no buts. Showing our love of God by loving our neighbours. Living out His call to stand with and serve the last, the least and the lost all over the world. We work alongside our friends at Tearfund to make Soul Action happen. The dream is to inspire a generation of Christians who get it: that God loves us to love others, that worship and justice go hand in hand, that we can’t love God without loving our neighbours. Soul Action supports projects and friends working in poor communities throughout the world, but also offers loads

of practical initiatives that help you to raise awareness of the issues facing some of the worlds poorest. This is where you come in… we want you involved! Take a look and see what you can do from a simple action, to serving for several months overseas!

Soul Action at Soul Survivor There’s a few different ways to connect with Soul Action whilst at Soul Survivor. Have a read, make sure you know what’s what, and come and say hello sometime. Soul Action in the Big Top: You won’t miss this one. Every evening there will be a short Soul Action film showing how the money raised over the last 12 months has had an impact. Soul Action stand: The place to be to find out everything about Soul Action ever. Come and have a chat and we’ll see if we can get you started on a Slum Survivor or Noise event, overseas team, AOK Day mission and more besides… Daily AOK task: This is where it gets fun. The AOK (Act of Kindness) revolution has been quietly overturning our ‘me me me’ centred world for a year or two now. To join in check the screens in the Big Top before our morning and evening meetings to see our suggested AOK missions for each day. Slum Survivor taster sessions in the Soul Action Café: About one sixth of the world’s population live in slums. It’s hard to believe what life is like for these one

billion people. Insecurity, hunger, disease, financial poverty, hardship. Slum Survivor is our chance to stand with these people. To raise money, awareness and have our attitudes changed over the course of a weekend. Come and experience Slum Survivor for an hour in the Soul Action Café one afternoon.

Prayer: It might seem that in the face of such poverty and injustice, we are helpless to do anything. But, we can pray. Check for regular prayer updates on what is happening around the world. Seek God for your community, nation and world.

Soul Action seminars: We’ve got a whole seminar stream called Soul Action where you can find out everything from the biblical mandate on justice through to stuff on international development and making ethical and God centred decisions about our money, careers and lives. Read more in the seminar guide.

Slum Survivor: Pick up our brand spanking new CD ROM/DVD from the Toolshed (Map Ref: F3) and get started on planning and running your very own Slum Survivor event. Spend a few days the way a billion spend a lifetime and limit your lifestyle to raise money for and awareness of poor communities around the world.

Soul Action Fun Run: Not one for the faint hearted, Day 4 sees the fourth annual Soul Action Fun Run. Get sponsored, or be a sponsor and help raise a bit of money for the projects Soul Action supports. Find out more on page 19.

Slum Survivor in schools: A brand new initiative… Slum Survivor as part of the school curriculum. If you’re a teacher, or youth worker involved in schools work, then check www. for a free resource pack!

Soul Action throughout the year

Go to serve from January 2009: There are placements on teams serving in Durban for 3 months leaving in January. Spaces are limited so find out more at the Soul Action stand or check www. when you get home.

Pull your socks up and get ready to get going with Soul Action in 08 and 09! Check out the stuff you can do when you get back home… AOK Day: Join the revolution! Pick up an AOK (Act of Kindness) flyer, do the suggested missions, write down your stories and let us know how it all went. Check www. for more acts, stories, encouragements and more. Go on, go out of your way to make someone else’s day!

The Noise: Get started in bringing Jesus’ light and life to your community with a one off weekend or regular social action initiative. See what other churches are up to and get some ideas at www.soulaction. org/thenoise


Slum Survivor in your church! 24th – 26th October*

New resources to help you get started!

Spend a day, night or weekend getting sponsored to live with the basics, creating your own shelters and learning about life in the slums and temporary settlements that house many of the world’s poor. Choose to undergo all new challenges based on the reality of life on the streets or a child headed household. Exist on a limited diet, pray for change and raise money for Soul Action sponsored projects working in poor communities throughout the world.

New in 08 is a great FREE DVD and CD ROM pack with video sessions on poverty, justice and God, plus a whole bunch of new challenges, bible studies and ideas to get you started on organising a Slum Survivor. Visit the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed to get a copy for your group (or visit when you get home) and check out the afternoon Slum Survivor taster sessions in the Soul Action Cafe for loads more info, resources and ideas on making your Slum Survivor event happen. Be inspired to raise money and awareness for change by holding a Slum Survivor weekend, day or night in your church!

* Suggested

nationwide dates, but you can run an event whenever you want.


In the last year over 235 churches ran a Slum Survivor event helping to raise in excess of £155,000 for Soul Action projects in poor communities throughout the world, which is amazing! Thanks to all of you who were involved. w. www.soulacƟ | e. info@soulacƟ | p. 0870 054 3331 | f. 0870 054 3334 Soul AcƟon, Unit 2 Paramount Industrial Estate, Sandown Road, Waƞord, UK, WD24 7XF Soul AcƟon is a joint iniƟaƟve of Tearfund and Soul Survivor and operates under the charitable status of Soul Survivor. Charity number is 1080720. Company Limited by Guarantee Reg No. 03991111.

dreggs café:

9.30pm - 11.30pm Wind down: 11.30pm - Midnight Map Ref: F4

What goes on in the Dreggs Café is the stuff of legends. If you’ve not been to Soul Survivor before you may have heard the wild rumours but even they are unlikely to have prepared you for the reality. What goes on in the Dreggs Café is the stuff of legends. If you’ve not been to Soul Survivor before you may have heard the wild rumours but even they are unlikely to have prepared you for the reality. The games of Deal or No Deal are fun, but pretty tame compared to the competitions to drink a can of coke through your mate’s sweaty sock or glug your way through a pint of sunflower oil. Euughhh. When not busy breaking the Code of Good Behaviour, the café also plays host to the Dreggs Arcade

where you can take your pick from the games consoles, dance mats and racing games and the Dreggs Salon which offers pedicures, manicures, henna tattoos and hair braiding.

If you think you’re ready for the mayhem, then enter at your own risk…

Watch out for your favourite TV shows on the big screens, your favourite chocolate, sweets and drinks at the bar and your soon to be favourite people in the form of Dreggs Café workers who are prone to going mad, getting stuck into the entertainment and creating the crazy, mixed up world that is the Dreggs Café.


Times: 9.30pm-11.30pm Map Ref: E4

mr boogies:

After last year’s exploits we thought that Mr Boogies was getting a little too big for his boots… so we’ve had to move him to a bigger and better venue! Now you will have even more space to strut your stuff on the dance floor as the cheesiest of cheesy tunes belt out.


Mr Boogies is the very definition of a Boogie Wonderland, serving up classic disco dishes from the last thirty years. They might not inspire your coolest dance moves but they will definitely make you smile as you throw some shapes to bands as varied as Take That, Steps, The Village People and those Kings and Queens of unashamed pop – Abba!

Strut you as the ch r stuff of cheesy eesiest belt out! tunes

Mr Boogies has only one goal in life: to make you dance. Don’t let him down and you’re sure to find it’s a tasty treat!

d: i l u o l e l c This year we’ve doubled the number of cinema screens (which is a pretty dramatic way of saying there are now two instead of one), in fact we can even call ourselves a multiplex! So if you like nothing better than tucking into some popcorn while being thrilled by cinema’s finest offerings, check out the film descriptions and come on down. The price is definitely right because all the films are free!

Evan Almighty PG DAYS 1 & 5 Congressman Evan finds his life is turned upside down when God (in the form of Morgan Freeman) turns up and mysteriously asks him to build an ark. Evan’s family think he’s having a mid-life crisis but as the animals flock two-by-two and international interest builds, everyone begins to wonder if the promised flood will arrive.

High School Musical 2 PG DAYS 2 & 3 School’s out for summer. And for our friends Troy, Gabriella, Chad and Taylor, that means getting work at a Country Club. There’s only one snag – Sharpay’s family

own the club and she’s intent on splitting up Troy and Gabriella, stopping at nothing to make life hard for the others so she can tempt him away for herself. Plenty of catchy sing-a-long songs and flashy dance routines make this film as legendary as the first High School Musical.

Ratatouillie U DAYS 3 & 4 If you’re a rat who wants to become a chef there are one or two obstacles to overcome. Not least of all that no one likes to see vermin in the kitchen. Remy isn’t going to let that put him off and when he finds himself living beneath one of the most famous restaurants in Paris, it looks like his dream may be within his grasp. The Spiderwick Chronicles PG DAYS 1 & 4 Warning. Do not dare to read this book, for if you take one fateful look, you face a deadly consequence….. When Jared finds a book with these words on the cover, intrigue gets the better of him and he goes ahead and opens it. His actions have a bigger impact than he could have imagined and he finds that to

Showings: 10pm Map Ref: E4

save his family he must journey into a magical world and uncover its secrets.

Stardust PG DAYS 2 & 5 Ever tried to find a fallen star? That’s exactly what Tristan must do if he’s to win Victoria’s hand in marriage before the other man in her life (Humphrey) can propose. On journeying to the magical realm of Stormhold, Tristan discovers the ‘star’ it is actually a beautiful woman called Yvaine who he needs to persuade (or force) to come home with him. But Yvaine is in popular demand; a trio of witches are chasing her too knowing they will regain their youth if they can cut out her heart. An all star cast form for this fairytale that comes heaped with special effects.

This year we’ doubled the ve number of cinema screen s! 17

sports: Outdoor sports: 1pm-6pm Map ref: F4 Indoor sports: 1pm-6pm & 9.30pm-11.30pm Map ref: E4 It’s been a painful summer. While other countries have followed their teams through the highs and lows of Euro 2008, there’s been no such joy for those of us from the four corners of the UK. We’ve all had to make do with picking a second-choice team to support and half-heartedly keeping up with their progress. It’s enough to make you want to go to sleep until the footie season starts again. But! Now the Olympics have kicked off it may have re-inspired your energetic side. OK so we don’t have room for synchronised swimming here and we won’t be displaying our Taekwondo tendencies but we will have a five-a-side football tournament, volleyball, a basketball tournament and we’ll even go one better than Beijing and have Ultimate Frisbee!

Tournaments: Sign up on Day 1 at the Indoor Sports venue from 10pm • Football tournament: Days 2, 3 and 5, 1:30pm – 6:00pm in the Outdoor sports arena • 3v3 Basketball tournament: Day 5, 2:00pm – 5:00pm in the Indoor Sports Arena

The Soul Survivor Village It’s a Knockout challenge!

Sign up from 4pm on Day 3 Get together with other campers from your bit of the showground and enter into a good old Butlin’s-esque funday. Featuring all the classics: a bean bag relay, sack races, egg and spoon races, a tug’o’war and of course a water bucket challenge. Will Pink 5 be victorious? Who knows… try your luck and see if you can be crowned the Soul Survivor Village


‘It’s a Knockout’ champions for 2008. (Teams of five people from the same village, with a minimum of 3 under 16 year olds to encourage fairness!) Day 4, 2:00pm – 4:30pm • Coaching Sessions: Under 11’s Football Days 3 and 5, 1:30pm – 2:30pm in the Outdoor Arena

Organised events: • 2v2 Panna football in the cage Days 2, 3&5, 2-6pm • Volleyball and Ultimate Frisbee Days 3 and 5, 3:00pm – 5:00pm in the Outdoor Arena • The Soul Action Fun Run Day 4, 5:30pm (5:15pm for warm ups) at the Outdoor Arena

CLIMBING WALL Times 1pm - 6pm & 9.30pm - 11.30pm in Indoor Sports

PARKOUR (FREE RUNNING) Ever seen parkour in action? It’s hard to describe this incredible discipline which is all about moving over and around obstacles (like railings, benches, tree branches and walls) in the most efficient way. It’s aweinspiring to watch so come and check out the amazing acrobatics and stunts. Ask a member of the Sports team for more information.

Soul Action Fun Run Day 4, 5.30pm at the Main Sports Field (meet at 5.15pm for warm-up) Map Ref: F4 There are various ways to get involved with the Fun Run. 1) Dig out your trainers, do some lunges and stretches taking a few hearty breaths like a seasoned pro then leg it round the course to the sounds of cheering crowds. Finish the two mile run and feel intensely smug about how sporty/ charitable and well meaning you are.

lift: Map Ref: E4

Whether you have yet to learn if you’re regular or goofy, are near to perfecting your Ollie or are a seasoned pro and can do a Kickflip in your sleep, you’ll find yourself at home in the Lift skateboarding venue. There are sessions for beginners to get to grips with the basics, times just for the girls, a chance to do some Street Dancing or if you prefer to do your stunts on a BMX you’ll still be welcome.

Lift Opening times: 2) Find a wig, a comedy hat or even a whole chicken costume and get dressed up, enjoying the smiles on your fellow camper’s faces as you pass by, doing your bit to bring sunshine and joy everywhere.

Girls only session 9.30am-10.30am Beginner’s session 1pm2pm MAIN SESSION Days 2-4: 1pm-5pm Day 5: 1-6pm including skating competition

3) If you’re not the sporty type then dig deep into your pockets and pull out some cash to spur your running mates on as they take up the challenge.

Street Dance

Any which way you approach the Fun Run you can pat yourself on the back as you’ll be raising vital cash for Soul Action projects! To find out more about Soul Action and where the money raised from the Fun Run will go, see the Soul Action article on page 13. Sign up at Information (Map ref: E5) the Sports desk (Map Ref: E4), the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed (Map Ref: F4) or the Soul Action café (Map Ref: F4).

MAIN SESSION: 9.30pm – 11.30pm Ask a member of the team (they’re the ones in the green tees) for more info on BMX sessions and how to get involved with the Lift Skate Comp on Day 5: 1pm-6pm

5pm-6pm (no skating)

sports café: Times 1pm-6pm & 9.30pm-11.30pm Map Ref: E4 New for 2008 we’re bringing you the Super Special Soul Survivor Sports Café! You’ll be able to watch the simply awesome skills on display at the Olympics on the big screen, so if you find sport most satisfying when you don’t need to break a sweat, sprawl on a sofa and shout your support! OK, there were way too many ‘s’s in that sentence but you get the gist – this is the place for sports enthusiasts (armchair and actual) to come and refuel. Housed in the Lift venue, you can soak up the atmosphere and watch your fellow campers as they attempt all those darkslides, anchor grinds and palm flips, while you enjoy a nice glass of pop. Sorted.


Hosted by 29th Chapter and Nu Skool things are kicking up a gear - or five - at Underground. This hip-hop venue delivers, and delivers with style. Featuring the ever-popular lyricists lounge, explosive live performances from the likes of Sammy G, Ambassadors, Mobo Winners G Force, some new faces and sounds as well as competitions and giveaways – it’s all happening at the Underground.

underground: Map ref: F4


Lyricists lounge Times: 4pm-5.15pm Map Ref: F4 If writing and rhyming is your thing, then the lyricists lounge is where you’ll want to be. An open mic gives opportunity for you to ‘spit dem bars’, or you can just come and chill and chat whilst listening to some of the latest hip-hop beats. Sessions will also include interviews with various artists, a chance to ask all those questions about the music industry, informal lyric writing workshops and opportunities to get the know how on performance techniques, with The 29th Chapter and friends on hand to offer direction from their years of experience.

Week B Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Day 4: Day 5:

Trip Lee & Co G-force 29th Chapter & Sacred dance co Sammy G LZ7 plus the best of the week’s Lyricist’s Lounge

Week C Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Day 4: Day 5:

BWNN (bandwithnoname) Ekklesia Sammy G 29th Chapter & Sacred dance co Jahaziel & New Direction plus best of the week’s Lyricist’s Lounge


toolshed: Warning! Before entering the ToolShed you must undergo rigorous training that has previously left ex-Army Majors quivering in a corner asking for their mums. The thing is, like any good Boy Scout, you need to be prepared for what you’re about to face and the ToolShed is like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Contained in its walls is the greatest range of resources and information known to man. You can buy CDs, books and Bibles as well as finding out about Gap Year opportunities, getting hold of seminars you’ve missed, chatting to Christian charities about ways you can get involved in their work and check out the job opportunities board. Don’t be overwhelmed; with some careful planning, a compass and one or two stops for drinks and snacks you’ll make it round just fine.


Times 1pm-6pm & 9.30pm-11.30pm Map Ref: F4

You might like to know that… • No one should market to you outside of the ToolShed • Everyone exhibiting has been asked to play nicely (and we’ve checked them out to make sure they will!). No one should be trying to push any ideas or agenda on you or pressuring you to part with any cash. The ToolShed should be a relaxed place for you to enjoy so if you think someone isn’t playing by the rules, then let one of the nice people in Information know.

the office: Sponsored by Compassion

the soul survivor café: The whole of the ToolShed pivots around one vital thing – The Soul Survivor café! Right at the heart of all the action the café offers cakes, drinks, treats and much more besides. Manned by Soul Survivor bods this is also a great place to find out more about Soul Survivor, ask any questions you have about what we do and why we do it, as well as seeing what else we’ve got going on throughout the year. There will also be an Information Point where you can get all your programme related questions answered. We’ll see you there!

The Royal Bath and West Showground has many things going for it. In-tent broadband isn’t one of them. But you don’t need to worry that you’ll suffer internet withdrawal symptoms because The Office is here to help. For a measly sum (30p per 15 minutes) you can surf the internet at your leisure, updating your Facebook status, catching up with your friends on Bebo and MySpace or even going retro and sending them an email.

From your lofty height you can plan your route and scout out all the stands you want to visit whilst drinking coffee and eating cake – brilliant!

toolshed compassion café: Positioned on the balcony, the Compassion Café is the perfect place to get your bearings before beginning your expedition of the Toolshed. From your lofty height you can plan your route and scout out all the stands you want to visit whilst drinking coffee and eating cake – brilliant! As you might have guessed from the name, this café is sponsored by our friends at Compassion who do amazing work with children around the world who live in extreme poverty.


gigs: There’s nothing quite like seeing a band live. The sights, the sounds, the smells. OK maybe let’s not focus on the smells, but the rest is great and here at Soul Survivor you get to check out not just one great band but at least one great band every night! Unlike the normal live music scene you don’t have to travel anywhere, hand over a crazily expensive ticket to get in, or have to book months in advance to get in on the action. You can just turn up, tune in and have a brilliant time!


