Week B & C Programme 2012

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e’re so excited you’ve decided to spend some of your summer with us! We love being back here in Somerset with you – if you’re an old friend then welcome back. If you’re a new friend – it’s great to meet you! Over the next few days we’re going to be looking at the book of Acts together to get some inspiration from the first days of the church. We’ll be looking at what defines us as the people of God, how we’re changed and empowered by the Holy Spirit and how worship is central to our lives as followers of Jesus. Plus we’ve got some great venues around the site for you to enjoy – including a Soulympic Café where you can watch highlights of the Games on a giant screen. Take a look through the rest of the programme to make sure you don’t miss a thing! We’re also really excited that you will be some of the first people we can introduce the Soul Survivor Youth Bible to! We’re passionate about finding ways to get into God’s word and we hope that this brand new Bible, packed full of great articles and insights, will help deepen your relationship with God long after we’ve packed up the tents and started counting down until Soul Survivor 2013. We hope you have a brilliant time over the next few days hanging out with your mates and enjoying everything that’s going on around site. Most of all we hope that you meet with Jesus and that you leave more in love with him, having a greater understanding of how much he loves you. Let’s pour out our worship to him and be open and expectant for what he will do among us.

Love Mike

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Exploring the theology and practice of women in leadership

Saturday 15th June 2013 With Ali Martin, Mike Pilavachi and guest speaker Jane Williams. The Equal event is for women aged 16+

Tickets are ÂŁ5 - Book online at www.soulsurvivor.com/uk equal_advert.indd 1

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04 Who We Are

10 The Venues



04 Who we are 06 Main Meetings 08 Outline of a day 09 Testimonies

33 Seminar Info 35/49 Day One 36/50 Day Two 38/52 Day Three 40/54 Day Four 42/56 Day Five 44/46 Seminar Timetable 58 Speaker Bios

VENUEs 10 Intro 11 Chat Room 11 Late Night Worship 11 Furnace 12 Café Uno 14 Soul Action Café 15 Fringe 15 XLP Bus 16 Lift 18 Blueprint 18 Bandstand 19 Grounds Café 19 Soulympic Café 20 Dreggs 21 Workshops 22 Underground 24 Celluloid 26 ToolShed 27 Soul Survivor Café 28 Sports 30 Kids Work

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ARTICLES 62 Who, What, Where, When? 66 Offering 67 Supporting Soul Survivor 68 Soul Action 70 SoulNet 72 Youth Bible 73 Student Welcome 73 International Reception 74 Get It Across – Loud & Clear 76 Soul61 78 Soul Survivor Website 78 Mini Mags 79 Bible Reading Notes 82 Prayer Ministry

35/49 Day Planners IMPORTANT INFO 84 Things You Should Know 89 Food 90 Health and Safety 91 Ethical Issues 92 Soul Survivor Shop 94 Site Rules 97 2013 Dates 98 Site Maps 101 Vouchers (Full Index at the back)

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It was 1993. The Power Rangers had just burst onto the scene and the world was about to discover the cinematic wonder of Jurassic Park. However, on a Somerset showground an event was taking place for the first time. Now, 19 years later, you have decided to come to that same event and we are chuffed to have you here.

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God planted the idea of Soul Survivor in the mind of Mike, a Greek youth worker and ex-accountant. Mike loved the idea of loads of young people gathering together to have a great time and, most importantly, to meet with Jesus. The Soul Survivor events have found their homes not only here in Somerset, but up in Stafford, where we have been hanging out with more of you guys since 2008. We love coming back year after year to see your lovely smiling faces! What’s it really all about?


verything we do is about Jesus! We love worshipping Jesus, we love discovering more about his character and learning what it means to follow him in our everyday lives. So that’s what we focus on during these five days we have together!

A few things you might like to know about us:


e’re all about relationship. Firstly the most important relationship any of us can have is with God. But as Christians God also calls us to be in relationship with our church family and to take his love, grace and mercy to those around us who don’t know him. If you’ve not hung around with us before you’ll quickly see that we like to joke around, have fun and mess about. That’s because we don’t take ourselves too seriously but we do take God very seriously and whilst having fun we try and honour him in everything we do.

Who’s who?


ike P directs all things Soul Survivor. If you see someone wearing what looks like your mother’s curtains, it will probably be Mike in one of his colourful and quirky shirts. He has also been known to take hairstyling tips from Ronald McDonald. Mike will be joined on stage by his good mate and Associate Director of Soul Survivor, Andy Croft. Andy is a real whiz when it comes to theology; to the point where he achieved a First Class degree from Cambridge in the subject. He will be leading our Bible studies in the morning meetings.

What day is it again?

In the Soul Survivor office we haven’t quite mastered days of the week, but we are ace with numbers. So, while you’re here with us the days go as follows:


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

= = = = =


WEEK C = = = = =


Just remember to change back when you go home. Texting your friends about going to the cinema on Day 3 may seem rather odd! GOT SOME QUESTIONS ABOUT WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO? You might like these pages of the programme: PAGE 6 – info on what happens in the main meetings and why PAGE 82 – guidelines on prayer ministry PAGE 62 – your questions answered about our weird ways PAGE 78 & 96 – find out what we get up to the rest of the year and what free resources we have for you online!

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The BIG TOP Twice a day we all get together to have what we call a main meeting (because we can’t think of a cooler name for them). We think these are the highlight of our time together at Soul Survivor because it’s brilliant to all be together in one place, worshipping God, hearing from his word and waiting on his Spirit. But what does all that really mean?

ne of the ways we can praise God and tell him how much we love him is through singing to him and there are plenty of examples in the Bible of people worshipping God through song. Worship is more than words and music though; singing to God is a reflection of the attitudes of our hearts and an opportunity to encounter Jesus. The worship will be led by a band at the front and the words will be on the screens to make it nice and easy for everyone to see. We aren’t the most formal of groups so we’re OK with however you want to worship - feel free to stand, sit, sing loudly or quietly, be still or dance around (just try and be aware of the people around you!)

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Bible teaching


he Bible is the best selling book of all time! An incredible 30 million Bibles are distributed every year and it’s available in over 1,100 languages. But the most exciting fact about the Bible is that it is the word of God! Sometimes however, a book so big and one that was written so many years ago means we need a hand trying to unravel some of its mysteries. We will spend time trying to explore what the Bible talks about and relating it to everyday situations. Find the Bible a bit boring? Hopefully we’ll be able to change your mind by the end of the week! God’s word isn’t dry, boring and meaningless – it may actually surprise you how relevant it is to your life. We want to have a laugh whilst learning from God’s word so relax and enjoy!

Prayer ministry


ince Jesus isn’t still with us in human form, he gave us the Holy Spirit to live in us. Whilst we can’t see him, we can feel the effect of the Holy Spirit in us as he heals, equips, convicts and empowers us. The Holy Spirit is always with us, but during our main meetings we make time and space to ask God to increase that presence a bit like he did at Pentecost (you can read about that in Acts 2). The Holy Spirit also gives us gifts like prophecy and the ability to speak in tongues. During ministry times we don’t want to hype stuff up, we just want to encourage you to meet with God and engage with him. There’s no pressure to respond in a certain way, just try to focus on Jesus and invite

him to do what he would like to do in your life. This is a great chance to let someone pray for you or to pray for others. Have a read through our prayer guidelines on page p82 if you would like to pray for other people. There will also be an Enabling Team around who have been praying for people for a while. They’re there in case you want to ask any questions and to give you a bit of guidance, so look out for their badges and feel free to approach them at any point during the ministry times.

MEETINGS Day One: 7pm Days Two to Four: 11am and 7pm Day Five: 10am (for communion) and 7pm (Map Ref: E3)

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OUTLINE OF A DAY 01 8.30am – Yawn! Time to get up, stretch off and launch yourself headfirst into another day! 9am – Youth leaders – if your group can make cereal without setting fire to a tent, pop along to the SoulNet breakfast. We’ll have a coffee and a croissant waiting for you… 02 9.30am – The first of our three daily seminar slots! Start the day off by learning about a massive range of topics from a group of brilliant speakers. Maybe choose the night before to avoid any early morning indecision!

11am – Come on down to the main meeting so we can all hang out together. Everything else shuts during the main meetings so we can focus on God, worship him and hear from his word. We’ll also make space to pray for each other and see what God wants to do. 1pm onwards –There is loads to do in the afternoons. You can play sports, attend a workshop, go to more seminars (they start at 2.30pm and 4pm), have a browse around the ToolShed or take it easy in one of our cafés. Take your pick!

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SAFETY FIRST We know you’re a smart bunch but don’t forget to stay safe while you’re here. We do our best to keep the site a friendly place but of course we can’t vouch for everyone so:

Stay with at least one friend when wandering around at night.

Put the emergency phone number 0303 333

1335 in your mobile and call it instead of 999

Let your youth leader know where you’re off


to and keep your mobile on so you can get hold of each other easily if you need to. Even if someone seems really nice, don’t go off with them on your own. There are plenty of safe places you can hang out. So hang on to your common sense, keep your usual wits about you and help us keep Soul Survivor a happy, smiley and safe place!


W 6pm – Venues close until the evening. Catch your breath, bask in the evening sunshine and grab some dinner. 03 7pm – We’re back together again! Yep, head down to the main meeting venue for some more worship, teaching and ministry. 04 9.15pm ish – More time to enjoy the cafés, sports and ToolShed, or you can try our dance venue Blueprint, watch a film at Celluloid or head over to Late Night Worship. All this evening stuff goes on ‘til about 11.30pm when it’s time to get back in that sleeping bag and get some sleep. You’ll need some more energy so you’re ready to do it all again tomorrow!

e love hearing stories. We once heard a story about a man who ate a computer keyboard. Bizarre! But the stories we love the most are your stories. We love it when people write to us, email us, tweet us, Facetube and youbook message us to tell us what God has being doing in their lives! Big or small, life changing or seemingly minor let us know how you have experienced God whilst at Soul Survivor. You can email us at testimonies@soulsurvivor.com or tweet us at @soulsurvivorGB

TELL US WHAT YOU THINK! We hope you’ve had a brilliant five days here at Soul Survivor! We’d love to hear about your experiences, what you’ve loved and what we could improve. When you get home we’ll send you an email with a link to our website. There you’ll find a questionnaire; fill it in and you could win a brilliant prize (as well as our gratitude!).

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VENUES week 1

We have crammed more venues into a Somerset field than you can shake a stick at!

In the rolling hills of the West Country we have brought back some of your old favourites plus added a brand new venue dedicated to the London 2012 Olympics – The Soulympic CafÊ. Add a big purple bus packed full of games and gadgets into the mix and we have a recipe for a great week together! Get sorted, get your mates and get stuck in.

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VENUES Furnace, late night worship & CHAT ROOM

Late Night Worship


f the main meeting has finished but you just want to keep worshipping God, head over to our Late Night Worship venue. Members of the Soul Survivor worship team will be leading a stripped-back band and a more lowkey style of worship than we have in the main meetings, so it’s the perfect way to end the day!


Days One to Five: 10.30pm (Map Ref: F3)

Chat Room


he Furnace is our prayer venue and offers a place for you to come for quiet contemplative prayer or to get involved in more vibrant, creative times when we will meet together to pray for each other, what God’s doing at Soul Survivor and things going on around the world

JOIN US AT 9am to pray for the day ahead Day One: 9.30pm–11pm, Days Two to Five: 8am–10am, 12pm - 6pm and 9.30pm–11.30pm (Map Ref: F4)


ave something you want to get off your chest? Just need someone to talk to? Pop along and see our friendly Chat Room team who are ready, waiting and eager to have a natter about anything you’d like. You might want to talk about your relationship with God, how you find school, what’s going on with friendships, how things are in your family – whatever it is, you’ll find a friendly face and a listening ear in the Chat Room!

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Café Uno


ack for another year of pub-quizzing afternoons and funky jazz-laden evenings is Café Uno. Our team are primed and ready to help you dance the night away or serve you another mile high* slice of chocolate cake. The house band will be back in the evenings to provide you with a suitably funky soundtrack to your summer!

* The cake is not actually a mile high

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THERE ARE MOMENTS IN LIFE THAT CHANGE THE WAY WE SEE THE WORLD www.tearfund.org/transform Registered Charity No. 265464 (England and Wales) Registered Charity No. SC037624 (Scotland)

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ne thing we really love at Soul Survivor is seeing people treated fairly as God intended. We believe that everyone is equally loved in God’s eyes. Therefore with our good friends at Tearfund we thought up Soul Action, a way of raising awareness to help you fight injustice throughout the world. In our Soul Action café you will find information about our ongoing projects, Fairtrade products for you to enjoy and a great place for you to relax and enjoy a cuppa.

Day One: 9.30pm–11.30pm, Days Two to Five: 1pm–6pm and 9.30pm–11.30pm Breakfast café opens 8.30am–10.30am on Days Two to Four and 8.30am–9.30am on Day Five (Map Ref: F4) 14 Soul survivor Weeks B&C

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ome of you may be new to this whole Jesus thing and might just fancy a place to sit and relax with people in a similar position. The Fringe is that place! It’s a nice relaxing environment for you to kick back and watch the world go by so take a pew and ponder your own thoughts, grab a coffee and a wedge of cake or have a chat with one of our team. It doesn’t have to be deep and meaningful; it can be about anything you want. They’ll be chuffed to see you! Day One: 9.30pm–11.30pm, Days Two to Five: 1pm–6pm and 9.30pm– 11.30pm (Map Ref: F4)

XLP Massive Purple Bus


t’s back! Squint your eyes and it looks like Barney the dinosaur, but open your eyes and be amazed by a double decker bus full of all the gadgets and games consoles you could ever want. Two floors packed with pool and air hockey tables, Playstations, Laptops, Wii’s and much more, all for your enjoyment.

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he skateboard was invented by two friends, Jimmy Skate and Jonny Board, in 1647. Since then it has been the favoured mode of transport for such iconic figures as Bart Simpson, Avril Lavigne and that kid Jessie from Free Willy. We’ve provided you with ramps, boxes, jumps and rails for you to perfect your ollies, kick flips, casper disasters and fakies so skate on down and do your thang!

Day One: 9.15pm–11.30pm, Days Two to Five: 1pm–6pm and 9.15–11.30pm (Map Ref: E4) 16 Soul survivor Weeks B&C

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GROUP WITH H T U O Y R U O Y E IR P INS ONSORSHIP P S D IL H C N IO S S A COMP YOUTH GROUPS SPONSORING CHILDREN FOR £1 A WEEK EACH When five members of your youth group contribute just £1 a week, you will ensure that a child in desperate need has access to education, healthcare, food, clothing and the opportunity to learn about Jesus. Sponsoring a child will enable your youth group to experience God’s love for the poor, to respond to His call to look after the destitute, and to see a child lifted from poverty.

Visit www.compassionuk.org/youth, call 01932 836490 or visit us in the Exhibition Space for more information.

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ack for 2012 after a triumphant first year is Blueprint, our highly-charged dance venue. Our resident DJ lays down the phattest beats, the chunkiest riffs and catchiest new tunes. Dancing is obligatory (not really, but everyone else will be) so dust off your dancing shoes, come on down to Blueprint and throw some shapes! Days One to Five: 9.30pm–11.30pm (Map Ref: F4)



how us what you’re made of! Are you the songbird of your generation? Then this is the place for you! Pitch up with your guitar, your kazoo or a couple of spoons you nicked from your youth leader and grab the attention of our lovely bandstand hosts. They will let you know what time you’re on and where you have to be, then it’s down to you…

Days Two to Five: 2pm–4pm (Map Ref: F4)

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VENUES grounds Café & SOULYMPIC Café

Grounds Café


ew to this summer is Grounds, a coffee shop for the real caffeine connoisseurs amongst you. Step inside our downtown New York coffee shop for a mug of hot brown and a natter with your mates. To give it that authentic stateside feel, our café will actually be run by a real life American. Yee ha! Day One: 9.30pm–11.30pm Days Two to Five: 1pm–6pm and 9.30pm–11.30pm (Map Ref: F5)

Soulympic Café


here is currently a small gathering of athletes in London that is getting quite a lot of attention. To pay homage to that we have come up with our own Soulympic Café for you to enjoy! We will be showing live Olympics coverage, replays of the best bits and generally getting whipped up into an Olympic frenzy. Grab a coffee from our café, take a perch and cheer someone on. It doesn’t matter who you shout for, just get involved! For all of you guys joining us for Week C, never fear! We will be kicking off the week with the Olympics closing ceremony and replaying the best moments from London 2012. Day One: 9.30pm–11.30pm Days Two to Five: 1pm–6pm and 9.30pm–11.30pm (Map Ref: E4) Weeks B&C Soul survivor 19

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tepping into Dreggs is like entering into a frantic fun factory where you call the shots! Fancy making your youth leader drink milk from a welly? Or talking them into eating jelly until they can’t move? If so, this place is for you! We have wall-to-wall fun, whether you fancy playing a bit of pool and watching old-school cartoons on the big screen or relaxing whilst painting your nails and getting a cool and trendy Henna tattoo.

