Soul Survivor Week B & C Programme 2015

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From Mike P Hello little ones and welcome to Soul Survivor 2015! We’re so excited to have five days together to hang out and meet with God. One thing we really want to focus on this summer is understanding God’s mission and how we can be a part of it. We’ll be exploring what the Bible has to say about mission, hearing from some people who are serving God in amazing ways, and we’ll make plenty of space to pray for one another, asking God to empower us through his Holy Spirit to make a difference in the world.

On Day 3 we’ll be pausing our seminars for the afternoon so we can have a giant foam party and we can’t wait to have our first ever community bonfire on the evening of Day 4! There’s so much else going on that we haven’t got the space here to tell you about everything but have a flick through the programme, listen up for announcements in the main meetings and check out the info points around the showground to make sure you don’t miss a thing!

We’ve also got loads of great seminars for you to choose from covering everything from prayer in a scientific universe to knowing our identity in God, plus Bite Size is back with some brand new speakers if you’d like to pop in to a 15 minute teaching session.

We pray that you meet with God while you’re here at Soul Survivor and that you leave knowing more about his love for you and for others. Let’s be open to what God wants to do in us and through us. Have a brilliant time. Love Mike

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Intro Info


Welcome 1 About us 3 Testimonies 4 Feedback 4 Safety 4 Main meetings 6 Worship 6 Teaching 7 Ministry 7 Communion 7 Outline of a day 8 Venues 9 Soul Action Café 10 Café Uno 11 Bandstand 12 The Chat Room 12 Grounds 13 Furnace 15 Late Night Worship 15 Sports 16 Skate 17 Celluloid 18 The ToolShed 20

Day Planner


Soul Survivor stand 20 Soul Survivor Café 20 ToolShed Café 20 Rewind 22 XLP Bus 23 International welcome 23 Student welcome 23 Pop up events 24 Foam party 25 Bonfire night 25 Kids work 26 Day planner 28 Week B Day 1 29 Day 2 30 Day 3 33 Day 4 35 Day 5 38 Seminar timetable 40 Week C Day 1 43 Day 2 44 Day 3 47

Articles Day 4 49 Day 5 52 Seminar timetable 54 Who’s who? 56 Things you should know 60 Health & safety 63 The offering 65 Support Soul Survivor 66 The Bible in one year 67 Soul Action 68 SoulNet 70 Be on team 71 Soul61 72 Bible reading notes 74 Q&A 78 Being green 82 Prayer ministry 84 Events 88 Soul Survivor merchandise 90 Shop 91 Keep in touch 92 Site rules 95 Site maps Inside back cover

Still need some help to find the info you’re after? Check out the Index on page 96!

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Are you sitting comfortably?

Want to find out more?

Then we shall begin…

Check out these pages:

It was a sunny evening in Somerset at a New Wine family event when Mike Pilavachi had an idea. How about creating an event that was just for teenagers and would give them an opportunity to get to know Jesus in a deeper way? His boss thought the idea was crazy but that it sounded a bit like God so he gave him a shot to get it off the ground and here we are 22 years later! From that first event that welcomed 1,896 teenagers we have now grown to the extent that we run five events each summer in Stafford, Scotland and Somerset that gather around 25,000 young people in total. This includes our Momentum event that provides teaching for students, 20s and 30s. Our team are based in Hertfordshire alongside our associated church Soul Survivor Watford and Soul61, our leadership course. We run events throughout the year both in Watford and around the country and everything we do is about meeting with Jesus and being equipped to live every area of our lives for him.


Main meetings Why do we focus so much on worship, teaching and ministry?


Q&A Find some answers to the questions we often get asked!


Upcoming events We have loads on throughout the year – come and join us.

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Resources Check out our Bible in One Year (page 67) and the new hoodies and goodies in our shop (page 90).

Still want more?! Read about our history, vision and values on our website under ‘About Us’.

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We’d love to hear your story! We find it really encouraging to know how you’ve been meeting with God and what he’s been doing in your life and we love to share your stories with others too. You can email, tweet using #soulsurvivor15 and/ or @SoulSurvivorGB, or write your testimony and drop it into the box on the stage. If you’d like us to keep it private, just let us know.


CK FEEDBA Want to tell us what you loved about Soul Survivor this summer and what you think we could do better next year? Fill out our online questionnaire at the end of the week to give us your feedback and to be in with a chance of winning a USB with all the talks on from this week!

We want you to stay safe at Soul Survivor so please: Have your mobile on you at all times so you can be easily contacted

Stay with at least one other friend when you’re out and about at night

Let your youth leader know where you’re going

Don’t assume someone is safe just because they are at a Christian event

Put the Soul Survivor emergency number in your phone 0300 302 0330 and call it if you need to - please don’t phone emergency services yourself

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M A I N TIMES Day 1: 7pm Days 2-4: 11am & 7pm Day 5: 10am for Communion & 7pm LOCATION The Big Top One of our favourite things about all being together here at Soul Survivor is our main meetings that happen every morning and evening. These give us a fantastic opportunity to hang out with each other and focus on God, and they are made up of three core elements: worship, teaching and ministry. We always want to be open to what God wants to do – if we feel like God wants us to pray for people right in the middle of worship we want to be obedient to that and go for it. It means our meetings aren’t always slick but we’d rather follow what God wants us to do than have everything be neat and tidy!

WOR S H I P Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37). Singing songs of worship, telling God how much we love him, is part of our response to this. When we focus on God he meets with us, changes us and empowers us, but this is a wonderful by-product as worship is to God, for God and about God. We also recognise that worship is about the whole of our lives and singing together is just one expression of worship.

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The Bible is amazing! It has loads of things to tell us about who God is, how he feels about us and how he wants us to live, as well as telling lots of incredible stories of how he’s led his people through all sorts of crazy adventures. Understanding the Bible is foundational to getting to know God better but loads of people miss out on it as they think it will be boring or too hard to understand. Each day in our meetings we’ll be looking at different parts of the Bible and exploring what it has to say about us living out God’s mission today. We also have a Bible in One Year blog online that has two videos uploaded every day to help us as we journey through the Bible. Check out page 67 for more info.

We make plenty of space in our meetings to pray for one another in the power of the Holy Spirit. As Christians the Holy Spirit is always living in us but during these ministry times we like to make space for him to empower and equip us to do God’s will, to heal us physically and/or emotionally, and to draw us into a deeper understanding of who God is.

NION COMMU Day 5: 10am On our last morning we like to celebrate all that God has done by taking Communion together. We share some of the stories of what has happened during the week (you can tell us yours via the testimony box on stage) and reflect on Jesus’ death and resurrection. We also make space to worship God and pray for one another. Catholic Mass will also be available. Please listen out for more info during the service.

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Our friends from GOD TV are back with us and will be broadcasting live from the Big Top every night during Week B, so text your mates at home and tell them you’re going to be on telly! GOD TV will also be filming every morning and you can

watch the live stream at www.god. tv/soulsurvivor plus they’ll be filming throughout the week for their Soul Survivor series but don’t worry, they don’t film duing ministry times. GOD TV is on Sky channel 580 and Virgin Media channel 279.

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of a day 0 8 : 3 0 Wake up, it’s a beautifully morning (hopefully!). If you’ve not already been woken up by your fellow campers, now is a good time to think about getting up and grabbing some breakfast to kick start your day.

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1 8 : 0 0

It’s time for the first main meeting of the day. All of our other venues close so that we can gather together in the Big Top to spend time worshipping God, hearing from his word and praying for each other.

0 9 : 0 0 Youth leaders: we love you. And because we love you, we think it’s only right to provide you with coffee at the start of your day. Point your young people in the direction of the cereal and pop along to the SoulNet breakfast starting at 9am in Grounds to grab a free croissant and coffee!

0 9 : 3 0 Let the seminars begin! Have a look through the planner to see what’s on offer this morning, grab your Bible, notebook and pen and head off to whichever seminar catches your eye.

Head back to your campsite to grab some dinner with your friends and chat about your days.

1 9 : 0 0 Time for another main meeting! We’ll have more worship, teaching and ministry tonight so make your way down to the Big Top.

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The world* is your oyster this afternoon! You can grab a hot drink and a slice of cake in one of the cafés, have a kick-about or browse the ToolShed for some bargains. There are also three seminar sessions (2pm, 3.15pm and 4.30pm) so have a flick through the planner and see what grabs you! *well, the showground…

Party time! Our venues are now open again… Hooray! Have a boogie in Café Uno, shoot some hoops in the Sports venue, watch a movie in Celluloid or have a browse of the ToolShed. All of the cafés are ready to serve you the finest hot chocolate mountains in the land!

2 3 : 3 0 In the famous words of the Von Trapp family, so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night! Our venues are shut now so that we can all get a good night’s kip, ready for another epic day tomorrow.

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V E N U E S Sitting in an empty field all day long could get kinda boring, so we’ve created a whole host of venues for you to enjoy. Whether you want to have a chat over a cup of tea or kick a football around, play cards or get your skate on, there’s fun for everyone!


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TIMES Day 1: 9.30pm-11.30pm Days 2-5: 1.00pm-6.00pm, 9.30pm-11.30pm Fighting injustice doesn’t always have to be strenuous – you can start by making small, everyday decisions like buying Fairtrade goods to ensure that all involved get treated fairly for their hard work. Everything sold in the Soul Action Café is Fairtrade so why not grab some mates and enjoy a Fairtrade chocolate muffin knowing that you’re making a positive difference? The café team would love to chat to you more about the everyday things you can do to help bring freedom to others and this is a great place to find out a bit more about the Different Shoes campaign. Plus there’s giant Jenga… need we say more?!

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TIMES Days 1-5: 9.30pm-11.30pm Plus open before and after seminars in the afternoons Up for a boogie? As well as hosting some of our seminars during the day, this venue comes alive with some of the best live music in town each evening. Our house band, Resound, will be playing a whole variety of tuuuuunes for you to get your dance on to. Or if you just fancy a yummy hot chocolate mountain and a slice of Rocky Road cheesecake, come and enjoy all that CafĂŠ Uno has to offer with its funky pop-art dĂŠcor.



Resound are the wonderful band who will be entertaining you each evening!

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CHAT ROOM TIMES Days 2-5: 2-4pm Fed up of singing in the shower? Ready to share your musical talent with the world? Well, now is your time to shine! Head on over to the Bandstand each afternoon and take part in our very own open mic sesh. Find our Bandstand hosts Amy and Tim and they will let you know what time you’ll be on to dazzle the crowds.

TIMES Day 1: 9.30pm-11pm Days 2-5: 1pm-5pm and 9.30pm-11pm Sometimes you just need a chat with someone and that is the sole purpose of our Chat Room! We’ve found a bunch of the loveliest, wisest people we know who are waiting to have a natter with you about anything – no subject is off limits and no question is too big or too small. So if there’s a difficult situation going on back home or you’ve got some questions about something God has brought up during the main meetings or seminars, just drop in – the team would love to meet you and pray with you!

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G R O U N D S TIMES Day 1 9.30pm-11.30pm Days 2-5: 1pm-6pm and 9.30pm-11.30pm If you’re looking for a quiet spot to take a breather, Grounds is just the place for you! With its relaxed vibe, comfy seating and brilliant selection of drinks, it’s the perfect little hideaway to get some space, read a book or have a good chat with your mates over a slice of Chocolate Mile High cake. Come on in and make yourself at home.

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C Week Y ONL

CE FURNA TIMES Day 1: 9.30pm-11.30pm Days 2-5: 1pm-6pm and 9.30pm-11.30pm The Furnace is a creative space to engage with God through prayer so there are loads of different resources and prompts that you’re welcome to use, or you can just sit quietly on a beanbag and meet with God. Whatever floats your boat is fine with us.

IP WORSH TIMES Days 1-5: 10.30pm-11.30pm If the main evening meeting is over and the ushers have ever-so-politely asked you to leave the Big Top, but you want to keep worshipping God, hop on over to Late Night Worship. One of the Soul Survivor team will be leading worship each evening in a more stripped-back, acoustic style so come and sing your heart out to God before you head to bed.

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TIMES Day 1: 9.30pm-11.30pm Days 2-5: 1.00pm-6.00pm, 9.30pm-11.30pm

Five-A-Side Football Tournament If you’re the next Lionel Messi and can bend it better than Beckham, the five-a-side footie tournament might be just what you’re looking for. Grab four mates and head on over to Sports on Day 2 to sign up and games will be played on Days 2-5. And if you’re not interested in actually playing football but you’ve got a loud voice, come along and cheer on the teams!

Panna Cage Football Tournament Three minutes. Two teams. One ball. See if you can get in a cheeky nut-meg.

Basketball Tournament Slam dunk the funk, or just shoot normally! Grab your mates and join the basketball tournament.

Free Running Did you ever play that game when you were a kid where you had to get across the room without touching the floor because the floor was lava, or shark-infested water? No? Just us?! Well we want to share the fun with you so we’ve invited our friends at Scripture Union back to provide a space for you to try a more grown-up version of that amazing game: free running! Come along to the sports venue and give it a try.

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CAFÉ Shooting hoops and kicking a football around can be thirsty work so we’ve got a café right inside the sports venue with cold drinks, sweets and snacks. You’ll also find some games consoles here for those of you who prefer to sit down while you play sport.



TIME: Day 4, 5:15pm for warm up, 5.30pm start LOCATION: The showring

Want to learn what an ollie is or already a pro at a double kickflip? Either way you’re welcome down at Skate! We’ve got the ramps, just bring your board, scooter or roller blades and come and join the fun.

This does exactly what it says on the tin: you raise money to support the work of Soul Action whilst running around the campsite having the time of your life! You can dress up if you like but there are no rules about ACTUALLY having to run if that isn’t your cup of tea – you could walk, hop, skip, rolypoly or cartwheel the 3K. Grab your sponsorship form and running number from the Soul Action Stand in the ToolShed, get your friends and your youth leader to sponsor you and start warming up!

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C E L L U L O I D TIMES Days 1-5: 10pm We’re showing some great new films for you to enjoy in Celluloid this week and we’ll also be selling flavoured popcorn, chocolate treat bags and drinks. Read on to see the selection of films on offer.



Guardians Of The Galaxy (12)


Day 1

Day 2

Having been abducted by aliens as a child Peter Quill becomes a scavenger for hire, eventually stealing a coveted orb. He finds himself the target of a villain known as Ronan the Accuser who knows the orb’s true power, and Peter must form an uneasy alliance with some fellow criminals in order to save the universe.

Following on from the awesome Divergent, Insurgent finds Tris and Four on the run with major unrest in all the factions and Jeanine desperate to destroy the divergents. Dealing with her grief and facing up to her past, Tris must face impossible challenges to find out the secrets her family died to protect and unlock the truth that might save their world.

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Big Hero 6 (U)

The Fault In Our Stars (12)

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Thomas wakes up to find himself in the Glade surrounded by a huge wall and he, like the other boys there, doesn’t know who he is, where he is or how he got there. Every day while the wall is open, runners from the camp head into the maze to look for a way out, risking everything and braving the monstrous Grievers in a bid to find their freedom.

In this comedy-adventure robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada, his brother Tadashi, and their friends must join with plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax to solve the mystery of a dangerous plot that is unfolding in the streets of San Fransokyo. This brilliantly animated film is energetic and action-packed but still manages to deliver an emotional punch.

A teenage cancer support group doesn’t sound like the most romantic setting and yet that’s exactly where Hazel and Gus begin their unforgettable love story. If you’re one of the few who haven’t read the book/seen the film, The Fault in Our Stars is smart, funny, wise and heartbreaking, asking the big questions about life and providing an entertaining, must-see movie.

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V E N U E S TIMES Day 1: 9.30pm-11.30pm Days 2-5: 1.00pm-5.30pm, 9.30pm-11.30pm

We know the saying goes that there’s an elephant in the room, but that would just be impractical in the middle of the ToolShed so we put a big Soul Survivor stand in there instead. It’s jam-packed full of books, CDs and DVDs that we think will really support you in your walk with Jesus, as well as some snazzy new Soul Survivor goodies to check out. We have some mega friendly team members who would love to help with any recommendations, or just have a chat, so come along and say hi! This area is also home to the Soul Action stand where you can find out more about the Different Shoes campaign and the Soul61 stand for anyone interested in spending a gap year with us in Watford learning about leadership.


The ToolShed is THE place to be. It’s full to the brim with charities and organisations that are ready to chat to you (and maybe give you free sweets if you’re really nice to them). A lot of them have gap year opportunities that you can get involved with or resources to help you in your faith. There are also two cafés in the ToolShed so sit back and enjoy a cuppa whilst you make the most of the free wifi!