Four Kornerz

Who can deny the genius that is onehundredhours? They sing, rock and play like the pros they are, stirring up any crowd with their anthemic tunes and thought-provoking lyrics. With a heart for justice, the new collection of songs from their latest album ‘As sure as the stars’ sees the band’s desire to worship collide with their prayer to impact those outside the walls of the church. You see, onehundredhours don’t just talk the talk. They’re a band that’s all about getting out there, bringing God’s hope and speaking of God’s grace to audiences around the world and if you listen up they might just tell you about one of their other great passions - raising awareness of and fighting HIV/AIDS through

Taking it back to the true school like Marty McFly and Doc Brown these four brothers have fought their way into mainstream consciousness, giving a salute to Roy Ayres, Sly and his family, Parliament, the Pharcyde and the Roots along the way. Gospel tinged funk, with an urban grittyness, the hooks this crew sound off will stick in your mind, body and soul for years to come. Check ‘em out before the Mercury music prize clogs up their diary!

With appearances from up and coming artists such as as Kat Cheadle and Ricardo Castro, the evening will also feature songs from the groundbreaking musical Luv Esther as well as beats from MC Juva and NGM resident DJ’s. A night not to be missed!

Starfield NGM night featuring Thundershock NGM night features a whole host of brilliant artists including Thundershock – a four piece synth rock band with a distinctive blend of electro rock and 80’s

Four Kornerz


inspired pop. A vibrant mix of melody and lyrics, delivered by vocal power house Dawn Ritchie, their music will leave a lasting imprint on your soul.

Straight out of Canada, these lads are ripping up the scene both home and away. With three albums behind them, these guitar loving, Jesus praising dudes are setting standards for all to follow... and we’re chuffed they are coming to be with us! With their latest album (I will go), Starfield’s musical mission has never been clearer. Instead of offering the masses yet another CD, the band has ventured out into a hurting world with an intentional message that encourages listeners to step behind the confines of comfort for a life of faith that is truly extraordinary.

bandstand: Times: From 2pm each afternoon Map Ref: E4


Ever watched the X Factor and thought you could wipe the floor with half the contestants given just a microphone and a five minute slot? Well this is your chance to prove it! Whatever your musical talent, you can share it with your fellow campers and have the smiles of enjoyment on their faces be your very great reward. Every night our scouts will be watching for the best acts and the cream of the crop will find themselves performing at the Gigs venue ‘Best of Bandstand’ on the last night!

Times: 10pm Week B DAY 1 onehundredhours DAY 2 Four Kornerz DAY 3 Starfield DAY 4 NGM night – featuring Thundershock DAY 5 Best of Bandstand Week C DAY 1 NGM night – featuring Thundershock DAY 2 onehundredhours DAY 3 Starfield DAY 4 Four Kornerz DAY 5 Best of Bandstand



hed c t a w r e v E or and d t c a F X e h t u coul o y t h g u o th he floor wipe t alf the with h tants? contes 25

art shed:

We all have a different idea of what makes a good piece of art. Some love the mindbending images of Dali, others prefer the more calming paintings of Monet. Some say Damien Hurst is a genius for his tiger shark immersed in formaldehyde, some wonder if he is slightly off his rocker. No matter. Whatever you like, whatever your level of expertise, come along to the Art Shed to marvel, critique and discuss the works on the walls. Stand amazed in silence or shout aloud how great you think it is – this isn’t a stuffy old gallery so there will be no one in a suit and cap giving you the evil eye.

Workshops Don’t be put off if you consider yourself artistically challenged; workshops will help get you started with painting, drawing and sculpture sessions (see the Daily planner for more details).

performing arts: The fantastic Lacey Theatre Company are here with us at Soul Survivor to perform their sketch show ‘Telling Stories, Asking Questions’ and to lead a drama workshop guaranteed to bring out the Ellen Page or the Jonathan Rhys Meyers in you. Read on, go along and get stuck in! DRAMA PERFORMANCE: Telling Stories, Asking Questions VENUE: Boulder Gang Take an eclectic mix of stories, three thespian types and mingle gently with an interesting crowd (that’s you that is). Next, fold in some Biblical words, which, if you do it right, might throw out a few questions but don’t worry about that - it’s to be expected. Continue by infusing a measure of Spirit, and leave to rise for an hour, then finish off with a healthy dollop of good cheer. If by any chance you find some half baked ideas, feel free to finish them off. Week B 10pm - 11pm, Day 3 Week C 10pm - 11pm, Day 3

Drama Workshop VENUE: Small Top (Map Ref: D2) “Let there be Light”... amongst other things: Have you lost your joie de vivre? Wish you could re-connect with God’s creativity? This drama workshop aims to release the spontaneous in all of us through simple exercises designed to break down inhibitions, build confidence and develop spontaneity - the gateway to your own creative flair! Unblock your mental blocks with this light hearted fun - we promise it’s not too mental. Week B 2.30pm and 4pm, Days 3 & 4 Week C 2.30pm and 4pm, Days 3 & 4


Going Underground Not like the Jam and Paul Weller, but a bit more like the Christians around the world who everyday face persecution for their belief in Jesus. Our mates over at Underground, the youth bit of Brother Andrew’s Open Doors, support the Church in countries around the world where being a Christian is a life threatening commitment.

We reckon that standing with those who share our faith but not our freedom is part of being a Christian. As followers of Jesus we’re part of the same family. This family stretches across the time zones, across the nations, cuts through all restrictions and no go areas… It unites us like nothing else.

Miriam (Ethiopia)

The vision is of a world in which every Christian who is persecuted is remembered and supported by other Christians: where we seek to alleviate their suffering, and to help them extend God’s Kingdom in their part of the world.

Hannatu (Nigeria)

Out of the 200 million people persecuted for their faith in Jesus, 60% are young people…

Miriam’s Dad, an evangelist, was murdered in October 2006. His attackers tried to force him to deny his faith and convert to Islam before he died. But he bravely preached for Jesus and prayed for his family. Miriam’s mum and six brothers and sisters are determined to follow Jesus despite their loss.

Hannatu was expelled from uni for being a Christian. A while later her home was broken into, the attackers were after her, instead they found her sister Jemima. She was beaten and nearly died. Hannatu now lives in hiding, studying in another country: “I know extremists are after my life, and that is why I had to leave my family. I miss the comfort of being with my parents, but I have no regrets. This is part of carrying my cross”.

How about walking in their shoes? Join in the campaign and help raise awareness to do something about stopping persecution of Christians in other countries. Use your freedom to make a statement about injustice and buy a pair of shoe laces to support persecuted Christians around the world. Visit the Underground/Open Doors stand in the ToolShed to get your laces and to find out more about what you can do to stand with your brothers and sisters who face abuse and harm because of their love of Jesus. Put the 8th November in your diary and join with other to pray for the persecuted Church around the world.

Get along to Eddie Lyle’s seminar on the ‘Persecuted Church’ to find out a bit more about the issues (see the day planner for more info). 27

kids work: We don’t forget about the little ones here at Soul Survivor; we want them to have a lot of fun and learn a thing or two about Jesus! The sessions are split into the following age groups: 0-2s Creche (Map Ref: G4 next to purple 9) 3-4s Pebbles (Map Ref: G4 next to purple 9) 5-9s Rock Solid (Map Ref: F3 on yellow 5) 10-11s Boulder Gang (Map Ref: F3 on yellow 4)

Times Morning sessions for all age groups are 11am-1pm (please drop your child/children off at 10.45am so you have time to register them and get to the main meeting yourself). Boulder Gang will have an additional evening session from 7pm - 8.30pm. Please collect your children promptly at the end of the session. Please note that on Day Five the morning sessions run from 10am – 12pm to allow for Communion.

Family Films are shown daily at 7pm in Celluloid but children must be accompanied by a parent or a nominated adult. One adult can accompany up to four children so you might find it handy to sort out a rota with other families and take it in turns to be the responsible adult! Day 1: Ratatouille Day 2: High School Musical 2 Day 3: Madagascar Day 4: Enchanted Day 5: Shrek 3rd


‘Free Time’ @ Rock Solid 3.30pm -5.30pm

Each afternoon you can drop in to the Rock Solid venue between 3.30pm and 5.30pm for some ‘Free Time’. Bring your kids, grab a cup of tea, sit and chat with other parents and the kids team members so you can find out a bit more about what’s been going on in the kids sessions. There will be toys and crafts available as well as kid’s cartoons and movies. Brilliant!

Baby Bathing Wooden Building on Yellow 3 4.45pm – 6.45pm on days 2, 3 and 4

Camping is pretty tricky with babies so we hope it helps if we provide you with a baby bath, some warm water and a dry space to get your little one ready for bed. Please bring your own towels, nappies, nappy bags, baby gros and toiletries. Speak to the Creche Team on site if you need any more information.

Registration 0-9yrs NEW FOR 2008!! We’re trying to iron out a few of the kinks in the process this year by having all kids groups aged 0-9 years registering in the ROCK SOLID venue between 5pm and 7.30pm on arrival day for the event (Day 1). Please bring your child/children to the venue and a member of the team will take some details and issue you with a security card. The number on the security card will correspond with the number given to your child so

please keep it safe. You will need to show the card at each session and sign the child in and out as an added security. Parents/ guardians collecting under 10s MUST have their security card with them. This is strictly enforced: no card, no child. Children aged 0-4 should not wear event badges during sessions and will be issued with a security wristband for the event when they register. Activities will be provided for your children during the registration process and hopefully getting everything sorted on Day 1 will save you queuing the following morning and make sure you get to the Main Meeting on time!

Registration 10-11s For 10-11s registration, children should arrive with their parent/ guardian at the BOULDER GANG venue at 6.30pm. Parents will need to give their details and sign to say if they will be dropping off and collecting their child from each session or if they are happy for them to arrive and leave unaccompanied.

Special Needs We want to do as much as possible to welcome and include all children irrespective of their particular needs. If your child has additional needs then please make a point of speaking to the Team Leader for their age group at the earliest opportunity (if you haven’t already) so that they are fully aware of how to care for your child in each session. All kids work is run by workers accountable to Soul Survivor with appropriate welfare training and Child Protection procedures in place to provide the safest environment possible.

be There will rafts toys and c s well as available a oons and kid’s cart illiant! r movies. B



SPONSOR A CHILD Through Compassion’s child sponsorship programme you can step into the life of a child in desperate need and ensure they receive education, healthcare, food, clothing, love, support and the opportunity to know Jesus Christ. For less than 60p a day you can change a child’s life forever.




week b:



It’s not the most inspiring of titles we’ll admit that, in fact it’s a bit more of a ‘does what it says on the tin’ type heading. Here you will find all the seminars that can’t quite be squeezed into another category and this covers a whole load of tasty treats such as the Soul Sista and Soul Man streams, evangelism, discipleship and how to handle being the only Christian in your family/friendship group.


day one:


There are no seminars today! Soul Survivor 2008 will officially kick off at 7pm with an evening celebration (seminar recording number: 82001)* in the Big Top (Map Ref: E3). Don’t miss it! After that, the following venues will be open and available for your entertainment and enjoyment!

after hours: Gigs (Map Ref: E4): Rock it up with onehundredhours @ 10pm

Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4):

Celluloid Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4): Watch Morgan Freeman as God and Steve Carell as a modern day Noah in Evan Almighty (PG) @ 10pm

Late night worship

Celluloid Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4): Can Jared save his family in the strange and magical world that is The Spiderwick Chronicles (PG)? Find out at @ 10pm.

Dance! Dance! Dance! From 9.30pm

(Map Ref: F3): Spend some more time worshipping God from 10.30pm

Just looking (Map Ref: F4): Open for you to ask your questions @ 9pm – 11.30pm Furnace (Map Ref: F3): Open @ 10pm for you to offer your prayers to God

Cafés: Whatever you’re in

Sports (Map Ref: E4): Don’t

the mood for, there’s a café to suit. There’s the laid back vibe in the Soul Action café, the hyped-up craziness that is Dreggs and live-music going down in Café Uno. All open from 9.30pm.

forget to sign up today at the Sports desk for the football and basketball tournaments going on throughout the week! From 10pm @ Indoor Sports venue

Underground (Map Ref: F4): Trip Lee & Co mix it up from 9.30pm

* all our main meetings and seminars are recorded and available to purchase. To get yours go to the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed and quote the five digit reference number. (Map Ref: F3)



9.30am Cris Rogers - Recycling: The first commandment In Genesis 2 God gave humankind the role of working and taking care of the garden but most of us skip right over this first command. Could it be that God is calling us to live our lives in harmony with creation and possibly to be ‘green’? This session will unpack Genesis 2 and challenge us to live more connected, integrated lives with God, people and creation. Seminar A



(Map Ref: E5) (82002)

Tre Sheppard - Following Jesus Jesus was a Jewish teacher who lived in the first century and talked about being a shepherd, planting seeds and camels going through the eyes of needles. In those days there were no mobile phones, TVs, cars and computers so is Jesus still relevant to us today? How do we follow him in the 21st century and apply his teaching to our lives and our culture? Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (82003)


A seminar that does exactly what it says on the tin. Mike and Andy take a look at all aspects of relationships: What’s the big deal about sex? How do you break up with a girl? What about if you keep messing up? An essential seminar discussing how we can honour God in our relationships. Mr Boogies (Map

David Westlake - ‘The poor will always be with you…’ What do we make of the story in the Bible where a woman anoints Jesus with perfume? It’s a strange one that sparks off a debate about piety, poverty and worship. In fact Jesus says that the woman’s action is so significant that wherever the gospel is preached, so her story will be told. So, if Jesus thought so highly of it, what can we learn from the whole situation and how do we make sense of the comment that the poor will always be with us? A lesson in how worship, justice and compassion must all sit together… Soul Action (Map Ref: F4) (82011)

Pete Wynter – Are all the apostles dead?!

Where is God when we’re burnt out, broken down, depressed and dealing with failed friendships? It can feel like he’s a million miles away but here Nancy will share her own story in a frank and honest way, showing us how we can receive God’s riches through the darkest times in our lives. Celluloid, Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) (82005)

Ali Martin - Praying for people so that stuff happens

Graham & Jackie Cray - What’s the difference? In Britain today people have so much stuff, but so little hope for themselves or the planet. So just how big is the hope that Jesus has secured? What difference does it make? And where do we fit in? Dreggs (Map Ref: F4) (82007)

Rachel & Jason Gardner – Mind the gap An opportunity for youth leaders to reflect on and recognize, the gap between youth culture and the church and consider the gap that young people are faced with in trying to bridge their faith and their lifestyle. Café Uno (Map Ref: E4) (82008)

Andy Croft – Exploring the Psalms The psalms reflect the worship of Israel but what can they teach us about the worship of today? Andy will take you on a journey exploring different types of psalms, why and when they were sung. Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4) (82009)

Ref: E4) (82017)

Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (82010)


The seminar is for all teams and is open to anyone who would like to see God move when they pray for others. Ali will take a very practical look at the basics of how to pray for one another and see God move. Underground (Map Ref: F4) (82006)


What was that all about?! Sometimes when the Holy Spirit comes in the main meetings we’re left with a few questions about what the heck was going on. If there’s anything you’re not sure about (from the worship, talk or ministry) and you’d like to ask some of the guys who were involved in the meeting about it, then come along – this is your chance to get some answers.

People don’t tend to like it these days when we say that Jesus is the truth because they think that what is true for us doesn’t have to be true for them. So what does that mean for the way we share the gospel with our friends today?

Nancy Goudie - Treasures of darkness


Soul Man: Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft - Sex & relationships

James di Castiglione - Today’s World: TRUTH

Celluloid, Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (82004)


The morning after the night before... Q&A

Soul Sista: Ali Martin – A forgiven sista The gospels tell a cringe-worthy story about a girl caught in the act! She’d made a LOT of mistakes, and everyone knew it. They’d seen it with their own eyes. But when Jesus looked at her, he saw more than her past. He saw a new kind of future. Come and hear the story of someone who messed up, but got the chance to start again. There was hope for her, and there’s hope for us. Big Top (Map Ref: E3) (82018)

Roy Crowne & Richard Shaw: Telling So you’ve met with Jesus and now you want to try and tell your friends what happened and explain your new found faith. Come along to be encouraged to share this brilliant thing that has happened to you and get some tips on how to do it! Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (82019)

What does it mean to be an Apostle? Do apostles even exist today or are they just old men with beards in dusty stainedglass windows?! The apostles in the New Testament were involved in healings, church planting and pioneering new moves of God - so how can we apply their example in our day to day leadership? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (82012)

Jeannie Morgan - How can I get plugged in to the Holy Spirit? Who is the Holy Spirit? Can I be filled with power like the disciples were? Can anyone receive a prayer language? This is a fantastic opportunity to receive the gifts of the Holy Sprit and put them into practice in a relaxed and safe setting. Seminar B

4pm Gemma Foster - The only one Being at Soul Survivor is great as we’re surrounded by thousands of other Christians who want to go for it with God. But for lots of us when we get home we’re the only Christian in our family, school class or work place. If this is you – or you know someone in this position - then Gemma will give you some great tips, insights from the Bible and inspiring stories to help you keep running the race all year round. Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (82020)

Cris Rogers - The simple life

(Map Ref: E4) (82013)

Could the iPod be the new towel of Babel? Could God love our technology but hate the way we use it? Come and grapple with the life God calls us to live: simple, free and easy. Seminar B

Mark Bishop – All you can eat

(Map Ref: E4) (82021)

Is hospitality about more than tea and cake? Is it a profound part of how we communicate our faith? Could an invitation to eat with you, your church or your youth group be an invitation to eat with Jesus? Could a simple thing like providing a meal be the start of a life lived out with God? Starting with the trinity, with a main course of Jesus’ life and finishing with fresh thoughts on everyday evangelism, Mark digs a bit deeper into how we do hospitality. Celluloid, Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (82014)

Sam Breen - Becoming a well rounded Christian Everyone finds it hard to be strong in all aspects of their faith and this seminar is here to help you learn how to balance your Christian life through the three dimensions of “Up, In and Out”. Celluloid, Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (82022)

Tre Sheppard - Engaging with culture Nancy Goudie - Hot faith How do we increase our faith to see the impossible happen? Nancy teaches on the principles of faith in the Bible in a practical and encouraging way, using real life stories to ignite your faith. Celluloid, Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) (82015)

James Grier - Forgiveness The Bible talks about forgiving people but is it always possible or even right to forgive? This seminar will look at what the Bible really says about forgiveness, how to do it, why it matters and what the effects of not forgiving are. Underground (Map Ref: F4) (82016)

Can we really change the world? Or are we all just victims of culture’s latest whim? How do we become people who actively influence our culture rather than just reacting to it? If we’re the light of the world as Jesus said, how do we go into the dark places without losing the plot? All this and a chance to ask your questions too! Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4) (82024)

Ben Cantelon - The heart and character of a worshipper Just how much does it matter what your attitude is when it comes to worship? Could it be more important than how well you play an instrument or sing? Ben gets to grips with what God is looking for in his worshippers. Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (82025)

Bring your band, your guitar, your ukulele or whatever you like!

day two:


main meetings: Main meeting morning @ 11am Time to worship, listen to Biblical teaching and engage in ministry @11am (Map Ref: E3) (82026)

OTHER THINGS HAPPENING ON SITE TODAY Sports (Map Ref: F4) – The football tournament kicks off today (ho ho ho) at 1pm Internationals reception (Small Top D2) Times: 1.30pm See page 61.