Day One: 9.30pm – 11.30pm Days Two to Five: 1pm – 6pm and 9.30pm – 11.30pm Map Ref: F5 20 Soul survivor Weeks B&C

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ur good friends at the Nexus Trust are here to lead a series of music workshops for you. Throughout the week there will be various classes and tutorials giving you an insight into a variety of instruments and how these are used in all aspects of worship. Days Two to Four – 9.30am–10.30am Day Five – 9am–10am Seminar B (Map Ref: G3)


Day Two: Keyboard – Matt Cossey Day Three: Vocal – Alex Scott Day Four: Drums/Bass – Dave Silber & Anthony Hipsley Day Five: Guitar – Rich Hall


Day Two: Day Three: Day Four: Day Five:

Vocal – Alex Scott Drums/Bass – Tom Lane & Sam Skirrow Guitar – Rich Hall Keyboard – Matt Cossey

The Nexus Trust is a Christian Music School which runs courses in drums, bass, vocals, singing, guitar, piano, keys and live sound engineering. For more information go to www.nexustrust.co.uk.

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VENUES UndeRground

The Underground

Underground Dance Battle


t’s a freestyle free for all and the title for Underground Dance Battle Champion is back up for grabs. Get those lunge stretches going and gather your crew to do battle on the dance floor. Solo and duo acts are both welcome. Look out for a special entry from Soul Survivor’s very own lycra-clad fitness fanatic. This year’s competition will be judged by our pro dance tutor D7, founder of The Rebirth Network which is a collaboration of contemporary and street dancers from across the UK who love Jesus. Sign up night One, competition starts night Two

Underground Dance Academy


ow in its 8th year, the Underground is without a doubt Soul Survivor’s hiphop home. Roll up your jeans, make your way through the fields and wrap your kicks in a Tesco bag, because this year it doesn’t look like letting up. The line-up includes two Mobo award-winning artists, the most exciting up and coming artists in the UK scene and some of the top street dancers in the country. All in one big cowshed for your enjoyment! The Underground is hosted by our good friends Mr Prince and Navigator, with special guest co-hosts Guvna B and Premier Gospel’s First Lady Leah Logan. Leave your awkward hip-hop hand gestures and countryside beef at the door; this is about real music, real artists and some of the most explosive nights at Soul Survivor! Day One: 10pm – 11:30pm, Days Two to Five: 4pm – 5.15pm, 10pm – 11.30pm Map Ref: G4


his year Underground will be hosting its very own dance academy. If you’re serious about your dance or just fancy having a go, these sessions promise something for everyone. Each session will cover a mix of street dance and contemporary dance and you may even get a chance to bust your moves onstage! Our friends from the Rebirth Network will be taking the class so find out more in the ToolShed at the Underground stand. Days Two to Five: 4pm

MC Clash – Underground band stand takeover


alling all MCs! On Day Three the Underground will be hijacking the bandstand to host a clash to find the best MCs on site. A delectable platter of hip-hop and grime beats will be provided and the best of the best will get to take it to the Underground stage on night Four.

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VENUES UndergrounD

Guvna B


OBO award winner Guvna B returns with brand new material from his album ‘Odd One Out’. Always a favourite here; this gig is not to be missed.

Rebirth WEEK B


he Rebirth Network are a new urban dance theatre collective based in London aiming to raise up a new dance community within the UK.

DAY ONE: Guvna B & Rebirth Dance DAY TWO: Victizzel & Dance Battle Round 1... Let’s get ready to rumble!

Next Ting 140

Day Three: Next Ting 140 & Dance Battle Round 2.. Fight!


phenomenal, hard-hitting, grimy, up-tempo stageshow, Next Ting 140 are the UK’s finest Christian emcees. It’s gonna be a high-octane, action-packed evening!

Day Four: Rebirth Dance & Open mic

Writeway Music



ictizzel is a Mobo Award-winning artist and producer. The mastermind of the hit dance track ‘Kingdom Skank’ is bringing his swagga to the Underground for the first time. Get ready, it’s gonna be big.



welve24 will be bringing their fun-loving ‘hip-pop’ and R&B swagga to The Underground - taking the big issues facing you guys today and hitting them head-on.


unday, Leke, Rhema & Presha J together form WriteWay music, a collaboration of singers, rappers and songwriters intent on making a positive impact across the world.



ith two UK Chart hits the Manchester band LZ7 are going from strength to strength. A favourite here at Soul Survivor, their set is a definite must. Arrive early - it’s gonna be a lock out!

Day Five: Writeway Music & Dance Battle Final

WEEK C Day One: Guvna B & Rebrith Dance Day Two: Twelve24 & Dance Battle Round 1… Fight! Day Three: Next Ting 140 & Dance Battle Round 2… Fight! Day Four: Rebirth Dance & Open mic Day Five: LZ7 & Dance Battle Final

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Dolphin Tale



e may be camping in a field in the depths of Somerset but that doesn’t mean we have to completely remove ourselves from all home comforts! Pop on down to Celluloid, stretch back and catch the latest blockbuster. The best thing is that it’s totally free! There are two films every night, one on one screen and one on another! We’ll have a friendly steward there every night to guide you to your film of choice!

Days One to Five: 10pm Map Ref: F4


ur story is set in 1930s Paris where Hugo, an orphaned boy, finds himself living in a train station. His late father left him an automaton – a secret message that he needs to decode to help him find his way home.

Directed by the legend that is Martin Scorcese, Hugo is an incredible tale of adventure and friendship.


awyer is a young boy with few friends. One day as he’s biking along the beach he sees Winter the dolphin tangled up in a crab trap. After untangling her and seeking help, Winter is taken to hospital where unfortunately she has her tail amputated. In a bid to try and save the life of his new friend, Sawyer comes up with a plan to release Winter back into the ocean where she belongs. Tissues are definitely needed for this fun and inspirational story based on true events.

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The Three Musketeers




he hot-headed young D’Artagnan along with three former legendary but now down on their luck Musketeers unite in this actionpacked blockbuster. Their mission is to defeat a beautiful double agent and her villainous employer from seizing the French throne and engulfing Europe in war. A modern spin on a historical classic!


t’s always the same isn’t it? You go to a shop to buy a model, the next thing you know you’ve been kidnapped, taken to Morocco, visited the Sheikh, nearly been killed several times, become embroiled in a global treasure hunt wrapped up in 300 years of history, all the while managing to keep your trademark hair-do intact. This is all in a days work for our intrepid explorer Tin Tin in this special effects masterpiece with all the action of a Bond film coupled with the family atmosphere of an afternoon with the Chuckle Brothers.


hen three avid Muppet fans learn that Tex Richman (you can tell he’s the baddie) wants to drill under the Muppet Theatre for oil, Gary, Mary and Walter set out on a mission to get all the Muppets back together for one last show to help save the theatre. They travel far and wide to find them, stumbling upon Kermit in his LA mansion and Miss Piggy as the fashion editor of Vogue Paris. If you’re looking for laughs, catchy songs and the eventual comeuppance of an oil tycoon, this is the film for you!

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The ToolShed

Here’s a couple of things to bear in mind about the ToolShed that we’re pretty serious about: A ll the stands and organisations are here to


o you remember in Aladdin when that big tiger rose out of the sand and Aladdin, Abu and the magic carpet went down into the cave of wonders? Well, arm yourself with a heavy dose of imagination and stepping into the ToolShed could be just like that! Well, you know, apart from the lack of magic carpets and monkeys…and sand… We’re also running a bit short on diamonds, rubies, pearls and the finest gold but we do have exhibitors coming out of our ears! They are from a whole bunch of organisations that are here to equip you on your walk with Jesus so you’ll find inspiring charities to get involved in, brilliant resources to take home with you, and lots of friendly people who’d love to have a chat. Day One: 9.15pm–11.30pm, Days Two to Five: 1pm–6pm and 9.15pm–11.30pm Map Ref: F4

equip you in your walk with Jesus. That means none of them should be getting upset because you don’t quite get their theological angle on things. If you feel like you’ve been accosted by an over-zealous exhibitor, then pop into Information and let one of our team know.

Most of the items that are sold in the ToolShed are either resources or a way of generating money to support the work of a charitable trust. We know lots of you like having a browse around but the absolute last thing we want is for anyone to feel pressured to spend any cash. We’re not trying to make money out of you. F rom time to time Mike & Co might mention a book, CD or DVD on mainstage. Just so you know, there are no marketing deals going on – if they say they like it and think you will too then they mean they like it and think you will too (not that someone is paying them to push the product at you). Basically what this boils down to is the fact we like you, we think you’re pretty special and we don’t want to treat you like marketing fodder. We want you to be able to relax and have a good time at Soul Survivor.

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The Office


or all of you tweeters, youtubers and facebookers we have The Office. For 50p a computer is yours for 15 minutes. Back of the net! Day One: 9.15pm–11.30pm, Days Two to Five: 1pm–6pm and 9.15–11.30pm Map Ref: F4

Toolshed Café


ust up on the balcony above the ToolShed you will find our mates at Compassion. Enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and a wedge of cake from your perfect vantage point over Aladdin’s cave. If you’re up for it, the guys at Compassion would love to sit and chat with you about how you can help with their work sponsoring underprivileged children in some of the world’s most deprived areas. Day One: 9.15pm–11.30pm, Days Two to Five: 1pm–6pm and 9.15–11.30pm Map Ref: F4

Soul Survivor café


mack bang in the middle of the ToolShed is the Soul Survivor café. Stocked to the brim with cakes, hot chocolate and other scrumptious treats our café team can make sure you get the proper sustenance required to carry on in your search of a new CD, book or DVD. Got any Soul Survivor related questions? Our team at the café will be happy to answer them for you, all with a smiling face and a big slice of cake!

Day One: 9.15pm–11.30pm, Days Two to Five: 1pm–6pm and 9.15–11.30pm Map Ref: F4

A-Levellers attention! On Thursday 16th August (Day Five of week C), the Office will be open from 8am – 11am for you to check your A-level results on the internet for free. Look how nice we are! If you’d like to chat with anyone about your results, remember our Chat Room will be open from 2pm – 4pm.

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The Legendary Panna - sonic tournament

T Day One: 9.15pm–11.30pm Days Two to Five: 1pm–5pm and 9.15pm–11.30pm Map Ref: E4

The infamous Soul Survivor five-a-side footie tournament


ome people have scored goals that are forever etched in the memory of everyone who witnessed them. If you haven’t, then this is your chance to create such a memory. If you and four mates prove yourselves better than the rest of the field then you shall become legends, your names whispered in awe as tales of your valour, courage and sliding tackles weave themselves into the very fabric of folklore.

Starts Day Two: Afternoon

ake the beautiful game and place it in a cage and what do you get? A fast, action-packed sport that will rely on every ounce of speed, agility and skill you can muster. Grab our sports team leader and register a team of three people to take part. Summon enough skill and determination to beat all your opponents and you and your mates will be crowned worthy champions.

Starts Day Two: Afternoon

Free Running


ur friends at Scripture Union will be leading the free running, making sure that everyone who participates is safe and happy. They will be running workshops throughout the afternoons and a competition on the final evening. Please come armed with suitable footwear (trainers) and a sense of adventure and we’ll have you clambering over the bars in no time! Week C only

Basketball tournament


nyone who has ever watched High School Musical or One Tree Hill will know the importance of basketball. Friendships are made and broken, titles are won and lost and in the case of High School Musical, a lot of songs are sung. At Soul Survivor we play for the love of the game. We play hard, we play fair, we have fun… and occasionally sing… Starts Day Two: Afternoon

Ultimate Frisbee


ltimate Frisbee, by definition, cannot get any better! If you can outsmart your opponents, bob and weave and emerge victorious, then yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it!

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The Fun Run


he Soul Action sponsored fun run will be raising money for the Free 2 Play campaign. So what better way to burn some calories in the summer sun and raise money for a really worthy cause? Signing up couldn’t be easier. After grabbing your forms from the Soul Action stand all that’s left to do is ask your mates to sponsor you! On the day of the run, grab your craziest outfit (maybe give your Where’s Wally outfit a go?), stretch properly and then run like the wind! Drop the money in at the Soul Action stand when you’re done and pat yourself on the back. Day Four: 5.30pm (5.15pm for warm ups)

It’s wortH remembering this run should be fun. Mini Olympics


n honour of the gathering of athletes in London this summer we are holding our very own mini Olympics. So, if you’re up for up for wacky games and have a desire to win, this is for you! Come along and get involved!

We aren’t looking to set records or run the fastest. If you want to run, dance, jog, tango or waltz around the course, then that is 100% fine by us!

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Engage (5-8s)

Engage is a space where the 5–8 year olds can learn about Jesus and spend time worshipping in a fun-filled but slightly crazy environment.

We’re really happy to have little people here with us at Soul Survivor and we’ve got special activities going on to keep all the under 12s entertained.

Days Two to Four: 11am–1pm Day Five: 10am–12pm Map Ref: E3

Breakout (9-11s)


e have changed things slightly this year with brand new names for our kids groups. Some of the age brackets have changed as well so please take note before dropping your children off.

Wrigglers (0-2s)


lovely facility for our littlest Soul Survivor-ites! Games aplenty, fun abounding. Don’t we all wish we were babies again? Days Two to Four: 11am–1pm Day Five: 10am–12pm Map Ref: G4

Explorers (3-4s)


he Explorers group will have age-appropriate worship, teaching and prayer, intermingled with a whole load of fun and games in a safe and enjoyable environment. Days Two to Four: 11am–1pm Day Five: 10am–12pm Map Ref: G4


reakout sessions will mirror the main meetings in the Big Top, but are pitched at suitable levels with appropriate topics. There will be times of worship and teaching with space for prayer in a safe atmosphere. Days Two to Four: 11am–1pm Day Five: 10am–12pm Days One to Five: 7pm – 9pm Map Ref: F4

Child Protection

Child Protection procedures are in place to provide the safest environment possible. All the team involved in Kids Work have received appropriate welfare training.

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Family Films


or a little bit of early evening entertainment we will have family friendly films every night in the Refreshers venue. Films are all rated U and supervised by the Soul Survivor team for children over 4 years old so if your child is under 4 please be ready to stay and enjoy the film. Days One to Five: 7pm (Late Night Worship Venue) Map Ref: F3







Alvin & the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked




Baby bathing is also available Days Two-Four at 4.45pm 6.45pm in the wooden building on Yellow 3. Look for the star on the map



nder 12s will have had event wristbands sent in the post but they will still need to be registered at the Welcome Tent on arrival day (Day One) to ensure they are accounted for in the kids groups. Please bring your children to the venue and a member of the team will take some details and issue you with a security card. The number on the security card will correspond with the number given to your child so please keep it safe. You will need to show the card at each session and sign the child in and out as an added security measure. Parents/guardians collecting under 10s MUST have their security card with them. This is strictly enforced: no card, no child.

SPECIAL NEEDS We want to do as much as possible to welcome and include all children irrespective of their particular needs. If your child has additional needs then please make a point of speaking to the Team Leader for their age group at the earliest opportunity (if you haven’t already) so that they are fully aware of how to care for your child in each session.

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Seminars are teaching sessions (a bit like those in the main meeting) but they last for about an hour. We have a huge range of seminar topics so that you can pick the subjects that are most interesting and relevant to you.

Every day there are three seminar slots: one at 9.30am, one at 2.30pm and one at 4pm. As there are so many, we have sorted them out into helpful categories for you:


The ‘Up’ stream of seminars will look at how we communicate with God. There will be a whole range of seminars based around topics such as worship, prayer and the Bible.


This stream takes a look at the things that are going on inside, so seminars will explore working on our character, developing our gifts and dealing with things that have hurt us.


All of these seminars will focus on how we work out our faith in the world around us so will focus on things like evangelism, serving the poor and standing for justice.


f you can’t make a seminar, or if two of your favourites clash, you can always pick up a recording from the ToolShed or grab it online when you get home. You’ll need a code which identifies each seminar uniquely – these are on the seminar day planners next to the seminar title. Jot down the number and quote this when you buy your copy of the recording and we’ll be able to find the exact one you’re looking for. Simple!

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C in Om T (o h E a n E n ly at TO d m O fi om L n en Sh d tu E uS m d ) !

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What are you waiting for?



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19/07/201220:19 12:12 04/07/2012




In this day planner you will find everything you need to know to help you get the most out of what Soul Survivor has to offer you this week. To give you all time to get your tents set up and sleeping bags unrolled we won’t have any seminars today. We kick things off with our main meeting at 7:00 this evening. See you there!

7pm: See you in the Big Top for worship, teaching and ministry (24101)

From 9.15pm: All of our venues are open! 9.15pm: Get your backside down to our shiny new Soulympic Café! Live and recorded Olympics coverage all week. Get involved! 9.30pm: Bust some moves on the dance floor at Blueprint From 10pm: Check out Guvna B and Rebirth Dance down at the Underground 10pm: Hugo and Dolphin Tale are our films at Celluloid!

From 10.30pm: Carry on worshipping at Late Night Worship

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2.30 PM

Worship – Does God have a preference? –David Silber Does God mind how we worship? We’ll take you on a whistle-stop tour through scripture to see if we can discover the timeless and eternal qualities that God is seeking in true worship.

Soul Man MEETS Soul Sista: Sex – Mike Pilavachi, Andy Croft & Esther Davenport Sex! There, we said it! Too often sex isn’t talked about in church, we get all embarrassed. But God created it and he thinks it’s good – it’s just that its purpose has been misunderstood. This is a gritty, no-holds-barred chat about sex, the real world and the amazing gift God gives us.