Check us out – we’ve got our own camping-themed café and it’s is the perfect spot to have a little sit down amongst the hustle and bustle of the ToolShed! Our team are ready and waiting to dish you up a slice of Rocky Road cheesecake and and have been in intense (in-tents, geddit?!) training to perfect the art of the mighty hot chocolate mountain. What are you waiting for?


High up above the other venues (literally), the ToolShed Café on the balcony is the spot to be! This café is run by our lovely chums at XLP and is a great place to find the mighty Red Velvet Cake. We’ve also done extensive research and discovered that this is by far the best location to play a cheeky game of Monopoly Deal with your friends, so you bring the cards, we’ll bring the cake and we’ll see you there!

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Here are a couple of things we’d like you to know about the ToolShed, that we’re pretty serious about:



All the stands and organisations are here to equip you in your relationship with Jesus. That means none of them should be getting upset if you don’t agree with their theological angle on things. If you feel like you’ve been accosted by an over-zealous exhibitor, then pop into Info and let one of our team know.

Most of the items that are sold in the ToolShed are either resources or a way of generating money to support the work of a charitable trust. We know lots of you like having a browse but the absolute last thing we want is for anyone to feel pressured to spend any cash. We’re not trying to make money out of you.

3 From time to time Mike, Ali or Andy might mention a book, CD or DVD on mainstage. Just so you know, there are no marketing deals going on – if they say they like it and think you will too, then they mean they like it and think you will too (not that someone is paying them to say it’s brilliant).

Basically what this boils down to is the fact we like you, we think you’re pretty special, and we don’t want you to feel like you’re having lots of stuff pushed at you. We want you to be able to relax and have a good time at Soul Survivor.

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⏪ TIMES Days 1, 2, 3 and 5 9.30pm-11.30pm

Guess who’s back, back again…! Rewind made its debut last summer and went down a storm so we’re excited that it’s back for more. There's a bunch of stuff going on throughout the week so grab your mates and your dancing shoes and get ready for the time of your life!



Day 1 We loved the UV party so much last year that we couldn’t wait to do it all again but this time bigger and better than ever! We’ve got some UV paint awaiting you so grab your glow sticks and get ready to party. Our resident DJ will be playing some tunes for you to dance to all night long (and by all night long, we mean until Rewind closes at 11.30pm).

Day 2 What’s quiet on the outside but loud on the inside? A silent disco! Our neighbours will be really happy tonight as we will be making practically no noise as we dance the night away. Two DJs will be battling to win you over so make sure you tweet and Instagram the tunes that you’re loving using #soulsurvivor15. Head over from 9.30pm, grab the special headphones on your way into Rewind and flick between the two channels to choose your tune of choice.

Meet Jesse, our DJ this week. He’s been slaying dancefloors across the UK for many moons with a trademark combo of brand new and old fashioned dance music. Having shared a stage with Zane Lowe, Hot Chip, DJ Yoda, Toddla T, Benga, Norman Jay, and many others, his ability to make a room move and smile at the same time has won him many fans.

Day 3 We’ve got a very special treat in store tonight: Guvna B is coming to perform for you guys in Rewind! Guvna B will also be signing some merchandise for you in the ToolShed straight after the gig.


Day 5 A Christmas party in August is an opportunity too good to miss, especially when we’re all dressed up in our nativity fancy dress! Rewind will be transformed into a winter wonderland and Jesse will be playing some sweet Christmas tunes ready for us to boogie.

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TIME Day 2: 4.30pm LOCATION Soul Action Café

TIMES Day 1: 9.30pm-11.30pm Days 2-5: 1-6pm and 9.30pm-11.30pm LOCATION Near the Soul Action Café

Bonjour! Hallo! Ciao! Nî hâo! ¡Hola! Hej! Jambo! G’day!

Have you seen the purple double decker bus on site? Don’t worry, it hasn’t strayed from the A37 by mistake, it’s actually a brilliant venue, hosted by our friends at XLP. Step inside and you’ll find games consoles, air hockey tables and a music studio, not to mention members of the lovely XLP team!

If you’re here from a faraway land then welcome! It’s great to have you with us. To welcome you in true British style, we’d love to invite you to take part in one of our greatest customs: a cream tea with scones, jam, cream and plenty of tea. You’ll be able to meet some of our team, find out a little more about what we’re involved with around the globe and meet some fellow travellers.


TIME Day 2: 3.15pm LOCATION Soul Action Café

Heading off to uni is a big deal, and we want to give you a great send off so we’re gathering all students-to-be in one place. It’s a great opportunity to hear from a couple of organisations who are focussed on supporting students and hopefully even bump into some people heading off to the same university as you. You’ll get some top tips for thriving as a student and maybe even the secret formula for how to make the perfect beans on toast. We’ll also make some space to pray with one another before stepping into the adventure that is university. You also might like to check out Freddie Pimms’s seminar ‘The university challenge: how to grow up in our faith’ on Day 2 at 2pm in Café Uno.

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TIME Day 3, 4pm LOCATION Showring Get ready for the party of the summer! We’ve got some giant foam canons and an awesome DJ; all that’s missing is thousands of you lovely lot. We’re pausing all our seminars so we can all get together for one big foam party! A couple of things to note: the foam won’t stain so you don’t need to worry about damaging your clothes but please DON’T wear white as it will become see-through and please don’t come in a bikini or swimming costume. Thanks!

BONF I RE TIME Day 4, 9.30pm LOCATION Next to the Big Top Adele wanted to set fire to the rain, but that seems kinda silly so we’re just going to stick to setting fire to the big pile of wood we’ve collected. Join us tonight for a HUUUUUUGE community bonfire in the field next to the Big Top, as well as several smaller ones dotted around so that you can make S’mores and have a singsong whilst keeping warm! Bring a blanket and snacks for some fireside fun.

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REGIST TIMES Days 1-5: 7pm-9.30pm (Breakout only) Days 2-4: 11am-1pm Day 5: 10am-12pm GROUPS Wrigglers (0-2s) Explorers (3-4s) Engage (5-8s) Breakout (9-11s) We agree with Whitney – children ARE the future! If you brought along some little ones with you, we can’t wait to get to know them over the next five days. We’ve split our kids work into four age groups so that we can provide each group with age-appropriate worship, teaching and prayer. Plus there will be a whole load of fun & games, and arts & crafts thrown in to keep them happily occupied while you head over to the main meeting each morning.

REGISTRATION FOR THE WEEK Although you should have already received event wristbands for your children along with your own (and if you haven’t, you will need to pop to Info!), your children still need to be registered with the kids team leaders on arrival day. This is to collect security information from you, and to ensure we have the correct ratio of team members to children. Please make your way to the Breakout venue between 4.30pm and 6.30pm on Day 1. You will need to complete a registration form – more will be available in the venue if you have lost yours!

SESSION REGISTRATION When you drop your child off at each session, you’ll be given a contact card that you will need to bring with you in order to collect them later. It is strictly enforced that children under 10 can’t be picked up without the correct card. Children aged 10 and 11 can leave unaccompanied if you let the team leader know in advance.

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TIMES: 5pm-6.45pm LOCATION: Baby bathing venue marked on map If you’ve got a baby with you we salute your intrepid camping skills and we’d love to help you out. We have baby baths ready and waiting for you to bathe your nippers each evening between 5pm and 6.45pm. We’ll provide the tubs and warm water, you bring the towels and toiletries. Oh, and your baby.

É ME CAF FREE TI Times: 3pm-5pm LOCATION: Explorers Each afternoon, the Explorers venue will be open for you and your kiddies to hang out in for a couple of hours. There will be a loads of toys, games and colouring-in available for the children to play with, while you sit down and enjoy a nice cuppa. Please note that this session is unsupervised so you must remain with your children at all times.




TIMES: 7pm-9.30pm LOCATION: Breakout

9-11s ONLY

Breakout sessions run in the evenings too with games, worship, teaching and lots of fun for your child to enjoy whilst you get along to the main meeting. This session has been extended until 9.30pm this year giving you a chance to stay and pray, worship and/or receive ministry if you wish, but please keep an eye on the time and pick your child up promptly.


R A I L WA Y All aboard! The showground has its very own mini railway open for all those budding train drivers (or future commuters) to enjoy for a small fee. WEEK B From 1pm- 6pm on Day 3 WEEK C From 1pm- 6pm on Day 3

We’ll be showing a different family-friendly film each evening for the little - and the not so little - ones to enjoy before bed. Please note that this session is unsupervised so there must be at least one adult to every four children. Day 1: The Nut Job (U) Day 2: Rio 2 (U) Day 3: Penguins of Madagascar (U) Day 4: Paddington (PG) Day 5: Annie (PG)



We want to make sure every child has a great week with us, so if your child has any special requirements please let their team leader know when you register on Day 1 so that we can do all that we can to make them feel right at home.



All of the lovely team that have given up their week to look after your little ones have had a DBS check and received appropriate welfare training. Child protection procedures are in place to ensure a safe environment for everyone. If you have any concerns, just pop into Info and ask to speak to our kids coordinator.

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As well as our main meetings we’ve got loads of seminars to help us explore what it means to live out our faith in every area of our lives.

These are 45 minute sessions on a whole variety of topics and most seminars will make space for a cheeky Q&A sesh at the end so that you can ask any burning questions you have as well. We’re also hosting the Bite Size stream that features 15 minute talks from some brand new speakers that we’d love to introduce you to. The following pages have some handy day planners to help you work out where you want to be and when – and they include info on what else is happening each day and evening.

If there are two seminars on at the same time that you like the sound of, have no fear, the internet is here! After the summer we put all of the talks up on our online shop for you to purchase for the bargain price of £1. You can also buy a USB with audio of all of the talks from the week, (including all of the seminars and main meeting talks). This normally costs £30 but since you’re super cool and bought a programme, you’ll find we’ve tucked a voucher on the back page for £5 off when you grab it from the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed.

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Each of our morning meetings will be live-streamed and each of our evening meetings will be shown on GOD TV so tweet your mates and get them to tune in!




7.00pm See you in the Big Top, ready for our first session together! (Talk code: 15B101)

Week NBE


Welcome, welcome, we’re so glad you could join us! We’ve got our first main meeting together at 7pm tonight so once you’ve set up your tent and grabbed some dinner, head on down to the Big Top for an evening of worship, teaching and ministry… plus some terrible jokes from Mike! (Talk code: 15B101)

9.30pm All of the venues are now open – hoorah! Come and test out our baristas’ hot chocolate mountain making skills. The UV Party is back and better than ever! Head to Rewind to get involved. Time to have a browse in the ToolShed and come and say hello to our team at the Soul Survivor Café . The Chat Room is open until 11pm if you need to talk to someone about…anything! 10.00pm Tonight’s screening in Celluloid is Guardians of the Galaxy. 10.30pm Come and spend some more time worshipping in the Late Night Worship venue.

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Week B

O W T Y A D 9.30AM-10.15AM


PRAYER MINISTRY 101 Ali Martin Want to find out more about praying for people and seeing God meet with them in amazing ways? Come along to get the low down on prayer ministry, what you might expect to see happen in the main meetings and how you can be a part of seeing God meet with people. Café Uno, 15B001

THE UNIVERSITY CHALLENGE: HOW TO GROW UP IN OUR FAITH Freddie Pimm University can be an incredibly difficult environment for a Christian to survive in with up to 70% dropping out of church by the end of their first year. But it can be an amazing opportunity too so come and explore how we can grow and thrive in our faith rather than just aiming to survive. Café Uno, 15B004

#BFF Sarah Dowdeswell & Lucy Fardon The world shows us that friendship is often only surface deep and BFFs come and go instead of being for life. Learn from (and laugh at!) Sarah and Lucy’s mistakes and see what it is to be a friend worth having. Rewind, 15B002 WORSHIP AS GOD INTENDED David Westlake In the book of Amos God says, “I’ve had all I can take of your noisy ego-music… Do you know what I want? I want justice— oceans of it.” So how do we make sure our worship isn’t just ‘noisy ego-music’ but worship God as he wants us to? Soul Action Café, 15B003

BORN LEADER OR BUM LEADER? James Grier Can you relate to Jesus’ mate Peter? He was keen to change the world but struggled to change himself. He was up for being a radical disciple, but found it wasn’t so easy in practice. At times he was a bit flakey and yet Jesus called him a rock. Come and hear about a guy many of us can relate to and maybe even learn from! Engage, 15B005

SIZE 2PM - 2.15PM UNSHAKEABLE FAITH Lydia Brehm Want your faith to stay strong when you head home from Soul Survivor, when you’re back at school and hanging out with friends who don’t know Jesus? Come along for some tips on having faith that will last. Late Night Worship, 15B006

2.25PM - 2.40PM PERSEVERING THROUGH HARD TIMES Simeon Bayer Simeon will draw on his own experience of losing his mum last year to look at how we can stay faithful to God whilst dealing with painful circumstances. Late Night Worship, 15B107

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FOUR GOSPELS, ONE JESUS Andy Croft Jesus is so impressive that one gospel wouldn’t be enough to describe him. There are differences between the stories so why do some talk of wise men and others shepherds? Why does Jesus do things in a different order depending on the gospel? Come and discover the different approaches Matthew, Mark, Luke and John take to the one amazing Jesus. Rewind, 15B008

3.15PM-4PM BELOVED: BE FULL, BE FREE, BE FIERCE! Rachel Gardner This is one for the girls as Rachel looks at what holds us back from living in the freedom and confidence God wants for us. It will cover friendships, self-esteem, fashion, aspirations, sexuality, love and fear so come prepared to take off your masks and uncover your big, bold and beautiful belovedness! Engage, 15B009 CREATIVE MISSION Chris Arnold God has put talents in each one of us (not just the preachers and worship leaders!) that he wants us to use to reach others. Let’s re-think our ideas of mission, celebrate how we’re made and explore how we can get creative in using our sporting abilities, our academic excellence, our sense of humour, our friendship skills, our love of nature and so much more, all for God’s glory. Late Night Worship, 15B010

MY GUINEA PIG DOES ALGEBRA Bob Wallington That’s plain ridiculous! And so is the idea that when you get home from Soul Survivor your walk with Jesus could get even more exciting right? Wrong! Come and find out how to use this week as a launch pad for an incredible adventure with Jesus. It isn’t ridiculous - it’s possible! (Guinea pigs and algebra questions not welcome.) Rewind, 15B011 STUDENT RECEPTION If you’re a student or you’re heading off to uni soon, pop along to the Student Reception to meet others in the same boat! Soul Action Café

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11.00am: It’s our first morning meeting together! (Talk code: 15B102)



Week B

From 1.00pm: The showground is yours to explore! All of the cafés are open for you to grab a slice of cake, you can check out the books and CDs in the ToolShed or head on over to the Sports venue for a game of football or basketball.

4.30 -5.15 PM


LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED James Grier Jesus said the most important thing we can do it to love God with all our heart and to love our neighbours as ourselves. So what does it mean to love ourselves, let alone anyone else? What if you don’t feel very loveable? What if people haven’t been very loving to you? This seminar will be take an honest and real look at love. Café Uno, 15B012

IT’S A FAMILY AFFAIR Rachel & Jason Gardner Every single one of us has been adopted by God and if we can grasp our place in God’s family it will revolutionise our sense of identity and transform the way we live our lives as Christians! Rewind, 15B014 INTERNATIONAL RECEPTION If you’re visiting us from another country we’d love to say hello and serve you a lovely cup of tea alongside a traditional cream tea! Soul Action Café

THE SELFISH GOSPEL: A FLAW IN THE MODERN CHURCH Freddie Pimm Lacking in passion and commitment, self-obsessed and self-absorbed. Is this a picture of our culture or the modern church? Freddie will look at the problem of our selfish culture, explore what we can do about it and think about what might happen if we were able to live selflessly and transform our culture. Late Night Worship, 15B013

4.30pm: Visiting us from abroad? We’d love to meet you! Come over to the Soul Action Café to enjoy a classic cream tea at our International Reception.



7.00pm: Join Mike, Ali and Andy for our second evening meeting together. (Talk code: 15B103) From 9.30pm: Head over to Rewind to take part in our first ever silent disco! Café Uno is open for business – join us for a boogie! Need some chill time? Grounds is ready and waiting. 10.00pm: Fancy a movie? Insurgent is on in Celluloid. 10.30pm: Late Night Worship is open with a stripped back, acoustic vibe.

