Momentum 2009 Programme

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what’s going on?



Summer 2009 Programme Find out all you need to survive inside.


MOMENTUM is for students and 20 somethings. It’s about spending time connecting with God. Find out more: WWW.SOULSURVIVOR.COM/MOMENTUM

Momentum 2009 22nd-26th Aug £2

On tour Soul Survivor: October 2009 Nights of worship, biblical teaching and waiting on the Holy Spirit On tour: What better way to spend an evening than introducing your mates to Jesus and showing them what Soul Survivor is all about?

Ipswich: 26 October Clitheroe: 28 October Guernsey: 30 October 7:00pm-9:30pm £5 per person Check out the site for detailed venue info.

soul survivor -to go

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Only £7.75

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When all the bands, tents, cafes and crowds are gone, where can we get a faith to take away?

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06/07/2009 12:38

Our DVD, Soul Survivor To Go, is about learning how we follow Jesus in the everyday. Including loads of conversations on living the life with Mike P, Ali Martin, Ben Cantelon, Andy Croft and more, plus stuff on everything from worship and justice to evangelism and the Holy Spirit. This DVD gets to the heart of Soul Survivor, exploring how we can worship Jesus with all we have… wherever we are!

The DVD features... A 60 minute film exploring how to follow Jesus in the everyday.

Four talks from Mike P looking at the major themes of the Bible: Jesus, Covenant, Presence and Grace.

Available in the ToolShed...


T C O 1 3 21


eXperience Urban theologyand Youth work Training

Gap Year 2011 London 2010 2012 2011 A year serving some London’s most amazing, diverse and challenging communities. Get youthwork and theology training as you join XLP’s vibrant team running schools and community work in the inner-London boroughs + arts programmes, sports activities, a trip to Ghana and much more...

Find out more online or meet us in the toolshed at the XLP stand © XLP 2009 . XLP is a registered charity no. 1101095

WELCOME : letter from Mike

Hi Everyone! We’ve been really looking forward to these five days of Momentum where we can take a break from life’s usual craziness, take a deep breath, meet with God and hang out with each other. There’s nothing like setting some time aside to focus on God afresh, to inspire one another and to be equipped for all that’s ahead. So I really want to encourage you to make the most of this time and space we have by being open to God and what he wants to say and do in our lives. There’s loads going on over the next few days so make sure you get a good look at the programme to see what’s happening and then get stuck in! We’re really pleased to have Mike Erre back with us, leading our morning Bible studies and as usual our main focus will be on the morning and evening times of worship, teaching and ministry.

We’ve also got a fantastic new creative arts venue that’s packed with workshops on drama, arts and crafts; dance and songwriting. Café Uno is back in the Big Top, so if you fancy a morning coffee or grabbing a bit of cake before the evening meeting, just head over early and find a spot on a sofa. We know there are lots of different topics you want covered in the seminars so we’ve brought in a whole host of great speakers to help us delve a bit deeper and really get to grips with some of the issues we’re facing in our everyday walks with Jesus. There’s plenty more going on too, not least of all some great cafes and a bar so you can spend lots of time hanging out with your mates discussing the things that are exciting and challenging you! We hope and pray that you really meet with God while you’re here at Momentum.

Love Mike 1 Momentum 2009 Programme

GoinG to the nation the eden network has grown steadily over the last twelve years. over 300 people have joined eden teams, sensing God’s call to become ‘downwardly mobile’, relocating their lives into Manchester’s tough estates to live as salt and light. From all sorts of backgrounds, these disciples of Jesus have put their faith into action by reaching out to young people who everyone else has written off.

Now Eden is going to the nation. The vision is to see hundreds more Christians responding to God’s call to go to our nation’s forgotten places, to communities that are recognised to be amongst most deprived in the UK. The Eden Network is now expanding across the nation with hubs being launched in Sheffield, London, Tyneside, Bradford, Liverpool and many more. Each city will host multiple Eden Teams, each one focused on pioneering for the kingdom amongst a lost generation. The Bible says that: the word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood. (John 1:14)

Eden takes its example straight from the master. He was prepared to get involved, to get his hands dirty... are you?

Photo Credit: Nathan Livings, Leicester (flickr)



In The Programme: What’s Going On?

Summer 2009 22nd-26th Aug


what’s going on?



Summer 2009 Programme Find out all you need to survive inside.

MOMENTUM is for students and 20 somethings. It’s about


spending time connecting with God. Find out more: WWW.OULSURVIVOR.COM/MOMENTUM

Momentum 2009 22nd-26th Aug £2

ADVERTISMENTS Throughout the programme we’ve included information about organisations and resources that we think you might be interested in. Make sure you check them out!

04 What is Momentum? 06 The Main Focus 09 Furnace, Chat Room and Late Night Worship 11 Café Uno and Soul Action café 12 Soul Action 15 Celluloid 16 Sports and Fun Run 18 ToolShed 21 The Union Bar 22 Creative Arts 24 Kids Work 27 Momentum goes green This is the INFO BAR. Check here for venue times and map references. Also look out for other fun bits of information.

28 What Soul Survivor thinks about you… 30 Daily Planner 42 Site Maps 45 Who’s Who 49 Student and International Welcome 50 What else does Soul Survivor do? 53 Offering 54 Bible reading notes 58 Ministry Times 60 Stuff you need to know 64 Site Rules 67 Money-off vouchers! 3 Momentum 2009 Programme

What Is Momentum? And where did it come from?

DAY 1: Sat 22nd August

DAY 2: Sun 23rd August

DAY 3: Mon 24th August

DAY 4: Tue 25th August

DAY 5: Wed 26th August

4 Momentum 2009 Programme

Some of you have been with us since Momentum was just a glint in Mike P’s eye; some of you have no idea who Mike P is, why he has glinting eyes, how you ended up in a field in Somerset or what you’ve let yourself in for over the next five days. For those of you who fall towards the latter camp, let’s fill you in a bit... Momentum started five years ago and grew out of an event for teenagers called Soul Survivor, which started in 1993. The events both have a similar feel - as we’ll explain over the next couple of pages, the heart of them is worshiping God, hearing from his word and praying for each other. But Momentum is much more focused on life as a student or twenty/thirty something. We want to tackle the big issues that surround us at this life stage, to help us all work out what it means to be living for

Jesus in our universities and workplaces (and anywhere else we find ourselves). You’ll find loads of seminars over the next few days that cover everything from handling money to sex & relationships; working out God’s calling on your life to dealing with worry. Basically we hope that Momentum scratches where you’re itching, gives you some food for thought, helps you deepen your relationship with God and equips you to keep going for it when you get back home.

FIND OUT MORE To find out more about Soul Survivor go to:

‘J.John is a superb communicator and he is a man who lives out what he teaches. He is always down to earth, humorous and practical.’ Nicky Gumbel

‘water to those of us that thirst!’ Bear Grylls

an evening with J.John tour with hosts dave hill & michael john & singer nicki rogers

come and have an evening faith-lift 2nd September 7th September 8th September 9th September 14th September 16th September 17th September 21st September 23rd September 24th September 28th September 29th September

Chorleywood Bangor, N. Ireland Lisburn, N. Ireland Belfast, N. Ireland Liverpool Ashford Winchester Norfolk Felixstowe Luton Solihull Stoke on Trent

30th September 5th October 6th October 7th October 8th October 12th October 13th October 14th October 19th October 20th October 21st October

Newport Colchester Lincoln Nottingham Watford Esher Gateshead Stockton Cheltenham Manchester St Albans

tickets £5.00 redeemable against resources For a complete list of dates, venues and ticket information go online to:

Big Top Meetings

The Main Focus There’s loads going on here at Momentum but every morning and evening we put it all on hold for a couple of hours so everyone can meet up in the Big Top. We love it when we can all gather and focus on God together, worshipping him, hearing from his word and giving him opportunity to fill us with his spirit again. If you’ve not hung around with us before, here’s a bit more info on what we do in our main meetings and why we do it.

6 Momentum 2009 Programme


Worship We believe that worshipping God (showing him that we love him) is about a whole lifestyle where we surrender everything to him but when we come together we express how we feel through times of sung worship. These are led by a band and will usually have one song straight after another without interruption as we find that helps us to really focus on Jesus. The idea is to have intimate time with God and to celebrate him; often as we do this we find we receive from him too and are changed to be more like him.

Teaching As well as having a huge range of seminars on offer, we’ve also invited a few different people to share with us in the main meetings. So many of you who were here last year told us how much you loved Mike Erre’s sessions and we were in total agreement so we invited him back to do this year’s morning Bible studies too!

DAY 1 7pm

DAYS 2-4 11am and 7pm

Ministry We don’t want to listen to some ‘nice’ teaching, nod our heads and go away exactly the same. We want to give God as much opportunity to change us as possible and ministry (praying for one another) is one of the ways we do that as we give space to the Holy Spirit to work in us. Sometimes it’s about dealing with the things that have caused us pain in our lives, sometimes we’ll be asking God to come and heal us physically or we may be looking to God to give us strength and compassion to do the things he’s called us to. We don’t plan these times ahead of the meetings because we want to wait on God and ask him what he’d like to do.

We want to give God as much opportunity to change us as possible. Even if you’ve never done this before we’d really encourage you to get involved both in being prayed for and praying for others. Check out our ‘Ministry Guidelines’ on Page 58 to get the basics and feel free to ask the experienced ‘Enabling Team’ who will be around during ministry times if you need any guidance.

DAY 5 10am and 7pm

7 Momentum 2009 Programme


Sometimes the best ideas are the simple ones 8


Momentum 2009

Open: 2.30pm-5.30pm Map Ref: F4


Chat Room Sometimes the best ideas are the simple ones and it doesn’t get much simpler than this, a room where you chat. Pop in any afternoon to talk about anything you like! Maybe God’s been challenging you on something or you’re working through some hard stuff and you could do with a listening ear while you process it. Maybe you’re not sure about some of the Holy Spirit stuff that’s been happening and you’ve got a few questions. Basically anything that’s on your mind is good fodder for a friendly chat over a cuppa so come and say hi to the team and see what happens.

Furnace Talking to God can be one of the most natural things in the world but sometimes it’s great to find a little bit of space and a few things to help us focus. Whether you want to talk to him about some of the stuff that’s been coming up for you this week or seek him for issues around the world – the Furnace is yours. Pop in for five minutes or stay for an hour – no one’s going to tell you what to do or how to do it, so relax and enjoy hanging out with your Maker.

Late Night Worship

Testimonies - God is always doing amazing things and we’d love to hear what he’s been up to in your life during Momentum! You’ll find pens, bits of paper and a cleverly labelled box on the stage in the Big Top for you to write yours down or, if you’d rather email, send us your story at testimonies@ Please let us know if you want your testimony to be kept confidential and don’t feel like you have to have a certified miracle from the Vatican to get in touch - we’d love to hear anything God has done whether you think it’s huge or tiny.

Love worship? Over-flowing with praise for our amazing God? Come and get involved in late-night worship where we end the day telling God how great he is. Generally more chilled and reflective than the main meeting worship, it’s a great place to spend some more time in God’s presence.




10.30-11.30pm Map Ref: G4

Open: 1-6pm & 9.30-11.30pm Map Ref: F4

Momentum 2009 Programme

meet with God

peace Leave the city.

chill out explore

Enjoy God’s amazing creation. Set in 280 acres of dramatic coastal estate in Exmoor National Park, North Devon, Lee Abbey’s location is truly breathtaking.

Conference, retreat and holiday centre. Visit to see our full programme or call 0800 3891189

Escape into the adventure!

Soul Action Café Whoever said that changing the world has to be hard work? We don’t like to point the finger, but they were wrong whoever they were. The vibe at the Soul Action café is all about making a difference but you won’t find yourself exhausted after a visit. The tea, coffee and hot chocolate are all fairly traded*, as are the delicious cakes, so you’ll know you’re doing your bit, all the while fulfilling Soul Action Café’s raison d’etre by finding yourself relaxing into a big pile of cushions, eating, drinking and having a generally nice time. Bliss.

Café Uno Café Uno has had a bit of a makeover this year so get ready to ooooh and ahhh at its sophisticated new look. Sleek and chic, we think Uno has scrubbed up nicely so come along and enjoy the fun. Of course beneath the posh new exterior there’s the usual Uno café delights – like cakes and coffees for starters! Whose Dad? Who doesn’t love Our Dad? We’d be willing to bet our favourite wellies that you can’t find a single person. So we’re glad to say they’re back! All polished and prepped for summer 2009, rocking out your jazz-funk favourites with their trade-mark style. Uno In The Big Top It’s all about faaaaaaamily innit? The Mitchells were on to something you know. So before the start of the main meetings and for a while at the end, you can enjoy some of Café Uno’s finest offerings right in the Big Top. It’s about giving you another chance to hang out with your mates and maybe even make some new ones so lose yourself in the big, comfy armchairs and soak up the atmosphere.

Looking for more ways that you can get involved in changing the world? Read on or find out more at the information points around the café.

Fairly-traded *We use only fairly-traded teas, coffees, hot chocolate and sugar in all our cafes.




Open: 1-6pm & 9.30-midnight Map Ref: F5

Open: 1-6pm & 9.30-midnight Map Ref: F4

Momentum 2009 Programme

Soul Action

Soul Action is... The bit of Soul Survivor where we get to talk about issues of justice and poverty. We work alongside the International Relief & Development agency Tearfund in helping to make Soul Action happen… As well as encouraging and helping you to live out God’s mission, Soul Action also supports projects working in poor countries across the world, some of which you can visit and serve on a Transform team!

Mission Impossible Our God is on a mission. But unlike a spy flick his mission is no secret. His mission was made plain for all to see in Jesus. His mission is grace, justice, restoration, relationship, freedom… change.

Sounds Like Mission Impossible? You might be right, just look around the world. It’s pretty dark sometimes. But God calls us to see what he’s doing and get involved. He asks us to work alongside him to bring his love, light and life to a broken world. He calls us to join him to make the impossible possible. Soul Action is about living out God’s mission. Following Jesus 24/7, seeing what God is doing in the world and getting involved. Join in the impossible mission and commit to doing the following: 12 Momentum 2009 Programme

Tools For Your Mission... We want to help you live out God’s mission, so use these tools: AOK Day: A weekly act of kindness to get you started Slum Survivor: Spend a few days the way a billion spend a lifetime, raising money for - and awareness of - projects serving some of the world’s poorest communities. The Noise: A weekend to serve your local community Serve Overseas: Transform yourself by serving others Check out for more on all these and a bunch of other things too.

Take The Pledge...

Give Yourself: Put others first and remember the poor Speak Up: Shout about the injustice you see around you Get Green: Jesus came to save the whole planet, not just us Tell Others: Spread some of Jesus’ light and life Live It Out: It’s a 24/7 committed lifestyle Join in God’s mission and make the impossible possible.

Your Mission: Will You Choose To Accept It? God calls you to live out his mission; to get involved and work with him in making what seems impossible, possible. He isn’t looking for some Tom Cruise hero types, but people who will give themselves, speak up, go green, tell others and most importantly, live it out 24/7.

What We'll Give You... If you’re game, you won’t be out on your own. We’ll give you some awesome Bible study materials and a whole host of ideas, fundraising initiatives, regular updates and challenging stuff to help you live out God’s mission.