SEMINAR A (24001)

Does God have a plan for our lives? – Fuzz Kitto If God has a plan for our lives, how do we find out what it is? Come and hear the amazing insights the Bible gives to help us work it out. CELLULOID SCREEN 2(24002)

SoulNet: A LifE OF faith hope and love – Ali Etheridge In 1 Corinthians 13 Paul urges us to live a life full of faith, hope and love. But how does this play out in our youth ministries? How can we have consistent faith, authentic hope and a genuine love for young people? CAFÉ UNO (24003)

Man up! – Gary Smith What does it mean to be a man of God and could that make you more attractive than Robert Pattinson?! Join northern bloke Gary to explore this and other equally perplexing questions. UNDERGROUND (24004)

Free 2 worship – David Westlake Amos wrote, “Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (5.23–24). As we worship and seek God, he leads us to respond - seeking justice and freedom for all. SOUL ACTION CAFÉ (24005)

Praying for people so that stuff happens – Jeannie Morgan This is for all team members but also anyone who would like to see God move when they pray for others. Covering the basics of how we go about praying for one another and what you might experience or see in the main meetings. BLUEPRINT (24006)

BIG TOP (24007)

The Last year in Music – Graham Cray A look at a diverse year in music through Christian eyes, including a new star who was in his church’s youth group and the death of a diva who began singing in church. God’s finger prints and all of the joy and sorrow of life have been in the charts. SEMINAR A (24008)

A brand new you: forgiven and accepted – Mr Prince Whether you have just met with Jesus or you are making your way back to him, the Bible tells us that God can offer us a new start, free from the guilt of mistakes, and full of hope for the future. THE FRINGE (24009)

I thought God didn’t make mistakes? – Tom & Suzie Brock When you look in the mirror do you just see the shortcomings you have? Do you think God made a mistake when he made you? Some helpful advice on how to lose a negative self-image. UNDERGROUND (24013)

Leadership – Cameron Bennett Leadership is more than just a title! Come and discover how to be the influential leader that God has called you to be. BLUEPRINT (24010)

Heroes and Heroines – Roy Crowne Christian history is rich with amazing people like the Wesleys and the Whitfields who have helped bring the transforming message of the Gospel to the world. This seminar will look at their incredible stories and inspire you to walk in their footsteps. CELLULOID SCREEN 2 (24011)

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No ceiling to hope – Patrick Regan When you are bombarded with images and headlines of broken families, poverty and war, the possibility of seeing transformation seems very distant. How can we let go of our own agendas and see things from God’s perspective of hope, love and restoration?

How do I tell my friends of other faiths about Jesus? – Andrew Smith Often friends from other faiths are interested in what we believe and why, so what’s the best way to tell them about Jesus? CELLULOID SCREEN 1(24016)

GROUNDS (24012)

Standing up for my faith – Eddie Lyle What does it look like to stand up for our faith against all the odds? Be inspired and hear stories of mission, miracles and martyrs from the persecuted church. CELLULOID SCREEN 1(24014)

4 PM Why does God allow suffering? – Andy Croft If God is loving and powerful why doesn’t he stop all the pain and difficulty in our lives? Why does he allow bad things to happen? Andy will try and answer your questions at the end. SEMINAR A (24015)

Getting CollAred – Andrew Emerton If you think you may lead a church within the Church of England at some point, this seminar is for you. It will explain what ordination is, how you can tell whether you’re called to it and what the process is for selection and training. CELLULOID SCREEN 2 (24017)

Healing from past hurts – Jeannie Morgan Some of us feel like we have a hole inside that nothing seems to fill, caused by events that have robbed us of security or hope. We will look at some of the losses that cause us pain and find out how we can get healed. Prayer ministry will be available. BLUEPRINT (24019)

Young leaders assemble – Bob Wallington Looking at some great leaders of the past this is a chance to get stuck into the essentials of all things leadership and how to make a huge impact on the world around you!

OTHER STUFF GOING ON TODAY 8.30am: Get over to the Soul Action Café for a Danish and a coffee 9.30am: International visitors can head down to the Fringe and meet the team for breakfast 9.30am: Matt Cossey will be running a Keys workshop in Seminar B 11.00am: Join us in the Big Top for our morning celebration! (24102) 1.00pm: Cafés and Sports venues are now open 2.00pm: Sports tournaments kicking off! 2.00pm: The Bandstand is open for you to take the world by storm 4.00pm: Join Rebirth Network for their afternoon dance workshop

WHAT’S GOING ON TONIGHT? 7.00pm: It’s Big Top time! Worship, teaching, ministry all under one roof! (24103) From 9.15pm: Our venues are open for the evening. Check out the latest action in Lift or Dreggs. Our Soulympic Café is open and ready for you to catch up with all the action from London 2012. 10pm: Victizzel will be dropping the beats in The Underground for Round One of our 2012 Dance Battle! 10pm: Dolphin Tale and The Three Musketeers will be showing in Celluloid 10.30pm: Time for Late Night Worship

GROUNDS (24018)

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2.30 pm

Love without an agenda – Patrick Regan We’re meant to love unconditionally without agenda or limits, but sometimes we set limits to protect ourselves. Come and take the challenge to learn to love fully and to persevere with people through hurt and setbacks.

Soul SistA: World shakers – Esther Davenport We are all different and each have a unique place in the world. Whether you feel like you are shaking the world up already or you feel like you aren’t good enough, this is a great opportunity to let God inspire us about how we can change the world.

SEMINAR A (24020)

THE BIG TOP (24026)

There must be some way out Of this place – Tom & Suzie Brock Are you stuck in a rut? Does it seem like you’re just going round and round in circles? Join Tom and Suzie for a seminar that will try and stop you making the same mistakes over and over again. Learn how to make a clean break from sin and move on with your life.

What on earth is the church for? – Graham Cray The church is not about the people who go to it, but the people who don’t. This seminar is an introduction to what the Bible says the church is for and more importantly, how we can ‘do’ church effectively in our own communities.


So what is the Gospel? And what do we do about it? – Fuzz Kitto 1 Corinthians 15 is one of the first descriptions of the gospel of Jesus, giving us great insight into the work Jesus has set out for us to do. How can we share it and become Gospel People? UNDERGROUND (24022)

SoulNet: How is your spiritual life? – Martin Saunders How is your spiritual life - really? In this session we’ll look at the ancient spiritual disciplines and give you a range of new ways to deepen your Christian walk. CAFÉ UNO (24023)

Our helper – Pastor Clement Wong As we faithfully live for Jesus and serve him, do you wonder if we are alone? Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to help us live effectively but do we know him? Let’s acquire a deeper understanding of who he is and how he can help us.

SEMINAR A (24027)

Secret Church – Eddie Lyle For many believers around the world, going to church means putting your life in danger. An opportunity to experience and capture the heart of the persecuted church. CELLULOID SCREEN 1(24028)

Loving and living the Bible – Matt Summerfield It’s time to discover how engaging with the Bible can literally change your life! This is not a book of “Do’s” and “Don’ts” – it’s God’s powerful living story that brings us life, freedom and purpose. GROUNDS (24029)

Under new management – Mr Prince So you’ve made the decision to follow Jesus – amazing! But what happens now? What does it mean to let God have control over your life? THE FRINGE (24030)

Free 2 live – David Westlake There are 27 million modern slaves - in factories, farming, and brothels. We believe that people are not for sale and that God’s people should be free to live - freely.

10 ways to go deeper with God – Martin Saunders If you find it hard to ‘meet’ with God then join us for a fast-paced tour of the spiritual disciplines - ancient and mystical tools of the Christian faith which sound dull but are actually the key to a deeper and more dynamic relationship with God. You may never be the same again...




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So you think your family is a mess? – James Grier This seminar will take you on a quick journey through the stories of messed up and dysfunctional families that would be better placed in a soap opera than the Bible. Has God has got anything good to say about your situation?

Hope for the marginalized – Patrick Regan God wants to restore the world to the way it was originally intended. He is passionate about us caring for the poor, the broken, the lonely and the outcasts, and us loving people until it hurts. GROUNDS (24038)


SoulMaN: Band of Brothers– Mike Pilavachi & Andy Croft What makes you a man? How much you can bench press? How much you can eat or how many girls you can get with? What does God (our maker) say about how we can become the men he created us to be? BLUEPRINT (24033)

4 pm Getting the most from the Bible– Gavin Calver How can we get more from the Word of God? How can we read it more effectively and understand it better when it can seem so complicated? How can the Bible have a massive impact on our everyday lives? CELLULOID SCREEN 1 (24034)

What does God think of other faiths? –Andrew Smith What does the Bible tell us about God’s attitude towards other faiths and the people who follow them? CELLULOID SCREEN 2 (24035)

Worship Q&A – Soul Survivor team Mike, Beth and the team will do their best to answer your questions, whether they are on values and why we do things the way we do them, or a practical muso type question. BLUEPRINT (24036)

Has science disproved Christianity? – Andy Croft Lots of atheists argue modern science has ruled out a credible belief in God, making it seem like he is a superstitious idea from time gone by. Is it possible to have a real thought-through faith yet pursue science at an academic or professional level? Do we need to throw our brains away to be Christians?

OTHER STUFF GOING ON TODAY 8.30am: Head on down to the Soul Action Café for a bit of brekkie 9.30am: Alex Scott will be running a vocal workshop in Seminar B 9.30am: International visitors can head down to the Fringe for a breakfast on us! 11.00am: Join us in the Big Top for our morning celebration (24104) 1.00pm: Cake or Sports? You decide! Venues are now open! 2.00pm: Try your skills out at the Sports tournaments this afternoon 2.00pm: The Bandstand is open for you to wow your mates 4.00pm: Join Rebirth Network for their afternoon dance workshop

WHAT’S GOING ON TONIGHT? 7.00pm: It’s Big Top time! Worship, teaching, ministry all under one roof! (24105) From 9.15pm: Our venues are open for the evening. Maybe check out the latest action in Lift or Dreggs or keep up with London 2012 at our Soulympic Café 10pm: Next Ting 140 will be busting out the catchiest tunes in the Underground for the second round of our Dance Battle 10pm: Tin Tin and The Three Musketeers will be showing this evening in Celluloid 10.30pm: Time for Late Night Worship.

SEMINAR A (24037)

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WEEK B DAY PLANNER: DAY FOUR 9.30 AM Radical Discipleship – Jason & Rachel Gardner Tired of hearing about how more young people are leaving Christianity behind when they become adults? How can we reboot a passion for Christ? The answer lies in recovering what it means to train to be a disciple! UNDERGROUND (24039)

SoulNet: Q&A with Mike Pilavachi Youth Leaders Assemble! This is your chance to put any question you want to Mike P – from how you can relate more to young people to how he keeps control of his massive afro. Café UNO (24040)

The bear, the lion and the giant – Pastor Clement Wong Having had his training in the meadows fighting off the bears and the lions, David ended up killing a giant and becoming a champion. Do not despise the days of small beginnings; they may be preparation for the giants. BLUEPRINT (24041)

Free 2 Be – David Westlake Sometimes it feels like we’re constantly being told to, ‘Buy this, do that, go there.’ By focusing on God and building key habits and rhythms into our lives, we can get back to the things that matter and really be free to act. SOUL ACTION CAFÉ (24042)

Who cares how many camels they HAD? – Tom & Suzie Brock Why is the word of God an important tool for followers of Jesus? Where do you even start with a book so big? Come along for some important Bible reading tips. CELLULOID SCREEN 2 (24043)

The importance of thankfulness – Sam Breen We tend to forget the power that lies behind living a life of thankfulness. We’ll look at how to be thankful people and what the results could be in our lives. SEMINAR A (24044)

2.30 PM How to interpret the Bible – Chris Lane How does the Bible apply to our lives today? Why do we think it’s wrong to steal but OK to wear clothes made of different types of material when both are forbidden in the Old Testament? Chris gives us some useful tools for dealing with these issues and many more important ones! UNDERGROUND (24045)

Soul Man meets Soul Sista: Relationships – Mike Pilavachi, Andy Croft & Esther Davenport Mates, pals, BFFs, whatever we call our friends, we understand how important they are to us. But how do we invest in our relationships? Is it alright to actually just enjoy spending time by ourselves? Join Andy, Mike and the team as we chat about how to be the best mate you can be, and how to understand those who aren’t like you. BIG TOP (24046)

Women in Leadership? - But what about Timothy? – Graham Cray At Soul Survivor we are convinced that the Bible teaches that all leadership roles in the Church are open equally to women and men. It depends on God’s call and gifting, not on gender. A seminar on Timothy’s important, disputed passage. SEMINAR A (24047)

Leaders in the lion’s den – Pete Wynter Do you want to transform the world? Do you think God might be calling you to leadership in some form of society? Come and discover the secrets of how a young man - Daniel - stepped up and became an inspirational leader. CELLULOID SCREEN 2 (24048)

Loving and living prayer – Matt Summerfield Prayer should be one of the most exciting and dynamic things we do as followers of Jesus but most of the time we find it REALLY tough. But what if you discovered how to live a life of prayer? GROUNDS (24049)

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Know your enemy – James Grier The Bible talks a fair bit about evil and the devil – yet many Christians are a bit clueless when it comes to our enemy. This seminar will give you some theology about this real but rarely discussed topic. CELLULOID SCREEN 1(24050)

New lifestyle: extreme makeover – Mr Prince TV makeover programmes seem to turn bona-fide Shreks into beautiful Snow Whites. Let’s ditch the cosmetic, as today we’ll be looking at God’s makeover plan - transformation that works from the inside out with glorious eternal results. THE FRINGE (24051)

Faith – Cameron Bennett It’s impossible to be effective for God without faith! Find out how to step up with your faith and take your journey with Jesus to the next level. BLUEPRINT (24052)

4 PM Why trust the Bible? – Andy Croft The Bible is the foundation of our faith. But why trust a book written thousands of years ago? How do we know it isn’t made up? What about all the really difficult sayings in it? How is this crazy book ‘God’s Word’? SEMINAR A (24053)

Jesus loves “The Hunger Games?” – Jason Gardner ‘The Hunger Games’ is not only chock full of action, but it says some very serious stuff about the state of our world. Would Jesus approve of what it’s preaching? CELLULOID SCREEN 2 (24054)

The whole Old Testament in one hour – Chris Lane Everything you need to know about every book in the OT in one hour! Get the low down on all 39 books and see how the great story of the Bible points towards Jesus. GROUNDS (24055)

Stumbling Blocks – Gavin Calver What holds you back from following Jesus? Pain and suffering, broken dreams, problems with the Church? Gavin will look at how we can conquer these issues and keep going even in the face of our struggles.

Removing barriers to healing – Jeannie Morgan When others cause us pain we sometimes make choices to protect ourselves so that they can’t hurt us again. This creates barriers which stop us receiving healing but we will look at how we can be free to receive what Jesus wants to give us. Prayer ministry available. BLUEPRINT (24057)

OTHER STUFF GOING ON TODAY 8.30am: The Soul Action Café is open for your early morning hunger-buster 9.30am: International visitors can head down to the Fringe for some petit dejeuner (breakfast) 9.30am: Dave Silber and Anthony Hipsley will be running a Drums and Bass workshop in Seminar B 11.00am: We’ll be finishing our series on Acts in the Big Top! (24106) 1.00pm: Cafés and Sports venues are now open. Head on down to the Soulympic Café for some 2012 action or to Sports for some basketball, football or frisbee 2.00pm: The Bandstand is open for you to stretch your vocal chords 4.00pm: Join Rebirth Network for their afternoon dance workshop

WHAT’S GOING ON TONIGHT? 7.00pm: It’s Big Top time! Worship, teaching, ministry all under one roof! (24107) From 9.15pm: Our venues are open for the evening. Check out the ToolShed, Blueprint or Fringe. Head down to the Soulympic Café for all the latest Olympics action 10pm: Rebirth Network, who will be dropping the phattest beats in the Underground where the microphone is set for open mic night! 10pm: The Muppets and Tin Tin will be showing this evening in Celluloid 10.30pm: Late Night Worship gets underway.


