Soul Survivor Weeks B&C Programme

Page 1

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Welcome


Welcome to Soul SurvivoR! We’re so pleased to be here together in Somerset, to have these five days ahead of us to hang out and meet with Jesus. We’ve got lots of fun stuff planned including a huge Colour Chaos party, a Silent Disco, a UV party, loads of sports, some great films, cafes and more. Our seminar programme is packed and covers a range of topics including how to work out what God might be calling you to do with your life, leadership, dealing with temptation, mission styles, the end of the world, sharing our faith, preparing and delivering great talks, and knowing God in a real way. If you feel like there’s a topic we’ve missed, don’t worry, we’ve also got a Q&A where you can text any question you like to some youth leaders! Plus we’re thrilled to have the LIV Choir with us all the way from South Africa, and they will be telling us their story one afternoon through music and dance as well as making an appearance in the main meetings too. There’s so much going on but the thing we’re most excited about is having space to worship God, to look at what the Bible says about living lives that are overflowing with God’s supernatural power, and giving lots of opportunities for us to pray for one another and ask God to empower us to live it out when we get home. We’re longing to be changed by encountering the presence of God so let’s get stuck in, make the most of all the opportunities and enjoy hanging out together. We hope you have a brilliant week, Love Mike PS - We’ve got some changes ahead for next year so this will be our last summer here in Somerset. In 2017 we hope you’ll come and join us at the amazing Peterborough Arena - find out more on page 83 and we’ll fill you in during one of the main meetings too.



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Contents

Intro Info


Day Planner








Week B Day 3


Soul Action


About us




Week B Day 4


Be on team






Week B Day 5






The Village Screen


Week B Timetable








Week C Day 1


Go green


Prayer ministry

Main meetings


Soul Survivor Stand


Week C Day 2





Soul Survivor Café


Week C Day 3


We're on the move




ToolShed Café


Week C Day 4


Upcoming events




Late Night Worship


Week C Day 5




Student reception


Week C Timetable


Soul Survivor shop




Outline of a day


XLP bus


Who’s who


Keep in touch


The Venue Menu


Colour Chaos


Things to know


Site rules


Café Uno


Kids work






Soul Action Café


Day planner


Health and safety


Site maps




Week B Day 1


The offering


Chat Room


Week B Day 2


Support Soul Survivor


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / About Us


Soul Survivor started back in 1993 after Mike Pilavachi, who was the youth leader at St Andrew’s Chorleywood, had an idea to start an event specifically for teenagers. Our first summer event hosted 1,896 young people in Shepton Mallet and things grew and grew so here we are 24 years later! We now run five summer events that gather around 30,000 people across three venues in Stafford, Scotland and Somerset. This includes Momentum, our event for students and those in their 20s and 30s. In 2017 we’re launching a brand new summer event called Naturally Supernatural that’s for the whole church - check out page 85 for more info. We run these events simply because we’re passionate about seeing people meet with, and being changed by, Jesus.

Our staff team, along with Soul Survivor Watford church and Soul61, our gap year leadership course, are based in Watford. As well as planning for the summer, we keep ourselves busy by running some smaller events (see page 84 for more details) as well as Soul Action (page 68) which exists to help us all do something about issues of injustice and poverty. Through everything we do, we love to meet with Jesus and be equipped and empowered to live the whole of our lives for him.

If you’d like some more information on what we do and why we do it, you might find these pages helpful: 6

Main meetings




Prayer ministry guidelines


Upcoming events

If you’re feeling super keen you can also read about our history, vision and values over on our website.



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Testimonies / Feedback / Safety

TESTIMONIES We’re always encouraged when we hear stories of what God is up to and we’re expectant that he will meet with us this week.

Tell us your story! Email us at testimonies@ or via the app, give us a tweet using #soulsurvivor16 or @soulsurvivorgb or write it out and pop it into the testimony box on stage. If you’d like us to keep it private, just let us know.


If you’ve got some thoughts to share on what you loved about this week, or things you think we could improve on, we’d love to hear them. We’ll post a survey online for you to fill out and you’ll also be entered into a prize draw to win a USB with all the talks on from this week!


We know you’re a smart bunch, but here are a few tips to keep in mind while you’re here: •

Have your mobile on you at all times so you can be easily contacted

Let your youth leader know where you’re going

Stay with at least one other friend when you’re out and about at night

Don’t assume someone is safe just because they are at a Christian event

Put the Soul Survivor emergency number in your phone 0300 302 0330 and call it if you need to - please don’t phone emergency services yourself




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Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Main Meetings

Day 1: 7pm Days 2-4: 11am and 7pm Day 5: 10am (for Communion) and 7pm

We all get together twice a day for the main meetings, which are our favourite part of the week. It’s so encouraging to be together with thousands of you lovely lot to spend time praising God, hearing from his word and waiting on his Spirit. Not sure what that’s all about? Let’s unpack them a little more…


We believe we can worship God through the way we live our everyday lives, but we also love to spend time singing songs of worship to God. It’s more than just singing nice words or jumping up and down as the bass drops though. It’s an opportunity to focus on God and tell him how much we love him, as well as providing the space for God to meet with us. These times will generally be led by our band from the stage and the words to the songs will be on the screens. Feel free to stand, sit, dance or whatever helps you worship and engage with God.

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Main Meetings

After Jesus had been on earth he gave us the Holy Spirit to live in us and to guide us. As Christians we believe the Holy Spirit is always with us but during the main meetings we make space and ask God to increase his presence in us. This may be to

We believe the Bible is God’s word, that it’s amazing and that it contains life-changing truths! In each of our main meetings we’ll make space for a talk looking at how we can understand the Bible more and apply it to our lives today. We’ll have some fun along the way but, be warned, you may be subjected to some of Mike’s terrible jokes!


heal us physically or emotionally, to give us a deeper understanding of God’s love for us or to empower and equip us to show that love to the world around us. Sometimes people respond physically to the increased presence of God but we don’t want to hype things up. It’s not a particular reaction at the time that is most important, but that we’re open to letting God do what he wants to do. Meeting with God will be what has a genuine impact on our lives going forward. Mike and the team will explain what they think God is doing from the front, and you can read more about how to pray for other people in our prayer ministry guidelines on page 80.

On our last morning together, we celebrate all that God has done during the week and, most of all, what he did for us on the cross. We do this by sharing Communion together and reflecting on the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Catholic Mass will also be available, please listen out for more information during the main meeting.



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Outline Of A Day

O U T L I N EY OF A DA 8.30 Wakey wakey, rise and shine! If you’ve not already been woken up by your mate snoring or the person in your youth group playing the guitar (there’s always one!), it’s time to get up and grab some brekkie.

9.00 (On Days 2, 3 and 4) Youth leaders, you’re doing a wonderful job and we feel it’s only right to put the kettle on and get the pastries out for you! We’d love you to join us for the SoulNet breakfasts in Grounds.

9.30 Let the seminars begin! There are a number of great seminars to choose from so have a browse in the day planner and check which venue to head to.

11.00 It’s main meeting time. All of the other venues close as we gather together for worship, teaching, ministry… and lots of fun!


13.00 – 18.00 There’s so much to choose from during the afternoons, including sports, seminars and plenty of cafes where you can hang out with friends. Check out the venues and the day planner to take your pick!

19.00 We’re back together in the Big Top for more worship, teaching and ministry.

21.30 All our venues are open again and you’re free to have a dance, catch a movie, head to Late Night Worship and more.

23.30 We all head back to our sleeping bags to get some kip, ready for more fun tomorrow. Zzzzzz.

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / The Venue Menu


THE MENU The next few pages contain your definitive guide to all that’s happening this week. We’ve scanned the globe for the latest and greatest in good vibes and we’re ready to unleash our 2016 venues! Whether you’re feeling sporty, keen for a boogie or just fancy someone to chat to – we’ve got something for you!



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Café Uno



DAY 1: 9.15pm – 11.30pm DAYS 2-5: 1pm – 5.30pm (in between seminars) and 9.30pm – 11.30pm Café Uno is like a game of two halves:

By day As chilled as a polar bear enjoying a Calippo in the North Pole, Café Uno is a great place to hang out with friends in between the two afternoon seminars. This year, Uno comes with a brightly-coloured-block twist with its LEGO-style theme. So come, build a Stealth Starfighter or your own city, le’go of your worries and enjoy.

By night Bring your dancing shoes or pull up a chair and enjoy our world-renowned hot chocolate mountain. The Josh Betteridge Band will be here all week bringing classic covers to get your dancing feet moving.


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Soul Action Café


TIMES: DAY 1: 9.15pm – 11.30pm DAYS 2-5: 1pm – 5.30pm (in between seminars) and 9.30pm – 11.30pm

Fancy a delicious caffeine-infused bev served with a tasty treat, safe in the knowledge that it’s Fairtrade guaranteed? Come along to the Soul Action Café! As the name suggests, this is the place to find out more about Soul Action, our partnership with Tearfund (a brilliant relief and development organisation). Feel free to ask one of the team about our Game Changers initiative and how you can get involved and help make a difference.



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Chat Room / Bandstand

Day 1: 9.15pm-11pm Days 2-5: 1pm-5pm and 9.30pm-11pm

The Chat Room is, well, a room to chat. We’ve found some of the kindest and wisest people we know who’d love to meet you, listen to what you have to say and pray with you if you’d like. No question is too big or too small, just pop in.

Days 2-5: 2-4pm

Think you could get Will.I.Am to hit the buzzer and turn around? Even got what it takes to impress Simon Cowell? Now’s your time to shine! Head over to the Bandstand which is open each afternoon, chat to our hosts about signing up and then it’s over to you…


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Grounds


TIMES DAY 1: 9.15pm – 11.30pm DAYS 2-5: 8.30am-10.45am (in between seminars) 1pm – 5.30pm, 9.30pm – 11.30pm

If you’re looking for a good spot to chat or a little hideaway to relax, get over to Grounds. With its vintage coffee factory theme it’s probably the most hipster-friendly venue on site, so grow those beards and park your vintage bicycle outside and we’ll put on some records and make you a flat white.


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Rewind






⏪ Days 1: 9.15pm-11.30pm Days 2-5: 9.30pm-11.30pm Re-e-wind, when the crowd say “bo, selecta!” Rewind is back in all its high energy, low bassline glory. There’s loads going on this week so read on, grab your mates and we’ll see you there!


Night 1 Kick-start your week with the world-famous Rewind UV party. We’ll provide the UV paint, you provide the dance moves!

Night 2 Two DJs will be battling it out for your attention as you choose between two channels. Grab the headphones on your way into the venue and come prepared to sing and dance your heart out. Yep, it doesn’t stay silent for long!


Nights 3, 4 and 5 Jesse Baines is our resident DJ this week. He’s been slaying dancefloors across the globe for many moons with his killer combo of brand new and classic dance hits. He’s shared a stage with Zane Lowe, Hot Chip, DJ Yoda and Benga to name a few (the Rewind stage will be his highlight, of course, and he also has one of the coolest caps we’ve ever seen).

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Rewind



Night 1 in Rewind



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Sports

DAY 1: 9.15pm - 11.30pm DAYS 2: 1pm- 5.30pm and 9.30pm - 11.30pm The summer of 2016 will be remembered for its sporting memories: Euro 2016, Wimbledon, the Rio Olympics… and the Soul Survivor Sports venue!


Watch the Olympics!


Want to find out which world records have been broken and which countries have been piling up the gold medals? We’ll be showing all the highlights from the Rio Olympics right here on our big screen so you don’t have to miss a minute of the action!

New for this summer we’ve got spikeball, also known as TriVolle. If you’ve not played this game before you’ll soon be loving it, it’s like a mega-mix of volleyball, foursquare and trampolining!

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Sports


FIVE-A-SIDE FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT The Euros were just a warm up for this one. Grab some mates and head over to the Sports hub on night 1 to get signed up.

PANNA CAGE The rules are simple: two-on-two football, three minutes, see if you can get a cheeky nut-meg!



Whether you tried throwing a Frisbee once on holiday or you know what it means to scoober – you’ll be welcome at the Ultimate Frisbee games on the main field!

DAY 4: 5:15pm (warm up), 5.30pm start The words “fun” and “run” might not go together in your mind, but trust us - you’ll love this. Get sponsored by friends (pick up a form from the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed) and set off on our 3K course around site. The starting line is on the sports field.

BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT We’ll be chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool and all, shootin’ some b-ball outside of the school (except it won’t be outside a school). Oversized shorts and retro trainers encouraged.

SKATE A half-pipe, rails and fun boxfilled playground for the skaters, scooters and bladers among us.



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / The Village Screen


DAYS 1-5: 10pm We love a bit of cinema action so we’ve lined up some of this year’s best films for you to enjoy on the big screen.


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / The Village Screen


Inside Out (U) Day 3

Jurassic World (12) Day 1 When the owners of Jurassic World theme park decide to genetically modify their dinosaurs in order to boost attendance they have no idea of the terror they are about to unleash. Cue our heroes (Park Operations Manager, Bryce and Raptor Whisperer, Chris) needing to step into the breech to stop the chaos before 20,000 visitors lose their lives. An enjoyable ride full of great effects and dazzlingly sharp teeth.

THe Martian (12) Day 2 Left for dead on Mars by his crew (ouch) astronaut Mark Watney is faced with a choice: accept death or get to work. He chooses the latter (it would be a pretty short film if he didn’t) but how can he produce food on a planet where nothing grows? How can he get a signal home to let them know he’s alive? And even if he could, how would a rescue mission save him when he’s four years away from earth? The Martian keeps you on the edge of your seat but provides a surprising amount of humour too.

When Riley is uprooted from everything she knows thanks to her dad’s new job in San Francisco, her emotions get thrown into disarray. Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness all live in Headquarters, the control center inside Riley's mind, but Joy and Sadness get side-tracked by their own adventure, leaving the others to try and work out how best to navigate a new city, house, school and friends. A brilliant animation from the genius team at Pixar that touches on every emotion and guarantees to make you laugh and smile.

Avengers: Age of Ultron (12) Day 5

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12A) Day 4 We had to wait a long, long time to find out what happened to our friends who live in a galaxy far, far away but this film was definitely worth the wait. Thirty years after the fall of the Empire, there’s a new threat rising in the form of the evil First Order. Our awesome new heroes Rey and Finn must join forces to try and restore peace, meeting up with some of our old friends along the way, and desperately searching for the last Jedi: Luke Skywalker.