If you’re up for living out God’s mission with your whole life then sign the pledge. You’ll become one of thousands of other followers of Jesus who are committing to live out God’s mission with their whole lives. Up for it? Get yourself a cool Soul Action pledge card from the stand in the ToolShed and get signed up for getting into God’s mission. We’ll also give you a Bible study guide called ‘Getting into God’s mission’ too!

March For The Impossible... What do you stand for? Join with thousands of other followers of Jesus to show the world exactly what God’s mission is all about; loving others, shouting about injustice, getting green, spreading the word and living it out. It’s time to make a stand and march for the impossible! March For The Impossible: May 2010, London

Soul Action At Soul Survivor The Café: Relax down at the Soul Action café and surround yourself with your mates, a fair-trade cuppa and the Soul Action vibe. The Seminars: A series of seminars on all things related to living out God’s mission! The Stand (In The Toolshed): Meet the team, have a chat, find out about serving overseas, get some great resources and find informatuin about running a Slum Survivor in your church or school. The Fun Run: Go on a run and get sponsored by your mates to raise money for Soul Action! MOMENTUM

13 Momentum 2009 Programme

The brand new studio album from Matt Redman featuring songs: You Alone Can Rescue, This Is How We Know, Through It All.








Celluloid The silver screen. The flicks. The good old movies. Whatever you call them we think there’s something pretty special about watching a really good film on a really big screen. We’ve picked some of the highlights of this year’s cinema offerings for your entertainment and there’s no rip off ticket prices here – it’s all free! Bring some snacks and maybe a spare jumper to sit on (Celluloid doesn’t believe in chairs) and enjoy! Be Kind Rewind (12) What do you do if you’ve accidentally wiped all the cassettes at the video rental shop where you work? Remake the old films with your co-worker of course. Or at least that’s Jack Black’s bright idea and so he and Mos Def find themselves reenacting classics like Ghostbusters, The Lion King and Driving Miss Daisy and turn themselves into neighbourhood stars in the process. Slumdog Millionaire (15) Who wants to be a millionaire? Jamal Malik actually. But you probably know that, just like you probably know that Slumdog Millionaire is a visually stunning story about an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai who has a pretty unique story to tell. You’ll also probably know that this film won a gazillion awards including Best Film at the Oscars. We reckon it thoroughly deserved everything it got and that you’ll love it whether it’s your first watch or your fourteenth. Mamma Mia (PG) There is a plot to this film (girl invites three men to her wedding to try and work out which is her father) but it’s sort of superfluous to the sunshine, singing, sailing and silliness that made this film such a huge, huge hit. It’s fun, it’s frothy, it’s full of Abba music – the cast all looked like they had a blast making it and you’ll find yourself smiling and humming along (if not all out singing).

Screenings at 10pm Map Ref: F4

The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas (12) Bruno is an eight year old boy living in Germany whose main concern in life is that he’s been forced to leave his family’s home when his dad is assigned a prison camp to take over. Bruno has nothing to do until he meets Shmuel who lives on the other side of the wire fence at the bottom of Bruno’s new garden. A friendship grows and with it Bruno’s understanding of what Hitler is doing and just what type of soldier his father is. An intriguing wartime tale that packs a powerful emotional punch. Jumper (15) David Rice has a pretty good party trick - he can teleport himself anywhere in the world that he likes. He can rob a bank vault without breaking a sweat and travel to the world’s most exotic places in the blink of an eye. He can even take his crush – Millie (aka Summer) to Rome on a romantic wooing mission. Nice eh? Well it would be except some not so nice people are after him and anyone who can do the same kinds of tricks that he can. Drama and danger ensue as Roland (Samuel L Jackson) tries to teach David about consequences.

15 Momentum 2009 Programme


For some kitsch fun make sure you compete in the Momentum villages ‘It’s a Knockout’ challenge!

Trainers at the ready: it’s time to get sweaty! Whether you’re a serious footballer with an eye on the five-a-side prize or just looking for some fun in the ‘It’s a Knockout’ challenge - you’ve come to the right place for a bit of sporting entertainment. Check out the activities on the next page and get yourself signed up at the Sports Desk from Day 1 to get stuck in.

Remember - you’ve got to be in it to win it!




Momentum 2009

Map Ref: G4 Sports Ring

Open: 1-6pm & 9.30-11.30pm Map Ref: E4


Sports Line Up Panna Tournament

Football. In a cage. Sweet. Days 2-5 from 2pm

Five-A-Side Footie Competition Begins Day 2 at 2pm

Volleyball Begins Day 3 at 2pm

Ultimate Frisbee Begins Day 3 at 2pm

Basketball Day 5 from 2pm

Momentum Villages: It’s A Knockout Kitsch fun, inspired by an old-school TV show and the best bits of a classic sports day. Day 4 from 2pm

Fun Run We’re looking for four different types of people to get involved in our Fun Run…. Energetic types. You know who you are – you keep a set of bibs, goals and various balls in the boot of your car and whip them out whenever you see an inch of grass. Your role is to don your running shoes, stretch your muscles and leg it around the course to the sounds of a cheering crowd. Eighties style headbands are optional. Entertainers. Does your CV say ‘class clown’? Do you answer every question with a gag? Then keep the crowds happy by doing the fun run in the best fancy dress costume you can find on a camping ground. Even if you crawl around the course, the crowd will love you. Generous. You may not know a Frisbee from a football but you’re always first at the bar buying your friends a drink. You can join in the fun of the run by sponsoring your mates (and any passing strangers) to get sweaty. PS – see you at the bar later?? Loud mouths. People hear you coming a mile off? Then get down to the Fun Run course because we need you! Shout, cheer, holler, whoop, scream and applaud your fellow Momentumites on the Fun Run route as they achieve sporting glory. See? Everyone can get involved and as well as having a brilliant time you know you’re part of raising lots of cash to go to Soul Action projects. Sign up at Information or the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed and see Page 12-13 to find out more about the work of Soul Action.

Sports Café Exhausted from all that running around? Tired from just watching all the sporting activities?! Take it easy, replenish your bodily fluids and watch everyone else doing all the hard work. Genius.




Open: 1-6pm & 9.30-11.30pm Map Ref: E4

Day 4: 5.15 for a 5.30 start Map Ref: F4

Momentum 2009 Programme

The ToolShed is all about giving you resources to help you in your relationship with Jesus.

ToolShed Oh, what’s occurring? Well that’s a good question Nessa and one that’s not easy to answer about a place like the ToolShed.

The truth is that there’s a whole lot occuring between these four walls. So much so, that those in the know have issued a Mass Information Warning. You see we’ve gathered organisations from far and wide and asked them to join us for these five days to pass on all their knowledge and goodness to you. Well sort of. What we really mean to say is that the ToolShed is all about giving you resources (or tools you could say) to help you in your relationship with Jesus. These may be Bibles, books, CDs and DVDs or they might be charities here to tell you about Gap Year opportunities or what they do and how you can get involved. If you’ve missed a seminar from this week, you’ll also be able to come and buy that on CD here. Tidy. 18 Momentum 2009 Programme

The Office* Wondering what is going on outside of these fair fields of Somerset? It’s true; the world is carrying on without us - weird eh? But there’s this rumour going round that there’s a way to make contact - hand over 50 pennies and the kind people at The Office will give you access to a computer for 15 minutes. On said computer you can experience the joys of what is known as the world wide web. Apparently it’s a great way to communicate with people anywhere in the world plus you can get loads of information from the latest sports news to a weather forecast and loads more. Amazing eh? We thought so.

All kinds of resources are available such as books, CDs and DVDs.

Soul Survivor Café Want a break from all the busyness of the ToolShed? Well, grab a coffee, pull up a chair and take it easy for a few minutes at the Soul Survivor café. This oasis of calm is a great place to boost your energy levels before continuing on your way. It’s manned by a friendly team of Soul Survivor bods so it’s also a great place to ask any questions about the events and what we get up to the rest of the year too. Come and say hi - we’d love to meet you!

Compassion Café Looking to map a route around the ToolShed? The Compassion café could be just the place to do it. It’s perched up on the Mezzanine floor so you can tuck into a large chunk of cake, slurp on a cup of tea and check out which stands you might like to visit when you’ve raised the required energy levels. As the name suggests this café is run by our friends from Compassion. We think they’re brilliant and love the work they do with children around the world who live in extreme poverty - check out their info and you’re bound to love them too!

You might like to know... That we don’t let anyone market anything to you outside of the ToolShed. Everyone in this venue has been asked to play nicely - they won’t try and push any ideas, products or agenda on you - so you can relax and enjoy browsing without feeling harassed. If you think someone isn’t playing by the rules then let someone in Information know.

TOOL SHED Open: 1-6pm & 9.00-11.30pm Map Ref: F4

*THE OFFICE Sponsored By Compassion

19 Momentum 2009 Programme

Be equipped to serve God anywhere! • Bible-based cross-cultural training for overseas & UK • Live and study in a vibrant international community Charity No. 1054907 Company No. 3173420

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Central England

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Accredited one and two year courses leading to a BA in Theology and Ministry, with a wide range of electives and modules available.

Engaging your mind; developing the whole person Visit: Or call: 01792 203 463

The Union One of our country’s oldest and finest traditions is visiting the local public house and putting the world to rights over a pint and a packet of pork scratchings. We’re all for tradition and keeping up the fine values that made Great Britain great, so The Union is Momentum’s answer to your local Dog & Duck. For the next five days, this is your regular, so come along and become a part of this social establishment at the heart of the community. To keep things lively, we’ve taken things

THE UNION Open 9.30-midnight Map Ref F4

For the next five days, this is your regular one step further and brought along a few tunes and made space for you to dance if the mood strikes. We can’t say what the music might be as the selection process is at best random though the friendly team are likely to respond to requests*. *Unless you ask for Careless Whisper This is not a 1980s school disco

21 Momentum 2009 Programme

Day 2 Arts & Crafts Day 9:30am - 10:30am:

Creative Arts

Q & A: Working In TV Are you interested in all things TV? Would you like to work in media? What’s it like being a Christian in the industry? Join in the discussion with those in the business!

1pm - 2pm: Art & Craft Time Space and materials for you to create and get all arty! Spend time learning from great artists too.

How do you express your thoughts, feelings, emotions and concerns to God? How do you express them to the world? Most of us use words, but we also have bodies, hands, minds and all sorts to get across what we’re all about. For 2009 we’ve created a whole new massive venue dedicated to creative and artistic expression because we really want to help each other learn new ways to express ourselves and our faith. Everyday we’re running a load of great of stuff in the Creative Arts venue from teaching sessions to practical workshops, performances and much more. Every day is themed, so check out the details, see what’s kicking off and come along to get involved!

2:30pm - 3:30pm: Clothes Customizing Interested in Fashion and what God thinks about it? Want to know how you can make your own fashion illustration and have fun customisng clothes? The workshop will finish with a mini-fashion show!

4pm - 5pm: Graffiti Workshop Learn the history of Graffiti, and the use of it for artistic expression. Design your own piece and check out others’ skills.



Momentum 2009

Map ref: G4 (behind Seminar D)


Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Dance Day

Song-Writing Day

Drama Day

9:30am - 10:30am:

9:30am - 10:30am:

9:30am - 10:30am:

Creative Reflection Come and use your creativity to worship, pray and spend time with God.

Song-writing Workshop Spend some time with other song-writers, playing them your songs and getting creative input. Plus, find out more about how to write songs, what inspires good song-writing and how to record music well.

There is nothing happening in the Creative Arts venue this morning as we’ll all be meeting together in the Big Top for Communion at 10am

1pm - 2pm:

2:30 - 3:30pm:

Vocals Workshop Sing, sing sing! Learn how to belt it out under the direction of some professional vocalists.

Lacey Theatre Company Workshop The lovely chaps from the Lacey Theatre Company will be using this session to show you how to bring the Bible to life using drama and really make the most of its stories and poetry.

1pm - 2:30 pm: Circus Skills And Acrobalance Ever fancied juggling, learning Acrobalance and doing all things Circus related? With these skills becoming a fresh part of theatre and performance art, now is a great time to try them out!

2:30pm - 3:30pm:

3:30pm - 5pm: Dance Workshop Love to use dance as a way of expressing yourself and worshipping God? Come along and get to grips with dance and movement!

Song-writing Workshop Spend some time with other song-writers, playing them your songs and getting creative input. Plus, find out more about how to write songs, what inspires good song-writing and how to record music well.

DAY: 2 - 5 Time: 9:30am-10:30am, 1pm-6pm and 9pm-11:30pm

4pm - 5pm: Lacey Theatre Company Workshop This session is all about how to use drama to express yourself with simple techniques to help you kick start your creative side and your confidence.

9:30 - 11pm:

9:30 - 11pm: ‘Higher States’ Dance Performance A show case presentation of all the diverse forms of dance! This will be an amazing and exciting show using film/choreography/acro balance/abstract movement/circus and theatre.

Big Top (Map Ref: E3)

4pm - 5pm: Percussion Workshop Come along, pick up some sticks and hit something! Work on your rhythm, style and technique with all kinds of percussive instruments. Craft materials will also be available every day while workshops are on for you to get arty and have some fun!

‘The Story So Far’ Performance By The Lacey Theatre Company ‘The Story so Far’ is a multi media piece covering the story of the whole bible, with a close look at the life of Jesus. A one woman show, with poetry, original music, visuals and much more. 23 Momentum 2009 Programme

Kids Work Momentum is aimed at students and twenty/thirtysomethings but we’re aware that some of us come with children attached!

To keep the little ones happy (and to give you a chance to get to the main meetings) we run groups for the under 11’s with games and age appropriate worship and teaching: CRECHE (0-2’s) Map Ref: G4 11-12.30pm PEBBLES (3-4’s) Map Ref: G4 11-12.30pm ROCKETS (5-11’s) Map Ref: F3 11-1pm & 7-8.30pm (doors open 10.45am)

Freetime at Rockets For Families With Children Of All Ages Days 2 - 5 (3:30pm - 5:30pm) Map Ref: F3 Bring your children along for a relaxed drop-in session where you can sit down and grab a cup of tea whilst your offspring are entertained by the provided toys, crafts, cartoons and films on offer.

Baby Bathing 4:45pm - 6:45pm Map Ref: G3

Registration On Day 1 bring your child/children along to the Rockets venue to register them for the kids work sessions (activities will be provided to keep them happy). We’ll take your details and give you a security card which you will need to keep safe so that you can pick your child up at the end of each session. Children will also be signed in and out for additional security. Children aged 10 - 11 can leave sessions unaccompanied if you let us know this is your preference at registration.

Bring along a baby, some toiletries and a towel and we’ll provide a baby bath, warm water and a dry place for you to bathe your nipper.

Special Needs

It is our desire to welcome and include all children and accommodate their particular needs, wherever possible. If your child has additional needs that we would benefit from being aware of, then please do speak to the kids team leader at the first available opportunity.