Art Workshops (Map Ref: F3) - Feeling creative? Why not pop along and join in the art workshops between 25pm? Drawing, painting and sculpting will all be on offer throughout the week – visit the Art Shed for more info!’

Bandstand (Map Ref: F4) - bring your band, your guitar, your ukulele or whatever you like! Sign up today for your chance to wow the crowds. From 2pm – 4pm

Kids (Map Ref: F3, Rock Solid): Freetime café for families, 3.30pm-5.30pm

Underground (Map Ref: F4): If writing and rhyming is your thing, or you just want to

come and hang out and listen to some of the latest hip hop beats, swing by the Lyricist Lounge in the Underground from 4pm-5.30pm

Street Dance & Break Dance (Map Ref: E4, Lift): Get moving with these workshops. 5pm-6pm.

Main meeting evening @ 7pm Come on down for worship, teaching and ministry as we all get together in the main meeting venue. (Map Ref: E3) (82027)

Free Running: Ask a member of the Sports team about the Parkour workshops

Underground (Map Ref: F4):


Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4): The Seventies are back! Join them from 9.30pm

Gigs (Map Ref: E4): Check out Four Kornerz in Gigs @ 10pm

Celluloid Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4): Sing your heart out with Troy & Co as you watch High School Musical 2 @ 10pm (PG)

Celluloid Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4): Catch a falling star… It’s Stardust (PG) @ 10pm Cafes: Cake, glorious cake. And so much more besides. All our cafes open at 9.30pm so take your pick from Dreggs, Café Uno, the Soul Action café, the Sports café and the ToolShed café.

G Force are kicking up the Underground from 9.30pm

Late night worship (Map Ref: F3): Finish your day with God - 10.30pm

Just looking (Map Ref: F4): Open for you to ask your questions @ 9pm – 11.30pm Furnace (Map Ref: F3): Come and have a chat with God from 10pm



9.30am Sam Breen - Learning from life When you are faced with life-altering moments, how do you react and then grow from the experience? Sam gives you top tips to help you learn and move forward from these events. Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (82028)


HOPE Andy Hawthorne & Roy Crowne: Change me Andy and Roy take a look at the passions and disciplines of a real God pleaser to help catch you up on what’s been happening with HOPE 08 so far, as well as giving you loads of ideas to keep the Hope Revolution going in the future. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (82029)



Gareth Burley - Fight for your destiny In Genesis 25 Esau comes home tired and sells his destiny cheaply to his brother Jacob. But how many Jacobs are out there in the world fighting for their destinies? Fighting for a legacy that will write history? Fighting with a conviction? Gareth encourages us to go after our God-given destiny and not let anything be stolen from us. Celluloid, Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (82030)

Patrick Regan & Tim Powell Life under pressure Life isn’t always smiles and mountain top experiences; the reality is often quite the opposite. This seminar helps to unpack how we cope when times get tough, how we can build character and integrity that can withstand life’s tests; and where God fits into times that are confusing and isolating. Life will always have its pressure points but the Bible tells us how they can shape us and not break us. Celluloid, Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) (82031)

Graham & Jackie Cray –Walk this way How can we tell true hope from false hope? Graham & Jackie share some wisdom on temptations, bad advice and detours to avoid. Underground (Map Ref: F4) (82006)


Barry Mason - Playing the game For those of you who are sporty and want to know how best to represent Jesus on the practice ground, playing field, and in the clubhouse afterwards. We’ll take a look at how you can stand up for your faith in the world of sport and even witness to your teammates. Whatever your game and whatever your ability, this seminar will encourage you to be the best you can be in the world of sport without compromising being a Christian. Dreggs (Map Ref: F4) (82033)


Rachel & Jason Gardner Mend the gap How do we help young people bridge the gap between a big experience of God and the Holy Spirit and how they move on to spiritual maturity and growth? How does it work post-Soul Survivor/beyond youth group or a weekend away and what part can youth leaders/friends play in this? Café Uno (Map Ref: E4) (82034)


Andy Croft – Getting to grips with Paul Let’s get to grips with the basics of Paul who wrote more than half of the New Testament; how come he seems to disagree with himself? Does he promote slavery and demote women? How much does what we do affect our salvation? What’s the key to Paul’s thought? Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4) (82035)

The morning after the night before... Q&A

Soul Sista: Rachel Gardner An unhindered sista

In this session we’ll try and answer any questions you have about anything that happened in last night’s main meeting.

The Bible tells us about a woman who was so abandoned in her love for Jesus that she did not care what anyone else thought. She turned her back on the disapproving faces, the shame of her past and the judgement of others. She turned her face to him – her saviour. How can we find this same freedom? How do we turn our focus away from what holds us back and find the freedom that God is drawing us into?

Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (82036)

David Westlake & Soul Action team - Change the world without leaving your couch Think you need to be older, richer, braver, or have to wear open toe sandals or an anarchist t-shirt before you can change the world? Think again! A session packed full of practical, simple and small steps to help you start to live out the Biblical call to “act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God…” Soul Action (Map Ref: F4) (82037)

2:30pm Gemma Foster - Friendship evangelism Top tips on telling your friends the truth about Jesus! Come and be equipped and inspired as Gemma gets stuck into Bible passages and draws on recent stories to help us work out how to tell our mates about Jesus. Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (82038)

Jeannie Morgan - Receiving, using & developing the gifts of the Holy Spirit What are gifts of the Holy Spirit? How can I receive them? There will be plenty of opportunity to receive and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit during this seminar. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (82039)

Mark Bishop – Anger management: the Jesus Way A look at Jesus the pacifist and his relevance to a violent world. How did Jesus impact our world so much without any violent force? Who would win in a fight today; hard heart or soft heart? Violence or compassion? Servant or master? Surrender or rebellion? Is kindness more powerful than selfishness? Mark asks how we can be selfless, non-violent revolutionaries in a world that is saturated by selfish media and violent authorities. Celluloid, Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (82040)

Patrick Regan & Tim Powell Conspiracy of the insignificant Be inspired to step out of your comfort zone and into the realities of urban mission as Patrick and Tim take you through some of the highs and lows of working in London and around the world. You’ll explore what it looks like to bring in the Kingdom of God on a day to day basis, how we can be relevant in a cross-cultural society and how to understand the issues so we can pray effectively. Small acts of love and small acts of kindness can change peoples lives, what seems insignificant really might not be! Celluloid, Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) (82041)

Graham Cray - Echoes, silence, patience & grace Debut artists winning at the Brits, new guitar bands every month, old acts reforming to make a fortune, great voices, tragic lifestyles, albums given away online, Pop Idol and Glastonbury. What does Jesus make of it all? A look at the last year in music through Christian eyes. Underground (Map Ref: F4) (82042)

Soul Man - Man-up! Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft Mates, TV, films, girls - everyone’s telling us to man-up. But what does it even me to be a real man? A seminar on the sort of things Jesus teaches us to aim for. Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4) (82043)


Big Top (Map Ref: E3) (82044)

Roy Crowne & Richard Shaw: Praying What’s all this stuff about talking to God? Does praying really work and what’s it all about? Richard and Roy will tackle this mysterious subject and help you get started on having conversations with your creator! Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (82045)

Rich Wilson - Starting university workshop Preparing well for university is absolutely vital to get the most out of your student years and to avoid the possible pitfalls. This workshop will help you do just that! Soul Action (Map Ref: F4) (82046)

4pm Mark Russell - Leadership: Paul’s ministry manual Textbooks fill the business section of bookshops on what makes an effective leader. However 2000 years ago Paul, the radical church planter and visionary, was leading Jesus style! In this seminar we will look at Paul’s ministry manual, what we can learn from him and apply to our lives today. Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (82047)

Riley Fisher - Discipleship inside out What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus on the inside, behind closed doors and in our hearts? And how do we live it outdoors, around our friends at school, college, uni or work? Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (82048)

James Di Castiglione - Today’s World: FAITH God is calling us to be peace makers in a world becoming increasingly extremist. James shares about engaging creatively with other faiths, without compromising our own Christian integrity. Celluloid, Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (82049)

Andy Hawthorne - Spirit driven evangelism How could 120 nervous disciples, led by what the Jewish leaders called a bunch of unschooled ordinary men, launch a spiritual revolution that set the world on fire and that 2000 years later we are still benefitting from? The answer is by the power of the Holy Spirit. So, just what does Spirit empowered evangelism look like in 2008 and where are the ordinary men and women today who will be empowered by the Spirit to reach those who don’t know Jesus? Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4) (82051)

Creative worship – Ben Cantelon How do we keep our worship fresh and exciting? Ben will be unpacking what it means to be creative in worship and exploring how we can express ourselves in new and fresh ways. Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (82052)

The student reception Off to uni? Come along and meet others who are in the same boat – it’s a great chance to make some new mates before you even hit the halls! Soul Action (Map Ref: F4)

day three: main meetings: Main morning meeting Starts at 11am (Map Ref: E3) (82053) Evening meeting At 7pm - Let’s get together!

Got disco fever? There’s only one place for you. OTHER THINGS HAPPENING ON SITE TODAY Sports (Map Ref: F4): join in with the football, volleyball and frisbee tournaments happening today from 1pm

ArtShed (Map Ref: F3): Get creative in the workshop from 2-5pm and Come and discuss the artwork on display in the ArtShed @ 4pm

Underground (Map Ref: F4): 29th Chapter and Sacred tear it up from 9.30pm

Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4):

Gigs (Map Ref: E4): Don’t miss

Got disco fever? There’s only one place for you @ 9.30pm

Starfield @ 10pm

Impress your fellow campers with your talent or just grab a drink and enjoy watching theirs. From 2pm-4pm

Celluloid Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4): There’s a rat in me kitchen… watch Ratatouille (U) @ 10pm

Drama workshop (Map Ref:

Celluloid Screen 2 (Map Ref:

D3, Small Top): Let out your inner drama queen or king in workshops at 2.30 & 4pm

E4): Sing your heart out with Troy & Co as you watch High School Musical 2 (PG) @ 10pm

Rock Solid (Map Ref: F3): Freetime café for families 3.30-5.30

Cafes: Hot chocolate mountains & gorgeous slices of cake served up with a backdrop of live music, crazy games and chilled out vibes.

(Map Ref: E4): 5pm - 6pm LIFT

Visit Café Uno, Dreggs and the Soul Action café from 9.30pm.


Bandstand (Map Ref: E4):

Street Dance & Break Dance

(Map Ref: E3) (82054)

Late night worship (Map Ref: F3): More time to worship God in song @ 10.30pm Just looking (Map Ref: F4): Open for you to ask your questions @ 9pm – 11.30pm

Furnace (Map Ref: F3): Come and have a chat with God from 10pm Drama performance (Map Ref: F3, Boulder Gang): Telling Stories, Asking Questions by the Lacey Theatre Co @ 10pm





MJ Simpson - Considering the cross

Pete Wynter - Leadership foundations

What is the cross really about? Why did Jesus have to die? How come it’s called ‘Good News’? A Bible-based exploration of the sufficiency, simplicity and saving-work of the cross.

If you want something to last, it needs to have good foundations. Leadership is no different. If you think that leadership might be what God is calling you to in some capacity or are already involved in some way, then this seminar will be the ideal opportunity to make sure you are getting off on the right foot, as Pete takes a look at a variety of biblical leaders whose examples are as valuable today as they were thousands of years ago. Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (82063)

Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (82055)


HOPE Andy Hawthorne & Roy Crowne - Change my friends Can we see our friends as ‘divine appointments’ from God? Roy and Andy will give you loads of top tips on how to listen to your friend’s stories, tell your own and make the most of this fantastic opportunity to connect you both to God. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (82056)



Gareth Burley – Who’s your daddy?! We sometimes hear about young people today being part of a ‘fatherless generation’. They have grown up independently and many times without discipleship. What if you want to disciple and be like a spiritual father/mother to the lost but don’t know how because you don’t know what it means to be a son/ daughter? Gareth will explore how God restores the fatherless to himself and shares with them the secrets of his heart.


Jesus heals today and he wants to use us, his followers to bring his healing. This will be a practical seminar with opportunities to get stuck in and see the power of God in action. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (82064)

James Di Castiglione - Today’s World: CHURCH Our churches can play a key role in impacting today’s world – so how can we get involved and see it happen? Celluloid, Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (82065)

Celluloid, Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (82057)

Mark Russell - Effective evangelism We all know that telling people about Jesus is crucial, yet so many of us don’t do it! How can we be better at sharing our faith and catch something of the Father heart of God for the least, the last and the lost? How can we help the Church put evangelism at the top of the agenda? If you are passionate about evangelism, want to be passionate about evangelism or even want to, want to, this seminar is for you! Celluloid, Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) (82058)

Graham & Jackie Cray – Renewed Hope in Christ is not just for the future. It can start to renew us, our families and our communities now. Underground (Map Ref: F4) (82059)

James Grier - God works for good in all things Just because God can work good through all things, does that mean he causes all things? Could it be that God is as upset as we are when bad things happen? James grapples with this tricky issue to help us find God in the midst of painful circumstances. Celluloid, Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) (82066)

Julian Muwanguzi & Andy Hawthorne - Step into my life Come and step into the life of one of Compassion’s formerly sponsored children, Julian Muwanguzi from Uganda. Julian who has now graduated from Compassion’s Leadership Development Programme, will be sharing her life experiences and giving you a unique insight into how the cycle of poverty can be broken.

The Bible can seem like a pretty big and daunting book but it’s actually full of incredible stories that are totally relevant to our lives today. Richard and Paul will help you work out why it’s so important and how reading it can have an amazing impact on your relationship with God. Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (82070)

4pm Bill Cahusac - Let’s get naked Many struggle with an addiction to lust and pornography but Bill encourages us that with God’s help we can help people find real and lasting freedom. Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (82071)

Riley Fisher - Faith, action, humility How do faith, action and humility fit together? This seminar looks at their relevance to our walk with Jesus and studies some of the apparent contradictions about them in the Bible. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (82072)

John Coyne & James di Castiglione - Ordination Sharing from their own experiences John & James will talk you through the whole ordination process as well as answer any questions that you have. Celluloid, Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (82073)

Fuzz Kitto - Does God have a plan and a will for my life? Is there a detailed blueprint? Can I get it wrong? If I find out what it is, will I be able to do it? What does God expect of me? It sometimes gets hard to work out all the voices that come at us on the inside, but Fuzz will help work out what the Bible has to say and share his wisdom about these really important questions. Celluloid, Screen 2, (Map Ref: E4) (82074)

Andy Croft – Tricky Theology Come and hear Andy tackle some interesting theological questions such as how can God be three AND one? How does the cross work? And does God ever change? Mr Boogies

Underground (Map Ref: F4) (82067)

(Map Ref: E4) (82075)

Your chance to ask any questions you like about working with young people. Café Uno (Map Ref: E4) (82060)

Soul Man: Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft - Band of brothers

Mike Pilavachi & Ben CantelonWorship Panel

The morning after the night before... Q&A

Mike and Andy share some of the things God has been teaching them as men over the past year and they’ll be joined by a panel of people, with plenty of time for discussion and your questions.

This is your chance to come and pick Mike and Ben’s brains on the topic of worship! Whether you’re a budding worship leader, a passionate worshiper or someone who has to work alongside a worship team, bring your questions and (hopefully!) get some answers. Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (82076)

Soul Net Q&A


Jeannie Morgan - Physical and emotional healing

Roy Crowne & Richard Shaw - Reading

Seeing the Holy Spirit move can raise one or two questions. If there’s anything you’d like to ask those involved in leading the meetings about what happened last night, head to this session to get some answers! Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (82061)

David Westlake & Soul Action team - Meet the neighbours Unfortunately there’s no Aussie actors here… Instead we take a look at our lives through the story of the good Samaritan and ask with Jesus ‘which of these was a neighbour?’ How do we love God with all we have and love our neighbour as ourselves? Beyond that, who are our neighbours in the first place… is it just Dennis across the street, or what about those nameless people we’ll never meet who help to make our clothes or produce our food? Soul Action (Map Ref: F4) (82062)

Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4) (82068)

Soul Sista: MJ Simpson - A sista with a story Who, me? Yes, you! In this session we’ll look at how one Samaritan woman encountered Jesus at a local well and her life was turned around by him. Now she had something worth gossiping about and she couldn’t keep her mouth shut! When we meet Jesus we also have something amazing to talk about - so how do we share it? Big Top (Map Ref: E3) (82069)

We probably don’t need to remind you but its A-level results day today!

day four: main meetings: Main morning meeting Time to worship, listen to Biblical teaching and engage in ministry @11am (81049)

- Try your hand (or rather feet) at a bit of dance at the workshops from 5pm-6pm in the Lift venue (Map Ref: E4)

Main evening meeting Time for more worship, teaching and ministry, as we all get together in the main meeting venue @ 7pm (81050)

Art Workshop (Map Ref: F3) - Feeling creative? Why not pop along and join in the art workshops between 2pm5pm. Drawing, painting and sculpting will all be on offer throughout the week – visit the Art Shed for more info!’