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Week BEE


I’M NOT COPING Sarah Davis & Erin Docherty Life can be tough for all of us but

DIVORCE SUCKS! Jemma Phillipson Family set-ups are changing and many of us are having to deal with the break-up of our parents. How does this affect us? Where is God in the midst of it all? And how can we support our parents? Drawing on personal experience Jemma will aim to answer these questions and point towards the redeeming power of God’s love. Café Uno, 15B015

some of us have days, weeks and months where it feels like we really can't cope. We’ll be looking at what causes those feelings, self-harm, self-esteem, low moods and suicidal thoughts; as well as exploring some positive and practical ideas to help us cope and to discover how we can find God in the midst of our pain. Rewind, 15B017

SOULNET BREAKFAST: THE FIVE ‘E’S OF RELATIONSHIP Matt Summerfield Youth ministry is tough, right? There are no magic formulas but come along and explore six essential elements of youth ministry (enjoyment, education, experiences, empowering, example and relationship) and think about how we put them into practice. Grounds, 15B016



2PM-2.45PM LESSONS I’M LEARNING ABOUT WALKING WITH JESUS Andy Croft Andy will share some of the things God has been teaching him over the last year about leadership, prayer, and Bible reading, and what he’s learnt through his struggles. Come along for some practical tips to help you follow God. Café Uno, 15B018 HOW TO BE AN EVANGELIST (WITHOUT BEING ANNOYING) Claire Cooke Telling your friends about Jesus doesn't mean you have to be odd! As we grow in our love and trust of God, and in the fruits of the Spirit, we will gain the courage to be our true selves who reflect God to those around us. Rewind, 15B019

SIZE 2PM - 2.15PM STANDING UP FOR OUR FAITH Henry Turnbull It can sometimes be hard to openly admit we are Christians so come along and be encouraged by ways you can stand up for God and have a think about why it's so important. Late Night Worship, 15B020

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11.00am: It’s that time again - race you to the Big Top! (Talk code: 15B104)



Week BEE

From 1.00pm: The ToolShed is open for you to have a browse of some helpful resources and meet some lovely organisations.

3.15 -4 PM


NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE CHURCH Tich Smith The world is in a mess with lives destroyed by war, disease, abuse, trafficking and starvation. What's the solution to this dismal picture? Jesus! It's time for the church to hear God's heartbeat for the widow, the orphan, the destitute and the poor; to share the good news and to impact the world in Jesus' name. Café Uno, 15B021

HATERS GONNA HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE Open Doors Life seems to be getting worse for many Christians around the world with horrendous stories from Iraq, Syria and Nigeria frequently in the news. What on earth is God doing? Much more than we could imagine! Come and hear amazing testimonies, be inspired by the incredible faith of our persecuted family and learn why we can’t just shake it off. Late Night Worship, 15B022 THE LAST YEAR IN MUSIC Graham Cray God’s fingerprints are all over the music scene; come and explore how God is being referenced by artists such as Royal Blood, Mumford & Sons, Kendrick Lamar, Torres, U2 and Sufjan Stevens. Rewind, 15B023

4.00pm: Two words: Foam. Party. Grab your mates and head over to the showring to get involved! Are the other venues will be closed so we can all join in together.



7.00pm: Make your way down to the Big Top! (Talk code: 15B105) From 9.30pm: Grab a bev, have a mooch around the ToolShed, get your dancing shoes on in Café Uno or shoot some hoops in the Sports venue.Plus, Guvna B is coming to perform in Rewind – head on over after the main meeting! Guvna B will also be signing some merchandise for you in ToolShed straight after the gig.


10.00pm: Tonight’s film in Celluloid is The Maze Runner.

We’re not having any seminars at this time because we’ll all be at the massive foam party instead – hurray!

10.30pm: Want to keep worshipping? Head to Late Night Worship!

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Week BR

9.30AM-10.15AM BIG QUESTIONS: WHAT ABOUT OTHER RELIGIONS? Thom Jee How can Christianity be the only true religion when there are so many? Aren’t all religions basically the same? Is it arrogant to say we know the truth? If you’ve ever wondered about, or been asked, any of these questions, come along and find out what Christianity has to say about other religions. Café Uno, 15B024 SOULNET BREAKFAST: BECOMING AN EXTRAORDINARY YOUTH TEAM Matt Summerfield If we can wade through the cheese, we’ll find a huge amount of truth in the phrase "It takes a team to realise the dream!" So how can we build an extraordinary youth team who are growing themselves and developing young people? Come and join us for a leadership work-out. Grounds, 15B025

WHEN THE BIBLE KICKS YOUR BUTT! Bob Wallington Ever read something in the Bible and been so challenged by it that it felt like you just had your butt kicked?! This seminar is going to open up some of the most challenging words of the Bible uttered by prophets, kings, shepherds, fishermen, and God himself. Bring a cushion for your kicked butt. Rewind, 15B026 HOW TO CHANGE THE WORLD David Westlake It’s easy to say ‘you can change the world’ but what does it really look like to do it? How can we get hands-on and help people who are living in poverty? Come and hear people’s frontline experience, share your own stories, and explore how we can respond to God’s call to transform a broken world. Soul Action Café, 15B027



2PM-2.45PM WHY CAN’T I HEAR YOU? Fiona Green Ever feel like God seems to speak to everyone but you? This is a seminar for people who want to hear from God but don’t really get the whole ‘God told me’ thing. Expect to leave encouraged! Café Uno, 15B028

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Week BR

EVERYONE CAN DO THIS! Phil Timson and Rachel Jordan Our friends at HOPE have a new tool to equip and empower us to share our faith called Chatterbox. Come along and be inspired! Engage, 15B029 BELOVED #1: KNOWING GOD AS DAD Matt Summerfield Amazing news! God wants to be your Heavenly Dad. Some of us have bad experiences of earthly fathers but in God we discover the best dad in the whole universe. So what kind of Dad is he and why is this truth absolutely life-changing if we can get hold of it? Late Night Worship, 15B030 HOW DOES GOD ANSWER PRAYER IN A SCIENTIFIC UNIVERSE? David Wilkinson Does modern science rule out the possibility that God can answer prayer? Is belief in miracles outdated? David, a scientist and theologian, will explore the answers to these questions, suggesting that it is an outdated view of science which rules out God acting in the universe in surprising ways. Rewind, 15B031

3.15PM-4PM GOD IS NOT A JELLY BABY Andy Croft What is God made of? How is he like us and how is he different? Why does he even exist? Thinking about God can cause us to love him more but it can also cause our brains to melt… Come along and try it. Jelly Babies not included. Café Uno, 15B032

YOU’RE NEVER TOO YOUNG TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Joan Smith Want to change the world for Jesus? The time is now! God has already given you gifts and talents to use and he’s looking for those who will swim against the tide and be givers in a world of takers. Come and imagine what God can do through you! Rewind, 15B034

BIG QUESTIONS: CAN I REALLY TRUST THE BIBLE Thom Jee Is the Bible really true? Wasn’t it written years after the event? Didn’t the church cover up the real facts about Jesus? Did Jesus even exist? If you’ve ever wondered or been asked any of these questions, come along to find out whether the Bible is really trustworthy. Engage, 15B033

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Week BR





4.30PM-5.15PM BELOVED #2: YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD Matt Summerfield Being a child of God means God is your Father, Jesus is your brother and the Holy Spirit is your constant companion. How can we allow this amazing truth to define our identity and actions in the world today? Café Uno, 15B035 NAME-DROPPING JESUS Miriam Swaffield If Jesus is our friend and we think that knowing him is good news, why is it so hard to chat about him with our mates? This will be an honest and practical look at how we can share our faith in a normal, natural and fun way with time for your questions on evangelism too! Late Night Worship, 15B036 ETERNAL SOUL OR RESURRECTED BODY? David Wilkinson David will examine Christian views of what happens after death, its relationship with scientific thinking and evidence, and compare the New Testament view with Greek dualism. Rewind, 15B037


11.00am: Rise and shine, it’s main meeting time. (Talk code: 15B106) From 1.00pm: All the venues are now open for you to enjoy! 2.00pm: Dazzle the crowds with your musical talent at the Bandstand – chat to one of the hosts to get involved.



7.00pm: Quick, the main meeting is starting! Head over to the Big Top and join Mike, Ali and Andy for some worship, teaching and ministry. (Talk code: 15B107) From 9.30pm: Grab your mates, a blanket and some marshmallows and we’ll see you by the Big Top for a bonfire! 10.00pm: We’ll be pressing play on Big Hero 6 at 10pm in Celluloid!

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Week BE


DAY FIV 9.30-10.15AM

There are no seminars this morning so that we can all meet together at 10am for Communion in the Big Top.

2PM-2.45PM WHEN LIFE DOESN’T GO TO PLAN Patrick Regan What do you do when the things you’ve hoped and longed for aren’t happening? How do you find God when life is painful? Come and be inspired about how to keep going in the face of disappointment, and learn how to dream again. Café Uno, 15B038 SOULNET Q&A Mike Pilavachi Come and put your youth work questions to Mike! Grounds, 15B039

SIZE 2PM - 2.15PM SURVIVING SCHOOL AS A CHRISTIAN Bella Heavens How can we find the courage to share our faith with our friends? How do we cope with the stress of exams? Could the knowledge we’re made by God change everything? Late Night Worship, 15B040

2.25PM - 2.40PM WHEN IT ALL SEEMS QUIET Jeremy Downes What do we do when God seems silent? Come along for some practical tips on finding God in the dry places. Late Night Worship, 15B041

CAN I LOVE MY TEENS AND LOVE JESUS? Miriam Swaffield Will you have to lose your friends if you want to be bold and honest about your faith? Is there a way to be at the parties but shine differently? Are we missing out or could following Jesus be the best adventure of all? Come with your questions and stories and let's explore how we can confidently enjoy being Christians. Café Uno, 15B042 BIG QUESTIONS: DID JESUS REALLY RISE FROM THE DEAD? Thom Jee Did Jesus really exist? How can any sensible person ever believe that he rose from the dead? If the resurrection never happened, Christianity is a load of nonsense, so if you’ve ever wondered or been asked these questions, come along to find out how anyone can believe that Jesus really rose from the dead. Engage, 15B043 HELP! I’VE JUST BECOME A CHRISTIAN… Andy Croft If you’ve just become a Christian this is the seminar for you! It’s a beginner’s guide to having a relationship with God, and we’ll be looking at what makes a happy Christian and how to give everything you’ve got to the adventure you’ve just begun. Come and learn how to make the most of following Jesus. Late Night Worship, 15B044

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4.30PM-5.15PM YOU WON’T LIKE ME WHEN I’M ANGRY Patrick Regan Anger can be a bit of a taboo subject yet many of us struggle with painful circumstances in our lives that have left us with unresolved anger towards God, ourselves and others. Patrick will explore how we can process those emotions in a healthy way (without turning into The Hulk), let go of our guilt over not being ‘sorted’ and find God’s love and grace in the midst of our pain. Café Uno, 15B047

Engage, 15B048 THEY'RE NOT COPING Sarah Davis & Erin Docherty How can you support someone who is struggling with self-harm and low self-esteem, low moods or is thinking about suicide? We’ll look at where some of those feelings come from and how we can make a positive difference in the lives of those who aren’t coping. Late Night Worship,15B049 BELOVED #4: GOD WANTS A BIGGER FAMILY Matt Summerfield Wouldn’t it be amazing for more people to encounter God as the most amazing Dad in the universe and to have their lives transformed by his love and power? How can we work with God to grow his family whilst receiving his love for us at the same time? Rewind, 15B050

Worship? LOVED THE

Head over to the ToolShed to preorder your 2015 live album!


10.00am: We’re starting the main meeting early today so we can take Communion together. (Talk code: 15B108) From 1.00pm: It’s the last afternoon so make the most of


BELOVED #3: BEING THE FAMILY OF GOD Matt Summerfield Great news! You’re not an only child; you’re part of the family of God which is the Church. So how should the family of God behave and look out for one another? With so many problems in families today, how do we be family in a healthy way? Soul Action Café,15B046

BIG QUESTIONS: HASN'T SCIENCE DISPROVED GOD? Thom Jee Can an intelligent person still believe in God? Hasn’t Science replaced God? Now we have evolution and the Big Bang, surely God isn’t necessary? Come along to find out if science has really disproved God.


MY MUSLIM NEIGHBOUR Sarah Branson What does God’s kingdom coming to earth look like in a community of people from a crazy array of different places, faiths and backgrounds? Come and hear real-life stories from Sarah’s experience of living and working in a diverse inner-city London borough affected by issues of poverty, fear and misunderstanding, and to explore how you can reach those who come from a different background to you. Rewind, 15B045

all of the venues. Have one final game of basketball, chill out in Grounds or pop to a seminar.



7.00pm: It’s our last meeting… BOOOOOO. Put on your fancy dress and head to the Big Top, ready to celebrate all that God has done this week! (Talk code: 15B109) From 9.30pm: It’s your last chance to grab some snazzy Soul Survivor merch in the ToolShed. Have a final boogie in Café Uno or get out the tinsel and head to the Christmas party in Rewind! The Chat Room is open for one last session so if you need to talk to someone about anything that has come up this week or you’re worried about heading home, just pop in for a chat. 10.00pm: The Fault in our Stars is showing in Celluloid tonight – don’t forget the tissues! 10.30pm: Finish your week by worshipping God at Late Night Worship.

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9.30 am

Prayer ministry 101 Ali Martin

2 pm

The university challenge: how to grow up in our faith Freddie Pimm

#BFF Sarah Dowdeswell & Lucy Fardon Born leader or bum leader? James Grier

Bite size

1. Unshakeable faith

Soul Action CafÉ


Worship as God intended David Westlake

Four Gospels, one Jesus Andy Croft

2. Persevering through hard times

The selfish gospel: a flaw in the modern Church Freddie Pimm

It’s a family affair Rachel & Jason Gardner

International reception

4.30 pm

Student reception

Love is all you need James Grier

9.30 am

My guinea pig does algebra Bob Wallington

Divorce sucks! Jemma Phillipson

2 pm

Creative mission Chris Arnold

Lessons I’m learning about walking with Jesus Andy Croft

Bite size

How to be an evangelist (without being annoying) Claire Cooke

3.15 pm

Day 3

Monday17th August


BELOVED: be full, be free, be fierce! Rachel Gardner

3.15 pm

Day 2

Sunday 16th August

CafÉ Uno


Now is the time for the Church Tich Smith

Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Open Doors

The last year in music Graham Cray

I’m not coping Sarah Davis & Erin Docherty

Standing up for our faith

SoulNet Breakfast: The five ‘e’s of relationship Matt Summerfield

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9.30 Am

Big questions: What about other religions? Thom Jee

2 pm

Why can’t I hear you? Fiona Green

3.15 pm

God is not a Jelly Baby Andy Croft

4.30 pm

BeLOVEd #2: You are a child of God Matt Summerfield

2 pm

When life doesn’t go to plan Patrick Regan

3.15 pm

Can I love my teens and love Jesus? Miriam Swaffield

Big questions: Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Thom Jee

Help! I’ve just become a Christian… Andy Croft

My Muslim neighbour Sarah Branson

4.30 pm

Day 4

Tuesday 18th August

Day 5

Wednesday 19th August


When the Bible kicks your butt! Bob Wallington

You won’t like me when I’m angry Patrick Regan

Big questions: Hasn't science disproved God? Thom Jee

They're not coping Sarah Davis & Erin Docherty

BeLOVEd #4: God wants a bigger family Matt Summerfield

Everyone can do this! Phil Timson and Rachel Jordan

Big questions: Can I really trust the Bible? Thom Jee

BeLOVEd #1: Knowing God as dad Matt Summerfield

Soul Action CafÉ How to change the world David Westlake

GROUNDS SoulNet Breakfast: Becoming an extraordinary youth team Matt Summerfield


CafÉ Uno


How does God answer prayer in a scientific universe? David Wilkinson You’re never too young to make a difference Joan Smith

Namedropping Jesus Miriam Swaffield

Eternal soul or resurrected body? David Wilkinson

Bite size

SoulNet Q&A Mike Pilavachi

1. Surviving school as a Christian 2. When it all seems quiet BeLOVEd #3: Being the family of God Matt Summerfield

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7.00pm See you in the Big Top, ready for our first session together! (Talk code: 15C101)

Week NCE


Welcome, welcome, we’re so glad you could join us! We’ve got our first main meeting together at 7pm tonight so once you’ve set up your tent and grabbed some dinner, head on down to the Big Top for an evening of worship, teaching and ministry… plus some terrible jokes from Mike! (Talk code: 15C101)

9.30pm All of the venues are now open – hoorah! Come and test out our baristas’ hot chocolate mountain making skills. The UV Party is back and better than ever! Head to Rewind to get involved. Time to have a browse in the ToolShed and come and say hello to our team at the Soul Survivor Café. The Chat Room is open until 11pm if you need to talk to someone about…anything! 10.00pm Tonight’s screening in Celluloid is Guardians of the Galaxy. 10.30pm Come and spend some more time worshipping in the Late Night Worship venue.