DAY 2 - 4


Momentum 2009

Registration 5 - 7 pm

11am - 12:30 pm

10:00am - 12 pm (To Allow For Commuion)


Film Sessions In Celluloid There are no supervised evening activities for your children but you’re welcome to bring your kids along to enjoy these films. (For safety reasons children cannot be admitted on their own.) One adult can accompany up to four children so maybe team up with others and take it in turns! The Tale Of Despereaux (U) Despereaux is no ordinary mouse - not only does he have the voice of Matthew Broderick, he has huge ears and refuses to be scared of carving knives (he obviously never heard the nursery rhyme) earning himself banishment from Mouseworld. An all star cast feature in this fun film about bravery and forgiveness. Kung Fu Panda (PG) Hugely popular animation with the voice of Jack Black as our hero, Po, a noodle restaurant waiter. He’s a Kung Fu fanatic who’s a little, er, well, out of shape which could be an issue as he is prophesied as the Chosen One who can save the Valley of Peace. Cue some serious training for one slacker Panda and lots of laughs for us. Bolt – Superhero Dog (PG) Bolt has lived his whole life in front of the cameras displaying his super powers in his own action TV show. But when he’s accidentally shipped from Hollywood to New York he has to rely on a manky old cat and an overweight hamster to help him get home.

Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium (U) Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium is a magical store with a 243-yearold owner. When he tries to pass the shop on to his assistant the inhabitants start to rebel, resulting in chaos that can only be fixed with the help of a shy, lonely boy. Wall-E- (U) Set 700 years in the future at a time when the earth is completely over-run with rubbish and deserted, WALL-E, a garbage collecting robot has been left to clean up the mess. When a female robot is sent on a mission to see if life is sustainable on the earth, WALL-E finds himself in love and heading on a dangerous adventure into the unknown.



Screenings at 7pm Map Ref: F4

Momentum 2009 Programme

Furious? records / Black & White live Presents


24th novemBer belfast WaterfroNt - BelFast

27th novemBer o2 acaDemy birmiNgHam - Birmingham

25th novemBer Hmv PictUre HoUse - edinBurgh

28th novemBer o2 acaDemy leeDs - leeds

028 9033 4455 / Doors: 6.30pm / start: 7.30pm

0844 847 1740 / Doors: 7.00pm / start: 7.45pm

26th novemBer o2 acaDemy bristol - Bristol

0844 477 2000 / Doors: 7.00pm / start: 7.45pm

0844 477 2000 / Doors: 6.30pm / start: 7.15pm

0844 477 2000 / Doors: 6.30pm / start: 7.15pm

29th novemBer Hmv HammersmitH aPollo - london 08448 444 748 / Doors: 6.00pm / start: 7.00pm

Tour TickeT AgenT: there is no support act. tickets: ÂŁ17.50 + booking fees group tickets: buy 10 get 1 free + a low booking fee age restrictions apply

W W W. d e l i r i o u s . c o. u k TheBigC hurC hDayOuT.COm

delirious? HISTORY MAKER the greatesSt hits cd OUT: 2 nd nOv 2009

Momentum Goes Green We like to think we’re at one with this lovely planet we get to call home for a while. And we don’t want to damage it or take for granted all the resources it gives us.

Recyling Bins

Don’t forget to use the recycling bins you’ll find all around the showground – they are the perfect place to dispose of glass, plastics, cans and cardboard.



Everyone deserves a living wage so all the tea, coffee and sugar in our cafes is fairly traded and our t-shirts and hoodies are ethically sourced.

Noticed something green about the cafes? That’s right; they’re all offering tasty organic treats so you can keep your stomach and the planet happy. Result.

Leftover Grub? Unopened tins and packets left at the end of your camping trip? Put them to good use by bringing them along to the Food Collection Point (Seminar A) from 5pm on the last day. It’s not so that we can have a huge feast on baked beans and pasta; instead we’ll give everything to local charities who will make sure it’s all put to excellent use. Hurrah. 27 Momentum 2009 Programme

r e u q Con

o r a j n a Kilim

Take on the worldʼs tallest free-standing mountain for some of the UKʼs most marginalized young people

If you have ever wanted to do an exhilarating challenge for charity here is your chance! Oasis UK are looking for adventurous volunteers to trek to the summit of the world’s tallest freestanding mountain, and if you raise enough in sponsorship you will get to take part for free! Be prepared to immerse yourself in the tranquillity of the jungle, spectacular wildlife, breathtaking glaciers and experience something others will only ever dream of. If you have a sense of adventure and the desire to do something challenging for a great cause, at the same time!

To find out more visit us in the Toolshed, phone 0207 921 4200 or email

Fancy something closer to home? You can also jump out of a plane, cycle from London to Paris, or run the 10K for Oasis. To find out more visit:

What Soul Survivor Thinks About You... We might blush as we say this, but we think you’re pretty great. Hey, we figured it was better to get our feelings out in the open!

We also think it’s really important that while you’re here with us at Momentum you feel loved, accepted and respected. We don’t want you to feel bombarded by marketing or surrounded by sales pitches (you probably get enough of that the rest of the year). Because we’re really protective of you, we only let people sell their products in the ToolShed (and everyone in there has been thoroughly vetted by us to make sure they’re legit and aren’t going to sell you anything dodgy), and no one on site is allowed to give you a hard time on your views and try and push you into believing anything.

When you’re at Momentum we want you to feel loved, accepted and respected!

Occasionally Mike & Co will tell you about a book, CD or charity during one of the main meetings. If they do, it’s because it’s something they are really passionate about and something they think will be beneficial to you and the kingdom of God. Basically what we’re saying is there are no bribes involved! Tell us what you think of us… We hope our feelings of admiration are requited, but actually we’d like to hear from you whatever you think! You can tell us the good, the bad and the ugly about your experience at Momentum using our online survey.

We don’t wont to push any agendas on you. We only want to share a little of what we feel really passionate about! ONLINE SURVEY Just go to and follow the link to share your views.

29 Momentum 2009 Programme

Seminar Streams What Do All The Pretty Colours Mean? No, they’re not just an attempt by us to make the programme look a little bit like a rainbow (although we quite like that idea). The colours are in fact a very clever way for you to navigate your way through all the seminars that are on offer this week. You see the titles on the following pages? They’re the seminar stream titles and the colour that they’re in corresponds to all the seminars on the day planner for that stream. Still with us? Then read on and make your choices….

30 Momentum 2009 Programme

This one doesn’t take too much explaining as it includes all the brilliant stuff that didn’t fit into another category including the Soul Sista & Soul Man streams, cultural issues and the economy. Varied but interesting we like to think!

Equipping Want to ‘do the stuff’? Excuse our technical term but we think you’ll probably know what we mean. These seminars are all about things like the gifts of the Holy Spirit, praying for others, healings, hearing God’s voice and that sort of thing so go along and get stuck in.

Students Student life is often made up of many things: great mates. Cheap beer. Debt. Flat sharing. Interesting lectures. Deathly dull lectures. Nightmare deadlines. Value baked beans. Exams. Daytime TV. And then there’s the issue of what happens when you leave and get pushed out into the big bad world. So these seminars are for anyone who currently lives the crazy student lifestyle or is about to set sail for it and they’re all about helping you make the most of the highs and deal with the lows. There’s also opportunity to meet others in the same boat and make some new friends!













Soul Action Looking for ways to put your faith into action so that it speaks volumes to the poor and broken of the world? This stream of seminars is a great place to start with loads of practical advice alongside some great theological teaching.

Workplace Lots of us spend roughly 8 hours a day, five days a week, 48 weeks of the year doing that thing called work. These seminars explore how we can embrace what God wants to do in our workplaces, how we can make the most of our working lives and how we can deal with the challenges it brings.

STREAMS The symbols in the upper-right-hand corner of the page represent


the seminar streams. Learn them. Know them. Love them. They’ll be guiding you through the next few days.

Momentum 2009 Programme

Church Can church be something we get really excited about? Something that challenges us, changes us and reaches out effectively to our communities? These seminars explore how to make this a reality, tackling some of the things that may have left us disillusioned along the way.

Emerging Leaders Think you might be called to leadership? These seminars will help you work out some of what it means to be a leader and help you pick up some vital skills.

Going Deeper Feel like stretching your brain a bit? These seminars take you a bit deeper (as you may have guessed from the name), wrestling with some theological issues and navigating some faith-filled mine fields.

Relationships Living the Hollywood dream when it comes to relationships? Nope? Neither are we. Apparently it’s not as easy as the films would have us believe to meet the right person, navigate relationships and build a great marriage. So this stream is all about equipping and encouraging you wherever you’re at whether you’re currently single or looking to keep love alive after a few years on the marriage clock.

Mini Alpha This is a great opportunity to explore the meaning of life through a talk, discussion and plenty of cakes and coffee.

Healing And Wholeness We’re all on a journey towards healing and wholeness and these seminars help tackle some specific areas that may be relevant to you or people you know. The stream includes dealing with anger, depression and sexual addictions, helping us to find ways through to healing and wholeness. 32 Momentum 2009 Programme

Seminar Recordings Missed a seminar or just fancy hearing it again? Come and see us at the Soul Survivor stand in the market place and buy a CD copy to take away with you or download one after the event at shop.


Saturday 22nd August There are no seminars today as we’ll all be busy arriving on site and pitching our tents. Momentum 2009 will kick off at 7pm at the Big Top (Map Ref: E3) with our first evening meeting – see you there!

The Furnace Take some time to pray at The Furnace from 9.30pm (Map Ref: F4)

Evening Entertainment


After the main meeting, get your bearings and take your pick from the following:

You have three lifelines to guess what tonight’s film is... check out Slumdog Millionaire @10pm (Map Ref: F4)

Cafes Find some tasty treats at one of the cafes from 9.30pm. Café Uno (Map Ref: F5) Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4), Soul Survivor & Compassion Cafés in the Toolshed (Map Ref: F4) or the Sports Café (Map Ref: E4)

Sports OK so you can’t play any tonight but you can sign up for the week’s tournaments at the Sports Desk (Map Ref: E4) which is the next best thing

The Union Make mine a pint, come visit The Union from 10pm (Map Ref: F4)

Late Night Worship Spend some more time in worship from 10.30pm (Map Ref: G4 - in Seminar D)

33 Momentum 2009 Programme

DAY TWO 9:30am Viv Thomas:

Spiritual Transformation, Memory

If we are going to be transformed into all that God wants us to be then what we remember is critical because it is out of our memories that we learn how to live. If we remember the wrong things we live badly, if we remember the right things there is a chance of living really well. Your memory shapes what you are and how you live. Forget to be at this seminar and you may miss the rest of your life! Celluloid (Map Ref: F4) (96005) Ken Costa:

What Are You Doing With What You’ve Been Given?

How do we know the will of God in our lives in times of uncertainty such as when we’re changing job, moving home, starting or ending a relationship? Life is pressurised, stressful and uncertain; the world has been shaken by a financial tsunami as never before. Against this background, Ken will explore how we make difficult decisions, live lives of purpose and fulfilment, and become the person God meant for us to be. Union Bar (Map Ref: F4) (96006) Emily Vesey:

No Regrets

Apparently, the thing most people regret at the end of their lives is the fact that they didn’t take enough risks; they didn’t invest enough heart and just didn’t love enough. So, what about us? Will we say the same thing? Or will we dare to be different and take big risks for God? This session will look at how people like Amos in the Bible lived differently to see what we can learn about relying on God, living boldly and loving well! Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) (96008)

34 Momentum 2009 Programme

Sunday 23rd August

Ben Collins:

Leadership - Responsibilities That Come With The Job!

If leadership is done well it can empower, enthuse and energise others; done badly it can be a debilitating and de-motivating experience for those around us. Leadership is a privilege that comes with a degree of responsibility and we owe it to those who we serve (or may serve in the future) to become students of the topic. There are no guarantees or formulas but some God given common sense from Ben may help us on our way! Seminar A (Map Ref: F5) (96001) Michael Ramsden: Can God Make A Stone So Heavy He Cannot Lift It?

What are some of the basic things that every Christian should know about God being God? What does it mean to be all powerful? Was God bored before he Created the Universe? We’ve all got lots of questions – Michael has some answers! Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (96003) Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft:

Praying For People So That Stuff Happens

A hands-on session for teams and anyone who wants to see the Holy Spirit move when they pray for people. Covering the basics of how to invite the Holy Spirit and how not to get in the way so that he can do his thing! This session will also explain how to pray for someone who wants to become a Christian. Seminar D (Map Ref: G4) (96004) Mini Alpha 1 (Jamie Haith):

Why Did Jesus Die?

Christians say things like “Jesus died for you and me”…But what does that even mean? Why’d he have to die? And what has it got to do with us, 2000 years later on? Come and look into the heart of the Christian faith, explore the problem, hear the solution, and see the results it offers! If Jesus was who he said he was, then there’s no bigger question than this. Café Uno (Map Ref F5) (96007)

2:30pm Ken Costa:

Win at work without losing in life

What happens when the two worlds of God and work collide? Do we just get squashed? There are all sorts of issues that face us at work: fear, insecurities, stress, disappointment, lack of fulfilment. Times may be financially depressed but they are spiritually exciting as we look to live at ease with God, our colleagues and ourselves. Seminar A (Map Ref: F5) (96009) Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft:

Soul Man: Horny?

Most of us guys are testosterone machines… here we take an honest look at what the Bible says about sex and relationships, why it says it, how we can follow it’s teachings and what to do if we’ve already messed it up. Seminar B (Map Ref: F4) (96010) Chris Lane:

The Greatest Comeback In History

No, not Man Utd in 1999, Liverpool in Istanbul or even Take That! Did Jesus really rise from the dead? If so, what does this mean for our lives? Chris will attempt to show how Jesus’ resurrection is so much more than a happy ending to the Easter story! Seminar D (Map Ref: G4) (96012)

Don’t forget to check out all the other things happening around site today such as arts and crafts day in the Creative Arts venue and the International Reception!