Cafés: Cake, glorious cake. And so much more besides. All our cafes open at 9.30pm so head to Dreggs, Café Uno, Soul Action Café, the Sports café or the ToolShed café to indulge your tastebuds.

Bandstand (Map Ref: E4)


Underground (Map Ref: F4):

– A chance for you to be the entertainment from 2pm!

Gigs (Map Ref: E4): NGM night

Don’t miss Sammy G & Co at 9.30pm

OTHER THINGS HAPPENING ON SITE TODAY A LEVEL RESULTS DAY! We probably don’t need to remind you but its A-level results day today! If you’re waiting for results and need to get online, the ToolShed (Map Ref: F3) will be open from 9am. We won’t say ‘good luck’ because that’s not very Biblical but you know what we mean!

Sports (Map Ref: F4) – It’s all happening today with the It’s a Village Knockout tournament from 2pm-4.30pm and the Fun Run @ 5.30pm!

Drama workshops (Map Ref: D3, Small Top) - are happening at 2.30pm & 4pm

Rock Solid (Map Ref: F3) - Family Free time from 3.30pm-5.30pm

Street dance & Break Dance

featuring Thundershock @ 10pm

Celluloid Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4): Can Jared save his family in the strange and magical world that is The Spiderwick Chronicles (PG) @ 10pm? Celluloid Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4): There’s a rat in me kitchen …. Ratatouille (U) @ 10pm

Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4): Dance! Dance! Dance! From 9.30pm Late night worship (Map Ref: F3): 10.30pm

Just looking (Map Ref: F4): Open for you to ask your questions @ 9pm – 11.30pm Furnace (Map Ref: F3) : Come in and pray from 10pm





Morning meeting: There are no seminars this morning as we will all meet in the Big Top for Communion at 10am (Map Ref: E3) (82079). Roman Catholic Mass is available in the ‘Small Top’ next to the ‘Big Top’ at the same time as communion is served in the Big Top (Map Ref: D3). Chat Room (Map Ref: F3): Confession and consultation for Roman Catholic delegates will be available from 9.30am. 2.30pm HOPE Andy Hawthorne & Roy Crowne - Change my community We know the Gospel works but how can we see it let loose in our communities right now? How can we keep the HOPE revolution going in our areas long after 2008?



Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (82080)

Bill Cahusac - Addicted to love God’s love is stronger than any other addiction we may have. In this session Bill shares about how with God’s help we can overcome the things that enslave us. Celluloid, Screen 2, (Map Ref: E4) (82081)

Eddie Lyle - The persecuted church There are some parts of the world where you can be arrested and imprisoned simply for having a Bible in your house. Imagine that, being put in a cell, maybe tortured and discriminated against because of a belief in Jesus. It sounds like something straight out of the New Testament, but sadly, believers in certain countries around the world still face these issues. Open Doors are working to support the persecuted church in these countries… come along to hear how God is doing incredible things in these areas and see how you can show your solidarity with those who are suffering for their faith. Mr. Boogies



(Map Ref: E4)(82089)


Graham Cray - 20:20 vision The Bible tells us that the earth is full of the glory of God, that Jesus only did what he saw his Father doing, and that we are to regard no one from a human point of view. How can we learn to recognise God’s glory, to see what he’s doing and when he wants us to join in, and to see people and situations as he sees them? Graham gives us some practical lessons in discernment to give us 20:20 spiritual vision. Underground (Map Ref: F4) (82082)

The morning after the night before... Q&A Got any questions about something that happened in last night’s main meeting? Come along to this session and get some answers from some of the people who were involved in leading it. Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (82083)

4pm MJ Simpson - Gossiping grace How can I share my faith with others in a non-threatening way? A biblical look at some first-century experts in this field and some handy tips to try out yourself! Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (82084)

Riley Fisher - Psalm 23: A fresh look at an old Psalm These are some of the most famous and beautiful words ever written, recited at countless funerals and framed on walls in many homes and churches. Riley will help us take a deeper look at this psalm, exploring the meaning of the phrases and words used and helping us to see God as the good shepherd who loves us deeply. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (82085)

Fuzz Kitto - Changing the world with God Jesus spent a lot of time telling stories because he knew we could learn a lot from them. Fuzz travels the world collecting stories and spreading rumours of hope so come along to this seminar and hear some of the amazing things God is up to. Celluloid, Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) (82086)

Roy Crowne & Richard Shaw – Thriving Sometimes it can feel like we’re lucky if we just survive school but wouldn’t it be amazing if we could actually thrive in our faith instead? Richard and Roy are here to give you top tips to make it happen! Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (82087)

day five: main meetings: Main morning meeting Communion @ 10am (Map Ref: E3) (82079).

Catch the best of this week’s lyricist’s lounge OTHER THINGS HAPPENING ON SITE TODAY Indoor Sports (Map Ref: E4) - It’s the long-awaited basketball tournament from 2pm-5pm

SITC Durban Q+A - If you think you’d like to come with us to Durban in 2009 then come and get some more info at Celluloid, Screen 1@ 4pm (Map Ref: E4) Rock Solid - Family Freetime café from 3.30pm-5.30pm

Food collection: Got any left over food from your camping supplies? Local charities can find good homes for nonperishable and unopened food you don’t want to take home, just bring it to Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) from 5pm.

live in Café Uno, the laid back Soul Action vibe or the hyperintensive Dreggs – all open from 9.30pm


Underground (Map Ref: F4): Catch the best of this week’s lyricist’s lounge from 9.30pm and LZ7 will get ya jumpin’ outta ya seat!

Best of the Bandstand

Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4):

(Map Ref: E4): Don’t miss out @10pm in Gigs

Celluloid Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4): Check out the magic in Stardust (PG) @ 10pm

competition happens today, come and get involved or just check out the talent!

Celluloid Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4): See Morgan Freeman as God and Steve Carell as a modern day Noah in Evan Almighty (PG) @ 10pm.

Artshed Workshops

Cafes: Take your pick from

(Map Ref: F3) - 2pm

the catchy pop/rock tunes

Lift (Map Ref: E4) - The skate

Evening meeting Find a spot in the Big Top as we come together @ 7pm (Map Ref: E3) (82088)

Feel like dancing? Head to Mr Boogies at 9.30pm

Late night worship (Map Ref: F3): End your day with some time worshipping God @ 10.30pm

Just looking: Open for you to ask your questions @ 9pm – 11.30pm Furnace: Open @ 10pm for you to pray




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3 5 To Castle Cary



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Deliveries Entrance

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soul survivor 08: site map














































week c:


day one:


There are no seminars today! Soul Survivor 2008 will officially kick off at 7pm with an evening celebration (seminar recording number: 83000)* in the Big Top (Map Ref: E3). Don’t miss it! After that, the following venues will be open and available for your entertainment and enjoyment!

after hours: Gigs (Map Ref: E4) - It’s NGM

Underground (Map Ref: F4)

night featuring Thundershock @ 10pm

- Thebandwithnoname are kicking things off from 9.30pm

Celluloid Screen 1 (Map Ref:

Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4)

E4) - Watch Morgan Freeman as God and Steve Carell as a modern day Noah in Evan Almighty (PG) @ 10pm

- Dance! Dance! Dance! From 9.30pm

Celluloid Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) - Can Jared save his family in the strange and magical world that is The Spiderwick Chronicles (PG)? Find out @ 10pm. Cafés (Map Ref: E4) Whatever you’re in the mood for, there’s a café to suit. There’s the laid back vibe in the Soul Action café, the hyped-up craziness that is Dreggs and live-music going down in Café Uno. All open from 9.30pm.

Late Night Worship (Map Ref: F3) - Spend some more time with God @ 10.30pm Just looking (Map Ref: F4) - Open for you to ask your questions @ 9pm – 11.30pm Furnace (Map Ref: F3) - Spend some time in prayer @ 10pm Sports (Map Ref: E4) - Don’t forget to sign up today at the Sports desk for the football and basketball tournaments going on throughout the week! From 10pm.

Whatever you’re in the mood for, there’s a café to suit. * all our main meetings and seminars are recorded and available to purchase. To get yours go to the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed and quote the five digit reference number. (Map Ref: F3)



9.30am HOPE Roy Crowne - Change me Roy takes a look at the passions and disciplines of a real God pleaser to help catch you up on what’s been happening with HOPE 08 so far, as well as giving you loads of ideas to keep the Hope Revolution going in the future. Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (83001)

The morning after the night before... Q&A

Soul Man: Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft - Sex & relationships

What was that all about?! Sometimes when the Holy Spirit comes in the main meetings we’re left with a few questions about what the heck was going on. If there’s anything you’re not sure about (from the worship, talk or ministry) and you’d like to ask some of the guys who were involved in the meeting about it, then come along – this is your chance to get some answers.

A seminar that does exactly what it says on the tin. Mike and Andy take a look at all aspects of relationships: What’s the big deal about sex? How do you break up with a girl? What about if you keep messing up? An essential seminar discussing how we can honour God in our relationships. Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4) (83016)

Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (83009) SOUL NET

Gemma Foster – The only one Being at Soul Survivor is great as we’re surrounded by thousands of other Christians who want to go for it with God. But for lots of us, when we get home we’re the only Christian in our family, school class or work place. If this is you – or you know someone in this position - then Gemma will give you some great tips, insights from the Bible and inspiring stories to help you keep running the race all year round. Seminar B


(Map Ref: E4) (83002)

Fuzz Kitto – Does God have a plan for my life? Is there a detailed blueprint? Can I get it wrong? If I find out what it is, will I be able to do it? What does God expect of me? It sometimes gets hard to work out all the voices that come at us on the inside, but Fuzz will help work out what the Bible has to say and share his wisdom about these really important questions. Celluloid, Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (83003)



Nancy Goudie - Treasures of darkness Where is God when we’re burnt out, broken down, depressed and dealing with failed friendships? It can feel like he’s a million miles away but here Nancy will share her own story in a frank and honest way, showing us how we can receive God’s riches through the darkest times in our lives. Celluloid, Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) (83004)

Ali Martin - Praying for people so that stuff happens The seminar is for all teams and is open to anyone who would like to see God move when they pray for others. Ali will take a very practical look at the basics of how to pray for one another and see God move. Underground (Map Ref: F4) (83005)

Sam Breen – Becoming a wellrounded Christian Everyone finds it hard to be strong in all aspects of their faith but this seminar will help you learn how to balance your Christian life through the three dimensions of “Up, In and Out”.

David Westlake - ‘The poor will always be with you…’ What do we make of the story in the Bible where a woman anoints Jesus with perfume? It’s a strange one that sparks off a debate about piety, poverty and worship. In fact Jesus says that the woman’s action is so significant that wherever the gospel is preached, so her story will be told. So, if Jesus thought so highly of it, what can we learn from the whole situation and how do we make sense of the comment that the poor will always be with us? A lesson in how worship, justice and compassion must all sit together… Soul Action (Map Ref: F4) (82011)


Soul Sista: Jo Saxton – A forgiven sista The gospels tell a cringe-worthy story about a girl caught in the act! She’d made a LOT of mistakes, and everyone knew it. They’d seen it with their own eyes. But when Jesus looked at her, he saw more than her past. He saw a new kind of future. Come and hear the story of someone who messed up, but got the chance to start again. There was hope for her, and there’s hope for us. Big Top (Map Ref: E3) (83017)

Roy Crowne & Vicki Blyth: Telling So you’ve met with Jesus and now you want to try and tell your friends what happened and explain your new found faith. Come along to be encouraged to share this brilliant thing that has happened to you and get some tips on how to do it! Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (83018)

Fuzz Kitto - Changing the world with God Jesus spent a lot of time telling stories because he knew we could learn a lot from them. Fuzz travels the world collecting stories and spreading rumours of hope, so come along to this seminar and hear some of the amazing things God is up to. Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (83011)

Patrick Regan & Julian Muwanguzi - Step into my life Come and step into the life of one of Compassion’s formerly sponsored children, Julian Muwanguzi from Uganda. Julian who has now graduated from Compassion’s Leadership Development Programme, will be sharing her life experiences and giving you a unique insight into how the cycle of poverty can be broken.

4pm HOPE Roy Crowne - Change my friends Can we see our friends as ‘divine appointments’ from God? Roy will give you loads of top tips on how to listen to your friends stories, tell your own and make the most of this fantastic opportunity to connect you both to God. Seminar A (Map Ref: E5)(83019)

John Coyne and Penny Andrews - Ordination Sharing from their own experiences John & Penny will talk you through the whole ordination process as well as answer any questions that you have. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (83020)

Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (83012)

Tre Sheppard - Following Jesus Jeannie Morgan - How can I get plugged in to the Holy Spirit? Who is the Holy Spirit? Can I be filled with power like the disciples were? Can anyone receive a prayer language? This is a fantastic opportunity to receive the gifts of the Holy Sprit and put them into practice in a relaxed and safe setting. Celluloid,

Jesus was a Jewish teacher who lived in the first century and talked about being a shepherd, planting seeds and camels going through the eyes of needles. In those days there were no mobile phones, TVs, cars and computers so is Jesus still relevant to us today? How do we follow him in the 21st century and apply his teaching to our lives and our culture? Celluloid, Screen 1

Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (83013)

(Map Ref: E4) (83021)

Nancy Goudie - Hot faith

Tim Hughes - The heart and character of a worshipper



Dreggs (Map Ref: F4) (83006)


Rachel & Jason Gardner – Mind the gap An opportunity for youth leaders to reflect on and recognize, the gap between youth culture and the church and consider the gap that young people are faced with in trying to bridge their faith and their lifestyle. Café Uno (Map Ref: E4) (83007)

Andy Croft – Exploring the Psalms The psalms reflect the worship of Israel but what can they teach us about the worship of today? Andy will take you on a journey exploring different types of psalms, why and when they were sung. Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4) (83008)

How do we increase our faith to see the impossible happen? Nancy teaches on the principles of faith in the Bible in a practical and encouraging way, using real life stories to ignite your faith. Celluloid, Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) (83014)

Graham & Jackie Cray - What’s the difference? In Britain today people have so much stuff, but so little hope for themselves or the planet. So just how big is the hope that Jesus has secured? What difference does it make? And where do we fit in? Underground (Map Ref: F4) (83015)

Just how much does it matter what your attitude is when it comes to worship? Could it be more important than how well you play an instrument or sing? Tim gets to grips with what God is looking for in his worshippers. Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (83022)

Bring your band, your guitar, your ukulele or whatever you like!

day two:


main meetings: Main morning meeting @ 11am Time to worship, listen to Biblical teaching and engage in ministry @11am (Map Ref: E3) (83023)

OTHER THINGS HAPPENING ON SITE TODAY Sports (Map Ref: F4) – The football tournament kicks off today (ho ho ho) at 1pm

Bandstand (Map Ref: E4) - bring your band, your guitar, your ukulele or whatever you like! Sign up on the day for your chance to wow the crowds. From 2pm

AFTER HOURS Gigs (Map Ref: E4): Rock things up with onehundredhours @10pm

Celluloid Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4): Sing your heart out with Troy & Co as you watch High School Musical 2 (PG) @ 10pm Celluloid Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4): Catch a falling star… It’s Stardust (PG) @ 10pm

Art Workshops

Cafes: Cake, glorious cake.

(Map Ref: F3): Try your hand at drawing, painting and sculpting. Workshop from 2pm-5pm in the ArtShed

Rock Solid Freetime café for families, 3.30-5.30pm

And so much more besides. All our cafes open at 9.30pm so take your pick from Dreggs, Café Uno, the Soul Action café, the Sports café and the ToolShed café.

Street Dance

Underground (Map Ref: F4):

(Map Ref: E4) - Get moving with this workshop. 5-6pm in the Lift venue.

Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4):

Free Running (Parkour) workshops: ask a member of

The Seventies are back! Join them from 9.30pm

Main evening meeting @ 7pm Come on down for worship, teaching and ministry as we all get together in the main meeting venue. (Map Ref: E3) (83024)

Late night worship (Map Ref: F3): Finish your day with God - 10.30pm

Just looking (Map Ref: F4): Open for you to ask your questions @ 9pm – 11.30pm Furnace (Map Ref: F3): Come and have a chat with God from 10pm

Ekklesia are kicking up the Underground from 9.30pm

the Sports team for more info



9.30am Gemma Foster - Friendship evangelism Top tips on telling your friends the truth about Jesus! Come and be equipped and inspired as Gemma gets stuck into Bible passages and draws on recent stories to help us work out how to tell our mates about Jesus. Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (83025)





Sam Breen - Learning from life When you are faced with life-altering moments, how do you react and then grow from the experience? Sam gives you top tips to help you learn and move forward from these events. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (83026)

Chris Saxton - Dealing with shame What do we do with the bad choices in our past that we’re not proud of? Or the things that have happened to us that we can’t seem to get over? Maybe we’re wrestling with things that we are doing now, but can’t seem to stop? Shame can have a paralysing effect on our lives and makes us feel like we’re stuck under a cloud in everyday life. Come along to find out how Jesus can set us free. Celluloid, Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (83027)

Patrick Regan & Tim Powell Life under pressure Life isn’t always smiles and mountain top experiences; the reality is often quite the opposite. This seminar helps to unpack how we cope when times get tough, how we can build character and integrity that can withstand life’s tests; and where God fits into times that are confusing and isolating. Life will always have its pressure points but the Bible tells us how they can shape us and not break us. Celluloid, Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) (83028)

Graham & Jackie Cray –Walk this way How can we tell true hope from false hope? Graham & Jackie share some wisdom on temptations, bad advice and detours to avoid. Underground (Map Ref: F4) (83029)

Rachel & Jason Gardner Mend the gap How do we help young people bridge the gap between a big experience of God and the Holy Spirit and how they move on to spiritual maturity and growth? How does it work post-Soul Survivor/beyond youth group or a weekend away and what part can youth leaders/friends play in this? Café Uno (Map Ref: E4) (83031)



Andy Croft – Getting to grips with Paul Let’s get to grips with the basics of Paul who wrote more than half of the New Testament; how come he seems to disagree with himself? Does he promote slavery and demote women? How much does what we do affect our salvation? What’s the key to Paul’s thought? Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4) (83032)

Barry Mason - Playing the game For those of you who are sporty and want to know how best to represent Jesus on the practice ground, playing field, and in the clubhouse afterwards. We’ll take a look at how you can stand up for your faith in the world of sport and even witness to your teammates. Whatever your game and whatever your ability, this seminar will encourage you to be the best you can be in the world of sport without compromising being a Christian. Dreggs (Map Ref: F4) (83030)

The morning after the night before... Q&A

Soul Sista: Rachel Gardner An unhindered sista

Seeing the Holy Spirit move can raise one or two questions. If there’s anything you’d like to ask those involved in leading the meetings about what happened last night, head to this session and see if they can give you some answers.

The Bible tells us about a woman who was so abandoned in her love for Jesus that she did not care what anyone else thought. She turned her back on the disapproving faces, the shame of her past and the judgement of others. She turned her face to him – her saviour. How can we find this same freedom? How do we turn our focus away from what holds us back and find the freedom that God is drawing us into? Big Top

Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (83033)

David Westlake & Soul Action team - Change the world without leaving your couch

(Map Ref: E3) (83040)

Think you need to be older, richer, braver, or have to wear open toe sandals or an anarchist t-shirt before you can change the world? Think again! A session packed full of practical, simple and small steps to help you start to live out the Biblical call to “act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God…”

What’s all this stuff about talking to God? Does praying really work and what’s it all about? Vicki and Roy will tackle this mysterious subject and help you get started on having conversations with your creator! Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (83041)

Soul Action (Map Ref: F4) (83034)

2:30pm Gareth Burley - Fight for your destiny In Genesis 25 Esau comes home tired and sells his destiny cheaply to his brother Jacob. But how many Jacobs are out there in the world fighting for their destinies? Fighting for a legacy that will write history? Fighting with a conviction? Gareth encourages us to go after our God-given destiny and not let anything be stolen from us. Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (83035)

Rich Wilson - Starting university workshop Preparing well for university is absolutely vital to get the most out of your student years and to avoid the possible pitfalls. This workshop will help you do just that! Soul Action (Map Ref: F4) (83042)

4pm Jo Saxton - Life beyond the quiet time. 1 of 2

Can we really change the world? Or are we all just victims of culture’s latest wim? How do we become people who actively influence our culture rather than just reacting to it? If we’re the light of the world as Jesus said, how do we go into the dark places without losing the plot? All this and a chance to ask your questions too! Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (83035)

As Paul mentors his young protégé Timothy, he urges him to, “Train yourself to be godly”. This session looks at some spiritual disciplines that can help us grow as Christians in the 21st Century world like fasting, silence, solitude and giving. Jo will also deal with questions like how can we make space for God when we’re crazy busy, how do we tackle the Bible when we can’t get into the study notes and, if we’re all different, do we still all need to relate to God in the same way? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (83043)

Jeannie Morgan - Receiving, using & developing the gifts of the Holy Spirit

Riley Fisher - Discipleship inside out

What are gifts of the Holy Spirit? How can I receive them? There will be plenty of opportunity to receive and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit during this seminar. Celluloid, Screen 1

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus on the inside, behind closed doors and in our hearts? And how do we live it outdoors, around our friends at school, college, uni or work?

(Map Ref: E4) (83036)

Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (83044)

Patrick Regan & Tim Powell Conspiracy of the insignificant

Cris Rogers - Recycling: The First Commandment

Be inspired to step out of your comfort zone and into the realities of urban mission as Patrick and Tim take you through some of the highs and lows of working in London and around the world. You’ll explore what it looks like to bring in the Kingdom of God on a day to day basis, how we can be relevant in a cross-cultural society and how to understand the issues so we can pray effectively. Small acts of love and small acts of kindness can change peoples lives, what seems insignificant really might not be! Celluloid, Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) (82041)

In Genesis 2 God gave humankind the role of working and taking care of the garden but most of us skip right over this first command. Could it be that God is calling us to live our lives in harmony with creation and possibly to be ‘green’? This session will unpack Genesis 2 and challenge us to live more connected, integrated lives with God, people and creation.

Tre Sheppard - Engaging with culture

Graham Cray - Echoes, silence, patience & grace Debut artists winning at the Brits, new guitar bands every month, old acts reforming to make a fortune, great voices, tragic lifestyles, albums given away online, Pop Idol and Glastonbury. What does Jesus make of it all? A look at the last year in music through Christian eyes. Underground (Map Ref: F4) (83038)

Soul Man: Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft - Man-up! Mates, TV, films, girls - everyone’s telling us to man-up. But what does it even me to be a real man? A seminar on the sort of things Jesus teaches us to aim for. Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4) (83039)


Roy Crowne & Vicki Blyth: Praying

Celluloid, Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (83045)

Creative worship – Tim Hughes How do we keep our worship fresh and exciting? Tim will be unpacking what it means to be creative in worship and exploring how we can express ourselves in new and fresh ways. Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (83047)

The Student Reception Off to uni? Come along and meet others who are in the same boat – it’s a great chance to make some new mates before you even hit the halls! Soul Action (Map Ref: F4)

day three: main meetings: Morning meeting We’ll all get together for the main meeting @ 11am (Map Ref: E3) (83048)

Live music, crazy games and chilled out vibes. OTHER THINGS HAPPENING ON SITE TODAY Sports (Map Ref: F4) - join in with the football, volleyball and frisbee tournaments happening today from 1pm

Bandstand (Map Ref: E4) – Impress your fellow campers with your talent or just grab a drink and enjoy watching theirs. From 2pm

Art Workshop (Map Ref: F3) - Get creative! It’s the drawing, painting & sculpture workshop in the Artshed from 2-5pm.

Drama workshop (Map Ref: E3, Small Top) – don’t miss the chance to express yourself @ 2.30pm and 4pm

Rock Solid - Family Freetime café from 3.30pm-5.30pm

Artshed (Map Ref: F3) - Join in with the discussion about the artwork in the show, 4pm.

Evening meeting Let’s get together! It’s the Main evening meeting @ 7pm (Map Ref: E3) (83049)

games and chilled out vibes. Visit Café Uno, Dreggs and the Soul Action café from 9.30pm.

Street Dance (Map Ref: E4, Lift) - Fancy having a go? Come along to the workshop @ 5pm-6pm

Drama performance: Telling


Underground (Map Ref: F4):

Gigs (Map Ref: E4): Don’t miss Starfield @ 10pm

Celluloid Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4): There’s a rat in me kitchen… watch Ratatouille (U) @ 10pm

Celluloid Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4): Sing your heart out with Troy & Co as you watch High School Musical 2 (PG) @ 10pm Cafes: Hot chocolate mountains & gorgeous slices of cake served up with a backdrop of live music, crazy

Stories, Asking Questions by the Lacey Theatre Co @ 10pm in Boulder Gang (Map Ref: F3) Sammy G will be keepin’ you entertained from 9.30pm

Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4): Feel like dancing? Head there from 9.30pm

Late night worship (Map Ref: F3): More time to worship God in song @ 10.30pm Just looking (Map Ref: F4): Open for you to ask your questions @ 9pm – 11.30pm Furnace (Map Ref: F3): Come and have a chat with God from 10pm 49



Chris Lane – What the hell?

Roy Crowne & Vicki Blyth - Reading

HOPE Roy Crowne - Change my community

In recent years there has been lots of debate about hell – the who, what, where, when and why. This seminar will look at the key issues to help you to approach this controversial subject.

The Bible can seem like a pretty big and daunting book but it’s actually full of incredible stories that are totally relevant to our lives today. Roy and Vicki will help you work out why it’s so important and how reading it can have an amazing impact on your relationship with God. Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (83063)

We know the Gospel works but how can we see it let loose in our communities right now? How can we keep the HOPE revolution going in our areas long after 2008? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) (83050)

Dreggs (Map Ref: F4) (83055)


Riley Fisher - Faith, action, humility

Jeannie Morgan - Physical and emotional healing

How do faith, action and humility fit together? This seminar looks at their relevance to our walk with Jesus and studies some of the apparent contradictions about them in the Bible.

Jesus heals today and he wants to use us, his followers to bring his healing. This will be a practical seminar with opportunities to get stuck in and see the power of God in action.

Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (83051)

Celluloid, Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (83059)

Chris Saxton - Lessons from the life of David

Gareth Burley - Who’s your daddy?!

What can we learn from the teenage song-writing, giant-killing shepherd boy who would be king? We’ve probably heard the stories so many times, that we forget just how relevant David’s life is for us today. Come and have a look at an ordinary teenager’s life in the hands of an extraordinary God. Celluloid, Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (83052)

James Grier - Forgiveness The Bible talks about forgiving people but is it always possible or even right to forgive? This seminar will look at what the Bible really says about forgiveness, why it matters and what the effects of not forgiving are. Celluloid, Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) (83053)

We sometimes hear about young people today being part of a ‘fatherless generation’. They have grown up independently and many times without discipleship. What if you want to disciple and be like a spiritual father/mother to the lost but don’t know how because you don’t know what it means to be a son/ daughter? Gareth will explore how God restores the fatherless to himself and shares with them the secrets of his heart.

Mike and Andy share some of the things God has been teaching them as men over the past year and they’ll be joined by a panel of people, with plenty of time for discussion and your questions.

This is your chance to come and pick Mike, Ben and Tim’s brains on the topic of worship! Whether you’re a budding worship leader, a passionate worshiper or someone who has to work alongside a worship team, bring your questions and (hopefully!) get some answers. Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (83067)


Underground (Map Ref: F4) (83054)

Who, me? Yes, you! In this session we’ll look at how one Samaritan woman encountered Jesus at a local well and her life was turned around by him. Now she had something worth gossiping about and she couldn’t keep her mouth shut! When we meet Jesus we also have something amazing to talk about - so how do we share it? Big Top (Map Ref: E3) (83062)



Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (82061)

David Westlake & the Soul Action Team - Meet the neighbours Unfortunately there’s no Aussie actors here… Instead we take a look at our lives through the story of the good Samaritan and ask with Jesus ‘which of these was a neighbour?’ How do we love God with all we have and love our neighbour as ourselves? Beyond that, who are our neighbours in the first place… is it just Dennis across the street, or what about those nameless people we’ll never meet who help to make our clothes or produce our food? Soul Action (Map Ref: F4) (83058)

Could the iPod be the new towel of Babel? Could God love our technology but hate the way we use it? Come and grapple with the life God calls us to live: simple, free and easy.

Mike Pilavachi, Tim Hughes & Ben Cantelon - Worship Q&A

Soul Sista: MJ Simpson - A sista with a story

In this session we’ll try and answer any questions you have about the things that happened in last night’s main meeting.

Cris Rogers - The Simple Life

Soul Man: Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft - Band of brothers

Hope in Christ is not just for the future. It can start to renew us, our families and our communities now.

The morning after the night before... Q&A

This session is for any woman who is in leadership or just starting out (including ministry, kids work, youth work, leading a CU, preaching or leading a small group). With her trademark honesty and down-to-earth style Jo will tackle some of the big questions for women in leadership including how we can be empowered, equipped and released to do the things God is calling us to and deal with obstacles and challenges that we face. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (83064)

Celluloid, Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4) (83065)

Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4) (83061)

Your chance to ask any questions you like about working with young people. Café Uno (Map Ref: E4) (83056)

Jo Saxton - Equipping female leaders

Celluloid, Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) (83060)

Graham & Jackie Cray – Renewed

Soul Net Q&A


Live music, crazy games and chilled out vibes.

day four: main meetings: Morning meeting Worship, teaching and ministry @ 11am (Map Ref: E3) (83068)

OTHER THINGS HAPPENING ON SITE TODAY Sports (Map Ref: F4) – It’s all happening today with the It’s a Village Knockout tournament from 2-4.30pm and the Fun Run @ 5.30pm! Bandstand (Map Ref: E4) – A chance for you to be the entertainment from 2pm!

Art Workshop (Map Ref: F3): If you’d like to get into some drawing, painting and/or sculpture get along to the ArtShed from 2-5pm.

Drama workshops (Map Ref: D3, Small Top) @ 2.30 & 4pm

Rock solid (Map Ref: F3) - Freetime café for families - 3.30pm-5.30pm Artshed (Map Ref: F3) - An artist and a Christian? Come along to the discussion @ 4pm

AFTER HOURS Gigs (Map Ref: E4): Check out Four Kornerz @ 10pm

Evening meeting Find a spot in the Big Top as we get tuned in together @ 7pm (Map Ref: E3) (83069)

Celluloid Screen 1 (Map Ref: E4): Can Jared save his family in the strange and magical world that is The Spiderwick Chronicles (PG) @ 10pm

Celluloid Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4): A rat? In the kitchen? What is he gonna do? Ratatouille (U) @ 10pm

Cafes: Hot chocolate mountains & gorgeous slices of cake served up with a backdrop of live music, crazy games and chilled out vibes. Visit Café Uno, Dreggs and the Soul Action café from 9.30pm.

Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4): Got disco fever? There’s only one place for you @ 9.30pm Late night worship (Map Ref: E4): Finish the day worshiping God @ 10.30pm Just looking (Map Ref: F4): Open for you to ask your questions @ 9pm – 11.30pm Furnace (Map Ref: F3): Open @ 10pm for you to offer your prayers to God

Underground (Map Ref: F4): Check out 29th Chapter and Sacred Dance Co. from 9.30pm

Street Dance (Map Ref: E4, Lift) - Try your hand (or rather feet) at a bit dance @ 5pm-6pm






10.00am Communion There are no seminars this morning as we will all meet in the Big Top for Communion at 10am. (Map Ref: E3) (83070) Roman Catholic Mass is available in the ‘Small Top’ next to the ‘Big Top’ at the same time as communion is served in the Big Top (Map Ref: D3). Chat Room (Map Ref: F3): Confession and consultation for Roman Catholic delegates will be available from 9.30am. 2.30pm MJ Simpson - Gossiping grace How can I share my faith with others in a non-threatening way? A biblical look at some first-century experts in this field and some handy tips to try out yourself! Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) 83071)


Riley Fisher - Psalm 23 - A fresh look at an old Psalm These are some of the most famous and beautiful words ever written, recited at countless funerals and framed on walls in many homes and churches. Riley will help us take a deeper look at this psalm, exploring the meaning of the phrases and words used and helping us to see God as the good shepherd who loves us deeply. Seminar B (Map Ref: E4) (83072)

James Grier - God works for good in all things




Just because God can work good through all things, does that mean he causes all things? Could it be that God is as upset as we are when bad things happen? James grapples with this tricky issue to help us find God in the midst of painful circumstances.


Celluloid, Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) (83073)

Graham Cray - 20:20 vision

MJ Simpson - Considering the cross

The Bible tells us that the earth is full of the glory of God, that Jesus only did what he saw his Father doing, and that we are to regard no one from a human point of view. How can we learn to recognise God’s glory, to see what he’s doing and when he wants us to join in, and to see people and situations as he sees them? Graham gives us some practical lessons in discernment to give us 20:20 spiritual vision. Underground

What is the cross really about? Why did Jesus have to die? How come it’s called ‘Good News’? A Bible-based exploration of the sufficiency, simplicity and saving-work of the cross. Seminar B

(Map Ref: F4) (83074)

They said it couldn’t be done but what did they know?! This seminar will attempt the ridiculous task of telling you everything you need to know about every book in the Bible in one hour! Come along for some fun! Celluloid, Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4) (83079)

The morning after the night before... Q&A Got any questions about something that happened in last night’s main meeting? Come along to this session and get some answers from some of the people who were involved in leading it. Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (83075)

Eddie Lyle ‘The persecuted church’ There are some parts of the world where you can be arrested and imprisoned simply for having a Bible in your house. Imagine that, being put in a cell, maybe tortured and discriminated against because of a belief in Jesus. It sounds like something straight out of the New Testament, but sadly, believers in certain countries around the world still face these issues. Open Doors are working to support the persecuted church in these countries… come along to hear how God is doing incredible things in these areas and see how you can get show your solidarity with those who are suffering for their faith. Mr. Boogies (Map Ref: E4)(83076)

4pm Jo Saxton - Life beyond the quiet time. Part 2 of 2 As Paul mentors his young protégé Timothy, he urges him to, “Train yourself to be godly”. This session looks at some spiritual disciplines that can help us grow as Christians in the 21st Century world like fasting, silence, solitude and giving. Jo will also deal with questions like how can we make space for God when we’re crazy busy, how do we tackle the Bible when we can’t get into the study notes and, if we’re all different, do we still all need to relate to God in the same way? Seminar A (Map Ref: E5)(83077)

(Map Ref: E4) (83078)

Chris Lane - The whole Bible in one hour

Andy Croft – Tricky theology Come and hear Andy tackle some interesting theological questions such as how can God be three AND one? How does the cross work? And does God ever change? Mr Boogies (Map Ref: E4) (83080)

Vicki Blyth – Thriving Sometimes it can feel like we’re lucky if we just survive school but wouldn’t it be amazing if we could actually thrive in our faith instead? Vicki is here to give you top tips to make it happen! Gigs (Map Ref: E4) (83081)

day five:

Catch the best of this week’s lyricist’s lounge

main meetings: Morning meeting Communion @ 10am (Map Ref: E3) (83070)


Food collection: Got any left over food from your camping supplies? Local charities can find good homes for nonperishable and unopened food you don’t want to take home, just bring it to Seminar A (Map Ref: E5) from 5pm.