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2.30 pm Loving and living church – Matt Summerfield The truth is that church is not a building and a service. It’s God missionary people out to transform the world – and it starts with you. So come ready to change your mind, and then change your world. SEMINAR A (24058)

So you’re about to start uni? – Fusion If you’re heading off to uni come along to find out how to prepare well, survive and thrive in the new world of university in this practical and reassuring seminar. CELLULOID SCREEN 2 (24059)

10 am MAIN MEETING VENUE We’ll be getting together a little earlier this morning to share in communion as part of our morning celebration. BIG TOP (24108)

OTHER STUFF GOING ON TODAY 8.30am: The Soul Action Café team are ready to serve you some breakfast 9.00am: Rich Hall will be running a guitar workshop in Seminar B From 1.00pm: Our afternoon venues are open! You’re spoilt for choice – sports, cafés, ToolShed – you decide! Remember the Bandstand is at 2.00pm and Rebirth Network are running their dance workshop from 4.00pm

Evangelism – Cameron Bennett Build up the confidence to share your faith in a practical and real way! This session will empower you to step up and share the hope, truth and love that God has for this generation. BLUEPRINT (24060)

Soul Satisfaction – Freddie Pimm Jesus says he has come to give us life to the full, yet to many outside the church the Christian life appears boring and old-fashioned. In this talk Freddie will examine why that is, and explore what a full and satisfied life really looks like. GROUNDS (24061)

U-turn: the great adventure – Mr Prince The week’s nearly over, the tents are about to be packed away and you’re homeward bound… an adventure awaits! The call to follow Jesus is no easy road, but God’s got your back. Today we’ll be talking about practical steps to help you live for Jesus, one decision at a time. THE FRINGE (24062)

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4 pm What about other religions? – Andy Croft Is Christianity just one of many paths to God? How can we know the truth if we haven’t tried all the alternatives? Isn’t it arrogant to think you know ‘the’ truth? Join Andy to look at the hot potato of faith and other religions. SEMINAR A (24063)

Seven simple steps to totally transform the world! – Pete Wynter An inspirational guide to becoming the kind of person who is able to change the world! Come and learn what every leader and wannabe leader should know. CELLULOID SCREEN 1(24064)

Student reception – for school leavers and current students – Fusion An opportunity to meet other students starting/at uni. Forget Facebook - this is social networking taken to the extreme! CELLULOID SCREEN 2

Help! I don’t like myself – Jeannie Morgan Many of us don’t seem to like ourselves very much, let alone love ourselves. This can lead to us not valuing either our bodies or our lives and can also cause us problems in forming relationships. We will look at issues of self-worth, self-esteem, self-image and how we can receive healing and affirmation. BLUEPRINT (24065)

The whole New Testament in one hour – Chris Lane Every book in the NT - Matthew-Revelation - in one hour. Bring a notepad and get inspired to read it for yourself!

WHAT’S GOING ON TONIGHT? 7.00pm: It’s our final celebration of the week. Come dressed in your Where’s Wally outfit! (24109)

From 9.15pm: Our venues are open for the evening. Throw some shapes at Blueprint or check out our Grounds Café or Dreggs or why not catch some quiet time at the Furnace or pop into Fringe? Our Soulympic Café is open and ready for you to head on down and catch up with all the action from London 2012. 10pm: Writeway music will be your hip hop hosts in The Underground and tonight is the grand finale of our 2012 Dance Battle. 10pm: Hugo and The Muppets will be showing in Celluloid 10.30pm: You can end the week with Late Night Worship.

GROUNDS (24066)

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wkke b DAY PLANNER Seminar timetable



Day Two


Soul Man MEETS Soul SistA: Sex Mike Pilavachi, Andy Croft & Esther Davenport


Day Four

Day Five

Soul SistA: World shakers Esther Davenport

lives? Fuzz Kitto

The Last year in Music Graham Cray

Standing up for my faith Eddie Lyle

Heroes and Heroines Roy Crowne

Why does God allow suffering? Andy Croft

How do I tell my friends of other faiths about Jesus? Andrew Smith


what on earth is the church

for? Graham Cray

Has science disproved Christianity? Andy Croft


The importance of thankfulness Sam Breen Soul Man meets Soul Sista: RELATIONSHIPS Mike Pilavachi, Andy Croft & Esther Davenport

Women in leadership? but what about timothy? Graham Cray


why trust the bible? Andy Croft


loving and living church Matt Summerfield


Celluloid Screen 2

Worship – Does God have a preference? David Silber



Celluloid Screen 1 Does God have a plan for our

Love without an agenda Patrick Regan


Day 2.30pm Three

Seminar A

What about other religions? Andy Croft

Man up! Gary Smith

There must be some way out Of this place Tom & Suzie Brock Secret church Eddie Lyle

So you think your family is a mess? James Grier

Getting the most from the Bible Gavin Calver

What does God think of other faiths? Andrew Smith

know your enemy James Grier

stumbling blocks Gavin Calver


I thought G didn’t make mistakes? Tom & Suzie Brock

So what is the Gospel? An what do we do about it? Fuzz Kitto

10 ways to deeper with

god Martin Saunders

Who cares how many camels they had? Tom & Suzie Brock

radical discipleship Jason & Rachel Gardn

Leaders in the lion’s den Pete Wynter

How to interp the Bible Chris Lane

Jesus loves the Hunger Games? Jason Gardner

So you’re about to start uni? Fusion

SEVEN simple steps to totally transform the world! Pete Wynter

Student reception – for school leavers and current students Fusion

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wkke b DAY PLANNER Seminar timetable

METABLE Underground Man up! Gary Smith

Café Uno SoulNet: A LifE OF faith hope and love Ali Etheridge

I thought God didn’t make mistakes? Tom & Suzie Brock

Soul Action Café

The Fringe

Free 2 worship David Westlake

Leadership Cameron Bennett

Blueprint Praying for people so that stuff happens Jeannie Morgan

A brand new you: forgiven and accepted Mr Prince

No ceiling to hope Patrick Regan

Healing from past hurts Jeannie Morgan

So what is the Gospel? And what do we do about it? Fuzz Kitto

SoulNet: HOW IS YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE? Martin Saunders

Free 2 LIVE David Westlake

10 ways to go deeper with


Under new management Mr Prince

god Martin Saunders

SoulNet: Q&A with Mike Pilavachi

How to interpret the Bible Chris Lane

Free 2 BE David Westlake

Young leaders assemble Bob Wallington

our helper Pastor Clement

Soul Man: band of brothers Mike Pilavachi & Andy Croft Worship Q&A Soul Survivor team

radical discipleship Jason & Rachel Gardner

Grounds Café

loving and living the bible Matt Summerfield

Hope for the marginalized Patrick Regan

The bear, the lion and the giant Pastor Clement Wong New lifestyle: extreme makeover Mr Prince

Faith Cameron Benett

Removing barriers to healing Jeannie Morgan U-turn: the great adventure Mr Prince

evangelism Cameron Benett

Help! I don’t like myself Jeannie Morgan

loving and living prayer Matt Summerfield

The whole Old Testament in one hour Chris Lane Soul satisfaction Freddie Pimm

The whole New Testament in one hour Chris Lane

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wkke C DAY PLANNER Seminar timetable



Soul Man MEETS Soul SistA: Sex Mike Pilavachi, Andy Croft & Esther Davenport


Soul SistA: World shakers Esther Davenport

Day Five

stumbling blocks Gavin Calver

Young leaders assemble Bob Wallington

Why does God allow suffering? Andy Croft

loving and living the bible Matt Summerfield

Leaders in the lion’s den Pete Wynter

what on earth is the church

for? Graham Cray

Standing up for my faith Eddie Lyle

SEVEN simple steps to totally transform the world! Pete Wynter

loving and living church Matt Summerfield

There must be some way out Of this place Tom & Suzie Brock

Soul Man meets Soul Sista: RELATIONSHIPS Mike Pilavachi, Andy Croft & Esther Davenport

The vow Rachel Gardn

radical discipleship Jason & Rachel Gardn

Worship – Does God have a preference? David Silber

So you’re about to start uni? Fusion


why trust the bible? Andy Croft

So what is the Gospel? And what do we do about it? Fuzz Kitto

Student reception – for school leavers and current students Fusion


getting collared Sean Doherty

What about other religions? Andy Croft

lives? Fuzz Kitto

britain’s got spirit Krish Kandiah

Secret church Eddie Lyle


Does God ha a plan for

Who cares how many camels they had? Tom & Suzie Brock

Women in leadership? but what about timothy? Graham Cray



a heart to out Andy Hawthorne

Jesus loves the Hunger Games? Jason Gardner

evangelism Cameron Bennett


Day Four

The Last year in Music Graham Cray

Has science disproved Christianity? Andy Croft


Celluloid Screen 2 I thought God didn’t make mistakes? Tom & Suzie Brock

Faith Cameron Benett


Day 2.30pm Three

Celluloid Screen 1

Leadership Cameron Bennett


Day Two

Seminar A

Heroes and Heroines Roy Crowne

Hope for the marginalized Patrick Regan

GOD and genocide Krish Kandiah

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wkke c DAY PLANNER Seminar timetable

METABLE Underground Does God have a plan for our

lives? Fuzz Kitto

Café Uno SoulNet: A LifE OF faith hope and love Ali Etheridge

Soul Action Café

The Fringe

Free 2 worship David Westlake

a heart to go out Andy Hawthorne


Grounds Café

Praying for people so that stuff happens Jeannie Morgan A brand new you: forgiven and accepted Mr Prince

loving and living prayer Matt Summerfield

Healing from past hurts Jeannie Morgan

The vow Rachel Gardner

SoulNet: safety nets and tight ropes Pete Wynter

Free 2 LIVE David Westlake

radical discipleship Jason & Rachel Gardner


Under new management Mr Prince

our helper Pastor Clement

Soul Man: band of brothers Mike Pilavachi & Andy Croft Worship Q&A Soul Survivor team

britain’s got spirit Krish Kandiah

SoulNet: Q&A with Mike Pilavachi

Worship – Does God have a preference? David Silber

Free 2 BE David Westlake

Getting the most from the Bible Gavin Calver How to interpret the Bible Chris Lane

The bear, the lion and the giant Pastor Clement Wong New lifestyle: extreme makeover Mr Prince

No ceiling to hope Patrick Regan

Removing barriers to healing Jeannie Morgan U-turn: the great adventure Mr Prince

The whole Old Testament in one hour Chris Lane

Love without an agenda Patrick Regan

Help! I don’t like myself Jeannie Morgan

The whole New Testament in one hour Chris Lane

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WHAT’S GOING ON TONIGHT? 7pm: We’re kicking off the week with

In this day planner you will find everything you need to know to help you get the most out of what Soul Survivor has to offer you this week. To give you all time to get your tents set up and sleeping bags unrolled we won’t have any seminars today. We kick things off with our main meeting at 7pm this evening. See you there!

worship, teaching and ministry in the Big Top! (25101)

From 9.15pm: All of our venues start to open! Get your backside down to our shiny new Soulympic Café to watch the Closing Ceremony for London 2012! Or try Dreggs, Grounds or the ToolShed for cafe action and brilliant resources.

9.30pm: Bust some moves on the dance floor at Blueprint From 10pm: Check out Guvna B and Rebirth Dance down at the Underground 10pm: Hugo and Dolphin Tale are our films at Celluloid!

From 10.30pm: Carry on worshipping at Late Night Worship.

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2.30 PM

Leadership – Cameron Bennett Leadership is more than just a title! Come and discover how to be the influential leader that God has called you to be.

The Last year in Music – Graham Cray A look at a diverse year in music through Christian eyes, including a new star who was in his church’s youth group and the death of a diva who began singing in church. God’s finger prints and all of the joy and sorrow of life have been in the charts.

SEMINAR A (25001)

I thought God didn’t make mistakes? – Tom & Suzie Brock When you look in the mirror do you just see the shortcomings you have? Do you think God made a mistake when he made you? Some helpful advice on how to lose a negative self-image. CELLULOID SCREEN 2 (25002)

Does God have a plan for our lives? – Fuzz Kitto If God has a plan for our lives, how do we find out what it is? Come and hear the amazing insights the Bible gives to help us work it out. UNDERGROUND (25003)

SoulNet: A LifE OF faith hope and love – Ali Etheridge In 1 Corinthians 13 Paul urges us to live a life full of faith, hope and love. But how does this play out in our youth ministries? How can we have consistent faith, authentic hope and a genuine love for young people? CAFÉ UNO (25004)

Praying for people so that stuff happens – Jeannie Morgan This is for all team members but also anyone who would like to see God move when they pray for others. Covering the basics of how we go about praying for one another and what you might experience or see in the main meetings. BLUEPRINT (25005)

Free 2 worship – David Westlake Amos wrote, “Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (5.23–24). As we worship and seek God, he leads us to respond - seeking justice and freedom for all. SOUL ACTION CAFÉ (25006)

SEMINAR A (25007)

Stumbling Blocks – Gavin Calver What holds you back from following Jesus? Pain and suffering, broken dreams, problems with the Church? Gavin will look at how we can conquer these issues and keep going even in the face of our struggles. CELLULOID SCREEN 1 (25008)

Young leaders assemble – Bob Wallington Looking at some great leaders of the past this is a chance to get stuck into the essentials of all things leadership and how to make a huge impact on the world around you! CELLULOID SCREEN 1 (25009)

A heart to go – Andy Hawthorne Jesus said, ‘Go into all the world and make disciples....’ yet so many of us struggle to lead others to Christ. Andy looks at the gospel challenge and gives us tips on how we might start to see our friends, families and neighbours won for Christ. UNDERGROUND (25010)

Loving and living prayeR – Matt Summerfield Prayer should be one of the most exciting and dynamic things we do as followers of Jesus but most of the time we find it REALLY tough. But what if you discovered how to live a life of prayer? GROUNDS (25011)

A brand new you: forgiven and accepted – Mr Prince Whether you have just met with Jesus or you are making your way back to him, the Bible tells us that God can offer us a new start, free from the guilt of mistakes, and full of hope for the future. THE FRINGE (25012)

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Soul Man MEETS Soul Sista: Sex – Mike Pilavachi, Andy Croft & Esther Davenport Sex! There, we said it! Too often sex isn’t talked about in church, we get all embarrassed. But God created it and he thinks it’s good – it’s just that its purpose has been misunderstood. This is a gritty, no-holds-barred chat about sex, the real world and the amazing gift God gives us. BIG TOP (25013)

4 PM Why does God allow suffering? – Andy Croft If God is loving and powerful why doesn’t he stop all the pain and difficulty in our lives? Why does he allow bad things to happen? Andy will try and answer your questions at the end. SEMINAR A (25014)

Healing from past hurts – Jeannie Morgan Some of us may feel like we have a gaping hole inside that nothing seems to fill, caused by grief over events that have robbed us of safety, security or hope. In this seminar we will be looking at what some of the losses are that cause us pain and finding out how we can get healed from them. Prayer ministry will be available. BLUEPRINT (25015)

Loving and living the Bible – Matt Summerfield It’s time to discover how engaging with the Bible can literally change your life! This is not a book of “Do’s” and “Don’ts” – it’s God’s powerful living story that brings us life, freedom and purpose. CELLULOID SCREEN 1 (25016)

Leaders in the lion’s den – Pete Wynter Do you want to transform the world? Do you think God might be calling you to leadership in some form of society? Come and discover the secrets of how a young man - Daniel - stepped up and became an inspirational leader.

OTHER STUFF GOING ON TODAY 8.30am: Get over to the Soul Action Café for a Danish and a coffee 9.30am: International visitors can grab some breakfast and meet the team in the Fringe. 9.30am: Vocals workshop in Seminar B with Alex Scott 11.00am: Join us in the Big Top for our morning celebration! (25102) 1.00pm: Cafés and Sports venues are now open 2.00pm: Sports tournaments kicking off! 2.00pm: The Bandstand is open.

WHAT’S GOING ON TONIGHT? 7.00pm: It’s Big Top time! Worship, teaching, ministry all under one roof! (25103) From 9.15pm: Our venues are open for the evening. Maybe check out the latest action in Lift, Dreggs or Soulympic Café 10pm: Twelve-24 will be dropping the beats in The Underground and tonight is round one of our 2012 Dance Battle! 10pm: Dolphin Tale and The Three Musketeers will be showing in Celluloid 10.30pm: Get yourself down to Late Night Worship.


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WEEK c DAY PLANNER: DAY THREE 9.30 am The Vow – Rachel Gardner Christians have always held radically different ideas about sex. Join Rachel as she explores how your decision to follow Jesus should be shaping your attitude to your body, your sexuality and your relationships. UNDERGROUND (25018)

Our helper – Pastor Clement Wong As we faithfully live for Jesus and serve him, do you wonder if we are alone? Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to help us live effectively but do we know him? Let’s acquire a deeper understanding of who he is and how he can help us. BLUEPRINT (25019)

Jesus loves “The Hunger Games?” – Jason Gardner ‘The Hunger Games’ is not only chock full of action, but it says some very serious stuff about the state of our world. Would Jesus approve of what it’s preaching? CELLULOID SCREEN 2 (25020)

Free 2 live – David Westlake There are 27 million modern slaves - in factories, farming, and brothels. We believe that people are not for sale and that God’s people should be free to live - freely. SOUL ACTION CAFÉ (25021)

OTHER STUFF GOING ON TODAY 8.30am: Head on down to the Soul Action Café for a bit of brekkie 9.30am: Drums/Bass workshop in Seminar B with Tom Lane & Sam Skirrow. 9.30am: International visitors can head down to the Fringe for a breakfast on us! 11.00am: Join us in the Big Top for our morning celebration (25104) 1.00pm: Cake or Sports? You decide! Venues are now open! 2.00pm: The Bandstand is open for you to wow your mates with your beautiful voice.

SoulNet: Safety nets and tight ropes – Pete Wynter How is your spiritual life - really? In this session we’ll look at the ancient spiritual disciplines and give you a range of new ways to deepen your Christian walk. CAFÉ UNO (25022)

Faith – Cameron Bennett It’s impossible to be effective for God without faith! Find out how to step up with your faith and take your journey with Jesus to the next level. SEMINAR A (25023)

2.30 pm Soul SistA: World shakers – Esther Davenport We are all different and each have a unique place in the world. Whether you feel like you are shaking the world up already or you feel like you aren’t good enough, this is a great opportunity to let God inspire us about how we can change the world. THE BIG TOP (25024)

What on earth is the church for? – Graham Cray The church is not about the people who go to it, but the people who don’t. This seminar is an introduction to what the Bible says the church is for and more importantly, how we can ‘do’ church effectively in our own communities. SEMINAR A (25025)

Radical Discipleship – Jason & Rachel Gardner Tired of hearing about how the Church is getting smaller and smaller in the west? How more and more young people are leaving Christianity behind when they become adults? How can we reboot a passion for Christ? The answer lies in recovering what it means to train to be a disciple! UNDERGROUND (25026)

SoulMaN: Band of Brothers– Mike Pilavachi & Andy Croft What makes you a man? How much you can bench press? How much you can eat or how many girls you can get with? What does God (our maker) say about how we can become the men he created us to be? BLUEPRINT (25027)

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Seven simple steps to totally transform the world! – Pete Wynter An inspirational guide to becoming the kind of person who is able to change the world! Come and learn what every leader and wannabe leader should know.