Toby Bassford:

Vision for Life 1 Redefining a lifetime pursuit

Have you boiled your life down into one thing to focus on yet? King David said in Ps 27 “One thing I ask of the Lord” He knew the thing to align his whole life around, but so often we set our hearts, emotions and affections on things that seem important but shouldn’t define us or be our primary pursuit. How can we realign our perspective and seek a new vision for life based upon the pursuit of relationship with God and the extension of His Kingdom? Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (96011) Rev. Dr Andy Emerton:

Getting Collared: An Introduction to Ordination

What’s the process, purpose and passion involved in becoming a vicar for the Church of England? How do you even know if you’re called to be a vicar in the first place? Can you still be yourself? Is the C of E really changing? Do you have to wear robes and what is a vestment? All valid questions, some of which may be answered in this session! Celluloid (Map Ref F4) (96013) Frog & Amy:

Deep Church (Part 1 of 2)

Escape the fake, and find out about ‘deep church’ - beyond the brands of Christianity to the real deal: a church that is truly compassionate, challenging, bold, courageous, and there for the broken and the hurting. Doesn’t that sound like something to get excited about, a church you want to be part of? Step back from the precipice of disillusionment and find answers for your soul. Union Bar (Map Ref: F4) (96014) Rich Wilson:

Starting University Well

The first few weeks at university can be a bit overwhelming: a new home, new city, new faces, new pubs and new churches all on top of a hundred conversations per day about what A levels you took. Oh and a degree to get started on. It’s a fantastic opportunity but how do we make the most of it and avoid some of the common things that trip people up like drink, drugs and sex? Soul Action Café (Map Ref F4 (96015) Jo Saxton:

Soul Sista: All About Eve

When God looked down from heaven and made woman, what on earth was he thinking?! As we take a closer look at the life of Eve, come and discover God’s passion, purpose and potential for us women today. Big Top (Map Ref: E3) (96016)

4:00pm Ness Wilson:

Other things happening around site today


Everyone goes on about this thing known as ‘calling’ – but what does it actually mean? This seminar is for anyone who’s wondered whether it’s Biblical to have a calling, thought about what it might look like and asked the all important question: how can we discover God’s calling for our lives? Seminar A (Map Ref: F5) (96017) Mike Pilavachi:

The ‘S’ Word

Singleness. (There, we said it). If it’s not good for man to be alone - or woman for that matter - then how come so many of us are? How can we enjoy the benefits of a single life without being crippled by the painful aspects? What does God make of it all and what’s the deal with the ‘c’ words (the call to celibacy)? Seminar B (Map Ref: F4) (96018) Jo Saxton:

History Makers And World Shakers… (Part 1 Of 2)

Throughout history Christians have responded to the challenges of their culture, taking radical steps to love God, love others and love the world. This series seeks to learn from their example as we live for Jesus in today’s world. Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (96019) Viv Thomas:

Spiritual Transformation, Rest

If we are going to live well we need to be as intentional about rest as we are about work as life with God is something we receive not just something we do. In the middle of the contemporary rush, quality rest is pivotal in spiritual transformation. If we are going to flourish we have to move from rest to work and not the other way around. Celluloid (Map Ref F4) (96021) Tim Hughes:

The Effective Worship Leader

Six questions to be asking before, during and after a time of worship. Seminar D (Map Ref: G4) (96020)

The Main Event:

Worship, teaching and Ministry in the Big Top at 11am and 7pm Big Top (Map Ref: E3)

Creative Arts:

It’s arts and crafts day today so try your hand at everything from clothes customising to graffiti Creative Arts Venue (Map Ref: G4)


Check out the cafés for a nice cuppa and a slice of cake all open from 1pm and 9.30pm Café Uno (Map Ref: F5), Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) Soul Survivor and Compassion Cafés in the ToolShed (Map Ref: F4)


Loads of great resources and information on brilliant organisations! Open 1pm6pm and 9.30pm-11.30pm ToolShed (Map Ref: F4)

International Reception:

Come from overseas? Come and say hello in Celluloid at 1.15pm Celluloid (Map Ref: F4)


Get involved in the Five-a-side footie tournament from 2.30pm today

The Union:

Fancy a boogie?! Head to the ‘Union’ from 10pm The Union (Map Ref: F4)


Warm up your vocal chords, it’s Mamma Mia @ 10pm Celluloid (Map Ref: F4)

Late Night Worship:

Finish your day praising God from 10:30pm Late Night Worship (Map Ref: G4)

Get Together:

Student Reception

All students and students-to-be are invited to come along and make some new friends! Soul Action Café (Map Ref F4) (96022)

35 Momentum 2009 Programme

DAY THREE 9:30 am Ben Collins:

Jesus in the workplace (Part 1 – Values at the Core)

It’s easy to walk away from the tough places and the tough decisions but God’s heart is to transform every industry. To be a part of that we must have a game plan, a set of kingdom values so that when tough times come we have worked out how we will respond. This seminar looks at how these kingdom values can have a radical impact at work by giving a real integrity to the gospel we preach. Seminar A (Map Ref:F5) (96023) Andy Croft:

The Holy Who?

The Father? Sure. Jesus? Yep. The Holy WHO? The Holy Spirit is the least talked about member of the Trinity. Just who is he? Is he even in the Bible? Is he just a nice feeling? What does he like? Why does he do weird things? Is he that important? Come and get to know the Holy Spirit better… Seminar B (Map Ref: F4) (96024) Michael Ramsden:

Questions, Questions

What is the hardest question you can think of about the Christian faith? What is the question you would not want to be asked? You bring the questions – Michael will try to provide some answers! Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (96025) Bishop Graham Cray:

Outclass Your Culture

Our challenge today is not so much to criticise our culture as to outclass it. If the ‘lost’ are to be found, the ‘found’ have to grow in their faith and lead Godly lives. How do we tackle discipleship in our twenties and thirties? What does whole life discipleship look like? How does it grow? How could it make a difference to those around us? Seminar D (Map Ref: G4) (96026)

36 Momentum 2009 Programme

Monday 24th August

Viv Thomas:

Spiritual Transformation, Rhythm

How do you keep going in the process of spiritual transformation over the next five years? You need to develop a rhythm of life that fits your life, personality and circumstances.Much of your life is formed in the 10 to 12 major decisions you make each day so the key is making your passion for Jesus a practice that can be played out in the everyday. Pivotal in this is getting into your rhythm. Celluloid (Map Ref F4) (96027) Maggie Ellis:

A Sexually Free Generation? (Part 1)

Addictions come in many shapes and forms, some more socially acceptable than others, but all of them reduce our joie de vivre and our capacity to engage in all God has called us to be. Sexual addictions can be particularly hard to talk about and yet they are all too common. This will be a therapeutic session where you will have guided space to go through a private worksheet to help you break habits that you want to be free of. You will not be asked to share anything personal with anyone else, but you will be helped to understand your own cycles and how to break free of them. Union Bar (Map Ref: F4) (96028) Mini Alpha 2 (Jamie Haith):

How Can I Have Faith?

If following Jesus is all about faith, then we’d better know what it is and how to have it! This session shows that far from being a blind-folded ramble in the dark, faith is something far more clear and certain. Café Uno (Map Ref F5) (96029) David Westlake:

Mission Impossible? (Part 1 - God’s Mission In The Old Testament)

Flick through the pages of the Bible and you’ll see God is on a mission; a mission involving grace, justice, freedom and change. But how is that mission worked out in the Old Testament and how can we join with others and get involved in his mission today? Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) (96030)

2:30 pm Barry Mason:

Playing the Game God’s way

Love playing sport? Love Jesus? Then come along to hear how you can stand up for your faith in the world of sport whilst playing the best game you can. Seminar A (Map Ref: F5) (96074) Mike Erre

Soul Man: What’s Jesus got to say to us blokes?

How is Jesus a role model for us guys and what does he have to say about the stuff we’re dealing with? An open and honest session on everything from love, sex and relationships to living out our walk with Jesus with integrity and passion. Seminar B (Map Ref: F4) (96031) Toby Bassford:

Vision For Life 2 A Look At The Principles Behind Spiritual Growth

The life described by Jesus is attainable and livable; we simply need the right mindset and practices. There’s so much confusion around grace and discipline, effort and legalism, being “spirit-led” and making plans, and many of us are frankly weighted down in offence and disappointments. This session is about clearing the decks and talking through some of these sticky underlying issues that can hinder our whole-hearted pursuit of God so we can create a healthy foundation from which to live out a radical pursuit of Him. Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (96032) Wil Van Der Hart

Why Do I Feel…Distressed?

There are many people in every church who are suffering silently with worry, depression, low self worth, obsessive thinking and despair. They may be less obvious problems than some but they can still cause a huge amount of pain and can be very limiting. In this seminar we will look at the causes and patterns behind emotional distress and ways of unlocking the cycle. Celluloid (Map Ref F4) (96034)

Chris Lane:

What The Hell?

Angels on clouds, pitch forks, weeping and gnashing of teeth or just plain old darkness? Join Chris for a discussion about hell, heaven and everything in between. You’ll get to check out what the Bible does and doesn’t say about this controversial subject. Seminar D (Map Ref: G4) (96033) Frog & Amy:

Deep Church (Part 2 of 2)

Escape the fake, and find out about ‘deep church’ - beyond the brands of Christianity to the real deal: a church that is truly compassionate, challenging, bold, courageous, and there for the broken and the hurting. Doesn’t that sound like something to get excited about, a church you want to be part of? Union Bar (Map Ref: F4) (96035) Ness Wilson:

Soul Sista: There’s something about Mary

What was it about Mary that God saw when he looked for someone to trust his precious Son to? Mary may have been insignificant to those around her, but in God’s eyes she stood out as a highly favoured, mighty woman, ready to play a strategic part in his redemption plan for the world. This seminar will see what insights we can glean from Mary’s life, her attitudes and responses so that we too can play our part in God’s plans. Big Top (Map Ref: E3) (96036)

4:00 pm Wil Van Der Hart

Why Do I Feel… Angry?

Many Christians struggle with feelings of anger which they feel they’re not supposed to express, causing them to turn the anger inwards. In this seminar we will explore the importance of anger as an emotion and look at what the Bible says about it. Ultimately it looks at ways in which our anger can be both helpfully expressed and resolved. Celluloid (Map Ref F4) (96041)

Mark Greene:

Reading Culture Through Biblical Eyes (Part 1 - Stories We Tell Games We Play, Heroes We Admire)

In this interactive practical series Mark looks at how culture works and offers a Biblical framework and some practical tools for reading the times, reading the media and understanding the dynamics of our workplaces and homes. Seminar A (Map Ref: F5) (96037) Maggie Ellis

Picking Up The Pieces Of A Broken Heart

When serious relationships and marriages break down, it can feel impossible to put the pieces of your broken heart back together. Maggie will look at how we can heal the pain, repair an injured self-image, rebuild trust in the opposite sex, avoid repeating the same negative cycles and find the strength to move on. Seminar B (Map Ref: F4) (96038) Tim Hughes:

The Worship Band

Want to get clued up on band dynamics, arranging songs, unearthing fresh creativity and playing as a team? Come along to get Tim’s take on it all. Seminar D (Map Ref: G4) (96040) Jo Saxton:

History Makers And World Shakers… (Part 2 Of 2)

Throughout history Christians have responded to the challenges of their culture, taking radical steps to love God, love other believers and love the world. This series seeks to learn from their example as we live for Jesus in today’s world. Seminar C (Map Ref: F3) (96039) Simon Hall:

Bleeding Love

On the night that he was betrayed, Jesus faced the greatest temptation of his life: to stop trusting his Father. Many of us struggle with doubts but don’t always know how to talk about or resolve them. This seminar will be an honest look at how we can continue to trust God even when things don’t make much sense. Union Bar (Map Ref: F4) (96042)

Other fun things to do today The Main Event:

Mike Erre continues our morning Bible teachings at 11am and our main evening meeting starts at 7pm in the Big Top Big Top (Map Ref: E3)

Creative Arts:

It’s dance day! Today’s workshops from 1pm include circus skills, Acro balance and expressing your worship through dance. Plus tonight don’t miss the performance of ‘Higher States’ at 9.30pm Creative Arts Venue (Map Ref: G4)


Hot chocolate, cakes and many more treats in our cafes from 1pm and 9.30pm Café Uno (Map Ref: F5), Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) Soul Survivor and Compassion Cafés in the ToolShed (Map Ref: F4)


Loads of great resources and information on brilliant organisations! Open 1pm6pm and 9.30pm-11.30pm ToolShed (Map Ref: F4)

International Reception:

Come from overseas? Come and say hello in Celluloid at 1.15pm Celluloid (Map Ref: F4)


Today’s sporting fun includes volleyball and ultimate Frisbee from 2pm

The Furnace:

Find some space to chat to God in The Furnace from 9.30pm The Furnace (Map Ref: F4)


The Boy in Striped Pyjamas is showing in Celluloid at10pm Celluloid (Map Ref: F4)

Late Night Worship:

There’s more time to worship God in song at Late night worship from 10.30pm Late Night Worship (Map Ref: G4)

37 Momentum 2009 Programme

DAY FOUR 9.30 am Ben Collins:

Jesus In The Workplace (Part 2 – Money, Money, Money)

Let’s tackle the elephant in the room: money. Once we start to earn there comes a responsibility to handle our money in line with what Jesus has to say about it. This seminar will look at what we buy and where our money goes and help us to think about what acts of love and generosity we want to get involved in. Seminar A (Map Ref: F5) (96043) Andy Croft:

Four Gospels, One Jesus?

Ever wondered why there are four gospels and not one Super Gospel? What’s the benefit of having four? What’s unique about them? Do they contradict each other? Exploring the four gospels in a bit more depth with the aim of getting to know Jesus that bit better… Seminar B (Map Ref: F4) (96044) Michael Ramsden:

Has The Christian Faith Failed You?

Many people say that the Christian faith has failed; others live in fear that it will fail. Someone once said that our culture is Christ-haunted, rather than Christ-centred. What do you do if you come to the conclusion that if even if the Christian faith is true, it is a little disappointing??? Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (96045) Roy Crowne:

Finding Your Leadership ID

How do you really get to know who you are and allow God to use your uniqueness in leadership? Roy will explore what this looks like, as well as looking at how we find out God’s will for our lives. Seminar D (Map Ref: G4) (96046)

38 Momentum 2009 Programme

Tuesday 25th August

Roger Ellis:

Economy of God (Part 1)

Our economy is ‘on the rocks’, frozen in fear and uncertainty. The good news is that God has an amazing economy which shows the way to survive and flourish when in need or in plenty. Roger explores how this economy encompasses the whole of life and contains ‘riches’ that are beyond shallow materialism and will work for the whole of humanity and the rest of creation. Celluloid (Map Ref: F4) (96047) Maggie Ellis:

A Sexually Free Generation? (Part 2)

Maggie concludes this two part series which is all about helping free us from sexual addictions. You will not be asked to share anything personal with anyone else, but you will be helped to understand your own cycles and how to break free of them. Union Bar (Map Ref: F4) (96048) Jamie Haith:

Mini Alpha 3: How Do God And I Communicate?

So if it’s hard enough relating to my mates, who I can see, how can I relate to God, who I can’t?! How on earth do I get hold of him, and how does he get me? Sound familiar? Well come and take the tour with us, as we look at prayer and the Bible. Jump-start, rekindle or refresh your relationship with God, as we look at what it means to speak to God, and how we can hear him through the Bible… Café Uno (Map Ref F5) (96075) David Westlake:

Mission Impossible? (Part 2 - God’s Mission in the New Testament)

God’s mission has been going on since day one. But when Jesus came on the scene things stepped up a notch. Jesus starts his mission with an amazing declaration, one that harks back to the Old Testament and still makes sense for us today. Come and be inspired by God’s mission and see how God wants you to join him and help make what seems impossible, possible. Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) (96049)

2:30 pm Roy Crowne:

Where Two Worlds Meet

Do you sometimes feel like you live two different lives? Are you one person at church and another when you’re out with your mates? In this seminar Roy will get to grips with how we can make sure we’re living for Jesus no matter where we are. Seminar A (Map Ref: F5) (96050) Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft:

Soul Man: Stuff Guys Were Born To Do…

Footballer? Stockbroker? Astronaut? All of us had dreams, passion and direction when we were younger but sometimes we can get a bit lost along the way. A look at a whole host of man-issues for those of us hitting our 20s and 30s. Seminar B (Map Ref F4) (96051) Toby Bassford:

Vision For Life 3 Spiritual Practices For Life

This session is intended to be practical, practical, practical! We will look at simple spiritual practices for a lifetime of growth and transformation that have served the people of God through the ages. Simple, straightforward... but definitely challenging. Seminar C (Map Ref: F3) (96052) Chris Lane:

A Rough Guide To The Apocalypse

What does the Bible really teach about the ‘end times’? And how should this teaching affect our lives? Is the world going to be destroyed? Is George Bush the Antichrist, or is it David Beckham? What is God’s plan for the future, for us, for the world and the whole universe? Big questions, all of which we’ll look at in this session! Seminar D (Map Ref: G4) (96053)

Simon Hall:

Going All The Way

It is claimed Mahatma Gandhi once said that if he ever met one person who lived out Jesus’ teachings fully, then he would become a Christian. The truth is that we all struggle to follow Jesus in every aspect of our lives, and perhaps the comfort of living in the affluent West makes it even harder. How can we overcome our tendency to tame God and domesticate the gospel so that we can become the disciples Jesus intends us to be? Celluloid (Map Ref: F4) (96054) Frog Orr-Ewing:

Overcoming Brokenness To Lead

Have you ever wondered if your life was too much of a train wreck for you to be really useful to Jesus? Do you come with extra baggage you find hard to shift? Come and be encouraged, to step out of your troubles, find healing from God, and become useful to the Kingdom of God and dangerous to darkness! A seminar for anyone thinking of leadership or trying to cope. Union Bar (Map Ref: F4) (96055) Jo Saxton:

Soul Sista: Influential Women

The New Testament church was made up of men and women who were the movers and the shakers in their culture, igniting society with the message of the Gospel. This session looks at some of the key women in the New Testament who responded to God’s call - and explores how we can respond to God’s call today to impact the world around us. Big Top (Map Ref: E3) (96056)

4:00 pm Tim Hughes and Mike Pilavachi:

Tim vs Mike!