In an attempt to bring peace to the world Iron Man creates Ultron, a robot with artificial intelligence. Unfortunately, instead of protecting humans, Ultron thinks the only way to restore peace to Earth is to eliminate its citizens. Oops. Thankfully Iron Man can call on fellow superheroes such as Thor, the Hulk, Black Widow, Captain America and Hawkeye to join him in a race against time to try and defeat Ultron before he wipes out the human race.



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / ToolShed

TIMES DAY 1: 9.15pm-11.30pm DAYS 2-5: 1.00pm-5.30pm, 9.30pm-11.30pm

London. New York. Paris. Hong Kong. They’ve all tried and failed to create a venue with the buzz of the ToolShed. This giant treasure trove is filled with organisations keen to make a difference in the world and help resource you in your walk with Jesus. It is also home to the Soul Survivor Café and the ToolShed Café.

Right in the middle of the ToolShed you’ll find the Soul Survivor stand. This is the place to grab our latest live album or a nice new Soul Survivor hoodie as well as find some great resources that we think will encourage you in your faith. Come along, chat to our friendly team and find out more about what we’ll be getting up to throughout the year too.

Fancy slurping a hot chocolate mountain whilst surveying the land from up high? Head up to the ToolShed Café on the balcony which is hosted by the good folk from XLP.

Take some time out to enjoy a hot drink, a slice of rocky road cheesecake and a very warm welcome at the Soul Survivor Café.


DAY 1: 9:15pm – 11:30pm DAYS 2-4: 7am - 11am, 1pm - 6pm and 9:30pm - 11:30pm DAY 5: 7am - 10am, 12pm 6pm and 9:30pm - 11:30pm Fancy a session at the gym?! To help us keep physically fit, this year you’ll find one up on the ToolShed balcony! You can work out, get some exercise and nutrition tips and even take a class. Day passes cost £5. (For health and safety reasons the gym is only open to those ages 14 and over.)

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / ToolShed


Here are a couple of things we’d like you to know about the ToolShed THAT we’re pretty serious about:

All the stands and organisations are here to equip you in your relationship with Jesus. That means none of them should be getting upset if you don’t agree with their theological angle on things. If you feel like you’ve been accosted by an over-zealous exhibitor, then pop into Info and let one of our team know.

Most of the items that are sold in the ToolShed are either resources or a way of generating money to support the work of a charitable trust. We know lots of you like having a browse but the absolute last thing we want is for anyone to feel pressured to spend any cash. We’re not trying to make money out of you.

From time to time Mike, Ali or Andy might mention a book, CD or DVD on mainstage. Just so you know, there are no marketing deals going on – if they say they like it and think you will too, then they mean they like it and think you will too (not that someone is paying them to say it’s brilliant).

Basically what this boils down to is the fact we like you, we think you’re pretty special, and we don’t want you to feel like you’re having lots of stuff pushed at you. We want you to be able to relax and have a good time at Soul Survivor.



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Late Night Worship

DAYS 1-5: 10.30pm – 11.30pm

If the main meeting has finished but you still feel like worshipping God, head over to Late Night Worship for sung worship in a more stripped-back, intimate style. Weather permitting, we’ll be doing things a little differently this year by switching the setting each night. Listen out during the main meetings for more info.


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Student reception / XLP Bus



DAY 1: 9.15pm-11.30pm DAYS 2-5: 1-5.30pm and 9.30pm-11.30pm Near the Sports venue


Have you seen the blue double decker bus on site? Don’t worry, it hasn’t strayed from the A371 by mistake, it’s actually a brilliant venue, hosted by our friends at XLP. Step inside and you’ll find games consoles, air hockey tables and a music studio, not to mention members of the lovely XLP team!


Day 3: 3.45pm, Grounds Heading off to uni is a big deal and we want to give you a great send off so we’re gathering all the students-to-be in one place. It’s a great opportunity to hear from a couple of organisations who are focussed on supporting students and hopefully even bump into some people heading off to the same university as you. You’ll get some top tips for thriving as a student and maybe even the secret formula for how to make the perfect beans on toast. We’ll also make some space to pray with one another before stepping into the adventure that is university.

You might also like to check out Freddie Pimm's seminar 'Sink or swim? The University Challenge'. Week B Day 2 at 2.30pm in Rewind and Week C Day 2 at 3.45pm in Rewind.



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Colour Chaos



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Colour Chaos


Colour Chaos Day 3: 4.45pm, for a 5pm start That’s right, Colour Chaos is back! Join us on the sports field as we have a giant and very brightly coloured party! Wear a light coloured t-shirt to maximise the effect as we all become walking works of art. We’ll also have a DJ to get the party started so don’t forget your dancing shoes.

You’ll be able to buy powder paint tokens from the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed or Info for £2, any time from Day 1. This can be exchanged for the powder paint at the Colour Chaos Arena on the sports field on the day (the powder paint can also be bought there and then). No one will be allowed to use any paint except the 100% natural powder available to purchase. Please don’t use the sachets anywhere else on site, and don’t throw the paint directly in people’s faces.



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Kids Work

TIMES REGISTRATION DAY 1: 4.30pm-6.30pm (in Breakout) DAYS 2- 4: 11am-1pm DAY 5: 10am-12pm DAYS 1-5: 7pm-9pm (Breakout only)

đ&#x;Žˆ GROUPS

Wrigglers is a crèche for the 0-2s Explorers provides fun and games for the 3-4s Engage offers age appropriate worship and teaching in a fun environment (5-8s) Breakout provides worship, teaching and ministry for the 9-11s every morning and evening



pen FOR THE WEEK DAY 1: 4.30pm-6.30pm

Please register in Breakout on arrival day so we can collect the right security info from you. Wristbands for nippers should have arrived with yours but please pop in to see us in Info if they haven’t.


pen REGISTRATION When you drop your child off in their group, you will be given a contact card and you must bring this card to collect them at the end of the session. Children under 10 cannot be picked up without the right card. If you’re happy for your 10 or 11 year to leave unaccompanied, please let their team leader know in advance.

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Kids Work


DAYS 2-5: 5pm-6.15pm LOCATION: Look out for the little icon on the map



Swaddled Baby BABY BATHING

If your child has any additional needs please let their team leader know on Day 1 so we can make sure they have the best week possible.

Anyone who camps with a tiny tot deserves a gold star. We’d love to help make things a little easier for you by providing warm water and tubs for you to get your little one clean before bed time. Please bring your own towels and toiletries.



LOCATION: Explorers To help with the bedtime wind down, we’ll be showing a family friendly film every evening from 7pm. These sessions are unsupervised so you will need to stay with your child/ children. (One adult can accompany up to four children.) DAY 1: Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) DAY 2: Minions (U) DAY 3: The Good Dinosaur (PG) DAY 4: Snoopy and Charlie Brown: The Peanuts Movie (U) DAY 5: Inside Out (U)



We have an amazing bunch of volunteers looking after your kids this week. Each team member has had a DBS check and received appropriate welfare training but if you have any concerns please speak to the team leader or pop in to see us in Info.

mug FREE TIME CAFÉ DAYS 2-5: 3pm-5pm LOCATION: Wrigglers

Toys, games and colouring will be available every afternoon to keep children entertained while you sit down and enjoy a cuppa. These sessions are unsupervised so please stay with your children at all times.



All aboard! Take a ride on the showground’s very own miniature railway. DAY 4: Afternoon LOCATION: Opposite the shop


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Day Planner

y a D R E N AN


We’ve got loads of great seminars lined up this week that will help us explore what it means to follow Jesus in every area of our lives. Check out the day planners to find out who will be speaking on what. Most seminars are 45 minutes except for our Bite Size stream that has some brand new speakers who will be doing talks in under 15 minutes. If you miss a seminar then you’ll find it on our website at the end of the summer (each seminar has a six-digit talk code to help you identify it) or if you’d like to get a full set, pop to the ToolShed this week and order a USB with all the talks. Use the voucher in the back of the programme to get it for £17 instead of £20! 28

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week B: Day 1


What’s happening today? There are no seminars or events this afternoon to give you plenty of time to set up home and get ready for tonight’s main meeting.

What’s going on tonight? 7pm We’ll see you in the Big Top for our first session together! (Talk code 16B101) From 9.15pm All our venues are officially open - woop! They’re a friendly bunch at all of our cafes, why don’t you get them to rustle you up a hot chocolate mountain? (Spoiler alert – they’re amazing!) Have a browse in the ToolShed; we’ve got a bunch of great organisations just waiting for you to pop down and say hey. Check out the sports venue, come and talk to our friendly team in the Chat Room or head to Rewind to kick the week off with a UV party! Our first film for the week is Jurassic World starting at 10pm on the Village Screen.



Day One


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week B: Day 2

Day Two WEEK B

9.30AM-10.15AM Things every emerging leader has to know TIM ALFORD Do you find yourself naturally influencing your friends, rallying people together to get stuff done and taking the lead when no one else will? Then perhaps God has given you a leadership gift! In this seminar we’ll be exploring the key things that every emerging leader should know, do and be in order to develop their gift. Late Night Worship, 16B001

SoulNet breakfast: Innovation and risk RACHEL GARDNER AND MARTIN SAUNDERS If youth ministry is going to really engage with youth culture, then we’re going to need to get creative and we’re going to need to get real. This session asks: what does it mean to be innovative and cutting edge, even in the context of an under-resourced local church youth group? Grounds, 16B002


Loud and clear Part 1 ALI MARTIN Interested in speaking at church? Want to deliver sermons that help people engage with God’s word in fresh and life-changing ways? Come along to this series looking at how we can develop our gifts so we can grow into the best communicators we can be. In this first session Ali will look at how to prepare a talk, how to use the Bible well, and how to find (and stick to) a main focus. Café Uno, 16B003

Me? A missionary? DAN BROWN It can be hard to reconcile the exciting and dangerous stories of missionaries around the world with us being missionaries right where we are. This session will take a look at lessons we can learn from some heroes of the faith and what the Bible says about living out a missional lifestyle. There will be practical tips for how we can shape our lives around seeing others transformed by meeting with Jesus and come away with some plans for being the missionaries God’s called us to be when we get back home. Rewind, 16B004

2:30pm-3:15pm Lion. man. ox. eagle. How to discover your calling by understanding yourself TIM ALFORD We all ask the big question: ‘What is God calling me to do with my life?’ In this seminar you’ll discover how the person God has made you to be impacts the things he is calling you to do. We’ll look at the unique gifts, strengths and experiences God has given each of us and how we can use them to best serve him in the world. Café Uno, 16B005

Leadership for people who aren’t natural leaders JOHN BODILY Wondering if God could ever use you as a leader? He can! Come and be encouraged to grow in leadership as we focus on the qualities God is looking for in potential leaders. Grounds, 16B006

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week B: Day 2


Bite size The gospel: Straight outta Compton? HANNAH STONE Sometimes you find the gospel in the most unlikely of places. Let’s explore why big names like Beyoncé, Kendrick and Kanye use our story of salvation in their music and what we can learn from it. Late Night Worship, 16B007

Who do you think you are? DAN RIGGS What does the Bible say about who we are and how does it affect our everyday life? Late Night Worship, 16B008

Sink or swim? The university challenge. FREDDIE PIMM University can be a challenging environment for us to thrive in with up to 70% of Christians losing their faith during their time at university. Freddie will look at how we can not only keep our heads above the water but actively swim and thrive in our faith at university. Rewind, 16B009

I want to talk to my friends about God, but I don’t know what to say! CLAIRE COOKE How do we start talking to our friends about God? Many of us worry about starting conversations about Jesus because we don’t have all the answers to people’s questions so this seminar will take a look at what we do have to offer and how we can show our friends Jesus as we live alongside them. Soul Action Café, 16B010


Measuring up RUTH WILLIAMS Society tells us what we should look like, what makes us a success and how we need to be if we want to fit in. The Bible has a different perspective so come and take a look at how it frees us from society's expectations. Café Uno, 16B011

The Bible for people who aren’t theologians JOHN BODILY Come and get an overview of the Bible as a whole as well as some simple tips, tools and guidance for getting the most out of it. Grounds, 16B012 Continued... 31

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week B: Day 2


Day Two

What’s happening today?


11am It’s our first morning session together! (Talk code 16B102) From 1pm The showground is yours to explore! Grab a slice of rocky road cheesecake in one of our cafes, get your skates on and head down to the sports venue or browse through the selection of books in the ToolShed. 2pm Serenade us with your sweet sounds at the Bandstand. Chat to one of our hosts to get involved.

Transforming culture FREDDIE PIMM With so many rejecting the Christian faith and its way of life, Freddie will look at how we as the church can deal with this rejection and, rather than being pushed aside, act to transform and shape our culture in the name of Christ. Late Night Worship, 16B013

A few things they left out of the text books BOB WALLINGTON When Jesus returns he’ll no doubt banish GCSEs and A Levels forever! But whilst we’re stuck with them for now, Bob will help us look at a few reasons why our exam results and academic achievements don’t tell the whole story of who we are. We’ll look at the truth of what determines our value, to gain a vision to live and study in the freedom Jesus gives us. Rewind, 16B014 32

Happily ever after? OPEN DOORS When you decide to follow Jesus, life is rosy and all your dreams come true, right? Sadly not. Jesus never promised following him would be easy, and millions of our church family around the world experience the cost of following him every day. Come and hear some incredible and inspiring stories that will help us stick with Jesus when life doesn’t turn out quite the way we want it to. Soul Action Café, 16B015

What’s going on tonight? 7pm Join us for our second evening meeting in the Big Top! (Talk code 16B103) From 9:30pm All the venues are open! Get yourself down to Café Uno for a boogie, chill out in Grounds or shoot some hoops in the sports venue. Head to Rewind to enjoy the Silent Disco! 10pm Tonight’s film at the Village Screen is The Martian. 10:30pm Want to keep worshipping? Head to Late Night Worship!