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Week C

O W T Y A D 9.30AM-10.15AM PRAYER MINISTRY 101 Ali Martin Want to find out more about praying for people and seeing God meet with them in amazing ways? Come along to get the low down on prayer ministry, what you might expect to see happen in the main meetings and how you can be a part of seeing God meet with people. Café Uno, 15C001 SOULNET BREAKFAST: THE FIVE ‘E’S OF RELATIONSHIP Matt Summerfield Youth ministry is tough, right? There are no magic formulas but come along and explore six essential elements of youth ministry (enjoyment, education, experiences, empowering, example and relationship) and think about how we put them into practice. Grounds, 15C002

BIG QUESTIONS: WHAT ABOUT OTHER RELIGIONS? Thom Jee How can Christianity be the only true religion when there are so many? Aren’t all religions basically the same? Is it arrogant to say we know the truth? If you’ve ever wondered about, or been asked, any of these questions, come along and find out what Christianity has to say about other religions. Rewind, 15C003 WORSHIP AS GOD INTENDED David Westlake In the book of Amos God says, “I’ve had all I can take of your noisy ego-music… Do you know what I want? I want justice— oceans of it.” So how do we make sure our worship isn’t just ‘noisy ego-music’ but worship God as he wants us to? Soul Action Café, 15C004

2PM-2.45PM THE UNIVERSITY CHALLENGE: HOW TO GROW UP IN OUR FAITH Freddie Pimm University can be an incredibly difficult environment for a Christian to survive in with up to 70% dropping out of church by the end of their first year. But it can be an amazing opportunity too so come and explore how we can grow and thrive in our faith rather than just aiming to survive. Café Uno, 15C005

SIZE 2PM-2.15PM ECO WORSHIP James Moseley How green is God? Is caring for the planet more than just about protecting the wildlife? Come along and find out why our choices matter and what God’s vision is for our world. Late Night Worship, 15C106

2.25PM– 2.40PM RELIGION AND SCIENCE: FRIENDS OR FOES? Catherine Noonan Can science and faith co-exist or do we have to pick one or the other? Come along and explore the relationship between religion and science. Late Night Worship, 15C007

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FOUR GOSPELS, ONE JESUS Andy Croft Jesus is so impressive that one gospel wouldn’t be enough to describe him. There are differences between the stories so why do some talk of wise men and others shepherds? Why does Jesus do things in a different order depending on the gospel? Come and discover the different approaches Matthew, Mark, Luke and John take to the one amazing Jesus. Rewind, 15C008 BELOVED #1: KNOWING GOD AS DAD Matt Summerfield Amazing news! God wants to be your Heavenly Dad. Some of us have bad experiences of earthly fathers but in God we discover the best dad in the whole universe. So what kind of Dad is he and why is this truth absolutely life-changing if we can get hold of it? Engage, 15C009

3.15PM-4PM WHY CAN’T I HEAR YOU? Fiona Green Ever feel like God seems to speak to everyone but you? This is a seminar for people who want to hear from God but don’t really get the whole ‘God told me’ thing. Expect to leave encouraged! Engage, 15C010 NAME-DROPPING JESUS Miriam Swaffield If Jesus is our friend and we think that knowing him is good news, why is it so hard to chat about him with our mates? This will be an honest and practical look at how we can share our faith in a normal, natural and fun way with time for your questions on evangelism too! Late Night Worship, 15C011

CREATIVE MISSION Chris Arnold God has put talents in each one of us (not just the preachers and worship leaders!) that he wants us to use to reach others. Let’s re-think our ideas of mission, celebrate how we’re made and explore how we can get creative in using our sporting abilities, our academic excellence, our sense of humour, our friendship skills, our love of nature and so much more, all for God’s glory. Rewind, 15C012 STUDENT RECEPTION If you’re a student or you’re heading off to uni soon, pop along to the Student Welcome to meet others in the same boat! Soul Action Café

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WHAT’S HAPPENING MY GUINEA PIG DOES ALGEBRA Bob Wallington That’s plain ridiculous! And so is the idea that when you get home from Soul Survivor your walk with Jesus could get even more exciting right? Wrong! Come and find out how to use this week as a launch pad for an incredible adventure with Jesus. It isn’t ridiculous - it’s possible! (Guinea pigs and algebra questions not welcome.) Late Night Worship, 15C015



Week C

4.30PM-5.15PM THE SELFISH GOSPEL: A FLAW IN THE MODERN CHURCH Freddie Pimm Lacking in passion and commitment, self-obsessed and self-absorbed. Is this a picture of our culture or the modern church? Freddie will look at the problem of our selfish culture, explore what we can do about it and think about what might happen if we were able to live selflessly and transform our culture. Café Uno, 15C013

BELOVED #2: YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD Matt Summerfield Being a child of God means God is your Father, Jesus is your brother and the Holy Spirit is your constant companion. How can we allow this amazing truth to define our identity and actions in the world today? Rewind, 15C016 INTERNATIONAL RECEPTION If you’re visiting us from another country we’d love to say hello and serve you a lovely cup of tea alongside a traditional cream tea! Soul Action Café

BIG QUESTIONS: CAN I REALLY TRUST THE BIBLE? Thom Jee Is the Bible really true? Wasn’t it written years after the event? Didn’t the church cover up the real facts about Jesus? Did Jesus even exist? If you’ve ever wondered or been asked any of these questions, come along to find out whether the Bible is really trustworthy. Engage, 15C014


11.00am: It’s our first morning meeting together! (Talk code: 15C102) From 1.00pm: The showground is yours to explore! All of the cafés are open for you to grab a slice of cake, you can check out the books and CDs in the ToolShed or head on over to the Sports venue for a game of football or basketball. 4.30pm: Visiting us from abroad? We’d love to meet you! Come over to the Soul Action Café to enjoy a classic cream tea at our International Reception.



7.00pm: Join Mike, Ali and Andy for our second evening meeting together. (Talk code: 15C103) From 9.30pm: Head over to Rewind to take part in our first ever silent disco! Café Uno is open for business – join us for a boogie! Need some chill time? Grounds is ready and waiting. 10.00pm: Fancy a movie? Insurgent is on in Celluloid. 10.30pm: Late Night Worship is open with a stripped back, acoustic vibe.

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Week CEE

9.30AM-10.15AM CAN I LOVE MY TEENS AND LOVE JESUS? Miriam Swaffield Will you have to lose your friends if you want to be bold and honest about your faith? Is there a way to be at the parties but shine differently? Are we missing out or could following Jesus be the best adventure of all? Come with your questions and stories and let's explore how we can confidently enjoy being Christians. Café Uno, 15C017 BIG QUESTIONS: DID JESUS REALLY RISE FROM THE DEAD? Thom Jee Did Jesus really exist? How can any sensible person ever believe that he rose from the dead? If the resurrection never happened, Christianity is a load of nonsense, so if you’ve ever wondered or been asked these questions, come along to find out how anyone can believe that Jesus really rose from the dead. Engage, 15C018




YOUTH TEAM Matt Summerfield If we can wade through the cheese, we’ll find a huge amount of truth in the phrase "It takes a team to realise the dream!" So how can we build an extraordinary youth team who are growing themselves and developing young people? Come and join us for a leadership work-out. Grounds, 15C019 WHEN THE BIBLE KICKS YOUR BUTT! Bob Wallington Ever read something in the Bible and been so challenged by it that it felt like you just had your butt kicked?! This seminar is going to open up some of the most challenging words of the Bible uttered by prophets, kings, shepherds, fishermen, and God himself. Bring a cushion for your kicked butt. Rewind, 15C020



ABOUT WALKING WITH JESUS Andy Croft Andy will share some of the things God has been teaching him over the last year about leadership, prayer, and Bible reading, and what he’s learnt through his struggles. Come along for some practical tips to help you follow God. Café Uno, 15C021 HOW TO BE AN EVANGELIST (WITHOUT BEING ANNOYING) Claire Cooke Telling your friends about Jesus doesn't mean you have to be odd! As we grow in our love and trust of God, and in the fruits of the Spirit, we will gain the courage to be our true selves who reflect God to those around us. Engage, 15C022 BELOVED #3: BEING THE FAMILY OF GOD Matt Summerfield Great news! You’re not an only child; you’re part of the family of God which is the Church. So how should the family of God behave and look out for one another? With so many problems in families today, how do we be family in a healthy way? Rewind, 15C023

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Week CEE


SIZE 2PM - 2.15PM SHARING JESUS THROUGH OUR HOBBIES Yanni Stavroulakis Hobbies are often a great way to make new friends, many of whom might not know any other Christians. How can we make the most of these opportunities and be great witnesses whilst doing the things we love? Late Night Worship, 15C024 GROWING UP WITH NONCHRISTIAN PARENTS Heidi Bowes Come and get some top tips for how to keep living for Jesus even when your parents aren’t. Late Night Worship, 15C025

3.15PM-4PM I’M NOT COPING Sarah Davis & Erin Docherty Life can be tough for all of us but some of us have days, weeks and months where it feels like we really can't cope. We’ll be looking at what causes those feelings, self-harm, self-esteem, low moods and suicidal thoughts; as well as exploring some positive and practical ideas to help us cope and to discover how we can find God in the midst of our pain. Café Uno, 15C026

BIG QUESTIONS: HASN'T SCIENCE DISPROVED GOD? Thom Jee Can an intelligent person still believe in God? Hasn’t Science replaced God? Now we have evolution and the Big Bang, surely God isn’t necessary? Come along to find out if science has really disproved God. Engage, 15C027 HELP! I FEEL LONELY Jeannie Morgan Loneliness is a painful thing and some of us feel lonely even amongst a crowd of friends. We will look at some of the causes of loneliness and find out how we can be healed and set free by Jesus. Prayer Ministry will be available. Rewind, 15C028 BELOVED #4: GOD WANTS A BIGGER FAMILY Matt Summerfield Wouldn’t it be amazing for more people to encounter God as the most amazing Dad in the universe and to have their lives transformed by his love and power? How can we work with God to grow his family whilst receiving his love for us at the same time? Late Night Worship, 15C029



11.00am: It’s that time again - race you to the Big Top! (Talk code: 15C104) From 1.00pm: The ToolShed is open for you to have a browse of some helpful resources and meet some lovely organisations. 4.00pm: Two words: Foam. Party. Grab your mates and head over to the showring to get involved! All the other venues will be closed so we can all join in together.



7.00pm: Make your way down to the Big Top! (Talk code: 15C105) From 9.30pm: Grab a bev, have a mooch around the ToolShed, get your dancing shoes on in Café Uno or shoot some hoops in the Sports venue. Plus, Guvna B is coming to perform in Rewind – head on over to the venue after the main meeting! Guvna B will also be signing some merchandise for you in ToolShed straight after the gig.


10.00pm: Tonight’s film in Celluloid is The Maze Runner.

We’re not having any seminars at this time because we’ll all be at the massive foam party instead – hurray!

10.30pm: Want to keep worshipping? Head to Late Night Worship!

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Week CR

9.30AM-10.15AM BORN LEADER OR BUM LEADER? James Grier Can you relate to Jesus’ mate Peter? He was keen to change the world but struggled to change himself. He was up for being a radical disciple, but found it wasn’t so easy in practice. At times he was a bit flakey and yet Jesus called him a rock. Come and hear about a guy many of us can relate to and maybe even learn from! Café Uno, 15C030 SOULNET BREAKFAST Q&A WITH MIKE PILAVACHI Come and put your youthwork related questions to Mike. Grounds, 15C031

YOU’RE NEVER TOO YOUNG TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Joan Smith Want to change the world for Jesus? The time is now! God has already given you gifts and talents to use and he’s looking for those who will swim against the tide and be givers in a world of takers. Come and imagine what God can do through you! Rewind, 15C032 HOW TO CHANGE THE WORLD David Westlake It’s easy to say ‘you can change the world’ but what does it really look like to do it? How can we get hands-on and help people who are living in poverty? Come and hear people’s frontline experience, share your own stories, and explore how we can respond to God’s call to transform a broken world. Soul Action Café, 15C033



2PM-2.45PM WOMEN, LEADERSHIP, CHURCH AND HOME Ali Martin & Krish Kandiah Does the Bible really stop women from leading in church and in the home? What should you do if you’re female and have leadership gifts that your leaders won’t recognise? We will explore the Bible together and discover the empowering role model of Jesus and his ability to show grace regardless of gender. Bring your questions and we’ll find hope and help together. Café Uno, 15C034 EVERYONE CAN DO THIS! Phil Timson and Rachel Jordan Our friends at HOPE have a new tool to equip and empower us to share our faith called Chatterbox. Come along and be inspired! Engage, 15C035

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Week CR


THEY’RE NOT COPING Sarah Davis & Erin Docherty How can you support someone who is struggling with self-harm and low self-esteem, low moods or is thinking about suicide? We’ll look at where some of those feelings come from and how we can make a positive difference in the lives of those who aren’t coping. Late Night Worship, 15C036

THE LAST YEAR IN MUSIC Graham Cray God’s fingerprints are all over the music scene; come and explore how God is being referenced by artists such as Royal Blood, Mumford & Sons, Kendrick Lamar, Torres, U2 and Sufjan Stevens. Café Uno, 15C038

GOD IS NOT A JELLY BABY Andy Croft God is different to us and to everything else in the universe, so how can we get to know him? Asking questions like ‘What is God made of?’ and ‘When did God begin?’ can give us a headache, but finding some answers might help us love him more. Come along and try it. (Jelly Babies not included.) Rewind, 15C037

DIVORCE SUCKS! Jemma Phillipson Family set-ups are changing and many of us are having to deal with the break-up of our parents. How does this affect us? Where is God in the midst of it all? And how can we support our parents? Drawing on personal experience Jemma will aim to answer these questions and point towards the redeeming power of God’s love. Engage, 15C039

HATERS GONNA HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE Open Doors Life seems to be getting worse for many Christians around the world with horrendous stories from Iraq, Syria and Nigeria frequently in the news. What on earth is God doing? Much more than we could imagine! Come and hear amazing testimonies, be inspired by the incredible faith of our persecuted family and learn why we can’t just shake it off. Late Night Worship, 15C040 LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED James Grier Jesus said the most important thing we can do it to love God with all our heart and to love our neighbours as ourselves. So what does it mean to love ourselves, let alone anyone else? What if you don’t feel very loveable? What if people haven’t been very loving to you? This seminar will be take an honest and real look at love. Rewind, 15C041

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Week CR






4.30PM-5.15PM A REVOLUTION OF RELENTLESS LOVE Krish Kandiah Worshipping God involves practical and sacrificial love. Discover how God feels about children and young people growing up in the care system and the very practical things you can do to make a difference in their lives as part of your worship to God. Hear inspiring stories and be prepared to be challenged to lead a different kind of life. Café Uno, 15C042 NO LIMITS Julie Khoo Are you living to your full potential? Jesus doesn’t want us to live a restricted and limited life! You can change today by taking off the limits and believing God for greater things. Come and allow the infinite power of the Holy Spirit to make you a history maker! Engage, 15C043

11.00am: Rise and shine, it’s main meeting time. (Talk code: 15C106)

LET THE HEALING BEGIN Jeannie Morgan Many of us have emotional pain in our lives because we have been badly hurt by someone or we may have made unwise choices. This seminar will look at how we can get free of some of these things and allow the love and power of Jesus to bring us healing. Prayer ministry will be available. Late Night Worship, 15C044 NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE CHURCH Tich Smith The world is in a mess with lives destroyed by war, disease, abuse, trafficking and starvation. What's the solution to this dismal picture? Jesus! It's time for the church to hear God's heartbeat for the widow, the orphan, the destitute and the poor; to share the good news and to impact the world in Jesus' name. Rewind, 15C045

From 1.00pm: All the venues are now open for you to enjoy! 2.00pm: Dazzle the crowds with your musical talent at the Bandstand – chat to one of the hosts to get involved.



7.00pm: Quick, the main meeting is starting! Head over to the Big Top and join Mike, Ali and Andy for some worship, teaching and ministry. (Talk code: 15C107) From 9.30pm: Grab your mates, a blanket and some marshmallows and we’ll see you by the Big Top for a bonfire! 10.00pm: We’ll be pressing play on Big Hero 6 at 10pm in Celluloid!