Worship Q&A – Soul Survivor team Mike, Beth and the team will do their best to answer your questions, whether they are on values and why we do things the way we do them, or a practical muso type question.



Under new management – Mr Prince So you’ve made the decision to follow Jesus – amazing! But what happens now? What does it mean to let God have control over your life?

There must be some way out Of this place – Tom & Suzie Brock Are you stuck in a rut? Does it seem like you’re just going round and round in circles? Join Tom and Suzie for a seminar that will try and stop you making the same mistakes over and over again. Learn how to make a clean break from sin and move on with your life.

THE FRINGE (25029)

Standing up for my faith – Eddie Lyle What does it look like to stand up for our faith against all the odds? Be inspired and hear stories of mission, miracles and martyrs from the persecuted church. CELLULOID SCREEN 1(25030)

Getting the most from the Bible– Gavin Calver How can we get more from the Word of God? How can we read it more effectively and understand it better when it can seem so complicated? How can the Bible have a massive impact on our everyday lives? CELLULOID SCREEN 1 (25031)

4 pm Has science disproved Christianity? – Andy Croft Lots of atheists argue modern science has ruled out a credible belief in God, making it seem like he is a superstitious idea from time gone by. Is it possible to have a real thought-through faith yet pursue science at an academic or professional level? Do we need to throw our brains away to be Christians? SEMINAR A (25032)

How to interpret the Bible – Chris Lane How does the Bible apply to our lives today? Why do we think it’s wrong to steal but OK to wear clothes made of different types of material when both are forbidden in the Old Testament? Chris gives us some useful tools for dealing with these issues and many more important ones!


Loving and living church – Matt Summerfield The truth is that church is not a building and a service. It’s God missionary people out to transform the world – and it starts with you. So come ready to change your mind, and then change your world. CELLULOID SCREEN 1 (25036)

WHAT’S GOING ON TONIGHT? 7.00pm: It’s Big Top time! Worship, teaching, ministry all under one roof! (25105) From 9.15pm: Our venues are open for the evening. Check out the latest action in Lift, get some quiet time in Furnace, or check out highlights of the Olympic Games in the Soulympic Cafe. 10pm: Next Ting 140 will be busting out the catchiest tunes in the Underground and tonight is the second round of our 2012 Dance Battle. 10pm: Tin Tin and The Three Musketeers will be showing in Celluloid 10.30pm: Late Night Worship gets going for another stripped back session of worship.

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WEEK c DAY PLANNER: DAY FOUR 9.30 AM SoulNet: Q&A with Mike Pilavachi Youth Leaders Assemble! This is your chance to put any question you want to Mike P – from how you can relate more to young people to how he keeps control of his massive afro. Café UNO (25037)

Britain’s got Spirit– Krish Kandiah Find out why our culture is more spiritual than you think. Discover how to find God’s fingerprints in our films, TV, politics and music. Explore how the Hunger Games, Ed Sheeran, Fabrice Muamba and David Cameron give us a glimpse of God and opportunities to talk about our faith. UNDERGROUND (25038)

The bear, the lion and the giant – Pastor Clement Wong Having had his training in the meadows fighting off the bears and the lions, David ended up killing a giant and becoming a champion. Do not despise the days of small beginnings; they may be preparation for the giants. BLUEPRINT (25039)

Free 2 Be – David Westlake Sometimes it feels like we’re constantly being told to, ‘Buy this, do that, go there.’ By focusing on God and building key habits and rhythms into our lives, we can get back to the things that matter and really be free to act. SOUL ACTION CAFÉ (25040)

Who cares how many camels they HAD? – Tom & Suzie Brock Why is the word of God an important tool for followers of Jesus? Where do you even start with a book so big? Come along for some important Bible reading tips.

2.30 PM Women in Leadership? - But what about Timothy? – Graham Cray At Soul Survivor we are convinced that the Bible teaches that all leadership roles in the Church are open equally to women and men. It depends on God’s call and gifting, not on gender. A seminar on Timothy’s important, disputed passage. SEMINAR A (25043)

Worship – Does God have a preference? –David Silber Does God mind how we worship? We’ll take you on a whistle-stop tour through scripture to see if we can discover the timeless and eternal qualities that God is seeking in true worship. UNDEGROUND (25044)

New lifestyle: extreme makeover – Mr Prince TV makeover programmes seem to turn bona-fide Shreks into beautiful Snow Whites. Let’s ditch the cosmetic, as today we’ll be looking at God’s makeover plan - transformation that works from the inside out with glorious eternal results. THE FRINGE (25045)

No ceiling to hope – Patrick Regan When you are bombarded with images and headlines telling you that families are broken, communities are dangerous, poverty and war are ever present and that you are not good enough the way you are, the possibility of seeing transformation seems very distant. How can we let go of our own agendas and see things from God’s perspective of hope, love and restoration? blueprint (25046)

Evangelism – Cameron Bennett Build up the confidence to share your faith in a practical and real way! This session will empower you to step up and share the hope, truth and love that God has for this generation.

Soul Man meets Soul Sista: Relationships – Mike Pilavachi, Andy Croft & Esther Davenport Mates, pals, BFFs, whatever we call our friends, we understand how important they are to us. But how do we invest in our relationships? Is it alright to actually just enjoy spending time by ourselves? Join Andy, Mike and the team as we chat about how to be the best mate you can be, and how to understand those who aren’t like you.


BIG TOP (25047)


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Secret Church – Eddie Lyle Imagine if going to church meant putting your life in danger. For many believers around the world, it does. Join us for a secret gathering, a church service with a difference. This is an opportunity to experience and capture the heart of the persecuted church, made up of those willing to pay a price for the one that paid the biggest price of all. CELLULOID SCREEN 1(25048)

So you’re about to start uni? – Fusion If you’re heading off to uni come along to find out how to prepare well, survive and thrive in the new world of university in this practical and reassuring seminar. CELLULOID SCREEN 2 (25049)

4 PM Why trust the Bible? – Andy Croft The Bible is the foundation of our faith. But why trust a book written thousands of years ago? How do we know it isn’t made up? What about all the really difficult sayings in it? How is this crazy book ‘God’s Word’? SEMINAR A (25050)

Removing barriers to healing – Jeannie Morgan When others cause us pain we sometime make choices to protect ourselves so that they can’t hurt us again. This creates barriers which stop us receiving healing but we will look at how we can be free to receive what Jesus wants to give us. Prayer ministry available. BLUEPRINT (25051)

The whole Old Testament in one hour – Chris Lane This seminar will attempt the ridiculous task of telling you everything you need to know about every book in the OT in one hour! Head on down to get the low down on all 39 books from Genesis to Malachi and see how the great story of the Bible points towards Jesus.

So what is the Gospel? And what do we do about it? – Fuzz Kitto 1 Corinthians 15 is one of the first descriptions of the gospel of Jesus, giving us great insight into the work Jesus has set out for us to do. How can we share it and become Gospel People? CELLULOID SCREEN 1 (25053)

OTHER STUFF GOING ON TODAY 8.30am: The Soul Action Café is open for your early morning hunger-buster 9.30am: International guests! Head down to The Fringe for some petit dejeuner (breakfast) 9.30am: Guitar workshop with Rich Hall in Seminar B 11.00am: We’ll be continuing our series on Acts in the Big Top! (25106) 1.00pm: Venues are open for the afternoon. Head on down to the Soulympic Cafe for some 2012 highlights.

WHAT’S GOING ON TONIGHT? 7.00pm: It’s Big Top time! Worship, teaching, ministry! Get involved! (25107) From 9.15pm: Our venues are open for the evening so you can check out the ToolShed, Fringe and the Soulympic Cafe. 9.30pm: Tonight is the third round of our 2012 Dance Battle. Join Rebirth Dance in The Underground and let battle commence! Or drop in to Blueprint for some dance action. 10pm: The Muppets and Tin Tin will be showing in Celluloid 10.30pm: Late Night Worship is ready and waiting.

GROUNDS (25052)

Student reception – for school leavers and current students – Fusion An opportunity to meet other students starting/at uni. Forget Facebook - this is social networking taken to the extreme! Lots of fun and some helpful info as well. CELLULOID SCREEN 2

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2.30 pm Heroes and Heroines – Roy Crowne Christian history is rich with amazing people like the Wesleys and the Whitfields who have helped bring the transforming message of the Gospel to the world. This seminar will look at their incredible stories and inspire you to walk in their footsteps. CELLULOID SCREEN 2 (25054)

10 am

Love without an agenda – Patrick Regan We’re meant to love unconditionally without agenda or limits, but sometimes we set limits to protect ourselves. Come and take the challenge to learn to love fully and to persevere with people through hurt and setbacks. BLUEPRINT (25055)

MAIN MEETING VENUE We’ll be getting together a little earlier this morning to share in communion as part of our morning celebration. (25108)

OTHER STUFF GOING ON TODAY 8.30am: The Soul Action Café team are ready to serve you some breakfast 9.00am: Keys workshop with Matt Cassey in Seminar B From 1.00pm: Our afternoon venues are open! You’re spoilt for choice – sports, cafes, ToolShed – you decide!

U-turn: the great adventure – Mr Prince The week’s nearly over, the tents are about to be packed away and you’re homeward bound… an adventure awaits! The call to follow Jesus is no easy road, but God’s got your back. Today we’ll be talking about practical steps to help you live for Jesus, one decision at a time. THE FRINGE (25056)

Getting Collared – Sean Doherty If you think you may lead a church within the Church of England at some point, this seminar is for you. It will explain what ordination is, how you can tell whether you’re called to it and what the process is for selection and training. SEMINAR A (25057)

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4 pm What about other religions? – Andy Croft Is Christianity just one of many paths to God? How can we know the truth if we haven’t tried all the alternatives? Isn’t it arrogant to think you know ‘the’ truth? Join Andy to look at the hot potato of faith and other religions. SEMINAR A (25058)

God and genocide – Krish Kandiah Is the God of the Old Testament a moral monster? How are Christians supposed to understand the passages where God commands his people to destroy whole cities?

WHAT’S GOING ON TONIGHT? 7.00pm: It’s our final celebration of the week. Come in your Where’s Wally outfit! (25109) From 9.15pm: Our venues are open for the evening. 10pm: LZ7 will be your hip hop hosts in the Underground and tonight is the grand finale of our 2012 Dance Battle. 10pm: Hugo and The Muppets will be showing in Celluloid 10.30pm: You can end the week with Late Night Worship.


Hope for the marginalized – Patrick Regan God wants to restore the world to the way it was originally intended. He is passionate about us caring for the poor, the broken, the lonely and the outcasts, and us loving people until it hurts. CELLULOID SCREEN 1(25059)

Help! I don’t like myself – Jeannie Morgan Many of us don’t seem to like ourselves very much, let alone love ourselves. This can lead to us not valuing either our bodies or our lives and can also cause us problems in forming relationships. We will look at issues of self-worth, self-esteem, self-image and how we can receive healing and affirmation. BLUEPRINT (25061)

The whole New Testament in one hour – Chris Lane Every book in the NT - Matthew-Revelation - in one hour. Bring a notepad and get inspired to read it for yourself! GROUNDS (25062)

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DAY PLANNER Speaker bios

SPEAKER BIOS Sam Bailey Sam has been working at Trinity Cheltenham church but from September will be joining Soul Survivor to work alongside Beth Croft as our Assistant Director of Worship. Sam has a degree in Sociology and Behaviour studies, enjoys spending time with family and friends, and is completely obsessed with rugby. Cameron Bennett Pastor Cameron and wife Renee are the National Youth Alive Directors in Australia. Cameron loves connecting with young people, seeing their faith strengthened and encouraging them to make a difference to this generation. Sam Breen South Carolina boy Sam Breen recently graduated from Oklahoma Baptist University having studied business and theology. We like Sam for a lot of reasons, namely because he knows that football is called football and not soccer. He married his wife Taylor about a year ago and now lives in Oklahoma, slap bang in the middle of America. Tom and Suzie Brock Tom and Suzie have been serving in full time ministry for over thirty-five years. They have founded and directed ministries which have sent missionaries to four continents. They love travelling, telling people about Jesus and seeing people healed. Tom and Suzie now live in California where they are the Directors of Wave of Life Ministries International. They have two grown up children, Amy and Michael.

Gavin Calver Gavin is the National Director of YFC, a ministry working with over 250,000 young people a month in schools, prisons and churches. He is a theology graduate, ordained evangelist, author of four books and regular public speaker. Gavin is married to Anne and they have two children - Amelie and Daniel. Graham Cray Graham is Chairman of the Soul Survivor Trust and a bishop in the Church of England. As well as being Mike Pilavachi’s boss he leads the Fresh Expressions team, which helps churches to plant new congregations. He’s been an avid follower of popular music for 50 years - impressive! Andy Croft Andy is married to Beth and heads up Soul61, Soul Survivor’s leadership course. He’s a big fan of studying theology (and got himself a First Class degree from Cambridge don’t you know) and is obsessive about going to the gym (mainly so that he can beat Mike at weights). Beth Croft Beth is married to Andy and heads up worship at Soul Survivor and Soul Survivor Watford. She’s handy with a drill and hammer, is a Maths geek with a degree to prove it, and is a big fan of internet shopping because she loves getting parcels in the post! Roy Crowne Roy worked for Youth for Christ for 28 years (spending 13 as their National Director). Roy was co-founder of HOPE 08, with Andy Hawthorne and Mike P, and is now the Executive Director of HOPE. Roy lives in Rugby with his wife, and they have two sons.

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DAY PLANNER Speaker bios Esther Davenport Esther lives in Watford and is a youth worker for Soul Survivor Watford. She loves her friends, pic ‘n’ mix, attending and performing at gigs and meeting new people. Sean Doherty Sean is a tutor in Ethics at St Paul’s Theological Centre and one of the clergy at a housing estate church plant in London. He has just completed a doctorate on economic ethics, has written a booklet on medical ethics, is married to Gaby (whom he met at Soul Survivor) and they have three young children. Andrew Emerton Andrew Emerton is the AssistantDean of St Mellitus College. He holds degrees and doctorates in a variety of subjects and has extensive experience in youth work. He was ordained in 2005 and served his curacy at HTB. He is married to Liz and they have three young children. Ali Etheridge Ali is the Director of SoulNet (the bit of Soul Survivor that’s all about supporting youth leaders), the husband of Naomi and dad to Isaiah & Caleb (who you may know as Mini Mike & Little Crofty). He is an ordained reverend and previously worked as a youth pastor in Woking. Tom Field Having left the delights of Watford behind, Tom has returned to his native New Zealand where he lives in Wellington. He works long days on a building site and so balances the hard labour with surfing, playing in a band and leading worship.

Jason Gardner Jason is a lecturer in youth discipleship at the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity. His work aims to look at what it takes to create passionate whole-life followers of Christ today. He is married to Rachel and lives in Harrow where they help lead a church for teenagers and young adults. Rachel Gardner Rachel is co-founder and Director of the Romance Academy, a relationships project that builds young people’s self esteem and helps Youth Workers and Peer Educators deliver holistic relationship and sex education programmes. James Grier James and his wife Liz lead ‘Unlimited Church’ in Devon and ‘Soul Exeter’ – a monthly youth celebration. When he’s not chilling with the youth, James helps look after some rural churches. He and Liz have two sons, Josh and Toby, who have been coming to Soul Survivor all their lives. Andy Hawthorne Andy is an evangelist, author and leader of The Message Trust, a Christian mission organisation based in Manchester. Andy was honoured as part of the Queen’s birthday honours list in 2011 when he was awarded an OBE for services to young people. Krish Kandiah Krish is an Executive Director at the Evangelical Alliance. He is married to Miriam and together they have four children. He is an author, evangelist, foster parent, blogger and Liverpool FC fan. He is passionate about contemporary, global, multi-cultural, and church-based mission. Take a look at Krish’s blog - http://krishk.com/ Weeks B&C Soul survivor 59

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DAY PLANNER Speaker bios

Fuzz Kitto Fuzz is a youth worker, minister, trainer, speaker, writer and coach who has planted youth-oriented churches in South Australia and Tasmania. He lives either on a Qantas aircraft or in Sydney, and is married to Carolyn. Chris Lane Chris lives in Salford and leads Langworthy Community Church. He has three kids, one wife, one fish, two hooded tops and one Kindle. He enjoys watching Man Utd and reading theology, often at the same time. Eddie Lyle Eddie is the Chief Executive of Open Doors UK & Ireland, travelling extensively as an advocate for the persecuted church, and President of Medic Assist International. Eddie is married to Christine and they have a 21 year old son called Adam. Jeannie Morgan Jeannie is passionate about seeing Jesus heal people from past hurts and is author of the books ‘Let The Healing Begin and ‘Encounter The Holy Spirit’. She is part of the Soul Survivor team involved in encouraging and equipping people to be involved in prayer ministry.