9:30am-10:15am From vision to transformation NEIL O'BOYLE This seminar will be unpacking what it means to be so passionately in love with Jesus that the world around us is significantly influenced, to the point that we begin to change the culture. We have been called to learn the ways of Jesus and to live out our faith in a real and relevant manner, come along and find out how! Late Night Worship, 16B016

SoulNet breakfast: Priority to the least RACHEL GARDNER AND MARTIN SAUNDERS Culture is changing rapidly and a whole host of new and serious social issues are emerging. How does the average youth worker meaningfully engage with Syrian refugees, young people in poverty, children in care and more – especially when we have a host of other pressing responsibilities on our shoulders? Grounds, 16B017

Loud and clear part 2 ALI MARTIN Continuing the series of how we communicate God’s word Ali will be looking at building clear content and

structure for a talk, using illustrations, and applying the Bible. Café Uno, 16B018

Getting off the Christian rollercoaster BOB WALLINGTON Ever felt like your walk with Jesus is a bit like a rollercoaster where amazing ‘spiritual highs’ are followed by miserable times in the spiritual pit? If you’re fed up of feeling like life is up and down come and be encouraged by some ways you can root your walk with Jesus on solid ground. Rewind, 16B019

How can I know God in a real way? CLAIRE COOKE Sometimes faith in God can feel a bit detached from the ‘real world’. How can we get to know Jesus in a meaningful way today? Let’s explore together how Jesus took the disciples on the adventure of their lives and showed them the reality of the Kingdom of God in their everyday situations. Maybe Jesus has an adventure for us too… Soul Action Café, 16B020

2:30pm-3:15pm Bible life ANDY CROFT We can find the Bible confusing or hard going. It’s difficult to know

where to begin or how to read the Bible without it feeling like chore. How does it become something that breathes life into our relationship with God? Come along for a practical guide to making the Bible a key part of everyday life. Café Uno, 16B021

Prayer Ministry 101 ALI MARTIN Want to find out more about praying for people and seeing God meet with them in amazing ways? Come along to get the low down on prayer ministry, what you might expect to see happen in the main meetings and how you can be a part of seeing God meet with people. Grounds, 16B022

Bite size Where do I fit into God's kingdom and his story? DOM THELAN What might God have to say about each of us, where we fit in to his story and why we matter? How could knowing this impact our future and extend his kingdom in our world? Late Night Worship, 16B023

You're not Tesco Everyday Value AMELIA WITHERS God loves us, right? So how can we allow that love to help us see ourselves in a more positive way? We’ll explore Bible texts that show how God has helped people overcome their self-image problems. Late Night Worship, 16B024



Day Three

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week B: Day 3


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week B: Day 3

Discovering your purpose in life PETE WYNTER Could God have a call on your life? How do you know what it is and where it starts? Whether you've already nailed down your whole life plan, or have no idea what the future holds, this session will help you explore your calling and discover some of the adventures God has in store for you. Rewind, 16B025

God’s perfect worship song DAVID WESTLAKE Amos 5 says, “I’ve had all I can take of your noisy ego-music… Do you know what I want? I want justice— oceans of it. I want fairness—rivers of it. That’s what I want. That’s all I want.” How can we offer God the song that he is looking for? Soul Action Café, 16B026

3:45pm-4:30pm Student reception Heading off to uni? Come and meet others in the same boat to say hello, pray for one another and get some top tips on making the most of student life. Grounds

Sharing your faith when no one cares what you believe NEIL O'BOYLE In this seminar Neil will be exploring how to share Jesus in a relevant, cringe-free and entirely natural way by bringing into play three powerful stories: God’s, ours and the story of the person we’re sharing with. While it 34

may seem that nobody cares what we believe, putting each story into play will draw real interest and could change the way we share our faith forever. Soul Action Café, 16B027

Freedom and healing from rejection JEANNIE MORGAN Many of us suffered some form of rejection or abusive criticism from parents or peers as we were growing up which can cause us to dislike or even reject ourselves. These things can rob us of our self-worth, selfesteem and sense of identity so we’ll look at how this may have affected us and how we can be free to receive what Jesus wants to give us. Prayer ministry will be available. Late Night Worship, 16B028

What’s happening today? 11am Rise and shine, make your way down to the Big Top for this morning’s session. (Talk code 16B104) From 1pm Found yourself a good book yet? See if one takes your fancy in the ToolShed. Shoot some hoops over in sports, grab a slice of something delicious in one of our cafes, or come and see our team in the Chat Room. 4:45pm for 5pm start It’s Colour Chaos! See you at the showring – we’ll be the ones wearing white!

Becoming the leader you were made to be PETE WYNTER Here's an interesting thought: everyone here at Soul Survivor is called to lead. How can that be? With inspiring stories and a compelling vision for what might happen if we all stepped up to influence, Pete will explore what steps we can take to become the kind of leader we were made to be. Rewind, 16B029

No longer slaves - if only! JAMES GRIER The Bethel song ‘No longer slaves’ is loved by many but what if you feel like a total slave to fear? Does that mean you’re not a child of God? In this seminar we will look at the freedom and hope God offers and how we can begin to live in it. We’ll see how we can be real and honest and yet still have faith and believe things that don’t always match our experience. Café Uno, 16B030

What’s going on tonight? 7pm Race you to the Big Top! (Talk code 16B105) From 9:30pm - your favourite dance tunes will be playing in Rewind or you can head to one of our cafes to chill out with your mates. Get stuck in at sports, or hang out on the brilliant XLP bus. 10pm Tonight we’ll be watching Inside Out on The Village Screen. 10.30pm If the weather is good we’ll be singing under the stars for Late Night Worship.

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week B: Day 4


Day Four WEEK B

9.30AM-10.15AM One truth? ANDY CROFT How can we know Christianity is the truth when we haven’t tried all the alternatives? What about our friends of other faiths and no faith? Is what they believe wrong? Can all religions be equally true or is there only one way to God? Come and puzzle through some of these questions. Café Uno, 16B031

SoulNet breakfast: People not programmes RACHEL GARDNER AND MARTIN SAUNDERS Our job as youth workers is to introduce people to Jesus, not to impress them with our Bible knowledge. So how do we strike a balance between planning great youth work, and not making the programme the main thing? Grounds, 16B032

Loud and clear Part 3 ALI MARTIN In the last of this series on being the best communicators we can be, Ali will be focusing on the final stages of preparation, delivery and body language, and what happens after you’ve given a talk. Late Night Worship, 16B033

A year in music What a bunch of losers JAMES GRIER Have you ever noticed that even the greatest people in the Bible made massive mistakes and yet God used them in spite of it? The devil loves to make us think that if we’ve made mistakes we’re no good to God anymore so come and find out about the losers of the Bible who turned out to be winners and see that failure is no barrier to God. Rewind, 16B034

GRAHAM CRAY It’s been another interesting year in music so come and explore what God might be saying through and about the likes of Michael Kiwanuka, Justin Bieber, Rudimental, Corrine Bailey Rae, Laura Mvula, Radiohead, PJ Harvey and Beyonce; as well as the deaths and legacies of two icons - David Bowie and Prince. Soul Action Café, 16B035 Continued...



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week B: Day 4

2:30pm-3:15pm Rescued, restored and raised to be released TICH SMITH Wherever you are, no matter how deep the pit you feel like you’re in, Jesus is there to journey with you. He doesn’t promise to make life easy but he does promise he will walk through the valleys with us. Drawing on his own life story, Tich will encourage us that we worship an amazing, gracious, good and merciful God. Café Uno, 16B036

When grace shows up JOAN SMITH Want to do great things for God? You don’t have to be perfect or highly skilled, you just have to step out of the boat and begin to walk on the water with him! Come and start to imagine the journey of what can happen when God’s grace shows up and turns your life around as you say, ‘Yes Lord – send me.’ Grounds, 16B037


Bite size Effective evangelism DAN CHAPMAN Want your friends to know Jesus but feel like telling them is easier said than done? How could humility and a demonstration of God's power make a difference? Late Night Worship, 16B038

The cost and the call KATIE BAXTER-BROWN Every one of us is called to follow Jesus but sometimes that can be a challenging call. Come and be encouraged that even though it’s not always easy to follow God’s plan, it’s always worth it. Late Night Worship, 16B039

Temptation: a survival guide ANDY CROFT All of us fight a daily battle with temptation - it might be the temptation to lose our temper, to take more than we need or to give into lust. Sometimes it can feel like, even though we’re following Jesus, we’re not changing at all. This is a practical guide for how to resist any temptation! Rewind, 16B040

For the sake of the world burn like a fire in me DAVID WESTLAKE We live in a world crying out for change but what can we actually do? Can we make a difference? As someone famously said, ‘People who say they are too small to make a difference have never shared a bedroom with a mosquito’. But what does it look like to bring change in reality? This is an opportunity to share your stories and hear from frontline experience of responding to the call of God to transform a broken world. Soul Action Cafe, 16B041

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week B: Day 4


3:45pm-4:30pm LIV the journey Stopping off on their UK tour, the brilliant LIV Choir from South Africa will be sharing their story through song and dance and telling you more about South Africa’s orphaned and vulnerable children. Café Uno

Life after Soul Survivor DAN BROWN When we’re all worshipping together God can feel so close; why isn’t normal life like that?! We’ll look at what the Bible says about taking that ‘festival experience’ of God back into our daily lives, how we can keep a radical faith alive at school/college/ work, as well as how to really let the stuff that God teaches us at Soul Survivor change how we live our lives. Grounds, 16B042

Freedom from lies JEANNIE MORGAN The lies of others can cause us to believe things about ourselves that aren’t true and the enemy then uses these beliefs to cause us harm. These beliefs can cause us worry and anxiety so we’ll look at how we can

be free to live the abundant life Jesus promises us. Prayer ministry will be available. Late Night Worship, 16B043

What's your mission style?

What’s happening today? 11am Morning! Get that brekkie down you and we’ll see you in the Big Top. (Talk code 16B106) From 1pm All the venues are now open for you to enjoy! Sports, cafes, the ToolShed and more!

MIRIAM SWAFFIELD We are all made differently but we are all made to share the love of God. Discover how you naturally share Jesus and learn about your style and that of others. There’s even a test you can take at www. to find out more! Rewind, 16B044

100 million buts BOB WALLINGTON So many of us think, ‘Some people do amazing things for God, BUT until I get this problem sorted, he can’t use me.’ What could God do with your life if you stopped telling him you aren’t good enough, sorted enough, old enough, qualified enough, or clever enough? There are 100 million reasons why God probably shouldn’t call us to do amazing things for him, yet he’s calling each of us into an adventure, and we need to learn how to lose the ‘but’ and say yes instead! Soul Action Café, 16B045

What’s going on tonight? 7pm Head over to the Big Top to join Mike, Ali and Andy for worship, teaching and ministry. (Talk code 16B107) From 9:30pm Come and have a chat with us at the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed, take on the Panna football cage challenge in sports, or catch up with your mates in a café. 10pm Star Wars: The Force Awakens is showing on the Village Screen tonight.



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week B: Day 5

Day Five WEEK B

2:30pm-3:15pm The uncomfortable plan for your life MIRIAM SWAFFIELD Where is Jesus taking you and do you really want to go there? God has good plans for us, but they can also feel difficult, confusing and costly. This seminar will provide space for honest chats about what's hard about being a Christian and the adventure of following Jesus' way. Café Uno, 16B046

Bite size Is your God too small? LUCY RAMSDEN Come along to take a look at how we respond to God in light of his immensity. Late Night Worship, 16B048

The holiness of God OLIVER WARNER The Bible tells us that God is holy, but what does that really mean? And how should it impact the way that we live our lives. Late Night Worship, 16B049

Not that kind of girl What the hell? CHRIS LANE What does the Bible teach about heaven and hell? Will there be fire, harps and clouds? What happens when we die? Chris will address these questions and more! Grounds, 16B047 38

RACHEL GARDNER Have you ever found yourself comparing your looks and abilities to other girls? Ever feel under pressure to be perfect? Come for some hopefilled messages from God to help you see that you don’t have to be any kind of girl apart from the one you already are. Don’t settle for decorating this world, change it! Be THAT kind of girl! Rewind, 16B050

God or not? FIONA GREEN When we’re learning to listen to God it’s really helpful to think about what is God’s voice and what might be our own. This seminar will take a fresh, practical and encouraging look at the question, helping you gain confidence in hearing from God. Soul Action Café, 16B051

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week B: Day 5

JOHN WILLIAMS By night five of Soul Survivor many of us seem to go crazier in worship, feel bolder in faith, lose our inhibitions and don’t care what we look like as we let go and respond to God. So what would it look like if we lived like that all the time? What would it take and what might hold us back? Come and find out if you're up for the challenge! Rewind, 16B054

What’s happening today? 10am We’re meeting a bit earlier this morning so that we can share communion together and celebrate all that God has done. (Talk code 16B108) From 1pm We hate to say it but it’s our last afternoon together! Make the most of the ToolShed, grab one more hot chocolate mountain, or head to sports.

Text the bat phone 3:45pm-4:30pm Jesus loves zombies JASON GARDNER What is it with zombies? Films and TV series about the undead taking over the world seem to be taking over the world. Jason will be looking at what these stories say about the world we live in, why they’re so popular, and what Jesus might make of it all. He might also share some tips on how to survive a zombie apocalypse… Café Uno, 16B052

The end of the world as we know it? CHRIS LANE A whistle stop guide to the apocalypse, looking at what Christians through the centuries have believed about the future of the universe, and what on earth it has to do with us today. Grounds, 16B053

FIONA GREEN AND BOB WALLINGTON Got a burning question on the Bible, dating, family/relationships, school/ college/university, sex, or anything else? Text it to 07454 532075 before the start of the seminar and our youth pastors Fiona and Bob will do their best to answer it! Bring your Bible and let’s see what happens! Soul Action Café, 16B055

Women in Leadership ALI MARTIN AND DAVID WESTLAKE We’re passionate about men and women leading alongside each other but for many within the church there is still some confusion about what the Bible has to say about this. Ali and David will be tackling be tackling some of those tricky Bible passages that have caused debate to help us explore what God’s word has to say about women in leadership. Late Night Worship, 16B056

What’s going on tonight? 7pm It’s our last evening session together! Don’t forget to wear your Noah’s Ark fancy dress and come to celebrate all that God has done this week! (Talk code 16B109) From 9:30pm You’ve still got just enough time to grab a great book or CD to take home with you from the ToolShed and to have a final boogie in Café Uno. The Chat Room is also open for you to talk about anything that’s come up this week, or if you’re worried about going home. 10pm Tonight we’ll be watching Avengers: Age of Ultron on The Village Screen. 10.30pm What better way to finish off the week than by worshipping God at Late Night Worship? 39


Living a night 5 life

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week B: Timetable


Seminar Timetable


9.30 am

Loud and clear Part 1 Ali Martin

SoulNet breakfast: Innovation and risk Rachel Gardner and Martin Saunders

Things every emerging leader has to know Tim Alford

Me? A missionary? Dan Brown

2.30 pm

Lion. Man. Ox. Eagle. How to discover your calling by understanding yourself Tim Alford

Leadership for people who aren’t natural leaders John Bodily

Bite size

Sink or swim? The university challenge. Freddie Pimm

I want to talk to my friends about God, but I don’t know what to say! Claire Cooke

3.45 pm

Measuring up Ruth Williams

The Bible for people who aren’t theologians John Bodily

Transforming culture Freddie Pimm

A few things they left out of the text books... Bob Wallington

Happily ever after? Open Doors

9.30 am

Loud and clear Part 2 Ali Martin

SoulNet breakfast: Priority to the least Rachel Gardner and Martin Saunders

From vision to transformation Neil O'Boyle

Getting off the Christian rollercoaster Bob Wallington

How can I know God in a real way? Claire Cooke

Bible life Andy Croft

Prayer ministry 101 Ali Martin

Bite size

Discovering your purpose in life Pete Wynter

God’s perfect worship song David Westlake

No longer slaves - if only! James Grier

Student reception

Freedom and healing from rejection Jeannie Morgan

Becoming the leader you were made to be Pete Wynter

Sharing your faith when no one cares what you believe Neil O'Boyle

1) The gospel: Straight outta Compton 2) Who do you think you are?