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Week CE

DAY FIV 9.30-10.15AM There are no seminars this morning so that we can all meet together at 10am for Communion in the Big Top.

2PM-2.45PM WHEN LIFE DOESN’T GO TO PLAN Patrick Regan What do you do when the things you’ve hoped and longed for aren’t happening? How do you find God when life is painful? Come and be inspired about how to keep going in the face of disappointment, and learn how to dream again. Café Uno, 15C046 BELOVED: BE FULL, BE FREE, BE FIERCE! Rachel Gardner This is one for the girls as Rachel looks at what holds us back from living in the freedom and confidence God wants for us. It will cover friendships, self-esteem, fashion, aspirations, sexuality, love and fear so come prepared to take off your masks and uncover your big, bold and beautiful belovedness! Engage, 15C047


ANTIFRAGILE FAITH: BUILDING A FAITH THAT LASTS A LIFETIME Krish Kandiah With so many young people leaving the church when they transition to the world of work or university this seminar will help you build a faith that lasts. Krish has spent the last 20 years helping young people root and establish their faith so they can handle whatever life throws at them. Come along if you want a faith that won’t fail. Rewind, 15C050

2PM - 2.15PM WHEN THE MUSIC FADES Jacob Perrins How can we make our worship pleasing to God? We will be looking at how to focus on God in both sung worship and worshiping through action. Late Night Worship 15C048

2.25PM - 2.40PM THE GOSPEL Ben Goddard-Fletcher Why did Jesus chose to die? What does that mean for us and who we can be in the light of this great news? Late Night Worship 15C049

3.15PM-4PM MY MUSLIM NEIGHBOUR Sarah Branson What does God’s kingdom coming to earth look like in a community of people from a crazy array of different places, faiths and backgrounds? Come and hear real-life stories from Sarah’s experience of living and working in a diverse innercity London borough affected by issues of poverty, fear and misunderstanding, and to explore how you can reach those who come from a different background to you. Café Uno, 15C051

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HOLINESS, HUNGER AND HANGING OUT AT JESUS' TABLE Chris Lane Jesus got into trouble for eating with the wrong types of people, and he redefined the idea of what holiness was. Chris has spent the last year studying what happens when we eat at Jesus' table; come along and hear some of his reflections. Late Night Worship, 15C057

HOW DO I KNOW GOD'S CALLING FOR MY LIFE? Ness Wilson We all have a longing to be used significantly by God and make a difference. God has a dream for each one of us so how do we discover it and walk into it? Rewind, 15C054

4.30PM-5.15PM DEEPER: STOP SWIMMING IN THE SHALLOWS OF GOD Krish Kandiah If we are going to cut it as Christians in today’s world we need to stop paddling and dive into the riches and depths of our faith. Come along if you are ready for more; swimsuits not required but bring a brain, a Bible and a thirsty heart. Café Uno, 15C055

YOU WON’T LIKE ME WHEN I’M ANGRY Patrick Regan Anger can be a bit of a taboo subject yet many of us struggle with painful circumstances in our lives that have left us with unresolved anger towards God, ourselves and others. Patrick will explore how we can process those emotions in a healthy way (without turning into The Hulk), let go of our guilt over not being ‘sorted’ and find God’s love and grace in the midst of our pain. Rewind, 15C058

Worship? LOVED THE

Head over to the ToolShed to pre-order your 2015 live album!


10.00am: We’re starting the main meeting early today so we can take Communion together. (Talk code: 15C108) From 1.00pm: It’s the last afternoon so make the most of


HELP! I’VE JUST BECOME A CHRISTIAN… Andy Croft If you’ve become a Christian this year at Soul Survivor this is the seminar for you! It’s a beginner’s guide to relationship with God, what makes a happy Christian and how to give everything to the adventure you’ve just begun… Late Night Worship, 15C053

IT’S A FAMILY AFFAIR Rachel & Jason Gardner Every single one of us has been adopted by God and if we can grasp our place in God’s family it will revolutionise our sense of identity and transform the way we live our lives as Christians! Engage, 15C056


THE MISSION OF GOD Chris Lane God is on a mission and he wants us to join in! Chris will take us on a whistle-stop tour of God’s mission through all 66 books in the Bible all in less than 45 minutes! Engage, 15C052

all of the venues. Have one final game of basketball, chill out in Grounds or pop to a seminar.



7.00pm: It’s our last meeting… BOOOOOO. Put on your fancy dress and head to the Big Top, ready to celebrate all that God has done this week! (Talk code: 15C109) From 9.30pm: It’s your last chance to grab some snazzy Soul Survivor merch in the ToolShed. Have a final boogie in Café Uno or get out the tinsel and head to the Christmas party in Rewind! The Chat Room is open for one last session so if you need to talk to someone about anything that has come up this week or you’re worried about heading home, just pop in for a chat. 10.00pm: The Fault in our Stars is showing in Celluloid tonight – don’t forget the tissues! 10.30pm: Finish your week by worshipping God at Late Night Worship.

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TIMETABLE 9.30 am 2 pm

Bite size

Four Gospels, one Jesus Andy Croft

Why can’t I hear you? Fiona Green

Namedropping Jesus Miriam Swaffield

Creative mission Chris Arnold

Student reception

The selfish gospel: a flaw in the modern Church Freddie Pimm

Big questions: Can I really trust the Bible? Thom Jee

My guinea pig does algebra Bob Wallington

BeLOVEd #2: You are a child of God Matt Summerfield

International reception

Can I love my teens and love Jesus? Miriam Swaffield

Big questions: Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Thom Jee

Lessons I’m learning about walking with Jesus Andy Croft

How to be an evangelist (without being annoying) Claire Cooke

Bite size

BeLOVEd #3: Being the family of God Matt Summerfield

I’m not coping Sarah Davis & Erin Docherty

Big questions: Hasn't science disproved God? Thom Jee

BeLOVEd #4: God wants a bigger family Matt Summerfield

Help! I feel lonely Jeannie Morgan

3.15 pm

BeLOVEd #1: Knowing God as dad Matt Summerfield

4.30 pm Day 3

Sunday 23rd August

Worship as God intended David Westlake

9.30 am

The university challenge: how to grow up in our faith Freddie Pimm

Big questions: What about other religions? Thom Jee

2 pm

Prayer ministry 101 Ali Martin


Soul Action CafÉ

3.15 pm

Day 2

Saturday 22nd August

CafÉ Uno


1. Ecoworship 2. Religion and science: friends or foes?

When the Bible kicks your butt! Bob Wallington

1. Sharing Jesus through our hobbies 2. Growing up with nonChristian parents

GROUNDS SoulNet Breakfast: The five ‘e’s of relationship Matt Summerfield

SoulNet Breakfast: Becoming an extraordinary youth team Matt Summerfield

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9.30 Am

Born leader or bum leader? James Grier

2 pm

Women, leadership, church and home Ali Martin & Krish Kandiah

Everyone can do this! Phil Timson and Rachel Jordan

They’re not coping Sarah Davis & Erin Docherty

God is not a Jelly Baby Andy Croft

3.15 pm

The last year in music Graham Cray

Divorce sucks! Jemma Phillipson

Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Open Doors

Love is all you need James Grier

4.30 pm

A revolution of relentless love Krish Kandiah

No limits Julie Khoo

Let the healing begin Jeannie Morgan

Now is the time for the Church Tich Smith

2 pm

When life doesn’t go to plan Patrick Regan

BELOVED: be full, be free, be fierce! Rachel Gardner

Bite size

Antifragile faith: building a faith that lasts a lifetime Krish Kandiah

3.15 pm

My Muslim neighbour Sarah Branson

The mission of God Chris Lane

Help! I’ve just become a Christian… Andy Croft

How do I know God's calling for my life? Ness Wilson

4.30 pm

Day 4

Monday 24th August

Day 5

Tuesday 25th August


You’re never too young to make a difference Joan Smith

Deeper: stop swimming in the shallows of God Krish Kandiah

It’s a family affair Rachel & Jason Gardner

Holiness, hunger and hanging out at Jesus' table Chris Lane

You won’t like me when I’m angry Patrick Regan

1. When the music fades 2. The Gospel

Soul Action CafÉ How to change the world David Westlake


CafÉ Uno


GROUNDS SoulNet Q&A Mike Pilavachi

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P L A N N E R D A Y Chris Arnold Originally from Leeds, Chris has spent the last four years working in Kenya. He has worked as a school chaplain for three years and is now the assistant pastor at an international church in Nairobi where he is also running an African style Soul Survivor! Sarah Branson Raised in the rural West Country, Sarah moved to East London in 2010 to join the XLP team as a youth worker, and hasn’t been able to tear herself away since! She loves seeing young people spearhead social justice in their communities and says the last four years have been a crash course in curry, concrete and cultural faux-pas. Bishop Graham Cray Graham is the Chairman of the Soul Survivor Trust (which means he’s responsible for keeping Mike in line) and a bishop in the Church of England (which means he gets to wear a lovely pointy hat). He leads the Fresh Expressions team which helps churches plant new congregations to reach people who don’t currently come to church.

Claire Cooke Claire was a church youth worker before beginning training as a Pioneer Minister in the Church of England. She lives in a beautiful corner of the North West of England with her husband Jim, their two daughters and a rabbit named Sniffy-Licky. Andy Croft Andy is married to Beth and they recently became parents to little Josiah. When he’s not occupied with dad-duty, he’s a busy bee heading up our leadership course (Soul61) and co-pastoring our church Soul Survivor Watford. He’s a fan of reading big books containing long words, and likes working out to the Rocky soundtrack. Beth Croft Beth is married to Andy, mum to Josiah and heads up worship at both Soul Survivor and our church in Watford. She’s got a Maths degree (#cleverclogs) which statistically makes her better at winning auctions on eBay and she loves a good DIY project.

Sarah Davis After eight years with Youth For Christ, Sarah founded Street360, a Youth for Christ centre in West Sussex. Sarah is passionate about seeing young people encounter Jesus and spends a lot of her time travelling around the UK to speak. Sarah holds a black belt in Karate and loves hanging out with her dog Buddy. Erin Docherty Erin is a mental health nurse with a special interest in self-harm and anxiety. She has worked in a variety of settings from forensics (think CSI!) to local secondary schools and now works full-time in a GP practice. Erin loves real life documentaries, is a huge One Direction fan and speaks regularly at youth events. Sarah Dowdeswell Sarah is 18 and has just finished her first year studying geography at Bristol University. She is passionate about social justice and has been part of Tearfund’s Emerging Influencers programme this year.

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Fiona Green Fiona grew up in SE Asia and, after gaining a degree in art, she is now a youth pastor at Christchurch in Chorleywood. James Grier James and his wife Liz live in Devon with their two sons. They lead Unlimited Church and a monthly youth celebration called Soul Exeter, and James helps look after some rural churches too.

Rachel Jordan Rachel is the National Adviser for Mission and Evangelism for the Church of England. She has a PhD in church history and has worked amongst prostitutes and drug addicts in Amsterdam's red light district. Rachel’s home is the base of a missional community that is creating and delivering social justice projects. Krish Kandiah Krish is the President of the London School of Theology, Europe’s largest theological college and the Founder/ Director of Home for Good, a charity seeking to make a real difference in the lives of vulnerable children. Krish has written a number of books including Paradoxology, and – with his wife Miriam - Home for Good. Julie Khoo Pastor Julie is the Assistant Youth Director of Youth Alive Malaysia, the national youth department of the Assemblies of God in Malaysia. She is also the Youth and Young Adults pastor at Glad Tidings church where she has seen the congregation grow from 30 to over 700 young people.

Chris Lane Chris lives in Salford and leads Langworthy Community Church. He’s married to Esther and they have three children, Daniel, Rebekah and Hannah. Chris is an avid fan of Manchester United and, unlike many United fans, actually lives in Manchester.


Rachel Gardner Rachel is a youthworker, a Church Warden, a flat white drinker, a champion for adoption & fostering, President of the Girls Brigade England & Wales, a writer, a vintage shopper and a mum. Her new book ‘Beloved’ is out this summer.

Thom Jee Thom is a secondary school teacher with Teach First in Leamington Spa. He read History at Oxford, but spent most of his time playing sport and serving on the CU Exec. Outside of school, he’s the Student Worker at St Paul’s Church, and is married to Sarah. He likes cups of tea, log fires, and exploring the English countryside.


Lucy Fardon After spending three months at a discipleship school in Mozambique, Lucy is planning on studying law with the intention of defending humantrafficking victims. Lucy is 19, loves soppy words of encouragement, cups of Yorkshire tea, and anything 'shabby chic'! Jason Gardner Jason is a youth pastor at St Peter’s Harrow. He’s married to Rachel and is the proud dad of a beautiful little girl called Daisy.

Ali Martin Ali is on the leadership team of Soul Survivor and our associated church Soul Survivor Watford. She is married to Joel and they have two lovely little ones called William and Esther. Ali is passionate about helping people learn how to communicate effectively and is a big fan of juicing so make sure you ask her for her best recipes. Jeannie Morgan Jeannie’s been part of the Soul Survivor crew since the very beginning and spends her time encouraging and training people in prayer ministry. She’s recently been a busy bee, having just released her third book ‘Our Hands, His Healing’. Open Doors Open Doors have been working with persecuted Christians for 60 years since Brother Andrew first smuggled Bibles in Communist Europe. They now work in over 50 countries providing Bibles, Christian materials, and training, as well as doing advocacy work to help those who suffer because they follow Jesus.

More this way...


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P L A N N E R D A Y Mike Pilavachi As well as being the king of bad jokes, Mike heads up all that we do here at Soul Survivor and our associated church Soul Survivor Watford. He spends lots of time travelling around the world telling people about Jesus, loves to cook, watch West Wing on repeat and ‘beat’ Andy at squash! Freddie Pimm Freddie is a junior doctor in a busy London hospital, having recently graduated from Imperial College London. He's an active member of St Albans Fulham where he mainly works with students. He is passionate about sports, food and great hair! Jemma Phillipson Jemma is a youth worker at St Michael’s Youth Project in Hull where she leads the faith work in local schools. She’s a graduate from Midland’s Centre for Youth Ministry, loves making music, drinking tea and Gilbert and Sullivan Operas, and is engaged to Joel.

Patrick Regan Patrick founded XLP, a charity that works with young people in inner city London who others have written off. He’s getting used to hanging out with royalty having been awarded an OBE by the Queen and had Kate & Wills come and visit XLP recently. Patrick is the author of four books,

Matt Summerfield Matt balances his time between being CEO of Urban Saints, Senior Pastor of Hitchin Christian Centre and spending time with his family. He is passionate about good pizza and seeing young people live out God’s great adventure for their lives.

is married to Diane, and they live in South London with their four children.

Miriam Swaffield Miriam leads all things Student Mission for Fusion and she is seriously passionate about seeing this generation love the church and share Jesus with their mates. She's just finished roadtripping to every uni location in the UK in a bright orange VW camper van called Benedict!

Rend Collective Rend are a group of musicians from Northern Ireland who are passionate about celebrating God and building community. Their new album ‘As Family We Go’ is out this month! Tich & Joan Smith In 2008 Tich and Joan began the Lungisisa Indlela village (LIV) in Durban, South Africa to care for orphaned and vulnerable children. The village now has 96 homes with more than 140 children cared for by 29 mothers. Their vision is to see thousands of villages across Africa where children are rescued, restored, raised and released to become responsible Christians and valuable members of society.

Phil Timson Phil is a passionate evangelist and the youth director for HOPE, working alongside denominations and youth organisations to release young people to share their faith effectively. Phil is married to Emma and they have two young girls.

Tom Smith Tom heads up the worship team at Holy Trinity Brompton in the heart of London and is part of Worship Central which is led by Tim Hughes. Tom is married to Susi and has this year released his first EP 'Sound of Heaven'. He's a fan of Tottenham Hotspur and loves salted caramel ice cream!

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Bob Wallington Bob is Director of Onelife, an organisation that is all about equipping young people to become exceptional leaders in every area of society. He is a former youth worker and teacher, has been known to walk two marathons back to back, and last year he married Tabi. David Westlake David is the International Director at Tearfund and heads up Soul Action, as well as being a co-founder and the chair of the Cinnamon Network. He’s husband to Minu, Dad (and taxi service) to Ellie and still manages to find the time to be an academic researcher. David Wilkinson David is the Principal of St John’s College in Durham and a professor of Theology. He was previously a scientist, is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, and did a PhD on terrestrial mass extinctions (such as the event which wiped out the dinosaurs). David has recently released a new book called ‘When I pray, what does God do?’ Ness Wilson Ness leads the Open Heaven Church in Loughborough and is passionate about leadership, great communication and seeing the local church flourish. She is married to Rich and they have two daughters.