OK, so it’s not really a fight – we made that up. But this is a chance for Tim to grill Mike on all things related to worship. Seminar D (Map Ref: G4) (96060)

Mark Greene:

Reading Culture Through Biblical Eyes (Part 2 - What’s the Big Idea? )

Ideas have legs – they take you in a certain direction. Mark looks at the big ideas driving our culture and how they express themselves in the media, in ads and in ordinary everyday life. What can we affirm Biblically, what must we critique, how do we resist? Seminar A (Map Ref: F5) (96057) Ness Wilson:

Becoming The Right Partner

Looking for ‘the one’? How about becoming the right person for someone else to marry? In order to choose a good husband or wife we need to find our own identity in Christ, pursue emotional healing and wholeness and work out our own nonnegotiables. In this seminar Ness will give us some advice as to how! Seminar B (Map Ref: F4) (96058) Rich Wilson:

Developing Your Spiritual Life In Your 20’s And 30’s (Part 1)

Who have I become? How do I relate to God? How am I wired spiritually? What does that mean for how I connect with God? How does that impact my life and decisions? Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (96059) Roger Ellis:

Economy Of God (Part 2)

Roger continues to unpack what God’s economy looks like, exploring how we can find his riches in a time of material uncertainty. Celluloid (Map Ref: F4) (96061) Bishop Pete Broadbent:

Christianity In Britain – Past, Present And Future

Let Pete take you on a whistlestop tour of church history, how we got to where we are, what’s happening to church in the here and now and answer the all important question: has the church got a future or the future got a church? Union Bar (Map Ref: F4) (96062)

What else is going on today? The Main Event:

Let’s get together! Main meetings in the Big Top at 11am and 7pm. Big Top (Map Ref: E3)

Creative Arts:

It’s all about music today in Creative Arts with song-writers, vocal and percussion Workshops, from 1pm. Creative Arts Venue (Map Ref: G4)


In need of a cuppa? Take your pick from: Café Uno (Map Ref: F5), Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) Soul Survivor and Compassion Cafés in the ToolShed (Map Ref: F4) Open from 1pm and 9.30pm


Don’t miss the Inter-Village It’s A Knockout Competition from 2pm and the Fun Run – get along at 5.15 for a 5.30 start It’s A knockout (Map Ref: F5)

The Union:

Get down to your local for a drink from 10pm The Union (Map Ref: F4)


Have a browse around the ToolShed this afternoon or evening. Open 1pm-6pm and 9.30pm-11.30pm. ToolShed (Map Ref: F4)

International Reception:

Come from overseas? Come and say hello in Celluloid at 1.15pm Celluloid (Map Ref: F4)


Jumper is showing at 10pm Celluloid (Map Ref: F4)

Late Night Worship:

Finish your evening praising God from 10:30pm Late Night Worship (Map Ref: G4)

39 Momentum 2009 Programme


Wednesday 26th August

2:30 pm Andy Croft:

Lessons I’m Learning About Walking With Jesus…

Andy’s been a Christian for a few years now. He’s the first to admit he’s got a lot left to learn but this seminar is all about the things God’s been teaching him including the mistakes he’s made and stuff he wishes he’d known a little earlier. Seminar A (Map Ref: F5) (96063) Roger & Maggie Ellis:

Sex: The Real Journey (For Married Couples)

Why is sex not always as straight forward as in the films? Shouldn’t it all ‘just happen naturally’ if you love each other and are following God? Do I take the ostrich or the rhino approach when it doesn’t work out the way I dreamed? Roger and Maggie after 24 years of marriage will share some of the reasons why sex gets complicated, helping guide us through what to do at these times. Seminar B (Map Ref: F4) (96064) Rich Wilson:

Developing Your Spiritual Life In Your 20’s And 30’s (Part 2)

Who am I becoming? What challenges and questions are unique to the decade I am in? What role can those life challenges play in my spiritual growth? Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (96065)

There are no 9.30am seminars today as we’ll all be meeting together in the Big Top for Communion at 10am Big Top (Map Ref: E3)

40 Momentum 2009 Programme

Jamie Haith:

Mini Alpha 4: How Can I Be Filled With The Holy Spirit?

The Bible tells us to “go on being filled with the Spirit”…but how can we do this? And what happens to us when we are? We’re not talking about Casper the ghost here - he’s the Spirit of the Living God! He’s the one with all the gifts and fruits and he wants to give ‘em to you! So come along to find out more, and be open to what he’s got… Seminar D (Map Ref: G4) (96066)

Bishop Pete Broadbent:

No Christians, Please, We’re Pluralists? Faith In The Public Square

Heard the stories of bans on Christmas, not allowing Christian prayer in public for fear of offending other faiths, legislation with no conscience clauses for Christians? While much of this stems from media mythmaking, is Britain actually becoming a place where the Christian faith is being squeezed out into a private realm, and out of our life as a nation? Celluloid (Map Ref F4) (96067) Bishop Graham Cray:

Culturally Appropriate Church Planting

You wouldn’t plant a tropical rainforest in your back garden, because it would die. The climate isn’t right. So how do you plant a church for surfers, or sports fans or clubbers? Could there be a church in your office, gym or college? How could your everyday witness lead to planting a congregation where you spend your time? This seminar is for anyone involved in a church plant or fresh expression of church, thinking about starting one or just a bit curious about the whole thing. Union Bar (Map Ref: F4) (96068)

4:00pm Amy Orr-Ewing:

Apologetics - But Is It Real?

Is there any reality behind your beliefs? Aren’t you just a Christian because of your parents or the society you live in? Is it all a delusion? Isn’t it dangerous to believe in God? In this session we will be addressing some common objections to the Christian faith and considering how we can answer our friends who have searching questions as well as thinking about them for ourselves. Celluloid (Map Ref F4) (96072)

Mark Greene:

Reading Culture Through Biblical Eyes (Part 3 - Getting Christian Values To Work)

It’s one thing to be able to understand the culture we’re in; it’s another to live differently in it and another still to begin to shape a different culture. So how do we start at work and at home? Mark offers a framework for creative, and sometimes subversive, grace-filled living in today’s world. Seminar A (Map Ref: F5) (96069) Roger & Maggie Elliis:

Staying in Love

Our society is riddled with fear that love does not last the ages and marriage will ultimately break up one way or another. So how do we stay in love? Roger and Maggie will share from their best hot tips at ‘staying in love’ through the seasons of life their 24 years of marriage. Seminar B (Map Ref: F4) (96070) Ness Wilson:

Preaching/Public Communication Skills

If we have the privilege of speaking to others, we have the responsibility to work hard at becoming the best communicators we can be. What does effective preaching in today’s culture look like? Seminar C (Map Ref: F4) (96071) Bishop Pete Broadbent:

Women And Leadership In The Church – What’s The Row About? The Church still seems to have a problem with women in leadership. What’s the problem? Why is it taking so long to get women bishops? Union Bar (Map Ref: F4) (96073) Rachel and Tim Hughes:

The Dating Game

Dating – a lot of fun or a potential minefield?! Rachel and Tim will be discussing all the highs and lows of the world of dating like how to choose a good partner, how to put God at the heart of your relationship, and how to work out whether this is heading for the big M or the big Break Up. Seminar D (Map Ref: G4) (96002)

Don’t forget to check out what else is happening today: The Main Event:

Worship, teaching and ministry in the Big Top at 10am and 7pm Big Top (Map Ref: E3)


Get your daily caffeine fix: Café Uno (Map Ref: F5), Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) Soul Survivor and Compassion Cafés in the ToolShed (Map Ref: F4) Open 1pm-6pm and 9.30pm-11.30pm


Highlights of the sporting day include basketball and the grand finals of the five-a-side footie comp. From 2pm

The Furnace:

Space to pray and reflect from 9.30pm The Furnace (Map Ref: F4)

Creative Arts:

Drama, drama drama in Creative Arts today! Including workshops from the Lacey Theatre Company followed by a performance of ‘The Story So Far’ at 9.30pm Creative Arts Venue (Map Ref: G4)


A modern take on the classics (sort of) in Be Kind Rewind at10pm Celluloid (Map Ref: F4)

Late Night Worship:

Finish the week the way we started, worshipping God! Late Night Worship (Map Ref: G4)

41 Momentum 2009 Programme

Momentum Timetable Seminar A

Seminar B

Seminar C

Seminar D



10:30pm - Midnight Late Night Worship

7:00pm - The Tale of Despereaux 10:00pm - Slumdog Millionaire

9:30pm - Mid The Union

Michael Ramsden Can God make a stone so heavy he can’t move it?

Andy Croft & Mike Pilavachi Praying for People so that stuff happens

Viv Thomas Spiritual Transformation: Memory

Ken Co What ar doing with wh you’ve been g

Frog & Orr-Ew Deep Church

(Late Night Worship)


Sunday 23rd Aug


Ben Collins Leadership - Responsibilities that come with the job!

2:30 PM

Ken Costa Winning at work without losing in life

Andy Croft & Mike Pilavachi Soul Man 1: Horny?

Toby Bassford Vision for Life 1: Redefining a Lifetime Pursuit

Chris Lane The Greatest Comeback In History

Andy Emerton Getting Collared: An Introduction to Ordination

4:00 PM

Ness Wilson Calling

Mike Pilavachi The ‘S’ Word

Jo Saxton History Makers & World Shakers (1)

Tim Hughes The Effective Worship Leader

Viv Thomas Spiritual Transformation: Rest

10:30pm - Midnight Late Night Worship

7pm - Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium 10pm - Mamma Mia

9:30pm - Mid The Union

Bishop Graham Cray Outclass your Culture

Viv Thomas Spiritual Transformation: Rhythm

Maggie A Sexua Generation? (

Chris Lane What the Hell?

Will van der Hart Why Do I Feel.. Distressed?

Frog & Orr-Ew Deep Church

Tim Hughes The Worship

Will van der Hart Why Do I Feel.. Angry?

Simon Bleedin



Monday 24th Aug

9:30 PM

Ben Collins Jesus in the Workplace (Part 1)

2:30 PM

Barry Mason Playing the Game God’s way

Mike Erre Soul Man 2: What’s Jesus got to say to us blokes?

Toby Bassford Vision for Life 2: Spiritual Growth

4:00 PM

Mark Greene Reading culture through Biblical eyes (Part 1)

Maggie Ellis Picking up the pieces of a Broken Heart

Jo Saxton History Makers & World Shakers (2)

Andy Croft The Holy Who?

Michael Ramsden Questions, Questions



Tuesday 25th Aug

Wednesday 26th Aug

10:30pm - Midnight Late Night Worship

7pm - Kung Fu Panda 10pm - The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas

9:30pm - Mid The Union

Roger Ellis The Economy of God (1)

Maggie A Sexua Generation? (

Simon Hall Going All The

Frog Or Overco Brokenness to

9:30 PM

Ben Collins Jesus in the Workplace (Part 2)

Andy Croft Four Gospels One Jesus

Michael Ramsden Has the Christian Faith Failed you?

Roy Crowne Finding your Leadership ID

2:30 PM

Roy Crowne Where Two Worlds Meet

Andy Croft & Mike Pilavachi Soul Man 3: Stuff guys were born to do.

Toby Bassford Vision for Life 3: Spiritual Practices for Life

Chris Lane A Rough Guide to the Apocalypse

Mark Greene Reading Culture Through Biblical Eyes (Part 2)

Ness Wilson Becoming The Right Partner

Rich Wilson Developing Your Spiritual Life (Part 1)

Tim Hughes & Mike Pilavachi The Worship Interview: Tim v Mike

Roger Ellis The Economy of God (2)

Bishop Broadb Christianity in

10:30pm - Midnight Late Night Worship

7pm - Bolt Superhero Dog 10pm - Jumper

9:30pm - Mid The Union

4:00 PM




9:30 PM



2:30 PM

Andy Croft Lessons I’m learning about walking with Jesus…

Roger and Maggie Ellis Marriage - Sex: The Real Journey (For Married Couples)

Rich Wilson Developing Your Spiritual Life (Part 2)

Jamie Haith How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?

Bishop Pete Broadbent No Christians, please, we’re pluralists? Faith in the public square

Bishop ham Cr Culturally App Church Planti

4:00 PM

Mark Greene reading culture through Biblical eyes (Part 3)

Roger and Maggie Ellis Staying in Love

Ness Wilson Preaching/ Public Communication Skills

Tim & Rachel Hughes The Dating Game

Amy OrrEwing But Is It Real?

Bishop Broadb Women and L ship in the Ch

10:30pm - Midnight Late Night Worship

7:00pm - Wall-E 10:00pm - Be Kind Rewind

9:30pm - Mid The Union




osta re you hat given?

Café Uno

Big Top

9:30pm - Midnight Café Uno


Jamie Haith Why did Jesus

Amy wing h (1)

Jo Saxton Soul Sista 1: All About Eve

Soul Action

Creative Arts

9:30pm - Midnight Soul Action Café

9:30am - 10:30am Creative Reflection Time

Emily Vesey Soul Action: No Regrets

1:00pm - 2:00pm: Arts & Craft Time 2.30pm - 3.30pm Clothes Customizing

Rich Wilson Starting University Well

4:00pm - 5:00 pm Graffiti Workshop


11:00am - 12.30pm Creche


11:00m - 12.30pm Pebbles

Get Together Student Recepetion


9:30pm - Midnight Café Uno

9:30pm - Midnight Soul Action Café

e Ellis ally Free (1)

Jamie Haith How Can I Have Faith?

David Westlake Soul Action: Mission Impossible (1)

Amy wing h (2)

Ness Wilson Soul Sista 2: Something About Mary



11:00am - 1:00pm Rockets

9:30am - 10:30am Creative Reflection Time

11:00am - 12.30pm Creche

11:00m - 12.30pm Pebbles

11:00am - 1:00pm Rockets

1:00-2.30pm Circus Skills & Acrobalance 3.30pm - 5pm Dance Workshop 3:00pm - 5:00pm Freetime


9:30pm - Midnight Café Uno

9:30pm - Midnight Soul Action Café

e Ellis ally Free (2)

Jamie Haith How do God and I Communicate?