1) Where do I fit into God's kingdom and his story? 2) You're not Tesco Everyday Value


soul action cafÉ


2.30 pm

late night worship

CafÉ Uno

3.45 pm

Monday 15th August

Day 3

Sunday 14th August

Day 2


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week B: Timetable


Seminar Timetable LATE NIGHT WORSHIP


9.30 Am

One truth? Andy Croft

SoulNet breakfast: People not programmes Rachel Gardner and Martin Saunders

Loud and clear Part 3 Ali Martin

What a bunch of losers James Grier

A year in music Graham Cray

2.30 pm

Rescued, restored and raised to be released Tich Smith

When grace shows up Joan Smith

Bite size

Temptation: a survival guide Andy Croft

For the sake of the world burn like a fire in me David Westlake

2.30 pm 3.45 pm

LIV the journey LIV Choir

Life after Soul Survivor Dan Brown

Freedom from lies Jeannie Morgan

What's your mission style? Miriam Swaffield

100 million buts Bob Wallington

The uncomfortable plan for your life Miriam Swaffield

What the hell? Chris Lane

Bite size

Not that kind of girl Rachel Gardner

God or not? Fiona Green

3.45 pm

Day 5

Wednesday 17th August

Tuesday 16th August

Day 4


Jesus loves zombies Jason Gardner

The end of the world as we know it? Chris Lane

Women in leadership Ali Martin and David Westlake

Living a night 5 life John Williams

Text the bat phone Fiona Green & Bob Wallington

CafÉ Uno


1) Effective evangelism 2) The cost and the call

1) Is your God too small? 2) The holiness of God

soul action cafÉ



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Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week C: Day 1


Day One WEEK C

What’s happening today? There are no seminars or events this afternoon to give you plenty of time to set up home and get ready for tonight’s main meeting.

What’s going on tonight? 7pm We’ll see you in the Big Top for our first session together! 16C101 From 9.15pm All our venues are officially open - woop! They’re a friendly bunch at all of our cafes, why don’t you get them to rustle you up a hot chocolate mountain? (Spoiler alert – they’re amazing!) Have a browse in the ToolShed; we’ve got a bunch of great organisations just waiting for you to pop down and say hey. Check out the sports venue, come and talk to our friendly team in the Chat Room or head to Rewind to kick the week off with a UV party! Our first film for the week is Jurassic World starting at 10pm on The Village Screen.



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week C: Day 2

Day Two WEEK C

9.30AM-10.15AM When grace shows up JOAN SMITH Want to do great things for God? You don’t have to be perfect or highly skilled, you just have to step out of the boat and begin to walk on the water with him! Come and start to imagine the journey of what can happen when God’s grace shows up and turns your life around as you say, ‘Yes Lord – send me.’ Café Uno, 16C001

SoulNet breakfast: Innovation and risk CHRIS CURTIS AND RACHEL GARDNER If youth ministry is going to really engage with youth culture, then we’re going to need to get creative, and we’re going to need to get real. This session asks: what does it mean to be innovative and cutting edge, even in the context of an under-resourced local church youth group? Grounds, 16C002


Loud and clear Part 1 ALI MARTIN Interested in speaking at church? Want to deliver sermons that help people engage with God’s word in fresh and life-changing ways? Come along to this series looking at how we can develop our gifts so we can grow into the best communicators we can be. In this first session Ali will look at how to prepare a talk, how to use the Bible well, and how to find (and stick to) a main focus. Late Night Worship, 16C003

What the hell? CHRIS LANE What does the Bible teach about heaven and hell? Will there be fire, harps and clouds? What happens when we die? Chris will address these questions and more! Rewind, 16C004

Rescued, restored and raised to be released TICH SMITH Wherever you are, no matter how deep the pit you feel like you’re in, Jesus is there to journey with you. He doesn’t promise to make life easy but he does promise he will walk through the valleys with us. Drawing on his own life story, Tich will encourage us that we worship an amazing, gracious, good and merciful God. Soul Action Café, 16C005

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week C: Day 2


2:30pm-3:15pm Not that kind of girl RACHEL GARDNER Have you ever found yourself comparing your looks and abilities to other girls? Ever feel under pressure to be perfect? Come for some hope-filled messages from God to help you see that you don’t have to be any kind of girl apart from the one you already are. Don’t settle for decorating this world, change it! Be THAT kind of girl! Café Uno, 16C006

From vision to transformation NEIL O'BOYLE This seminar will be unpacking what it means to be so passionately in love with Jesus that the world around us is significantly influenced, to the point that we begin to change the culture. We have been called to learn the ways of Jesus and to live out our faith in a real and relevant manner, come along and find out how! Grounds, 16C007

I want to talk to my friends about God, but I don’t know what to say! CLAIRE COOKE How do we start talking to our friends about God? Many of us worry about starting conversations about Jesus because we don’t have all the answers to people’s questions so this seminar will take a look at what we do have to offer and how we can show our friends Jesus as we live alongside them. Late Night Worship, 16C08

Bible life ANDY CROFT We can find the Bible confusing or hard going. It’s difficult to know where to begin or how to read the Bible without it feeling like chore. How does it become something that breathes life into our relationship with God? Come along for a practical guide to making the Bible a key part of everyday life. Rewind, 16C009

Happily ever after? OPEN DOORS When you decide to follow Jesus, life is rosy and all your dreams come true, right? Sadly not. Jesus never promised following him would be easy, and millions of our church family around the world experience the cost of following him every day. Come and hear some incredible and inspiring stories that will help us stick with Jesus when life doesn’t turn out quite the way we want it to. Soul Action Café, 16C010 Continued...


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week C: Day 2


What’s happening today? 11am It’s our first morning session together! 16C102

3:45pm-4:30pm Sink or swim? The university challenge. FREDDIE PIMM University can be a challenging environment for us to thrive in with up to 70% of Christians losing their faith during their time at university. Freddie will look at how we can not only keep our heads above the water but actively swim and thrive in our faith at university. Rewind, 16C011

Sharing your faith when no one cares what you believe NEIL O'BOYLE In this seminar Neil will be exploring how to share Jesus in a relevant, cringe-free and entirely natural way by bringing into play three powerful stories: God’s, ours and the story of the person we’re sharing with. While it may seem that nobody cares what we believe putting each story into play will draw real interest and could change the way we share our faith forever. Grounds, 16C012


The end of the world as we know it? CHRIS LANE A whistle stop guide to the apocalypse, looking at what Christians through the centuries have believed about the future of the universe, and what on earth it has to do with us today. Late Night Worship, 16C013

From 1pm The showground is yours to explore! Grab a slice of rocky road cheesecake in one of our cafes, get your skates on and head down to the sports venue or browse through the selection of books in the ToolShed. 2pm Serenade us with your sweet sounds at the Bandstand. Chat to one of our hosts to get involved.

LIV the journey Stopping off on their UK tour, the brilliant LIV Choir from South Africa will be sharing their story through song and dance and telling you more about South Africa’s orphaned and vulnerable children. Café Uno

Me? A missionary? DAN BROWN It can be hard to reconcile the exciting and dangerous stories of missionaries around the world with us being missionaries right where we are. This session will take a look at lessons we can learn from some heroes of the faith and what the Bible says about living out a missional lifestyle. There will be practical tips for how we can shape our lives around seeing others transformed by meeting with Jesus and come away with some plans for being the missionaries God’s called us to be when we get back home. Soul Action Café, 16C014

What’s going on tonight? 7pm Join us for our second evening meeting! 16C103 From 9.30pm All the venues are open! Get yourself down to Café Uno for a boogie, chill out in Grounds or shoot some hoops in the sports venue. Head to Rewind if you want to check out the Silent Disco! 10pm Tonight’s film on The Village Screen is The Martian. 10.30pm Want to keep worshipping? Head to Late Night Worship!

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week C: Day 3


Day Three WEEK C

9:30am-10:15am Prayer Ministry 101 ALI MARTIN Want to find out more about praying for people and seeing God meet with them in amazing ways? Come along to get the low down on prayer ministry, what you might expect to see happen in the main meetings and how you can be a part of seeing God meet with people. Café Uno, 16C015

SoulNet breakfast: Priority to the least RACHEL GARDNER AND CHRIS CURTIS Culture is changing rapidly and a whole host of new and serious social issues are emerging. How does the average youth worker meaningfully engage with Syrian refugees, young people in poverty, children in care and more – especially when we have a host of other pressing responsibilities on our shoulders? Grounds, 16C016

A few things they left out of the text books BOB WALLINGTON When Jesus returns he’ll no doubt banish GCSEs and A Levels forever! But whilst we’re stuck with them for

now, Bob will help us look at a few reasons why our exam results and academic achievements don’t tell the whole story of who we are. We’ll look at the truth of what determines our value, to gain a vision to live and study in the freedom Jesus gives us. Rewind, 16C017

2:30pm-3:15pm One truth? ANDY CROFT How can we know Christianity is the truth when we haven’t tried all the alternatives? What about our friends of other faiths and no faith? Is what they believe wrong? Can all religions be equally true or is there only one way to God? Come and puzzle through some of these questions. Café Uno, 16C018

Transforming culture

Bite size Fear: A burden you were never intended to carry MATT BENN Come and take a look at fear and what Jesus modelled we should do when fear stops us in our tracks. Late Night Worship, 16C020

Founding foundations in Jesus KATIE YOUNG Does your faith ever feel separate from the rest of your life? Sometimes it can feel like we put God in a box, thinking we’ll only meet with him at church and doubt his day-to-day presence. What’s the solution? We need to build our foundations in Jesus, but what exactly does that mean and, more importantly, how do we do it? Late Night Worship, 16C021 Continued...

FREDDIE PIMM With so many rejecting the Christian faith and its way of life, Freddie will look at how we as the church can deal with this rejection and, rather than being pushed aside, act to transform and shape our culture in the name of Christ. Grounds, 16C019 47


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week C: Day 3

Life after Soul Survivor DAN BROWN When we’re all worshipping together God can feel so close; why isn’t normal life like that?! We’ll look at what the Bible says about taking that ‘festival experience’ of God back into our daily lives, how we can keep a radical faith alive at school/college/work, as well as how to really let the stuff that God teaches us at Soul Survivor change how we live our lives. Rewind, 16C022

God’s perfect worship song DAVID WESTLAKE Amos 5 says, “I’ve had all I can take of your noisy ego-music… Do you know what I want? I want justice— oceans of it. I want fairness—rivers of it. That’s what I want. That’s all I want.” How can we offer God the song that he is looking for? Soul Action Café, 16C023

3:45pm-4.30pm Jesus loves zombies JASON GARDNER What is it with zombies? Films and TV series about the undead taking over the world seem to be taking over the world. Jason will be looking at what these stories say about the world we live in, why they’re so popular, and what Jesus might make of it all. He might also share some tips on how to survive a zombie apocalypse… Café Uno, 16C024

Student reception Heading off to uni? Come and meet others in the same boat to say 48

hello, pray for one another and get some top tips on making the most of student life. Grounds

Freedom and healing from rejection JEANNIE MORGAN Many of us suffered some form of rejection or abusive criticism from parents or peers as we were growing up which can cause us to dislike or even reject ourselves. These things can rob us of our self-worth, self-esteem and sense of identity so we’ll look at how this may have affected us and how we can be free to receive what Jesus wants to give us. Prayer Ministry will be available. Late Night Worship, 16C025

What’s happening today? 11am Rise and shine, make your way down to the Big Top venue for this morning’s session. 16C104 From 1pm Found yourself a good book yet? See if one takes your fancy in the ToolShed. Shoot some hoops over in sports, grab a slice of something delicious in one of our cafes, or come and see our team in the Chat Room. Show off your talents at the Bandstand from 4pm. 4:45pm for a 5pm start Join us at the showring for Colour Chaos!

How can I know God in a real way? CLAIRE COOKE Sometimes faith in God can feel a bit detached from the ‘real world’. How can we get to know Jesus in a meaningful way today? Let’s explore together how Jesus took the disciples on the adventure of their lives and showed them the reality of the Kingdom of God in their everyday situations. Maybe Jesus has an adventure for us too… Rewind, 16C026

Loud and clear Part 2 ALI MARTIN Continuing the series of how we communicate God’s word Ali will be looking at building clear content and structure for a talk, using illustrations, and applying the Bible. Soul Action Café, 16C027

What’s going on tonight? 7pm Race you to the main meeting! 16C105 From 9.30pm – your favourite dance tunes will be playing in Rewind or you can head to one of our cafes to chill out with your mates. Get stuck in at sports, or hang out on the brilliant XLP bus. 10pm Tonight we’ll be watching Inside Out on the Village Screen. 10.30pm If the weather is good we’ll be singing under the stars for Late Night Worship.