SITC Durban Q+A - If you think you’d like to come with us to Durban in 2009 then come and get some more info at Celluloid, Screen 1@ 4pm (Map Ref: E4)


Indoor Sports (Map Ref:

Gigs (Map Ref: E4): Don’t

E4) - It’s the long-awaited basketball tournament from 2pm-5pm

Celluloid Screen 1 (Map

Lift (Map Ref: E4) - The skate competition happens today, come and get involved or just check out the talent!

Artshed (Map Ref: F3) -Get creative! It’s the drawing, painting & sculpture workshop from 2pm-5pm.

Rock Solid - Family Freetime café from 3.30pm-5.30pm

miss out on the Best of the Bandstand @ 10pm Ref: E4): Find a fallen star… Stardust (PG) @ 10pm

Celluloid Screen 2 (Map Ref: E4): See Morgan Freeman as God and Steve Carell as a modern day Noah in Evan Almighty (PG) @ 10pm.

Cafes: Cake, glorious cake. And so much more besides. All our cafes open at 9.30pm so take your pick from Dreggs (Map Ref: F4), Café Uno (Map Ref: E4), Soul Action

Evening meeting Our last chance to all get together for worship, teaching and ministry @ 7pm (Map Ref: E3) (83082)

café (Map Ref: F4), the Sports café (Map Ref: E4) and the ToolShed café (Map Ref: F3).

Underground (Map Ref: F4): Jahaziel takes over tonight alongside the best of this week’s lyricist’s lounge from 9.30pm. Mr Boogies You’ll need your disco shoes from 9.30pm

Late night worship (Map Ref: F3): Finish the week with worship @ 10.30pm

Just looking: (Map Ref: F4): Open for you to ask your questions @ 9pm – 11.30pm Furnace: (Map Ref: F3): Spend some time talking to God @ 10pm.



Missions experience in Africa and beyond. Guys Autumn Course: Sept 10-Dec 20th Guys Winter Course: Jan 6-June 1st Girls Winter Course: Jan 6-Jun 1st AILS R MORE DET GE BOOTH FO ED L U SO E DROP BY TH

speaker & worship leader bios: Penny Andrews Penny is a curate in Liverpool and her favourite thing is chilling out in Starbucks with a Latte and a copy of Hello! magazine. She’d like to learn to salsa dance and would love to live and work in South Africa one day. Andreana Arganda Originally from Orange County, Andy now works in Watford where she sings and leads worship at various events as well as investing in young female worship leaders and being a singing coach. She loves being an auntie, cooking, watching 24 & CSI, shoes, the colour blue and playing name that ‘key’ with Sam P and Evans. Mark Bishop Mark has just become a Pioneer Ordained Minister in the Church of England but still has two more years of vicar school to finish. He recently married Carrie and works as part of Oaktree Church Acton, London. He loves music (still remembering all the lyrics to Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme tune!) and enjoys a bit of sport on a Saturday morning when he’s not running a market stall on the local square or sleeping.


Vicki Blyth Previously a Primary school teacher, Vicki works for Scripture Union across Wales, working with churches to encourage, inspire and get them excited about working with children and young people. She loves the theatre and a good natter (not at the same time obviously) and she can even juggle! Sam Breen Sam enjoys singing, hanging out with friends and watching good movies. He is also a big sports fan and can hold his breathe under water for a very long time as well as running 800m in 2mins 5 sec. Impressed? We are! Gareth Burley Gareth has been a pastor for 13 years and works for Fountain Vineyard in South Africa where he is always up to mischief! He loves sports and counts one of his greatest achievements (besides his amazing family) as getting front row tickets to see U2 at Millennium Stadium.

Bill Cahusac Bill works for St. Mark’s Church, Tollington, an inner city parish in London. He is married to Nici, has three fantastic children and loves exercise, sport, movies, music, technology, politics and the ocean. Ben Cantelon Born and raised in the beautiful location of Vancouver in Canada, Ben left it all behind to head up the worship team at Soul Survivor Watford. He’s a big fan of Will Farrell, travelling, eating curry and playing golf but roller coasters scare him (bless.) Last year Ben recorded and released his first album ‘Daylight Breaks Through’. Rev John Coyne John is the Dean of St John’s College and Director of Practical Theology having previously been in parish ministry for nine years and then served for seventeen years as a chaplain in the Royal Air Force. He is married to Sue and has four children and a grand daughter. Rt Rev Graham Cray Graham is the chairman of the Soul Survivor Trust and his day job is Bishop of Maidstone. He is married to Jackie and they have two adult daughters. He chaired the working party that wrote ‘Mission-Shaped Church’ and contributed to ‘Making Sense of Generation Y’. He is the only bishop with a full month of music on his iBook!

Jackie Cray Jackie has worked with children and young people for over 30 years. She is president of the Scripture Union council, is ordained and works as a teacher and as a curate in Ashford, Kent. She is married to Graham and they have two daughters and one cat. Andy Croft Andy has just graduated from Cambridge where he studied Theology and he will soon be working for Soul Survivor fulltime. He’s looking forward to getting a flat with some mates and learning to cook (but he’s not looking forward to having to clean his own toilet). James di Castiglione James is married to Louise, and they have three amazing young children. Shortly after leaving school James worked for, and then pastored Soul Survivor Harrow. After five years there he trained to become a Church of England minister in Nottingham, and recently started his first post as a Curate at The Point Anglican church in mid-Sussex. Riley Fisher Originally from Sydney, Australia, 21 year old Riley is not a fan of the English weather (but tries not to hold it against us). He lives in Watford where he works for the Watford New Hope Trust for the homeless and is part of Soul Survivor Watford. Riley has been away from home so long that he is getting worried about his accent and thinks he may have to

start watching ‘Home & Away’ to keep true to his roots (or at least that’s his excuse). Gemma Foster Gemma is an Assistant Pastor at Soul Survivor Watford where she is responsible for all things evangelistic. She is married to J and they have a kitten called Georgia. Gemma likes eating cheese, drinking coffee and watching LOST (and manages to tolerate her husband’s addiction to Hollyoaks). Jason Gardner Jason works for the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity and heads up the Youth Project Research department which focuses on the generation gap between young and old within society and church. He has degrees in Theology and English, is married to Rachel and is a singer-song writer who performs in small venues across London. Rachel Gardner Rachel lives in London with her husband Jason, is a Youth Worker and the Creative Director of the Romance Academy which was featured on BBC2’s Documentary ‘No sex please we’re teenagers.’ She loves going out for breakfast, shopping in Top Shop and pretending she can body pop! Nancy Goudie Nancie is the director of NGM, an author and a speaker and back in the 80s was a singer for the band Heartbeat (she even appeared on Top of the Pops!).

She is married to Ray and they have two sons, Daniel and Aidan. Nancie enjoys swimming, eating out, shopping and travelling. James Grier James is the Exeter Diocesan Youth Church Adviser and Team Vicar in the Clyst Mission Community, Leader of Soul Exeter and leader of a youth church in Exeter which sounds like rather a lot to us! He is married to Liz and they have two boys Josh and Toby. Andy Hawthorne Andy is the Founder and Director of The Message Trust, which has birthed The Tribe, Blushuk, LZ7, Eden, Genetik Evangelist Training School, The LifeCentre, Breathe & the Eden bus ministry. Manchester born and bred, Andy has a burning passion to see the young people of his city transformed by the gospel. Tim Hughes Tim first led worship at Soul Survivor over 10 years ago and has been involved with the events ever since. He is Director of worship at Holy Trinity Brompton in London, is married to the lovely Rachel and is the proud father of beautiful Phoebe who was born last October. J John J John is a motivational speaker who helps people see the spiritual dimension in life and find purpose in the everyday. Greek-Cypriot by birth, J John lives in Hertfordshire with his wife Killy and their three children.


Fuzz Kitto Fuzz has been a youth worker for over 30 years. He’s an international youth ministry consultant, speaker, trainer, writer, and coach. His passions include collecting stories, creating stories and spreading rumours of hope; and his aim in life is to die doing youth ministry at a very old age. Chris Lane Chris is leader of Langworthy Community Church in Salford, is married to Esther and has a very cute son called Daniel. In September he will become a dad for the second time, and is trying to sleep as much as possible before then. Eddie Lyle A respected Bible teacher and motivator, Eddie is currently Chief Executive of Open Doors UK & Ireland travelling extensively as an advocate for the persecuted church. Eddie is passionate about local church and has been involved in leadership and service in a broad cross section of charismatic evangelical fellowships. Eddie is married to Christine and they have a 17 year old son called Adam. His hobbies include kite flying, rose-growing and deep and profound conversations with his Irish Blue Rowan Cocker Spaniel!


Ali Martin Ali has been around Soul Survivor for many years. Starting as PA to the mighty Liz Biddulph (the director person behind the scenes who makes stuff happen), Ali now co-leads the summer events and heads up Soul Sista as well as working as part of the Soul Survivor Watford pastoral team. Ali loves her Aussie husband Joel, watching Lost, eating pic ‘n’ mix, trying new recipes and going to the cinema. Barry Mason Barry lives in Salford with his wife Becky and their daughter Olivia. He is the National Sports Coordinator for YFC which involves running the Fly, Kick, Skate and Nomad sports mission training teams. Jeannie Morgan Jeannie has been part of the Soul Survivor Watford Church team since it started 14 years ago and has also travelled for several years as part of the Soul Survivor international team teaching about healing and prayer ministry. She is the author of a book entitled ‘Let the Healing Begin’. Jeannie likes to think that she has a healthy lifestyle as her office is in the roof of her new home and involves walking up an extra flight of stairs three times a day; she has also moved her chocolate supply to the top shelf of the fridge!

Julian Muwanguzi Born into a family of nine in Uganda, Julian was sponsored by Compassion to finish her education. Finding she excelled in science, she has gone on to complete a course in Biomedical Lab Technology and is about to start a study at the London School of Hygiene. Her dream is to be a researcher and Molecular Biologist. Sam Parker Sam, the Assistant Worship Pastor at Soul Survivor Watford, recently turned 21 which gave him an opportunity to indulge in one of his great passions: Portuguese chicken at Nandos. Other passions include jamming and writing music with his friends, American TV shows like Lost, Heroes and Prison Break and hanging out in Starbucks. He refuses to go on Facebook, is bad at sport (which he blames on his big feet) and is almost entirely out of his grey wardrobe (just one jumper remains!). Mike Pilavachi Mike is not the same man you may remember from previous years. In fact he’s about half the man he once was after a strict diet that has seen him shed an incredible six stone. When he’s not eating raw carrots Mike keeps himself busy by competing with his friends over anything from a game of tennis to who has the most friends on Facebook or who can eat the most chillies. Oh yeah and he set up this thing called Soul Survivor, pastors a church called Soul Survivor Watford, speaks at churches and events around the world and writes books.

Tim Powell Tim is the marketing dude at XLP and has been involved in youth work in London for five years, leading teams and doing urban schools & community work. Tim is passionate about God, doughnuts and getting creative. He is married to Ruth and has an 18 month old son called Ezekiel. Patrick Regan Patrick Regan is the founder and Director of XLP a charity that works with young people using school assemblies and lessons, after school and lunch time clubs, a bus that goes to local estates, arts showcase events and a ‘Gunz Down’ tour to empower them and help them make wise lifestyle choices. Patrick is married to Diane and they have two children, Keziah and Daniel (which explains why Patrick can often be heard singing ‘What’s the story in Balamory?’). Cris Rogers Cris is the leader of Soul Survivor Harrow, is married to Beki and has two children - Isaac and Daisy. He loves watching films and we have to say we’re a little jealous to hear that he even has his own cinema in his loft! Cris is passionate for social action and is the author of the intriguingly titled book ‘A Monkey’s Orientation’. Mark Russell Mark Russell is the youngest ever Chief Executive of Church Army, an organisation of 350 Evangelists, committed to bringing the Gospel in word and action to the least, the last and the lost. Mark likes to travel, ski, and go to the gym and is an avid fan of the West Wing, Blackadder and Father Ted.

Chris Saxton As a Missionary Pastor at a church in downtown Phoenix, Chris leads a discipleship training year for young adults. He is a fan of Liverpool FC, loves playing golf, sleeping and mountain biking. He is also particularly proud of the fact that his & wife Jo’s two girls (Tia 3 & Zoë 18months) like tea parties, playing football and playing with worms! Jo Saxton Jo is a church consultant for 3DMinistries and a leadership coach for emerging female leaders. She is married to Chris and has two girls (Tia 3 and Zoë 18months) and loves reading, watching Grey’s Anatomy and Ugly Betty, exercise and coffee shops. Richard Shaw Richard works for Scripture Union in East London focusing on schools work, networking and mission. He is married to Helen and has two children Laura and Bradley. Tre Sheppard Now helping to lead the Causeway Coast Vineyard in Northern Ireland, Tre is originally from the USA. He is the front man for onehundredhours, runs a consulting business and enjoys surfing, playing golf and mowing the lawn. MJ Simpson One of five kids (with four brothers!) MJ is a passionate sportswoman who once upon a time played hockey for Scotland in the European Youth Tournament. Now she is a student in Spanish and Italian who

also loves chatting to anyone about Jesus and can make a flower out of her tongue! David Westlake David is one of the Directors at the Christian Relief and development charity, Tearfund and heads up the Soul Action/Tearfund partnership. As well as directing things David likes to spend time with his wife Minu and their daughter Ellie. He doesn’t like doing DIY (but does it anyway), thinks West Wing is the best thing that’s ever been on TV and collects large, comfortable sofas. Rich Wilson Rich is part of the Leadership for Fusion and Open Heaven church in Loughborough. He is married to Ness and they have two daughters Amelia and Lauren. He enjoys cooking and golf and has been a life long sufferer at the hands of Man City. Pete Wynter Originally trained as a teacher Pete is now the Youth Congregational Leader at St. Andrew’s Church where his main focus is working with 11 to 18 year olds. He is also busy developing the Young Leaders Conference, which has been a real success over the past few years and is set to continue by expanding to Young Leaders North next year. He is a talented artist, worship leader and speaker and is married to the beautiful Sarah!


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E R U T L U C ¬ A ¬ G N I SHAP 60

You students face a lot of stick and often get stereo-typed into being tea-drinking, work-shirking, late-sleeping, This Morning-watching types. Not here at Soul Survivor. We love students. Really. So much so that we’ve given you your own event which has loads of great teaching aimed at the things you face in your every day life (it’s called Momentum and you can find out more at momentum) This year it’s happening 21st -25th August so why not come and join us over the Bank Holiday weekend? For all students (and soon-to-be students) here at Soul Survivor we’d love to say hello and give you the chance to meet some like-minded people, (particularly helpful if you’re studying away from home and would like to get to know some other Christians in your area). Come along, grab a cup of tea and a biscuit and say hello on Day 3 at 4pm in the Soul Action cafe. (Map Ref: F4)

International welcome If you’ve landed from international shores we’d like to give you a special welcome to the UK and particularly to the fields of Somerset! We hope you have a great time during your stay and if it pours with rain the whole time you’re here we can only say that clichés are clichés for a reason. Sorry. Soul Survivor also has bases around the world in Australia, Holland, Malaysia, New Zealand, the USA and South Africa. Find out more at International Reception: Day 2 at 1.30pm. Small Top (Map Ref: D3)


other stuff soul survivor does… Tour


We’re doing a little mini tour in October 08 and again in February 09, with evenings full of worship, teaching and time for prayer ministry too. We’d love you to come along, so check out for more info!

A tasty mag is uploaded to our website at the start of every month full of articles, audio files and random fun. If you get a minute or two have a read at

Soul Sista As well as a seminar stream at our summer events we run day conferences for girls as part of Soul Sista. The next one is on 14th February (yes, Valentine’s day) and is about sex and relationships. Find out more at

Soul Net Our home for all the things we do for Youth Leaders. We put on an annual retreat (early each year) and occasionally have special regional youth leader days. Find out more at www.

Soul Action The stuff we do with our mates at Tearfund comes under the name of Soul Action. Everything from sending teams to serve poor communities overseas, to raising money and awareness with Slum Survivor or loving your neighbour with the Noise fits in this little bit of who we are. Check it all out at www.


Shop Get all the Soul Survivor goodies you’d ever want at our online shop, including cheap seminar downloads from the events, the latest live albums, books and all sorts of other resources too. Just try for all your Christmas pressie needs!

SOULINTHECITY Durban Back in 2007 nearly 200 of us from our church Soul Survivor Watford travelled to Durban, South Africa and worked on several specific projects and initiatives with a few local churches. It was an amazing time to learn, serve, relax, be challenged, inspired and changed. Furthermore, we’ve just sent a team of 100 volunteers out to serve this summer too (some of whom might be with us this week) and we’re planning on doing the same again next July, but this time, we want you guys to come with us…

To find out more, please go to

In addition to summer events, Soul Survivor does a bunch of other stuff too. Just have a look…

The plan is… To take up to 400 people to Durban over a 2 week period (provisional dates being in early July 09). Mike P will act as a host and tour guide (seriously, he loves being a tour guide) with the heart being that we go to love, learn from and serve our South African friends who are doing some amazing work with the poor communities in their city. How to get involved… If you’d like to get involved then we’d love you to come and join with us. We know the events will be a fantastic time to meet with God, serve the great churches of Durban, be changed ourselves and hopefully help see change in others lives too… so we hope you can come. We’ve recently amended the plans for SOULINTHECITY 2009 but hope that we can now be a great blessing to a more focused area of this amazing city. We’re well excited, and desperate to serve some of the amazing stuff going on in Durban. If you’re up for it, check out www. for more details… More info? Pop along to the SOULINTHECITY Durban Q&A on Day 5 in Celluloid, Screen 1at 4:00pm to ask as many questions as you’d like!