David Westlake Soul Action: Mission Impossible (2)

rr-Ewing oming o Lead

Jo Saxton Soul Sista 3: Influential Women

9:30pm - 11:00pm ‘Higher States’ Dance Performance 11:00am - 12.30pm Creche

11:00m - 12.30pm Pebbles

4:00pm - 5:00pm Percussion Workshop 9:30pm - Midnight Café Uno

3:00pm - 5:00pm Freetime

9:30pm - Midnight Soul Action Café


9:00am - 10:00am Q&A Working in TV

p Graray propriate ing

2:30pm - 3:30pm Drama Workshop with the Lacey Theatre company

p Pete bent Leaderhurch

4:00pm - 5:00pm Drama Workshop with the Lacey Theatre company 9:30pm - Midnight Café Uno

11:00am - 1:00pm Rockets

1:00pm - 2:00pm Vocals Workshop 2:30pm - 3.:0pm Song Writing Workshop

p Pete bent n Britain



3:00pm - 5:00pm Freetime

Hall ng Love











Check out the timetable below for all this weeks seminars and interesting things going on across the venues!

9:30pm - Midnight Soul Action Café

9:30pm - 11:00pm ‘The Story So Far’ Performance by the Lacey Theatre Co.

10:00am - 12.00pm Creche

10:00m - 12.00pm Pebbles

10:00m - 12.00pm Rockets

3:00pm - 5:00pm Freetime























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To Castle Cary


Momentum 2009 Programme


Deliveries Entrance


1 7





7 6


3 5






5 e




8 7


6 5 3













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7 7






car park

















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To Castle Cary


To Shepton Mal

To help you stay on the right path during Deliveries this years Momentum we’ve included Entrance these handy maps. All the venue references you’ve read throughout the programme relate to the grid references on these maps. So now you have no excuses for getting lost and missing any of those seminars!

45 Momentum 2009 Programme


WHO’S WHO? Toby Bassford Toby has led the young adult and student mission and ministry at St Thomas Church Philly in Sheffield for the last four years. He is currently now looking at developing a network of pioneer missionaries planting organic churches in the Sheffield area. He loves his wife (obviously!), golf and Nottingham Forest!

Bishop Pete Broadbent Pete is Bishop of Willesden, the area of London where he grew up. He is married to Sarah, a teacher, and they have a grown up son, Simon. Bishop Pete’s passions in life include youth work, Tottenham Hotspur FC and real ale.

Ben Cantelon Ben left his beautiful homeland of Vancouver five years ago to join us at Soul Survivor ministries where he’s been heading up our worship teams. In September he’s marrying the lovely Alice and moving on to work with our friends at Worship Central. He’s just released a new album called ‘Running After You’ and he loves to watch Will Ferrell films and eat curry!

Beth Coulson Beth has just graduated from Bath University with a degree in Mathematics, which will stand her in good stead in her new job… Worship Director at Soul Survivor! This Autumn will also see Beth changing her surname when she marries Andy and becomes Mrs Croft – hurray!

Ben Collins Since leaving University in 2000 after studying theology, Ben has been working in the motor trade. In the last year Ben has also started a storage company and tasks himself to begin two more business ventures by the end of 2009. He and wife Megan live in North London with their Old English Sheep Dog, Betty and when he’s not at work Ben can be found playing or watching a variety of sports or having a beer with his mates!

Ken Costa Ken is the Chairman of Alpha International and Church Warden of Holy Trinity Brompton. After studying law and theology at the University of Cambridge, Ken worked for an investment bank in the City of London for over 30 years. He and his wife, Fi, live in London. They have two sons and two daughters.

Andy Croft Andy is Associate Director of Soul Survivor and heads up the Called to Lead course which starts this Autumn. He has a First Class Theology Degree from Cambridge and in a few short weeks he’ll be marrying the lovely Beth Coulson. Awwwwww.

Bishop Graham Cray Bishop Graham makes sure things at Soul Survivor stay on track (he’s the chairman of the Trustees) while keeping on top of his day job as the Bishop of Maidstone. Last year he began leading the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Fresh Expressions team which explores what church can look like in a changing culture. He is married to Jackie and they have two adult daughters.

Roy Crowne Recently Roy went from being the National Director of Youth for Christ in Britain to their Vice President and part of his new role is to support the development of young leaders. He is married to Flossie and they have two children – John and Michael.

Mark Greene Mark Greene used to work in advertising and is prepared to admit it. He’s now the Director of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity and has written and taught widely on work, media and culture from a biblical perspective.

47 Momentum 2009 Programme

Maggie Ellis Maggie is a qualified Counsellor and Psychosexual therapist who specialises in sexual issues and working with trauma. She is Christianity magazine’s controversial Agony Aunt and delights in enabling Christians to talk about real sex with all its delights and difficulties. She is Director of Lifecentre Rape Crisis Service and also works in leadership development training and private coaching. She loves to start her day running with her black Labrador in the countryside and end it with a good novel, playing cards with her teenagers or going out with friends.

Roger Ellis Roger is a founder member and Leader of Revelation church, which meets in Chichester, West Sussex. During the last 10 years he has helped pioneer the student ministry Fusion and he spends time training and mentoring Church Leaders and helping shape Churches and ministries both in the UK and overseas. He also co-runs a successful fish farming business and loves Carp Fishing in his spare time. Roger is married to Maggie, and they have two teenagers.

Rev. Dr. Andrew Emerton Andrew is Director of St. Paul’s Theological Centre which is part of St. Mellitus College and is linked with Holy Trinity Brompton in London. He’s married to Liz and they have two scrumptious boys Benjamin and Sebastian. Andrew enjoys a round of golf, game of tennis and also has a PHD in theoretical physics!

48 Momentum 2009 Programme

Mike Erre Mike is the pastor of Teaching at Rock Harbour Church in Costa Mesa, California where 5,000 people gather weekly. He has an M.A. in philosophy of religion and ethics and is the author of Jesus of Surburbia, Why Guys Need God and Death by Church. He and his wife Justina have three children.

Jamie Haith

Jamie is an ordained Anglican minister on the staff of Holy Trinity Brompton. He has been involved with Alpha, both at home and abroad, for more than 14 years and is now the director of Student Alpha, as well as heading up the HTB Student programme. Jamie is married to Andy and they have three daughters, Abby, Thea and Lilianna.

Simon Hall Simon is Principal of Oasis College, which trains Christians to work for the transformation of local communities throughout the UK and beyond. He lives in Leeds with wife Anna, a TV producer, their three children and a lot of Lego. Simon is also part of the leadership of ‘revive’, a church for people that like Jesus but aren’t so sure about the church. He has written books about youth ministry and Bible study.

Tim Hughes Tim has been involved in all things Soul Survivor since forever. He is Associate Director of Worship at Holy Trinity Brompton and heads up Worship Central which aims to re-

source and equip worship leaders and musicians. Tim is married to the lovely Rachel and they have two gorgeous children – Phoebe and Simeon.

Amy Orr-Ewing Amy is Training Director of RZIM Zacharias Trust and Director of Programmes for the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. Amy has co-authored Holy Warriors and Deep with her husband Frog and herself wrote Why Trust the Bible? and But Is It Real? Amy speaks and lectures on Christian Apologetics worldwide both within the church and in sceptical contexts. Amy and Frog live in London with their three boys.

Frog Orr-Ewing Frog (nicknamed by his mum) has been the Vicar of All Saints Peckham since 2002. Before that he studied theology at Oxford University and is currently studying part-time for his PhD at King’s College, London. He is an associate lecturer at St Melitus College in London as well as a speaker for the Zacharias Trust. Frog is married to Amy and they have three boys. When he gets any spare time, Frog loves to paint and draw.

Sam Parker Sam is an Assistant Worship pastor at Soul Survivor Watford. He’s a lovely chap who likes cooking, although is limited to his favourite two dishes – Thai chicken curry and Spaghetti Bolognese. Although he’s left-handed, he can only play with a right handed guitar! He loves hanging out and recording music with friends as well as swimming and the occasional trip to the gym.

Mike Pilavachi

Will Van Der Hart

In a former life Mike was an accountant, then he started working with young people and decided that suited him a lot better (he was never very good at adding up). He speaks at lots of conferences around the world, pastors Soul Survivor Watford, heads up Soul Survivor ministries, writes books and articles, likes to compete with his friends over everything and cooks a brilliant lamb kleftiko!

Rev Will van Der Hart is the vicar of St Peter’s Church in Harrow and Co-Director of Mind and Soul a national interface between emotional health issues and Christian spirituality. Will is married to Louie (a Christian journalist) and they have one young daughter called Skye. They all love adventure sports and shopping in Westfield!

Michael Ramsden

Emily works part time for Soul Action where she tries to encourage young people to engage with the last, the least and the lost (and drinks tea). The rest of the week Emily works at a day centre for people who are homeless (and drinks tea). Emily loves winning items on ebay, matching her socks to her top, watching EastEnders and is slightly obsessed with!

Michael Ramsden is European director of RZIM Zacharias Trust since and Joint Director of the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. He and his family live in Oxford where Michael lectures in Christian Apologetics at Wycliffe Hall.

Jo Saxton Jo is a mum, wife, writer, blogger and Starbucks lover(!) based with her vicar hubby and their gorgeous girls in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. She loves seeing people discover how amazing God is and His potential for their lives.

Viv Thomas Viv Thomas is the Founder and Director of Formation, an organisation set up to provide teaching and mentoring for Christian leaders. Amongst other things he is also the Hon Teaching Pastor at St. Paul’s Hammersmith; an ordained Anglican; an Associate Lecturer at Spurgeon’s College London; an organisational consultant and the writer of four books. He also has two Masters Degrees and a Ph.D!

Emily Vesey

female leaders and is involved in discipling new Christians. Ness lives in Loughborough with her husband Rich and their two daughters.

Rich Wilson Rich is the National Team Leader for Fusion, he is responsible for strategy that builds partnerships with students, churches and other organisations. Rich is married to Ness and lives in a community household with family and friends. He is also involved in the leadership of Open Heaven Church, and to relax enjoys a round of golf, any form of food and drink, and playing with his kids.

David Westlake David is one of the directors at the Christian Relief and development charity Tearfund and heads up Soul Action (a joint initiative between Soul Survivor and Tearfund). David is kept on his toes by wife Minu and daughter Ellie.

Ness Wilson Ness leads the Open Heaven Church leadership team and is passionate about leadership, great communication and seeing the local church flourish. Her time is divided between leading Church, investing in friendships and being a mum. She also invests time in other

49 Momentum 2009 Programme

running aFter you

ben cantelon

running after you ben cantelon

survivor songbook 6

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29th chapter louder

Featuring brand new worship songs including : coming back | not ashamed | Jericho

more titles available From, itunes or your local christian bookstore

Special Student Welcome Students are like a whole special species that scientists want to study under a microscope to try and understand their need for 14 hours of sleep a night, their love of KFC and their passion for Home & Away.

We don’t have a microscope to put you under (and we’re not scientists) but we would like to meet you, say hi over a cuppa and introduce you to a few others in the same boat as you. So come on down to our Student Reception; it’s a great chance to meet others going to or already at the same uni as you.

International Welcome On behalf of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II we’d like to welcome you to England’s green and pleasant lands. Her Royal Highness has in fact requested your presence at a rather special gathering: an International Reception where you will be greeted by members of the Soul Survivor team. Here you will also meet others who have made the journey to our great country and find out more about what this Momentum thing is all about. How jolly splendid.




Day 2 at 4pm Soul Action Café (Map Ref F4)

Day 2 at 1:30pm Celluloid (downstairs) (Map Ref: F4)

Momentum 2009 Programme

What Else Does Soul Survivor Get Up To?

We like to keep ourselves busy, so as well as running three Soul Survivor and one Momentum event each summer we do lots of other things throughout the year...


We love getting out of Watford and coming to where some of you live for an evening. We’ve seen loads of people become Christians at these events so don’t forget to tell your mates to come too! Look out for dates in October 09 and February 2010 on

Soul Sista

As well as having a Soul Sista seminar stream at Momentum, we also run one-day conferences. Keep in the know at:


This is the part of Soul Survivor that’s fully dedicated to youth leaders. We’re going on retreat at Centre Parcs between 5th and 8th February 2010 so if you work with young people, come and join us! You can find out more about this and other SoulNet resources at

Soul Action

This is the part of Soul Survivor that works with Tearfund to help each of us to engage with God’s mission. Soul Action initiatives include Slum Survivor, the Noise, AOK and mission trips to Durban in South Africa – you can find out more and get involved at


Something for nothing? Surely not! Actually it’s true: every month we upload a nice little magazine as a free resource for you. There are written articles to read, talks to listen to, videos to watch and competitions to enter – it’s all there waiting for you to enjoy! Just go to 52 Momentum 2009 Programme


This summer 400 people have been out to Durban with Mike as their tour guide. Why? Because they wanted to support some of the fantastic work that’s taking place by churches in some of the cities most deprived areas as well as to get a better understanding of God’s heart for people living in poverty. Through Soul Action we’re looking to send volunteers for longer-term placements throughout 2010. Fancy going? Visit for more details and to get involved!


We loved being involved in this huge mission which was all about encouraging churches to get stuck into their communities. It’s still going on so if you want to get involved pick up the new resource guide ‘HOPE for the Future’ to be inspired by what happened and what you can do now!


Looking for some resources to help you in your relationship with God? One click and you’ll be at the Soul Survivor shop where you’ll find DVDs, CDs, books, talks and song books. Just go to:


At one of our main sessions we’ll take up an offering that will go towards the work of Soul Survivor beyond of the summer (50%), Soul Action (25%) and the persecuted church (25%).

Gift Aid Loads of you pay tax on your hard-earned money so if you fill out one of the lovely Gift Aid forms the government will give us back some of that money. It doesn’t cost you a penny but makes a huge difference to us so please, please, please fill in a form! They will be available at the offering collection points and at Information.

Soul Action

Give a fiver to Soul Survivor!

Soul Action is the part of Soul Survivor that is all about getting you to connect with God’s mission to get us to remember the poor, speak up against injustice, look after the planet, tell others about Jesus and basically be good disciples! Over the course of the week we’ll be showing you a few vids of some fantastic initiatives in Durban, South Africa that Soul Action supports and at the end, you’ll get to vote where you want your money to go! If you want to find out more about the work of Soul Action, have a little look at the article on page 12 and if you’d like to give to Soul Action on an ongoing basis please visit www.soulaction. org/give

See how poetic we are?! OK, ignoring our rhyming skills for a minute, we’d love you to consider helping us financially on a longer-term basis. There are loads of things we long to do that aren’t paid for through the summer conferences such as developing leadership in young people and resourcing youth leaders. Half of all the money that goes into the offering this year will help us to keep doing those things and expand on them.

Persecuted Church

If you’d like to support us, you can do so in the following ways:

Our brothers and sisters all over the world are facing persecution, imprisonment, torture and death for their faith and in recent years we’ve become friends with a few of them. We’ve heard story after story of Islamic families not allowing converted Christians to go to church or speak to other Christians; of young people being disowned by their families for following their faith; of churches and Christian charities being stopped from meeting. One of the things we’re passionate about doing to help is providing Bibles and accessible teaching materials to our persecuted brothers and sisters to encourage them in their faith, so that’s where a quarter of this year’s offering will go.

1. Give online at www.soulsurvivor. com/uk/give 2. Set up a Standing Order (you can pick up a form during the Offering or download one online) If you could commit to giving to us regularly (even a fiver each month would make a massive difference) then that would be amazing and help us do more for God’s kingdom in the coming years.