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week C: Day 4


Day Four WEEK C

9.30am-10.15am Loud and clear Part 3 ALI MARTIN In the last of this series on being the best communicators we can be, Ali will be focusing on the final stages of preparation, delivery and body language, and what happens after you’ve given a talk. Café Uno, 16C028

SoulNet breakfast: People not programmes

Getting off the Christian rollercoaster

CHRIS CURTIS AND RACHEL GARDNER Our job as youth workers is to introduce people to Jesus, not to impress them with our Bible knowledge. So how do we strike a balance between planning great youth work, and not making the programme the main thing? Grounds, 16C029

BOB WALLINGTON Ever felt like your walk with Jesus is a bit like a rollercoaster where amazing ‘spiritual highs’ are followed by miserable times in the spiritual pit? If you’re fed up of feeling like life is up and down come and be encouraged by some ways you can root your walk with Jesus on solid ground. Rewind, 16C030 Continued... 49


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week C: Day 4

2:30pm-3:15pm Temptation: a survival guide ANDY CROFT All of us fight a daily battle with temptation - it might be the temptation to lose our temper, to take more than we need or to give into lust. Sometimes it can feel like, even though we’re following Jesus, we’re not changing at all. This is a practical guide for how to resist any temptation! Café Uno, 16C031

The call ADRIAN BEAVIS AND VANESSA KERSWILL Ever wondered whether you’re called into ordained ministry but can't work out if it's from God or your own imagination? Come and join Adrian (called aged 16, now ordained 16 years) and Vanessa (who worked for a number of charities before she was called four years ago and is now training to be ordained) as we explore what it means to be called and trained as a priest in the Church of England. Everyone is welcome, whether just beginning the journey, just interested, or already feeling that you’ve heard the call. Grounds, 16C032 50

Bite size Trusting God BEN LAYZELL Sharing from personal experience of a family tragedy that partially broke his relationship with God, Ben will be taking a look at some psalms and the book of Mark to explore what it really means to trust in God. Late Night Worship, 16C033

Finding wise counsel SAM HARRISON This session will take a look at the importance of finding people who will be honest with us, encourage us, and challenge us. Late Night Worship, 16C034

In a world of suffering how can we believe in a loving God? KRISH KANDIAH Stephen Fry recently called God “an evil, capricious, monster” because of suffering in the world such as bone cancer in children. Krish will be helping us look at how we can respond gracefully to the problem of suffering. Rewind, 16C035

For the sake of the world burn like a fire in me DAVID WESTLAKE We live in a world crying out for change but what can we actually do? Can we make a difference? As someone famously said, ‘People who say they are too small to make a difference have never shared a bedroom with a mosquito’. But what does it look like to bring change in reality? This is an opportunity to share your stories and hear from frontline experience of responding to the call of God to transform a broken world. Soul Action Café, 16C036

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week C: Day 4


What’s happening today? 11am Morning! Get that brekkie down you and we’ll see you in the main meeting. 16C106 From 1pm All the venues are now open for you to enjoy. Sports, cafes, the ToolShed and more!

3.45pm-4.30pm Has science disproved God? KRISH KANDIAH Many think that science puts Christians on the defensive but how might science actually point us towards God rather than away from him? Café Uno, 16C037

No longer slaves - if only! JAMES GRIER The Bethel song ‘No longer slaves’ is loved by many but what if you feel like a total slave to fear? Does that mean you’re not a child of God? In this seminar we will look at the freedom and hope God offers and how we can begin to live in it. We’ll see how we can be real and honest and yet still have faith and believe things that don’t always match our experience. Grounds, 16C038

Freedom from lies JEANNIE MORGAN The lies of others can cause us to believe things about ourselves that aren’t true and the enemy then uses these beliefs to cause us harm. These beliefs can cause us worry and

Get involved in the Soul Action Fun Run from 5.30pm! anxiety so we’ll look at how we can be free to live the abundant life Jesus promises us. Prayer ministry will be available. Late Night Worship, 16C039

What's your mission style? MIRIAM SWAFFIELD We are all made differently but we are all made to share the love of God. Discover how you naturally share Jesus and learn about your style and that of others. There’s even a test you can take at www. to find out more! Rewind, 16C040

100 million buts BOB WALLINGTON So many of us think, ‘Some people do amazing things for God, BUT until I get this problem sorted, he can’t use me.’ What could God do with your life if you stopped telling him you aren’t good enough, sorted enough, old enough, qualified enough, or clever enough? There are 100 million reasons why God probably shouldn’t call us to do amazing things for him, yet he’s calling each of us into an adventure, and we need to learn how to lose the ‘but’ and say yes instead! Soul Action Café, 16C041

What’s going on tonight? 7pm Head over to the main meeting to join Mike, Ali and Andy for worship, teaching and ministry. 16C107 From 9.30pm Come and have a chat with us at the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed, take on the Panna football cage challenge in sports, or catch up with your mates in a café. 10pm Star Wars: The Force Awakens is showing on the Village Screen tonight.



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week C: Day 5

Day Five WEEK C


Bite size

God or not?

Extraordinary faith in ordinary days

FIONA GREEN When we’re learning to listen to God it’s really helpful to think about what is God’s voice and what might be our own. This seminar will take a fresh, practical and encouraging look at the question, helping you gain confidence in hearing from God. Rewind, 16C042

AMELIA ROGERS We have an extraordinary God so our faith shouldn't be predictable and safe. We’ll explore how we can start to live out the extraordinary adventure he has for us in what may seem like just ordinary days. Late Night Worship, 16C043

Burdens TIM HICKLING We often carry lots of burdens from worrying what our friends think of us to being confused about what to do with the rest of our lives. What does Jesus have to say about all of this and how can he set us free? Late Night Worship, 16C044


The uncomfortable plan for your life MIRIAM SWAFFIELD Where is Jesus taking you and do you really want to go there? God has good plans for us, but they can also feel difficult, confusing and costly. This seminar will provide space for honest chats about what's hard about being a Christian and the adventure of following Jesus' way. Rewind, 16C045

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week C: Day 5

GRAHAM CRAY It’s been another interesting year in music so come and explore what God might be saying through and about the likes of Michael Kiwanuka, Justin Bieber, Rudimental, Corrine Bailey Rae, Laura Mvula, Radiohead, PJ Harvey and Beyonce; as well as the deaths and legacies of two icons - David Bowie and Prince. Grounds, 16C048

What’s happening today? 10am We’re meeting a bit earlier this morning so that we can share communion together and celebrate all that God has done. (Talk code 16B108) From 1pm We hate to say it but it’s our last afternoon together! Make the most of the ToolShed, grab one more hot chocolate mountain, or head to sports.

3.45pm-4.30pm What a bunch of losers Women in Leadership JAMES GRIER Have you ever noticed that even the greatest people in the Bible made massive mistakes and yet God used them in spite of it? The devil loves to make us think that if we’ve made mistakes we’re no good to God anymore so come and find out about the losers of the Bible who turned out to be winners and see that failure is no barrier to God. Café Uno, 16C046

Text the bat phone FIONA GREEN AND BOB WALLINGTON Got a burning question on the Bible, dating, family relationships, school/ college/university, sex, or anything else? Text it to 07454 532075 before the start of the seminar and our youth pastors Fiona and Bob will do their best to answer it! Bring your Bible and let’s see what happens! Rewind, 16C047

ALI MARTIN AND DAVID WESTLAKE We’re passionate about men and women leading alongside each other but for many within the church there is still some confusion about what the Bible has to say about this. Ali and David will be tackling some of those tricky Bible passages that have caused debate to help us explore what God’s word has to say about women in leadership. Soul Action Café, 16C049

What’s going on tonight? 7pm It’s our last evening session together! Don’t forget to wear your Noah’s Ark fancy dress and come to celebrate all that God has done this week! (Talk code 16B109) From 9:30pm You’ve still got just enough time to grab a great book or CD to take home with you from the ToolShed and to have a final boogie in Café Uno. The Chat Room is also open for you to talk about anything that’s come up this week, or if you’re worried about going home. 10pm Tonight we’ll be watching Avengers: Age of Ultron on the Village Screen. 10.30pm What better way to finish off the week than by worshipping God at Late Night Worship?



A year in music

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week C: Timetable


Seminar Timetable


9.30 am

When grace shows up Joan Smith

SoulNet breakfast: Innovation and risk Chris Curtis and Rachel Gardner

Loud and clear Part 1 Ali Martin

What the hell? Chris Lane

Rescued, restored and raised to be released Tich Smith

2.30 pm

Not that kind of girl Rachel Gardner

From vision to transformation Neil O'Boyle

I want to talk to my friends about God, but I don’t know what to say! Claire Cooke

Bible life Andy Croft

Happily ever after? Open Doors

3.45 pm

LIV the journey LIV Choir

Sharing your faith when no one cares what you believe Neil O'Boyle

The end of the world as we know it? Chris Lane

Sink or swim? The university challenge. Freddie Pimm

Me? A missionary? Dan Brown

9.30 am


soul action cafÉ


Prayer ministry 101 Ali Martin

SoulNet breakfast: Priority to the least Chris Curtis and Rachel Gardner

2.30 pm

late night worship

CafÉ Uno

One truth? Andy Croft

Transforming culture Freddie Pimm

Bite size

3.45 pm

Sunday 21st August

Day 3

Saturday 20th August

Day 2


Jesus loves zombies Jason Gardner

Student reception

Freedom and healing from rejection Jeannie Morgan

A few things they left out of the text books Bob Wallington

1) Fear: A burden you were never intended to carry 2) Founding foundations in Jesus

Life after Soul Survivor Dan Brown

God’s perfect worship song David Westlake

How can I know God in a real way? Claire Cooke

Loud and clear Part 2 Ali Martin

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Week C: Timetable


Seminar Timetable

9.30 Am

Loud and clear Part 3 Ali Martin

SoulNet breakfast: People not programmes Chris Curtis and Rachel Gardner

2.30 pm

soul action cafÉ


Temptation: a survival guide Andy Croft

The call Adrian Beavis and Vanessa Kerswill

Bite size 1) Trusting God 2) Finding wise counsel

In a world of suffering how can we believe in a loving God? Krish Kandiah

For the sake of the world burn like a fire in me David Westlake

2.30 pm 3.45 pm


CafÉ Uno

Has science disproved God? Krish Kandiah

No longer slaves - if only! James Grier

Freedom from lies Jeannie Morgan

What's your mission style? Miriam Swaffield

100 million buts Bob Wallington

Bite size 1) Extraordinary faith in ordinary days 2) Burdens

The uncomfortable plan for your life Miriam Swaffield

3.45 pm

Tuesday 23rd August

Day 5

Monday 22nd August

Day 4


What a bunch of losers James Grier

God or not? Fiona Green

A year in music Graham Cray

REWIND Getting off the Christian rollercoaster Bob Wallington

Text the bat phone Fiona Green and Bob Wallington

Women in leadership Ali Martin and David Westlake




LIV t he jo urne the L y wit IV Ch h 3.45p oir, Day 2 m in t h e Big T op



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Who's Who?

Tim Alford Tim is the National Director of Serious4God, the youth movement of Elim Pentecostal Churches. He is a passionate communicator of the gospel, having spoken at churches, conferences and events all over the world. Tim is the former frontman of [dweeb], a frustrated supporter of Arsenal, and admits that on more than one occasion he has been to the cinema in Star Wars fancy dress.

John Bodily John is the Newcomers and Evangelism Pastor at Trent Vineyard in Nottingham. He’s partial to a bit of duck and orange pate, is a little bit scared of dogs but does great impersonations of cats, clocks and dripping water!

Dan Brown Dan recently left his job leading a network of Christian youth projects in Sheffield to take a small team to lead a church on the edge of the city. He is married to Sarah and they have three children. 56

Bishop Graham Cray Before retiring Graham was Principal of Ridley Hall, then Bishop of Maidstone, before becoming the Archbishop’s Missioner and the leader of the Fresh Expressions team. He is a big fan of music and heads up the Soul Survivor board of Trustees which means it’s his job to keep Mike P in line.

Claire Cooke Claire is training to be an Ordained Pioneer Minister and leads a team that is exploring different ways to plant churches with young adults in a semi-rural area. Claire loves having adventures with her husband Jim, their two daughters and their puppy.

Andy Croft Andy leads Soul Survivor and our associated church Soul Survivor Watford alongside Mike (you might want to pray for him…) He’s married to Beth, dad to Josiah and they have another little Crofty on the way. Andy

is a fan of complicated theology books, good tweet-able quotes and working out to the Rocky soundtrack.

Beth Croft Beth has been part of the Soul Survivor worship team for many years leading and heading up teams at both our conferences and our church. She is married to Andy, mum to Josiah, and – as you may notice from her bump – they have another little Crofty on the way. Beth loves a good DIY project and winning bids on eBay, plus she’s the proud owner of a Maths degree.

Chris Curtis Chris has been a youth worker for longer than he can remember – which turns out to be about thirty years. He works for Youthscape, a national charity that’s focussed on innovation in Christian youth ministry.

Jason Gardner Jason is an ordained minister working as a curate for St Peter’s

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Who's Who?


Harrow. He’s married to Rachel and they have one daughter; he loves films, music, a bit of sci- fi, the odd graphic novel and - when he finds time - doing a bit of song-writing.

Rachel Gardner Rachel is a youth worker, a champion for adoption and fostering, President of the Girls Brigade England & Wales, a writer, part of the mighty Youthscape team, a wife and a mum. All of this busyness is fuelled by an addiction to flat whites.

Fiona Green Fiona has been the youth pastor at Christ Church in Chorleywood for the last five years and is currently taking a year out to spend time with her new daughter.

James Grier James leads Unlimited Church in Devon, which exists for young people who have no interest in church. He’s also a Diocesan Youth Adviser and Chair of the trustees for South West Youth Ministries (SWYM)

which trains and resources youth, children and family workers. He’s married to Liz and they have two great boys, Josh and Toby.

Chris Lane Chris leads Langworthy Community Church in Salford. He is married to Esther and is teaching his three children to follow Jesus and Manchester United, in that order. He’s happiest when reading a theology book whilst eating Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.

Ali Martin Ali is part of the Leadership Team at Soul Survivor and our associated church Soul Survivor Watford. Her great loves in life include Aussie husband Joel, their two kids Will and Esther, pick ‘n’ mix, and disaster movies. She’s the author of the book ‘Loud & Clear’, loves to whip up a feast for her friends and – despite her love of make-up - is pretty sure she could last 18 years in the wilderness Bear Grylls style.

Jeannie Morgan Jeannie’s been part of the Soul Survivor crew since the very beginning and spends her time encouraging and training people in prayer ministry, particularly inner healing. She’s the author of three books including ‘Our Hands, His Healing: A Practical Guide to Prayer Ministry and Inner Healing’.

Neil O'Boyle Neil became a Christian through Youth for Christ when he was at school and is now the National Director of British YFC. He is passionate about evangelism, is married to Joy and they have four kids.

Open Doors Open Doors have been working with persecuted Christians for 60 years since Brother Andrew first smuggled Bibles in Communist Europe. They now work in over 50 countries providing Bibles, Christian materials, and training, as well as doing advocacy work to help those who suffer because they follow Jesus. 57


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Who's Who?

Mike Pilavachi Mike heads up Soul Survivor and our associated church Soul Survivor Watford. He loves beating* Andy at squash (*he may have a different definition of ‘beating’ than the rest of us), growing grape vines, and telling terrible jokes such as: ‘I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. And then it dawned on me…’

Freddie Pimm Freddie is a junior doctor working and living in London. When he’s not working/striking he hangs out with the students at his church, St Albans Fulham. He loves talking, especially about his two passions: great food and great hair.