What is HOPE? Most of you will probably have heard about HOPE 08, but in case you’ve been hiding under your duvet this last year, HOPE 08 is an initiative that has been encouraging individuals and churches right across the UK to get stuck into their communities and to communicate the gospel through their actions and words.

What’s been happening? There was an overwhelmingly enthusiastic response to the original idea. The first target of 500 locations getting involved was obliterated when the HOPE team heard from 1400 villages, towns and cities in the first few months of 2008 who

wanted to be a part of things! Loads of young people have got on board with the HOPE Revolution – you can add your stories or read others at www.

HOPE at Soul Survivor We’re really passionate about evangelism so while you’re here we’d love to help equip you for HOPE and beyond by giving you loads of practical tips and ideas on how to tell your friends about Jesus so check out the HOPE seminars led by Roy Crowne (Weeks B & C) and Andy Hawthorne (Week B).

HOPE in 2008 and beyond There’s still a lot more to do during the year of HOPE 08 – including two high points of running Alpha style courses during September and all the opportunities that Christmas brings for telling people the good news. Plus we’re doing a Soul Survivor and HOPE 08 tour in October (find out more at They will be great events to invite your mates to! And of course we’re called to evangelism and mission for our whole lives not just for one year! Everyone involved in HOPE 08 is encouraged to keep going and to see how they can sustain their evangelistic activities over the coming years. Find out more at and get connected with the Hope Revolution at


based on a real experience of Him; one that’s personal and significant to us, whatever ‘type’ of man we might be.

Real lives?

Hosted by Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft Several hundred men in one room at the same time… a bad idea we hear you say. Well forget the lingering weird smell and hazardous levels of testosterone. We’re inviting all the blokes at Soul Survivor to join us for a bonding session each afternoon. And yes, we will talk about sex, girls and other secret man stuff, but that’s not all…

Real men? Just take a look around, men are everywhere and we’re all different. Some of us love the skinny jeans 80’s revival. Some of us go a bit more seventies. Other’s of us still sing our hearts out on the terraces each Saturday, whereas loads of us mix it all up and try to make it all make sense to our own lives. For many of us the metro sexual stereotype that likes fine wine and pointy shoes makes us as uneasy as the brave Aragorn hero-type who wields a sharp blade and massacres orks. With Soul Man we get the chance to ask ‘who should I be?’ and ‘how can I connect my life and passions to following Jesus’?


Real faith? Jesus wasn’t big into sports, music or any of the other stuff we use to define who we are… so is he really a role model for the 21st century man? When we’re brought up on a healthy dose of Indiana Jones, Christiano Ronaldo and Justin Timberlake doesn’t Jesus seem a bit detached from reality? And besides isn’t it weird to sing songs of love to Jesus, after all he is a bloke too? Well, at Soul Man we want to discover the Jesus who’s not locked into a specific interpretation that limits his impact on our lives. Jesus was both compassionate and loving, whilst at the same time being committed, angered and a natural leader. Whoever we are Jesus offers us a real faith that isn’t so much about being religious or saying the right thing, but about doing, changing and seeing others changed too. If we want we can make him our ‘give up everything sacrificial hero’, or if we want we can make him a more gentle, loving, foot washing humble character… but He wants us to discover all of him, to develop a real faith

But how do we live it? Canoeing down some rapids with a bow and arrow on our backs and a ‘kill’ in our minds? Well kind of. We’re all on a journey, are invited along on the adventure Jesus offers us and, importantly, are allowed to be who we are (unless you’re a serial killer, then JC might want you to change quite substantially). But we’re also all broken, struggling with stuff like identity, our past, our future and ourselves. We all make mistakes and probably have a hard time with our thoughts, ambitions, motives and how these fit with our faith. With Soul Man we want to see guys live lives of integrity, honesty and openness. We want to let Jesus help us deal with our messes and go on to keep each other accountable for our actions, choices and decisions. We want to see real men raised up, not guys who fit the often coined stereotypes, but men whose real faith causes them to lead real, risky, adventurous, passionate and whole lives. Get it? If you’re a bloke then pop along to the Soul Man sessions to find out more: Sessions this week (all at 2.30pm in Mr Boogies): Day 2: Sex & relationships Day 3: Man-up! Day 4: Band of brothers (see the Day Planner for individual descriptions)

What’s it all about? Soul Sista is the ‘girls only’ stream of Soul Survivor and it’s a fantastic chance for us to get together and look at the issues that affect us. The rest of the Soul Survivor programme is aimed at both sexes but, let’s face it, in some ways we’re very different from the guys (!) and there can be a real freedom and honesty that comes from just being with our sisters. Here at Soul Survivor, Soul Sista meets over three afternoons but we also run events at different points in the year at the Soul Survivor Watford warehouse (see below for details of our next oneday conference where we’re joining up with Romance Academy!).

Sistas and the Saviour This week we’ve got this great opportunity to hang out with each other and meet with Jesus and we want to grab it with both hands! We’re going to look at what happened when three women in the Bible encountered Jesus and find out how their lives were turned around when they discovered God is compassionate, loving and powerful. The message for us this week is that wherever we’re at, however we’re feeling about ourselves and towards God, we can come and find healing, hope, forgiveness and encouragement. Week B Hosted by Ali Martin and MJ Simpson 2.30 in Big Top Day 2 Ali Martin A Forgiven Sista

Day 3 Day 4

Rachel Gardner An Unhindered Sista MJ Simpson A Sista with a Story

Week C Hosted by Ali Martin and Rachel Hughes 2.30 in Big Top Day 2 Jo Saxton A Forgiven Sista Day 3 Rachel Gardner An Unhindered Sista Day 4 MJ Simpson A Sista with a Story (see Day Planner for individual descriptions)

Soul Sista meets Romance Academy - one day conference – 14th February 2009! Ever since we met Rachel Gardner who heads up the Romance Academy we couldn’t help but love her brilliant

message about sexuality, so we thought we’d get together for the day to take a look at the issues of sex and identity! The event will be at the Soul Survivor Watford warehouse and will include worship, teaching and ministry alongside Soul Sista favourites like the thrift store, chocolate fountains and free hand massages. Book online at shop. - tickets cost £7.50. Find out more To find out more about Soul Sista, get the latest event news, listen to seminars for FREE and read Soul Sista articles go to www. You can also sign up for our free e newsletters that mean you’ll be the first to know what’s happening – at www. 65

soulnet: If you’re a youth leader this SoulNet stuff is all for you! It’s our way of trying to look out for you (because we know you probably spend most of your time looking out for your youth group) so pause here for a few minutes and find out what it’s all about……

SoulNet in the summer Breakfast and seminars Days 2-4: 9am Map Ref: E4, Café Uno While we’re here on site, we’ll be getting together on days 2, 3 and 4 from 9am to have a free cup of coffee and a croissant or a bit of toast before the SoulNet seminar stream kicks off at 9.30. Our teaching in the seminars this week will be from the brilliant Rachel and Jason Gardener (from Romance Academy and the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity respectively) who will share from their fantastic mix of understanding both the theory and experience of youth work. Prophecy Days 2-5: 2pm-5.30pm Map Ref: H4 (Haskins Building) Because we want to encourage you in your work and in your relationship with God, we’d love to pray for you and see if we can hear God on your behalf. The team will be available from 2pm-5.30pm each day so sign up for a slot during the SoulNet breakfasts. New for 2008! Lounge Days 2-5: 2.30pm-4.30pm Map Ref: H4 (Haskins Building) We know that you guys don’t get much of a break here at Soul Survivor so we wanted


to give you a space where you could come and get a cup of tea, find a comfy chair (maybe even a hammock!) and relax. Use the time to chat to other youth leaders, get a bit of shut eye or just read one of the papers or magazines you’ll find; this is your space so how you use it is up to you. Retreat 09 and more Each year a group of us head to Center Parcs to hang out with each other and God, getting to know one another, relaxing and generally having a good time. Pick up a flyer from the SoulNet stand in the ToolShed or go to www.soulsurvivor. com/soulnet and come and join us next year (6th- 9th February in Nottingham)! You’ll also find lots of information on things like SoulNet Networks and regional days which are just some of the ways we’re trying to support you in the fantastic work that you do.

Tell us what you think…We’d love to hear your thoughts about both SoulNet and Soul Survivor in general so please fill in the Youth Leader questionnaire on our website when you get home (www.soulsurvivor. com/uk). We promise to read them all so this is a great chance to have your say!

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Soul Survivor present

how to unlock the power of the Bible:

with Closer to God sponsored by Scripture Union


closer to

GOD 68

Why read the Bible? Because it’s alive! God’s Word has the ability to bring about change. When we read it the words can leap off the page, speaking to us personally. Although the Bible might not answer all our questions directly, reading it prayerfully can help us know God better and make better choices for ourselves and our world. How can you have this experience yourself? Well, here’s a simple 30-day plan for getting into the Bible, written especially for Soul Survivor 2008 by James Davies, a regular contributor to Closer to God – the Bible-reading guide for people who want to see God’s Spirit move in power in their lives. This is your chance to dedicate time to exploring God in his Word. And if you want more you can visit, where our writers discuss a range of Bible passages in greater detail. Or get the printed edition of the next issue of Closer to God for FREE (see offer below). Here are some suggestions to help you as you read: PREPARE yourself to hear God before you start! Ask his Holy Spirit for an understanding mind and a responsive heart. READ the Bible passage carefully, listening for what God has to say. EXPLORE the meaning of the passage before reading each comment or question. Ask yourself: what’s the main point here? What is God showing me about himself or myself? Is there anything to take special notice of? RESPOND to what God has shown you in the passage with worship and prayer. Decide how you might share your discoveries with others, in word or action.

FIVE DAYS ON HOPE Day 1 Romans 15:13 Loads of people can talk a good game, acting all positive and well up for the future, but did you know that there is only one real, true source of hope? Do you feel hopeful today? Take some time to talk to God about it. Put your trust in him – and joy, peace and hope will follow. Day 2 Psalm 25 King David’s thought to have written this psalm, and he had plenty of experience of relying on God when life turned ugly (vs 16–20). David knew from experience that his hope should not be in superior firepower,

clever plans and ideas, or a good education. What, or who, have you put your hope in today? Day 3 Ephesians 1:15–23 Ever slept in until 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm(?!), then stumbled around like a zombie once you’d got up out of bed? We can spiritually sleepwalk through our lives, too, not appreciating what an amazing present and future Jesus has won for us (vs 18–20). Why not get together with a friend or two, read these verses, then pray for each other? Day 4 2 Corinthians 1:9–11 At some points in life, everything looks really bleak and you can feel on

a constant downer. Even the apostle Paul felt like he was on death row at one point (vs 8,9). At times like these, it takes an act of the will to put our hope in Jesus (v 10). Pray now for anyone you know who needs to do just that. Day 5 Matthew 12:15–21 Jesus isn’t just the hope in our lives, he is the hope of nations (v 21), of the whole world. One day, he will bring justice to every wrong situation, healing everyone who is sick. Spend some time worshipping him.

FIVE DAYS ON GRACE Day 6 John 1:14–18 What is God like? Just look at Jesus for the answer (v 18). What is Jesus like? Full of grace and truth (v 14), blessing us time after time after time (v 16). Today, ask Jesus how you can be a blessing to those around you. Day 7 Ephesians 2:1–10 ‘Grace’ isn’t just a name or what you say before meals. Grace means God lavishing his favour upon you (vs 7–9), making you truly alive (vs 4,5), even though you deserved the exact opposite: judgement and a death sentence (v 3). Grace is truly amazing. What does it say about our God? Day 8 Luke 15:11–32 The young rebel of a son made his father a local laughing stock and disgrace. So why did the father accept him back? Grace. The son deserved to be cut off, yet the father was so chuffed at his return, he sprinted down the road to meet him (v 20). Is this how you picture your heavenly Father acting towards you? Day 9 Romans 5:17 Jesus has made a way for us to the Father. We can never earn that right – no one could ever live a good enough life. All we need to do to get


right with God is accept Jesus’ gift of righteousness. Through his gift and God’s grace, you can overcome any and all situations life may throw at you. Day 10 Matthew 18:21–35 We almost always think we’re in the right when we hold a grudge against someone. But God expects us to show grace towards others because he has lavished his grace upon us. Is he speaking to you right now about someone you need to forgive?

FIVE DAYS ON EVANGELISM Day 11 Matthew 28:16–20 Jesus wants everyone to come into the kingdom and know his Father (v 19). Today, you may not be off to Uganda, Paraguay or Chongqing Province to make disciples, but what about a friend or neighbour at home? Could God use you to demonstrate his love to them? Day 12 1 Peter 3:14–16 It isn’t your responsibility to make someone a Christian – that’s God’s work. We are to put Jesus first in our lives and to be ready for people’s curiosity (v 15). Pray for your friends and family to ask you questions about your faith, and for God to give you gentle, gracious answers. Day 13 Acts 5:12–16 How amazing is that? In 2008 we might not be seeing hospital porters laying sick patients out in the road as we walk by, but God’s kingdom is about words and power. Why not get together with some of your friends and begin to pray regularly to see more healings in the church and on the streets?


Day 14 Acts 8:4–8 It took just one person to change a city… that’s all God needs. You might be young, you might not have been a Christian very long, you might not think you know all that much. But God can use you for amazing things. Pray he’ll make you a joy-bringer, like Philip. Day 15 Acts 17:16–34 Paul tried to understand the people he was reaching out to (vs 16,22,23). He related the good news about Jesus to the people in Athens in a way that made sense to them (v 28). Can you think of different ways to help your friends understand the gospel?

FIVE DAYS ON GOD’S WORD Day 16 Psalm 119:9–11 Nowadays, life can move at such a fast pace that it’s difficult to know what the right thing to do or say is. Knowing the Bible for yourself is so important. Try memorising a different key verse each week (you could start with verse 10). Day 17 Psalm 119:97–105 Would your teacher agree (v 99)?! Knowing the Bible for yourself, and putting what you read into practice, will transform your life. God is waiting to speak to you through his Word (v 102), to help you navigate the moral maze (v 105). Are you willing to listen? Day 18 2 Timothy 3:14–17 Timothy was young, but he had a lot of responsibility. What helped him was knowing God and God’s Word for himself – this meant he was well-equipped (v 17). Is there anyone you could study the Bible with (v 14)?

Day 19 Hebrews 4:12,13 Go and watch a butcher slice and dice a joint of meat: God’s word cuts through to the heart of our lives in a similar way, exposing pretence and illusion and challenging us to get right with our Creator and Lord (v 13). It’s powerful and incisive, not boring. Make it your habit to ask God to speak to you through the Bible. Day 20 James 1:22–26 Some people can wow us with their Bible knowledge, only to go and slag off their best friend (v 26). It’s not what we know about the Bible that counts… it’s what we know and do (v 22). Bring your life into line and you will be blessed (v 25).

FIVE DAYS ON PRAYER Day 21 Matthew 6:5–15 The disciples were so impressed with how Jesus prayed, they asked him to teach them. Why not spend some time following Jesus’ lead (vs 9–13), making it personal to you – what are your immediate needs today (v 11)? In what areas of your life do you need to see God’s way put into practice (v 10)? Day 22 John 14:12–14 Don’t think this means you can go out and ask God for a Ferrari or a top ten chart hit. But what a promise! Asking in Jesus’ name (vs 13,14) means praying in line with Jesus’ character and way of doing things. What do you dare ask God for today? Day 23 Daniel 6:1–10 Daniel lived through not one but two death threats (check for yourself). Instead of being tempted to take a month off from prayer (v 7), he kept God his number one priority. He was

the most important man in the country (v 3), his life was under threat, but no matter what, he still prayed (v 10). What an example for us to follow. Day 24 Ephesians 3:14–21 There’s no getting round it, if you want to know God you need to spend time with him. He has so much more in store for you than you currently know (vs 18–20). Paul kneeled (v 14): he was desperate for the Ephesian Christians to discover all that God had for them. Who might you pray for today? Day 25 John 17:20–26 Whole books have been written on Jesus’ prayer in this chapter and we can spend our lives learning from it. Jesus was thinking about you at this point (v 20). How can we work to see his prayer fulfilled (vs 21–23)?

FIVE DAYS ON JUSTICE Day 26 Luke 4:14–21 Justice is important to Jesus. He is not OK with labour that exploits children. He does not smile upon governments that lock up innocent people. He gets angry when the rich don’t pay the poor a decent wage. In what ways can we show that we care about the things that he cares about? Day 27 Psalm 140:12,13 The Bible is full of references to God caring for and standing up for those who are poor and in need (v 12). Think about your church, back at home. What one thing could your church do to help people in need in the surrounding area? Why not talk to your church leader about it?

Day 28 James 2:14–17 Nice words are soon shown up for what they are if they’re not followed up with actions: empty (vs 15,16). Christlike love in action shows that our faith is truly alive (v 17). Is there anyone in your life that needs some down-to-earth, practical help? Day 29 Deuteronomy 25:13–16 Being a con artist, treating other people unjustly and deceiving them invites God’s judgement (v 16). You might not be tempted to have ‘two differing weights in your bag’, but when are you tempted to be less-thancompletely honest? What might you do about it? Day 30 James 1:26,27 When someone else is being a hypocrite we can spot it a mile off, but what about ourselves? Does the way we talk match what we say we believe (v 26)? Do we look out for the weaker ones (v 27) in our circle of friends or allow them to be bullied? Ask God for help to do the right thing in these areas.