53 Momentum 2009 Programme


How To Unlock The Power Of The Bible: With WordLive, sponsored by Scripture Union

Why read the Bible? Because it’s alive! God’s Word has the ability to bring about change. When we read it the words can leap off the page, speaking to us personally. Although the Bible might not answer all our questions directly, reading it prayerfully can help us know God better and make better choices for ourselves and our world. How can you have this experience yourself? Well, here’s a simple 30-day plan for getting into the Bible, written especially for Momentum 2009 by Mary Moody, a contributor to WordLive – a website which allows you to step into a multi-media Bible reading experience and deepen your relationship with God.

“The Bible is the most important and exciting book in the world. Dig deep into it and you’ll be blown away by what you discover about God, his plans and his love for you.” Mike Pilavachi

Here are some suggestions to help you as you read: • • •

PREPARE yourself to hear God before you start! Ask his Holy Spirit for an understanding mind and a responsive heart. READ the Bible passage carefully, listening for what God has to say. EXPLORE the meaning of the passage before reading each comment or question. Ask yourself: what’s the main point here? What is God showing me about himself or myself? Is there anything to take special notice of? RESPOND to what God has shown you in the passage with worship and prayer. Decide how you might share your discoveries with others, in word or action.

54 Momentum 2009 Programme


Walking With God Day 1: Psalm 84

Have you set your heart on pilgrimage (v 5)? Isn’t that why you’re at Momentum? You’ve carved out time, made a special journey, gathered with others to worship God and hear his voice... Keep heading the right way, looking to God, and blessing and refreshment will follow (vs 5–7).

Day 2: 1 John 1:1-2:6

We’re committed to walking with God from the moment we begin our new

life in Christ and receive Christ’s eternal life in us. Love came down to rescue us and we need to embody that love for others every day, with integrity (1:7) and through intentional discipleship (2:5,6). That’s where ‘spiritual disciplines’ can help.




Awe And Wonder

Abundant Life

Positively Giving Up!

Day 3 John 4:19-26

Day 7 Nehemiah 8

Day 11 Matthew 4:1-11

If we’re hung up on externals (v 20), our worship can miss the mark (v 24). This woman needed Jesus to open her eyes (vs 19,25,26). Do you know Jesus (John 14:6)? Does his Spirit live in you (John 14:15-17)? God’s seeking you (v 23)! You can be a true worshipper anywhere!

Day 4 Psalm 96

The psalmist issues a universal call to sing praise to God in celebration of his saving acts (vs 1-3). He is Creator, Just Judge, Exalted King (vs 5,6), utterly holy, radiant in beauty, Almighty God. As we worship, we enter his very throne room and share in his glory (vs 8,9). Come, fall at his feet.

Jerusalem’s fortifications were repaired (see 6:15,16), so the people gathered expectantly, built a pulpit and found a preacher (vs 1,4). However, instead of rejoicing in God’s goodness, they found themselves grieving for the wasted years (v 9). There’s a time to mourn – but joy, feasting and sharing are vital too (vs 10,11).

Day 8 Luke 15:1,2,17-32

Compare the brothers’ reactions to their father’s invitation. The prodigal doesn’t hesitate (v 24), his brother dutiful but simmering with resentment – refuses to go in (vs 28-30). New life in Christ and a relationship with a loving, generous God (vs 31,32) are well worth celebrating!

Jesus’ fast was extreme (vs 1,2), but he faced an intense spiritual battle. With advice, you could give up food for 24 hours (If you’ve never done it before, it may be best to start small by fasting from one meal, building up to a 24 hour fast gradually over time.), devoting ‘mealtimes’ to prayer, and see if it sharpens your mind and spirit. Or fast from technology: pray instead of surfing or texting. We can’t live on bread (or chips) alone (v 4)!

Day 12 Matthew 6:16-21

Jesus assumed his followers would fast (when, not if, v 16), but was concerned we should do it for the right reasons – not just to appear spiritual! Fasting is between you and God... and he knows the true state of your heart. Meditate on Joel 2:12,13. What’s the Lord saying to you?




Seeking God

Going Deeper

Staying Pure

Day 5 Jeremiah 29:4-14

Day 9 Psalm 1

Day 13 1 Corinthians 7:1-3, 7-9, 29-35

Wherever life takes you, seek God – and be a blessing (v 7). Though he seems far off, seek God (v 10). Though you feel hopeless, seek God (v 11). God doesn’t hide (v 14), but he’s in no hurry either. Prayer is a conversation developing over a lifetime, not instant messaging (vs 12,13)!

Day 6 James 4:1-12

What are you and God thinking and doing together? Your friendship with God will flourish through prayer (v 8). Unacknowledged desires (v 1), hedonism, materialism (vs 3,4), pride and independence (v 6) are all potential obstacles to this – and look who’s behind them (v 7). Be honest with God, and find freedom (v 10).

If we want to put our roots deeper into God we need to study and engage with his Word. Without this discipline, we’re vulnerable to peer pressure from non-Christian friends (v 1). Blessing, refreshment and fruitfulness flow from reading and hearing God’s Word, and letting it shape our lives (vs 2,3).

Day 10 Philippians 4:4-9

Prayer (v 6), celebration (v 4) and meditation (v 8) are closely related. What are the benefits of structuring your life around them, and of putting into practice what you learn (vs 7,9)? If you’re anxious about anything - job, studies, money, relationships - can you refocus your thoughts on Jesus (see Colossians 3:1-3)?

Paul says sex is for marriage (vs 2,9), and celibacy is a gift (v 7). Why a ‘gift’? It’s good for our physical, emotional and spiritual health (no STDs or unwanted pregnancies; no partner demanding the attention that’s due to God, v 34). Married or single, our focus must be on pleasing the Lord (v 32).

Day 14 Matthew 5:27-30

Chastity isn’t popular, but it’s a discipline we all need to work on if we want to be Christlike - even married people, on occasion (see 1 Corinthians 7:5)! Self-control starts in the mind (vs 27,28). What do we read, watch and do when no one’s looking? We’re to be ruthless when tackling bad habits. 55 Momentum 2009 Programme




Christian Friendship

Being Real

Hearing God

Day 15 2 Corinthians 6:147:1

Day 18 James 5:7–20

Day 21 Isaiah 30:8-11,15–22

Christians, married or single, aren’t meant to go it alone (6:16,18). We’re yoked together to work in God’s kingdom, like oxen pulling a plough. But it’s no good trying to serve God alongside someone who’s pulling us the opposite way, towards sin and compromise (6:14). That’s not to say that we should give up our nonbelieving friends, rather we want to be modelling the character of Christ to them. Doing that effectively means taking care that our friendships do not lead us astray (7:1).

Day 16 Ephesians 4:1-7,11-16

A church isn’t a building; it’s organic, a body. Without every part in place and fully functioning, that body won’t be healthy. If we want to grow and mature as Christians, we need to work together, each bringing our gifts to the mix (vs 11–13,15,16). For all our sakes, don’t count yourself out!

Day 17 Hebrews 10:19-25, 32-39

Persecution was fierce, so it was tempting to abandon meeting together. But in difficult times we need each other’s encouragement all the more (vs 24,25). If you see someone ‘shrinking back’ (v 39), pray that their hope and enthusiasm will be rekindled and encourage them to put their roots back down into Christ (vs 19–22).

As well as the large-scale celebrations, we need the small-scale ‘cells’; a place for honest vulnerability, faithfuelled prayer, mutual accountability and support (vs 16,19). Do you belong to a group like this? If not, could you find some like-minded people and form one? You might even discover some ‘Elijahs’ among you (vs 17,18)!

Day 19 Matthew 17:1–13; 26:36–41

Jesus had a cell! Peter, James and John (Zebedee’s boys, 4:21) saw Jesus like no one else did (17:1,9). At his invitation, they shared the pinnacle and the pits of Jesus’ human experience, and wrestled to make sense of it. What a rollercoaster ride: confusing, terrifying, emotionally exhausting at times, but incredibly exhilarating! Get real like Jesus.

Momentum 2009 Programme

Day 22 John 14:15–27

Now that Jesus has returned to the Father, his promise is fulfilled (v 16). The Holy Spirit, ‘another Counsellor’, comes alongside (and dwells within, vs 17,20) his disciples to guide and support us. Love God, obey Jesus, listen to the Spirit’s promptings and you will know shalom peace (vs 23,26,27) – a profound sense of well-being.



Making Space

Choosing God’s Way

Day 23 Luke 5:12–16; 6:12,13

Day 20 Hebrews 4:14-5:10

From his wilderness experience to his excruciating death, it wasn’t easy for Jesus to choose God’s way. His prayer life was often agonised (5:7). He faced every kind of temptation (4:15) and, like us, he had to learn obedience (5:8). But look at the outcome (5:9)! What could God do through you if you said ‘Yes’ to him?

“If you find this 30-day plan helpful, you’ll be blown away by WordLive!” 56

Israel had rebelled against God and were trying to avoid him (vs 9–11). They didn’t want their sins exposed – but they’d have to face them to receive God’s forgiveness (v 15). God longs to bless and guide his children (vs 18–21). If we can’t hear his voice, is it because we don’t really want to?

At Momentum, you joined a crowd to seek God. Did you spend time chilling – just you and Jesus – while you were there? Jesus had crowds of people to shake off (5:15), but he ‘often’ sought God in solitude (5:16), even praying through the night if necessary (6:12). Can you find a place for uninterrupted prayer today?

Day 24 Psalm 131; Habakkuk 2:20

Silence, like solitude, can help us make space for God. We live in a noisy world and have noisy hearts. In silent prayer, we learn to stop fussing for the next ‘feed’ and start trusting God’s provision (vs 2,3); the focus shifts from our agenda to his. Try it: give him the awe-filled adoration he deserves!



A Greener Life

Staying Humble

Day 25 1 John 2:15–17; Revelation 3:17–19

Day 28 Matthew 20:20–28

Wherever did we get the idea that luxury and celebrity are admirable life goals (1 John 2:16)? The comfort and security we find in material wealth is illusory, blinding us to our need for God (Revelation 3:17,18). Clear the clutter from your soul, come to God just as you are, and find an eternal purpose (1 John 2:17).

Day 26 Matthew 8:18–22

As a travelling preacher, Jesus relied on the support and hospitality of others (v 20). If we’re focused on pursuing material things and home comforts we can miss his call to radical discipleship. A simple, unpretentious lifestyle is better for the environment, and for our spiritual health (see 16:26). Following Jesus involves tough choices (v 22).

Jesus’ disciples knew they’d reign with him in glory (see 19:28), but two of his ‘cell’ wanted special status (v 21). They hadn’t grasped that there’d be no crown without a cross (vs 22,23). The same is true for us: Jesus is our role model (v 28, see also 1 John 3:16). Can you improve your serve?


Giving God 100 Per Cent Day 29 Micah 6:6–8; Romans 12:1–8

Shining Haloes

Even under the old covenant system of sacrifices, God was always looking for humble obedience and integrity (Micah 6:8). Today, our faith is to be expressed in whole-life obedience: our thoughts, beliefs and actions are all submitted to God’s will (Romans 12:1,2). Are you a wholly (and holy!) pleasing sacrifice to God?

Day 27 Matthew 6:1–6,17,18

Day 30 Ephesians 4:29 - 5:2


Jewish culture set great store by pious acts (v 1). Giving generously, prayer and fasting can help liberate us from love of the world – but not, Jesus warns, if we’re being ostentatious or hypocritical (vs 2,5). Secrecy disciplines our longing for recognition. Give, love, serve – but don’t polish your own halo (vs 3,4,6,18).

In 30 days we’ve come full circle, back to intentional discipleship (5:1). This is no trial run: how, then, should we live (5:2)? The goal of our new life in Christ is to be like him and so embody his love for others. The spiritual disciplines we’ve explored will help you walk as Jesus walked. Keep practising!

If you found this 30day plan helpful, you’ll be blown away by WordLive! Visit to discover a fantastic range of creative approaches you can follow to engage with God’s Word - all completely FREE of charge to use! Every time you log on you will be prompted to pray and then read the Bible. The next step is up to you: watch a video, listen to the Bible passage, dig deeper into further Bible study, dip into creative prayer suggestions or explore other activities. You can sign up to receive a daily WordLive email or podcast. Or you may prefer to access WordLive through your mobile. Look out for WordLive on Twitter and Facebook too. However you choose to use it, WordLive brings God’s Word to you, wherever you go.

57 Momentum 2009 Programme

A Note On Ministry Times One of the things we’re really passionate about at Momentum is meeting with God. During the main meetings and celebrations we will always seek to involve God, by His Spirit, in what is going on. In real terms this means that there is often a call forward for prayer. This is a specific time to let God ‘minister’ to us – that is to work with and deal with things in our lives. Don’t worry if you’ve never had prayer offered in this way, or if you’re not sure how to pray. We have an experienced ‘Enabling Team’ on hand who will be around to give you a guiding hand, plus there’s a whole bunch of seminars on the Holy Spirit and praying for others too, so get along to one of them. There is no ‘right way’ to pray for each other. However, we’ve included these guidelines as they are tried and tested and tend to work quite well! Please stick to the advice given. So, what happens? Ministry times usually begin with an invitation from someone on the main stage for people to respond to the Holy Spirit. In praying for people, the most important thing to remember 58 Momentum 2009 Programme

is that this is God’s work not ours. We are there to encourage those seeking God and to bless what the Holy Spirit is doing in people. And Finally… Not everyone is familiar with ministry and prayer times and some people are fearful when they become aware of God working through the Holy Spirit. We need to help people who are receiving, to feel comfortable and safe, and to encourage them to reach out to God. Always be sensitive and respectful, keep in mind how you would like to be prayed for, constantly ask God’s help no matter how you are praying. Reassure those being prayed for that God has heard sincere prayers and the cries of our hearts and encourage them to expect answers. Speak healing, peace and release in the name of Jesus and remember the place of repentance, forgiving and being forgiven. If a request is made for further ministry then encourage the person to go to the ‘Chat Room’ on site where there

will be people available to pray with them (Map Ref:F4). It should also be encouraged that individuals should seek help from their home church where ministry can be continued. Do not make appointments to pray with people outside of the meeting. If extra prayer or counselling is needed then find a member of the Enabling Team and explain the situation. If at any time you feel out of your depth then ask for help. The Enabling Team will be moving around the venue and wearing bright pink badges. We all find ourselves in situations that we cannot handle alone. This is not failure and it’s often good to pray with others, plus is a great way to learn more! All these are tips to help you let God work through you. Remember: don’t worry. The Enabling team and the person leading the meeting will be giving directions and advice to everyone. The important thing is that you are ready and willing to pray for those around you.

An Illustrated Guide To Praying For Others… God can use any of us to help people meet with him, but we’ve found that some of this common sense stuff is useful in making sure we don’t get in God’s way when we’re praying for others (i) SEX: Only pray for someone who shares your gender. Prayer ministry can bring up all sorts of stuff and so it’s a tried and tested principle to always have at least one person with you who shares the same physical bits as the person you’re praying for. Even if you’re married we’d ask you to bear this in mind to avoid any confusion for others around you. Thanks. (ii) MOUTH: Don’t be afraid to ask someone what they would like you to pray for and what God is doing – even if the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully on them (Luke 18v40 Jesus asks the blind man ‘What do you want me to do for you?’). However, be aware of not turning this into a long conversation, this is a time for the Holy Spirit to offer counselling, not you! If appropriate speak into the situation or condition in Jesus’ name, be sensitive and recognise that you may be wrong. If you have a prophetic word or picture, offer these as a prayer or in such a way that the person being prayed for can make their own decision as to how appropriate they are. Never insist that what you have to say is a word from God and seek to build up, comfort and encourage the person you’re praying for (1 Cor 14v3).