Simeon Bayer Simeon is 16 and has just done his GCSEs. He loves to serve in the Children's church band and through leading one of their groups, plus he enjoys reading and cycling around Oxford where he lives. Heidi Bowes Heidi has just finished a gap-year this autumn will be moving from Cambridge to London to begin training as an actor. Lydia Brehm Lydia is 17 and half-way through her A-levels and is hoping to go on to study at university. She enjoys song writing and singing as well as being involved her church youth group. Jeremy Downes Jeremy (or Jezza) is 18 and about to start university doing a foundation course in art. He loves mints, clouds and technology. Ben Goddard-Fletcher Ben has just finished school and is planning to take a gap year to do an internship at his church and then a School of Ministry in Canada. He hopes to go on study medicine and become a missionary doctor. Bella Heavens Bella is 18 and is going to uni to study Classics in September. She’s a big fan of

James Moseley James lives in Bristol and is planning on going to university to study physics. He’s a big sports fan and loves playing ultimate Frisbee. He’s also a big fan of our amazing planet and wants to promote green policies and push for greater equality around the world.


reading, watching Doctor Who and Gilmore Girls on Netflix, and travelling.

Catherine Noonan Catherine is 18 and having just finished her A levels is hoping to go to university this autumn to study Physics with French. She enjoys dancing and travelling and this summer is going to work on a mission project in Romania. Jacob Perrins Jake is 18 years old and has just finished his A levels in Bournemouth. Next year he’ll be joining our Soul61 leadership course in the worship stream, and he has a passion for sport, music and drama. Yanni Stavroulakis Yanni has just finished his first year of studying Early Childhood Studies at the University of Derby. He loves helping with the children's and youth ministries at his church and playing video games. Henry Turnbull Henry has recently finished year 11 and is going on to do A-Levels. He loves hanging out with friends and being outdoors, and his favourite sport is running.

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First things first, don’t panic. Keep calm and give Comms a phone call on 0300 302 0330 or pop in to see them. DON’T phone the emergency services yourself as this can actually delay help getting through.

Our info points have maps, seminar timetables and other important information such as any last minute changes to the programme that we have to make. We’ll do our best to communicate any updates with you in the main meetings so keep an eye on the screens too.

Alternatively, find the nearest team member who’s got a snazzy radio (probably a steward or a member of the production team) and ask them to radio Comms for you.

GENERAL INFO We’ve packed up our office and transported it from Watford to Somerset. Our team are ready to answer any questions you might have so if you can’t find the information you need in this programme, or you have some chocolate that you want to give away (Galaxy is our favourite), then pop into Info to say hello. OPENING TIMES Days 1-5: 8.30am-7pm If you need to call us, ring: 0303 333 1 333

COMMS Open 24 hours a day The Comms team are great people to make friends with as they help keep the events running smoothly. This bunch co-ordinate all the practical things that need doing and keep in touch with the various teams around the site. If you notice anything that’s broken, or there’s an emergency sitch, Comms should be your first point of call. Pop in to see them or in an emergency call them straight away on 0300 302 0330. (This number is also on your wristband… handy!)

SOUL SURVIVOR APP We’re so tech savvy now that we have our very own Soul Survivor app. If you don’t have room in

your bag to carry around this beautiful programme then you can find all of the information you need on the app. Search for Soul Survivor in the app store and once you’ve downloaded it, choose the appropriate week from 'Public Guides'. Simple.

FREE PHONE CHARING If your phone has run out of juice, get along to the Sports venue to make the most of our free phone charging facility.

WIFI Need to update all your Twitter followers about the amazing time you’re having this week? Got a super snap of the Big Top at sunset that needs to be shared on Instagram? Well, your prayers have been answered: WE HAVE WIFI! Wifi is available for free in the main areas of the showground (the ToolShed, cafés and food court). Just select the ‘SoulFi’ network and when you reach the Soul Survivor landing page, select ‘Free Access’ and you’ll be connected. Winner!

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WRISTBANDS Your wristband is your bestie this week and acts as your ticket to all the joy that Soul Survivor has to offer. Wear it at all times so that the lovely stewards will let you into all the venues. If you break it, bring it along to Info where we can replace it for you for £1. If you lose it, there’s a £40 charge for a new one so keep it safe! It’s really important that everyone has the correct information on their wristbands so that we can identify you in an emergency. If you’re wearing a wristband that doesn’t have your name on, please head to Info so we can sort that out for you.

FACILITIES FOR HEARING-IMPAIRED The Big Top has a loop system facility; please see the ushers in the venue for the best location for you to sit in. The main meetings each day will also be signed, so make your way to the designated area towards the front for the best view.

SPECIAL NEEDS We hope everyone will have a brilliant week at Soul Survivor and

we want to do all that we can to make sure that happens. If you or anyone in your group has any additional needs, please pop into Info and ask to speak to our Special Needs Co-ordinator. The kids groups should have team available to work one-on-one with any child who has special requirements so please make sure you chat to their team leader at the beginning of the week.

STEWARDS Fun fact: not all of the stewards are called Stewart, but they are all here to help keep us safe this week. Please follow any instructions they give you, smile at them and be sure to tell them that fluorescent yellow really is their colour.

VILLAGE HOSTS Whichever village you’re camping on this week, be sure to introduce yourself to your lovely village hosts. They’re there to do what they can to help you feel at home this week so if you have any Soul Survivor questions, need to borrow a mallet to put your tent up or just fancy a hot chocolate to warm you up, they’re the people to chat to!

SNAIL MAIL If you want to send a postcard to tell someone about the fun you’re having this week, there’s a post box next to the showground office!

LOST PROPERTY If you’ve put your Bible, phone, coat, camera, wallet, bag or something else in a really safe place but can’t quite remember where that safe place is, pop into Comms to see if it’s been handed in. Likewise if you spot anything that looks like it has been left behind, please drop it off in Comms so we can try and reunite belongings with their owners. If you don’t realise you’ve lost something until you get back home, don’t panic. We hang onto valuable lost property (Bibles, phones, wallets etc) so drop us an email or call us on 0303 333 1 333 to see if we have your missing item. Anything less valuable that hasn’t been collected by the morning of Day 6 will be given to charity so have a good check to make sure you have everything you should before you leave the showground.

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FOOD If your youth leader isn’t exactly the next Jamie Oliver, we’ve made provisions for you. Some of the very finest food vans have made their way to sunny Shepton Mallet so that you don’t go hungry this week. You’ll find culinary delights from baked potatoes and burgers to chips and Chinese. We also think you’ll be pretty happy about the sweet snacks on offer like crêpes and doughnuts. Just a little FYI… As we don’t directly contract these vans we can’t control the prices, sorry.

SUPERMARKET If you’re out of food, there’s a massive Tesco just a five minute drive away. To get there, head left out of the main gate and follow the A371 into the centre of Shepton Mallet, keeping your eyes peeled for the superstore signs. This is also where the closest cash point is. You can save yourself the trip by ordering your shopping online and getting Mr Tesco to deliver it to you on site. Just give them the following address and make

sure you’re on hand to collect your shopping from the main gate when it arrives as we’re unable to accept it on your behalf. Your name Your village (eg Green 1) c/o Soul Survivor, Royal Bath & West Showground, Shepton mallet, Somerset, BA4 6QN

ONSITE SHOP The little shop is a treasure trove for goodies to help you through camping this week. It stocks essentials such as pasta, bread, milk, toiletries, chocolate bars and ice creams – all the important things in life. The opening times will be displayed on the front of the shop.

GAS MAN Out of gas? Good job there’s a gas man on site to top you up when you’re running low! He’s based near the toilet block on the Orange village at the following times: TIMES: Day 1: 5-6pm Days 2-5: 8.30-9.30am, 12.302pm, 5-6pm

ICE PACKS You can exchange your freezer packs for free or buy new ones for £2. TIMES: Each day at 8.30-9.00am or 5.00-5.30pm. LOCATION: Stores (in the green shed on the back of Late Night Worship)

ROAD SAFETY Remember those hedgehog adverts about road safety? Well, now’s the time to put those lessons into practice. The showground is on the A371 which can get very busy so pleeeeeease don’t try and walk along it. There’s no provision for pedestrians and there are lots of lorries which is a bad combination.

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H E A L T H S A F E T Y We don’t want to be a bore, but these things are really important so please have a quick flick through so that we all stay safe.

FIRE REGULATIONS If you’re using a tent for cooking, please make sure that it is 3 metres away from all other tents in order to comply with fire safety regulations. Our super village hosts will be on hand to advise and assist should you have any problems. If they ask you to space your tent out a little more, please listen to them. You can have a BBQ outside as long as it’s placed on a hardstanding surface but please note that BBQs are not allowed inside tents or marquees. It’s a really bad idea, honestly. Open fires, fireworks and Chinese lanterns are not allowed either.

FIRST AID & SICKNESS For basic issues (eg headaches, blisters etc) your first point of call should be your group leader who will probably have a good supply of painkillers and plasters. For anything more serious, we have the first aid team made up of first aiders, nurses and doctors on standby to help. They’re based by the main gate and you can drop in from 9am till midnight every day but if someone in your group falls

ill outside of those times, contact Comms and they’ll get someone to help you. If you have any ongoing medical conditions that require medication, make sure you pop along and say hello to the first aid team – they’ll even store your medication for you. If you fall ill with diarrhoea or vomitting , please stay in your tent and contact the first aid team through your group leader. In an emergency, please ring 0300 302 0330. Please do not contact the emergency services yourself as this can actually delay help getting through.

Help us help you! We want to keep everyone healthy so make sure you’re washing your hands regularly and let us know if you find any broken or dirty showers or toilets by popping into Comms.

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St Mellitus College Theology | Worship | Unity | Mission Undergraduate Study BA in Theology and Youth Ministry Ordination Training MA in Christian Leadership London | Chelmsford | Liverpool SS_2015_WeekB&Cv3.indd 64

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G N I R OFFE On the night of Day 4 we will be taking up a collection to go towards the work of Soul Action, to help us raise up young leaders and to support friends in the persecuted church. There’s no pressure to give but, if you would like to, directions will be given in the main meeting. There will be Gift Aid envelopes available for any of you who are lucky enough to pay tax. You can also drop any gifts off to Info throughout the week.

Action SOUL

Soul Action is a partnership between Soul Survivor and Tearfund that is all about empowering young people to get involved in issues of poverty and injustice. This year Soul Action is running a Different Shoes campaign to raise money for projects working in some of the world’s poorest areas. Find out how to get involved on page 68.

Leaders YOUNG

One of our passions is raising up young leaders who will love and serve the Church so we run a Soul61 leadership course every year and want to continually find ways to invest in the church leaders/planters, worship leaders, speakers and youth workers of tomorrow.

Church UTED


Many Christians around the world suffer for their faith. They may be beaten, tortured, imprisoned or even killed for owning a Bible, meeting with other Christians, or just for loving Jesus. We work closely with friends in Central Asia who are persecuted as we want to encourage, resource, support, equip and strengthen them in their faith.

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WHY? Take a look around the Big Top. You might see the number of people here and think that we’re loaded, but unfortunately that isn’t the case! Soul Survivor is a charity which means we don’t make any money; everything goes back into our events and resources. We exist because we’re passionate about reaching young people, introducing them to Jesus and equipping them to live their whole lives for him. As well as our summer conferences (like the one you’re at right now!), we spend the rest of our year running a bunch of other events to support and equip you guys and your youth leaders. We keep the ticket price of these

events as low as possible to make sure that they are accessible, but this often means that they don’t quite cover their costs. On top of all this, we’re keen to continue providing young people with free resources to encourage you in your journey of faith. This includes things like video teaching, Bible in One Year videos and minimagazine articles plus we’ve got loads of new ideas of things we’d love to do. Let’s not beat around the bush about it: we need your help to do what we do! We’d love it if you felt able to stand with us by giving or getting involved in one of the following ways:

Supporting us financially – whether it’s a one-off gift or a monthly amount – makes a huge difference. Firstly, it’s just amazing to know that you are standing with us and that our events have been a blessing to you. Secondly, it’s the incredible generosity of our supporters that enables us to keep doing all that we do. Why not give Soul Survivor a fiver each month? Regular donations, no matter how big or small, really help us plan for the future, so if you can give even a few pounds a month, it would mean a great deal to us. For details on how you can donate, hop on over to our website:

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2. DO We know loads of you are busy studying and may not have much spare cash so why not use your talents to do something to raise money for Soul Survivor instead? From a talent show to a sponsored* silence, running a marathon to hosting a cake sale, the possibilities are endless. Go it alone or team up with your youth group and get fundraising! *If you get your friends and family to sponsor you online, we’d love you to use www. as they ensure that Soul Survivor get every single penny you raise.

3. PRAY We’d love it if you would stand with us in prayer throughout the year. We only want to do the things that God is calling us to do so please join us in praying for wisdom and guidance as we listen to God. We’d also love you to pray with us for all of the young people who have come along this summer, many of whom go back to difficult situations.

4. SERVE Every year a lot of wonderful people give their time and skills to serve at our summer events and we couldn’t do it without them!

Last summer over 2500 people volunteered across 60 teams, getting involved with everything from praying with people to making hot chocolate mountains, from checking wristbands to stewarding the campsite. If you’d like to serve in 2016, check out the ‘Get Involved’ section of our website.


5. SHOP Calling all fans of internet shopping! We’ve got good news – you can now raise money for Soul Survivor whilst you shop online, at no extra cost. Head over to www., select Soul Survivor as your cause and click through to your favourite shops. Loads of these shops will then donate money to Soul Survivor without it costing you a single penny. Winner!

6. SHOUT If you’ve enjoyed Soul Survivor this year, why not invite a friend to come with you next year? We’ve also got loads of events going on throughout the year that you could bring them to. Just point them towards our website, write on their Facebook wall or shout it from the rooftop. The more people that come to our events, the more money we can put into making them even better!

Last summer, we re-launched the Soul Survivor Bible in One Year and thousands of you joined in! We’ll be starting all over again on 1st September and we’d love you to get involved. Every day we post a short video unpacking what was in that day’s reading. These videos have been recorded by Mike, Ali and Andy, as well as guests such as Krish Kandiah, Danielle Strickland and Christy Wimber. There’s also an app that you can download for free which has the daily videos, and you can grab a copy of the Bible in One Year or the New Testament in One Year from the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed if you would like to read along with us.

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A C T I ON This year we want to take a walk in someone else’s shoes and see what life is like for them. As we explore some of the different types of poverty we’ll be meeting people from around the world whose challenges include having no home, little food, no security, no freedom, or no hope. We want to understand more about how Jesus feels about these situations, see how we can make a difference and raise money for charities who are doing brilliant work in some of the poorest areas of the world.



Pick up a challenge card from the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed and complete as many of the challenges as you can: •

Only use one set of clothes for the rest of your time at Soul Survivor

Make some shoes out of plastic bottles and plastic bags and see how long you can wear them for

Miss as many lunch time meals as you can

Take part in the 24 hour challenge! We’re challenging youth groups to get out of their comfort zone and spend 24 hours in someone else’s shoes. Youth Leaders – you can pick up our Different Shoes resource from the Soul Action stand which contains four group sessions on the Different Shoes theme with Bible studies, stories from around the world, group activities, prayers and ideas for personal reflection. There are also details of how to get involved in our 24 hour challenge.

Come and chat to us on the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed, connect with us on social media Twitter @SoulActionUK or pop over to our new website

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“IF YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND MY LIFE, YOU MUST WALK IN MY SHOES” WILL YOU SPEND 24 HOURS LIVING IN SOMEONE ELSE’S SHOES? Millions of people around the world live in poverty. In slums, shanty towns, favelas, and cities all over the world, people are fighting to survive. Take on different challenges to experience something of what life is like for them, and raise money for projects working in some of the world’s poorest areas. Choose Different Shoes.


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A R T I C L E S We’ve been having a re-think about how we can best equip, support and encourage all you lovely youth leaders and so we’ve taken a break from our usual SoulNet schedule to give us time to pray and plan. This means we won’t be having our annual retreat at Center Parcs over the winter but we hope you’ll come and join us at Naturally Supernatural in February and/ or our Momentum weekend In France over the first Bank Holiday weekend in May. (More info on both are on page 88 and on our website.)