Martin Saunders Martin has spent 15 years in youth ministry and is the author of ‘The Beautiful Disciplines’ and ‘Youthwork from Scratch’. He works for Youthscape, a national charity that’s focussed on innovation in Christian youth ministry. 58

Tich and Joan Smith Tich and Joan began LIV village in South Africa which is home to hundreds of orphaned and vulnerable children. You can read their amazing story in their new book ‘When Grace Showed Up’. They have four children and eight grandchildren.

Tom Smith Tom heads up all things worship at Soul Survivor and Soul Survivor Watford having previously been part of the team at Holy Trinity Brompton and Worship Central. Tom is married to Susi, is a fan of Tottenham Hotspur and loves salted caramel ice cream.

Miriam Swaffield Miriam leads the student mission stuff for Fusion, a movement that connects students to church through and helps this generation share Jesus with their mates. She travels a lot, loves the local church and thinks she's more of a surfer than she actually is.

Bob Wallington Bob is the Youth Pastor at Soul Survivor Watford. He’s married to Tabi and this year he became a dad. He loves sport, movies, the sea and seeing young people living out adventures with Jesus. He can neither confirm nor deny that when he was eight years old he used to steal beer from Mike’s fridge…

David Westlake David is the International Director at Tearfund and heads up Soul Action, as well as being a co-founder and the chair of the Cinnamon Network. In the autumn he’ll be taking up a new role as the CEO of International Justice Mission UK. He’s husband to Minu, Dad (and taxi service) to Ellie and is studying for a doctorate in Theology and Missiology.

John Williams John is the Senior Pastor of Primrose Hill Community Church in Dudley, West Midlands. He loves hanging out with people, hearing

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Who's Who?

Ruth Williams Ruth is a senior leader at Primrose Hill Community Church in Dudley, where she oversees the Youth and Children's ministries and is a Deputy Headteacher. She is married to John and mum to Melody and Noah.

Pete Wynter Pete is the founder of the young leaders organisation Onelife, a Curate at HTB and the Director of the HTB Leadership College London. He's married to Sarah, loves family life with his children, spending time in Cornwall and playing as much sport as possible!

Bite size WEEK B

Katie BaxterBrown Katie is 18 and has just finished her A Levels. Over the past year she has been working closely with the youth department at her church in Salisbury.

Matt Benn Matt is the Youth Intern at Soul Survivor Watford and next year he'll be studying at a film school in London. He loves playing drums, drinking coffee and bingeing on Netflix.

Lucy Ramsden Lucy is studying music, English, history and maths at a sixth form in Oxford. She is part of St Aldates church and loves reading, and playing the flute and double bass.

Dan Riggs Dan loves to hang out with friends, play sports and make fires on the beach. This year he’s helped lead a Christian Union in his school and is passionate about raising up fellow young leaders in the church.

Hannah Stone Hannah is 18 and has just finished her A2s. She loves music and is especially fascinated by hip-hop culture and how the gospel has woven itself into it. She also enjoys playing netball and cooking.

Oliver Warner Oliver lives by the sea in sunny Bournemouth and in September will be starting A-Levels in Philosophy & Ethics, Health & Social Care, and French. His hobbies involve fixing/dismantling computers and reading books.

Amelia Withers Amelia is 15, lives in Oxford and loves to express herself using makeup and colour!



their stories, dreaming big dreams, and trying to follow after God’s heart. John is married to Ruth and they have two amazing kids, Melody and Noah.

Sam Harrison Sam is just finishing his year on the Soul61 leadership course where he has been doing the worship stream. He loves playing drums and keys, running and curry.

Tim Hickling Tim is 19 and a student on our Soul 61 leadership course. He loves cooking (and eating) Italian food and playing John Mayer songs with his flatmates.

Ben Layzell Ben is 19 years old and loves all types of sports as well as food technology and cooking. Having finished his A levels, he’s currently on a gap year, travelling as one of Mike’s interns.

Amelia Rogers Amelia is 16 and from Salisbury where she’s been part of St Paul’s church for the last two years.

Dom Thelan Dom is in his first year at university in Oxford studying Theology. He’s passionate about football, friends, and seeing people realise their true identity.

Katie Young Katie is 16 years old and will start her A-Levels in September.

Dan Chapman Dan is 17 and studying for his A levels. He’s part of Christ Church Chorleywood where he is on the youth ministry team and helps with the tech. 59


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Things To Know

Seminar changes

In an emergency Try not to panic, just give Info a ring on 0300 302 0330 (alternatively you can pop in if you’re nearby or ask any member of team that has a radio to contact them for you) and they will swing into action. Please DON’T call emergency services yourself as this can cause a delay in help getting to the right place.

Info Want to buy a day pass? Broken or lost a wristband? Got a question about local facilities? Pop in and see our team in Info who’d be happy to help. TIMES: Days 1-5: 8am – midnight You can also reach them by phone on 0303 333 1333.

Soul Survivor app All of the info in this lovely programme can also be found in our online app. It’s free to download so just search for Soul Survivor in your app store, then once you’re in the app click on ‘download guides’ and pick the appropriate week. Easy!


We sometimes have to change seminars at short notice but if we do we’ll let you know in the main meetings. If you miss a talk you wanted to hear you’ll be able to catch it on our website after the events.

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Things To Know


Running low on juice? You’ll find some handy USB charging points in our cafes so you can top up while you enjoy your favourite venue. Charging is free but please don’t leave your phone unattended in case someone else takes a shine to it.

Stewards are easy to identify by their fluorescent yellow jackets and their beautiful faces. They do an amazing job in keeping us all safe here at Soul Survivor so please do follow their instructions and don’t forget to flash them your wristband as you enter venues.

Facilities for hearingimpaired The Big Top has a loop system facility. Please ask an usher (those fine folk who wear bright orange jackets) where the best place to sit will be. Please note, we are currently working on provision for the main meetings to be signed.

Additional needs If anyone in your group has any additional needs, please pop into Info and chat to our special needs co-ordinator so we can work together to make sure they have the best week possible.

WI-FI To keep you connected there is free wifi in the main areas of the showground i.e. in the cafes and around the food court. Just select the ‘SoulFi’ network.

CASH POINT The nearest cashpoint is at the Tesco supermarket (BA4 5SB) which is a five minute drive from here.


Phone charging

Village Hosts Wristbands ‘You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace.’ These lovely words from Isaiah 55 may well have been written to indicate the kind of welcome you can expect around Soul Survivor when you are wearing your wristband! We can’t guarantee the mountains and hills bursting into song for you but we’re pretty sure that if you show your wristband to our lovely stewards they will wave you into the venues with their sunniest smile. If you break your wristband please come to Info with the broken pieces and we’ll get you a new one for £1. If you lose the whole thing then there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth as you will have to pay £40 for a replacement. It’s important that everyone wears the correct wristband so they can be identified in case of an emergency so please don’t swap wristbands with anyone else. If for any reason you have the wrong one, please pop to Info so we can sort that out for you.

Your village hosts are there to make you feel at home and should be your first port of call if you have any questions, if you need to borrow a mallet to sort out your tent pegs, or if you fancy a hot chocolate and a chat.

Lost property Wondering where your wallet is? Misplaced your mobile? Can’t find your coat? Come along to Info and we’ll try and reunite you. We give non-valuable items to a local charity on the morning of Day 6 so please make sure you pop in for anything you’ve misplaced before that. We take valuable items (Bibles, phones, wallets) back to our office in Watford and share them out amongst ourselves. Kidding. We’ll keep them safe for you so please get in contact if you’d like to be reunited (lostproperty@ or call 0303 333 1333). Please note that once Week C finishes on the 23rd August our office will be closed for a while to give us time to recover from all the fun and will reopen with a small team after the Bank Holiday. Please bear with us if it takes a while for us to respond. 61


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Things To Know

Onsite shop

Gas man

Never judge a book by its cover or a shop by its shed-like exterior because as unassuming as this shop may look, it’s actually a treasure trove of goodies. Within its four walls you’ll find fresh baked bread and pastries, essentials like toothpaste, plus sandwiches, crisps, ice creams, chocolate and more.

Out of gas? Fear not, just pop along to see the Gas Man on the Orange village near the main gate. Times will be advertised there.

Food vans Check out the delights of the wonderful food vans that will be offering burgers, baguettes, hot doughnuts, smoothies, chips, Chinese and plenty more!

Food deliveries Supermarket There’s a huge Tesco a five minute drive away in Shepton Mallet that stocks almost anything you could ever possibly need. Head left out of the main gate and follow the A371 into the centre of Shepton Mallet. If you need the postcode it’s BA4 5SB. 62

If you’d like to have your shopping delivered please give the store your phone number and arrange to meet them at the main gate as unfortunately we can’t accept shopping on your behalf. The address is: Your name and camping village Royal Bath & West Showground Somerset, BA4 6QN

Ice packs You can exchange freezer packs for free or buy new ones for for £2 on the side of the sports venue from 9-9.30am and 5-5.30pm.

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Health And Safety


We know this is your favourite page in the entire programme – who doesn’t love a few health and safety regs?!

FIRE REGS If you’re using a tent for cooking please make sure that it is 3 meters away from all other tents in order to comply with fire safety regulations. Our lovely village hosts will be on hand if you get your meters and yards confused. If you have a BBQ please make sure it is placed on a hard-standing surface and not directly on the ground. Please don’t use BBQs inside tents, have an open fire, set off fireworks or use Chinese lanterns. Thanks.

FIRST AID AND SICKNESS For everyday issues (such as headaches and small cuts) please see your group leader who should have a good supply of pain killers and plasters. For anything more serious pop along to see our medical team of first aiders, doctors and nurses by the main gate. They are available from 9am till midnight. In an emergency please ring 0300 302 0330 (this number is also on your wristband) – please do not contact the emergency services yourself as this can delay help getting to you. Ongoing medical conditions – please pop in and make our First Aid team aware of any ongoing medical conditions that may need attention while you’re here at Soul Survivor. The team can also store any medication for you. If you fall ill with diarrhoea and/or vomiting, please say in your tent and contact the first aid team through your group leader. Don’t forget the basics! Washing your hands thoroughly and using antibacterial gel can help keep bugs away and help us all stay happy campers.

Road safety The showground is situated on the A371 which can get very busy. Please don’t try and walk along it – there are lots of lorries day and night and there isn’t a clear pathway for pedestrians. 63

Aged 18-30? Wondering what God is calling you to? The Church of England Ministry Experience Scheme (CEMES)

offers the chance to experience ministry first hand and explore if this is for you. The Church of England Ministry Experience Scheme offers placements in churches around the country for those aged 18 to 30 who wish to explore their calling. Based in parishes, you will be with a group of similar young adults, providing plenty of opportunity to share your experiences and learn together. The scheme includes practical experience of ministry, personal reflection and theological learning at a level suitable for each individual. We welcome all enquirers and are particularly keen to attract Black, Asian and minority ethnic people, young women and people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds as these groups are under-represented. Applications for placements starting in September 2016 are open. Placements are applied for separately in each diocese. Practical arrangements vary and the schemes aim to make generous provision for accommodation, food and expenses.

Visit for information on each diocesan scheme

/cofeyoungvocations @cofecalling

Starting university in September? Link up to your university Christian Union and you will receive a warm welcome from the Christian Union upon arrival at uni, be introduced to a local church and meet Christian students who will help you to live for Jesus. Use the link-up website to connect with your university Christian Union and we’ll also send you a free copy of Uncover - Starting Uni Edition gospel. #StartingUni



Uncover Starting Uni Edition Gospel

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Offering


As part of our worship we take up an offering during the main evening meeting on Day 4. All the money given will be split equally between young leaders, the persecuted church and Soul Action projects. Please don’t feel under any pressure to give but if you would like to just follow the instructions given during the meeting. Gift Aid envelopes will be available for everyone who is lucky enough to pay tax so please fill one in and help us to claim an extra 25p for every pound that you give. Please make any cheques payable to Soul Survivor.

Raising up young leaders

Persecuted church

Soul Action

We love working with young people who love God and long to serve him and his church. Every year we run a ten-month Soul61 leadership course, as well as a number of one-day conferences to invest in future church leaders/ planters, worship leaders and speakers.

Around the world many of our Christian brothers and sisters are persecuted for their faith. They aren’t allowed to meet together or own a Bible and can be tortured, arrested, imprisoned and even killed for their faith. We work with a number of underground churches in Central Asia to encourage Christians who are following Jesus in the most difficult of circumstances.

Soul Action is a partnership run between us and Tearfund to help each of us find ways to stand up against injustice. We work in some of the world’s poorest communities, and this year we are inviting you to be Game Changers in order to help provide access to education. Come to the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed to find out more.

You can also drop any donations into Info during the week.



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Support Soul Survivor



If you love what we do, we’d love for you to get involved and partner with us! We are a small charity and we need financial support and lots of volunteers to be able to make Soul Survivor happen. However young or old you are and however much (or little!) time or money you have, there are ways you could be a huge blessing to our work...


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Support Soul Survivor




We need thousands of volunteers every summer to give their time and energy to make everything run smoothly. We have teams that do everything from saying hello to people on the gate when they arrive, to making meals that feed all the other volunteers, to giving first aid in our medical centre. There are roles to suit everyone, although you do need to be over 16 (and over 18 for many teams). Check out our website for more info on each team and how to apply.


Every penny that is given to us makes a difference and if Soul Survivor has been a blessing to you, we’d love for you to consider setting up a standing order to support us on a monthly basis. It doesn’t have to be a huge amount to help us out, if hundreds of people were able to give a few pounds it would soon add up. One-off donations are also hugely appreciated, as is any fundraising you can do on our behalf.

We’d love for you to pray that God would meet with people at our events as that’s the whole reason we exist! We long for more people to know Jesus and for all of us to go deeper in relationship with him. We’d also love for you to pray for us that we could follow where God wants to lead us and that we’d be obedient to him.

You can give online at

Please help us spread the word about Soul Survivor through social media. Let your mates know if you’d had a great time and invite them to come and join us next year!

If you’re a fan of internet shopping you can raise money for us without it costing you a penny! Head to and select Soul Survivor as your cause, then click through to your favourite shops as usual. Each time you click, the shops will donate to us – isn’t that nice of them?! Head to the give section of our website to find out more and get involved – we’d love to partner with you!