Mike Pilavachi Mike heads up everything that goes on at Soul Survivor and its associated church, Soul Survivor Watford. This year he trained for Ordination and became a Reverend, got locked out of his five Facebook accounts (forcing him to start his own Facebook page) and discovered the joys of Twitter. Freddie Pimm Freddie is a 5th year medical student at Imperial College in London. He’s involved in a church plant in Fulham called St Alban’s but when he’s not studying in London he lives in Weston-Super-Mare with his family. MR PRINCE London boy Mr Prince is back this year heading up our Underground venue and running our new Christians seminars. Previously a member of 29th Chapter, Prince now spends his time passing his knowledge and experience onto up and coming Christian artists. He has a weakness for action films and good cooking! Patrick Regan Patrick founded the charity XLP which serves thousands of young people and their families weekly in inner London. His work has involved engaging with politicians, gang members, victims, perpetrators, police and councils and his latest book is called ‘No Ceiling to Hope’. Patrick lives with his wife and four children in south-east London. Rend Collective Experiment The Rend Collective Experiment is a group of musicians and artists who try to make music that speaks from their hearts as they follow God’s heart.

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DAY PLANNER Speaker bios

Martin Saunders Reigate lad Martin is a husband, father and writer. He is the managing editor of the youthwork magazine and is the co-founder of the youthwork summit. Martin is an avid West Ham fan which only goes to show that we all have our crosses to bear. Dave Silber Originally from California, Dave spent his early years in the UK working as a drummer at Abundant Life Church. Dave and his wife Kate joined YFC, before founding Nexus in 1998 focusing on intense development and discipleship of young musicians. Andrew Smith Andrew is the Director of Interfaith Relations for the Bishop of Birmingham. He has spent the past 17 years working with young people of different faiths and in 2008 founded the charity The Feast which brings together Christian and Muslim teenagers. He is married to Sarah and they have two sons. Gary Smith Gary is the founder & CEO of Ignite a youth discipleship ministry based in South Wales that helps young people discover God’s purpose for their life. He is married to Lesley and they have two children, Beci and Ben. Matt Summerfield Matt balances his time between being the Chief Executive of Urban Saints and the Senior Pastor of Hitchin Christian Centre. He’s passionate about seeing children and young people live God’s great adventure for their lives. Matt has a tap-dancing wife called Jo, and two sons, Andrew (19) and Daniel (16).

Bob Wallington Bob is Associate Director of Onelife, an organisation that exists to connect and equip young people to become exceptional leaders in every sphere of society. A man of many skills, not only does Bob speak at various events, organise conferences and support local youth workers, he is also a very handy footballer sometimes likened to a young Laurent Blanc or Gary Pallister. Rev Clement Wong Clement is currently the Senior Pastor of Church of Praise in Ipoh, Malaysia which he pioneered in 1985. The church has planted several outreaches and social works including two orphanages. Clement has ministered around the world, and he and his wife Mary have three children. David WestlaKE David is Tearfund’s Integral Mission Director, heads up Soul Action, and is passionate about inspiring a generation of Christians who understand God’s heart for justice. He is married to Minu and has one daughter, Ellie. He likes collecting books and sofas, and watching a lot of The West Wing. Pete Wynter Pete is married to Sarah and father of Bethany. He is passionate about developing great leaders and is the Director of Onelife, which aims to connect and equip young people around the UK to become exceptional leaders in every sphere of society. He loves anything sporty, secretly thinks he should be in ‘One Direction’ and escapes to Cornwall as often as he can! Weeks B&C Soul survivor 61

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ARTICLES Who, what, where, when and why?

Who, what, where, when and WHY?! These are the pages where we try and answer some of the things you might find confusing about Soul Survivor and our events….. Why do people do weird things when the Holy Spirit comes in power?


ood question! People do all sorts of things when they meet with God – sometimes they cry, sometimes they laugh, sometimes they make weird noises or move their body in strange ways, other times they are completely quiet and still. There’s nothing to be worried about with any of that, it’s just the way different people respond to God’s presence. If you’re unsure about an experience you’ve had, chat to one of the Enabling team but equally if you’re not meeting with God in this way, don’t worry. The important thing is that we stay focused on Jesus and that as much as is humanly possible, we don’t hype stuff up. We just want to leave room for the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. The thing that changes us isn’t what noises we make in ministry, it’s the presence of God in our lives.

Why do we have to sit on the floor?


orry if you find it uncomfortable sitting on the floor but the basic answer is because we want to fit lots of us into a small space! Chairs would drastically cut the number of people we can get in to the main meetings and also mean there’s not as much freedom in worship to move around.

Why do people close their eyes and put up their hands in worship?


ften in times of sung worship people close their eyes which can look a bit strange if you’re not used to it. There’s nothing weird going on though, mostly people do it to shut out other distractions and help them focus on God. Raising your hands high is a sign of praise, or some would say they are reaching for God. Sometimes people turn their palms upwards as a sign that they are making themselves open to receive from God. Everyone expresses prayer and praise to God differently but most would be open to explaining their actions if you ask politely and at an appropriate time, so don’t be shy!

Why is the music in the main meetings all led on guitar?


n heaven all music will be led on guitar so we’re getting in good practice. Just kidding. We believe God loves it when we offer him genuine praise using any musical style but because there are so many of us gathered together we have to find one style that suits the majority of people. We know it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea but hopefully the words and the melodies are accessible for most people and the feedback we get tells us most of you guys love it. We try and involve different musical styles where we can. This year we are being joined by our good friends Rend Collective who will be co-leading worship with our resident worship leaders throughout the week. However the last thing we want to do is try and pretend we know what we’re talking about when it comes to all different styles of music! So we’ll stick to what we know best whilst encouraging everyone to find the musical style that suits them.

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ARTICLES Who, what, where, when and why?

How do the band get to be the band and speakers get to be speakers?


veryone who is part of the band or who speaks at our events is someone we know, trust and are in relationship with. When we put someone ‘up front’ we have to make sure we know who they are, that they love Jesus and that they are part of a church back home (so we know they are accountable and that they are committed to growing in their relationship with Jesus). It’s not about being exclusive and we’re not saying the people ‘up front’ are more special than anyone else; it’s about making sure we can vouch for the integrity of the people who are serving you in these ways.

What about bands? Can I recommend someone or volunteer my band to play at gigs?

How can I get the lyrics/ chord charts to the songs?


any are available in song books you can buy from our stand in the ToolShed so pop along and have a chat with the team.

Why does everything else close when the main meetings are on?


he most important thing we can do when we all get together is to focus on Jesus and that’s why we make a big deal of our main meetings. We don’t want there to be any other distractions because we know that Jesus is worthy of our full attention. Also, because all the venues around site are staffed by volunteers, closing them twice a day gives the teams a chance to have a break and meet with God for themselves.


f you’re in a band who already has a good following and lots of live experience, you can send us a demo CD before November and we’ll have a listen. We love how many of you are passionate about music but unfortunately because we get loads of stuff sent in, we can’t always respond personally.

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ARTICLES Who, what, where, when and why?

Why do you say you don’t have much money when it costs us around £100 each to be here?


e really try not to talk about money very much so we hope you don’t think we go on about it. Soul Survivor is a charity which means we don’t make any money – everything we get is put back into running events and creating resources for you. Ticket prices for our events cover the main costs of putting them on (like hiring the showground and the equipment we need) but we also have an office we need to run round the year to make sure the events happen like they’re supposed to. This means we need to rent office space, pay staff and buy computers and stuff. Plus there’s lots of stuff we do that we don’t get any money for – like updating the website and putting resources on there for you guys. So ticket prices don’t cover everything and the only way we can keep doing what we do is by people donating money to help us pay for it all. If you’d like to find out more about ways you can support us, please see page 67.

Why is Mike so rude to people on stage?


ertain things make Mike laugh and taking the mick out of his mates is definitely one of them! But don’t worry, he wouldn’t be that rude to someone who didn’t know that he loved them and was for them. We like having a laugh in our meetings because we don’t take ourselves too seriously. But we do take God seriously and we hope we don’t cause any offence when we’re mucking about.

Why aren’t there more toilets and showers?


e make sure that we have twice the recommended amount of toilets and showers than the Health and Safety regulations suggest. But we know that some of you still have to queue for your shower in the morning, sorry. Try and help each other out by being quick; or think about having a shower at a different time of day, like before you go to bed when there are less people waiting! We have an amazing team of cleaners who work from 7am to 7pm to keep everything clean and fresh for you. But if you spot any problems, do let our Comms team know and they will get it sorted.

Got a question we didn’t answer?

Email info@soulsurvivor.com and we’ll try and include it in future.

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Link up to a Christian Union Christian Unions are full of people from different backgrounds, all passionate about Jesus and sharing him with other students. They’re a great place to meet new people and grow in your faith. There’s a Christian Union in nearly every university in Great Britain. Link up with the CU where you’re going to study before you get there – they’ll give you a warm welcome and help you find a new church to be part of. Sign up at our exhibition stand or go to www.uccf.org.uk/starting-uni Register your details and link up today.


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This year the offering will be going to the following organisations and causes: Soul Action


third of all the money given this summer will go to the work of Soul Action. This is a joint partnership between Soul Survivor and Tearfund that’s all about putting God’s heart for justice into action and helping people around the world fight poverty. If you’d like to find out more about Soul Action, have a little read of the article on page 68.

The persecuted church


here are some places in the world where being a Christian isn’t very easy. There are countries where going to church is a criminal offence and praying in public will have you arrested. We have friends in Central Asia and we try as best we can to resource and equip them in their walks with Jesus despite the difficult environment they find themselves in.

Young leaders


omething we are really passionate about is raising up young leaders and over the years we’ve had the privilege of working with people who have gone on to serve Jesus through worship leading, church planting, ordained ministry and youth work around the world. We want to do all we can to continue to raise up leaders in both church and society who will serve the church for years to come.

Offering At one of our main meetings we take an offering. Please don’t feel under any obligation to give: only give if you’d like to. Day Four: Evening Meeting (Map Ref: E3)


If you miss the main meeting where the collection is held, you can pop your donation into the Information tent at any point during the week. We really appreciate your generosity in getting behind these causes.

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Supporting Soul Survivor As Soul Survivor is a charity we rely on the generosity, good will and love of many lovely people throughout the year. These are a few ways in which you can support the work we do: Pray with us!


n everything that we do, we want to remain totally focussed on God’s plan for Soul Survivor. Please join with us in praying that we are obedient to his will and ready to follow him wherever he leads us.

Team, Assemble!


very year Soul Survivor is powered by a behind the scenes force of hundreds of volunteers who donate their time, expertise and skills to help make our events run properly. To be on team next year, head to www.soulsurvivor. com/uk/team and register for the team you’d like to serve on. If you have any queries email us at teams@soulsurvivor.com. But hurry, teams fill up quickly!

Raise money while you shop!


f you shop online then head over to www.easyfundraising.org.uk and choose Soul Survivor as the charity you want to support. You can click from there on to whatever site you want to shop from and many of them will donate some money to us without it costing you a penny!

Shout it out!


ad a great summer? Tell people about it! We love getting to know new people so why not bring some friends who’ve not been to a Soul Survivor event along next year? Or point people towards our website so they can check out our events and resources for themselves.

Spare some change!


he world is in a double sherbet-dip recession and we know that money is tight for everyone. However, if you can and if you feel like you want to, we would greatly appreciate any financial support you can offer. Pennies or pounds, we value every gift as it goes towards helping us reach and equip more young people in their walks with Jesus. Find out more at www. soulsurvivor.com/uk/give Weeks B&C Soul survivor 67

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Soul Action Soul Action is a partnership between Soul Survivor and Tearfund that’s all about how we connect with God’s heart for justice, and how we can help people around the world who are living in poverty.


his year we’re celebrating the fact that we are Free 2 Play and raising money for people who have had their freedom taken away from them. Around 27 million people live as slaves today and we want to do all we can to stop that – primarily by helping families break free from the cycles of poverty that lead to them selling their children into slavery.



t Soul Survivor 2011 we sold over 7,000 Freedom Bands which had been made by 32 young people connected to a charity called CHO in Cambodia. With the money they earned from making the bands these young people were able to continue their education, meaning they can have a bright future rather than be put at risk of trafficking. Everyone who bought a wristband played a part in helping those young people – get your wristband from the Soul Action stand this summer and let’s see how many more people we can help together!

YOUTH LEADERS! Come to the Soul Action stand to pick up your Free 2 Play resource to use with your youth group – it’s FREE!

Take the Free 2 Play challenge!


e’ve got four simple actions that you can take while you’re here on site. Pick up a card at the Soul Action stand that will be stamped each time you do a challenge; complete all four actions and take your fully-stamped card to the Soul Action Café to claim a free hot chocolate or coffee! Challenge 1: Buy a Soul Action wristband for £1 Challenge 2: Pledge to take the Free 2 Play off-site challenge, raising money by doing the things you love, to help others who are trapped in slavery Challenge 3: Collect a handful of rice and beans from the Soul Action stand and eat that (and only that!) as your evening meal Challenge 4: Find out more about another charity by visiting their stand in the ToolShed. Tearfund Transform or XLP are a great place to start!

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Youth Leaders: take a bow! You are the perennial washerupper, you are the administrative whizzes, the mini-bus driver, the Frisbee fetcher and so much more! SoulNet breakfasts


e ’d love to serve you a coffee and a croissant as a way of acknowledging all your hard work. Come along to our SoulNet breakfasts at 9am in Café Uno on Days 2, 3 and 4 and relax for half an hour before we kick off our SoulNet seminars at 9.30am.

Get in touch! Check out our devotionals and come and say hi on Facebook: www.facebook.com/SoulNetUK

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SOULNET Seminars

SoulNet retreat


he SoulNet retreat is a chance for you to get away from the stresses of everyday life and invest in your relationship with God. Set in A life of faith, hope and the relaxing surroundings of Center love Parcs, this weekend isn’t about WEEK B DAY 3: teaching you how to do youth work, Pete Wynter it’s about giving you an opportunity to Safety nets and tight spend time with God without having ropes to worry about anyone else. We’ll be making plenty of space for worship, WEEK C DAY 3: teaching and ministry, as well as Martin Saunders giving you the chance to make the How is your spiritual life? most of Center Parcs and catch up DAY 4: on some well-earned rest! Mike Pilavachi We’re really excited that for the Questions and Answers 2013 event hosts Mike Pilavachi and Ali Etheridge (SoulNet Director) will be joined by Danielle Strickland to bring us our teaching. Danielle is an author, speaker, advocate, church-planter, and Salvation Army Officer with an inspiring passion for Jesus and his world.

DAY 2: Ali Etheridge

One-day conferences (BRAND NEW!)


e ’re running a series of days designed to help you with particular elements of working with young people: There will be three sessions on each day running from 2pm – 9pm, all with worship, teaching and ministry. For full venue details and to book please visit the Soul Survivor website.

Connecting with un-churched young people:

25th October in Watford and 8th November in Manchester

Depression: 11th March in Manchester and 14th March in Watford Sexuality: 3rd June in Manchester and 6th June in Watford Prayer breakfasts


f you’d be interested in hosting a SoulNet prayer breakfast for youth leaders in your area, please contact Ali to have a chat. Our first breakfasts are at Holy Trinity Brompton in London on 21st September and The Church of the Good Shepherd, Waterlooville in Portsmouth on 12th October. For more details on these and other breakfasts please see our website and Facebook pages. Weeks B&C Soul survivor 71

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ARTICLES soul survivor youth bible

Brand new Soul Survivor Youth Bible! We’d love to know what you think of the Youth Bible, so when you’ve had a little look, jump online and message us, tweet us, or email us your thoughts!

We love God’s word! It’s such an amazing gift that God has given us to help us know him more and understand what it means to follow him.


ut let’s be honest – sometimes we could do with a hand in understanding some of the confusing bits and applying it to our lives today. So we’ve worked with lots of friends over the last year to put together a brand new Soul Survivor Youth Bible packed full of articles and insights. We’ve included info on topics like sex and relationships, sacrifice, alcohol and self image; and we’ve also tried to look at the big themes of the Bible such as how to find Jesus in the whole of the Bible, sacrifice, worship and prayer, to help us learn about what the Bible has to say about how we should live every day. There are different streams on each topic that you can read by yourself or with a group of mates,

plus there are Bible reading plans, helpful facts and accessible stories. We’ve packed over 500 articles in from such a wide range of writers that we don’t even have room here to tell you about it all so head over to the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed to check it out for yourself!


You can get a copy of the brand new Youth Bible before it’s even released! We’ve managed to grab a whole load of copies that you can pick up at the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed for £11.99 (or £109.90 for ten Bibles – saving £1 per Bible!)