RESOURCES Visit the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed to find out more about some resources for your youth group!

CONSIDERING YOUTH MINISTRY? We’ve got a one-day conference at our warehouse in Watford on Saturday 23rd January and we’d love to see you there to help you explore if this is something God is calling you to do.

SOULNET SESSIONS Join Matt Summerfield for coffee, a croissant and some youth ministry chat. The five ‘e’s of relationship Week B: Day 3, 9.30am, Grounds Week C: Day 2, 9.30am, Grounds Becoming an extraordinary youth team Week B: Day 4, 9.30am, Grounds Week C: Day 3, 9.30am, Grounds Q&A with Mike Pilavachi Week B: Day 5, 2pm, Grounds Week C: Day 4, 9.30am, Grounds

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You may have noticed several people wandering around the showground with walkie talkies and florescent yellow jackets, or been served a hot chocolate mountain by someone in one of the cafés. These amazing people have given up their time to come and serve at our events and we couldn’t do it without them. Here’s what some of last summer’s team had to say about their time with us:

Being on the hospitality team was hard work but so rewarding in many different ways. I met people who, after only a few days, felt like best friends. The team community at the events is so encouraging and inspiring and I am so thankful for the time I had with my team this summer.

I loved every minute of being on team. It was great to see another side of Soul Survivor and be part of the bigger picture. I met some amazing people; everyone was so friendly, approachable and welcoming and made me feel like I was part of the Soul Survivor family.

Serving on a team gave me a real chance to strengthen my relationship with God, I feel I have taken more away from this time at Soul Survivor than I ever have as a delegate because of the wonderful people on my team!

Being on the stewarding team has opened my eyes to everything that goes into the running of the summer events. The team welcomes you with open arms and starts to feel like your family.

IF YOU’D LIKE TO JOIN THE GANG NEXT SUMMER, WE’D LOVE TO HAVE YOU! For more information about the various teams you can get involved with and how the application process works, pop into Info this week or head on over to our website 71 SOUL SURVIVOR 2015 / Articles / Be on team

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A R T I C L E S Soul61 is the part of Soul Survivor that focuses on equipping resourcing, teaching and supporting 18-24 year olds who want to develop as leaders. Our main programme is a ten-month course to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus and equip them to serve him through leadership.

What’s It All About? Soul61 is an opportunity to set the foundation for a lifetime of leadership. We want to give you space to encounter God, worship him, wait on him and allow him to mould you into the person he wants you to be. If you throw yourself in, you will be challenged and stretched in your character and gifts as you learn, grow and develop your skills.

Who is it for? Soul61 is for anyone aged18-24 who feels the call of God on their life to serve his people. We’re not looking for individuals who feel they have it made; we’re after those who have a deep and genuine desire to develop their character, and have an openness to be used by God wherever he chooses.

What will I do? You will be developing your leadership skills at the heart of Soul Survivor, getting involved in church life and various conferences and events. Each week you will have two days teaching plus you'll choose a placement that focuses on worship or leadership. You will be thrown in at the deep end, stretched and tested by things you may not have experienced before. We want to prepare you to lead for the rest of your life and we believe the best way of doing this is by trusting you with real situations and responsibilities.

Where do i apply? Pop along to the Soul61 stand in the ToolShed and chat to our team, or head to

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@Soul61uk charity No: 1144249 Company No: 07705162

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God’s ‘mission’ At the start of Soul Survivor, think about where you are with God. Would you call yourself a follower of Jesus? Or are you not sure why you’re even here? Read John 3:1–21 and make a note of anything you have a question about. If you have a lot of questions about what Jesus says, you’re not alone. Nicodemus was a religious leader, but even he didn’t get what Jesus’ mission was about.

Here are three points from the passage: • God loves us so much that he even sacrificed his Son for us (verse 16). • Only through the Holy Spirit can we become children of God (be ‘born again’) (verse 6). • Everyone who has faith in Jesus will have eternal life (verse 15).

Jesus is telling Nicodemus about God’s mission – to bring salvation to everyone, to repair the relationship with him, to give us eternal life. Even though the first day of Soul Survivor is hectic, spend a few moments reflecting on your questions. What do you think of God’s mission? Don’t leave your questions unanswered – find someone you trust and chat with them about what Jesus has done. Extra bits: John 3:36

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Follow the best advice When we’re part of God’s mission, who do we listen to? Who’s the biggest influence on how you tell others about Jesus?





So what?

Be and do

Yesterday, we discovered what Jesus had to say about his mission. But what does that mean to you?

If you describe yourself as a Christian, would anyone else look at your life and see your faith? Can people tell you follow Jesus by the way you act?

Read Luke 10:1–12 and 17–20. Imagine Jesus is sending you out with his followers. How would you feel? Jesus has been teaching his followers for a while and they’re starting to get God’s mission. They’re not perfect, but that doesn’t mean they can’t go out and tell others about God. And when they come back, they’re full of excitement about what they’ve done, said and seen. Maybe you’ve experienced some of the same feelings – have you held a mission week or reached out to your local community in some way? How did you feel when people listened to you? Or rejected you? Whatever the response, we should keep spreading the word! Think about your friends and family who don't know Jesus. Pray for them and ask God about the best ways to tell them about him. Extra bits: Luke 9:1–6; Acts 14:1–7

Read Acts 2:42–47 and make a list of all the things that God’s followers did to show they followed Jesus. So, how many things did you come up with? And what kind of things were they? The followers of Jesus served and served. They praised God as they served and people were saved as a result. People looked at the way these followers lived and knew there was something different and attractive about them. They showed the Gospel with their words and their lives. So, what does that mean in our lives? If people see us living God’s way, then they’re going to want to know why. We won’t be perfect, but we’ll be showing God’s love to people and that makes a huge difference! Extra bits: Acts 4:32–37; 1 John 3:11–24



Read Acts 8:26–40 and decide who Philip listens to. OK, that question about who Philip listens to wasn’t difficult. But how? Philip listens to an angel and then God’s Spirit, in order to find the person whom God wants him to talk to. But what on earth does that mean? Listening to the Holy Spirit is different for different people. So, why don’t you put down this programme and go and ask some of the people you’re with how they hear God’s voice. What did they say? Some people hear him as a voice, some through pictures in their mind, others might have a new emotion or feel something physical. The more we listen, the more we recognise his voice. So ask him to speak to you now. Philip listened to the Spirit, but he also knew what to say when someone wanted to hear about Jesus. It’s important for us to be able to tell our story of faith naturally. Think about how you might tell others about what Jesus means to you. Can you tell your story in less than five minutes? Or even two? Extra bits: Acts 10; Acts 16:6–10

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Reaching the least Who is the least popular in our society? Lots of people are treated badly on TV or on social media because of their jobs, where they come from or a range of other reasons. In Jesus’ time people hated tax collectors, because they worked for the Romans and often cheated people out of money. Read Luke 19:1–10 and imagine you were in the crowd. What would you have thought when Jesus went to Zacchaeus’s house. The crowd would have been scandalised when Jesus announced he was going to Zacchaeus’ house. In fact, it’s hard to imagine how shocked they would have been. And yet, Jesus reaches out to this


One more time tax collector and turns Zacchaeus’s life around. All through the Gospels, Jesus welcomes the least in society: outcasts (people with leprosy), the hated (tax collectors, people from Samaria) and those with low social status (widows, children). And he has strong things to say to those in power and the rich. Read verse 10 again. Who in your neighbourhood might be described as ‘the lost’? How can you take God’s mission to those people? Are there any groups or charities you can join with to reach out to ‘the lost’? Extra bits: Luke 17:11–19; Luke 18:18–30

Back home? Unpacked yet? Drying out the tent? Think back over the last five days. How have you met with God? Read 1 Peter 1:13–25. Make a note of everything God has done for us. Then highlight what we should do in response to that. Look back at the things that God has done for us. This is the message that we need to pass on to everyone – we were rescued by Jesus, what good news! Jesus has led us to faith in God and our hope is in him. How can we keep that quiet? So what are you going to do about it? How can you join in with God’s mission?

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naturally supernatural grow in the knowledge and gifts of the holy spirit

17th – 20th february 2016

soul survivor watford, wd24 7gp

durban join us for an adventure over easter 2017 find out more at SS_2015_WeekB&Cv3.indd 77

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Ever wondered why we do the things we do? Have a read and find out! If you’ve got a burning question we haven’t answered, drop us an email ( and we’ll try and answer it next time.

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Why do people close their eyes and put up their hands in worship?

Why is all the music in the main meetings led on guitar?

Worship is an opportunity to encounter Jesus and each person responds differently to meeting with him. Firstly there is no right or wrong way to worship Jesus. Many people shut their eyes so they aren’t distracted by what is going on around them. Some lift their hands as a sign of praise (like when the Psalmist said “I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands” in Psalm 63) or hold their hands out to God as a sign they are surrendering to him or would like to receive from him.

If you look carefully in the Bible you’ll see that the only acceptable type of worship is that led on guitar. Kidding! Of course there are lots of different musical styles, genres and instruments that can be used in worship and we don’t believe God minds what we use as long as our praise and worship is genuine. We’re pretty simple people so we keep our worship simple too and, whilst we try and stay open to new musical styles, the most important thing is that we stay focused on Jesus.

Why do people do strange things when the Holy Spirit comes in power?

How can I get the lyrics/ chord charts to the songs?

Why does everything else close when the main meetings are on?

If you’re not familiar with the Holy Spirit moving in power, the first thing to say is – don’t worry. When God’s presence rests on people in times of ministry they may cry, laugh, move around or just be still. All of this is totally fine - we all respond differently. The best thing we can do is be open to allowing the Holy Spirit to move and work in us and not worry about what we or anyone else is doing. There’s no need to force or hype anything up. The biggest mistake we can make in prayer ministry is to believe that it’s all about us when actually it’s all about God and he is the only one who can truly change us. If you’re curious about any of this please speak to a member of the enabling team.

Lyrics and chords to many of the songs we sing at Soul Survivor are in books that are available to buy from our stand in the ToolShed or from our online shop. We’ll also try to post lyrics and chords to some of the new songs written by one of our team on our website in the autumn.

We want to give everyone the opportunity to meet and worship God together in our main meetings as these are the highlight of Soul Survivor. We want this to be a time when we give Jesus all of our attention, so we try and remove the distractions of other venues around site by closing them. We also have a lot of volunteers running these venues who work really hard throughout the week and we want them to have time and space to meet with God for themselves.

Can I be in the worship band/do a seminar/be a part of Bite-Size next year? It’s really important to us that if we ask anyone to speak or be a part of the band that know them and can vouch for their integrity and love for Jesus. Our Bite Size speakers are all people we know or we have connected with via youth workers we trust. If you’re

passionate about speaking/leading worship we really recommend you get stuck in at your home church. You might also find our Loud & Clear day for speakers and our Young Worship Leader Day useful.



What about bands? Can I recommend someone or volunteer my band to play in a venue? If you’re part of a band and already have a good following please send us examples of your music and we’ll check it out. Unfortunately we get a lot of musicians contacting us so we’re sorry that we can’t respond to everyone.

Why is Mike so rude to people on stage? Mike is a funny man (in both senses of the word) and one thing that tickles him is taking the mick out of his friends. But please don’t worry,

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Mike only jokes around with people who know that he loves them (he’s actually a big softie which is why he can never keep a straight face for long).

Why do we have to sit on the floor? The simple answer is so we can fit lots of you into our venues! If we were to have chairs in our main meetings it would halve the number of people who could get in.

Why aren’t there more toilets and showers?

Why are the food vans so expensive?

For any big event there is a recommended number of toilets and showers that should be available so no one has to wait too long. We actually hire twice as many toilets and showers as recommended because we know that waiting can be frustrating. Some quick ways of reducing queuing time would be:

We’re really sorry if you’ve found the food vans expensive. The showground decide who comes to sell food so we don’t have any control over the prices or the menus. Don’t forget there is an onsite shop that sells plenty of food, and there are supermarkets a short drive away too (check out the Things To Know section on page 40).

Having a shower at quiet times (such as early morning or late evening)

Being quick and not taking too much time

Not showering at all (but we don’t recommended this option if you’d like your mates to sit near you at the end of the week)

We have a small army of cleaners making sure the toilets and showers are spick and span but if you see a problem just let our Comms team know and they’ll get the team assembled to sort it out.

Why do you fundraise when it costs us around £100 each to be here? The money you pay for your ticket helps us to pay for some of the event costs but it doesn’t cover everything we need to keep Soul Survivor running. For example we have to pay for office space year round in Watford plus essential staff costs to plan and manage our events. So we rely on people donating money to help us carry on doing what we do. If you’d like to find out more about giving to Soul Survivor please see page 46.

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What happens when I get home? How do I sustain this high? We hope you’ve had a brilliant time here at Soul Survivor and are feeling passionate about your relationship with God but we know being here isn’t the same as everyday life. Unfortunately as Christians we’re not immune to life’s ups and downs but we want to encourage you to keep seeking Jesus and living everyday with him. It’s amazing when thousands of us gather together but God is with you just as much when you’re at home as he is when you’re here. Here are some tips to help you stay close to God: •

Reading your Bible - one of the best ways to stay connected to God is through reading his word. We’re starting to read through the whole Bible on September 1st and we’ll be posting daily videos on our app. Come and join us!

Get/stay plugged in to your church and youth group – none of us are meant to do the Christian life alone. Go along regularly, give and serve, be committed and enjoy being part of the body of Christ.

Getting passionate about social justice? Awesome! Get involved with the Soul Action Different Shoes campaign and stay in touch for loads more ideas, resources and inspiration.

Stay in touch with us – we love hanging out with you guys at our other events through the year plus we’re always up for a little chat on social media!

Have a Soul Survivor Sunday to feed back to your church how you’ve met with God this summer. We’re suggesting everyone does their Soul Survivor Sunday on the 6th September to give you time to plan what you’d like to do and how. You’ll find loads of ideas and resources on our website

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We care about this planet and try to do our bit each summer to be environmentally friendly; we’d love for you to join in too. We’ve made it really easy for you and made sure that there are loads of places to recycle all over the showground and in the venues, with separate bins for glass, plastic, cardboard and cans. Please make sure you split out your rubbish and put the right thing in the right bin! There are also recycling points on each village where you can grab recycling/rubbish bags to take back to your campsite.



Even the great Mary Berry herself over-caters on occasion, so imagine how hard it is for a youth leader to know how much food to get for their group at Soul Survivor! If you have any leftover nonperishable, unopened food, don’t feel you have to cart it all home with you again - you can drop it to Comms on Day 5 and we’ll donate them to a local charity for you.

Let’s all try our best to save water this week. Take short showers (although please DO take showers!), make sure you turn taps off once you’ve finished and only use the water you need (e.g. don’t boil a massive pan of water for one cup of tea).

REUSE WHERE YOU CAN Reusable plates and cutlery are the way forward in reducing the amount of waste we create and also give us a chance to practice our washing up skills!


LOVE THE LAND This wonderful showground gets used throughout the year for various other events, so let’s leave it neat and tidy and clear all of our rubbish into the bins provided.

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P R A Y E R MINISTRY One of the things we’re really passionate about at Soul Survivor is meeting with God. During the main meetings we will always try to let God lead what’s going on and make space for him to meet with us. As part of this the leaders of the meeting will make time for us to wait on God’s Spirit and pray for groups of people they believe God particularly wants to meet with. This is a great opportunity for God to work in our lives and it’s brilliant to be as open to him as possible. Don’t worry if you’ve never had prayer offered in this way, or if you’re not sure how to pray; Mike P and the team will talk you through what’s going on and some basics for praying. We also have an experienced enabling team who will be around to help you and answer your questions. We’d really encourage you to get along to Ali Martin's seminar ‘Prayer ministry 101' on Day 2 as well.

What happens? Ministry times usually begin with an invitation from someone on the main stage for people to wait on and respond to the Holy Spirit. The most important thing to remember is that this is God’s work, not ours. Try to stay open to what God might want to do in your life and invite him to speak to you. Everyone responds differently to meeting with God so try not to focus too much on your reaction or the reactions of those around you. We can experience God in all sorts of ways and physical manifestations aren’t the important thing. If you’d like to receive from God just stay focused on him. If you’d like to pray for other people, have a read on for some helpful tips.