(iii) HANDS: Encourage the person to receive from God and be still, rather than pray for themselves. Some people may show this attitude by opening their hands in front of them. You can also lay your hands on them (if they are comfortable with that). This can be helpful for the person being prayed for and biblical, especially with regards to healing (in Mark 1 v40-45 Jesus heals a man of leprosy, as a blessing Matthew 19v13-15 Jesus blesses the children). If it is appropriate to pray in this way, be sensitive about where you place your hands.

(iv) EARS: Listen carefully both to the person you are praying with, and to God. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and encouragement, be prepared to wait, this is God’s work, not yours. The person you are praying for may tell you about things that have happened in their life. Don’t appear to be shocked by any disclosures. Remember that confidentiality is of the utmost importance but DO NOT promise to keep anything secret (especially with regards to claims of abuse). Your first contact in such a situation should be a member of the Enabling Team. They are there both to support you, and the person you are praying with and will be able to take things further if necessary.

(v) EYES: Keep your eyes open

THE WHOLE BODY: Allowing the expression of feelings is very important and this might mean people cry, shake or respond in other ways to what God is doing. This is totally cool, but be careful not to suppress or to build up the situation. We want God to do what he needs to do and not get in the way of that.

when you pray for someone. This means you are more aware of what God is doing and how the person is responding. It also means you can be prepared if they look like they may fall over in the power of the Spirit. If this does happen then please make sure they are in a comfortable position, not draped over anyone else and that their dignity is maintained (i.e. nothing is on show that shouldn’t be). Stay with them as long as needed and encourage them to go on receiving from God. It is not always necessary to stay with the person you have prayed with but keep a watchful eye on them and continue to check that they are safe. 59 Momentum 2009 Programme

Stuff You Need To Know The wisdom of Gandalf is as nothing compared with the facts you are about to find on the following pages. Lost a shoe? Need some grub? Read on to find the pearls that will make your stay on the Bath & West Showground a happy one…..

Comms Open 24 hours (Map Ref: E5) Got a practical problem with the showground facilities? Got an emergency situation on your hands? Go see our Comms team who are on hand for just such eventualities. They’re also experts on the phonetic alphabet – go in and test them if you don’t believe us.

Facilities For Hearing Impaired Delegates

General Information Who you gonna call? Well Ghost Busters can’t really help you with a Momentum related query and even the 118 188 team would struggle so try this number instead - 0303 333 1333.

Information Open 9am-5.30pm (Map Ref: E5) The Information team aren’t ones to boast so we’re going to do it for them: these clever people who can be easily identified by their matching Brady Bunch smiles, can help you with booking queries, day passes, weather forecasts, buying programmes, questions about the nearest laundrette etc etc. In fact you give them a question and they’ll probably know the answer. That’s pretty clever isn’t it?

Information Points Around the showground you’ll find Information Points that will give you up to date info about things like seminar and venue changes. There’s even an extra special one in the ToolShed with real, live people ready to answer your questions.

60 Momentum 2009 Programme

All main meetings have a loop system facility – please see the Stewards in each venue for exact locations. Main meetings will also be signed; please sit in the designated area of the Big Top.

Gate Opening Times The Blue Gate is open daily from 7am ‘til 10pm and if you need to get on or off site outside of these times, use the Main Gate (or deliveries entrance)

Event Wristband Replacement You know that beautiful band that is so lovingly draped around your wrist? Consider it your NBF (that’s New Best Friend). You and your NBF are a match made in heaven and will be attached for some time. Val from Swansea got so close to hers last year that she couldn’t bear to take it off at the end of the event – in fact she kept in it on so long she even wore it to her own wedding in January! You don’t have to go that far (though we’d like to know if anyone can beat that!) but you will want to keep it on ‘til the end of Momentum to ensure you can access all the lovely venues. Separation from your wristband is considered bad NBF form – you’ll have to pay £40 to get a new one from Information. Ouch.


Village Hosts

In a laboratory in deepest, darkest Azerbyjzhan we breed a special species known as Stewards. They’re our very own, unique creation and we’re rather proud of them if we’re honest. You see, they do all manner of amazing things while we’re here on site and we couldn’t make this Momentum thing work without them. They keep us all safe in the venues and around the showground; deal with lots of practicalities like clearing up rubbish; and model this season’s must-have fluorescent jackets in the process. Genius.

Poor Tim Hughes; he had all those questions without answers. But what we’ve always wondered was: did he ask his village host?! You see these amazing human beings may look normal from the outside but inside they are brimming with information. In fact if there was a Momentum version of ‘Who wants to be a millionaire’ you can bet they’d be scooping the top prize without even having to phone a friend. They not only know everything there is to know about Soul Survivor (and as such should be your first port of call), they’re also pretty handy with a mallet (think tent pegs rather than ASBOs) and have an amazing ability to whip up a pretty tasty hot chocolate or a lovely cup of tea. Lush.

Post Services

(Map Ref: F5) The onsite post box has collections every day and the mini-market also offers a couple of Post Office services. If you need to receive some post while you’re here make sure the sender addresses it as below: Your name and delegate ref number c/o Momentum Information Royal Bath & West Showground Shepton Mallet Somerset BA4 6QN

Lost Property

Freezer packs can be bought for £2 and exchanged for free between 9am and 9.30am, or 4.30pm and 5.30pm from the side of the sports venue – entrance opposite the toilet block (Map Ref: E4) Handy.

We love LOST. We think it’s one of the best shows on TV. The intrigue of the flashbacks, the revelations of the flash forwards, the mysterious powers of the island, the weirdness of the Others. We could go on and on. But we shouldn’t because this isn’t a place for LOST property. They probably keep all of that somewhere in Hawaii. This is a place for lower case lost property which is of the left behind jumper and Bible variety. Come and be reunited with your misplaced items and rejoice that what was lost is now found (and that LOST is sheer genius). Comms, Map Ref: E5



Literally run out of gas? Come and buy some more from The Man Near The Main Gate (between the main gate and the toilet block!). See notice boards for times. Map Ref: F5

Sometimes the Bible is so practical: “I urge you to take some food. You need it to survive,” says Paul in Acts 27. “Amen” say we as we head down to the Momentum food vans to fill our

Freezer Packs

tummies. If you’ve been here before you’ll know all about the delights that await you. If not you’ll be very excited to learn that you can buy things like sbaguettes, chips, pizza, waffles, jacket potatoes and plenty more at the Food Vans (Map Ref: F4) Momentum cafes also offer some things you might need to survive such as cakes, snacks; and hot and cold drinks. Find them here: Café Uno (Map Ref: F5) Soul Action Café (Map Ref: F4) ToolShed - Soul Survivor Café (Map Ref: F4) Toolshed - Compassion Café (Map Ref: F4) Sports Café (Map Ref: E4)

Is That A Shop? It can be hard to tell, hidden as it is inside a simple shed, but yes! There is a small on-site shop which serves lovely things like fresh bread, ice creams, crisps, chocolate and other tasty snacks. If you’re part of a larger group you can even do an advance order – pop in at the start of the week to arrange it. Map Ref: E5

Tesco Your nearest supermarket is Tesco which is a 10 minute drive away (and also hosts the nearest cash point). To find it, turn left out of the Main or Blue gate, follow the A37 into the centre of Shepton Mallet and look for the superstore signs. Easy peasy.

61 Momentum 2009 Programme

Health And Safety Fire regulations We know you lot love each other and want to get all your tents in cosy huddles but those in the know say that each tent must be pitched at least three meters apart in case of fire and to allow access in an emergency. If you don’t know a meter from a yard, check with your Village Host before you set up camp otherwise you might find yourself being asked to move and nobody wants that.

Please pitch tents three meters apart

Aid (of the First kind) Our lovely team of First Aiders are on hand 24 hours a day to make sure they can help you if you should need it. The medical centre is open from 9am to 7pm (Map Ref: E6). For any emergencies outside of these times go to Comms and they’ll radio a medical type for you. (Map Ref: E5) If you have an ongoing medical condition that may cause you problems during Momentum it would be really helpful if you could pop in and let the First Aid team know when you arrive.

Our First Aiders are on hand 24-7

Emergency procedure It’s pretty straight forward but will really help if anything should happen: 1. 2. 3.

Don’t panic! Don’t call 999 yourself. This can cause confusion and delay help getting through. Go to Comms, call Comms on 0303 333 1335 or get hold of your nearest Steward/Village Host and allow them to contact the Emergency Services on your behalf.

In case of an Emergecny don’t panic!

A Note About Sickness If anyone in your group falls ill* during the event then please keep them where they are and contact the First Aid team. The first aid centre is clearly marked on the site map. In an emergency Ring 0303 333 1335. *sudden fever (a high body temperature of over 38C or 100.4F), and sudden cough or any signs of diarrhoea and/or vomiting.

62 Momentum 2009 Programme

If anyone falls ill go to First Aid

Got a few days, weeks or even six months for an overseas adventure?

CHANGE THE WAY YOU SEE THE WORLD YOUR FAITH YOUR CULTURE YOUR SELF Registered Charity No. 265464 (England and Wales). Registered Charity No. SC037624 (Scotland)


Site Rules As Monica Geller once pointed out ‘Rules help us control the fun’. Whilst we’re all about the fun, we think she was on to something so here are a couple of key things to remember while at Momentum.

01 If anyone at Momentum is under 18

then they are, at all times, the responsibility of the group/youth leader or over 18 they came with.


Strictly no drugs or drug paraphernalia on site - except for medical purposes. Anyone found in possession of drugs will be evicted from the site and refused further entry to the event. Furthermore, all drug-related incidents will be dealt with by our Site Management Team and the Police representatives on site.

03 No alcohol is to be consumed by

any under 18’s that are on site.

04 After arrival, all vehicles must be

moved to the designated car parks in order to comply with official Fire and Safety regulations. The only cars allowed on site during Momentum are emergency vehicles or those displaying a valid disabled badge.

07 Outdoor ball games (those not in the Sports Arena) are to be finished by 10:00pm - even if there is a nil-nil outcome.

08 Roller blading, skateboarding or cycling can only occur after dark if you have appropriate lighting.

09 However hot it gets, and tempting it seems, there is to be no swimming in the lake.


Tents or caravans should only be moved to another village with prior permission from Information. This is essential in the event of needing to contact you in an emergency and to maintain site security. We’ll be as helpful as possible but there are no guarantees that you will be able to move to a different location.


No speeding. When arriving/leaving the showground or unloading/packing up please observe the 10mph speed limit and use hazard lights at all times. Please also note that driving lessons are not permitted on site.

12 Pets are not allowed on site - except guide dogs (on arrival owners and their guide dogs should pop into Information).

13 No crossing into any area that has been marked out of bounds by red and white tape.

14 There are strict guidelines relating to the use of generators

on site. Please speak to a member of the team in Comms if you need to use a generator while at Momentum.

15 Soul Survivor wishes to make clear that it does not favour

Wristbands must be worn at all times - they are the only way to get into venues. There is a charge of £40 to replace lost wristbands.


sectarian propaganda or proselytising within the Christian fellowship. This means any individual or group that uses Soul Survivor and its facilities for such purposes does so against the spirit of the event. The organisers reserve the right to cancel any such person or group’s booking and escort them off the site/premises immediately. If you think someone is trying to force their views on you and others please do let us know immediately (at Information) so we can deal with the situation.


16 Soul Survivor does not operate any holiday insurance or cancel-

Smoking is not permitted inside buildings, marquees or individual tents. We also encourage you to give up if you do like a ciggy now and then as it’s pretty bad for you. 64 Momentum 2009 Programme

lation scheme, we strongly recommend that you contact your insurance broker if you require this cover. Soul Survivor cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to persons or personal property.


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blUE in thE FAcE is cOmpAssiOn’s YOUth spOnsORship pROgRAmmE

Get your kit on! ew ret On l £2 y 0

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Jute bags



mer t m

age su Ju s £1 t 2




y stuff Wo w £3 !

ag! ab

Get a retro vintage look with this Soul Survivor stuff. Fearfully and wonderfully made from ethical and fairly-traded sources. You can also pick up a Soul Survivor travel mug and get it filled in our cafes with tea or filter coffee for the same price as a smaller disposable cup!

All available from the Soul Survivor area of the ToolShed (as is a friendly chat and a nice cuppa with the Soul Survivor Cafe team). Also found online at while stocks last.

Pre-Order On Site And Save Save £5 on ALL THE MP3s

Save £2 on the SOUL SURVIVOR

Buy audio recordings of all the seminar & main meeting talks from this event in MP3 format for just £25 (after the event it will be £30)

Only £9.99 when you order onsite (RRP will be £14.99 on release)

The MP3s will be supplied on DVD by the end of September. Please note that this is a DVD. If you don’t have a DVD player on your PC or Mac then this product is very unlikely to work. This voucher is valid for one copy of the talks when ordered onsite at Soul Survivor A,B,C or Momentum 2009 at the Soul Survivor stand in the Toolshed and cannot be used online.The price on release will be £30. This offer ends 26th Aug 2009


The Live Album will come out in the first week of November. This voucher is valid for one copy of the album when ordered onsite at Soul Survivor A,B,C or Momentum 2009 at the Soul Survivor stand in the Toolshed and cannot be used online. The price on release will be £11.99 when ordered from the Soul Survivor shop website. This offer ends 26th Aug 2009


Save £5 on video recordings of the

Only £10.99 when you order onsite (RRP £12.99)

£25 (after the event it will be £30)

Ben Cantelon’s new album

This voucher is valid for one copy of the album “Running After You” when ordered onsite at Soul Survivor A,B,C or Momentum 2009 at the Soul Survivor stand in the Toolshed and cannot be used online. This offer ends 26th Aug 2009

MAIN STAGE TALKS from this event on DVD

The DVD will be supplied by the end of November This voucher is valid for one copy of the main stage talks from this event on DVD when ordered onsite at Soul Survivor A,B,C or Momentum 2009 at the Soul Survivor stand in the Toolshed and cannot be used online. The price on release will be £30. This offer ends 26th Aug 2009


Soul Sista

2010 youth leader retreat

The ‘Lets talk about sex!’ 2010 tour!

Come away with us for a Dates, costs & location: weekend where the main 5-8 February 2010 focus is making space for Sherwood Forest you busy youth leaders to Center Parcs spend time with God, be £110 before 31.10.09 refreshed, equipped and £125 thereafter. resourced.

Join Soul Sista and Romance Academy for a girls-only day of worship, teaching and ministry looking at sex, identity and relationships.

Sheffield: 27 March Southampton: 10 April N.Ireland: 24 April Aberdeen: 8 May For prices and venues see

These events have a minimum age of 13 due to content of the teaching.

Momentum 21-25 August, 2010

Royal Bath & West Showground, Somerset

Momentum: five days in a field with God, your mates & thousands of others. For students & 20-30 somethings.

Work. Play. Study. Jesus. Career. Money. Justice Debt. Bible. Relationships. Grace. Sex. Life. Job. Food.

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