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Soul Action

A C T I ON Soul Action is the bit of Soul Survivor that exists to help us all do something about issues of injustice and poverty. Get Involved Take up the Game Changers Challenges, a series of activities which help you to learn about the need for transformation in education around the world. If you complete the challenges, you get a free hot drink in the Soul Action Café! Pick up your Challenges card from the Soul Action Stand. 28/06/2016




Seminars 28/06/2016


Check out David Westlake’s seminars on Days 3 and 4! 28/06/2016








Fundraising We have lots of fun ways to fundraise for Soul Action. You could get sponsored for doing the Fun Run on Day 4. And with your youth group, you could do our popular challenges ‘Slum Survivor’ and ‘Different Shoes’, find out more on our website.

WristbanD Grab a Game Changers wristband from the Soul Action stand. You’ll be supporting education initiatives as well as making the statement that you want to be a game changer!

Soul Action Stand

Wristband_Card.indd 1


Talk to the team at the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed to find out more about what Soul Action and our Game Changers campaign is all about and how you can make a difference.

11/07/2016 16:04


WE WANT TO SEE A GENERATION OF GAME CHANGERS RISING UP, WHO ARE TAKING AN ACTIVE ROLE IN FOLLOWING GOD’S CALL AND HELPING TO RESTORE HIS JUSTICE AND BRING HIS LOVE TO A BROKEN WORLD. We believe that every individual has the ability to make a difference. We want to see God-given potential realised in both ourselves and in others around the world who don’t currently have the opportunities we do. Education is key to unlocking potential and so this year Soul Action are supporting educational projects in South Africa where many children currently miss out on learning because of their race, wealth or location. We invite you to join with us, to dream big and to be a game changer! Come and find out more on the Soul Action stand and be sure to get your wristband.

SOUL ACTION SoulActionUK #gamechangerschallenge #soulsurvivor16 69

St Mellitus College Theology | Worship | Unity | Mission Ordination Training BA in Theology and Youth Ministry BA in Theology, Ministry and Mission MA in Christian Leadership Postgraduate Study London | Chelmsford | Liverpool The BA in Theology and Youth Ministry and MA in Christian Leadership are quality assured by Middlesex University and you will receive a Middlesex award on successful completion. 70

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Be On Team


Be On

Each year we rely on loads of amazing volunteers joining our team to make our summer events happen. Teams do everything from setting up the showground before people arrive to serving hot chocolate mountains in our cafés, from refereeing games of football to ensuring everyone is safe in the main meetings. If you’re 16 or over we’d love you to have a look at the different teams and roles on our website and apply to come and serve behind the scenes. We’ve got something for all skills and it’s a great way of meeting new people, serving God and being a part of making Soul Survivor happen.

Here’s what some of last year’s team members had to say:



IF YOU’D LIKE TO JOIN THE GANG AND BE ON TEAM NEXT SUMMER, WE’D LOVE TO HAVE YOU! Team members get a free space and most get their food provided too. For more info about the various teams and how you can apply, head on over to 71


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Soul61

LEADERSHIP IS SERVICE What’s it all about?

What will I do?

Soul61 is an opportunity to set the foundation for a lifetime of leadership. We want to give you space to encounter God, worship him, wait on him and allow him to mould you into the person he wants you to be. Throw yourself in and you will be challenged and stretched in your character and gifts as you learn, grow and develop your skills.

You will develop your leadership skills at the heart of Soul Survivor, getting involved in all aspects of church life, various conferences and events. Each week you will have two days of teaching with highly respected speakers plus practical training as part of either the worship or leadership stream. We want to prepare you to lead for the rest of your life and we believe the best way to do this is by trusting you with real situations and responsibilities.

Who is it for? Soul61 is for anyone aged 18-24 who feels the call of God on their life to serve his people. We’re not looking for individuals who feel they have made it; we’re after those who have a deep and genuine desire to develop their character, and have an openness to be used by God wherever he chooses. 72

Where do I apply? Pop along to the Soul61 stand in the ToolShed and chat to our team, or head to



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Q&A

Wondering why we do the things we do? There’s usually some method to our madness so allow us to answer the questions we most frequently get asked. If there’s something you’d like to know that we haven’t answered, drop us an email at info@


Why do people close their eyes and put their hands up in worship? Lots of people close their eyes as it helps keep them from being distracted while they worship. Many people raise their hands as a sign of praise (in Psalm 63 the psalmist says, ‘I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands’) and hold out their hands as a way of showing they are surrendering to God and want to receive from him. There is no right or wrong way to worship God and it doesn’t matter so much what we’re doing with our bodies, it’s more about what’s going on in our hearts. You may want to shout, dance and jump about, you may want to be quiet and still. As long as you’re focussed on Jesus (and you’re not trampling on anyone else!) then that’s what counts.

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Q&A

Can I get the lyrics/chord charts to the songs we’ve been singing? Lots of these are available online for free, and some are in song books that you can buy. For any new songs written by our team we’ll post chord charts and lyrics as soon as we can after our summer events.

Can my band play at Soul Survivor? We get a large number of bands contacting us and only have a few opportunities for people to play but if you are part of a band that already has a good following please do send us a sample of your music. Because of the volume of requests we receive we’re sorry that we can’t reply personally to everyone.

Can I be part of the worship band, do a seminar/speak at Bite Size? We absolutely love hearing that you guys are keen worshippers and passionate about preaching God’s word and want to do all we can to encourage you in that. For our events we only have speakers and band members who we’re in relationship with just so we can ensure their integrity and love for Jesus. We’d really encourage you to come to one of our equipping days if you’d like to find out more about leading worship and speaking. Check out our website for upcoming dates and to book on.

Why do you close all the other venues when the main meetings are on? The main meetings are the highlight of our time together so we close everything else so we can all come together to worship God, hear from his word and pray for one another. We also have hundreds of volunteers working in these venues so closing them twice a day gives them an opportunity to take some time off and come and meet with Jesus.

Can I work for Soul Survivor? We’re a pretty small team, based in Watford, but we do occasionally have vacancies that we advertise on our website and on social media. Keep your eyes peeled! Every summer we need thousands of volunteers to make our events happen so if you’d like a peak behind the scenes, apply to be on team and get involved! All the info is on our website.

Why is Mike so mean to people on stage? Mike likes to tease his friends and that means he often makes cheeky remarks about them on stage. Please don’t be offended! Mike’s being affectionate rather than mean and he only ever teases someone who knows that he loves them. 75


Why do people do weird things when the Holy Spirit moves? When God’s spirit rests on people during ministry times they may laugh, cry, move around or just be still. All of this is totally fine. Ministry times are about giving God space to meet with us however he wants and so the best thing we can do is be as open as possible to him and not worry about what anyone else is doing. We don’t want to hype anything up or stop people from expressing themselves and so we try not to focus on people’s outward manifestations and focus more about what God is doing in our hearts, minds and bodies. Mike, Ali and Andy will chat through what’s going on and if you have any questions during ministry times please do chat to a member of the enabling team or to your youth leader.


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Q&A

Why do we have to sit on the floor? Whilst we’d love to all sit in luxurious seats, it would mean we could only get a fraction of the number of people in the main meetings. You’re welcome to bring a back support in with you but unfortunately, for health and safety reasons, you can’t bring pillows, fold up chairs or big cushions into the meetings. If you really need a chair there are a small number made available at the back of the venue.

Why are the food vans so expensive? Unfortunately we aren’t able to control the price of the food vans and the showground decides who is able to sell food here. The onsite shop provides some cheaper alternatives as does the local supermarket. Check out the food info on the ‘Things to Know’ pages.

Why aren’t there more showers? We hire twice as many showers as the number recommended for an event of this size in order to reduce your waiting time. Queues of course tend to be longer in the morning so you might want to shower in the afternoon/at night to save some time. We have a big team of cleaners who try and keep the showers and toilets clean for you but if you spot any problems just pop into Info and let them know.

Why does Soul Survivor fundraise when we have to pay to be here? We try and keep the costs down for you so Soul Survivor remains accessible to as many people as possible but that means the fees you pay don’t cover everything it costs us to make the events run. We couldn’t do what we do without the amazing people who support us financially – if you’d like to be one of them, find out more on page 66 or head to the ‘give’ section of our website. 76

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Q&A


What happens when I get home? How do I sustain this high? We hope you’ve had a brilliant time and are leaving Soul Survivor on a high, having met with God and had a great time with your mates. But what we know that going home can present some challenges… As Christians we’re not immune to life’s ups and downs but through them all we want to keep deepening our relationship with God. Here are our top tips to help you grow in your faith:

Reading your Bible This is one of the best ways to stay connected to God and to allow him to keep speaking to you throughout the year. If you want to do the Bible in One Year with us we’ll be kicking off again on September 1st and we’ll share a daily reading and video on our free app. Get/stay plugged in to your church and youth group None of us can do the Christian life alone – God didn’t design us that way. Be an active and committed member of your church – go regularly, give your time and money, and get stuck in! Keep stepping out If you’ve started speaking in tongues – keep praying that way to God every day. If you’re longing to hear God’s voice, keep listening and humbly offering words. Want to see people healed? Keep praying for them! The more we step out, the more we’ll see God do so keep going for it!

Serve your community/stand up for social justice One of the ways we worship God is through how we love and serve other people, especially those in need. Ask God to show you ways that you and your youth group can bless your community, get involved in the Soul Action Game Changers campaign, and think about whether you could come with us to Durban, South Africa next Easter for a 10 day mission trip. Keep in touch We’ve loved hanging out with you this summer and it would be great to see you at one of the other events we run through the year. We’re always up for a cheeky chat on social media so pop over and say hi. You can also tell us about what God has been doing in your life by emailing – we’d love to hear from you! Have a Soul Survivor Sunday to let your church know what happened at Soul Survivor this summer Loads of churches will be holding theirs on Sunday 4th September so that gives you some time to plan what you’d like it to look like. It may be that you take over the whole church service, or just have a few minutes for testimonies but you’ll find plenty of ideas and resources on our website. 77


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Go Green

God has blessed us with an amazing planet full of incredible resources but we need to take care of it! We’ve put recycling points all around the showground so you can easily recycle glass, plastic, cardboard and cans. You’ll find recycling and rubbish bags at the waste point on each village to take back to your camp.

Leftover food Brought too many beans? Over-catered on the oats? You don’t need to cart it all home with you! Bring any nonperishable, unopened food to Info on Day 5 (or the morning of Day 6) and we’ll pass it on to a local charity who will put it to good use.





Don’t waste water



Please take care to make sure taps are fully turned off when you’re finished and keep showers short – every little helps!



Love the land Lots of little creatures make their home here on the showground so please try and leave your camping area in a good state for them and make sure all your rubbish is cleared away.


Reuse where you can Reusable plates and cutlery are much better for the environment than disposable ones so please reuse where you can. If you’ve got a reusable mug for taking drinks on the go, you’re very welcome to bring it into our cafes rather than using a throwaway cup. Whilst we have to use disposable items in our cafes, we try and make sure we use the most environmentally friendly products we can.



Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Prayer Ministry

MINISTRY One of the things we’re really passionate about at Soul Survivor is meeting with God. During the main meetings we will always try to let God lead what’s going on and make space for him to meet with us.

As part of this the leaders of the meeting will make time for us to wait on the Holy Spirit and pray for groups of people they believe God particularly wants to meet with. This is a great opportunity for God to work in our lives and it’s brilliant to be as open to him as possible. Don’t worry if you’ve never been prayed for in this way, or if you’re not sure how to pray for others; Mike and the team will talk you through what’s going on and how to pray for people. We also have an experienced enabling team who will be around to help answer your questions. You might find it useful to go to Ali Martin’s seminar ‘Prayer Ministry 101’. Check the day planner for details.

What happens? Ministry times usually begin with an invitation from someone on the stage for people to wait on and respond to the Holy Spirit. The most important thing to remember is that this is God’s work, not ours. Try to stay open to what God might want to do in your life and invite him to speak to you. Everyone responds differently to meeting with God so try not to focus too much on your reaction or the reactions of those around you. We can experience God in all sorts of ways and physical manifestations aren’t the important thing. If you’d like to receive from God just stay focused on him.

A guide to prayinG for others If you’d like to pray for other people, have a read on for some helpful tips. When you’re praying remember that you are there to encourage those seeking God and to bless what the Holy Spirit is doing. There is no ‘right way’ to pray for each other but we’ve included these guidelines as they are tried and tested and tend to work quite well! While you’re with us please stick to the advice given. Lots of it is just straight-forward common sense! In general please feel free to pray for anyone but occasionally, when ministry is of a sensitive nature,


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Prayer Ministry

Don’t be afraid to ask someone what they would like you to pray for and what God is doing even if the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully on them (in Luke 18:40 Jesus asked the blind man ‘What do you want me to do for you?’). However, be aware of not turning this into a long conversation; this is a time for the Holy Spirit to offer counselling, not you! If appropriate you can speak into the situation or condition in Jesus’ name, but be sensitive and recognise that you may be wrong. If you have a prophetic word or picture, offer these as a prayer or in such a way that the person being prayed for can make their own decision as to how appropriate they are. Never insist that what you have to say is a word from God and always seek to strengthen, encourage and comfort the person you’re praying for (1 Cor 14:3).

Encourage the person to receive from God and be still, rather than praying for themselves. Some people may show this attitude by opening their hands in front of them.

The laying on of hands to pray is biblical. We see Jesus touched a man to heal him of leprosy in Mark 1:40-45 and he laid hands on the children to bless them in Matthew 19:1315. That said, not everyone is comfortable with this so please be sensitive. Please also use common sense about where you place your hands so it doesn’t become distracting for the person you are praying for. Keep your eyes open when you pray for someone. This means you are more aware of what God is doing and how the person is responding. It also means you can grab them some tissues if they start crying or be prepared if they look like they may fall over in the power of the Spirit. If someone does fall over in the power of the Holy Spirit then please make sure they are in a comfortable position, not draped over anyone else and that their dignity is maintained (i.e. nothing is on show that shouldn’t be). If you can, put a jumper or jacket under the person’s head. It is not always necessary to stay with them for the whole time but if you move away encourage them to keep receiving from God and keep an eye on them to check they are safe. It can be helpful to quietly let them know that you will return in a little while so they know that they are not forgotten.

Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and encouragement, and be prepared to wait; this is God’s work, not yours. The person you are praying for may tell you about things that have happened in their life but don’t appear to be shocked by any disclosures. Remember that confidentiality is of the utmost importance but DO NOT promise to keep anything secret, especially with regards to claims of abuse. Your first point of contact in such a situation should be a member of the enabling team. They are there to support you and the person you are praying with and will be able to take things further if necessary. It’s very important to allow the expression of feelings and this might mean people cry, shake or respond in other ways to what God is doing. This is totally fine but be careful not to suppress or to build up the situation. Alternatively some people might not seem to respond physically at all. That’s fine too. We want God to do what he wants to do, we don’t want to get in the way of that and we want to make sure people leave a time of ministry feeling loved and valued. Continued...



we may ask that guys pray with guys and girls with girls.


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Prayer Ministry

It’s brilliant to have more than one person praying for someone at a time so feel free to go over and join someone who’s praying already. That said, it can be distracting if a large group gather around someone when the ministry is of a sensitive nature so please ensure people have enough personal space. If at any time you feel out of your depth then please ask for help from the enabling team. We all find ourselves in situations that we can’t handle alone. This is not failure and it’s often good to pray with others, plus it’s a great way to learn more!


Praying for physical healing When Jesus healed people in the Bible he spoke to the sickness and ailments and commanded them to be healed. Jesus gives us the power and authority to do the same in his name. So, for example, if you are praying for a sight problem, speak to the eye and tell it to ‘Be open and see in Jesus’ name’. If you’re praying for an ear, speak to the ear and tell it to be open and hear in the name of Jesus. When praying for injuries that cause pain or immobility ask the person what level of pain they have on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest pain possible). Speak to the condition in the name of Jesus and command it to be healed. Speak to the pain and tell it very firmly to ‘Stop it,’ in Jesus’ name (but remember you don’t need to shout!). If appropriate speak to the mobility of the joint or limb and tell it to be healed in Jesus’ name. After this short prayer ask the person to test for pain and mobility in the injured area. Ask for the number out of 10 of the level of pain and mobility to see if it has gone down. Repeat the prayer, if necessary, as many times as you are both comfortable with.

And finally… Not everyone is familiar with ministry and prayer times and some people feel a bit concerned or nervous when they become aware of God working through his Holy Spirit. We need to help people who are receiving feel comfortable and safe, and to encourage them to reach out to God. Always be sensitive and respectful, keeping in mind how you would like to be prayed for, and constantly asking for God’s help. Reassure those being prayed for that God has heard sincere prayers and the cries of our hearts and encourage them to expect answers. Speak healing, peace and release in the name of Jesus and remember the place of repentance, forgiveness and being forgiven. If someone would like extra prayer you can refer them to a member of the enabling team or to the Chat Room which is open every afternoon and evening. Encourage the person to receive as much prayer as they like during the event but also to seek ongoing ministry support from their home church. Don’t make any appointments to pray with people you don’t know outside of the meeting. All these are tips to help you let God work through you. Remember: don’t worry! The enabling team and the person leading the meeting will be giving directions and advice to everyone. The important thing is that you are ready and willing to pray for those around you.

Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / We're on the move


ON E R ' E W

Next year we’ve got a brand new home and we couldn’t be more excited! Whilst we’ve loved being here in Somerset for 24 amazing summers, it’s time for a new adventure at a fantastic location. Next year Weeks B and C will be at the Peterborough Arena at the East of England Showground. The arena itself will be perfect for our main meetings as it can comfortably accommodate thousands of us and the whole showground has received significant investment in recent years meaning there will be loads of great places to host all your favourite venues! Soul Survivor will of course still be the event you know and love with two main meetings a day, plenty of opportunity to meet with God and grow in your faith, as well as loads of great places to hang out and have fun with your mates.

Getting there As the Peterborough Arena is more central and has great road and rail links we hope it will be more easily accessible for many people. We know a few of you will have to travel a bit further than you’re used to and we’re really sorry about that but we hope you’ll still be able to join us so we can continue to journey together as family. The address: Peterborough Arena, East of England Showground, PE2 6XE

We’re really excited about this new venue and we think you’re going to love it! Our hope is that by moving to Peterborough you guys will all come with us and that we’ll be able to reach some new friends too. We’ll be sharing some videos in the main meeting so you can get an idea of where we’re headed and we’ll look forward to seeing you in Peterborough in 2017! 83


Soul Survivor / Weeks B&C / Upcoming Events


Soul Survivor / Weeks B&C / Upcoming Events


We don’t have to wait until next summer to see each other again! If you can make it to Watford we’ve got a number of events you might like to come along to.

Naturally Supernatural WINTER Conference

Summer 2017 We can’t wait to see you again next year! Don’t forget to book by the week a scotland week b week c 28 JULY - 1 AUGUST 5 - 9 AUGUST 19 - 23 AUGUST 25 - 29 AUGUST end of January to get the cheapest possible place. Bring your mates and � � � we’ll look forward to hanging out with you and meeting Jesus together! WEEK A Stafford: 28th July - 1st August SCOTLAND Kinross: 5th - 9th August STAFFORD











Our Naturally Supernatural winter conference will take place from 15th – 18th February at Soul Survivor Watford and will focus on equipping all who want to lead and live in the ministry of the Holy Spirit.




e. t. 0303 333 1 333 a. Soul Survivor, Unit 16 Paramount Ind. Est. Sandown Road, Watford, Herts. WD24 7XA, UK. Charity No. 1080720. Company No. 03991111.

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WEEK B Peterborough: 19th-23rd August WEEK C Peterborough: 25th-29th August

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Saturday celebrations Join us at Soul Survivor Watford for evenings of worship, teaching and ministry on: 22nd October, 26th November, 11th February, 6th May and 3rd June.

Come and join us in our brand new home in Peterborough - we think you’re going to love it! Check out the website for more details!




6th May Soul Survivor Watford Join Tom and the team to look at biblical and practical teaching about leading others in worship.

Brand new Naturally Supernatural summer event! Loud and Clear with Ali Martin November 26th Soul Survivor Watford Come along to this practical one-day conference if you’re interested in developing your communication gifts and learning how to prepare and deliver great talks.

We’ve got an event for the whole church family happening at the Stafford Showground from 22nd27th July focussing on spending time in God’s presence through worship and ministry and hearing what the Bible says about living naturally supernatural lives. Tell your family, friends, church leaders and anyone else you think might want to see more of God’s power in their everyday lives!




Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Merchandise

Pop along to the Soul Survivor stand to get your hands on the new selection of clothing and merchandise that’s ready and waiting for you!

Zip-up hoodie

Sweatshirts £25


£12 T shirts

Artwork Approval

Date: 1/7/16

Artwork Approval

1/7/16 Artwork Date: Approval

* Tutti FruttiYour Your Ref: Your Ref: Pantone: * Product Pantone: Code: Bottle Product Ref: Code: Tutti Frutti Bottle Pantone: * Pr Our Ref: Our Ref: Quantity: 400 Quantity: 400 Our Ref: Quantity: 400 Version: Version: Position: Wrap Position: Wrap Version: Position: Wrap Amendments to artwork supplied: Amendments to artwork supplied: Amendments to artwork supplied: *Special Print Requirements:*Special Please match Print Requirements: print colours asPlease closely match as possible print colours to the cap as*Special closely on theas Print Blue possible Requirements: and to the capPlease on thematch Blue and print colours as clos Yellow bottles. Print will be Black Yellow onbottles. the White Print bottle will be Black on the White bottle Yellow bottles. Print will be Black on the White bottle

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Water bottles



£18 Penny boards

£10 Note books


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11942800 Vancouver backpack, black


Rucksack with red details, zipper main compartment, front zipper pocket and front pocket with Velcro® closure. Adjustable padded shoulder straps and reinforced top carry handle. 600D polyester.













An e-proof detailing print size, scale and exact position will be provided for sign off once order is received.

All our clothing is manufactured in accordance with the guidelines of the Fair Wear Foundation. 86

Print Colour



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Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Shop


We’ve got loads of great resources for you so pop over and see us in the ToolShed!

£8. 99 £12. 99

Everyday Supernatural New Live album £5 Love Takes Over We’ve got your summer soundtrack sorted with this five track remix EP. It features dubstep and EDM remixes of Take My Heart, The Way, Love Takes Over, Dynamite and Burn Bright.

Loved the worship here at Soul Survivor? We’ll be putting all your favourite tracks in one place: the brand new Soul Survivor live album! Pre-order while you’re here and receive our Love Takes Over Remix EP completely free, winner! Preorders for the live album will also be available online when you get home and we’ll make sure you get the CD as soon as it’s released.

Mike and Andy have been busy putting pen to paper this year to bring you this brand new book looking at how we can allow God’s extraordinary power to break into our ordinary lives. The book explores how we can pray for healing and witness in the power of the Holy Spirit, how God’s power is made perfect in our weakness, and why we need to pursue God’s presence above anything else.

/////// D O N ' T F O R G E T / D O N ' T F O R G E T / D O N ' T F O R G E T //////

… to check out our Bible in One Year and New Testament in One year reading plans (that have accompanying videos online) as well as our Youth Bible.

… to take a look at ‘When Grace Showed Up’ - the amazing story of LIV Village written by our good friends Tich & Joan Smith.

All of these resources are also available online at with free p&p in the UK. 87


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Keep In Touch




Don’t be a stranger! We love to keep in touch throughout the year so do say hello and let us know how you’re getting on.

facebook Instagram YouTube






- Wo r s h i p , t e a c h i n g & m i n i s t r y - Wo r k s h o p s - Kids work - Social activities for all ages & life stages

w w w. n a t u r a l l y s u p e r n a t u r a l . c o . u k


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Rules


Who doesn’t love a good rule?! We

cycling can only take place after dark

16. Promotion of organisations or

know this page isn’t the most fun

if there is appropriate lighting i.e. if

activities that do not form part of the

but please abide by these rules to

you have a light on your bike or you’re

Soul Survivor or Momentum event

keep everyone safe and happy.

in a well-lit area; the light from your

programmes, including the distribution of

smartphone doesn’t count!

literature, is only permitted by authorised

1. Youth leaders/responsible adults are

10. Tents and caravans can only

exhibitors within the ToolShed.

responsible for their under 18s at all times.

be moved to a different village with

17. We don’t operate holiday insurance

2. Alcohol is strictly forbidden on site.

permission from the Info team. This is

or cancellation schemes so we strongly

3. Strictly no drugs, intoxicating

so you can be contacted in the case of

recommend you consult with an insurance

agents (such as ‘legal highs’) or drug

an emergency.

broker if you need cover. We can’t be held

paraphernalia is allowed on site, except

11. No speeding. When you arrive and

responsible for loss or damage to people

when medically prescribed. Anyone found

leave the site please keep to the 10mph

or personal property so take care of

in possession of drugs or suspected to

limit. We know it’s incredibly painful but

yourself and your belongings.

be under the influence of drugs will be

it’s important to keep everyone safe.

18. The Bath and West Showground

evicted from the site and be denied further

Think of it as a God-given opportunity to

has some very pretty areas, so please be

entry to the event. Any such incidents

practice your patience. No driving lessons

respectful of your surroundings and don’t

will be reported to and dealt with by our

are allowed either.

go where you shouldn’t. That means no

site management team and the police

12. No flyposting or damaging the

going into the woods or any section of the

representatives on site.

site – please respect the property of the

site that has been cordoned off with tape.

4. After arrival, all vehicles must be


19. Please respect other people’s privacy

moved to the designated car parks to

13. The only pets allowed at Soul

by not taking photos or videos during

comply with fire and safety regulations.

Survivor are guide dogs. If you have a

ministry times.

Only emergency vehicles or ones with a

guide dog please introduce them to us

20. Open fires, fireworks and

valid disabled badge are allowed on site.

in Info on arrival.

Chinese lanterns are not allowed on

Cars may be forcibly removed if they are

14. Generators cannot be used on

the showground.

parked illegally on the site.

site. If you need a power supply, please

21. We know fluorescent jackets are pretty

5. Event wristbands must be worn (around

speak to Comms. Electrical hook-ups

special but please don’t wear one unless

your wrist!) at all times and they are the

can be provided in certain conditions

you are a team member who is on duty.

only way to get access into the venues.

and for a fee.

22. Everyone needs to be back at their

There is a £1 charge to replace a broken

15. We do not favour sectarian

village by midnight and the campsite must

wristband and a £40 charge to replace a

propaganda or proselytising within the

be quiet by 1am so we don’t upset the

lost one – head to Info for assistance.

Christian fellowship. This means any

neighbours. The curfew village should be

6. Smoking is not allowed inside any of

individual or group that uses Soul Survivor

quiet by 10pm to let everyone get a good

the buildings, marquees or individual tents

and its facilities for such purposes does

night’s sleep.

and caravans.

so against the spirit of the event. Soul

23. No swimming in the lake. You may

7. Girls and guys aren’t allowed to

Survivor reserves the right to cancel any

never be seen again.

share a tent / caravan / accommodation

such person’s or group’s booking and

24. Drones are not to be used, except

unless married.

escort them off the site at once. If you

by the official Soul Survivor media team.

8. Outdoor ball games must be finished

think someone is trying to force their views

by 10pm, even if you can just tell you’re

on you and others, please let us know

Well done for making it to the end

moments away from your best goal ever.

immediately by coming to Info so we can

of the rules! If you are still reading

9. Roller blading, skateboarding and

deal with the situation.

you are a VERY special person. 91


Soul Survivor / Weeks B & C / Index

About Soul Survivor Additional needs App Baby bathing Basketball tournament Cafés Café Uno Soul Action Café Soul Survivor Café Cash point Chat Room Colour Chaos Communion Day Planner Week B Week C Emergencies Family films Feedback Films Fire regulations First aid Food Food collection 92

3 27, 61 60 27 17 10 11 20 61 12 25 7 28 29 43 60 27 4 18 63 63 62 78

Football cage 17 Free time café 27 Fun run 17 Gas and camping supplies 62 Go green 78 Health and safety 4, 63 Hearing-impaired facilities 61 Ice packs 62 Info 60 Instagram 88 Kids work 26 Late Night Worship 22 Live album 87 Lost property 61 Loud and Clear 85 Merch 86 Offering 65 Olympics 16 Persecuted church 65 Peterborough 83 Phone charging 61 Prayer ministry guidelines 80 Praying for physical healing 82 Rewind 14 Safeguarding 27

Saturday Celebrations 85 Seminar recordings 28, Back cover Seminar timetable Week B 40 Week C 54 Shop 62 Sickness 63 Silent Disco 14 Site rules 91 Soul Action 68 Sports 16 Stewards 61 Student reception 23 Supermarket 62 Supporting Soul Survivor 66 Testimonies 4 The Village Screen 18 ToolShed 20 Upcoming events 84 XLP Bus 23 Wifi 61 Who’s who 56 Worship 6 Wristbands 61

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