A guide to praying for others… When you’re praying remember that you are there to encourage those seeking God and to bless what the Holy Spirit is doing. There is no ‘right way’ to pray for each other but we’ve included these guidelines as they are tried and tested and tend to work quite well! While you’re with us please stick to the advice given. Lots of it is just straight-forward common sense! • Please only pray for someone who shares your gender. Prayer ministry can bring up all sorts of personal stuff and so it’s a great principle to have guys praying for guys and girls praying for girls. Even if you’re married, or you are a youth leader praying for someone you know, we’d ask you to bear this in mind to avoid any confusion for others around you. Thanks. • Don’t be afraid to ask someone what they would like you to pray for and what God is doing even if the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully on them (in Luke 18v40 Jesus asks the blind man ‘What do you want me to do for you?’). However, be aware of not turning this into a long conversation; this is a time for the Holy Spirit to offer counselling, not you! • If appropriate you can speak into the situation or condition in Jesus’ name, but be sensitive and recognise that you may be wrong. If you have a prophetic word or picture, offer these as a prayer or in such a way that the person being prayed for can make their own decision as to how appropriate they are. Never insist that what you have to say is a word from God and always seek to build up, comfort and

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• It’s very important to allow the expression of feelings and this might mean people cry, shake or respond in other ways to what God is doing. This is totally fine but be careful not to suppress or to build up the situation. Alternatively some people might not seem to respond physically at all. That’s fine too. We want God to do what he wants to do,

• Encourage the person to receive from God and be still, rather than praying for themselves. Some people may show this attitude by opening their hands in front of them. • The laying on of hands to pray is Biblical. We see Jesus touch a man to heal him of leprosy in Mark 1 v40-45 and he lays hands on the children to bless them in Matthew 19v13-15. That said, not everyone is comfortable with this so please be aware of that. Please also use common sense about where you place your hands so it doesn’t become distracting for the person you are praying for. • Keep your eyes open when you pray for someone. This means you are more aware of what God is doing and how the person is responding. It also means you can be prepared if they look like they may fall over in the power of the Spirit. • If someone does fall over in the power of the Holy Spirit then please make sure they are in a comfortable position, not draped over anyone else and that their dignity is maintained (i.e. nothing is on show that shouldn’t be). If you can, put a jumper or jacket under the person’s head. It is not always necessary to stay with them for the whole time but if you move away encourage them to keep receiving from God and keep an eye on them to check they are safe. It can be helpful

to whisper to them that you will return in a little while so they know that they are not forgotten. • It can become very hot when there are lots of people together during times of prayer ministry. If the person you are praying for is sweating, offer them a drink of water (you should find water and cups at the front of the stage or ask someone on the enabling team). • Listen carefully both to the person you are praying with, and to God. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and encouragement, and be prepared to wait, this is God’s work, not yours. The person you are praying for may tell you about things that have happened in their life. Don’t appear to be shocked by any disclosures. Remember that confidentiality is of the utmost importance but DO NOT promise to keep anything secret (especially with regards to claims of abuse). Your first contact in such a situation should be a member of the enabling team. They are there to support you and the person you are praying with and will be able to take things further if necessary.


encourage the person you’re praying for (1 Corinthians 14v3).

we don’t want to get in the way of that and we want to make sure people leave a time of ministry feeling loved and valued. • If someone has been crying for a long time, or releasing deep pain, they may start breathing too fast which can lead to spasms in their hands and legs. Encourage the person to concentrate on breathing slowly – this won’t stop what God is doing and will make sure the person is OK. Remember you can always call over a member of the enabling team if you are worried. • It’s brilliant to have more than one person praying for someone at a time so feel free to go over and join someone who’s praying already. That said, it can be distracting if a large group gather around someone when the ministry is of a sensitive nature so please ensure people have enough personal space. • If at any time you feel out of your depth then ask for help from the enabling team. We all find ourselves in situations that we can’t handle alone. This is not failure and it’s often good to pray with others, plus it’s a great way to learn more!

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Praying for physical healing When Jesus healed people in the Bible he spoke to the sickness and ailments and commanded them to be healed. Jesus gives us the power and authority to do the same in his name. So, for example, if you are praying for a sight problem, speak to the eye and tell it to ‘Be open and see in Jesus’ name’. If you’re praying for an ear, speak to the ear and tell it to be open and hear in the name of Jesus. When praying for injuries that cause pain or immobility ask the person what level of pain they have on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest pain possible). Speak to the condition in the name of Jesus and command it to be healed. Speak to the pain and tell it very firmly to ‘Stop it,’ in Jesus’ name (but remember you don’t need to shout!). If appropriate speak to the mobility of the joint or limb and tell

it to be healed in Jesus’ name. After this short prayer ask the person to test for pain and mobility in the injured area. Ask for the number out of 10 of the level of pain and mobility to see if it has gone down. Repeat the prayer, if necessary, as many times as you are both comfortable with.

And finally… Not everyone is familiar with ministry and prayer times and some people feel a bit concerned or nervous when they become aware of God working through his Holy Spirit. We need to help people who are receiving feel comfortable and safe, and to encourage them to reach out to God. Always be sensitive and respectful, keeping in mind how you would like to be prayed for, and constantly asking for God’s help. Reassure those being prayed for that God has heard sincere prayers and the cries of our hearts and encourage them

to expect answers. Speak healing, peace and release in the name of Jesus and remember the place of repentance, forgiveness and being forgiven. If someone would like extra prayer you can refer them to a member of the enabling team or to the Chat Room. Encourage the person to receive as much prayer as they like during the event but also to seek ongoing ministry support from their home church. Don’t make any appointments to pray with the person outside of the meeting. All these are tips to help you let God work through you. Remember: don’t worry. The enabling team and the person leading the meeting will be giving directions and advice to everyone. The important thing is that you are ready and willing to pray for those around you.

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MIS “ S T I WE JUST HANG OUT O E N N IN THESE DARK ER IFE PLACES THIS IS WHERE JESUS WOULD ? how ain k is. l p o o ex wor rd tt this e are sge a h r n d s e i It porta lts h the e us. im g adu g off o Jes a t n n t you o falli open to ge ce. o s a t s l d e e p t e closand ye Lord n in this The othold fo

Be C Be OUR A Be MAZ AGEO ED US in s THE om D Joi eone´ IFFER n u s life th EN s on is Sum CE m

tea er m!

Serving on team will give you a chance to:

Visit the nightlife strip to pray and chat with the 18-30s you will soon know and love! Deepen those relationships at The Living Room Centre during the day. Develop your own gifts and relationship with God. Step out of your comfort zones and the usual type of mission. Soak up the sun on days off!

HAVE WALKED For more info visit The Living Room Tenerife @TheLivingRoom8 TheLivingRoomTenerife

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We’ve got loads of events coming up and we’d absolutely love for you to come and hang out with us again soon!



Saturday 17th October 2015



W W W. S O U L S U R V I V O R . C O M

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New Christians Day

Saturday Celebrations

Loud and Clear

17th October, Soul Survivor Watford Warehouse

Every month we get together for extended times of worship, teaching and ministry at our Warehouse in Watford. This year there will be one celebration each evening starting at 6pm.

9th January, Soul Survivor Watford Warehouse

If you’ve become a Christian this week we couldn’t be happier for you and we’d love for you to join us on 17th October for a day looking at what it means to follow Jesus. There’s no need to book and there’s no cost, just come along to our warehouse in Watford.

17th October, 14th November, 5th December, 9th January, 6th February (at St Albans Abbey), 16th April, 21st May and 25th June.

Come along for a practical training day hosted by Ali Martin where we'll learn how to prepare and deliver great talks. Topics will include structuring a talk, using illustrations, and body language and delivery.

Soul Survivor 2016 We’ve loved hanging out with you this summer – let’s do it all again next year!






Week A: 27th – 31st July

Week B: 13th – 17th August

Stafford Showground Scotland: 6th – 10th August Lendrick Muir, Kinross

Bath and West Showground Week C: 19th – 23rd August Bath and West Showground






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naturally supernatural grow in the knowledge and gifts of the holy spirit

17th – 20th february 2016

soul survivor watford, wd24 7gp



Naturally Supernatural

23rd January, Soul Survivor Watford Warehouse

17th-20th February, Soul Survivor Watford Warehouse

9th April, Soul Survivor Watford Warehouse

This is a day for anyone wanting to explore whether they are called to youth ministry.

Join us in Watford from 17th-20th February as we look at how we can move in the power of the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives. Hosted by Mike P and Andy C with special guest speakers.

Join Mike P and the team for this one-day conference focusing on what the Bible says about worship as well as practicalities of how we can grow as worship leaders.

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Young Worship LeaderS Day

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Momentum Each summer we run a Momentum event for those who are 18 and over, with worship, teaching and ministry, and in 2016 we’re going to be holding it at the Stafford Showground from 22nd to 26th July.

We’re also running a Momentum weekend in France from 29th April - 2nd May. Check out for more info and to book.

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r o v i v r u S SoulERCHANDISE M

We’ve got a selection of brand new Soul Survivor clothing and merchandise ready for you this summer!

Hoodies £25


T shirts



Baseball top




Stadium Cups



Stay refreshed on the go with our new stadium cups.

Play along to your favourite tunes with a Soul Survivor plectrum!

New wristband in two colours. Carry your Soul Survivor 2015 memories with you!


Lanyards We’ve got a new selection of lanyards in three different colours.



Keep track of all your seminar notes with this notebook made from recycled card!


TOTE BAG The perfect way to store all your new goodies!

All of our clothing is manufactured in accordance with the guidelines of the Fair Wear Foundation.

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Come and say hello to our super-friendly team at the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed and you’ll find all sorts of goodies awaiting you. You can also find us online at


Milkshake Live album Yes! We’re back with a brand new live album this summer. Get ahead of the game and pre-order yours at the Soul Survivor stand and you’ll get a free milkshake as well as being the first to receive your CD when it is released later in the year. The album will feature a selection of your favourite songs from this summer’s events as well as some great DVD extras.

OTHER MUSIC We also have some exciting new releases from Tom Smith, Matt Redman and Tim Hughes for you to check out.

We’re passionate about the Bible and have produced a range of resources that we hope you find helpful.




Soul Survivor YOUTH BIBLE

Soul Survivor Bible in One Year


Packed full of articles from the Soul Survivor team and friends, background info and helpful stuff that will make God’s word seem more accessible and help you apply what you’re reading to your everyday life.

From 1st September we’ll be reading through the whole Bible in one year – fancy joining us?! Mike, Andy, Ali and the team will be posting daily vlogs on soulsurvivor. com/bibleinoneyear to go alongside each day’s reading so you can dig a bit deeper into God’s word.

Soul Survivor New Testament in One Year – if reading the whole Bible feels like too much to do in one year but you’d still like to get stuck into God’s word, try reading just the New Testament and watch our daily videos that go alongside it at

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Scan here to sign up to our enews so you’ll be the first to know what’s going on!


Like us on Facebook: soulsurvivoruk


Follow us on Twitter: @soulsurvivorGB #soulsurvivor15









Follow us on Instagram: SoulSurvivorUK #soulsurvivor15


Watch us on YouTube: SoulSurvivorUK


Head over to www.soulsurvivor. com for loads more info about us, to shop for resources we think you’ll love and to book on for events.

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BCNI_Soul Survivor.pdf













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Study options range from a one year Certificate through to research PhD. Study online, on campus in London or by distance learning – realise your academic potential and go on to change the world for Christ! Find out more / book a discovery day place at: www. Like LST on facebook: Follow LST on twitter: MAiTh: A unique theological MA which equips you to engage theologically with the world around you. Find out more at: SS_2015_WeekB&Cv3.indd 94


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1. Youth leaders/responsible adults are responsible for their under 18s at all times. 2. Alcohol is strictly forbidden on site. 3. Strictly no drugs, intoxicating agents (such as “legal highs”) or drug paraphernalia is allowed on site, except when medically prescribed. Anyone found in possession of drugs or suspected to be under the influence of drugs will be evicted from the site and be denied further entry to the event. Any such incidents will be reported to and dealt with by our site management team and the police representatives on site. 4. After arrival, all vehicles must be moved to the designated car parks to comply with fire and safety regulations. Only emergency vehicles or ones with a valid disabled badge are allowed on site. Cars may be forcibly removed if they are parked illegally on the site. 5. Event wristbands must be worn (around your wrist!) at all times and they are the only way to get access into the venues. There is a £1 charge to replace a broken wristband and £40 to replace a lost one – pop to Info for assistance. 6. Smoking is not allowed inside any of the buildings, marquees or individual tents and caravans. 7. Girls and guys aren’t allowed to share a tent / caravan / accommodation unless married. 8. Outdoor ball games must be finished by 10pm, even if it’s a nailbitingly close match. 9. Roller blading, skateboarding and

cycling can only take place after dark if there is appropriate lighting. That means if you have a light on your bike or you’re in a well-lit area; the light from your smartphone doesn’t count! 10. Tents and caravans can only be moved to a different village with permission from Info. This is so you can be contacted in the case of an emergency. 11. No speeding. When you arrive and leave the site please honour the 10mph limit. We know it’s painful but it’s important to keep everyone safe. No driving lessons are allowed either. 12. No flyposting or damaging the site – please respect the property of the showground. 13. The only pets allowed at Soul Survivor are guide dogs (please come to Info on arrival if you have a guide dog). 14. Generators cannot be used on site. If you need a power supply, please speak to Comms. Electrical hook-ups can be provided in certain conditions and for a fee. 15. Soul Survivor wishes to make it clear that it does not favour sectarian propaganda or proselytising within the Christian fellowship. This means any individual or group that uses Soul Survivor and its facilities for such purposes does so against the spirit of the event. Soul Survivor reserves the right to cancel any such person or group’s booking and escort them off the site at once. If you think someone is trying to force their views on you and others, please let us know immediately by coming to Info so we can deal with the situation.

16. Promotion of organisations or activities that do not form part of the Soul Survivor or Momentum event programmes, including the distribution of literature, is only permitted by authorised exhibitors within the ToolShed. 17. Soul Survivor does not operate holiday insurance or cancellation schemes. We strongly recommend you consult with an insurance broker if you need cover. Soul Survivor cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to people or personal property. Sorry about that. 18. The Bath and West Showground has some very pretty areas, so please be respectful of your surroundings and don’t go where you shouldn’t. That means no going into the woods or any section of the site that has been cordoned off with tape. 19. Please respect other people’s privacy by not taking photos or videos during ministry times. 20. Open fires, fireworks and Chinese lanterns are not allowed on the showground. 21. Even if bright yellow is totally your colour, fluorescent jackets are only to be worn by team members who are on duty. 22. Everyone needs to be back at their village by midnight and the campsite must be quiet by 1am so we don’t upset the neighbours. The curfew village should be quiet by 10pm to let everyone get a good night’s sleep. 23. No swimming or fishing in the lake. 24. Drones are not to be used on site, except by the official Soul Survivor media team. Thanks for reading all the rules! We award you a special gold star.


There’s one thing this programme has been missing so far and that’s some rules! We know rules don’t always sound that fun but these things are important to make sure everyone stays safe.

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E S S E N T I A L S App 60 Baby Bathing 26 Bandstand 12 Basketball 16 Bible in One Year 67 Bible notes 74 Bonfire 25 Cafés Café Uno 11 Grounds 13 Soul Action Café 10 Soul Survivor Café 20 Sports café 16 Celluloid 18 Chat Room 12 Christmas Party 22 Comms 60 Communion 7 Emergency number 60 Feedback 4 Films 18 Fire regulations 63 First Aid 63 Foam party 25 Food 62 Football 16 Free running 16 Fun Run 17 Furnace 15

Gas 42 Generators 95 GOD TV 7 Grounds 13 Hearing impaired 61 Ice packs 62 Info points 60 Info opening times 60 International welcome 23 Kids work 26 Late Night Worship 15 Live album 91 Lost property 61 Map Back cover fold Main meetings 6 Offering 65 Panna cage football 16 Phone charging 16 Prayer ministry 84 Q&A 78 Recycling 82 Rewind 22 Rules 95 Safety tips 4 Seminars Week B 30 onwards Week C 44 onwards Seminar recodings 28 Shop 62

Sickness 63 Silent Disco 22 Skate 17 Social networking 92 Soul Action 68 Soul Action Café 10 Soul61 72 Soul Survivor Café 20 Soul Survivor events 88 Soul Survivor goodies 90 SoulNet 70 Speaker bios 56 Special needs 61 Sports 16 Stewards 61 Student welcome 23 Support Soul Survivor 66 Team 71 Testimonies 4 Toilets and showers 78 ToolShed 20 UV party 22 Village hosts 61 Voucher Back cover fold Worship 6, 15, 78 Wristbands 61 XLP bus 23 Youth Bible 91 Youth leaders 70

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