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Student welcome University is a big deal. It’s a chance for independence and an opportunity to spend three years in back to back lectures.


t’s also the time where you learn to ‘cook’ toast and burn instant noodles whilst getting acquainted with the names of the entire production crew of The Jeremy Kyle show. However, University can also be a daunting prospect. Well fortunately help is on the way! Riding in on a white steed of information are your knights in shining armour ready to equip you with all that you need to survive at university. They are here to chat about any worries you may have, so drop in on them and meet others who, like you, are about to venture into the big wide world of student life. Location: Soul Action Café Day Four: 2:30pm (Map Ref: F4)

International Reception Breakfast


very year people from all over the world come to visit us and we think that’s great! To make sure we get time to say hello and get to know you a bit better we’d love to invite you to join us for breakfast. An array of pastries, toast, cereals, yoghurts, fresh fruit, juice and hot drinks (including English tea!) will be waiting for you. Days Two to Four: 9.30am Location: The Fringe (Map Ref: F4)



or all our friends coming from far-flung places, wristbands can be collected from the International Desk in the Welcome Tent on arrival day.



n Day Five our International delegates have the opportunity to be prayed for by the Prophecy Team in Seminar B (Map Ref G3) at 4.30–5.30pm . This is a chance to be strengthened, encouraged and to hear what God wants to say to you.

Did you know?

Soul Survivor also runs events in Holland and Australia in Melbourne and New South Wales. Check out their websites at www.soulsurvivor.com

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Get it across – loud & clear! Need a bit of help preparing a talk? Whether you give short talks in a small group setting, or get asked to speak to a whole church or large crowd, Ali Martin has some brilliant advice for you in her new book ‘Get it Across – Loud & Clear’.


he purpose of the book is to help anyone who’s interested in communicating God’s word be the best speaker they can be.

Top tips 01 Clarity – Make sure you are actually saying what you want to say! It might be clear in your head, where you have spent weeks pondering the subject, but you need to make sure it comes across when you deliver it. The best way to check is to test it on someone. Don’t tell them what your main point is, but at the end ask them what you actually communicated. Make sure the weight of your material is where the weight of your point is.

02 Make one point and make it well. Don’t be tempted to cram three sermons into one. Find one focus and gather all your material (Bible verses, illustrations, application) around that one point. It something doesn’t fit, get rid of it – even if it’s a brilliant stand alone thought! 03 Learn to be an engaging communicator. Spend time thinking about your delivery as well as your content because even excellent content will get lost through bad delivery. People need to be interested in what you’re saying and kept engaged for the full length of your talk. 04 When you get asked to speak, you may have a gut feeling about what you should speak on (if you’re given the choice that is). It’s easy to dismiss this and think you should speak about something else but that first thought is often where the power is because that’s the seed the Holy Spirit has planted in you. Learn to listen to what the Holy Spirit is putting in your heart.

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05 Decide to take feedback well, from anyone, even if they are mean! If we want to grow as communicators we need to be able to be told what our weaknesses are as well as our strengths. We may need help from others to see what annoying habits we have that distract people from hearing God’s truth. Chose to be teachable and accept people’s feedback (you may want to ask a few kind but honest friends particularly to help you in this). Feedback is invaluable to growth.

Read MORE You can read loads more in Ali’s book Get it across – Loud and Clear. The book is available on the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed for £5.99. Or you can come along to our training day in Watford on 13th October to find out loads more about preparing and delivering talks. The training day costs £10 and you can find all the details on page 96/online.

Ali Martin Ali is part of the leadership of Soul Survivor and an assistant pastor at the associated church, Soul Survivor Watford. Ali has worked with Soul Survivor ministries for more than 14 years, where she has headed up Soul Sista, and spoken at conferences and churches all over the world. As part of her role with Soul Survivor Watford, Ali mentors and trains other speakers and pastors within the church.

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Soul61 Soul61 is our leadership course that aims to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus and equip you to lead for him. It runs November to September every year and is based at Soul Survivor Watford.


arrived in Watford not really knowing what to expect from Soul61 and looking back now I realise how much it changed me and taught me. From the very outset I found myself being thrust into the centre of church life and out of my comfort zone; whether that was leading a small group on the Alpha course, praying for someone in the town centre or pretending I knew how to work the church coffee machine. It’s terrifying yet liberating to completely rely on God showing up in instances like these, and Soul61 was the perfect environment for me to be stretched and challenged. Soul61 taught me how Jesus’ model of leadership is countercultural because it starts with humbly serving and loving others. We were encouraged to develop authentic and genuine relationships with other people, as well as pressing into God and pursuing an intimate relationship with him. I’d recommend Soul61 if you want to take a year out from the busyness

of life to run after God’s heart, meet like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ and gain a valuable insight into what church leadership is really like. It’s enriched my life in so many ways and I’ve made lifelong friendships as a result. As I’ve continued to step into leadership since, I feel equipped and confident in the calling God has for my life. I know that the key is sticking close to Jesus; listening to his still small voice and enjoying his presence. I’m so excited about the future God has for me, and I can’t wait to play my part in rebuilding the ancient ruins and renewing the ruined cities (Isaiah 61:4). James was on our leadership course in 2010 and is now studying at the University of Manchester.

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COME OVER TO OURS There’s this new phenomenon sweeping the world. It’s called the “internet”. Basically, what you do is open up your “computer” or “get connected” with your “smart phone”and go to www.soulsurvivor. com/uk for all the latest news and info on upcoming events.

01 The radio: check out talks and songs for free! 02 Video updates: Mike and his mates will be regularly popping up to keep you entertained throughout the year. 03 Video teaching: teaching resources for you to watch for free. 04 The shop: a whole bunch of goodies including seminar recordings, DVDs, CDs, books, hoodies and more! You’ll find all this and loads more at www. soulsurvivor.com/uk so come on over and see us some time!

You’ve got mail A couple of times a year we try and send out some little magazines. Don’t worry, these aren’t stationery catalogues or holiday brochures, they are resources that will hopefully help you in your relationship with God.


owever, if you’ve come to Soul Survivor as part of a group we may not have your details, so pop online to www.soulsurvivor.com/uk/book, create an account and say that you’re happy for us to contact you, then sit back and keep an eye on the letter box. In a world of instant messaging, mentions and follows, we are even easier to get hold of. You can find us on twitter: @soulsurvivorgb and on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/uksoulsurvivor. Drop us a like, comment or tweet – we’d love to hear from you!

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ARTICLES Bible Reading notes

Bible Reading Notes

We’re sure that over the next few days, you’ll have an awesome time here at Soul Survivor. We’re really excited that you’re here and I’m sure you can’t wait to get going with all that this week has to offer.


ut amongst all the excitement and busyness, we’d love to encourage you to set aside a bit of time each day to spend time on your own with God, reading his word and telling him what’s happening with you. Here are six wedges of Bible action for you to get stuck into when you’re staying with us. We’ve made it nice and straight forward this year as what you’ll read on these pages is what we’ll be talking about in the main meetings. So, find the start of Acts in your Bible and let’s go.

Day 1 The prologue Because this is the start of a new Bible book, it’s easy to forget what has happened in the story before this. Read Luke’s ‘story so far’ in Acts 1:1–5. Now read Acts 1:6–11. Look out for what Jesus says about the Holy Spirit. Like any good drama writer, Luke gives us a teaser of things to come. In verse 5, Jesus talks about being baptised with the Holy Spirit, and in verse 8, Jesus again promises to send the Holy Spirit. But why? What’s so important about the Spirit? Well, this is the next step in God’s plan: Jesus is promised in the Old Testament, is born, is baptised, teaches, performs miracles, is arrested, tried and executed. But he comes alive again and here we see him going back to heaven, so that the Spirit might come. And it’s the power of the Spirit which is going to make such a difference to Jesus’ followers.

What does Jesus say in verse 8 about us being his witnesses? Swap the names of the places in that verse with ones near you. How does that make you feel? What do you know about the Spirit? What power do you think we receive? Weeks B&C Soul survivor 79

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Day 2 The pause A new day! What has God said to you so far? Are you ready to go for it? Or do you need to wait? Spend a minute praying about yesterday and what God is doing in your life. Read Acts 1:12–26 and figure out what Jesus’ followers were doing while they waited for Jesus’ promise to happen. So, what did they decide? Well, they didn’t career off, trying to do everything under their own steam. First they prayed together. They’ve been through a lot – a massive rollercoaster ride – but they’re still talking to God about it all. The other thing they did was to choose another apostle. But why? They could have gone on with one fewer member, Take That managed perfectly well, after all. Well, they were mindful of their past: 12 is a significant number in God’s story – 12 sons of Jacob, 12 tribes of Israel. If they were going to spread the message of Jesus, their number was incomplete.

Do you rush into things, or do you pray about them first? Is God asking you to wait? Are you talking to him about it? How much do you know of God’s story? What is your part in God’s story?

Day 3 The power When you’ve been waiting for something for a while, does it always meet your expectations when it arrives? Read Acts 2:1–13 and draw yourself a little picture of what you think the coming of the Spirit looked like. Put yourself in the place of the apostles. What would you have thought when the Holy Spirit arrived? How would you have felt? Jesus had already told his followers about the Spirit (John 14:15–31 and 16:5–15), but nothing could have prepared them for what happened! It transformed them! If you’ve encountered the Spirit already, then it was unlikely to have been like this. Later in Acts, the Spirit works in different ways, not always in this dramatic way. The key thing to remember is that the Spirit always works in the best way in a situation – drama was key to empowering everyone in the locked room, but elsewhere, it’s a quiet voice that’s needed.

What effect does this dramatic experience of the Spirit have on the apostles? What other ways have you seen the Spirit at work (both in your life and others)? What work is the Spirit doing in your life?

Get into the bible

If you want to get into the Bible more, try WordLive: www.wordlive.org

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Day 4 The prophecy What do you know about the prophet Joel? Find his book in the Old Testament and find out something about his message. Read Acts 2:14–21. Why do you think Peter quotes Joel here? How does it explain what is happening? The crowds are confused, some think this is all the result of drink. But Peter doesn’t waste time defending himself and the other followers. He relies on the passage of Joel that he quotes to tell people what’s going on. We may never have read any of Joel before, but Peter’s audience would know all about it. In the Old Testament, God sent the Holy Spirit to just one or two people at a time, for a specific purpose. But Joel tells of a time when the Spirit would be there for everyone. And here Peter is saying that time is now. God sends his Spirit to everyone, to work in different ways as he sees the need.

How have you encountered the Holy Spirit at Soul Survivor? What do you think about verse 21? What does it mean for you?

Day 5

Day 6

The plan

The people

Today, what do you know about King David? You can read his story in 1 and 2 Samuel.

What has God said to you at Soul Survivor?

Read Acts 2:22–42. What’s the main thing that Peter’s talking about? The resurrection. That’s what Peter’s talking about. And he’s talking about it in the context of God’s great plan. David was a great king of Israel, but he’s dead and gone. Jesus, however, is THE King of Israel and he’s NOT dead. As Paul says later on in 1 Corinthians (check out 15:16–19), Jesus’ resurrection is the important thing. If Jesus were dead, then our faith would mean nothing. And Peter wants his audience to know the same thing. Jesus is the Lord that David is talking about and Jesus is alive.

How did the people react to what Peter said? How do you react? What does the cross mean to you? And the resurrection? If you need to talk, find someone who you trust and chat it through.

Read Acts 2:43–47 and think how the things the believers did might change your life. Here’s the difference the Spirit makes. Before he came, the apostles were in a locked room praying. After Pentecost, the locks were gone and Jesus’ followers were out in the open – sharing, looking after each other and, most importantly, telling everyone about Jesus. And they were attractive to other people. I don’t mean their looks and they way they dressed, but the way they lived, loved each other and, most of all, the message they preached.

What thing surprises you most about the way the early church lived? If someone looked at the way you live your life, would they find it attractive? What difference has the Holy Spirit made to you while you’ve been at Soul Survivor? So, what’s going to change? Weeks B&C Soul survivor 81

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Prayer ministry One of the things we’re really passionate about at Soul Survivor is meeting with God. During the main meetings and celebrations we will always try to let God lead what’s going on by his Spirit. As part of this the leaders of the meeting will make time for us to wait on God’s Spirit and pray for particular groups of people they believe God wants to ‘minister’ to. This is a great chance for God to work in our lives and it’s brilliant to be as open to him as possible.


on’t worry if you’ve never had prayer offered in this way, or if you’re not sure how to pray. Mike P and the team will talk you through what’s going on as it happens (to the best of their knowledge!). We also have an experienced ‘Enabling Team’ who will be around to give you a guiding hand, plus there’s a whole bunch of seminars on the Holy Spirit and praying for others too, so get along to one of them. There is no ‘right way’ to pray for each other. However, we’ve included these guidelines as they are tried and tested and tend to work quite well! While you’re with us please stick to the advice given.

So, what happens?


inistry times usually begin with an invitation from someone on the main stage for people to respond to the Holy Spirit. In praying for people, the most important thing to remember is that this is God’s work, not ours. We are there to encourage those seeking God and to bless what the Holy Spirit is doing in people.

A guide to praying for others…


od can use any of us to help people meet with him, but we’ve found that some of this common sense stuff is useful in making sure we don’t get in God’s way when we’re praying for others.

Sex: Only pray for someone who shares your gender. Prayer ministry can bring up all sorts of stuff and so it’s a tried and tested principle to always have at least one person with you who shares the same physical bits as the person you’re praying for. Even if you’re married we’d ask you to bear this in mind to avoid any confusion for others around you. Thanks. Mouth: Don’t be afraid

to ask someone what they would like you to pray for and what God is doing – even if the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully on them (in Luke 18v40 Jesus asks the blind man ‘What do you want me to do for you?’). However, be aware of not turning this

into a long conversation, this is a time for the Holy Spirit to offer counselling, not you! If appropriate speak into the situation or condition in Jesus’ name, be sensitive and recognise that you may be wrong. If you have a prophetic word or picture, offer these as a prayer or in such a way that the person being prayed for can make their own decision as to how appropriate they are. Never insist that what you have to say is a word from God but seek to build up, comfort and encourage the person you’re praying for (1 Corinthians 14v3).

Hands: Encourage the person to receive from God and be still, rather than pray for themselves. Some people may show this attitude by opening their hands in front of them. You can also lay your hands on them (if they are comfortable with that). This can be helpful for the person being prayed for and it’s Biblical, especially with regards to healing (in Mark 1 v40-45 Jesus heals a man of leprosy, as a blessing Matthew 19v13-15 Jesus blesses the children). Be sensitive about where you place your hands. Eyes: Keep your eyes open when you pray for someone This means you are more aware of what God is doing and how the person is responding. It also means you can be prepared if they look like they may fall over

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in the power of the Spirit. If this does happen then please make sure they are in a comfortable position, not draped over anyone else and that their dignity is maintained (i.e. nothing is on show that shouldn’t be). Stay with them as long as needed and encourage them to go on receiving from God. It is not always necessary to stay with the person you have prayed with but keep a watchful eye on them and continue to check that they are safe.

Ears: Listen carefully both

to the person you are praying with, and to God. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and encouragement, be prepared to wait, this is God’s work, not yours. The person you are praying for may tell you about things that have happened in their life. Don’t appear to be shocked by any disclosures. Remember that confidentiality is of the utmost importance but DO NOT promise to keep anything secret (especially with regards to claims of abuse). Your first contact in such a situation should be a member of the Enabling Team. They are there to support you and the person you are praying with and will be able to take things further if necessary.

The whole body:

Allowing the expression of feelings is very important and this might mean people cry, shake or respond in

other ways to what God is doing. This is totally fine, but be careful not to suppress or to build up the situation. Alternatively some people might not seem to respond physically at all. That’s fine too. We want God to do what he needs to do, we don’t want to get in the way of that and we want to make sure people leave a time of ministry feeling loved and valued.

Space: It’s brilliant to have more than one person praying for someone at a time so feel free to go over and join someone who’s praying already. That said, it’s can be distracting if a large group gather around someone when the ministry is of a sensitive nature so please ensure people have enough personal space. And finally…


ot everyone is familiar with ministry and prayer times and some people feel a bit concerned or nervous when they become aware of God working through the Holy Spirit. We need to help people who are receiving, to feel comfortable and safe, and to encourage them to reach out to God. Always be sensitive and respectful, keep in mind how you would like to be prayed for, constantly ask for God’s help no matter how you are praying. Reassure those being prayed for that God has heard sincere prayers and the cries of our

hearts and encourage them to expect answers. Speak healing, peace and release in the name of Jesus and remember the place of repentance, forgiveness and being forgiven. Do not make appointments to pray with people outside of the meeting. If extra prayer or counselling is needed then find a member of the Enabling Team and explain the situation. You can also refer people to the ‘Chat Room’ on site where there will be people available to pray with them. It should also be encouraged that individuals should seek help from their home church where ministry can be continued. If at any time you feel out of your depth then ask for help. The Enabling Team will be moving around the venue and wearing bright pink badges. We all find ourselves in situations that we can’t handle alone. This is not failure and it’s often good to pray with others, plus it’s a great way to learn more!

All these are tips to help you let God work through you Remember: don’t worry. The Enabling team and the person leading the meeting will be giving directions and advice to everyone. The important thing is that you are ready and willing to pray for those around you.

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Comms OPEN 24 hours a day

T Things you should know

he Comms team have all the qualities you would want in an emergency. Cool under pressure, ready whenever you need them and the ability to talk baffling language into a radio. They help keep us safe onsite by co-ordinating all the practical things that need doing. Give them a ring if there’s an emergency on 0303 333 1335.

In an emergency, don’t panic.