If you found this 30-day plan helpful, you might like to try its big brother, Closer to God – each issue contains three months of full length Biblereading notes and costs £3.50. To buy: • phone: 0845 07 06 006 • online: • write: Scripture Union Mail Order PO Box 5148, Milton Keynes, MLO, MK2 2YX • visit your local Christian bookshop

FREE OFFER Scripture Union is offering a FREE copy of the brand new issue of Closer to God for October to December, worth £3.50 (plus free postage and packing), to the first 200 Soul Survivor event-goers from each week who contact them and quote one of the following codes: ‘Week A’, ‘Week B’ or ‘Week C’. Offer ends 1 October. Don’t miss out… Phone 0845 07 06 006 (charged at the BT local rate) or go to uk/ctgoffer

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a note on ministry times:


One of the things we’re really passionate about is meeting with God. During the main meetings and celebrations we will always seek to involve God, by His Spirit, in what is going on. In real terms this means that there is often a call forward for prayer. This is a specific time to let God ‘minister’ to us – that is to work with and deal with things in our lives. Don’t worry if you’ve never had prayer offered in this way, or if you’re not sure how to pray. We have an experienced ‘Enabling Team’ on hand who will be around to give you a guiding hand, plus there’s a whole bunch of seminars on the Holy Spirit and praying for others too, so get along to one of them. There is no ‘right way’ to pray for each other. However, we’ve included these guidelines as they are tried and tested and tend to work quite well! Please stick to the advice given. So, what happens? Ministry times usually begin with an invitation from someone on the main stage for people to respond to the Holy Spirit. In praying for people, the most important thing to remember is that this is God’s work not ours. We are there to encourage those seeking God and to bless what the Holy Spirit is doing in people. An illustrated guide to praying for others… God can use any of us to help people meet with him, but we’ve found that some of this common sense stuff is useful in making sure we don’t get in God’s way when we’re praying for others.


Keep your eyes open when you pray for someone. This means you are more aware of what God is doing and how the person is responding. It also means you can be prepared if they look like they may fall over in the power of the Spirit. If this does happen then please make sure they are in a comfortable position, not draped over anyone else and that their dignity is maintained (i.e. nothing is on show that shouldn’t be). Stay with them as long as needed and encourage them to go on receiving from God. It is not always necessary to stay with the person you have prayed with but keep a watchful eye on them and continue to check that they are safe.


Don’t be afraid to ask someone what they would like you to pray for and what God is doing – even if the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully on them (Luke 18v40 Jesus asks the blind man ‘What do you want me to do for you?’). However, be aware of not turning this into a long conversation, this is a time for the Holy Spirit to offer counselling, not you! If appropriate speak into the situation or condition in Jesus’ name, be sensitive and recognise that you may be wrong. If you have a prophetic word or picture, offer these as a prayer or in such a way that the person being prayed for can make their own decision as to how appropriate they are. Never insist that what you have to say is a word from God but seek to build up, comfort and encourage the person you’re praying for (1 Cor 14v3).


Encourage the person to receive from God and be still, rather than pray for themselves. Some people may show this attitude de by opening their hands in front of them. You can also lay your hands on them (if they are comfortable with that). This can be helpful for the person being prayed for and biblical, especially with regards to healing (in Mark 1 v40-45 Jesus heals a man of leprosy, in Matthew 19v13-15 Jesus blesses the children). If it is appropriate to pray in this way, be sensitive about where you place your hands.

And finally…

Ears: Listen carefully both to the person you are praying with, and to God. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and encouragement, be prepared to wait, this is God’s work, not yours. The person you are praying for may tell you about things that have happened in their life. Don’t appear to be shocked by any disclosures. Remember that confidentiality is of the utmost importance but DO NOT promise to keep anything secret (especially with regards to claims of abuse). Your first contact in such a situation should be a member of the Enabling Team. They are there both to support you, and the person you are praying with and will be able to take things further if necessary.


Only pray for someone who shares your gender. Prayer ministry can bring up all sorts of stuff and so it’s a tried and tested principle to always have at least one person with you who shares the same physical bits as the person you’re praying for. Even if you’re married we’d ask you to bear this in mind to avoid any confusion for others around you. Thanks.

The whole body:

Allowing the expression of feelings is very important and this might mean people cry, shake or respond in other ways to what God is doing. This is totally cool, but be careful not to suppress or to build up the situation. We want God to do what he needs to do and not get in the way of that.

Not everyone is familiar with ministry and prayer times and some people are fearful when they become aware of God working through the Holy Spirit. We need to help people who are receiving, to feel comfortable and safe, and to encourage them to reach out to God. Always be sensitive and respectful, keep in mind how you would like to be prayed for, constantly ask God’s help no matter how you are praying. Reassure those being prayed for that God has heard sincere prayers and the cries of our hearts and encourage them to expect answers. Speak healing, peace and release in the name of Jesus and remember the place of repentance, forgiving and being forgiven. If a request is made for further ministry then encourage the person to go to the ‘Chat Room’ on site where there will be people available to pray with them. It should also be encouraged that individuals should seek help from their home church where ministry can be continued. Do not make appointments to pray with people outside of the meeting. If extra prayer or counselling is needed then find a member of the Enabling Team and explain the situation. If at any time you feel out of your depth then ask for help. The Enabling Team will be moving around the venue and wearing bright pink badges. We all find ourselves in situations that we cannot handle alone. This is not failure and it’s often good to pray with others, plus is a great way to learn more! All these are tips to help you let God work through you. Remember: don’t worry. The Enabling team and the person leading the meeting will be giving directions and advice to everyone. The important thing is that you are ready and willing to pray for those around you.


Comms Map Ref: E5 Open: 24 hours If you’re faced with a practical problem (like a blocked toilet/broken shower/over-flowing bin) or find yourself faced with an emergency, go and see the amazing Comms team. Tell them what’s going on then stand back in admiration and see them swoop into action. It’s a thing of great beauty we assure you.

Event badge and replacement

Whether you’re a seasoned Soul Survivor camper or a relative newbie this is some helpful stuff to know during your stay. General Information 0303 333 1333 From 9.00am-5.30pm this number is open for general Soul Survivor enquiries. (Please note that ‘general queries’ doesn’t mean this is the way for your mum to contact you to find out if you liked the sandwiches she packed for your journey!)

Information Map Ref: E5 Open: 9am - 7pm If you’ve had questions without answers i.e. have checked with your Village Host and they have exhausted their extensive knowledge, then pop down and say hello to our friendly Information team. They’re even more useful than Wikipedia as they can tell you everything from the number of local cab companies and where the nearest laundrette is to giving you details about one-day event passes. If you’re wondering whether you’ll get to top up your tan they can even give you a five-day weather forecast (as well as a friendly reminder to use sun tan lotion!). There are also regularly updated Information Points around site which will give you all the latest seminar and venue information.


It may look like just a plastic pocket and a piece of coloured paper to you but your event badge is far more important than that. With technology not yet even available to CTU, this pass can track your exact whereabouts from a hundred thousand miles away and tell what you had for dinner last night. OK maybe not. But it is very clever. Basically it tells the lovely stewards that you’re allowed into the venues around site so when they see you waving it proudly they will smile and welcome you in. If you don’t have your badge things could get ugly. The stewards won’t be able to let you into the venues and you’ll have to say goodbye to your mates as they go and enjoy themselves and you go to track down your pass. If you’ve lost it you will need to purchase a replacement one for £20 and no one wants that, so keep it stuck to you at all times! If you don’t fancy sticking a pin through your clothes or you’re the kind of person who tends to lose things then buy a beautiful Soul Survivor lanyard for just £2.50 from the Soul Survivor stand in the Tool Shed and wear your badge around your neck like an Olympic medal. Sort of.

Gate opening times Blue and Pink gates are open daily. Blue gate is open from 7am - 10pm, Pink gate is open from 2.30pm - 6.30pm. Outside of this time please use the ‘deliveries’ entrance.

Facilities for hearing impaired delegates All main meeting venues have a loop system facility. Please see the stewards in the venue for exact locations. Main meetings will also be signed – please sit in the designated area of the Big Top.

Stewards Our stewards are an amazing bunch. They work long days, are often up half the night and barely have a moment’s rest between cleaning up the site, opening and closing venues and stewarding us in the venues of course. Despite this exhausting regime their main goal remains to keep us all safe and happy here on site – aren’t they just lovely?! They are easy to spot as they wear beautiful fluorescent jackets (rumoured to be the inspiration for catwalk designers around the world) and if they ask you to do something (or to stop doing something) please pay attention – they are looking out for you and your safety. If you come across a steward who seems a bit weary – you could always do an extra AOK* and buy them a cup of coffee or a slice of cake to help them through the day! *Find out more about AOK’s on page 13.

Village Hosts Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the wisest of them all? Well your lovely Village Host of course! Each village has its own host (hence the name) who is there to make your Soul Survivor visit run as smoothly as possible. As a species they are pretty handy with a mallet (for helping you with your tent pegs not keeping you in order), are known for their quality cups of tea and hot chocolate and will be able to answer your Soul Survivor related questions quicker than Gordon Ramsay can lose his temper.

Post services


Health and Safety

Need to put something in the post? The on-site post box has collections everyday at 3.30pm and the minimarket offers a couple of Post Office services too. If you need to receive a letter or parcel whilst you’re with us make sure the sender addresses it as below:

“I urge you to take some food. You need it to survive.” So said Paul in Acts 27 and you won’t find us arguing with his logic. Onsite food vans will do you proud if you’re after sandwiches, fish and chips, pizza, Mexican dishes, filled jacket potatoes, crepes and more! Cafes also serve a selection of hot and cold drinks, cakes and snacks to keep your stomach happy.

We know it sounds boring but it’s actually really important that you have a read of the following so you know how to keep yourself and everyone on site safe.

Your name and delegate reference number c/o Soul Survivor Information Royal Bath and West Showground Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 6QN Please check the alphabetised pigeonholes in Information to find your incoming mail.

Lost Property Map Ref: E5 (Comms) If this was the place where property belonging to the brilliant TV show ‘Lost’ was kept it would be a room full of Dharma initiative jumpsuits, bits of plane wreckage and perhaps the odd gas mask. Fun as that would be, this Lost Property is actually the place where you can come and be reunited with the iPod/Bible/jumper/ umbrella that you left behind in a venue on your mad rush to get a slice of cake from a café. If you lose something pop down to Comms (next to Information) and see if it’s been handed in. If you don’t realise until you get home then you can call our office in Watford on your return on 0303 333 1333 to see if we’ve got it. We can only hang on to things for a short amount of time before we start tripping over them (and have to find them a new home) so please call as soon as you can.

Café Uno (map ref: E4) Soul Action café (map ref: F4) Tool Shed café (map ref: F4) Food vans (map ref: E4) Dreggs (Map ref: E4) Sports Café Map ref: E3)

Fire regulations Even if you really fancy someone and think they have all the qualities necessary to be your future wife or husband, you mustn’t pitch your tent less than three metres apart. This reduces fire risks and allows for easy access to each tent in an emergency. If you don’t know a metre from a yard check with your Village Host before you pitch to save having to redo it at a later stage.

Camping Resources It may look like a simple shed but hidden inside the onsite shop are delights such as freshly baked goods and basic supermarket items. Your nearest supermarket is Tesco which is about a 10 minute drive away and is also home to the nearest cash point. To find it, turn left out of the main or Blue gate, follow the A37 and the superstore signs. Please note, Tesco has moved since 2007 and is now in the centre of Shepton Mallet. Freezer packs can be bought for £2 and exchanged for free between 9am & 9.30am plus 4.30pm & 5-5.30pm. Map ref: E4

Gas If you’re something of a Jamie Oliver when it comes to cooking up a feast then you’ll probably need some gas for your gas stove! Extra cylinders can be bought from a very nice man who can be found near the main entrance at the following times: TIMES: Day 1, 5pm - 6pm Days 2 - 5, 8.30am - 9.30am, 12.30pm - 2pm and 5pm - 6pm Departure day - 8.30am - 9.30am for return of deposits. Map Ref: By the Toilets on Orange 3

First Aid Times: 9am – 7pm Map Ref: E6 In the case of accidents and emergencies you can visit our team of doctors, nurses and First Aiders who are on call 24 hours a day. The Medical Centre is open from 9am7pm and outside of these hours help can be obtained through Comms. For non-emergency situations you can visit the GP in Shepton Mallet who will see Soul Survivor delegates as ‘temporary residents’. Ask at the Medical Centre for details. If you have an on-going medical condition, please notify First Aid on arrival and leave any medication with them that needs to be refrigerated (i.e. insulin).

Emergency procedure 1) Try not to panic 2) Don’t call 999 yourself. This can cause confusion and delay the response. 3) Go to Comms, call Comms (0303 333 1335), or grab your nearest Steward/Village Host for emergency help. 4) Comms will then contact the emergency services on your behalf.


All the time we hear about the damage we’re doing to our planet with the way we live (boo!) but sometimes we can do really easy things to make a difference – hurray! Around site you’ll find recycling points where your old glass, plastics, cans and cardboard can be collected and start their journey from being leftover rubbish towards becoming something new and exciting.

You can also recycle any nonperishable and un-opened food that you haven’t used and don’t want to take home with you by bringing it to the Food Collection Point on the last day (Map Ref: E5, Seminar A). Last year we collected an amazing £5,000 worth of stuff that we gave to local charities who very much appreciated your generosity and made sure everything donated found a deserving home.

These are all things you can do but we’re up for doing our bit too to be as green and ethical as we can. This year we’ve been trying to send as much of our correspondence with you by email rather than by post (saving a fare few trees). We’re introducing some Organic options into our cafes and of course all the tea and coffee we serve on site is Fairtrade too.

Doing our bit. Recycling, food collection, Fairtrade: 76

Last year’s offering Last summer you guys gave an amazing £75,000 at our event offerings for a new project in South Africa and SOULINTHECITY Durban! (Plus an extra £9,000 in the £1 bins!) We thought you might like an update on where the money went ….

Halfway house in Durban Ikhayalethu (which means ‘our home’ in Zulu and is pronounced “ick-eye-a-lert-oo”) is the project we told you about last year that has been started in Durban South Africa to give young boys who have lived on the streets for years a place to live, a home and access to education and jobs. If you want to keep up to date with how the project is getting on check out and read how things are developing.

SOULINTHECITY Durban Although most of us won’t be in Durban until next summer, to get everything up and running for ’09 we’ve already needed to have people based there. They’ve been working with the churches and organisations we’ll be partnering with, to make sure that when we descend on the city next year for our houseparty, our time will be well spent and we’ll be helping people who need it the most. There have also been over 80 young people out there this summer working on projects.

2008 offering As in previous years we will take up a collection during the evening meeting on Day 4 of Soul Survivor. This money will go towards expanding the ministry of Soul Survivor in areas that are not paid for by the summer conferences, including leadership development, resourcing youth leaders and our work in Durban and Central Asia. Gift Aid If you pay UK tax please, please, please fill in a Gift Aid form (available from Information and at the Offering collection points). Last year this meant the Government gave us back over £9,000 that you had paid in tax – all because you gave us your signature! Outside of the main meetings you can give in your gift at Information (Map Ref: E5).



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site rules: OK, so this may not seem like the most interesting section of the Soul Survivor programme but it is very important you read and take on board the rules to ensure a healthy, happy stay on site. 1) Youth Leaders are responsible for their under 18’s at all times. 2) Strictly no alcohol on site. 3) Strictly no drugs or drug paraphernalia on site - except for medical purposes. Anyone found in possession of drugs or alcohol will be evicted from the site and refused further entry to the event. Furthermore, all drug-related incidents will be dealt with by our Site Management team and the Police Representatives on site. 4) After arrival, all vehicles must be moved to the designated car parks in order to comply with official Fire & Safety regulations. The only cars allowed on site during Soul Survivor are emergency vehicles or those displaying a valid disabled sticker.

5) Event badges must be worn at all times - they are the only way to get into venues. There is a charge to replace lost passes. 6) Smoking is not permitted inside buildings, marquees or individual tents. 7) No mixed tent/caravan/ accommodation on site i.e. No boys and girls sleeping in the same space unless married. 8) Ball games are to be finished by 10pm - even if you’re convinced that an extra few minutes could see you making an historic come back from a 5-0 defeat. 9) Roller blading, skateboarding or cycling can only occur after dark if you have appropriate lighting (i.e. have a light on your bike or are in a well lit area for roller blading and skateboarding). 10) However hot it gets, and tempting it seems, there is to be no swimming in the lake. 11) Tents or caravans can only be moved to another village by registering with Information. This is essential so we can contact you in the event of an emergency and to maintain site security. 12) No speeding. When arriving/ leaving the showground or unloading/packing up please observe the 10mph speed limit at all times. Please also note, driving lessons are not permitted on site - even though your friends may well be justified in begging you to take more.

13) No parking on site (except in designated car parks). Fire & Safety regulations prohibit this. Cars may be forcibly removed if they are parked illegally on the campsite. 14) Pets are not allowed on site - except guide dogs (please go to the Information Office on your arrival). 15) No accessing into any area that has been marked out of bounds by red and white tape. 16) There are strict guidelines relating to the use of generators on site. Please speak to a member of the team at Comms if you need to use a generator while at Soul Survivor. 17) Soul Survivor wishes to make clear that it does not favour sectarian propaganda or proselytising within the Christian fellowship. This means any individual or group that uses Soul Survivor and its facilities for such purposes does so against the spirit of the event. The organisers reserve the right to cancel any such person or group’s booking and escort them off the site/premises immediately. If you think someone is trying to force their views on you and others please do let us know immediately (come to Information) so we can deal with the situation. 18) Soul Survivor does not operate holiday insurance or cancellation schemes. We strongly recommend that you consult an insurance broker if you require cover. Soul Survivor cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to persons or personal property.

Driving lessons are not permitted on site even though your friends may well be justified in begging you to take more. 80

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