This can cause confusion and delay help getting through:

Go to Comms Call Comms on 0303 333 1335 Get hold of the nearest member

of team with a radio (Steward/ Production etc) and ask them to contact the Comms team, who will in turn, contact the Emergency services on your behalf.

GENERAL INFORMATION 0303 333 1333 This is the Soul Survivor office number which you can ring from 9am till 5.30pm with any enquiries or just pop along to the Info Office on site and ask your question face to face.

Emergencies back home


ake sure you keep in touch with those back home and let them know how to reach you. Keep your mobile phone charged (you can do this for free in the Soulympic Café) and let your family know the Soul Survivor General Information number in case someone back home needs to contact you (Please only use this in genuine emergencies, this isn’t the right number for your mum to call if she wants to check you remembered your underpants).

Information points


heck out the Info points around site for all the latest news and programme changes. You’ll find them: outside Info, in the ToolShed, and outside the ToolShed/by the food court.

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oul Survivor is powered by hi-vis jackets, or more specifically, the people inside the hi-vis jackets. These people are known as stewards and do more important jobs onsite than can be written in this programme. Should you happen to spot one around site, please listen to what they tell you, maybe have a chat with them but most importantly smile and thank them for keeping an eye out for us all.



e love to end the week together by sharing in Communion. To do this we start the main meeting at 10am (instead of the usual 11am start). There is non-alcoholic wine available as well as wheat/gluten free bread for those that need it (look out for directions from whoever is leading the meeting so you know where to go!)

Special needs


e hope that everyone will have a brilliant week at Soul Survivor so we’ve arranged to have a bunch of lovely people ready and equipped to help if you or anyone in your group has any additional needs. Kids groups have helpers available to work one-on-one with any children with special needs. To find out more about what’s on offer just pop into Info early in the week.

Facilities for hearing impaired


he main meeting venue has a loop system facility. Please see the Stewards in the venue for the exact locations. Main meetings will also be signed – please sit in the designated area of the venue for the best view.



our wristband is like Wilson from Castaway. You and your Wilson need to be together at all times to make sure you can get into all the lovely venues around site. In the very sad event of you losing your Wilson you don’t need to shout and cry as Tom Hanks did. You need to bring £40 to Info in order to buy a new one. If you manage to break it, bring the pieces along to Info and we’ll do you a deal (i.e. swap the torn pieces for a brand new Wilson once you’ve handed over £1). Remember, without a wristband we can’t let you into any venues onsite. If somehow you’ve ended up wearing a wristband that doesn’t have your name on it, please head straight to Info to get that fixed. Substitutions are free and it’s really important you are wearing the right wristband as we use it to identify you in an emergency!

Village Hosts


village host is like an encyclopaedia of everything Soul Survivor. They possess the wisdom of Stephen Fry and the welcoming smile of Ant & Dec. They exist to make you feel at home whilst you’re with us at Soul Survivor and if you have any questions about your stay they will happily help. They will regale you with tales of years gone by and entertain you with stories of the time someone dropped their toothbrush down the toilet as well as popping up at regular intervals during your stay, offering cups of hot chocolate and a friendly ear. So return their welcoming smiles and enjoy the beginning of a wonderful friendship. Weeks B&C Soul survivor 85

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The Post


e know that the world is an incredibly fast moving place. You can call an aunty in Argentina in ten seconds or tweet a picture of your face to America in an instant, but there is still something nice about receiving a card, letter or parcel. We have teamed up with the lovely people of the showground to allow you to receive and send post whilst onsite. Any post received will be kept in the Info Office until you come and claim it, so check regularly if you’re expecting something. This is the information you’ll need to give, should someone want to send something to you:

SEND POST TO: Your name & your delegate reference number (starting B2K12/C2K12…) Information c/o Soul Survivor Bath and West Showground Shepton Mallet Somerset BA4 6QN

Lost Property


t’s amazing what stuff gets handed in to lost property. In the last few years we’ve had everything from football boots to umbrellas, underwear to Santa hats. Whatever you lose onsite and wherever you lose it, we’ll try our best to help you find it. Pop into comms or info and we’ll help you have a trawl through what’s been handed in. At the end of the event we will take valuable items (cameras, wallets, phones, jewellery) that haven’t been collected back to our office in Watford so give us a call there (0303 333 1333) if you don’t realise something is missing until you get home. Please note that our office will be shut after our events for the first few weeks in September (whilst we adjust to life outside a field) but we will try and get you reunited with your lost property ASAP after that. Less valuable items need to be claimed by the morning of the last day or they will be taken to a local charity shop, so have a good check you are leaving with everything you came with before you head home!

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Food vans


e all know that one of the most important parts of your day is deciding what you are going to eat. Some of you will be Michelin starred Heston Blumenthal types and will happily whip up grilled monkfish garnished with new potatoes and an elderberry coulis. Others of you will be sat in your tent in tears surrounded by the remnants of a failed attempt at boiled pasta. Well, cry no more! We have summoned catering vans from all ends of the country to come and serve you your heart’s desire. We’ve got a wide range of food from burgers to crepes, thai curry to fish and chips. Head on down and tuck in.



n need of a caffeine fix or a slab of cake to tide you over until dinner time? Well we have the cafés that will happily sort you out. Take your pick from Café Uno, Dreggs Soul Action Café, Soulympic Café or the Soul Survivor Café in the ToolShed.



unning low on the essentials? Don’t worry, you can pick up an assortment of basic supplies on site:

Local Shops & Directions


n Shepton Mallet you’ll find a big Tesco, Argos and Aldi. To reach them just turn left out of the main or Blue gate, follow the signs to Shepton Mallet town centre and pick up the supermarket signs. But please be sensible! Don’t walk along the A371 as it’s the main lorry route across Somerset and the lorries go very fast. We really don’t want anyone to get hurt so please stay safe.


our mum was telling you all last week that you needed to bring the bag by the stairs. You said yes, and now you’ve arrived you remembered you completely forgot it! Well, help is at hand. There is an onsite shop that will happily supply fresh bread, milk, ice cream and other such essentials.

(Map Ref: F5)



on’t worry guys; we haven’t gone all American on you! Unlike our transatlantic cousins we know the difference between petrol and gas. Therefore our gas station supplies you with gas!

THE GAS SHOP IS OPEN: Day One: 5pm –6pm Days Two to Five: 8.30am – 9.30am, 12.30pm – 2pm and 5pm – 6pm

Freezer Packs


Soul Survivor doesn’t directly contract the catering vans onsite so we don’t control the prices of them.



ou can exchange (for free) or buy (for £2) frozen ice packs for your cold storage between 8.30-9.00am and 5.00-5.30pm at site stores.

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Health and Safety Fire Regulations


e know you love your friends and your youth group and want to camp as close as possible to them, but according to our fire safety inspectors John and Kelvin who know a lot about fire, you need to leave at least 3 metres between tents. If you have trouble working out measurements, ask your village host who will be happy to advise you. Also while we’re talking about fire, don’t forget that BBQ-ing inside a tent is a big no-no so please don’t do it.



ickness spreads quickly on a campsite. Do your bit by washing your hands often, especially before eating and letting us know of any broken or dirty facilities on site (pop in to Comms or the Info Office). If anyone in your group falls ill* during the event then please keep them in their tent and contact the First Aid team. The First Aid Centre is clearly marked on the site map. In an emergency ring 0303 333 1335. *e.g. sudden fever (a high body temperature of over 38C or 100.4F), and sudden cough or any signs of diarrhoea and/or vomiting

Please note

The use of generators is not permitted.

First Aid


Please make sure you’ve completed the risk assessment form in your Group Leader Pack and make sure you follow the cooking with gas advice. Thanks!

e hope you don’t need them but in case of medical issues during Soul Survivor we have a brilliant First Aid team ready and waiting to apply a plaster or bandage your elbow. You’ll find their portacabins in the car park and they are open from 9am – 7pm. Of course sickness doesn’t happen on a schedule so outside of these hours pop along to Comms and they will radio for medical help. If you have an ongoing medical condition that may cause you problems during the event, it would be really helpful if you could pop in and let the First Aid team know when you arrive.

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Ethical issues We’re doing our bit across site to reduce our impact on the environment.

We’re helping out by Trying to print less and use less paper

Recycle unused food


ven with the best will in the world it’s pretty hard to calculate how much food you will use in a week and chances are you will have some left over. Never fear! Pop along to Comms on day 5 with any non-perishable and unopened foods and we will donate it all to a local charity.

Making sure all our hoodies are

ethically sourced and that the people making them are getting as fair a deal as possible Making sure all our tea and coffee (and as much of the other food as we can) is fairly traded Supplying our cafés with biodegradable wooden cutlery Filling the site with more bins than there are hair products in Mike’s bathroom We can’t do all of this alone though. We need you guys to help us keep the site nice and tidy and try to reduce the effect we have on the environment. All around site there are separate bins for glass, plastic, cardboard and cans so please split out your rubbish and make sure it goes in the right bin. Each camping Village has a recycling point with extra plastic bags for you to take back to your tent to dispose of your rubbish.

Re-use where possible


eusable plates and cutlery are a God-send. After you’ve finished your dinner give it a quick wipe on your sleeve, back in your bag and you’re ready for breakfast. Sorted.

Don’t waste water


n order for us to save as much water as possible it would be great for you to take quick showers and make sure all the taps are turned off after use. Or, if you want to save more water and stink out the bus on the way home, don’t bother showering.

Take care of your turf


fter we’ve all left and gone home, the little creatures and insects that we’ve rehomed for a week will return and we’d love to give them a nice place to come back to. Please take any rubbish away with you and keep your patch neat and tidy.

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Soul Survivor Shop We have all the latest Soul Survivor goodies ready and waiting for you in the ToolShed! For a certain amount of your Great British pounds and pennies we can give you the following: 01





01 Fairtrade Soul Survivor hoodies £27.97. 02 The brand new, Soul Survivor Youth Bible (see page 72 to find out more) £11.99. 03 2012 Live Album – preorder your copy & save money using your voucher. (Please note – the voucher is only valid onsite.) 04 DVDS of talks – get all the talks from Soul Survivor 2012 on MP3 or get all the mainstage talks on DVD £30.00. 05 Books – Ali Martin’s been pretty busy this year - not only did she have another baby, she’s finished two books! ‘Loud & Clear’ will help any seasoned or aspiring preachers to be better communicators, and ‘Heart to Heart’ (written with Liza Hoeksma) will help you explore the state of your heart and find peace, hope, fulfilment and freedom in Jesus (both £5.99).

You can also order when you get home from shop.soulsurvivor.com – with free p&p in the UK `(although please bear in mind the office will be shut until the middle of September while we catch up on some sleep so it may take a little longer than usual to fulfil your order). 92 Soul survivor Weeks B&C

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saturday_ad.indd 1

03/07/2012 16:11

experience Urban theology and Youth work Training

Gap Year London 2012/13 Find out more online or meet us in the toolshed at the XLP stand


For more information email mike.coates@xlp.org.uk or call 020 8297 8284


SS12_WEEK_BC.indd 93 Soul Survivor Advert_12.indd 1

19/07/2012 20:07 12:15 03/07/2012

Site Rules There are a few site rules that we have in place. They are here for everyone’s safety and to ensure the enjoyment of the event. Abiding by these rules will help us all live as one big happy family for the next five days. Lovely! Youth Leaders are responsible for their under 18s at all times. 01


Strictly no alcohol on site.

04 Strictly no drugs or drug paraphernalia on site - except for medical purposes. Anyone found in possession of drugs or alcohol will be evicted from the site and refused further entry to the event. Furthermore, all drug-related incidents will be dealt with by our Site Management team and the Police Representatives on site. 04 After arrival, all vehicles must be moved to the designated car parks in order to comply with official Fire & Safety regulations. The only cars allowed on site during Soul Survivor are emergency vehicles or those displaying a valid disabled sticker. Cars may be forcibly removed if they are parked illegally on the campsite. 05 We really want to respect people’s privacy especially during times of ministry, therefore please don’t film or take any photos during this time. 06 Pets are not allowed on site except Guide dogs (please go to the Information Office on arrival if you have a Guide dog).

No mixed tent/caravan/accommodation on site i.e. no boys and girls sleeping in the same space unless married. 07

08 Ball games are to be finished by 10pm. This will hopefully avoid anyone being woken up in the early hours with a football in their tent.

Roller blading, skateboarding or cycling can only occur after dark if you have appropriate lighting (i.e. have a light on your bike or are in a well-lit area for roller blading and skateboarding). 09

10 There is no access into any area that has been marked out of bounds by red and white tape. 11 Tents or caravans can only be moved to another village by registering with Info or helpdesk. This is essential so we can contact you in the event of an emergency and to maintain site security.

No speeding. When arriving/leaving the showground or unloading/packing up please observe the 10mph speed limit at all times. Please also note, driving lessons are not permitted on site – thousands of people would be a nightmare for hazard perception! 12

No fly posting… help us respect the property on the showground. 13

14 If you aren’t a team member on duty, please don’t wear a fluorescent jacket. You can wear it as much as you want when you get home, but please help us avoid any confusion by not wearing it during your time with us. 15 Smoking is not permitted inside buildings, marquees or individual tents. 16 Event wristbands must be worn at all times - they are the only way to get into venues. There is a charge to replace lost bands.

17 The use of generators is prohibited. Please talk to Comms if you have a medical or other critical need for a power supply. There will be a charge for provision of an electrical hook up. 18 Soul Survivor wishes to make clear that it does not favour sectarian propaganda or proselytising within the Christian fellowship. This means any individual or group that uses Soul Survivor and its facilities for such purposes does so against the spirit of the event. The organisers reserve the right to cancel any such person or group’s booking and escort them off the site/premises immediately. If you think someone is trying to force their views on you and others please do let us know immediately (come to Information) so we can deal with the situation. 19 Soul Survivor does not operate holiday insurance or cancellation schemes. We strongly recommend that you consult an insurance broker if you require cover. Soul Survivor cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to people or personal property. 20 The Bath and West showground has some very pretty areas so please be respectful of your surroundings and make sure you don’t walk/run/skateboard/dance/skip etc where you’re not allowed to. (Areas are clearly marked and should be fairly obvious too!) 21 All delegates need to be back on their Villages by 12am every night, and the campsite must be quiet by 1am. We will be dropping pins from time to time to check this. 22 Please do not go swimming in the lake. 23 Chinese Lanterns are not permitted at Soul Survivor events.

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INDEX A-Level results




Soul Action Café






Soul 61




Hearing impaired


Soul Survivor Café


Hip Hop


Soul Survivor shop



Big Top Bible Notes


Holy Spirit


Soul Survivor Live Album




Info Points








Soulympic Café


International reception


Speaker bios



p12, 14, 19, 20, 27

p31, 85

Café Uno


Internet Access


Special needs



Kids work




Chat Room


Kids films






Late Night Worship


Student reception







p56, 85

Compassion Café


Lift skate competition


The Office




Live Album


Toilets and showers




Lost property







Ultimate Frisbee






Village Hosts


Emergency Numbers

p9, 84

Inside back cover

Main meetings









Panna Sonic Tournament


Wilson from Castaway




Fancy dress

p43, 57



Prayer Ministry

Fire Regulations




p89, 91

p19, 29

p7, 82 p7, 67, 82


Inside back cover p85 p6, 11








p85 p15

Food Vans


Safety tips


XLP Purple Bus

Food drop off


Saturday Celebrations


Youth Bible





Youth Leaders

Freezer Packs






Site Rules


Fun Run


Skate Park




Social Networking




Soul Action


p72, 92 p70

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DATES 2013 Saturday Celebrations 15th Sep 27th Oct 5th Jan 23rd Feb 9th March 27th April 25th May 22nd June We hold free celebrations once a month at our warehouse in Watford. They start at 5pm and 8pm!

Young Worship Leaders Day Saturday 27 April 2013 from 10am to 4pm th

Are you a young worship leader? Do you play an instrument in worship? Are you passionate about worship? Then come along to our practical training day. There will be workshop sessions, an opportunity to put your questions to our team, and we’ll make time to focus on what the Bible says worship is really all about. So if you love God, love people and love music, come and join us! Soul Survivor Watford Warehouse Please see our website for prices.

Speaking Course Saturday 13th October 2012 from 10am to 5pm Join Ali Martin for a training day all about getting your point across when it comes to speaking and preaching. If you’re interested in communicating God’s word come along and help make yourself the best speaker you can be. (For more details turn to page 74) Soul Survivor Watford Warehouse £10

SoulNet Weekend 1 to 3 February st


Youthworkers! Join us for a weekend at Sherwood Forest Center Parcs where the main focus is you! Spend a few days relaxing, worshipping God, listening to his word and waiting on him. Or take on the rapids... £135 (£10 cheaper if you book before 31/10/12)

For info about brand new SoulNet Equipping Days see the SoulNet article on page 70

Naturally Supernatural 13th to 16th February Back for a fourth year is our conference dedicated to learning more about the power of the Holy Spirit. We’re really excited about what God has in store for us this year, so join us for four days of exploring how to live naturally supernatural lives. £55 – full conference £17 – day pass

Equal Saturday 15th June 2013 from 10am to 6pm We firmly believe that God calls both men and women into leadership but are aware this can still sometimes be an area of confusion for many people. Equal is one of the ways we want to support women in leadership, looking at what the Bible says and how we can practically support women in their leadership roles. Sorry guys, this one is only for the ladies! Soul Survivor Watford Warehouse £5

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